March 2013 - Tennessee QuarterHorse Association


March 2013 - Tennessee QuarterHorse Association
News from the President
March 2013
Hello TQHA,
MAR 8–10, 2013
TQHA Spring Celebration
MAR 16–17, 2013
All Novice Show & Clinic
APR 18–21, 2013
Circuit by the River
MAY 9-12, 2013
Lucky 7 Classic
MAY 25–26, 2013
Hillbilly Classic
JUNE 26–30, 2013
Dogwood Classic
JULY 19–21, 2013
Country Music Circuit
SEP 13–15, 2013
TQHA Circuit
Hello TQHA,
Congratulations to all of our 2012 year end award winners who
received their awards at the convention held in Cookeville this
January. Jerry Allen planned our convention & Lisa Rand did an
outstanding job decorating. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who
donated desserts, supplies, and worked to make the event special.
This year we tried something new instead of having a banquet meal
we had a dessert bar. This was done to reduce cost and to encourage
more of our membership to attend. After the awards we enjoyed a
great D.J.
Thank you to the amateur association who bought pizza for lunch
for everyone who attended the convention.
Our show season starts on March 8,9, and 10 in Harriman with
the Spring Celebration Circuit. This will be followed by our novice
show that will be held March 16 and 17 in Harriman. At the novice
show we will be trying something new due to a grant that we
received from AQHA. We will be having and IEA clinic along with 6 IEA
classes. You don't have to own a horse to participate, but you are
required to attend the clinic. Anyone interested in volunteering to
help at the novice show can contact me at [email protected].
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Pam Holbrook on the loss of
her husband, Charles. Charles has been a long time TQHA member
but most of all he was my friend. We will miss him.
Good luck to everyone this show season and remember if all else
fails just ride fast.
Happy Trails,
Amy Bailey
All dates subject to change.
Check website for updates.
Don’t forget to make a
copy of your horse’s
registration papers for
TQHA point secretary,
Doug Adams, if you are
competing for TQHA
Tennessee Quarter Horse Association
President: Amy Bailey
1st Vice President: Jerry Allen
2nd Vice President: Jennifer McGrath
Executive Secretary: Barbara Fisher
Amateur President: Becky Haw Ayotte
Youth President: Katie Clark
Email: [email protected]
Highlights from the TQHA Convention
Another great year and another great convention! This year our TQHA Convention was held in
Cookevile at the Baymont Inn. The 2012 Board had its final meeting with Randy Woodell serving as
President on Friday January 11, 2013. Randy did a fantastic job as our president. He was always there to
hear our concerns and complaints, yet being the first to pitch in and get the job done. During his term, the
sliding doors were added to the barn and arena at Harriman with the help of Steve Fowler and a few
others. Thankfully, he will still be around to just have fun, now that his term is complete.
Our Convention started out with the Youth and Amateur meetings in the morning that were held
simultaneously on Saturday morning January 12. The general meeting was held in the afternoon with
reports given from each Committee. The Directors gave reports as well. Patrick Kayser gave a very good
presentation on the “leveling” in AQHA and answered many questions and concerns with the
implementation of this new system. At the end of his presentation, many felt comfortable with what was
to come. However, most felt that until the system was actually implemented for a couple of months, there
would still be a learning curve to overcome. Roger Elder gave a presentation on the humane treatment of
animals on the show grounds, as well as the penalties for such abuse.
Randy Woodell reviewed the by-law changes and they were voted on, there was a break for the
election of Regional Representatives and Committee Chairs. Following that break, the general session
reconvened for the election of TQHA Officers and the need for a Secretary / Treasurer was discussed (as
Barbara Fisher was retiring from the Secretary position and now it would be combined with the Treasurer).
The general meeting was then adjourned and the majority of our members went out for dinner on their
After dinner out we came back to the Baymont Inn at 7pm to be surprised by the beauty of the
“Presentation of Desert”. I must confess, I was not prepared for the splendor of what we experienced that
evening. Everyone was having such a wonderful time sharing stories and catching up with folks they
hadn’t seen since the September show. It was so nice to see everyone just relax and enjoy themselves.
Many thanks to Lisa Rand and her band of helpers for all of the love and hard work involved in preparing
such a grand display for our sweet tooth!
