July 31, 2016 - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
July 31, 2016 - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
Saint Mary Mother of the Church P.O. Box 780, 103 Jackson Street Fishkill, New York 12524 www.saintmaryschurch-fishkill.org Parish Offices: 896-6400 School: 896-9561 Religious Education: 896-6430 July 31, 2016 • 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Mission Statement: To encourage all parishioners to have a lifelong relationship with the Church by participation in all the sacraments and to encourage regular reception of the Eucharist. SERVED BY: MASSES S u nd ay S at u r da y - 5 :3 0 P M Sunday - 7:1 5 , 8 :30 , 9 :45 , 1 1 :15AM , 12 :45PM W e e k d ay s M o n da y t h r ou gh F r id a y - 7 :0 0 a n d 9 :0 0 AM S at u r da y - 9 :0 0 AM Holydays Vi g i l 5 :3 0 PM , 7 :0 0 , 9 : 0 0 A M , 1 2 :10 , 5 :3 0 P M S ac r am e nt o f P e n anc e Sat urday - 4 :00 t o 5 :15PM and 6 :30 t o 7 :00P M or at t he Rect ory b y app oint ment. DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Novena after 9:00AM Mass, Mondays Marian Devotions, Mondays of May and October, 7:30PM Stations of the Cross, Fridays of Lent, 7:30PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Thursdays, 7:30AM – 7:00PM PASTOR Reverend Joseph A. Blenkle PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Thomas Colucci, Rev. Adolf Occeño PERMAN ENT DEACONS Rev. Mr. Joseph Hafemann, Rev. Mr. Michael Decker Rev. Mr. Mel Pampolina, Rev. Mr. Paul Smith PARISH SECRETARIES Mrs. Rita Smaila, Mrs. Dorothy Drusik Mrs. Regina Berish PARISH COMMUNITY We welcome all new members to our parish community. Please register at the Rectory Office during the week, or fill out a card in the back of the church. We want to know and serve you and hope you become an active part of our parish community. If you move or change your address, please notify the Rectory. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK BAPTISMS By appointment only. Please contact us before the birth of the child to allow time for adequate preparation. Please call the rectory at 896-6400 or 896-6494. MARRIAGES Individual arrangements should be made at least six (6) months before the date of an intended wedding. Couples are requested to attend Pre-Cana Conferences. We are anxious to help anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in Church because of illness, age, or handicap. If you wish to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, (Confession) and/or Communion, please call the Parish Office. If anyone is experiencing a serious illness, entering a hospital for surgery or in a weak condition due to age, please call the office to arrange for the celebration of Anointing of the Sick. The Sunday Mass is televised at 9:00AM on WNYW-TV. Mass is televised daily at 5:30AM on WTZA-TV. EWTN televises the Mass every day at Noon and 7PM. PARISH SCHOOL M s . B a r b a r a S c h wi e b e r t , P r i n ci p a l Mrs. Karen Kramer, School Secretary RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Mrs. Katherine Hamilton, Director Sr. Jean Tavin, Coordinator M s . C o n n i e P u s wa l d , S e c r e t a r y DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Mrs. Martha Sturomski St. Mary’s Chapel - 1863 PARENTING MINISTRY M r s . C a t h e r i n e E . C wi a k a l a , L M S W YOUTH MINISTER Mrs. Colleen Tempestilli PARISH TRUSTEES Mr. Kevin Kramer Mr. George Metz PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT Mrs. Sue Iannucci Remember St. Mary, Fishkill, in your Will CHAIRPERSON OF FINANCE COUNCIL Mr. Frank Straub Discovering Christ at St. Mary, Mother of the Church “Jesus entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me.” The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” Luke 10:38-42 Anxious? Worried? Come sit with us at the feet of Jesus We invite you to join us at Discovering Christ as we share a meal and learn about who Jesus is and what He wants us to know. Come experience His love by sharing your faith journey with fellow parishioners. Sessions begin in September 2016. Please go to the website: saintmaryschurch-fishkill.org for more information and to register for this life changing journey. 