O`Neal, Amos Jerome
O`Neal, Amos Jerome
~ ~ '9Ved A ugust 21st~ J9:f2u.:, Novenaber 27th~ 2009 Saturday December 5th, 2009 St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Virgin Gorda Viewing 10:00 am -11:00 am Service: 11:00 am Oflic1ating Minister: Rev. Richard 1 H Belser Internment: O'Neal Fam1ly Cemetary Funeral Arrangements: Davis Funeral Home ••.. Survivors Mother: Muriel O'Nea/ Daughter: Cassander "Sandy" 0 'Neal Brothers: Sisters: Dr. Hubert 0 'Neal D. Alien 0 'Neal Emanue/ "Johnny " 0 'Neat Rudne/l 0 'Neal Maris O 'Nea/-Maduro Carolyn O 'Neai-Henry Sisters-in-Law: Brothers-in-La w: Jennifer O 'Neal Denise 0 'Neal Brenda 0 'Neal De von 0 'Neal Terrence Maduro Orlando Henrr Nieces: Miche/Le Vanterpool Kisha Madwv, Diane O'Neal Taneko O 'Neal Althea 0 'Neal-Nickie Xena O 'Neal rJJ 0 s Nephews: Rupert Vanterpool, ]J: Michael Vanterpoo/ Geoffrey Maduro Hubert "Bobby " O'Nea/ Maurice O'Neal Adam O 'Neal Aaron O 'Nea/ Asa O'Neal Elian O 'Nea/ Emanuel 0 'Neal Jr: Rudn.e/1 0 'Neal Jr Ricky O 'Neal Rudolph 0 'Neal Afi O 'Neal Samuel O 'Neaf •• ... Survivors Aunts: Uncles: Marina Stout Ma~jorie Freeman Eve Waiters Hon. Omar Hodge Neville Hodge Walford Hodge Mack Hodge Atp;ne Hodge Great Niece: God-Parents: Liliana 0 'Neat Ogilvie and Lillie Shirley Great Nephew: s0 00 D 'AI1(/re 0 'Neal Special Cousins: Waldo O 'Nea/ and Crete/ Stout Special Friends: Gu//mena "Mena" Fernandez, Jacque/in e Gimenez, Derrick Lennard, lra Smith, Alvin Horton, Dale Wh eat/ey, Sydney and Herbert George. Anthony Richardson, Jacqui O 'Nea /, Debbie Romney-Hodge, The/maKing. Roselia Gardener, Keith Gardener, J r., John Bell, Wendell Creque, Lula "Le/ia " Stevens, Paul and Patsy Barone 0 s (D ~ Many other Family, Friends and relatives.. •... Eulogy • A 1nos Jerome O' Neal affectionately known as " Romey" or " Rocky" was born Augu st 2 1, 1952 to the late Honorable Robin son O'Neal and M uriel Hedge in Freebottom, Tortola. The farruly moved to St. T homas, U.S . Virgin Islands where he attended the All Saints School from l st grade to g th grade. In 1962 the family made another move to Virgin Gorda where he attended St. Mary 's School for one year and then completed secondary sc hool at the BVI High School where he graduated with three GCE subjects Hi story, English and Chemistry in 197 1. ~ a; s0 a; s 0 ~ a; 00 0 s In 1972, Romey went to New York, where he attended the Robert Technology and Trade School and graduated in 1989 with a Certificate in Auto Mechanics and Engine Systems. He furthered his studies at Key Power Technical Institute and graduated in the top three of his class. He worked full-time for Detroit Diesel and taught diesel courses part-time at night at Key Power Technical Institute. 1 On November 29, 1975 Romey became the proud father to Cassander "Sandra II" Patrice O' Neal where he was the doted and dedicated father. At an early age Romey was called to the sea by his father, Robin son O'Neal, where he learned to sail and steer power boats on his summer vacation s. Romey was the first B.V.I. Is lander in the late 1970 's to . become a certified scuba diver. He became an avid sailor and mastered the art of sport fishing. He won several fishing to urnaments alongside his brother and daughter. He has been involved in sport fis hing and started the Sport Fishi ng Association in Virgin Gorda. He also skippered sailing yachts for North South Yacht Charters w hen they were centered in Virgin Gorda. Romey has a background and knowledge of the history of the British Virgin Islands , reads ex tensively, and can relay all the na.m es of the cays and islands s ince he has sailed and navigated around them for the past 40 years. \ ,.I I • • ! In L993, he worked for the Moorings where he supervised the mechanical repairs of the yacht fleet. Later that year, he worked for Traffic Department in Virgin Gorda where he remained for eight (8) years. He transferred to the M inistry of Natural Resources in 2001 until 2007. His duties included the supervis ing of the agricultural exhibition s and attaining a balanced budget of the yearly Farmer's Week for three (3) years , manager of the agriculture substation in Virgin Gorda, and lands officer in the Ministry. As the manager of the Virgin Gorda agric ulture sub-station, he stabili zed the station by dealing with several staff issues and renegotiated a favorable lease with the St. Mary's Episcopal Church and the Government to prevent the government from losing the long term lease of the agricu lture station lands. Th is was necessary because the Church was not happy wi th the dilapi dated state of the station and lack of planting. Romey planted fruit trees imported from the Eastern Caribbean as well as local fruit trees. Local fruits included the cashew and sugar-apple trees which were dying ou t. Hence, a program was started with the local farmers to replant the island with trees including ornamen tals. A small live stock program was also revived under Romey 's watch, and a period of renewed interest in agriculture was realized because of his efforts. After the fami ly decided to renovate the existi ng W heel House into commercial spaces, Romey's keen interest in pool , dominos and darts