Mineralogy and geochemistry of Eocene intrusive rocks and their
Mineralogy and geochemistry of Eocene intrusive rocks and their
American Mineralogist, Volume 76, pages 1306-1318, I99I Mineralogy and geochemistryof Eoceneintrusive rocks and their enclaves, El Paso area, Texas and New Mexico Cu,vrN G. B.q.RNns,SusnN E. ENsnN,c.rt Department of Geosciences,Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, U.S.A. Jlvrrs D. Hoovnn WestinghouseHanford Company, Richland, Washington 99352, U.S.A. Ansrru,cr Trans-Pecosmagmatism in the El Paso, Texas, area was characterizedby numerous shallow trachyandesiticintrusions of Eoceneage.Cognateenclavesin the intrusions consist of monzodiorite and porphyritic trachyandesite.The compositions of these enclavesindicate that they are cumulates formed near the margins of a crustal (possibly midcrustal) magma chamber. The mineral assemblagesof the trachyandesitic and monzodioritic enclaves (tschermakitic amphibole + biotite + oxides + plagioclase + titanite + quartz) constrain preemplacementtemperature to less than 850 "C and .fo, to I or 2 log units above NNO. HrO contents were probably in the range of 3.0 to 3.5 wto/oand the confining pressureof the crustal chamber as much as 5.5 kbar (basedon Al content of amphibole). Xenolithic enclavesinclude dioritic and anorthositic compositions. These are interpreted to be the wall rocks of the crustal chamber and are probably Precambrian in age.Incompatible element contents of the trachyandesiticmagmas are interpreted to be the product of fractional crystallization of a subduction-relatedbasaltic magma. Disequilibrium among phenocrystsin the trachyandesitic magmas and local enrichment of compatible elements can be explained by minor contamination by anorthositic and dioritic xenoliths. INrnooucrrou Eocenehypabyssalintrusive rocks that crop out in the vicinity of El Paso, Texas, represent some of the oldest magmatic activity in the Trans-Pecosprovince (Hoover et al., 1988). These intrusions consist of porphyritic trachyandesite(classificationofk Bas et al., 1986) that is considerablymore uniform in major and trace element compositions than other igneous suites in the province (e.g.,Nelson et al., 1987; Henry and Price, 1986).Many ofthe intrusions contain enclaves(terminology of Didier, 1913) that range from trachyandesite nearly identical to the host rocks, through monzodiorite and diorite to anorthosite. We present a description of the mineralogy of the intrusions and their enclaves.Thesedata serveas indicators of the magmatic temperature and fo, the degree of magma and enclaveinteraction, and in some cases,the depth of enclave crystallization. In addition, new major and trace element analysesof the samplesprovide constraints on the compositions of possible sourceregions. Surrlrlny oF FrELD RELATToNS The intrusions crop out in a north-trending belt l0 km wide that extends from northern Chihuahua, Mexico, to north of El Paso, Texas (Fig. 1). They were emplaced in * Present address: 1604 W. Dallas St.. Artesia. New Mexico 8 8 2 1 0U , .S.A. 0003-004x/9l /0708-I 306$02.00 Lower Cretaceous sedimentary strata (Lovejoy, 1976; Hoover et al., 1988;Hoffer, 1970;Garcia,1970;Chavez, 1986;Ensenat,1989)during Eocenetime (-47 Ma, three K-Ar dateson biotite; Hoover et al., 1988;Hoffer, 1970). In the southern part ofthe area,trachyandesitecrops out as dikes and sills in the Sierra de Sapello and Sierra de Juarezranges(Fig. l; Hoover et al., I 988; Chavez, I 986). The central part of the area contains the largest intrusions; these include the thick (> 100 m) sill-like Campus andesite (Hoffer, 1970) and smaller related bodies and the Sierra de Cristo Rey intrusion (Lovejoy, 1976; Ensenat, 1989).The Cristo Rey intrusion was interpreted to be a laccolith by Lovejoy (1976), but detailed study of enclavedistributions within the pluton suggestsa pluglike morphology (Ensenat, 1989; see below). A rhyolitic sill that crops out south and southwestof Cristo Rey (Fig. 2) dips radially away from Cristo Rey, indicating that it was domed by later intrusion of the Cristo Rey magma. The northern intrusions (herein referred to as the Three Sisters, Coronado, and Thunderbird sills; seeFig. l) are also sill-like. The magmasrose through a thick Precambrian section overlain by Paleozoicsedimentaryrocks (principally carbonate). The upper part of the Precambrian section is exposedin adjacent fault blocks of the Franklin Mountains. It consistsof siliciclastic and calc-silicaterocks and basaltic breccia overlain by weakly metamorphosedtrachytic to rhyolitic lavas and ash-flow tuffs (Harbour, 1960, l 306 BARNES ET AL.:INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES 1307 :'I ) =, = '.. -!oi 1.- I I I rHRl NEW MEXICO .rz1 i t'2U.:I coR \ r5 5tt qq 1.0 10.---.. t r.o " s.i'' .