1 418Mary Vietnam Rosary Parish Unity Candle Intention of / In Memory of Requested by Frances & Salvatore Buzzurro ROSE FOR LIFE ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR THE INTENTION OF or IN MEMORY OF Monday, August 1 7:00 9:00 Andy & Teddy McGann – Merce McGann & Family Saverio (Sonny) Sava – Betty & Family Tuesday, August 2 7:00 9:00 George Valentino – Pat & Bob Neary Josephine Agunzo Wednesday, August 3 7:00 9:00 Elaine Shuttowich – Family Helen Basso – Patricia Basso Thursday, August 4 7:00 9:00 Teresa Anderson – Families of St. Mary’s Religious Education Bill M. – Bonnie & Rob Friday, August 5 7:00 9:00 Mariano Muyot – Burger Family John Penna – Louise Perruzza Saturday, August 6 9:00 5:30 Ray Fowler – Wife, Rita Doris Denick – Lois & Don Scheider Sunday, August 7 7:15 8:30 Parishioners Augustine Rodrigues – John & Marge Jackson 9:45 Amy Stock – Pampolina Family 11:15 Daniel Berish – Family 12:45 Anthony Pagones – Peter & Darlene Hustis TABERNACLE CANDLE Intention of / In Memory of Requested by Barbara & Bob Renza Family Intention of / In Memory of Requested by Carol Ann Veltri Teresa & Frank Fata Daniel Soper Mary Griffin Husband & Family Rose Kozak Family Family PARISH NEWS The Call to Conversion R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults The RCIA invites you or someone you know on a beautiful journey of faith to explore what it means to be Catholic and the very special and personal relationship to which Jesus is calling you! If you or someone you know have never been baptized, been baptized in another Christian faith, or baptized Catholic but never received Eucharist and/or Confirmation and you feel you are being called to something more, then this journey is for you. You are welcome to explore that call with us. Please contact Deacon Paul Smith at 896-5621 for more information. Know a Bit, but Interested in Learning More About the Old Testament? Sometimes the best way to learn is to journey with others as they learn. Consider being a 6th Grade Catechist and working with our youth as they are introduced to OT Scriptures. We are looking to mentor and train a few adults who are willing to take the plunge and share their faith as they grow in scripture knowledge. Is this you? We'll provide the training and support. The commitment is an hour and a half a week during the school year. Several spots open. Contact the Religious Education Office at 896-6430. 418Mary Music Ministry Hear Ye! Hear Ye! We are looking for singers who would like to cantor at the 8:30AM summer Mass to see Martha ASAP. "He/she who sings prays twice." Thank you. Discount Card Fundraiser The St. Mary PPA is selling discount cards for $10, all proceeds benefit the children of St. Mary School. These cards offer discounts (for example, 10-15% off) to 27 area businesses including pizza, delis, ice cream, restaurants, haircuts, golf, etc. The cards are wallet-sized and can be used an unlimited number of times until 6/15/17. We will be selling the cards after Masses on the weekend of 6/11-12. If you have any questions, please call Maria Galiano at 838-6734. Discovering Christ by Ralph Capasso Acedia Acedia is spiritual sloth. It breeds tepidity, Establishing a tired tone Of deep timidity. So, be alert! Do no desert Your inner Catholic fire. Bereavement Ministry In the CareNote, “Losing Someone Close”, author Dr. Robert DiGiulio states, “Let yourself heal you’re your own time and your own way. The one that you have loved and lost would want it that way.” Our next program will be held on Thursday, August 11, at 2:30PM, and repeated at 7PM, in St. Mary’s Chapel on Bedford Avenue. All are welcome to attend. For information, to obtain the CareNote, and/or to register, please contact Catherine Cwiakala at 896-6400. St. Mary School Registration for 16-17 Registration for Kindergarten through Grade 7 is underway. The new online application can be accessed under the Admissions tab on our school website: www.stmaryfishkill.org. Financial Aid information is included with the online application. The school will require the following documentation with your application: Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) and an up-to-date immunization record. Students registering for Grades 1 through 7 must also provide recent report cards and standardized test results. There is a $120 non-refundable fee for each registrant. We Are a Tithing Parish God’s Plan for Giving God doesn’t go on vacation. He continues to love us and give us the gifts that we have. And of course, all that we have comes from God. Thank you for your example of gratitude shown in your continued generosity. July 24, 2016 $16,554 July 25, 2015 $17,598 Second Collection $3,917 God's TYM in Krakow! Our God's TYM pilgrims arrived safely in Poland and you can track their pilgrimage