RANGER REGISTER - U.S. Army Ranger Association
RANGER REGISTER - U.S. Army Ranger Association
RANGER REGISTER THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY RANGER ASSOCIATION, INC. DEDICATED TO THE IDEALS AND PRICIPLES OF THE AMERICAN MILITARY RANGER ARM ANNUAL RANGER MUSTER 2015 DoubleTree Hotel Columbus/Fort Benning, Georgia June 22-25, 2015 Volume XXII, Number 1 Summer 2015 TABLE of CONTENTS Page President's Message Secretaries Report VP, Personnel Report Chaplain’s Corner Executive Vice Presidents Report Treasurer’s Report Southeast Region Update Northwest Region Update International Region Update USARA Election 2015 Candidate Statements Online Voting Why Veterans Miss Combat 29th Ranger Battalion Annual Ranger Muster 2015 Hotel Reservations ARM Reservations Overview of ARM Events & Activities ARM 2015 Schedule of Events & Activities USARA ARM 2015 Raffle USARA Officers, Directors and Staff 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 10 14 14 14 15 19 21 23 INSERTS (mailed version only) Election 2015 Ballot ARM 2015 Registration Form RAFFLE 2015 Tickets (2 sheets / 16 tickets) Cover by Ed. Ranger Register President’s Message Travis West When I was on active duty they used to say that members of the 75th Ranger Regiment are three-time volunteers: they volunteered for the army, they volunteered for Airborne School, and they volunteered to serve in the Regiment. Those who did not serve in the most recent incarnation of the US Army’s Ranger units were likewise volunteers, some for Ranger School and others for previous Ranger units. Although the majority of USARA’s members no longer serve on active duty I am impressed at the number of members who continue to volunteer to serve. As our organization continues to grow one of the challenges we face is to ensure that the work necessary to meet our members’ expectations is sufficiently spread out to ensure that no individual volunteer becomes overwhelmed. For those who are looking for ways to give back to the Ranger community I would encourage you to contact your Regional Director to ask how you can help. Additionally, in the upcoming weeks you will see a number of opportunities advertised in the email blasts and on the website. The bottom line is, if you have the time and willingness to contribute, there is a place for you in the organization’s leadership. Summer 2015 The Annual Ranger Muster is quickly approaching, and I look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones this June. The schedule of events is now posted to the website (www.ranger.org) and the ARM Planning Committee has once again done a great job of putting together the slate of activities for the week. In particular, there are two that I would encourage all members to give special consideration to attending. First, this year the opening reception has aptly been named the Ranger Soldier Appreciation Night. This event will provide a great opportunity for our veteran Rangers to have a beer with and meet our younger, active duty Rangers. Second, on Tuesday, June 23, we have been able to arrange for a briefing/workshops on services and programs related to VA health care and the VA disability compensation process. The program is intended to help shed some light upon a process that has become increasingly complex and difficult to navigate for veterans. Closing with my standard prayer for relief, I ask that you please keep our Ranger community in mind in your charitable giving. Please also remember that sometimes the best support we can provide to our fellow Rangers comes in the form of a phone call rather than a cash donation. Secretaries Report Eddie Noland Volume XXII, Number 2 1 Summer 2015 Ranger Register VP, Personnel’s Report Art Silsby 2 Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Chaplains Corner Robert Gill C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y Summer 2015 both cunning and cruel. He attacks when least expected and desires to destroy completely those whom he attacks. We must be consistent in our integrity, which is our armor against Satan. The lifeblood of integrity is becoming the same person no matter where we are and no matter who is around. When we become people of integrity, everything we are on the inside is obvious from the outside. The Latin word for "integrity" literally means "entire." The essence of the term is wholeness and completeness. Webster's dictionary defines integrity as "completeness; soundness; honesty, sincerity, etc. Thus you can see, how much integrity depends on consistency. Consistency in our walk and in our talk becomes a transportable cloak of protection around us, going anywhere we go. Life becomes so much simpler when there aren't so many costumes changes. Both when I was wearing the uniform and in civilian life; when I received a new assignment, I provided the new soldiers or employees with a typed one and a half page (double spaced, in all caps) of my expectations of them. In my group meeting with them, I covered each item on the list. It included "things to do and things not to do." repeated across the top of the page (in all caps) was the word integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, which I read before covering the other listed items. I wanted to leave no doubt in anyone's mind that I considered integrity to be foremost in our dealings with each other and that I expected integrity from each and every one of them. I pointed out that we all make mistakes, (no one is perfect) and most mistakes I could accept (depending on the circumstances). I would not look favorably on someone who failed to learn from their mistakes, and continued to repeat the same mistakes over and over. I told them the "good news" I wanted to hear but the "bad news" I had to hear. I would then give an example of "bad news" and explain as a result of my being apprised of the bad news, I could better respond to my chain of command when they inquired about this "bad news" incident. As a result of being told about the "bad news" I had an opportunity to lessen the perceived impact to my superior. I could even give my superior a "heads up" on the "bad news" and present my solution to the problem, possibly "nipping in the bud" their dissatisfaction. The last thing I wanted to happen was to receive an inquiry from a superior, wanting to know about an incident/bad news of which I had no knowledge. In closing, I assured everyone I was not going to "kill the messenger" of "bad news" but I also was very plain that they should never lie to me. People that make mistakes and learn from them, can be valued employees but if you ever lie to me you are gone! In the old testament book of Daniel (chapter 3) we learn of 3 men who were consistent in their integrity, even though their consistent integrity might cost them their very lives! As Rangers we all are very aware that integrity is an expected trait of each and every one of us. Let each of us put on the armor of consistent integrity. In 1 peter 5:8 we learn that Satan walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Satan is Volume XXII, Number 2 Executive Vice President’s Report Tom Evans As most of you know, the Ranger Register in now back to being published quarterly. The current Ranger Register Publication plan has the Register being sent to members on 25 February, 15 May, 25 August and 15 November. The only edition that is sent out via the US Postal Service is the 15 May edition. The other three editions are e-mailed to members. Additionally, a copy of each Ranger Register is posted to the USARA web site at the same time it is sent to the members. The success of the Association to keep its members abreast of its current initiatives and activities is largely contingent upon the accuracy of the contact information it has on its members. Consequently, it is important for all members to update their contact information whenever a change occurs. Additionally, all members are encouraged to periodically review their profiles to ensure the accuracy of their information. The Association continues to significantly increase its membership and activities. The number of responses to a recent help wanted e-mail blast for an Editor of the Ranger Register and Facebook Administrator was very encouraging and allowed us to identify a number of very viable candidates for each position. If any member has the time, willingness and capability to assist in any of the functions performed by the Association, we would be delighted to hear from you. I recently undertook a task of contacting a selected group of our members by phone. In doing so, I learned that two of those members had passed away. When other members learned of their passing, they said they wished they had known as they wanted to pay their last respects to a fellow Ranger and friend. With this in mind, I kindly ask that members ask their next of kin to advise the Association in the event of their passing which will in turn prove their Rangers brothers with an opportunity to attend their services and pay their last respects. 3 Summer 2015 Treasurer’s Report Bob Kvederas Ranger Register post for our group tours and events. In hindsight, we found the event conflicted with the Best Ranger Competition as well as Spring Break for many families. Future consideration will be given to doing another event in the area. This will be my last post as Southeast Region Director. I am stepping aside at the ARM in order to focus on a political run for mayor of my city (Smyrna, GA). CSM (Ret.) Jeff Mellinger has offered himself again to be Region Director, and we have been working together for months to ensure a smooth transition. I support Jeff 100% and know that you will do the same. It has been an honor to serve you and the Association for many years. I will miss the accomplishments we were able to bring and the working relationships with many great Ranger members. I will continue to support the organization and I wish it and all of you the very best. Northwest Region Update Ernie Estrada The last three months for the North-West Region has seen great interest in Ranger events. There has been great involvement around the monthly Ranger breakfasts held in Portland, Oregon, Fife, Washington and in Alaska. The next three months will revolve around recruiting efforts, promotion of USARA at large events in the Pacific North-West, Ranger Rendezvous and the NW Region USARA barbecue. Southeast Region Update Wade Lnenicka The Southeast Region continues to grow its membership and to "Lead The Way" within the Association. As of mid-April we have over 500 members, or 29% of the entire organization's membership. Breaking the 500 member mark is a new USARA record for a region. Despite the strong growth in the Southeast Region, as a percentage of the total it is down slightly over the last few years. That reflects well on the other regions as they continue to build their membership rolls. Congratulations to them for the strong growth they have had! Within the Southeast Region, the largest number of members live in Georgia, with 164 members residing there. That number of members leads all states in all regions, with Texas being a very close second with 162 members. The competition with Texas and the South Central Region for state leadership has been fun. Three regions, the Northeast, Midwest and Southeast, all combined to plan a rally at Fort Campbell in early April of 2015. We hoped to attract new members to the organization and establish a close relationship with the Rangers in the Fort Campbell area. However, we ended up having to cancel the event when registrations did not meet the minimums set by the 4 Ranger breakfasts have seen an increase of participation. We have been active with promoting the event to include volunteer efforts by non-profit My Ranger Biz