Lexicon - Haloed Bane
Lexicon - Haloed Bane
A Lexicon of the Horgothic Language with English Translations Last updated: 2-2-16 Reidem oin das, fenas reidem shemprisreidemir vloch sui. NOTES: 1. = is used to mark compounding. In this case, ( ) is used to mark a letter that is abbreviated due to the compounding process (or in the case of ny, to mark a replacement by n). 2. : is used to mark the presence of an affix. 3. . is used to mark that an augmentation (e.g. where a noun has been formed from a verb, or vice versa). 4. + is used to separate numbers. 5. - is used to mark reduplication (semantically analogous to the English prefix re-). 6. Irregular stress, usually appearing in proper names, is marked with an acute accent ´ over the stressed vowel sound. 7. Each entry is assigned to one of a number of categories, most of which belong to the traditional Pelrenist grammars. One exception is the case of the proper names, which are usually classed among the nouns (flauchaziorins) by the grammarians but have been set apart here. The reason is that these particular nouns (which, aside from covering names of unique things, beings and places, are also used for the various biological species) allow for more endings than regular nouns as well as the use of (sometimes multiple) silent letters. Another exception is Sinduin’s neologisms, which do not as yet appear in any Imperial dictionary. 8. Nouns with irregular adjectival formations, that is, those nouns which when modifying other nouns do not take the standard forms –ter, –nd (for verb-derived nouns ending in –ma) and –i (for nouns with suffix –glar) will be noted with an * (nouns derived from these, whether by affixing or compounds, are not so noted). Here is a list of all such nouns and their adjectival forms, as recognized by the Academy: alba-albon, bein-beiner, belba-belbon, chiana-chianon, diksa-dikson, faus-fauser, flore-florin, granvingranviner, hagen-hagener, herde-herder, hino-hinos, idan-idaner, ilkar-ilkaren, jaune-jauner, koda-kodon, lacha-lachon, lidel-lideler, mino-minos, mor-morder, mutar-mutaren, nami-namin, neda-nedon, siota-sioton, tara-taron, tormi-tormin, varmi-varmin, vluina-vluinon (The Uperjenathi aliens include terron-terroner in this group. The Academy only recognizes terronter, but signage and advertising from Uperjenath repeatedly includes the “mistake” and, since it can be found all over the Empire without any action being taken by Imperial authorities, it has attained a de facto membership in the group of irregulars.) 9. Teivan scholars developed many ideographic letters to be used along their basic letters. Only a few of them still see intermittent use, mostly in the Silver Planet and in special communities elsewhere. Whenever such an ideogram exists for a word in the lexicon, it is presented after the word as usually spelled in regular Teivan letters. Aa a suffix [member of a species, unique locality 1 or organization] a a suffix [color nominalizer] a 2 a(k)=klucham verb be isolated (alone) 7aqucM a(k)=klucham.a noun isolation (solitude) 7aqucaMa abor noun piracy Jabor abor:ir noun pirate Jaborir ach:ain:am verb move [transitive] JacAnM acham verb move [intransitive] JacM acham.a noun motion (movement) acaMa achan=zior noun verb [grammar] Jac2zYr adom noun join [transitive] JadoM adún temporal now Jadun adún ash adún se expression now and again (on and off) Jadun x Jadun se ager noun accident [non-deliberate event with negative consequences] Jager aininy noun shelter (refuge) JAniN aininy.am verb take shelter (take refuge) JAniNm aish:an:am verb stop [intransitive] JAxnM aisham verb stop [transitive] JAxM aishan=pondish noun full stop (period) JAx2pondix Aisis noun Isis, third world in the right sideline JAsis aisul noun division [government; army] JAsul aivio adverb must [strong speculation] JAvY akal noun sweat Jakl Akash proper name Akash, fourth planet in the Akash System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae Jakx akdal noun spoon (ladle) kdl akiany noun humidity JakyN akrin noun caution (carefulness) JaKin akrin.am verb be careful (cautious) aKinM akton noun branch kton alba * noun largeness (big) lba alba=falpias noun treaty lbaflpys aglaur noun cross-trinity squash JaQwr alba=gloso noun civilization lbaQoso agrem verb stomp (trample) JaGeM alba=gram verb consume lbaGM aidel noun lameness (blindness) [of one Alba=h=arretin proper name Great eye] 7Adel ailu noun bravery (courage) JAlu ain infix [secondary verb marker] JAn Aretin, sixth planet in the Aretin System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae lba3aretin alba=juno antem 2 alba=juno noun reverence lbajuno alui noun fame JalU alba=jurchin noun revolt amber noun gauntlet mber lbajurcin alba=rrachum verb administer (manage, govern) lbaracuM alba=tus expression auspices (protection, favor) lbatus alba=tus.am verb favor lbatusM alba=urum verb vow (pledge) lbwruM Albrajen proper name Albrajen, moon of Lagash lBajen alchaum verb extract (remove item without disturbing remainder) lcwM aldur noun restlessness (uneasy, nervous) ldur algem verb induce lgeM alh:an:em verb hide [transitive] lhaneM alhem verb hide [intransitive] lheM ali noun ali [scientific standard = 6.90873 nanometers] Jali aljar noun scar ljr almai noun abuse (mistreatment) lmA almai.m verb abuse (mistreat, bully) lmAM alme(s)=seije noun body of a dress lmesEje almes noun cloth (fabric) lmes alpen noun cloak (mantle) lpen alter noun computer lter altim verb wrap ltiM altres noun fraction [mathematical] lTes ambun noun missile (rocket) mbun aml:ain:uva.m verb serve [something to someone] [transitive] mlAnuvM amluva noun servant (lover) mluva Amluva nu Akash proper name Akash's Lover, moon of Akash mluva 2 Jakx amluva.m verb serve [be in someone's service] [intransitive] mluvM amluva.m.a noun service mluvaMa amluva.m.a=vrugios noun meritocracy mluvaMaVugYs ampur noun system mpur an infix [secondary verb marker] Jan an:ain:uim verb be pierced (stabbed) [by oneself] JanAnUM anfor noun offering (oblation) nfor angen noun fantasy [indulged illusion] ngen angu noun stadion [Incudean standard = 453.92 Earth m] ngu anio noun urine JanY ankon noun food nkon ankon=enraim verb forage nkonenrAM ankon=shen:er noun input nkonxener ansel noun planet nsel anshi noun lighthouse nxi antem verb employ (put to use/work) nteM anten=glai:glar anten=glai:glar noun availability nte2QAQr anuim verb pierce (stab) anUM anya noun jaw JaNa anyuche noun appointment [scheduled meeting] JaNuce anyuche.m verb schedule (an appointment) JaNuceM apom verb revolve (circle, go around) JapoM apom.a noun revolution (around something) JapoMa apon=torra interjection revolution [rebellious] 7apo2tora ar:ain:am verb be attracted JarAnM ar:ain:iam verb affect JarAnyM ara verb was, were Jara aram verb attract JarM aram:eintal noun gravity JaraMEntl aram.a noun attraction JaraMa Askalon 3 Arretin proper name Aretin, fourth planet in the Aretin System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae and Aretines Jaretin Arretin:a proper name Aretine, a sapient species hailing from the Aretin System Jaretina arrik suffix where arik arrony noun throne JaroN Arretin:a arsa noun transparence rsa art:an:aum verb clog (close up, plug) [transitive] rtanwM artash noun squadron rtx artaum verb clog (close up, be plugged) [intransitive] rtwM asau noun cave Jasw ash interjection yes x asha noun week [= 6 days] Jaxa ashi pronoun that Jaxi ashi.ns pronoun those Jaxins aran=glai:glar noun gullibility ashse noun reality xse arash noun reversion (reverse) Jarx ashse.m verb conduct (put into operation, Jar2QAQr Arburrens proper name Arburrens, third planet in the Ikrilath System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae rburens aria noun effect Jary aria.m verb be affected JaryM arjem verb exit rjeM arjen=ti noun exit rje2ti arnim verb invade rniM arpo noun alert rpo arpo.m verb alert rpoM ashse:chir noun realist xsecir put in place) xseM ashse.n=glai:glar noun feasibility (viability) xse2QAQr ashse=maner noun formula xsemaner aska noun exotism ska Aska=chasel.ins noun Exotic Systems skacaselS Askalon proper name Ascalon, seventh planet in the Ascalon System (Storms), inhabited by Ascalonians skalon Askalon:a Askalon:a proper name Ascalonian, a sapient species hailing from the Ascalon and Fedimansel Systems skalona askol noun belt skol aspas noun upper back sps astia noun pregnancy sty at:arrik quantifier elsewhere atarik ath quantifier other 4 atrai adverb must [imperative] JaTA atrian noun publicity (public) JaTyn audon noun screen 7wdon bajo.m 4 Ava proper name Ava, a sapient species 2 hailing from the planet of the same name Java avel noun left side Javel avel=mancha noun left sideline world Javelmnca Ava azu conjunction however Jazu Bb aug:an:om verb wake (up) [transitive] b:ain:iliom verb shave [intransitive] auge noun praise Jwge b:ain:ishom verb boil (seethe) [transitive] JwganoM auge.m verb praise JwgeM auge=gem verb admire JwgegeM augom verb wake (up) [intransitive] JwgoM aukri noun rhythm JwKi aul qualifier [quotative marker; complementarizer] Jwl aulath temporal usually Jwlt aumi noun pool (of water) Jwmi Aurena=tek:a proper name Aurena Green, third planet in the Aurena Green System, inhabited by Inculae Jwrenateka auri noun darkness [of color] Jwri aurum verb flex (bend a body part) JwruM ausho noun stomach Jwxo Ava proper name Ava, fourth planet in the 1 Shalath System (Storms), inhabited by Avas Java bAnilYM bAnixoM b:ain:iti.m verb warm (up) [intransitive] bAnitiM b:an:anji.m verb mine [intransitive] bannjiM b:an:eilum verb mount [something atop something] banEluM b:an:estim verb stimulate banestiM ba-baim verb return (come back) babAM bachi noun shore baci bahau noun ghost (invisible) bahw baile(s)=seirun noun bangs [hair] bAlesErun bailes noun inversion (inverse) bAles baim verb come (coming, looming) bAM bairin noun lie (falsehood) bArin bajo noun hunger bajo bajo.m verb hunger bajoM bakum bakum verb return (give back) bakuM balgan noun century [senary] blgn baltik adjective agent blue bltik balur noun season [year] balur banche noun mess (jumble) bnce banhus noun beach bnhus banji noun mine bnji banji.m verb mine [transitive] bnjiM banui ordinator outside banU banui=ferdom verb give away (expose) [negative] banUferdoM bekor 5 bash=un:ain:im verb leak [intransitive] baxunAniM bash=unim verb leak [transitive] baxuniM bash=vino.m verb disfigure (mangle) bxvinoM bash=vlarham verb mishandle (botch, screw up) bxWrhM bash=ziodem expression end up -ing (reach the point of -ing) bxzYdeM bashan noun anniversary baxn banui=lambe noun luridness batesh noun foam batex banui=pezom.a noun emotion batul noun tax batul (sensationalism) banUlmbe banUpezoMa banui=termi noun exclave banUtermi banui=zis:glar noun eccentricity (eccentric) banUzisQr barbi noun fold (crease) brbi barbi.m verb fold (double over) [intransitive] brbiM bash noun badness bx bash=furra qualifier because of (due to) [with a negative effect] bxfura bash=g:ain:idem verb spill [intransitive] bxgAnideM bash=gidem verb spill [transitive] bxgideM bash=okam verb revile (bad mouth, disparage) baxokM bator noun aspect (facet) bator baunai noun tininess (tiny, minuscule) bwnA baundi noun calm season bwndi bautri noun earthquake bwTi bavlau noun aura baWw begeny noun eloquence begeN beilui noun barbarian (savage) bElU beilum verb mount [a vehicle] [intransitive] bEluM bein * noun difference bEn bein.am verb differ (be different) bEnM beilui Bek proper name Bec, third planet in the Becca System (Storms), inhabited by Glassics bek bash=puje noun cough bxpuje bekje noun support bekje bash=puje.m verb cough bxpujeM bekor noun position bekor bekor.am bekor.am verb be positioned bekorM Bel proper name gryphon bel bel=glajor noun sage belQajor Bel=kute proper name Gryphon Edge, border between the Near and Exotic Systems belkute bel=ti noun academy belti belba * noun primacy (main, primary) belba belba:glar noun superiority belbaQr benaras conjunction as if benars bendim noun occupy [physically] bendiM bipiny 6 bershi noun requirement berxi bershi.m verb require berxiM bestim verb be stimulated bestiM bestim.a noun stimulation bestiMa beth conjunction as (as...as) bet 1 beth qualifier as [role] bet 2 beth bol expression in general (as a rule) bet bol beth eskir expression in short (to summarize) bet 7eskir beth filter...(glai) otum expression for example (such as) bet filter QA JotuM bezam verb steal [theft] bezM bendim.a noun occupation [physical] biambian noun wiriness bymbyn benya noun entertainment (diversion) biata noun transience (temporary) byta benya.m verb be entertained (have fun) bije(n)=nem.a noun ethics (morality) bendiMa beNa beNM berjem verb meet (have a meeting) berjeM berjem.a noun meeting [scheduled] berjeMa berra noun former bera berraush noun polearm (staff weapon) berwx berril noun interstellar cloud beril berrim verb last (endure) beriM berrim.a noun endurance [length of time something lasts] beriMa berrin=lije:glar noun durability (resilience, robust) beri2lijeQr bianim verb fan byniM bijen noun responsibility (duty) bijen bijen.am verb be responsible (be charged with) bijenM bijen=pezom.a noun conscience [moral] bijenpezoMa biliom verb shave [transitive] bilYM bindia noun narrowness bindy binyauk adjective russet biNwk biom verb chat bYM biondi noun maximum bYndi Biondi=ansel proper name Maximum Planet, fifth planet in the Biondi System (Storms), inhabited by Martutas bYndynsel bipiny noun braid (plait) bipiN bishom bras bash 7 bishom verb boil (seethe) [intransitive] bomur noun comfort (comfortable) bomur bit:ulok quantifier such a time bon qualifier for (in place of, in exchange for) bixoM bitulok bon bit=asha noun day bitaxa bonko noun dotted line bonko bit=ashi pronoun that kind of bitaxi bopus noun polyped [five legs plus] bit=ena pronoun this kind of bitena borzom verb deploy borzoM bith quantifier such bit borzom.a noun deployment borzoMa bopus biti noun warmth biti biti.m verb warm (up) [transitive] bitiM Bos proper name Bos, a Zeburaja Clan bos Bize proper name Bize, first planet in the br:ain:akoim verb be humiliated Keth System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas bize br:ain:usia.m verb make appear bizum noun climb bizuM bobo noun axiom (postulate) bobo bochen noun emptiness bocen bochen=luisel noun new moon boce2lUsel bochen=praija noun famine BAnakOM BAnusyM brachen noun colony Bacen brachen:ir noun colonist Bacenir brachen.am verb colonize BacenM brachen.m.a noun colonization BacenMa boda noun mercury boda brada noun ugliness Bada bofi noun great-great-great-great-grandchild braga noun smoke Baga bofi bragi noun steam Bagi boi quantifier more bO bragom verb ask (inquire) BagoM boi boi expression furthermore (moreover) bragom.a noun question BagoMa bO bO boi vaush expression let alone (much less) bO vwx bois noun spleen bOs bol noun standard (rule) bol bol=vinyi noun default (condition) bolviNi brakoim verb humiliate BakOM branum verb prove BanuM branum.a noun proof (evidence) BanuMa branyon noun modesty (humility) BaNon bras ordinator toward Bs bras bash expression at worst Bs bx bras biondi cha 8 bras biondi expression at most Bs bruham.a noun thanks [used as bras jail expression at least Bs jAl brunfa noun curiosity Bunfa bras trender expression at best Bs brusia noun appearance Busy bYndi Tender braur noun child Bwr interjection] BuhaMa brusia.m verb appear [become present] BusyM braur:glar noun childhood BwrQr bubony noun misery buboN breja noun panic (terror) Beja Buda sinduin's neologism Buddha buda breja.m verb panic BejM buinam verb crash (collide) [transitive] breja=praija hysteria [mass] BejaPAja brian quantifier some Byn brian:arrik quantifier somewhere Bynarik bUnM buki noun outfit (suit for a particular purpose) buki buklem verb comb [arrange hair] buqeM Briga noun Briga, first world in the stemline buldim verb mention buldiM brilon noun uterus (womb) Bilon buriar noun convexity buryr brilon.am verb produce (bring forth) burjil noun equality burjil Biga BilonM brilon=rui noun product (fruit) BilonrU brirvan noun fund [money source, support] Birvn bunya noun nonsense buNa burjil.am verb equal (tie) [share same score] burjilM burrin noun yoke burin butam verb writhe (contort) butM brizer noun attention Bizer Cc brizer.am verb pay attention (hearken) ch:ain:iko.m verb pile up (heap up) brizer=zupum verb call attention to ch:ain:om verb command (order) brirvan.am verb fund (finance) BirvanM [transitive] BizerM (point out) BizerzupuM brola noun curved line Bola brola:glar noun curvature BolaQr brorin noun bad flavor (yucky) Borin bruham verb thank BuhM [intransitive] cAnikoM [something to be done from someone] [transitive] cAnoM ch:an:olnim verb roll [transitive] canolniM cha qualifier to [indirect object] ca chadinom chadinom verb pursue (chase) cadinoM chadinom.a noun pursuit cadinoMa chais noun team cAs chaisun noun worship (adoration) cAsun chaisun.am verb worship (adore) cAsunM Chanegra noun Chanegra, first world in the right sideline caneGa chanke noun pet cnke chano noun smile cano chano.m verb smile canoM charia noun clarity cary chasel noun planetary system casel chatai noun middle of the night [midnight to dawn] catA chath quantifier same ct chath aul expression just as ct Jwl chaul conjunction while (as) cwl chaul berra expression meanwhile cwl bera chaunui noun rearguard cwnU chaunui=h=artash noun trail squadron cwnU3rtx chauros noun calmness (tranquillity) cwros chauros.am verb calm down (abate) [intransitive] cwrosM chavan noun elbow cavn chelun noun equilateral triangle celun chemon noun integration cemon chenda noun thickness cenda chola 9 chenim verb dig ceniM cherfom verb found (base) cerfoM cherfom:ir noun founder cerfoMir cherfom.a noun foundation [founding] cerfoMa Cheshira proper name Cheshira, capital city of Hiuron cexira chiak ordinator past (beyond) cyk chiam verb create (invent) cyM chiana * noun army (military force) cyna chibus noun layer cibus chiflon noun punctuality (on time) ciFon chiko noun pile (stack) ciko chiko.m verb pile up (heap up) [transitive] cikoM chinma noun floor cinma chiopam verb equip (furnish) cYpM chiopam.a noun equipment (furniture) cYpaMa chios noun tomorrow cYs chir suffix [agent of the original noun/verb] cir chitoim verb subtract citOM chitu noun holiness (sacred) citu chitu=h=aininy noun sanctuary (asylum) [physical and conceptual] citu3AniN chitu=kiham.a noun procession citukihaMa chitu=rranda noun scripture [sacred] citurnda chola noun trick (ploy) cola chola.m d:elk:an:aum 10 chola.m verb trick (deceive) colM chulrum verb vote culruM chola=gainam verb disabuse (enlighten) chunyem verb conform (fit physically) cholmar noun composition [makeup] Dd colagAnM colmr cholmar.am verb consist of (be