Fabric Wings Tutorial
Fabric Wings Tutorial
Making fab!c wings Make beautiful fab!c wings. Tuto!al by Pat!zia Cozzo Su&lies Tra"arent fab!c (such as organza) Wire (match # color wi$ # fab!c) Pliers Strong glue (I used Fab!-Tac) Gli%ered glue Draw a pre%y wing pa%ern... In $( case I wanted my wings to look like leaves, so I )ew two leaves. One leaf a li%le lar*r $an # o$er. Cut two long pieces of wire and two +o, pieces of wire (use y-r )awing to measure # lenghts of # wire). Bend each piece of wire in half... .( will be # pa, $at goes into t$e holes on y-r fai!es back. Following # pa%ern, give # +ape to # pieces of wir0 Put # wing pa%ern under # fab!c and glue # wire to # fab!c... Let it )y $en cut off # excess of wire at # tip of $e leaf. Repeat # process for # o$er wings. Cut # fab!c very close to # wire Wi$ # gli%ered glue, 2a, )a3ing $e veins... Repeat for all # wings. Let # gli%ered glue )y very well... Y- can add # veins on # back of # wings too. I wanted my wings to be very simpl0 Ymay add microbeads, gli%er powder as well Any$ing y-r imagination might sug*2s... ...fin(hed! .ey are *ntly posable, so y- can bend # wire a li%le and... ....( ( how $ey will look on y-r fairy! Hope y- have enjoyed $( tuto!al... More tuto!al on www.ooakdollart.com K(ses. Pat!zia