Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church DeLand, Florida
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church DeLand, Florida
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church DeLand, Florida Our focus and conversation remains: mission. Our identity is a family of Faith. Our context is a neighborhood with a playground and older homes inhabited by renters and owners with varied backgrounds that is “off the beaten path” of DeLand. Our purpose is to gather for worship and service. But that’s just my “take.” It may be incorrect or incomplete. I am praying that you good folks can help “fill in the blanks.” Our mission planning involves discovering how these three parts – identity, context and purpose – intersect and form a clear picture of who we are and what God is leading us to become. Churches and schools experience cycles of life. Years ago, our Children’s House was very small and our congregation quite large. Now, it is almost the polar opposite! Parents yearn for quality education; many find it here rather than in public education. Churches like ours are in a downward trend. Many of us would dearly love to see our school families become our church families as well. We do things together, which always creates that possibility. If we don’t become younger, we will fail to thrive. Our school has met a need. How can our church meet people’s needs? Be always on the lookout for opportunities to witness with actions and if necessary, words. There are activities and ministries coming about that will hopefully bring us strength and renewal. Some remain to be discovered through your dreams, creativity, and imagination. My prayer – and hopefully yours too – is to pin down what our ministry focus should be. This is God’s church, entrusted to you to tend, nourish, and naturally grow. It is not my place to “call all the shots.” I am blessed to be your servant/leader for however long the Holy Spirit keeps me here. I will empower and equip you IN THIS ISSUE: to the best of my ability, as together we extend hospitality, serve our community in context, and spread the 2 Notes from the Pastor redeeming Gospel message. 3 Council Highlights Outreach 4 Worship Assistant Schedule 5 March Calendar 6 Love, Birthdays / Lent 7 Pastor Art Coming In April 8 Money Matters 9 I’ll see you in church! 2 What Is Shrove Tuesday? 10 Prayer Chain 11 Sponsors / Comics 12 From February 10 Meeting We have a full schedule of events in March. Concessions Car Wash Plant Sale Bake Sale March 1st-Church and property clean-up day. Bring your tools and come to help keep our church and grounds clean and beautiful. 9AM until … March 2nd-5PM. Getting to Know You Gathering in the Fellowship Hall. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall. March 4th-5PM. Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner. Fun and games also. March 5th-6:45PM. Ash Wednesday Service. March 8th-8:30AM. Saturday breakfast-Missionaries from Guinea will speak. March 9th-1:30PM. Crop Walk starting at Bill Dreggors Park. Becky Hodges is the coordinator. Sign-up to walk. If you can't walk, support someone who is walking. March 11th-Interfaith Kitchen. March 15th-Spring Fling from 8AM-12noon. Sell your own yard sale items. Make your own donation to the church ministries. Come and see what is on sale. There will also be a plant sale, car wash and food for sale. March 30th-There will be one service at 9:30AM. This will be a Service of Healing. A health official will speak on depression at the fellowship following the service Spaces are also available for the yard sale! Sell your : furniture antiques baby items nick-nacks dishes… whatever! Set up your own yard sale with a table provided by the church. At the end of the sale, simply put the money you raised in the provided envelope, and choose what ministry gets it. Best of all, you get the credit for the donation! Call the office for more information! Faith Lutheran is on Facebook! Find us at: If you belong to or know of any group that needs a meeting space, why not suggest our facilities? It’s a WIN/WIN! It can lead to new relationships forming, as well as helping our church out a little financially. Please call the office at 386-734-2791 for more information! Thank you! During the months of February, March, and April, several of our church members will be hosting “get-togethers” for the purpose of all of us getting better acquainted. You will receive a telephone invitation each month for dinner, or lunch, or maybe even just dessert, at a fellow member’s home. The hosts are planning simple food that will not require a lot of preparation, but we hope this informal socializing will be enjoyable, even informative. Each month, you will be meeting with a different group of 8-12 people. Some you may know; some, maybe not! We urge you to say “yes” to the invitation! Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart. -Martin Luther 3 The Second Sunday of every month is Faith’s Outreach Ministry will be continuing our partnership with St Barnabas to help their Located in the basement of the First United Methodist Church On March 9 Please Bring: Faith at Work Food Pantry! of DeLand Thanks to all who served in February! On the second Sunday of each month, everyone is asked to bring a specific non-perishable food item the pantry needs. On Tuesday, February 11th, we served 97 meals to the hungry and needy. Big thanks go to the following for preparing and serving: Craig Parrillo, Coordinator Judy Swiatosz Sue Hoffman Debbie Wuertz Wayne Struble Pastor Art Wuertz Thank you also to our members who made desserts: Doris Candalino, Jean Cornwell and Debbie Wuertz. Great teamwork – thanks be to God! We serve on the second Tuesday of each month. This is a great opportunity for a group, club, or family to serve the community. There is no financial commitment necessary; simply a gift of time and service. The entrees for these meals are provided, but salads, side dishes, and desserts are always appreciated. Our next turn is Tuesday, March 11 at 5:30pm. 1:30pm Bill Dreggors Park If you would like to serve, please call Craig Parrillo at 717-4321. We are tremendously grateful to our quilting ladies, especially Jean Cornwell, Debby Boyer and Kathryn Dunmire for working so hard on tying quilts this past year. On Monday, February 10th, Don Boyer and Wayne Struble loaded these 105 quilts and transported them to Redeemer Lutheran in Winter Park for delivery. This quarter we are collecting items for Baby Care Kits (Layettes) Two lightweight cotton t-shirts Two long- or short-sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet) Two receiving blankets, medium-weight cotton or flannel, or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn, up to 52” square Four cloth diapers, flat fold preferred One jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with a hood, or include a baby cap Two pairs of socks One hand towel, dark color recommended Two bath-size bars (4 to 5 oz.) of gentle soap, in original wrapping Two diaper pins or large safety pins What a blessing! Thanks be to God for sending us these amazing servants! Thank you! Please bring these items to the church office or mark them for LWR kits and leave in the church kitchen 4 Altar guild: Ruth Erickson, Sonia Nieves, Jennifer Graesart, Allison Groover, Jean Cornwell Audio / Video Crew: Don Boyer, Craig Parrillo, Tiernan Sutton, Zenan Sutton, Justin Folsom Lectors March 2 9:00 John Toenjes Communion Assistants Acolytes Ushers Ash Wed Maarch 9 9:00 Ray Morris Debbie Morris 11:00 Jean Cornwell Helen Martin 9:00 Wilma Ross 6:45 Roy Erickson 6:45 Ruth Erickson Debby Boyer Michelle Herman 6:45 Michelle Herman 6:45 Mike Swanto Dorothy Caldwell 9:00 Cornelia Policke 9:00 Dennis Hanson Jessie Hanson Cornelia Policke 11:00 Debbie Wuertz Amy Wuertz 9:00 Wilma Ross 9:00 Wayne Struble Mary Lou Struble 11:00 Amy Wuertz 11:00 Paul Dascher Brayden Dailey 9:00 Wayne Struble Mary Lou Struble Jennifer Graesart 11:00 Julia Beckwith Brayden Dailey 9:00 Wilma Ross 9:00 Bob Bebee Alice Bebee 11:00 Brayden Dailey 11:00 Joyce Parrillo Don Gooden 9:00 Bob Bebee Khristine Sholtis Sharon Tonjes 11:00 Flo Wise Michelle Herman 9:00 Wilma Ross 9:00 Dennis Hanson Jessie Hanson 11:00 Michelle Herman 11:00 Carl Kaiser Debbie Wuertz 9:30 Nancy Dascher Pam Swanto Joyce Parrillo Dorothy Caldwell 9:30 Brayden Dailey 9:30 Walter Peterson Mannie Peterson 11:00 Jean Cornwell 11:00 Doris Candalino 9:00 Wayne Struble March 16 11:00 Julia Beckwith 9:00 Alfred Policke March 23 11:00 Flo Wise March 30 9:30 Dorothy Caldwell 11:00 Amy Wuertz 9:00 Danny Stewart Marianne Stewart 11:00 John Herman Richard Hoel Bring your work gloves and help make Faith Lutheran beautiful! We'll be cleaning up the property, removing trash, trimming shrubbery, and giving the church some curb appeal! 