on our website! Go to: http://saintmaryschurchfishkill.org/world-youth-daypoland for info and pictures! God bless our parishioners and all the youth at 2016 World Youth Day! 418Mary Religious Education Registration If you have a child entering public school for Kindergarten through 8th Grade during the 2016-17 school year they are welcome to join our Religious Education Program. We are family-centered and partner with parents to raise their children in the faith. Classes are offered Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during the school year. For information and registration forms contact our Religious Ed Office at 896-6430 or check us out on the parish website. (ReRegistration is ongoing for families already in our program.) Come to the Ark The Ark and The Dove Preschool of St. Denis Church has limited openings in our preschool classes. We offer a variety of programs for 2, 3 and 4 year old children. Our Catholic preschool program provides a wonderful faith foundation in a nurturing and stimulating early-childhood environment. Our curriculum is literature-based and teacher-created, following the NYS Pre-Kindergarten Learning Standards and the Common Core. For more information or to register, please call us at 227-5232. We are on summer hours, so please leave a message and your call will be returned. HEALING MASS A Healing Mass, with free flow of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, will be held on Tuesday August 2, at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish (1925 Rte 82, LaGrangeville). Guest celebrant will be Fr. Abraham George of St. Martin de Porres Parish in Poughkeepsie. Praise and Worship begins at 7PM; Mass at 7:30. Individual prayers for healing follow Mass. All are welcome. Sponsored by Spirit Wind Prayer Group. Details? Contact Pat or Joe at 440-3519. PLEASE BE AN ANGEL TO A ST. MARY SCHOOL STUDENT Would you like to be an angel? Please prayerfully consider sponsoring, or partially sponsoring (no donation is too small), a child’s tuition in our school. Your gift will provide a life-changing opportunity for families who truly want a Catholic education for their children, but need assistance with the tuition. Your donation is tax deductible. Please call the school office at 896-9561 for more information. A special thank you to those Parishioners who have already become our very special “angels”! Book Club The two books for summer reading are: Who Designed the Designer? by Michael Augrus and We'll Never Tell Them by Fiorella DeMaria. Both books will be discussed on Saturday, September 9, at 10AM in the Chapel. Have a safe and blessed summer and happy reading! Food Pantry We need to remember that there is still a need for food in the summer. Even more so because the children are home. If you can deliver fresh or frozen food to the Pantry please consider hot dogs, chicken legs, burgers, rotisserie chicken, frozen potatoes, rice in boxes or bags from 1lb to family size, any kind of boxed potatoes, rolls, condiments and baked beans, canned pastas such as Spaghettios, ravioli, etc. We can always use bath tissue, bar soap, shampoo, conditioner or other personal hygiene products. Thank you for your continued support and God bless you all. WARMER WEATHER IS HERE, AND SO IS SUMMER CLOTHING… Let us be reminded of the important role that our church-going apparel plays in heightening our families’ awareness of the unique and sacred activity that is our participation in the Eucharist. Our culture can be overly casual about attire. We do not want that to happen to our most precious spiritual moment. Thank you for your cooperation and support. 418Mary Saratoga Raceway & Casino Senior Health and Wellness Fair Archcare and HRHCare are pleased to invite you to a Senior Health and Wellness Fair to be held at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 62 Mill Street, Dover Plains, on August 11, from 10AM-2PM. A complimentary lunch will be served. There will be over a dozen local agencies sharing important health and wellness information. Additionally, the Archcare/HRHCare Mobile Clinic van will be on site to provide health screenings such as blood pressure and blood glucose monitoring. This event is open to seniors, caregivers and those who work with elders such as parish volunteers, deacons and Eucharistic Ministers. There is no charge but reservations are required. Please RSVP to Marilyn/St.Charles at 845-877-9934 extension 3 (or [email protected]) or Sr. Mary Anne/Archcare at 