*,i: = ta[a I \ \i! if ." '... j ., a. ir,,,s t5 t0 TEXAS : uF '. I.5 tu NEWMEXICO 4., -- -J'ii*;1"" C H I HU A H U A 6.5 55 s.s''u\ 6.5 10.0 ro.o 6.0 \ 6)- / ^\-/ 50 MEDIAN ENCLAVE slzE (cM) ,'-' (!, CIUDAD JUAREZ .,, u./,,_ .S1..u",",,,.",,,,,,,... TBACIIYANDESITE ;;r;';,.gp,I .ii '. F:I::::-Il rJ l.:.1:1.:r. RHYOLITE JUAREZ'r. Fig.2. Simplified geologicmap of Sierrade Cristo Rey showing median diameter of monzodioritic enclaves and outcrop pattern of older rhyolitic sitl. After Ensenat (1989) and Lovejoy (r976). NEW MEXICO The remaining enclave types are anorthositic and dioritic in composition. They are angular and are typically in sharp contact with trachyandesitic host rocks, but some \TE XAS '',',:i occur as enclavesin monzodioritic enclaves. Anorthositic enclavesrange up to 22 cm in diameter C H I H U A H U A EE-I lokn 0 5 and are the most abundant ofthe angular enclaves.They Fig. 1. Locationmap.NorthemsillsareThreeSisters(THR), are weakly foliated to massive and rangein composition Coronado(COR),and Thunderbird(TBD). Centralintrusions from anorthosite to anorthositic gabbro and rarely gabareSierrade CristoRey(CR),Campusandesite(CA),and Uni- bro. They are present in all of the northern and central versityPlaza(not shown)justnortheastofCA. Southernintru- intrusions and are particularly abundant in the Cristo Rey, sionscrop out in Sierrade Juarezand Sierrade Sapello.Inset Three Sisters,and Coronado bodies. They are absent in showslocationof KilbourneHoleandPotrillomaar.After Hoo- the southern intrusions. Clots of coarse-to very coarseveret al.(1988). grained amphibole (l-5 cm in diameter) in the Cristo Rey and Three Sisters intrusions are interpreted to be from mafic zones or layers of the anorthositic enclaves. Angular dioritic enclaves range from fine to coarse 1972; Thomann, 1980). Alkali granites intruded all of these rocks at approximately l.l Ga (Shannon, 1989; grained. In rare cases,host trachyandesiteappearsto be Shannon and Barnes, 1989; Wasserburg et al., 1962; chilled against the diorite. Dioritic enclavesare particularly abundant in the Coronado and Three SistersintruCopeland and Borvring, 1988). sions, where they range from l0 cm to lessthan I cm in Enclaves diameter. Petrographicallyidentical diorite occursas thin A variety ofenclaves occur in the central and northern dikes cutting anorthositic enclaves. intrusions. They rangein diameter from lessthan 0.5 cm Ensenat (1989) interpreted the monzodiorite and rare to at least 1.2 m, with median diameters lessthan 10 cm. trachyandesitic enclaves to be cognate (i.e., genetically Rounded, spherical to oblate, medium-grained monzo- related to the host trachyandesitic magma) on the basis diorite and quartz monzodiorite (Ensenat, 1989) is the of the lack of chilled host rock at contacts with these most common enclave type, particularly in the Cristo Rey enclavesand the rounded nature ofthe enclaves.Anorand Campus andesiteintrusions (Fig.2; Ensenat, 1989). thositic and dioritic enclaves(and amphibole clots) were This is the only enclave type with diameters larger than interpreted to be xenoliths on the basis of their angular 22 cm. Some have thin (<5 mm) rims of biotite. Por- (broken) shapesand becausethe host trachyandesiteis phyritic trachyandesite forms a second but very sparse locally very fine grained against these enclaves. Xenoliths of the host Cretaceoussedimentaryrocks are type ofrounded, oblate enclave. These enclavescontain fewer phenocrysts than the host trachyandesite and were rare. They consist offine-grained hornfels and skarn, and recognizedonly in the Cristo Rey intrusion. they only occur near pluton maryins. SAPELLO )1"""",. -'":jj=&d l 308 BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES TABLE1. Summary of locations and petrographic features Mineral assemblage Average Maximum abundimension dance (mm) (vol%) Notes ter the shape and style of intrusion of the Cristo Rey body. Only monzodioritic and anorthositic enclaveswere abundant enough (40-400 enclavesper site) to yield useful population data. For theseequidimensionalto slightly oblate enclave types, the median length of the long axis decreasesfrom the margin to the central part of the pluton. Enclaves with the smallest diameters occur northwest of the center of the pluton (Fig. 2). Inward decrease of enclave size is consistent with intrusion as a diapir (e.g., Castro, 1987) with in situ ballooning toward the southeast.Diapiric emplacementfollowed by ballooning is also consistent with steeply dipping flow foliation and banding. Trachyandesitic host rocks Phenocrysts Fine-grainedintergranularto Calcic amphibole 5 12 subtrachyticgroundmass. Biotite 3 2 Ca amph ranges from Plagioclase 3 28 equant to elongate (Uw : Quartz <1 1 14). Resorbedcores in Groundmass 56 northern intrusions.Accessory Fe-Ti oxides, apatite, zircon. Porphyritic trachyandesitic enclaves Phenocrysts In Cristo Rev intrusron. Calcic amphibole 3 15 Rounded,oblate shape. Pnrnocru.prrv g Biotite 2 Fine_grainedintergranular Pfagioclase Detailed petrographic descriptions are presented in 2 17 groundmass.Ca amph Groundmass 65 typicaily elongate (l/w : Hoover et al. (1988),Ensenat(1989),Garcia (1970),and 9). Accessory Fe-Ti oxHoffer (1970). The main petrographic features are sumides, apatite, zircon. Accessory apatite and zircon marized in Table l. typically etongate(l/w : The trachyandesitichost rocks contain phenocrystsof 20); apatite commonly tschermakitic amphibole, biotite, plagioclase,and quartz hollow; rare acicular apatite and zircon. with microphenocrystsof apatite, ilmenite, altered magMonzodioriticenclaves netite, and rare zircon. The groundmass consists of inCalcic amphibole 5 In central and northern intsiotite 5 trusions.Rounded,oblate, tergranular to subtrachytic arrangementsof plagioclase, Plagioclase 3 lack cuspate margins. alkali feldspar, quartz, biotite, oxide minerals, and zirSanidine 1 Medium-grainedhypidicon. In the Three