social processes
social processes
The Second Authority Editing and Production: Tania Cindorf Ifat Ben-Shoshan Assisted by: ۯ„Ȉ†‰È˙ ȘÁˆÈ†‰Ó‡¯ Doron Cohen ԉΆÔ¯„ Inbal Shalom ÌÂÏ˘†Ï·Ú Odelya Veresh ˘¯Â†‰Èτ‡ Irit Koren ԯ˜†˙ȯȇ Executive Producer Nechama Laor Spokesperson and Assistant to the Director General Design: Anatoly Donde, Printiv Graphic Production: Inna Piyuk, Printiv Printed by: Printiv Press †∫‰˜Ù‰Â†‰ÎÈ¯Ú Ô˘Â˘≠Ô·†˙ÚÙÈ Reuma Izhaki Ayelet Metzger Deputy Director General for Television Yosi Mulla ‰ÈÈ˘‰†˙¢¯‰ ∫ÂÚÈÈÒ ‰ÈÊÈÂÂψÈÈÈÚφϢÎÓÒ ††¯‚ˆÓ†˙Ïȇ È˘‡¯†˜ÈÙÓ ††‰ÏÂÓ†ÈÒÂÈ Ï¢ÎÓφ˙¯ÊÂÚ†˙¯·Â„ ††¯Â‡Ï†‰ÓÁ ·ÈËȯن¨‰„„†ÈÏ¡ ∫·ÂˆÈÚ ·ÈËȯن¨˜ÂÈÙ†‰È‡ ∫Úˆȷ ·ÈËȯنÒÂÙ„ ∫‰ÒÙ„‰ ÌÈÈ˙¯·Á†ÌÈ‚¯‡Â†ÍÂÈÁ†ÈÙ‚†˙¢¯Ï†„ÈÓډφÁÓ˘˙†‰ÈÈ˘‰†˙¢¯‰ ÆÂÏω†ÌÈ˯҉†˙‡ ˙ÂÚˆÓ‡·†˙ÂÙφÂÏÎÂȆÌÈÈÈÂÚÓ‰††∫˙¢¯‰†¯˙‡ CATALOG קטלוג [email protected]††∫Ï¢‡Â„·†Â‡†† THE SECOND AUTHORITY is happy to offer these films to educational bodies and social organizations. Institutions interested in viewing these films can apply to our website: or e-mail: [email protected] Greetings I am pleased and honored to present the collection of productions of the Second Television and Radio Authority which appears in the catalogue before you. The catalogue includes films and programs produced by the Authority which were aired between 1999 and 2003 on Channel 2 and Channel 10. The Second Authority Law granted it the opportunity to produce programs of special interest to the public. From the outset, the Authority has considered the production of these films of vital importance, unbridled by the restrictions of commercial considerations and focusing on subjects of great significance to the Israeli public. This collection consists primarily of documentary films which deal with various aspects of the Israeli experience and illustrate a reflection of the reality we live in, in all its richness and complexity. The Authority is proud of the work in television which is reflected in this collection and, particularly, of its contribution to the world of documentary production in the Hebrew language. Without a doubt, the Authority’s involvement in the field of documentary film over the past few years has brought about increased production and encouraged artists in the field, young and old, to create and innovate. This collection also includes programs centering around days of special significance to the Jewish people and Israeli society, to which the Authority has dedicated productions which emphasize and deepen their significance. The Authority has taken on another goal, that of producing programs that deal with Israeli culture in all its aspects. The highquality productions in this area have raised the level of the programming of the commercial channels and have given them depth and appeal to viewers of all different tastes and preferences. From time to time the Authority re-evalues its aims in the field of broadcasting and the goals it wishes to achieve as a public body. The work we have done and the achievements we present here give us the strength to continue to encourage the quality productions that are developed under our roof. I wish to thank the film artists who have taken part in this important task and those who have contributed to this project on behalf of the Authority: The members of the Authority’s Council, and in particular the members of the Committee for Communications Development and the Authority’s Production Department managers – Yalon Gurewitz, Yoram Shwager, Yosi Mulla and Ifat Ben-Shoshan. With best wishes, Mordechai Sklar General Director CONTENTS תוכןהעניינים Cafe Noah The Submarine Children Mistress of the Voice The Children of Juareesh The Riddle of the Human Brain Takasim Children of the Dream 2 The Colors of Love Dance Combinations Three Stories About Growing Up A Family Children’s Island in Kfar Saba 15 15 17 17 19 19 21 21 23 23 25 25 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 ˙Ȅ‰Ȇ‰È‰ The Jewish Experience Two Weddings Chelouche Rises from the Dead A Time of Grace Yudith – The Story of a Convert Inducted From Birth Natan Ijacques Elbaz Round and Round - 2000 Tel Aviv – Breslav Express Another Land Brother Daniel – The Last Jew The Gabbai Knitted Kippa The Journey to a Soul Mate 29 29 31 31 33 33 35 35 37 37 39 39 41 28 28 30 30 32 32 34 34 36 36 38 38 40 ˙ÂÂ˙Á†È˙˘ ‰ÈÈÁ˙φ̘†˘ÂÏ˘ Ôˆ¯†˙Ú˘ ˙¯ÂÈ‚†Ï˘†‰¯ÂÙÈÒ†≠†˙È„Â‰È ‰„ÈÏÓ†ÌÈÒÈÂ‚Ó Ê·Ï‡†˜ßÊȇ†≠†Ô˙ ≤∞∞∞†≠†·È·Ò†Âφ··ÂÒ Ò¯ÙÒ˜‡†·ÏÒ¯·†≠†·È·‡≠Ï˙ ˙¯Á‡†ı¯‡ Ô¯Á‡‰†È„‰ȉ†≠†Ï‡È„†Á‡‰ ȇ·‚‰ ‰‚¯҆‰ÙÈÎ ˘Ù†„ȄȆχ†ÚÒÓ ‰¯·Á·†Ìȯ‚˙‡ Challenges in Society Children of Life To Touch the Light I’ll Never Leave You Oshri’s Bar Mitzvah Tandem Seeds of Independence Next Stop – Berlin Á†‰Ù˜ ˙Ïψ‰†È„ÏÈ ˙ÂϘ‰†˙È„‡ ˘È¯‡Âß‚†È„ÏÈ È˘Â‡‰†ÁÂÓ‰†˙„ÈÁ†ÁÂÚÈÙφÚÒÓ‰ ÌÈÒ‡˜Ë ≤†ÌÂÏÁ‰†È„ÏÈ ‰·‰‡‰†ÈÚ·ˆ†„˜ȯ ÌÈ·ÂÏÈ˘ ˙¯‚·˙‰†ÏÚ†ÌȯÂÙÈÒ†‰˘ÂÏ˘ ËȘ¯Â˜†¨ÌÈ„ÏȆ¨‡Óȇ†¨‡·‡ ‡·Ò†¯Ùη†ÌÈ„Ïȉ†È‡ 45 45 47 47 49 49 51 44 44 46 46 48 48 50 ÌÈÈÁ‰†Ï˘†ÌÈ„ÏÈ ¯Â‡·†˙Ú‚Ï Í˙‡†·ÂÊÚ‡†‡Ï†ÌÏÂÚÏ È¯˘Â‡†Ï˘†‰ÂˆӉ≠¯· Ì„Ë ˙Â‡ÓˆÚ†Ï˘†ÌÈˆÈ ÔÈϯ·†≠†‰‡·‰†‰ÓÈ˘Ó‰ תוכןהעניינים ÍÂÈÁ†˙·¯˙ Culture and Education Like a Turtle Struggle Rolling Touching Lives On the Edge 51 53 53 55 55 50 52 52 54 54 ‰¯·Á·†ÌÈÎÈω˙ CONTENTS Social Processes The Bukharan Quarter Farewell Kerem Shalom - Part 1 Krispel’s Daughter Jesse Congo The Station Returnees Good Intentions We Have to Win Love, Romanian Style Mother and Mom Looking for Love Puppet on A String Dynamo Hulon Life as a Fable Living Positively To Plant a Root – To Buy a Root Mondial in Shfar’am Nahal Sinai Sabras The Peace-Line Casino Manila Ketty Fragments Farwell Kerem Shalom – Part 2 No Other Home Border Band House, Kid, Work Has the Flower Truly Faded? Mimi’s Beauty Saloon The Backyard Highway 411 – Cutting Across Israel ·ˆ†ÂÓÎ ˜·‡Ó ÌÈÏ‚Ï‚˙Ó ÌÈÈÁ·†ÌÈÚ‚Â ÛÒ‰†ÏÚ 59 59 61 61 63 63 65 65 67 67 69 69 71 71 73 73 75 75 77 77 79 79 81 81 83 83 85 85 87 87 89 58 58 60 60 62 62 64 64 66 66 68 68 70 70 72 72 74 74 76 76 78 78 80 80 82 82 84 84 86 86 88 Ìȯ牆˙Â΢ ߇†˜ÏÁ ≠†Ì¯ÎφÌÂÏ˘ ÏÙÒȯ˜†Ï˘†Â˙· ‚˜†ÈÒß‚ ‰Á˙‰ ÌȯÊÂÁ ˙·Âˆ˙ÂÂÂÎ ÁˆÏ†ÌÈÁ¯ÎÂÓ ‰ÈÓ¯†ÁÒ†‰·‰‡ ‡Óȇ†‡Óȇ ‰·‰‡†ÌÈ˘ÙÁÓ†ÌÈ˘‡ ËÂÁ†ÏÚ†‰·Â· ÔÂÏÂÁ†ÂÓÈ„ Ï˘ÓΆÌÈÈÁ‰ ÌÈÈ·ÂÈÁ†ÌÈÈÁ ˘¯Â˘†˙˜φ¨˘¯Â˘†˙ÂÎ‰Ï ÌÚ¯Ù˘·†Ï‡È„ÂÓ ÈÈ҆ϢÁ Ìȯ·ˆ ÌÂÏ˘‰†Â˜ ‰ÏÈÓ†ÂÈʘ È˘ Ìȯ·˘ ß·†˜ÏÁ†≠†Ì¯ÎφÌÂÏ˘ ¯Á‡†˙È·†Ôȇ Ô·ÏÓ†È˙ȇ ‰„·چ¨„ÏȆ¨˙È· øÁ¯Ù‰†ÏÓ˜†ÌÓ‡‰ ÈÓÈÓ†Ï˘†‰¯ÙÒÓ‰ ˙ȯÂÁ‡†¯ˆÁ χ¯˘È†Í˙ÂÁ†¥±±†˘È·Î 89 91 91 93 93 95 95 97 97 99 99 88 90 90 92 92 94 94 96 96 98 98 ÌÈ·¯Ú†≠†ÌÈ„Â‰È Jews – Arabs Surgeons Before the Lord Jerusalem Taxi Love in Ein Karem – part 1 Ansar The Gatekeeper Bracha and Masha Internal Exile Charity in the Wadi Waiting for the President On the Borderline No-Man’s Land Love in Ein Karem – part 2 - The House of Love and Peace Alla Cries My Distant Cousin The Pain on the Other Side Window on the East The Golden Cage Nowhere Else to Go The Desert Knows No Borders Why Do I Need Politics Now Returning Stolen Cars Manal Cinderella of the Wadi ÌȇÂÏÈÓ†ÏÚ†ÌÈ˯҆‰·¯‰†Â˘Ú†¯·Î ‰·Ï‰†‰Ê¯ ˙ÈÏÈÏ‚††‰ÈÙ¡ ͯ„‰†„ˆ· ÌÈÈÏËÈ‚È„†˙ÂÓÂÏÁ Ìϯ‚φÌÈ„¯Á ø˙ÙÎȇ†ÈÓÏ ·‰Ê‰†˙ÎÏÓ È¯·ÂÒ˜†·ˆÓ ‰ÓÁÏӆȘÁ˘Ó ˙ȯ 103 103 105 105 107 107 109 109 111 111 113 113 102 102 104 104 106 106 108 108 110 110 112 112 115 115 117 117 119 119 121 121 123 123 125 125 114 114 116 116 118 118 120 120 122 122 124 124 ÌÈ‚¯Â¯ÈΠχ‰†ÈÙ†ÁÎÂÏ ÈÓÏ˘Â¯È†‰ÂÓ ß‡†˜ÏÁ†≠†Ì¯Î†ÔÈÚ·†‰·‰‡ ¯‡Ò‡ ®‰ÈÈÒΉ†¯Ú¢©†‰ÒÈΆχ†·ß‡Â· ‰˘‡Ó†‰Î¯· ˙ÈÓÈÙ†˙ÂÏ‚ È„‡Â·†„ÒÁ ‡È˘Ï†ÌÈÎÁÓ ¯Ù˙‰†Â˜†ÏÚ ¯˜Ù‰†Áˢ ß·†˜ÏÁ†≠†Ì¯Î†ÔÈÚ·†‰·‰‡ ÌÂÏ˘‰Â†‰·‰‡‰†˙È·†≠†††† ‰Î·†‰Ïχ ‰˜ÂÁ¯†‰„„†˙· È˘‰†„ˆ·†·‡Î‰ ÈÁ¯ÊÓ†ÔÂÏÁ ·‰Ê†·ÂÏÎ ‰Ù†‰È‰†‡Ï†ÌÂÏΆ¯ÊÁ˘Î ˙ÂÏ·‚†Ôȇ†¯·„ÓÏ ÂÈ˘ÎÚ†‰˜ÈËÈÏÂÙ†Èφ‰ÓÏ ˙·‚‰†˙ÂÈÂÎÓ‰†¯ÈÊÁÓ Ï‡Ó È„‡Â‰ӆ‰Ï¯„ÈÒ תוכןהעניינים We’ve Seen that Movie Before White Rosa Utopia in the Galilee By the Roadside Digital Dreams Haredi Destiny Who Cares? The Golden Queen The Kosovo Situation War Games Nurit CONTENTS Partners Taufik Pictures From Home Disputed Land Following the Drum But the Best Win in Nazareth Villa Leah A Dream in White A Bird in the Hand Living on the Moon Meeting in Cyprus The Al-Atrash Family Still Lives Here The Son’s Legacy Area K The Song of Kababir Udi Adiv. Daoud Turki. Between Israel and Palestine 127 127 129 129 131 131 133 133 135 135 137 137 139 139 141 141 143 126 126 128 128 130 130 132 132 134 134 136 136 138 138 140 140 142 ÌÈËÂÚÈÓ Minorities A House in Rajar A Fist in the Face The Al Kara Brothers - A Druse Profile Our Hearts are in Dances Children’s Story Azazme – a Vanishing Breed The Last Stop Biscuits from Gaza The Quiet Arab Rebellion As it Should Be Like a Black Dot in the Big Sea Abed Will Not Be a Tracker Distant Relations Southern Wind Ramallah at Midnight 147 147 149 149 151 151 153 153 155 155 157 157 159 159 161 146 146 148 148 150 150 152 152 154 154 156 156 158 158 160 165 165 ¯ß‚¯·†„Á‡†˙È· Ûˆ¯Ù·†Û¯‚‡ Èʯ„†Ô˜ÂÈ„≠‡¯˜†Ï‡†ÌÈÁ‡‰ ˙ÂÏÂÁÓφ·ÈÏ ÌÈ„ÏȆ¯ÂÙÈÒ „ÁΆÔʆ≠†‰ÓÊÊÚ ‰Â¯Á‡†‰Á˙ ‰ÊÚÓ†ÌÈËȘÒÈ· ˘˘‰†È·¯Ú‰†„¯Ó‰ ˙ÂȉφÈÂÙˆ˘†‰Ó Ï„‚†ÌÈ·†‰¯ÂÁ˘†‰„˜ ˘˘‚†˙Âȉφ‰ˆÂ¯†‡Ï†„·Ú ˜ÂÁ¯≠·Â¯˜ ˙ÈÓ¯„†Á¯ ˙ˆÁ†Ï˘†‰Ïχӯ ‰ÈÏÚ†ÌÈÏÂÚ Immigrants And Immigration Circus of Illusions Shall We Dance? ÌÈÙ˙¢ ˜ÈÙ‡˙ ˙È·‰Ó†˙ÂÂÓ˙ ‰·È¯Ó†˙Ó„‡ ‰˜Â·¯„‰†˙·˜Ú· ˙¯ˆ†ÈÁ‡†ÈΉ ‰‡Ï†‰ÏÈ ԷϷ†ÌÂÏÁ ˙Á‡†¯ÂÙȈ†·ÂË Á¯È‰†ÏÚ†˙ÂÈÁÏ ÔÈÒȯ٘†˘‚ÙÓ Ô‡Î†‰¯‚†ÔΆ˘¯Ë‡Ï‡†˙ÁÙ˘Ó Ô·‰†˙‡Âˆ K†Áˢ ¯È··Î†˙¯È˘ ÆȘ¯Âˆ„‡„†Æ·È„‡†È„‡ ÔÈËÒÏÙφχ¯˘È†ÔÈ· 164 164 ˙ÂÈÏ˘‡‰†Ò˜¯˜ „˜¯‰ My Sister Banchiya Russian Orchestra Running for the Olympics Second Chance in Arad Old Wives’ Tales How Do You Say ‘Help’ in Hebrew? My Own Telenovella Yevgeny’s Film 167 167 169 169 171 171 173 173 175 166 166 168 168 170 170 172 172 174 Էφ¨ÏÂÁΆ¨¯ÂÁ˘†¨Ì„‡ ‰È߈·†È˙ÂÁ‡ ‰¯ËÒ˜¯Â‡†ÂÊȇ ‰„‡ÈÙÓÈχφÌȈ¯ „¯Ú·†‰ÈÈ˘†˙Âӄʉ ‡˙·Ò†È¯ÂÙÈÒ ÂÏȈ‰†˙ȯ·Ú·†ÌȯÓ‡†Íȇ ÈÏ˘†˙È˯ى†‰Ï·ÂÏˉ È‚·È†Ï˘†Ë¯Ò‰ ÔÂÁËȷ†‡·ˆ The Military And Security If They Didn’t Say It’s Permitted It Must Be Forbidden Before Life Began The Barrier China Farm – The Untold Story Lebanon, The Childrens’ Channel The Last Shell Tail of the Cannon-Ball At the Top of the Hill Stands a Soldier The Arrow 179 179 181 181 183 183 185 185 187 178 178 180 180 182 182 184 184 186 ˙‡˜ÂÈ„ Personal Profiles Abu Sharbat Mr. Director The Guard from the Mount of Olives Not a Classic Case The First Arab Referee Meilech in Flesh and Blood Smoke Screen Samah Canaan Footprints of Reality Attorney Without Borders David Granit – Officer And Gentleman Aiid El Adam A Bird Between Continents ¯ÂÒ‡˘†ÔÓÈÒ†¯˙ÂÓ˘†Â¯Ó‡†‡Ï†Ì‡ ÂÏÁ‰†Ì¯Ë†ÌÈÈÁ‰ ÌÂÒÁÓ‰ ¯ÙÂÒ†‡Ï˘†¯ÂÙÈÒ‰†≠†˙ÈÈÒ‰†‰ÂÂÁ‰ ÌÈ„Ïȉ†ı¯چÔÂ·Ï Ô¯Á‡†Ê‚Ù Ê‚Ù†Ï˘†·Ê ‡·ˆ†˘È‡†„ÓÂÚ†‰Ú·‚‰†˘‡¯†ÏÚ ıÁ‰ 191 191 193 193 195 195 197 197 199 199 201 201 203 190 190 192 192 194 194 196 196 198 198 200 200 202 ˇ·¯˘†Â·‡ ωӉ†È„‡ ÌÈ˙Èʉ†¯‰Ó†¯Ó¢‰ È҇Ϙ†‰¯˜Ó†‡Ï Ô¢‡¯‰†È·¯Ú‰†ËÙ¢‰ ̄†¯˘·†ÍÏÈÈÓ Ô˘Ú†ÍÒÓ Ô‡ÚΆÁ‡ÓÒ ˙Â‡ÈˆÓ†Ï˘†˙·˜Ú ˙ÂÏ·‚†‡Ïφ‰ËÈϘ¯Ù Ì„‡Â†ÔȈ˜†≠†˙ȯ‚†„„ Ì„‡†Ï‡†„ÈÚ ˙¢·È†ÔÈ·†¯ÂÙȈ תוכןהעניינים Red, Black, Blue and White ÌÈ„ÁÂÈÓ†ÌÈÓÈ Special Days ‰¯Â·‚φ‰‡Â˘Ï†Ô¯ÎÈʉ†ÌÂÈ Holocaust Memorial Day Greenboim’s Son Beyond Tears Gaon and Michaeli In Those Days At This Time Land of the Wolves Birthday Party Foolish Me - Drama 207 207 209 209 211 211 213 206 206 208 208 210 210 212 ÌÈ·ȯ‚†Ï˘†Ô·‰ ˙ÂÚӄφ¯·ÚÓ ÈχÎÈÓ†Ô‡‚ ‰Ê‰†ÔÓÊ·†Ì‰‰†ÌÈÓÈ· ÌÈ·‡Ê‰†˙È„Ó ˙„ω†ÌÂȆ˙·ÈÒÓ ‰Ó¯„†≠†Ïˆȉ†∫·¯Ú‰ 215 215 217 217 219 219 221 214 214 216 216 218 218 220 ¯˙ÂȆÌÈη†‡Ï†ÂÁ‡˘†Â·˘Á ÍÈÏÚ†˙Ó†¯ÊÂÁ†È‡†ÌÂȆÌÂÈ Ì„‡·†‰Ú·‚ ‰Ó¯„†≠††‰¯Âη ÏÏÁ ‰ÓÁÏÓ†ÈÓÂÏȈ ÈÈÈÒÂÁ–χ†„˜†Ì˘ 223 222 ¯Ú·˙†‰¯ÈÈÚ‰˘Î 225 225 227 227 224 224 226 226 ‰Ó¯„†≠††ÌȯÙˆ‰†˙˜È˙˘ ‰Ú·˘ ˜˘Ï†ÌÈÁ‡ ‰ÓÁÏÓÓ†ÌÈÓÂÏȈ†≠†Ìȷ¯ˆ Ï¢‰ˆ†ÈÏÏÁφÔ¯ÎÈʉ†ÌÂÈ IDF Memorial Day CONTENTS We Thought We Wouldn’t Cry Any More Every Day I Die For You Again... The Hill in Red Premiera – Drama The Fallen Images of War Code-Name Al-Husseini ·‡·†ßË Tisha Be’Av When The Town Burns Down ÌȯÂÙÈΉ†ÌÂÈ Yom Kippur The Silence of the Sirens – Drama Seven Brothers In Arms Photographs of War ˙¯„Ò Programs Intimate Report Culture Supplement Zoom Screen Test 231 233 235 235 230 232 234 234 ÈÓÈËȇ†Á¢Â„ ˙·¯˙†ÁÙÒ ÌÂÊ „·†ÔÁ·Ó 237 237 236 236 ÌÈί„†˙¢¯Ù†Ú·¯‡ ‰˙ÈÙ·†ÌÈÓÂÏ‰È ˙ÂÚ˘†≤¥ 24 Hours Four Crossroads Diamonds in a Pitta Sylvia and Elyiahu are Leaving Home Living it Up 239 239 241 238 238 240 ˙ÂÚˆ‰‰†˙·È˙ The Suggestion Box Isola Cactus Between Two Women Sob Sister - Drama Lisa What Does the Bird Care - drama Stick in the Spokes – An Animated Drama 243 243 245 245 247 247 242 242 244 244 246 246 Ò¢˜†‰ÏÂÊȇ ÌÈ˘†È˙˘†ÔÈ· ‰Ó¯„†≠†˙ÂÚÓ„†˙ȇˆÁ ‰ÒÈÏ ‰Ó¯„†≠†¯ÂÙȈφ˙Ù·†‰Ó ‰ÈˆÓȇ·†‰Ó¯„†≠†ÌÈÏ‚Ï‚·†Ï˜Ó 248 248 250 250 252 252 254 ·ÂÁ¯†˙ÂÈÙ ÌÈ„ÏȆȯÂÙÈÒ ÌÈχ¯˘È‰ Û„Ó‰†‰ˆ˜†ÏÚ ˙˜„†È˙˘ ÌÚ·†˙ÂÓ‡†È„È„†Ï‡˘ ¯ÂÙÈÒ†ÚÓ˘ ˙ÂÈÙ Short Features Street Corners Children’s Stories The Israelis At the Edge of the Shelf Two Minutes Shaul Davidi – Art Ltd. Here’s a Story for You 249 249 251 251 253 253 255 ˙È˙¯·Á‰†Ô¯˜‰ The Social Fund Fortuna Sister-Wife Cut The Arena The Inner Tour The Key Holiday Flowers The Settlers The Bunker The Class of 2000 Addicted On the Frontline Do They catch Children Too? A City with No Pity ˙ÂÁ¯‰†ÏÂ˜Ï ˙È·‰†˙‡†ÌÈ·ÊÂچ‰Èχ†‰È·ÏÈÒ ÌÈÈÁ†ÌÈ˘ÂÚ 259 259 261 261 263 263 265 265 267 267 269 269 271 271 258 258 260 260 262 262 264 264 266 266 268 268 270 270 È߈Áȇ ˙ÂÁ‡†‰˘È‡ ˇ˜ ‰¯Èʉ ÈÓÈÙ‰†ÏÂÈˉ Á˙ÙÓ‰ ‚ÁφÌÈÁ¯Ù ‰„ÈÓ¯†Ï˙ ¯˜Â·‰ ≤∞∞∞†¯ÂÊÁÓ ÌˆÓˆӆÌÈÏÂÙΆ‰Ú·˘ ÔÈ˘‰†˙˘ øÌÈ„ÏȆ̂†ÌÈÒÙÂ˙†Ì‰ ÌÈÓÁ¯†‡Ïφ¯ÈÚ תוכןהעניינים Voice of the Spirit CULTURE AND EDUCATION תרבותוחינוך CULTURE & EDUCATION CAFE NOAH In the 1940’s, an exclusive cafe was built in the HaTikva neighborhood of Tel Aviv which hosted concerts of MiddleEastern music – Cafe Noah. This is the story of the nowclosed cafe and the musicians of the period who immigrated from Iraq and Egypt, and who return to perform one last time among the ruins of the cafe. This film is a tribute to the cafe in the HaTikva neighborhood of south Tel Aviv that became a legend. 1996 Director: Duki Dror Producer: Zygote Films Length: 26 minutes THE SUBMARINE CHILDREN At the prestigious Boyer boarding school in Jerusalem, the first experiments in educational integration were conducted in the 1970’s – gifted 12-year-olds from tough neighborhoods left their families to study with the children of the cream of Jerusalem society. Four graduates, today almost 40 years old, look back and examine the pain and the results of the experiment. The different aspects of the controversial integration process are documented through their personal experiences. ±µ 1997 Director: Amir Gera Producer: Gera Productions Length: 30 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CULTURE & EDUCATION MISTRESS OF THE VOICE The story of Ilana Eliah, an Israeli singer with Kurdish roots, who sings protest songs that express the suffering and pain of the Kurdish people. The film presents the musical work of this singer blessed with a voice of rare power. Ilana Eliah and her band perform before Kurdish expatriates in Europe. The combination of the content of the songs, the singer’s vocal power and her strong presence express the pain, the yearning, and a direct understanding of the destruction that has become the lot of tortured Kurdistan. 1998 Director and Producer: Uri Vaknin Length: 26 minutes THE CHILDREN OF JUAREESH A year of gang wars in the Juareesh section of Ramle was documented through the eyes of two neighborhood boys, Karaja and Jarushi during a course in psychodrama. The film, which was made before the gangs came to an agreement, expresses the desperation and helplessness of the local children in the face of neighborhood violence. They describe how they see their future and the future of their home, and although they themselves are Bedouins, they find their answers through identification with the Palestinian people. ±∑ 1998 Director: Ofra Shimoni-Shachor Producers: Hana Gold-Levkovitz and Itzik Malka Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CULTURE & EDUCATION THE RIDDLE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN A Journey into the Mystery of the Human Brain The human brain, the greatest mystery of all time, is the focus of this film which describes a new, unique project of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, to unravel its mystery. For this purpose a team of researchers from various fields was assembled – biologists, physicists, computer scientists, psychologists and philosophers. Together they are researching the concept of “neural thinking.” This film follows the students, a new generation of scientists, and investigates the fascinating process of special training they undergo. 1999 Director: Ekel Sivan Producer: Sivan Productios Ltd. Length: Two segments of 25 minutes each TAKASIM ±π 1999 Director: Duki Dror Producer: Zygote Films Length: 32 minutes Felix Mizrahi journeys to Cairo in an attempt to uncover the mystery surrounding the death of his brother, the musician Farag Ibrahim, one of the greatest violinists in Egypt in the 1930’s. At the “Voice of Cairo” radio station he searches for recordings of his brother in order to learn about the style, color, and quality of his brother’s playing. At the same time the film provides a historical sketch of the period of Mizrahi’s youth. He recalls how the greats of Arabic music – Oum Koulthoum, Abdul Wahab and others – attended his 25-yearold brother’s funeral. Through his personal quest, Mizrahi re-examines his identity, divided between Israel and Egypt. The film includes musical segments from the Egyptian repertoire as performed by Zehava Ben, Albert Elias, Avraham Salman, Felix Mizrahi, and others. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CULTURE & EDUCATION CHILDREN OF THE DREAM 2 “Children of the Dream” was the name coined in 1951 by the well-known American children’s psychologist Bruno Bettelheim for the research group, the children of Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan in the Zevulun valley he spent a few weeks. His goal was to determine whether a new kind of person was being raised in the kibbutz environment. His work was documented on 16 mm film. Today, nearly fifty years later, the only copy of his film has been found, as well as the “children of the dream” who are still alive. Through them we attempt to understand what happened and what will happen to the dream of kibbutz life, as well as other Israeli dreams. 2000 Director: Ran Edelist Producer: Tapuz Communication Length: 28 minutes THE COLORS OF LOVE DANCE The life story of Miri Alon, who grew up in Majd-Al-Krum, a daughter of foster parents, the father a Syrian Moslem, the mother a Jewess. Miri didn’t fit into village life and was adopted by Yardena Cohen from Carmiel, who taught her the art of belly-dancing. She developed an individual method and turned belly-dancing into a unique form of selfexpression. Today she runs a theatre of Middle-Eastern movement in which Jewish and Arab women participate. ≤± 2000 Director: Ekel Sivan Producer: Sivan Productions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CULTURE & EDUCATION COMBINATIONS At the Zionist Youth Farm, immigrants from Ethiopia, Russia, Australia, France, and the U.S. live together under one roof. This school is a kind of microcosm of Israeli society, with all of its problems and complications, but it also projects an optimism through its stories of cooperation and friendship. The story of the school is presented by teachers and interns: Reuven Maharat, an immigrant from Ethiopia, Yochi Boskila, an immigrant from Morocco, Ronit (not her real name) who was abused as a child, and Eva, a boarding-school counselor, who claims that here there are no distinctions of race or socio-economic situations, nor does she consider the children “losers.” They are all equal in her eyes. 2000 Director: Eran Livny Producer: Eternity Productions Length: 25 minutes THREE STORIES ABOUT GROWING UP Three families speak openly of crises in the lives of their adolescent children. What can you do when your son stops going to school, disappears at night, and beats up other kids? In Guy’s neighborhood, one of the gang was stabbed to death. Avi decides not to take the matriculation exams. When he’s a father, he’ll support his kid so he won’t feel he’s fighting alone against the world. This film deals with behavioral patterns, ways of coping and the reasons behind extreme and sometimes violent behavior in young people through the eyes of parents and teenagers. ≤≥ 2000 Director: Idit Haberfeld Producer: Ocean Communications Length: 26 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CULTURE & EDUCATION A FAMILY Hans and Ilana, who were among the “founders” of the Sheinkin St. scene, left the street for Pardess Chana. There they opened a store of plastic products where they raise their children in an environment of peace, quiet, and a lot of freedom where the word “no” almost doesn’t exist. The film focuses on a few day-to-day situations in the life of the family, from the point of view of different family members. The film explores their daily routine, in an attempt to understand the new ways of the family. 