Summer 2015 - Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina


Summer 2015 - Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina
2015 Donor Appreciation Issue
Summerville • Clinton • Columbia • Foothills • Florence
Vol. 36, No. 2 – Summer 2015
Thinking and
One of the key ingredients in Presbyterian Communities’ “recipe for success” has always been our generous
donors. We have committed, compassionate employees and wonderful residents, but our ministry is not complete
without the charitable giving of individuals, churches and other supporting organizations. These donors support
a wide variety of activities at PCSC, including new building projects, charitable care for residents who have
exhausted their savings, support for employees in crisis, educational funds for employees, and numerous other
enhancements to life in our communities.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul writes, “I thank my God every time I remember you,” and that is how we
feel about our financial supporters. That is why we have dedicated this issue of Community Connections to
recognizing our donors, giving thanks for them, and celebrating the blessings of generosity. We know we would
not be the same without the generous hearts of those who support us, and as we think of that, we are truly
thankful for each and everyone one of you.
Begins on The Chapel at Foothills
It is particularly fitting that our annual donor recognition issue is the occasion to report that PCSC has finally begun
construction of a chapel for the Foothills Community. As a project funded mainly by donors, this has only been
possible due to the lead gift of Mr. John Ford (see p. 6) and the significant contributions of many generous individuals
and churches.
On Monday, July 13, PCSC staff gathered with John in the Foothills Community dining hall at lunchtime. He then
made the announcement to residents that years of generosity and prayer had finally born their intended fruit. As the
last PCSC community without a chapel, this will be a much needed addition to the lives of both residents and staff.
While construction has begun, the total amount of contributions is still below the estimated cost of building and
furnishing the chapel. Thus, there is still a need and desire for additional donations, and there are some remaining
naming opportunities, as well. Please contact Franklin Fant, Director of Foundation Services and Church Relations at
1-888-842-4855 if you would like more information about supporting this important project.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
From the CEO
Retirement living is not what it used to be! As you read the articles and look at
the pictures in this edition of the Community Connections, I ask you to really
think about what you are seeing. Try to remember that this magazine is about
people residing in a retirement community!
The level of activity, involvement and community among residents is impressive.
Opportunities to use their skills that have been developed through years of
experience in a career or raising a family are available. Teaching and learning
with fellow residents and staff can open doors to friendships and new knowledge.
Katherine R. Ligon
Chaplains, wellness directors and life enrichment coordinators are members
of the community staff. Imagine going to a fitness class suited to your needs!
Balance classes, strength training, yoga (yes, for seniors!) and classes for those suffering from arthritis are
offered just for you. Bible studies and weekly vespers provide spiritual enrichment. Planned events, both
on and off campus, keep residents connected to the greater community.
We have heard people say that they were never busier than during retirement, and the same can be true
at Presbyterian Communities. People can be just as busy as they want. But the most significant fact is that
they have a choice! In the myriad of possibilities during a week, residents have the opportunity to make
retirement what they want it to be.
Living a vibrant lifestyle as long as we wish is truly a blessing. And this is what retirement living is about,
having evolved from a “quiet time to rest after many years of work” to “doing what I want to do with my
own time.”
And you will read about people who so believe in what we are doing that they have chosen to share their
treasure to ensure that this ministry is sustained and strengthened. Since 1954, donors have provided
generous and faithful gifts that are used for new buildings, programs and providing charitable care to those
residents who outlive their financial resources.
Gifts continue to make a tremendous impact on how retirement living at PCSC has evolved. They provide
for things that are often unable to be included in the budget. We are indeed grateful to the donors who
support PCSC.
It is my sincere hope that when you read Community Connections you can glimpse the “new normal” in
retirement living. Learning, enjoying and having new experiences, with supportive services on campus,
can truly enhance the quality of life during a time that may otherwise prove to be difficult.
Wishing all our readers a retirement filled with choices, fellowship, friendship and good health!
Table of Contents
We Are a Compassionate Christian Ministry
Dedicated to Enriching the Quality of Life
For Seniors of All Faiths.
Page 3 – Foundation Report
Page 4 – PCSC and MUSC
Page 5 – Who Benefits from PCSC?
Page 6-7 – Donor Focus
Page 8-9 – Giving to PCSC
Page 10-23 – Donor Listing
Page 24-26 – C
Page 27-29 – PCSC News
Page 30-31 – Personnel Update
Page 32-35 – C
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Stock Donation: A Gift That Does More
One of the best ways for many of us to make an immediate charitable gift is through the
donation of stock. When done properly, donating shares of stock can allow both the donor and
the charity to get more out of a gift than is sometimes possible through the simple gift of cash.
Many of us have stock investments that have increased in value. This means that when we
sell these shares, we owe taxes on the capital gains. Donating shares allows the giver to avoid
paying capital gains taxes while receiving an income tax deduction for the full amount of the
gift. And the receiving charity receives the full value of the stock donated.
Franklin Fant, Director of
Foundation Services and
Church Relations
Suppose that you have shares of stock currently worth $10,000 that you purchased for $6,000
(meaning you have $4,000 in capital gains). If you are in the 28% tax bracket and pay 15%
on capital gains, the difference between selling the stock yourself and making a cash gift
versus donating the shares to PCSC would look like this:
Selling Stock Donating Stock
Value of Shares
$ 10,000 $ 10,000
$ 600 $0
Net proceeds to PCSC
$ 9,400 $ 10,000
Your income tax savings from the
charitable deduction (Net proceeds x 28%)
$ 2,632 $ 2,800
Your capital gains tax ($4,000 x 15%)
As the example shows, selling the stock yourself leaves you with capital gains taxes to pay, less income tax savings, and
less for PCSC. Donating the shares of stock directly to PCSC does more for you and more for PCSC. This example
also indicates that giving appreciated shares is often a better strategy than giving directly out of one’s income. Of
course, you should always consult with your financial advisor or tax professional to make sure this approach is best
for your particular situation.
How to make a gift of stock
If you have physical possession of your securities, you can hand deliver them to PCSC or mail us the stock and
stock powers (separately). If your broker has possession of the securities, please notify us of your desire to gift these
securities and we will provide you the information your broker will need to transfer these directly to us. You can
reach the Foundation at 803-772-5885 (or toll-free at 1-888-842-4855).
About the SC Presbyterian Retirement
Communities Foundation
The SC Presbyterian Retirement Communities Foundation receives and manages
charitable gifts given to support the mission and ministry of Presbyterian Communities of
SC (PCSC), which is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization. Please make your
charitable gifts to PCSC payable to The SC PRC Foundation. Your gifts are tax deductible
to the fullest extent of the law.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
on Geriatric
Presbyterian Communities and the Medical University of SC Department of Family Medicine have entered
into a partnership that will enable medical school students and residents to learn geriatric medicine by
treating and interacting with the residents of The Village at Summerville.
An Idea Takes Shape
This venture had its genesis in the collaboration of Dr. Bill Sheldon, former Medical Director at The Village
and the Rev. Dr. Russ Blackwelder, MD, who is Assistant Professor and Director of Geriatric Education at
MUSC. “During my residency work with Dr. Sheldon and his patients at The Village, our mutual interest in
geriatric medicine led us to discuss the need to expand the educational opportunities in this area for MUSC’s
medical students and residents,” said Dr. Blackwelder. “As we began to dream about what might be possible,
we approached Dr. Terry Steyer, Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at MUSC, to explore how both
PCSC and MUSC could benefit from working together.” Dr. Steyer was enthusiastic about the idea, as was
PCSC President Kathy Ligon. “The timing seemed to be right for everyone, and things have come together
in a wonderful way,” said Dr. Blackwelder.
Teaching and Healing at The Village
The vision became a reality in July. Second-year residents at MUSC have begun taking 5-week rotations in
geriatric medicine that bring them to The Village where they are taught and mentored by Dr. Blackwelder.
During these rotations, they observe Dr. Blackwelder treating residents, and they provide their own clinical
treatment of residents under his supervision.
By mid-August, the interaction between MUSC residents and The Village residents will be expanded to
include a longitudinal curriculum, also led by Dr. Blackwelder. This program will bring second- and thirdyear residents to The Village once every 5 weeks for a period of two years. During this time, students will
attend a variety of presentations on different aspects of geriatric medicine. They will then follow up and
review what they’ve learned with a patient (a Summerville resident to whom they’ve been assigned for
the two years). “For instance,” said Dr. Blackwelder, “if the presentation was on dementia screening, the
medical resident would have the opportunity to practice using these screens on the assigned patient. They
will also be able to suggest and implement treatments and follow-up when necessary.
Village Residents Give Back
This innovative collaboration is about more, however, than a two-way exchange where PCSC provides an
arena for medical education and MUSC provides treatment to our residents. Just as importantly, it also
enables our residents to be active and productive contributors to their community. By working with these
medical residents, those living at The Village will be helping these doctors develop skills and understanding
that will benefit their patients in the years ahead. This is yet another instance of how PCSC provides older
adults ways to stay active, engaged and productive.
Looking Ahead
Dr. Blackwelder is an ordained minister in the PC(USA) and a member of Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery. He
looks forward to teaching a couple of future electives that will bring more advanced medical students and
residents back to The Village. One will be a Long-Term Care elective for medical students and one will be
titled Clinical Medicine and Spirituality. As a part-time chaplain at The Village, he is uniquely qualified to
help his students explore both the medical and spiritual dimensions of health and wellness.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
from PCSC?
Community Connections, Summer 2015
al Communit
In the course of this ministry, there are some rather of M
Each PCSC community also maintains an
obvious benefits we provide through our retirement Outemergency
assistance fund to help employees facing
communities. What many don’t realize is that PCSCOppan
financial crisis.
has a larger constituency than simply our residents.
Community Finan
cial Ga
It might be helpful to think about all those we serve Churches
and assist as a ring of concentric zones (see the
A broader ring of ministry involves the Presbyterian
below graphic):
churches of SC. PCSC was founded by these
churches, and consequently, we remain a vehicle
of ministry for, and to, these churches. Our partner
At the center are our residents and others we serve
churches continue to work through us as a means
directly, such as our physical therapy outpatients.
of blessing older adults. They do this through the
As the core of our ministry, we serve these
financial support they provide out of their church
individuals by providing a safe and caring
budgets and special offerings. We also serve
environment where we can enhance
as a place where their volunteers can do
their vitality, health, and comfort.
hands-on ministry with seniors. Many
A central part of this ministry is
churches send their youth groups,
the charitable care we provide
men’s and women’s groups, and
to residents who have outlived
choirs to our local communities.
their life savings. This financial
They might give a musical
support ensures that these
performance, hold a tea or fish fry,
folks can continue to live with
or play games with our residents.
us as long they need to, even
if they cannot pay. Last year,
We also serve our churches directly
PCSC awarded over $1,500,000 in
by providing them with expertise
charitable care to residents in need.
on aging, giving presentations, and
providing meeting space. Employees who
Family, Friends, and Employees
are ordained ministers serve as guest preachers
These core aspects of our ministry are what most
and worship leaders in churches. They also serve in
people first think of when they think of PCSC.
leadership positions at the presbytery or synod level.
But in truth, the constituency we serve is much
larger. We also serve the families and friends of
Local Communities
our residents by providing them the peace of mind
Our circle of service extends beyond our churches
of knowing that their loved one is in a safe and
to the wider community, as well. Members of our
caring environment. We also help family members
management staff serve in leadership positions in
think through the issues when expert help and
professional organizations. We also exist as a place
information are needed to make an important
of service for other organizations besides churches.
decision about a relative.
For instance, Southeastern Freight Lines held a fall
festival for residents at the Columbia Community
Our staff members occupy a special place in the
last year. Residents and staff also come together to
circle of constituents. They are primarily care givers work on service projects, such as when the Florence
and support for our residents and families. But
Community participated in their local “Walk to End
they are also in some cases recipients of special
benefits from PCSC. For example, some of our
communities have educational funds that have
As our mission statement says, Presbyterian
been donated for employees to use to enhance
Communities is “a compassionate Christian ministry
their professional credentials. One employee used
dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for seniors
these donated funds to help pay for her education
of all faiths.” Being a not-for-profit ministry frees us
to become a Registered Nurse and she is now a
to focus on serving these seniors and their families,
Director of Nursing. The Clinton Community also
rather than on increasing owner wealth. But in the
partnered with Piedmont Technical College to help
process of carrying out our mission, we bless many
employees become Certified Nursing Assistants (see others, as well, in a variety of ways.
When a Willing Donor Meets with a
John Ford, a resident at the Foothills Community, was attending a
memorial service at the community two years ago when he was struck
by the inadequacy of the room where the service was held. “There
were over 100 people squeezed into the activities room, with more
overflowing into the adjacent crafts room,” he said. “Seeing this
shortcoming of our facilities, I suddenly thought to myself, ‘I can help.’”
With his heart and mind set, John made a call to the SC Presbyterian
Retirement Communities Foundation and said that he wanted to make
the lead gift to build a new chapel at the Foothills Community. Many
others followed suit with their own generous impulses and now the
chapel many dreamed about is under construction (see p. 1).
John Ford announces the construction of The Chapel
at Foothills as Chaplain Julie Schaaf looks on.
Asked what he envisioned the chapel being, John says that it is not just about having a place for funerals
and worship services. “When I was growing up, my pastor at Easley Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Ike
Bagwell, always emphasized the sanctuary as a place of reverence. I remember entering the sanctuary as a
teenager and feeling the presence of God in that quiet, comforting place.”
“I like to think of The Chapel at Foothills as providing a similar, quiet space where residents can seek
refuge, contemplate, and pray,” he said. “It’s simply something that needs to be there.”
What advice would John give to others considering making a gift to PCSC? “People should be sure to
consider their own needs first,” he said. In other words, it’s a wonderful and important thing to be
generous, but it’s also important to make sure one can continue to provide for oneself when making
decisions about charitable giving. As for himself, he considered the financial resources he had and decided
that by making a contribution to the building of the chapel, his assets could be “doing good,” rather than
simply “sitting there making more money.”
John is also a member of the Good Samaritan Society, which means he has included PCSC in his estate
planning. He said he looks forward to being able to help further this ministry in other ways, “should there
be something left of my estate.”
John has been a resident at the Foothills Community for 15 years, and says that the campus simply feels
like home to him. His advice to people thinking about moving into a PCSC community is: “Don’t wait.”
He has witnessed many people moving into the Foothills Community. Those who move in while still in
good health find the transition easy and get the most out of living there. Those who wait until poor health
forces them to move often find the adjustment harder to make. “There is so much to enjoy here,” he says.
With a new chapel soon to be available on the premises, there will be even more to enjoy, thanks to John’s
generous inspiration and initiative.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Good Samaritan Society
The Good Samaritan Society (GSS) was formed years ago
to recognize those individuals who have planned a gift of
any amount through their estate to support Presbyterian
Communities of South Carolina. GSS members have
placed our ministry in their will, or designated PCSC as
a beneficiary of their retirement plans, annuities, trusts
and life insurance. Members of the GSS are invited to
luncheons periodically so that we may say thank you for
the meaningful legacy they are leaving.
Have you made a planned gift to support PCSC? We’d
love to have the opportunity to show appreciation for
your generosity. If you would like more information about
becoming a member of the Good Samaritan Society, please
contact the Foundation anytime at 1-888-842-4855.
Forrest and Maryann Abbott
Lamar and Rosemary Bailes
Mrs. Adelaide R. Bodie
Mrs. Anne K. Brown
Mrs. Dorothy Camp Brown
Mrs. Miriam A. Chastain
Mrs. Lee Churchfield
Mrs. Anne E. Cooke
Mr. Max A. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. M. Curtis Davis
Mr. Frank M. Dieringer
Mr. and Mrs. Osmund W. Dixon
Miss Pansy E. Duke
Mrs. Marynell P. Eaddy
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. L.
