2014 MCC PAD Program Book - Metropolitan Community Churches


2014 MCC PAD Program Book - Metropolitan Community Churches
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15 May 2014
Welcome to the 8th MCC Conference for People of African Descent, Friends, and Allies.
We are glad that you are here!
Since 1998, the PAD Conference has inspired and celebrated people of African descent and
those individuals, organizations, and institutions that support and journey with us. It is very
exciting to see everyone and to feel the energy that is created whenever we come together.
I extend my gratitude to the MCC Moderator Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson for her unwavering
support, the Rev. Candy Holmes (Conference Chair) for demonstrating excellence in leadership, the Rev. T. Paul Graetz (Pastor) and the people of First MCC of Atlanta, and all of the
many volunteers who have worked so diligently to prepare the way for us to be here in the great city of Atlanta; to
the speakers and preachers who will enlighten, challenge, and inspire us; and to all of the conference registrants
whose energies and intentions will enable us to Be the Change that transforms the world.
May God be pleased with our progress!
Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
MCC PAD Conference Convener
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Dear PAD attendees!
Congratulations on your choice to be present at one of MCC’s premier events in our three
year cycle of conferences, celebration and learning opportunities, our MCC PAD Conference 2014, “BE THE CHANGE!”
I say congratulations, to you, first. Your choice says something about you – where you are
headed, what is important, and how you want to get there. We live in such challenging and
changing times. There is so much in our world that needs help, and fixing and attention.
For such times we need change and consistency. Our MCC PAD conference offers both:
A chance to imagine and embrace change in yourself, and in your church and community. Change in
how we understand inclusion, race, culture and church. Change in how we empower ourselves and
others to embody (“be”) a voice and force for change. Change in how we worship, or how we connect
in our wider community, what “community” we choose! How we see issues like voting rights and mass
incarceration as “MCC” issues, as issues for followers of Jesus, of every race, about which to care, to
pray and to act!
A chance to experience the amazing consistency in the quality of worship, programming, inspiration
and learning that is the MCC PAD conference. Those of us, who have been here before, have come to
rely on that consistently excellent message and “product.” It provides an experience that consistently
impacts our thinking, our living, and our being . . . that consistently improves relationships and makes
us better at who we are and what we do.
Congratulations, in addition, to the organizers, the movers and shakers, and the behind-the-scenes workers who
make this conference so successful. All that we do relies on dedicated staff (too few!) and blessed volunteers
(never too many!). Thank you one and all. You make me proud to be the global leader of MCC.
It is my hope that something will be said, or done here that makes a difference in your life, and in your church’s
life, forever. We serve a radical God who moves ahead of us, in change and consistency. Let us follow such a
God in these coming days!
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Nancy Wilson
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Welcome to MCC’s 2014 Conference for People of African Descent (PAD), Our Friends
and Allies in wonderful Atlanta, where southern hospitality lives! Whether this is your first
or eighth conference -- we are delighted you are here! You are in the right place at the right
After a time of imagining, praying and planning, the 2014 PAD Conference table is set. You
may be wondering why the conference theme is about change. Well...it’s no secret that our
communities, churches, workplaces, schools and the like are all experiencing great change.
Change is everywhere! And as people of faith, we have to ask ourselves – how are we embracing change, whether personally or out in the world?
It occurs to me that central to much of the change we encounter deals with matters of diversity and inclusion. As
a person of African descent, or as a friend and ally concerned about justice for all, how are we stepping forward
for change that celebrates our differences? We have come a long way, but are we open to continuing to unlearn
and let go of messages that can keep us from becoming our best selves? Are we inspired to unearth our authentic
voices and to embody who we are truly called to be?
All of these questions and more are about change. Transforming the world for love and justice starts with loving
and transforming ourselves right where we are, one step at a time. And so, it is in that light that our theme serves
as a call to awaken. The Conference theme serves as a reminder that we can indeed rise up and live into what is
truly meant by “Being the Change.”
For these few days, come on in and sit a spell. Participate fully, receive what is for you, and enjoy this amazing
bounty. And by the end of the conference, may you leave with encouragement, new insights, deeper connections
and visions for becoming the change You want to see. And so it is!
Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our guests speakers and artists, the PAD Conference Planning Team, our
host church – First MCC of Atlanta, Rev. Dr. Paul Graetz (Pastor), and the Host Team, sponsors and pillars, exhibitors, our families and friends, the many volunteers, and the MCC staff and leadership who continue to support
this divine experience we affectionately call PAD.
Together on the journey,
Rev. Candy Holmes
2014 MCC PAD Conference Planning Chair
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Rev. Paul Graetz - [email protected] Senior Pastor
Sarah Elliotto - [email protected] Office Administrator
Linda Herzer - Minister of Connection
Chris Corso - Director Of Celebration
Dear PAD Conference Attendees,
We are delighted to welcome you to Atlanta and First Metropolitan Community Church. Atlanta is an exciting city
of diversity and we know that you will enjoy your time in our great city. Southerners love to share hospitality and
we want to do our best to make you feel welcome and at home in Atlanta.
First MCC is Atlanta's Inclusive Church known as a progressive community of faith with a message of compassion, inclusion and empowerment. It's our passion that you experience our message of compassion for the world,
radical inclusion and the spirit of empowerment in your spiritual life.
If you have any needs while here in Atlanta, please don't hesitate to ask as we want you to relax, be at home and
simply enjoy your conference.
Welcome to Atlanta!
God's best is yours if you reach for it, let's reach for it together,
Rev. Dr. T. Paul Graetz, D. Div, D.R.S.
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Table of Contents
Welcome Message from Rev. Elder Darlene Garner________________________________________1
Welcome Message from Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson_________________________________________2
Welcome Message from Rev. Candy Holmes_____________________________________________3
Welcome Message from Rev. Dr. T. Paul Gaetz___________________________________________4
Welcome Message from Commissioner Joan P. Garner_____________________________________5
General PAD Conference Information___________________________________________________7
PAD Conference Schedule_________________________________________________________9-11
PAD Conference History____________________________________________________________12
PAD Conference Mission and MCC Vision & Values_______________________________________13
PAD Conference Speakers________________________________________________________15-22
Thank You to Our Sponsors, Advertisers, Exhibitors____________________________________24-25
Thank You to Our Co-Creators of the PAD Conference Experience________________________26-27
Accomplishments by MCC People of African Descent___________________________________27-29
Worship Service - Thursday, May 15, 2014 (evening)___________________________________36-37
Worship Service - Friday, May 16, 2014 (morning)_______________________________________38
Worship Service - Friday, May 16, 2014 (evening)______________________________________39-40
Worship Service - Saturday, May 17, 2014 (morning)___________________________________41-42
Worship Service - Saturday, May 17, 2014 (evening)_____________________________________43
This souvenir program book contains much of what you will need to navigate the conference. However, if you have questions and/or there is something you need, please stop by the Hospitality area or ask any one of the conference team
member volunteers. You will know volunteers by our buttons.
Please remember to wear your name tags as this will allow you entry into all conference events, including lunch. The PAD
Conference is a welcoming and safe place for everyone. In this regard, you may have new experiences that you are not
familiar with, such as a gender neutral bathroom or a different worship experience.
We ask that you try on any new experience as part of the spirit of change and hospitality. Thank you!
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Our volunteers are here to assist you. They are wearing buttons that will identify them as a conference volunteer.
Do not hesitate to approach any one of them if you need assistance. They are here to serve you. Our Conference
Volunteer Coordinator is Valarie Parson.
Our Registration Coordinator is Rev. Vickey Gibbs. One-day registrations are available. Stop by Registration for
more information.
Registration Schedule
Thursday, May 15th - 3:00 PM until 7:00 PM
Friday, May 16th - 9:00 AM until 7:00 PM
Saturday, May 17th - 9:00 AM until Noon
Be sure to stop by the Hospitality area, located near Registration. In the Hospitality area you can place messages
on the board, ask questions, and sign up to volunteer.
Please wear your name badge at all times. They will assist in identifying conference attendees. They are not necessary for worship, as worship is open to everyone.
In the event of a medical emergency, please see ANY member of the Conference Staff for assistance. We will do
our best to accommodate you and get the medical attention that you need. Our on-site security team leader is Rev.
B. Y. Boone. Please see him if you have a need.
Our Pastoral Care Team members are Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier (Leader), Nancy Maxwell and Revs. Adrain MobleyBowie , Andrea Ferguson, Anthony Sullivan, Carolyn Mobley-Bowie, Johnna Faber, and Onetta Brooks. Should
you have a specific prayer or pastoral care need, please place your request and contact information in the secure
Prayer Request Box that is located at the Hospitality table. The box will be checked at regular intervals throughout
the conference.