composed of) colmarM cholmar=mirbin noun configuration colmrmirbin cholmar=mirbin.am verb configure colmrmirbinM cuNeM d prefix [opposite marker] d d:ager noun boon [non-deliberate event with positive consequences] dager d:ailu noun cowardice dAlu cholnim verb roll [intransitive] colniM d:ain:ahui.m verb bend [transitive] chom verb command (order) [someone to d:ain:im verb lay (down) dAniM do something] [intransitive] coM chom:ir noun commander coMir chom.a noun command (order) coMa chon=vlava noun mission (assignment) conWava chorion noun roof corYn chotom verb compare [transitive] cotoM chotom.a noun comparison cotoMa choton=filter noun analogy coto2filter chu noun finger cu chu=h=ena pronoun this right here cu3ena chuch qualifier almost cuc chugla noun correctness cuQa chugla.m verb correct (rectify) cuQM Chukei proper name Chukei, seventh planet in the Daxel System (Nears), uninhabited cukE chulfi noun cosine culfi dAnahUM d:ain:imo.m verb harden (fortify) [transitive] dAnimoM d:an:enson.am verb interest danensonM d:an:iavom verb be satisfied [intransitive] danyvoM d:an:iorrum verb resume [intransitive] danYruM d:an:oiga.m verb be surprised danOgM d:ashse noun fiction dxse d:atrai adverb not have to daTA d:atrian noun privacy (private) drtyn d:atrian:ir noun civilian (non-goverment person) daTynir d:eiki noun bottom dEki d:eiki=gotosh noun south pole dEkigotox d:ekion noun barrenness dekYn d:elk:an:aum verb land [transitive] delkanwM d:elkaum d:elkaum verb land [intransitive] delkwM d:elkaum.a noun landing [place] delkwMa d:enflin noun weakpoint [opposite of forte] denFin d:eren noun abnormality (special, extraordinary) deren d:erka noun untamedness [natural, not exposed to society] derka d:ilkar noun dwarf dilkr d:indum verb depopulate dinduM d:osl:an:um verb become extinguished (turn off) [intransitive] doslanuM d:oslum verb extinguish (switch off, turn off) dosluM d:unyor noun uncouthness (boorish, illbred) duNor d:urklam verb fail (a test) durqM dachi noun massage daci dachi.m verb massage daciM dahui noun crookedness (bent) dahU dahui.m verb bend [intransitive] dahUM dahui=glai:glar noun flexibility dahUQAQr das 11 dairek adjective gold dArek daivo noun intention dAvo daivo.m verb intend dAvoM Daksel proper name Daxel, fourth planet in the Daxel System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae dksel Daksel:a proper name Daxelian, a nonsapient species hailing from the Daxel System (extinct) dksela dalion noun flying being dalYn Dalis proper name Dalis, third planet in the Dalis System (Storms), nearly uninhabited dalis damik adjective navy blue damik damos numeral million [senary] damos danges noun origin dnges danges:ir noun native dngesir danges.am verb originate dngesM Danguhanga proper name Danguang, a sapient species hailing from the planet Prima Fas dnguhnga Dani proper name Dani, second planet in the Dani System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae dani Danguhanga danor noun adolescent danor dahui=lanan noun lens dahUlann danor:glar noun adolescence dahui=lanan.is tran glajor.ins danti noun storey (floor) dnti noun eyeglasses dahUlannS Tn QajorS daiche verb series (sequence) dAce daihom verb withhold (deny) [something from someone] dAhoM daimian noun southeast dAmyn danorQr danti=rrial noun metacommunication dntiryl darkion=jin noun Darkion mile [=6.88 gigamiles] drkYnjin darli noun assembly (parliament) drli das noun strength ds das.am das.am verb strengthen [intransitive] dasM dauki temporal since [time] dwki daun quantifier enough dwn davish noun strategy davix dega noun kairos (right moment) dega deith quantifier both dEt delfe noun heir delfe delfin noun heaven delfin /D/ delfin:a noun genie (celestial) delfina dimo.m 12 devon noun impact (collision) devon dezum verb explore dezuM dian ordinator from (out of [partitive]) dyn dian granvin expression naturally dyn Ganvin dian=jich verb take off (remove) dynjic dian=sechim verb tear off dynseciM dianam verb nurse (suckle) dynM diavo noun satisfaction dyvo Delion noun Deleon, second world in the diavo.m verb satisfy [transitive] dyvoM demo noun gate demo dibios noun network (grid) dibYs dempus noun tetrapod dempus dicho noun letter [of the alphabet] dico denma noun province denma dicho=shusha noun alphabet (script) left sideline delYn denma=lor noun governor [of a traditional Incudean province] denmalor denson noun interest denson denson.am verb be interested densonM denyo noun deck [ship] deNo der pronoun [special third person pronoun used with prepositions] der derli noun sleeve derli dersheim verb have to do with derxEM deshlin noun pilgrimage dexlin deshlin:ir noun pilgrim dexlinir deshlin.am verb go on a pilgrimage dexlinM deva noun 1/46,656th of a day deva deva=hem verb glimpse (catch a glimpse) devaheM dicoxuxa didim verb guarantee (vouch for) didiM diken noun rest (remainder) diken diken.am verb remain dikenM diksa * noun medicine (remedy) diksa diksa:tur noun medicine [field] diksatur diksa=ti noun hospital diksati Diksa=tronder noun Medical Group diksaTonder dim verb lie (recline) diM dimen noun sheet dimen dimo noun hardness dimo dimo.m verb harden (become firm) [intransitive] dimoM dinai do:kus 13 dinai noun immensity (huge, vast size) dinA dine noun nectar dine dins pronoun you [plur., inferior] dins diorrum verb resume [transitive] dYruM dioser noun hand dYser dish pronoun you [sing., inferior] dix dispa noun rapier-like sword dispa do prefix [opposite marker] do do:donja noun difficulty dodonja do:fel.an=glai:glar noun immortality dofel2QAQr do:fudo=rrui noun abomination dofudorU do:galmo=glai:glar noun incredibility (unbelievability) doglmoQAQr do:genri noun defeat dogenri do:genri=glai:glar noun invincibility dogenriQAQr do:belba:glar noun inferiority do:glompu.m verb follow doQompuM do:bomur noun discomfort do:granvin noun artifice (artificial) dobelbaQr (uncomfortable) dobomur do:branum verb disprove (refute) doBanuM do:ch:ain:om verb obey [something ordered by someone] [transitive] docAnoM do:chauros noun agitation (upset) docwros do:chauros.am verb be agitated (upset) docwrosM doGnvin do:habom verb forbid (prohibit) dohaboM do:habom.a prohibition (ban) do:haja noun dependence dohaja do:haja.m verb depend dohajM do:helhar.am verb unchain dohelharM do:jade noun sobriety (sober) dojade do:chinma noun ceiling docinma do:chom verb obey [someone] do:julian=glai:glar noun incorruptibility do:chugla noun incorrectness docuQa do:junsu noun trough dojunsu [intransitive] docoM dojulynQAQr do:kalam initiator [initial probable do:das noun weakness dods do:das.am verb weaken [intransitive] dodasM expectation particle] dokalM do:kalfi noun infinity doklfi do:kochu noun inanimate thing dokocu do:das=ti noun armpit dodsti do:diavo noun disappointment do:krendin noun negativity [of quantity, do:dond ordinator below dodond do:kus temporal ago (before now) dokus dodyvo outlook] doKendin do:lerchel Dolentis 14 do:lerchel noun disadvantage (drawback, detriment) dolercel do:t:an:ilshum verb decrease [transitive] dotanilxuM do:loki noun incongruence (extraneous, out do:talia noun worthlessness of place) doloki do:miny quantifier a little domiN do:mor noun oldness (old) [of things] domor do:nagran noun generality donaGn (unworthiness) dotaly do:tehur noun inexpensiveness (cheap) dotehur do:tenau noun slackness (loose) dotenw do:nagran=he:tu:m.a noun overview do:tilshum verb decrease [transitive and do:niantu noun minority donyntu do:tril temporal following (next, coming) donaGnhetuMa do:nolkum verb unbind (untie) donolkuM do:nozem verb discover (uncover, find out) donozeM do:nyarbo noun immaturity doNarbo do:nyuru.m verb figure out (decipher) doNuruM do:pachim verb disagree dopaciM do:palon noun verticality dopalon intransitive] dotilxuM doTil do:veiga noun absence dovEga do:vikte noun credit dovikte do:zalin noun injustice (unfairness) dozalin do:zeniam verb precede [go before in order] dozenyM do:zeniam:ir noun predecessor dozenyMir dobim verb demand dobiM do:perrin noun tardiness (late) dobim.a noun demand dobiMa do:poijim verb exclude dopOjiM doiga noun surprise dOga do:proju noun absurdity (senselessness) doiga.m verb surprise dOgM doperin 1 doPoju do:proju noun irrationality (illogical) 2 doPoju do:rrich verb cease being a quality [characteristic] doric do:rrunkur noun singularity (single entity) dorunkur do:shul noun non-sapient being/thing doxul doch adverb not doc doiga=pr:ain:echaum verb shock [transitive] dOgaPAnecwM doiga=prechaum verb be shocked dOgaPecwM doiga=prechaum.a noun shock dOgaPecwMa dois noun kidney dOs Dolentis proper name Dolentis, third planet in the Dolentis System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae doleSs Doles Doles proper name Dolens, a sapient species hailing from the planet Dolentis (nearly extinct) doles dolgris noun present time doljM dushe(n)=nem.a noun masochism duxeneMa dushen noun pain duxen dushen.am verb hurt (be hurt) (current) dolGis doljam verb touch eida 15 [intransitive] dunexM duzor noun artery duzor Doles doljam.a noun touch [sense of] doljaMa domio noun dock domY domio=hanshi noun pier domYhnxi dond ordinator above (over) dond donja noun ease (easy) donja dosol noun great-uncle/aunt dosol duchul noun chest [body] ducul dukim verb carry dukiM dukim:ir noun lieutenant dukiMir Ee e noun territory [often used in compounds] Je E=fokto proper name Ephocto, fourth planet in the Home System (Nears), inhabited by Epheboctopi Jefokto E=luka proper name Eluca, third planet in the Eluca System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae Jeluka e=rrulam verb take off [lift off] JerukM dukin=glai:glar noun portability e=zoruim verb land JezorUM dukin=shichi noun gestation eborrem verb annex (incorporate) duku noun melee (hand-to-hand combat) echum verb run Jecum duki2QAQr duki2xici duku dulas noun regret duls dulas.am verb regret dulasM dulros noun dew dulros dumais noun document dumAs dunsui noun well [hole for extraction] dunsU dus noun domain [territory under a particular ruler, clan or tribe] (scope) dus dus=trim.ir noun steward dusTiMir ebiny noun makeup JebiN JeboreM eden noun alien Jeden eden:tur noun alienology Jedentur efor noun pouch (small bag) Jefor egel noun objective (goal) Jegel egel:ir noun target [animate or inanimate] Jegelir egiom verb exchange (swap) JegYM egiom.a noun exchange (swap, switch) JegYMa eida noun bag (sack) JEda eiki enh:an:im 16 eiki noun top JEki elbi qualifier surely Jelbi eiki=gotosh noun north pole elbo qualifier most [superlative] Jelbo JEkigotox eiki=pondish noun vowel mark JEkipondix Eim noun Aym, first world in the left sideline JEm Jele ele maun expression at all Jele mwn ele vlui expression soon Jele WU eintal noun force JEntl ele=boi quantifier ever more (more and eintal.am verb force (enforce) more) JelebO JEntalM elei noun elasticity JelE eintal.m.a noun enforcement elgui noun boredom (boring) JelgU JEntlMa eirim verb whisper (murmur) JEriM eja noun house Jeja elis noun storehouse (depot, warehouse) Jelis elk:an:aum verb take off (lift off) ekion noun fertility JekYn [transitive] JelkanwM ekion.am verb fertilize JekYnM ekion.m.a noun fertilization JekYnMa elkaum verb take off (lift off) [intransitive] JelkwM Elkéndi proper name Elkendi, a sapient Ekoglas proper name Echoglass, second planet in the Echoglass System (Storms), inhabited by Glassics and Inculae JekoQs Ekoglas:a proper name Glassic, a sapient species hailing from the Echoglass and Becca Systems JekoQasa Ekorri proper name Ekorri, moon in Benegon System (Storms), inhabited by Martutas Jekori ele qualifier even [extreme example] species hailing from the planet Sya JelkendiHu elki noun saliva Jelki elki.m verb spit JelkiM Elomara proper name Elomara, a holy land for Inculae on the planet Aurena Green Jelomara /0/ elshum verb send JelxuM elu noun datum (fact) Jelu Ekoglas:a eksos noun metal Jeksos elar noun memory Jelr elar.am verb memorize JelarM elar=norva universal data network elrnorva elba qualifier least [superlative] Jelba empar noun brain Jempr ena pronoun this Jena ena.ns pronoun these Jenans enfar noun subtlety Jenfr enflin noun forte JenFin enh:an:im verb vibrate [transitive] JenhaniM enhim enhim verb vibrate [intransitive] JenhiM enhim.a noun vibration JenhiMa enmen noun slaughter (massacre) Jenmen enmen.am verb slaughter (massacre) JenmenM enraim verb seek (search for) JenrAM Entera proper name Entera, third planet in the Entera System (Storms), inhabited by Inculae JenteHra entr:an:aum verb go extinct JenTanwM entraum verb exterminate (annihilate) JenTwM enva noun title [of honor, profession, nobility] 7enva enyel noun excellence JeNel enyerro noun climate JeNero enyo noun dimple JeNo enzek adjective unity blue Jenzek epoin noun urgency JepOn f:an:aum 17 erui noun hair JerU erui=subar noun strand of hair JerUsubr erui=tania noun fur JerUtany esian noun paragraph (stanza) 7esyn eskir noun summary Jeskir eskir.am verb summarize eskirM esp:an:im verb excuse [something] [transitive] JespaniM espim verb excuse [someone] [intransitive] JespiM espim.a noun excuse JespiMa evria noun health JeVy evriam verb heal (be cured) [intransitive] JeVyM ezum verb go [used after consonants] JezuM Ff f:ain:am verb transform [transitive] fAnM er suffix [nominalizer for greatness adjectives f:ain:eriam verb grow [transitive] erber noun chapter [book] Jerber f:ain:ijum verb sprout (germinate) and numbers] er erda noun curtain Jerda eren noun normality (ordinary) Jeren Eriam noun Eryam, second world in the stemline Jerym erka noun tameness Jerka erka.m verb tame (domesticate) JerkM errosh noun load (burden) Jerox fAneryM [intransitive] fAnijuM f:ain:odam verb worry [transitive] fAnodM f:ain:uchuim verb divide (be divided) [intransitive] fAnucUM f:an:arlem verb prostrate [transitive] fanrleM f:an:aum verb play (a game) [transitive] fanwM f:an:istom f:an:istom verb stick, adhere [intransitive] fanistoM f:an:ulrim verb be threatened fanulriM Fa(l)=lor proper name Falian, a sapient species hailing from the planet Fal falor fabim verb cooperate (collaborate) fabiM faga noun legless being faga fahus noun liver fahus fairim verb dictate [documents] fAriM faktend initiator how often fktend fal ordinator through fl Fal proper name Fal, sixth planet in the Shalath System (Storms), inhabited by Falians fl fal=rinom verb survive flrinoM fal=tunim verb break through fltuniM falgi noun age [of beings] flgi falpias noun contract (pact) flpys fam verb transform (shapeshift) [intransitive] fM fana noun silence fana fana.m verb silence fanM fana=dicho noun [silent letter] fanadico faus=ampur 18 fanze noun doll fnze farkom verb pronounce (articulate) frkoM farlem verb prostrate [intransitive] frleM farru noun coin faru fash noun cause fx fash.am verb cause faxM fash=hem verb ascribe (attribute) fxheM fasta noun analysis fsta fasta.m verb analyze fstM fatam verb scare (frighten) fatM faugas noun tendency (propensity) fwgs faugas.am verb tend to (be prone to) fwgasM faum verb play [intransitive] fwM faun=flaucha noun nickname fw2Fwca faunu noun award (prize) fwnu faupo noun cannon fwpo faus * noun body fws faus:tur noun physiology (anatomy) [science] fwstur faus.am verb embody fwsM faus.m.a noun embodiment fwsMa Fana=larva proper name Silence Spore faus.m.a.tur noun iconography [science] fanka noun music fnka faus.m.a=h=ampur noun iconography fanalrva fanka=rrui noun musical instrument fnkarU fanye noun coast faNe fanyil noun content faNil fwsMatur (of a concept, thing or person) fwsMa3mpur faus=ampur noun physiology (anatomy) [of a body or species] fwsmpur faus=egiom.a fiaki 19 faus=egiom.a noun somatallaxis fel.an=glai:glar noun mortality faus=tronke noun gymnastics fel=eja noun cemetery feleja fwsegYMa fwsTonke fauta noun wind fwta fel2QAQr fel=gaivar noun predicament (plight) felgAvr fauta=hashpul noun suffocation fel=om.a noun killing (murder) fauta=hashpul.am verb suffocate fel=ontia noun elegy (funeral poem) favi noun grade (world grade) favi fel=saisan noun death magic fwtahxpul (transitive) fwtahxpulM Favi=rravur noun Great Gap [chasm in techno-physical possibilities between the third and fourth grades] faviravur fe(l)=ledui noun dirge (funeral song) feledU feloMa felonty felsAsn felgen noun windy season felgen felish noun bet (gamble) felix felish.am verb bet (gamble) felixM feltes adjective dead feltes fecha noun week feca fenas conjunction but fen5 fedim verb dream fediM fenas interjection gee (wow) [expresses fedim.a noun dream fediMa Fedim=ansel proper name Fedimansel, first planet in the Fedimansel System (Storms), inhabited by Ascalonians fediMnsel fehion noun honor fehYn feihi noun damage (harm, injury) fEhi Feihi:chir proper name Deleterious, fifth planet in the Shalath System (Storms), (barely) inhabited by Inculae fEhicir feihi.m verb damage (harm, injure) fEhiM feik adjective orange fEk feinem verb kidnap (abduct) fEneM fel noun death fel fel.am verb die felM 1 2 surprise] fen5 fenda noun characteristic (quality, trait) fenda fenda=zior noun qualifier [grammar] fendazYr fenim verb describe feniM fenin=zior noun adjective [grammar] feni2zYr ferdom verb betray ferdoM feriam verb grow [intransitive] feryM feriam.a noun growth feryMa ferian=luisel noun waxing moon fery2lUsel ferril noun junction (intersection, meeting point) feril feton noun armor feton fiaki noun mystery fyki fiaki=puhu.m flaur.am 20 fiaki=puhu.m verb dabble (mess around, fishen.am verb be ruined (be wrecked) tinker, meddle) [with unknown fields] fykipuhuM fiana ordinator around fyna fiana=ja temporal around (circa) fynaja fias noun air (thick air) fys fiazon noun confession fyzon fiazon.am verb confess fyzonM fijum verb sprout (germinate) [transitive] fijuM fixenM fistom verb stick [transitive] fistoM fl:ain:am verb begin (start) [transitive] FAnM fl:ain:im verb shake (rock) FAniM fl:ain:ugum verb starve [transitive] FAnuguM fl:an:aucha.m verb name [transitive] FanwcM fladio noun possibility FadY fijum:ir noun Lowborn fijuMir flak adjective silver Fk fijun=rui noun sprout fiju2rU Flak Ansel proper name The Silver Planet, filis noun merit filis filis.am verb merit (deserve) filisM filis=alui noun eminence (prominence) filisalU filter noun example filter filter=fordo.m verb illustrate [explain by example] filterfordoM Find proper name Find, fourth planet in the Middle Martu System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas find findel noun hell findel findel:a noun fiend (demon) findela fines noun caress fines finjau noun building finjw finjau=shiarri noun structure (framework, architecture) finjwxyri third planet in the Home System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae and Zeburajas Fk nsel flam verb begin (start) [intransitive] FM flam.a noun beginning FaMa flan=donja noun beginner difficulty F2donja