Inc. who has published the events greatly on social media as well as sending email and calendar reminders to those in the area. Gold Star Mother Sue Peney visited with great interest that also brought Medal of Honor awardee, Leroy Petry to visit. Sue was given a tour of 2/75 Ranger Battalion and spent some quality time with our Rangers. Ranger David Maestas attended two monthly events with the Heroes to Hometown non-profit. Heroes to Hometowns extends their services to include Veterans and has over 200 different agencies who have partnered with them. By extending a helping hand to this organization, we are promoting USARA as an entity proud to help our community and Veterans. We are also able to meet with Rally Point, a non-profit with strong ties to Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM). They offer many services for Veterans that will also allow us to point our Rangers in a strong direction when they decide to get out of the Army. Chris Tomsen and his group in Alaska represented USARA at a Project Appleseed shoot. The men in picture earned the Rifleman patch by shooting over 210 on the Appleseed course of fire (qualification test.. ie "AQT" ) equivalent to the WWII Army Expert standard. All 22 students experienced quality fundamental rifle marksmanship instruction, and shot over 400 rounds in instruction over 2 days. The next 3 months will be very busy. The North-West region will continue to attend monthly breakfasts. On April 24th, 2015 USARA has paid for a sponsor spot at the “Ride In Remembrance Fundraiser” event for fallen Soldiers taking place at Northwest Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Harley-Davidson from 10am-3pm. We will have a tent to proudly display USARA’s participation in the community for all Veterans as well as promote membership. The North-West Region intends to raise funds to participate in the JBLM Armed Forces Day on May 16th to provide at a tent with USARA banners to promote membership. We are also seeking volunteers to dress in Revolutionary War garb as Rangers from that era to help with the display. We will participate with Memorial Day activities on May 25 th to represent USARA on JBLM. Members of the NW region will fly down to Fort Benning and Columbus, GA in order to attend the Ranger Rendezvous and USARA Muster. There is much excitement about this Rendezvous as more Rangers from the past are being brought into social media and informed of the event. Summer 2015 Veterans and RCMP along with their families, as they await medical care. I will be attending Siffleur Falls, Alberta for the D-Day Celebrations on 6 June and will lay a wreath on behalf of the USARA and all Rangers, Past, Present and Future who make the ultimate sacrifice. Well Rangers, that is all for now and I hope to see as many as possible make the 2015 USARA Muster this year. All the best to you and yours and RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!!! USARA Election 2015 USARA election of Association Officers is an Annual Event, with ½ of the Officer holders being elected each year. The election is held in the month prior to the Annual Ranger Muster (ARM), with the results of the election being announced at the ARM. Members of the NW region will also attend the LRS/LRRPS/LRSD reunion in Branson, MO following Ranger Rendezvous on June 25th to show our solidarity with the LRS community. It is the responsibility of each Association member to insure that his contact information is up to date, and that his Association dues are current (members cannot vote if dues are not current). Ernie Estrada is leading the planning with the NW USARA yearly banquet in late July. The “Bo Baker Beast Feast” is still in the planning stages but turn-out is expected to be high. The following positions are up for election this year: • Executive Vice President • Secretary • Vice President, Personnel • Mid-Atlantic Region Director • Southeast Region Director • Southwest Region Director International Region Update Bob Copeland On 3 February I attended the First Special Service Force Congressional Gold Medal presentation at the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. 46 FSSF Veterans attended to receive the Congressional Gold Medal along with family and friends. Replica Individual Congressional Gold Medals were awarded to each attending FSSF Veteran by the FSSF Association, along with a Silver Commemorative Coin, bestowed on each Veteran by the Government of Canada, to recognize their WW11 Service and Valor. It was an Honor to have attended the Award Ceremony and Reception, to spend time with these great outstanding Warriors!! It should be noted that the USARA donated $500 toward the purchase of the Replica Congressional Gold Medals which were presented to the FSSF Veterans at the evening Reception. Thanks to out to Ranger Veteran Rick Yost, Director USARA Mid-Atlantic Region and Ranger Veteran Brent Gulick, Past Chairman and Member of the Washington, DC Chapter 82nd Airborne Association, for attending the FSSF Reception and Replica CGM AWARDS, at the Pentagon. On 8 February I attended the Mid-Term USARA BOARD MEETING in Atlanta, Ga. A very successful gathering and much was accomplished for the 2015 agenda. I will be attending the ANZAC Day 100 Anniversary Celebration Gala Dinner on 18 April. This gathering is to celebrate the service men and women of Australia, New Zealand, Turkey and Canada who served died in war, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. The proceeds of this event go to Valor Place Military Family Support House which is a temporary home away from home, for all Canadian Forces members, families of the Fallen, Volume XXII, Number 2 Election 2015 Ballot The ballot and candidate statements are included with this issue of the Ranger Register. A separate mailing to members will not occur. Voting Instructions ONLY REGULAR MEMBERS CAN VOTE (If you are an Affiliate; Associate or Honorary Member you cannot vote. Disregard this ballot; do not return to USARA). Read the candidate statements. Vote for the candidate of your choice by placing a check mark or “X” in the ( ) after the candidate’s name on the ballot. You can only vote for the Regional Directors, IF YOU RESIDE IN THOSE REGIONS (States in those regions are listed on the ballot). Be sure to PRINT AND SIGN your name and provide your MEMBERSHIP NUMBER and REGION then place your ballot in the self-addressed envelope provided. If you do not know the USARA Region of which you are a member, you will find that information provided above your name on the Ranger Register address label. Ballot Return Instructions: Mail the completed Ballot in the envelope provided so as to have it arrive at the National Headquarters NLT 1 June 2015. Ballots received after that date will not be counted. ALL REGULAR MEMBERS SHOULD VOTE. 5 Summer 2015 Candidate Statements The factual information and perspective contained in the Candidate Election Statements that follow are the responsibility of the individual candidates. Position: Executive Vice President Candidate: Michael B. Ranger Less than two weeks ago; there was no candidate for the Executive Vice President position. Because I strongly believe making an “appointment” to fill this important position is unacceptable and goes against the precepts of the USARA Bylaws; I made the decision to run. As always, I will dedicate 100% (and then some) of my time to the requirements and needs of the Association as I did when I was previously twiceelected to the position. Among other things, I plan to propose major changes to the USARA Bylaws Election process. Position: Vice President Personnel Candidate: David A. Maestas I grew up in Vermont. I joined the Army in 1994 with a Ranger contract. Subsequently I spent 5 ½ years with the 2 nd Ranger Battalion holding every position in a rifle squad until squad leader. Additionally I served as a Sniper Team Leader and Section Leader. My deployments include participation in Operation “Safe Haven” in Panama 1994. I saw service with the 10th Mountain Division in the Long Range Surveillance Detachment (LRSD) with deployment to Kosovo in 2001. Later I moved to the 2-14 Infantry where my battalion was attached to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. My platoon was the first conventional unit in Mosul, Iraq. I then moved on to Special Forces in 2005 having earned the Special Forces Engineer Sergeant MOS. I deployed back to Iraq in 2008 for combat operations. Later I attended the Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant Course then deployed as a Team Sergeant for two more combat deployments in Afghanistan. My awards include two bronze stars earned. In 2014 I retired after 20 years and 2 months of service. I currently am the CEO of a business consulting firm. I am also the creator of a non-profit which uses innovative methods to help Rangers in business, education, counseling, and careers. I seek this position as I feel I could have a great impact with the networks and relationships I have already created. It is a chance to contribute to the organization and to the Ranger Community. Ranger Register Since leaving the Army in March 2001 as a Major, I have continued to serve the military as a government contractor. I currently am the Government Business Lead of a small government contractor. I also have a small startup designed to assist veteran owned business. I hold a BS, MA, MBA, and JD. Additionally, I am a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). I am a life member of the USARA, and several other military and service organizations I have served as the Mid-Atlantic Region Director for several years. With an upcoming move to California I can no longer do so. With my experience as a Region Director and member of the Board of Directors, as well as my background in private enterprise I feel I am qualified for the position of Secretary. I see it has an opportunity to continue to contribute to the organization and the broader Ranger Community. I therefore ask for your vote Position: Southeast Region Director Candidate: Jeffrey J. Mellinger I served three months shy of 40 years of continuous active duty. Graduated Ranger School in November 1975 w/ Class 2-76T. Original member of the 2/75 Ranger (Dec 74 – Jun 79, Jul 81 – Jul 83); original member of the 75th Ranger Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment (84–85); 1/75 Ranger CSM (95- 97). I am running to represent the Southeast Region (Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida) in an attempt to accomplish the following: Seek opportunities to engage with leaders and members of the 75th Ranger Regiment, the 75th Regimental Special Troops Battalion, the 3rd Ranger Battalion, the 1st Ranger Battalion and the Airborne & Ranger Training Brigade to raise awareness of the Association and its purpose. Seek opportunities to reach Rangers living and working in the rest of the SE Region to raise awareness, increase memberships and seek input. Increase memberships from the newest Ranger School graduates to those eligible by their service, and enhance the camaraderie of all Rangers Represent Southeast Region members and their interests to the Association board, and serve as a conduit for passing information and keeping the region informed. Increase attendance at monthly Ranger breakfasts to enhance camaraderie and generate interest in the USARA. Position: Secretary Candidate: Rick Yost I was commissioned at the Univ. of South Dakota as an Armor officer. After Armor OBC, Ranger and Airborne school, my first assignment was with the 3d ACR where I was a tank platoon leader (during Desert Shield/Storm), and a troop executive officer. My second assignment was with the Division Cavalry of the 1st CAV DIV. After command, I attended advanced civil schooling and upon graduation, I served in the IT department of the CGSC at Fort Leavenworth. I left the military due to a MRB decision. 