June 12, 2016 - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
June 12, 2016 - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
Saint Mary Mother of the Church P.O. Box 780, 103 Jackson Street Fishkill, New York 12524 www.saintmaryschurch-fishkill.org Parish Offices: 896-6400 School: 896-9561 Religious Education: 896-6430 June 12, 2016 • Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Mission Statement: To encourage all parishioners to have a lifelong relationship with the Church by participation in all the sacraments and to encourage regular reception of the Eucharist. SERVED BY: MASSES S u nd ay S at u r da y - 5 :3 0 P M Sunday - 7:1 5 , 8 :30 , 9 :45 , 1 1 :15AM , 12 :45PM W e e k d ay s M o n da y t h r ou gh F r id a y - 7 :0 0 a n d 9 :0 0 AM S at u r da y - 9 :0 0 AM Holydays Vi g i l 5 :3 0 PM , 7 :0 0 , 9 : 0 0 A M , 1 2 :10 , 5 :3 0 P M S ac r am e nt o f P e n anc e Sat urday - 4 :00 t o 5 :15PM and 6 :30 t o 7 :00P M or at t he Rect ory b y app oint ment. DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Novena after 9:00AM Mass, Mondays Marian Devotions, Mondays of May and October, 7:30PM Stations of the Cross, Fridays of Lent, 7:30PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Thursdays, 7:30AM – 7:00PM PASTOR Reverend Joseph A. Blenkle PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Seán Connolly, Rev. Adolf Occeño PERMAN ENT DEACONS Rev. Mr. Joseph Hafemann, Rev. Mr. Michael Decker Rev. Mr. Mel Pampolina, Rev. Mr. Paul Smith PARISH SECRETARIES Mrs. Rita Smaila, Mrs. Dorothy Drusik Mrs. Regina Berish PARISH COMMUNITY We welcome all new members to our parish community. Please register at the Rectory Office during the week, or fill out a card in the back of the church. We want to know and serve you and hope you become an active part of our parish community. If you move or change your address, please notify the Rectory. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK BAPTISMS By appointment only. Please contact us before the birth of the child to allow time for adequate preparation. Please call the rectory at 896-6400 or 896-6494. MARRIAGES Individual arrangements should be made at least six (6) months before the date of an intended wedding. Couples are requested to attend Pre-Cana Conferences. We are anxious to help anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in Church because of illness, age, or handicap. If you wish to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, (Confession) and/or Communion, please call the Parish Office. If anyone is experiencing a serious illness, entering a hospital for surgery or in a weak condition due to age, please call the office to arrange for the celebration of Anointing of the Sick. The Sunday Mass is televised at 9:00AM on WNYW-TV. Mass is televised daily at 5:30AM on WTZA-TV. EWTN televises the Mass every day at Noon and 7PM. PARISH SCHOOL M s . B a r b a r a S c h wi e b e r t , P r i n ci p a l Mrs. Karen Kramer, School Secretary RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Mrs. Katherine Hamilton, Director Sr. Jean Tavin, Coordinator M s . C o n n i e P u s wa l d , S e c r e t a r y DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Mrs. Martha Sturomski St. Mary’s Chapel - 1863 PARENTING MINISTRY M r s . C a t h e r i n e E . C wi a k a l a , L M S W YOUTH MINISTER Mrs. Colleen Tempestilli PARISH TRUSTEES Mr. Kevin Kramer Mr. George Metz PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT Mrs. Sue Iannucci Remember St. Mary, Fishkill, in your Will CHAIRPERSON OF FINANCE COUNCIL Mr. Frank Straub BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE! BE KIND! It was a very nasty, stormy night at a small hotel in Philadelphia. An elderly man and woman approached the registration desk. Their question was, “Do you have a room for us tonight?” Then, with a slight pause, the woman briefly explained, “We have been to some of the larger hotels, and they are all full.” The clerk explained that there were several conventions in town, and indeed no rooms were available anywhere in Philadelphia that particular night. He also pointed out to them that all of the rooms in his hotel were full as well. But the clerk went on, “I wouldn’t feel right about turning you out on such a nasty night. Would you be willing to sleep in