inspired him to opened and operate his bar and restaurant in 2005 which he renamed the Wheel House. Romey continued to operate this business unti l his untimely passing on November 27, 2009. He wil1 always be remembered as a loving son, brother, father, uncl e and friend . s0 rJJ 0 s (1) ~ • • Tributes To M y Beloved Son. Gone Too Soon .. . With a sorrowful hean. 1 write this message and pray that your deep sleep came very peacefuL Romcy. my first born. sometimes things work out well. sometimes life is good . Li ke you 're given a son to care for and love. So you try to bring hi m up well, let him know how import ant he is to you and before you know i t. he's on adu lt looking you in the eye and gri nn i ng wit h that smile that comes ~traight from the heart and you think to yoursel f. " Hey. he turned out good.'' And your own heart fills up with love again. A good man and a wonderful son who gave me comfort from day to day. 1 will miss you and we hope to meet again some day. L ove you always. Mommie To M y Only Daddy: ~ a.) s0 W ords cannot describe the empti ness and pain I feel inside. How do I describe the man that was my driving force and that I will forever miss·? My Daddy was a plain spade. a diamond in the ruff, one-of-a kind, loving and compassionate. 1 am rocked tO the core by your sudden and swift departure. but God knows bc~l. In your death, I have a much beuer understandtng of you and why you operated the way you did. You have always been a loving father though at times we dtd not always agree. Playi ng domi noes. cards. pool, and fish111g will never be the same again. You may be physically gone, but you will never be forgotten . I may not be ab le to call you D addy the way I use to but I will always he your ·'Bnotste" & " Sandra 11" . and nothing can ever change tha t. Tmiss you Daddy, and l love you dearly, but God loves you mo~ t. We never ~ay good bye. so see you later on the other side. Love you now. always and fore ver. Your Lovwg Daughter Sandra To M y Brother: You will always have a special place in my heart. Until we m ~e t again. Love Maris & Family 00 To My Brother. 0 Romey. we've laughed a lot and had many di. agreements. However, you've bL:en a brother that shared a love likl! no other. You've mentored my children as youngs ters and for that Tam grateful. You will <t lways be loved and I will miss you until we meet again. s " He shall cover you with his pinions tw d you shall f ind reji1ge under his wings his faithf ulness shall be a shield and buckler. " Carolyn "Red" Wri ting this was reall y hard for me to do because 1 am going to miss you, especially going li~hing on the boat and coming back w ith a boatload, most of the time. I wi ll definitely not forget the tirst time I saw you bollom ftshi ng and you perfec ted the left hand jab, as Daddy called 11, you had all of us cracking up that day. Uncle Romey [love you and you wi ll definitel y be missed, RI P. Love. Dianne • • Tributes Cont'd T o Our Uncle. Uncle Romey. thank you for all that you've done for us as your niece and nephews. You've taught u'> how to take our firc;t steps and !>harcd your passion of the sea with us by teaching us how 10 sw1m As youngsters, we've expenenced many d1sappo1n1ments and broken hearts but you would always rem1nd us that you were there and know that we arc always loved hy you. You were a fierce protector and one ol our father-figures and would challenge anyone 10 try and mes wllh us. and we've never c;een anyone stand up to that challenge. We wall remember the great limes and w11l m1ss you. " Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. " (I Th essalonians 4: 17) Michelle 'Shellie", Rupcrt. Jr. and Michael s 0 00 "The pai n w1ll go away. wi th time" "It wo n't he so had. after awhile" So say these fr iend~ of mine... But they have never lost an uncle as cool as mine .... The pain will never g.o away Yet 11 softens ~ome. with time M y uncle IS gone. it hurts to say I'll never be "tust tine" Tho another year has come and gone I hold our memones 1n my heart They dance there. as if to ~ong From that 1 know 1'11 never pan A time goe by year after year And the paan heg1n to sofwn I know that 11's alnght to tear And live with my memones, more often ..... M ay ourjourney continue in our memories. Love you uncle Romcy Love Bobby. Uncle Romey was a lovi ng man. Although he got mad at people sometimes he was always I here for you and me. As he spent hi~ la~t few hours 1 would have loved to henr his lc.ast words as he spoke. Your Nephew, El ian Rorncy: Thanb for g1ving me the la t moments o f your hfe. T w11l always remember the good times we shared together. [t's "0 hard to lose a good man hke you Romey you w1ll always live 111 my heart. Love you and rest in peace Love Jacquelin M r. O"Ncal was a respected Business Cu~tomer at Fi rst Caribbean International Bank . H i~ presem:c will he greatly m issed along with his kind appreciation to the staff. which he showed by bringing fres h fruits on various occasions. Our prayers Me with his fami ly and friend s and we hope that they rin d com fort in God. May his soul rest in eternal pc<!ce Management and Staff F1rs1 Canbbeun lnrernational Bank Y1rg1n Gorda Branch