6 I look for opportunities to capture the relevant histories, stories and memorabilia to preserve and share as appropriate. Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Summer 2015 Position: Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Candidate: Scott M. Padgett Due to a family emergency Ranger Padgett was not able to meet the deadline for a Candidate Statement. He is a tabbed Ranger graduating with Ranger Class 05/08 He served on active duty with the 2nd Ranger Battalion. He has expressed a desire to be the Region Director and to continue and expand upon the current programs of the Region. Position: Southwest Region Director Candidate: Ranger Thomas N. Evans Like many of the current members of the United States Army Ranger Association and perhaps you, my primary reason for joining the Association was to stay connected with the Ranger community. My greatest rewards while previously serving as the Director of the Southwest Region were the opportunity to give back to the Ranger community, to meet and associate with so many of my fellow Rangers and to provide other Southwest members with that same opportunity. As many of you know, I left the Director position in September of 2014 when I was appointed to fill in as the Executive Vice President of the Association. The term of my appointment ends with the upcoming election. In the interim, Joe Harris, who was appointed to take my place, has done a truly outstanding job in continuing to lead the Region’s efforts and further enhance the Region’s programs. With Joe Harris deciding not to run for election for his current position, I decided to return to my roots and have my name placed on the ballot. I respectfully ask for your vote. For those wishing to gain an insight into my biographical information, please refer to the Fall 2014 edition of the Ranger Register. If elected, I will provide the necessary leadership and continue the current membership programs and robust activities calendar which will ensure that the Southwest Region continues to lead the way and continues to be viewed as the model for other Regions to emulate. Online Voting As of April 25, 2015 there are 1,330 of the 1,619 who have confirmed, valid email addresses registered in the USARA Membership Management System. NLT May 1, 2015 invitations to vote electronically will be sent to each. Voting electronically online is the easiest and quickest method available for members…please take advantage! If you have OPTED OUT of taking surveys or polls with USARA previously or with any other company using Survey Monkey software you will not be able to vote If that is the case a link will be provided where upon you can reinstate your ability to use Survey Monkey applications once again. Volume XXII, Number 2 Why Veterans Miss Combat Transcript of a speech given by War Correspondent Sebastian Junger January 2014 I'm going to ask and try to answer, in some ways, kind of an uncomfortable question. Both civilians, obviously, and soldiers suffer in war; I don't think any civilian has ever missed the war that they were subjected to. I've been covering wars for almost 20 years, and one of the remarkable things for me is how many soldiers find themselves missing it. How is it someone can go through the worst experience imaginable, and come home, back to their home, and their family, their country, and miss the war? How does that work? What does it mean? We have to answer that question, because if we don't, it'll be impossible to bring soldiers back to a place in society where they belong, and I think it'll also be impossible to stop war, if we don't understand how that mechanism works. The problem is that war does not have a simple, neat truth, one simple, neat truth. Any sane person hates war, hates the idea of war, wouldn't want to have anything to do with it, doesn't want to be near it, doesn't want to know about it. That's a sane response to war. But if I asked all of you in this room, who here has paid money to go to a cinema and be entertained by a Hollywood war movie, most of you would probably raise your hands. That's what's so complicated about war. And trust me, if a room full of peaceloving people finds something compelling about war, so do 20year-old soldiers who have been trained in it, I promise you. That's the thing that has to be understood. I've covered war for about 20 years, as I said, but my most intense experiences in combat were with American soldiers in Afghanistan. I've been in Africa, the Middle East, Afghanistan in the '90s, but it was with American soldiers in 2007, 2008, that I was confronted with very intense combat. I was in a small valley called the Korengal Valley in eastern Afghanistan. It was six miles long. There were 150 men of Battle Company in that valley, and for a while, while I was there, almost 20 percent of all the combat in all of Afghanistan was happening in those six miles. A hundred and fifty men were absorbing almost a fifth of the 7 Summer 2015 combat for all of NATO forces in the country, for a couple months. It was very intense. I spent most of my time at a small outpost called Restrepo. It was named after the platoon medic that had been killed about two months into the deployment. It was a few plywood B-huts clinging to a side of a ridge, and sandbags, bunkers, gun positions, and there were 20 men up there of Second Platoon, Battle Company. I spent most of my time up there. There was no running water. There was no way to bathe. The guys were up there for a month at a time. They never even got out of their clothes. They fought. The worked. They slept in the same clothes. They never took them off, and at the end of the month, they went back down to the company headquarters, and by then, their clothes were unwearable. They burned them and got a new set. There was no Internet. There was no phone. There was no communication with the outside world up there. There was no cooked food. There was nothing up there that young men typically like: no cars, no girls, no television, nothing except combat. Combat they did learn to like. I remember one day, it was a very hot day in the spring, and we hadn't been in a fight in a couple of weeks, maybe. Usually, the outpost was attacked, and we hadn't seen any combat in a couple of weeks, and everyone was just stunned with boredom and heat. And I remember the lieutenant walking past me sort of stripped to the waist. It was incredibly hot. Stripped to the waist, walked past me muttering, "Oh God, please someone attack us today." That's how bored they were. That's war too, is a lieutenant saying, "Please make something happen because we're going crazy." To understand that, you have to, for a moment, think about combat not morally -- that's an important job to do — but for a moment, don't think about it morally, think about it neurologically. Let's think about what happens in your brain when you're in combat. First of all, the experience is very bizarre, it's a very bizarre one. It's not what I had expected. Usually, you're not scared. I've been very scared in combat, but most of the time when I was out there, I wasn't scared. I was very scared beforehand and incredibly scared afterwards, and that fear that comes afterwards can last years. I haven't been shot at in six years, and I was woken up very abruptly this morning by a nightmare that I was being strafed by aircraft, six years later. I've never even been strafed by aircraft, and I was having nightmares about it. Time slows down. You get this weird tunnel vision. You notice some details very, very, very accurately and other things drop out. It's almost a slightly altered state of mind. What's happening in your brain is you're getting an enormous amount of adrenaline pumped through your system. Young men will go to great lengths to have that experience. It's wired into us. It's hormonally supported. The mortality rate for young men in society is six times what it is for young women from violence and from accidents, just the stupid stuff that young men do: jumping off of things they shouldn't jump off of, lighting things on fire they shouldn't light on fire, I mean, you know what I'm talking about. They die at six times the rate that young women do. Statistically, you are safer as a teenage boy, you would be safer in the fire department or the police department in most 8 Ranger Register American cities than just walking around the streets of your hometown looking for something to do, statistically. You can imagine how that plays out in combat. At Restrepo, every guy up there was almost killed, including me, including my good friend Tim Hetherington, who was later killed in Libya. There were guys walking around with bullet holes in their uniforms, rounds that had cut through the fabric and didn't touch their bodies. I was leaning against some sandbags one morning, not much going on, sort of spacing out, and some sand was kicked into the side of, sort of hit the side of my face. Something hit the side of my face, and I didn't know what it was. You have to understand about bullets that they go a lot faster than sound, so if someone shoots at you from a few hundred meters, the bullet goes by you, or hits you obviously, half a second or so before the sound catches up to it. So I had some sand sprayed in the side of my face. Half a second later, I heard dut-dut-dut-dut-duh. It was machine gun fire. It was the first round, the first burst of an hourlong firefight. What had happened was the bullet hit, a bullet hit three or four inches from the side of my head. Imagine, just think about it, because I certainly did, think about the angle of deviation that saved my life. At 400 meters, it missed me by three inches. Just think about the math on that. Every guy up there had some experience like that, at least once, if not many times. The boys are up there for a year. They got back. Some of them got out of the Army and had tremendous psychological problems when they got home. Some of them stayed in the Army and were more or less okay, psychologically. I was particularly close to a guy named Brendan O'Byrne. I'm still very good friends with him. He came back to the States. He got out of the Army. I had a dinner party one night. I invited him, and he started talking with a woman, one of my friends, and she knew how bad it had been out there, and she said, "Brendan, is there anything at all that you miss about being out in Afghanistan, about the war?" And he thought about it quite a long time, and finally he said, "Ma'am, I miss almost all of it." And he's one of the most traumatized people I've seen from that war. "Ma'am, I miss almost all of it." What is he talking about? He's not a psychopath. He doesn't miss killing people. He's not crazy. He doesn't miss getting shot at and seeing his friends get killed. What is it that he misses? We have to answer that. If we're going to stop war, we have to answer that question. I think what he missed is brotherhood. He missed, in some ways, the opposite of killing. What he missed was connection to the other men he was with. Now, brotherhood is different from friendship. Friendship happens in society, obviously. The more you like someone, the more you'd be willing to do for them. Brotherhood has nothing to do with how you feel about the other person. It's a mutual agreement in a group that you will put the welfare of the group, you will put the safety of everyone in the group above your own. In effect, you're saying, "I love these other people more than I love myself." Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Summer 2015 Brendan was a team leader in command of three men, and the worst day in Afghanistan — He was almost killed so many times. It didn't bother him. The worst thing that happened to him in Afghanistan was one of his men was hit in the head with a bullet in the helmet, knocked him over. They thought he was dead. It was in the middle of a huge firefight. No one could deal with it, and a minute later, Kyle Steiner sat back up from the dead, as it were, because he'd come back to consciousness. The bullet had just knocked him out. It glanced off the helmet. He remembers people saying, as he was sort of half-conscious, he remembers people saying, "Steiner's been hit in the head. Steiner's dead." And he was thinking, "I'm not dead." And he sat up. And Brendan realized after that that he could not protect his men, and that was the only time he cried in Afghanistan, was realizing that. That's brotherhood. This wasn't invented recently. Many of you have probably read "The Iliad." Achilles surely would have risked his life or given his life to save his friend Patroclus. In World War II, there were many stories of soldiers who were wounded, were brought to a rear base hospital, who went AWOL, crawled out of windows, slipped out doors, went AWOL, wounded, to make their way back to the front lines to rejoin their brothers out there. So you think about Brendan, you think about all these soldiers having an experience like that, a bond like that, in a small group, where they loved 20 other people in some ways more than they loved themselves, you think about how good that would feel, imagine it, and they are blessed with that experience for a year, and then they come home, and they are just back in society like the rest of us are, not knowing who they can count on, not knowing who loves them, who they can love, not knowing exactly what anyone they know would do for them if it came down to it. That is terrifying. Compared to that, war, psychologically, in some ways, is easy, compared to that kind of alienation. That's why they miss it, and that's what we have to understand and in some ways fix in our society. Thank you very much. Sebastian Junger, a correspondent for Vanity Fair and ABC News, Junger has covered stories all across the globe, igniting a new interest in non-fiction. One of his main interests: war. From 2007 to 2008, Junger and photographer Tim Hetherington embedded with the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team in Afghanistan. They spent intensive time with the soldiers at the Restrepo outpost in the Korengal Valley, which saw more combat than any other part of Afghanistan. The experience became Junger's book WAR, and the documentary Restrepo, which was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary in 2011. Junger and Hetherington planned to make a second documentary on the topic, Korengal, meant to help soldiers and civilians alike understand the fear, courage and complexity involved in combat. It's a project that Junger decided to carry on after Hetherington was killed in Libya while covering the civil war there. Junger self-financed and released this film, which starts its run on May 30, 2014, in New York City. Volume XXII, Number 2 9 Summer 2015 29th Ranger Battalion The 29th Provisional Ranger Battalion was a United States Army unit in World War II. Formed in December 1942 in England as a detachment of volunteers from the 29th Infantry Division, the battalion underwent commando training under British supervision and participated in raids on German installations, mostly in concert with No. 4 Commando. The battalion was disbanded in October 1943 and its men returned to their parent units. However, during the 1970s a single company, B Company, 1/29th Infantry, was stationed at Kelly Hill at Fort Benning, Georgia. The company, on jump status, provided aggressor support for the United States Army's Ranger Department at all three Ranger Training camps (Darby, Dalonega and Camp Rudder in Florida). The unit's personnel originally wore the distinctive ranger black beret (this prior to the entire Army being given black berets) and later the newly authorized tan beret which replaced the Ranger black headgear. Those who graduated from Ranger School were authorized to sew a Ranger dress tab above the 1/29th Infantry teal blue "flash" with unit crest on the beret. The company would be integrated by the Ranger Department in the early 1980s. A story ("Ranger Killers") on the unit appeared in an issue of "Gung Ho Magazine" written by former B Company ranger Greg Walker. The company was the last such Ranger unit outside of the Ranger Department and the then existing two Ranger Battalions (1st and 2nd)in the United States Army. Two members of the 29th Ranger Battalion demonstrating their fitness for photographers at the training center in Scotland. By the time this image was published on Yank the battalion had been disbanded and the men returned to their parent organizations. On Monday, 4 February 1943, ten officers and 166 enlisted men and NCOs of the 29th Infantry Division were sent to Achnacarry, Scotland. The British Commando instructors called this unit, which was undergoing Ranger training, the 2nd Ranger Battalion. However, another American unit also had that designation, so the Rangers in the battalion and the American staff officers called them the 29th Ranger Battalion, named after its division. Major Randy Millholland of the 115th Infantry Regiment, the battalion commanding officer, instructed his men to "keep their eyes and ears open and their mouths shut."[1] Millholland, a tough, energetic officer, was widely respected. The Ranger trainees were immensely proud of their battalion and did not want to be sent back to their old units as instructors in Ranger tactics. Soon after the proud Rangers completed their training, two of them accompanied a raiding force of British Commandos during an attack on one of the Channel Islands. One of these Rangers covered the withdrawal of his group, killing three German soldiers and wounded several others. By the time of this raid, the 29th Battalion had grown to include four Ranger infantry companies and one headquarters company. The following is from an article entitled, “29th RANGER BATTALION (Dec. 1942 – Nov. 1943)” by J. Robert Slaughter 10 Ranger Register which appeared in the Twenty-Niner Newsletter in July 1993. Mr. Slaughter was a member of the Provisional Rangers. More information can be found regarding the 29th Provisional Rangers and the illustrious history of Maryland’s 29th division at the Maryland Museum of Military History, Fifth Regiment Armory, 29th Division Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Many 29ers aren't aware that almost 500 volunteers from the 115th, 116th and 175th Infantry regiments were recruited into an elite hit-and-run strike force whose mission would be to gather enemy intelligence. commit disruptive sabotage or simply to raid-in-force enemy installations. This unit was called the "29th Provisional Ranger Battalion. There were a few men recruited from other than infantry regiments of the Division. I am aware of a young American who joined the Canadian Army in 1939 and transferred to the 29th Rangers. Lt. Ed McNabb was stationed in England and on the staff of Eighth Air Support Command when he heard of the formation. He, like many of us eagerly signed up. In December 1942, a memo was sent to troops stationed in England, most of whom were from the 29th Infantry Division, asking for volunteers for a Provisional Ranger Battalion. Recruits weren't hard to find. Over 1,000 men readily volunteered, then had to pass rigid physical and mental examinations. That was the easy part. After a few weeks of training at Tidworth, the candidates were sent north to Scotland for what many have said was the toughest training they ever went through. Taking the course during wintertime didn't make life any easier. The austere Commando Depot at Achnacarry House, Spean Bridge, was located in the highlands and near beautiful Loch Lochy. Nearby green heather grew on craggy, low mountains which created a mushy, water-logged moor. Ubiquitous mountain streams tumbled downhill toward nearby deep, blue lochs. Herds of deer, sheep, and wild ponies roamed in relative peace in this wilderness. It rained often and a biting wind was constant. One has to admit the scenery was beautiful to the eye but unpleasant to the skin. Our instructors were from Lord Lovatt's No, 4 Commando Unit and many of them were veterans of the infamous Dieppe Raid. These officers and non-commissioned officers were from the old school—very strict disciplinarians. Within a short time, half the Ranger candidates had thrown in the towel and were sent back to their original outfits. Those finishing would become proud members of the "29th Provisional Rangers." What was the Commando concept and what had we volunteered to do? The idea of a quick-hitting, lightly armed shock force was initiated by the British in 1940. The cornerstone of the Commando concept's success was their strict standards of selection and the intensity of training. Some indication of what qualities were sought in volunteers was given in a circular sent by MO9 to the British infantry regiments in June 1940: ".. Able to swim, immune from sea and air sickness, able to drive motor vehicles, with courage, physical endurance, initiative and resourceful, being active, expert marksmen, self-reliance, and an Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register aggressive spirit toward the war.. .and must become expert in military use of scouting...to stalk...to report everything taking place day or night, silently and unseen ...and to live off the country for considerable periods. Some of the Ranger candidates were asked, 'have you ever killed a man?' And could you 'stick a knife in a man... and twist it?'"Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall and British Combined Operations Chief Lord Louis Mountbatten first discussed the possibility of raising an American Commando-type unit. Lord Mountbatten suggested calling the force "Rangers." A special shock-troop concept was fashioned after German "Stosstruppen" of World War I. Their elitism, discipline and fighting qualities were well-known to senior British officers. They had also studied the French and Indian War of the 1750a A force of 900 French-Canadian woodsmen and Indians defeated a hand-picked expeditionary force of 1,400 British and American regulars. The woodsmen using Indian tactics—stealth and taking advantage of cover—out-flanked the superior force. The defeat turned into a rout. The first battalion of Rangers was recruited after General Lucian K. Truscott, CG, of the 3rd Infantry Division, reported to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 26 May 1942, that there should be an American force recruited along Commando lines. President Roosevelt had already given his support. A battalion of Rangers was raised from the 1st Infantry Division who were then stationed in Northern Ireland. One thousand volunteers were sent to Scotland for training. Five hundred survived and became Rangers. This unit pre-ceded the 29th Rangers at Achnacarry Commando Depot, and a select few went on the August 1942 Dieppe Raid with Nos. 3 and 4 Commando. They also spearheaded the invasions of North Africa, Sicily and Italy. Soon after the 1st Rangers left the Depot, the eager 29th Ranger candidates arrived. We were quickly introduced to British Army discipline and basic infantry training—the Commando way. We also quickly realized how well the American soldier was treated. Basic Commando training consisted of getting into top physical shape by speed marching 7–15 miles; running the toughest obstacle course in the world; mountain and cliff climbing; abseiling down cliffs and buildings; unarmed combat; plus stripped-to-the-waist physical exercises using 