The Awards presentation came at last! We were so glad to see those beautiful awards presented to
those who had worked so hard to receive them. Wow! Those belt buckles were out of this world!
Congratulations to everyone! Barbara Fisher was honored for her many years of service to TQHA. We will
surely miss her, but we know that she will enjoy her retirement. Well done, Barbara!
The night wrapped up with the young and old folk dancing the night away to a local DJ.
Mary Wigginton
Barbara Fisher Retires
Left to Right:
John Ed Tabb
Paul Bailey
Dave Whitaker
Barbara Fisher
Anne Brzezicki
Roger Elder
Mitch Leslie
So many of us have come to know Barbara Fisher as the “go to” person for TQHA, it will be hard for us
all to realize that she has actually retired. Yes, believe it or not, our Barbara has decided it was time to
retire after giving nearly forty years to the horse industry.
Back in 1975, Barbara and her husband Glen Fisher had a small farm with several acres and stood three
Quarter Horse studs. They were visited by Bob Barker, who urged them to become members of TQHA and
so she became a life member in AQHA as well as TQHA. Glen did most of the showing and so there was a
lot of down time for Barbara at the shows. I have to say that I have never known Barbara to just sit
around, and I imagine in her younger years she was really a go-getter! She began by volunteering in the
office, and then became a show secretary. She wasn’t paid much, but she kept busy.
Eventually she became more involved at the state level and became the TQHA Executive Secretary for
ten years. She resigned that position to do more Show Management. Before long she again accepted the
position of Executive Secretary, for another ten year run. She has also served TQHA for two years as our
She has served on the TQHA Board for as long as anyone can remember. Even slipping out of the
hospital long enough to attend a Board meeting and then returning before the nurses even realized what
had happened. That kind of dedication is scarce now days.
She is still going to keep the “Circuit by the River” show at the Expo Center in Harriman, TN which is
held each year in April. It is held in conjunction with the State of Tennessee 4-H Horse Judging competition.
Barbara has long been a passionate supporter of the youth and has given so much of her time over the
years along with monetary support.
When I asked Barbara what she would miss the most after retirement, she did not hesitate to answer,
“The people”. And she does love us all. There are so many times when I have personally seen her handle
someone who was a little “hot headed”, and turn around to the next person, fresh as a daisy, with that
sweet smile of hers and ask graciously “Can I help you?” She would just go along like nothing ugly had ever
happened! Amazing!
It’s hard to believe, but Barbara does have another love – her family. Incidentally her family is ecstatic
regarding her decision to retire. They are so delighted that they don’t have to share their mother with us
on Mother’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July or any other holiday one of our shows happened to fall on.
(Remember we used to even have the Holiday Circuit between Christmas and New Year’s). Barbara has a
son and two daughters, five grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.
She is an avid scrap booker, and has recently taken up oil painting. Watercolors are next. Whatever
she decides to do with her time, you can bet it will be with excellence and dedication. We will surely miss
seeing her and having her there at our beckoned call to answer questions or do whatever is needed to
make something run smooth. But we can always ask ourselves, “What would Barbara do?”
Thank you Barbara Fisher and God Bless you as you enjoy your long, joyous retirement!
Mary Wigginton
Things You Need to Know
Roger Elder, AQHA Director at Large, has provided some helpful information for all AQHA members.
1. Get a copy of the new rule book, either hard copy or download off the AQHA website.
2. Study the equipment section to make sure that they are following guidelines on using proper bits and
training equipment.
3. Be aware of the possible penalties that they could face if violations are made on the show grounds.
4. If in doubt about equipment or situations just ask the show stewards for help or clarification and avoid
making a mistake.
5. If you see a situation going wrong please let show management or the steward know ASAP. We want
to help keep everyone from making violations of the rules that we must play by.
6. At AQHA animal welfare has been placed on the front burner and will continue to remain there!
TQHA Membership Renewal
As a reminder dues for 2013 are payable January. Membership forms are available on the TQHA website or will
be available at the March TQHA shows. You may complete the form at any time and send it to the TQHA executive
secretary with your check. The form also contains the competition card sections to nominate your horse to be
eligible for 2013 TQHA awards.