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The PAD Conference is mindful of the challenges for many people that are presented by restroom facilities being
labeled “Ladies Room,” or “Men’s Room.” For this reason, we are increasing access to restrooms for all people at
the conference.
Each bathroom is labeled with one of three signs: “Unisex,” “Ladies Room,” or “Men’s Room” so that all members
of the community may choose the restroom that best matches their gender identify and expression. See the map for
all bathroom locations and designations.
(See the map below for all bathroom locations and designations.)
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Be The Change!
2014 MCC Conference for People of African Descent
Our Friends and Allies
“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand new.
It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?
Here it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” Isaiah 43:18-19
~ The Message ~
THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
3:00 – 7:00PM
7:20 – 7:30PM
Video Presentation: The Ring-Shout & the Birth of African American Religion
7:30 – 9:30PM
Opening Worship with guest preacher Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Samuel, Senior Pastor of
Victory for the World Church in Stone Mountain, GA
9:30 – 11:00PM
Opening Reception
Perry Hall
FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2014
7:00 – 7:45AM
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Room
8:00 – 10:00PM
Exhibit Hall Open
Perry Hall
8:00 – 8:40AM
Morning Praise with Guest Preacher Rev. Carolyn Mobley, Interim Pastor of MCC of
Richmond in Richmond, VA
Plenary: “We’ve Come a Long Way AND We’re Not Done Yet!”
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Professor of Religion, Goucher College
9:00 – Noon
Description: We will gain invaluable (and perhaps new) insight into the collective stories of
LGBTQIA People of African Descent, with the history of the formation of the black church and
the connections between sexuality and spirituality as foundation. We will discuss how the
LGBTQIA civil rights movement has shifted and changed over the years, the impact on that
movement of our own internal work as people of African Descent who are LGBTQIA people of
faith and where we go from here.
Noon – 1:15PM
Breaking Bread (Lunch) with Rev. Roland Stringfellow, Pastor of MCC Detroit, He will talk
about the internally transformative work of the Umoja Project, an effort designed to facilitate safe,
non-threatening dialogue about the diversity of human sexuality and the tension that sometimes Pavilion
exists within African-American faith communities in relation to LGBT individuals and introduce
the curriculum in which any church or organization can participate.
12:45 – 1:15PM
Book Signing with Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson
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FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2014 (continued)
Plenary: “Shame, Blame, and Guilt: We Ain’t Got Time for That!”
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ronald Hopson, Associate Professor of Psychology and Divinity, Howard
1:30 – 4:30PM
Description: The pain so many of us have experienced in communities of faith is real and has
profound emotional and spiritual impact on our growth and development in school, in church,
at work and at home. We will use this time to pull back the curtains for honest dialogue about
shame, blame and guilt and the ways they can shape who we are as servant leaders. We will
examine what we have lost along the way and what we have to gain from our resilience as
individuals and communities with unique and empowering stories.
6:00 – 7:15PM
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Room
7:30 – 9:30PM
Reviving Service with Guest Preacher Bishop Tonyia Rawls, Senior Pastor of Sacred
Souls Community Church, Charlotte, NC
9:40 – Midnight
Movie Night (Free)
SATURDAY, May 17, 2014
7:00 – 7:45AM
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Room
8:00 – 7:00PM
Exhibit Hall Open
Perry Hall
8:00 – 8:40AM
Morning Praise with guest preacher Rev. Mykal Slack, Director of 4LYFE Ministries, an MCC
ministry based in Boston, MA
Plenary: “Jesus, Justice and Taking It to the Streets”
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson, Founder and Director of the Center of Spiritual Light in New
York, NY
9:00 – Noon
Description: If we look closely, we can see that much of the ministry of Jesus was about
modeling to the people how to care for themselves while also doing the work of caring for the
world as they knew it. In this session, we will take a closer look at how our own ability to love
and care for ourselves is intricately tied to our social justice efforts in our communities and in
the world. We will also gather tools to help us transform those deep connections to spirit and
spirituality into change-making tapestries and strategies.
Noon – 1:15PM
Breaking Bread (Lunch) with Rev. Dr. Jennifer Leath of The Center on African American
Religion, Sexual Politics & Social Justice (CARSS). She will present on “No Place Like
Home?: The Formation, Vision and Mission of CARSS.” CARSS is a new project of Columbia
University that seeks to facilitate dialogue with African America religious and thought leaders
who are committed to sexuality and gender justice.
12:45 – 1:15PM
Book Signing with Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson
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SATURDAY, MAY 17, 2014 (continued)
Plenary: “Why Should I Care? – The Necessity of Inter-sectional Justice”
Speaker & Panel Moderator – Rev. MacArthur Flournoy, Director for Faith Partnerships and
Mobilization at the Human Rights Campaign
1:30 – 4:30PM
Panelists: Kylar W. Broadus, Esq., Director of the Transgender Civil Rights Project and
Senior Policy Counsel for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in Washington, DC; Rev.
Dr. Joan M. Martin, William W. Rankin Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics at
Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA; Rev. DeWayne Davis, MCC Public Policy Team
and Senior Pastor of All God’s Children MCC in Minneapolis, MN; Latishia James, The
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice in Washington, DC; Rev. Cedric Harmon, CoDirector of Many Voices in Washington, DC
Description: In our movement, we are a people of many faiths, abilities, sexualities, genders,
ethnicities, incomes and locations. During this session, Rev. Flournoy will offer an opening
talk and then moderate a discussion with a panel of change-makers who represent a wide
spectrum of spiritual and social justice leadership. They will share their stories and bring into
sharper view what it means, for example, to consider economic justice and gender justice
simultaneously as issues of faith. We will also brainstorm ways we can take what we have
learned throughout the conference – fully showing up as we are, reimagining what healing and
transformation look like, shifting that inward spiritual growth outward, and embracing
intersectional justice – to transform ourselves as we transform the world.
6:00 – 7:15PM
Choir Rehearsal
Choir Room
7:30 – 9:30PM
Celebration in Word & Music with Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson, Moderator of MCC, special
musical guest Bishop Yvette Flunder and the Voices of PAD Choir
9:45 – Midnight
Perry Hall
SUNDAY, May 18, 2014
First MCC of Atlanta
9:00 AM – “Institute for Spiritual Growth” Bible Study Discussion Groups
10:00 AM – Prayer Circle
10:30 AM – Coffee and Welcome Gathering in Perry Hall
11:00 AM – Worship Service
11:00 AM – Children’s Sunday School
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1995 During the MCC World Jubilee & General Conference in Atlanta, GA, 40+ people of African descent gathered to connect with one another and expressed the desire to stay connected. The purpose of the meeting was to
discuss ways to influence the efforts of MCC to recruit and retain African-Americans in the U.S. and international
churches within the denomination. Out of this meeting the group submitted the first report on the state of African
Americans within MCC to the General Council and the Board of Elders (then the governing bodies of MCC).
One of the recommendations within this report was that the denomination should begin sponsoring a bi-annual
conference for People of African Descent in MCC. The Board of Elders asked Rev. Elder Darlene Garner to be
responsible for ensuring follow-through on the recommendations contained in The Report, including convening
MCC conferences for people of African descent.
1998 1st MCC Leadership Conference for African Americans (Beltsville, MD); chaired by Rev. Elder Darlene
Garner, Conference Convener.
2000 2nd MCC Leadership Conference for African-Americans (McLean, VA); chaired by Ms. Onetta Brooks of
2002 3rd MCC Leadership Conference for People of African Descent (Atlanta, GA); co-chaired by Rev. Wanda
Floyd of Imani MCC in Durham, NC, and Mr. Barry Hundley of First MCC in Atlanta, GA.
2004 4th MCC Leadership Conference for People of African Descent and Parallel Track (Houston, TX); co-chaired
by Ms. Anita Jones-Merritt, Mr. Kenneth M. Samuel, and Ms. Philippa Lynn Jenkins of Resurrection MCC in
Houston, TX; the host church was Resurrection MCC, Rev. J. Dwayne Johnson, Pastor.
2006 5th MCC Leadership Conference for People of African Descent and our Friends and Allies (Tampa, FL); cochaired by Rev. Candy Holmes of Christ the Liberator MCC in North Brunswick, NJ, and Rev. Franc Perry of First
MCC of Atlanta in Atlanta, GA; the host church was MCC Tampa, Rev. Phyllis Hunt, Pastor.
2008 6th MCC Leadership Conference for People of African Descent and our Friends and Allies (St. Louis, Missouri); chaired by Rev. Candy Holmes of Christ the Liberator MCC; the host church was MCC of Greater St. Louis,
Rev. Dr. Carol Trissell, Pastor.
2011 7th MCC Conference for People of African Descent, Our Friends and Allies (Washington, DC); chaired by
Rev. Candy Holmes of MCC of Washington, DC. The host churches were – MCC of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD,
Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier, Pastor; Holy Redeemer MCC, College Park, MD, Rev. David North, Pastor; MCC of
Northern Virginia, Fairfax, VA, Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos, Pastor; MCC of Washington, D.C., Rev J. Dwayne Johnson, Pastor; Bethel Christian Church, Washington D.C., Rev. Darren Phelps, Pastor; City of Refuge, Washington
DC, Rev. Cedric Harmon, Interim Pastor; New Life MCC of Hampton Roads, Norfolk, VA, Rev. Mark Byrd, Interim Pastor.
2014 8th MCC Conference for People of African Descent, Our Friends and Allies (Atlanta, GA); chaired by Rev.
Candy Holmes of MCC Washington, DC. The host church is First MCC of Atlanta, Rev. Dr. Paul Graetz, Senior
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A house built on love does not stand alone.
This is the foundation upon which the PAD Conference stands.
– The Pastoral Leadership
The MCC Conference for People of African Descent, Friends, and Allies provides a groundbreaking ministry
experience that inspires people within MCC and beyond to continue their individual and shared journeys toward
creating a truly inclusive spiritual community that is committed to social justice for all.
Metropolitan Community Church is compelled by an unfinished calling and a prophetic destiny. We are a global
movement of spiritually and sexually diverse people who are fully awake to God’s enduring love. Following the
example of Jesus and empowered by the Spirit, we seek to build leading-edge church communities that demand,
proclaim, and do justice in the world.
Love is our greatest moral value and resisting exclusion is a primary focus of our ministry. We want to continue to
be conduits of faith where everyone is included in the family of God and where all parts of our being are welcomed
at God’s table.
Offering a safe and open community for people to worship, learn, and grow in their faith is our deep desire. We are
committed to equipping ourselves and each other to do the work that God has called us to do in the world.
Providing a message of liberation from the oppressive religious environment of our day or to those experiencing God for the first time is what guides our ministry. We believe that when people are invited to experience God
through the life and ministry of Christ, lives will be transformed.
Working to talk less and do more, we are committed to resisting the structures that oppress people and standing
with those who suffer under the weight of oppressive systems, being guided always by our commitment to Global
Human Rights.
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Celebrating the PAD Conference and 15 years
of progressive Christian ministry in Athens, GA!
Where God
God’ss Love is
for Everyone!
would like to congratulate and thank
Communion Service
Every Sunday at 11 a.m.
everyone who has worked tirelessly to
Rev. Dr. Renee DuBose
make past, present and future PAD
Episcopal Student Center
Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier & Rev. Cathy Alexander
conferences happen.
May God continue to bless and keep all of you.
980 S. Lumpkin St. • Athens, GA 30605
Web Site: www.ourhopemcc.org • E-mail: [email protected]
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The Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas
Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas is the Elizabeth Conolly Todd Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Goucher College. She was recently awarded The Goucher College Caroline Doebler Bruckerl Award for outstanding faculty achievement. Prior to going to Goucher College she was Associate Professor of Theology at Howard University
School of Divinity (1987-2001) and Assistant Professor of Religion at Edward Waters
College (1986-1987).
Kelly holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Denison University where she was inducted into Phi Beta
Kappa and graduated Summa Cum Laude. She received her Masters of Divinity and Doctorate of Philosophy
from Union Theological Seminary. While at Union she received the Hudnut Award for Preaching Excellence
and the Julius Hanson Award for Outstanding Student in Theological Studies.
A leading voice in the development of a womanist theology, Essence magazine counts Douglas “among this
country’s most distinguished religious thinkers, teachers, ministers, and counselors.” She has published numerous essays and articles in national publications, and her books include The Black Christ, Sexuality and
the Black Church, What’s Faith Got to Do With It?: Black Bodies/Christian Soul. Black Bodies and the Black
Church:A Blues Slant is her most recently released book (Palgrave Macmillan, Fall 2012). Kelly is also a
priest in the Episcopal Church and has served as Associate Priest at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church in
Washington D.C. for over 20 years.
C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
The Rev. Dr. Ronald Hopson
Dr. Ronald E. Hopson is Associate Professor of Psychology and Divinity at Howard University. He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology and in the School
of Divinity where he currently serves as Interim Academic Dean. He teaches courses on
Psychopathology, the Philosophy of Science, Psychotherapy, the Psychology of Religion,
and Pastoral Care.
Dr. Hopson received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Michigan State University. He
attended Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary at Northwestern University and was ordained to Christian
ministry through the Church of God (Anderson, IN) in 1988. Dr. Hopson has published in the areas of Psychotherapy, Substance Abuse/Drug Addiction, Christian Fundamentalism in the U.S., and Pastoral Care. His
most current work is in the area of Sexuality and the Black Church. Dr. Hopson has presented his professional
work and conducted workshops in the U.S. as well as in Europe and Africa.
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C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
The Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson
Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson is the founding director of Center of Spiritual Light, a non-profit
community services organization that integrates resources from diverse spiritual traditions to help individuals and organizations re-imagine, re-invent, and re-position themselves for excellence. She consults with faith-based organizations, community service
agencies, and academic institutions and has had an extensive career in leadership coaching, staff development, management training, organizational development, and mediation for Fortune 500
companies, smaller businesses and community organizations.
Dr. Jackson addresses issues at micro interpersonal levels as well as macro political, social and economic levels with impact across racial groups, cultures, and nations. This unique approach enables her to discuss critical
social issues, such as classism and poverty, racial discrimination and criminal profiling, and gender and marriage equality in fresh, transformative ways.
Ordained in the United Church of Christ (UCC), Dr. Jackson works ecumenically across religious and spiritual
traditions. She has served as pastor of congregations in three Christian denominations – the United Church
of Christ, United Methodist Church, and Presbyterian Church-USA. She currently serves as adjunct faculty at
Union Theological Seminary and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, both in New York City.
Dr. Jackson earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Social Ethics from Drew University, a Masters of
Divinity from Union Theological Seminar, a Juris Doctorate from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor
of Arts degree in Psychology and Sociology from Oberlin College. She is the author of four books: Love Like
You’ve Never Been Hurt (2013), For the Souls of Black Folks (2013), For the Least of These (2012), and The
Gift to Listen, The Courage to Hear (2003).
The Rev. MacArthur Flournoy
Rev. MacArthur H. Flournoy, theologian, author, and preacher is the Director for Faith
Partnership and Mobilization for the Human Rights Campaign. Rev. Flournoy served as
the Faith Director for Marylanders For Marriage Equality and has more than thirty years
of non-profit management experience and has served local, state and federal governments.
Rev. Flournoy has worked in Nigeria, Ghana, Spain, Italy and Australia conducting workshops on human rights, access to health care and changing cultural norms on the role of
women, people affected by numerous health disparities, such as HIV/AIDS, advocacy for racial/LGBT justice
and equality specifically within a faith-based context. He voluntarily serves as the National Minister of Public
Policy for The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, an international coalition of open and affirming ministries,
where the Presiding Bishop is Rev. Dr. Yvette Flunder.
Rev. Flournoy holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Pacific School of Religion at the Graduate Theological Union. As the father of five amazing children, he is a new grandparent. Reading, writing, traveling, and
collecting West African art are his favorite past times.
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The Rev. Doctor Kenneth Lee Samuel
Doctor Kenneth Lee Samuel has been the recipient of many scholastic and civic honors, including ‘A Better Chance Scholarship’, which allowed him to attend high school
at the prestigious Delbarton School in Morristown, New Jersey. He graduated in 1978
from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut with a Bachelor of Arts degree
in American History. He continued his academic pursuit by matriculating at the Candler School of Theology of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, where he received the
Benjamin E. Mays Theological Fellowship Award among others. In 1981, he received his Master ofDivinity
Degree. In 1996, he received the Doctor of Ministry Degree from the United Theological Seminary in Dayton,
Ohio. His theological focus is in the field of homiletics and social ethics.
Doctor Samuel was licensed as a Minister of the Gospel on his 23rd birthday, August 5, 1979, at the historic
Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, under the pastorate of the Reverend Doctor Joseph L. Roberts,
Jr., and Pastor Emeritus, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. He was ordained in 1982 also at Ebenezer Baptist Church,
Atlanta. In November 2002, Doctor Samuel was granted full ministerial standing in the United Church of
Christ through the Georgia/South Carolina Association of the United Church of Christ.
C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
In March of 1987, Doctor Samuel organized the Victory for the World Church which has dual standing as an
Independent Baptist Church and an active congregation of the United Church of Christ. Situated in a growing
eastern suburb of Atlanta called Stone Mountain, the Victory Church seeks to address the total needs of the
total person through a broad array of ministries and services which promote the spiritual development, educational enhancement, physical fitness and social empowerment of every child of God – regardless of race,
gender, culture, class or sexual Orientation.
Doctor Samuel has served as an Adjunct Professor in the Religion and Philosophy Department at Clark Atlanta University and as a Teaching Assistant in homiletics at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Doctor Samuel’s first book, entitled ‘Solomon’s Success: Four Essential Keys To Leadership’ recently
appeared as the number one best seller under Pilgrim Press in The Christian Century.
Believing that our love for Jesus should never be separated from our passion for Justice, Doctor Samuel has
engaged himself in the struggle for Human Rights through numerous agencies, which most recently include
serving as Vice-Chair of the African American Leadership Council of People For the American Way (Washington, D.C.), Trustee Board Member of Lancaster Theological Seminary (Lancaster, PA), Advisory Board
Member of the Interdenominational Theological Center (Atlanta, GA), Board Member of Leadership DeKalb
(the premier Leadership Development program in DeKalb County, GA), Religious Advisory Board Member
of the National Black Justice Coalition, (Washington, D.C.), Past President of the DeKalb Branch NAACP
(Decatur GA) and a DeKalb County Jail Chaplain (DeKalb County, GA). Doctor Samuel is the proud parent
of one daughter, Kendalle Marye, and resides in Lithonia, Georgia.
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C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
Bishop Tonyia Rawls
Bishop Rawls is the Founding Pastor of Charlotte, NC-based Sacred Souls Community
Church, a diverse congregation of progressive Christians. Her ministry has been framed
by her upbringing as a Baptist and the development she experienced while serving in the
following offices: Evangelist Missionary in The Church of God in Christ and Associate Minister with the Progressive Freewill Baptist Church. Once joining the Unity Fellowship Church Movement, she served as Minister, Reverend, Elder, Vice Chair of the
National Board, Founder of Laity Relations and the Office of Communications, Founding Pastor of Unity Fellowship Church Charlotte, and then in 2008, became one of the denomination’s first
women Bishops.
Once arriving in Charlotte, Bishop Rawls quickly became engaged in advocacy work for children and schools,
fought for equality in healthcare (particularly around HIV/AIDS), and championed criminal and social justice
Bishop Tonyia Rawls is also the Founder and Executive Director of The Freedom Center for Social Justice
(FCSJ), which was founded in 2009. In 2013 the FCSJ launched the Southeastern region’s first LGBTQ Law
Center and Transgender Employment Program. Since August 2013 these programs have touched hundreds
within the Carolina’s and that support promises to continually grow as they successfully meet these critical
needs. Nationally, the FCSJ Transgender Faith and Action Network (Trans*FAAN) expands the work of their
successful TransFaith In Color Conferences which were hosted in Charlotte for Trans* people of color and
allies. Their 2014 Trans*FAAN Conference will be held August 29th in Charlotte. This year’s conference will
include partners like the North Carolina NAACP, the Conference for Southern Equality, Southerners on New
Ground, The Human Rights Campaign and area colleges and universities. The Freedom Center for Social Justice was recognized by Equality North Carolina who named them their 2013 Organization of the Year Award.
In addition to her work as a spiritual leader and social justice activist, Bishop Rawls has been a leading national voice on issues of intersectionality and progressive organizing. She has been a reviewer for the Journal
of African-American Studies and is published in Black Sexualities: Probing Powers, Passions, Practices, and
Policies (Released 2010). Bishop Rawls is a graduate of Duke University and the recipient of several awards
for her work on LGBTQ and progressive movement building. She sits on the Governing Board of the North
Carolina Council of Churches, The Community Building Initiative, and other local and national advisory
The Rev. Carolyn Mobley
Rev. Carolyn J. Mobley was ordained in 1995 with Metropolitan Community Churches
(MCC) and served fifteen years at Resurrection MCC (Associate Pastor), Houston, Texas; Interim Pastor for MCC United, Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has also served as MCC staff
supporting the Clergy Connection program. Rev. Carolyn returned to the Atlanta area to
join her partner of 17 years, Rev. Adrain Bowie. While in Atlanta, Rev. Mobley served
as Evangelist at First MCC of Atlanta and the Minister of Music at Circle of Grace
Community Church. She presently serves as the Interim Pastor of MCC of Richmond,
VA. Spirit has affirmed Rev. Mobley as a minister who speaks through her music. She is a gifted singer and
pastoral leader. Rev. Mobley received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene
Texas; and Master’s degree in Religious Education at the Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta,
Georgia. Rev. Carolyn has been an activist and a community leader since 1976.
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The Rev. Mykal Slack
The Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy L. Wilson
C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
The Rev. Mykal O’Neal Slack is the founder and lead organizer of 4LYFE, an ecumenical, consultative ministry of Metropolitan Community Churches that provides pastoral
and educational resources to address sexual orientation and gender identity issues in faith
communities across a broad spectrum, inviting everyone to Live Your Faith Everyday.
He also serves First Parish in Cambridge, Unitarian Universalist as a Worship Leader and
Community Life Coordinator, supporting their efforts to become a multiracial, multi-faith,
justice-making community. As part of his ministry, Mykal is the Director of Spiritual Outreach for the Trans People of Color Coalition, the only national organization that seeks to
promote the social and economic equality of all black and brown transgender and gender non-conforming people.
Before ministry called him, Pastor Mykal spent several years in public service, clerking for the Honorable
Marilyn D. Go at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York and serving as an attorney for the
ACLU LGBT & HIV/AIDS Rights Projects. He currently blogs on mendingdrybones.com and is a recently
featured blogger on Believe Out Loud, an online network that empowers Christians to work for lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality.
The Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson joined MCC in 1972 at the age of 22 to serve as
Associate Pastor of MCC Boston. She served as Pastor of MCC Detroit from 1975 to
1979; MCC Los Angeles (now Founder’s MCC) from 1986 until 2001; and Church of
the Trinity MCC in Sarasota, Florida, from 2001 to 2005.
Rev. Wilson was elected Elder of MCC in 1976 and served as the denomination’s Clerk
for ten years, Vice-Moderator for eight years, and Chief Ecumenical Officer for 23
years. Rev. Wilson was elected to the position of Moderator of MCC in 2005. She has been the official delegate of MCC to the General Assemblies of the World Council of Churches held in Canberra, Australia (1991);
Harare, Zimbabwe (1998) and Porto Alegre, Brazil (2006). Rev. Wilson is also an Associate Minister with The
Fellowship in which Dr. Yvette Flunder serves as the Presiding Bishop.
In 2011, President Barack Obama appointed Rev. Wilson to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based
and Neighborhood Partnerships. Following President Obama’s re-election in 2013, Rev. Wilson gave a Scripture reading at the Inaugural Prayer Service at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., and was the first
openly gay clergy member to participate.
Rev. Wilson obtained a B.A. degree from Allegheny College, a Master of Divinity degree from St. Cyril and
Methodius Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Episcopal Divinity School.
Her published works include: Outing the Bible: Queer Folks, God, Jesus, and the Christian Scriptures (LifeJourney Press);Outing the Church: 40 Years in the Queer Christian Movement (LifeJourney Press); Nossa
Tribo: Gays, Deus, Jesus e a Bíblia (Metanoia); Our Tribe: Queer Folks, God, Jesus and the Bible (Alamo
Press); and Amazing Grace with Fr. Malcolm Boyd. Rev. Wilson’s prayers and poems are included in Race
and Prayer, edited by Malcolm Boyd and Chester Talton (Morehouse Press).
Rev. Wilson is a popular preacher and speaker. She has been honored with the first “Lazarus Award” from
the Presbyterian Church and was invited to preach at the Earl Lectures at Pacific School of Religion in 2002.
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C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
The Rev. DeWayne Davis is Senior Pastor of All God’s Children Metropolitan Community Church and serves on the MCC Public Policy Team. DeWayne recently served
as the Domestic Policy Analyst in The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations where he represented before the U.S. Congress and the Executive Office of the
President the domestic social policies established by the Episcopal Church’s General
Convention and Executive Council. This included work on issues of human rights,
welfare, poverty, hunger, health care, violence, civil rights, the environment, and issues
involving women and children.
He currently serves on the MCC Global Justice Institute’s Public Policy Team and was a participant in MCC’s
inaugural class of the Leadership Mentoring Retreat. He served as the Program Coordinator for Metropolitan
Community Church’s 2011 People of African Descent Conference, designing and organizing workshops and
continuing education opportunities for lay and clergy. DeWayne received his Master of Divinity degree from
the Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. He lives in Minneapolis, MN, with his husband Kareem and their dog Dmitri.
Kylar W. Broadus, Esq. is senior policy counsel and director of the Transgender Civil
Rights Project, at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force in Washington, D.C. He was
a full professor of business law at Lincoln University, a historically Black college where
he previously served as chair of the business department. In 2010, Kylar was appointed
to serve as Division Director within the Section on Individual Rights and Responsibilities of the American Bar Association and continues to serve in that capacity, as well as
Co-Chair for the Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
The Rev. Cedric Harmon, Many Voices (Washington, DC). Reverend Cedric A. Harmon has a BS in media management from Emerson College and has completed extensive
graduate work at Wesley Seminary. Cedric’s deep faith calls him to do the work of justice
and equality, and to equip others to do the same. He served as pastor of a “radically inclusive” congregation in Washington, DC and is currently Co-Director with Ann Thompson
Cook of Many Voices – a new nonprofit creating a Black Church movement for gay and
transgender justice.
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Latishia is a fierce advocate for queer folks, people of color, women, children and all those who society deems
to be outside the "norm". You can find Latishia on Twitter (@PurposefullyLJ) chronicling her seminary journey (#queerseminarian) and raging against Reproductive Justice injustices.
She is a Missional Fellow at Wesley Theological Seminary, Dance Ministry Leader-Metropolitan Community
Church of DC, and a 2013 Young Woman of Achievement Nominee.
C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
Latishia James, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (Washington, DC).
Latishia James is on a mission to illustrate the intersection between sexuality and spirituality. She began her sexual & reproductive health career as an HIV/AIDS advocate
and sexual health educator. Latishia felt called to explore another aspect of the reproductive & sexual justice world after encountering youth and adults whose experiences
with spiritual trauma directly impact their sexual & reproductive lives. A Reproductive
Justice and Faith Organizer in DC, Latishia is a Master of Divinity Candidate at Wesley Theological Seminary and the Mary Jane Patterson Fellow at the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. For Latishia, marrying the worlds of faith, reproductive
justice, sexuality, spirituality and reproductive health can be daunting at times and also very rewarding. Her
hope is that in combining them all she will be a better advocate, organizer, practitioner (future midwife) and
movement builder.
The Rev. Dr. Jennifer S. Leath is the Assistant Director for Research of the Center on
African American Religion, Sexual Politics & Social Justice at Columbia University
and is the pastor of Campbell African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church (Media, PA).
She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Studies and African American Studies
from Harvard University (2003) and a Masters of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York (2007).
Rev. Leath was licensed to preach at Mother Bethel AME Church, Philadelphia, PA in 1999; she was ordained
an Itinerant Deacon in 2005 – and an Itinerant Elder in 2007. Prior to her appointment as the pastor of Campbell, Leath served on the ministerial staffs of Mother Bethel, Bethel AME Church, New Haven, and First
AME Church: Bethel, New York.
The Rev. Dr. Joan M. Martin, William W. Rankin Associate Professor of Christian Social Ethics at Episcopal Divinity School, has been a member of the faculty since the academic year 1993, and began teaching in 1994. In addition to her teaching and committee
responsibilities, she serves as the coordinator of the Doctor of Ministry degree program,
and advisor to the institutional anti-racism and anti-oppression, “Change Team II.” Presently, Martin is a member of the Womanist Group in Church and Society Steering Committee of the American Academy of Religion, and also serves in the Wabash Consultants
Program. Martin is an ordained Presbyterian minister (PCUSA).
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C onfer e nc e S pe ak e r s
The Rev. Roland Stringfellow is licensed with the Metropolitan Community Church
and United Church of Christ. Currently he is the Senior Pastor of Metropolitan Community Church Detroit and also works with congregations on LGBTQ inclusion as
the Director of Ministerial Outreach for the African-American Roundtable, a program
of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Sexuality on the campus
of Pacific School of Religion. Rev. Stringfellow has been consulted by media outlets
regarding his work on marriage equality and the role people of color and communities
of faith played in this local, state and national debate.
Bishop Yvette Flunder is Presiding Bishop of The Fellowship, a multi-denominational
fellowship of 110 primarily African American Christian leaders and laity representing
56 churches and faith-based organizations from all part of the United States, Mexico,
and Africa.
Bishop Flunder founded the City of Refuge UCC in 1991 in order to unite a gospel
ministry with a social ministry. City of Refuge is a thriving inner-city congregation that
celebrates the radically inclusive love of Jesus Christ.
Bishop Flunder is a third generation preacher with roots in the Church of God in Christ.
She was licensed in the COGIC and later ordained by the Bishop Walter Hawkins of
Love Center Ministries. In 1984 Bishop Flunder began performing and recording with Walter Hawkins and
the Family and the Love Center Choir. Other gospel music recordings include “There’s Power “with the City
of Refuge Praise Ensemble, “We Won’t Be Silent Anymore” with The Fellowship Mass Choir, and “How
Sweet the Sound”, with the Grammy Award winning Chanticleer.
www.elixher.com | Twitter: @ELIXHERMagazine |
Facebook: facebook.com/ELIXHERMagazine
ELIXHER | a concoction of all
things queer, culture, and current
ELIXHER is an award-winning
website and magazine for Black
LGBTQ women.
Resurrection MCC's Gospel Ensemble
Rev. Johnna Faber
Rev. Andrea Ferguson
Rev. Vickey Gibbs
on their 2013 Ordinations.
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 22
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NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2005.
BROWN BOIS. Oakland, CA: Brown Boi Project, 2011.
IN AMERICA. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013.
ORIENTATION. Washington, DC: Dumbarton United Methodist Church, 2004.
Available online at www.manyvoices.org/get-involved/shop/
AND GENDER DIFFERENCES. Washington, DC: Many Voices, 2004.
Available online at www.manyvoices.org/get-involved/shop/
Douglas, Kelly Brown. SEXUALITY AND THE BLACK CHURCH: A WOMANIST PERSPECTIVE. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
BLACK CHURCHES. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2006.
Jackson, Cari. LOVE LIKE YOU’VE NEVER BEEN HURT. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris, 2013.
DIVERSITY. Portland, OR: Lao Tse Press, 1995.
York, NY: NYU Press, 2010.
Rieger, Joerg and Kwok Pui-lan. OCCUPY RELIGION: THEOLOGY OF THE MULTITUDE. Lantham, MD:
Rowman & Littlefield, Publishers, 2010.
New York, NY: Routledge Publishing Co., 1996.
WITNESS. New York, NY: NYU Press, 2013.
Wilson, Nancy. OUTING THE BIBLE: QUEER FOLKS, GOD, JESUS, AND THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES. Indianapolis, IN: LifeJourney Press, 2013.
Wilson, Nancy. OUTING THE CHURCH: 40 YEARS IN THE QUEER CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT. Indianapolis, IN: LifeJourney Press, 2013.