10-foot logs to throw around. In addition to this we had to be proficient firing our weapons; finding one's way on those desolate moors with nothing but a map and compass, and to find and cook food (living off the land). We learned to employ and defuse explosives including plastics. The obstacle course's path was a five-mile climb up a steady grade. It had every diabolic obstacle the British could devise: negotiating 10-foot walls, log and rope bridges traversing steep ravines plus rope swings over water hazards. There was little chance of escaping the mud and water hazards. Cadre acting as umpires, graded the contestants' performances. Life-sized targets popped up requiring snap judgment. One must quickly decide whether to shoot (live ammunition) the pop-up targets Volume XXII, Number 2 Summer 2015 or bayonet them. A miss or wrong decision could be judged fatal. Running over the muddy course caused many weapons to misfire. The entire team was required to finish on time. If an umpired judged a squad member neutralized, he had to be carried. Time was taken after the last member crossed the line. If he failed to meet the deadline, the entire team had to run the "black mile." The "black mile" was running the course on our day off—Sunday. Nearby Ben Nevis, the highest British mountain at 4,406 feet, was a favorite climb. We once climbed two gut-wrenching mountains in one day. Some slopes were so steep one had to worry about sliding off backwards. Our instructors prodded us along and didn't allow pauses. He cautioned that once you stop, you won't be able to restart. Mountain climbing is like crossing a desert and imagining mirages. The next step poses great difficulty but the crest seems mercifully in sight. As one finally nears what appears the elusive top, another "false crest" appears, and then another and another. This was tough duty. Our Commando instructor, Captain Hoar, a veteran of the Dieppe Raid, was a career soldier. British officers, prim and proper, carried a foot-long leather baton called a "swagger stick." It had a purpose. During a tough speed march, one of our men, unable to continue, dropped out along the road. Captain Hoar ordered the man to his feet. The soldier pleaded his inability to continue. That stick went into action around the shoulders of the "yellow-bellied-coward-that-wasn't-fit-tobreathe-fresh-air!" We also observed him rib-kicking a slacker who couldn't take one of the rigorous exercises. Both were sent packing—in disgrace. Speed marches were a British Commando specialty that propelled the troops into quick-hitting strikes that were designed to surprise the enemy. Stealth was another tactic that made up for the heavy firepower that ordinary infantry troops employ. The terrain around Fort William was hilly. We quickstepped uphill and double-timed down the other side. The prescribed time for short hikes was 7 mph; longer ones, 5 mph. We traveled light—rifle, carbine, BAR, 60mm mortar, cartridge belt and light pack. Near the conclusion of these debilitating speed-marches and just before rounding the curve up the last hill to camp, Captain Hoar would yell in his curt British brogue, "Straighten up, mytees! [mates!'] Get in step!" Camp was still a mile away, and the wail of bagpipes could be heard in the distance. The kilted pipers, standing at the entrance to camp, greeted us with one of the traditional Highland tunes. This did wonders for morale. No matter how tired we were, the sound of bagpipe music sent adrenalin flowing. With tremendous pride, we marched into camp in step and with heads held high. Our graduation reward was a pair of "paratrooper" boots and a 3-inch felt patch sewn on an Eisenhower jacket. The patch was rainbow-shaped with red background and blue lettering, "29th RANGERS." These were visual displays of elitism and were worn with great pride and, I must say, a bit of cockiness, The 29th 11 Summer 2015 Rangers didn't think there was an obstacle they couldn't hurdle and were eager to prove themselves. My chance came on my first 8-day pass to London. I was lounging in Rainbow Corner, the Red Cross retreat for American servicemen and women. A GI airborne corporal, who stood about 5'8" and weighed about 160 pounds, swaggered over. I was also a corporal at the time and about 6'5`l, weighing about 205 pounds. The cocky paratrooper looked up at me and asked in a threatening voice, "Mack, you in the 'troopers?' " I answered in the negative. I thought to myself, hell man, I'm in the 29th Rangers! He then said with authority, "Take those Goddamned boots oft!" Surprised. I wondered if he wasn't juiced even though he had a few buddies and I was alone. He wasn't drunk, he was a PARATROOPER! I answered with fire in my eyes, "why don't YOU take them off me!" He bristled menacingly and began to swing wildly. I easily stiff-armed and parried his blows, as his buddies subdued the modern-day "David." PICTURESQUE BUDE, CORNWALL : The 29th Rangers' first home base was Bude, a beautiful seacoast village in Cornwall. Pre-war, Bude was a "holidays" resort, famous for its nice weather, beautiful beach and golf course. Our quarters were in one of the swanky ocean-side hotels. My roommate was a Marylander from the 115th whom everyone called "Smitty." Smith, I can't remember his first name]. The training was rough but living conditions and food were excellent. The weather was nice and swimming in the ocean became part of our training. Everyone sported a golden tan. The Battalion was called on to test a variety of Army food rations. An Army fights on its stomach so it's important the meals be compact, filling, tasty and nourishing. Each company tested a particular ration with each man weighing daily and answering questionnaires. Company A tested C-rations; Company B [my company], K-rations; C Company, 10-in-1s; D Company, a combination of 10-in-1s and chocolate D-bars. Ten days of grueling speed marches, averaging 25 miles a day, were designed to prove which ration was best and also to separate the men from the boys. We swore that no supplemental food would be eaten during this test. The first day was destined to be the worst—a 37mile speed march, quickstepping 5 mph, with a five-minute break on the hour and 20 minutes for lunch. I broke in a new pair of boots during this ordeal. Blisters began to form 10 miles out. About halfway, the boots had rubbed my feet and ankles raw. My socks were not only sweaty but blood-soaked. That night we tried to pitch tents on the wind-swept, soggy moors. The first thing I did was tend to my bloody feet which were a mess. I couldn't get the tent pegs to hold, so I sat on a folded shelter-half to keep my bottom dry and wrapped a blanket around my tired, aching body. No matter how I sat my legs began to cramp. I spent a miserable night. I had to be ready the next day or be disgraced. I persevered. My weight dropped from 205 to 170 pounds in those 10 days. At the conclusion of the exercise, the battalion returned to Rude looking like survivors of the Bataan death march. Bedraggled and very 12 Ranger Register hungry, we limped over the last hill into town. We showered and changed into clean, dry clothes and headed for the mess hall for breakfast. It was an all you-can-eat feast of powdered eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, syrup, jelly, bread and coffee. I piled my mess kit high and found a quiet place to eat. After a few bites I was full. Stomachs had shrunk. After a few days, we gained most of our weight back. They gave us the rest of the day to rest and clean equipment. The rest break didn't last long. The very next day it was back at the grindstone. A daily dose of indoctrination on how tough we had become caused many of us to believe it. Our officers were young, smart, tough and aggressive. They seemed eager to go to war. If one couldn't measure up, he was sent back. Soon the 29th Rangers looked like an elite unit was supposed to—lean and hard. After a few months at Bude we moved to Eastleigh, near Dartmouth in Hampshire. My billet-mate was John Kennelly, an Irish-Catholic from Waterbury, Conn. The British used the billet system to room and board detachments into private homes. Our landlady was a sixtyish widow named Mrs. Brand. For a short while Mrs. Brand became our mother away from home. She shared her meager food rations, depriving herself of the few "luxury" items such as eggs, butter, cheese and sugar. When time came to say good-by, we knew and she knew it would be the last time we would see each other. She knew the consequence of war better than we. I often wonder what became of that wonderful lady. DOVER: The channel port of Dover was our next move. Twentytwo miles across the Strait of Dover was the enemy-held French port of Calais. Each side deployed huge artillery pieces which were sheltered in limestone caves and rolled out on railway tracks to firing positions. These cross-channel duels disrupted lives of the citizens and their commerce. Non-essential civilians and all children were evacuated. After the first shell exploded, air-raid sirens sounded and wardens herded people to shelters. Market Square, a favorite target in the center of town, was an uninhabited pile of rubble. Servicemen occasionally were invited to dances at the Armory. Women from the British military, ATS, WAAFS and WRENS, also were invited. This night the Royal Air Force Band was playing Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey-type music and everyone was having a grand lime until the loudest explosion I had ever heard. The ground shook. The music didn't stop and everyone kept dancing. Sirens screamed but no one paid attention. Finally, helmeted whistle-blowing wardens rushed in and ushered everyone to safety. It was very orderly. Wartime Britain's philosophy was to live each day to the fullest. Make no future plans. Make each moment count. Postpone nothing if it can be done right now. They lived each day as if it would be the last on earth. Eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow might not come. In 1943 Britain was either partying or stoically working. No one complained. Dover was definitely a war zone. Not only did it experience crosschannel artillery duels but German bombers flew over almost nightly on their way to London and other cities. Anti-aircraft Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register batteries were stationed throughout the countryside and on top of downtown buildings. What goes up must come back down. While on nightly training exercises flak rained down from antiaircraft guns, bouncing off the ground like white-hot hail. Occasionally, Jerry dropped unspent bombs on Dover and the nearby countryside upon his return to der Fatherland. Kennelly and I were billeted near downtown. One night after the Lancasters raided the continent, one of them mortally wounded, could not climb above one of the tethered barrage balloons. The roar of the cripple's engines sounded as it if was going to hit our house. The bomber snagged the balloon cable and crashed less than a block away, setting off explosions. Could actual combat be more hazardous? Our mission in Dover was reportedly to prepare for a Dieppetype raid-in-force. Multi-national assault units were assembled near Dover for this special secret mission. Canadian infantrymen, British and French Commandos, Royal Marine Commandos and American Rangers rehearsed day and night while waiting for the "dark-of-the-moon." We were at last going to be tested. Without warning, an announcement was made that the 29th Rangers were to disband and rejoin their original units who were training for the invasion. Many hearts were saddened that these magnificently-trained, handpicked men with their mission unfulfilled would be scattered to the four winds. Why was this mission aborted