TQHA Corporate Partner
Major Youth Sponsor of TQHYA
Amateur News
Hello All and Welcome to 2013! We had a very successful meeting at the 2013 TQHA convention, with
even a few “new” Amateurs in attendance! Key discussion points from the meeting were as follows:
 The Amateur Association has agreed to make a concentrated effort to support the Therapeutic
Riding group STAR. This effort will be led by Karen Spangler who will be gathering a list of items
requested by STAR, which will then be posted on the TQHA website. Karen and other amateurs will
be taking donations for these items at many of the horse shows throughout 2013. This is a very
important cause and everyone’s generosity and help is greatly appreciated!
 In lieu of hosting a summer horse show dinner, the meeting attendees have decided to again
donate water for a TQHA sanctioned summer horse show(s). Here’s to hoping the summer shows
have “cooler” weather then last year!
 The Amateur Association is pleased to continue to support the TQHA All Novice Show by covering
the cost of the Amateur All-Around award at the Novice Show on March 16th and 17th in
Harriman, TN. With the new leveling program and novice rules, we hope to see many novice
amateurs battling it out for this great prize!
 For those of you already making your plans for the 2013 / 2014 TQHA Banquet, we have again
decided that amateurs attending the morning meeting will receive ½ off their dinner price or the
cost of evening refreshments for the awards, depending on which occurs. Just another great
reason to attend the convention!
 In light of the continued struggling economy, the meeting attendees again made the very difficult
decision to suspend the distribution of any Amateur Incentive Fund money for the year. We will
continue to evaluate the reinstatement of the program on yearly basis.
Finally the new officers were determined for the 2013 year:
President – Becky Haw Ayotte
1st VP – Rose Mason
2nd VP – Katie Wigginton
Secretary – Judy Heim
I am very honored and excited to be taking on the role of your 2013 Amateur Association President and
look forward to seeing all of you at the TQHA Celebration Circuit in March!
Best Regards, Becky Haw Ayotte
Youth News
The 2013 youth officers were elected at the convention. Your new officers are:
 President – Katie Clark
 1st VP – Victoria Rand
 2nd VP – Kamiah McGrath
 Secretary/Treasurer – Emily Holder
 Sentinel – Savanna Lovell
 Youth Ambassadors – Caleb Bailey and Ellen Showalter
The youth ambassador position is a newly created position. This is a job to get the youth involved in
promoting our organization at TQHA, IEA, and 4-H events. We are very excited to have Caleb Bailey and
Ellen Showalter as our first ever youth ambassadors.
For any youth interested in participating with the Tennessee World or Congress teams the letter of
intent is posted on the website on the youth news page. The letter must be turned in by April 21st. The
schedule of youth events is also posted on the website. The next TQHYA meeting will be held at the TQHA
Spring Celebration Circuit and all youth are encouraged to attend. For additional information regarding the
meeting contact Tina Freeland, Youth Advisor, at [email protected] or (865)363-2433.
TQHA Hall of Fame
At the 2013 TQHA Convention we took the
opportunity to recognize our first Hall of Fame
inductees. The awards were presented by Dr.
Dave Whitaker, AQHA Director at Large, who
represented the Hall of Fame Committee. The
committee is chaired by Kathleen Kilduffe who
along with members, Pat Kress, Joan Walker,
Dan Riegle and Dave Whitaker reviewed the
nominations and selected the first inductees.
Dave provided a history lesson regarding
TQHA and additional research of State of
Tennessee records after the convention filled in
the gaps. Read more below about our great
organization and Mr. George Tackett and Ski
Lubinski the first two Hall of Fame members.
In 1962 George Tackett, Ski Lubinski and
several other quarter horse lovers started the
Tri-State Quarter Horse Association which
included members from Arkansas, Mississippi
and Tennessee. On May 28, 1963 they filed for
a corporation in the state of Tennessee.
Prior to 1962 the only AQHA shows held in
Tennessee were in Franklin and at the MidSouth Fair in Memphis. The first AQHA show
held east of Memphis was with the rodeo in
The Tri-State Association put on six shows in
Memphis and the Mississippi area in 1962. The
next two years, 1963 and 1964, their shows
included those held in Jackson, Milan, Alamo,
Humboldt, Trenton, Parsons, Savannah, Selmer,
and the Memphis area. With membership
growing by leaps and bounds, the charter
members knew Tennessee was ready for their
own association. George Tackett was elected as
the president of that split-off association.