2001 Director: Amir Hargil Producer: Assa Productions Length: 25 minutes CHILDREN’S ISLAND IN KFAR SABA A study of the Democratic School in Kfar Saba, where the students choose their own courses and are involved in setting the rules for the school. The film follows the development of the school from opening day until the third year’s graduation party. The school offers something new and revolutionary, and expectations are high. As time passes, some of the older students worry about their matriculation exams and want to transfer to a regular school. The teachers continue to give their all to the project, but reality touches them in a painful place. ≤µ 2001 Director and Producer: Anat Tzom Ayalon Length: 53 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE הוויהיהודית THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE TWO WEDDINGS 1998 Director: Oren Yakobovitz Producer: Sheleg Productions Length: 24 minutes Dov Yarkoni and Tanya Boyden had two weddings: the first, a Reform ceremony with 400 guests and family members; the second, a religious Rabbinate ceremony. Bitter destiny brought Dov and Tanya together five years ago – Yonatan, Tanya’s brother, came from Manchester, joined the paratroopers, and was killed in battle in Lebanon. Yaron, Dov’s brother, was his best friend. Tanya came to Israel following her brother’s death and met Dov, who came to comfort the family. The wedding represents a closure after five years since Yonatan’s death. The film follows the couple through arguments, nostalgic moments, preparations for the wedding, choosing the Ketubah, the Shabbat Chatan at the Reform synagogue and Tanya’s bachelorette shower, all the way to the Hupa. CHELOUCHE RISES FROM THE DEAD Tension and violence between synagogue-goers and their young neighbor are the focus of this film. Rafi Pomerok, 23, is the great-great-grandson of Aharon Chelouche, the man who built Beit Chelouche in the Neve Tsedek neighborhood of Tel Aviv and the synagogue in Rafi’s back yard. Once a year Rafi holds a party until dawn which 2,000 people attend, young people as well as VIP’s like Tel Aviv mayors, Ron Huldai and Roni Milo. The film documents the preparations for the party and the angry response of the synagogue-goers, most of whom are newly-religious Shas supporters. ≤π 1999 Director and Producer: Ido Bahat Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE A TIME OF GRACE 1999 Director and Producer: Gili Flurman Length: 58 minutes Gili Florman began making a film about religion in Israel. He met monks, rabbis and intellectuals, attempted to investigate the fine points of the religious experience and the intimacy that develops during prayer, and to discover the nature of the illumination that is revealed to those who seek answers. While filming, the director finds himself swept into these very experiences. This film is a unique look at the process of returning to religion through personal experience. It accompanies Gili as he deals with nonreligious friends who find it hard to accept his new status, and his family who have to get used to this new situation which brings about so many conflicts. His personal journey brings Gili new realizations, both spiritual and intellectual. YUDITH – THE STORY OF A CONVERT The story of Christine, a young German who chooses to convert to Judaism through the tough orthodox procedure and takes on a new identity and a new name – Yudith. All along the way she runs into the Israeli “wall of glass” that prevents her from becoming “one of us.” The film illustrates her awakening from her illusions and reassessment of her great dream, to live as a Jew in Israel, a dream that crumbles before a difficult reality. ≥± 2000 Director: Avi Bohbut Producer: Ocean Communications Length: 46 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE INDUCTED FROM BIRTH Who are the second generation of settlers? This film presents the story of the residents of Mitzpe Kramim in Judea and Samaria and their struggle to prevent the dismantling of the outpost in 1999. A year later we meet the heroes of the story. Against the background of the events occurring all over Israel, the film investigates the questions of whether there was any point to their struggle, whether the Israeli public sees their battle in a different light today, and whether Israeli settlements have a chance of survival in what will one day be the Palestinian state. 2000 Director: Eyal Zaid Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes NATAN IJACQUES ELBAZ Natan Ijacques Elbaz is a tiler who can barely make a livin. Although he is an excellent craftsman, he is forced to haggle over prices with impatient, overbearing customers. But things might be different if they knew that the man working for them had been one of the biggest criminals in the country. Filming began before Elbaz decided to change his ways and return to religion, allowing the viewer to witness the dramatic transformation Elbaz goes through. ≥≥ 2000 Director: Miki Bahagan Producer: Eli Hakim Length: 34 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE ROUND AND ROUND – 2000 This film documents ten years in the life of Yisrael Grizvalt, who spent two years in a Norwegian jail for drug smuggling, found religion, returned to Israel and married Leah, his childhood sweetheart. Yisrael Grizvalt of 1990 is a Breslav Hassid living in Safed, a father of six who dips in the mikveh and meditates in the forest. By the year 2000, Yisrael, the father of eleven children returns to confront his mother who lives on Kibbutz Sha’ar HaGolan. This is a colorful, fascinating document which deals with issues such as the connections between kibbutz, drugs and religion. 2000 Director: Yossi Leon Producer: Highlight Films Ltd. Length: 25 minutes TEL AVIV – BRESLAV EXPRESS This film illustrates the fascinating story of Adi Ran and his complex personality. In the eighties, Adi Ran was a protest singer on the fringes of the Tel Aviv rock music scene, and in the nineties he found religion. Despite his new religious life, Ran stills plays in bars before a mixed audience of nonreligious, ultra-orthodox, and newly-religious fans. He talks about his new life, about his wife, also newly-religious, and about music, an inseperable part of his personality. ≥µ 2000 Director: Eran Livny Producer: Eternity Productions Length: 25 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE ANOTHER LAND Southern Mt. Hevron, a picturesque, mountainous area, has attracted a new breed of settlers. Instead of joining existing settlements, these colorful individualists have chosen to build a “recluse farm” where they can live their unique lifestyle and freely express their divergent religious ways. Who are these people, what do they think, and why are they here? This film studies two of these reclusive settlers and their farms; Avraham Talia, 71, known as “the Prophet,” and Gadi Luski, a 39-year-old sabra. 2001 Director: Dudi Bergman Producer: Dimona Communication Center Length: 50 minutes BROTHER DANIEL – THE LAST JEW “My name is Oswald Ruffheisen, but everyone knows me as Brother Daniel. I want you to know that I was born a Jew and died a Jew.” Thus begins this documentary film on the fascinating life of the priest Oswald Ruffheisen, a converted Jew. A controversial figure, brother Daniel fought for recognition as a Jew, even though he converted and became a Catholic priest. This is also the story of a unique relationship between a Catholic priest sworn to celibacy and the woman he loved. This story, set in the city of Haifa, has only come to light with Ruffheisen’s death. ≥∑ 2001 Director: Amir Gera Producer: Gera Productions Length: 57 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE THE GABBAI The walls of the Addas synagogue in Jerusalem are decorated with rare murals that were painted by the founders of Bezalel Art School, Stark and Shatz. As the 100th anniversary of the synagogue approaches, Yehezkel, the veteran Gabbai (caretaker) arranges to have the synagogue refurbished – and to have the murals removed. The congregation is outraged, but the Gabbai refuses to give in. Despite its uniquely Jerusalemite aspects, this film has a universal message about the impossible mission of uniting a community, a congregation and the authorities, and about a unique community for whom the synagogue is its whole world. 2001 Director: Avital Livneh Producer: Zoog Productions Length: 26 minutes KNITTED KIPPA This film presents two sub-cultures, each of which is at an ideological crossroads: the kibbutz, which must deal with an ideological and social crisis and the threat of collapse; and the “knitted kippa (skull-cap)” community, which faces religious extremism from within and a crisis of values. We enter the homes of the religious and discover a surprising charm and tolerance despite differences of opinion. ≥π 2001 Director: Yitzhak Rubin Producer: Teknews Media Ltd. Length: 47 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE THE JOURNEY TO A SOUL MATE A look from a Yeshiva student’s point of view at his personal life, at God, and at faith. His life is divided between the religious experience and another form of culture which negates his religiosity. His doubts are revealed through the internal process he goes through, as seen from both the sad and the funny, optimistic sides of the issue. 2001 Director: Amichay Greenberg Producer: Roll Communications (1989) Ltd. Length: 24 minutes ¥± THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 אתגריםבחברה CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY CHILDREN OF LIFE The World of Autistic Children and their Families Autism and the long hard road to dealing with exceptional children from day to day are the subjects of this film. The film features parents who speak openly about their crisis, the process of mourning they went through, the acceptance, and the constant search for medication, treatment, and finding a place for their autistic children. 1997 Director: Ekel Sivan Producer: Sivan Productions Ltd. Length: 24 minutes TO TOUCH THE LIGHT A look at life through the eyes of two good friends: Sigal, the sighted daughter of blind parents and Eden, the blind daughter of sighted parents. The film is a meeting between Eden, who has accepted her blindness to the point where she no longer feels underprivileged because of it and Sigal’s parents, who have never learned to accept their blindness, and between Eden and her own parents, who had difficulty with their daughter’s blindness and only now are willing to talk about it. Sigal describes the world of the blind from the viewpoint of a girl who grew up in the world of the blind. These meetings present a complicated picture, from various points of view, far from the accepted stereotypes. ¥µ 1998 Director: Ekel Sivan Producer: Sivan Productions Ltd. Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY I’LL NEVER LEAVE YOU The Story of a Different, Total Love 1998 Director: Avital Koren Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. Length: 24 minutes The story of three “abnormal” couples and the realtionships between them. Each of the heroes of the film suffers from some level of mental retardation, yet they have succeeded in creating relationships they had only dreamed of. The stars of the film are David and Bella, who met at the AKIM theatre; Eleanor and Yair, who write poetry, and Ronit and Dedi from Kfar Tikva. They are “naturals” in front of the camera, and the viewer gets the impression that a hidden camera documented the events; an impression that enables us to get close to these warm people, to accept them and love them, and to understand that their love is not limited by the logical limitations that we, the “normal” ones, create for them. OSHRI’S BAR MITZVAH Oshri Ohana is a charming, communicative boy, gifted with a well-developed imagination and sense of humor, who suffers from Down’s Syndrome and development problems. He planned his Bar Mitzvah celebration as a unique event. This film documents the preparations for the event, studying his speech, being called to the Torah at the Western Wall, and his meeting with his favoite artists, who came to congratulate him at his Bar Mitzvah: Gil Sassover, Dana Dvorin, Eyal Golan, and the stars of Hopa Hey. ¥∑ 1999 Director: David Orbach Producer: Tokan Production Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY TANDEM A touching film about Nir Caspi, a soldier who was wounded 15 years ago while serving in the army. Nir lost both arms and his eyesight to a land mine in Lebanon. Since then he has had to learn to use a new body, with prosthetic limbs which he has painted in bright colors, and to deal with difficulties and loneliness. The film centers on a two-day bicycle trip to the desert which Nir takes with friends. “I can’t see the scenery, but I can hear it and feel it,” he says. 1999 Director: Amir Gera Producer: Gera Productions Length: 25 minutes SEEDS OF INDEPENDENCE Oren, Ruti and Tali, young people with learning difficulties, move for the first time in their lives to their own apartment and a life of their own. The three are subjects of the Nitzan Onim project of the Nitzan organization, whose goal is to supply educationally-challenged people with the tools to integrate into the community and to work in the free market, while leading independent lives. The film reveals the world of three young people who are trying to deal with their new lives despite the difficulties and fears that stand in their way. ¥π 2000 Director: Eyal Zaid Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel Length: 24 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY NEXT STOP – BERLIN A group of children whose parents suffer from multiple sclerosis travels to Amsterdam and Berlin. In addition to their reponsibilities at home, they participate in fund-raising events, write letters asking for aid, and present their painful personal stories to the media. Their next stop is a fundraising evening at a Berlin synagogue. They hold rehearsals, present their stories before students, and in general are frustrated by the indifference they find in Israel. This film also investigates the fine line between the children’s need for help from a supporting organization, and their right to normal lives as children. 2000 Director: Ziv Naveh Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel Length: 26 minutes LIKE A TURTLE µ± 2000 Director: Netanela Aizenberg Producer: Shiba Communication Ltd. Length: 24 Minutes The story of the Geva family from Kfar Vradim in the Galilee, who are raising, in addition to their own children, four adopted children who are afflicted with Down’s Syndrome. In 1990 a fire broke out in their home, and two of the children, one biological and one adopted, were killed. The family members were left without a roof over their heads and the neighbors took them in. Since the tragic incident, Ya’akov, the father, has devoted his life to helping those with special needs. Together with a Christian Arab partner from Tarshiha, he opened a center for people with special needs in Ma’alot and two hostels for the retarded in Acco. The daily care of Down’s Syndrome children isn’t easy, but there is no doubt that Yochi and Ya’akov Geva derive strength from these children. This is an optimistic story with a touch of sadness about a special family that radiates warmth and generosity unconditionally. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY STRUGGLE The story of Moshe, crippled by polio, who won’t give up easily, and fights his personal battle alongside the other disabled of Israel. This film is interlaced with images from the days of the great struggle of the disabled in 1999. Moshe lives a completely normal life and an exemplary family life, he doesn’t give up on the privileges he is eligible for as a disabled person, and among his activities he works for access to public places for the disabled. Despite his optimism, his struggle and his personal story, the image that emerges isn’t pretty or harmonious. 2000 Director and Producer: Yigal Shoham Length: 26 Minutes ROLLING µ≥ 2000 Director: Yossi Rabach Producer: Cinema Productions Length: 25 Minutes A film about sports and achievement, but more so, about people who haven’t lost their optimism or their will to live full lives despite their disabilities. The film centers around the Israeli disabled basketball team. Twelve players and their coach jumped, sweated, shot, shouted and cried, in an attempt to win the European championship which took place in Holland and to ensure themselves a spot in the Special Olympics in Sydney. This is the film’s message: Life goes on, and in a big way. Along with a look into the lives of the disabled players, the film presents a nail-biting series of games, and until the last moment it isn’t clear whether or not the team has achieved its goal of winning the championship. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CHALLENGES IN SOCIETY TOUCHING LIVES Autistic Adolescents 2000 Director: Ekel Sivan Producer: Sivan Productions Ltd. Length: 26 minutes “Outbreaks of anger and violence are common among autistic adolescents,” according to Osnat Ravid, principal of the school for autistic adolescents. This film revolves around autistic adolescents and their families, their problematic relationships and the sacrifices the parents must make, all in the shadow of the big question – what will the children do when they reach the age of 21, when they will leave the educational system? We meet Ran, an autistic 20-year-old who lives with his father, Erez, an autistic 17-year-old from Rehovot, who is gifted with unusual artistic skills, and 15-year-old Nisan, who has well-developed communication skills. These families, who devote their lives to dealing with their exceptional children, pay a high price financially and socially and experience a total lack of understanding by the establishment in terms of their children’s special needs. ON THE EDGE µµ 2000 Director: Eitan Wetzler Producer: Marisa FerdmanWetzler Length: 25 minutes Tamar Borrer, choreographer and dancer, was the victim of a road accident ten years ago which left her crippled in both legs. But she hasn’t given in to her misfortune. She continues working and creating. This film deals with Tamar’s last two creations, “Mama Ma” and “Pregnant.” The first is about her feelings of loss and separation from her mother who passed away, and the second is about the sense of renewal which comes from bearing a child. The film revolves around a performance and meeting which Tamar arranged at a shelter for abused women. The meeting creates an opportunity for close relationships. Tamar feels she lives on edge between hope and despair, between life and death, between sanity and insanity. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES תהליכיםבחברה SOCIAL PROCESSES THE BUKHARAN QUARTER 1996 Director: Producer: Length: Etty Hassid Belfilms Productions Ltd. Two versions: 37 minutes, 30 minutes Jerusalem’s Bukharan Quarter was once a wealthy neighborhood that prided itself on its homes and gardens. Today it is a unattractive ultra-orthodox neighborhood. The film’s director, who grew up in the quarter, returns to the scene of her childhood during the High Holy Days. Dr. Shaul Zedaka, writer Dan Benaya-Seri, Shlomo Musaioff – grandson of the founder of the Bukharan Quarter - and Etti Hassid present the social and environmental changes in the quarter, the communities of Rabbi Yitzhak Kadouri and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and night-tours of the Selihot prayers, against a backdrop of Kaparot ceremonies, synagogues, and the grandeur of the past. FAREWELL KEREM SHALOM – PART 1 1996 Directors: Producer: µπ Length: Nir Toib and Gil Izakov G.N. Communication Ltd. 25 minutes A film about the residents of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, the first kibbutz to be disbanded, traumatically, in the summer of 1995. The film documents the last moments as the members leave the kibbutz – people who will carry a wound that will never heal; it won’t kill them, but something in their souls has been extinguished. The film accompanies Yael and Yanai Agmon, among the leaders of the kibbutz; Avi Hasson, who remained at the abandoned kibbutz; the Nakash family who immigrated to Kerem Shalom from Argentina because they believed in the kibbutz ideal; the Moyal family for whom the disbanding of the kibbutz means expulsion; and Hassan and Fuad from Han-Yunes, who deal with the closure of the place where they worked since its inception. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES KRISPEL’S DAUGHTER 1998 Director: Producer: Length: Yitzhak Rubin Teknews Media Ltd. Two segments of 25 minutes each The story of the uncompromising struggle of Ofra Dahari (Krispel) from Sderot against the patriarchal rule of her father and the dictates of the society in which she grew up. Ofra ran for office in the municipal elections of 1998 against the wishes of her father, Avraham Krispel, the all-powerful boss of the Sderot branch of the Likud. Her decision to run for office causes a schism within the family and the Likud branch. The chasm widens when she is elected head of the branch, and the father disowns her, forbidding his wife and son to speak to her, and preventing her from attending her brother’s wedding. The film tells the story of Ofra’s feminist struggle: She marries against her father’s wishes and builds a marriage based on total equality. JESSE CONGO The alliance between the Shas and Likud parties had no effect on the results of the local elections in the underprivileged Jesse Cohen neighborhood of Holon. This film documents the election wars in the neighborhood which is considered the “seismograph” of national elections. Local hero Freddy Drix, a non-establishment neighborhood worker who lives on welfare, presents an insider’s view of the neighborhood and of the country. 1998 Director: Producer: ∂± Length: Gil Karni G.N. Communication Ltd. 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES THE STATION Charlie Ben Siton was the number one criminal in Acco. After serving almost 20 years in various prisons, he was released, kicked his drug habit, and started a hostel for addicts who had given up on other rehabilitation centers. This film presents his personal story and the story of the private rehabilitation hostel he established. The film deals with drug addiction with rare candor. Participants in the film chose not to have their faces shadowed or blurred in order to make it clear that addicts are real people. 1998 Director: Nir Toib Producers: Avni Communications Ltd. Length: 25 minutes RETURNEES This film documents the stages of integration of an Israeli couple, Michal and Amit, who spent 12 years abroad and decided to return to Israel. On their way back to Israel from the United States they lived in France for three years. The film describes their return, from the stage of packing and preparing to move into their new home in Zichron Ya’akov just before Israel’s 49th Independence Day, through the end of their first year in Israel. Their personal experiences, their hesitations and fears intertwine with the dramatic developments following the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. 1998 Director: Producer: ∂≥ Length: Nir Toib G.N. Communication Ltd. 45 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES GOOD INTENTIONS Photographer Yehoshua Zamir, a bereaved father whose son was killed in the battle for the Beaufort, teaches ways of dealing with loss and bereavement through photography – the method he used to get over his own personal loss. The film introduces us to Zamir, a member of Kibbutz Ein Dor, and Dita, from Kfar Yehoshua, who also lost a son in the same battle. Together they present ways to deal with loss. 1998 Director: Eitan Wetzler Producer: Message VideoProductions Ltd. with the support of the Israeli Film Service Length: 52 Minutes WE HAVE TO WIN The story of the Hapoel Beer Sheva soccer team, which after 27 years in the National League, was demoted to the Third League. Life in the city and the entire Negev revolves around the team. The team functions as an honored representative of an area suffering from unemployment and social problems. The film focuses on the inner circle of fans who have been with the team for years and their feelings of defeat and loss. ∂µ 1998 Director: Amnon Binyamin Producer: Concord Communication Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES LOVE, ROMANIAN STYLE The story of four older Israeli women who had had enough bitter relationships and find comfort in the arms of Romanian workers, attractive men who are many years younger than they: Irit, who met George in a nightclub, Mariana, 52, who runs a restaurant, and goes out with 35-year-old Niko, and Tali, a divorcee of 42 and mother of four, who is having an affair with 27-year-old Adrian. This couple lived in Tali’s house until Adrian was caught and deported. The film documents their parting. Chaya had a fling with a Romanian worker and ended up with a broken heart. She explains the attraction of the Romanian men. 1999 Director: Racheli Schwartz Producer: Topline Communications Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes MOTHER AND MOM Michal and Michal are raising a one-year-old boy. Ruti and Nicole are raising two children, each having had the experience of giving birth. This is the story of two lesbian couples who decided to be impregnated from donated sperm and start families. The film examines the warm and loving family experiences of the two couples, who must fight the stereotypes of a society that can’t accept the kind of family unit they have created. Nicole and her partner Ruti have taken their case to the Supreme Court and are awaiting the court’s decision on their parental rights. ∂∑ 1999 Director: Producer: Length: Avital Koren T.T.V. Productions Ltd. 