and why were the Rangers disbanded? We were told the 2nd and 5th Rangers had been training in Florida and would replace the 29th Rangers. Allow me to speculate. Just prior to D-Day, High Command created a bogus army which was to fool the Germans into thinking the main invasion effort would be directed across the channel in the Calais area. This ploy was to divert many divisions from Normandy. Could we have been part of that bogus army? To answer the big question, did the 29th Rangers take part in three raids into occupied Norway and France as has been reported? Answer: I was in the Rangers from beginning to end and I never heard a former member who said he participated in a live raid. I can assure one and all, the Battalion did not participate as a unit on a live exercise. Ed McNabb, a former A Company officer, now living in San Antonio, said he was told Lt. John Dance and possibly Sergeant Toda might have. 29 Let's Go! reported the Battalion made three raids and that Lt. Col. Millholland had left his helmet on the beach. It is entirely possible individuals were selected to accompany No. 3 or 4 Commando as observers. This takes not a whit from the fact, this unit would have been outstanding in combat. It is a shame they were never used. The 29th Rangers were in existence 11 months—December 1942 to November 1943. During that short time the Battalion left a legacy of what Ranger means. Even though they saw no combat as a unit, they were a proud and disciplined group. Much of the credit must go to the British Commando instructors, our Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Randolph Millholland and Volume XXII, Number 2 Summer 2015 Battalion Executive Officer, Major Lloyd Marr. Both had fine combat records with the 115th Infantry Regiment. I have often wondered if the 29th Ranger Battalion could have accomplished the daunting D-Day task of scaling the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc and then neutralize its gun batteries. Did we have the necessary training, leadership, luck, courage and skill to do what the 2nd Battalion Rangers did? No one will ever know for sure, but I am certain that if a way could be found to accomplish this "mission impossible," we could have. NOTE on MAJ Randolph Millholland from oral history given to COL (Ret) Michael Lewis, U.S. Army, circa 1979-1980. I was fortunate to grow up a few houses up the street from BG (ret) Randy Millholland. When I was in high school and applying for admittance to West Point, BG Millholland told me stories of his exploits during WW2. According to Millholland, he served on the Montgomery's General Staff following his completion of the British General Headquarters Battle School. At that time, he and William Darby were ordered to attend the British Commando School at Achnacarry. Both of the Americans were in their 30's at the time and Millholland remarked that the class was entirely made up of 18 year British kids, and keeping up with them was the most difficult thing he had ever done, yet they finished the course. Upon graduation, the British unit (possibly the Royal Marines) leadership handed the two Americans the unit's green beret; they looked at each other and said why not, they'd earned it and they donned the green berets (arguably the first two Americans to wear the distinctive special operations Green Beret). Bill Darby, of course, went on to start the 1st Ranger Battalion and when they deployed to North Africa, MAJ Millholland was instructed to recruit his 29th Infantry Division soldiers to lead through the Commando School and form the 29th Ranger Battalion as detailed previously. The 29th Rangers were attached to Lord Lovat's No. 4 Commando and Millholland personally participated in three raids with the British Commando Unit on the coast of Norway. In the fall of 1943, Millholland led a raid to Normandy at Ile d'Oussant, an island off the coast of France destroying a German radar post and leaving his rifle symbolically stabbed into the ground with his helmet liner on top to send the message that the Americans had been there and would return. He was reported the next day in the news by Axis Sally as killed in action, the first of several times of such a report (he was wounded in action in France leading the 3rd Battalion, 115th Infantry, 29th Division). After the two Rangers accompanied the Commandos, an entire company of the 29th was scheduled to raid the French coast. However, on 18 October 1943, a notice was posted stating that the 29th Ranger Infantry Battalion would cease to exist. All of the battalion's Rangers were enraged. Some of them turned their fury on their huts, shooting them up. The soldiers of the 29th were returned to their original units and fought bravely for the rest of the war. 13 Summer 2015 Ranger Register Annual Ranger Muster 2015 Hotel Reservations Including USARA Homecoming 2011, this is the fifth year of our partnership with Valley Hospitality Services and the DoubleTree Hotel in Columbus, Georgia. The DoubleTree offers a great north Columbus, Georgia, location just off of I-185 within a mile of the Columbus Metropolitan Airport (CSG) and 90 miles southwest of Atlanta Hartsfield Airport (ATL). Our modern, upscale hotel is convenient for business trips, family vacations, and military travel alike. Fort Benning, downtown Columbus attractions, historical sites and corporate offices are all just minutes away. The DoubleTree Hotel provides complimentary Columbus airport shuttle service; convenience close to the heart of Columbus; a sparkling outdoor pool and whirlpool; a state-of-the-art, Precor®-equipped Fitness Center; plenty of complimentary parking; and onsite dining at Houlihan’s, serving Classic American food cooked from scratch for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily and your favorite beverages. A block of rooms has been reserved at the DoubleTree for Thursday June 18 through Thursday June 25, 2015 (check-out) for members, guests and sponsors. The special room rate of $83 per night will be available until June 23st or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. We recommend that you book as soon as possible. We have also reserved rooms at the Hampton Inn (North) to make sure sufficient rooms are available. Book by May 18th to reserve your room Click DoubleTree Room Reservations to book a reservation at our preferred rate. You may call the hotel at the telephone number shown below; be sure to use the Group Name and Group Code to receive the preferred room rate. You can make you reservation online at the USARA website and clicking U.S. Army Ranger Association Room Reservations to book a reservation at our preferred rate. You may also call the hotel at the telephone number shown below. Be sure to use the Group Name and Group Code to receive the preferred room rate. DoubleTree Hotel 5351 Sidney Simons Blvd Columbus, Georgia 31904 Tel: (706) 327-6868 Fax: (706) 327-0041 Group Name: ARM 2015 Group Code: USARA ARM Registration Registration includes an Polo Shirt with USARA logo (choice of size); Discount coupons at local restaurants/businesses; Maps/directions; Tickets for significant door prizes; Hospitality suite (premium beverages and snacks); Ranger store; and other surprises. It is important that we have an accurate count of those attending each activity. Make sure you select only those you and/or your guest(s) will attend. 14 REGISTER ONLINE - The easiest way to register for ARM 2015 and pay by credit card by going to the USARA website at www.ranger,org and logging in. Complete the online registration form, add guest registrations and pay the total amount by credit card. REGISTER BY MAIL - If you prefer, you can complete the ARM 2015 Registration Form included with this edition of the Ranger Register and send the form with a check to USARA. Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Summer 2015 General Information Registration and Ranger Store. Early registration will begin Sunday afternoon, June 21 in the Azalea Room. Registration will continue in the Azalea Room; also the location of our Hospitality Suite and the Ranger Store. The Ranger Store will be open only Monday and Tuesday (June 22 and 23). Someone will always be available to answer questions and provide assistance. Dress for ARM 2015 will be casual; we will be getting “dirty” at some activities so dress accordingly with jeans, etc. The President’s Reception and Banquet is “business casual” no jeans; no shorts; no tennis shoes. In short, we want our members to enjoy the ARM and not be concerned with their attire. Leave your “coat & tie” at home and come to ARM 2015 to enjoy! Of course, those that want to “dress” can. The USARA Hospitality Suite will be setup in the Azalea Room and will be opened each evening; serving premium beverages and offering various snacks. Like previous years, a bartender will take care of member needs. Overview of ARM Events & Activities Before Monday, June 22, 2015 Because the actual ARM 2015 schedule has been compacted (shortened) this year due to the Regimental Rendezvous change from August to June; we have added a couple of non-supported days (specifically Friday, June 19 and Saturday, June20, 2015. The ARM 2015 Schedule of Events & Activities that follows shows Ranger Class 06-15 Graduation at the Hurley Hill Training Area. For those members who have not seen a recent gradation or the Rangers-in-Action Demonstration spending an extra day or so in Columbus/Fort Benning is worthwhile. 75th Ranger Regiment Rendezvous begins… Every two years, since the first Ranger Rendezvous was held in 1987, the week-long event has begun with the Regimental mass tactical jump in to Fryar Drop Zone here, which is conducted in combat equipment in excess of 70 pounds. It provides an opportunity for the regiment to showcase some of its tactics and abilities to family members and Ranger veterans, who may not normally be able to witness such demonstrations. The Ranger Rendezvous included several days of sporting events such as football, boxing and combatives, as well as a regimental barbeque. The culmination of the biennial rendezvous is always the Regimental Commander change-of-command ceremony Thursday morning at the National Infantry Museum field at Fort Benning. The events and activities for Ranger Rendezvous 2015 have been integrated into the USARA ARM 2015 Schedule of Events & Activities to ensure members are aware of the many ongoing activities and so members can make choices of what to attend. Times and locations are provided. Many Ranger soldiers from the Regiment and from the Airborne & Ranger Training Brigade have been invited to attend several of the planned USARA events and activities. 75th Ranger Regiment will conduct an airborne operation onto Fryar Drop Zone Monday, June 22, 2015 the 75th Ranger Regiment will conduct an airborne operation onto Fryar Drop Zone. Rangers will be in full combat gear. This is a unique opportunity to observe such a massive airborne operation and Ranger Capabilities Demonstration. The demonstration will include a military free-fall insertion from a Ranger Reconnaissance Team, pre-assault fires demonstration using simulated ammunition followed by the airborne mass tactical insertion and a platoon size raid on an objective. A Static Display of unit and personal weapons and equipment used will also be setup onsite. FREE Transportation to/from Fryar Drop Zone will be provided to USARA members and guests. 