flan=zior noun initiator [grammar] F2zYr flanan noun glace réelle [element] Fann fland initiator who Fnd flanri noun trap Fnri flarrum verb weave FaruM flash noun banquet (feast) Fx flaucha noun name Fwca flaucha=zior noun noun [grammar] FwcazYr finyum verb bury fixuM flaucham verb to be named FwcM finyun=roga noun stake flaur noun motive (reason) Fwr fiNu2roga fishen noun ruin (wreck) fixen flaur.am verb motivate (propel) FwrM flaza fudo 21 flaza noun hill (story arc) Faza flopom.a noun hindrance (obstacle) FopoMa fledim verb bream FediM flore * noun length (long) FoHre flei(n)=niska noun garland FEniska flore.m verb lengthen (grow long) fleim=balur noun spring [season] FEmbalur [intransitive] FoHreM flosh noun shop (store) Fox flein noun flower FEn flugom verb deny [a statement] FugoM flein.am verb bloom flugom.a noun denial [of a statement] FEnM flein=alter noun flowercomputer FEnlter FugoMa flein flekesh noun envy Fekex flekesh.am verb envy [a person] [intransitive] FekexM flugum verb starve [intransitive] FuguM flujir noun testicle Fujir flumor noun gender Fumor fodam verb worry (be worried) fodM foil noun stylus [pen equivalent] fOl fleki noun spot (patch) Feki foinion noun northeast fOnYn fleki=praija noun freckles Fokto=bopus proper name FekiPAja flembaum verb appoint (designate, name) FembwM fligan noun smoothness Fign flim verb shiver (tremble) FiM flin=rendam verb stammer (stutter) Fi2rendM flinam verb bake FinM flochi noun ice Foci flogo noun Silver hour F;g; Floi noun Floy, second world in the right sideline FO floi(n)=nas conjunction unless FOn5 floin qualifier except FOn floin aul expression except that FOn t flomon noun meal Fomon flopom verb hinder (interfere) FopoM Epheboctopus, a sapient species hailing from the planet Ephocto foktobopus foloth temporal often folot folvas noun environment folvs Fokto=bopus fonyum verb prevent (impede) foNuM fordo noun explanation fordo fordo.m verb explain fordoM fosa noun fatness (fat) fosa fosin noun sophistication (worldliness) fosin fuchuim verb divide [transitive] fucUM fuchuin=pondish noun [punctuation mark for dividing subject and predicate or emphasizing a word] fucU2pondix fudo noun ideal fudo fuila gapan 22 fuila noun skirt (lap) fUla fukam verb practice (hone) fukM fulda noun government fulda fulrim verb threaten (menace) fulriM fulsom verb release (let go, drop on purpose) fulsoM fului noun bridge fulU funka noun flaw (defect) funka fupi noun expedition (excursion) fupi furra qualifier because of (due to) fura furra klucham.a expression through lack of fura qucaMa furra trend expression thanks to fura Tend furriok adjective vermilion furYk fushem verb scratch fuxeM fusis noun tactics fusis Gg g:ain:arreim verb unite [transitive] gAnarEM g:ain:ata.m verb change [intransitive] gAnatM g:ain:atan=lije:glar noun mutability gAnat2lijeQr g:ain:elim verb be charmed (captivated) gAneliM g:ain:idem verb pour [intransitive] gAnideM g:ain:um verb be known (be famous) gAnuM g:an:almo.m verb believe [someone] [intransitive] ganlmoM g:an:enri.m verb lose (be defeated) [intransitive] ganenriM gaicha noun plane [two-dimensional] gAca gainam verb reveal (expose) gAnM gaivar noun border gAvr galiny noun cousin [first] galiN galmo noun belief glmo galmo.m verb believe [something] [transitive] glmoM galmo.n=glai:glar noun credibility (believability) glmoQAQr galria noun width (wide) glry Galria=tolmar nu Nem.a proper name Love's Broadport, Incudean goddess glrytolmr 2 neMa /L/ gamaur noun great-great-grandchild gamwr gampa noun directness (immediate) gmpa ganir noun exception ganir gankon noun relationship (association) gnkon gankon.am verb associate with (relate to) [intransitive] gnkonM gansu noun hug (embrace) gnsu gansu.m verb hug (embrace) gnsuM gansuim verb acquiesce (resign onself) gnsUM ganya noun fury (ire, wrath) gaNa gapan noun hermit gapn Garlando Garlando proper name Garland, a sapient species hailing from the planet Sya grlndo garreim verb unite ge:tu:n=rui.ns noun sum of one's experience (life history) getu2rUS gebim verb guide gebiM gedi noun ink gedi [intransitive] garEM garrum verb gesture gibom 23 gegem verb offer gegeM Garlando garuM geiti noun gun gEti gelim verb charm (captivate) geliM garsi noun warrior (fighter) grsi gem verb look (watch) [transitive] geM gartu noun ancestor grtu gem haus verb guard against geM gartu=flaucha noun ancestral name (surname) grtuFwca gartu=ika noun lineage (ancestry) grtUka hws gem.a noun gaze (look in someone's eyes) geMa genjo noun mood (spirit) genjo garvi noun comment grvi genri noun victory (triumph) genri garvi=pondish noun [punctuation mark genri.m verb defeat (beat) genriM for parenthetical remarks, bracketing] grvipondix gashaul noun sky gaxwl gashaul:ir noun celestial body (astronomical object) gaxwlir gastom verb doubt gstoM gaston=ti.m verb call into doubt (call into question) gsto2tiM gata noun change gata gata:tur noun calculus (analysis) [field] gatatur gata.m verb change [transitive] gatM gauduk qualifier according to (in accordance with) gwduk gaum verb kiss gwM gautau noun glory gwtw gaven noun hollow (cavity) gaven ge:tu:m:ir noun celebrity (famous person) getuMir genri=harla noun paean genrihrla Genri=harla proper name Genriharla, eighth planet in the Genriharla System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas genrihrla gerdon noun flesh gerdon gerdon=shen:er noun output gerdonxener gerion noun river gerYn gerion=lika noun baptism gerYnlika gesam verb protest (object) gesM geshpem verb interrupt gexpeM geshpem.a noun interruption gexpeMa giar noun tube (pipe) gyr gibom verb bring to submission giboM gibon=tabia gibon=tabia noun deadlock (stalemate) gibo2taby gichaum verb hiss gicwM gidem verb pour [transitive] gideM gilum verb write giluM gilun=pondish noun punctuation mark gilu2pondix Ginaras noun Ginaras, third world in the left sideline ginars gionia noun yawn gYny gionia.m verb yawn gYnYM girla noun wage girla gis noun key gis gish interjection oh [surprise] gix giti noun bump (protrusion) giti gize noun 1/36th of a day gize gize=sachoi noun time zone gizesacO giziam verb remind gizyM gl:ain:anuim verb illuminate (light up) QAnanUM gl:ain:etam verb delay [transitive] QAnetM glacho noun opinion Qaco glai adverb can [potential] QA glai:glar noun ability [passive, used in compounds as a sufix] QAQr glajor noun eye Qajor glajor.am verb face (confront) QajorM glita 24 glanes noun thoroughness Qanes glantund qualifier instead of Qntund glanuim verb shine QanUM glanuim.a noun illumination qanUMa glanyi noun sun QaNi glanza noun sine Qnza glapa noun sin Qapa glapa:glar noun sinfulness QapaQr glapa.m verb sin against (violate) QapM Glapa=chiko proper name Glapachiko, a sapient species hailing from the Melgam Glapakins System Qapaciko glar suffix [quality marker for nouns/gerund marker for verbs] Qr gleija noun shyness QEja Glapa=chiko gleil noun authority (official) QEl glen ordinator home Qen glen=kirra noun homeland (fatherland, motherland) Qenkira glen=mei noun household QenmE glen=sesi noun federation (confederation) Qensesi glen=ti noun home Qenti glesor noun cleanliness Qesor glesor.am verb clean QesorM gletam verb delay (tarry) [intransitive] QetM glajor=erda noun eyelid gliandui noun permanence QyndU glajor=luisel noun gibbous moon glir noun city Qir Qajorerda QajorlUsel glidia noun people [singular] Qidy glita noun primitivity Qita glom gralbun 25 glom verb sense [objective] QoM gogash noun map gogx glom.a noun sensation QoMa golar noun lodge (inn) golr glompu noun leader Qompu golem verb learn goleM glompu.m verb lead QompuM gombo noun rhyme gombo glon=gum verb perceive Qo2guM gona noun knot gona glon=gum.a noun perception gona.m verb tie (in a knot) gonM Qo2guMa glon=gum.a=glar noun objectivity qo2guMaQr glopesh noun lung Qopex gongem verb erase gongeM Gorgo proper name Gorgo, second planet in the Aurena Green System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae gorgo glor noun mode [noble house] Qor gorgul noun field [of flowers] gorgul glor:ir noun modelkin [nobleperson] gorni noun foundation (base) gorni Qorir glor=alba noun model (duke, duchess) Qorlba glor=e noun modality [noble domain] Qore glorrum verb advise (counsel) QoruM glorrum.a noun counsel (advice) QoruMa gloso noun culture Qoso glunze noun transmission Qunze glunze.m verb transmit QunzeM glupau noun square Qupw gochim verb spit gociM godol noun object godol godol:glar fenda=klucham.a:nd expression transitivity [grammar] godolQr fendaQucaMnd gorni.m verb be based (founded) gorniM gorreny noun diameter goreN gospek adjective bronze [color] gospek gota noun shamshir-like sword gota gotosh noun pole [rotational, geometric] gotox gr:ain:am verb eat [intransitive] GAnM gr:an:unjom verb hurry (rush) [transitive] GanunjoM gr:an:ushkem verb freeze [transitive] GanuxkeM graikuim verb apply (audition) GAkUM grailu noun direction GAlu grailu.m verb direct (lead, point to) GAluM grailu=bol noun guideline (directive) godol:glar fenda=rrun:glar:i expression intransitivity [grammar] godolQr fendaru2Qari goflin noun kitchen goFin GAlubol grain noun style GAn gralbun noun waterfall (cascade) Glbun gram gun=jikia 26 gram verb eat [transitive] GM grito noun fashion [fad] Gito gran=ti noun eatery G2ti grituny noun disaster (catastrophe) granvin * noun nature Gnvin granvin.am verb possess [naturally, from birth] (be endowed with) GnvinM granye numeral ten [senary] GaNe gras noun clan (tribe) Gs gras=e noun phylarchy Gase gras=e:chir noun phylarch Gasecir GituN groim verb yell (shout) GOM grond adjective true [gronde when another adjective immediately follows] Gond Grond Deti proper name True Detty, third planet in the True Detty System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae Gond deti Grond Rik proper name Truegrey, the graun noun box Gwn grausi noun brightness Gwsi Zeburaja priest clan (extinct) Gond rik grelbem verb befit (become, be gropo noun cage Gopo grelbem.a noun fitness (propriety) grudas noun simultaneity Guds appropriate) [transitive] GelbeM GelbeMa grempe noun hostage Gempe grial noun eternity Gyl groto noun future Goto grudas.am verb synchronize GudasM grudas.m.a noun synchronization GudsMa griash noun gas Gyx gruken noun shield Guken grihem verb abandon (forsake, leave grunjom verb hurry (rush) [intransitive] grikam verb crouch (squat) GikM grunyau noun salute GuNw grim verb peel (skin) GiM grus ordinator in a circle [motion] Gus grim:ir zu:fal=hen:tur:ter noun grushkem verb freeze [intransitive] behind, give up) GiheM transoptical flayer GiMir flhe2turts grim:ir=krasa noun Flayer Reckoning [start date of 12/7/6922 BC of the zeroless and proleptic Julian calendar] GiMirKasa grim:ir=tania noun flayer field GiMirtany grinyim verb expel (cast out, throw out) GiNiM GunjoM GuxkeM gu:tu:n=rui.ns noun sum of one's knowledge (ken) gutu2rUS gubuil noun property (asset) gubUl gulti noun validity gulti gum verb know guM gum=enraim verb reach for (turn to) [spiritual or physical] guMenrAM gun=jikia noun term (specialized expression) gu2jiky gun=klucham.a gun=klucham.a noun ignorance gu2kucaMa gundias noun face gundys gundias=paukum verb recognize gundyspwkuM gurje noun generation [age group] gurje gurri adverb can (may) [permission] guri Hh haise 27 ha-harla.m verb confirm hahrlM habom verb allow (permit) haboM habom.a noun permission haboMa hacher noun list hacer hachuin noun loyalty hacUn hadam verb reproduce (procreate) hadM hadam.a noun reproduction (procreation) hadaMa hagen * noun diversity (variety) hagen h:ain:evrem verb rot (putrefy) [transitive] hagia noun number (turn, as in a game) h:ain:im verb prepare (ready) [transitive] hagia:tur noun mathematics hagytur hagy hAneVeM hAniM hagia.m verb count (enumerate) hagyM h:ain:irrei.m verb be dirtied (sullied, polluted) hAnirEM hagia=ninfa noun gematria (numerological system) hagyninfa h:ain:odim verb put to sleep (put to bed) hAnodiM h:an:air.am verb explode [transitive] hagia=prana noun numerology h:an:alto.m verb be bundled (up) hagia=tranto noun rate (ratio) h:an:ianom verb forgive [something] hagia=zior noun numeral hagyzYr hagyPana hanArM hagyTnto [intransitive] hanltoM [transitive] hanynoM h:an:injom verb spurt [intransitive] haninjoM h:an:oktem verb be exhausted hanokteM hai infix [optativity marker] hA 1 hai verb may be hA 2 haide verb may be [characteristic] hAde h:an:uigem verb be convinced (be haifa noun feces hAfa h:an:uim verb hang [intransitive] hair noun bomb (explosive) hAr persuaded) hanUgeM hanUM ha conjunction and [links clauses] ha ha-harla noun confirmation hahrla haik adjective purple hAk hair.am verb explode [intransitive] hArM haise noun door hAse haish heiha 28 haish noun tabard [Incudean robe harrel noun occupation (profession) haja noun independence haja harrel.am verb busy oneself [intransitive] accessory] hAx hajin noun hatred (hate) hajin hajin.am verb hate hajinM hal ordinator after (behind) [space] hl hal flore=kolu expression eventually hl FoHrekolu hal kolu expression ultimately (after some time) hl kolu Halaron noun Halaron, third world in the stemline halaron haldom verb lament hldoM halto noun bundle (bunch) hlto halto.m verb bundle (up) [transitive] hltoM halzu noun window hlzu hamash noun countryside (rural) hamx harel harelM has conjunction [relativizer for oblique antecedent] muk hasai noun gamma doom power hasA hashpul noun exile (banishment) hxpul hashpul.am verb exile (banish) hxpulM haspar noun great-grandnephew/niece hspr hastur noun chance (randomness) hstur hastur=me verb chance to be (happen to be) hsturMe hastur=pavim verb overhear hsturpaviM hampik adjective scarlet red hmpik hatau noun rock hatw han noun span [Incudean standard = 18.87 hati noun fancy hati Earth cm] hn hand adjective beautiful [hande when another adjective immediately follows] hnd hand:er:tur noun aesthetics hndestur hand.er noun beauty hnder hanshi noun ramp hnxi hanyum verb faint (lose consciousness) haNuM hargem verb scrub (scour) hrgeM harjal noun megaannus [senary] hrjl harla noun claim (affirmation, assertion) harla.m verb claim haun noun vulva hwn haus qualifier against (in opposition to, propped in contact with) hws havoi noun range (spectrum) havO he conjunction and [links complete list of nouns] 3 he:tu:m.a noun view hetuMa Hebel proper name Hebel, third planet in the Sherbeth System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas hebel hechum verb repair (fix, mend) hecuM heidul noun reform (improvement work) hEdul heiha noun angle hEha heiha:tur heiha:tur noun trigonometry hEhatur heike noun copy hEke heike.m verb copy hEkeM heilim verb propose (suggest) hEliM heipe noun neatness (tidy) hEpe heisu noun hesitation hEsu hejaim verb understand hejAM heki noun bias (prejudice) heki hekoi noun complexity hekO hel noun back [part of something] (reverse) hel hel=neshe noun cosine helnexe helhar noun chain helhr helhar.am verb chain helharM helki noun weather helki hem verb see heM hem.a noun vision (sight) heMa hembak adjective platinum blond hembk hen:tur noun optics hentur hen=glai:glar noun visibility he2QAQr henkom verb discard (throw away, get rid of) henkoM hens temporal during hens herde * noun wonder (marvel) herde herde=jaune noun thaumaturge herdejwne herra noun insurrection hera hichis 29 heten=dukim verb transport hetendukiM heten=dukim.a noun transportation hetendukiMa heten=e noun exarchy hetene heten=e:chir noun exarch hetenecir heten=haise noun portal hetenhAse heten=hem:ir noun telescope hetenheMir heten=laniom.a noun heten=haise telejection hetenlanYMa Heten=revo proper name Transrevo, second planet in the Revo System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae hetenrevo heten=vail.am verb represent hetenvAlM heto noun rain heto heto=h=aisham:ir noun umbrella heto3AxaMir heto=rrin noun raindrop hetorin heva noun image (picture) heva heva=dicho noun ideogram hevadico hevrem verb rot (putrefy) [intransitive] heVeM hiach quantifier various (several) hyc hianom verb forgive [someone] [intransitive] hynoM heten noun distance (far) heten hiasur noun tip (sharp end) hysur heten=apom verb circumvent (make a hichis noun obsession (passion) jicis detour) hetenapoM hifion honja.m 30 hifion noun lightness [of weight] hifYn hirrei.m verb make dirty (stain, pollute) hiklon noun insult hiqon hirron noun depth hiron hiklon.am verb be insulted hiqonM hirron=jos noun melancholy (depression) hiksi noun status (rank) hiksi hispa noun approval hispa hilas numeral trillion [senary] hils hispa.m verb approve hispM hilash noun tradition hilx hisui noun wetness (moisture) hisU hilge noun average hilge hisui=h=inhui:tur noun chemistry hilra noun nucleus (core) hilra him verb be prepared (be ready) hiM him.a noun preparation (readiness) hiMa hinchon noun unique entity hincon hinjom verb spurt [transitive] hinjoM hino * noun night hino hino=jecher noun deviant (pervert) hinojecer hino=jecher:glar noun perversion hinojecerQr hino=lan noun bedroom hinoln hino=zis noun midnight hinozis hiogi noun park hYgi hioman sinduin's neologism human hYmn hirEM [science] hisU3inhUtur hital noun situation hitl ho numeral thousand [senary] ho ho:klas=nuria:glar noun ambiguity hoqsnuryQr ho+rro+mal expression [mild oath or expression of surprise] horoml hodim verb sleep hodiM hogim verb absorb hogiM hogosh noun strangeness (weird) hogox hoktem verb exhaust [transitive] hokteM holjon noun ceremony (rite) holjon holjon=tiar noun bonfire [ceremonial fire] holjontyr holon noun chandelier [surface=mounted hiopo noun first cousin once removed hYpo Hiorron proper name Hiuron, fourth planet 1 in the Hiuron System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae hYron Hiorron proper name Hiuronite, a sapient 2 species hailing from the planet Hiuron (extinct) hYron hirrei noun dirtiness (dirty) hirE light source] holon hombam verb teach hombM hombam:ir noun teacher hombaMir homel noun canon [literary, religious] homel hond initiator what hond honja noun fuel honja honja.m verb fuel honjM hono idan=ponom 31 hono noun snow hono hurbi noun edible crystal hurbi hono=rrin noun snowflake honorin hurri noun embryo huri honvian noun balcony honvyn honye noun spark hoNe hurum verb invite huruM hurush noun confidence (self-assuredness) hurux horgam verb congratulate horgM husha noun hood huxa horom verb carve horoM Ii hoshi noun eyelash hoxi hugli noun candidate huQi huibam verb defend hUbM huigem verb convince (persuade) hUgeM huim verb hang hUM huin temporal still (yet) hUn huine(sh)=sheira noun estimate hUnexEra huine(sh)=sheira.m verb estimate hUnexErM huinesh noun quantity hUnex huinesh:tur noun arithmetic hUnextur huinesh=zior noun quantifier [grammar] hUnexzYr hukra noun argument huKa hukra.m verb argue (about something, for or against something) huKM hul pronoun he, she, it [inferior] hul