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES LOOKING FOR LOVE Four one-day journeys in search of love. The directors went out to find out if traditional love still conquers all and what awaits those who still believe in it. The film centers around four romantics: Eduardo, a foreign worker who loves his wife and can’t decide whether to accompany his friends to a brothel. Yaeli, a young Tel Aviv virgin, believes she can still find true love. Margaret gives up romantic love for maternal love and decides to bring a child into the world by herself. Orna, whose husband died of AIDS a few months ago, looks for a new love at the graves of saints. 1999 Directors: Yonatan Gurfinkel and Mosh Goldberg Producer: Tapuz Communication Length: 25 minutes PUPPET ON A STRING Lauren Milek, a 22-year-old student and poet, was raped twice. The first time was when she was 17, and the rapist was sentenced to ten years in prison. The second time, two years ago, the case was sent to the Tel Aviv district attorney, she was informed that the rape was “problematic, not a classic case of rape.” The film presents the story of a woman who has nothing more to lose. The sense of shame that keeps other women in the shadows becomes, for her, a protest. The fact that these are repeated cases of rape shatters the preconceptions prevalent in society, among men and women alike. ∂π 1999 Director: Producer: Length: Amir Gera Gera Productions 26 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES DYNAMO HULON 1999 Director: Producer: Length: Rami Rodan Pakada Films 25 minutes The story of a south Tel Aviv soccer team, made up new immigrants mostly from Bukhara and its struggle for a place at the bottom of Third league. The film centers around a game between Dynamo Hulon and Maccabi Montefiore. This game symbolizes the struggle of new immigrants for acceptance and equality in Israeli society. In the film we meet Neri Rubinov, team manager and pivotal player, Eli Simonov, who works as a truck driver, and Team Chairman Pesach Olbovski, a professor of literature, who believes that the team represents a source of pride and a way of dealing with new immigrants’ feelings of inferiority. The film presents dramatic scenes from the game alongside intimate moments with the film’s central figures, against a background of sights and sounds from the Shapira neighborhood of south Tel Aviv. LIFE AS A FABLE A Theater in Prison A group of prisoners from the Sharon Prison put on a play portraying their lives as inmates for audiences outside the prison. The play, directed by Sasi Samucha, director and acting teacher, is an adaptation of Aesop’s fables designed to express the feelings of the prisoners. Avi Benizri, an exconvict, returns to appear in stories about life on the outside, while inmates Yosi Nahmani and Eli Suissa tell about life in jail. 1999 Director: Producer: ∑± Length: Yuval Bachar Herzelia United Studios of Israel 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES LIVING POSITIVELY Shirley, Ben, Aviram and Boaz are AIDS carriers who speak bravely and openly about the painful moments in their lives. They recount how they contracted the disease, how their friends and families reacted, and how the disease affects their daily lives. The film documents the changes that have occured to AIDS carriers since the introduction of new medication that has brought new hope to their lives. The film offers a rare look into the lives of people who live on the fringe of society, in the shadow of fear and social stigmas, but their world is still rich in love and mutual support. 1999 Director: Producer: Length: Ran Kotzer Herzelia United Studios of Israel 25 minutes TO PLANT A ROOT - TO BUY A ROOT ∑≥ 1999 Director: Producer: Length: Amir Gera Gera Productions 46 minutes In the heart of the underprivileged Neve Eshkol neighborhood of Sderot, two run-down apartment buildings, is the urban kibbutz Migvan. Veteran residents, new immigrants, a small drug rehabilitation center, a pimp, an elderly prostitute, and the urban kibbutz live together in strange harmony. The members of Migvan, most of whom are ex-kibbutzniks, came to Sderot in 1987 in an attempt to integrate into the local community and to bring social and educational reform to the town. During the course of 11 years, the urban kibbutz has become an integral part of the town of Sderot, and there are hopes that others will follow. This film deals with the innermost heart of Israeli society, an experiment in transplanting foreign tissue into the heart of the town of Sderot – an experiment whose results are still unclear. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES MONDIAL IN SHFAR’AM This film centers around the excitement of the Mondial tournament in Shfar’am. It seems that the whole town of Shfar’am has been bitten by the Mondial 1998 bug, and the residents are divided by their loyalty to their teams, particularly Brazil and Italy. The film looks into the roots of this phenomenon and the emotional involvement of the residents of Shfar’am, and documents the victory celebrations in the town square. 1999 Director: Nir Toib Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 47 minutes NAHAL SINAI A nostalgic, touching look at the Nahal Kibbutz in the Sinai desert which was founded after the Six-Day War, and the people who lived there, the subjects of Naomi Shemer’s famous song. The young soldiers who were sent to farm the land near El-Arish grew up and not one of them works in agriculture. Now they are academicians, scientists, and businessmen. But despite the time that has past and the distance between them, they keep in close touch, reminiscing and celebrating together. They return to the site of the kibbutz and find a big surprise awaiting them. ∑µ 1999 Director: Yehiel Ne’eman Producer: Vivace Productions Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES SABRAS 1999 Director: David Orbach Producer: Fishe-Gat Productions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes Through the revival of the stage play “He Walked Through the Fields” by the Beer Sheva Theatre under the direction of Gadi Inbar 50 years after it was first performed, this film contrasts the image of the Sabra of 1948 with that of our time. Sharon Tsur, who plays the role of Uri, identifies with his character’s sense of sacrifice, while presenting his own version of the Lebanon War. Efrat Reiten speaks of her role as a Holocaust survivor living on a kibbutz 50 years ago. What is the image of the Sabra today? Actress Chana Maron, who acted in the original play in 1948, maintains that the Sabra lost his innocence with the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the ultimate Sabra. THE PEACE-LINE Northern Ireland, 1998 ∑∑ 1999 Directors: Yehuda Litani and Yalon Gurewitz Producer: Nachon Productions Length: 50 minutes Two days before the referendum for the approval of a peace agreement between the factions of Northern Ireland, it was important to hear what the two groups on opposite sides of the barricades in Belfast, the Catholics and the Protestants, had to say about the age-old conflict between them. The Catholics and Protestants of Northern Ireland seem to hate each other without remembering the reason why. New generations are born into this reality. One family whose son is a terrorist lives next to a family that was a victim of terrorism. Even the Israelis who made this film find it difficult to tell the difference between Catholics and Protestants, the majority and the minority, and why they are still fighting after all these years. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES CASINO MANILA 24 Hours in the Life of a Filipino Caregiver 1999 Director: Eyal Halfon Producer: Hafaka Al Arba Length: 24 Minutes Eddie Lugo, a caregiver from the Philippines, spends 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at the side of Sorin Hershko, who was injured in the Entebbe campaign and suffers from 100 percent paralysis. Eddie functions as Sorin’s hands and feet. Eddie’s private life is squeezed into 24 hours once a week. He leaves his room, which he shares with eight other people, and together with the large Filipino community goes to the church at the old central bus station, from there to a Filipino discotheque in a seedy hotel by the sea, and then finishes his day at the gambling tables of Casino Manila. At the casino, a dump at the end of Ben Yehuda Street in Tel Aviv, Eddie gambles away the money he was meant to send back home to the Philippines. This film documents the life of a foreign social group living within our society. KETTY The wonderful story of Ketty, daughter of an underprivileged family from Kiryat Shmona, who grew up in a boarding school in Karmiel and dreams of joining an army entertainment troupe. The film follows Ketty through a year of struggle to fulfill her dream. The film’s director met Ketty while instructing her in making a short film about her life that tells the story of her unusual family. At the end of the film, mother and daughter meet at a performance of the army entertainment troupe to which Ketty was accepted. ∑π 1999 Director: Racheli Schwartz Producer: Topline Productions Ltd. Length: 55 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES FRAGMENTS 1999 Director: Orit Filberg Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. Length: 24 Minutes The interaction at the Tsedaka Home for the Aged in Ma’alot between three elderly Holocaust survivors and Christian volunteers who came from Germany to atone for their fathers’ sins. Wolf Berkowitz, who lost his wife and two children in the Holocaust, Elisabeth Weiss, who saw her children burned before her eyes, and Elena, who chose the path of forgetfulness, are taken care of by this group of German volunteers headed by Yohanan Hans Beyer. The language spoken at the home is German, and the place is immaculately clean and functional. The ambivalent relationship between the caregivers and the residents creates absurd situations and a depressing atmosphere against the pastoral backdrop of Ma’alot. FARWELL KEREM SHALOM – PART 2 Four years after the disbanding of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom, the creators of the film “Goodbye to the Kerem” return to the film’s protagonists to find out what happened to them following the disbanding of the kibbutz. What did it do to the ideals they believed in? What became of the place they once loved so much, and who stayed there? The film returns to the ruins of what was once the kibbutz – the abandoned children’s house, the dusty dining hall, the playground, and the people who are now scattered around the country. Do they miss Kerem Shalom? ∏± 1999 Director: Nir Toib and Gil Izkov Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES NO OTHER HOME The story of three generations of one family living on Kibbutz El-Rom on the Golan Heights. Grandfather Motti wandered all his life between Australia and Israel, finally following his daughter to settle in the Golan, the only place he can find peace for his wandering spirit. Despite this, he says he would be willing to leave the Golan if peace comes to the region. In the shadow of political uncertainty and the extreme changes the kibbutz has experienced since privatizing, the film investigates the concept of “home”: the nation as home, the kibbutz as home, the private home, and our connections to them. 2000 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 23 minutes BORDER BAND ∏≥ 2000 Director: Racheli Schwartz Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: Two segments of 25 minutes each The story of a band of young people from both sides of the Lebanese border. Their rehearsals took place at the Turmus Gate, a small border crossing near Kibbutz Malkia. The film documents the band in the shadow of recent security events that threaten its existence, in particular, the difficulties of bringing over the young men from Lebanon. Most of the film was made during the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon. The withdrawal left the Israeli band members worried and anxious for the fate of their Lebanese friends, during the time that the residents of southern Lebanon – families of the South Lebanese Army in particular – are crowding toward the border. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES HOUSE, KID, WORK The story of Sigal Rosen’s volunteer work with The Center for Aid to Imprisoned Foreign Workers. The film documents the foreign workers in the Ma’asiyahu Prison wing for candidates for deportation – people who came to work in Israel with simple dreams of building homes, starting families, and giving their children a good education. These dreams shatter in the face of reality, a reality of Israeli employers who take advantage of their workers and a police force which acts on government orders and deports 1000 illegal foreign workers every month. The stories of Shirani, Bogdan, Yuan and Sigal paint a disturbing picture of Israeli reality. 2000 Director: Shachar Rosen Producer: Eden Productions Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes HAS THE FLOWER TRULY FADED? ∏µ 2000 Director: Eitan Wetzler Producer: Marisa FerdmanWetzler Length: 25 minutes On Lag B’Omer, 1956, four weddings were planned at Kibbutz Nahal Oz. On that day, Ro’i Rottberg, security chief of the kibbutz, patrolled the border with Gaza. Infiltrators who reached the kibbutz fields ambushed and shot him. They kidnapped him and took him to Gaza where they mutilated his dead body. That afternoon his body was handed over to UN soldiers, who returned it to Israel. Moshe Dayan, then Chief of Staff, who was invited to the weddings, knew Ro’i personally and eulogized him at the gravesite. In this film we meet the couples who got married, the children of that generation, who talk about Ro’i and discuss that time from today’s perspective, following the disbanding of the kibbutz and the kibbutz experience. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES MIMI’S BEAUTY SALOON In Hatzor Haglilit, a development town in the north, nothing happens all year – until summer comes, and with it the wedding season. Through the story of Bruriah, who is marrying off her daughter Natalie, we meet the MiddleEastern women who frequent Mimi’s Beauty Saloon: strong, warm women who talk about their lives and their world. “Mimi’s Beauty Saloon” is a funny, human, touching film in which the lines blur between real life and the soap operas these women love to watch. 2000 Director: Racheli Schwartz Producer:G.N.Communication Ltd. with the support of Reshet Length: 52 minutes THE BACKYARD ∏∑ 2000 Director: Asher Nachmias Producer: Dimona Communications Center Length: 26 minutes In Netivot, like everywhere else, people have dreams. But for those who live in Netivot, even the simplest dream can seem like an impossible mission. This film follows four characters: Moshe Amar is a young actor and stand-up comedian who is afraid of getting stuck in the small town. Shlomo Nachmias is a poet in his fifties who dreams of being relevant in the year 2000. Yitzhak Levi is a journalist and soccer referee who wonders if it is enough to be a local hero. Chana Shimoni is a bakery owner who has no time for herself. She finds that even the smallest of dreams won’t fit in between the ovens. Yet she, perhaps, is the closest to making her dreams come true. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES HIGHWAY 411 – CUTTING ACROSS ISRAEL Highway 411 starts at Bilu Junction, cuts through an American-style shopping mall, passes an Air Force base whose planes pass over the mall, rolls past an Ethiopian village of caravans where four forgotten families still live, and ends at Kibbutz Hulda, which was established in 1907. Through the eyes of the film’s four main characters who live along the highway, we meet an atypical yet realistic cross-section of Israeli society. The road’s physical path is an analogy for the path Zionism has taken. 2000 Director: Yoram Honig Producer: Hizayon Marketing and Advertising Ltd. Length: 24 minutes WE’VE SEEN THAT MOVIE BEFORE ∏π 2000 Director: Yoram Sheffer Producer: Cinema Productions Length: 25 minutes A behind-the-scenes look at the most intensive Israeli male experience – army reserve duty. Through four main characters, the film asks the question: “Why do reserve duty?” It seems that the best reason is being with friends. The film’s director accompanies an IDF Infantry School patrol unit in training. Learning maneuvers in jeeps and shooting (and almost flipping over on the dunes), are four of the least macho men you can imagine: Eyal, 40, is a veteran of the Golani Patrol who works as an editor. Ya’akov, 32, a Golani officer, runs a pool hall. Danny, 38, the company commander, works in a management position for Koor. Eliav, 24, served in Givati and is an architect. These participants have no feelings of being suckers, on the contrary, they enjoy the experience of male bonding that reserve duty provides. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES WHITE ROSA The surreal sight of a religious woman in a long dress and head-covering collecting prostitutes at night from the streets is a familiar one in Bat Yam. Until five years ago, Rosa was a part of that world. This is the story of Rosa Asias, 48, who was a criminal and a drug addict, a denizen of the underworld who served time in prison, found religion, and today rehabilitates drug addicts. Rosa lives between two worlds: her world of lovingkindness where she gives her soul to junkies and dreams of starting a shelter for addicts, and the dilemma of her life with her daughters who cannot forgive her for the years of abandonment and suffering. 2000 Director: Orit Filberg Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel Length: 26 minutes UTOPIA IN THE GALILEE Eight years ago, Ella Jungman, a landscape architect, decided to uproot her family and move to the Upper Galilee. She assembled a group of people from the farms, kibbutzim, Arab villages, development towns, and outposts in the Galilee who meet once a week. These meetings provide an opportunity for the group’s members to express themselves and to create. In effect, she has created a new kind of interaction between Israelis. In comparison with the sectorally divided Israeli society, the group’s activities seem to be an almost impossible fulfilment of the vision of Utopia. π± 2001 Director: Eitan Wetzler Producer: Marisa FerdmanWetzler Length: 27 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES BY THE ROADSIDE 26,000 people have been killed in road accidents since the State of Israel came into being (as opposed to 19,000 who were killed in war). Every month, 50 more families enter the circle of bereavement. This film follows three families in their painful battle for survival and documents the insensitivity of the authorities towards bereaved families. To this day, 2001, no government body has been willing to provide a budget for the Center for Aid to Victims of Road Accidents. The film expresses the pain of these families in the hope that someone will wake up and make a change. 2001 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 25 Minutes DIGITAL DREAMS “Broadserve,” a start-up company, was founded a yearand-a-half ago. Yosi, a businessman who lives in New York, decided to start the firm. He brought in Chen, an exkibbutznik who is uncertain about money, and Yisrael, who is sure he has all the answers. Together they take the road that only one percent survive. This is a film about a small business with dreams of making it big. The film accompanies the developments within the company, the promises, the illusions, the fights and the hopes for success. π≥ 2001 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 27 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES HAREDI DESTINY “Shababnikim” – this is what the Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) society calls its fringe youth. This is a recent phenomenon that includes hundreds of young people. The film documents the lives of Shai and Arik, two “Shababnikim.” Arik, son of an elite Jerusalem family, passes the time doing odd jobs, and Shai, from a Haredi home in B’nei Brak, is out to “find himself.” At the same time the film presents the parents’ point of view, most of whom are ashamed of their sons and consider them a burden and a stain on the family name, who will make it difficult to marry off their other children. 2001 Director: Noam Demsky Producer: Mordi Kershner Length: 26 Minutes WHO CARES? Hundreds of youths run away from home, roam the streets, sleep in the shacks, and steal in order to eat. Maryuma and Dino recently opened a new branch of Beit Hashanti in Tel Aviv, a home for girls who don’t fit in at other institutions. But this is only a small step towards dealing with a growing problem which has no clear solution. πµ 2001 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 24 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES THE GOLDEN QUEEN The film follows four women who compete in a senior citizen’s beauty contest, all of whom were beautiful in their youth and have maintained their beauty over the years. The film, which was shot at the Bayit Bakfar Seniors’ Home, deals with the concept of beauty through the eyes of elderly women. The beauty contest reveals the changes that have taken place recently in the lives of the elderly: free from the responsibilities of making a living and taking care of their children they are ready to begin a new exciting chapter in their lives. 