THe Herald - Angels` Place


THe Herald - Angels` Place
The Herald
Winter 2015
Annual Dinner Heartwarming!
Left to right: Nora and Schuyler Hamill (co-chairs),
Rick Santorum, Jim and Loretta Ryan (co-chairs)
The annual dinner last month had some very heartwarming
moments: from Rick Santorum speaking about his daughter Bella
who has Trisosonomy 18, to the unveiling of a new video where
Angels’ Place residents answer questions about what makes them
happy, what they have difficulty with and what they think God
thinks of them. After the video was shown, residents walked in
with candlelight and brought everyone to their feet. Rick Santorum reminded us that -- like his own daughter Bella -- the lives
before us are precious and valuable, and they bring unexplainable
joy to our lives. If you haven’t seen the video check it out at
Thank you to all of our guests who took the time to attend and
especially our sponsors who helped us net over $220,000.
Entitlement Sponsor: John D. and Jean E. Dinan Foundation
Angel Sponsors: Jack and Kathy Frasco in memory of Jim Hurlbert
Pat and Gerry Carroll
Jim and Loretta Ryan
Major Sponsors:
Patron Sponsors:
Holy Name Church
St. Thomas More Church
Janet Francis
Rosemary Ledwidge
Joliat Ventures,
LLC Place
for and
its efforts
in providing
and & Wade Mezey
Lilleyhomes and hope to men
women with developmental disabilities.Bob and Monica Mylod
Sandra Rhames
Charles and Carolyn McQueen
At Dawda
we offer the expertise of a large
Ema and
a small
firm.Bartush Jones Foundation
Gwen & Doug North
Our reputation is built on providing extraordinary
solutions to the complex legal needs of our clients.
Specializing in:
Corporate & Tax
Environmental, Energy & Sustainability
Film & Entertainment
Health Care
Labor & Employment Relations
Real Estate
Trusts, Estate Planning & Tax
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
During March, Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, please consider inviting us to your workplace,
community organization, school, or church to speak about this mission. Consider sharing
a hobby or skill with a resident or sponsoring a fundraiser or pantry drive on our behalf.
Call Barbara Urbiel at 248-350-2203 or email [email protected] to discuss an idea.
The Herald Winter 2015
39533 Woodward Avenue, Suite 200
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304-5103
(248) 642-3700 Fax (248) 642-7791
29299 Franklin Road, Southfield, Mi 48034 248-350-2203 Fax 248-350-3577
From the Executive Director
Hearts that Inspire
Hands that Serve
Homes that Endure
Board of Directors
Schuyler V. Hamill,
Paul Widlak
Patty Dugan
Mark Fisher
Annemarie Lopez
Thomas MacLean
Michael McCready
Kathleen McInerney
Robert Moore
Doug North
Ted Pearse
James Ryan
Tom Strobl
Rhonda Adams
Henry Allemon
Executive Director
Cheryl Loveday
Vice Chairperson
Loretta J. Nagle Ryan
Margaret Adams
Cheryl Loveday
Executive Director
The Angels’ Place vision of care that birthed our mission 22
years ago and propels that mission into the future remains our guiding principle.
Providing a continuum of exceptional care for the life of the resident we are serving
today and to ensure that care is respectful, robust and possesses vitality that is life
enhancing; achieving more than inclusion but a true sense of belonging.
Advisory Board
Sandy Ainslie
Mark Audette
Robert A. Babinski
Rev. Jack H. Baker
John E. Barnds
Mary Cay Bartush Jones
Matt Bergin
Sheriff Michael Bouchard
Terry Brady
John Brennan
Mrs. John F. X. Browne
Mr & Mrs Patrick Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ciagne, Jr.
Andrew B. Compton
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Conway
Kevin and Katrina Desmond
Terence B. Desmond
Marge Devine
Mike Dietz
Victor C. Doherty, III, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doran
Timothy P. Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Flynn
Michael Francis
John W. Frasco
Bill Girardot
Deborah Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grimaldi
Kevin D. Hart, AIA
Pat Hurlbert
Jay Joliat
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jonna
Father Kenneth Kaucheck
Joyce Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Martha Kistler
Joe Knollenberg
Robert Koval
James Lampertius
Michael A. Laurencelle
At the Angels’ Place Annual Planning Meeting of the Board
of Directors in January, the Directors revisited the mission
and vision of Angels’ Place as we face a difficult year of
funding cuts. They asked themselves whether or not the
mission and vision of Angels’ Place still holds up in these
challenging times of economic and cultural change. For a
moment it seemed that the exercise was pointless and selfevident . . . of course, why would we even ask ourselves this
question? But as the conversation progressed and we looked
at our vision, our position was clear, clarifying and solid.
Rosemary Ledwidge
Mary Letscher
Paddy Lynch
Louis J. Mahoney
Cardinal Adam Maida
Kenneth J. Matzick
Margaret M. Maxwell
John P. McCulloch
Pete McDonnell
Anne Marie Mervenne
Alan R. Miller
Kathleen Moloney
Colleen Monahan
Beverly Moore
John Morad
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mylod
Johanna Navin Monaghan
Father Norman Nawrocki
Kathleen Norton, M.D.
Patrick Norton
Father Bernard Owens, SJ
Leocadio Padilla
Thomas W. Payne
Dale L. Prentice
Ellen Price
Gerald Provencal
Robert Pulte
Mr. & Mrs. William Pulte
James C. Rivard
Daniel J. Scanlan, D.D.S.
Carmen J. “Duke” Scrafano
Dennis B. Sullivan
Judith M. Summers
Ron Thayer
Peter Treboldi
Mary Ann VanElslander
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Webber
Clifford Worthy, Jr.
Sr. Charlotte Young, RSM
Cheryl Zaranek
Monsignor John P. Zenz
Pat Zidar McNulty
Today, the Angels’ Place vision is stewarded and nurtured to grow through the
countless people who commit their time and treasures to ensure that the Angels’
Place community is realized and alive. As I write this, there is a class of 7th graders
helping out in our enrichment program sharing experiences and building community with the members of the enrichment program. I am touched by the energy and
the seamlessness of the interaction between them… faith and compassion in action
and I am reminded that we are indeed, all God’s children.