Franklin Fant, Jr.
Mr. Zerno E. Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Mary M. Martin
Mrs. Mary M. McAllister
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mrs. Myrtle M. Myrick
Bud and Anita Nalley
Mrs. Margorie R. Osborn
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Pence, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth C. Powell
Mrs. Ruby H. Preacher
Mrs. Laetitia J. Raynal
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Russell
Ms. Margaret B. Schilling
Mrs. Georgia Tolly Gilmer Shelton
Mrs. Trudy Shelton
Mr. John E. Ford
Harry W. and Jane M. Fritts
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mrs. Margaret S. Hausman
Henry and Libba Hawkinson
Mrs. Margaret Pinckney Hay
Mr. Richard L. Horton
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Jeffreys
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelbaugh
Mrs. Daisy Barron Leland
Mrs. Harriet D. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
Miss Sally MacArthur
Mr. Gregory P. Mancini
Mrs. Marion L. Mancini
There are many ways that caring, generous individuals
have supported PCSC’s ministry to older adults through
the years. Some of the most profound and touching acts
of giving have taken place when donors leave a gift to
PCSC in their estate.
Frances Cherry
Community Connections, Summer 2015
PCSC recently received
two such gifts that were
left to us as a legacy by
faithful Presbyterians who
cared deeply about this
ministry. One came from
the estate of Miss Frances
Cherry, a member of
First Presbyterian Church
in Spartanburg. As the
personal representative
of her estate put it,
Miss Cherry was a “big
fan of Presbyterian
A warm thank you is extended to the members listed
below and others who have requested to remain
anonymous. Your gifts will indeed make a lasting impact
on the lives of many.
The Reverend and Mrs. Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth, Jr.
George and Catherine Somers
Mrs. Kate B. Speer
Mrs. Kate F. Stanton
Dick and Catherine Swetenburg
Mr. Martin B. Tiller
Mr. William Timberlake
Ms. Patricia Tracy
Miss Luanne Ussery
Mrs. Ann Van Delft
Mrs. Dorothy R. Vedder
Mrs. Martha A. Waltrip
Jean Weldon
Another significant gift
came from the estate
of Mary Herbert Davis,
who was a member of
Georgetown Presbyterian
Church. She and her
husband, Tom, had several
years earlier made provision
for PCSC in a trust.
Kathy Ligon, PCSC’s
President, and Franklin
Fant, the Director of
Mary Herbert Davis
Foundation Services, had
the happy opportunity to celebrate the Davis’ generosity
when they attended a Presbyterian Women’s dinner at
Georgetown Presbyterian in May. The church’s pastor, the
Rev. Dr. Steve Wilkins, made a formal presentation of the
check and gave an enthusiastic endorsement of both the
Davis’ generosity and PCSC’s ministry. The Davis’ daughter
was also present, making it a wonderful occasion for PCSC
to express its gratitude to those who knew and loved the
Davises. It was a special time for those gathered to share
warm memories about the Davises and express how much
they had meant to the life of Georgetown Presbyterian.
Ways to Give
Gifts to Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina greatly enrich the lives of seniors we are blessed to
serve. Below, you will find many areas of ministry which your gifts support. Thank you for the difference
you make through your faithful generosity!
Charitable Care Fund
Through the ongoing ministry of this Fund, residents
who have outlived their resources are able to receive
the care they need in a compassionate environment,
free from the burden that depleted finances can cause.
It is through the generosity of churches and faithful
individuals that PCSC was able to provide over $1.5
million in charitable care last year for residents who
qualify for financial assistance.
Resident Aid Endowment
If requested, your gift for charitable care can be placed
in the Resident Aid Endowment. Earnings from the
endowment are used to meet future charitable care
needs. The lasting impact of this endowment has been
strengthened over the years by many who have given
during their lifetime and through their estate.
The compassionate employees at our communities work
hard to give the best care for our residents. There are a
number of ways to make a gift to convey gratitude for the
service rendered by our exceptional staff.
Employee Emergency Fund
Sometimes an employee encounters a financial or health
crisis that is beyond their means. The emergency fund at
each community is used to provide assistance for those
demonstrating a genuine need.
Employee Appreciation Fund
The Employee Appreciation Fund gives the opportunity
for our residents and their families to convey gratitude
for the special care rendered by our exceptional staff.
Gifts to the Employee Appreciation Fund are used to
bless our employees and their families at Christmastime.
Funds have been established at most communities to
assist staff in their educational pursuits for advanced
certificates and higher degree attainment. Scholarship
funds also make it possible for staff to attend conferences
and classes that teach the latest innovations in senior
care and services.
At Presbyterian Communities our mission of “enriching
the quality of life for seniors of all faiths” is achieved not
only through the compassionate care and exceptional
services provided, but also in our commitment to fully
integrate wellness into the daily activities of those who
call PCSC home. Chaplains, Life Enrichment Directors
and Wellness Directors work with staff and residents to
plan programs and activities that address the physical,
social, intellectual, emotional, occupational and spiritual
needs of each individual.
Your generosity helps us greatly in this commitment. Gifts
are deeply appreciated to assist with the following areas
of ministry at PCSC:
Activities Fund
Supports life-enriching activities such as day trips and
special events
Chaplain’s Fund
Provides for the spiritual enrichment of residents through
lecture series, spiritual retreats, prayer gardens and more
Wellness Fund
Assists with the purchase of equipment and resources to
enhance physical wellness programs
Beautification Fund
Supports the upkeep of gardens and fountains which add
to the beauty of each community
Capital Projects
Each Presbyterian Community has special campaigns to
raise support for projects such as chapels, special gardens
and wellness centers. Please call the Foundation office
toll-free at 1-888-842-4855 if you are interested in
learning about ways to support current projects.
Wishlist Fund
Each community also has a list of “beyond the budget”
needs which we call our “PCSC Wish List.” Please see
page 9 for the 2015 wish list.
A remittance envelope is provided in this newsletter
if you would like to make a special gift to benefit the
ministry of Presbyterian Communities. Credit card
donations are also accepted through our website at
Your generosity and support are deeply appreciated
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Although a majority of the donations needed by
PCSC each year are to support the charitable
care of residents who have outlived their
resources, each of our communities has a
“wish list” of other “beyond the budget” needs
that our generous supporters can help make
Over the years, many donors have helped to
provide for items and projects that our limited
High Quality Point and Shoot Digital Camera
for resident activities
Folding Utility Cart to transport supplies/equipment
for activity trips
Multiple-CD player with speakers and remote
for Frampton Parlor Would you consider a gift of any amount to
support the needs listed below? If you so desire,
gifts are gladly accepted in memory or honor of
loved ones.
Residential Assisted Living Activity Room
Accessories: Shelving, Lighting,
Window Treatment, DVD Player
Four wood game tables (folding) Sixteen comfortable chairs with rollers
for game table or watching movies
resources do not allow us to include in our
annual budget. But these items are still very
important to enriching the quality of life for our
$130 each
$150 each
Nu Step recumbent exercise bike
Wireless TV headphones for media lounge
4 @ $65 each
iPods (will take used donations)
iTunes gift cards
(any number or denomination)
Visa Gift cards
for resident activities
(any number or denomination)
An hour of music therapy is $75
(any number of sessions
is appreciated)
VILLAGE AT Summerville
Grand piano for lobby
Retractable awning for Healthcare outdoor courtyard
Putting Green-Outside of Creative Arts Center
iPods & wireless headphones for dementia residents $300 each
Cassels Healthcare Center
Music System with speakers
Bose Portable floor speaker for
Tapp Dining Room/Independent Living Common Area
Karaoke Machine for Jasmine Place (memory care)
Semi-recumbent tricycle for Wellness Center
Furnishings for New Medicare Wing resident room
(with name recognition)
Teak garden bench
Brass chalice for vesper services
A selection of 500 piece jigsaw puzzles
Comfortable front porch resident rocker cushions
Community Connections, Summer 2015
$675 each
$75 each
At Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina, donors are important partners in our mission “to enrich the quality of life
for seniors of all faiths.” It is with gratitude that we acknowledge the individuals, churches, and organizations who have
supported this ministry between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Presbyterian Communities has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list; however, if you notice an error
or omission, our apologies are offered along with our sincere desire to correct the information. Please contact the
Foundation at 1-888-842-4855 with any issues so that we may amend our records appropriately.
The following donors have contributed unrestricted donations, gifts designated for charitable care or for a specific purpose
or project. Those gifts in memory or honor of loved ones are listed in the tribute section on page 14 - 23. Thank you for
your generous support of our mission.
Individuals & Non-Church
Mr. and Mrs. C. Joseph Bonds
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E.
The Reverend and Mrs. Marion
Mrs. Maryann C. Abbott
B. Boozer
Mrs. Marcia G. Addison
Dr. Curtis B. Boswell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Allston
Mrs. Thayer A. Boswell
*Mrs. Clayte B. Amaker
Ms. Anne M. Boudreaux
Mrs. Bernadene S. Amundson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bouton
Mr. and Mrs. Ban A. Anderson,
Ms. Kathy S. Bowen
Mrs. Virginia P. Bowers
Whit and Frances Anne
Mr. Benjamin B. Boyd
Mr. Fraser Bradford
Ms. DeNere T. Anderson
Miss Lily L. Bradley
John and Mary Kay Anderson
Mrs. Mary J. Bragan
The Reverend Mr. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Anonymous (6 donors)
*Mrs. Vivian S. Branden
Ms. Myra Armistead
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E.
Cecil Brearley
Armstrong, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Brice, Jr.
Mr. John W. Armstrong
Ms. Mary M. Brigman
Fred and Alicia Arnold
Mrs. Mary Ellen C. Brigman
Mr. William E. Aycock
Mr. and Mrs. T. Furman Brodie
Mrs. Gertrude M. “Be” Baas
Ms. Lawanda D. Brogden
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Bailes, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy C. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer N. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bryson
Mr. William B. Ballard
*Mr. A. Bruce Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie S. Banks
Dr. and Mrs. William W. Burns
Mrs. Frances Sellers Barnard
Mrs. Katherine S. Burrell
Mr. Edward W. Barnett III
Mr. Thomas M. Burriss, Sr.
*Mrs. Dorothy C. Barr
Mrs. Dorothy P. Burrows
Ms. Roxanne Barrier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Burth
*Mrs. Buford D. Baskin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Byrom
Dr. David R. Beckham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Beckwith, C.E. Carroll Agency
Ms. Leslie S. Caldwell
Mrs. Martha N. Caldwell
Mrs. Sarah G. Bedinger
Mrs. Mary Janet A. Caldwell
Mrs. Lounelle M. Beecher
Ms. Janet W. Cambre
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Belcher
Mr. James D. Camp
Mrs. Hazel R. Berry
Ms. Jeanette Camp
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Berry
Ms. Alice Y. Campbell
Mrs. Elizabeth Beutel
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bigham Mrs. Ella H. Cannon
Mrs. Jerry C. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Binnicker
Mr. and Mrs. William Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Black, Jr.
Mrs. Edith K. Carlson
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey F.
Carolina Beautiful, Inc
Blanchard, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret H. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Case
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cassels,
Mrs. Eva G. Cathey
Central Equipment Company,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Chandler
Mrs. Miriam A. Chastain
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Chatto
*Miss Frances R. Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Renauld K.
ChristianCo Insurance Inc
Mrs. Josephine R. Christie
Mrs. Lee Churchfield
Mr. Alvin E. Clark
Mrs. Betty N. Clark
Mr. Howard L. Clark, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Clary, Jr.
Dr. Marjorie M. Claytor
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Cogdell
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coggins
Dr. Charles H. Coker
The Reverend Dr. Franklin D.
Ms. Holly F. Collins
Mrs. Trudy Collins
Columbia College, Department
of Education
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Coombs
Mr. and Mrs. William W Cooper
Ms. Margaret L. Cope
Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Cope
Mrs. Dorothy P. Copeland
Mr. James M. Copeland, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Jo Copley
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hugh Corbett
Wallace and Susan Corley
Mr. and Mrs. John Edward
Cornwell III
Ms. Lorin E. Correll
Dr. Andrea M. Coulter
Mr. Stanley D. Cox
Ms. Susan Coyle
Mrs. Faye S. Coynor
Mr. Max A. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Olin L. Craig
Mrs. Minnie Smith Craigie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Crawford, Jr.
*Mr. Donald L. Crewdson
Mr. Robert W. Crewdson
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M.
Mrs. Frances V. Curtis
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
The Reverend Achim Daffin
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Dammann
Mrs. Faye A. Daniel
Ms. Harriet DaSilva
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Davis III
Ms. Lynda Davis
Mr. and Mrs. M. Curtis Davis
*Mrs. Mary H. Davis
Ms. Rebecca Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Davis
Ms. Susan DeBruhl
Ms. Lois A. DeCoodt
Ms. Cathy DeLoache
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dickenson
Mrs. Betty S. Dickson
Dr. Cindy S. Dieringer
Mr. Frank M. Dieringer
Mrs. Dardanella J. Dilly
Mr. and Mrs. Osmund W. Dixon
Mrs. Emma Louise Donald
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Doughty
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Douglas,
Mrs. Barbara A. Douglass
Mrs. Mildred D. Dowis
Ms. Chris Driggers
Mr. E. M. DuBose
Mrs. Molly Duerksen
Mrs. Patricia H. Dukes
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dunbar,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Lamar Duncan
Kirk and Jane Dunlap
*Mr. Bryant H. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Efland
Mrs. Inez M. Elliott
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton W. Ellis,
Mrs. Marsha R. Elrod
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ennis,
Mrs. Sylvia Erickson
Mrs. Billie S. Erwin
Mr. Robert M. Erwin, Jr.
Mrs. Lois W. Esarey
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Fant
Mr. Sam B. Fewell
Mrs. Lilla M. Fiddie
Ted and Bobbie Fields
Mrs. Floride A. Findley anf family
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Flader
Ms. Maude B. Flood
Mrs. Vivian M. Fogartie
Foothills Home Residents
Mr. John E. Ford
Mrs. Helen S. Foster
Mrs. Mary S. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton B. Fowler,
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Franks
Mrs. Nancy J. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Frierson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Fritts
Mr. Helmut Friz
Mr. Ronald Fulmer
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gailey, Jr.
Mr. Salvatore Galeano
Ms. Lou M. Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Gallup
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Gamble
Mrs. Sally K. Gamboa
Miss Sally E. Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. Rene O. Gardiol
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. George
Ms. Ruth E. Germany
Ms. Jean Louise Gettys
The Reverend Dr. Joseph M.
Ms. Alice Gilland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Gillespie, Jr.
Captain and Mrs. Wilbur N.
Ginn, Jr.
Mr. Marcel A. Giroux
Col. and Mrs. Peter J. Gitto, Ret
Bob and Donna Glisson
Mrs. Marjanne W. Gmelin-Foster
Mr. J. Frank Godfrey
*Mr. Charles E. Goff
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lee Goldstein
Mrs. Virginia Gorday
Ms. Angela Gorman
Mrs. Robin L. Gorman
Miss Virginia L. Gower
Ms. Ermene B. Graham
Mrs. Virginia C. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. George Mills Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Graves
Mrs. Nather C. Gray
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton D. Green,
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green
Ms. Meredith R. Greene
Mrs. Anna M. Gregg
*Miss Joan C. Gregg
Mrs. Frances Griffith
Mrs. Marian C. Grobowski
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mr. Perry E. Gwinn
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon T. Hair
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Hall, Jr.
Mrs. Gertrude C. Hall
Mrs. Myrta W. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. William W.
Halligan, Jr.