2nd Annual USARA Ranger Soldier Appreciation Night Come join us Monday evening, June 22 in the Somerset Room at the DoubleTree Hotel for the 2nd Annual USARA Ranger Soldier Appreciation Night. This is an opportunity to them to meet Rangers who served during World War II, Korea and Vietnam, as well as Ranger brethren who have served in every modern conflict; meet the 2015 Ranger Hall of Fame Inductees; and moreover USARA can honor their service though enthralling conversation; and abundant food and drink. USARA has invited Ranger soldiers along with spouses and friends invited from the 75th Ranger Regiment and the Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade to attend – where USARA can publically show appreciate for their dedication and loyalty to the United States Army and out nation. Guests will enjoy a variety of foods including carved-to-order herb crusted tenderloin with basil mayonnaise and creamed horseradish and tarragon sauce; tablecarved Maine Maple Syrup glazed smoked Pit Ham; Oven roasted Sage and Brown Butter boneless Turkey Breast; with sweet yeast rolls or silver dollar rolls and horseradish and mustard sauces available for topping; Smoked Salmon served with Chopped Onion, Lemon, Capers, Chopped Egg, Pumpernickel Squares, and Toast Points; fresh seasonal fruit with berries and honey yogurt; domestic and international cheeses; grilled vegetable Portobello mushrooms, roasted red peppers, zucchini, squash, eggplant, artichoke hearts, roma tomatoes and spring onions drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. International Cheese Display with Goat Log, Sheep Milk Lamb Chopper 1/2 Wheel (Gouda Style), Rougette Triple Creme (Brie-like), Karst Cave Aged Cheese (Gruyere and Cheddar blend), Blue Cheese Wheel Display garnished with Grapes, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Cornichons, Assorted Crackers and Ciabatta Bread XXII, Number 2 15 Summer 2015 Ranger Register Draft beer, red and white wine, soft drinks and tea are included. A pay as you go cash bar will be provided for member and guest convenience. USARA Member Breakfast Tuesday morning, June 23 Meet COL David G. Fivecoat and CSM Curtis H Arnold Jr. the newest Airborne & Ranger Training Brigade (ARTB) Commander and Command Sergeant Major. COL Fivecoat will present a status of ARTB. Enjoy a breakfast buffet Fresh Fruit Salad with Citrus, Toasted Almonds and Honey; Fluffy Scrambled Eggs; Crisp Bacon and Sausage; Grits with Cheese; Lyonnaise Potatoes; Orange and Cinnamon French Toast with Maple Syrup, Topped with Caramelized Bananas and Toasted Pecans; Southern Biscuits and Gravy, House Made Fruit Breads, Butter and Preserves; Freshly Brewed Starbucks® Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Hot Tea; Chilled Orange, Grapefruit, Apple and Cranberry Juices. Colonel David G. Fivecoat Commander, Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade Over his twenty-one years of service, Colonel David G. Fivecoat has held leadership positions and staff assignments in airborne, air assault, armor, and mechanized infantry units at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. These assignments included participation in contingency operations in Kosovo and Bosnia, three combat tours in Iraq, and a combat tour leading the 3rd Battalion, 187 Infantry in Afghanistan. Most recently, he was assigned to the Joint Staff. Colonel Fivecoat earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Military History from the United States Military Academy, a Masters in Military Arts and Science from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and a Masters in National Security Strategy from the National War College. In addition to being the lead writer and editor of FM 3-24.2, Tactics in Counterinsurgency, he has had articles published in Infantry Magazine, Armor Magazine, Fires Bulletin, Military Review, and Parameters. Awards and decorations earned by Colonel Fivecoat include the Valorous Unit Award, four Bronze Star medals, and the Army Commendation Medal with V Device. He is Ranger qualified and a Master Parachutist. Also, he has earned the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the Air Assault Badge, and French Parachutist Badge. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits Briefing/Seminar Immediately after the USARA Member Breakfast, join us for the VA Benefits Briefing/Seminar. The VA Team will explains some of the services and programs related to VA health care and the VA disability compensation process. Additionally, you will learn how to navigate through the newly revised eBenefits website. The eBenefits website is the result of collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Department of Defense (DoD). We serve Veterans, Service members, Wounded Warriors, their family members, and their authorized caregivers. In March 2007, the President's Commission on Care for Returning Wounded Warriors (Dole/Shalala) was established by Executive Order 13426. The Commission recommended the creation of a Web portal that would provide Service Members, Veterans, their families, and authorized caregivers with a single sign-on, central access point to clinical and benefits information. eBenefits is the result of the Commission's recommendation. The National Resource Directory (NRD) became part of eBenefits in 2014. The NRD is a partnership among DoD, VA, and the Department of Labor. Information found in the NRD comes from federal, state, and local government agencies; Veteran and military service organizations; non-profit and community-based organizations; academic institutions; and professional associations that provide assistance to Wounded Warriors and their families. It should be noted; the work gone into eBenefits has assisted, and will continue to assist all veterans from all eras. National Infantry Museum Tour This state-of-the-art facility tells the story of the United States Army Infantryman, from the fields of the American Revolution to the sands of Afghanistan. The museum houses an amazing display of artifacts from all eras of American history and contains numerous interactive multimedia exhibits, bringing our nation’s past to life through the latest in technological innovation. Exhibits include the Last 100 Yards; Fort Benning Gallery; International Stage (1898-1920); World Power (1920-1947); The Cold War (1947-1989); The Sole Superpower (1989-Present); Hall of Valor; The Family Gallery; The Infantry Theater; Officer Candidate School Hall of Honor; and the Ranger Hall of Honor (This gallery preserves the legacy of the most extraordinary soldiers in the military, the U.S. Army Rangers. Here, we honor the nearly 200 Rangers who have been inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame since 1992. from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and Grenada. A computerized database of Ranger Hall of Fame inductees is also available). The Facility extends beyond the confines of the building. Outside, the Patriot Park campus also houses the Parade Field, Heritage Walk, Founders Circle, the Memorial Walk of Honor and World War II Company Street. 16 Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Summer 2015 Ranger Hall of Fame (RHOF) Ceremony The Ranger Hall of Fame was formed to honor and preserve the spirit and contributions of America's most extraordinary Rangers. The members of the Ranger Hall of Fame Selection Board take particular care to ensure that only the most extraordinary Rangers are inducted, a difficult mission given the high caliber of all nominees. Their precepts are impartiality, fairness, and scrutiny. Inductees were selected impartially from Ranger units and associations representing each era or Ranger history. Each nominee was subjected to the scrutiny of the Selection Board to ensure the most extraordinary contributions are acknowledged. The selection criterion is as unique as our Ranger history. To be eligible for selection to the Hall of Fame, a person must be deceased or have been separated, or retired from active military service for at least three years at the time of nomination. He must have served in a Ranger unit in combat or be a successful graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School. A Ranger unit is defined as those Army units recognized in Ranger lineage or history. Achievement or service may be considered for individuals in a position in state or national government after the Ranger has departed the Armed Forces. The 23nd Annual (2015) Ranger Hall of Fame (RHOF) Ceremony is at 1:30pm, Wednesday June 24, 2015 at Marshall Auditorium, McGinnis-Wickam Hall (Building 4), Fort Benning, Georgia. Ranger Memorial Photo by Ryan Krafthefer The Ranger Memorial is a tribute to the United States Army Rangers. The original idea of the Ranger Memorial was drawn on a sketch by two Rangers in a mess hall. The idea was to form a permanent memorial to the contributions that Rangers have made to the defense of the United States and its allies throughout their long history. The construction was completed in 1994 with 2,456 polished stones commemorating soldiers. In 1996, Phase II and 2,200 more memorial stones along with indirect lighting, sprinkler system, ledger stones, and a locater system for helping to find the Rangers on the walk. XXII, Number 2 17 Summer 2015 Ranger Register This memorial is unique as its approval had to be met not only by the Ranger Memorial Foundation that started action, but also Fort Benning, TRADOC, and the Department of the Army. The memorial is composed of a large Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife sitting between two large marble pillars as the centerpiece. This knife was issued to British Commandos and subsequently to the men of the newly formed 1st Ranger Battalion while they were training with them in Achnacarry, Scotland. This knife later became a staple of the inventory of airborne troops as well as other special operations units during WWII. Another unique part of this monument is the walkway to the centerpiece. It is composed of “purchased” stones by former and current Rangers with their unit information. No rank is indicated on the stones of the soldiers, only the word “Ranger” as the first line. The criteria for stone purchase are very strict and not every person can be on the “Ranger Walk”. Anyone can buy a stone on the monument, but the stone has to be for a qualified Ranger. The Ranger Monument is one of the most visited military sites located on Fort Benning, Georgia. Since its first corner stones were laid, the monument has become a focal point for Ranger activities, family visits, and other happenings. The Ranger Monument is now part of the Historic Trail of Fort Benning. The Ranger Monument is located on Ranger Field east of the Maneuver Center’s Headquarters. Ranger Field was dedicated to the sacrifices of U.S. Army Rangers to support and defend freedom around the globe. The Ranger Monument is the center piece of Ranger Field. President's Reception and Banquet Full open bar and hors D’oeuvres Including Bruschetta with Fresh Tomato, Basil and Garlic; Bacon Wrapped Scallops; Coconut Shrimp; Lobster Empanada The buffet style dinner includes a tossed salad - lettuce, tomato, onions and croutons with ranch and Italian dressing (served at table); carved-to-order Garlic and Pepper crusted Prime Rib with Au Jus and creamed horseradish sauce; Lemon Rosemary Chicken; Roasted New Potatoes; southern style green beans Green Beans; Honey-Lemon Glazed Carrots. Warm Bread Pudding with Ice Cream (served at tables). Rolls with Butter (served in baskets on tables); freshly brewed Starbucks® regular coffee, decaffeinated coffee, a hot tea selection and iced tea. Each table will be provided with a bottle of chardonnay and cabernet wine. Following dinner, we will conduct our annual raffle and award door prizes. The guest speaker is MG Austin S. Miller, Commanding General, MCoE. Major General Austin S. Miller Commanding General, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence Major General Scott Miller was commissioned in the Infantry upon graduation from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1983. As