my personal room?” The couple was taken aback at the generous offer and didn’t know how to respond. The young man insisted that he would be able to get along just fine if only they would use his room. The next day as the elderly couple was checking out, the man told the clerk, “You are the kind of man who should be the boss of the best hotel in the country. Maybe someday I’ll build one for you.” They all smiled at the little joke, and then the clerk helped them carry their bags out to the street to load into their car. Two years later, the clerk received a letter from the old man. He had almost forgotten the incident, but the letter recalled that night and his kindness. The letter also included a round trip ticket to New York City with the request that he come to be their guest for a visit. When the young clerk reached New York City, there to meet him was the elderly couple. The old man drove him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street and pointed to a beautiful new building. It was like a palace of reddish stone with turrets and watch towers like a castle. The older man said, “That is the hotel I have built for you to manage!” “You must be joking,” the younger man said. He couldn’t believe what he had heard. The old man said, “I’m not joking,” and simply stood there and smiled. The young man asked, “Who are you that you can do this?” “My name is William Waldorf Astor,” said the older man. The hotel was the original Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. The young clerk’s name is George C. Boldt, and he became the first manager of this historic hotel. “Love is patient, love is kind …” (Corinthians 13:4) 1 418Mary Vietnam Rosary Parish Unity Candle Intention of / In Memory of Requested by James J. Curtin Elizabeth Broderick ROSE FOR LIFE Intention of / In Memory of Carol Ann Veltri Anne Graham Tony Vaccaro Thomas O’Brien ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR THE INTENTION OF or IN MEMORY OF Souls in Purgatory – The Wirsch Family Cheryl Reis – Family Tuesday, June 14 7:00 9:00 Lidia Nancy Battista – Metz Family Lidia Nancy Battista – 4th Grade Fishkill Frogs Wednesday, June 15 7:00 9:00 Andy & Teddy McGann – Merce McGann & Family Peter Hartney, Sr. – Maureen Hartney Thursday, June 16 7:00 9:00 J. Kenneth O’Connor – LaValle Family Maurice DiCairano – Lee Fasone Friday, June 17 7:00 9:00 BANNS OF MARRIAGE John Dorost – Victoria Fudali Monday, June 13 7:00 9:00 Requested by Husband & Family Family Granddaughter, Ann Marie Elaine & Richard Rose & Girls Clementi Alves – Wife & Family Daniel Berish – Bulson Family PARISH NEWS Dramatic Poetry Reading A dramatic poetry reading by Ralph Capasso, from Sandberg to Donne to Shakespeare will be held on Friday, June 17th, at 7PM at Our Lady's Chapel on Bedford Avenue. Refreshments will be served. Free will offering to benefit God's TYM trip to WYD in Kraków, Poland. For more info, please call or text Colleen Tempestilli, 914-456-1442. Saturday, June 18 9:00 5:30 Rita & Paul DiGasero – Daughter, Rita Eugene Broughton – Paula & Bill Hunt Sunday, June 19 7:15 8:30 9:45 11:15 Parishioners Father’s Day Intentions Raul Arguello – Wife & Family John W. Kennedy, Sr. – John W. Kennedy, Jr. 12:45 Zoila Valenzuela – Family TABERNACLE CANDLE Intention of / In Memory of Requested by Deacon Mel John McArdle Discovering Christ Discovering Christ is a unique experience that invites you to personally encounter Jesus Christ. Join us for this exciting new 7 session series where we gather to share a complimentary dinner, listen to a dynamic teaching and explore answers to some of the most important questions worth asking about God and finding the ultimate purpose in life. Sessions will be held on Saturday evenings beginning September 24, from 6:30 to 9PM. Registration will be after all the Masses this weekend (June 11/12) and will also be available through our parish website. 