Mrs. Jessie R. Hallman
Mrs. Grace Y. Hamilton
Mr. James O. Hancock
Mrs. Geraldine Hardister
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Harmon
Mrs. Eleanor S. Harnish
Mr. and Mrs. Roland T. Harper,
Mrs. Virge Harrington
Mrs. Anna R. Harris
Ms. Mary Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harris
Mrs. Jane V. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Hart
Harvest Charities
Gil and Carolyn Harvill
Dr. Rhett H. Hasell
Mrs. Margaret S. Hausman
The Reverend Dr. Lewis S. Hay
Mrs. Betsy Hays
Ms. Amy M. Hazel
Mrs. Sibyl H. Hehn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Heidrich
Mrs. Exie V. Henson
Mr. Francis H. Herndon
Ms. Judith Herrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Hevener
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Hickman
Ms. Ervene L. Hiers
Tom and Lynda Higgins
Mr. Marshall W. Hills
Mrs. Emily Jenkins Hindman
Mrs. Emily S. Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hixson
Mr. Peter H. Hobbie
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hogan
Mrs. Dorothy J. Holder
Evans and Mary Jane Holland
Mr. Jack N. Holland
Dr. Marianne Holland
*Mr. Joseph T. Holleman
Mrs. Carolyn Hollingsworth
Mrs. Amelia P. Hollis
Mrs. Dorothy D. Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. David Holt
Ms. Rachel G. Hood
Mr. Richard L. Horton
Mrs. Mabel H. Hospital
*Mr. F. Neal Houston
Mrs. Hallie B. Howard
The Reverend and Mrs. Ray A.
Mr. and Mrs. Van T. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hughes, Jr.
Mr. Lloyd Hughes
Mrs. Nancy H. Humphreys
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. M.
Hampton Hunter III
Mrs. Rae M. Hunter
Mr. James J. Ignas
Mr. John Ignas
Mrs. Cathryn “Betty” Ilderton
Mrs. Delores A. Imhoff
Ms. Mary C. Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Jackson
Mr. Frazier Jackson
Mrs. Rachel A. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jacobs
Mr. Albert L. James, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rees Jenkins, Jr.
Ms. May A. Jessen
*Major Munford S. Jeter
Mrs. Alfreda P. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Johnson
Mr. R. Neill Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robbie V. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Jones
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jones
Mr. Robert S. Jordan
Dr. James L. Junker
Kawac LLC
*Mrs. Betty B. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kay
Ms. Rosalind R. Kay
*Mrs. Irene A. Keasler
Mrs. Nancy W. Kennedy
*Mr. W. Harvey Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Key
Mr. George Kierspe
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. George S. King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. King
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kopituk,
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. Kress
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Krofta
Mr. and Mrs. Adriaan Kwist
Mr. and Mrs. J Larry Kyzer
Ms. Shirley S. Ladouceur
Mrs. Bunny Lake
Mrs. Alice C. Lamar
Mrs. Pearle B. Langford
Mrs. Thomas C. Langford, Jr.
Mrs. Marian C. Larson
Ms. Jane S. Lee
Mrs. Selma S. LeHardy
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland
*Mr. M. Davis Lever, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis
Mrs. Harriet D. Lewis
Ms. Jennifer S. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Lane A. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lichty
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
Ms. Cheryl Lilley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lilly
Mrs. Eva L. Limehouse
Mr. and Mrs. G. Denton Lindsay
*Mrs. Katherine C. Lindsay
Ms. Sara Lindsay
Ms. Sarah S. Lockwood
Ms. Beverly Long
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Lott, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy R. Lott
Mrs. Virginia B. Loveless
LPL Financial
Mrs. Carol S. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Lundy
Mrs. Anne E. Lybrand
Mrs. Evelyn Lybrand
Mr. William C. Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P.
Mr. Allen MacEachern
Mrs. Anne C. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mahaffey,
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mallory
*Commander Edwin Malloy, Jr.
Malloy Foundation
Ms. Jean E. Mandeville
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Marsh
*Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Martin, Jr.
Ms. Bonnie C. Martin
Mrs. Virginia Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mrs. Carolyn M. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Mrs. Clara W. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maybin, III
Mae R. Mazur
Mrs. Mary M. McAllister
Mr. and Mr. Gordon McBride
Mr. Ralph C. McBride
Mrs. Edna C. McChesney
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. McCowan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. McCreery
Dr. and Mrs. Allen F. McCutchen
Mrs. Ellen W. McDaniel
Mrs. Sylvia J. McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. William L. McDow
Mrs. Barbara M. McElveen
Mr. Jack B. McGirt
Ms. Jeanne H. McGowan
*Mrs. Virginia B. McGowan
Mrs. Betty McGregor
Miss Jane A. McGregor
*Mr. Sam E. McGregor
Mrs. Betty H. McInnis
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McKeown,
Mrs. Mary E. McKiernan
Bob and Emily McLean
Mrs. Virginia M. McLean
Mrs. Joan L. McLees
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex McLeod
Mrs. Margaret H. McLeod
Mrs. Hilda A. McMahan
Ms. Harriet McMaster
Mr. and Mrs. James Francis
Mrs. Sarah Ellen S. McNeill
Mrs. Frances M. McRae
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McRae
Mrs. Grace A. McSween
Mr. William W. McWhorter, Sr.
*Mrs. Eunice R. Medhurst
Mr. Brian Melloy
*Mrs. Julia R. Melloy
Ms. Helen C. Menke
Mrs. Lou R. Meyers
Ms. Mary G. Middleton
Mrs. Shirley M. Milam
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Miller
Mrs. Charlotte T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Miller, Jr.
The Reverend Dr. John N.
Miller, Sr.
Mrs. Mary B. Miller
Ms. Aline L. Mills
Ms. Eva Spadoni Mills
Ms. Mary Miskewics
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P.
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mr. and Mrs. Danny A. Mize
Dr. Fred A. Moehlenbrock
Mrs. Katherine D. Moore
Ms. Lynn Moran
Morganelli and Associates, Inc
Ms. Susan D. Morris
Mrs. Virginia T. Morris
Dr. Marian Moseley
Mr. Fred H. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mullin
Ms. Laura B. Murchison
Mrs. Mildred W. Murray
Mrs. Arline H. Mustar
Mr. Berlin G. Myers, Sr.
Mrs. Myrtle M. Myrick
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neves
Mr. Eugene Nix
Mrs. Georgie W. Norris
Mr. Nelson B. O’Bryan
Mr. Donald R. O’Cain
Mr. David J. O’Connor
Mr. Richard L. Odiorne, Jr.
Mrs. Mary L. Ogletree
Mr. Robert Ogletree
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L.
Mrs. Catherine B. Oliver
Mrs. Nell G. Oliver
Mrs. Helen P. Otey
Mrs. Virginia B. Owen
Mrs. Harriet G. Owens
Mr. Kostanty Pacyna
Ms. Rose T. Paglia
Mr. Henry Jefferson Parham
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Parks
Mrs. Clara O. Partin
Mrs. Rebecca P. Patte
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Patterson
Horace and Susan Payne
Mrs. Mary B. Peach
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Peacock, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Pence, Jr.
Mrs. Jane H. Pendleton
Mrs. Arden T. Pennell
*Mrs. Emma Sue Perkins
Mrs. Jacolyn B. Perrone
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Peterson,
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Petit
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Phail
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pitzer
Ms. Harriett O. Plowden
Mrs. Abby D. Poulton
Mrs. Doris L. Powell
Mrs. Frances H. Powell
Dr. Neal B. Prater
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pratt
Mrs. Ruby H. Preacher
Mr. Julian H. Price
Mr. and Mrs. William Prindle
Dr. and Mrs. Claudius H.
Pritchard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Pullum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Purvis
Mr. William T. Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Quinn
Dr. Victor Birch Rambo
Mr. and Mrs. Billy C. Ramsey
Ms. Evelyn I. Randall
Mr. Eugene L. Ransdale
Mrs. Mary L. Ratliff
Mrs. Laetitia J. Raynal
Sanders and Kathleen Read
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reasoner
Mrs. Catherine A. Redd
*Mr. Milton L. Redd
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Redmon
*Mr. Harold P. Reel
Mrs. Jean K. Reid
Mr. Mitchell H. Reinheardt
Mr. and Mrs. George I. Rentz
Mrs. H. Gail W. Reuning
Mrs. Betty T. Rhame
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rhodes
Bill and Jennie Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Rice
*Mrs. Clara Richardson
*Mrs. Helen C. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Richey
Rear Admiral and Mrs. Wayne
E. Rickman, USN Retired
Mr. and Mrs. William Ritenour
Ms. Nina M. Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Roberson
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T.
Mrs. Patricia Roberts
Mr. Hugh G. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I.
Ms. Jessie C. Rogers
Mrs. Sara H. Rogers
Mrs. Virginia S. Rogers
Ms. Marcia Rohrer
Mrs. Lydia T. Ropp
Mr. Duncan A. Rowan
Ms. Phyllis Rowe
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Rudder
Mrs. Martha B. Ruggles
Mr. Francis E. Rushton
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Sabin
Mrs. Nancy M. Sadler
Mrs. Betty H. Salmond
Samaha, Inc
Mr. Guy J. San Fratello
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sanders III
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Sandifer
Ms. Holly B. Sarratt
Mrs. Mildred F. Saye
Ms. Lydia Schoefer
Ms. Judith I. Schultz
Mr. C. Allan Schurr
Mrs. Norma T. Schwinn
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scism
Ms. Patricia W. Scotten
*Ms. Florene Semken
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shafer II
Mrs. Athleen T. Sharp
Mrs. Janice H. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Sherard
Mr. Wade H. Sherard III
Mr. and Mrs. Ned H. Shows
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sizemore
Mr. and Mrs. Hickson P. Skinner
Ms. Suzanne Sloan
Mrs. Donna W. Smalley
*Mrs. Barbara “Bobbie” Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Smith
Mr. Daniel C. Smith
Ms. Helen G. Smith
Mrs. Irene G. Smith
Mr. J. H. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Catherine M. Smith
Mrs. Eugenia F. Smoak
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smyth,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
George and Kitty Somers
Mrs. Helen M. Somers
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W.
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Spratt
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Spurgeon
Ms. Mary M. Stall
Mr. Richard B. Stall
Mr. Paul Staples
Mrs. Alpha M. Stark
Mrs. Jane S. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Steele
Mrs. Joan H. Stephens
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Jack
L. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart
Mrs. Martha B. Stewart
Dr. Charles N. Still
Mr. Pressley C. Stogner
Col. and Mrs. John E. Strange,
Mrs. Monica Struble
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stuckey
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Stukes
Ms. Catherine C. Swanson
Dick and Catherine Swetenburg
Mrs. Judith A. Taetz
Mr. William B. Tarrant
Mr. David E. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley C. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Taylor,
Mr. Mark Taylor
*Mrs. Mary Stuart Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Ms. Eleanor M. ter Horst
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
The Extended Hay Family
The Simpson Foundation
Mr. Joseph Thek
Mrs. Frances L. Thomas
Mr. Richard I. Thomas
Mrs. Virginia L. Thomas
The Reverend Elizabeth
Mrs. Harriet Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mrs. Betty C. Thornburg
Mr. Martin B. Tiller
Mrs. Mary H. Tiller
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph M.
Tiller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L.
*Dr. James M. Timmons
Mr. Elmet A. Toole
Ms. Frances N. Townsend
Ms. Patricia J. Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Heide
Trask, Jr.
Mr. James H. Trexler
Col. and Mrs. William R. Trippe
Mrs. Macy P. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Turner
Mrs. Martha B. Tyson
Mrs. Molly Ulshafer
Miss Luanne Ussery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van
Mrs. Virginia G. Vance
Mr. John F. Vassar
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. E.
Douglas Vaughan
Mrs. Dorothy R. Vedder
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Voight
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Von Besser
Mr. John A. Vousden
The Reverend Mrs. Harriett O.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Wales
Mr. Edwin S. Walker
Mrs. Josephine B. Walker
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Laurie W. Walker
Mrs. Anne F. Waltz
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Warren,
Miss Wylma A. Wates
Mrs. Jean B. Wattley
Mrs. Rosalind Webber
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Webster
Mrs. Marion H. Weersing
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Weir
Mrs. Jean M. Weldon
Mrs. Mary Frances Wendt
Mrs. Violet G. Westbury
Mrs. Christine White
Mrs. Gertrude H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Miss Gloria L. Wicker
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mrs. Dolores G. Wieringa
Dr. James A. Wilhide
Mrs. Ellen L. Wilhoit
Mr. Robert W. Wilkes
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wilkins
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wyatt Williams
Mrs. Charlotte G. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. George K.
Mrs. Nancy S. Williamson
Mrs. Dorothy F. Wilson
Mr. Steve Wilson and Mrs.
Sherry Menke-Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wooten
Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Mrs. Jean M. Wright
Mr. Paul W. Wright, Jr.
Mrs. Brenda K. Wylie
Mr. D. C. Wylie, Jr.
Ms. Juanita B. Wylie
Mrs. Lois Ann Wyly
Ms. Deborah K. Yarnell
*Mrs. Mary Ellen Young
Ms. Fran Zinko
Abbeville Presbyterian Church
Aveleigh Presbyterian Church
Barnwell Presbyterian Church
Belle Isle Presbyterian Church
Belton Presbyterian Church
Beth Shiloh Presbyterian Church
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Bethesda Presbyterian Church,
Bethesda Presbyterian Church,
Bishopville Presbyterian Church
Blackstock Presbyterian Church
Bowling Green Presbyterian
Carmel Presbyterian Church,
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Carmel Presbyterian Church,
Carolina Presbyterian Church
Celebration Presbyterian Church
Central Presbyterian Church
Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery
Cherokee Presbyterian Church
Chesterfield Presbyterian Church
Circle #3, Shandon Presbyterian
Clover Presbyterian Church
Community Presbyterian Church
Congaree Presbyterian Church
Congruity Presbyterian Church
Cornwell Presbyterian Church
Cousar Memorial Presbyterian
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Darlington Presbyterian Church
Doby’s Bridge Presbyterian
Dorchester Presbyterian Church
Duncan Creek Presbyterian
Easley Presbyterian Church
Eastminster Presbyterian Church,
Estill Presbyterian Church
Fair Play Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church, Aiken
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church, Hilton
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church, Loris
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
Moncks Corner
First Presbyterian Church, Myrtle
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church, Rock
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church,
First Presbyterian Church, Union
First Presbyterian Church, York
First (Scots) Presbyterian Church
Fishing Creek Presbyterian
Flat Rock Presbyterian Church
Florence Moore Presbyterian
Forest Lake Presbyterian Church
Fort Hill Presbyterian Church
Fountain Inn Presbyterian
Fourth Presbyterian Church,
Fraser Memorial Presbyterian
Friendship Presbyterian Church
Georgetown Presbyterian
Glenn Springs Presbyterian
Goodwill Presbyterian Church
Grace Covenant Presbyterian
Church, Laurens
Grace Covenant Presbyterian
Church, Mauldin
Grace Presbyterian Church, Fort
Greenville Presbyterian Church
Hampton Presbyterian Church
Harbor View Presbyterian
Harmony Presbyterian Church
Hebron Presbyterian Church,
Hebron Presbyterian Church,
Hebron Zion Presbyterian
Hodges Presbyterian Church
Honea Path Presbyterian Church
Hopewell Presbyterian Church
James Island Presbyterian
Jefferson Presbyterian Church
John Calvin Presbyterian
Church, Florence
John Calvin Presbyterian
Church, Greenville
John Knox Presbyterian Church
Johns Island Presbyterian Church
Kentyre Presbyterian Church
Lake Murray Presbyterian
Lake Wateree Presbyterian
Landrum Presbyterian Church
Latta Presbyterian Church
Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church
Lisbon Presbyterian Church
Little Mountain Presbyterian
Lockhart Presbyterian Church
Marion Presbyterian Church
McCarter Presbyterian Church
McDowell Presbyterian Church
McGregor Presbyterian Church
Mens Bible Class, First
Presbyterian Church,
Men’s Only Sunday School
Class, First Presbyterian
Church, Florence
Midway Presbyterian Church,
Midway Presbyterian Church,
New Zion
Morningside Presbyterian
Morton Presbyterian Church
Mount Pleasant Presbyterian
Mt. Pisgah Presbyterian Church
Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church,
Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church,
Sandy Springs
Nazareth Presbyterian Church
New Covenant Presbyterian
New Wappetaw Presbyterian
Oakdale Presbyterian Church
Oakland Avenue Presbyterian
Parkwood Presbyterian Church
Pawleys Island Presbyterian
Peace Presbyterian Church
Pendleton Presbyterian Church
Petersen Presbyterian Church
Piedmont Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church at Manning
Presbyterian Church on Edisto
Presbyterian Women, Concord
Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women, First
Presbyterian Church,
Presbyterian Women, First
Presbyterian Church, Florence
Presbyterian Women, Foothills
Presbyterian Women, Little
Mountain Presbyterian
Presbyterian Women, McDowell
Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women,
Providence Presbytery
Presbyterian Women, Seven
Oaks Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women, St. Giles
Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women, Trinity
The Presbytery of New Harmony
Providence Presbyterian Church,
Providence Presbyterian Church,
Hilton Head
Providence Presbyterian Church,
Ramah Presbyterian Church
Riverview Presbyterian Church
Roberts Presbyterian Church
Rocky Creek Presbyterian
Rocky Springs Presbyterian
Ruby Presbyterian Church
Salem Black River Presbyterian
Saluda Presbyterian Church
Santee Presbyterian Church
Saxe Gotha Presbyterian Church
Sea Island Presbyterian Church
Second Presbyterian Church,
Second Presbyterian Church,
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Shandon Presbyterian Church
Sion Presbyterian Church
Society Hill Presbyterian Church
South Aiken Presbyterian
Spring Valley Presbyterian
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
St. James Presbyterian Church
St. Paul Presbyterian Church,
St. Paul Presbyterian Church,
St. Pauls Presbyterian Church
Summerton Presbyterian Church
Summerville Presbyterian
Sunrise Presbyterian Church
Swan Lake Presbyterian Church
Timmonsville Presbyterian
Tirzah Presbyterian Church
Townville Presbyterian Church
Trinity Presbyterian Church,
Travelers Rest
Trinity Presbyterian Church,
Surfside Beach
Trinity Presbyterian Church,
Trinity Presbytery
Tyger River Presbyterian Church
Unity Presbyterian Church
Varennes Presbyterian Church
Walhalla Presbyterian Church
Wedgefield Presbyterian Church
West Union Presbyterian Chapel
Westminster Presbyterian
Church, Greenville
Westminster Presbyterian
Church, Greenwood
Westminster Presbyterian
Church, Spartanburg
White Oak Presbyterian Church
Whitmire Presbyterian Church
Williamsburg Presbyterian
Willington Presbyterian Church
Williston Presbyterian Church
Woodlawn Presbyterian Church
Yeaman’s Park Presbyterian
Memorials List
July 2014 through June 2015
Mrs. Frances Abel
The Reverend Dr. and
Mrs. Robert M. Abel
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur U.
“Buddy” Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hart, Jr.
Mrs. Doris M. Aho
ACS Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Fersner,
Ms. Lila B. Wactor
Dr. Charles Aimar
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Cromer
Mrs. Mildred J. Albrecht
Mr. Robert H. Albrecht
Mr. Lewis Alexander
Mrs. Laetitia J. Raynal
Ms. Margie Ammann
Mrs. Amber E. Cheslak
The Family of Judy C.
Mrs. Beth J. Johnston
Mrs. Margaret D. Anderson
William and Nancy Anderson
Mr. Theodore M. Anderson, Jr.
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Mary R. Arrington
Whit and Frances Anne
Billy and Ann Crockett
Dr. and Mrs. William P. DuBose
Kirk and Jane Dunlap
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jones
Mr. John R. Lauritsen
Bill and Jennie Rhodes
George and Kitty Somers
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mrs. Marie Grace Austin
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mrs. Betty Aycock
Ms. Louise R. Ammons
Mr. William E. Aycock
Mr. and Mrs. William DePass, Jr.
Willie Hale
Col. and Mrs. John E.
Mr. Charles W. Baas
Mrs. Gertrude M. “Be” Baas
Mrs. Margaret L. Bailes
Mrs. Margaret B. Reese
Mr. Calvin Keith Bailey
Mrs. Frances H. Powell
Mr. W.S. Baker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Carter, Jr.
The Reverend Walter P.
Mrs. Katherine B. Trewhella
Mr. Samuel Ellis Ball
Mrs. Beverly M. Wofford
Mrs. Evelyn W. Ballard
Mrs. Josephine B. McMurtry
Mrs. Helen M. Ballard
Mr. William B. Ballard
Mrs. Leora N. Banis
Mrs. Fran Price
Mrs. Elsie D. Barnard
Mr. and Mrs. A. William
McGraw, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth F. Barnett
Mr. Edward W. Barnett III
Mrs. Lee Churchfield
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Sherrie G. Barrett
Men’s Only Sunday School
Class, First Church, Florence
Mrs. Nancy W. H. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland
Mr. F. P. Barry, Jr.
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Eva L. Limehouse
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mrs. Buford D. Baskin
Ms. Carrie H. Baskin
Ms. Kathleen L. Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. John Cathcart
Billy and Ann Crockett
Ms. Jane Driggs
Ms. Andrea Ferrara
Mrs. Mary B. Georgen
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Ms. Edie Gregg
Mr. Charles H. Howell and
Mrs. Eva L. Limehouse
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mrs. Myrtle M. Myrick
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Bill and Jennie Rhodes
Bud and Margaret Ann Rivers
Ms. Anne B. Robinette
Ms. Cindy Shanks
George and Kitty Somers
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mrs. Lois Ann Wyly
Mrs. Gertrude L. Bates
Mrs. Edith D. Strasburger
Mrs. Cornelia H. Bearden
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Brice, Jr.
Mrs. Miriam A. Chastain
Mrs. Lee Churchfield
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Clary
Mr. John E. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. John Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Hagood, Jr.
Mrs. Grace Y. Hamilton
Mr. Gray Lee
Mrs. Grace A. McSween
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Preston
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stuckey
Harry and Jo Ussery
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Van Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wyatt Williams
Mr. James D. Bearden, Jr.
The Harold and Elizabeth
Weaver Family Fund
Jim and Neely Bearden
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bearden
Laurence and Lucille Beisley
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Corley
Mrs. Margaret S.”Molly” Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W.
Mrs. Bess P. Bethea
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bethea
Mr. Leo A. Bidez
Ms. Sarah F. Clayton
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mrs. Sally B. Swayze
Mrs. Sallie T. Bidez
Mrs. Sally B. Swayze
Ms. Nancy W. Binder
Mr. James S. Binder
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Orpha R. Binder
Mr. James S. Binder
Mr. Richard Blakely
Williamsburg Presbyterian
Mr. and Mrs. George Bland,
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bland,
Mr. John B. Bland
Mr. Jack Boineau
Mrs. Beverly M. Wofford
Mrs. Gertrude O’Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W.
Bookhart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Mrs. Adele B. Bowers
Miss Dorothy Anne Bowers
Mr. Riley A. Bradham
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson S.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Albright
Mrs. Vivian S. Branden
Miss Lily L. Bradley
The Reverend Dr. Cecil D.
Brearley, Jr.
Mrs. Mary K. Brearley-Glasser
Ms. Elizabeth Brice
Seven Oaks Presbyterian
Ms. Sheryl Brinkley
Seven Oaks Presbyterian
Mrs. Carrie Britton
Mr. and Mrs. T. Arnold
Ms. Sara Britton
Mr. and Mrs. T. Arnold
Mr. Sidney L. Britton
Mr. and Mrs. T. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Brogdon, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brogdon,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hampden
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hines,
Ms. Marjorie C. Brooks
Whit and Frances Anne
Curt and Rita Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Tiller,
Mrs. D. Virginia L. Bruce
Mrs. Miriam A. Chastain
Mr. and Mrs. Mack F. Duncan, Jr.
Ken and Judy Newton
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wyatt Williams
Ms. Jean Bruce
Mrs. Pam K. Bruce
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Cleo R. Bruner
Mrs. Helen B. Whitaker
Mr. A. Bruce Buchanan
Whit and Frances Anne
Billy and Ann Crockett
Bob and Donna Glisson
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Eva L. Limehouse
Mrs. Myrtle M. Myrick
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mrs. Theodora Buddin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buddin
Mrs. Ethel Burgin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buddin
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Mr. Burnside
Mrs. Barbara Burnside
Ms. Priscilla A. Button
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rhodes
Mrs. Lynn S. Roes
Mrs. Harriet Coan Calvert
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Dempsey
Mrs. Val E. Camlin
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Gallis
Mr. Bryan Hamilton Cannon
Mrs. Ella H. Cannon
Mrs. Agnes W. Cantley
Mrs. Deborah G. Dorr
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mrs. Renva S. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers
Mrs. Mary P. Case
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Case
Mrs. Betty F. Casey
Mr. William T. Casey
Mrs. Minnie Beckman Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett C.
Whitlock, Jr.
Mr. Everett L. Cashion, Jr.
Seven Oaks Presbyterian
Mrs. Mary Caudle
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Mr. S.W. Caudle, Jr.
Mr. Don Caudle
Mr. Frank E. Cauley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Earnst
Mrs. Azilee B. Chamblee
Mrs. Emily Jones
Ms. Lela Champion
Mrs. Linda Floyd
Mrs. Judy Graham Chapman
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Otelia C. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N.
Mrs. Seta Chengrian
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Reaux Jones Childs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Childs
Ms. Dot Clark
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mr. Jim Clark
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Thelma T. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Clark II
Mr. Hugh Corey Claytor, Jr.
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Clarice M. Coghlan
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
The Socha family
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mrs. Lois Ann Wyly
Claude E. Cole and Family
Mr. Delma V. Cole
Claude and Gertrude Cole
Mr. Delma V. Cole
Mrs. Martha S. Coleman
Miss Lily L. Bradley
Mrs. Mary B. Brown
Don and Nancy Canaday
Max and Joan Horton
Dexter, Pam and Matt Johnson
Mae R. Mazur
Ms. Harriett O. Plowden
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mrs. Elinor P. Thompson
Dr. James M. Timmons
Mr. John A. Vousden
Mrs. Josephine B. Walker
Ms. Stella F. Wishert
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wooten
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wylie, Jr.
Ms. Sue Collins
Mr. David M. Collins
Mrs. Mary E. Compton
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Hazel R. Berry
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mrs. Edith Cooke
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Dr. Julian F. Craig, Jr.
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mr. Donald L. Crewdson
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mr. Bernard A. Daetwyler
Dr. Stacey V. Brennan and Mr.
James J. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Ms. Karen Daniels
Mrs. Eileen M. Davis
Mr. Stanley W. Davis
Mrs. Margaret H. Davis
Mrs. Nancy D. Hauser
Mr. Vernon O. Davis
Mrs. June G. Davis
Ms. Vivian Davis
Mrs. Sara D. Lovingood Ph.D.
Mrs. Shirley N. Daye
Mr. Dennis E. Daye
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mrs. Sandra Alice de
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Betty A. Deane
Mrs. Diane D. Elmore
Mrs. Evelyn Decker
Mrs. Anne E. Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm R.
Mr. and Mrs. Osmund W. Dixon
Mrs. Ruth Dieringer
Dr. Cindy S. Dieringer
Miss Emily L. Dillard
Dr. and Mrs. John V.
Nicholson, Jr.
Louis and Lillian Stephens
Ms. Amy Tinsley
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. E.
Douglas Vaughan
The Reese Young Family
Mrs. Ellen R. Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Osmund Dixon, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Osmund W. Dixon
Mrs. LaVerne Dorsey
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mr. Harry Eugene Douty, Sr.
Mr. Harry E. Douty, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Dove
Mr. Daniel Dove
Mrs. Lucy Dowdle
Oliver and Mary Counts
The Reverend Dr. F. Clay
Dr. Wilbur E. Mattison, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth N. “Betty”
Ms. Harriett V. DuBose
Mr. and Mrs. Rhett J. Stogner
Mr. Charles E. Dukes
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Lillie M. Dunford
Mr. John E. Ford
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wyatt Williams
Dr. Charles H. Dunning, Jr.
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Ms. Beth Earles
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Jean Eckhardt
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mr. Irvin L. Eleazer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Eleazer, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Lois H. Eleazer
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Jeannette P. Ellison
Mrs. Carolyn E. Stringfellow
Mr. James Vernon Epps
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Louise B. Ervin
Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Davis
Ms. Martha A. Ervin
Mr. Fulton Ervin
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Farish
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Farish
Mrs. Olie A. Farnam
Sissy Dickerson
Dr. James M. Timmons
Jack and Martha Young, Mark
and Diane Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B.
Jamie and Bonnie LaBorde
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Turner
Mr. James E. Findley
Mr. Alfred B. Robinson, Jr.
M. Dale Floyd
Mrs. Linda Floyd
Mrs. Jeannette B. Fogle
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mrs. Ann Keyes Forehand
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Hazel R. Berry
Ms. Earleen B. Bragg and Ms.
Jill Johnson
Madge and Norwood Clark
Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Forehand,
Mrs. Joan Mafolka, Mr. and
Mrs. John Mafolka and Mr.
and Mrs. James Balogh
Sherri Gross & family, Richard
and Melinda Keyes and
family, Bill and Peggy Keyes
and Bernice Keyes
Mrs. Eva L. Limehouse
Mark and Carol Mathews
Ms. Helen G. Smith
Ms. Julie N. Strawn
Mr. Edgar P. Forehand, Jr.
Madge and Norwood Clark
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitemarsh S.
Smith III
Mrs. Frances C. Frazier
Mr. John R. Frazier
Ms. A. Christine Free
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Rhoda Freeman
Mr. James O. Freeman, Jr.
Mrs. Carol C. Friz
Mr. Helmut Friz
Ms. Ernestine Fryehall
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Stoddard
Mr. Rufus H. Gaddy, Jr.
Town of Winnsboro
Mr. Rogers C. Garrison
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Lucille H. Garvin
Mr. Alfred B. Robinson, Jr.
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Gault, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Gault, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Caryl S. Gelzer
Steve and Virginia Bales
Ms. Patricia Cone
Buddy and DeWees Keller
Tom and Tricia Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Irene M. Gettys
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Juanita B. Ghant
Mrs. Dorothy G. Kerr
Mr. Thomas M. Gignilliat
Ms. Marguerite G. Old
Mr. Gaddis Gilmer
Mrs. Tolly Gilmer Shelton
Mrs. Georgie Lee Muldrow
Mrs. Tolly Gilmer Shelton
Ms. Faye Nelson Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. Charles E. Goff
Men’s Only Sunday School
Class, First Church, Florence
Mr. Julian H. Price
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Shirlee J. Goff
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. J.N. Good
Mr. James D. Good, Sr.
Mrs. Louise H. Goodman
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Marian C. Grobowski
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mr. Carter Gray Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Marion D. Graham
Indiantown Presbyterian Church
Miss Joan C. Gregg
Mr. Julian H. Price
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Kea Grey
Bob and Emily McLean
Ms. Virginia Griffin
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Erma L. Grooms
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Brogdon, Jr.
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mrs. Susan Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mr. J. Donald Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ouzts
Martin and Mary Anne Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry White
Ms. Mary W. Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Rowland, Jr.
Mrs. Kate A. Halligan
James Family Foundation
Mrs. Lois Hamilton
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mr. Richard Hammond
Mrs. Beverly M. Wofford
Mr. George P. Hanlin, Jr.
Mr. George D. Hanlin
Mrs. Marguerite C. Hardwick
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F.
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Harleston
Mr. and Mrs. P. Creswell Curtis
and family
Ms. Amanda J. Doscher
Mr. William Harleston
Ms. Laurie C. Lawson
Bruce and Janette Lenhardt
Joel and Mary Porcher
Ms. Jo Tutt
Mrs. Beverly Bachelor Harley
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. L.
Franklin Fant, Jr.
Mrs. Gloria F. Harman
Mr. Thomas Harman
Mr. Isaac B. and Mrs. Dorothy
O. Harper
The Reverend Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence D. Fouse, Jr.
Mrs. Gladys Pearse Harrison
Mr. John W. Webster
Ms. Ashley Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Moore
Mrs. Julia W. Hart
Dedra A. Hart
Mr. David Hart
Mr. Frank Hart
Mr. L. Scott Hart
Mr. Alfred B. Robinson, Jr.
Mrs. Carol J. Hay
Dr. Charles H. Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland
Dr. Neal B. Prater
Dick and Catherine Swetenburg
Mrs. Virginia G. Vance
Mrs. Irene Smith Hayes
Mr. Claude R. Smith
Mrs. Francis Helmling
Whit and Frances Anne
Colonel Lykes S. Henderson,
Carolina Beautiful, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun B. Parr
Mike and Peg Taylor
Ms. Jessie Brooks Hendley
Ms. Jessie A. Hendley
The Reverend Dr. Walter E.
Hickman, Jr.
Whit and Frances Anne
Fred and Alicia Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bittle
Mrs. Julianne M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carson
Mrs. Belva L. Comba
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. William W
Dr. and Mrs. Walter C.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Croft
Kirk and Jane Dunlap
Mrs. Helen S. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Guy
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hart, Jr.
Ron and Judy Holmes
Paul and Ella Mae Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jennings
Mr. Edward Knowles
Ms. Jennifer M. Knowles
Mr. Michael B. Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Koches
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
Mrs. Clara W. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. J. David
Mr. and Mrs. John H. McGee
Ms. June McKnight
Mrs. Frances M. McRae
Michelin North America Spartanburg Plant
Miss Inez Mitchum
Ms. Joan A. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Moss Perrow, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Powell
The Rooney Family
Duane and Glenda Shuler
Ms. Sandy Small
Ms. Barbara E. Smith
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Ms. Rachel H. Spencer
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mr. and Mrs. David Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Steele
Systemtec Information
Technology Services
Dr. and Mrs. Edward W. Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Leslie E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Welty
Williamsburg Presbyterian
Yeaman’s Park Presbyterian
Mrs. Ruth Lee Hay Higgins
Mrs. Wynona L. Kursch
Mrs. Frances McComb Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill
Mrs. Marian L. Hind
Charlie and Elise Hind
Mrs. Dorothy Propst Hinnant
Mrs. Carolyn E. Stringfellow
Mrs. Florence B. Hoffmeier
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mr. Joseph T. Holleman
Mrs. Mary M. Adams
Whit and Frances Anne
Herbert and Kris Boland
Mrs. Louise H. Call
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie N. Carter
Bubba and Dottie Connelly
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mrs. Lois W. Esarey
Ben and Frieda Hughey
Mrs. Cathryn “Betty” Ilderton
Jean Perrin Derrick, LLC
Ms. May A. Jessen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Jones
Mrs. Mary B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Moody
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Pratt
Mrs. Jean K. Reid
Samaha, Inc (Hannah H.
Bullard and Sarah H. Plyler)
Janice H. Sharp, Kent and
Mauna Sharp and Craig
George and Kitty Somers
Friends from The State
Mr. and Mrs. H. Conrad Stender
Mr. Pressley C. Stogner
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Westfall
Mrs. Lois Ann Wyly
Mr. Brian Honess
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Sylvia Hooper
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun B. Parr
Mr. F. Neal Houston
Mr. and Mrs. B. Carlton Brown
Community Connections, Summer 2015
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Dorothy F. Hullender
Dolores Jones, Pat and Michelle
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Webster Rogers Financial
Advisors, LLC
Dr. Roderick J. Humphreys
Mrs. Nancy H. Humphreys
Mrs. Pattie C. Ilderton
Mrs. Cathryn “Betty” Ilderton
Mr. William P. Jacobs III
Mrs. Jean Cann
Ted and Bobbie Fields
The Reverend Dr. Robert
Mr. Jacoby
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Beryl N. James
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F.
Mrs. Finley S. James
Mr. Albert L. James, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Hal Jameson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Mrs. Margaret Huffman
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Jeter
Mr. Samuel A. Jeter
Mr. Scotty Jeter
Whit and Frances Anne
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jones
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mrs. Myrtle M. Myrick
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Margaret C. Johnson
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Sarah G. Bedinger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Clary
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Byron A.
Mrs. Mary Virginia Johnson
Mrs. Anna M. Gregg
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Dr. R. Duren Johnson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Mattison
Ms. Pat Johnsonbaugh
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Joanne H. Johnston
Mrs. Lynn S. Roes
Mr. Lynn W. Jones
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jones
The Reverend and Mrs. James
A. Junker
The Reverend Susan J.
Mrs. Elaine W. Kahn
Mike and Mary Lou Coren
Bob and Kathy Ingebretson
Ms. Dorothy Anne Pangburn
Mrs. Geneva C. Keating
Mr. Schuyler T. Keating
Mr. W. Harvey Kennedy
Mr. Tom G. Williamson
Mrs. Marilyn Jean Kierspe
Whit and Frances Anne
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Brogdon, Jr.
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton D. Green, Jr.
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jones
Mr. Greg C. Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Kilgore
Mr. Neil King
Mr. and Mrs. William King
Ms. Martha Small Kirk
Mrs. Elsie S. McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer M.
Kirkpatrick, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Palmer M.
Kirkpatrick, Jr.
Mrs. Betty B. Knapp
Bob and Emily McLean
Mr. Harry Knight
Mrs. Eva L. Limehouse
Mrs. Louise Dodson Knotts
Dixon Hughes Goodman, LLP
Jerome and Dee Dee Jones
Sandra Knotts
Mrs. Jean M. Lefler
Phil and Peggy Lenowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Sam R McCleery
Ms. Margie Miles
Roy and Lucille Morris
Ms. Mary L. Norton
Fred and Randi Olafson, Erika
and Danika
Mr. John M. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Seeley
Richard and Glendine Smith
Mike and Peg Taylor
Ms. Deborah L. Thompson
Ms. Jane Beason Till
Mrs. Dorothy M. Koger
Whit and Frances Anne
Ms. Jaynie Kolb
Mrs. Marion L. Mancini
Mr. Edward Krech
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Ms. June Kroeg
Mrs. Pam K. Bruce
Mrs. Glyn S. Ksenzak
Ms. Judith S. Stamey
Dr. Kemper D. Lake
Mr. and Mrs. K. David Lake, Jr.
Mr. Iverson Brookes Lawton
Whit and Frances Anne
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Cathryn “Betty” Ilderton
Mrs. Bess M. Lawton
Ms. Aline L. Mills
Mr. Robert L. Layfield
Mrs. Mary Ellen Layfield
Mr. William Harold Leith
Mrs. Grace Y. Hamilton
Mrs. Julia H. Leland
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland
Mr. M. Davis Lever, Jr.
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Sidney R. Bagby
Jim and Hollace Boswell
Mrs. Dorothy C. Brown
Charleston Surgery Center
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coggins
Billy and Ann Crockett
Ms. Catherine M. Englehardt
Bob and Donna Glisson
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton D. Green, Jr.
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Ben and Frieda Hughey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M.
Mr. and Mrs. Willliam Krucke
Mrs. H. Lucius Laffitte
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Laffitte
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. LePine
Mrs. Eva L. Limehouse
Amanda T. Macaulay,
Alexander M. Macaulay and
Katherine Macaulay Mueller
Ms. Aline L. Mills
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rhodes
Bill and Jennie Rhodes
Mrs. Lynn S. Roes
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smail
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stewart
Ms. Julie N. Strawn
Mr. Martin B. Tiller
Mrs. Margaret A. Triplett
Mrs. Adele H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Steve C.
Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mrs. Lois Ann Wyly
Mr. Lyndon R. Lewis
Ms. Eileen L. Dabbs
Mr. and Mrs. Lane A. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mrs. Lucile B. Limehouse
Mrs. Nancy L. Carter
Mrs. Martha J. Limehouse
Mrs. Nancy L. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Link
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bolton
The Reverend and Mrs.
Samuel T. Lipsey
Mr. J. T. Lipsey and Dr. Allison
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Littlejohn
Mr. Raymond M. Littlejohn, Jr.
Mrs. Martha B. Livingston
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. L.
Franklin Fant, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant, Sr.
Mrs. Marianna K. Lodge
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mr. and Mr. Wesley D. Luhn
Mr. Warren P. Luhn
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Petterson
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Lyles
Mr. William C. Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Zettle
Mrs. Lyllian Davis Macaulay
Tony and Becky Clark
Carey Mac Martin
Ms. Patty M. Tyner
Dr. J. Frank Martin, Jr.
Mr. Zerno E. Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret B. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. Larson
Mrs. Nell Taylor Martin
Mr. Zerno E. Martin, Jr.
Mrs. Arabella D. Massey
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mr. John A. Vousden
Mrs. Gladys N. Matheson
Mrs. Gladys T. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott Ward
Mrs. Gertrude R. Mathews
Tom and Sannie Cook
Mrs. Rhodine C. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lassiter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullan
Mrs. Jessie A. Mikell
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Mr. Jim Pinkerton
Ms. Carol Pooser
Mrs. Frances Mauldin
Mr. David B. Creamer
Mr. Benjamin McCoy
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mr. W. A. “Bubba” McElveen
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Miss Wista McElveen
Mrs. Julianne M. Brown
Mrs. Virginia B. McGowan
Mr. J. Boone Aiken III
Mrs. Anna M. Gregg
Woody and Jacque Headden
Mr. George J. Keller
Mrs. Clara W. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McEachin
McGowan Law Firm, P.A.
Tim and Julie McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. James Northey
Ms. Suzanne M. Seabrook
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Ms. Nancy L. Watson
Mrs. Monica Jackson
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. Sam E. McGregor
Ms. Jane Anker
Miss Lily L. Bradley
Mrs. Kathryn D. Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Hein
Mrs. Nancy H. Humphreys
Mae R. Mazur
Mrs. Sylvia J. McDonald
Ms. Harriett O. Plowden
Dr. Charles N. Still
Col. and Mrs. John E. Strange,Jr.
Mr. Elmet A. Toole
Mr. John A. Vousden
Mrs. Jean M. Weldon
Mr. D. C. Wylie, Jr.
Dr. W. H. Davis McGregor
Mrs. Helen E. Arthur
Mrs. Nancy D. Barnwell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Batten
Mrs. Anne K. Brown
Mrs. Lee Churchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Olin L. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curry
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dendy
Mr. John E. Ford
Miss Virginia L. Gower
Mrs. Grace Y. Hamilton
Mrs. Arline H. Mustar
Ms. Nancy Octavia Prevatt
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs.
Jack L. Stevenson
Mike and Peg Taylor
Ms. Eleanor M. ter Horst
Mrs. Dorothy R. Vedder
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wyatt Williams
Miss Laura S. McInnes
Dr. Benjamin K. McInnes III
Ms. Helen S. McKay
Mrs. Sarah Nash Wilson
Mr. Don McKenzie
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Lola Jones McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buddin
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Scott LaFave
Lindsay and Betsy Luke
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Miller
Sterling and Jolene Owen
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rhodes
Mrs. Lynn S. Roes
Mr. John W. McKeown, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
McKeown, Sr.
Mrs. Nancy G. Mckeown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Ms. Faye McKissick
Williamsburg Presbyterian
Mrs. Louise McLaurin
Wedgefield Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Virginia M. McLaurin
Mrs. Suzanne Smith Angle
Ms. Jewell Carmichael
Mr. Howard L. Clark, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade D. Fletcher
Mrs. Anna M. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R.
Hamilton, Jr.
Charles and Frances Hupfer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. James, Jr.
Mrs. Frances M. McRae
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Peel
Mrs. Lillian S. Sharpe
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
The South Carolina Coastal
Conservation League, Inc
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Mr. John Lacy McLean
Mrs. Virginia M. McLean
Mr. James C. McLeod, Jr.
Mrs. Susann F. Ervin
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Ms. Isabel McMenamin
Mrs. Alice B. Ford
Mrs. Irene D. “Bebe”
Ms. Amy Tinsley
Mrs. Hilda K. McWhorter
Dr. Sarah E. McWhorter
Mrs. Anne Kay Hall
Mrs. Lois Ann Ameen
John and Mary Kay Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Baxley
Charles and Christi Bebko
Miss Lily L. Bradley
Mr. Joby C. Castine
Richard and Jean Comer
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Cotter
and family
Mrs. Virginia M. Crooks
Davis Frawley, LLC
Dr. Cindy S. Dieringer
Mrs. Mary D. Douglass
Dunbar Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant, Sr.
Fidelity National Title
Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyles Glenn IV
Ms. Rebecca H. Glenn
Mark and Grace Hershberger
John and Sharmin Hill
Ms. Rachel G. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rees Jenkins, Jr.
Russell and Gail Jeter
Mr. Clyde Jones
Mrs. Emily Jones
Ms. Jerry Kay
Norris and Mary Laffitte
Ms. Betsy S. Love
Bill and Carolyn Mathias
Mrs. Carolyn C. Matthews
Mae R. Mazur
Dr. and Mrs. William Reece
McWilliams, Jr.
Ms. Beverly D. Mims
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M.
Al Nickles and Susan Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ouzts
Ms. Deas Brunson Penman
Ms. Harriett O. Plowden
The Pottenger family
Keever, Susan, Lauren and
Alexis Prickett
Ms. Suzy T. Rankin
Ron and Ann Rash
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers
Charlie and Debra Rountree
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ruth
Chuck and Susan Salley
Don and Sarah Smith
Col. and Mrs. John E.
Mike and Peg Taylor
Ms. Susan Bryant Thomas
Dr. James M. Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. David Traylor
Mr. John A. Vousden
Mrs. Josephine B. Walker
Mrs. Anne F. Waltz
Quentin and BettySue Webber
Mrs. Jean M. Weldon
Tom and Isabel White
Mrs. Rose T. Wilkins
David and Cindy Wofford
Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Mrs. Elise B. McWilliams
Mr. James McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. W. Reece
McWilliams, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall
Mr. William Reece
McWilliams, Sr.
Ms. Rebecca Laffitte
Mike and Peg Taylor
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Anne F. Waltz
Mrs. William Reece
McWilliams, Sr.
Mrs. Anne F. Waltz
Mrs. Lois H. Meadows
Mr. Mark E. Meadows
Mrs. Eunice R. Medhurst
Mike and Peg Taylor
Dr. James M. Timmons
Mrs. Chloe B. Meggs
Mr. James Meggs
Colonel and Mrs. Ernest Lee
Mr. James Meggs
Ms. Lucile “Lucy” Welborn
Tommy and Lynne Lovett
Mrs. Caroline L. Miller
Mrs. Anna M. Gregg
Mrs. Helen W. Miller
Buck and Kay Loflen
Mrs. Margaret B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
Mrs. Julia McGirt
The T. Dalton Miller Family
Mrs. Lydia T. Ropp
Mr. and Mrs. B. Henry Smith
Dr. and Mrs. S. Wallace Taylor
Mrs. Annie Mims
Mrs. Phyllis M. Pearson
Mr. Taylor Michael Mishoe
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Edna C. “Tiger” Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mitchell
Mrs. Sibyllea T. Mixon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bryson
Ms. Ruby Modlin
Ms. Susan Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Monroe
Estill Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Mary P. Montgomery
Mr. Daniel Montgomery
Mrs. Vernon D. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Binnicker, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Craig Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore III
Mrs. Mary McNeill Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore III
John and Genera Moylan
Mrs. Sara M. Schack
Ms. Jeanne S. Mulvaney
Bobby and Lisa Neal
Ms. Mary Munoz
Mr. Larry Munoz
Mr. and Mrs. John D.
Mrs. Margaret M. Rudel
Mr. James Neal
Bobby and Lisa Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Neely
Mr. Robert C. Neely
Mrs. Mildred H. Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Mrs. Ann Ballentine
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Miss Nancy E. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Nesbitt
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Earle S. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Albright
Mr. Julian J. Nexsen
Dr. Stacey V. Brennan
Ted Haigler Sunday
School Class, Eastminster
Presbyterian Church
Miss Amelia O’Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W.
Bookhart, Jr.
Mrs. Mary W. O’Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil D. O’Bryan
Mrs. Laura J. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shirer
Mrs. Mildred Jennings
Dr. and Mrs. R. Shannon
Ms. Doris Owens
Mr. Shane Owens
Ms. Sara Nell Pace
Mrs. Ronda Leonard
Mrs. Cynthia Bowen Page
Mr. James F. Page
Mrs. Ethelyn Evans Parham
Mrs. Alice P. Ford
Mrs. Josephine B. Parker
Mrs. Jo Ann P. Reaves
Miss Leona M. Parker
Buck and Kay Loflen
Mrs. Bobbie T. Parks
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mrs. Claudia L. Parsons
Mrs. Jane B. Cook
Mrs. Nettie Pascoe
Mr. Edward H. Pascoe
Dr. John Patton
Dorchester County Magistrate
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCollum
Mr. Edward J. Patz
Mrs. Jean K. Patz
Mrs. Flora G. Penoyer
Mr. David D. Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke W. Perrin
Ms. Georgia A. Perrin
Mrs. Laura K. Perrin
Sanders and Kathleen Read
Ms. Sue Perrin
Mr. David M. Collins
Mr. Robert L. Perry
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mrs. Elizabeth E. Pitman
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Carl and Mary Pollock
Mrs. Marcia P. Ragsdale
Mr. Edward E. Porter
Mr. Robert G. Porter
Mrs. Frances Sandifer Porter
Mr. Robert G. Porter
Mrs. Aline Rowland Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill
Mrs. Clara H. Price
Mr. Julian W. Price
Mr. Billy Pridgen
Presbyterian Women,
Williamsburg Church
Mrs. Pauline “Polly” Purcell
Whit and Frances Anne
Douglas and Charlotte Boyne
Ms. Ruth Coyle
Bill and Faith Edwards and
Jim and Pam Gill
Bob and Donna Glisson
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Tom and Lynda Higgins
Hal and Brenda Jonsson
Ray and Judy Knox
Fred and Linda Martschink
Don and Nancy McVicker
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Ms. Grace M. Quillian
Col. and Mrs. David P. Rann,
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Traynham
Mrs. Sarah C. Quattlebaum
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
Mrs. Leoda M. Quick
Ms. Shannon Dun
James and Rachel Dunn
Ms. Joyce Q. Hindman
Dick and Gwen Shaffer
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Mrs. Essie Wray Quinn
Mr. Frederick E. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Rabon
Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Gault, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Raffield
Ms. Joan Raffield
Mr. W. Dozier Ragsdale
Mrs. Jane C. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. White, Jr.
Mrs. Marian P. Ramage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bryson
Mrs. Rebecca Dean W.
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. Mark Reber
Whit and Frances Anne
Mr. Milton L. Redd
Mr. and Mrs. Olin L. Craig
Mr. John E. Ford
Mr. Fred O’Connell
Mrs. Catherine A. Redd
Mr. Randell V. Redd
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. Harold P. Reel
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mr. Hal Reid, Jr.
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Hazel R. Berry
John and Ann Collins
Ms. Patricia Cone
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Drew, Jr.
Bob and Donna Glisson
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton D. Green, Jr.
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Cathryn “Betty” Ilderton
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Jones
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert Lee
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mrs. Myrtle M. Myrick
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Claudius H.
Pritchard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Reich
George and Kitty Somers
Mr. Thomas P. Stoney, II
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mrs. Julia A. Williams
Mrs. Beverly M. Wofford
Mrs. Lois Ann Wyly
Ms. Joyce Martin Reid
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Judy Rhodes
Mrs. Bess M. Lawton
Mrs. Clara Richardson
Mr. James Meggs
Mr. Gene Richardson
Mr. James Meggs
Mrs. Bruce K. Ridgeway
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Franklin
The David C. Stewart Family
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Stewart
Mike and Peg Taylor
Ms. Mary Riley
Mrs. Helen E. Slack
Mr. Frederick James
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stuckey
Lt. Colonel Donald E. Rogers
Mrs. Virginia S. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Rogers
Mrs. Elisabeth R. Caraker
Mr. Herbert Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Ms. Sarah Hagan Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Ms. Agnes Rosborough
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Dorothy K. Roughton
Ms. Sue F. Barnett
Ms. Ethel C. Rowland
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Rowland, Jr.
Miss Anne Bailey Royall
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Royall, Jr.
Mr. Edgar Rugheimer, Jr.
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson
Sanders, Jr.
Mrs. Frances Sauls
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Hazel R. Scheidt
Mr. Reuben J. Scheidt
Mrs. Helen R. Schiller
Whit and Frances Anne
Mr. and Mrs. James Clees
Ms. Betty J. Cline
Billy and Ann Crockett
Bob and Donna Glisson
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mrs. Cathryn “Betty” Ilderton
Ms. May A. Jessen
Ms. Judy C. Odom
Mrs. D. Arlene Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Claudius H.
Pritchard, Jr.
Bill and Jennie Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Col. and Mrs. William R.
Trippe III
Mrs. Lois Ann Wyly
Lloyd and Helen Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buddin
Mrs. Audrey B. Schurr
Mr. C. Allan Schurr
Mrs. Pauline Schwintek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. Carl R. Sellers
Mrs. Faith H. Sellers
Mrs. Mary L. Shealy
Mrs. Jane G. Berry
Mr. Wilmot Shealy
Mrs. Jerry C. Cannon
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Faris, Jr.
Ted and Bobbie Fields
Mrs. Verna H. Sheldon
Mrs. Nancy S. Covey
Mrs. Betty K. Shull
Dr. Nancy B. Shull
Ms. Evelyn Shuman
Williamsburg Presbyterian
The Reverend Charles H.
Sides, Jr.
Calhoun Falls Presbyterian
Ted and Bobbie Fields
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Hubbard
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. E.
Douglas Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Wier
Mrs. Mary Lou Sifford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Sox
Mike and Debbie Young
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Simons
Ms. Mary-Locke Simons
Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Sitton,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sitton III
Mr. Lanny Skinner
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Ms. Helen Marie Sledge
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Barbara “Bobbie” Smith
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Mrs. Betty Smith
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Beulah B. Smith
Mrs. Nancy S. Flowers
Mr. Charlie Dorn Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M.
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Head
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W.
Senn, Jr.
Mrs. Lois Neely Smith
Mr. and Mrs. F. Douglas Smith
Mrs. Agnes Peach Williams
Mrs. Agnes M. Morrison
Mrs. Marjorie D. Smoak
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Marsh
Mrs. Margaret Sowell
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Betty I. Spearman
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Mary E. Stackhouse
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Marsh
Mrs. Marjorie R. Steele
Perry and Trudy Bouknight
Lt. Col. Edward A. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Avery K. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Stewart
Mr. “Pinky” Stogner
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Virginia A. Stone
Mrs. Theresa Stone
Mrs. Cary R. Stroup
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Stroupe
Mr. Francis M. Stroupe
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Stroupe
Mrs. Lee Stutts
Ms. Sarah S. Lockwood
Mrs. Barbara Sullins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sligh
Mrs. Florence F. Summer
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. L.
Franklin Fant, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther F. Fant, Sr.
Mr. Raymond Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Mrs. Mary Louise E. Tapp
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert
Tapp, Jr.
Mr. Bill Tarrer
Seven Oaks Presbyterian
Mrs. Mary Stuart Taylor
Mrs. Marianne E. Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. James Childress
Mrs. Lee Churchfield
Elkin Presbyterian Church
Ms. Jean Louise Gettys
The Reverend Dr. Joseph M.
Mr. Perry E. Gwinn
Mr. D. Frederick Hatch
Mr. Steve Hatch
Ms. Carol Jordan
Just Faith Class at First Baptist
Church, Greenville, SC
Ms. Madeline Kiser
Ms. Shirley Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W.
Dr. Belle Miller McMaster
Ms. Bonnie J. Neuman
Mrs. Marilyn W. Patton
Mrs. Shirley K. Reinsmith
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mrs. Nancy Simonton
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sloan
Ms. Sandra Wallace
The Reese Young Family
Ms. Ethel Thomas
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Lucille Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Key, Jr.
Mr. Julian H. Price
Mrs. Oline H. Thomas
Mrs. Patricia T. Commins
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W.
Richardson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Thomas
Mrs. Patricia T. Commins
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W.
Richardson, Jr.
Mr. Garris A. Thompson
Ms. Rebecca Cooley
Mrs. Ruth Thompson
The Reverend Fred D.
Mrs. Virginia B. Thompson
Mrs. Barbara “Bobbie” Smith
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Mary Frances Tiller
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Tiller, Jr.
Dr. James M. Timmons
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Ms. Kae Aycock
Mrs. Jane H. Ball, Jane Brooks,
Betsy Brooks Geer and
Beverly Brooks Gumb
Mrs. Keller H. Barron
Dr. Robert H. Blease
Miss Lily L. Bradley
Duncan and Miriam Breckenridge
Dr. Cindy S. Dieringer
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Downey
Ms. Betsy Haltiwanger Egan
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Haldeman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward D.
Hopkins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fenton N. Hord
Ms. Pearl A. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Inabinet
Jimmy and Rita Jones
Ms. Shirley J. Knox
Ms. Margaret S. Larson
Mae R. Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robin McClain
Dr. and Mrs. William L. McDow
Beth M. McKinsey and Linda
Mr. Ben N. Miller
Mrs. Georgie W. Norris
Mr. Grayling F. Norris
Mrs. Jacolyn B. Perrone
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Piepenbring
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Pittman
Ms. Trecie D. Richey
Dr. Charles N. Still
Col. and Mrs. John E. Strange,Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Mrs. Martha Ussery
Mrs. Jean M. Weldon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom White
Mrs. Rosa C. Williams
Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Mary Ellen W. Timmons
Dick and Helen Rose
Clyde and Carlin Timmons
Ms. Kathy Toler
Whit and Frances Anne
Mrs. Margaret T. Towles
Ms. Kathleen Kelly
Miss Sarah L. Traver
Mr. and Mrs. R. Mardre Bell
Mr. Charles V. Tucker
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mrs. Inez C. Tucker
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Daisy Ella Turner
Mrs. Virginia T. Morris
Dr. Hugh E. Vincent, Jr.
Mrs. Edith E. Vincent
Mrs. Aletha Wacker
Mr. Gary L. Douty
Brent Waddell
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Kathleen W. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Russell
Miss Ruth E. Walker
Mrs. Josephine B. Walker
Mrs. Mary Summers Ward
Mr. and Mrs. George I. Rentz
Bob and Kay Warner
Ms. Cynthia K. Warner
Mrs. Marjorie Y. Weaver
Bert Weaver
Mr. Wendell L. Weaver
Bert Weaver
Mrs. Martha Cheek Webster
Mr. John W. Webster
The Reverend W. Philip West
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mrs. Daisy Westall
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Westall
Mrs. Grace B. Westerlund
Mr. and Mrs. Grayson B.
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Mr. Martin Wethrell
Mr. Howard L. Clark, Jr.
Mrs. Annelle Stover White
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ingold
Killough and Pat White
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mrs. Nolie “Pat” White
Mr. and Mrs. Killough H. White III
Mrs. Ruth H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry White
Mr. W. Carlisle White, Jr.
Mrs. Bess M. Lawton
Mr. M. Davis Lever, Jr.
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mrs. Margaret Joan Wilhide
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Blanchard
Mrs. Edith W. Blanchett
Miss Lily L. Bradley
Greater Columbia Quilters
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Higbe
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Nancy H. Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rees Jenkins, Jr.
Lexington Chamber of
Commerce, Inc
Mae R. Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. McGregor
Motorola Solutions, Inc
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Shaw
Dr. Charles N. Still
Col. and Mrs. John E. Strange, Jr.
Mr. John A. Vousden
Mrs. Josephine B. Walker
Mrs. Jean M. Weldon
Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Mr. D. C. Wylie, Jr.
Ms. Irma R. Wilkes
Mr. A. Eugene Wilkes, CPA PA
Mr. Tom Williams
Presbyterian Women, Forest
Lake Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Cookie Wilson
Mr. James A. Wilson, Sr.
Mr. John N. Wilson
Mrs. Vivian S. Branden and
Jody and Ruth Mills
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mrs. Violet Crisp Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Mitchell
Mrs. Virlyn R. Wingard
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Betsill
and family
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mrs. Evelyn Limehouse Wise
Mrs. Nancy L. Carter
Mr. William Wishart
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
Miss Lidie H. Withers
Colonel and Mrs. William
James Haynes
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wrenn
Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Mr. Albert M. “Tee” Wright, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wright III
Mrs. Helen Wright
Harold and Bonnie Mendenhall
Mrs. Charlotte P. Wylie
Dot Fant
Ms. Harriett O. Plowden
Dr. Charles N. Still
Mrs. Gertrude H. White
Mr. James A. Wilson, Sr.
Mr. Harold S. Wrenn
Mr. D. C. Wylie, Jr.
Mrs. Minnie Sons Yarborough
Mr. Richard L. Yarborough
Mr. Raymond Yates
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Yonts
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Back, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Young
Ms. Lydia S. Berude
Ms. Margaret Young
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Honorariums List
July 2014 through June 2015
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs.
Robert M. Abel
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Acker
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Mrs. Marcia G. Addison
Tommy and Jenny Sease
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
All Mothers
Mr. Howard L. Clark, Jr.
Mr. C. Allan Schurr
Mrs. Mary C. Anderson
Dr. Charles N. Still
Mrs. Nadara Andrews
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Ms. Betty Lou Armiar
Dr. Fredric D. and Dr. Sara E.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bittle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O.
Burroughs, Jr.
The Reverend Dr. Russell S.
Miss Inez Mitchum
Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove Bowles
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Pam Brogdon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs.
Joe W. B. Brooks
Joe and Lou Giles
Mrs. Dorothy C. Brown
Jack and Billie Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Claudius H.
Pritchard, Jr.
The Reverend Robert H.
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Ted and Bobbie Fields
Mrs. Dorothy P. Burrows
Dr. and Mrs. Walter C.
Ms. Maria Calderone
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. Peter Caramello
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Dr. and Dr. H. Ballentine
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Ms. Sarah E. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter III
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Caudle
Mr. Don Caudle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Anna M. Cherven
Mr. and Mrs. Renauld K.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Cole
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Ms. Peggy Cope
Mr. and Mrs. David Baker
Mrs. Louise H. Cornwell
Ms. Judith Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Walter C.
Dr. and Mrs. Lucius F. Wates
Mrs. Katherine K. Cowan
The Reverend Dr. Robert
Ms. Sarah P. Curtis
Mr. Paul Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson H.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. Robert B. Cutchin
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. William J. Cutchin
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
The Reverend M. Achim
Billy and Ann Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Ms. Cynthia Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Alter
Mr. Dennis E. Daye
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mrs. Betty S. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Moss
Mrs. Betty W. Douty
Mr. Gary L. Douty
Mr. Harry E. Douty, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Dove
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Jean Dowdle
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Dunlap, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkland
Dunlap III
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pulliam
Mrs. Jane C. Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkland
Dunlap III
Mr. Daniel Dye
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. Brent Edgerton
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Inez M. Elliott
Dr. Charles N. Still
The Reverend Leah Epps
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Floride A. Findley
Ms. Dorothy H. Grantham
The Employees of the
Florence Retirement
Fred and Alicia Arnold
Mrs. Vivian M. Fogartie
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Fogartie, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Foy
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Ms. Eunice C. Funderburk
Dr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Garner
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garrigan
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
The Reverend Dr. Joseph M.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lockard
Chas and Ruthanne Nicholson
Presbyterian Women, Rocky
Springs Presbyterian Church
Mr. Paul W. Giampietro and
Ms. Karen Edwards
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Ms. Abby C. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Ms. Harley Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Ms. Lori Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor B. Grayson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Buddin
Mrs. Louise J. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hay, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Hagood
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Black
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Halligan
Dr. and Mrs. William W.
Halligan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Black
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Halligan
James Family Foundation
Mrs. Grace Y. Hamilton
Ms. Dorothy H. Grantham
Mrs. Eleanor S. Harnish
Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Switzer
Dr. Joellen Grier Harris
Ms. Mary Harris
Mrs. Jane V. Hart
Ms. Dorothy H. Grantham
Mr. Philip G. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Hart
Mrs. Maymie Lou B. Spearman
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A.
Harvill, Jr.
Mr. William A. Harvill
Mrs. Margaret S. Hausman
Kenn and Susan Cruse
The Reverend Dr. Lewis S. Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Leland
The Hay Family of Wadmalaw
Island, SC
The Extended Hay Family, c/o
Daisy Barron Leland
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs.
Walter E. Hickman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter C.
Mr. Walter E. Hickman III
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Dorothy D. Hollis
David and Jeanie Youngblood
The Reverend and Mrs.
Richard Hopper
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Mr. and Mrs. George Howard
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
The Reverend and Mrs. Ray A.
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Jane Ignas
Mr. John Ignas
Ms. Catherine C. Jacobs
Joe and Lou Giles
Mrs. Finley S. James
Mr. Albert L. James, Jr.
Ms. May A. Jessen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCollum
Ms. Daisy Judge
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Julia P. Kyzer
Dr. Charles N. Still
Mrs. Bernice S. Lake
Mrs. Laetitia J. Raynal
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lamb
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Landrum
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Pearle B. Langford
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Duncan, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Lee Langston
Dr. and Mrs. Allen F.
Mrs. Mary Ellen Layfield
Ms. Dorothy H. Grantham
Mrs. Mirian A. Lewis
Ms. Eileen L. Dabbs
Mr. and Mrs. Lane A. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mrs. Katherine R. Ligon
Jeff and Libby Aiken
Mr. and Mrs. James Brogdon
Mrs. Melvina H. Busby
Mrs. Robin L. Gorman
The Family of James D. Rudder
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
Fred and Sheri Oxley
Mr. and Mrs. G. Denton
Ms. Heather Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Ms. Sarah S. Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Newman
Mrs. Kathryn Loflen
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rawl
Ms. Betty Love
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Miss Peggy O. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Lown, Jr.
Mrs. Carol L. Clark
Dorothy Elizabeth Whitworth
Donna Lyles
The Reverend Dr. John S. Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mr. William C. Lyles
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Zettle
Mr. C. B. Martin, Jr.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Mary Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Parrott
Mrs. Mary McLeod Martin
Ms. Mary Ann Christensen
Ms. Ruth Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Park
Mrs. Samiel J. Martin
Ms. Dorothy H. Grantham
Mr. Arthur H. Maybin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maybin, III
Mrs. Mae Ellen Mazur
Dr. Charles N. Still
The William H. McFadden
Dr. and Mrs. Walter C.
Mrs. Mary Alice McKeown
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
McKeown, Sr.
Mr. Will McKibbon
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
McLeod Hospice
Mrs. Amelia W. Vernon
Mrs. Hilda A. McMahan
Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Parrott
Mrs. Frances M. McRae
Mrs. Mary Jane A. Magrath
Mrs. Frances W. McSween
Mr. and Mrs. Roland T. Harper, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Annave McWaters
Armstrong Family Trust
Mr. William W. McWhorter, Sr.
Dr. William W. McWhorter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Geraldine A. Miggins
Mrs. Gloria McMahan
Mrs. Shirley M. Milam
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sinclair
Mrs. Dowdy H. Miller
The Reverend Dr. John N.
Miller, Sr.
Mrs. Naomi Eloise Miller
Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch
Dr. Albert D. Mims and Dr.
Julia G. Mims
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Sidney K. Mize
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Miss Peggy O. Moore
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Mrs. Alline S. Moorer
Mrs. Agnes M. Morrison
Mrs. Becky Morlok
Mrs. Jane G. Suggs
Mrs. Anita L. Nalley
Nalley Charitable Trust
Mrs. Joan R. Neal
Bobby and Lisa Neal
The Reverend Karen Newsome
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLeod
Mr. Julian J. Nexsen
Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Nexsen, Jr.
Darla Nixon
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nuttall
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Oliver, Jr.
Miss Luanne Ussery
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Jennifer R. O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
Mrs. Mary L. Overcash
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Owens, Jr.
Joe and Lou Giles
Ms. Beth Stoddard Pafford
Ms. Vanette H. Wilson
Mrs. Julia Palmer
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Horace D.
Payne, Jr.
Joe and Lou Giles
Mrs. Jane H. Pendleton
Dr. Charles N. Still
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Phail
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Ms. Harriett O. Plowden
Mrs. Margaret S. Hausman
Mr. James A. Wilson, Sr.
Presbyterian Communities
of SC
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Firetag
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs.
Bob E. Pettit
Presbyterian Communities
of South Carolina Management Services
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
Mrs. Angela S. Smith
Mrs. Donna Purcell
Ms. Sara Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Billy C. Ramsey
Mrs. Barbara O. Wieringa
Mrs. Dorothy Richards
Mrs. Nancy L. Carter
Ms. Recca Richards
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Clara Richardson
Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Parrott
Mr. Joe K. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Joan Ries
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.
Mrs. Gertrude S. “Trudie”
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Carter
Mrs. Udelle Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Bowen II
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Rudder
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ligon
The Reverend David and The
Reverend Eva Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Presbyterian Women, Grace
Covenant Church, Mauldin, SC
Mr. Paul J. Schaaf and family
Mrs. Vera G. Shealy
Mrs. Mary Ross Martin
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Mrs. Hilda Z. Shirer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shirer
Virginia Sides
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Wier
Mrs. Barbara “Bobbie” Smith
Mrs. Emily P. McGuirt
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. Boling
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mr. Gary Southern
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Staff at First Presbyterian
Church, Clinton
Joe and Lou Giles
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs.
Jack L. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Koch, Jr.
Mr. William F. Stokes
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll L. Stone
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Barbara B. Stuckey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Alter
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Taylor
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
The Village at Summerville
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W.
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Emily W. Thompson
Ms. Rebecca Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Davis III
Dr. Ernest T. Thompson, Jr.
Mike and Peg Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thompson
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. Martin B. Tiller
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Tiller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Mrs. Marian H. Cusac
Mrs. Mary H. Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M.
Ms. Lou Turner
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
Mrs. Sally H. Van Pelt
Dr. Stacey V. Brennan and Mr.
James J. Brennan
The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. E.
Douglas Vaughan
Dr. Neal B. Prater
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Julia D. Warren-Palmer
The Reverend Julie C. Schaaf
Dr. and Mrs. G. Dana Waters III
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Ms. Everlena Whitt
Mrs. Frances P. Whipple
The Reverend and Mrs. Aaron
Mr. Kenneth E. Love
Ms. Karen D. Williams
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. David F. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt B.
Mr. Jim Wright
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. D. C. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. James A. Wilson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Wylie
Ms. Caroline M. Yarborough
and Ms. Josephine E.
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E.
Yarborough IV
Mr. Braxton M. Cutchin III
Mrs. Bess P. Yates
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Carter, Jr.
Naomi & Alvin Clark kissing at 1920’s party
at the Foothills Community.
Mrs. Helen Minke enjoying the 4th
at The Village at Summerville.
Volunteers at the HCC VolunteerTea
at The Village at Summerville.
Mother’s Day Tea - Barbara Stuckey, Deanie Amundson,
Jean Belliveau, Joyce Parrish, Dorothy Veddar.
Summerville residents Mary Miller and Mae Miskewicz
enjoying July 4th.
Rose Paglia demonstrating the art of Italian Cooking
at The Village at Summerville!
Helen Minke holding the house kitten
at The Village at Summerville!
Claire and Towers RIce at
the Foothills Roarin 20’s party.
Ronald Jacoby,William Trippe and George D’Elia participate in
the 4th of July parade at the Village at Summerville.
Joy Hill and Jaqueline Rudder at the Roarin 20’s party
at the Foothills Community.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Clinton resident Vera Shealy with friends on Memorial
Day in downtown Clinton.
Mary and Phyllis Economy giving Pet
Therapy dog Lily a high five.
Clinton resident Mary Nell Askew and Thornwell youth
Cody and Jamie play a game at an intergenerational VBS
organized by Camp Fellowship.
Franklin Fant with Nelda McCreery, Nina Brown, and Lydia Ropp
during the PCSC Olympics held at the Columbia Community.
The Columbia Community was entertained
by the fabulous Lexington High School Jazz
Band directed by Dr. David O’Shields.
Clara Maxwell catches a fish
at the Florence Community.
Foothills residents enjoy a trip to Lake Jocassee.
Residents enjoy the harpist playing outside at the
Mother’s Day tea at the Foothills Community.
Jackie Rudder, Betsy Hays & Alpha Stark
at the pool party.
Inez Elliott and Bill Tarrant enjoy showing their college
support at the PCSC Olympics.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Jeffrey Bianchi plays for the Florence residents.
Residents enjoying a friendly game of Dominoes.
Clinton resident Annave McWaters with daughter
Gayle Armstrong at the Mother’s Day Tea.
Florence Community Handbell Choir lead by
Eugenia Tyson.
Gene Ransdale and Anne Waltz, residents of the
Columbia Community, enjoy a day trip to visit the
Clinton Community.
Clinton resident Vera Shealy, Clinton city Mayor Bob
McLean and Clinton resident Bernice Reasoner.
Clowns for Christ from Round Hill Baptist Church with
resident Ellen Lesesne and daughter Laura Lesesne.
Caroline Hughes, Skilled Nursing Life Enrichment, and
Clinton resident Marion Weersing show off their hats for
Hat Day at the Clinton Community.
Carol McDonald, Betty Jenkins, and Hilda McMahan enjoy
the Mother’s Day tea at the Columbia Community.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
pcsc news
New Rehab Technology at Clinton
Rehabilitation therapy has moved to the cutting edge at
the Clinton Community, which recently put the Virtual
Rehabilitation Platform (VRP) into service. This system
uses motion-sensor technology to capture and record a
patient’s movements, helping make therapy challenging
and fun, much like playing an interactive video game.
The VRP can be used in a wide range of orthopedic and
neurological applications to assess a patient’s mobility,
coordination, and balance. Following assessment, the
program can create exercise programs to address a
patient’s unique needs, track improvements, and chart
progress towards therapy goals. Healthcare professionals
can access data recorded by the VRP to assist in their
evaluation of the patients, as well as to better understand areas where special attention is needed.
Construction updates
PCSC continues to plan, build, and renovate as we strive to continually enhance our ministry at each
community. A synopsis of the work being done on facilities at each location is given below.
Clinton: Major renovation work is being done on a number of cottages to update them.
Columbia: A significant effort is underway to renovate public spaces such as the dining room, hallways,
lobbies, and library.
Florence: Construction work of the new, 26-bed healthcare wing is essentially finished. DHEC has
granted licensure and the wing should be opened and put into service in September. Renovation of the
existing healthcare wing will begin soon and include new flooring. Some of the resident rooms in this wing
will be converted into nursing office space.
Foothills: Work progresses steadily on the 12 new
independent living apartments, with completion being
targeted for October. Similarly, the new memory care
wing (20 private rooms and private baths) is targeted for
completion in February of 2016. Lastly, site preparation
work for The Chapel at Foothills is underway.
The Village at Summerville: Major renovation work
is being done on a number of cottages to update
them. Planning work for a new, 88-accommodation
healthcare facility continues to progress.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
An aerial view of construction at the Foothills Community. The new,
independent living apartments are in the foreground, and the clearing for the
new memory accommodations is in the background. Thanks to Kitty Chastain
for sharing these pictures taken by her grandson using a drone.
Turning 108: A Milestone Few Attain
PCSC recognized its oldest resident on record on April 23rd
when the Clinton Community celebrated the 108th birthday
of the Rev. Dr. Joe Gettys. The festivities began when
Presbyterian College junior and PCSC volunteer Hannah
Taylor serenaded Dr. Joe with her beautiful singing voice.
Surrounded by family members and long-time friends, Dr.
Joe was beaming from ear to ear. Presbyterian College
President Claude Lilly and Head Football Coach Harold
Nichols, along with PCSC President Kathy Ligon, were
among those who came to bear birthday greetings.
What would you do with 108 years? Dr. Joe has diligently
filled his years with meaningful and varied forms of service
to the church, but he sees himself primarily as a teacher of Scripture and religion. During his career, he
taught at Queens College, the Presbyterian School of Education (now a part of Union Theological Seminary
in Richmond), Presbyterian College, as well as in the many churches he pastored. Another testimony to his
passion as a teacher is the fact that he also wrote at least 15 study books for the John Knox Press.
Included in his ministerial work is the founding of two churches. The first was Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian
in Charlotte, which was started during World War II. Because of the rationing of gasoline, Dr. Joe used
a bicycle fitted with a 5 horsepower motor as his transportation while he organized the church. Later,
he was the founding pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greenwood, SC. After retiring from
teaching, he served as the interim pastor of 36 churches!
Dr. Joe also made a very important contribution to the life of Presbyterian College when he reluctantly left
the classroom to serve as an administrator for a time. During this period, he was instrumental in securing
PC’s future by working aggressively to hire Ph.D.’s and maintain PC’s accreditation.
Today, Dr. Joe continues to work informally on the Clinton Campus by visiting each dining hall daily and
encouraging many residents with prayer and Scripture verses. He is a true inspiration to all to know him.
With his vitality and commitment to serving others, he is a role model not only to older adults but to young
adults, as well. PCSC is proud to have Dr. Joe as part of our family and we give thanks for all God has
done, and continues to do, through him.
PCSC’s Clinton Community Teams up with
Piedmont Tech
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA’s) are a crucial part
of the care PCSC provides to its residents. But they
can be hard to find, especially in the Clinton area. To
address this need, PCSC in Clinton has teamed up with
Piedmont Technical College to train new CNA’s inhouse.
Crystal Gibbs, the Director of Nursing at the Clinton
Community, approached the college to see if PCSC
could “grow” its own CNA’s in a creative way. The
candidates were first hired by PCSC, and then sent to
Piedmont Tech to train. Once they had completed
some of their class work, they then began handson training at the Clinton Community. Later, the
candidates were able to sit for the state certification
In recognition of her work in this area, Crystal received
a special letter from Rep. Mark Willis – Greenville
praising her efforts. She is a great example of how our
staff engages in creative problem solving by thinking
“outside the box.”
Community Connections, Summer 2015
pcsc news
2015 PCSC Senior Olympics
PCSC residents from all five communities gathered in April for fun, fellowship and a little friendly competition
at the Senior Olympics, which are held each year at the Columbia Community. A wonderful time was had by
both staff and residents as selected seniors competed in a variety of contests of skill, speed, and intellect. After
gathering in the chapel for a brief inaugural ceremony, contestants and spectators dispersed to various areas of
the campus for the games. Following the competition, a picnic lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs with all the
trimmings was held in the dining hall and the winners were announced.
The Summerville Community came in first place with the most medal points, followed by the Florence
Community in second place, with Clinton and Columbia tying for third place.
