Personal data - Atılım Üniversitesi | Mekatronik Mühendisliği Bölümü
Personal data - Atılım Üniversitesi | Mekatronik Mühendisliği Bölümü
Atilim Üniversitesi Mekatronik Mühendisligi Bölümü Kizilcasar Mahallesi 06836 Incek Gölbasi - Ankara e-mail: [email protected] Personal data: DOB: May 6, 1958 Citizenship: Germany Languages: German, English, Russian (fluently spoken and written), Azeri, Turkish, Spanish (spoken and written) POSTGRADUATE TRAINING November, 1995 Postdoctoral lecturing qualification University of Siegen, Germany Degree: Dr. habil. ♦ Work theme: Fuzzy Control in der Industrie. Entwurf- und Synthesemethoden December, 1992 Postdoctoral lecturing qualification Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Baku, Azerbaijan Degree: Dr. habil. ♦ Work theme: Theory and technique of industrial fuzzy systems for automatic control December, 1984 Graduation from the doctoral studies Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Baku, Azerbaijan Degree: Ph.D. ♦ Work theme: Automated control of primary oil refinery unit with fuzzy logic EDUCATION 1975 -1980 Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Baku, Azerbaijan ♦ Degree: Master’s degree in electrical engineering, October 1980 ♦ Average graduation grade: very good 1977 -1978 Dresden Technical University, Germany ♦ Major: electrical engineering 1965 -1975 Secondary School, Baku, Azerbaijan ♦ Diploma ♦ Average graduation grade: very good WORK EXPERIENCE 2007- present Associate professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey Lectures: • Mechatronic Components • Mechatronic Instrumentation • Signals and Mechatronic Systems • Intelligent Mechatronics • Intelligent Control • Intelligent Systems and Applied Intelligence • Sensors, Perception and Interfacing • Robot Vision Projects: ♦ Intelligent electronic nose – 2009 – 2013 ♦ Intelligent labyrinth robot – 2010 ♦ Swarm Robotics – 2011 – 2014 ♦ Development of biomimetic design methodology with reverse engineering in cognitive recognition and control of biomimetic robots. (supported by TUBITAK) 2010 – 2012 2005 - 2007 Senior manager, the “TechnoTrans - Europe” engineering company, Siegen, Germany Projects: ♦ Intelligent Measurement System for Industrial Heater ♦ Intelligent Switcher for Industrial Heater – in collaboration with Friedrich Schultze company, Siegen, Germany ♦ Vortex Flow Measurement System ♦ Kalman Filter Based Nautic Navigation System - in collaboration with LOPOS company, Hamburg, Germany 1995 - 2005 Assistant Professor, University of Siegen, Germany Lectures: ♦ Sensorics ♦ Industrial measurement systems ♦ Fuzzy Logic and it’s application ♦ An Introduction to Neural Networks 2002 - 2003 Invited researcher, CIATEQ A.C., Queretaro, Mexico (Griupo de Investigasión en Mechatrónika y Sistemas Inteligentes de Manifactura) ♦ Project leader: Development of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 1998 - 2001 Invited Professor, University of Dubna, Russia Lectures: ♦ An Introduction to Neural Networks 1988 - 1995 Researcher, Institute of Measurements, University of Siegen, Germany Projects: ♦ Prognosis of the Highway Surface Conditions ♦ Development of Expert System for Frozen Possibilities By Errored Measurement Values ♦ Development of Fuzzy System for Traffic Prognosis ♦ Different Projects in Utilizing Soft Computing Methods in Measurement ♦ Development of Neuro-Fuzzy Genetic System for Process Bus Supervising 1986 - 1988 Assistant Professor, Baku Polytechnic Institute, Azerbaijan Lectures: ♦ Programming in Fortran ♦ Basics of computers ♦ Industrial applications of computers 1980 - 1986 Engineer, later Deputy Chief, Oil Refinery Computing Center, Baku, Azerbaijan Projects: ♦ Data Mining and Statistical Identification of Primary Oil Refinery Process ♦ Intelligent Control of Primary Oil Refinery Process ♦ Development of Measurement and Control System of Primary Oil Refinery