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 23
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Human Rights Campaign http://www.hrc.org/
Episcopal Divinity School http://www.eds.edu/
MCC of Austin at Freedom Oaks
First MCC Atlanta http://www.firstmcc.com/
Rev. Catherine Alexander and Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier
Rev. Vickey Gibbs and Cassandra White
Deborah Davis and Patricia Dickson
ARC Global Document Management
Aileen North and Marsha Cooper
Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, DC
Concerned Praying Citizens of the World
Global MCC partners who provided Video greetings
Rev. Margarita Sanchez de Leon
Linda Hardy & Phyllis Nelson
Annette Beall and Carolyn Gay
Rev. Candy Holmes and Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
Pamela Fairbanks
Resurrection MCC
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Chicago Theological Seminary https://www.ctschicago.edu/
Drew Theological School http://www.drew.edu/theo
Episcopal Divinity School http://www.eds.edu/
Elixher http://www.elixher.com/
Family Diversity Project http://familydiv.org/
MCC of Austin at Freedom Oaks http://www.MCCAustin.com/
Human Rights Campaign http://www.hrc.org/
Many Voices http://www.manyvoices.org/
MCC of Washington D.C. http://mccdc.com/
MCC Office of Formation and Leadership Development http://ofld.mccchurch.org/
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force http://www.thetaskforce.org/
Our Hope MCC http://ourhopemcc.com/
Pacific School of Religion’s Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry http://www.clgs.org
Resurrection MCC’s Gospel Ensemble http://www.resurrectionmcc.org
Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier and Rev. Catherine Alexander
Transgender Faith in Action Network http://tfaan.org/main/
Union Theological Seminary http://www.utsnyc.edu/
Bowtie Ministries
Episcopal Divinity School http://www.eds.edu/
Global Travel [email protected]
Howard University School of Divinity http://divinity.howard.edu/
Human Rights Campaign http://www.hrc.org/
Many Voices http://www.manyvoices.org/
MCC Public Policy Team and Global Justice Institute http://globaljusticeinstitute.com/
Pacific School of Religion’s Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry http://www.clgs.org
Small Business Association of Georgia
Union Theological Seminary http://www.utsnyc.edu/
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From envisioning to execution, the PAD Conference Planning Team, MCC staff, service providers, aligning partners, and on-site volunteers brought together their finest gifts and skills to create collectively this divine and lifechanging experience. It is because of their dedication and passionate work that we are able to celebrate the 8th
convening of the PAD Conference. We express our appreciation and extend a resounding THANK YOU to:
Rev. Candy Holmes – Conference Chair
Linda Hardy – Entertainment, Hospitality, Transportation and Special Events Coordinator
Shay Finlayson and Sumer Grissom – Host Church and Local Advertising Sales
Nicole McKenzie – Multi-Media Coordinator
Cassandra White – Music Coordinator
Robert Ferguson – Onsite Coordinator, Vendor Coordination, and Logistics
Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier – Pastoral Care Coordinator
Rev. Mykal Slack – Programming Coordinator
Rev. B.Y. Boone – Security Coordinator
Valarie Parson – Volunteer Coordinator
Rev. Cathy Alexander – Worship Coordinator
Rev. Elder Darlene Garner – Conference Convener
Shannon Young – Administrative Coordinator
Rev. Vickey Gibbs – Communications, Registration and Culinary Arts Coordinator
Rev. Margarita Sanchez De Leon – Coordinator of Afro-Latino Participation
Chris Baker, Barbara Crabtree, Kay Hale, Jennifer Justice, Jason O’Neill, Tammy Erwin, Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson
Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier, Nancy Maxwell and Revs. Adrain Mobley-Bowie , Andrea Ferguson, Anthony Sullivan, Carolyn Mobley-Bowie, Johnna Faber, and Onetta Brooks
Diane Jasso and Big Red Graphics – Graphic and Program Book Design
Deborah Davis and ARC – Fans and Program Book Printing
Chris Baker – Conference Graphics
First MCC of Atlanta – Host Church
David York – Photography
Giwayen Mata – Drummers
Justin West – Music and Vocal Production
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The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries for your companionship on this journey, especially to Bishop Yvette
Flunder, Pastor Joseph Tolten, Rev. Troy Sanders, Pastor Elliott Sommerville, Rev. Anthony Sullivan and Rev.
Freedom Gulley.
First MCC of Atlanta for your joyous southern Hospitality!
MCC Churches Globally – For showing there is room at the table for all of us!
Our preachers, speakers, and panelists.
Worship Participants (Choir, Musicians, Readers, Ushers, Communion Servers and Greeters) Entertainment
Team, Programming Team, Registration Team, Hospitality Team, Security Team, Audio/Visual Team, Pastoral
Care Team, Logistics Team, Host Team, Facilities, Volunteers Team, Culinary Team and Transportation Team.
MCC Award Recipients
• Barry Hundley: 2014 MCC Moderator’s Award
• Dominic Kessell: 2014 MCC Jennifer Justice &
Carlos Chavez Young Adult Leadership Award
• Donna Payne: 2014 MCC Distinguished Service
• Rev. Candy Holmes: 2013 MCC Rev. John H.
Hose Award for Dedicated and Faithful Service by
a Clergy Person
• Rev. Cristiano Valerio: 2012 MCC Purple Gr4ass
Award for Evangelism
• Rev. Wilkin Lara: 2013 MCC Jennifer Justice &
Carlos Chavez Young Adult Leadership Award
MCC Appointed Officials
• Rev. Cathy Alexander: Member of the MCC Commission on the Statement of Faith and Member of
the MCC Governing Board Nominating Committee
• Rev. Margarita Sanchez de Leon: Member of the
MCC Theologies Team
• Dr. Imani Woody Macko: MCC Older Adults
Program Officer
• Georgia Lacy: Member of the MCC HIV/AIDS
Advisory Council
• Rev. Jeffrey Jordan Pickett: Member of the MCC
HIV/AIDS Advisory Council
• Dr. David Williams: Member of the MCC HIV/
AIDS Advisory Council
Rev. Candy Holmes: People of African Descent
Program Officer
Les Henderson: Member of the MCC People of
African Descent Advisory Council
Elisa Vega Burns: Member of the MCC People
of African Descent Advisory Council and of the
MCC Moderator’s Nominating Committee
Denise Junious: Member of the MCC People of
African Descent Advisory Council
Rev. Brendan Boone: Member of the MCC
People of African Descent Advisory Council
Rev. Roland Stringfellow: Member of the MCC
People of African Descent Advisory Council
Roland Smith: Member of the MCC People of
African Descent Advisory Council
Rev. Mykal Slack: Member of the MCC
Trans*/Gender Non-Conforming Advisory
Kedric Brown: Member of the MCC Young
Adult Advisory Council
Marsha Warren: Member of the MCC Governing Board Finance Committee
Rev. DeWayne Davis: Member of the MCC
Public Policy Team and Clergy Wellbeing
Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin: Member of the MCC
Public Policy Team and Leadership Mentoring
Retreat Faculty
Rev. Dr. Renee McCoy: Member of the MCC
Public Policy Team
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Kareem Murphy: Member of the MCC Public
• Rev. Dr. Edgard Danielsen-Morales
Policy Team and Leadership Mentoring Retreat
• Rev. DeWayne Davis
• Rev. Vickey Gibbs
• Rev. Vickey Gibbs: Resource Development for the
• Dr. Imani Woody Macko
Office of Formation and Leadership Development
• Kareem Murphy
• Rev. Carolyn Mobley-Bowie: Member of the
• James Newkirk
MCC Board of Pensions
• Barry Hundley: Co-Coordinator of the Laity Em- MCC Young Adult Leadership Mentoring Retreat
power for Active Discipleship (LEAD) Program Graduates
• Patrice Ford: Member of the MCC Theologies
• Kedric Brown
• Arthur “Will” Carr
• Chocolatte Hatcher Miller
MCC Elected Officials
• Tre’ona Kelty
• Rev. Onetta Brooks: Member of the MCC Gov• Dominique Williams
erning Board
• Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin: Member of the MCC
MCC Representatives to the White House EmergGoverning Board
ing Black LGBT Leaders Roundtable
• Kareem Murphy: Member of the MCC Governing
• Kedric Brown
• Chocolatte Hatcher-Miller
• Tre’ona Kelty
MCC Staff
• Twaun Samuel
• Rev. Elder Darlene Garner: Director of the MCC
• Latishia James
Office of Emerging Ministries
Rev. Vickey Gibbs: Program Coordinator for
Diversity & Inclusion (Office of Emerging Ministries)
Shannon Daniels-Young: Confidential Assistant
(Office of Emerging Ministries)
Rev. Margarita Sanchez de Leon: Program Coordinator for Iberoamerica (Office of Emerging
Ministries) and Academic Dean of the Garner Institute for Leadership Development in Iberoamerica
MCC Network Leaders
• Rev. Cathy Alexander (Eastern US Network)
• Rev. Brendan Boone (Carolinas Network)
• Rev. Elder Darlene Garner (Australasia Network)
MCC Leadership Mentoring Retreat Graduates
• Rev. Cathy Alexander
• Annette Billings
• Rev. Brendan Boone
• Rev. Marilyn Bowens
• Rev. Onetta Brooks
MCC Laity Empowered for Active Discipleship
(LEAD) Program Participants
• Barry Hundley, Co-Coordinator
• Kedric Brown, in process
• Patrice Ford, in process
• Donna Kane, in process
• Delane Maxwell, in process
• Allan McClendon, in process
• Laticia Williams, in process
• Rev. Vickey Gibbs, graduate
MCC Pastors and Pastoral Leaders
• Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin, Academic Dean, Light
University, Sunshine Cathedral MCC
• Rev. Victoria Burson: Pastor of MCC Baltimore
• Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier: Interim Pastor of MCC
Baltimore 2010-2012
• Igor Simoes: Pastoral Leader of ICM Fortaleza
(an emerging church in Brazil)
• Rev. DeWayne Davis: Pastor of All God’s Children MCC
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Rev. Roland Stringfellow: Pastor of MCC Detroit
• Janine X, Interim Pastoral Leader serving in
• Sylvanus X, Interim Pastoral Leader serving in
• Michael X, Interim Pastoral Leader serving in
MCC Clergy Serving in Africa
• Rev. Nokuthula Dhladhla
• Rev. Michael Kimindu
• Rev. Paul Mokgethi
• Rev. Maxwell Master
• Rev. Joseph Nyaisa
MCC Clergy Serving in Iberoamerica
• Rev. Eliana Ferreira Vilela (Brazil)
• Rev. Margarita Sanchez de Leon (Portugal)
MCC Clergy Serving in the United States
• Rev. Catherine (Cathy) Alexander, Ordained
• Rev. Paulette Armstead
• Rev. Bernie Barbour
• Rev. Delores Berry
• Rev. Brendan Boone
• Rev. Marilyn Bowens
• Rev. Adrain Bowie, Ordained 2013
• Rev. Onetta Brooks
• Rev. Dr. Edgard Danielsen-Morales
• Rev. DeWayne Davis, Ordained 2013
• Rev. Andrea Ferguson, Ordained 2013
• Rev. Shayne Flowers
• Rev. Dr. Yvette Flunder
• Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
• Rev. Vickey Gibbs, Ordained 2013
• Rev. Dr. Robert Griffin
• Rev. Barbara Haynes
• Rev. Candy Holmes
• Rev. Jeffrey Jordan Pickett
• Rev. Venson “Phil” Matthews
• Rev. Dr. Renee McCoy
• Rev. Carolyn Mobley-Bowie
• Rev. Tracye Ruffin
Rev. Mykal Slack
Rev. Gale Smith
Rev. Roland Stringfellow
Rev. Doretha Williams-Flournoy
In Care with MCC
• Justimore Musombi
• Lou Robinson
• Gina Durbin
• Norma Fuqua
• Tijuana Gray
• Essie Jackson
• Angela Jones
• Denise Junious
• Clyde McNeal
• Tony Spears
• Vivian Wyatt
• Rev. Victoria Burson
• Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier
Planning Team for the MCC Conference for People
of African Descent, Friends, and Allies
• Rev. Elder Darlene Garner, Convener
• Rev. Candy Holmes, Chair
• Rev. Cathy Alexander
• Rev. Brendan Boone
• Robert Ferguson
• Shay Finlayson
• Sumer Grissom
• Linda Hardy
• Nicole McKinzie
• Valarie Parson
• Rev. Mykal Slack
• Cassandra White
• Shannon Daniels-Young (OEM staff)
• Rev. Vickey Gibbs (OEM staff)
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LGBT Clergy and People of Faith Speak Out
A Photo-Text Exhibit
LOVE MAKES A FAMILY: Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender People & Their Families
PIONEERING VOICES: Portraits of Transgender People
IN OUR FAMILY: Portraits of All Kinds of Families
Bring our traveling photo-text exhibits
to your houses of worship, seminaries,
conferences, and communities.
[email protected]
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 30
“As the Director of the Human Rights
Campaign’s Religion and Faith Program,
I have become increasingly aware of the
significance and power of Family Diversity
Project’s exhibits. We Have Faith is a
unique and powerful exhibit teaching
people about why denominations and
individuals of faith must stop the hatred
and bullying of LGBT people and youth.”
—Sharon Groves, PhD
5/7/2014 11:46:59 AM
Are You Called to Ordained Ministry?
begin the
journey ...
REVM Retreat 10-13 July, 2014
REVM = Readiness for Entering Vocational Ministry
Lancaster Theological Seminary (Pennsylvania). Space is Limited.
Application Deadline 12 May 2014. See website for details.
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 31
5/7/2014 11:46:59 AM
CTS is pleased to support the MCC
and the People of African
Descent Conference
With our leading edge curriculum, innovative
programs, distinguished multicultural faculty,
and vibrant community of diverse students,
CTS strives to equip women and men to become prophetic leaders, scholar activists, and
community organizers.
online courses, including our NEW fully-online
Students may take one course or pursue a
full degree program.
Master of Divinity (M.Div)
Master of Arts (Religious Studies) (M.A.R.S.)
Master of Arts (Religious Leadership) (M.A.R.L.)
Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.)
Doctor of Ministry (D.Min)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 32
5/7/2014 11:47:03 AM
Trans*FAAN Conference 2014
(formerly TransFaith In Color)
AUGUST 29-31, 2014
Charlotte, North Carolina
Join the Trans* community of faith, friends
and allies for our 2014 gathering.
Sponsorships available.
The Freedom Center for Social Justice Programs
LGBTQ Law Center ◘ Trans* Employment Program ◘ Trans*FAAN
[email protected]
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 33
5/7/2014 11:47:05 AM
In 2042
there will be
No majority culture
In the United
2008 US Census
We’re already there.
Do justice.
Love kindness.
Walk humbly.
36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 34
5/7/2014 11:47:06 AM
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The Date Save
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the Date | Save24-27,
The Date
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OUT on the Hill Black LGBT Leadership Summit
Do not miss this amazing opportunity to be among the best
and the brightest of the Black LGBT community. Join us as
we take on the nation’s capital and OWN YOUR POWER!
Five Years of OUT on the Hill | Ten Years of NBJC
If you are interested in attending, please contact NBJC at [email protected].
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 35
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Thursday, May 15, 2014
Evening Worship
Gathering Drums
Giwayen Mata
The People Gather
Rev. Doretha Williams-Flournoy
The People Speak
PAD Dancers
We Are the Ones, We’ve Been Waiting For
Global Call
Song Prayer
Voices of PAD Choir
I Know Where I’ve Been
Welcome and Nia
Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
Director, MCC Office of
Emerging Ministries
Song of Nia
Voices of PAD Choir
Every Praise
Moment of Hospitality
Rev. Candy Holmes
Chair, MCC PAD Conference
Victory through Spoken Word
Ms. Georgia Lacy
A Church 4 Me MCC, Chicago
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience,
and the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world. I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything. The sun came up like gold through the trees, and I felt like I was
in heaven. ~ Harriet Tubman
Introduction of Guest Preacher and Choir
Kedric Brown
Resurrection MCC
Song of Victory
Mighty Men’s Chorus
Victory for the World
Victorious Word
Isaiah 55:11-13 and 2 Corinthians 3:1-3
Rev. Victoria Burson
MCC Baltimore
Awesome God
Mighty Men’s Chorus
Victory for the World
Song of Inspiration
Life Changing Message
Rev. Dr. Kenneth L. Samuel
Pastor, Victory for the World
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Praising Together
Mighty Men’s Chorus & Voices of PAD Choir
Giving in Gratitude
Awesome God reprise
Rev. Candy Holmes
MCC Washington DC
Blessing of the Gifts and Closing Reflection
Pause in this moment
• Realize that we are each on a spiritual journey, connected with community near and far.
• Know that everything must change, nothing stays the same, everyone must change, no one stays the same
• Take a moment to breathe, to feel, to soak in all that has happened in the sacred space on this night.
• The young become the old, mysteries do unfold, that's the way of time, nothing and no one goes unchanged.
• Go from this holy place, connected to the land of the diaspora journey.
• Raise your beads which have been fired from the sands of South Africa and remember your journey across the land, across the
sea and through time. Receive your blessing which is your birthright.
• Connect with each other over these few days in body, mind, spirit and strength.
We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For
Sweet Honey in the Rock
and the PAD Dancers
Congratulations to those from MCCDC who are being
recognized at the 8th People of African Descent Conference.
May God continue to bless you and your work.
Les Henderson
Donna Payne
Tre'ona Kelty
James Newkirk
Chocolatte Hatcher Miller
Twaun Samuel
Dr. Imani Woody Macko
Rev. Elder Darlene Garner
Rev. Candy Holmes
Rev. Dr. Y'Lon Dozier
Rev. Cathy Alexander
Former members
Kareem Murphy
Rev. DeWayne Davis
MCCDC; 474 Ridge St. NW; Washington, DC, 20001
Visit us at www.mccdc.com
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Final 2.indd 37
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Friday, May 16, 2014
Morning Praise
Call of the Wind
Wind Dancers
Global Call
Gathering Together
Barry Hundley
First MCC of Atlanta
Worship Leader
The People Gather
Devotion In Motion
Resurrection MCC
Every Moment
Prayer and In Spirited Word
Rev. Adrain Mobley - Bowie
MCC Richmond
Inspired Word
2 Corinthians 3:1-6
Annette Beall
Resurrection MCC
Introduction of Speaker
Rev. Bernard Barbour
MCC Amarillo
Lane Changing Message
Rev. Carolyn Mobley - Bowie
MCC Richmond
Good Changes
Opportunity to Give Back
In Spirited Song
Wind Upon the Waters
Voices of PAD Choir and
Sending Forth
Rev. Johnna Faber
Resurrection MCC
• Take time today ... In what ways is God’s interaction with your life like the wind? When is it a breeze, when a gale?
• Pause to pray … Ask God for the strength to let go - pride, fear, worry, anger or other burdens - and pray, ’breathe on me
breath of God’.
• Make time today … Where might the wind of God’s Spirit blow you today? Be a breath of fresh air!
• What change might the wind or breath of God be blowing your way? What good change do you want to make in your life?
Sending Music
Ziggy Marley
Blowing in the Wind
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Friday, May 16, 2014
Evening Worship
Global Call
Gathering Together
Rev. Roland Stringfellow
MCC Detroit
The People Gather
Voices of PAD Choir
Rev. Onetta Brooks
MCC Governing Board
Moment of Hospitality
Rev. Candy Holmes
Chair, MCC PAD Conference
Song of Trust
Voices of PAD Choir
Break Every Chain
A Word that Revives
Isaiah 64:1-4
Song of Invocation
10,000 Reasons
Introduction of Guest Preacher
Tammy Powers
Resurrection MCC
Voices of PAD Choir
and Ministry in Motion
Rev. Cedric Harmon
Many Voices, Washington, DC
Song of Preparation
Voices of PAD Choir
God Meant It for My Good
A Reviving Message
Bishop Tonyia Rawls
Sacred Souls Community Church
Call to Generosity
Voices of PAD Choir
Undignified Praise
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Obrigado Senhor
Obrigado Senhor, alleluia
Obrigado Senhor, alleluia
Obrigado Senhor, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
We are thankful O Lord, alleluia
We are thankful O Lord, alleluia
We are thankful O Lord, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Velma Garcia, Rev. DeWayne Davis, and Damita Boyd
Songs of Communion
Voices of PAD Choir
Beyond the Veil
Santo, Santo, Santo
Closing Prayer and Sending Forth
Robert Ferguson
Life Journey MCC
As you leave from this place, you will be given a “light giver”…a reminder that even though you may not at once experience the
flame within; the light of Christ, through the awesome power of the Holy Spirit, will help you kindle it, even in the midst of darkness.
• Take time in this moment to connect with the embers that smolder within you.
• Identify the places where you feel separated from God.
• Ask what it is that rending and shaking you up?
• For yourself.
• For those who journey with you.
• Ask God to draw near.
• Make time today …
• Look for the places God is moving and shaking things up in your life.
• Notice what is kindling and what is boiling.
• Fan the flames of the Spirit to light the journey.
This Little Light of Mine
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Saturday, May 17, 2014
Morning Praise
Gathering Together
Will Carr
Resurrection MCC
The People Gather
Voices of PAD Choir
A Change ‘Gonna Come
Global Call
Prayer Form
Rev. Dr. Y’Lon Dozier
MCC of Washington D.C.
The Word That Changes People and Things
2 Corinthians 3:12-15
Rev. Dr. William Knight
Open Arms MCC
Introduction of Speaker
Less Henderson
MCC of Washington D.C.
A Word For the People
Rev. Mykal Slack
4LYFE Ministries
Opportunity to Give
Nancy Maxwell
MCC Topeka
The People Sing
Water Flowing from the Mountains (Living Water)
Water flowing from the mountains. Water flowing o’er the earth.
Water comes to us, so precious. Living water gives us birth.
Drink deep this source of life. Drink deep and know.
For living water sings, and living water brings the love that makes our spirit grow.
Water rushing down the rivers. Water rushing to the sea.
Water comes to us, so precious. Living water makes us free.
Drink deep this source of life. Drink deep and know.
For living water sings, and living water brings the love that makes our spirit grow.
Water springing from the dry place. Water springing in the sun.
Water comes to us, so precious. Living water for each one.
Drink deep this source of life. Drink deep and know.
For living water sings, and living water brings the love that makes our spirit grow.
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Sending Forth
Rev. Andrea Ferguson
Resurrection MCC
• Draw from the well of wisdom.
• Dip your cup in the font of love.
• Drink deep the truth that crosses centuries, you are enough.
Asking what needs refreshing in my life?
Where and what can I pour myself into?
Share in the adventure that God is calling you into today.
Take the risk of be the refreshment your family, your church, your city, your world and your soul needs.
Only through seeking can you find what you quest
Water Flowing From the Mountains reprise
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A Celebration of Change in Word and Song
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Global Call
Call to Realization
Everything Must Change
Song of Change
Tye West
Resurrection MCC
Voices of PAD Choir
I Won’t Go Back
Affirmation of Change
Rev. Candy Holmes
Celebration of Change
Voices of PAD Choir
Total Praise
Introduction of Featured Word and Song Artists
Rev. David North
Holy Redeemer MCC
Song Artist
Bishop Yvette Flunder
Presiding Bishop, Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
Thank You
Souled Out
Word Artist
Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson
Moderator, Metropolitan Community Churches
Seasons of Change: Dare to Dream Your Dream
Song Artist
Bishop Yvette Flunder
Everything Must Change
Word Artist
Danielle D’zel McAllen
MCC Baltimore
Opportunity to Give
Rev. David North
Voices of PAD Choir
One in the Mirror
Let’s Finish This
Voices of PAD Choir
Released to Be the Change
Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson
Song of Sending Forth
Voices of PAD Choir
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Music Copyright Information
I Know Where I’ve Been
Composer(s) Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman © 2002
Beyond the Veil
Composer(s) Darrell Coley © 2009
Every Praise
Composer(s) J.David Bratton and Hezekiah Walker © 2008
Santo, Santo, Santo (Holy, Holy, Holy)
Public Domain Music Arr. © 1998 Hope Publishing Company
Awesome God
Composer(s) Chester D. T. Baldwin © 2009
This Little Light of Mine
Composer(s) Harry D. Loes Public Domain
We Are The Ones, We’ve Been Waiting For
Composer(s) Sweet Honey In The Rock © 1998
A Change is Gonna Come
Composer(s) Sam Cooke © 1964
Every Moment
Composer(s) Forever Jones © 2012
Water Flowing From The Mountains (Living Water)
Composer(s) Jim Hanna © 2003
Wind Upon The Waters
Composer(s) Marty Haugen © 1986
Everything Must Change
Composer(s) Benard Ighner © 1974
We Are Standing on Holy Ground
Composer(s) Geron La Ray Davis © 1988
I Won’t Go Back
Composer(s) William McDowell © 2011
YRM (Your Righteous Mind)
Composer(s) Donald Lawrence © 2011
Total Praise
Composer(s) Richard Smallwood © 1996
Break Every Chain
Composer(s) Tasha Cobbs © 2013
Composer(s) Donald Lawrence © 2013
Same Love Remix
Remix Words by Angel Haze © 2013
Original Words and Music by Mary Lambert, Ben Haggerty and Ryan Lewis ©
Man in the Mirror
Composer(s) Michael Jackson © 1987
Composer(s) Donald Lawrence © 2011
10,000 Reasons
Composer(s) Matt Redman © 2012
Composer(s) Donald Lawrence © 2011
God Meant It For My Good
Composer(s) Damian Price © 2009
Souled Out
Composer(s) Hezekiah Walker © 2008
Composer(s) Stephen Hurd © 2010
Thank You
Composer(s) Walter Hawkins © 2010
Obrigado Senhor
Composer(s) Worship Chorus, Mozambique © 2008
CCLI # 21198
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The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry’s
African-American Roundtable is pleased to host the return of
Come for Scholarship
Come for the Praise
Come for the Inspiration!
Date: August 8-10, 2014
Location: Cleveland, Ohio / Mt. Zion Congregational
Church UCC & Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel
Registration: www.soulsafire.eventbright.com
Rates: $125 Early Bird before 3/15, $175 Regular before 5/8,
$200 On-Site, $75 Student and Seniors 65 +
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Cover.indd 3
5/2/2014 3:05:40 PM
We believe that no one should have to choose
between who they are, who they love and what
they believe. Visit us at HRC.org/religion to learn
more about our work with communities of faith.
2014 PAD Conference Program Book Cover.indd 4
5/2/2014 3:05:44 PM