Sisterssill, amphibole and clinopyroxQuartz 1 omorphic granular ave. grain size 1.5 mm. Ca ene are rare groundmass phases. Porphyritic trachyanamph ranges from equant desite enclavesare similar to the host rocks (Table l). to elongate (l/w : 14). AcThe rhyolitic sill at Cristo Rey consists of very finecessory Fe-Ti oxides, apatite, zircon, titanite. Congrained quartz and altered feldspars. No mafic minerals tains 0.5 mm stubby are present in this rock becauseof the effectsof weathapatite and acicular apaering and hydrothermal(?) alteration. tite to 1.2 mm. Anorthositic xenoliths Monzodioritic enclaves are medium-grained hypidiCalcicamphibole 10 In Three Sisters, Coronado, granular (averagegrain size - I mm) and conomorphic Clinopyroxene 5 Cristo Rey, and Campus Plagioclase > 100 Andesite intrusions. sist ofblocky plagioclaseand sanidine,equant to elongate ffmenite 2 Sharp, angular contacts subhedral tschermakitic amphibole, subhedral biotite, and with host. Highly variable modal proportions. Acces- anhedral qtarlz, and rars clinopyroxene (Table l). Plasory titanite. Commonly gioclase-richmonzodioritic samplescontain fine-grained deformed. interstitial material similar to the groundmassof the host Dioritic xenoliths Calcicamphibole trachyandesite.K-rich members of this group contain re2 In Three Sisters, Coronado. Biotite 0.5 Cristo Rey, and Campus sorbed plagioclase replaced by sanidine, indicative of Plagioclase 2 Andesite intrusions; as low-Z reaction of plagioclasewith rrcsidualfelsic liquid rare dikes in anorthositic (e.g.,Carmichaelet al., 1974;Nekvasil,1990).Interstitial xenoliths.Sharp,angular contacts. Variable modal orthoclase and granophyre are locally present in these proportions and grain size samples. (fine to medium).Foliated to massive. Accessory Anorthositic xenoliths consist of varying proportions Fe-Ti oxides, acicular aoaof sutured plagioclase(-Anor, with bent or broken twin tite. Enclave distribution in the Cristo Rey intrusion Lovejoy (1976) interpreted the Cristo Rey intrusion to be a laccolith. However, faint flow foliation and flow banding in the intrusion are steeply dipping or vertical. This orientation is not compatible with laccolithic style of intrusion (Corry, 1988). The distribution and size of enclaveswere measuredin an attempt to understandbet- lamellae) and interstitial tschermakitic amphibole, clinopyroxene, and ilmenite. Trails of clinopyroxene mark healed fractures in plagioclasegrains in some samples. These textures are typical of high-temperatureprotoclastic deformation and recrystallization. The effectsof immersion of anorthositic xenoliths in host trachyandesite are locally apparentas intergranular growth ofbiotite and amphibole, as titanite rims on ilmenite, and at enclave margins, as rims of plagioclasetypical of the host (-Anr,) around plagioclasetypical of the anorthosite (-Anor). BARNES ET AL.:INTRUSIVE analyses Tlaue3. Clinopyroxene TmLe2. Summary of plagioclase compositions Enclaveplag comp. (4n74 Sample Enclave type Range" Host plag comp. (An%) Zoning Range' Zoning Cerro de Cristo Rey CRSTR4 CR79B CR2B CR81EN CRsE CRTF THR3 THRs THRT THR17 C5 co18 co21 co22 diorite diorite porph.tr. anorthosite 35-24 42--38 23 (ave) 41-36 Three Sisters anorthosite 44 (ave) anorthosite 41 (ave) anorthosite 48 (ave) anorthosite 47 (ave) anorthosite 53 (ave) Coronado anorthosite 43-19 anorthosite , 33-28 41-23 N N 35-28 N 48-31 36-28 R N 31-28 37-26 N N 29-1I N 36-26 n N N sio, Tio, Al203 FeO MnO Mgo CaO Naro Total co20 co20 cpxl cpxS 52.2 0.29 1.32 7.53 0.43 13.8 23.1 0.54 99.28 THR17 cpxl THR17 cpx2 Oxide wtc6 529 51.3 0.18 0.85 9.09 0.64 13.0 23.0 0.59 100.16 0.59 2.13 10.6 0.39 12.8 21.6 0.48 99.83 51.7 0.48 2.09 10.3 0.32 12.8 21.7 0.47 99.89 Cations per six O atomg 48 (ave) large xtal 39-49, small xtal University Plaza UNIPA l 309 ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES Si Ti AI Fe Mn Mg Ca Na Sum 1.960 0.008 0.058 o.237 0.014 0.775 0.931 0.039 4.022 1.981 0,005 0.038 0.285 0.020 0.724 0.921 0.043 4.017 1.934 0.017 0.095 0.334 0.012 o.717 0.874 0.035 4.019 1.945 0.014 0.093 0.325 0.010 0.718 o.874 0.034 4.013 Sierra de Juarez SDJl Note.'Zoning classifiedas normal (N), reversed(R). Amphibole Most amphiboles are tschermakite or tschermakitic hornblende (Table 4; Fig. 3A). Structural formulas (calAN,ql,YTrcAL METHoDs culated according to the algorithm of Spear and Kimball, Mineral compositions were determined with a JEOL 1984) indicate that the Fe3t content of these amphiboles JXA-733 electron microprobe at Southern Methodist is low. An excellentcorrelation exists among rotAland the University, using natural and synthetic standards and a sum of A-site cations,t6lAl,Fe3+,and (2 x Ti) (not shown). modified Bence-Albeedata reduction scheme.Whole-rock This indicates that cation substitution is dominated by major element and Rb contents were determined by the Tschermak component. No correlation is presentbeatomic absorption spectroscopyat Texas Tech. The re- tween talAland the acmite component (sum of A-site catmaining trace elements were analyzed by INAA at the ions minus IM4lNa). University of Texas at El Paso (seeHoover et al., 1988, Two broad goups of amphibole compositions can be for analytical procedure). distinguished (Fig. 3). The first group has Mg/(Mg + Fe) greaterthan 0.6 and Na/(Na + K) greaterthan 0.78, and MrNnnu,ocv it consists of amphibole phenocrystsfrom the trachyanPlagioclase desitic host rocks and amphiboles from monzodioritic Phenocrystsin the trachyandesitetypically display os- enclaves. In detail, phenocrysts from the Three Sisters cillatory-normal zoning in the rangeAno,-An,, (Table 2); sill are distinctly bimodal and plot in discrete groups, however, most crystalsrange from Anr. to Anrr. Reverse whereas samples from the Coronado sill plot in a broad zoning is common only in plagioclasefrom the Three zone (Fig. 3A). Amphiboles from Cristo Rey and most Sisters sill (Anr,-Anor). Plagioclasefrom monzodioritic amphiboles from the Three Sisters trachyandesite display enclavesand dioritic xenoliths are Anrr-Anro; however, good correlation between M/(Mg + Fe) and Si per forindividual crystals lack appreciable zoning. mula unit (Fig. 3A). Plagioclasein anorthositic xenoliths is unzoned or norThe second amphibole group has Mg/(Mg * Fe) less mally zoned. Compositions range from An' to An,n but than 0.6 and Na/(Na + K) lessthan 0.78 (owing to larger are typically )Anoo. Anorthite contentslessthan Anooare K contents). This group consistsof amphibole from angenerally from crystals at or near the contact between the orthositic xenoliths and encompassesthe compositions anorthositic enclave and the host. of amphiboles from some dioritic xenoliths, a porphyritic trachyandesiteenclave, and some of the amphibole pheClinopyroxene nocrysts in the Three Sistersand Coronodo sills. Clinopyroxene in anorthositic xenoliths from Three Rims of actinolitic hornblende are present in some Sistersand Coronado are salitic to diopsidic. The pyrox- monzodioritic and dioritic enclaves(Fig. 3A). Theserims enes are Al and Na poor, with less than 0.1 and 0.05 are interpreted to represent subsolidus or near solidus cations per formula unit, respectively(Table 3). $owth during slow cooling. l310 BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES TABLE 4. Representativeamphibolecompositions Phenocrystsfrom trachyandesite Sample sio, Al,o3 FeO Mgo Tio, MnO BaO CaO Naro KrO cl F Total Si AI FE M9 Ti Mn Ba Ca Na K cl F Total Mg/(Mg + Fe) CR79b core CRSTR4 rim CRSTR4 mantle 42.3 12.0 9.36 15.3 1.87 0.09 0.07 14.0 2.61 0.74 o.o2 0.13 98.43 42.9 11.8 8.78 16.0 2.57 0.12 0.06 11.8 2.48 0.75 0.00 0.31 97.56 42.4 12.4 10.8 13.8 2.37 0.10 0.10 11.6 2.50 0.86 0.05 0.06 97.1 6 6:t72 2.066 1.143 3.332 0.205 0.011 0.004 2.186 0.739 0.138 0.005 0.060 16.061 74.5 6.257 2.026 1.070 3.470 0.282 0.015 0.003 1.834 0.701 0.139 0.000 0.143 15.940 76.4 6.267 2.160 1.333 3.046 0.263 0.013 0.006 1.842 0 716 0.162 0.013 0.028 1s.849 69.6 CO21 manfle THR17 rim Oxidewtc6 42.6 43.1 12.0 13.0 11 . 1 8.94 13.1 14.9 2.85 2.80 0.23 0.10 0.05 0.06 1 1. 4 11.4 2.66 2.69 0.76 0.75 0.04 0.02 0.34 0.53 97.03 98.26 Cationsper 23 O aloms 6.298 6.222 2.086 2.209 1.375 1.080 2.892 3.208 0.317 0.304 0.029 0.012 0.003 0.003 1.803 1.762 0.763 0.753 0.144 0.138 0.010 0.005 0.159 0.242 15.880 15.939 67.8 74.8 Porph. THR17 rim c5 c5 core core 40.3 15.0 13.9 10.8 2.41 0.21 0.05 10.8 2.66 1.O2 0.10 0.26 97.55 44.9 10.5 8.82 15.7 2.51 0.14 0.04 10.9 2.47 0.83 0.04 0.20 97.1 6.014 2.648 '1.741 2.402 o.271 0.027 0.003 1.730 0.770 0.194 0.025 0.123 15.948 58.0 6.532 1.804 1.073 3.405 0.275 0.017 0.002 1.706 0.697 0.154 0.010 0.092 15.767 76.0 CRse core CRSe nm 42.9 '12.1 10.3 14.3 2.66 0.2',1 0.07 11. 5 2.65 0.98 0.04 0.09 97.84 42.2 11.9 12.8 12.8 1.43 0.42 0.07 11.1 2.42 1.16 0.06 0.39 96.75 40.1 13.8 13.5 11.4 2.06 0.23 0.07 11.5 2.57 0.79 0.07 0.09 96.19 6.286 2.092 1.266 3.118 0.293 0.026 0.004 1.798 0.752 0.183 0.010 0.042 15.869 71.1 6.331 2.101 1.607 2.860 0.161 0.053 0.004 1.777 0.704 0.222 0.01 5 0.185 16.020 64.0 6.083 2.468 1.707 2.577 0.235 0.030 0.004 1.859 0.755 0.153 0.018 0.043 15.932 60.2 /Vote:Porph. is porphyritictrachyandesiteenclave,gb. anorth. is gabbroic anorthosite enclave. Biotite Most biotite crystals were nonstoichiometric due to loss of K. The stoichiometric analyses(Table 5) indicate that biotite Me/Mg * Fe) rangesfrom 0.56 to 0.64 and avTABLE 5. Biotitecompositions co18 sio, Tio, Alro3 FeO MnO Mgo CaO BaO Naro KrO cl F Total si Ti AI FE Mn Mg Ca Ba Na K F Total 36.0 4.35 14.6 16.2 0.23 13.9 0.01 0.91 0.50 8.39 0.09 0.22 95.32 5.465 0.495 2.603 2.060 0.026 3.134 0.000 0.053 0.147 1.623 0.022 0.102 15.729 co21 CO22 Oride wtc6 36.5 35.7 36.3 4.24 4.00 3.54 14.8 15.6 15.8 14.5 15.6 15.4 0.18 0.22 0.18 14.6 13.3 13.5 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.97 0 73 1.05 0.79 0.65 0.89 8.31 8.29 8.23 0.08 0.09 0.06 0.13 0.00 0.12 95.14 94.15 94.97 Cationsper 22 O atoms 5.502 5.446 5.485 0.477 0.456 0.399 2.625 2.801 2.818 1.816 1.982 1.939 0.022 0.026 0.022 3.279 3.021 3.