5 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 2 Worship Services 9:00 Contemporary 11:00 Traditional 9 5 6 7 FELC Day at 8 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Rebecca Circle GS-FL 10:00am 10 11 2 Worship Services 9:00 Contemporary 11:00 Traditional Pastor Art’s Devotions at GS-FL 9:00am Soup & Bread Dinner 5:30 5:30 16 17 18 19 2 Worship Services 9:00 Contemporary 11:00 Traditional 23 Soup & Bread Dinner 5:30 24 26 Soup & Bread Dinner 5:30 2 Worship Services 9:00 Contemporary 11:00 Traditional 30 25 31 1 Worship Service Service of Healing 9:30 6 Mar 3: Judy Caldwell Irma Milward Jacob Peterson Zenan Sutton Mar 4: Nancy Dascher Bob Smith Susan Sponsler Mar 8: Irene Campbell June Hubbard Sharon Tonjes Mar 9: Minneva Tucker Mar 13: John Herman Mar 14: Corinne Martinez Craig Parrillo Mar 18: Karin Goranson Mar 19: Wendy Cox Mar 20: Lucille Eaton Chad Raborn Mar 23: Anna Anderson Mar 24: Jessie Hanson Mar 25: Alice Bebee George Sherman Mar 26: Natasha Smiley Hoyte Whitley Mar 28: Mary Lou Struble Mar 30: Dorothy Caldwell This is an Orientation Course for new/inquiring Lutherans, led by Pastor Art. All who are praying about joining this congregation are encouraged to attend. You will have a chance to meet other members, with coffee and refreshments, and learn more about our church. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS IN LENT SUNDAYS IN MARCH 10:20am in the Fellowship Hall “MAKING CHANGE” Also beginning March 2nd, in the Fellowship Hall, Roy Erickson will be teaching a class on “Bible 101”. This is for those who want a “refresher” on aspects of Bible study. Here’s irony for you: change is constant! Some changes are made after careful deliberation, while some are thrust upon us. We can’t predict how things will turn out. Beginning March 12th, we will explore the different changes we experience in life. March 12 Change of Season March 19 Change of Habit March 26 Change of Circumstances April 2 Change of Heart April 9 Change of Plans: Worship at Pioneer Park, corner of Rich and Woodland downtown Taize’ is a town in southeast France. In 1940, Brother Roger formed an international, ecumenical community there, devoted to simplicity and spirituality. Three times daily, they pray together. The pattern of worship, which we will follow on Wednesdays in Lent, incorporates meditative singing, Bible reading, silence and prayer. We hope you will find this worship style meaningful and beautiful. Every Wednesday, we invite you to join us at 6:00 p.m. for soup and bread, and for Taize’ worship at 6:45. For our final Wednesday meal on April 9th, we are open for ideas. We could eat downtown or bring food to share. 7 5th – Bishop’s Lenten Visitation at All Saints, Port Orange, 10:30 6th – World Malaria Sunday Contemporary Worship: 9:00am Traditional Worship: 11:00am 8 Attendance & offerings for the month of Date Attendance January 2014 General & Ministry Offerings Memorial & Other Pass-Thru Offerings Building Fund Offerings Weekly Totals Feb 2 91 $6,816.50 $98.83 $148.00 $7,063.33 Feb 9 101 $4,878.65 $603.00 $25.00 $5,506.65 Feb 16 96 $2,518.76 $151.50 $0.00 $2,669.76 Feb 23 112 $2,035.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,035.00 Average: 100 Total Monthly Offerings: By Comparison: On this month in 2013 Weekly Average Attendance: 120 Month of Feb All of 2014 $684.83 $756.55 $17,274.74 Total Monthly Offerings: $17,170.46 Thank you for all your support! Please remember that Capital Fund donations should be in addition to your regular tithe. We still need your regular tithe in order to maintain day-to-day operations. For a while now, we have “turned down the volume” on the financial message. However, the need for increased giving is urgent. We need to make sure we are prepared for the “postEaster letdown” and lean summer months. The savings we have borrowed from for ongoing operations are nearly depleted. We have no safety net. We cannot cut ministry spending any further. Just “trying to keep the doors open” is unsatisfactory, bad stewardship, and does not serve the kingdom of God. Please prayerfully consider giving even just a dollar more. Give the Sunday worship