an Infantry officer, Major General Miller served in a variety of tactical assignments in mechanized, light infantry, and special operations units. He has served in the 82nd Airborne Division, 2nd Infantry Division, 75th Ranger Regiment and United States Army Special Operations Command. He has served in numerous joint command and staff assignments: the Deputy Director of Special Operations; the Director, Pakistan-Afghanistan Coordination Center on the Joint Staff, Washington, D.C.; and Commander, Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command in Afghanistan. Major General Miller has commanded at every rank from Captain to Major General, to include combat tours in Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, as well as support for contingency operations in Bosnia and Latin America. Prior to his arrival at the United States Army Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Benning, Major General Miller was the Commander of NATO Special Operations Component CommandAfghanistan/Special Operations Joint Task Force-Afghanistan from June 2013 to June 2014. Major General Miller holds a Master of Science degree in Strategy from the Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia. He is also a graduate of the Army’s Command and General Staff College. His awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters, the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal with V device, Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Purple Heart Medal with oak leaf cluster, and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster. He has also earned the Combat Infantryman Badge with Star, Expert Infantryman Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Military Free Fall Parachutist Badge, and Ranger Tab. 18 Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Summer 2015 ARM 2015 Schedule of Events & Activities Date Start End Event Location June 19, 2015 06:00 08:00 Breakfast on your own DoubleTree Hotel Friday 09:30 10:30 Rangers in Action demonstration Hurley Hill Training Area 11:00 11:45 Ranger Class 06-15 Graduation Hurley Hill Training Area 12:00 17:00 On your own --- 17:00 18:00 Unofficial Happy hour Houlihan’s Restaurant 18:00 UTC Dinner on your own --- June 20, 2015 All day UTC Early arrival DoubleTree Hotel Saturday All day UTC On your own --- 17:00 18:00 Unofficial Happy hour Houlihan’s Restaurant 18:00 UTC Dinner on your own --- June 21, 2015 All day UTC ARM 2015 Early arrival DoubleTree Sunday 14:00 17:00 ARM setup Azalea Room 15:00 17:00 Early USARA ARM Registration Azalea Room 17:00 18:00 Happy hour Houlihan’s June 22, 2015 All day UTC USARA ARM Registration Azalea Room Monday 08:00 10:00 Executive Committee Meeting (regular session) Georgia Room 10:00 12:00 USARA Board Meeting (regular session) Georgia Room 15:30 UTC Ranger Regiment Static Display T Fryar Drop Zone 16:00 UTC Ranger Regiment Airborne Assault T Fryar Drop Zone 18:30 UTC CDR and Senior NCO Social Uchee Creek Events Center 18:00 22:00 USARA Ranger Soldier Appreciation Night Somerset Room 22:00 UTC Hospitality Suite Azalea Room 22:00 UTC Ranger Store Open Azalea Room June 23, 2015 06:30 07:30 Regimental Physical Training / Commander Address Stewart/Watson Field Tuesday 07:00 08:30 USARA Member Breakfast Somerset Room The guest speaker is Colonel David G. Fivecoat, Commander, Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade 09:00 12:00 Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Benefit Briefing Somerset Room 12:00 13:00 Lunch on your own DoubleTree Hotel 13:00 15:30 National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center Tour T National Infantry Museum 13:00 14:30 Regimental Commander State of the Regiment Briefing Marshall Auditorium 14:30 16:00 Distinguished Member of the Regiment Marshall Auditorium 17:00 UTC Ranger Hall of Fame Dinner (by invitation only) ARTB (RHOF) 18:00 UTC Dinner on your own Open 22:00 UTC Hospitality Suite Azalea Room 22:00 UTC Ranger Store Open Azalea Room June 24, 2015 06:00 08:00 Breakfast on your own DoubleTree Hotel Wednesday 07:00 09:00 Endurathone Peden Field 08:00 16:00 Basketball. Boxing and Combatives Prelims Smith Gym XXII, Number 2 19 Summer 2015 Date Ranger Register Start End Event Location June 24, 2015 08:00 09:30 General Membership Meeting Somerset Room Wednesday 09:30 10:30 Executive Committee Meeting (transition session) Georgia Room (Continued) 10:30 11:30 USARA Board Meeting (transition session) Georgia Room 08:00 16:00 Team Sports 08:00 16:00 Stress shoot Booker Range 11:30 12:30 Lunch on your own --- 13:30 15:30 Ranger Hall of Fame (RHOF) Ceremony T Marshall Auditorium 15:30 16:30 Ranger Memorial Tour T Ranger Memorial 14:00 17:00 Boxing/Combatives Finals Freedom Hall 17:00 22:00 No Host BBQ /Sports Day Awards Ceremony Freedom Hall 18:00 22:00 USARA President’s Reception & Banquet Somerset Room 22:00 UTC Hospitality Suite Azalea Room Closed Closed Ranger Store Closed --- July 25, 2013 06:00 08:00 Breakfast on your own DoubleTree Hotel Thursday 08:30 09:00 Regimental Awards Ceremony National Infantry Museum 09:00 10:00 Regimental Change-of-Command National Infantry Museum Stewart Watson Field; Engineer Field’s Softball Facility; Smith Gym Colonel Marcus S. Evans assumes command of the 75th Ranger Regiment from Christopher S. Vanek during a formal ceremony on the National Infantry Museum Soldier’s Field. 10:00 11:00 Regimental Change-of-Command Reception National Infantry Museum 12:00 UTC 1-75th and 2-75th Ranger Battalion Redeployment According to plan 12:00 --- Hotel check-out DoubleTree Hotel 12:00 --- Depart ARM 2015 DoubleTree Hotel T - transportation is scheduled 20 Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Summer 2015 USARA ARM 2015 Raffle 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize 2 Vets Arms Custom Built 5.56 Assault Rifle USARA thanks Amber and Dean Brandly owners of 2 Vets Arms, LLC, for their gracious donation for the ARM 2015 raffle. You thought their package in the past was great – this year’s is unbelievable. For those that don’t know, Amber is a U.S. Army combat veteran who served during Operation Iraqi Freedom as an Army Intelligence Analyst. Dean is a US Army combat veteran; an Infantryman who served as a Sniper/Sniper Team Leader and Joint Fires Observer during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Custom built 2VA 5.56 Alpha Assault Rifle by 2 Vets Arms Company. Rifle Specifications: Engraved with Ranger Battalion Diamond Black Furniture 2 Vets Arms 7075T6 billet side charged upper receiver 16” 4140CMOV barrel 1/7 twist with A2 Front Sight Base 2 Vets 7075 Forged lower receiver GI fire controls Phase 5 Enhanced Side Charged compatible BAD Lever B5 Bravo Stock B5 Bravo Forend Umbrella Corp grip 2 Vets Arms Co, LLC is a Female Service-Connected Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) that specializes in developing and building high performance custom rifles for American patriots with an emphasis on serving the US Military Veteran and those actively serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. 2 Vets Arms Co, LLC PO Box 1639 Eufaula, OK 74432 http://www.2vetsarms.com/ XXII, Number 2 21 Summer 2015 4th Prize Ranger Register Glock Pistol Glock Pistol Each Glock pistol is delivered only after passing stringent quality inspections, exhaustive quality control checks, and test firing. In addition, each pistol comes in a hard shell case with a speed loader, two magazines, a cleaning set, a cable lock, instructions for use manual, and firearm safety brochure 5th Prize Smith & Wesson M&P 9MM Everything superior about M&P™ now comes in a lightweight, carry size. 9mm for protection slim enough to conceal yet big enough to shoot comfortably. End to end, the striker-fired M&P SHIELD™ features true M&P advantages from ergonomic design to simple operation and durability. M&P SHIELD keeps you ready. 6th Prize FNH FNS 9mm The FNS™-9 offers the simplicity of double-action striker-fired operation with the option of a manual safety. The slide stop lever and magazine release are all fully ambidextrous for ease of operation with either hand from any firing position. Both the slide and barrel are stainless steel and the checkered polymer frame has two interchangeable blackstraps with lanyard eyelets. 4th Prize Lone Wolf Tree Stand It packs down to a slim 4" profile, making it easy to grab and go on your way. The unique pivoting sit-and-climb bar makes for easy climbing and positioning. Its generously sized platform is built of sturdy, one-piece cast aluminum. Two-panel contoured foam seat pad enhances your comfort when sitting still. Fits trees 6" to 19" dia. Includes a bungee strap and backpack straps. Stand is tested to TMA standards and includes a fullbody safety harness with Suspension Relief System (SRS). 5th Prize EK Fairbairn-Sykes MkII Knife The Fairbairn-Sykes is probably the most-revered military fighting knife of all time, made famous in World War II by the British Commandos, the U.S. Army Rangers, the SAS, SOE and Allied combat troops in all theaters of operations. The U.S. Army Ranger Association recognizes the Ek Fairbairn-Sykes MkII as the evolutionary successor to the World War II F-S. 22 Volume XXII, Number 2 Ranger Register Summer 2014 US Army Ranger Association USARA Officers, Directors and Staff President Executive Vice President Secretary Travis West Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Midwest) [email protected] (608) 561-1779 Tom Evans Marina Del Rey, California (Southwest) [email protected] (310) 827-1491 Eddie Noland Midland, Georgia (Southeast) [email protected] 706-575-1138 Treasurer Vice President Personnel Vice President Logistics Bob Kvederas Colchester, Connecticut (Northeast) [email protected] (860) 884-8784 Art Silsby II Gordon, Georgia (Southeast) [email protected] (478) 456-0870 Tom Fuller Buena Vista, Georgia (Southeast) [email protected] (706) 573-7484 Chaplain/ Ranger Assistance Sergeant-At-Arms Historian Robert Gill Montgomery, Texas (South-Central) [email protected] (832) 216-7141 Aubrey Batts Columbus, Georgia (Southeast) [email protected] (706) 366-9567 Alan Huffines Abilene, Texas (South-Central) [email protected] (325) 513-1836 Fort Benning Liaison National Fundraising Coordinator Marketing Director Jeff Mellinger Cataula, Georgia (Southeast) [email protected] (703) 626-1073 John Boyert Houston, Texas (South-Central) [email protected] (832) 603-2386 Marc Masoner Blakely, Georgia (Southeast) [email protected] (678) 228-7233 Systems Administrator Legal Officer Social Media Coordinator Mike Ranger Knob Noster, Missouri (South-Central) [email protected] (660) 287-6604 Earle Lasseter Columbus, Georgia (Southeast) [email protected] (706) 718-7500 Patrick Close Peru, Indiana (Midwest) [email protected] (765) 470-2130 Northeast Region Director Mid-Atlantic Region Director Southeast Region Director Jayson A. Taylor Sylvania, Ohio [email protected] [email protected] 419-654-0199 Ricky L. Yost [email protected] McLean, Virginia [email protected] (202) 570-3131 Wade S. Lnenicka [email protected] Smyrna, Georgia [email protected] (770) 312-2377 Midwest Region Director South-Central Region Director Southwest Region Director Brian H. Ganhs Dearborn Michigan [email protected] [email protected] (248) 933-5412 Scott A. Stetson Natchitoches, Louisiana [email protected] [email protected] (318) 521-3402 Joe E. Harris, Jr. [email protected] Ivins, Utah [email protected] (502) 974-5964 Northwest Region Director International Region Director Ernesto Estrada [email protected] Olympia, Washington [email protected] (360) 753-0767 Robert S. Copeland [email protected] Spruce Grove, Albert [email protected] (780) 970-7366 Volume XVIV, Number 1 23 FROM: U.S. ARMY RANGER ASSOCIATION, INC. PO BOX 52126 FORT BENNING, GA 31995-2126 TO: