Horsemen`s Association Newsletter


Horsemen`s Association Newsletter
Bear Valley Springs
Horsemen’s Association
JULY 2015
Cheryl Casdorph
1st Vice President:
Sue Wonacott
2nd Vice President:
Carol Hellyer
Joni Hensche
Romelle Kemp
Editor: Pam Miller
In this Issue
Upcoming Main Event
President’s Message
4th of July Pictures
June Meeting Minutes
Thanks to Advertisers
Trail Challenge Pictures
EAC Highlights
Treasurer’s Report
Vaquero Heritage Trainers
AMA Show Flyer
Next Meeting
Friday, July 24
6 p.m. Dinner
7 p.m. Speaker:
Jeromy Dunn on the
Vaquero Heritage Training
News & Articles
deadline, July 31st.
Send news &
articles to Pam Miller at
[email protected]
or call at 203-5725.
July 31st, August 1st and August 2nd.
Be sure to sign up to Joni Hensche
Cheryl Casdorph, President
President’s Message
So the heat has
arrived and so
did the monsoon
rains. The huge
downpour has
played havoc
with our trails.
The trail crew
is working hard to fix them
but how do you do 50 miles of
trail in a few hours? Does not
work. So please be careful as you
ride. I know the San Juan trail
is good as I have hiked it since
the rains. So you can always go
up there, but the trails above the
camp are unknown. My friends
have ridden down to Greenwater
from the camp on the Sycamore
trail and that is pretty good, just
overgrown. I also heard that
the trail crew worked on the
Foothill Trail. Say hello to the
hardworking trail crew if you see
them. They are pick axing the
trail, it is that hard!
I helped on the trail
challenge and what fun it
was! So many horses were
very good and the riders
were outstanding.
There was so much good
horsemanship. I know
those horses and riders are
ready for the trails here. I still have not
figured out the teeter totter. I have yet to
encounter something like that on the trail.
But many of the other obstacles work for
the trail and I now want to practice with
my new horse. They need to add a new
obstacle, a narrow V ditch with a 3 inch
wide 6 inch deep channel that is showing
up on all our trails! (sigh). The judge
I worked with use to run the equestrian
center. I remember Sylvia back in the
1980s when I was riding here to help
with the endurance rides. She reminisced
about Bear Valley and how she ran the
rental string. I remember that too. The
trails were pretty new then and she said
Continued on page 2...
4th of July
President’s Message, Con’t...
had been built by environmentally sensitive
engineers. I remember how good they were then
Rosay, showing her true
I am always amazed at the number of horses in
this valley and also the numbers of riders in their
later years still riding. The trail trials had older
folks riding and doing it well. I only hope that
I can still ride as time goes on. I have found
that if I ride a lot, I get better and better. I now
have two horses to ride, the new one and the
older one just off an injury. They are so different
it is amazing. Horses are like people, some do
gymnastics and some play basketball. But we are
all still people. We have bred them for so many
disciplines. I watch people do the trail challenge,
as someone is cutting cattle in the back arena and
someone else is doing English/dressage in front
arena. We all get to enjoy our horses in whatever
way we want. And then there are mules. I can’t
wait for the mule show to watch these amazing
animals how us what they can do. I have never
seen a jumping mule or a dressage mule. I hope
you can swing by the first weekend of August to
see these animals.
Romelle Kemp and Tom
Gahagan in the 4th of July
Upcoming Monthly
July meeting: Will have a free dinner, July 24th.
Will be discussing the Mule Show that will be held on
July 31, Aug 1, and Aug 2. Hope to see you there.
Dinner at 6:00 and the general meeting at 7p.m. in the
equestrian center lounge.
Mike Magie
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Tuesday Rides
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Every Tuesday, club members who wish to ride the BV
trails meet at 10:00 at the Equestrian Center to ride
together. Whoever shows up to ride decides where to
go and who will lead.
Thanks to our 2015
Joni Hensche, Secretary
Meeting Minutes
Send $25 to BVSHA to have
your ad placed in the newsletters
for the year!!
Send a copy of your ad to Pam
Miller at [email protected]
General Meeting Minutes for 6/26/15
Following dinner, the meeting started at 7:20 pm
with 14 people in attendance.
Minutes from April’s meeting: Judy Walsh moved, Sue
Wonacott 2nd, approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Judy Walsh moved, Linda Bryant
2nd, approved.
Officers’ reports:
First Vice-President report: None
Second Vice-President report: None
Committee reports:
Trail Crew: None. See news letter
EAC: See news letter
AMA Show Chairman : July 31, Aug.1, & Aug 2. Judy
Walsh reported the Mule show is moving forward,
and awards have been ordered. If you would like to
help sponsor the event, you may send in your check
to BVSHA. Individuals sponsors are $30.00 and
businesses are $60.00. Your name or business will
be announced during the show. If you would like
to volunteer and help with the show please call Joni
Hensche at 805 746-4610.