2001 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 25 minutes THE KOSOVO SITUATION Renewed warfare in the Balkans turned the world’s attention back to this war-torn land. This film presents the story of Eli Eliezri, Israeli representative of the Joint Commision in Yugoslavia. The film follows Eli through his activities as a worker for the humanitarian organization in post-war Kosovo, as he works toward the rehabilitation of children and the educational system in a country searching for a new national identity. π∑ 2001 Director and Producer: Doron Tiberg and Gil Izakov Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 SOCIAL PROCESSES WAR GAMES Until recently they were protected in the warm bosom of their family homes, and now they are women soldiers fighting in a territory that until now belonged exclusively to men – war games. The Supreme Court ruling on Alice Miller’s demand for equality opened the door for the placement of women in various “masculine” positions. How do the women get along in these jobs? Which qualities are necessary for their success? Have they adopted male patterns of speech, or have they invented a language for themselves? How do their “masculine” positions affect their ability to function in other aspects of life? 2001 Director: Lizka Assa Producer: Assa Productions Length: 24 minutes NURIT This film tells the story of Nurit Hornstein, daughter of a Jewish mother and a British sergeant who served in Israel in the 1940s. When the State of Israel was founded, the sergeant left the country, promising to return. Nurit was abandoned and put up for adoption. After her foster parents died, Nurit decided to investigate her past and her family. The fim follows her through Israel, England and the U.S. in her two-year search for her roots and the love that was denied her for so many years. ππ 2001 Directors and Producer: Doron Tiberg and Gil Izakov Length: 55 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS יהודים–ערבים JEWS - ARABS SURGEONS This film revolves around two Arab doctors who work in Israeli hospitals. One, Dr. Adel Abu-Tsalah, a Druse from Majdal Shams, who sees himself as a Syrian for all intents and purposes, also treats soldiers who were injured in incidents in southern Lebanon. The other, Dr. Najah Ali Husseini, son of a well-known East-Jerusalem family, is considered one of the leading orthopedic surgeons in Israel. He works at Hadassah Hospital on Mt. Scopus, treating patients of both nationalities. He is loved and accepted by all. 1997 Director: Yael Kipper Zaritzky Producer: Hana Gold-Levkowitz and Itzik Malka Length: 25 minutes BEFORE THE LORD The Sufis are members of an Islamic religious order that believes in mystical aspects of the religion. This film, which includes rare footage of Sufi ceremonies in mosques, presents the story of the members of this community living in Israel through their ceremonies and religious services. The film centers on the story of Sheikh Abu Falestin, the charismatic “guru” who has inflamed his faithful community in Sahnin. ±∞≥ 1997 Director: Anuar Hassan Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS JERUSALEM TAXI A film about the dual identity of Arab taxi drivers in Jerusalem. The film, shot at the Ram HaKirya taxi station on Jaffa Road, deals with the complications the Arab drivers confront in their work, in the shadow of terrorist attacks, peace negotiations, and the opinions of their passengers. The film describes the relations of the drivers with Israelis, on the one hand, and the relations between Israeli Arabs and Arabs from the territories on the other. 1997 Director: Noam Shalev Producer: Nachon Productions Length: 25 minutes LOVE IN EIN KAREM – PART 1 Yosef Kandil, a vegetable vendor in the Mahane Yehuda market, and Yusuf Rahil, who owns a store on Salah A-Din Street in East Jerusalem, are cousins. Yusuf’s mother, Allegra, was born to an ultra-orthodox Jewish family from Jerusalem and married an Arab in 1930. Yosef’s mother was Allegra’s sister. This film is based on the book “Stories of Ein Karem” by Dr. Moshe Amirav, which documents the first meeting between the two cousins. Allegra and her family lived in Ein Karem, in a house which has been turned into a Bible museum. ±∞µ 1998 Director: Yehiel Ne’eman Producer: Vivace Productions Length: 25 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 ANSAR JEWS - ARABS Prisoners of the Intifada Return to the Ansar Prison Camp in the Gaza Strip 1998 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: Two segments of 24 minutes each Rare footage of the Ansar prison camp filmed with a home movie camera was used as the basis of this documentary film which deals with the problem of prisoner release. Itzik Lerner, with the aid of this old footage, located five exprisoners who were arrested for their involvement in the Intifada, and returned with them to the abandoned camp, which was closed down in 1993. The film presents emotional reunions of the former prisoners with the Israeli prison guards, and with lawyer Tamar Peleg, who represented two of the prisoners. THE GATEKEEPER The story of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the holiest site to the Christian faith is interwoven with the stories of its gatekeepers. The gates of the church have been opened and closed for 800 years by a dynasty of guards who have preserved the family tradition since the days of the Crusaders. The film introduces us to the gatekeepers, and through them, to the fascinating history of the site, and to Christianity in general. ±∞∑ 1998 Director: Yair Mauda Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS BRACHA AND MASHA This film documents the special relationship between two elderly, terminally ill Jewish women, whose families have abandoned them, and an Arab male nurse from Tira who adopts them and cares for them in his home. On the one hand it is the story of the two old women who were rejected by their families and await their inevitable end, and on the other hand, it is a fascinating Israeli story of interaction between Jews and Arabs, and the meeting of different faiths, opinions and cultures – a story of the borderline which touches the living tissue of Jewish-Arab relations at the end of the 20th century. 1998 Director: Racheli Schwartz Producer:Topline Communications Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes INTERNAL EXILE A story of unfulfilled love between Na’ama Havkin, a 73year-old Jewish clinical psychologist, and Dr. Haider Abed El Shafi, who was the head of the Palestinian delegation to the Madrid peace talks. Havkin and Abed El Shafi have known each other since the time of the British Mandate, when they were neighbors in Jaffa, and went on excursions and concerts together. Their love affair lasted many years, though they never married. Today, they have a close relationship and meet frequently. ±∞π 1998 Director: Eitan Wetzler Producer: Marisa FerdmanWetzler Length: 25 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS CHARITY IN THE WADI The story of Charity House in the Wadi Salib neighborhood of Haifa, where 18 homeless, ex-cons, junkies and alcoholics, both Jews and Arabs, are being rehabilitated. The film accompanies Kamil Shehada, the Christian Arab who established Charity House, and the experiences of his family living next to people whom society has rejected. The film also presents Shehada’s struggle to save the neighborhood from bulldozers that are razing the area for the construction of a new government building. 1998 Director: Yitzhak Rubin Producer: Taknews Media Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes WAITING FOR THE PRESIDENT President Clinton at the Bethlehem-Efrat Border December 1998 ±±± 1998 Director: Yoram Honig Producer: Nachon Productions Length: 24 minutes During the week of Hanukah, right before Christmas Day, Bethlehem eagerly awaited the visit of U.S. President Bill Clinton. At the Jewish town of Efrat, minutes away, the visit was almost ignored. The film “Waiting for the President” follows the preparations and excitement over President Clinton’s visit and examines the tense relations between the residents of Bethlehem and their Jewish neighbors. While the President lights up the Christmas tree with the American residents of Bethlehem, a family of Jewish immigrants from the U.S. light the Hanukiah in Efrat for the first time in the Holy Land. And they all wait for the President. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS ON THE BORDERLINE The Utman family lives in Beit Tsafafa, on the PalestinianIsraeli border and are faced with difficulties and doubts. Although the family members are college-educated and involved in Israeli society, they experience frustration and prejudice as Palestinians living in Israel. In the same village lives Shukri Allan, a terrorist who was released in the Jubril Agreement. In an interview he tells of the changes he went through from his youth until he was caught in 1970 on his way to execute a terrorist attack in Israel. 1998 Director: Yahaly Gat Producers: Fisher-Gat Productions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes NO-MAN’S LAND Two thousand Israeli Arabs live in Jerusalem today caught between Arabs from East Jerusalem who consider them Israelis, and the Jewish population which does not accept them as Israelis. The film presents this conflict through personal stories, and their different ways of dealing with the question of identity. Dr. Adal Man'a, a resident of an Arab neighborhood in northern Jerusalem, sends his children to the Anglican School. Dr. Zahi Hoori is a leading cardiologist at the Bikur Holim hospital, where he experiences coexistence in his daily life and works toward wiping out prejudice. ±±≥ 1998 Director: Michael Halpern Producer: Message Video Productions Ltd. Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS LOVE IN EIN KAREM – PART 2 - THE HOUSE OF LOVE AND PEACE A continuation of the film “Love in Ein Karem”, which presents the story of forbidden love between Allegra Balu, an ultra-orthodox Jewess, and Jabra Rahil, a Christian Arab before the establishment of the state of Israel. The film documents the changes in the house since the making of the first film, and the relationship formed between the two alienated families. The Rahil couple’s son meets the Balu family’s children for the first time at the Rahils’ home. Faisal Husseini also arrives at the Rahil home, hoping to find there mutual understanding for the future. 1999 Director: Yehiel Ne’eman Producer: Vivace Productions Length: 25 Minutes ALLAH CRIES ±±µ 1998 Director: Ohad Ufaz Producer: April com (1989) Ltd. Length: 24 minutes In February 1996, at the height of the first steps toward implementing the second phase of the Oslo Accords, the director of this film was called to reserve army duty in Ramallah. The country was then paving a series of by-pass roads in the West Bank. The by-pass road around the village Abud was nearing completion. The route was planned to pass through an olive orchard, and it was necessary to uproot 200 olive trees, some of which belonged to Mahmoud Falah, a resident of the village. The director returned to film the finished road, to see if it was safer for the residents of the adjacent settlements to travel on, and whether the lives of the villagers were calmer and freer. He meets Mahmoud and together they discuss the possibility of reconciliation between the two peoples in light of the changes that the peace process has brought to the disputed territories. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS MY DISTANT COUSIN Fifteen years ago, this film’s director made a film about the pen-pal relationship between two girls – Mervet, a Palestinian, and Galit, a Jew. Today they are both young mothers and still write to each other, though less often, and sadly, they do not meet. The film accompanies them in their private lives, and through their eyes we witness the changes that the last 15 years have made in the Palestinian-Israeli problems of war and peace. 1999 Director: Lissa Bodlika Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. and Belle-Helene Productions with the support of INA (France) and Image Plus Length: 53 Minutes THE PAIN ON THE OTHER SIDE High school students from the Arab village of Kfar Yasif in the western Galilee learn about the Holocaust at the Holocaust Museum at Kibbutz Lochamei Hagetaot. At a seminar, which takes place on Sunday, their day off, these young Arabs study the historical facts of the Holocaust and the roots of anti-Semitism in Europe.It is not easy for the students - their identification with the Jews is seen by their parents as a betrayal of the Palestinian people and its suffering. ±±∑ 1999 Director: Michael Halpern Producer: Message Video Productions Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS WINDOW ON THE EAST In the heart of Jerusalem, students from the Kedma school meet with students from Beit Tsafafa High School on an educational project. Yasmin and Dudu from Katamon sit together in the class with Samar and Rami from Beit Tsafafa. Maria, an Israeli-Arab who teaches at Kedma, and has to cope with prejudice, views the project as a professional, cultural, and personal challenge. The film examines the two points different angles, and asks the question: Is it possible to bridge the gaping political abyss between the two neighboring communities? 1999 Director: Roni Ben Yitzhak Producer: Zaygote Films Length: 24 Minutes THE GOLDEN CAGE The story of Immed Saba, who was imprisoned in Megiddo Prison for 20 months for his objection to the Oslo accords. The filmmakers meet with Immed Saba at the Hague in Holland, to which he was exiled “of his own free will”, and where he lives with his wife and daughter on a grant from the Dutch government. Saba is working on a doctorate in political sociology, comparing the activities of bodies in the Palestinian Authority to those in Kazahstan. ±±π 1999 Director and Producer: Yulie Gershtel and Gideon Levi Length: 25 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS NOWHERE ELSE TO GO In October 1948, the IDF entered the village of Ilbon and deported the 600 residents to Lebanon. Six months later they were all allowed to return. In this film, old and young village residents tell their story, among them the captain of the women’s volleyball team “Sparta Ilbon,” winner of the National Cup, as well as soldiers serving in the IDF. The villagers are still waiting for an apology from the Israeli government for the injustice that was done to them. 1999 Director: Pnina Grietzer Producer: P.A. Grietzer Filmakers Length: Two segments of 25 minutes each THE DESERT KNOWS NO BORDERS A Unique Relationship between Jordanians and Israelis in the Southern Arava A group of Jordanians and members of Kibbutz Yotvata initiated a unique project in which the kibbutzniks instructed the Bedouin of the Jordanian Arava desert in the agricultural development of their land. The film documents the relations formed between the neighbors who share the same desert. It turns out that the desert is an excellent place to build neighborly relations. ±≤± 1999 Director: Bat Ami Yogev Producer: Eilat Productions Video T.V. Ltd. Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS WHY DO I NEED POLITICS NOW This film describes the obstacle course facing Musa Alian (Abu Nazzi), the first Arab to run for office in Jerusalem’s municipal elections in 1998. Abu Nazzi, who sought to solve the municipal problems facing the residents of East Jerusalem, became involved in a tough political struggle involving the Palestinian Authority, the Jerusalem right wing, and the 150,000 East Jerusalem voters who boycotted the elections. The promises to the voters, the relations with the authorities and the residents, the reaction of West Jerusalem, and the race in which Abu Nazzi invested $250,000 are documented in this film. 1999 Directors: Yair Mauda and Zvi Yehezkeli Producer: Grufit Communication and Productions Length: 24 minutes RETURNING STOLEN CARS ±≤≥ 1999 Director: Zvi Yehezkeli Producer: Grufit Communication and Productions Length: 25 minutes The rash of cars being stolen from Israel and taken to the Palestinian territories has brought about the establishment of a plethora of companies that specialize in locating stolen vehicles. Cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians who work together to prevent car-theft has created, beyond their work relationships, warm personal ties, such as that between Yair Yifrach and Tarek Zaid. This film documents the work of Yair, field man for a vehicle location company in the territories, who has connections with the Palestinian Authority. His background in security is known to his Palestinian colleagues, and he has warm personal relations with them. Tarek is the top Palestinian officer for the Southern Hebron area. He received his military training in the P.L.O. and in the Lebanon War he was commander of Arafat’s troops in Beirut. Despite their very divergent views, they cooperate for the common cause of stopping car thefts. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS MANAL The story of Manal Amar, a 17-year-old girl from the village of Shfaram, who left her parents’ home and her friends to study at a boarding school for arts and sciences in Jerusalem. This is a story of life on the border between two worlds – the Jewish and the Arab – through which we witness the conflicts faced by Manal. Questions of identity plague her at a school which represents for her an island of tolerance in Israeli society. She finds it hard to stand at attention at Memorial Day ceremonies, for example, since she is an Arab, but is studying at a Jewish school. This is a film about a young Arab girl’s attempt to fit into Israeli society. 1999 Director: Nir Toib Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 25 minutes CINDERELLA OF THE WADI This film documents the preparations at the home of Miss Israel, Rana Raslan, at Wadi Nisnas in Haifa, for her trip to the Miss World competiton in the Caribbean. This will be the first time Rana has ever spent much time away from her family. As an Arab she will have to express an opinion on the Arab-Israeli dispute. How will the Arab beauty queen feel when she stands before the flag bearing the Star of David, while the Israeli anthem is playing, the words of which she doesn’t even know? ±≤µ 1999 Director: Gil Karni Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS PARTNERS 1999 Director: Amir Hargil Producer: Fisher-Gat Productions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes This film documents a rare but possible business partnership between Jews and Arabs, who have merged their source of livelihood and overcome nationalistic schisms and tensions. How they establish mutual coexistence, what is the model we can learn from for reconciling the two peoples living in this country, and how Israeli and Arab society relate to their partnership, are some of the questions the film deals with. It presents the partnerships between Nuri El-Ukbi from Ramle and Sara Elizrov from Netanya, who opened a restaurant at the Carmel market, and Zvika Sadeh and Ihab Kashua, who built an entrepreneurial firm and offer financial counselling. The partnerships, which came about as a result of chance meetings, have experienced difficulties but have succeeded thanks to the owners’ dedication in overcoming obstacles. TAUFIK This film presents the story of Taufik Abu Wahil, an Arab student from Um-El-Fahm, who is studying at the Film and Television department of Tel Aviv University, and is engaged in a struggle against the institution. He is making a provocative film about an Arab male prostitute in Tel Aviv, which the department refuses to allow him to produce. The film follows Taufik through his struggle to obtain permission for his film, part and parcel of his personal struggle against the Israeli society which refuses to accept him. ±≤∑ 1999 Director: Nir Toib Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS PICTURES FROM HOME Israelis and Palestinians aged 15-18 took part in a fivemonth photography course, at the end of which they presented their work in a group exhibition on the concept of “home.” During the course, these young people got to know each other and learned to deal with their preconceptions, despite the tension between them. Most of the participants said that the course was the most significant experience of their lives. Their work was exhibited in Israel, New York and Washington. 1999 Director: Lara Mazawi Producer: Assa Productions Length: 29 minutes DISPUTED LAND ±≤π 2000 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 25 minutes Ze’ev Ashkenazi was one of the founders of the village of Adi in the Galilee. Twenty years later, his grandson Guy attempts to purchase land in the village, but runs into financial difficulties. He turns to the neighboring Arab village which had advertised a tender for the purchase of land – and wins. Guy wants to build his home in the village but the residents make it difficult for him. He finds himself in a similar situation as Farchi, an Arab who wants to live among the residents of Adi. The film reveals the conflict between Israeli-Arab’s and Jews in the Galilee, examines the relationships between man, his land and livelihood, and the behavior of two people fighting for the same piece of land. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS FOLLOWING THE DRUM The darbuka is a simple Arab drum with a long musical history in the East. It has become a popular instrument in Israel. This film illustrates the different aspects of the instrument and the many possibilities it offers. The film features Kobi HaGoel, darbuka player, composer, and builder of percussion instruments. Against the backdrop of the clashes between Arabs and Jews that broke out in 2000, Kobi travelled to the Galilee to meet Arab darbuka players, among the best in Israel. Together they play music and discuss the situation in the country. 