Congratulations to the following medal winners:
Men’s Walking
Eddie Walker (Summerville)
Strut Murdoch (Clinton)
Wes Koch (Foothills)
Women’s Walking
Lou Myers (Summerville)
Joan Murdoch (Clinton)
Norma Schwinn (Columbia)
Men’s Bocce Ball
Phil Hart (Florence)
Charles Peacock (Summerville)
Peter Hobbie (Clinton)
Women’s Bocce Ball
Nancy Shows (Summerville)
Nell Oliver (Florence)
Samiel Martin (Foothills)
Men’s Wii Bowling
Bill Ritenour (Florence)
Bob Glisson (Summerville)
Ron Jacobs (Columbia)
Women’s Wii Bowling
Betty Yon (Summerville)
Darleen Strange (Columbia)
Arline Mustar (Foothills)
Men’s Spelling Bee
Charles Coker (Clinton)
John Ford (Foothills)
Bill Timberlake (Florence)
Women’s Spelling Bee
Ann Croker (Summerville)
Jane McGregor (Columbia)
Trudy White (Clinton)
Men’s Putt-Putt
Walter Johnson (Florence)
Paul McCreery (Columbia)
Ned Shows (Summerville)
Women’s Putt-Putt
Billie Erwin (Summerville)
Jane Fritts (Foothills)
Nancy Humphreys (Columbia)
Many thanks to those who competed, to those who cheered them on, as well as to the staff who helped
organized this fun event!
Community Connections, Summer 2015
The Village’s New Director of Life Enrichment
Congratulations to
JoAnne McAfee,
who was recently
promoted to Director
of Life Enrichment
at The Village
in Summerville.
JoAnne has been a
part of The Village’s
Life Enrichment
team for three
years. She began
by working first as
Activity Director
for healthcare and
memory support and
later moved to working with assisted living residents.
She enjoyed working with both populations, and
is now excited to be overseeing life enrichment
activities for all residents at The Village. She is
especially looking forward to sharing her artistic
abilities with residents.
JoAnne has a bachelor of Fine Arts from Kutztown
University in Kutztown, Pa. Prior to her career
doing life enrichment work with seniors, she was
employed in the home furnishings design field in
Texas, Delaware, Nevada, California, North Carolina
and South Carolina. Her responsibilities in this
capacity were setting up showrooms in High Point,
NC, buying accessories, overseeing photo shoots for
catalogs and arranging displays in stores on the west
coast and east coast. JoAnne has never looked back
since switching careers. She enjoys waking up every
day and coming to The Village!
Russ Blackwelder Ordination
The Rev. Dr. Russ Blackwelder, MD, PCSC’s Assistant Medical Director for
Wellness, was ordained as a teaching elder in the PC(USA) in the chapel of The
Village at Summerville on Sunday afternoon, June 21, to the rejoicing of many
supporters and well-wishers.
God’s call on our lives to serve Christ can sometimes take a long and winding
route. That was the case with Russ, who entered Columbia Theological Seminary
in 2003, but shortly began to sense God calling him to ministry as a medical
As things unfolded, Russ entered the Medical University of SC and became a physician, but he also
completed his theological training. All that was needed for him to be ordained was to be called to some
form of validated ministry. This last piece of the puzzle was completed when PCSC hired him to do parttime chaplaincy work at The Village at Summerville, beginning in July.
The Summerville chapel was packed for Russ’ ordination. A number of representatives of PCSC, MUSC,
and Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery participated in the service. The Rev. Achim Daffin, full-time chaplain at
The Village, and Dr. Terry Steyer, Chair of MUSC’s Department of Family Medicine and a ruling elder from
Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church, served on the commission that ordained Russ. Dr. Steyer delivered the
charge to the new ordinand.
Seated with the commission and participating in the service were Kathy Ligon, President of PCSC, the Rev.
Dr. Donnie Woods, Executive Presbyter of Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery, and Dr. William Sheldon, former
Medical Director at The Village and a ruling elder from First (Scots) Presbyterian in Charleston. Kathy gave
the charge to the “congregation” (the residents of The Village). She teased them by reminding them that in
his work as a chaplain, they were to seek prayer and spiritual guidance from him, but not pills!
Russ is uniquely poised to minister to residents at The Village, as he is already treating patients there, as
well as teaching MUSC medical students and residents at the Summerville location. To read more about
Russ’ medical work at The Village and the new partnership PCSC has with MUSC, please see page 4.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Chief Operating Officer Retires
PCSC bids a fond
farewell to Richard
Fields, who retired in
June after serving as
our Chief Operating
Officer for 8 years.
During that time
he oversaw daily
operations at all five
of our communities,
as well as a variety of
construction projects that occurred during his tenure.
Richard made a number of important contributions to
our operations that increased the level of care PCSC
provides and helped strengthen our financial position.
He brought person-centered care to PCSC, which
seeks to give residents, especially those in health care
and assisted living, maximum flexibility in arranging
their day and how they receive services.
Richard implemented the use of national benchmarks
to help managers at PCSC measure and oversee staff
productivity more effectively. He had an excellent
eye for identifying revenue-producing additions to
our communities. Richard was also instrumental
in connecting the organization with vendors and
contractors possessing strong expertise in the aging
services field, resulting in a number of positive,
ongoing business relationships for PCSC.
“As a result of his many contributions, Richard
has truly enhanced the ministry of Presbyterian
Communities. There is no doubt he leaves our
organization better than he found it,” said President
Kathy Ligon.
PCSC will continue to benefit from, and build upon,
Richard’s work in the years ahead. We miss Richard,
but wish him and his wife a happy retirement “back
home” in Knoxville, Tennesee.
The Florence Community Welcomes New Chaplain
PCSC is delighted to welcome to The Rev. Dr. Lisa Culpepper as the parttime chaplain to the Florence Community. She began work in April and has
been enjoying getting to know the residents and staff. In addition to her
work with PCSC, Lisa is also the Pastor of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in
Hemingway, SC.
Lisa lives with her husband, Dr. David M. Culpepper, in Florence, S.C.
She is a graduate of Furman University (BS), as well as a magna cum laude
graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M.Div. and D. Min).
Lisa serves in leadership with a missional cluster of six churches in New
Harmony Presbytery, and has been involved in short-term cross cultural
mission for many years. Her most recent involvement is in Lebanon with
the Outreach Foundation’s ministry to Syrian refugees. Lisa and David have
two young adult children, Lauren Culpepper, 28, of New York, N.Y. and
Daniel Culpepper, 25, of Charlotte, N.C. When there is time to spare, Lisa
enjoys painting, cycling and reading.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Community Highlights
The Frampton Library
The Frampton Library is one of the busiest and finest assets of The
Village at Summerville. It is named in honor of Isabel Addison
Frampton. Annie Jenkins Batson is also remembered as important
to the early history of the library.
Gail Jones, a resident and retired professional librarian, is the
current Chair of the Library Board, which consists of 12 members,
each of whom is active in the library’s operations. Board
members are assigned as two-person teams to serve as Librarians
Gail Jones (left) and Eva Limehouse help keep the Frampton
of the Month, twice a year. The library uses a card catalog system,
Library organized and operating.
with self-service checkout and a drop box return system. The
Librarians record the circulation number every day, and match books returned with the checkout card.
Then they carefully re-shelve the books.
Books are arranged by large print and regular print sections and biographies. The Dewey decimal system
is used for all non-fiction books. There is also a very impressive South Caroliniana section which includes
books about state history and books by or about South Carolinians. Many of these represent collections of
former residents. This is also a collection dedicated to Effie Wilder, a former resident of The Village who
published her first novel and became a best-selling author at age 85.
The Library Board is committed to serving the needs of residents, which has led to an emphasis in recent
years on increasing the number of large print books. PCSC provides a semi-annual budget by which the
library can purchase new and best-selling books. The Board augments these resources with locally donated
The most impressive thing about the library is the consistently large circulation. There are many readers
at The Village, and because of daily circulation records, the Library Board proudly reports that in 2013 the
library circulated 2,163 books. In 2014, this number rose to 2,256 circulated books. Clearly, the Frampton
Library has been, and will continue to be, an important contribution to life at The Village.
Clinton couple supports Habitat
Clinton residents Tom and Lucia Bryson have recently
sponsored the building of a Habitat House in
Greenwood. In fact, supporting Habitat has been a
long-standing passion of Tom’s. He has physically worked
on the building of 72 Habitat houses in the Greenwood
area. The house which the Brysons have sponsored
is almost complete, and a group of residents from the
Clinton Community took a field trip to visit the house in
Tom Bryson standing in one of the Habitat Houses he helped build.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Community Highlights
Building Bodies at The Village
In late 2014, a group of male and female residents at The Village
formed a line dancing team and began working with an instructor.
When they began, they barely had the strength to complete a single
song before they were exhausted. But one Saturday in May, the
“Fit and Fabulous Line Dancing Team” performed for family and
friends at the Village and they amazed everyone. They danced and
they danced, dancing to six songs for 30 minutes straight. Imagine
how good they must feel to have this new agility and physical
stamina! No wonder these fit-looking seniors are smiling!
Foothills Groundbreaking
Residents, employees, and supporters gathered at the Foothills
Community in late May to simultaneously mark the groundbreaking
of two construction projects: the building of 12 independent living
apartments, as well as a memory support residence. During the
service, those gathered gave thanks and asked the Lord’s blessing on
the work ahead. They also recognized the hard work and vision of
those who helped make these projects a reality.
The new, state-of-the-art residential apartments will augment the
current capacity of the Foothills Community, allowing PCSC to
serve more independent living residents. The memory support
Towers Rice (Moderator of the Foothills Residents Council),
Kathy Ligon (PCSC President), Gordon Raynal (Executive wing, however, will do more. This will bring a new level of care
Presbyter/Stated Clerk of Foothills Presbytery), Rosemary to Foothills, whereby residents suffering from dementia will be
Bailes (PCSC Trustee), Brian Boyer (Boyer Construction),
able to receive an enhanced level of support appropriate to their
and Karen Nichols (Foothills Community Administrator) condition. Not only will those with dementia be blessed, but so will
break ground on two projects.
family members who will be at peace knowing their loved ones are
receiving the best of care.
Please call Donna Owens, Director of Marketing and Sales (864-859-3367 or toll-free 866-315-4724) if
you have any questions or want more information regarding these expansions or other services.
Columbia Men Enjoy Fish Fry
McGregor Presbyterian Church (Columbia) helped sponsor a
June fish fry in honor of the men at the Columbia Community, in
coordination with the Life Enrichment staff and other volunteers. The
guests entered the air-conditioned dining space to find decorated
tables amply supplied with both roasted and boiled peanuts. They
enjoyed their choice of cold beverages, peanuts, and fellowship
while the volunteers generously labored in the June heatwave to prepare the
fish. Everyone agreed the fish was fried to perfection and the men lingered in
laughter and conversation long after they were finished eating. Many thanks to
those who volunteered to give these men such an enjoyable time.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Community Highlights
Day at the Races
The 141st running of the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs
had nothing on The Florence Presbyterian Community’s first
ever Roll and Stroll Derby held on Friday, May 1, 2015. Due
to an unexpected rain shower the derby had to be relocated
into the Main Dining Room, which made it all the more
interesting. As residents found their best vantage point for the
races, they drew the name of a horse to cheer on to victory.
Abracadabra, Bingo Bonanza, and Dancing Queen were just
a few of the horses awaiting the start of the race. Jockeys
for the day included Administrator Walt Hickman, Director
of Housekeeping Diane Kemmerlin, Maintenance Director
Rick Eaddy, Nurse Vicki Britt and Transportation Driver Chris
Hobson. Residents were selected at random and asked to
roll dice, one with letters and one with numbers, to determine which horse would advance. For example,
if B and six were rolled, Bingo Bonanza would advance six steps. There were many races throughout the
afternoon and all horses and jockeys left winners. The fellowship, food, excitement and comedy made for
a wonderful event.
Runway Show
The red carpet was rolled out and cameras were flashing as models entered
the building for The Florence Community’s first ever Talbots Fashion Show on
Tuesday, June 9, 2015. Models Anna Gregg, Pat Huggins and Virginia Hinson
(who also happen to be residents) walked the runway with ease, showcasing
beautiful clothing pieces from Talbots. The group of residents were invited to
Talbots the week prior and asked to find two outfits that fit their personality.
After having fun trying on different styles the residents picked out the perfect
outfits and were ready to hit the catwalk. As the clothes were modeled, the
Talbots store manager gave a brief description of the outfit. Following the event,
the models were available for autographs.
Mrs. Lib Smith Celebrates her 100th Birthday
The Foothills Community had the honor of celebrating
Elizabeth “Lib” Smith’s 100th Birthday in April! Lib has
been a part of our community for years and is still going
strong! Never one to turn down an opportunity to have fun,
she continues to enjoy bingo, socializing, Wii bowling, and
several other activities. It was awesome to see the entire
community come together and celebrate this milestone with
Lib and her family.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Community Highlights
Foothills Life Enrichment Assistant Receives Award
Dana Balevre, Life Enrichment Director for Healthcare and Rehabilitation at
the Foothills Community, was recently given the Activities Assistant of the Year
award by the S.C. Activity Professionals Association. Dana has been a wonderful
addition to our Foothills family. As the Life Enrichment Director in Healthcare
and Rehab, she has increased both the quantity and the quality of the activities
in those areas. Chaplain Julie Schaaf had this to say about Dana, “The thing that
makes Dana most special is her true love of each resident. As the Chaplain, I
value the fact that Dana will come and tell me when someone is having a hard
day so that I can minister to them right away. She is also a real team player and
will help anyone who needs it. Dana’s award is well-deserved and it is truly an
Debbie Bailey of SCAPA presents The honor to call her a colleague in ministry.”
Activities Assistant of the Year award
to Foothill’s Dana Balevre.
Student Volunteers in Easley
This summer the Foothills Community has had a great number of
volunteer helpers. These volunteers help with a variety of tasks
including assisting with large events, cleaning closets, assisting
residents to activities and meals, clearing the hiking trail, delivering
snacks, and visiting with residents, just to name a few things.
We appreciate the “Hands on Youth” youth groups from Griffin
Ebenezer Church and Living Water Church for all their hard work.
Also, special thanks to our Student Volunteers: Hazel Hill, Erin
Nichols, Brayden Owens, Preston Scott, and Kirsten Robinson. If
you are interested in volunteering at Foothills in Easley please
contact Amy Howard at 864-307-1953 for more information.
Healthcare and Rehab Senior Olympics at
Foothills Community
Let the games begin! Seniors in Foothills Healthcare
and Rehabilitation programs participated in their first
ever Senior Olympics. Residents in Long-Term Care and
patients from Rehab were able to show off their athletic
ability in games such as balloon volleyball, Wii bowling,
corn hole, putt putt, croquet, bean bag toss, car racing,
timed tricycle race, walking race, and puzzle challenge.
Residents, their family members, and staff enjoyed a great
day of games, food, awards and fellowship.
Community Connections, Summer 2015
Management Services
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Interested in Learning More about PCSC? Contact Us….
Community Information:
Clinton Presbyterian Community
801 Musgrove Street
Clinton, SC 29325
1- 866-315-4721-toll free
[email protected]
Florence Presbyterian Community
2350 W. Lucas Street
Florence, SC 29501
1- 866-315-4723 toll free
[email protected]
The Village at Summerville
201 W. 9th North Street
Summerville, SC 29483
1- 866-315-4725 toll free
[email protected]
Columbia Presbyterian Community
700 DaVega Drive
Lexington, SC 29073
1- 866-315-4722 toll free
[email protected]
Foothills Retirement Community
205 Bud Nalley Drive
Easley, SC 29642
1- 866-315-4724 toll free
[email protected]
General Inquiries:
Management Services Office
2817 Ashland Rd.
Columbia, SC 29210
[email protected]
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