bulletin ($20.00). Give the Sanctuary Candle. Invite a group you know of to hold their meetings here. There are many ways you can help offset costs and spending. Thank you so much! Thank you to all members who allotted their Thrivent Choice Dollars to Faith Lutheran Church! Save the planet and help Faith Lutheran at the same time! Recycle your paper at Faith, and help raise money for your church. Look for the large recycling bin in the church parking lot, and add your paper. Faith receives money every time the bin gets emptied, so fill ‘er up! Bring your paper, shredded or intact, as often as you wish. The bin is open for dropoffs all day, every day. You can deposit all types of paper, even if it has staples. This is a great way to raise money for Faith while saving the planet! Please deposit paper only; no plastic, tin, or other metal. Also, please do not deposit cardboard or phone books. Thank you! General & Ministry Offerings includes Regular and Loose Tithe offerings, Stewardship, and Sunday School offerings. Capital Fund Offerings are included with Memorial and other Pass-Thru Offerings 9 Shrove Tuesday Traditions Shrove Tuesday has a variety of customs that have derived from different regions around Europe and the Americas. As previously mentioned, England began the tradition of serving pancakes, and for this reason the day is known as "Pancake Day". In addition, there are the annual Pancake Day Races, where contestants dress in aprons and scarves and race down a course flipping a pancake in a frying pan or skillet. Traditionally viewed as a day of repentance, Shrove Tuesday has become the last day for celebration and feasting before the period of fasting required during the Lenten season. The name "Shrove Tuesday" is derived from the word "shrive", which means to confess and receive absolution. The name denotes a period of cleansing, wherein a person brings their lusts and appetites under subjection through abstention and self-sacrifice. In Eastern Europe, the Carnival celebrations include boisterous processions where people in large masks parade around and play jokes on bystanders. The masks are often caricatures of individuals from traditional folklore. Men and women will dress as one another and engage in gendered mimicry. The day is filled with eating, drinking, fortune telling, and practical jokes. Perhaps the most prominent customs The concept behind this practice is found in 1 Corinthians 9:27, are the balls and pagwhere the Apostle Paul states: "I buffet my body and make it eants in New Orleans my slave..." Ironically, Shrove Tuesday has evolved into a day and Rio de Janiero. of frivolity and indulgence, during which people participate in Like Eastern Europeas much pleasure and self-gratification as they can before Lent an celebrations, parbegins. ticipants wear masks and costumes, many The Origins of Shrove Tuesday of which are quite Shrove Tuesday originated during the Middle Ages. As in con- flamboyant and elaborate. Rio has a parade of multi-colored temporary times, food items like meats, fats, eggs, milk, and feathers, which include hundreds of dancers dressed in cosfish were regarded as restricted during Lent. To keep such tumes decked with feathers, all dancing the samba. In New food from being wasted, many families would have big feasts Orleans, Mardi Gras includes a variety of parades featuring on Shrove Tuesday in order to consume those items that grand floats and giant effigies of eccentric characters. There is would inevitably become spoiled during the next forty days. much eating, drinking, and dancing, as well as practical jokes The English tradition of eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and humorous street plays. came about as a way to use as much milk, fats, and eggs as possible before Ash Wednesday began. In France, the conFor many Protestant believers, Shrove Tuesday holds no parsumption of all fats and fatty foods on this day coined the ticular significance. For Catholics and Anglicans, however, the name "Fat Tuesday" or Mardi Gras. day is still observed with confession and absolution, in addition to modest feasting and rejoicing. Originally beginning on Sunday, Shrove Tuesday was a threeday celebration that culminated in large feasts on Tuesday night. By the beginning of the 20th century, however, the event was restricted to the Tuesday observance. Carnival became associated with Shrove Tuesday, in part from the Spring Equinox celebrations that were practiced by the Romans and the ancient tribes of Europe. The word "carnival" comes from the Latin carnem levare, meaning "to take away the flesh". However, in the New Orleans and Rio de Janiero celebrations, public revelry and carousing have become the tradition for Carnival around the world. It was mostly as a result of the Carnival celebrations that the Church restricted the observance to a single day. 10 Intercessory prayer is one of the Christian’s most powerful tools. By lifting up those in need, we bring them to the Lord for His healing hand, strength and comfort. We pray for those who are chronically ill, that God would be their daily companion and strength: Laura Coe Andrew Delio Donna Doroban Nina Eriksen Linda Feiler Gwen Mazur JD Perkins Selena Paul Stroud For those who are fighting cancer, that they will know they are not alone in the battle: Kitty Jones Janet Persell Peter Vrionides Gary Cherwin Curt Doroban Bob Jordan Natalia Mogar Alfred Mueller Isabelle Lee Pritchett Gary Stoudt John Zammit Lloyd Zeller Kerry Sholtis Alice Bebee Lance Borows Marion Barfett Jane Piper Faith Eriksen We rejoice with those who are recovering from injury or illness: Nina Eriksen Doris Candalino Wilma Ross Gary DiFiore Ridolph Robert Knight Emily Snyder Suzie Farris Judy Cathy For those who are shut in, that they will feel the Lord’s constant presence: Millie Glover Dan Wilcox Harold Watson Wayne Struble Lucille Eaton (FLHC) Jerry Kimmel Irma Milward (FLHC) Doris Paskewitz (Cloisters) Dick Woodring (FLHC) Helen Long (FLHC) For those in mourning, that God will comfort them: We pray for those whose needs are known only to the Lord: Karin Goranson Cathy Buchner Marilyn Snow Heather and Preston Kinney Carolyn Stevens Dick Woodring Dorothy Caldwell The family of Evelyn Bennett The family of Pastor Gerald Daniels The family of Richard Peterson The family of Johnny Withers The family of Pat Murray The family of Phyllis Simmons The families of John and Mavis Bratt The family of Doris Smith The family of Dorothy Dedlow The family of Rev Charles Burkey We pray for the special concerns of our neighbors, our community, our nation and our world: Our men and women in the military Habitat for Humanity All people in war-torn nations Storm victims Rain for areas that need it For our local, state and national leaders For those in the grip of addiction to drugs and alcohol and for their families Email your prayer requests to [email protected] or contact Faith Eriksen at 736-1799. 11 OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Sharing Christ’s love, our mission is to extend hospitality, serve our community, and spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. CONGREGATION COUNCIL MEMBERS: President: Rev Arthur Wuertz Vice President: Wayne Struble Council Secretary: Helen Martin Julia Beckwith Debby Boyer Janice Cornwell Nancy Dascher Justin Folsom CHURCH OFFICE: Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00am—5:00pm Phone: (386) 734-2791 Fax: (386) 943-8758 Email: [email protected] Richard Hoel Craig Parrillo Carol Sutton Pam Swanto Sue Thurmond Website: ADDITIONAL COUNCIL OFFICERS: Treasurer: Bob DeGaetano Financial Secretary: Debby Boyer Children’s House Montessori School: Administrator: Dora Mallet CHURCH STAFF: Pastor: The Rev. Arthur Wuertz Office Manager: Julie Saylor Music Director: Deborah DeGaetano Church Sexton: Jack DeGaetano Organist: Tiffany Robbins Nursery Attendant: Ruth Erickson Sign up to be a worship assistant! Call the church office for details, or look for the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Be part of the worship service as a lector, Communion assistant, acolyte, or usher! Open Fridays 8:00am-1:00pm Located inside the Orange City Flea Market 1015 S Volusia Ave. Orange City If you have moved or changed any of your contact information, including home phone, cell phone, or email address within the last few years, we may not have your current information. Please call or email the church office, or fill out a yellow Contact Information form and give it to Pastor Art or an usher so we can update our records! Visit us on the web! 12
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