It is with tremendous appreciation that we give thanks to all those who are a part
of our Angels’ Place community, you are wonderfully
made. To the Directors of
the Angels’ Place Board, a
special note of gratitude for
your leadership in assuring
that the mission and vision
of Angels’ Place continues
beyond any horizon we
may see and overcoming
the challenges that we will
surely face… united as one
Betty Desmond and Ed Plato (center) recognized
Angels’ Place community…
for their board service by Executive Director Cheryl
blessed to serve the families
Loveday and Board President Schuyler Hamill, DDS
and individuals in our care.
Holy Name 8th grade students adopted Angels' Place for their school year.
Students sponsored a pantry collection, day of service and are planning a
bingo party next month.
One student reflected on a recent trip volunteering in the enrichment program.
"That evening when I reflected on my day, I realized that I was no longer the
same person as I was in the morning. Going to Angels' Place was a day to
cherish and an experience I will never forget."
Angels’ Place
Hearts that Inspire . Hands that Serve . Homes that Endure
Angels Among Us....Charlotte
Charlotte moved into our Bell Home in October. She is very friendly, greeting everyone at
her home and at the office with a Hi, Hi, Hi accompanied by a great smile and wave. When
she is done with something and knows it is right, she likes saying “Ta Da!” She has a great
sense of humor and loves joking with her roommates and staff. Charlotte lost her dad and
sister before moving to Angels’ Place. Her mom volunteers in the office and sees firsthand
Charlotte’s growth and learning in the Enrichment Program. When Charlotte was asked
what she thought about Angels’ Place she said “Ta Da!” We know all is right for Charlotte
and that’s all that matters. Your support makes a difference to Charlotte and everyone served by Angels’ Place. Angels’ Place Programs
Angels’ Place Programs
Angels’ Place offers many levels of support and service to families who seek to answer the question: who
Angels’ Place offers many
levels of support and service to families who seek to answer the question: who
will care for my adult son or daughter with a developmental disability when I am no longer here to do so?
of care
will care for my adultOur
with a developmental disability when I am no longer here to do so?
Our Changing Needs
Our types of care include:
Abundant Life Services
Abundant Life Services offers bi-monthly activities
including special events, recreation, dining out,
sports, crafts, community and cultural events to
Abundant Life Services
Angels’ Place Abundant Life Services members.
Abundant Life Services offers bi-monthly activities
Community-Based Services
including special events,
recreation, dining out,
Angels’ Place offers respite care, skill building and
services inevents
their own home
sports, crafts, community
to or
the home of a family member to individuals on the
Angels’ Place Abundant
wait list.
Our Changing Needs
Percent of Residents
Over 50 Years Old
Percent of Residents
Over 50 Years Old
60 People served
over 50
Angels’ Place
will act as a resource, helping families
50 People served will
be over 50 in 2020
identify and navigate service needs. An individual
Angels’ Place offers respite
skill services
does not need
to be seeking
from Angels’
Place in order to experience a listening ear and the
sharing of any information and knowledge that we
community support services in their own home or
the home of a familymay
to individuals on the
Angels’ Place manages and operates homes
nestled into existing neighborhoods, providing the
appropriate level of staffing support to each resident
to assure safety, well-being and a fully involved life.
These homes are located in the tri-county area of
Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties.
Guidance and Support
Angels’ Place will act as a resource, helping families
identify and navigate service needs. An individual
does not need to be seeking services from Angels’
Aging Parents
Guidance and Support
Angels’ Place wait list.
Residential Services
Aging Parents
34% With zero
surviving parents
55% With one
surviving Parent
11% Other
Complexities of Aging
13 People with
1 Person with cancer
3 People with
50% People served
cardiac issues
over 50
4 People with limited
mobility or unsteady gait
76% People served
14 People hospitalized
be over 50 insince
34% With zero
surviving parents
55% With one
surviving Parent
11% Other
Place in order to experienceCare
a listening
and the
For Life:ear
A Commitment
We Don’t Take Lightly
sharing of any information and knowledge that we
Complexities of Aging
may have.
Residential Services
Angels’ Place manages and operates homes
nestled into existing neighborhoods, providing the
appropriate level of staffing support to each resident
to assure safety, well-being and a fully involved life.
These homes are located in the tri-county area of
13 People with
1 Person with cancer
3 People with
cardiac issues
Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties.
The Herald Winter 2015
4 People with limited
mobility or unsteady gait
14 People hospitalized
since January
Care For Life: A Commitment We Don’t Take Lightly
All of us at Angels’ Place sincerely appreciate everyone
that shared their time with Angels’ Place in 2014!
The Enrichment Program, our new Spa Nights, Youth Council, Yard Clean Ups, Spiritual Development, Pantry
Deliveries, Home Monitoring, Fundraising Events, the Talent Show, the Christmas Party and so many
wonderful projects at our homes would not exist without our awesome volunteers!
Currently our greatest need for volunteers is in our Enrichment Day Program
and our new monthly ladies spa night, details below…
Enrichment Day Program Volunteers…
This Day Program takes place Monday-Thursday from 10:00am-2:00pm at Angels’ Place Office
Volunteers are needed every day…year round!
Volunteers are needed to assist with crafts, become reading buddies and as puzzle partners.
Volunteers are welcome to bring activities & share their interests with program participants.
Youth Council…
Members work together on projects, at events & spend time with residents
Open to high school students from all area schools
Watch for the Youth Council spring BBQ & yard clean up at an Angels’ Place home
Students earn required school service hours throughout the year
Angels’ Place
Hearts that Inspire . Hands that Serve . Homes that Endure
Spring Yard Clean Ups…Now being scheduled!
Schedule any day in the month of May or early June
Volunteers are needed at all Angels’ Place homes
A great project for groups….students, corporate teams, scout troops, church groups
Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Volunteers under the age of 16
must have adult supervision
Spiritual Development Volunteers…
Volunteers share their faith during monthly visits with residents
of a specific Angels’ Place home.
Schedule monthly visits on a day that fits your schedule
Share your faith in a way most comfortable for you; we’re always
happy to share ideas with you!
Volunteers are needed at many homes
Spa Night Volunteers…
Special thanks
to all of our
Christmas Angels
Over the Christmas season
we were blessed with so
many angels who shared
their resources with us.
Pantry collections from:
St. Aidan Catholic Church,
Livonia for their Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets
complete with the holiday
Marian High School
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Knights of Columbus and
Youth Group
Shrine Catholic Church
Advent by Candlelight
St. Regis 6th Grade Class
donated jars of homemade
hot chocolate mix for homes
for Christmas
This new super fun G.N.O. is the second Thursday of each month
at Angels’ Place Office Center! 5:30-8:30pm – (includes set up & clean up)
You can help give manicures, style hair, apply make-up, help at craft table etc.
Groups can even schedule a specific date to “adopt-a-spa service” for example…
schedule your Girl Scout Troop to do manicures at the Feb 12th Spa Night, or schedule
you & your female co-workers to curl & style hair at the March 12th Spa Night etc…
See more volunteer photos on facebook
Find details about volunteering on our
If you would like to volunteer or have questions
contact Dawn Bradley [email protected]
The Herald Winter 2015
Holy Name Catholic Church,
McGaffey Family
collected paper products
and cleaning supplies at their
annual Christmas party.
Mark Karwaski and
employees of Smith
Barney who purchased
special Christmas gifts for
residents without families.
Yad Ezra
Shrine Grade School
John Malloure
donated holiday hams
for each house
THANK YOU TO OUR donors Sept 1 – December 31, 2014
A J Desmond & Sons
Mr & Mrs. Louie S. Abbo
Mr & Mrs George Adams
Dr. & Mrs Patrick T. Ainslie
Serquei Aksenou
Mr Roy I. Albert
Mr. Eric Aldrich
Mr & Mrs. Kenneth Alessi
Mr & Mrs Henry Allemon
Mr. & Mrs Ralph Allen
Mr & Mrs John D. Alli
Alteris Group, LLC
Amazon Smile
Mr. & Mrs. John Amberger
Patricia Ambrose
Mr & Mrs William Ames
Virginia Anatakli
Mrs Gretchen Anderson
William Anhut
Mr & Mrs. Scott Anschuetz
Mr. & Mrs Michael Ansley
Mr Zuhair Antone
Mr Jerry Arbittier
Mr & Mrs Rodger Asbury
Dr & Mrs Gary Assarian
Ms Karla Atchoo
Dr. & Mrs. Blaise Audet
Ave Maria Mutual Funds
Mr Robert A. Babinski
Mr & Mrs Charles E. Baer
Mr & Mrs Charles Baier
Mr & Mrs Sheldon R. Bailiff
Elizabeth Balderas
Mr & Mrs Bruce Ballard
Bank of Birmingham
Tracey Barber
Mr Edward Barclay
Ms Lisa Bardy
Mr & Mrs John E.P. Barnds
Mr & Mrs. Glenn Barnes
Mr Troy Barnhart
Ms Kathleen Barrett
Alice Barringer
Mrs Paula Bartholomew
Mr & Mrs Richard Bartus
Mr & Mrs Michael Basford
Mr & Mrs Charles T.
Mr & Mrs Brian Batten
Mr & Mrs Lewis Baughman
Mr. & Mrs Steve Bawol
Mr & Mrs John Baxter, III
Mrs Louise Bazil
Mr & Mrs Thomas P. Beagen
Dr & Mrs Joseph Beals
Mr & Mrs George R. Beeker
Mr & Mrs Michael Belanger
Mr & Mrs. Gerald M. Belian
Mr & Mrs James Belknap
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mr & Mrs. David Benedetto
Mr & Mrs. Royce Benjamin
Mr & Mrs. Norman Berg
Mr & Mrs Thomas Berge
Marcia Bergemann
Mr & Mrs Norbert Bergmann
Mr & Mrs Stephen Bergmann
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bernacki
Mr & Mrs Louis Bernadotte
Mr & Mrs Douglas P. Berry
Dr. & Mrs Todd T. Best
Mr Peter Betrus Jr.
Mr. Rajiv Bhargava
Mr & Mrs John Biafora
Mr & Mrs James J. Birchler
Mr & Mrs John Birney
Ms Jan Bissett
Mr & Mrs Thomas Bleakley
Mr & Mrs James Bodary
Ms Patricia Boerma
Mr. & Mrs Timothy Boese
Mr & Mrs. Carl B. Bolden
Mr & Mrs Ralph F. Bonanata
Mr George Borst
Mr & Mrs Louis Bosco, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Donald Botka
Dr. & Mrs. Pierre Boutros
Mr & Mrs Russell
Mrs. Shirley Bowser
Mr. & Mrs. H. James Boyes
Dave Bradley
Mrs Dawn E. Bradley
Marianne Brakora
Chris Brand
Mr. Tim Brandel
Kathleen Brang
Mr & Mrs Kirk R. Brannock
Mr & Mrs David C. Braun
Mr & Mrs. John D. Brennan
Rachel Brennan
Honorable & Mrs. Thomas
Mr & Mrs James L. Bretz
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Breza, Sr.
Mr John M. Breza
Mr & Mrs. Dennis E. Brinker
Susan Brochert
Mr & Mrs William Brodhead
Mr James Brooks
Brother Rice High School
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Brower
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Brown
Mr & Mrs Greg Brown
Kathleen Brown
Mrs Katherine Mullen Browne
Buddy’s Restaurant
Mr & Mrs. Obert Burch
Mrs. Margot Burgwyn
Mrs Patricia Burtka
Mr & Mrs Donald Byerlein
Dr & Mrs Roger C. Byrd
Mrs Anne Byrne
Ms Mary Beth Byrne
Cabinetry by Better Bilt
Mr & Mrs Brendan J. Cahill
Mr & Mrs Daniel R. Cahill
Mrs Anne Calice
Mr & Mrs Mark A. Calice
Mr & Mrs Patrick A. Callanan
Ms Marlene Calverley
Mr & Mrs. John R. Calverly
Mr & Mrs David A.
Josephine Cameron
Mr & Mrs. Frank Cancro
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Carlson
Mr & Mrs Arlen Carpenter
Mr Charles Carpenter
Mr Robert S. Carpenter
Mr & Mrs Patrick J. Carroll
Mr & Mrs Steven J. Carryer
Hope Carter
Mr & Mrs. Joseph Cassar
Catholic Central High School
CDI Properties, LLC
Mr Timothy Cenowa
Dr & Mrs Michael Chaben
Susan Chambers
Mr & Mrs. Charles Chippero
Mrs Mary Ann Christ
Mr & Mrs Richard Christie Jr
Mr & Mrs Robert Chrysler
Chuck Batcheller Company
Mr & Mrs. John Chun
Mr & Mrs Arthur Ciagne, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Fred Ciampa
Mr & Mrs James Cirar
Mr & Mrs Charles Ciuni
Dr & Mrs Robert T. Clark
Dr & Mrs John B. Clarke
Mr. Timothy Clarke
Mr & Mrs Michel Clement
Mr. Karl Clements
Dr & Mrs Chester T. Coccia
Mr & Mrs Robert A. Coleman
Ms Diana Collette
Erin Collins
Collins, Einhorn, Farrell
Community Foundation for
Southeastern Michigan
Mr & Mrs Donald F. Condit
Mrs Martha Condit
Janet Conigliaro
John Conlon
Mr & Mrs Philip Conway, Jr.
Mr Michael P. Cooney, Jr.
Lori Coppola
Mr Daniel Corby
Mr & Mrs Sam Cosma
Mr & Mrs. Michael Cotant
Mr & Mrs Richard L. Cote
Countryside Improvement
Mr & Mrs Don Courtright
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Cowgar
Coyer Family Fund
Maria Coyle
Mr & Mrs. James Crowe, Jr.
John J. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cunningham
Mr. Henry Czajkowski
Mr. & Mrs Joseph Daher
Dale Prentice Company
Elizabeth Dallacqua
Gina Dallacqua
Ms Jennifer Dallacqua
Mr & Mrs Joseph Dallacqua
Mrs Mildred Dallacqua
Mr. Jim Dalton
Mr. & Mrs Joseph DAngelo
Julie DAngelo
John DAnnunzio
Mr & Mrs Rob Dauphin
Crystal Davidson
Mr & Mrs Thomas Davis
Mr & Mrs James Davlin
Mr & Mrs Edward Dawda
Dawda Mann Mulcahy &
DC Sports
Mr. & Mrs Kevin Dean
Ms. Marla Debbaudt
Mr. & Mrs. John Deegan
Ms Alice Degregorio
Ron DeGuire
Mr & Mrs Todd DeHaan
Judi DeMegio
Deneweth, Dugan, & Parfitt
Mr & Mrs. Robert Denious
Mr & Mrs. Henry V. Denolf
DePorre Veterinary Hospital
Mr & Mrs Joseph Derkowski
Mr. & Mr. Dan Desmet
Mrs Betty Desmond
Mr & Mrs Terence Desmond
Mr & Mrs William Desmond
Mr & Mrs William J. Dettloff
Mr Thomas H. Devereaux
Mrs Margaret A. Devine
Mr & Mrs Daniel Devine Jr
Dickinson Wright PLLC
Mrs Mary Dickow
Dr & Mrs Gerald Dietz, Sr.
Dr & Mrs Gerald Dietz Jr
Mr & Mrs Theodore Diewald
Mr & Mrs. Michael C.
Dr & Mrs John Dillon
Angels’ Place
Mrs Dinan-Panico
Ms Mary Dittrich
Mr & Mrs. Mark Dixon
Mr & Mrs. Michael Dolik
Gail Domitrz
Ms Judy Donahue
Mr. John Donaldson
Mrs Patricia Donaldson
Mr & Mrs Terence Donnelly
Mr & Mrs. Richard Donovan
Mrs Gail Doran
James Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs Alfred Douglas
Douglas Lake Bar &
Mrs Marie Doyle
Dr. Hamill’s Ofice Staff
Dr. Patrick T Ainslie D.D.S.
M.S. & Associates
Catherine Drager
Mr & Mrs. Michael DuBay
Mr Donald G. Ducey
Mr & Mrs Kevin B. Duff
Mr & Mrs John M. Duffey
Mrs Lillian L. Duffey
Dr & Mrs Peter A. Duhamel
Mr & Mrs Wm Duncanson
Mr & Mrs David Dunham
Mr & Mrs William Dunlop
Mr & Mrs John W. Dunn
Mr & Mrs. Donald Dwyer
Mr & Mrs. James Dyer
Dykema Gossett PLLC
Mrs Shirley Dylewski
Mr E. Lewis Eads
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Earl
Mr & Mrs. William Ebben
Mr & Mrs William Ebinger
Mr & Mrs. Lewis Echlin
Ms Anne Edwards
Ruth Edwards
Mr & Mrs Lewis Elbert
Evan Elg
Mr & Mrs John Elliott
Ms Mary Elliott
Mr & Mrs. Scott Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ellwood
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Mr & Mrs Eric F. Emmons
Mr. & Mrs Stanley Ernst
Mr & Mrs Ray Erwin
Mr Richard K. Erwin
Mr & Mrs. Tom Ethier
Mrs Rosemary Etue
Mr & Mrs John Everly
Joan Farrar
Mr & Mrs John Faught
Mr Emmett P. Feely Jr.
Mr Michael Fell
Mr. Jim Fellwock
Jill Fenech
Ms Shirley Ferguson
Ms Cynthia Field
Wade Fink
Ms Barbara Finn
Mr & Mrs Donald Finn
Ms Sharon M. Finnie
Mr & Mrs. David Fisher
Mr & Mrs David W. Fisher
Mr & Mrs Greg Fisher
Ms Pamela Fisher
Mr & Mrs Gerald D.
Mr William J. FitzGerald
Mr & Mrs William Fitzpatrick
Mr & Mrs. Edward Flaherty
Mr & Mrs John T. Flanagan
Mr & Mrs Dennis J. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Flynn
Flynn Benefits Group
Mr & Mrs James Forrest
Gary Forsythe
Mr & Mrs. Christopher Forte
Mr & Mrs Rick E. Forzano
Mr & Mrs. David Foss
Mr & Mrs James L. Foster
Ian Fox & Shawn Bolton
Edward Francis
Mrs Janet Francis
Mr. Ed Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Frasco
Mr & Mrs. Peter Fredericks
Mr. & Mrs Doward Freeman
Mr & Mrs. Jay Frost
Mr & Mrs John T. Frost
Mr & Mrs Marvin Fudalla
Mr & Mrs Wayne Funk
Ms Julia Furtaw
Mr & Mrs James O.
Futterknecht Jr
Mr & Mrs. Fred Gade
Bob Galey
Galway Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Gandy
Larry Garcia &
Lyndsey Briggs
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gard
Mr & Mrs. Steve W. Garland
Dr. & Mrs. John Gaul
Mr Traute Gentry
George Matick Chevrolet
Germano Management
Mr & Mrs C J Ghesquiere
Mr & Mrs. Don Gibbs
Mr & Mrs Don B. Gill
Mr Timothy Gilson
Mr & Mrs. Charles Gipe
Mr William Girardot
Kate Gladchun
Mr & Mrs. Paul Glantz
Mrs Patti Glasgow
Mr & Mrs Peter Glasgow
Raquel Glendening
Val Globish
Mr Ronald F. Goebel
Ms Ricca Gonzalez
Mr & Mrs. Tom Good
Ms Louise Gotch
Mr & Mrs. Mark Gothard
Mr & Mrs William E. Grace
Mr & Mrs Joseph M.
Grace Jr
F. Allen Graham
Richard Grammatico
Michael Gratson
Mr & Mrs Bruce Graves
Carolyn Gray
Katricia Gray
Mr. & Mrs Patrick Gray
Mr & Mrs James R. Greaney
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Greenwalt
Valerie Greer
Mr & Mrs. Donald Gregorich
Mr & Mrs Gerald V. Greve
Beverly Gross
Mr. & Mrs Kenneth Grunow
Judge & Mrs David Gubow
Mr & Mrs Rodney Guest
Mr. Gerrard Gumbleton, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Robert Gurzick
Louise Gutgsell
Mr. & Mrs James Hackstedde
Mr & Mrs Keith Haddix
Ann Hadley
Mr & Mrs. Thomas Hafke
Mr & Mrs James A. Haislip
Mr & Mrs. Gerald M. Hall
Mr & Mrs. Jeffrey Hall
Mr & Mrs William Hall
Dr. & Mrs Schuyler V. Hamill
Kouhaila Hammer
Mr & Mrs William M. Harber
Erika Hart
Hartland Insurance Group
Kathleen Hayes
Alan Hazen
Mr & Mrs Eugene V. Healy
Mr William Henneghan
Mr & Mrs Craig Henriksen
Mary Jo Henry
Mr & Mrs. Ted Hensel
Grace Herbert
Ms Mary Herbert
Mr & Mrs David E. Hershey
Mr & Mrs. Daniel Hess
Ms Mary Heston
Mr & Mrs Tom Hetu
Mr & Mrs Alan R. Hibbert
Mr & Mrs Larry Hice
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Higdon
Marie Hitchingham
Joanna Hobler
Mr & Mrs. Scott Hobler
Ms Marta Hoetger
Ms Grace Hoey
Mrs Barbara Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hoffman
Mr. Gerald Hogg
Beth Holcomb
Ms Margaret M. Holden
Mr. Robert Holden
Stephanie Hollis Graef
Holy Family Regional School
Holy Name Catholic Church
Jeffrey Hoppie
Ms Carla Houle
Raymond Howard
Andy Howell
Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc.
Mrs Kristine Huckabay
Mr & Mrs Larry Hudas
Verle Hughes
Mr. & Mrs James Humphriss
Huntington National Bank
Mrs Patricia Hurlbert
Mr & Mrs Robert Hurlbert
Mr & Mrs John Hutt
Mr John P. Istvan
Lois Jacobson
Mr Christopher James
Lawrence Janness
Mr & Mrs Michael Janness
Mr & Mrs Frank Janosz
Mr Jeff Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs Michael Jenzen
Mr & Mrs Daniel J. Jess
John D. & Jean E. Dinan
Ms Diane Johnston
Dr & Mrs Peter Johnston
Mr & Mrs Jay F. Joliat
Joliat Ventures, LLC
Mr & Mrs. Jerry Joliet
Ms Virginia M. Joliet
Barbara Jones
Mr & Mrs Edward E. Jonna
Mr & Mrs Frank G. Jonna
Mrs Judy Jonna
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey P. Jorissen
Mr. & Mrs George Joseph
Joslyn Avenue Presbyterian
June & Cecil McDole
Mr & Mrs Eugene Kaczmar
Judith Kaltz
Lisa Kaminski
Maggie Kapdi
Karen & Drew Peslar
Mr Mark J. Karwaski
Ms Sheila S. Kasselman
Mr & Mrs Paul Kavanaugh
Mr & Mrs James T. Kearney
Mr & Mrs Gerald A. Kearns
Ms Sheila A. Keefe
Mr. & Mrs John Kelley
Charlotte Kelly
Mr & Mrs Daniel J. Kelly
Mr & Mrs. Dennis L. Kelly
Mr & Mrs. Sean Kelly
Dr & Mrs William Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Kennedy
Mr & Mrs Richard Kennedy
Mr & Mrs Robert A. Kennedy
Mr Fred A. Kenny, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Peter E. Kepic
Shannon Kern
Mr & Mrs. John Kersten
Philip Kim & Ema Osaki
Ms Denise King
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas King
Honorable & Mrs
John R. Kirwan
Mr & Mrs David Kistler
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kleber
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Klein
Mr & Mrs Michael Klima
Mr & Mrs. Frank E. Knepp
Jay Knight
Knights Columbus
Council 15352
Knights Columbus
St Daniel Council #15967
Knights Of Columbus
Knights of Columbus All
Saints Council No. 4872
Knights of Columbus MI
State Council
Knights of Columbus
Msgr. Clement H. Kern
Council No. 8284
Knights of Columbus Sacred
Heart Council No. 8659
Knights of Columbus St.
Damian Council No 15204
Mr. & Mrs Edward Knotek,II
Ms Gretchen Koch
Mr & Mrs James Kohl
Mr & Mrs Paul C. Kohler
Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kolbe
Mr & Mrs Gary Kolody
Carol Kolp
Mr & Mrs. Timothy Kopchick
Mrs Wilma Kosmalski
Kevin Kovachevich
Kimberly Koval, M.D.
Mr & Mrs. Robert W. Koval
Mr & Mrs Robert S. Kowalik
Mr & Mrs Arthur A. Kowalski
Mr Bruce A. Kresge
Mr & Mrs Edward M. Kronk
Mrs Diane Krueger
Mr John A. Kruse
Barbara Krzycki
Mrs Katherine Q. Kupelian
Jerry Kwolek
Mr & Mrs Robert A. La Fleur
Mr & Mrs. Robert Lambertsen
Mr. Patrick Lamotte & Mrs.
Norma Lamotte
James Lampertius
Mr. & Mrs. Josh LaPointe
Mr & Mrs Raymond J.
Mr & Mrs Thomas V. Larabell
Mr & Mrs. Romulo Laranang
Mr Kenneth Laurence
Mr & Mrs Charles J.
Mr Michael A. Laurencelle
Mr & Mrs Del J. Lauria
Mrs Rosemary Ledwidge
Mr & Mrs Charles S. Lee, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Robert Lee
Gerry Leitao
Mr & Mrs Bruce G. Lemon
Hearts that Inspire . Hands that Serve . Homes that Endure
Your donation makes a difference in our ability to serve and keep our doors open.
Mr. Dale LeMonde
Mrs Mary M. Letscher
Ms Nancy Levarsky
Mr & Mrs Wm Lewandowski
Ms Barbara S. Lievois
Mr Christopher Lievois
Mr & Mrs Gerald T. Lievois
Mr & Mrs. Howard Lilley
Mr & Mrs Shawn Lilley
Christine Lindemann
Mr & Mrs Donald Liposky
Kathleen Little
Mr Brent Lodanoss
Dr & Mrs Robert R. Lokar
Dr & Mrs Edward Loniewski
Mr. & Mrs Raymond Lopez
Dr & Mrs Peter Lopez
Ms Angela Lossia
Ms Cheryl L. Loveday &
Mr. Rennard Holmes
Larry Luchi
Mr & Mrs. Stephen A.
M & N Plastics
Mr & Mrs. Bruce MacDonald
Mr & Mrs. Keith MacGuidwin
Mr & Mrs John MacInnis
Mr & Mrs Lawrence MacLean
Dannette Magilligan
Mr Thomas Maher
Mr & Mrs Louis J. Mahoney
Luce Mallak
Mr & Mrs. Karl Mallard
John E. Malloure
Mr & Mrs. James O. Maloney
Simeon Manalili
Mr & Mrs. Curtis J. Mann
Mr & Mrs. Bruce Manning
Ms Emily Mano
Mr & Mrs Lawrence R.
Paul Marcowich
Marian High School
Kathleen Martin
Ms Judith M. Martinek
Mary Cay Bartush Jones
Ms Mary Jo Mason
Mr & Mrs. Matthew J. Mason
Mr & Mrs William Matthews
Mr & Mrs. Michael Matz
Maureen A. Kelly, MD, PLLC
Ms Margaret M. Maxwell
Mr & Mrs Paul Maxwell
Mr & Mrs Thomas Maxwell
D. Maynard
Mr & Mrs John H. McBrearty
Mr & Mrs James McCallum
John McCarthy &
Katie Lambert
Michael J. McCarthy
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas
Mr & Mrs Michael McCready
Mr & Mrs Brian McCullough
Mr & Mrs. Terry McDermott
Mr & Mrs Daniel McDonald
Mr & Mrs Thomas McDonald
Mr. & Mrs Keller McGaffey
Mr & Mrs Thomas F. McGann
Mr & Mrs Joseph McGlynn
Mr & Mrs. John McGrath
Mr & Mrs Roger McGuineas
Ms Deborah McInerney
Mr & Mrs Jack J. McInerney
Mr & Mrs. Jack J. McInerney
Mr & Mrs. Tim McIsaac
Mr & Mrs Patrick McKeever
Mr Joseph McKevitz
Mrs Justine McKnight
Mr. Tim McMaster
Mr & Mrs Daniel S. McNulty
Mrs Esther McPhee
Mr. & Mrs Charles McQueen
Mr & Mrs. Patrick M.
McQueen, Sr.
Mr & Mrs Patrick M.
McQueen, Jr.
Meadowbrook Insurance
Michelle Meek
Mr Frank Mehnert
Mr & Mrs Mark Melendy
Mr. Jeff Mengel
Mr & Mrs Randall C. Meono
Mercy High School
Mr & Mrs Eugene Meso
Mr & Mrs. Richard Meurer
Mr & Mrs Wade Mezey
Claire Michelini
Michigan OMS, PC
Michigan Rod Products
Mr Robert Micus
Mrs Kathleen Mielock
Mr & Mrs. Michael Milinko
Mr & Mrs. Alan R. Miller
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey G. Miller
Kimberly Miller
LaRae Mirovsky
Molinello Family Foundation
Mr & Mrs James R. Moloney
Mr & Mrs Michael T.
Mrs Beverly J. Moore
Mr & Mrs J Michael Moore
Jon Moore
Mr & Mrs. John J. Morad
Ms Midge Moran
Moscovic Building Co
Mother of Perpetual Help
Catholic Church
Dr & Mrs Sami Mounayer
Mrs Joyce Moynihan
Mr & Mrs Germano L.
Mr & Mrs John F. Mulcahy
Mr & Mrs. Michael D.
Thomas Mullonkal
Salvatore Munaco
Beverly Munson
Mr & Mrs Steve Murdock
Mr. Chuck Murphy
Mr & Mrs Matthew Murphy
Mr & Mrs James Murray
Dr & Mrs Ronald B. Muske
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Myers
Mr & Mrs. Mark E. Myers Jr.
Mr & Mrs Robert J. Mylod
Mr & Mrs. Christopher Nagle
Mr & Mrs J Martin Nagle
Mr & Mrs James J. Nagle
Mr & Mrs. Lawrence Nagle
Marion Nagle
Mr Terrence E. Nagle, Jr.
Mr & Mrs. John G. Nanry
Mr & Mrs. Kevin Nanry
Ms Therese M. Nanry
Mr & Mrs Naif Naseef
Ms Patricia Natale
National Shrine of the
Little Flower
Mr & Mrs. Roger F. Nelson
Network For Good
Mr & Mrs. William P. Neuser
Mr & Mrs. Edward Niemyjski
Mr & Mrs Raymond Nikolai
Mr & Mrs Donald R. Noble
Mr & Mrs Con Nolan
North Brothers Ford, Inc.
Kathleen M. Norton, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Novack
Mrs Adele Nowodworski
Mr & Mrs Phillip O’Brien
O’Brien Sullivan Funeral
Homes, Inc.
Mr & Mrs Tim J. O’Callaghan
Ms Debra J. O’Hara
Robert O’Hara
Mr & Mrs John P. O’Leary
Mr & Mrs. Paul O’Leary
Mr & Mrs Richard Obad
Mrs Mary Ann Oderman
Mr & Mrs Walter H. Oehrlein
Mr. Danny Ogle
Mr. Don Ogle
Mr & Mrs James Oliver
Ms Barbara Ollesheimer
Mr & Mrs. Gerald M.
Ms Michelle Olszewski
Mary Osborn
Our Lady of Sorrows
Catholic Church
Our Lady of Victory
Catholic Church
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Catholic Church
Overtyme Grill
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Overy
Mr & Mrs G Kenneth Oxley
Mr & Mrs. Richard Pacini
Mr & Mrs. Leocadio Padilla
Ms Carmel J. Palmer
Ms Patricia Palmer
Mr & Mrs Doug Paquin
Mr & Mrs Thomas Parkhill
Mr & Mrs Edward M. Parks
Adam Parsons, D.D.S.
Mr & Mrs Gary M. Passiak
Brad Patterson
Mr & Mrs Timothy J. Patton
Mr & Mrs. Richard Payne
Mr Thomas Payne
Mr & Mrs. Thomas W. Payne
Mr & Mrs Michael J. Peacock
Mr & Mrs. Thomas Peard
Mr. & Mrs Fred Pellerito
Mr & Mrs Richard Penington
Mr & Mrs. Robert Percha
Mr & Mrs David Perhogan
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pesci
Mr & Mrs. James Petcoff
Mr. & Mrs James Peters
Mr & Mrs. Todd Peters
Mr & Mrs. Michael Peterson
Mr & Mrs Keith R. Petherick
Mr & Mrs. Colin Pettitt
Mr & Mrs. Tom Petzold
Mr & Mrs Jerome F. Phillips
Kelly Plante
Plante & Moran PLLC
Plantscaping, LLC
Mr & Mrs Edward D. Plato
James Podgorny
Mr & Mrs Dennis Pollard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pomorski
Danny Poreasi
Mr. & Mrs David Power
William Powers
Powers Chapman
Mr & Mrs John Prebay
Mr & Mrs. Dale L. Prentice
Mr & Mrs Paul Prentice
Mr. & Mrs Clifford Prew
Mr & Mrs. David Priestly
Mr & Mrs. John R. Pringle
Mr & Mrs Clyde B. Pritchard
Mr & Mrs David Provost
Mr & Mrs. John Przybycien
Mr & Mrs Arthur T. Pulte
Mrs Mary Clare Pulte
Mr & Mrs Robert J. Pulte
Kasturi Puri
Mr & Mrs Max Putters
Mr & Mrs Michael Putz
Mr & Mrs. Joseph Qatsha
Mr. & Mrs. John Quay
R. L. Deppmann Company
Mr. & Mrs Paul Rady
Raiders Football Team
Mr & Mrs Frank Raine, Jr.
Mr Angiolino Ramaci
Mr & Mrs John M. Ranke
Mrs Josie Rasalan
Mr & Mrs. Richard Raven
Mr & Mrs Steven Raymond
Mrs Phyllis Reddy
Mr. & Mrs David Reder
Ann Reed
Mr & Mrs John R. Regan
Ms. Kimberly Renke
Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Renkiewicz
Mr & Mrs Antonio A. Reyes
Sandra Rhames
Mr & Mrs John J. Riccardo
Ms Patricia Richards
Denice Richmond
Mr & Mrs. Bernie A. Riegner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Riehl
Mr & Mrs Robert Riley
Mr & Mrs Justin Riutta
Chris Rizik
Mr. & Mrs Robert Robbins
Mr William T. Roberts
Mr & Mrs John Robertson
Mr & Mrs Paul Robertson Jr
Mr & Mrs David Robinson
Mr & Mrs Brad Rogers
Mr & Mrs Steven Rogge
Ms Barbara Rogulski
Mr & Mrs Mark Rometty
Mr & Mrs. Brian Roney
Bernie Ronnish
Mr & Mrs Richard C. Ronzi
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Root
Rose Hill Center
Verna Ross
Mr & Mrs. Rodney Rosswurm
Mrs Madeline Rourke
Mr & Mrs Thomas J. Rownd
Diane Rundell
Honorable James Ryan &
Mrs Loretta Nagle Ryan
James R. Ryan
Mr & Mrs John Ryan
Honorable & Mrs
James Ryan
Mr Sean Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saad
Sacred Family Causes
Elizabeth Saeger
Mr & Mrs. Thomas L. Saeli
Ms Barbara Saigh
Mr Andy Sakmar
Batool Sako
Mr & Mrs. Celso Samaniego
Mr & Mrs David F. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. John Sanders
Ms Virginia Sanders
Mr & Mrs Ralph A. Sarotte
Ms Monica M. Sasson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Savage
Mr & Mrs David Scally, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs Daniel J. Scanlan
Mr & Mrs John F. Schaefer
Mr & Mrs Albert L. Schaller
Mary Schelske
Mr & Mrs Calvin Schilling
Mr & Mrs Elwood Schlesinger
Mr & Mrs. Joseph P. Schmidt
Mr & Mrs John Schodowski
The Herald Winter 2015
Mr & Mrs Thomas P. Scholler
Mr & Mrs. Jon Schopf
Mr. & Mr. Robert Schulz
Mr & Mrs Walter G. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schwartz
Mr & Mrs. Iain Scott
Mr & Mrs. Duke J. Scrafano
Susan Seaglund
Mr & Mrs James Seavitt
Gerald Seizert
Mary Ann Senkowski
Mr & Mrs Larry T. Sepanske
Mr & Mrs. Dan Serafin
Sandra Seyfried
Mr & Mrs Peter Shagena
Mr & Mrs. Richard J. Shaieb
Mr & Mrs. Jeffrey Shandler
Mr & Mrs Michael Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs Jeremiah Sheehan
Mrs Mary Lou Sheeran
Mr & Mrs. Donald Sherer
Mr & Mrs. Clifford
Sherman, Jr.
Kristine Sherwood
Mr & Mrs Michael Shinder
Mr & Mrs Gary Shiring
Dr & Mrs Ronald Shoha
Mr & Mrs David Shoptaw
Mr & Mrs James L. Short
Shrine Grade School
Mr & Mrs Paul Sikorsky
Mr Bradley Simmons
Margaret Singleton
Mr Daniel/Kenneth
Mrs Germaine Sliney
Mr & Mrs Thomas Sliney
Mr & Mrs. Alex Smith
Chris Smith
Mr. Dan Smith
Mrs Joan Smith
Mr Kyle Smith
Mr & Mrs Michael Smith
Mr & Mrs Steven J. Smith
Mr & Mrs. Craig Smyk
Tina Snell
Mr & Mrs Alan H. Somershoe
Mr & Mrs Robert Sparvero
Mr. Mickey Spencer &
Mrs. Kimberly Spencer
Mr. & Mrs Julius Spognardi
St. Aidan Catholic Church
St. Benedict Catholic Church
St. Daniel Catholic Church
St. Edith Catholic Church
St. Elizabeth Briarbank
St. Hugo of the Hills
Elementary School
St. Irenaeus Catholic Church
St. James the Greater
Catholic Church
St. John Providence Health
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
Catholic Church
St. Kenneth Catholic Church
St. Mary Catholic Church
St. Paul of Tarsus
Catholic Church
St. Paul on the Lake
Catholic Church
St. Regis School
St. Thomas More
Catholic Church
Mr Thomas Stacy
Mr Boleslaus Stanczyk
Mr & Mrs. Jerome Stawara
Mr & Mrs Albert R. Steele
Valerie Steer
Ms Mary Gene Stefanac
Mrs Ann Steglich
Greg Steinl
Mr & Mrs Leo Steinl
Mr. & Mrs Mike Stempien
Mr & Mrs Philip M. Stenger
Dr. & Mrs Robert Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs Daniel Stern
Mr & Mrs Casper J. Steyer
Mr David Stitt
Mr & Mrs Evan Stitt
Teri & Dana Stonerook
Mr & Mrs Robert S. Storen
Ms Margaret A. Stott
Robert Strasberg
Nancy Strickland
Mr & Mrs Thomas J. Strobl
Strobl & Sharp, PC
Mr & Mrs Dennis B. Sullivan
Mrs Mary Lou Sullivan
Mr & Mrs Michael C. Sullivan
Mr Michael J. Sullivan
Mr & Mrs Michael J. Sullivan
Tracy Sullivan
David Sutherland
Deacon Dan Sweeney
Mr. Thomas Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sweet
Victoria Swegles, M.D.
Mr & Mrs Leonard J.
Mr & Mrs Thomas Szott
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Taglione
Mr & Mrs Robert M. Tallian
Talmer Bank
Mr & Mrs Richard Tanghe
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Tarlin, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Charles Taunt
Mrs Cheri Taunt
Charlene Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Taylor
Tennis & Golf Company
Mr & Mrs. James Tessmer
Mr & Mrs Allen Tester
Mr Jerry Tester
Mrs. Teresa Tester
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
The Bird And The Bread
The Lisa Higgins Foundation
The Taunt Law Firm
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Mrs Beverly Thewes
Carmen Thomas
Joan Thompson
Mr Thomas Thomson
Mr Andrew Thoresen
Mr & Mrs David F. Thoresen
Mrs Lois F. Thornbury
Mrs Patricia Thull
Mr & Mrs John Tierney
Mr & Mrs Brian M. Tilley
Mr & Mrs Jerome Timlin, Sr.
Mr & Mrs. Michael Timm
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Tinetti
Mr & Dr. Robert Toal
Mr & Mrs John R. Tobin
Tom Holzer Ford
John Topolewski
Dr & Mrs Jorge Torriglia
Stephen Toth
Mr & Mrs. Dennis A. Tracey
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Treuhaft
Mr. & Mrs Brent Triest
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Trudeau
Mr. Gilbert Trudeau
Mr. & Mrs W. David Tull
Mr Edward C. Turner
Mr. & Mrs Jonathan Uffelman
University of Detroit
Jesuit High School
Ms Barbara Urbiel
Mr & Mrs. Frank Urbiel
Mr & Mrs. John Ureel
V & M Corporation
Mr & Mrs Marc Vachon
Mr & Mrs Mark Vainisi
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Valade
Mr & Mrs. Craig Valassis
Mr & Mrs. Aldo Valitutti
Mrs Mary Ann Van Elslander
Mr & Mrs. Richard
Variant Partners
Mr & Mrs. Gary Veenstra
Mr & Mrs Jim Richardson
Viviano Florist
Mr & Mrs Richard Vlasic
Mr & Mrs. Hans von
Bernthal, Sr.
Mr Paul Voss
Mr & Mrs David Wachowiak
Robert Wachter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagoner
Mr & Mrs William Waldeck
Brian Walkuski
Mr & Mrs Steven Wall
Patty Wallace
Wade Wallazy
Mr & Mrs Richard T. Walsh
Dr. & Mrs. William Ward
Mr John Wasenko
Mrs Joyce Watters
Paul Weaver
Mr & Mrs Richard Weber
Mr & Mrs Kenneth
Mrs. Patricia Weed
Mr & Mrs Jimmie
Mr & Mrs Ray Weingartz
Ms Susan Welker
Mr & Mrs Michael Wendt
Mr. & Mrs Jon Werner
Ms Sally Ann Westerheide
Mr & Mrs Dennis I. Wheeler
Mr & Mrs Robert Whisner
Mr & Mrs T. E. White
Mr & Mrs. Thomas
Mr & Mrs. John Wickett, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Paul A. Widlak
Karen Wiegel
Mr. Dennis Wigman
Ian Wild
William & Marie Molnar
William G & Myrtle E Hess
Charitable Trust
Mr. J. Bryan Williams
Maggie Williams
Mr & Mrs. Robert Williams
Mr & Mrs John A. Williamson
Mr & Mrs Craig Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Wilson
Mr & Mrs William Wiltsie Jr
Wines For Humanity
Mrs Carol Wiseman
Jacqueline Wojas
Scott Wolan
Mr & Mrs Edward Wolowiec
Mr & Mrs Clifford Worthy, Jr.
Mr. Roger Woz
Mr & Mrs Thomas Wreesman
Mr. John Wuest
Dr. & Mrs Kenneth Wysocki
Yad Ezra
Ms Carol Yaw
Mr & Mrs Byron Yono
Louise Zajac
Mr & Mrs Lou Zaranek
Mr & Mrs Jalal Zawaideh
Mr & Mrs Michael R. Zemke
Mr & Mrs John Zessin
Matt Zessin
Rachel Zitta
Mr & Mrs Gregg Zuccker
Nonprofit Org
U.S. postage
Systems Services
The Herald
29299 Franklin Road
Southfield, Mi 48034
Fax 248-350-3577
Please join us at one of our 2015 events!
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
March 7
Special Guardian’s Meeting 9am to noon at Angels’ Place Center
(all guardians are asked to attend.)
March 28
Resident’s Talent Show at Brother Rice High School 10-11:30 am
May 2
Spring Party at the Madison in Detroit
May 6
W.I.N.G.S. Event - The Bird and the Bread, Birmingham
May 8 Bowling for W.I.N.G.S. - Hartfield Lanes, Berkley
May 16 Angels’ Place Race, St. Daniel, Clarkston
May 20 Legacy Event
July 20
Annual Golf and Tennis Tournament, Pine Lake Country Club
August 22
Family Fun Day
September 24
Terry and Ray Nagle Memorial Gin Rummy Tournament,
Birmingham Country Club
Annual Dinner – Stay tuned for speaker update!
December Angels’ Place
Hearts that Inspire . Hands that Serve . Homes that Endure