418Mary Father's Day Father's Day Cards and Spiritual Remembrances are available on the table in the rear of Church. The cards will be placed on the altar during the month of June and the fathers will be remembered at all Masses. Marian Guild The next meeting of the Marian Guild will be held on this Monday, June 13, at 6PM in the Chapel on Bedford Avenue. This will be our annual Covered Dish Supper. All women of the parish are invited to attend. Please bring a dish to share. Following dinner, Father Adolf will continue his lecture on women of the bible. We look forward to seeing you there! Discount Card Fundraiser The St. Mary PPA is selling discount cards for $10, all proceeds benefit the children of St. Mary School. These cards offer discounts (for example, 10-15% off) to 27 area businesses including pizza, delis, ice cream, restaurants, haircuts, golf, etc. The cards are wallet-sized and can be used an unlimited number of times until 6/15/17. We will be selling the cards after Masses on the weekend of 6/11-12. If you have any questions, please call Maria Galiano at 838-6734. Ice Cream Sponsors for VBS Please consider being an Ice Cream Sponsor. Each day of camp we provide a frozen treat for the “very hot” campers and counselors. That's approximately 1000 ice creams during the week! Donations of any size will offset the cost of this treat for our children. It costs approximately $75 per day for ice cream. Again, donations may be dropped off at either the Religious Ed Office or the Parish Office. Checks payable to St. Mary's Religious Ed Program. Thank you. Mohegan Sun Bus Trip The Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree John Paul Assembly 2917 are hosting a bus trip to Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs, PA. The bus will leave the Knights’ Hall at 7:30AM on June 16. The cost of the bus will be $35, which includes a tip for the driver. The Knights’ Hall is located at the corner of All Angel's Hill Rd & Route 82, behind the Mobil Gas Station. For more information contact Bill Hunt at 896-6187 or 549- 5165. All proceeds will go to a charity of the Knights’ choosing. St. Mary’s Prison Ministry Christ challenged us to minister to those in prison (Matthew 25:36, 40). This is a calling that for us at St. Mary’s is especially appropriate since we have Downstate and Fishkill Correctional within five miles and Green Haven Correctional less than 12 miles away. St. Mary’s has been ministering to Downstate and FC for over eight years and is in need of volunteers to help continue the ministry. The time commitment would be two hours for two evenings a month to follow Christ’s calling in this unique way. Please call Tom Pulcher at 831-6177 if you would like more information or have questions. Religious Education Registration If you have a child entering public school for Kindergarten through 8th Grade during the 2016-17 school year they are welcome to join our Religious Education Program. We are family-centered and partner with parents to raise their children in the faith. Classes are offered Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during the school year. For information and registration forms contact our Religious Ed Office at 896-6430 or check us out on the parish website. (Re-Registration is ongoing for families already in our program.) Parish Ministry Programs Nurturing with Joy Our Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers: All are welcome to come and share our last meeting on this Wednesday, June 15th. Bereavement Ministry Program: “It is vital to your psychological, physical and spiritual health to understand what the ‘normal’ grief process is since it can seem so abnormal.” Come explore Kathlyn S. Miller’s CareNote: Taking the Time You Need to Grieve Your Loss. Our next program will be held on Thursday, June 16, at 2:30PM and repeated, at 7PM, in St. Mary’s Chapel. All are welcome. For information, to obtain the CareNote, and/or to register, please call Catherine Cwiakala, at 896-6400. See Flyer For additional information on any of these programs pick up a flyer on the back Parenting Ministry Table of church or please call Catherine Cwiakala, Program Leader, at 896-6400. We Are a Tithing Parish God’s Plan for Giving During this beautiful time of year it is easy to remember God’s many gifts to us. Thank you for all you have done for St. Mary’s throughout the year with your great generosity. June 5, 2016 June 6, 2015 2nd Collection $17,629 $17,770 $2,659 418Mary St. Mary School Registration for 16-17 Registration for Kindergarten through Grade 7 is underway. The new online application can be accessed under the Admissions tab on our school website: www.stmaryfishkill.org. Financial