2000 Director: Eitan Wetzler Producer: Marisa FerdmanWetzler Length: 25 minutes BUT THE BEST WIN IN NAZARETH In September 2000, the Nazareth Brothers, the city’s soccer team, dropped to last place in the National League. The team comprises Arabs, Jews, and foreigners. Team members Haled, Ashraf, Samir, Duro, Sagi, and Shlomi unfold the story of the team’s struggle from the bottom of the standings up to second place in the league. The players feel like “brothers” and think that politicians should learn a lesson from them. Coach Eli believes that the Nazareth Brothers will continue to represent Arabs and Jews with dignity in these times of uncertainty, confusion and instability in the State of Israel. ±≥± 2000 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: Pakada Films Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 VILLA LEAH JEWS - ARABS A Love Story from the Past, Between an Arab and a Jewess in the Heart of the Rehavia Neighborhood 2000 Director: Yehiel Ne’eman Producer: Vivace Productions Length: 25 minutes In Jerusalem’s Rehavia neighborhood, near Terra Sancta building, stands Villa Leah – a beautiful house surrounded by lush gardens, with a fountain long dry and a wall with two entrances. This house of stone conceals one of Jerusalem’s greatest love stories: the story of Christian Arab lawyer Nassib Abakrious Bey’s powerful love for Leah Tannenbaum, a Jewess from Meah Shearim who was 30 years younger than him. In 1930 the two were married in Alexandria. Abakrious Bey built this magnificent house in Rehavia and for his Jewish wife. The film tells the romantic story of Villa Leah . A DREAM IN WHITE Two young couples prepare for their weddings. One, a Jewish couple from Ramle, the other, an Arab couple, the bride from Tarshicha and the groom from Kfar Yasif. The film follows the two couples as they go through the banal preparations for the magical moment, while looking into the inner truth surrounding the real heroes of the big night – the dreams, the hopes, and the excitement. We discover the world of the young, a combination of the Middle East and the American Dream common to Ramle and Tarshicha. ±≥≥ 2000 Director: Dror Shkolnik Producer: Assa Productions Length: 26 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 A BIRD IN THE HAND JEWS - ARABS The Arab Village of Beit Nekuba in the Judean Hills 2000 Director: Yehuda Litani Producer: Nachon Productions Length: 24 minutes In July 1948, the residents of Beit Nekuba, an Arab village next to Jewish Kiryat Anavim, were forced to leave their homes. Some of the residents left for the West Bank, while others stayed in nearby Abu Ghosh. In the 50’s the settlement authorities decided to build Ein Nekuba on part of the land belonging to Beit Nekuba, to which the residents who had been living in Abu Ghosh returned in the 1960’s, and those who had been living in the West Bank returned in 1967. This is a story of a coexistence that seems impossible in these times, the proof of which lies in the fact that during the uprisings of October 2000, not one incident occurred there. LIVING ON THE MOON The story of Dr. Amar El Zant, a 29-year-old Egyptian working on a post-doctorate in astrophysics at the Technion in Haifa. After two years in Israel he realizes that a wall of misunderstanding still stands between the two countries. In the film, El Zant tells of his father’s experiences as part of the peace delegation to Israel in 1977. We also meet interviewees including professors, friends of El Zant from the physics department at the Technion. The film gives us a rare insight into Egyptian intellectuals and their view of Egyptian-Israeli relations. ±≥µ 2000 Director: Yitzhak Kol Producer: Roll Communications (1998) Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS MEETING IN CYPRUS In July 1999, in the town of Aya-Napa, Cyprus, a four-day inter-faith conference was held between Jews, Christians and Moslems. Among the Jews were religious right-wingers and settlers, while most of the Christians and Moslems were residents of the territories from Bethlehem. The film’s director focused on five Yeshiva graduates from the religiousZionist world. After the four days, some of the participants expressed disappointment, while others had discovered a thing or two about their Arab neighbors. 2000 Director: Avigail Sperber Producer: Avigail Sperber and Shai Davidi Length: 25 Minutes THE AL-ATRASH FAMILY STILL LIVES HERE The Hebron home of Zuhur and Yusuf Al-Atrash, parents of ten children, was destroyed three times. For almost a year they lived in a tent, after the civil authority ordered the destruction of their home, claiming that it was built on agricultural land. The family tried to fight the demolition order, but to no avail. The family’s claims are supported by the Red Cross, the “Cristians for Peace” organization, the “Israeli Council Against Destruction of Housing” and “Guardians of Justice” – Rabbis for human rights. The film documents the relationship between these organizations and the family they are trying to help. ±≥∑ 2000 Director: Tuvi Arbell Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS THE SON’S LEGACY In July 1994, Arik Frankenthal was murdered on the way to his home in Moshav Gamzu by a terrorist cell of the Hamas. Before Arik was murdered, his father Yitzhak Frankenthal was a businessman. His son’s murder changed his life, and today he devotes most of his time and energy to bridging the gap between Israelis and Palestinians. The parents’ group he founded, whose activities are documented in the film, attempts to influence the decision-makers of the political establishment, as well as public opinion on both sides of the issue. In their view, understanding the other side’s pain and problems is the way to bring the two warring sides together and pave the road to peace. 2000 Director: Eitan Wetzler Producer: Marisa FerdmanWetzler Length: 24 Minutes AREA K ±≥π 2000 Director: Nadav Harel and Ramon Blumberg Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel and Evansky Vision Length: 26 minutes According to the Oslo accords and the Wye agreements, Israel controls the Gaza Strip’s marine territories. Between areas K and M, controlled by Israel, lies area L, where fishing is permitted for 2000 Palestinian fishermen. Their main problem is a lack of room for fishing. This situation has lead to a paradoxical system of cooperation between Israelis from the settlement of Dugit and Palestinians from area K: The Palestinian fishermen pay the Israelis to go with them out to sea, while they provide an expert workforce. This has caused a conflict with fishermen from Ashkelon, who claim that the Palestinians are stealing the fish which rightfully belong to them. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS THE SONG OF KABABIR The village of Kababir in Haifa’s Carmel district, established about 200 years ago, is a rare example of Jewish-Arab coexistence. In 1936, a representative of the Ahmadist religious group of Moslem pacifists from India, arrived in the village, and the entire village joined it. During the War of Independence, their Jewish neighbors protected this Arab village. This film tells a story of coexistence from the point of view of Muhammad Zaidan, a poet who makes his living as a taxi driver, who takes us on a tour of Kababir and other locations in the Carmel district. 2000 Director: Yitzhak Rubin Producer: Teknews Media Ltd. Length: 25 minutes UDI ADIV. DAOUD TURKI. The sensational spy story of Udi Adiv from Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, who was accused of spying for Syria. Udi Adiv and members of the Jewish-Arab network headed by Daoud Turki (his controller) were accused of traveling secretly to Damascus, where they planned a Marxist revolution in Israel. Udi Adiv and Daoud Turki were sentenced to 17 years in prison. The film compares the standing of the two in Jewish and Arab society, their lives in the shadow of the past, and the current positions of the two past-partners in ideological struggle, whose opinions have since diverged dramatically. ±¥± 2001 Director: Yitzhak Rubin Producer: Teknews Media Ltd. Length: 52 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 JEWS - ARABS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALESTINE This is the story of two Israelis who have warily followed political events since the Oslo Accords in 1993 until the present day through the Palestinian Soccer Team. The team’s coach is Azmi Nasser, who took a group of kids who played in the sewage-drenched alleys of refugee camps and made them into a source of pride as well as hope for victories over stronger teams. They document the story of the team through Gaza, Qatar, and the El Aktza Intifada. 2001 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: Pakada Films Length: 57 Minutes ±¥≥ THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 מיעוטים MINORITIES MINORITIES A HOUSE IN RAJAR This film revolves around a house in Rajar, the northernmost in the village, which is designated to be returned to Lebanon in accordance with a U.N. decision. The residents of the village are members of the minority Allawi group from Syria, who one day found themselves living in Israel. The Rajar residents are very suspicious towards outsiders and don’t allow strangers into their village. The fact that they belong to a minority group has forced them to maintain a veil of secrecy around their religion and way of life. 1994 Director: Racheli Shwartz Producer: Tel Hai Communication Center Length: 29 minutes A FIST IN THE FACE This film documents the training of the Israeli Boxing Team for adults and youth at the Kfar Yasif boxing club, focusing on three characters: Tufik Bassisi, the “Israeli Rocky” from Shfar’am, is Israel’s hope for the Olympic Gold Medal. He won the Bronze Medal in the European championship. Michael Kozinski is the team trainer, who supplements his income working as a security guard. William Sh’hada is the manager of the Kfar Yasif boxing club. ±¥∑ 1998 Director: Nir Toib Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 MINORITIES THE AL KARA BROTHERS – A DRUSE PROFILE The story of Druse artist, Ovadia Al Kara, son of a prominent Druse family from Daliyat el-Carmel. As a child he worked cleaning gardens for some of Israel’s top artists in nearby Ein Hod. He was entranced by the magic of art with the help of Itche Mambush, and he travelled alone as a young man to Paris, where he studied painting and sculpture. Ovadia Al Kara returned to Israel as a famous artist and built his home at Ein Hod, where he is the only Druse artist. In this film he meets members of the Al Kara clan, an encounter which illustrates the clash between Druse tradition and modern art, and the ensuing schism. 1998 Director: Ekel Sivan Producer: Sivan Productions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes OUR HEARTS ARE IN DANCES The Samaritan community is one of the most mysterious in Israel. The film “Our Hearts are Dances” gives us a rare look at the Samaritans. The film centers around Gadi Tsedaka, once an actor at the Cameri Theatre who now runs a small theatre company with his wife Pnina. The film features two parallel events; a performance of the play “Antigone” by Sophocles at the Tsedaka theatre, and the Passover sacrifices on Mt. Gerizim, a location sacred to the Samaritans. ±¥π 1999 Director: Ohad Ufaz Producer: April Com (1989) Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 MINORITIES CHILDREN’S STORY This film offers us a peek into the lives of two 13-year-old boys from disadvantaged homes in East Jerusalem. Muhammed Shawiki works as a porter like his father, and together they provide for 13 souls. Shadi Sharaona’s parents are divorced and his father is in jail. After school he works in the marketplace with his mother to provide for their family of four. The film reveals what children think about childhood, work, masculinity, and the strength to compete in the marketplace, which they describe as “a jungle full of wolves.” The film sensitively illustrates the two boys’ lives and their dreams for the future. 1999 Director: Suha Araf Producer: T.T.V. Poductions Ltd. Length: 24 Minutes AZAZME – A VANISHING BREED ±µ± 1999 Director: Doron Maigners Producer: Videa Productions and Direction Length: 25 minutes The complex story of the Azazme tribe, a large and prominent Bedouin tribe that lives in the Negev. The Azazme are discriminated against by the Israeli authorities, despite their many sons who serve in combat units in the IDF. Their lands were confiscated and they were settled in one of the most dangerous areas in Israel – Ramat Hovav. Over five years ago, a group of families from the tribe got fed up with their situation and settled near Kibbutz Revivim with government permission. Since then, hundreds more families have joined them. The film presents their untenable situation and pits the tribe’s members against the members of Kibbutz Revivim who have turned to the government for help in solving the problem of the Azazme. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 MINORITIES THE LAST STOP The characters at the heart of this film illustrate the gradual loss of the patriarch’s stature and power in Arab society. Abu-Kamal, 62, lives in a home for the aged. Abu Mustapha Daoud, 94, who lives in the village Daburiah, is surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren who show him love and respect. At the climax of the film, the residents of the home for the aged celebrate the birthday of one of the residents. It seems that progress isn’t always for the best, and that the elderly are happier when they live according to traditional norms. 1999 Director: Suha Araf Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes BISCUITS FROM GAZA Muhammed Talabani works in a fancy air-conditioned office, while outside poverty reigns. It’s hard to believe that such a modern factory is located on the Gaza – Rafiah Road. Talabani runs the biscuit factory which he built with his own hands. In this film he tells the story of his life which began in a refugee camp. Alongside him works Ahmed Sarhi, a division manager. Sarhi and Talabani grew up together in the El-Maza refugee camp. Talabani has beaten the odds and become rich, while Sarhi lives in a poor neighborhood in Deir El-Balah and can barely support his nine children. ±µ≥ 2000 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: Pakada Films Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 MINORITIES THE QUIET ARAB REBELLION Three Israeli-Arab women question their position in the chauvinist-traditionalist society in which they grew up. Nabia, 60, from Kfar Yasif, mother of four daughters, has been active in Israeli feminist groups for 30 years. Makbula, a 27-year-old single social worker, tries to be active from within Arab society. Sophie, who runs a bridal salon, has decided to return to religion. The three women are engaged in an inner struggle between themselves and against the surrounding society. Nabia, Makbula and Sophie describe the cycle their lives are stuck in, as a minority of women in a chauvinist society, as Arabs living in a Jewish country, and as women in general. 2000 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 24 Minutes AS IT SHOULD BE This film centers around Emil, son of a warm Druse family, who finds himself at a crossroads in his life. Emil was born in Nahariya, where he spent nearly all his life: kindergarten, school, army service. Over the course of time, Emil fell in love with a Jewish girl who had returned to religion. At this juncture, Emil has to decide: will he continue with his Jewish girlfriend, or will he give up and return to his family in Peki’in and Druse society? ±µµ 2000 Director: Ilan Yagoda Producer: Multicam Ltd. Length: 38 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 MINORITIES LIKE A BLACK DOT IN THE BIG SEA This film documents the dramatic story of Yihie Elkayan, a Bedouin from a tribe which lives west of Arad. Seven years ago he met Rita, a Jewish girl from Jaffa. Rita and Yihie joined his extended family, but after some time, relations between Yihie and his father Suleiman deteriorated. Suleiman tries to murder his son, and ends up injuring him badly. The father is sentenced to ten years in prison for attempted murder, and the responsibility of providing for the family falls on the son with the family plunging into poverty and starvation. 2000 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: Pakada Films Length: 25 minutes ABED WILL NOT BE A TRACKER This film centers around Abed Al Houashla, a 30-year-old high school graduate and member of the Al Houashla tribe, who operates heavy machinery at the Dead Sea Works. According to him, the harmony which had characterized Israeli Bedouins and Israeli society no longer exists. He expresses his antagonism toward the government by refusing to serve as a tracker in the army like other members of his family. Abed represents the new generation of Bedouins which is rejecting tradition. He lives with his family in the desert, even though he owns an apartment in Dimona . ±µ∑ 2000 Director: Kamil Shiraf Producer: Tuvi Arbell with the support of the Israel Film Service Length: 45 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 MINORITIES DISTANT RELATIONS Riad and Yusuf are brothers-in-law who were born and raised in the town of Tira, near Kfar Saba. They are both fifty years old. Riad always dreamed of becoming a film director. Yusuf was a member of the People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine. He was arrested in 1970 and released in 1985. This film is a dialogue between the brothers-in-law about identity, childhood memories, and dreams. A story of two men from one village who each found a way to fulfill his dreams. The two represent the dilemma of Arabs in Israel today, at the crossroads between war and peace. 2000 Director and Producer: Tzipi Trope with the support of the Israel Film Service Length: 51 minutes SOUTHERN WIND This is the story of Bedouins who lived in the Negev, and as part of an urbanization plan were brought to live in the settlement of Tel Sheva. The film presents the dilemmas they faced and the difficulties they encountered as a result of leaving their traditional tent-dwellings for stone buildings and the modern life. The film focuses on the Bedouins, and on the relations between the residents of Omer and Tel Sheva, two towns only 500 meters apart, yet worlds apart culturally, economically and in terms of their world-view. ±µπ 2000 Director: Yoram Honig Producer: Hizayon Marketing and Advertising (1994) Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 MINORITIES RAMALLAH AT MIDNIGHT Where do young Arabs go for a good time? In Tel Aviv and the big cities they are usually searched thoroughly and refused admittance. But they have found an alternative in Ramallah, the real capital city of the Palestinian Authority, center of entertainment, leisure and culture. Salim Mar’i, an Israeli Arab who has lived for the last few years in Tel Aviv, guides us through the entertainment centers of Ramallah, and asks, why Ramallah? 2000 Director: Tuvi Arbell Producer: Herzeliya United Studios of Israel Length: 24 minutes ±∂± THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 עוליםועליה IMMIGRANTS AND IMMIGRATION IMMIGRANTS & IMMIGRATION CIRCUS OF ILLUSIONS A group of children and youth, immigrants from Ethiopia who had worked in a circus in their homeland, try to bring their skills to Israel. They study at religious schools and dream of turning the little company they created – “The Lions” into a professional performing company. The film accompanies them as they deal with the difficulties of integration and their dream of founding a circus. This is the story of a group of young people who live between two worlds - the world of reality, of poverty and dilapidated caravans, and the world of fantasy, where anything is possible. 1997 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 25 minutes SHALL WE DANCE? The world championship of ballroom dancing for 16 to18year-olds took place in December 1998 in Hungary. Dancers in elegant ballroom gowns and Latin-American dancers in mini-skirts and high heels (the men in tuxedos) are woven into a film that tells the story of the immigration from Russia that brought ballroom dancing, now recognized as an Olympic sport, to Israel. The film features three couples and their families, who came to Israel from Russia. ±∂µ 1998 Director and Producer: Nili Tal Length: 39 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 IMMIGRANTS & IMMIGRATION RED, BLACK, BLUE AND WHITE A Ghetto of Russian Culture in the Florentine District 1998 Director: Duki Dror Producer: Zaygote Films Length: 32 minutes The story of a provocative punk-thrash-ambient-hard rock band, Ausweis, whose members are Russian immigrants who live in a cultural commune in the Florentine district of Tel Aviv. The band’s first concert at Beit Lessin “blew up” following a violent confrontation with punks and skinheads. The members of the band want to live in Israel but can’t integrate into society. Their aesthetic, cultural, and spiritual world derives from the Soviet regime that collapsed during the stormy years of the Perestroika. Andrei Lev, member of the band and an artist who graduated from the Bezalel School of Art, describes the group as “a subculture of the Russian ghetto.” They play together, create together, and live together as a romantic group of immigrants on the fringe of the city and its culture. MY SISTER BANCHIYA This film tells the story of Banchiya, a ten-year-old Ethiopian girl who immigrated to Israel at the age of three with her mother and three sisters. Banchiya and her sisters were sent to a boarding school in Netanya, and half a year later their mother died of an illness. After her death, the Sperber family, a religious family of 12 living in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem adopted Banchiya as their daughter. The film touches on Banchiya’s challenges dealing with white religious society and the big family. Today, Banchiya is confronted with questions of her identity and her loyalty to the Ethiopian community. ±∂∑ 1999 Director: Avigail Sperber Producer: Moshe Alafi Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 IMMIGRANTS & IMMIGRATION RUSSIAN ORCHESTRA An Orchestra made up of Russian Musicians and an Israeli Singer Singer Anna Resnikov was famous in Russia and Japan. She followed her love, pianist and orchestra founder Vadim Altshuler, to Israel. Bassist Victor Nichshein brought his non-Jewish wife. Yotam Shechter, Israeli musician and singer, sings in Russian for Russian audiences despite the fact that he doesn’t speak a word of Russian. This film tells the unusual story of the orchestra, the relationships between the players, and the meaning it has for Israel today. 