Hulgoin proper name Hulgoin, moon of Akash hulgOn hulver noun vanguard hulver hundim verb travel hundiM hundin=siomai noun escort hundi2sYmA huns pronoun they [inferior] huns i suffix [adjectivizes nouns ending in the suffix -glar; objects possessed by another] i ia noun you who hear me [vocative marker] Jy iakesh noun book Jykex iakesh=ti noun library Jykexti iakom verb propel [physical] JykoM iakom.a noun propulsion JykoMa Ialan proper name Ialan, first planet in the Aurena Green System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae Jyln iam verb copulate (have sex with) JyM iatar noun mind (intellect) Jytr iatar:tur noun psychology Jytrtur iatar=pinzim verb graduate [transitive] JytrpinziM iatar=sodon.tur noun psycho-statistics Jytrsodontur ibin noun tool (implement) Jibin ibio noun success JibY id-indum verb resettle JidinduM idan * noun cold Jidn idan=ponom verb enchant (bewitch, enthrall) JidanponoM ifer infi 32 ifer noun duration Jifer iktor noun welfare (well-being) Jiktor ifer.am verb take time (last) JiferM igaum verb bite JigwM ikui noun water (teal water) JikU ikui=kranva noun dam 7ikUKnva igo ordinator into Jigo igo=do:donja noun advanced difficulty Jigododonja igo=h=okam verb evoke (for sorcerous purposes) Jigo3okM ikus noun guilt Jikus ikus=okam verb blame JikusokM Ildiko proper name Ildico, third planet in the igo=kum.a noun taboo JigokuMa igo=lem.a noun classified information JigoleMa igo=rrui.ns noun arcana JigorUS igo=saisan noun sorcery [arcane, unnatural magical power] JigosAsn Ildico System (Nears), (barely) inhabited by Inculae Jildiko ilg:an:im verb lodge [transitive] JilganiM ilgim verb stay JilgiM ilj:an:em verb empty [intransitive] JiljaneM igo=sam verb inhale JigosM iljem verb empty [transitive] JiljeM igo=sam.a noun inhalation ilkar * noun giant (hero) Jilkr JigosaMa ilkar:glar noun heroism 7ilkrQr ijil noun light Jijil ilo interjection hello Jilo ijil=heike noun photocopy [equivalent of a ima temporal before [time] Jima photograph] JijilhEke ik:ain:am verb line up [transitive] JikAnM ima demo expression at last (finally) Jima demo ima=ja temporal by [a certain time] ika noun line (curve) Jika Jimaja ika.m verb line up (make a line) JikM imbus noun fever Jimbus ikril noun barb (sting) JiKil imo noun comicality (funny) Jimo Ikril proper name Ikril, a sapient species imo=krembi noun comedy hailing from the planet Ikrilath JiKil JimoKembi in qualifier by [authorship, genitive of Ikrilath proper name Ikrilath, second planet in the Ikrilath System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae and Ikrils JiKilt transitive subjectivity] Jin inaik adjective midnight blue JinAk Ikril ikse interjection alas (woe) Jikse indum verb settle [a location] JinduM infi noun cloud Jinfi infi=som.a infi=som.a noun couch (sofa) JinfisoMa ingli noun whim (caprice) JinQi Inglish sinduin's neologism English language JinQix inglom verb participate (take part) JinQoM inglon=zior noun affix JinQo2zYr inhui noun part (section of a whole) JinhU inhui:tur noun theoretical science JinhUtur ja rubi=tredui 33 irrai noun failure JirA irrai.m verb fail JirAM Ishdodeth proper name Ishdodeth, fourth planet in the Dolentis System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae Jixdodet ishpul noun suddenness Jixpul iskai noun vein 7iskA iskom verb lick JiskoM islil noun pentagon Jislil ivai noun vanity (narcissism, self-love) JivA izom verb blink JizoM ino=sam verb exhale JinosM Jj ino=sam.a noun exhalation j:ain:enam verb exude (ooze) JinosaMa [intransitive] jAnenM ino=tunim verb break out j:ain:oho.m verb undress (strip) inyem verb share JiNeM j:an:andim verb spread (widen, broaden) inmar noun sulfur Jinmr ino ordinator out of [motion] Jino JinotuniM inzal noun cleverness (astute, bright) Jinzl inze qualifier thus (in this/that manner) Jinze iolir noun sign JYlir ios noun date JYs iota noun bar (rod) JYta ipion noun dawn JipYn ir suffix [agent of the original noun/verb] ir irin pronoun I [superior] Jirin irin.s pronoun we [superior] Jirins irjun noun rest (break, downtime) 7irjun [transitive] jAnohoM [transitive] janndiM j:an:arpam verb torment (make suffer) janrpM j:an:ioham verb gather (collect) [intransitive] janYhM j:an:iose.m verb err (miss) [transitive] janYseM j:ir noun receiver (obtainer) jir ja temporal in (at, in the process of) [time] ja ja heten=tredui expression long ago ja hetenTedU ja rubi=tredui expression recently ja rubiTedU ja shen sam.a ja shen sam.a expression at one swoop ja xen saMa ja vara expression finally ja vara jachair noun pillow (cushion) jacAr jade noun inebriation (drunkenness, intoxication) [recreational] jade jade.m intoxicate oneself [recreationally] jia 34 jasim verb cry (weep) jasiM jasta noun crowd (multitude) jsta jasto noun record [data preservation] jsto jasto.m verb record jstoM jasto=terron noun database jstoteron jail noun minimum jAl jau adverb would [conditional] jw jaisai noun grade ability power jAsA jaune * noun master jwne jaisai.m verb cast a grade spell (activate a jaune:glar noun mastery (dominance) grade ability) jAsAM jaisai.m.a noun grade spell (conjuration) jAsAMa jakai noun greed jakA jalens interjection please jalens Jaluna noun Jaluna, fourth world in the left sideline jaluna Jamas proper name Jamas, moon in the Keth System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas jams jamei noun mask jamE jand initiator where jnd jandim verb spread (widen, broaden) [intransitive] jndiM janhas noun rigidity (stiffness) jnhs janim verb laugh janiM janoish noun language janOx janoish=bol noun grammar janOxbol janshe noun area (zone) jnxe japui noun charge [material] japU jarpam verb suffer [intransitive] jrpM jarpam:ir noun victim jtpaMir jarpam.a noun suffering jrpaMa jwneQr jecher noun bug jecer jecher:ir noun heretic jecerir jecher=galmo noun heresy (deviant belief) jecverglmo jehan noun meeting [first-time] jehn jehan.am verb meet (for the first time) jehanM jehok adjective aqua (color) jehok jeidia noun hip jEdy jein ordinator up jEn jein=grus ordinator clockwise jEnGus jenam verb exude (ooze) [transitive] jenM jenek adjective brown jenek jeno noun price jeno jensi noun stem (stemline) jensi jensi=sachoi noun landmass jensisacO jetau noun table jetw ji-jich noun regain (recover, retrieve) jijic jia adverb have [resultative, perfective] jy jias jule.m 35 jias noun extremity (extreme, extremely) jys jias=tunim verb disrupt (sabotage) jystuniM jich verb get (obtain, receive, become a quality) jic jich meik.a expression redden (blush) jic mEka jiha noun hole jiha jikia noun vehicle jiky jikia oin viol=uchin expression locomotive jiky J vYlucin jikia:chir driver (chauffeur) jikycir joida.m verb spend jOdM joigi noun thigh jOgi joigi=olumpa noun debut (coming out) jOgYlumpa join noun weariness (tired) jOn join.am verb tire (be tired) [intransitive] jOnM joishos noun tower jOxos joita noun path (route) jOta jondum verb throw jonduM jorrais noun modern time (present day) jorAs jorroil noun tangent jorOl jikia.m verb drive [esp. for others] jos noun sadness jos jikia=tiam verb take (someone by jostok adjective punk jostok jikyM vehicle) jikytyM jin noun mile [Incudean standard = 50.422 Earth km] jin jinak adjective white jink jioham verb gather (collect) [transitive] jYhM jiond initiator which jYnd jiose noun error (mistake) jYse jiose.m verb err (make a mistake) [intransitive] jYseM jisui noun neck jisU jofi noun proverb (saying) jofi joho noun nudity joho Joho:chir proper name Johochir, moon of Glowgem johocir joho.m verb undress (strip) [intransitive] johoM joida noun expense jOda jos.am verb be saddened josM jotum verb establish (fix, set, lay down) jotuM jover noun share (allotment) jover jubash noun parallelism jubx jugul noun salvation jugul jugul.am verb be saved (rescued) jugulM jugular notch noun makgo mkgo juiko noun fist jUko juila noun suitability (proper) jUla juila.m verb suit [transitive] jUlM juilur noun punishment jUlur juilur.am verb punish jUlurM juitem verb pack jUteM jule noun imagination jule jule.m verb imagine juleM julia.n=glai:glar julia.n=glai:glar noun corruptibility july2QAQr juliam verb corrupt julyM juliam.a noun corruption julyMa julmik adjective plum [color] julmik jum verb am, is, are [location] juM jumpo noun essence jumpo junia noun essay (article) juny junia=h=iakesh noun magazine juny3ykex junjau noun splendor (magnificence) junjw junkus noun constant junkus junkus=huinesh noun constant [mathematics] junkushUnex juno noun respect juno juno.m verb respect junoM junsu noun crest junsu junya noun probability juNa jurchin noun riot jurcin jurren noun abundance (proffusion) juren jus noun interior jus jus=e noun enarchy juse jus=e:chir noun enarch jusecir Ka 36 jus=ti nu sachai expression underway (in motion, progress) justi 2 sacA jush noun god jux jush=asau noun oracle juxasw jush=holon noun oracular form of a god juxholon jush=narpol noun true form of a god juxnrpol jush=tara noun avataric form of a god juxtara jushon noun diluteness (rarefied) juxon jushon.am verb dilute juxonM juvi noun market juvi Kk k:ain:ijim verb fill up [intransitive] kAnijiM k:ain:ivum verb extend (stretch out) [transitive] kAnivuM k:ain:olam verb coil (entwine) [transitive] kAnolM k:an:aim verb assure (make sure of) kanAM jus=parta noun doctrine (tenet) k:an:onsui.m verb dance [transitive] jus=termi noun enclave justermi k:an:orgo.m verb clothe (dress) jusprta jus=ti noun inside (within) jus=ti nu alba=tus expression under the auspices justi 2 lbatus jus=ti nu laran=malas expression under the influence justi 2 larnmals kanonsUM [transitive] kanorgoM ka noun salt (salty crystal) ka Ka proper name Ca, fifth planet in the Becca System (Storms), inhabited by Inculae ka ka=kambo ka=kambo noun slogan (catchphrase) kakmbo kaga noun sitting wall kaga kaihen noun security kAhen kaim verb to be sure kAM kaim.a noun assuredness kAMa kajei noun personality (character) kajE kalakan noun ministry kalakn kalakan:ir noun minister kalakanir kalam initiator [initial doubtful particle] kalM Kalderon noun Kalderon, fourth world in the stemline klderon kalfi noun finitude klfi kama noun wolf kama kama=pin.am verb lycomorph [turn into a wolf] kamapinM kama=vino:chir noun lycomorph kamavinocir kasak 37 Kanvior:a proper name Incula, a sapient species hailing from the Near Systems knvYra Kanvior=chiana proper name Incudean Army knvYrcyna Kanvior:a kanvior=shempris:glar noun imperialism knvYrxemPisQr Kanvior=siomains proper name Incudean Guards knvYrsYmAS kanvior=vino:chir noun inculoid knvYrvinocir kanyal noun labyrinth (maze) kaNl karcho noun note (annotation) krco kardel noun chaos krdel karish noun contradiction karix karla noun reliability (dependability) krla karmin noun turmoil (tumult) krmin kambesh noun destination kmbex karni noun frost krni kambo noun clause [linguistics] kmbo karrim verb stray (err, erratic) [wander, kambo=zoir noun phrase [linguistics] kmbozOr kamer noun problem kamer kamion noun line (verse) kamYn kanchim verb attack knciM kando noun resource kndo kanri noun ring knri kanum verb change [intransitive] kanuM kanvior noun empire (anvil) knvYr Kanvior proper name Incudea knvYr viewed negatively] kariM karrol noun focus (concentration) karol karrol.am verb focus (concentrate) karolM karrol=klucham.a noun absentmindedness (lack of concentration) karolqucaMa karte noun phase (state) krte karte=lan noun phase chamber krteln kasai noun psionic power kasA kasak adjective carnation pink kask Kastabras Kastabras proper name Kastabras, fourth planet in the True Detty System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae kstaBs katai noun aggression [spoken or psychological] katA Kaudasa proper name Kaudasa, fifth planet in the Kaudasa System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas kwdasa kaudo noun absoluteness kwdo Kaulinge proper name Cowling, the royal Zeburaja clan kwlinge kilum.a 38 kenon noun craving (longing, yearning) kenon kenon.am verb crave (long for, yearn for) kenonM kentaish noun comet kentAx kentam verb sag (droop) kentM Keshabel proper name Keshabel, capital city of Naxis kexabel kestem verb implement (execute, put into operation) kesteM kianga noun test kynga kausi noun bone kwsi kianga.m verb check (test) kyngM kausi=faus noun skeleton kwsifws kibris noun barrier kiBis kich quantifier too many (too much) [used for kaviam verb compete kavyM kavian=holjon noun tournament (contest) kavy2holjon kazun noun policy kazun keide noun color kEde keide.m verb color kEdeM keino(n)=nugu noun acting kEnonugu keino(n)=nugu:chir noun actor kEnonugucir keinom verb lie [utter falsehood] kEnoM things and actions] kic kidi temporal after [time] kidi kiglin noun palm [hand] kiQin kiglin:glar noun handful kiQinQr kigul noun surface kigul kiham verb march kihM kiham.a noun march kihaMa kijim verb fill [transitive] kijiM kiklem verb retreat (withdraw) kiqeM kikui noun society kikU kil noun roundness kil keinom=olumpa noun theater Kil=flein proper name [official currency of kelar noun symbiote kelr kil=tiar noun bonfire kEnomolumpa kelar:glar noun symbiosis kelrQr kelosh noun campaign kelox keltur noun pride keltur kenjo noun strife (conflict) kenjo Incudea] kilFEn (pyre) kilior noun quadrilateral kilYr kilum verb try (attempt) Kil=flein kiluM kilum.a noun attempt kiluMa kilvus kilvus noun winter kilvus Kilvus=prachi proper name Wintergarden, capital city of Sargica kilvusPaci klucham.a 39 kl:ain:ucham verb lack [transitive] qAnucM kl:an:uinum verb adapt [intransitive] qanUnuM kimbe noun nest kimbe klaipa noun oil qApa kimu noun troop kimu klaire noun file [of data] qAre kimu=parri noun troopmate klaire=tronder noun archive kimupari qAreTonder kina noun son (daughter) kina klam verb sell qM kinar pronoun you [plur., superior] kinr klanchi noun shell qnci kinish noun peace kinix klanosh noun danger qanox Kinish=eintal.m.a proper name Peace klas suffix [multiple marker for numbers] Enforcement kinixEntlMa qs kinyai noun contrast kiNA klaun noun icosahedron qwn kinyom verb rub kiNoM klavul noun brick qavul kinyom.a noun friction kiNoMa kleim initiator [initial confirmation-seeking kiobam verb chew kYbM kiolo noun officer [government] kYlo kiom verb push kYM kiorra noun rainy season kYra kiria noun legend (myth) kiry kirra noun space kira kirrany noun marriage kirN kirrany.am verb marry kiraNM kirvom verb avoid (evade) kirvoM kisos conjunction because kisos particle] qEm klenu noun hope qenu klenu.m verb hope qenuM klenu=kuim verb cling (hold fast) [physical/mental] qenukUM klenu=sam verb pant (gasp) qenusM kles ordinator opposite (across) qes klijim verb store (stock up) qijiM klijin=ti tegrin:ter expression museum (of history) qiji2ti teGinter kitai noun revenge (vengeance) kitA klikis noun spelling qikis kitai.m verb take revenge (avenge) klikis.am verb spell qikisM kitAM kitei noun nail [body part] kitE kitor noun diligence kitor kivum verb extend [intransitive] kivuM kivum.a noun extent (size) kivuMa klosuk adjective green qosuk klucham verb lack (be lacking, be absent) [intransitive] qucM klucham.a noun lack (absence) qucaMa kluinum kluinum verb adapt [transitive] qUnuM kochel noun electron kocel kochu noun living being (organism) kocu kochu=rrina noun cell [biology] kocurina kochu=rrina rialter noun neuron kocurina rylter koda * noun old age [for people] koda koda=luisel noun third quarter moon kodalUsel kodo noun after [time, nominal compound form] kodo kodo=panki.m verb see in retrospect kodopnkiM kodo=panki.m.a noun hindsight kodopnkiMa koibem verb restrict kObeM koibem.a noun restriction kObeMa kral 40 Konkon proper name Konkon, second planet in the Ruspalis System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae konkon konse noun cord (string) konse konse:tur noun syntax konsetur konsui noun dance konsU konsui.m verb dance [intransitive] konsUM konum verb measure konuM konum.a noun measure (measurement) konuMa korgo noun clothing (clothes, dress) korgo korgo.m verb clothe (dress) [intransitive] korgoM korjim verb accuse korjiM korjim.a noun accusation (charge, case) korjiMa koike noun match (correspondence) korris noun vein koris koina noun glass kOna kosol noun grandparent kosol kokon noun conglomerate kokon kr:ain:em verb be crushed KAneM kolam verb coil (become entwined) kr:an:autam verb multiply [transitive] koldaim verb compromise (settle) kr:an:undo.m verb dry [transitive] kolki noun numbness kolki kra noun sugar (sweet crystal) Ka kolu noun time kolu krainyo noun flow (circulation) KANo kolu=perhem verb postpone krainyo.m verb flow (circulate, elapse [of kolu=zior noun temporal [grammar] krainyo=minyom.a noun confluence kolu=zuinam:ir noun clock kral qualifier just (exactly, the very one) Kl kOke [intransitive] kolM koldAM koluperheM koluzYr koluzUnaMir kond initiator when kond koshem verb itch [intransitive] koxeM KanwtM KanundoM time]) KANoM (convergence) KANomiNoMa kral nas kral nas expression provided that (only if) Kl ns kranva noun wall Knva kranyu noun crisis KaNu krasa noun calendar Kasa kum.a 41 kroto noun slave Koto krule noun chastity (abstinence) Kule krundo noun dryness Kundo krundo.m verb dry [intransitive] KundoM krautam verb multiply [intransitive] krundo=inhui:tur noun physics krem verb crush KeM krunyim verb plead (beg) KuNiM krembi noun story Kembi krutan noun pause Kutan KwtM [science] KundOnhUtur krendin noun positivity [of quantity, outlook] krutan.am verb pause (take a break) Kendin krevon noun flood Kevon kria noun glow Ky kria.m verb glow KyM Kria=varda proper name Glowgem, third planet in the Glowgem System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae Kyvrda krilpam verb vomit KilpM krimur noun village Kimur krion noun hall KYn kris noun foot Kis kris.am verb step KisM kris.m.a noun step KisMa kris=chu noun toe Kiscu [transitive] KutanM krutan=pondish noun comma Kutanpondix ku(n)=nudo noun gloriole kunudo kubrai noun harshness (rugged) kuBA Kubrai=gorgo:ta proper name Harsh Gorgon, capital city of Gorgo kuBAgorgota kufu qualifier about (approximately, around) kufu kuhe numeral quadrillion [senary] kuhe kui ordinator under (below) kU kui ijil main eksos expression after all (when all is said and done) kU Jijil mAn Jeksos kris=kiglin noun sole [foot] kui=h=ika.m verb underline kris=kitei noun toenail KiskitE kuim verb hold (grasp) kUM Kristo sinduin's neologism Christ Kuinhil noun Queenheel, sixth world in the krith ordinator between (among) kit kuke noun freshness (rawness, vigor) KiskiQin Kistos krochum noun build KocuM krona noun great-great-great-greatgrandparent kronze noun breast Konze kU3ikM stemline kUnhil kuke kum verb make (do) kuM kum.a noun act (deed) kuMa kum=ankon kum=ankon noun capital [economic] kuMnkon kun=rukan noun material [what something is made of] ku2rukn kun=ti noun factory ku2ti