Aid information is included with the online application. The school will require the following documentation with your application: Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) and an up-to-date immunization record. Students registering for Grades 1 through 7 must also provide recent report cards and standardized test results. There is a $120 non-refundable fee for each registrant. CATHOLIC WIDOWS and WIDOWERS of DUTCHESS and PUTNAM COUNTIES The group will meet on the third Tuesday of the month, June 21st, at 7:00PM in the Parish Meeting Room at Saint Kateri Church, 1925 Route 82, in Hopewell Junction. For more information, please call Joan at 223-3097. Vacation Bible School Supplies and Props It takes a whole village for sure! With nearly 100 youth registered to participate and crew our Cave Quest VBS: June 27 - July 1st, we need YOUR help. Supplies and props needed: flashlights, 20 large candy bars, 6 rolls of brown contractors paper, solid color flat bed sheets, large blue tarp, large couch or refrigerator box (empty), 24 boxes of corn starch (1lb boxes), shallow plastic under bed bin, 2 pitchers, 2 spray bottles (empty), small black cloth, clear rope lights, 6 pool noodles, 10 hoola hoops, 10 sponge balls, 10 blind folds, 6 plastic buckets and couple of electric fans. Donations (or loans) of any of the supplies are very much appreciated. If you wish to re-claim your loaned supply, please mark clearly with marker. Don’t forget to check out RAY (the giant glow bug) in the church foyer for supplies we need. It's simple to help. Just take a tag and purchase the supply requested. Return the supply with the tag to the Religious Ed Office (next to the church) or the Parish Office. RAY will have different supplies each week as we approach VBS. Everyone can help! Book Club The two books for summer reading are: Who Designed the Designer? by Michael Augrus and We'll Never Tell Them by Fiorella DeMaria. Both books will be discussed on Saturday, September 9, at 10AM in the Chapel. Have a safe and blessed summer and happy reading! Praying Hands Ministry Praying Hands Ministry will be meeting on Saturday, June 18th, from 9:30 to 11:30AM in the Chapel on Bedford Avenue. This will be our last meeting until September. If you knit or crochet and haven't been able to make our meetings as of yet, please try and come to this meeting. Join us for a cup of coffee or tea and find out more about our ministry and the local places we donate our items to. Our ministry makes so many different items that it's too numerous to mention here. Come and join us! All are welcomed. If you or anyone you know would find comfort in a prayer shawl or lap throw, please call Rosanne at 2264402 or email us: [email protected]. Marian Guild – Open Invitation The Marian Guild invites all women of the parish to join us as we share our devotion to the Blessed Mother and receive the spiritual and social benefits offered to our members. We meet on the second Monday of most months in the Chapel on Bedford Avenue. Our meetings include greetings, praying the rosary, prayers for intentions, delicious refreshments and concludes with our business meeting, which lasts about half an hour. In addition to our prayerful role, members assist in religious events, receptions, social functions and we prepare the linens used at Mass when the precious blood is offered. We also support local charities and provide the christening bibs for the newly baptized of our parish. Our annual fundraising event is our Craft Fair, held in November, which enables us to do our work in the name of the Blessed Mother. What a great way to meet new people while enriching your faith! Membership is easy! For more information, contact Terry Califano at [email protected] or 546-0039. Enrollment forms can be found on the table in the rear of church. Want to learn more? Visit one of our monthly meetings, join us for prayer and fun…bring a friend, too! EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTER SCHEDULE A new schedule for July 3 though September 18 is available in the Sacristy. Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers are asked to pick up a copy as soon as possible. The schedule will also available on our parish website. 