1999 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: Pakada Films Length: 25 minutes RUNNING FOR THE OLYMPICS This film centers around a group of Ethiopian runners who are participating in a special project at the “Neurim” boarding school. Arcady Scaller, a running coach from the Ukraine, heads the project which prepares runners 15-years of age and up for Olympic competition. We meet Eddy, who dreams of a scholarship to a school abroad, Solomon, who joined the project a few months earlier to make his father happy, and Rafi and Uri, middle-distance runners who are competing for the same spot. Through the training and the relationships between the runners and coach Arcady, the film explores the story of the boys’ acclimatization to Israel and their personal dreams, to “run” to a better place. ±∂π 1999 Director: Avital Koren Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 IMMIGRANTS & IMMIGRATION SECOND CHANCE IN ARAD 2000 Directors and Producers: Jorge Gurewitz and Shlomi Slutzski Length: 24 minutes This is the story of the first year in the development town of Arad for Fernando and Paula Melinski, computer programmer and biochemist who left Argentina, where they lost their jobs, their respect, and their faith in the antiSemitic, poverty-stricken country. The film follows the couple and their two children from November 1999, when they decided to emigrate to Israel, until the end of November 2000, when they themselves help their family that followed them to Israel from Argentina. Thus they complete a cycle that began 100 years ago, when their great-grandparents came to Argentina from Czarist Russia to escape the pogroms and starvation. OLD WIVES’ TALES The story of Ro’i Ingedau, a young man who immigrated from Ethiopia with “Operation Moses.” Ro’i lives in Ramle, and as he waits to be inducted into the army, he knows his opportunities in life are few. He places his hopes in the IDF. He dreams of joining a combat unit and perhaps even trying to get into an elite unit and becoming an officer. His comrades speak of racism and discrimination in the army, and say that an Ethiopian has no chance of success. The film finds Ro’i standing at the crossroads of his life, wondering about his induction and his first steps as a soldier. ±∑± 2000 Director: Tamar Yarom Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel Length: 24 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 IMMIGRANTS & IMMIGRATION HOW DO YOU SAY ‘HELP’ IN HEBREW? 2001 Director: Ayelet Leket Keinan Producer: Ocean Communications Length: 25 minutes Anna and Sonia are new immigrants who were injured in recent terrorist attacks. Anna Krakov was injured in the attack which occurred on the evening of Holocaust Remembrance Day in 1994 in Afula. Anna found a way to overcome her horrific pain by giving endlessly to immigrants like herself. Sonia Notov was injured in the attack on the Bus No. 26 in Jerusalem in 1996, which put an end to her career as a dancer. Sonia didn’t give up, and after a long period of rehabilitation, she returned to dancing. As a result of the hardships of immigrants who went through terror attacks, an organization called Selah was founded, whose goal is to provide every immigrant who has suffered traumatic experiences with the basic needs necessary for his rehabilitation. MY OWN TELENOVELLA ±∑≥ 2001 Director: Jorge (Johanan) Weller Producer: Weller Productions Films and the support of The New Israeli Found for T.V. Cinema & The Shalem Fund Length: 67 minutes “In this film, I go on an personal journey to visit the family I left behind 22 years ago when I immigrated from Argentina. For two weeks I stayed with my family in the city where I was born, I breathed the smell of neglect and pain which arose from the walls, and absorbed the loneliness in which my relatives’ lives were shrouded. Then I brought them back with me to Israel. I suppose I hoped they would live near me, that they would stay in Ra’anana. I suppose I hoped to bring my children a grandfather and aunts, like all their friends have.” THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 IMMIGRANTS & IMMIGRATION YEVGENY’S FILM Yevgeny Gobstein immigrated from the former USSR and served as an ambulance driver in the IDF. In 1996 he was injured by shrapnel from a roadside mine in Lebanon and was paralyzed from the neck down. Yevgeny would like to tell his life story through a film about his life. He lies in bed at home, paralyzed but fully conscious, breathing through an artificial respirator at the side of his bed. He doesn’t come across as sad or depressed, but fills his life with meaning and always sets himself new goals. 2001 Director: Doron Maigners Producer: Videa Productions and Direction Length: 26 minutes ±∑µ THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 צבאוביטחון THE MILITARY AND SECURITY THE MILITARY & SECURITY IF THEY DIDN’T SAY IT’S PERMITTED IT MUST BE FORBIDDEN “The Guardian’s Ranch” is a basic-training camp for soldiers from underpriveleged backgrounds, most of whom are considered delinquents. The film tells the story of the ranch, the young men who train there, and their daily struggle, in the light of their difficult backgrounds. In the final analysis, “The Guardian’s Ranch” serves to save these young men from a life of crime. 1997 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: Shavit United Studios Ltd. Length: 25 Minutes BEFORE LIFE BEGAN This film centers around the tragic story of Suleiman Hirbawi, a Druse policeman who served in the Bomb Squad, who lost his eyesight to a bomb that had been planted by the Jewish Underground fifteen years earlier. At the time, Hirbawi announced from his bed in Hadassah Hospital that he felt no anger or need for vengeance. Today, from his chair in the Acco Police telephone exchange, Hirbawi expresses his anger at the country that betrayed him and the Underground members who were pardoned. The film also portrays the plight of the Druse community. ±∑π 1998 Director: Rami Rodan Producer: R.A.R. Misgav-am Productions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE MILITARY & SECURITY THE BARRIER This film examines one of the central aspects of Israeli society – military service. It is an exclusive, ground-breaking documentary of the entire period of service of a paratroop unit, from their acceptance to the unit and breaking-in period in 1995 through their daily struggles and the difficult missions they are called on to perform. The central feature of the film is the death of three Palestinians at the Tarkumia roadblock and the chain of events that followed. 1998 Director: Nir Toib and Gil Izakov Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 58 Minutes CHINA FARM – THE UNTOLD STORY ±∏± 1999 Director: Nir Toib Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. Length: 61 minutes For the first time, the paratroopers of Unit 101, who took part in the counter-attack on China Farm during the Yom Kippur War, tell of their traumatic experiences and painful memories fighting against the Egyptian army’s Second Division. The film features interviews with some of the soldiers – Regiment Commander Natan Shunri; Noah Kinnerati, who lost his son in the Lebanon War; Dr. Naftali Hadas, who received a decoration for his actions in combat; Aharaleh Toib; Yoram Nahari, recipient of a medal for excellence in combat; and Ilan Weiner, who served as an army paramedic. This film documents a slice of history heretofore unknown. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE MILITARY & SECURITY LEBANON, THE CHILDRENS’ CHANNEL A father documents his son who is serving in Lebanon. In real time, as a “field reporter,” he brings in chilling reports from the beginning of the war until the end of his son’s term of service. The film deals with the questions of soldiers as children, Israel’s identity as a “land of mourning” and the struggle of the bereaved mothers of winter 1998. The film includes interviews with politicians and top military officers. The main conclusion of this document is that “Lebanon is no more than an item for the media, and today, perhaps, a political issue for election campaigns.” 1999 Director: Haim Tal Producer: Tal Heksherim Productions Ltd. Length: Two segments of 26 minutes each THE LAST SHELL Director Ziv Kannari’s peers from kibbutzim Gadot, Mahanayim and Tel Katzir spent the Six-Day War as children in bomb shelters, and know the fear of war. Their parents’ generation fought in that war, whereas their own children, among them Adam Kannari, the director’s son, know nothing of living under “the Syrian threat.” This film looks at the 32 years that have passed since the Six-Day War through the eyes of three generations, and describes the statusquo which is expected to come about as a result of the impending peace treaty with Syria. ±∏≥ 1999 Director: Ziv Kannari Producer: Highlight Films Ltd. Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE MILITARY & SECURITY TAIL OF THE CANNON-BALL 2000 Director: Dubi Kroituro Producer: Nachon Production Length: Two segments of 26 minutes each A military historian and a film director investigate the veil of secrecy surrounding the controversial battle at Tel Motila near the Kinneret. The battle took place in May 1951 between Israel’s Golani troops and a Syrian fighting unit. Although the battle’s goal was achieved, it is considered one of the biggest blunders in IDF history. Reports of the battle were purposely blurred in order to cover up an another tragedy that occurred during brigade exercises, the victims of which had their names added to the list of battle casualties. Why were these soldiers’ names played with? Why weren’t their families notified? This film deals with the collective military memory and its way of dealing with bereavement from an entirely new angle. AT THE TOP OF THE HILL STANDS A SOLDIER The generals in the IDF who regularly go into politics after their retirement from the army are the subject of this film, which asks the question: What qualifies them to be generals? By what criteria of success or failure are these high-ranking officers judged? The film reveals the fact that the IDF lacks any criteria to judge its generals, and all are seen as “winners.” On the other hand, lower-ranking officers and fighters are considered responsible for mistakes and losses. In reality, there is no public body responsible for the criticism and censure of the Defense Establishment. ±∏µ 2000 Director: Haim Tal Producer: Tal Heksherim Productions Ltd. Length: Two segments of 25 minutes each THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE MILITARY & SECURITY THE ARROW Directors: Haim Tal and Michael Horak Producer: G.N. Communication Ltd. At the height of the El Aksa Intifada, the Israeli Defense establishment reported on a new stage of operations for the Arrow anti-ballistic missile. Is the Arrow a huge waste of resources and a threat to Israel’s future, as Reuven Pedahtsur claims, or is it an amazing realization of the Zionist vision? The Arrow’s developers recount the missile’s advantages while its detracters claim that the project is an engineer’s caprice that was forced on the Ministry of Defense. How can the public decide if it is truly being protected? The film presents possible scenarios for the coming war, accompanied by interviews with top personnel at the Ministry of Defense and critics of the Arrow’s development plan. with the support of EO International and VRT Length: 52 minutes ±∏∑ THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 דיוקנאות PERSONAL PROFILES PERSONAL PROFILES ABU SHARBAT The Story of a Traditionalist Communist Journalist Moshe “Musa” Huri is the hero of the documentary film “Abu Sharbat.” Huri is a man of contradictions. His capitalistic lifestyle stands in direct opposition to his longstanding involvement with the Communist Chadash Party. The film presents Abu Sharbat’s political career of more than fifty years, a career fraught with struggle against the hatred of the government on one hand, and the alienation of society on the other, with no chance of advancement within the party. 1998 Director: Doron Maigners Producer: Vedea Productions and Direction Length: 25 minutes MR. DIRECTOR Television personality Rafik Halabi is the hero of this film, which presents his conflict as a success-oriented outsider in Israeli society. He fights tooth and nail against both the Druse and the Israeli establishment. The film follows Halabi through his work on television and at home in Daliyat ElCarmel during the period when he won the Sokolow Prize for Journalism. Halabi reveals his roots in his home town, his father’s influence on him and his relationship with his children, and presents his work in the Israeli media. ±π± 1998 Director: Eyal Zaid Producers: Hana Gold-Levkowitz and Itzik Malka Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PERSONAL PROFILES THE GUARD FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES Only one man is familiar with every grave in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives, the oldest Jewish cemetery on earth: Abed Siad, the cemetery’s guard, a Moslem resident of A-Tur in East Jerusalem. This film focuses on the story of Abed and his unique personality. He is a devout Moslem, but has taken on certain Jewish beliefs, such as the coming of the Messiah and the resurrection of the dead. He knows each grave by heart and even the Chevra Kadisha’s computer can’t compete with him. 1998 Director: Yehiel Ne’eman Producer: Vivace Productions Length: 24 minutes NOT A CLASSIC CASE Shmuel Toledano, orientalist, Mossad agent, and ex-Knesset member, returns in this film to the scene of his childhood in Tiberias and its environs. There he tells of neighborly relations with Arab neighbors and meets friends who participated with him in the project for immigration to Israel from North Africa under the auspices of the Mossad. Toledano was an advisor in Arab relations to Prime Minister Golda Meir and was among the advocates of the cancellation of military rule over Arab settlements in Israel. His unique character and his approach to Israeli Arabs and the Palestinian conflict are presented in this film through historical events in the State of Israel. ±π≥ 1998 Director: Noam Shalev Producer: Nachon Productions Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PERSONAL PROFILES THE FIRST ARAB REFEREE Daoud Suhil was appointed in 1973 as the first Arab soccer referee in Israel, and with the years became one of the most influential people in Israeli soccer. In 1995 he refereed at the Cup Finals, and was chosen as Referee of the Year by the Israeli press. The story of Daoud Suhil, a Christian Arab from Kfar Yasif, is a microcosm of the story of the Arab community in Israeli society. A story of education, sports, will-power, and hope for a better future. 1999 Director: Israel Rozner Producer: Promo Video Poductions Ltd. Length: 25 minutes MEILECH IN FLESH AND BLOOD This film attempts to understand the complicated personality of Rabbi Elimelech Fuerer – a phenomenon and autodidact in many fields of medicine, who puts the good of the people before his personal needs. A portrait of a unique man who doesn’t claim to be any more than he thinks of himself: Meilech from B’nei Brak. The film follows Rabbi Fuerer as he offers advice to the many specialists who come to him daily, his modest family life, and accompanies him in his various personal encounters. ±πµ 1999 Director: Yoram Shartok Producer: Omer Productions Length: 25 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PERSONAL PROFILES SMOKE SCREEN A Journey into the Musical World of Ariel Zilber Ariel Zilber, composer of many Israeli rock classics, has spent the last five years creating sounds influenced by Arabic music. This film documents three days of work on the music, rehearsals at his home, and a performance at the Tzavta club. Zilber’s performance of the song “Smoke Screen” on the Dudu Topaz television show creates an ironic contrast between the obsessive, uncompromising musician and the “King of the Ratings”.”Smoke Screen” is a film about a musical labor of love in a ratings-obsessed culture. 1999 Director: Yigal Burshtein Producer: Osnat Trabelsi Length: 48 Minutes SAMAH CANAAN This film tells the story of Samah Canaan, who was born in Shechem (Nablus) to a Jewish mother and a Moslem father, spent 17 years in an Israeli prison for opposing the Israeli occupation, and today serves as second-in-command to Jibril Rajoub, Head of Preventive Security in Judea and Samaria. In the film, Samah Canaan meets with his mother, an Arabic-speaking Jewess who lives in Shechem and recalls the events surrounding the opening of the Western Wall tunnel in September 1996. The film presents the unique character of Samah Canaan, an optimist who strives for peace. ±π∑ 1999 Director: Zvi Yehezkeli Producer: Grufit Communication & Productions Length: 25 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PERSONAL PROFILES FOOTPRINTS OF REALITY This story of photographer Mickie Kartzman’s work during the Intifada, and his involvement as the son of a family that lived through the military regime in Argentina, illustrates the connection between photography and reality. In the film, Kartzman explains his work in the occupied territories with his colleague, “Ha’aretz” journalist Gideon Levi, meets with his parents and his daughters, and most importantly, reveals his relationship with the camera through which he sees and expresses himself. 1999 Director and Producer: Avital Koren Length: 24 Minutes ATTORNEY WITHOUT BORDERS The film “Attorney Without Borders” documents the life work of attorney-at-law Leah Tsemel, who fights for the rights of the Palestinian people. Tsemel has been fighting windmills for 25 years, and while the Israelis see her as an enemy of the people, Hanan Ashrawi considers her a dear friend. The film documents her achievements up to this day, among them receiving President Mitterand’s Peace Prize, and the difficulties she encounters, both from the Israelis and the Palestinians. ±ππ 1999 Director: Itzik Lerner Producer: Pakada Films Length: 24 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PERSONAL PROFILES DAVID GRANIT – OFFICER AND GENTLEMAN This film tells the story of the life and death of First Lieutenant David Granit, son of Menahem and Na’ama, who grew up in Ofra, a liberal settlement and an example of broadmindedness. During military service as a paratrooper officer, he was killed in Lebanon. David, whose unique personality combined the nationalistic religiosity of a settler with tolerance of the non-religious, is memorialized by family and close friends in special ways that typify his personality. 2000 Director: Ekel Sivan Producer: Sivan Productions Ltd. Length: 43 minutes AIID EL ADAM This film is a portrait of Basam Aiid, one of the most controversial fighters for human rights in the Middle East. Basam Aiid worked for about six years as investigator for the pro-tolerance organization “B’tselem.” In 1996 Basam Aiid was kidnapped by the Palestinian Secret Service and was released only as a result of massive international pressure. About two years ago, the Palestinian refugee from Shu’afat founded an organization called “The Palestinian Group for Overseeing Human Rights.” He has become one of the most influential men in the West Bank. ≤∞± 2000 Director: Duki Dror Producer: Zaygote Films Length: 24 Minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PERSONAL PROFILES A BIRD BETWEEN CONTINENTS This is the story of the poet Erez Biton. Biton, a native of Algiers, now in his fifties. Biton was injured as a child in the city of Lod by a grenade left behind by Arabs. He lost his left hand and his eyesight. At a boarding school in Jerusalem he formed his world-view: direct interaction with the sighted and hunger for education and artistic expression through poetry. This approach may explain his motivation in being involved in politics, culture, and art. 2001 Director: Yaniv Tal Producer: Eli Hakim with the support of the Shiri Levinger Fund Length: 29 minutes ≤∞≥ THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 ימיםמיוחדים SPECIAL DAYS HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS GREENBOIM’S SON ≤∞∑ 2002 Director: Duby Kroituro Producer: 2 Shot films Length: 53 minutes The father, Yitzhak Greenboim, was the head of the rescue committee of the Jews in Israel during the Holocaust. At the same time, his son Eliezer was a Kapo at AuschwitzBirkenau. According to the testimonies of Holocaust survivors, the younger Greenboim was a cruel Kapo, a Nazi collaborator, and a Jew-hater. After the war, Eliezer Greenboim came to Israel and fell in love with Stefa Rosenzweig, a survivor of Auschwitz. When the War of Independence broke out, he joined the army and fell in the battle for Ramat Rachel. That very day, flyers were distributed in Jerusalem claiming that the evil Greenboim was murdered by an avenging Jew who identified him as the Kapo from the camps. “Greenboim’s Son” documents the journey of his nephew Mati Greenboim to the hell of the death camps. Sixty years later, he searches for the truth. He listens to the survivors and looks for testimonies and documents, certain that he can clear the name of his Kapo uncle. BEYOND TEARS 2002 Director: Hedva Galili-Smolinski Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. Length: 51 minutes This film focuses on a group of creative artists who were prisoners in concentration camps and who expressed their reactions to the continued horrors through black humor, caricature, irony and satire. A minority among them survived; most were sent to their deaths. Their work reflected the artists’ opposition to the inhuman acts of the Nazis during the Holocaust. The film introduces us to some of the artists: Zvi Kanar, pantomimist; Erich Laskly, painter; Ya’akov Zim, caricature artist; Aryeh Ben-Menahem, collage artist; and Yosef Bau, artist, animator and caricaturist. The association between the Holocaust and humor prompts immediate resistance. But those who survived the camps and their horrors acknowledge that imagination, humor and creativity enabled them to survive and to retain their humanity, not only as a means of self-protection, but also as a spiritual weapon against their oppressors. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS GAON AND MICHAELI ≤∞π 2002 Director: Netanel Semarik Producer: Netanel Semarik with the support of Keshet Length: 50 minutes A talk-show on Holocaust Memorial Day moderated by Merav Michaeli and Yehoram Gaon – two hosts who represent polar opposites of Israeli society. On the program they interviewed guests who made outstanding contributions in the fields of social action, economics and the military in the year 2002. Moments before the beginning of Israel’s 54th Independence Day, the question is asked, “What does it mean to be an Israeli today?” Among the guests: General Aharon Ze’evi-Farkash, head of Israeli military intelligence, Yossi Ofir, a recently fired high-tech employee, Ilite Shmueli a mother of a disabled girl, who was among the leaders of the demonstrators for the rights of the disabled. IN THOSE DAYS AT THIS TIME Nine short films about Jewish communities during the Holocaust. A representative of each community tells his moving story about the community. These survivors, against a background of photographic images, speak of their memories of the Holocaust. Hela Rufeisen – Cracow, Poland Moshe Ziv – Mishkolz, Hungary Karla Raveh – Lemgo, Germany Haim Rafael – Saloniki, Greece Shoshana Evron – Florence, Italy 2002 Director: Amir Gera Producer: Gera Productions Length of each segment: 10 minutes Dan Reese – Vienna, Austria Leah Zonnenshein – Amsterdam, Holland Lily Taho – Levov, Poland Hanna Tesler – Malkopania, Czechoslavakia THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS LAND OF THE WOLVES 2003 Director: Gili Gaon Producer: Haim Slutzki, Afikei Communications Ltd. Length: 57 minutes General (Res.) Yossi Peled was born Jefke Mendelevitch during WWII in Antwerp, Belgium. At the age of six months he was sent, along with his two older sisters, to the home of a Christian family, where they lived as Christians for six years. Later, with the help of the Jewish Brigade, they immigrated to Israel and settled at Kibbutz Negba. This film tells the life story of the very Israeli General Yossi Peled. He and his son Orr travel to Antwerp, visit all the places where he grew up, and there, for the first time, he decides to investigate the lives of his mother and father who died at Auschwitz, and discovers that the greatest trauma of his life actually took place in Israel. BIRTHDAY PARTY A film about the annual gathering of 25 survivors of the Kovna Ghetto, the “kids” who survived Auschwitz and the war. Every May 5, these survivors assemble for what they call a “birthday party,” since that was the date of their rebirth. The film attempts to decipher the mystery of the children’s ability to survive, and to explain how their collective strength protected them. Some of the survivors prefer not to stay in touch, while for others the annual meeting helps them continue with their lives. 2003 Director: Ruth Walk Producer: Yael Perlov with the support of Keshet, Makor Fund, Nik Media-Netherlands, Cinema Project ≤±± Length: 64 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 The scene: a cafe, Tel Aviv, 1944. Andrei, rising star in the Polish-language theater and Auschwitz survivor, interrupts a gloomy conversation about the sugar shortage and shakes the foundations of the cafe’s daily routine. The cafe owners’ daughter Alma falls in love with him. At the same time, his lover from the past, also an actress, who has come to bring Andrei back to Europe, arrives at the cafe in search of him. Over the course of 24 hours, the lives of Andrei and the denizens of the cafe are changed. 2002 Script: Gabriel Bibliovitch and Ran Sarig (Chelvitch) Director: Gabriel Bibliovitch Producers: Buzz Television Ltd. and Fnuk Featuring: Kyril Sponov, Yosef Fichchazda, Yamit Sol, Agnishka Wagner, Dori Tepper, Alex Anski, Yisrael Brite, Ayala Verta with the support of Film Project, Cinema Project. Length: 38 minutes (short version) 43 minutes (long version) HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS FOOLISH ME - DRAMA ≤±≥ THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 IDF MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS WE THOUGHT WE WOULDN’T CRY ANY MORE ≤±µ Ehud Manor, radio personality and songwriter, lost his brother in the War of Attrition. In his memory he wrote the song “My Little Brother Yehuda” – and named his son after him, although he cannot bring himself to pronounce his name, and instead calls him by his nickname “Yadi.” Ehud Manor is interested in new methods of memorialization. He accompanies three families who are going through the commemoration process of their dead and examines their meanings. He tries to see how they enable the families to continue with their lives while preserving the memory of the departed. 2002 Director: Nitza Gonen Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. Length: 26 minutes EVERY DAY I DIE FOR YOU AGAIN... 2002 Director: Orna Ben-Dor Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel Ltd. Length: 26 minutes This film centers around three writers and three poems. The writers and the poems have become memorial candles in the Israeli process of bereavement. Each writer has a personal story which gave birth to his poem. Natan Yonatan, a bereaved father, dedicated scores of his poems to the memory of his son Lior. Ali Mohar, army buddy of Yoram Bialer, dedicated his poem “Yoram” to him. Yoni Ro’eh, childhood friend of Chen Barod, dedicated the song “The Fruit of Your Garden” to Chen and his mother. Yehoram Gaon, Ali Mohar and Yoni Ro’eh perform the songs. The film features three meetings between the families of the fallen soldiers and the songs’ creators and performers. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 IDF MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS THE HILL IN RED 2002 Director: Ido Sela Producer: Goren Productions Ltd. Length: 49 minutes PREMIERE – DRAMA 2002 Script: Moish Goldberg based on an idea by Hagai Levi Director: Hagai Levi Producer: Sheleg Productions ≤±∑ During the Six-Day War, on the battlefield at the foot of Tel Fahar in the northern Golan Heights, Regiment 12 of the Golani Brigade lost most of its soldiers and officers. The battle was bloody, a succession of improvised, courageous deeds. In hindsight, the fighters say the outcome of the battle was foreseen. The battle at Tel Fahar left behind a pained, mourning, broken unit. Yet, for the soldiers who survived – most of whom were new immigrants from eastern Europe and north Africa – Tel Fahar was the baptism of fire which branded them with their Israeli identity, and endowed them with a feeling of equality with the native Israeli soldiers they fought beside. The Golani Brigade has a long and proud legacy, but the battle at Tel Fahar has a central, almost legendary place in the molding of the selfimage of the brigade’s soldiers and officers. with the support of Cinema Project Length: 32 minutes Roni and Sigal, a couple in their early forties, meet with an IDF officer regarding the investigation into the death of their first-born son, Ro’i, who was killed less than a year ago. While they wait, the father realizes that they are going to be watching a film which reenacts their son’s death in a tank accident. They meet a young soldier, the director of the film, and through him they learn about the IDF’s “bereavement industry” in general, and the death of their son in particular. While the mother indulges her fervent search for the truth, the father tries, in his way, to go on with his life. Over the course of half an hour in their lives, we are exposed to their different reactions to bereavement and the changes in their relationship as a result of their encounter with death. Featuring: Dan Toren, Keren Mor, Eli Altonio, Riki Blich THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE FALLEN IDF MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS An IDF Memorial Day talk-show hosted by Kobi Meidan. ≤±π Three women are guests in the studio: Shuli Muallem, wife of Lt. Colonel Moshe Muallem who was killed in the helicopters tragedy; Keren Cohen, whose twin brother, Or, was killed in Lebanon; and Ophira Rotem, an ex-officer in the IDF whose son, Oren, a soldier, was killed in a road accident. Kobi Meidan discusses with the guests the concept of “the fallen” and its personal and collective significance for them, on this day and throughout the year. 2002 Director: Adi Binyaminov Producer: Meter Plus Length: 47 minutes IMAGES OF WAR Seven short films, all composed of stills by various photographers. Each film describes the story of war, soldiers, and memorials since the founding of the state of Israel. All of the stories, the memories and the tragedies, are presented against a backdrop of still shots taken by photographers on the battlefield and the headlines of the times. The names of the films: Memorials, War, Portraits, The War of Independence, The Six-Day War, The Yom Kippur War, The Peace for Galilee War. 2002 Director: Reuven Hecker Producer: Amythos Films Length of each segment: 7 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 2003 Director: Uri Shine Producer: Assa Productions Length: 49 minutes The story of the “Eitan” unit for the location of missing IDF soldiers – a unit that deals with the gathering of intelligence information and terrorist activity in Arab countries. The film uncovers, for the first time, the activities and the contribution made by the men of this unit, through an investigation held by two of its soldiers who were sent to locate two missing soldiers from the War of Independence. The missing soldiers were discovered and kidnapped while on a mission, and their place of burial is still uncertain. The families of the missing soldiers, 50 years later, have requested the opening of unmarked graves in order to verify their sons’ burial in these graves, while the authorities and the military establishment are not cooperative. IDF MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL DAYS CODE-NAME AL-HUSSEINI ≤≤± THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 2003 Director: Avi Hemi based on an idea by Yael Friedman Producer: Idan Regev Productions Length: 52 minutes “A German passport will allow me to run away when the town burns down... for the kids, you understand.” Quietly, each for himself, without ceremony or pointless talk, many Israelis, second- or third-generation Holocaust survivors, are applying for “insurance policies” – German, Austrian, Czech, Hungarian or Polish passports. They are eligible for citizenship as a result of their parents’ or grandparents’ status as war refugees. History repeats itself in the increasingly sad and ironic story of Israelis who dream of returning to the “safe and open arms” of Europe. The film “When the Town Burns Down” presents relevant questions about Israeli and Jewish identity today. Through the protagonists’ personal stories the film illustrates the cycle of Jewish history, which could lead, albeit in a hidden and subtle way, to the destruction of the Third Temple. TISHA BE’AV SPECIAL DAYS WHEN THE TOWN BURNS DOWN ≤≤≥ THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 YOM KIPPUR SPECIAL DAYS THE SILENCE OF THE SIRENS – DRAMA 2003 Script: Moti Lerner Director: Ori Inbar Producer: Riki Shelah Productions with the support of Makor Fund and Telad Length: 70 minutes SEVEN 2003 Director: Chen Shelah Producer: Micha Livneh ≤≤µ A drama marking the 30th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, illustrating the political and military decision-making processes which came before the war that took the Israeli military by surprise and threatened the existence of the State of Israel. The plot centers on the two weeks before the war broke out, when most of the military leaders were convinced that the possibility of war was slight, despite intelligence from the Arab nations to the contrary. Along with the developments in the office of the Chief of Staff are presented the deliberations of the Agranat Committee. Featuring Assi Dayan as Moshe Dayan, Ruth Geller as Golda Meir, Gil Frank as David “Dado” Elazar, Natan Datner as Eli Zeira, Yoram Hatab as the Intelligence officer who warns of the impending war, Eitan Lundner as his superior who ignores his warnings, Ilan Ganani as the Intelligence officer who is undecided about the chances of war breaking out, and Eran Amihai as King Hussein. On June 6, 1973, 130 members of Kibbutz Mizra were mobilized in the space of a few hours. That evening, the kibbutz decided to establish an emergency committee that would run the kibbutz through the days of crisis. From that moment, the secretary of the kibbutz kept an exact record of the events that occurred on the kibbutz. As line after line of the secretariat protocol unfolds, so does the human drama of Israel behind the lines of battle. Within ten days Kibbutz Mizra lost seven of its members and sons. Others were injured. Each day, sometimes twice a day, the homefront commander arrived with bitter news. The film tells of the days of war on the kibbutz and focuses on the central figures of the bereaved families and the people who filled the key positions on the kibbutz. with the support of Reshet Length: 50 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 YOM KIPPUR SPECIAL DAYS BROTHERS IN ARMS 2003 Story Directors: Daviv Ofek and Shiri Zur Producer: Eden Productions This program revolves around three stories. In each one the protagonist attempts to locate a person who played a meaningful role in his life during the war, but whose name he doesn’t know. They are aided in their attempt to solve the mysteries by portrait artist Gil Gibli, who awakens memories for the protagonists and draws portraits of people whose names and identities are unknown. The stories are drawn from different aspects of the war and are varied in character. The program is packaged as a studio program and combines documentary films with meetings between the protagonists and the people they were searching for. with the support of Keshet Length: 54 minutes PHOTOGRAPHS OF WAR A documentary series comprised of two programs and 18 short films. The series is based on stills by photographer Micha Baram from the time of the war, when he served in the IDF spokesman’s bureau. The two programs present the stories behind Baram’s photos, alongside interviews with soldiers and families who lost their loved ones. The short films are based on war-time newspaper headlines, which, when combined with the photos, tell the human stories behind the headlines. 2003 Director: Micha Shagrir Producer: Tapuz Communications with the support of Channel 10 ≤≤∑ Length of each program: 30 minutes Length of each short film: 5 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 סדרות PROGRAMS INTIMATE REPORT A series of cultural documentary programs. PROGRAMS Each program features an Israeli artist on a journey through his cultural points of reference. The artist relates to current cultural events from his own personal point of view. The artists come from different parts of the country, the center and the periphery, religious and secular, Jews and Arabs, natives and new immigrants. Each artist presents his own creative style within the spiritual Israeli experience. They provide a new, original perspective on Israeli society and local culture, through which we can learn about the creative process in Israel, trends in society, different ways of life and means of self-expression, about barriers and difficulties, and personal preferences in the various fields of work. Altogether there are 25 programs, each from 30 to 40 minutes long. ≤≥± First season: 2001 Second season: 2002 Third season: 2003 Content Editors: Yair Garbuz, Orna BenDor and Shimon Adaf Directors: Orna Ben-Dor, Tamar Barkai, Ami Tir, Ran Landau, Nati Adler, Doron Zabari Producer: Herzelia United Studios of Israel Participants, first season: David Ofek and Yossi Madmoni Muhammed Bachri Hanna Maron Ronit Matalon Ro’i Rosen Hemi Rudner Sigalit Landau Yisrael Brite Yisrael Harel Haim Be’er THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY Participants, second season: Shaul Bibi Tzvia Greenfeld Eran Tzur Efrat Mishori Avigdor Feldman Eliezer Zonenshein Alona Kimchi Amir Benayun Bambi Sheleg Yehoshua Sobol Participants, third season: Dan Benaya-Seri Jackie Levi Dr. Meir Buzaglo Michal Ne’eman Shaanan Street CATALOG 1999 - 2003 CULTURE SUPPLEMENT A series of documentary programs hosted by journalist Dov Alfon. PROGRAMS The program is based on the theory that between any two given people on earth there exists a system of connections of six degrees at the most, which they have in common. The program moves from interviewee to interviewee through the use of similarities in subject and context. Each program is devoted to a central issue of Israeli cultural and social life, and each subject provides a focal point for discussion with the various interviewees. On “Culture Supplement,” Israeli culture becomes a microcosm of human culture – a complex of subtleties, schools of thought, flavors and colors. It encompasses East and West, the religious and the secular, mainstream art and alternative art, the private and the public, the individual and society at large. Host: Dov Alfon, journalist and editor of the “Ha’aretz” newspaper, founder and editor of the “Gallery” and “Captain Internet” supplements. In recent years he has worked as the “Ha’aretz” correspondent in Paris, and at present he edits the magazine “The Marker.” Altogether there are 15 programs, each from 30 to 40 minutes long. First season: Second season: Editor: Directors: ≤≥≥ Producer: 2002 2003 Irit Dolev Danny Sirkin, Idan Levi, Gabi Bibliovitch, Shaul Betzer J.C.S. Productions Ltd. Subjects of the first season: The Spirit of the Times Feelings of Guilt Misunderstandings Materials Language Money Chutzpah The Body Place Pioneering THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY Subjects of the second season: The New Patriotism Escapism Borders Consensus America CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS ZOOM A cultural documentary series with a modern, fast-paced approach, which deals with Israeli culture in the broadest sense of the phrase. Daring messages are presented through the use of the best tools of the television medium, both visual and idea-based. Each program illuminates a subject from unusual angles, through an original, colorful, kinetic style of presentation. The program deals with subjects we are exposed to every minute of every day but don’t take the time to notice. “Zoom” brings to the screen touching statements and messages that are likely to change our attitudes. Altogether there are 52 programs, each 2540 minutes long, presented by creative young directors. 1999 - 2000 Producer: Roll Communications (1992) Ltd. Program subjects: The Young and the Restless; The Other Side of the Tracks; Girls and Boys; Cool; Donky; Drugs and Technology; Without Freedom; Peeping; Sexuality in Sports; The Land of Nod; Grown-up Games; Hotels; The Russian Mafia; Witches; Artificial Limbs; Hey Baby; Maps; Hitch-hiking; Baldness; Pain; White Lies and Black Lies; Religion and Art; Body Language; Pig; The Staring Cult; Children in a Strange City; Singles; Cemeteries; Breaking Up - Missing; Breaking Up - Obsessing; Love At First Sight; Sane - Insane; Tears; Toilets; Hypnosis; Legal Drugs; Low-Tech; Honor; Hymns; Femininity in Mentally Retarded Women; Life is a Game; Vampires; Laundry; Torture; Jealousy; Circumcision; Happiness; The Mistake of My Life; Children Playing War; The Avengers; Galya - Why; The Queen of the Class. SCREEN TEST ≤≥µ 1995 - 2002 Producers: Message Video Productions Ltd., Globus Group Ltd., T.T.V. Productions Ltd. and Sivan Productions Ltd. Young film and television producers, for whom this is their first time on television, are guests in the studio where they present their first films. Through the interviews and discussions in the studio we learn about each artist’s world and the source of the idea for his film. 346 features, each from 40 to 60 minutes long, have been shown since the program began in 1995. Hundreds of student films have been broadcast, some of them through the support of the Second T.V and Radio Authority’s film funds for the encouragement of creativity – “Snunit” and “Brosh.” The programs are alternately hosted by: Nachman Shai, Yitzhak Ben-Ner, Jackie Levi, Avigail Arieli, Alon Abutbul and Menashe Noy. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS FOUR CROSSROADS 2002 Chief Director: Israel Rozner Producer: Tapuz Communications Length: 55 minutes The road always passes through two points. It is comprised of a physical side and the idea it expresses. Four roadstories about 24 hours in the lives of: Erez Mushulam, truck driver for a Tnuva distribution route by night and instructor of a theatre course for Arab and Jewish youth in Lod and Karnei Shomron by day; Atrash Nader, a truck driver who brings merchandise through the Karni Pass to Israel each day; the Zubchek family from snowy Kiev on their way to a new home in arid Arad; and Yossi Goldenberg, a bus driver from the Binyamin region of the West Bank who takes kids from Karnei Shomron to school every day in his armored vehicle. 24 HOURS DIAMONDS IN A PITTA ≤≥∑ 24 HOURS A five-part series of documentary films. Each segment documents, over a 24 to 48 hour period, important locations, occurrences and events which illustrate the various strata of the Israeli experience. The events are presented from different points of view and were filmed by multiple film crews simultaneously. Their fusion into one image creates a fascinating look at the dimension of time; a crossroads of the human, the societal, the culture and the political. 2002 Chief Director: Eyal Halfon Producer: Al Arba Production Length: 50 minutes 24 hours on Tuval Street in the Diamond Exchange district of Ramat Gan. A street that completely changes its face in the space of one day. In the daytime the street belongs to office buildings and hi-tech, and at night, to massage parlors, peep-show booths and slot machines. Everyone suffers in his own way from the political and economic situation. The film revolves around five central figures: Dorit Dayan, a sandwich vendor who came from the world of crime; Ziv Mendel, CEO of a hi-tech company; Yossi Lulu, diamond polisher; and Ezra Rafaeli, merchant, and Dan Ben-Eliezer, polishing-wheel maker, who met in prison and today try to help those who want to leave the world of crime. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS VOICE OF THE SPIRIT The day commemorating the sixth anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. An analysis of the rift between secular society and ultra-orthodox and national-religious society through the day’s radio broadcasts from various stations: Radio Alshata, Radio Non-Stop, Arutz 7 and The Voice of Truth. The only thing the stations have in common is the memorial day for Rabin, a highly charged subject in each sector of society. The film presents the different societal approaches typified by the different radio stations. 