kunchin noun secret kuncin kunchin=lem.a noun intelligence [secret] kuncinleMa lampen=muso 42 lacha * noun faith (religion) laca lacha:tur noun religious studies (theology) lacatur laga noun temple (lady, lord) laga Lagash proper name Lagash, fourth planet in the Glowgem System (Nears), uninhabited lagx laim verb fall (down) lAM kunchin=zior noun password laim.a nu daimian noun summer kunyam verb charge [money] kuNM laim.a nu paiduin noun winter solstice kuncinzYr kus temporal hence (from now) kus kute noun edge kute Ll solstice lAMa 2 dAmyn lAMa 2 pAdUn lainom verb inject lAnoM lais noun lower back lAs 1 lais verb will be [characteristic] lAs 2 lajai noun simplicity lajA l:ain:ami.m verb bubble [intransitive] lalik adjective amber lalik l:ain:asum verb be decided (settled) lambe:tur noun algebra lmbetur lAnamiM lAnasuM l:ain:edui.m verb sing [transitive] lAnedUM l:ain:ika.m verb give birth lAnikM l:ain:ubam verb drink [intransitive] lAnubM l:an:aim noun drop [accidental] [transitive] lanAM lambe noun balance lmbe lami noun bubble lami lami.m verb bubble [transitive] lamiM lami=biom verb prattle (babble, blather) lamibYM lamia noun descendant lamy lamia.m verb be descended lamyM lampem verb inherit lmpeM l:an:ausa.m verb embarrass lanwsM lampem.a noun inheritance lmpeMa lampen:glar noun heredity lmpe2Qr l:an:uikim verb be flattered lanUkiM lampen:tur noun genetics lmpe2tur la qualifier of [genitive of transitive objectivity] la labas noun lightness (fairness) [of color] labs lampen=muso noun gene lmpe2muso lan lika:chir 43 lan noun chamber (room) ln lave noun page [of book] la6e lanan noun mirror (X quantity in le interjection hmm le mathematics) lann langia noun enemy lngy lebim verb desire (want, wish) [indirect] lebiM lanju noun pantry (larder) lnju ledui noun song ledU lanka noun obviousness lnka ledui.m verb sing [intransitive] ledUM lanyi noun necklace laNi lefen noun hair [head of hair] lefen laran noun softness larn lehen noun great-grandchild lehen laran.am verb soften [intransitive] leisa noun thinness (thin) lEsa laranM laran=geshpem verb intervene larngexpeM laran=geshpem.a noun intervention larngexpeMa lem verb inform leM lem.a noun information leMa lenjum verb quarrel (dispute) lenjuM lenmil noun race [sport] lenmil laran=gum verb know by report (have lenor noun calamity (woe, misfortunate laran=malas noun influence lerchel noun advantage (benefit) laran=malas.am verb influence lesos noun today lesos heard of) laranguM larnmals larnmalasM event) lenor lercel leth ordinator away let larim verb request (ask) laHriM letrim verb insist (persist) leTiM larim.a noun request laHriMa lial noun iris [eye] lyl larsem verb ride [use vehicle without lians pronoun you [plur., equal] lyns driving it] lrseM larsem.a noun ride lrseMa lianshi noun captain (of a vessel) lynxi larva noun spore lrva lichem verb curse (damn) liceM lash pronoun you [sing., equal] lx lichi noun saga (epic) lici lashia noun palace laxy lidel * noun ancient time lidel lastel noun ocean (sea) lstel ligem verb miss ligeM lasum verb decide (settle) lasuM lije adverb may (maybe) lije latis conjunction so that (in order that) lije:glar noun ability [active, used in lausa noun embarrassment lwsa lausa.m verb be embarrassed lwsM compounds as a sufix] lijeQr lika noun birth lika lika:chir noun Highborn likacir lika.m lika.m verb be born likM lika=h=ios noun date of birth lika3Ys lika=ti noun birthplace likati lika=uva noun birthday likwva lika=vrugios noun aristocracy likaVugYs likias noun dry season likys likmo noun noise (loudness) likmo likuil noun earth (soft earth) likUl Likuil sinduin's neologism Earth, only inhabited planet in the new dimension likUl limban noun treasure limbn limban:ir noun treasurer limbanir linsu noun back [hand] linsu linyer noun synthesis liNer linyo noun melody (tune) liNo lionesh noun quality [level of goodness] lYnex lionesh.am verb improve [intransitive] lYnexM liono noun actuality (verity) lYno lorreny:ir 44 lisbish noun revelation (vision) [religious] lisbix lision noun company (enterprise) lisYn liska noun impossibility liska litor noun Littor, any of a number of related species in the Exotic and Storm Systems litor livlen noun electrum liWen Liza noun Liza, fourth world in the right sideline liza litor lizar noun middle lizr lizar=donja noun intermediate difficulty lizrdonja lodon(y)=tuli noun echomagnetism lodontuli lodony noun echo lodoN loi noun ball lO lokes conjunction therefore (so) lokes loki noun harmony loki loki.m verb harmonize [intransitive] lokiM liopu noun third cousin lYpu lompar noun doctor lompr liovim verb choose (select) lYviM lor noun spirit (soul) [living] lor lirio noun person (individual) lirY lor=ponom.a noun strictness (severity, lirio=shempris:glar noun individualism lirYxemPisQr lirio=zior noun pronoun [grammar] lirYzYr Lirrans proper name Lirrans, second planet in the Lirrans System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas lirns lis verb will be lis rigor) lorponoMa lor=shen noun archon [Incudean province chief] lorxen lor=sospel.m.a noun leniency (tolerance) lorsospelMa lorreny noun expertise loreN lorreny:ir noun expert loreNir lorta mache 45 lorta noun evening [dusk to midnight] lundi.m verb make a sound [intransitive] lorta=flomon noun dinner lundi=rram verb sound [copulative] lotar interjection goodbye lotr lurrom verb forge [metals] luroM loven noun hoof loven luspi noun hunt luspi lu-lundi noun resonance lulundi luspi.m verb hunt [intransitive] luspiM lubam verb drink [transitive] lubM lustum verb navigate [plan vehicle course] lorta lortaFomon lubam.a noun drink (beverage) lubaMa luch quantifier few (little) luc luch:ulok quantifier every once in a while (from time to time) luculok ludish noun ferocity ludix lugas noun court (of justice) lugs lugen noun poverty lugen lugen=veiga noun scarcity lugenvEga luhak adjective shocking pink luhk luikim verb flatter lUkiM luirui noun sacrifice lUrU luirui.m verb sacrifice lUrUM luisel noun moon lUsel luito(n)=nalba noun title (heading) lUtonlba luiton noun theme (topic) lUton luiton=pondish noun [punctuation mark used to mark a title or heading] lUtonpondix Luka proper name Luca, capital city of Eluca luka lum initiator initial exclamatory particle lum lundi noun sound lundi lundiM lundirM lustuM luzem verb drive [a vehicle] luzeM Mm m:ain:ache.m verb open [intransitive] mAnaceM m:ain:ahim verb continue [intransitive] mAnahiM m:ain:ino.m verb heat [intransitive] mAninoM m:ain:inyom verb combine [transitive] mAniNoM m:ain:odiom verb turn (around) [transitive] mAnodYM m:an:akjum verb gush [intransitive] mankjuM m:an:artum verb advance [transitive] manrtuM m:an:irbin.am verb be in order manirbinM m:an:urde.m verb mass (accumulate) [intransitive] manurdeM mabem verb become [a thing or person] mabeM machal noun concert macl mache noun openness (open) mace mache.m Mara=tania 46 mache.m verb open [transitive] maceM mal=keltur noun arrogance (haughty, mache=dicho noun vowel Mal=vréin proper name Malvrein, second macedico madesh ordinator here madex madiam verb notice (realize) madyM madui noun ambition madU mafa noun wheel mafa Magor proper name Magor, moon of Ikrilath, inhabited by Ikrils magor magus noun host magus magus.am verb host magusM mahim verb continue [transitive] mahiM mahim.a noun continuation (continuing, continuous, continued) mahiMa mahish verb remain a quality [characteristic] mahix maigen noun redundancy (superfluous, extraneous) mAgen mailom noun find mAloM main ordinator on mAn 1 main verb am, is, are [clause-final 2 characteristic] mAn main ika oin expression along (in a line with) mAn Jika J main kuke=rrui expression in addition (on top of) mAn kukerU maivan noun witch (sorcerer) mAvn maizuin noun south mAzUn makdo noun icon (emblem) mkdo makjum verb gush [transitive] mkjuM mal noun quintillion [senary; prefix for greatness] ml snobbish) mlkeltur planet in the Malvrein System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae mlVEnH malas noun control mals malas.am verb control malasM malbash noun deca-millennium [senary] mlbx Malpika proper name Malpica, moon of Eluca mlpika malui noun ash malU mam initiator [initial conventional expectation particle] mm mame noun cheek mame man pronoun it [equal] mn mana noun innocence mana mancha noun world [an instantiated universe] mnca mancha=sospel noun paragon (exemplar) mncasospel mand initiator how mnd maner noun equation maner manon noun conspecific manon manu noun aether manu manye noun civilian [non-military person] maNe manyia noun desert maNy mar verb am, is, are [characteristic] Mara proper name Mara, a sapient species hailing from the planet Maratania mara Mara=tania proper name Maratania, fifth planet in the Maratania mardak System, inhabited by Inculae maratany mardak adjective teal mrdk marhor noun joint [point of articulation] mrhor marjui noun commonality (common) mrjU marjui=mei noun community (commonwealth) mrjUmE marjui=zis:glar noun concentricity (concentric) mrjUzisQr markin noun attitude (disposition) mrkin marrei noun writing plate [paper equivalent] marE marru noun news maru marru=h=iakesh noun newspaper maru3ykex martu noun advance mrtu Martu proper name Martu, second planet in the Martu System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas mrtu Martu:ta proper name Martuta, a sapient species hailing from the planet Martu mrtuta martu.m verb advance [intransitive] mrtuM mataur noun dusk matwr mati noun atom mati matri noun decade [senary] maTi mauchi noun voice mwci mernesh 47 maur.am verb be wounded mwrM maur=gaivar noun dilemma (conundrum) mwrgAvr mautim verb read mwtiM me verb am, is, are M me korgoter expression wear M korgoter me:glar=ti noun address [location of] MeQrti mechar noun connection mecr mechar.am verb connect [intransitive] mecarM mechar=zior noun conjunction mecrzYr mei noun family mE Meidin proper name Meidin, fourth planet in the Meidin System, inhabited by Inculae mEdin meidin=varta noun virus [computer] mEdinvrta meik adjective red mEk meil ordinator forward mEl meivom verb paint mEvoM meji noun bed meji melash noun exercise [physical, mental] melx Melga.m Glapa.kins proper name Melgam Glapakins, second planet in the Melgam Glapakins System (Exotics), inhabited by Glapachikos and Inculae melgM QapaS maun quantifier any mwn melgam verb accept melgM maun:ulok quantifier anytime melo noun taste [flavor] melo mwnulok maur noun wound mwr mernesh noun quote (citation) mernex mesmes mesmes noun pyramid (tetrahedron) mesmes metai noun grandchild metA mete noun piece (fragment) mete metony noun slowness metoN metush noun swamp metux mi-minyon=zebul noun recombinant triangular sub-element (trianglent) mimiNo2zebul mialo noun muscle mylo miarri noun heel myri miarrus noun score myrus midon noun horn midon miguil noun report migUl miguil.am verb report migUlM mirbin.am 48 Mina=lor proper name Minalore, a sapient species hailing from the planet Mina minalor minar noun opportunity (chance) minr minchum verb absolve (acquit) mincuM mino * noun heat mino mino.m verb heat [transitive] minoM mino=h=ar:ain:am verb be addicted mino3arAnM mino=h=aram verb addict mino3arM mino=h=aram.a noun addiction mino3araMa mino=venchum verb bask (sunbathe) minovencuM mijem verb bring mijeM minse noun trade minse mikras noun camp miKs minse.m verb trade minseM Mikuma proper name Mikuma, second minshi noun trinity (of worlds) minxi planet in the Mikuma System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas mikuma milder noun introduction milder milder.am verb introduce milderM milder=pondish noun [punctuation mark for introductions, acronyms, initialisms] milderpondix Milkind proper name Milkind, a Zeburaja clan milkind Milkinge proper name Milking, a Zeburaja clan milkinge minshi=h=ika noun worldline minxi3ika mintem verb protect minteM miny quantifier very miN minyai noun luxury (opulence) miNA minyom verb combine [intransitive] miNoM minyom.a noun combination miNoMa mioka noun bottle mYka min verb am, is, are [clause-final] min mir numeral three mir Mina proper name Mina, third planet in the mirbin noun order (disposition) mirbin Shalath System (Storms), inhabited by Minalores mina mirbin.am verb order (arrange) mirbinM mirbin=zior muis 49 mirbin=zior noun ordinator [grammar] mirbinzYr miris noun morning [dawn to noon] miris momel noun privilege (right) momel momper noun generosity (liberality) momper monas noun spiral mon5 miris=flomon noun breakfast monho noun warning monho mirisFomon Mirrelu proper name Mirelu, moon of Ikrilath, inhabited by Ikrils mirelu monho.m verb warn monhoM monka noun terror (dread) monka mis noun gel (jelly) mis monka.m verb terrify monkM mistu noun intestine (gut) mistu Monka=gona proper name Dreadknot, mit:ulok quantifier each time mith quantifier each (every) mit modiom verb turn (around) [intransitive] modYM mogom verb forge [work metal] mogoM mogon=ti noun forge mogo2ti moide noun fragility (delicate) mOde moitan noun reward mOtn moitan.am verb reward mOtanM moka noun excitement (thrill) moka moka.m verb be excited (thrilled) mokM molem verb desire (want, wish) [direct] moleM molem.a noun desire (lust) moleMa moljen veil [head] moljen momba noun ship momba morgan noun priest morgn Morgan proper name Priestess, moon of Glowgem morgn morlun noun uncle (aunt) morlun mormal noun stupidity (silliness) morml mormal:ir noun fool mormalir morpa noun lip morpa morrauk adjective orange morwk morvin noun will (resolve, determination) mor6in /I/ morvin.am verb be resolved (determined) mor6inM /IM/ motes noun adult motes motes:glar noun adulthood motesQr Mu Ijil.ins proper name Five Lights, capital hangar momba3elis monBl mor * noun newness (new) mor mu numeral five mu momba=h=elis noun mombral noun orbit capital city of Dani monkagona city of Akash mu JijilS mui(s)=sesi noun amphictyony [alliance momba of neighbors, irrespective of species] mUsesi muis noun neighborhood mUs muis:ir muis:ir noun neighbor mUsir muivim verb add mUviM Muivim Boi proper name Addmore, third planet in the Addmore System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas mUviM bO nalnis=tarrum 50 na:tu:s conjunction if so (given that) natus nabum verb wobble (stagger, totter) [intransitive] nabuM nadia noun disguise nady muivim=eintal noun reinforcement nadia.m verb disguise (oneself) nadyM mun numeral zero mun nagam verb taste [sense] nagM murde noun mass (innards, entrails) nagam.a noun taste [the sense] mUviMEntl murde murde.m verb amass (accumulate) [transitive] murdeM nagaMa nagan=ram verb taste [copulative] nag2rM mursem verb celebrate murseM nagi noun ticket (pass) nagi muso noun molecule muso nagram:pin noun customization mutar * noun nation mutr naGmpin mutar=ferdom.a noun treason nagran noun specific point (particularity) mutar=parri noun compatriot nahin noun arm [body] nahin mutrferdoMa mutrpari mutar=shempris:glar noun nationalism (patriotism) mutrxemPisQr Nn n:ain:abum verb make wobble (stagger) [transitive] nAnabuM n:ain:em verb be in love nAneM n:an:antum verb be destroyed (collapse) nanntuM n:an:auchem verb lower nanwceM n:an:aupom verb reign [intransitive] nanwpoM n:an:olpam verb expand [transitive] nanolpM naGn nai verb was, were [characteristic] nA naikum noun detach nwkuM naikum.a noun detachment (contingent) nAkuMa naja noun axis naja Nakse proper name Naxe, a sapient species hailing from the planet Naxis nkse Naksis proper name Naxis, fourth planet in the Salbakion System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae and Naxe nksis nalba noun head nlba nalnis noun lightning [metaphor for speed] nlnis nalnis=laim verb plummet (plunge) nlnislAM nalnis=tarrum verb charge [military] nlnistaruM nambi nambi noun purpose nmbi nambi=rras noun device (apparatus) nmbirs nekem.a 51 nashio noun intoxication [involuntary] naxY nato noun guest nato nambi=ti noun facility (installation) natu:s conjunction provided it occurred nami * noun lowness (low) nami nauchem verb descend nwceM nango noun oval (ellipse) nngo nauk ordinator back (backward) nwk nanji noun cheekiness (saucy) nnji naupom verb rule [transitive] nwpoM nano noun coronel (colonel) nano naush noun mountain nwx nansa noun sigh nnsa nauta noun smell (odor) nwta nansa.m verb sigh nnsM nauza noun weight (heavy) nwza nantes adjective undead nntes Navách noun Navach, fifth world in the nmbiti nantum verb destroy nntuM nantum.a noun destruction nntuMa nanyar noun undeath naNr napur noun presidency napur napur.am verb preside napurM narka noun junior [relative to a senior] nrka narpol noun total (sum) nrpol narshin noun shallowness nrxin narvo noun volume nrvo nas conjunction if (whether) ns nas he:tu:m tran= expression judging from (on the basis of) ns hetuM Tn nas=ath conjunction otherwise nast nasam verb bless nasM nash=kausi noun mountain range nxkwsi Nasha proper name Nasha, third planet in the Nasha System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas naxa natus stemline navc navi noun arrow navi nd suffix [adjectivizes a noun derived from a verb via -a; -nde when another adjective immediately follows] nd ne(n)=nem verb philander (act as a playboy/playgirl) neneM ne(n)=nem.ir noun playboy (playgirl) neneMir Nechesi proper name Nechesi, fifth planet in the Ascalon System (Storms), inhabited by Ascalonians necesi neda * noun youth (young age) [for people] neda neda=luisel noun first quarter moon nedalUsel neda=vino:glar noun neoteny nedavinoQr nefer noun regular pentagon nefer neika noun vocabulary nEka neir temporal until nEr nekem verb solve (resolve) nekeM nekem.a noun solution nekeMa nelor nombei=h=ampur 52 nelor noun custom (habit) nelor nimbem verb conquer nimbeM nelor.am verb be accustomed (be ninfa noun manner (way) ninfa familiarized, be habituated) nelorM nem verb love neM nem.a noun love neMa nem=alui noun popularity neMalU nemik adjective brown [milk chocolate color] nemik nen=shai:ner noun couple [romantic] ne2xAner nenfem verb recommend nenfeM nenrio noun cross nenrY nenrio.m verb cross (go from one side to the other) nenrYM nenui noun valley nenU ner suffix [nominalizer for numbers] ner nerian noun summer neryn neshe noun wave nexe ninfa:glar noun method (technique) ninfaQr nion noun soldier nYn niopus noun biped nYpus nirfim verb tell a story (recount) nirfiM nirgal noun platform niri noun conception [of child] niri niri.m verb conceive [a child] niriM nisai noun magic power nisA nish noun ear nix nishim verb experience nixiM nishim.a noun experience nixiMa niska noun crown niska niska.m verb crown niskM nita interjection ah [joy] nita neshe=h=eirim verb rumor (gossip) niti noun flag (standard) niti neta noun crack (fissure) neta nolkum.a noun bond (tie) [spiritual or nexe3EriM nevis conjunction although nevis nevis ti:tu.m expression nevertheless nevis tituM nia noun four ny Nia Ijil=glir.ins nu Hui:tu:m:ir proper name Tetraluminous City of the Hanged, capital city of the Silver Planet and Incudea ny JijilQirS 2 hUtuMir niantu noun majority nyntu nikom verb aim nikoM nilke noun meat nilke nolkum verb bind (tie up) nolkuM physical] nolkuMa nolpam verb expand [intransitive] nolpM nolpam.a verb expansion nolpaMa nombei noun category (class, type) nombE nombei:tur taxonomy nombEtur nombei.m verb classify nombEM nombei.m.a noun classification nombEMa nombei=h=ampur noun typology (of a field) nombE3mpur nonom nyekul 53 nonom verb like nonoM nupia noun game nupy nonom.a noun taste (in things) nuria noun meaning nury nonoMa noriok adjective Prussian blue norYk norva noun mundane world [as opposed to heaven and hell] norva nostum verb answer (reply) nostuM nostum.a noun answer (reply) nostuMa nota noun fortress nota Notun proper name Notun, eighth planet in the Home System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae notun nozem verb cover nozeM nozem.a noun cover [physical and abstract] nozeMa nu qualifier of [general genitive, partitive and possessive] 2 nuria:glar noun significance (meaningfulness) nuryQr nuria.m verb mean nuryM nusa noun slope (incline) nusa nusa:glar noun steepness nusa.m verb slope (incline) nusM nyaish noun pelvis NAx nyakor noun training (drill) akor nyakor.am verb train [intransitive] NakorM nyaliam verb express NalyM nyaliam.a noun expression NalyMa nyancha noun reprimand Nnca nyancha.m verb scold (reprimand) NncM nudo noun halo nudo nyarbo noun maturity Nrbo nudo.m verb be haloed nudoM nyarbo.m verb mature NrboM Nudo.n=vara proper name Haloed Bane nyarbo.m.a noun maturation NrboMa nugar noun illness (disease) nugr nyarka noun incisor (fang) Nrka nugar.am verb fall sick (fall ill, sicken) nyefem verb trim (prune) NefeM nudo2vara nugarM nugar=praija noun epidemic (plague) nugrPAja nugu noun art (artistry) nugu nugu:chir noun artist nugucir nugu=gebim.a noun script (libretto) nugugebiMa nui adverb [vanilla past tense marker] nU nundum noun wait nunduM nundum=ika noun queue (waiting line) nunduMika nyeho noun pipe [smoking] Neho nyei qualifier for (a span of) [spatial, temporal dimension] NE nyei ara=vas me=lis expression forevermore NE Jaravs Melis nyeigi noun journey (trip) NEgi nyektem verb boast NekteM nyekul noun seed Nekul nyekul:glar nyekul:glar noun potentiality NekulQr nyekul:ir noun great-great-uncle/aunt Nekulir nyekul.am verb plant (sow, seed) NekulM nyekul.am:ir noun planter (sower, seeder) NekulaMir nyelom verb dive NeloM nyem verb pull NeM nyigas noun speculation Nigs nyigas:tur:ir noun philosopher Nigsturir nyigas.am verb speculate NigasM nyigas.tur noun philosophy Nigstur okpon 54 Oo o:tu:m lika aul expression turn out to be JotuM lika Jwl ogr:an:em verb enter (insert, put in) [transitive] JoGaneM ogrem verb enter [intransitive] JoGeM ogren=glai:glar noun access (accessibility) JoGe2QAQr ogren=ti noun entrance JoGe2ti Ogren=ti proper name Ogrenti, fourth planet in the Ogrenti System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas JoGe2ti oigiom verb expect (anticipate) JOgYM nyigol noun continent Nigol nyimeis noun discipline NimEs nyiri noun economy Niri nyiri:tur noun economics Niritur nyoir noun distraction NOr nyoir.am verb be distracted NOrM nyompa noun cruelty Nompa nyompa=nem.a noun sadism NompaneMa nyony noun prong (tine) NoN nyorjem verb tug at (yank) NorjeM oigiom.a noun expectation (anticipation) JOgYMa oin qualifier with (in the company of) J oin bochen expression empty-handed (with nothing to show for) J bocen oin pranyai expression utterly (totally, completely) J PaNA oith temporal again JOt ojui noun composition (work) [written, musical] JojU nyubiam verb consent NubyM okam verb call JokM nyugem verb exaggerate NugeM okb:an:im verb stream [intransitive] nyugem.a noun exaggeration NugeMa nyuil noun small, scurrying being NUl nyuin noun intensity NUn nyuru noun puzzle (riddle) Nuru JokbaniM okbim verb stream [transitive] JokbiM oklir noun buttock Joqir okpon noun lameness [leg] 7okpon Oksi om nadia 55 Oksi proper name Zeburaja clan lord Joksi Oksi=tania proper name Oxytania, nation of Zeburajas on the Silver Planet Joksitany olfin noun element Jolfin oliam verb wrestle JolyM olnem verb extract (exact) JolneM olumpa noun show (display) Jolumpa om do:das verb weaken [transitive] JoM dods om dushen verb hurt [transitive] JoM duxen om evria verb heal (cure) [transitive] 7oM 7eVy om fel verb kill JoM fel om fishen verb ruin (wreck) JoM fixen om flekesh verb envy [a thing] [transitive] olumpa.m verb show (display) JolumpM om verb give JoM JoM Fekex om flore verb lengthen [transitive] JoM FoHre om aininy verb shelter (give refuge) om gankon verb associate (relate) om ankon verb feed [transitive] JoM om hiklon verb insult JoM hiqon JoM JAniN nkon om atrian verb advertise JoM JaTyn om barbi verb fold (double over) [transitive] JoM brbi om bash=barbi verb crease (crumple) JoM bxbrbi om bekor verb position JoM bekor om benya verb entertain (be fun) 7oM beNa om bijen verb make responsible (charge with) JoM bijen om chauros verb calm [transitive] JoM cwros om das verb strengthen [transitive] JoM ds om do:chauros verb agitate (make upset) JoM docwros [transitive] JoM gnkon om join verb tire [transitive] JoM jOn om jos verb sadden JoM jos om jugul verb save (rescue) JoM jugul om laran verb soften [transitive] JoM larn om loki verb harmonize (adjust) [transitive] JoM loki om luspi verb hunt [transitive] JoM luspi om maur verb wound JoM mwr om mechar verb connect [transitive] JoM mecr om moka verb excite (thrill) JoM moka om nadia verb disguise [transitive] JoM nady om nelor orkus 56 om nelor verb accustom (familiarize, ome=panki.m.a noun foresight om nugar verb sicken (make ill) oM ome=tenyi noun outline (sketch) om nyakor verb train [transitive] JoM ome=zum:ir noun praetor [neurarchical om nyoir verb distract JoM NOr ondaum verb wander JondwM om piga verb dull [transitive] JoM ong:an:am verb condemn [something] om rigin verb drive to madness JoM ongam verb condemn [someone] om sain verb purify [transitive] JoM ongam.a noun condemnation habituate) JoM nelor nugr Nakor piga rigin sAn om sak=barbi verb collapse [transitive] JoM skbrbi om selji verb inspire JoM selji om sente verb shorten [transitive] JoM sente om tranash verb doom (fate) JoM Tanx om troi verb speed up (accelerate) [transitive] JoM TO om ulash verb gladden JoM Julx om ulaur verb anger JoM Julwr ombo noun ward (electoral district) Jombo ome noun before [time, nominal compound form] Jome ome=gem verb scout (survey in advance) JomegeM ome=kris.am:ir noun pioneer (innovator) 7omeKisaMir ome=panki.m verb foresee (prognosticate, predict, augur) JomepnkiM omepnkiMa JometeNi ruler] JomezuMir [transitive] JonganM [intransitive] JongM JongaMa Onkagon proper name Onkagon, capital city of Entera Jonkagon ontia noun poem Jonty ontia=nugu noun poetry Jontynugu onyim verb investigate (research) JoNiM onyim.a noun investigation (research) JoNiMa onyol noun nephew (niece) JoNol onz:an:am verb cool [intransitive] JonzanM onza noun coolness Jonza onza.m verb cool [transitive] JonzM opus noun leg Jopus opus=rimo noun ankle Jopusrimo ordum verb ski JorduM Orfand noun Orphand, fifth world in the right sideline Jorfns orkus noun politeness (courtesy) Jorkus orpim palim 57 orpim verb contact (get in touch with) p:ain:elam verb fly [transitive] orran noun friend Jorn p:ain:unam verb slide [transitive] orpiM orran:glar noun friendship JornQr pAnelM pAnunM orres noun pallor (pale, wan) [absence of p:ain:usom verb drip (trickle) [intransitive] orri noun idea Jori p:an:erkam verb swell (inflate) [transitive] color] Jores orruga noun narcotic Joruga orruga.m verb consume narcotics JorugM orv:an:im verb mix (blend) [intransitive] JorvaniM pAnusoM panerkM p:an:iamem verb disperse (scatter, sprinkle) [transitive] panymeM pa noun bitter crystal pa pachar noun beautiful sight pacr orvim verb mix (blend) [transitive] pachim verb agree orvim.a noun mix (blend) JorviMa padel noun scissors JorviM oshem verb walk JoxeM oshem=pondish noun print [foot or other body part on ground] JoxeMpondix paciM (shears) padel pai conjunction and [links incomplete list of nouns] pA paidu noun island pAdu osl:an:um verb turn on (switch on) paidu=palun noun mainland oslum verb turn on (switch on) [transitive] paiduin noun north pAdUn [intransitive] JoslanuM JosluM pachar pAdupalun pailu noun gentleness pAlu otau noun neuter (genderless) Jotw paith temporal always pAt ote noun spray (jet) Jote pajon noun stripe pajon ote.m verb spray JoteM palas noun power pals ovrash noun corridor (passageway) palas=vuil noun potentate [traditional JoVx Pp p:ain:egam verb make disappear (erase) pAnegM Veronian title] palsvUl palgu noun sharpness plgu palgu.m verb sharpen (whet) plguM palgu=tutim verb scrutinize plgututiN palim verb posit (put foward a position) paliM paloim pash=seitem 58 paloim verb engage in (occupy oneself in, pash=daivo.m verb plan pxdAvoM palon noun horizontality palon pash=dushen.am verb torture deal with) palOM palun noun parent palun pxduxenM palun=glir noun metropolis pash=dushen.m.a noun torture pam initiator [initial interrogatory particle] pash=egiom.a noun transaction pandur noun aberrant being pndur pash=gem verb stare [transitive] palunQir pm panem verb be about (deal with) paneM panir noun cone panir panki noun witness pnki panki.m verb witness pnkiM pansi numeral hundred [senary] pnsi pantai noun public house (tavern) [establishment for intoxicant consumption] pntAi panum verb shoot panuM pargen noun champion prgen parhuis noun project (program) prhUs parlis noun field (of endeavor) prlis pxduxenMa [business] paxegYMa pxgeM pash=kaim.a noun certainty pxkAMa pash=kranva noun rampart (defensive wall) pxKnva pash=lajai noun austerity (grim) pxlajA pash=okam verb proclaim (cry) paxokM pash=orri noun concept paxori pash=orri.m verb conceive [think] paxoriM pash=orri.m.a noun conception [thought] paxoriMa parri noun fellow [member of same group] pash=paloim verb devote (oneself to, parta noun law prta pash=pepem verb impose pari pas noun organ ps pash noun solid px pash.am verb solidify paxM pash.m.a noun consolidation pxMa dedicate oneself to) bxpalOM pxpepeM pash=perhem verb abolish (discontinue, terminate) pxperheM pash=rum verb own [possess legally or customarily] pxruM pash=anuim verb penetrate pash=seite:tu:m:ir noun captive pash=bator noun principle (dogma) pash=seitem verb capture paxanUM pxbator pash=daivo noun plan pxdAvo pxsEtuMir pxsEteM pash=seitem:ir pash=seitem:ir noun captor pxsEteMir pash=tormi noun hostility pxtormi Pik Ledui 59 perrin noun earliness perin perrin=kilvus noun fall (autumn) perinkilvus patar noun importance patr pestur noun identification pestur path quantifier certain pt pestur:glar noun identity pesturQr patrias noun canyon (ravine) paTys pestur.am verb identify pesturM pau noun male pw petor noun great-great-great-grandparent pau=palun noun father pwpalun paukum verb remember (recall) pwkuM pavim verb hear paviM pavim.a noun hearing (audition) paviMa pavin=saisan noun arcane acoustics pavi2sAsn pavony noun tissue [biology] pavoN Pechumírtu proper name Pechumirtu, third planet in the Melgam Glapakins System (Exotics), inhabited by Glapachikos and Inculae pecumirHtu pegam verb disappear (vanish) pegM petor pezom verb feel [subjective, transitive] pezoM pezom.a noun feeling pezoMa pezom.a=glar noun subjectivity pezoMaQr pezon=ram verb feel [copulative] peo2rM pezon=zior noun interjection [grammar] pezo2zYr piafon noun festival pyfon piafon=kiham.a noun parade pyfonkihaMa peklias noun spouse peqys piak quantifier a little [for actions] pyk pelam verb fly [intransitive] (blow) [of the piamem verb disperse (scatter) pelbum verb lend pelbuM pianim verb roar pyniM wind] pelM pelren noun poise (grace) pelren Pelren=pezom.a proper name the universal language, properly spoken pelrenpezoMa pena noun pore pena penyim verb rest [relax] peNiM [intransitive] pymeM pianim.a noun roar pyniMa piga noun dullness (blunt) piga piga.m verb dull [intransitive] pigM pihir noun cup pihir pijel noun great-great-great-grandchild pijel pepem verb institute (launch) pepeM pik adjective blue pik perhem verb cancel perheM Pik Ledui proper name Bluesong, tenth perkam verb swell (inflate) [intransitive] perkM planet in the Maratania System, inhabited by Maras pik ledU pikem prel 60 pikem verb inhabit (dwell, reside) porkom verb provide (supply) porkoM pikshi noun eyebrow pikxi portion noun race (species) portYn pilson noun ovoid [egg-shaped] potush noun grandstand potux pikeM pilson Pimapa noun Pimapa, sixth world in the left sideline pimapa pin suffix [conversion or transformation into thing alluded to] pin pr:ain:echaum verb confuse PAnecwM pra noun sour crystal Pa prachi noun garden Paci pinzim verb promote [raise in rank] praija noun storm PAja piond initiator how many (how much) Praija=chasel.ins proper name Storm Pipuris proper name Pipuris, capital city of Praija=kute proper name Storm Edge, pinziM pYnd Meidin pipuris pishor noun pupil [eye] pixor pistis noun horizon (skyline) pistis pito noun stone pito pitoch temporal next (then, after that) pitoc pochum verb go (back) home pocuM podi noun 1/6th of a day podi poijim verb contain (include) pOjiM poko noun spiciness poko praija:ter noun freckled PAjater Systems PAjacaselS border between the Exotic and Storm Systems PAjakute Prakand proper name Prakan, second planet in the Dalis System (Storms), inhabited by Prakanders Paknd Prakand:a proper name Prakander, a sapient species hailing from the planet Prakan Paknda prana noun lore (higher knowledge) Pana Prandial proper name Prandial, capital city of Uperjenath Pndyl poltak adjective yellow poltk pranyai noun perfection PaNA pomba noun match [one game in a series] pranzem verb acclaim (hail, cheer) pomba PnzeM pomum verb blow pomuM prashem verb discuss PaxeM pondish noun mark (imprint, point) praubel noun dome Pwbel pondix ponjun noun abdomen ponjun ponom verb suck ponoM ponyur noun fanaticism poNur popoi noun duel (feud) popO praundom verb congeal PwndoM prechaum verb be confused PecwM predi noun lock Pedi preilom verb distinguish PEloM prel conjunction than Pel prend prend initiator how [for extent of quality] Pend pretia noun degree (gradual) Pety previa verb may (might) [speculation] Pevy preza noun joke Peza priam verb dare PyM priam.a noun boldness (daring) PyMa prian noun weapon Pyn prian.am verb arm [transitive] PynM priani noun intelligence Pyni pushpam.a 61 prol noun front [part of something] Pol prol=neshe noun sine Polnexe proti noun stairs Poti prukoi noun seriousness PukO pu pronoun I [equal] pu Pu=tanyer proper name Putanyer, moon in the Parasai System (Exotics), inhabited by Sanyasatani and Inculae putaNer puhu noun experiment puhu puhu.m verb experiment puhuM pribin noun feel [the way an object feels to puje noun sneeze puje pricha noun awareness (consciousness) pukchi noun safety pukci the touch] Pibin Pica pricha.m verb be aware (conscious) picM prifam verb design PifM prifam.a noun design PifaMa prika noun archbaron (archbaroness) Pika pril ordinator before (in front of) [space] Pil prin noun mist Pin prio verb continuative, progressive marker Po pris suffix [ordinal marker for numbers] Pis proin qualifier like (as) [similarity] POn proin=ram.a noun resemblance POnraMa proju noun logic (reason) Poju prokesh adverb there Pokex proki noun tongue Poki puje.m verb sneeze pujeM pula noun hat (cap) pula pulos noun abbreviation (abridgement) pulos pultam verb arbitrate (mediate) pultM punam verb slide (slip, slither, walk gracefully) [intransitive] punM punam.a noun slipperiness punaMa puns pronoun we [equal] puns pupin noun stench pupin pupin=suva:chir noun pessimist pupinsuvacir pupin=suva:glar noun pessimism pupinsuvaQr purgik adjective violet purgik purri noun soup puri purses noun plushie (stuffed toy) purses pushpam verb spin (rotate) puxpM pushpam.a noun rotation puxpaMa pusom pusom verb drip (trickle) [transitive] pusoM pute noun fork pute puves noun stadium (amphitheater) puves ranze 62 rage noun tear (teardrop) rage raidi noun theft rAdi raidi.m verb steal rAdiM raidi=pavim verb eavesdrop rAdipaviM Rr raijim verb pretend (feign) rAjiM r:ain:achum verb operate [intransitive] rakrom verb dissolve [intransitive] rAnacuM r:ain:akrom verb dissolve [transitive] rAnaKoM r:ain:echim verb study [intransitive] rAneciM r:ain:inom verb live [transitive] rAninoM raigian noun northwest rAgyn rakoi noun circle rakO raKoM raksi noun sincerity (honesty) rksi rakul noun nerve rakul rakul=e noun neurarchy rakule raldas noun bait rlds raldas.am verb bait rldasM r:ain:ivem verb spoil (debase, wear out) ram verb look (seem, apparent) [copulative] r:ain:opam verb shed [intransitive] ram proin verb resemble (look like) rM ra noun belly (tummy) ra ram.a noun sight (something seen) raMa rAniveM rAnopM ra=h=ansel noun navel ra3nsel ra=heva noun calf [leg] raheva rachum verb operate [complex use] racuM rachum.a noun operation (action, activity) racuMa rachun=flam.a noun activation racu2FaMa Radar proper name Raddaria, fifth planet in the Raddaria System (Storms), inhabited by Raddarians radr Radar:a proper name Raddarian, a sapient species hailing from the planet Raddaria radara rM POn ramau noun anus ramw randa noun text rnda ranga noun sclera rnga rangrom verb grant (bestow) rnGoM rania qualifier about (concerning) rany ranjim verb react rnjiM ranjim.a noun reaction rnjiMa ranyi noun creativity raNi ranyu noun energy raNu ranza noun version rnza ranze noun coat rnze rapa rendam.a 63 rapa noun dodecahedron rapa rechim verb study [transitive] reciM rapen noun level (tier) rapen rechim:ir noun student reciMir rapuk adjective electric blue rapuk rechim=iakesh noun notebook rara noun matter (affair, case, issue) rara ras:pin noun mechanization rspin ras=kum:ir noun engineer rskuMir ras=kum.a noun engineering rskuMa rash verb seem a quality [characteristic] rx rata noun toy (plaything) rata raul qualifier without rwl raul flein expression in vain rwl FlEn raul mun expression without exception (without fail) rwl mun raul shen expression alone (by oneself) rwl xen raul tutim.a nu expression regardless of (irrespective of) rwl tutiMa 2 raulos noun evil (wickedness) rwlos raunum verb judge (consider) rwnuM raura noun helmet rwra Ravu(r)=rreibon proper name Pit-drake, a non-sapient species hailing from the Glowgem System ravurEbon ravur noun pit (abyss) ravur refixbajo refish=bajo.m verb thirst refixbajoM regi noun thorn regi regur noun ode regur rehan noun fluid rehn rehel noun outer space rehel rehel:tur noun astronomy reheltur rehel.am verb [travel by vehicle in space] rehelM rehel=pelam verb fly in space rehelpelM rehel=vanto noun sector [spatial subdivision] rehelvnto reidem verb hit (beat, strike) rEdeM Reiles noun Rayless, sixth world in the right sideline rEles reith verb let's rEt reivun noun mutation rEvun rekior noun throat rekYr rekmial noun steady wind (fine) rekmyl remen noun convenience remen ravur.am verb belie rempa noun chapter (episode) rempa Ravu(r)=rreibon ravur=zon noun enigma (mystery, paradox) ravurzon refish noun liquid refix refish=bajo noun thirst ras noun machine rs (negate, void) ravurM reciMykex rendam verb speak (say) rendM rendam.a noun speech [ability, discourse] rendaMa rendan=linyo rivem.a 64 rilim verb swallow riliM rendan=linyo noun prosody rend2liNo rendan=lundi:tur noun phonetics rend2lunditur rilve noun cube (hexahedron) rilve rimo noun sphere rimo rin noun drop [liquid] rin rendi noun affection rendi renzin noun knight [mounted warrior] renzin restui noun faction (clique) restU retesh noun apathy (indifferent, aloof, impassive) otex rina noun particle (grain) rina rinde noun exactitude rinde rino(n)=nugu noun cunning (shrewdness) rinonugu rinom verb live [intransitive] rinoM revei noun alarm revE rinom.a noun life rinoMa Revo proper name Revo, third planet of the Rinom.a proper name Life, capital city of Revo System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae revo Revo:ta proper name Revon, a sapient species hailing from the planet Revo revota of objects possessed by another] ri Revo:ta rial=okam verb commcall rylokM rial=okam.a noun commcall rylokaMa riam verb communicate ryM ribash noun tyrant ribx ribash=e noun tyranny ribaxe rich verb become a quality [characteristic] ric rigin noun madness (crazy) rigin rigin.am verb be mad (crazy) riginM rik adjective gray rik related or similar species) rinoMamE rinom.a=portion noun species [biology] rinom=ika noun lifespan (lifetime) ryl rijar noun corpse rijr rinom.a=mei noun genus (group of rinoMaportYn ri suffix [adjectivizes nouns rial noun communication Malvrein rinoMa rinoMika rinon:tur noun biology rino2tur rintes adjective living (alive) rintes rioche noun grave rYce riosan noun emphasis (stress) rYsn rise noun arc (arch, bow for archery) rise rise:tur noun archery risetur risoi verb should risO ritony noun lukewarmness (tepid) ritoN rivem verb deteriorate (decay, spoil, become worn) [intransitive] riveM rivem.a noun deterioration (decay, wear) riveMa riven=luisel Ruspalis 65 riven=luisel noun waning moon Rubi=chasel.ins proper name Near rizim verb meet (encounter, run into) rubi=hem:ir noun microscope rizim.a noun meeting [chance] riziMa Rubi=rrevo proper name Cisrevo, fourth rive2lUsel riziM ro numeral billion [senary] ro Ro:ner raul Tresi proper name Merciless Myriad roner rWl Tesi rocham verb crawl rocM roga noun stick roga roin noun tooth rOn roirian noun stability rOryn roisui noun ruler rOsU Rok proper name Roc, a sapient species hailing from the planet Tokumen (extinct) rok Systems rubicaselS rubiheMir planet in the Revo System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae rubirevo rubi=zum verb approach (go near) rubizuM rucha noun client (customer) ruca rui noun thing rU ruisum verb imitate rUsuM rujon noun garbage (junk, trash) rujon ruk adjective black ruk rukan noun matter (substance) rukn rulam verb leave (depart) [intransitive] rulM roklus noun calculus (calculation) roqus rulsi noun class [school] rulsi roklus.am verb calculate roqusM rum verb have [ownership] rum rolte noun temperature rolte rumbim verb clap hands (applaud) romi qualifier also romi romin noun ray (beam, streak) romin ron noun chair ron roni noun wealth roni roni.m verb enrich (augment) roniM rumbiM runguim verb organize rungUM runguim.a noun organization [process, state] rungUMa runguin=zis noun organization [group] rungU2zis ropam verb shed [transitive] ropM runkur noun plurality (multiplicity) runkur roslia noun reflection [physical] rosly runkur.ins noun multiple entities roslia.m verb reflect [physically] roslyM rozam verb slice (slash) rozM rubi noun proximity (near) rubi rubi=baim verb approach (come near) rubibAM runkurS rushum verb shake off (disdain, spurn, flout) ruxuM Ruspalis proper name Ruspalis, third planet in the Ruspalis System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae ruspalis s:ain:arrim Ss s:ain:arrim verb stand [transitive] sAnariM s:ain:echim verb rip (tear) [intransitive] sAneciM s:ain:icham verb shrink (contract, diminish) [transitive] sAnicM s:ain:om verb seat sAnoM s:an:elham verb stretch [intransitive] sanelhM s:an:endim verb sail [travel by vehicle on water] [intransitive] sanendiM s:an:oim verb separate [intransitive] sanOM sampul:sheil 66 saisan noun magical power [general term] sAsn saizer noun course (trajectory) sAzer saizer.am verb streak (run quickly) sAzerM saizer=g:ain:ata.m verb change course (stray from course, digress) sAzergAnatM saizer=gata.m verb divert (alter the course) sAzergatM sak=barbi.m noun collapse [intransitive] skbrbiM sak=barbi.m.a noun collapse skbrbiMa sak=vrugios noun lack of hierarchical government [anarchy or tyranny] skVugYs sa(k)=kum verb annul (repeal, rescind) saki hand-eye [Dolentian physiology] Sabáino proper name Sabaino, second sakjem verb play [music] skjeM sakuM planet in the Home System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae sabaHJino sachai noun process sacA sachoi noun land sacO saichen noun forehead sAcen saki Salbákion proper name Salbakion, third planet in the Salbakion System (Nears), inhabited by Inculae slbakYnH Salister proper name Salister, capital city of Salbakion salister salom verb swim saloM saigam verb testify (attest) sAgM salui noun moment (instant) salU saigam.a noun testimony sAgaMa salui=h=ufes noun classic (time-honored sail noun nape sAl sailon noun senior [relative to a junior] sAlon sain noun purity sAn sain:ir noun virgin sAnir sain.am verb purify [intransitive] sAnM sain=ika noun straight line sAnika entity) salU3ufes sam verb breathe sM sam.a noun breath saMa Sampo noun Sampo, capital city of Ikrilath smpo sampul noun battle smpul sampul:sheil noun flank [military] smpulsEl sampul.am sendim:ir 67 sampul.am verb battle smpulM sechan noun beast (monster) secn sampul=janshe noun battlefield sechim verb rip (tear) [transitive] sampul=ti noun battlefield [place of battle] segil pronoun he, she, it [superior] sandu noun patience sndu seglins pronoun they [superior] (battleground) smpuljnxe smpulti sanish noun tail sanix sanos noun yesterday sanos sapim verb suppose (presume) sapiM Sarjika proper name Sargica, fifth planet in the Oreon System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae srjika sarki noun adventure (feat, quest) srki seciM segil seQins sehuil noun infiltration (compromise) sehUl sehuil.am verb infiltrate (compromise) sehUlM seije noun column (pillar) sENe seije=mei noun colonnade sEjemE sarki.m verb venture [dare to go] srkiM seikau noun occiput (back of the head) sEkw sarrim verb stand [intransitive] sariM sarrim.a nu daimian noun fall equinox sariMa 2 dAmyn seitem catch (seize) sEteM seiten=gilum verb transcribe sEte2giluM sarrim.a nu paiduin noun spring sejuk adjective beaver (brown) sejuk sarta noun awfulness (deplorable) srta selji noun flame selji sarvia noun fence srvy selji.m verb be inspired seljiM sashmar noun tattoo sxmr selji.m.a noun inspiration seljiMa sat:arrik quantifier nowhere satarik selter noun sandwich selter equinox sariMa 2 pAdUn selham verb stretch [transitive] selhM selum verb listen seluM sat:ulok adjective at no time satulok selva noun care (tendance) selva sath adjective no st selva:chir noun caretaker selvacir 1 sath noun waste (wasteland) st 2 sau noun female sw sau=palun noun mother swpalun saun noun lair (den) swn saunkar noun allure (charisma) swnkr se interjection no se selva.m verb take care of selvM sendim verb sail [travel by vehicle on water] [transitive] sendiM sendim:ir noun sailor (seaman) sendiMir seno shen 68 seno noun district (provincial sub-division) shai:pris=chios noun day after sente noun shortness (short) sente shai:tres noun half xATes sente.m verb shorten (grow short) shai:tres=luisel noun halfmoon senyis noun existence seNis shai:tres=palon noun diagonality seno [intransitive] senteM senyis.am verb exist seNisM tomorrow xAPiscYs xATeslUsel xATespalon senyis=vrugios noun democracy shai:tres=rimo noun hemisphere serro noun bay sero shala noun war xala seNisVugYs sesi noun alliance (league) sesi sesi.m verb ally sesiM sh:ain:ipom verb vary [transitive] xAnipoM sh:an:aume.m verb foam [intransitive] xanwmeM sh:an:unjo.m verb be pleased xanunjoM shai numeral two xA shai:klas noun double xAqs shai:klas:ir noun hybrid (mixling) xAqasir shai:klas=flumor noun hermaphroditism xAqsFumor xATesrimo Shala=ti proper name Shalath, a Storm System xalati shala=vaula noun warchief xalavwla shalkos noun blindness xlkos sham verb buy xM shaume noun foam xwme shaume.m verb foam [transitive] xwmeM she noun mouth xe she:glar noun mouthful xeQr she=mache.m verb bewilder (baffle) xemaceM sheil noun wing xEl shai:klas=kum verb double [transitive] sheira noun assessment (evaluation) shai:klas=mabem verb double sheira.m verb assess (evaluate) xErM xAqskuM [intransitive] xAqsmabeM shai:ner noun dyad (pair, couple) xAner shai:ner:glar noun duality xAnerQr shai:pri(s)=sanos noun day before yesterday xAPisanos shai:pris noun second in order xAPis xEra shelno noun fault xelno shem:pris noun first in order xemPis Shem:pris=gundi proper name Prima Fas, third planet in the Prima Fas System (Storms), inhabited by Danguangs xemPisgundi shen numeral one xen shen:er silim 69 shen:er noun monad xener shozum verb mourn xozuM shen:er:glar noun unity xenQr Shu:ner=midon proper name Hexahorn, shen:er=niri noun parthenogenesis xenerniri Sherbeth proper name Sherbeth, first planet in the Sherbeth System (Storms), uninhabited xerbet shiarri noun net xyri shiarri.m verb net (catch in a net) shichi noun period [time] xici a Zeburaja clan (extinct) xunermidon shuir noun prisoner xUr shuir.am verb imprison xUrM shuir=ti noun prison xUrti shul noun sapient being xul shul=vumi noun agglomeration [urban] xulvuMi shikan noun cliff (precipice) sikn shuma noun tightness (snug) xuma shiliam verb escape (flee) [transitive] shunjo noun pleasure xunjo xilyM shina noun shoulder xina shina=jos noun sorrow (grief) xinajos shinma noun ziggurat xinma shinton noun ugly sight xinton shion noun appendage s3Yn shipom verb vary [intransitive] sipoM shipon=huinesh noun variable [mathematics] xipo2hUnex shipon=lije:glar noun variability xipo2lijeQr shirka noun pants (trousers) xirka Shitabans proper name Shitabans, fourth planet in the Sherbeth System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas xitavaS shiven noun baby xiven sho.ho.=rras noun function [mathematics] xo;ho;rs shogam verb pray xogM shosta noun consolation xosta shosta.m verb console xostM shunjo.m verb please xunjoM shunjo=shempris:glar noun hedonism xunjoxemPisQr shunya noun cynicism xuNa shurek adjective unity pink xurek shusha noun set [complete group] xuxa shusha.m verb complete xuxM shushkan noun texture xuxkn Sia proper name Sya, second planet in the Shalath System (Storms), inhabited by Elkendis and Garlands sy siadun noun sibling sydun siadun:glar noun fraternity sydunQr sicham verb shrink (contract, diminish) [intransitive] sicM sikia noun vassal siky sikia:tur noun hypecoology (vassal science) sikytur silau noun ability (skill) silw silfem verb transfer (translate) silfeM silim verb happen (occur) siliM silim.a som.a 70 silim.a noun occurrence [neutral event] Sivath noun Sivath, moon of Gorgo, silvi noun pocket silvi So proper name Soh, third planet in the siliMa Silvin proper name Silvin, first planet in the Silvin System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae silvin inhabited by Inculae sivt Ishdodeth System (Exotics), inhabited by Inculae so sobrum verb irritate (inflame) soBuM simpio noun politics simpY sodon noun statistic (figure) sodon simpio:chir noun politician sodon:tur noun Statistics sodontur simpYcir sina noun street [city road] sina sind initiator whose sind sinja noun torch [portable light source] sinja sinse noun theory sinse sinse.m verb theorize sinseM sintim verb censor sintiM sintim.a noun censorship sintiMa sinyem verb involve siNeM siogo noun rival (adversary) sYgo siomai noun guard (police) sYmA siomai.m verb guard (monitor) sYmAM sior noun restraint sYr sior.am verb restrain (hold back) sYrM siota * noun height (high, tall) sYta siota=folvas noun atmosphere sYtafolvs siota=jos noun tragedy sYtajos sogil noun basement sogil soilion noun southwest sOlYn soim verb separate [transitive] sOM soin=lanan noun prism [optics] sO2lann soinum verb criticize sOnuM soire noun crime sOre sojol noun pitch sojol sokois noun school sokOs sokois:ir noun scholar sokOsir sokois=alba noun scholarch (head of a major academy) sokOslba soksal noun torso (trunk) soksl soksal:ir noun vest soksalir sokti noun radius sokti Soli proper name Sully, capital city of Dolentis soli soltum verb work soltuM soltum.a noun work (job, task) soltuMa siota=pezom.a noun drama soltum=parri noun coworker (colleague) sish noun penis six soltun=mei noun syndicate sYtapezoMa sitri noun donation (alms) siTi sitri.m verb donate (give alms) siTiM soltuMpari solt2mE som verb sit soM som.a noun seat soMa somal suzen=lika 71 somal noun right side soml sukany noun spring (fountain) sukN somal=mancha noun right sideline world suke noun relative (kin) suke somlmnca sukme noun kindness (nice) sukme sonchi noun robe sonci sondial noun grandnephew/niece sondyl sunje noun spice sunje sonye:tur noun sunyi noun scale [anatomy] suNi xiphidiology soNetur soroM sul qualifier indeed (truly, so) sul sulai noun soreness (tender) sulA sonye noun dagger soNe sorom verb condemn sukri noun sand suKi sunyul noun fear suNul sonye sunyul.am verb fear (be afraid) suNulM sorre noun virtue sore sunyul.ir noun phobe soshrim verb chirrup [continous sound] surbi noun stroll (saunter) surbi soxriM sospel noun shadow (shade) sospel sospel.am verb shadow (shade) sospelM subar noun strand (thread) subr subar=nyem verb deduce subrNeM suchita noun visit sucita suchita.m verb visit sucitM suchon noun laziness (lazy) sucon sudis noun anxiety (distress) sudis suflim verb grip suFiM sufum verb pay sufuM sufum.a noun payment sufuMa sui adverb do [imperative marker] sU suiluk adjective lime green sUluk surra noun fragrance (pleasant smelling) sura surra=bonko noun fragrance-line [Incudean] surabonko surra=suva:chir noun optimist surasuvacir surra=suva:glar noun optimism surasuvaQr surrim verb guess (conjecture) suriM sush temporal time [Sp: vez] sux sushith temporal sometimes suxit suva noun universe [all that is] suva suva=pachim.a noun consensus suvapatiMa suvail noun dimension [independent universal matrix] suvAl suith qualifier along (together) sUt suzen noun cycle suzen suito noun agility (dexterity) sUto suzen=lika noun rebirth (reincarnation) sujam verb enjoy sujM sujam.a noun joy sujaMa suzenlika t:ain:abia.m Tt t:ain:abia.m verb submit (yield) [something to someone] tAnabyM tan 72 tafe.m verb close [transitive] tafeM tafe=dicho noun consonant tafedico tage noun hedron tage tagra noun millennium [senary] taGa tagum verb behave (act) [intransitive] t:ain:afem verb close [intransitive] tAnafeM taguM taigi noun frequency [degree] tAgi t:ain:alia.m verb value tAnalyM tailche noun cylinder tAlce t:ain:i.m verb be put (be placed) taile noun detail tAle tAniM t:ain:onem verb float [transitive] tAnoneM t:ain:unim verb break [intransitive] tAnunniM t:an:engem verb kneel [transitive] tanengeM t:an:ilshum verb increase [transitive] tanilxuM t:an:oigum verb drown [transitive] tanOguM t:an:okjo.m verb automate [intransitive] tanokjoM t:an:ombam verb be tempted tanombM t:an:urtum verb sink [transitive] tanurtuM ta suffix [member of a species, unique locality or organization] ta ta-tagum verb react tataguM tabia noun submission [tenuous, muted for colors] taby tabia.m verb submit [surrender to someone] tabyM tafe noun closedness (closed) tafe taile=gata.m verb modify (alter) [transitive] tAlegatM taimuk noun maroon tAmuk tainei qualifier in the name of (on behalf of) tAnE tairio noun precedence tArY tairio.m verb outrank (take precedence over) tArYM taith adverb most [the majority] tAt taizu noun waist tAzu taldur noun crater tldur taldur=ambun noun meteor (meteorite) tldurmbun taldur=pito noun asteroid tldurpito talia noun value (worth) taly talia.m verb be of value (be of worth) talyM talia=burjil.am verb be equivalent to talyburjilM talki noun hecto-millennium [senary] tlki talto noun nostril tlto tan pronoun he, she [equal] tn tania tegrin 73 tania noun forest tany Tantus proper name Tantus, second planet in the Tantus-Unduli System (Storms), inhabited by Martutas tntus tanu noun use tanu tanu:chir noun user tanucir tanu:glar noun utility (usefulness) tanuQr tanu.m verb use tanuM tanu=turiol noun applied science tanuturYl tanyer noun illusion taNer tanyish noun blanket taNix tapum verb surround tapuM tapum=ika noun perimeter tapuMika tapun=treida.m verb overwhelm (overpower) tapu2TEdM tara * noun smallness (little) tara tara=fiazon noun admission tarafyzon tara=fiazon.am verb admit tarafyzonM tara=h:an:injom verb squirt [intransitive] tarahaninjoM tara=h=arnim verb intrude (trespass) tara3rniM tara=h=auge noun compliment tara3wge tara=hem verb look forward (anticipate with joy) taraheM tara=hinjom verb squirt [transitive] tarahinjoM tara=prika noun baron (baroness) taraPika tara=rrigin noun party (carousal, romp) tararigin tara=rrigin.am verb party (romp, carouse) tarariginM tara=vivian noun committee taravivyn Targa:ta proper name Targan, a sapient species from the Oreon System trgata Targa=h=Orion proper name Targa Oreon, second planet in the Oreon System (Exotics), inhabited by Targans targa3orYn Targa=naush proper name Targanaush, capital city of Targa Oreon trganwx tarmei noun signal trmE tarmei.m verb signal [a sign] trmEM tarmei=hem verb spot (catch sight of) trmEheM tarrum verb assault (strike) taruM Tarte proper name Tarte, Incudean goddess trte /R/ tasha noun nose taxa tatak adjective mint green tatk taulun noun august person [noble and venerable] twlun taush noun wire (cable) twx tautiam verb reap (harvest) twtyM Tebrash noun Tebrash, seventh world in the stemline teBx tedam verb intuit tedM tedam.a noun intuition (instinct) tedaMa tegela noun cuteness tegela tegrin noun history teGin tehur terni 74 tehur noun cost (costly, expensive) tehur tene=malas noun manipulation [deceitful] tehur.am verb cost tehurM tene=mancha noun sideline world teicha noun luck (fortune, lucky, fortunate) tEca teicha=h=on:glar noun auspiciousness tEca3o2Qr teil noun tone [sound] tEl tein ordinator next to (beside) tEn Teiva=shusha proper name Teiva script (official script of Incudea) tEvaxuxa /9xuxa/ tek adjective green tek tek idan=do:shul sinduin's neologism plant (vegetable) tek Jidndoxul tekesh noun incident [deliberate event with negative consequences] tekex tenemals tenemnca tene=rrial noun paracommunication teneryl tengem verb kneel [intransitive] tengeM tenjoth temporal never tenjot tenko noun cordiality (affability) tenko tenvei noun straightness tenvE tenvil noun ambassador tenvil tenvil=ti noun embassy [location] tenvilti tenyi noun statue teNi ter suffix [adjectivizes a noun; -te when another adjective immediately follows] ter telam verb simulate telM terel noun star terel telam.a noun simulation telaMa Terel=faus proper name Starbody, capital telge noun message telge telpi noun rug (carpet) telpi tenau noun tension (taut) tenw tenchaum verb suspect tencwM tenchaum.a noun suspicion tencwMa tene noun side tene tene=h=achan:tur noun paramechanics tene3acntur tene=ika noun sideline tenEka tene=koike noun symmetry tenekOke tene=krochum verb fix (rig an outcome) teneKocuM city of True Detty terelfws terel=klucham.a noun desolation (godforsaken) terelqucaMa tergom noun compress (condense) [transitive] tergoM tergon=flaucha noun acronym (initialism) tergo2Fwca terjum verb resign (quit) terjuM terka noun dedication [act or production in someone's honor] terka termi noun pebble (mole) termi Terner proper name Terner, a Zeburaja clan terner terni noun fullness terni terni=luisel tokrim 75 terni=luisel noun full moon tilshum verb increase [intransitive] terron noun bank [finance] teron tingu noun brand [commercial] tingu terron:ir noun banker teronir tiodem verb frown tYdeM tete noun bowl tete tiogui noun reciprocity (mutual) tYgU tevem verb dally (spend time, hang out) tiondo noun month [largest subdivision of a ti noun place (location, local) ti tior qualifier by (by way of, by means of) ["in" ternilUsel tilxuM [intransitive] teveM ti-ti.m verb substitute (replace) titiM ti:gum verb detect tiguM ti:gum.a noun detection tiguMa ti:tur noun geography [science] titur ti.m verb put (place) tiM year, varies] tYndo for worlds] tYr tior chom.a expression by order of tYr coMa tior ena konse expression hereby tYr Jena konse tior hastur expression by chance (happen ti.m.a noun placement tiMa to) tYr hstur ti=h=ampur noun geography (of a place) ti3mpur ti=mei noun complex (compound, of buildings) timE tiadui noun temple (temporal region) tydU tiotui noun negotiation tYtU tiotui.m verb negotiate tYtUM tishvel noun exquisiteness [finely detailed beauty] tixvel tistok adjective pumpkin orange tistok tiaja noun boot tyja tizi noun need (necessity) tizi tiam verb take tyM tiapin noun terminal [network] typin tiar noun fire (green fire) tyr /?