418Mary Have You Passed through a Holy Door Yet? Pancake Breakfast The Rombout Fire Company (901 Main Street) is hosting this event on Sunday, June 26, at the firehouse from 8 to 11AM. Pancakes, eggs, omelet station, sausage, bacon, juice, coffee and tea. Adults/$10, Seniors/$9, Children/$7 (under age 5 is free). For more info, call 896-8620 or visit us at www.romboutfire.com. Passing through a Holy Door is part of the pilgrimage that all Catholics are encouraged to make. Passing through the Holy Door symbolizes our leaving the world outside and entering into the realm of salvation. The National Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel has a designated Holy Door for the Jubilee Year of Mercy and it is located at 70 Carmelite Drive, Middletown, just a short drive away. For additional information, please call Carol Bezak, Director, at 343-1879 or via email at: [email protected]. Why Catholic? by Ralph Capasso PLEASE BE AN ANGEL TO A ST. MARY SCHOOL STUDENT I surrender, Lord. I’ve run from you too long. No more can I afford To heed that siren song Her captive cloying chord Whose music is all wrong. I did not count the cost. I gambled and I lost, And now I recognize What deep down I did know; You wanted me to see That Jesus died for me. Now that I’ve found my way Keep me in Faith, I pray. Would you like to be an angel? Please prayerfully consider sponsoring, or partially sponsoring, a child’s tuition in our school. Your gift will provide a lifechanging opportunity for families who truly want a Catholic education for their children, but need assistance with the tuition. Your donation is tax deductible. Please call the school office at 896-9561 for more information. A special thank you to those Parishioners who have already become our very special “angels”! E XPRESS D EPOT , I NC . Copies • Keys • FedEx • Packaging • Fax 1545 Route 52 • #6A • Fishkill, NY 12524 896-4225 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Michael A. Martin, Esq. 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Professional Service...With A Smile Fully Licensed & Insured 397B Fishkill Avenue Beacon, NY 12508 Child & Adult Hearing Evaluations 845-831-8283 18 WESTAGE BUSINESS CENTER DR., SUITE 16, FISHKILL 897-3059 24 Willow Street, Beacon, NY 10% NEW CUSTOMER DISCOUNT A & G Community Auto Repair Ltd. 1060 Route 82 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 845-223-7253 • 845-227-6587 General Contractor Construction Management Fishkill, NY • 845-896-5496 24 Hour Towing • Nights 227-6587 “We Treat You Like Family” CHRISTIAN CAMPILII, P.T. LYNN CAMPILII, P.T. BETH SNYDER, P.T. TOD SNYDER, P.T. 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Wed – Sun, 10am – 5pm, Donations until 3pm 16 Franciscan Way, Graymoor, Garrison www.leospizzeria.com 982 Main Street • Fishkill (behind CVS) STADIUM PLAZA 1475 Rt. 9D, Wappingers Falls www. maryellenroth.com 845-838-3446 845-424-3635 10% off total purchase with this bulletin 1004 Main St. Fishkill 845.202.7281 We Deliver 7 Days A Week FREE ESTIMATES Spirits Sp irits & 1545-3 Rt. 52 985 Main St., Fishkill 845-897-5412 - Grades/Final Exams No job is to big or too small. - NYS Regents - NYS Assessments Kitchens/Baths/Tile/Decks - 7 thru 12 including Powerwashing/Painting Common Core Roseanne Freih Serving the Community for over 30 years Supple’s Wines 845-896-6661 Mobile Service - Just Give Us A Call - We’ll Come To You! Providing Insurance and Financial Services - State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Florina’s WOOD FIRED PIZZA & PASTA EST. 2014 225 ROUTE 82 • FISHKILL, NY 845-897-4200 FREE DELIVERY MON.-THURS. $10 PIE! 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General Construction Fully Insured • Free Estimates (lower level center court) The Law Offices Of Karen Crotty Palumbo,LLC BY APPOINT. 272 MILL STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12601 MORTGAGES NEW YORK CONNECTICUT 1203 NORTH AVENUE P.O. BOX 110 BEACON, NY 12508 (845) 831-8300 All Home Improvements Purchase * Refi * Renovate * Reverse Demolition • Sheetrock • Painting Roofing • Kitchens • Taping • Siding Decks • Flooring/Tiling (845) 677-5298 Mike Decker Call 845-590-MIKE (6453) Fairway Mortgage Services, NMLS #55219 • NMLS #67336 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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