Old Business: Discussed the Trail Challenge, on
Sat. June 27th.
New Business: Trail Crew is requesting a battery
powered chain saw with a second battery. Cost not to
exceed $400.00 Judy Walsh moved, Margaret Paez
2nd, approved.
July meeting: Randy Dunn will be our speaker at
the July 24th meeting. He will share information
regarding the Vaquero Heritage Trainers Challenge.
Erica Underwood brought home and is training one
of the wild mustangs that will be sold at the event.
Pizza will be served at the meeting. Bring a side dish
to share.
Monthly Ride: Will be notified by email.
Respectfully submitted,
Joni Hensche, Secretary
by Judy Walsh
Trail Challenge Report
The Trail Challenge was held on June 27th. We
were fortunate to have three judges: Sylvia Chavez,
Renee Williams and Anna Arnold. We started with
the Open Class. First and second place was won by
Denise Togami, and Judy Walsh won Third place.
Romelle Kemp placed fourth and Don Kordes placed
going through
the rocks.
The Amateur class was won by Mike Goldsworthy.
He was very excited to win the Buckle and show
Randi his mule was also a winner! Judy Walsh placed
second, Kathy Underwood placed third, Romelle
Kemp placed fourth and Donna Marolt won fifth.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this a success.
Many thanks goes to
volunteers like Kelly
Maher who helped made
the show possible.
Linda Bryant, Virginia Rasch,
and Tom Gahagan.
Tom Gahagan at the gate.
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Judy Walsh
Romelle Kemp
Romelle Kemp, Treasurer
EAC Highlights, 7/6
Treasurer’s Report
BVSHA Treasurer's Report
Year to Date June 30, 2015
EAC Representatives Report by Joan Howard
& Judy Walsh.
Equestrian Center Manager Report
• There is still an issue of dogs being off leash on
the trails.
• There were bicycles on the Oak Canyon Trail
over the 4th. If you see anyone riding on the
trails please let Randi know.
• Dr. Art Linhart is requesting a variance at the
EQC to continue his clinic.
Checking Account Balance December 31, 2014
2015 Income Received in 2014
Membership income
Total 2015 Income Received in 2014
2014 Beginning Balance
2015 Income/Expense
General Income
Membership (Includes 2015 Received in 2014)
Newsletter Ads
Total General Income
General Expenses
Banking Fees/Supplies
Newsletter and Newsletter Supplies
Office Supplies
Post Office Box
Website Domain Name/Hosting
Total General Expenses
Trail Crew
• High Country Trail will remain closed until the
rain softens the soil so the crew can make repairs.
• If you want to volunteer to work on the trails
you must get a clearance from the BVSA. You
then may volunteer to work with the Trail Crew.
• The standing operating procedure to acquire
new trails will start with the BVSHA. We will be
responsible for the start of the procedure.
Spotlight on
New & Renewed
Members to add to your 2014
Membership Book
Jeannie Gillen & Todd Rappaport
13133 Franseschi Road
Twin Oaks, Caliente, CA 93518
Holly Jarvis
28100 Cumberland Rd
(mailing address) 2527 Bamboo St.
Newport Beach, CA 92660
[email protected]
Net Income/Expense - General
Mule Show Income/Expenses
American Mule Association Fees
Prizes for Participants
Net Income/Expenses - Mule Show
Trail Challenge
Participants' Entry Fees/Tie Up Fees/Lunches
Prizes for Participants
Net Income/Expenses - Trail Challenge
Checking Account Balance June 30, 2015
Bank Balance in Checking
Outstanding Checks
Balance in Checking Account June 30, 2015
Total Savings Account
Total Checking Account
Total Petty Cash
Total Funds
July’s Featured Speaker, Jeromy Dunn,
will Share About the Vaguero Heritage
Trainers Challenge!
Erika Underwood training
her wild mustang.
Wild horses living in Oak Creek
Erica with other trainers in the competition.
Are Wild Horses Really Wild?
By Deb Baumann (as published in The Equestrian News, June 2006)
Are America’s wild horses truly “wild” or
are they merely “feral”…?
For those who believe that only indigenous
species have a place on our public lands, the
distinction is critical. Core to the conflict is the debate
over “wild” (i.e. native) verses “feral” (i.e. an alien
species which escaped confinement).
For too long, wild horses have been decried as
“non-native” species. Thanks to testimony given
before Congress by Jay F. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. and
Patricia M. Fazio, Ph.D, we have new scientific
evidence and understanding upon which to base our defense of wild horses and burros’ right to
range America’s wild lands.