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.053 0.040 0.062 0.229 0.188 0.262 1.595 1.611 8.230 0.018 0.018 0.060 0.062 0.000 0.120 15.677 15.589 15.669 36.3 3.33 15.9 13.6 0.20 15.0 0.14 1.02 0.51 8.16 0.07 0.32 94.51 5.472 0.376 2.818 1.716 o.o22 3.357 0.022 0.057 0.146 1.566 0.013 0.150 15.716 erages0.60. Ba contents are relatively large (up to 1.5 wto,6BaO), and F and Cl contents are negligible. Gnocrrnnrrsrny The trachyandesitic intrusions are, in general, typical of high-K calc-alkaline magmas (Table 6; Gill and Whelan, 1989), although a few samples are potassic enough to plot in the extensionof the low-K shoshonitefield (Fig. 4). With the exception of the Cristo Rey rhyolite, the intrusive suite and cognateenclavesdisplay a relatively small range of SiO, contents (Fig. 5). They are AlrO, rich (Fig. 5C), as is t1'pical of calc-alkaline suites. In plots of SiO, vs. TiOr, MgO, and NarO, the compositions of most dioritic and anorthositic xenoliths do not plot on the trend defined by the trachyandesiteand cognateenclaves(Fig. )). Trace element compositions (Table 7; Figs. 6-8; also see Hoover et al., 1988) are characterizedby the relatively high concentrations of Sr, Ba, Rb, and LREE and low concentrations of Y, Nb, and Ta that are tlpical of high-K calc-alkaline suites (e.g.,Gill, 198l). The Ba content of anorthositic and dioritic xenoliths is much lower than that of the trachyandesitic host and the cogrrate monzodioritic enclaves(Fig. 6). The two groups also plot on distinct trends. In the Sr-Ba plot, two dioritic samples plot with the trachyandesitic rocks; these diorites (samples CR2B and CRMA) are the samplesthat contain amphibole similar to amphibole phenocrystsin the trachyandesite. l3l I BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES TABLE4-Continued Diorite Monzodiorite cR69 mantle cR69 nm cR49 core CR49 mantle cR2b nm 42.6 11.5 8.51 16.1 2.16 0.11 0.07 10.6 2.61 0.86 0.02 0.00 96.15 41.5 13.1 12.2 '13.2 2.52 0.17 0.04 11. 1 2.64 0.78 0.02 0.26 97.43 39.8 14.8 12.7 1 1. 7 2.41 0.18 0.07 10.7 2.67 1 . 11 0.05 0.25 96.46 40.9 14.1 10.7 13.0 2.48 0 . 11 0.11 11.1 2.71 1.09 0.03 0.30 96.64 48.5 5.59 11.2 15.3 1.71 0.40 0.03 11.5 1.59 0.52 0.12 0.36 96.77 6.414 1.987 1.046 3.531 0.239 0.014 0.004 1.665 0.744 0.161 0.00s 0.000 15.809 77.1 6.145 2.280 1.516 2.914 0.281 0.021 0.002 1.758 0.759 0.148 0.005 0.122 15.951 65.8 5.988 2.632 1.598 2.621 0.273 0.023 0.004 1.723 0.779 0.213 0.013 0.119 15.985 62j 6.082 2.473 1.335 2.879 0.277 0.014 0.006 1.769 0.781 0.207 0.008 0.141 15.973 68.3 Anorthosite Gb. anorth. cR2b mantle cR81 core cR81 mantle cRTt mantle cRTf nm CRTf @re THR17 core 39.5 14.3 17.6 8.50 1.63 0.33 0.07 11.2 2.16 1.27 0.09 0.18 96.82 44.1 9.40 16.0 11.1 1.11 0.54 0.00 11.3 1.91 0.87 0.07 0.03 96.34 43.3 10.1 17.2 10.2 1.43 0.43 0.00 10.2 2.08 0.96 0.08 0.34 96.21 42.5 10.6 16.0 10.8 1.59 0.45 0.07 10.3 2.O7 1.08 0.09 0.16 95.74 41.6 11.9 14.8 1 1. 1 2.77 0.16 0.08 11.6 2.23 1.45 0.29 0.00 97.54 6.070 2.s93 2.255 1.946 0.188 0.043 0.004 1.845 0.643 0.249 0.023 0.087 15.947 46.3 6.705 1.683 2.026 2.501 0.127 0.069 0.000 1.833 0.563 0.169 0.018 0.014 15.708 55.2 6.608 1.820 2.193 2.320 0.164 0.056 0.000 1.663 0.616 0.187 0.021 0.164 15.812 51.4 6.512 1.920 2.055 2.457 0.183 0.058 0.004 1.691 0.615 0.211 0.023 0.078 15.808 54.5 6.239 2.113 1.861 2.479 0.313 0.020 0.005 1.861 0.649 0.278 0.074 0.000 15.892 57.1 Oxidenrtolo 43.8 39.6 14.8 12.5 12.1 9.80 11.5 14.7 2.43 1.72 0j2 0.15 0.07 0.07 1 1. 1 11 . 9 2.63 2.s3 0.76 0.79 o.o2 0.04 0.29 0.00 95.42 97.95 per 23 O atoms Cations s.999 7.114 6.361 2.638 2.144 0.967 'l.528 1.370 1.191 2.604 3.349 3.183 0.277 0.189 0.188 0.015 0.018 0.050 0.004 0.004 0.002 1.805 1.801 1.858 0.773 0.452 0.713 0.147 0j47 0.097 0.010 0.005 0.030 0.139 0.000 0.167 15.939 15.588 15.812 63.0 71.O 72.8 maiorelementcompositions Trau 6, Representative Oxide wtc6, normalized to 100 Sample sio, Tio, CR6F CRTF CRSTRT CR74A CR79A CR79B UNI86 CA SDJ SDJl 61.9 63.7 63.5 61.7 62.2 62.3 59.3 59.3 62.7 63.5 64.8 64.2 63.4 0.72 0.61 0.57 0.70 0.63 0.66 0.90 0.89 0.66 0.50 0.48 0.53 0.52 17.2 17.2 18.4 18.0 17.8 17.7 16.6 16.6 17.9 18.4 17.8 17.3 18.7 2.54 1.62 2.29 3.34 3.00 3.01 6.03 5.77 4.02 3.60 3.38 4.07 3.57 FE1 FE2 74.3 74.3 0.04 0.0s 't5.2 13.6 0.13 1.36 CR5E 60.0 0.83 18.5 CR4OA 69ENY CR69EN CRFLEN 61.1 59.8 60.4 61.8 0.81 0.90 0.92 0.89 17.O 16.6 17.4 17.4 3.47 5.70 3.34 2.88 CR159 CR82A THRl 89 THR101 54.4 57.1 61.9 54.6 51.2 0.81 0.67 0.59 0.96 1.87 18.3 20.3 19.3 23.4 23.4 5.08 2.91 3.26 3.94 5.34 48.0 44.0 52.8 1.39 1.28 1.09 '17.4 4.28 14.15 7.OB coR2 coR86 THR86 c5 CR2B CRMA co25 Al2o3 17.6 15.2 FerO" FeO MnO Trachyandesite 2.22 0.09 0.07 2.23 0.07 1.32 1.15 0.08 1.12 0.09 1.14 0.09 0.09 n.d. n.d. 0.09 n.d. 0.06 n.d. 0.06 n.d. 0.06 0.06 n.d. n.d. 0.07 Rhyolite Naro GO P.o" LOI 4.28 3.48 3.45 3.94 4.08 4.13 4.54 4.45 3.91 3.57 3.32 4.40 4.30 5.29 5.88 5.75 5.89 5.81 5.72 5.22 6.16 6.04 3.94 6.15 2.95 3.08 2.85 2.98 2.66 2.99 2.75 3.03 3.30 2.49 2.54 3.38 1.52 0.48 0.48 0.45 0.44 0.41 0.46 0.38 0.40 0.29 0.30 0.28 0.28 0.36 1.83 0.90 1.37 1.15 1j2 1.26 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.67 0.63 5.23 4.93 4.36 4.30 0.03 0.14 n.d. 1.89 4.47 5.34 3.04 0.71 2.22 2.16 3.72 2.74 1.83 4.81 6.04 4.45 3.67 5.31 4.98 5.37 5.53 2.88 1.75 2.41 3.07 0.53 0.41 0.56 0.58 2.03 2.44 2.35 1.86 3.72 2.12 0.s0 1.47 2.29 7.83 6.47 2.39 9.23 10.30 5.54 6.17 5.28 5.72 4.67 0.86 1.03 6.52 0.49 0.70 0.48 0.48 0.24 0.13 0.05 1.61 0.45 n.d. n.d. n.o. 8.97 7.27 s.82 8.07 11.53 10.70 3.36 2.80 5.12 1.82 0.68 1.58 0.48 0.41 0.39 n.d. n.o, n.d. Mgo 2.29 1.62 1.43 1.80 2.13 I aF 4.17 3.95 2.01 1.38 1.30 1.81 1.36 0.10 n.d. 0.02 0.55 0.04 n.d. Porphyritic trachyandesite 1.79 0.16 3.16 2.05 Monzodiotite 1.88 0.11 n.d. 0.11 0.10 2.30 0.10 2.22 Anorthosite 2.53 0.18 2.56 0.13 n.d. 0.07 n.d. 0.06 n.d. 0.09 Diotite 6.07 0.21 n.d. 0.24 n.d. 0.20 Cao s.20 5.CC t3t2 BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES no o L a E l^ I- nz Oi) o6 ^v u{o o* ^ * .t&_ ti A Fco tr si ''" A SOUTHERN ) o cENTFTAL HOST I V N O R T H E B N' I P O R P H Y R T T T C) - . . ^ , _ ENUL' a MoNzoDroRrrrct 1. v ^ coR N Y + oo z $R o.7 o cR - v ua./ ra^cHvaNDEstrE I PoRtr ENCLAVE . MoNzoDIoRITIcENCLAVES O oroRrrc ENCLAVES o DroRrTrc \ ft rHonrros,rrc f o oL- 0-8 \ F o 1.0 \ o o o rrE v-v I la -rH ffi au ANoRTHoslrE o B 1.0 2.O si02 t4lAl Fig. 3. Amphibole compositions. All cation proportions per 23 O atoms. Fields shown for amphiboles from Coronado sill (COR) and anorthositic enclaves.(A) Variation of Mg/(Mg + Fe) with Si; (B) variation of Na/(Na + K) with Al in tetrahedral sites. c The trachyandesitic intrusions can be subdivided on the basis of trace element compositions (Hoover et al., 1988). The central intrusions contain relatively larger abundances of Sr at a given Ba concentration (Fig. 64,) aoo xENo N ^- o o r \e f '9Y-o " -iEo w V* B oo* ^a oa" D :/ o A -N4 SOUTHERNINTRT'SIONS tr CENTRALINTFUSIONS 2 V NoRTHERNtNTRUstoNs I PORPH ENCLAVE r, MoNzoDroRtTtcENcLAvE ^5 N d z O oroRtTrc ENCLAVE ft rNonrxosmcencuve Kzo Fig. 4. Alkali contentsof trachyandesiteand enclaves.Fields shown are from Gill and Whelan (1989): high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA), low-K shoshonitic (LKSH), and medium-K shoshonitic (MKSH). 70 sio2 Fig. 5. Major element variation as a function of SiO, content. (A) MgO; (B) TiO,; (C) ALO,; (D) Na,O. Porphyritic and monzodioritic enclavesare cognate;dioritic and anorthositic enclavesare xenolithic. BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES 1313 a Fig. 6. Trace element variation diagrams.Short-dashedline enclosescompositional field ofanorthositic enclavesand dioritic enclaves with Fe-rich amphibole. Long-dashed line separates central (Sr-rich) from northern (Sr-poor) trachyandesites.(A) Sr vs. Ba; (B) Ba vs. Rb; (C) Rb/Sr x 100 vs. Rb; (D) Sc vs. Ba; (E) Y vs. Ba. & 60 80 1oo Rb and generally have Ce*/Yb* between 14 and 22. The northern intrusions contain less Sr but higher concentrations of Sc, Cr, V, and Y(?) at a given Ba concentration and higher Rb/Sr ratios than the central intrusions (Fig. 6). Ce"/Yb* in the northern group ranges from 10.5 to 15. Samplesfrom the southern part of the area plot with both groups. The moderately steep REE patterns of the trachyandesitic host rocks show little or no inflection and no Eu anomaly (Fig. 7A). The diference in Ce*/yb* between northern and central sills cited above is largely due to variations in Yb content. In contrast, the rhyolitic intrusion at Cristo Rey contains lower REE abundancesthan the trachyandesiticintrusions. It also displays an unusual REE pattern with relatively flat LREE, steeper HREE, and no Eu anomaly (Fig. 7A). This pattern probably reflects loss of LREE during alteration and weathering. The REE pattern ofthe porphyritic trachyandesiteenclave from Cristo Rey is identical to that of the host rocks (Fig. 7B). Monzodioritic enclave REE patlerns have slopes similar to the host trachyandesitesbut contain somewhat lower REE abundances. Anorthosite xenoliths contain lower abundances of REE, have Ce*/Yb* lessthan 12,and display pronounced positive Eu anomalies (Fig. 8C). Dioritic enclaveshave Ce*/Yb" less than 12 and generally less than 6. The two enclavesthat are chemically and mineralogically similar to the trachyandesite(CR2B and CRMA) contain lower LREE abundancesthan do the other dioritic samples (Fig. 7C). Although plagioclase BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES V NORTHERN SILLS o CENTFAL INTRUSIONS . MONZODIORITE . POBPH TRACHYANDESITE t> Nd SmEu ANORfrOSITE DtoRlrE cognate enclaves trachyandesite LaCe O Yb Lu LaCe Tb Nd SmEu xenoliths LaCe YbLu Tb Nd SmEu Tb and rhyolitic intrusions;(B) (Haskinet al., 1968)rare earthelementplots.(A) Trachyandesitic Fig.1. Chondrite-normalized enclave;(C) dioritic and anorthositicenclaves. and porphyritictrachyandesitic monzodioriticenclaves Dioritic and anorthositic xenoliths have distinctly difphenocrystsare sparseor absent in the dioritic enclaves, patternsfrom the trachyandesite(Figs. 8C and 8D)' ferent ihree diiplay slight positive Eu anomalies. in keeping with their xenolithic character. Incompatible element patterns The trachyandesitic rocks plot in a narrow band on DrscussroN "spider diagrams" (Fig. 8A; normallization factors of r 1,-,!--- --variables Intensive Thompson et al., 1984). Porphyritic trachyandesitic and Qualitative estimatesof the ?"and /o, of the trachyanmonzodioritic enclaves have similar patterns (Figs. 88 gD). desitic magmas can be made on the basis of comparison and traceelementconcentrations TABLE 7. Representative La Ce Nd Sm 21.6 40.7 23.3 42 26.0 30.4 54.9 61.7 20.6 24.4 4.0 4.5 FE1 s.2 21.5 cRsE 18.9 36.7 1 7. 8 cR10A cR13A CR4OA CR69ENY CR69ENZ CRT2AEN 26.1 25.9 45.0 46.2 17.5 223 co25 cR2B CRMA THR29 30.2 17.6 13.5 25.3 70.0 33.6 36.9 67.0 cR6f CR74A CR79A CR79B CRIST3 CRIST3 Eu Tb Trachyandesite 0.40 1.03 1.21 1.42 Rhyolite 0.78 3.4 0.31 0.51 Cr Co 0.14 0.14 6.1 6.7 6.2 6.3 3.8 4.2 40 32 32 40 17 12 72 29 0.04 1.1 1 0 0.77 0.12 4.5 4 8 0.72 0.91 0'11 0.13 1.2 7.0 8.1 11.0 9.8 12.1 3 39 2 48 13 122 2 12 3.90 1.52 1.63 1.34 0.51 0.21 0.22 0.18 16.0 31'3 39.0 15.5 175 316 I 149 21 34 42 27 Lu 0.80 0.12 o.77 o.72 0.22 Porphyritictrachyandesite 0.38 1.13 4.1 Monzodiorite 0.28 0.71 3.1 0.44 1.19 48 8.9 5.6 5.2 6.5 Sc Yb Diorite 1.13 2.OO 0.72 2.05 1.88 0.57 o.8o 2.45 Anorthositicgabbro CR82A THR10 c5 10.8 3.9 22.5 9.3 Note.'Blank entry indicateselement not determined, 2.O 0.9 Anorthosite 1.77 1.00 0.17 013 0.07 0.03 A.4 0 6.0 2.4 2 10 I 19 BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES with experimental studies.The presenceof early-formed amphibole phenocrystsis suggestiveof HrO contents of 3.0 to 3.5 wto/o(Eggler, 1972). euartz and biotite phe_ nocrysts in magmas with comparable HrO contents are stableat Zless than 800 "C and probably at lessthan 750 l3l5 correspondsto a pressureof5.5 kbar (Johnsonand Rutherford calibration, 1989) and an estimated depth of crystallization of the monzodioritic enclavesof 16 km, with minimum uncertainty of +4 km. By contrast, the probable depth of emplacement (estimated on the basis of stratigraphic reconstruction)was less than 2 km. Mass balancecalculations Fractional crystallization relationships among rock types in the Cristo Rey intrusion were testedfor major element positive correlation between Mg/Mg + Fe) and Si in compositions with least-squares mass-balancecalculaamphibole from the Cristo Rey intrusion (e.g., Cza- tions (Bryan et al., 1969). Parent-daughterrelationships manske et al., 198l). In support of this inference, it can that were tested include diorite (sample CR2B) to trachybe noted that the assemblagecalcic amphibolo * mag- andesite,monzodiorite to trachyandesite,trachyandesite netite + titanite * quartz + ilmenite is presentin several to rhyolite, and low-Si trachyandesiteto high-Si trachymonzodioritic (cognate) enclaves. It corresponds to f, andesite (Table 8). None of the attempts to produce conditions between I and 2 log units higher than the NNCi trachyandesitefrom dioritic enclavemagma was successbuffer (Noyes et al., 1983). Similar conditions of crystal- ful. Evolved trachyandesite can be produced from maglization are reasonablein view of the sirnilarity of mineral ma of monzodioritic composition by removal of plagioand elemental compositions. Although coexisting Fe-Ti clase * amphibole + magnetite + ilmenite and from less oxide phenocrystsare present, subsolidusexsolution and evolved trachyandesiteby removal of amphibole + mialteration have rendered these phasesuselessfor deter- nor plagioclase + apatite. The rhyolite can be derived mination of T and fo,. from evolved trachyandesiteby removal of plagioclase, K-rich monzodioritic enclavescontain the assemblage amphibole, biotite, magnetite, and apatite. This calculacalcic amphibole + biotite + plagioclase + alkali feld- tion requires removal of approximately 510/ocrystals Oy spar + qtuartz+ magnetite + titanite + ilmenite. If equi_ weight). Unfortunately, when acceptable (i.e., sum of librium was attained with near-minimum interstitial melt, squares of residuals < 1.0) mass balance solutions are then the Al content of calcic amphiboles is pressurede- examined in detail, they either fail to fit important elependent (Hammarstrom and Z,en, 1986 Hollister et al., ments adequately (especiallyTiOr, PrOr, and NarO), or 1987). The averageAl content (cations per formula unit) the daughter product is not typical of the bulk of the of the rims of magmatic amphibole from appropriate trachyandesites. In addition, fractional crystallization monzodioritic enclavesis 2.12 + 0.15 (lo). This value cannot explain the positive correlation ofSc and Ba and Taete7-Continued NiRbSrZrNbBaCsHfUThTay 30 16 25 33 12 13 68 64 60 61 52 59 1328 1403 1201 1163 1126 1189 0 103 242 62 3 12 55 1270 132 6 10 28 0 32 o 55 31 35 64 33 4't 20 1065 1190 1062 1707 941 627 114 161 143 157 152 111 82 33 13 22 40 24 7 48 730 700 1037 1510 63 84 65 49 7 15 18 6 0 12 1056 112 5 n 58 4 13 1013 772 158 149 138 143 142 143 56 263 3 3 3 J o o 5.5 5.4 5 5 5 5 1 Trachyandesite 1736 1.62 1777 1633 1678 1390 1684 2.84 2.04 Rhyolite 808 1.26 Porphyritic trachyandesite 1580 1.06 Monzodiorite 521 8.62 522 6.76 2013 1595 1657 312 Diorite 1036 1.58 't.70 940 449 2.'t0 't 864 .AS Anorthositic gabbro 554 Anorthosite 461 468 U.CJ '1.73 4.49 0.51 12 12 12 11 3.87 4.41 1.38 1.62 3.97 4.04 1.46 0.86 10 2.44 2.04 1.25 1.39 I 2.70 1.34 2.86 0.26 3.08 3.15 1.09 1.46 4.60 4.21 0.48 0.47 15 16 17 13 1.70 3.00 1.33 1.39 0.64 0.69 o.27 0.31 1.78 1.47 0.56 0.80 0.37 45 22 22 24 18 1.03 0.32 0.10 0.18 0.36 0.23 0.12 6 3 BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES l 3l 6 10 0 0 porph rhyolite t r a c h y a n d e si t e monzodiorite gabbro anorthosite BaRbThK NbTaLacesrM P S m Z I I + T T ]T b Y T m Y b B a R b T h K N b T A L A C C S Tl i d P S M Z T I I T T IT b Y T M Y b Fig. 8. Incompatibleelementvariationdiagrams;normalizationfactorsfrom Thompsonet d. (1984).(A) Typical field for enclave(porph) and rhyolitic intrusion southof Cristo trachyandesiticintrusions.(B) Compositionsof porphyritic trachyandesite dioritic with Fe-richamphibole;opensymbolsrepresent filled symbols,.pr.r"nt dioritic enclaves Rey.(C) Dioritic compositions; xenolithic and enclaves monzodioritic of cognate (D) Compositions host trachyandesite. similar to enclaveswith Mg-rich amphibole anorthositeand anorthositicgabbro(gabbro). from the Cristo Rey intruof Y and Ba among samples sion (Figs. 6D and 6E). The scatter observed in many variation diagrams suggests that problems in obtaining acceptable solutions to massbalancecalculationsmay bi becauseof variable degreesof crystal accumulation (see Hoover et al., 1988). ih" ,.utt"i is particularly apparent in plots of AlrOr, Sr, and compatibli trace elements(Figs. 5 and 6). If crystal sorting and accumulation occurred during flow and em- placement of the trachyandesiticmagma' then the effects of both fractional crystallization and crystal accumulation would be present in the suite. Part of the scatter observed in the northern sills, particularly the higher concentrationsof Sc, Cr, Ni, and MgO, can also be explained as contamination by dioritic and anorthositic xenoliths. Such contamination would be the result of fragmentation and resorption of the xenoliths and would explain the increasein compatible elementconcentrationsin samples TA Phases removed Daughter Amph. CR6F trach. CR6F trach. 69ENZ monzo. CRTF trach. CRTF trach. CRTF trach. CRTF trach. CRTF trach. FE2 rnyo. FE2 rhyo. 7.5 7.2 12.8 4.1 6.8 6.2 6.2 4.3 (AN"J 3.7 (An*) 7.9 (An*) 3 7. 2 (An.u) 38.0 (An*) ft MT Plag. 0.3 87.9 0.33 poor fit for Na 0.1 89.0 0.20 78.9 0.37 poor fit for Na, plag too calcic poor fit for P, with or without apatite poor fit for Na 0.4 1. 1 1.5 49.4 0.83 1. 3 1.2 47.1 0.40 Note.'Abbreviationsare trachyandesite(trach.),monzodiorite(monzo.),rhyolite (rhyo.). poor fit for Na and Mn BARNES ET AL.: INTRUSIVE ROCKS AND THEIR ENCLAVES t3r7 ofthe host trachyandesite.The calcic plagioclaseand the continental arc magmas (Fig. 8; Gill, l98l; Thompson et resorbed, Fe-rich amphibole in the northern intrusions al., 1984). As such, these rocks representearly manifesare probably xenocrystsbroken from dioritic and anor_ tations of Tertiary arc activity in the Trans-Pecosof westthositic xenoliths. Finally, the low abundanceof incom- ern Texas. Further constraints on magma sources will patible elements (especially LREE) in the rhyolite sug_ require detailed isotopic investigations. gests equilibrium with LREE-rich accessory minerals. either in the sourceor during fractionalcryst;llization. AcrNowr,nncMENTs Origin of the enclaves The presenceof deformed crustal xenoliths within some cognatemonzodioritic enclavesindicates that they began to crystallize from the trachyandesitic magma along the margins of a magma chamber. If p estimatesare correct, this chamber was in the middle crust. In any case,slow cooling and crystallization of the monzodioritic rocks resulted in hypidiomorphic granular texture and in prismatic habits of accessoryminerals. parts of this monzodioritic rind were engulfed in and disrupted by the trachyandesiticmagma as it rose to the site of final em_ placement in the shallow crust. The anorthositic xenoliths (and most dioritic xenoliths) are distinct from the host trachyandesitein terms of plagioclaseand amphibole compositions and in Ba, Sr, REE, and HFSE concentrations.The fact that these xenoliths occur not only in the host trachyandesitebut also in cog_ nate monzodioritic enclavessuggeststhat the wall rocks ofthe midcrustal trachyandesitemagma reservoir(s)were predominantly anorthositic and dioritic. CoNcr,usroNs The trachyandesiticintrusions in the El paso areawere emplaced at high levels in the crust after possible resi_ dence in the middle crust. The trachyandesitic magma was emplaced at temperaturesof 850 .C or lower, con_ tained approximately 3.0 wto/oHrO, and had,fo. I to 2 log units higher than NNO. The wall rocks of the magma chamber consisted, at least in part, of anorthosite and related diorite and anorthositic gabbro. The presenceof weakly deformed anorthosite in the crust beneath the El paso area is consis_ tent with widespread occurrence of proterozoic anorthosite in the southwesternUnited States(e.g.,Ems_ lie, 1978;Anderson,1983;Mckmore and McKee. lggg: Padovani and Carter, 1977). It seems likely that anorthositic xenoliths in the trachyandesitesrepresentan asyet unrecognized segment of Precambrian crust in the area. As the trachyandesitebroke out of its crustal chamber, it incorporated part of its mostly crystalline rind to form monzodioritic enclavesand also engulfed anorthositic and dioritic wall rocks. Disruption of theserocks and contamination of the host trachyandesite resulted in bimodal compositions among amphibole populations and in elevated abundancesof compatible elementsin the northern sills. The elemental abundances(i.e., enriched LILE, negative slope, and relatively depleted HFSE) of the trachyandesitic intrusions display patterns that are typical of We are grateful to T. Frost, R. Wiebe, C. Bacon, T. Prestvik, and R. Cullers for helpful reviews, to B May and W.M. Shannon for assistance in the fleld, and to M.A. Barnes for help in the laboratory. S.E.E.'sfield studies were funded by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,the Penrosebequestfrom the Geological Society of America, and Texas Tech University. Analyses were funded by NSF grants EAR840319and EAR-8720141(C.c.B.). RnrnnrNcns crrED Anderson, J.L. (1983) Proterozoicanorogenicganite plutonism ofNonh America. GeologicalSociety of America Memoir, l6l, 133-154. Bryan, W.B., Finger, L.W., and Chayes,F. (1969) Estimating proportions in petrographicmixing equationsby least squaresapproximation. Science.163. 926-927. Carmichael, I.S.E., Turner, F.J., and Verhoogen, J (1974) Igneous petrology, 739 p. McGraw-Hill, New York. Castro, A. (1987) On granitoid emplacement and related structures.A review. GeologischeRundschau,76, l0l-124. Chavez, R. 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