/ tizi.m verb need tiziM tizi=jumpo noun essentialness (vital, key, instrumental) tizijumpo tibi noun flute tibi toigum verb drown [intransitive] tOguM tichu noun powder (dust) toigun=tafe noun stalemate (deadlock) ticu tOgu2tafe tichu.m verb pulverize tokjo noun automation (automatic) (blast away) ticuM tokjo tokjo.m verb automate [transitive] tokjoM tikau noun crew [of a vessel] tikw tiar tildam verb consider (ponder) tildM tokrim verb reject (refuse) toKiM Tokumen Tokumen proper name Tokumen, fifth planet in the Tokumen System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas tokumen tolmar noun port tolmr tolnam verb prosper (flourish, thrive) tolnM tombam verb tempt tombM tombam.a noun temptation tombaMa tomin qualifier possibly (maybe, perhaps) tomin tomio noun ground tomY tomol noun second cousin tomol tonem verb float [intransitive] toneM trekam 76 totan=marrei noun lesson plate [blackboard equivalent] totnmarE tr:ain:evim verb emanate (radiate) [intransitive] TAneviM tr:ain:osem verb raise TAnoseM trainekam verb choke [transitive] TAnekM traipim verb define TApiM traipim.a noun definition TApiMa trairum verb migrate (move far) TAruM tran qualifier for (the purpose of, for the sake of, as a means of) Tn tran dolgris expression for now (for the tonji noun 1/216th of a day tonji time being) Tn dolGis tons temporal then [at that point in time] tran fehion expression in honor of Tn torki noun declaration (statement) tran lor nu expression for the sake of Tn torki.m verb declare (state) torkiM tran tunim rimo expression once and for tons torki tormi * noun malice (ill will) tormi Toro proper name Toro, second planet in the Eluca System, inhabited by Inculae toro torra noun rebellion tora torra.m verb rebel torM torrend initiator what kind (sort) of torend torrin qualifier probably (likely) torin tosen noun compound tosen tosen.am verb compound tosenM tosen.m.a noun compounding [in grammar, etc.] tosenMa totan noun lesson totn fehYn lor 2 all (for the last time) Tn tuniM rimo tranash noun fate (doom) Tanx Tranash proper name Tranash, capital city of Ishdodeth Tanx tranash.am verb be fated (doomed) TanaxM tranto noun proportion Tnto tranto=neshe noun tangent [trigonometry] Tntonexe traukio noun rectangle TwkY tredui noun past (time) TedU treida noun pressure TEda trekam verb choke [intransitive] TekM trend tutim 77 trend adjective good [trende when another troi.m verb speed up (accelerate) trend glantund expression rather than troi=suito noun swiftness (nimble) [fast trend:er=kum:ir noun benefactor tronder noun group Tonder adjective immediately follows] Tend Tend Qntund TenderkuMir tres suffix [fractional marker for numbers] Tes tresi noun mercy (pity, compassion) Tesi trevim verb emanate (radiate) [transitive] TeviM [intransitive] TOM and light] TOsUto tronke noun sport Tonke trosem verb ascend (rise) ToseM tru ordinator up to (as far as) Tu tu infix [passivity marker] tu tuban noun chin tubn tuish noun money tUx trezem verb smell [sense] TezeM tuivel noun interval tUvel trezem fauta tran expression feel like tuja noun motorcycle tuja TezeM fwta Tn trezem.a noun smell [the sense] TezeMa trezen=ram verb smell [copulative] Teze2rM triajo noun violence Tyjo trigam verb compel (impel, force) TigM trika noun complaint Tika trika.m verb complain (bemoan) TikM tril temporal prior (past, last) Til Trilian proper name Trillian, moon of Revo Tilyn trim verb keep (maintain) TiM trim.a noun maintenance (upkeep) TiMa trinyo noun band (strip) TiNo trio noun comrade (colleague) TY troha noun age [of things] Toha troi noun speed (quickness) TO tuk conjunction [relativizer for subject antecedent] t tukas noun cliche (trope) tuks tulem verb entice (lure, seduce) tuleM tuli noun magnetism tuli tuniar noun density tunyr tunim verb break [transitive] tuniM tunin=pondish noun [punctuation mark for breaking words across lines, abbreviating] tuni2pondix tunyim verb overthrow (topple) tuNiM tur suffix science tur turiol noun science turYl turrom verb burrow turoM turtum verb sink [intransitive] turtuM tus noun favor (preference) tus tus:ir noun favorite tusir tus.am verb prefer tusM tutim verb inspect (examine) tutiM tutim.a uno 78 tutim.a noun inspection (examination) uki pronoun he, she, it [equal, compound Uu uktres noun abstraction (abstract) tutiMa u ordinator in (at) [space] 1 u alba=inhui expression mainly (mostly) 1 lbAnhU u bailes expression on the contrary 1 bAles form] Juki JukTes ukva noun help (assistance) Jukva ukva.m verb help (assist) JukvM ukva=zior noun adverb [grammar] JukvazYr ul qualifier just (only, merely) Jul ulash noun happiness Julx u hel=glajor expression on the other ulash.am verb be gladdened JulaxM u idan pai mino expression on and on ulaur.am verb be angered JulwrM hand 1 helQajor (endlessly) 1 Jidn pA mino u kolu=sina expression at some poin (somewhere along the way) 1 kolusina u liono expression in fact (actually) 1 lYno u mith grailu expression throughout (all over) 1 mit GAlu u prol=glajor expression on the one hand 1 PolQajor u=fiana qualifier depending on 1fyna uch:ain:iom verb be repelled JucAnYM uchin noun road Jucin uchiom verb repel JucYM udias noun wisdom Judys ufes noun peak (mountaintop, summit) Jufes uilam verb win JUlM ujeth temporal seldom (rarely) Jujet ulaur noun anger Julwr ulbrim verb mock (ridicule, scorn) JulBiM Ulfinaun noun Ulfinnaung, seventh world in the right sideline Julfinwn ulok suffix time ulok ulpa noun cane (walking stick) Julpa ulpa=brirvan noun subsidy JulpaBirvn ulpa=brirvan.am verb subsidize JulpaBirvanM umuin noun knee JumUn umuin.am verb kneel JumUnM un:ain:im verb filter (seep) [intransitive] JunAniM Unduli proper name Unduli, fourth planet in the Tantus-Unduli System (Storms), inhabited by Martutas Junduli unfak adjective unity taupe Junfk unim verb filter (seep) [transitive] JuniM uno noun upper chest [clavicle area] Juno uns Vanacheli 79 uns pronoun they [equal] Juns unya noun frame [mounting] JuNa unyor noun elegance (refinement) JuNor unzom verb ignore (neglect) JunzoM Uperjenat:a proper name Uperjenathi, a sapient species hailing from the planet Uperjenath (extinct) Juperjenata Uperjenath proper name Uperjenath, first planet in the Uperjenath System (Exotics), inhabited by UperjenathiRevons Juperjent urdi noun jug (pitcher) Jurdi urklam verb pass (a test) JurqM urr:ain:om verb be bothered (be annoyed) JurAnoM urrom verb bother (annoy) JuroM urrom.a noun nuisance (bother, irritation) JuroMa ursim verb feel [sense of touch] JursiM ursin=ram verb feel (to the touch) [copulative] Jursi2rM urum verb promise JuruM uth pronoun it [equal] Jut uva noun daytime ["day" in compounds] Juva uva=lan noun living room (sitting room) Juvaln uva=zis noun noon Juvazis uzen noun leisure (idleness) Juzen uzen=kolu noun free time (spare time) Juzenkolu Vv v:ain:ara.m verb finish (end) [transitive] vAnarM v:ain:idam verb cook [intransitive] vAnidM v:an:archi.m verb surrender [transitive] vanrciM v:an:enchum verb bathe [transitive] vanencuM v:an:enduim verb twitch (jiggle) [transitive] vanendUM v:an:oikum verb melt [transitive] vanOkuM v:an:ulfum verb burn [transitive] vanulfuM vachuini noun jungle vacUni vadis noun fleet vadis vagor noun afternoon [noon to dusk] vagor vaifam verb kick vAfM vaihem verb flicker (on and off) vAheM vail noun instance [one of a series of recurring events or types] vAl vail.am verb instantiate [transitive] vAlM vais verb used to be [characteristic] vAs vajem verb oppose (resist) vajeM Vanacheli proper name Vanaceli, a nonsapient species hailing from the Prima Fas System vanaceli vand venyam 80 vas verb used to be vs 2 vand adjective dear [vande when another adjective immediately follows] vnd vango noun pattern vashal pronoun each other vaxl vatron noun pavilion vaTon Vanacheli vngo vaula noun chief (of clan, tribe) vwla vaula=bel noun scholarch vwlabel vanja noun blood vnja vanja.m verb bleed [intransitive] vnjM vanja=ika noun bloodline vnjAka vanka noun general [military] vnka vanto noun region (zone) vnto vanum verb generate (emit) vanuM vanum.a noun generation (emission) vanuMa vara noun end (ultimate, terminal, bane) vara vara:pris noun last position (final) varaPis vara.m verb finish (end) [intransitive] varM vara=flomon noun midnight meal varaFomon varchi noun surrender vrci Varchi proper name Varchi, seventh planet in the Middle Martu System (Exotics), inhabited by Martutas vrci varchi.m verb surrender [intransitive] vrciM varda noun gem vrda varmi * noun falsity vrmi vaula=glir noun capital city vwlaQir vaush quantifier less (fewer) vwx vaze noun heart (core) vaze vaze=jich verb welcome (receive) vazejic vaze=nota noun citadel vazenota vaze=raidi noun usurpation [of power, of identity] vazerAdi vaze=raidi.m verb usurp [power, identity] vazerAdiM vaze=shion noun limb (extremity) vazexYn veiga noun presence vEga veil noun wrist vEl veirias noun octahedron vErys velem verb keep (retain) veleM vemor noun technology vemor venchum verb bathe [intransitive] vencuM venduim verb twitch (jiggle) [intransitive] vendUM varpa noun skin vrpa venoi noun coziness (snug) venO varreis noun loneliness varEs venoi.m verb cozy up (make cozy) varta noun germ vrta vas adverb used to [imperfect] vs 1 venOM venyam verb moan (groan) veNM Veridis Veridis proper name Veridis, capital city of Prima Fas veHridis vernim verb stalk (lie in wait) verniM verrom verb flaunt (show off, brandish) veroM Verron:a proper name Veronian, a sapient species hailing from the planet Veron Pools verona Verron=aumi.ns proper name Veron Pools, second planet in the Veron System Verron:a (Storms), inhabited by Veronians veronwmiS veta noun milk 6eta veta.m verb milk 6etM vezia noun nipple vezy viabem verb trust (confide in) vybeM viachi noun roughness vyci vlaren 81 vino:tur noun geometry vinotur vino.m verb form (shape) vinoM vino.n=glai:glar noun malleability vino2QAQr vino=pachim verb be consistent with vinopaciM vino=pachim.a noun consistency (uniformity) vinopaciMa vino=sachoi noun landscape vinosacO vinyi noun condition viNi vio pronoun I [inferior] vY vio=laga noun milady (milord) vYlaga viol pronoun self vYl viol=fel noun suicide vYlfel viol=shempris:glar noun selfishness (egocentric) vYlxemPisQr vidam noun cook [transitive] 6idM vions pronoun we [inferior] vYns vidam.a noun cooking (cuisine) vish noun farm vix 6idaMa vigul noun ribbon vigul vik adjective pink vik vikte noun debt vikte vikte.m verb owe vikteM vimin noun function (role) vimin vivian noun council vivyn vivian:ir noun councilor vivynir vivian=opus noun Council agent [operative directly attached to the Incudean Council] vivynopus vl:ain:ata.m verb shame WAnatM vimin.am verb function (work) vlanyor noun concavity WaNor vin quantifier a lot [for actions] vin vlapio.m verb pry [via a lever] WapYM vindar noun freedom vindr vlare(n)=naush noun noviciary viminM vindar.am verb free vindarM vindar=e noun anarchy vindare vino noun form (shape) vino vlapio noun lever WapY [Tarteism] Warenwx vlaren noun novice (postulant, seeker) Waren vlarham vlarham verb wield (handle, manipulate) WrhM vlata noun shame Wata vlata.m verb be ashamed WatM vurrash 82 voije noun convenience vOje voikum verb melt [intransitive] vOkuM vol qualifier [emphatic particle with verbs] vol vlauki noun wildness Wwki vosh noun basket vox vlauki=sachoi noun wilderness votund initiator why votund (wildland) WwkisacO vlauti noun club (association) Wwti vlauti.m verb socialize (mingle, rub shoulders) WwtiM vlava noun gift (present) Wava vlesi noun limit (boundary) Wesi vlesi.m verb limit [transitive] WesiM vlesi=vigul noun hem [dress] Wesivigul vliamsha pronoun you [sing., superior] Wymxa vlim initiator [initial rhetorical interrogation particle] Wim vliom verb jump [intransitive] WYM vlis conjunction either (or) [either..or = vlis..vlis] Wis vratis noun back [body] Vatis vratis=kausi noun spine (backbone) Vatiskwsi Vrein proper name Vrein, a sapient species hailing from the planet Malvrein (nearly extinct) VEn Vrim proper name Vreem, capital city of Ildico Vim vrovus noun grudge (spite) Vovus vrugios noun hierarchy (pecking order) VugYs vrujan noun great-great-grandparent Vujn vrukem verb fry VukeM vuil noun despot (king, queen) vUl vuil=akton noun dynasty vUlkton vlis chath expression in other words Wis vuil=kina noun prince (princess) ct vUlkina vloch quantifier sole (only) Woc vuk ordinator down vuk vloch=e noun monarchy Woce vuk=grus ordinator counter-clockwise vlui adverb [future tense marker] WU vluina * noun entirety (whole) WUna vluiro noun lake WUro vluriom verb lose [something] [transitive] WurYM vlurnoch qualifier in spite of (despite) Wurnoc vobe noun delicious flavor (tasty) vobe vukGus vuk=hombam verb educate vukhombM vulfum verb burn [intransitive] vulfuM vumi noun cauldron (large cooking pot) vumi vune noun year vune vurrash noun symbol vurx vurrash.am vurrash.am verb symbolize vuraxM vut:arrik quantifier everywhere vutarik vut:ulok quantifier all the time vutulok vuth quantifier all vut Zz z:ain:anyom verb bounce (rebound) [transitive] zAnaNoM z:an:endi.m verb slacken (become loose) [intransitive] zanendiM z:an:insa.m verb be cut zaninsM zagim verb chirp zagiM zior 83 Zeburraja proper name Zeburaja, a sapient species hailing from the Silver Planet zeburaja zelum verb belong zeluM zendi noun looseness (baggy) zendi Zeburraja zendi.m verb slacken (loosen) [transitive] zendiM zeniam verb succeed [follow in order] zenyM zeniam:ir noun successor zenyMir zeniam.a noun succession zenyMa zesmam verb endure (withstand) zesmM zai conjunction neither (nor) [neither..nor.. = zetal noun member (of group) zetl zalin noun fairness (justice) zalin zijan noun station (base) zijn zampa noun bandage zmpa zijan.am verb station (troops, police) zai..zai] zA zan quantifier quite [a good amount of] zn zan daun quantifier rather (somewhat) zn dwn zanyom verb bounce (rebound) [intransitive] zaNoM ziamar noun mortar (paste) zymr [transitive] zijanM zind quantifier many (much) zind zind:ulok quantifier many a time zindulok zini noun great-grandparent zini zara noun thunder zara zinsa noun blade zinsa zarvel noun pentagram zrvel zinsa.m verb cut zinsM zatur noun engine (motor) zatur zinsa=luisel noun crescent moon zaujam verb forget zwjaM zebul noun triangle zebul zebur noun arena zebur zinsalUsel zinui noun enthusiasm (fervor, zeal) zinU ziodem verb reach (attain, achieve, succeed) zYdeM zionyel noun coincidence zYNel zior noun word zYr zior=heva zior=heva noun vignette (written sketch) zYrheva zior=konse noun sentence [linguistics] zYrkonse zior=limban noun dictionary zYrlimbn zior=olfin noun syllable zYrolfin zior=vluina noun lexicon zYrWUna zis noun center zis zupum 84 zoruim verb arrive zorUM zos noun metaphor zos zu prefix [special nominalizer for ordinators] zu zu-zum verb return (go back) zuzuM zu:chiak=ezum verb exceed (surpass) zucykezuM zu:fal=hen:tur noun transoptics zaflhe2tur zis=flomon noun lunch zisFomon zu:haus=eren noun paradox (antinomy) zis=ti tran telam.a noun simulation zu:kui=sachoi noun underground centroid zisti Tn telaMa zuhwseren zukUsacO zu:vuk=hombam.a noun education zish noun darkness [absence of light] zix zuvukhombaMa zuidor noun poison zUdor zish=acham verb sneak [move stealthily] zixacM zoir noun decoration (ornament) zOr zuidor.am verb poison zUdorM zuije adverb about to (on the verge of) zUje zoir.am verb decorate (adorn) zOrM zuin temporal already (anymore) zUn zon noun thought zon zuinam verb track zUnM zon.am verb think zonM zultom verb palpitate (throb) zultoM zon=lacha ideology (philosophy) zum verb go zuM zonlaca zon=mei noun school of thought zonmE zonchui noun digestion zoncU zonchui.m verb digest zoncUM zonyor noun hook zoNor zorbem verb fight (combat) zorbeM zunki noun wrinkle zunki zunte noun flatness zunte zunte=ti noun plain (flatland) zunteti Zunya proper name Zunya, a Zeburaja clan zuNa zupum verb indicate (point to) zupuM This lexicon was created using WeSay and PrinceXml. http://wesay.palaso.org/ http://www.princexml.com/ Copyright © 2016 HALOED BANE
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