2002 Chief Director: Guy Michael Producer: Zed Films Length: 46 minutes 24 HOURS SYLVIA AND ELIYAHU ARE LEAVING HOME ≤≥π 2002 Chief Producer: Yael Kipper Zarizky Producer: Eden Productions Ltd. Length: 51 minutes Eliyahu Arbel, who had been living until recently in his home in Ramat Gan, and Sylvia Klott, owner of a perfumerie for 52 years, from Ashkelon, make the difficult move from their private homes to a home for the elderly, each in his own way. The film accompanies them through the dramatic moments when they close one chapter and open, with much hesitation and expectation, a new chapter in their lives. Twenty-four hours in the lives of new and old residents, who come from different places and backgrounds to a home for the elderly. A change from the old and familiar to the new and unknown. A day of drastic change and the beginning of a new life. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 24 hours in the lives of youth aged 15–18 who work for the Magen David Adom. These young people, all from different backgrounds, have to deal with complex situations and questions of life and death. Unlike other young people, they are prepared to give up their leisure time to save lives. This activity is an essential part of their lives even when they aren’t on call. The film presents an encounter between different worlds, different cultures, and different parts of the country. 2002 Chief Director: Yifat Keydar Producer: Profile Productions Ltd. Length: 45 minutes 24 HOURS PROGRAMS LIVING IT UP ≤¥± THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS ISOLA CACTUS 2002 Director: Rami A.Rodan Producer: Shimon Peretz Multicam Length: 52 minutes A documentary on the subject is the line that shouldn’t be crossed - the bottom line. In Hebrew it is called the " red line.” The red line of the Kinneret (the sea of Galilee) has been ignored – water is pumped out even though the red line signals drought. An island has appeared in Israel’s sole sweet water reservoir. The appearance of the island shocked artist Shosho Natan of Kibbutz Ashdot Yaacov, and he decided to create a series of art-works which were placed on the island, photographed and exhibited in “Gabriel’s House.” The art-works represent the artist’s troubled feelings, for he sees the red line of the Kinneret as a metaphor for the situation in Israel, a breaching of the bottom line of sanity, a moral and intellectual “drying up” of our attitude towards the environment and towards one another. The film combines art and nature and reflects the society and the individual. It shifts from Shosho’s work in building the installations, placing them on the island and photographing them, to his encounters with meaningful figures in his life. THE SUGGESTION BOX BETWEEN TWO WOMEN ≤¥≥ THE SUGGESTION BOX The aim of the “Suggestion Box” project is to provide freedom of creativity and a venue for programs and subjects of public and social importance and developments in television of special interest, without focusing on a specific genre or predetermined content. The intention is to provide a window of opportunity for Israeli artists and original creations that have not been represented on the screen until now. Six programs have been produced in this framework. 2002 Director: Yitzhak Rubin Producer: Technews Media Ltd. with the support of Project Kolnoa Length: 67 minutes Orna Porat was born 78 years ago in Cologne, a German Christian called Irena Klein, and was a member of the Hitler Youth during the rise of the Nazis. The film begins in Cologne, Germany, where she was invited for a showing of the film “White Lies,” in which she played the leading role. There Orna also begins a journey through her life: the woman she was then wanted to become a minister, turned into a actress, and was drafted into the German army and was exposed to the horrors of the Holocaust. At the end of the war she fell in love with a Jew whose parents were killed in the Holocaust and decided to go to Israel with him. In Israel she changed her name to Orna Porat, converted to Judaism and began dealing with a new world and a new language, and attempted to integrate as a German into a land of Holocaust survivors. The film documents her amazing acceptance into the Hebrew theatre, difficult battles with cancer, and her becoming the First Lady of Hebrew theatre – Recipient of the Israel Prize. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS SOB SISTER - DRAMA 2002 Scripwriter and Director: Tamar Yarom Producer: Buzz Television Ltd. Tel Aviv The days of the first Intifada. A platoon of wild infantry soldiers. Shirley, the new NCO for personal problems, young and dreamy, finds herself in a rough masculine world. She is torn between her attraction to Yaron, the commander of the platoon and her curiosity about Daniel, an exceptional soldier in the unit. The platoon is moved to Gaza. Shirley wins the heart of the soldiers, and becomes one of the gang. She is oblivious to the harsh reality that surrounds her, but her fantasy world is bound to be shattered. Shifting between reality and fantasy, the film tells a story about youth, love and the loss of innocence. Featuring: Danna Yvgi, Moshe Folkenflik, Dado Elbahri, Eli Altonyo, Daniel Bronfman,Erez Cahna, Yuval Gerstner. with the support of Cinema Project Length: 47 minutes THE SUGGESTION BOX LISA ≤¥µ An in-studio program about artists and the plastic arts. 2002 Director: Givon Snir Producer: Topline Communications Ltd. Length: 37 minutes The program is based on the pop aspect of art, the presence of artists in culture, the innovation of plastic art as opposed to other aspects of visual art, and the use of plastic art as a basis for a wild, cutting-edge, sensuous and aesthetic discussion in this political and social era of Israeli society. The studio was designed by various artists, among them Avner Ben-Gal, Nir Hod and Ohad Meromi, and the discussion introduces youthful artistic activity while bringing up complex questions. The studio functions as a space for concerts and work of video and slide art as a backdrop for discussions between artists. Host: Yael Bergstein. THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS WHAT DOES THE BIRD CARE - DRAMA Scriptwriters: Yossi Wein, Sharon Shamir, Dan Volman Director: Yossi Wein Producer: Sirocco Productions Ltd. with the support of Makor Fund Length: 40 minutes This unusual television drama is based the play “Cabaret Levin”, a collection of short sketches and songs by Israel’s most acclaimed and controversial playwright– Hanoch Levin, edited by Yisrael Gurion and performed at the Cameri Theatre. Levin’s world is mostly dark, ironic and sad, yet funny and poetic at the same time. This collection includes some of his more urban writings, that were united into a coherent chain of events, all set in Tel Aviv, with surprising and original passages from one sketch to another. This very cinematic interpretation of theatrical sources gives these writings another dimension, another layer of meaning regarding the creative process, a main theme in Levin’s work. Featuring: Alex Ansky, Uri Gotliv, Israel Gurion, Zahi Grad, Merav Gruber, Salim Dao, Shirily Deshe, Shmuel Vilozni, Gal Zaid, Osnat Hakim, Anat Magen, Shimon Mimran, Meir Swissa, Kyril Sponov, Muli Omer, Gabby Amrani, Ohad Shahar. THE SUGGESTION BOX STICK IN THE SPOKES – AN ANIMATED DRAMA ≤¥∑ An animated ecological comedy that takes place in the Haifa area and on the banks of the Kishon River. The heroes of the drama are Motti and Nina. He is naive, sensitive and neighborly, and she is the absolute opposite. Together they try to fight the polluters of the Kishon and its environs. The film is computer-animated in a unique and original style inspired by the animated features on MTV. The combination of animation and a story of social relevance create a unique, surreal world. 2002 Scriptwriter and Director: Ilan Manor Producer: Tut Banana Ltd. Length: 35 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS STREET CORNERS A daily feature that tells the story behind the names of streets and the people who live there, throughout the country. Some of the features are about the orign of the street name, some are about its history, but they all deal with people and the unique personality of each street. 120 Street Corners in all, each about 3 minutes long. 1998 - 1999 Producers: Sheba Communications Ltd. and Concorde CHILDREN’S STORIES SHORT FEATURES A daily morning feature. Various performers read children’s stories written by Israeli authors. The presenters: Etti Ankari, Meir Banai, Avi Yafe, Haim Tzinovich, Tzahi Noy and Hagit Dasberg. ≤¥π 180 features, each about 7 minutes long. 1999 Director: Ofer Bar Sadeh Producer: Second Television and Radio Authority THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS THE ISRAELIS A daily feature that presents a personal profile on an Israeli. Each day brings a light look at the life of an Israeli living in the country – who he is, where he comes from and what he does. Jews – religious and secular, new immigrants, Arabs, Bedouins, Druse, and more. 40 features, each about 4 minutes long. 2000 Producer: Sheba Communications Ltd. SHORT FEATURES AT THE EDGE OF THE SHELF ≤µ± A daily feature that was broadcast at the start and end of each day. Israeli authors read from their works – poems and stories. 100 features, each about 5 minutes long. 2000 Director: Dubi Baruch Producer: The late Meni Lazarin THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS TWO MINUTES These short features were filmed at the Camelot club in Herzliya, at a stand-up comedy performance before a live audience. The comedian is actor Haim Almakis, and his discussions with the audience are combined with rich comic visual flashes, the fruit of his imagination. The subjects are taken from the Jewish-Israeli cultural world and present questions and debates that touch our daily lives, and are rooted in the various levels of Jewish tradition – the Bible, the Talmud, and the teachings of the sages. 13 short features, each 2 minutes long. 2001 Script: Reshef Levi, Vered Mosenzon, Shlomo Mashiach Director: Zvi Godel Producer: Israel Educational Television SHORT FEATURES SHAUL DAVIDI – ART LTD. An art corner about Israeli painting and painters. Shaul Davidi, art dealer and collector, offers his art collection for presentation on television. The T.V. producers send a director to check out the possibility of producing an art feature using Davidi’s collection. Davidi insists on presenting the feature himself. Here the situation comedy begins to develop, within which the works of art are presented. Featuring Menashe Noy as Davidi, Arik Zilberman as the director, and Isabel Pe’er-Marx as the make-up artist. 27 features, each about 4 minutes long. ≤µ≥ 1999 Script: Arik Zilberman Director: Dubi Baruch Producer: The late Meni Lazarin THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 PROGRAMS HERE’S A STORY FOR YOU A daily book recommendation, which brings to the screen the fascinating stories of books told by readers. The storytellers transmit the intoxicating, wonderful, enriching, surprising or frightening scent of the book. The storytellers, all book-lovers from different sectors of society, talk about books from their personal collections that are particularly close to their hearts. 45 segments, each from 2 to 3 minutes long. 2003 Directors: Uri Shein Producer: Assa Productions ≤µµ THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 הקרןהחברתית מיסודהשלהקרןהחדשה לקולנועוטלוויזיהוהרשות השנייה THE SOCIAL FUND established by the New Foundation for Cinema & Television and the Second Authority THE SOCIAL FUND FORTUNA 2000 Director: Timna Rosenheimer Producers: Snow in August Production Ltd. Every year in May, the six Dvash sisters leave their homes, husbands, children, and grandchildren, as well as their work and worries, for a luxury vacation in Eilat. For a brief time they forget about the world around them and even drop their names - calling each other ikhchi (Arabic for "my sister"). Behind this magical time together lies a miserable childhood in the shadow of their mother Fortuna, who betrayed her maternal role. Their painful stories of traumatic childhoods are accompanied by the optimism of sisterhood, friendship, sacrifice, strength, survival, intimacy, love and victory. with the support of the Culture and Education Council Length: 53 minutes SISTER-WIFE 2000 Directors: Timna Goldstein and Hadar Kleinman Producer: Transfax Film Productions Ltd. ≤µπ This is the story of Zipora Bat Israel, a member of the Black Hebrew Community of Dimona. After 21 years of marriage she wakes up one morning to learn that her husband, Hazriel, is marrying a second wife, 14 years her junior polygamy is a tradition among the Black Hebrews. This film attempts to understand how two women can share the same object of affection. How much pain does it pose to them? How much feminine wisdom is needed to cope with the situation? Will Zipora and Arela ever be able to build a bond of sisterhood between them? How much choice do they really have? This is a film by women about women who live in an unusual community. Yet at the same time it reflects the experiences shared by women everywhere. with the support of Keshet Length: 58 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE SOCIAL FUND CUT 2000 Director: Nizar Hassan Producers: Nizar Hassan and Dana Eilon Length: 70 minutes Haim Dokomanji arrived in Moshav Ajur from Turkey in 1953. Haim, who arrived with a suit and tie, was shocked by what he found in Israel and was soon contemplating his bitter fate. Some time later he met Salome Jamo, who arrived at the moshav from Iraq with her family a few years earlier. It was love at first sight and, despite both their families' reservations, the two of them were married. When the Jewish Agency declared Ajur to be a cooperative village the two families formed a political pact and ran the village council. It was a pact that lasted only several years until the start of political in-fighting between the village residents over control of the council. THE ARENA 2001 Director: Moish Goldberg and Jonathan Gurfinkel Producer: Eran Riklis Productions and Maagalot A group of citizens whose lives have become intertwined with Rabin Square fight a municipal plan to destroy the square and build an underground parking lot in its place. What makes this enormous concrete hunk of sidewalk, cracked and neglected in the heart of Tel Aviv, a place worth fighting for? What is it about this square, which since its inception has hardly changed physically, though the power it has accrued and the dramas which unfolded there have indelibly marked it with such a great “emotional” change? The film features image piled upon image of the experiences which have been etched on to our collective memory. with the support of Makor Foundation and Telad ≤∂± Length: 48 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE SOCIAL FUND THE INNER TOUR 2001 Director: Ra'anan Alexandrowicz Producer: Raed Andoni and Liran Atzmore This film tells the story of tourists visiting their homeland. In the year 2000, a few months before the wave of violence broke out, a group of Palestinian tourists from the West Bank took a trip to Israel. The landscapes they encountered seemed familiar yet foreign, threatening yet fascinating. This is their homeland, yet they are visiting it as tourists. The trip becomes a journey through time – between the highly charged memories of a past that is threatened with being erased, and the harsh reality of the present. with the support of Telad, The Soros Documentary Fund, ZDF-Arte Germany, Jan Vrijman - Netherland, SVT - Sweeden, BBC - England, VPRO - Netherland Length: 97 minutes THE KEY At the age of 76, Margalit Zinati, the last Jewess in the Druse village of Peki’in, enters the final battle of her life – the fight for the key to the synagogue her family has maintained for 2,000 years. While she struggles with Ilan, who also dreams of carrying the torch of Judaism in Peki’in, a third Jew appears who builds a competing synagogue underneath their noses. The film presents a tragi-comic allegory of the story of the Jewish people and its uncontrollable need to fight, internally and externally, at any cost. ≤∂≥ 2001 Directors and Producers: Dan and Noit Geva with the support of Keshet Length: 56 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE SOCIAL FUND HOLIDAY FLOWERS 2001 Director: Limor Pinchasov Ben Yosef Producer: Yaron kaftori Ben Yosef Length: 56 minutes Gila and Motti are a couple who, after losing their former business, decide to sell flowers and strawberries on the roadside, in order to make a living. Motti is a 51 year old man who spent time in jail. Gila is 39 years old, a fiery redhead divorcee with two children, neurotic, sarcastic, a workaholic and toothless. If they make a lot of money this Passover holiday, they will, perhaps, be able to afford to have her teeth fixed. Survival in this line of business means daily clashes with the police, municipal authorities and the local mob. The film is also about the people who stop at the roadside to make a last minute purchase of flowers for the holiday THE SETTLERS At Tel Rumeida there are seven Jewish families living in caravans, who for the last 14 years have stubbornly insisted on occupying a small hill in the heart of the city of Hebron. The film documents this group, so highly controversial in Israeli society. The group’s influence on public opinion is out of proportion to its small size, as expressed by its daily life and its highly charged relations with its Arab neighbors. This is a rare and intimate look into the heart of this extremist group, which constitutes the extreme right wing of the Jewish settlers in Israel. 2001 Director: Ruth Walk Producer: Belfilms Productions Ltd. ≤∂µ with the support of the Soros Foundation, BBC, TV Ontario Length: 58 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE SOCIAL FUND THE BUNKER 2003 Director: Nitza Gonen Producers: Gon Productions This film describes a journey in search of identity carried out by Pinchas Cohen-Gan, an Israeli artist of Moroccan descent and extensive Western education, who chose to live in Israel. The film describes how Cohen-Gan considers making a trip to Germany to install his work at the site of Hitler's bunker, in order to examine his situation and position in Israel as an Eastern immigrant. At the same time, CohenGan tries to find a location at kibbutz Nirim for an exhibition entitled “The Architecture of Evil”. This exhibition is actually the closing of a circle because his first exhibition was held in the cowshed of this same kibbutz in social protest. with the support of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Foundation Length: 50 minutes THE CLASS OF 2000 This film describes the final year of studies of the 12thgrade students at Amal High School in Kiryat Malachi. This class is considered the most successful in the history of the school. Their last year in this collective hothouse is full of tension at the approach of their matriculation exams, their fears and expectations of their impending army service, their plans for the future, their work and play. The film focuses on the trivial details of the daily lives of these young people living in the Israeli periphery, and reveals their unique beauty. ≤∂∑ 2002 Director and Producers: Tami Gross and Yuval Cohen Length: 60 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE SOCIAL FUND ADDICTED Rafi is a compulsive gambler at a crossroad. He must choose between his beloved wife and daughter and the football pools, his life's obsession. He is overtaken by all too familiar fantasies of wealth, the possibility of answering to no one, the joy of commanding the respect of others. 2002 Director: Avi Hemy Producer: Assa Productions with the support of Reshet Length: 48 minutes ON THE FRONTLINE A group of young people arrived in Gilo in Jrusalem in September 2000. They have postponed their military service to spend a year living together. These young people some religious, some secular, from left-wing backgrounds and residents of west Bank settlements, are trying to promote understanding and cooperation in Israeli society, whose schism is tearing it apart. While concentrating on fence mending from within, the group members find themselves, at the outbreak of the October 2000 Intifada, under fire from nearby Beit Jala, as any hopes for external peace are crushed before their eyes. 2002 Director and Producer: Chanoch Zeevi ≤∂π with the support of Tzav Pius Organization Length: 55 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003 THE SOCIAL FUND DO THEY CATCH CHILDREN TOO 2003 Director: Hedva Galili-Smolinsky Producer: T.T.V. Productions Ltd. I was born here, and if they catch me, will I be returned? Asks Ryan, a ten-year-old Filipino boy, after his father is arrested as an illegal alien in Israel. Nato is his cousin and best friend, whose father has a legal work permit. The children live seemingly normal everyday lives, in the shadow of the constant fear of deportation. The film focuses on the world of the children of foreign workers. In addition to typical childhood experiences, these children are forced to deal with a complex reality against the background of their temporary status that includes tough questions as to their identity. The film follows the children's dreams, their fears and their yearnings. with the support of Reshet Length: 49 munutes A CITY WITH NO PITY The director of this film returned to the scene of her childhood in Lod in order to make a film about a city where Jews, Muslims and Christians live in a whirlpool of sights and sounds – the call of the muezzin, the church bells, the voices of the open marketplace, and the planes landing at the nearby airport. She was greeted by a shower of stones and discovered a violent, angry city, an urban ruin. A city of surrealistic reality. The situation worsened with the continuing Palestinian terrorism and particularly after the events of September 11. Lod, a city without pity, has become a futuristic metaphor for the state of the entire country. ≤∑± 2003 Director and Producer: Tzipi Reibenbach Length: 65 minutes THE SECOND TELEVISION & RADIO AUTHORITY CATALOG 1999 - 2003