According to Kirkpatrick and Fazio, modern horses (Equus caballus), should be considered
North American native wildlife. Evidence documents the dispersal of Equus from North America
to Eurasia approximately 2-3 million years ago. Additional migrations to Asia and return migrations
back to North America occurred over time. Between 13,000 and 11,000 years ago, Equus caballus
disappeared from North America. In 1493, on Columbus’ second voyage to the Americas, Spanish
horses were brought back to North America. They thrived in the old stomping grounds their species
was born in and their immediate ancestors had called HOME.
Critics of wild horses assert that the species introduced by the Spanish was different from that
which disappeared 13,000 to 11,000 years before. However, the relatively new field of molecular
biology has recently found that the modern horse is genetically equivalent to the most recent Equus
species in North America prior to extinction.
According to Kirkpatrick and Fazio, “The molecular biology evidence is incontrovertible and
indisputable. The fact that horses were domesticated before they were reintroduced matters little
from a biological viewpoint. They are the same species that originated here.”
The key element in describing an animal as a native species is (1) where it originated; and (2)
whether or not it co-evolved with its habitat. Clearly, Equus caballus did both, here in North
Designations of non-native, feral, or exotic are used as an excuse to remove animals which
have no commercial value to ranchers or hunters. A rose by any other name may smell as sweet,
but calling this rose “feral” instead of “wild” condemns a true native species to second-class status,
and worse.
Native status for wild horses would place these animals, under law, within a new category for
management considerations. They deserve the same respect and protections given other native
That’s good news for the horses, but it’s also great news for the land itself.
Many of the other native grazing species (elk, deer, bison, wild sheep) have all but disappeared
from the American landscape. Evolving over millions of years in harmony with the native flora
and fauna, such species play a critical role in ecosystem balance. Now that the others are mostly
gone, it falls upon our hardy, resilient bands of wild horses to perform a valuable role keeping grass
and other brush under control, which in turn reduces danger from wildfires as well as providing a
necessary service in the natural order and balance of America’s wild ecosystems.
This article is based upon a statement written by Jay F. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. and Patricia M. Fazio, Ph.D., delivered to the 109th Congress in support
of H.R. 297 (to restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros) on January 25, 2005. The
complete statement is attached.
BVSHA AMA Show-2015
July 31st, August 1st and 2nd
Bear Valley Springs Equestrian Center
26800 Bear Valley Rd. Tehachapi, CA 93561
Entry Booth will be open on Thursday afternoon down in the Campground-4 PM
Friday July 31st show will start @11 am
Saturday August 1st and Sunday August 2nd show will start @ 8 AM.
Judge: Cee Cee Moss-Giovannetti
Show Manager: Judy Walsh
Show Secretary: Sue Wonacott
AMA Rep: Debbie Humphreys
Pre-entries close Monday before the show-no phone entries.
Send entries to:
c/o Sue Wonacott
25101 Bear Valley Rd. PMB 155
Tehachapi, CA 93561
Entries available in PDF format-Please email [email protected] to request a premium.
Premiums are available to download
Horseman’s web site
Mail to: BVSHA, 25101 Bear Valley Road, PMB #155, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8311
Name: ______________________________________ Home Phone:____________________________
Street Address:_________________________________Cell Phone #____________________________
Mailing Address (if different than above): __________________________________________________
E-mail address(es):____________________________________________________________________
May we publish your name, phone numbers and e-mail address for club use? Yes
Tract & Lot _____________
Interests: Circle interest(s) or add your own: Preserving and expanding trails, Playdays, Horse Shows,
Trail Rides, Long distance riding, Clinics, Campouts, Other _________________________________
Please provide family member’s names. Give the current ages and birth dates of your children who may be
participating in BVSHA activities. **All minors must be accompanied by and under the supervision of
a parent or parent-designated adult (in writing) while participating in Bear Valley Springs Horsemen’s
The Bear Valley Springs Horsemen’s Association (BVSHA) represents equestrian interests and activities,
and the acquisition and preservation of our riding and hiking trails within Bear Valley Springs. Membership
is open to adult property owners and residents in good standing with the Bear Valley Springs Association
ACCIDENT RELEASE: My signature below hereby releases the Bear Valley Springs Horsemen’s
Association and the Bear Valley Springs Association (BVSA) and all persons connected with these
aforementioned groups from any liability/responsibility for any loss/injury/damage to either myself, my
family, my horse(s)/or my equipment while I/we are participating in, assisting with, or working on any
event/activity sponsored by the Bear Valley Springs Horsemen’s Association.
Signature _________________________________________________ Date _____________________
Signature _________________________________________________ Date _____________________
(Parents must sign for minor child)
Annual Dues: $25.00
Dues Paid $_______________
Check All That Apply:
BVSHA Office Use Only
Date Paid: _____________