owwA - Ocracoke Working Watermen`s Association
owwA - Ocracoke Working Watermen`s Association
At irv il l-,4-:I-- l- HardyPlyler VinceO'Neal Bill Evans FarrisO'Neal David Hilton ErnestDosier Erick O'Neal Rex O'Neal JamesB. Gaskill Morty Gaskill WadeAustin SteveWilson JesseSpencer Danny Worsley Andy O'Neal JohnFerrara Jerry Lukefahr DonnyMcCann GeneBallance RodneyMason FletcherO'Neal David O'Neal LewisO'Neal Bill Jemison JetteCarr Earl Gaskins BeaverTillett WayneTeeter JohnPaul MonroeGaskill RobbieLewis ArleneBurleigh JimmyO'Neal JarrettMoore Ikey O'Neal Bret Evans EddieO'Neal R.T. O'Neal Albert O'Neal Dan Garrish ReidRobinson o.w.w.A. P.O.Box I165 416IrvinGanishHwy. Ocracoke,NC 27960 info@ocracokewatemen. org Dear OcracokeSupporter, The BeasleySeaTurtle Rescueand RehabilitationCenter(BeasleyCenter)hasfiled a noticeof intentto suetheNorth CarolinaDivision of MarineFisheries(NCDMF) and the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (NCMFC) over sea turtle interactionsin commercialfishing gear. Their premiseis that NCDMF and the NCMFC havenot performedtheir regulatorymandatesunderthe EndangeredSpecies act (ESA) to protect sea turtles in NC waters and specifically violated certain mandatesof the Pamlico Sound Gill Net ReshictedArea (PSGNRA) Section 10 permit(NMFS lncidentalTakePermit# 1528). This permitallowsuseof gill netsin the PSGNRA with certain restrictionsand assurancesof enforcementeffort by NCDMF. It is the opinionof OcracokeWorking Watermen'sAssociation(OWWA) andthe OcracokeSeafoodCompany(OSC)that the NCDMF andNCMFC haveacted proactivelyto supportseaturtle conservation with the longterm goal of havingall NC fisheriesoperatingundera section10permit. o NCMFC formed the SeaTurtle Advisory Committee(STAC): The STAC consistedof 12 members(5 commercialfishermen,5 sea turtle technical advisors,I recreationalfishermanand I NCDMF staff) and was formed in 2003. NCDMF and NCMFC have adopted the following STAC recommendations: l. NCDMF conducted low-profile large mesh gill net studies to investigategear modifications that could help reduce sea turtle interactions 2. PoundNetsarerequiredto be out the waterby Jan 12e. 3. Goalof implementingan ESA section10permitto coverall fisheries. o NCDMF established the Pamlico Sound Gill Net Restricted Area (PSGI\RA) in 2000 when NCDMF successfullyappliedfor an ESA section 10 permit. In the law suit, it is allegedthat NCDMF failed to enforcethe mandatess€t forth in the permit. Both OWWA and OSC contendthat the NCDMF actedin goodfaith to fulfill its responsibilities. . NCDMF acted proactively by issuinga proclamationthat reducedgill net yardageandrequiredlow profile gearaftertheNMFS observed"takes"of sea turtlesin gill netsthis pastsummer. o NCDMF has funded observer trips throughout the state to build a comprehensive database. Over the last 7 yearsthe NCDMF and NCDMF have developedand implemented FisheryManagementPlans(FMP's) for all commerciallyharvestedseafood.These plans also addressother protected species.\Mhile trying to balance all of these mandatesand maintaina viable economicalenvironmentfor the commercialseafood industry, the NCDMF hashad to work within a limited budget,minimal staffrngand shorttimelines. Examples of Industry Cooperation with Sea Turtle Researchers and the Beasley Center: o o o o NC pound net fishermen have been working voluntarily with the Index of Abundance Survey observersfrom 1996 (federal observation project) to the presentin support ofthis long term researchproject. NC pound netters have provided researcherswith opportunities to tag sea turtles to help build a data basethat track their movementsacrossthe globe. This data has helped to fill major gaps in the understandingof seaturtle life cycles. Fishermen from Ocracoke have sent sea turtles, by working with NCWRC representatives,to the Beasley Center that were injured from commercial interactions, boat strikes, cold stunting and overall poor physical shape. In most cases,the seaturtles have recoveredand been released. Industries ongoing voluntary support of sea turtle researchand conservation has helped build bridges between industry and researchers that facilitates continuing research opportunities for the stateand private researchers. Seaturtle conservation,recreationalfishing and commercial fishing can work together. A balance needsto be achieved.Fishermenfrom our village have for years supportedseaturtle researchand the sustainable harvest of seafood. We encourage NC citizens who value locally harvested seafood and the coastal communities that it sustains to speak out in support of the NCDMF, NCMFC and our statelegislators who are fighting to preserveour seafoodindustry. Without a NC seafoodindustry, NC residentsand tourists will be forced to buy imported=seafood. Without our local fisheriesjobs will be lost, families will move, communitieswill fold, county tax dollarswill dwindle. OWWA and OSC success and bright future are possible because of community support, educational outreach, researchand restoration. The fish house and seafoodmarket are part ofthe economic enginethat is responsiblefor over 60% of Hyde County's revenueand has becomea hub of trade that supports Ocracoke tourism, restaurants,job creation, and preservation of the cultural heritage. In a time when our local, state and federal governmentsneed tax revenues,job security and optimism about our future, it does not make senseto dismantle one of the keystones of Ocracoke's and other coastal communities economies when a balanced approach between industry and seaturtle conservationcan be achieved. Pleasecontact your local, county, state and federal representativesto expressyour support for a fair and sensible process that protects sea turtles while maintaining North Carolina's coastal communitieseconomicdiversity. Sincerely, Ocracoke Working Watermen's Association & Ocracoke SeafoodCompany