718407-2913 (or [email protected]) and leave your name, contact number and number attending. Family Fun Festival Come join Holy Trinity Parish for our Family Fun Festival! There will be carnival rides, outdoor games for children, food vendors (including BBQ, sausage and peppers, pizza, burgers, hot dogs, polish kielbasa, potato pancakes and italian ice), craft vendors, games of chance, K-9 demos, touch a truck area (fire and police vehicles, antique cars), and entertainment! Free parking and admission. Hours: Friday, 8/5, 5-10PM; Saturday, 8/6, 210PM; and Sunday, 8/7, 2-7PM. The John Paul Assembly 2917 is running a bus trip to Saratoga Raceway and Casino. The bus will leave Knights’ Hall at 9:30AM on Thursday, August 25. The cost will be $35 per person, which includes the gratuity for the driver. The Hall is located at the corner of All Angel’s Hill Road and Route 82, behind the Mobil Gas station. For more information, contact Bill Hunt at 896-6187 or 549-5165. All proceeds will go to a charity of the Knights’ choosing. For the people going just to the Casino, I will need your card number. Thank you. Safe Environment Program Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-8611762 or Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 at ext. 2949. Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, www.archny.org. In keeping with the ADNY policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. 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Child & Adult Hearing Evaluations 896-3020 18 WESTAGE BUSINESS CENTER DR., SUITE 16, FISHKILL 213 Route 82 • Fishkill www.avocadosfishkill.com 897-3059 “We Treat You Like Family” A & G Community Auto Repair Ltd. 1060 Route 82 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 845-223-7253 • 845-227-6587 General Contractor Construction Management Fishkill, NY • 845-896-5496 24 Hour Towing • Nights 227-6587 CHRISTIAN CAMPILII, P.T. LYNN CAMPILII, P.T. BETH SNYDER, P.T. TOD SNYDER, P.T. 2 Delavergne Ave., Wappingers Falls (845) 297-4789 4353 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park (845) 233-4960 www.CenterForPhysicalTherapy.com Dr. Mary Rita Sheehy Optometrist 845-896-4042 448 Rt. 9 • Fishkill, NY www.mayacafecantina.com Everything for the Bride, Bridal Party, Prom or Special Occasion 982 Main St., Suite 3, Fishkill, NY Antonetta Forzano, Owner/Operator Comprehensive Pediatric & Adult Vision Care 297-4444 (845) 897-5055 Russ Joseph Owner SEALING STRIPING CRACK FILLING 831-6501 (914) Quality Service Since 1955 Richard G. Rosenbloom D.M.D. 187 New Hackensack Rd., Wappingers Falls Specialists for Children, Teens & Adults 1145 Route 55, Lexington Park LaGrangeville, NY 12540 Residential (845) 471-1186 Builders of Fine Memorials Commercial MONUMENTS • MARKERS • MAUSOLEUMS 1491 Route 52, Suite 45 Fishkill, NY 12524 Bernard Potrzeba, Owner (845) 897-5500 Hyde Park Hopewell Junction Poughkeepsie www.RandRorthodonics.com 229-2304 223-3830 471-4414 R. JOSEPH SEALCOATING (845) REFUSE REMOVAL SYSTEMS (845) 845) 896-6000 (800) 522-7235 BARRE MEMORIALS 475-9218 STANCO’S AUTO BODY Need a mortgage? Trust US. • Expert Collision Repairs • Free Estimates Parishioner Owned • Over 20 Years Experience 265-7825 3340 Route 9, Cold Spring Matthew Eugenio Mortgage Specialist • NMLS# 1044321 (845) 987-2866 • meugenio @ulstersavings.com Pregnant? Need someone to talk to? 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NOW THAT’S ADVERTISING! 1.800.333.3166 ext.161 | www.JPPC.net 418 St. Mary, Mother of the Church, Fishkill, NY (i) FX John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net SEDORE & COMPANY, CPA’S Robert H. Auchmoody Funeral Homes, Inc. ESTABLISHED 1929 Shawn L. Auchmoody, Michael J. Sontheimer Anthony J. Calabrese, Ginny L. Servay 900 Route 82 Hopewell Jct., NY 12533 845-221-9234 David A. Brand BRAND CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 1545 Rte. 52, Suite 8 Fishkill, NY 12524 845-440-8250 [email protected] Tutoring for Success on: 1028 Main Street Fishkill, NY 12524 845-896-6166 Fishkill Beer & Soda (845) 897-5812 Private Math Tutoring Parishioner NYS Certified Mathematics Teacher WANTED Scrap Metal Of Any Kind 845-897-1040 Fax 845-896-8416 1068 Main Street Fishkill, NY 12524 fast and easy bottle & can redemption we take ‘em all! OPEN 7 DAYS HOME IMPROVEMENT PATRICK BURKE, Lic. 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June 12, 2016 - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
986 Main St., Fishkill (CVS Plaza) • 845-896-8010