In 1966 TQHA added to the Franklin venue
shows held in Dickson, Fairview, Columbia, Mt.
Juliet and Nashville. The membership grew with
new members from the Cookeville and Knoxville
area. The following year TQHA had shows across
the entire state. According to Tennessee state
records in March of 1969 the Tri-State Quarter
Horse Association was officially changed to the
Tennessee Quarter Horse Association, Inc. It was
again changed in 1989 to non-profit status.
The first inductee into the TQHA Hall of Fame,
George Tackett, was instrumental in the creation
of TQHA. His love of the American Quarter Horse
led him to breeding and showing horses in the
1950’s and started the foundation for recognizing
the need for an organization. He was the first
president of the group known as the Tennessee
Quarter Horse Association.
It was said by an individual who grew up
showing during that time that “Mr. George was
especially with the youth and new people in the
industry. He had a way with people and used it
for the good of the industry and its members.”
Region I & II News
The second inductee into the TQHA Hall of
Fame, Ski Lubinski, was instrumental in the
creation of TQHA. Ski was president of TQHA in
1966, 1967 and 1970. As a charter member of
TQHA we owe much of the success of our
organization to him. Along with George Tackett
he worked hard to promote the quarter horse
industry in Tennessee. He was the first AQHA
judge from Tennessee judging his first show in
TQHA Branded Merchandise
TQHA has worked out an agreement with
Kyle Rector of Rockin R Graphics to provide
TQHA branded merchandise for sale. Soon a
link will be on the TQHA website where you will
be able to view available merchandise bearing
our TQHA name and logo. Rockin R Graphics
will be setting up as a vendor at TQHA shows
where you will be able to purchase
merchandise directly at those shows.
Well Wishes for June Cope
Keep June Cope in your thoughts. She was
injured in an accident at the Dixie Nationals
where her femur was broken. They put a rod
from the hip down to the knee and a screw at
each end. June is at home recuperating now,
but we know we’ll see her back at the shows in
the future.
Region I and II held their annual awards
banquet December 8, 2012. President Karen
Spangler extended a big thank you to Tina
Freeland, June Cope and Michelle Whitlow for
selecting great awards.
Officers for 2013 were elected. Karen
Spangler - President, Tina Freeland - Vice
President, Trisha Gnatt - Secretary, Deanna
Freeland - Treasurer and Dogwood Show
Chairman, Doug Adams - Point Secretary. As a
reminder to all Region I and II members you
must attend half the meetings and show to two
judges at the Dogwood, be a TQHA member and
have a current TQHA competition card to qualify
for year-end awards. The December 8th meeting
was the first meeting for 2013.
Any questions can be directed to President
Karen Spangler at [email protected].
Region 3 News
Region 3 held their annual awards banquet
December 15, 2012. High point and reserve
awards were presented to all region qualifiers.
Officers were elected for 2013. Beth Merritt President, Rose Mason - Vice President, Sally
Almond - Secretary, Sheila Woodell - Treasurer.
As a reminder to all Region 3 members you must
attend half the meetings, work at the show or
on the planning committee, show at the Hillbilly
in the corresponding class, be a TQHA member
and have a current TQHA competition card to
qualify for year-end awards.
If you live in one of the Region 3 counties
and have questions contact Beth Merritt at
[email protected].
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Member Spotlight
We all love that view from the back of a
horse. Sisters Becky Ayotte and Elaine Haw
learned the allure of that vantage point early.
Elaine recalls sitting in front of her mother on
trail rides, and being thankful they didn’t have
to worry about the speed limit. Becky spent so
many hours on her toy bouncy horse that she
was known to nod off, and then fall off. Those
first memories, and the help of early mounts
“Tony the Pony,” and naughty but loveable
“Pony” led the young women to their show ring
pursuits today.
Known for their talents in the huntseat and
fence classes, as well as pleasure driving,
you’ve probably seen the sisters at the TQHA
horse shows. Piloting horses like Achieveariva
(Boo), Blue E Licious (Derby), and Art E Jones
(Monty), the ladies have quite a resume of
wins, including numerous circuit awards, yearend high points, and top-ten placings at the
Congress and World Show. Elaine even has one
of those coveted Congress bronzes, after riding
to the win in Novice Amateur Equitation over
Fences class in 2008.
Sometimes though, finding time to ride can
be a challenge. Becky’s job with a logistics
company requires domestic and international
travel. She and her husband are also expecting
identical twin girls this spring, so for now, she’s
taking a break from the saddle. Elaine does
ride daily, but must balance that time at the
barn with school and study. With a bachelor’s
degree from UT Martin and a masters degree
from MTSU already in hand, Elaine is currently
finishing her veterinary medicine prerequisites
at MTSU.
When it comes to horses, the family
believes in start to finish. They own a
broodmare and breed for a new huntseat baby
every few years. Derby is homebred as well as
Monty, and you can expect to see his halfbrother Burn E Be (Emmett) in the show ring
this year, with Elaine in the irons. Elaine takes
charge of the riding and training, though she’s
quick to point out that it can be a challenge.
She says, “It is very hard to keep them going
around looking like a nice broke horse while
still ‘equitating’ and trying to make it all look as
easy as possible.” Always striving to be better,
Elaine currently boards and rides with USEF
judge and competitor David Wright. And when
they get the chance, the sisters also take
lessons with well-known Florida huntseat
trainer Sandy Vaughn.
Although the sisters have lived many places,
you could call their parents' farm in McKenzie
home base. That’s where the horses spend
retirement, and where the shared love of
equines runs deep. Horse shows have also
become one of those ties that bind. The ladies
and their mother haven’t missed a Congress
since 2002, and say that show holds the
greatest collection of memories.
TQHA is a shared commitment too. Becky
was recently elected President of the Amateur
Association, and she serves on the Lucky 7
show committee. Elaine is a director for Region
9, and works with the TQHA communications
committee. Both consider the members the
best part of the organization, as our common
interests bring us together to achieve common
When asked who influences them the most
in their horse-related pursuits, both ladies
provided the same answer, “My sister!” Becky
adds, “Quite honestly, we fuel each other’s
horse obsession.” For these two women, horse
showing is truly a family affair.
Corinne Jasso
Upcoming Events
March is the start of the 2013 TQHA show
season. Visit for the latest info.
March 8–10 TQHA Spring Celebration Circuit
The first show is managed by TQHA and is in
Harriman at Roane State Expo Center. The show
begins on Friday at 4:00 with trail classes. Please
note that novice youth and youth classes will be
last to allow youth some extra time to arrive at
the show.
This show features an all-inclusive fee of
$225, which includes all entry fees, office fees,
drug fees, setup fees and one stall for one
horse.The show will be in the four judge format
with Dawn Clason, Brent Maxwell, Jan Hoskins
and Jeff Greaves judging. For information
contact Jennifer McGrath at 615-653-8190 or
[email protected].
March 16-17 TQHA All Novice Show & Clinic
The all novice show and clinic is managed by
TQHA and is in Harriman at Roane State Expo
Center. This show is a “no frills attire” show
which asks exhibitors to tone down some of the
bling that is typically seen at AQHA shows. This
event is largely manned by volunteers and is an
excellent way to learn more about showing and
working with your horse.
A showmanship clinic will begin at 9:00 am
Saturday morning in the indoor arena. AQHA
judge Charlene Carter has volunteered her time
to be the lead clinician. Charlene is well known
for her teaching ability. Don’t pass up this
opportunity! The clinic is open to all breeds and
the show has several “open” classes for all
breeds to show. Visit the website for more
information about this show.
At noon an Interscholastic Equestrian
Association (IEA) clinic with AQHA professional
horseman Roger and Sandra Elder and Anne
Brzezicki will start indoors. IEA programs are
aimed at middle and high school youth. The
clinic will be followed by several IEA classes.
While the IEA clinic is going on Steve Fowler,
AQHA professional horseman, Charlene Carter
and other professionals and volunteers will be
available to work with novices in the outdoor
arena. Contact Deanna Freeland at 865-6598362 or [email protected] for show info.
April 18-21 Circuit by the River
New management, new schedule, full slate of
leveled classes, and more opportunities highlight
the 2013 Circuit by the River! New to the
schedule this year is Thursday night Over Fence
Classes starting at 6:00 p.m. following the Eastern
Regional judging contest. So shed the judging
attire put on your breeches and let’s ride. Also,
new this year, Trail will start after 4:00 p.m. on
Friday so that the youth points will count for
TQHA year-end awards. Also benefitting the
youth, ALL Showmanship will be held on Saturday,
April 20th. You will show first show under 2
judges, then immediately move down the arena
and show to the remaining 3 judges. Finally, speed
events have been added to this year’s circuit. On
Saturday, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the covered
arena, come run at 4 sets of points. Part of the flat
$75 entry fee will be jackpotted in timed events.
The show bill will be on-line March 1, 2013. $250
all inclusive Fee, Friday night barn party,
Kensington circuit all-around awards and circuit
class awards will be given away. High point
English and High point Western horses will receive
Kensington Saddle Bags. Come join the
excitement. Contact Patrick Kayser for stalls, R.V.
[email protected] or call 615-962-3655.
A Peak Equine Productions, LLC managed show.
May 9-12 Lucky Seven Classic
Going above and beyond is the motto of the
Region-7 show committee. Striving to be one of
the best shows in the nation, the Lucky 7 Classic
extends the Southern hospitality that Tennesseans
are known for to all of our exhibitors and friends.
Large classes, good food, and a great facility make
the Lucky 7 Classic a destination for many out-of
state and faithful TQHA exhibitors. Last year, The
Lucky 7 grew by 121% averaging over 750
exhibitors per judge. Adding a $350 all-inclusive
fee to show under 6 judges, the goal of the Lucky
7 is to be even bigger and better than ever. Also
new this year will be leveled classes, more awards,
and the same commitment to excellence that
keeps exhibitors coming back. We welcome you
back to Murfreesboro May 9-12, 2013. Contact
Patrick Kayser for stalls, R.V. hook-ups and
information at [email protected] or call
615-962-3655. A Peak Equine Productions, LLC
managed show.
May 25-26 Hillbilly Classic
The Hillbilly Classic is hosted by TQHA Region
3. The show will be a four judge format and will
offer circuit awards for all classes. All classes will
be held in a Sat/Sun split format (each class held
one time). The show features an all-inclusive fee
of $225, which includes all entry fees, office fees,
drug fees, setup fees and one stall for one horse.
New for 2013 will be $500 added to senior trail
and $250 added to green and junior trail classes.
To be eligible for the added money you must pay a
$10 jackpot fee which will also go into the payout.
Payout percentages & places will be posted at a
later date. The program including judges should
be posted on the web by March 1. For stalls or
information contact Pat Kress at 865-690-9902 or
email at [email protected].
-----------------------------------------------------Details about the remaining TQHA approved
shows (June – September) will be posted on the
web as soon as programs and details are available.
New TQHA Members
TQHA would like to welcome our newest
Melissa Bachman –Lebanon
Debbie Ploof – Murfreesboro
Jan Pittman - Chipley, FL
Kathryn Rippetoe – Nashville
Robert Glenn - McMinnville
Charles Robert Holbrook, 68, of Fort Payne,
Alabama passed away Sunday, February 24, 2013
of a heart attack. Charles and his wife Pam have
been TQHA members for many years. They have
participated at the shows, and more recently
included their granddaughter, showing most
frequently in the reining, working cow horse and
halter classes.
Please keep the Holbrook family in your
thoughts and prayers.
MTSU Equestrian Program
Learn more about the MTSU equestrian
program as AQHA directors, Dave Whitaker and
Anne Brzezicki are featured in the spring 2013
MTSU Magazine.
Our very own Miller Henard is gracing the
cover too with Two Thousand Model Te. Click
here to see the article.
TQHA Sponsors
Tennessee Farmers Cooperative
(TQHA Corporate Partner)
Missy Jo Performance Horses email: [email protected]
Stable: 859-635-3773, Cell: 859-750-7568
DAC Vitamins & Minerals for Horses and Livestock
Karen Spangler: 865-771-0708
Fowler Quarter Horses – Training
Steve Fowler: 865-250-6039
Youth Fund Raiser
The youth are selling reserved back numbers again
this year for a fundraiser. For $25 we will reserve
your back number at all TQHA shows for this season.
We will also have a laminated set of your number at
the APRIL Harriman show. Please email Tina
Freeland at [email protected] to reserve your
number or see me at the March show.
Would you like to become a TQHA
sponsor? Contact Cathy Fowler at
[email protected] for
the details regarding the benefits of
becoming a TQHA sponsor.