Process PUBLICATIONS Summary: 22 books, book chapters, edited proceedings ♦ 64 papers in journals and conference proceedings ♦ SPECIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS Protected technical solutions or Invention in the field of electrical engineering - 2 Organization of Scientific Events - 19 Experience in training of company’s personnel ° 1998, 1992 – 1995: Technical Academy Esllingen, Germany ° 1993: Haus of Technic, Essen, Germany MAJOR COMMITTE ASSIGNMENTS 1994 - 2003 Chairman, Organization Committee of the International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing (ICAFS) 1994 – Tabriz, Iran 1996 – Siegen, Germany 1998 – Wiesbaden, Germany 2000 – Siegen, Germany 2002 – Milan, Italy 2004 – Barselona, Spain 2000, 2002, 2004 2001, 2003 1998 - present 1991-1998 Chairman, Organization Committee of the World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation (WCIS) Tashkent, Uzbekistan Chairman, Organization Committee of the International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control Antalya, Turkey Member, Program committee of the International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurement (SCM) St.Petersburg, Russia Member, Organization Committee of International Conference for Industrial Measurement, MessComp Wiebaden, Germany SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (1991 through 2014) [1.] Aliew, F.: "Fuzzy Logik - eine Chance für die Meßtechnik", Tagungsband MessComp, 1991. [2.] Aliew, F.: "Hybride - Diagnosesysteme mit Fuzzy-Logik", Messen & Prüfen, Dezember Heft 11/12, 1991, 482-484. [3.] Aliev, R., Aliev, F., Babaev, M.: "The synthesis of a fuzzy coordinate-parametric automatic control system for an oil-refinery unit", Fuzzy Sets and Systems 47 (1992), 157-162, North - Holland. [4.] Aliew, F. and co-authors: "The Distributed Intelligent Manufacturing System", Proceedings EUFIT 1993, Aachen, Band 1, 222-229. [5.] Aliew, F. and co-authors: "Fuzzy-Systeme zur Erkennung und Steuerung von Fertigungsabläufen", Tagungsband MessComp, 1993. [6.] Aliew, F. and co-authors: "The Diagnostic Neural Expert System for Petrochemical Technological Processes", Proceedings World Congress on Expert Systems, Lissabon, 1994. [7.] Aliew, F. and co-authors: "Industrial Neural Controllers", Proceedings EUFIT 1994, Aachen, Band 3, 1321-1326. [8.] Aliew, F., Wieland, F.: "Boundary filling level control with inaccurate sensors in areas with the dangers of explosion by the using of fuzzy control", Proceedings International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems, Tabriz, Iran, 1994, 228233. [9.] Aliew, F., Wieland, F.: „Contact Free Fluid Level Control with Inaccurate Sensors by Using Fuzzy Control Techniques on μ-Controller“, Proceedings EUFIT 1995, Aachen, Band 2, 1110-1116. [10.] Klaczko, S., Aliew, F.: „A Fuzzy Model of natural Language Acquisition and Syntax Recognition by Humans“, Proceedings EUFIT 1995, Aachen, Band 3, 15041514. 11. Abiev, R.H., Bonfig, K.W., Aliev, F.: „Controller Based on Fuzzy Neural Network for Control of Technological Processes“, Proceedings ICAFS’96, Siegen, 1996, 295299. [12.] Bonfig, K.W., Aliev, F., Guirimov, B.G.: „Neuro-Fuzzy Based Generation of Fuzzy Knowledge and the Flexible Procedure of Logical Inference for the Graphic Pattern Recognition“, Proceedings ICAFS’96, Siegen, 1996, 314-319. [13.] Aliev R.A., Guirimov B.G., Aliew F.: „Fuzzy Control System for Mobil Robots based on Soft Computing“, Proceedings Symposium on Robotics and Cybernetics, CESA’96 IMACS Multiconference, Lille, France, 1996, 800-802. [14.] Aliev, R.A., Rashad R.A., Aliev, F.T.: „Fuzzy Distributed Multi-Agent Manufacturing System“, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society-NAFIPS’97, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1997, 311 - 316. [15.] Aliev, F.T., Aliev, R.R., Steinmann, W., Muratov, I.H., Abiev, R.H.: „ Neural Learning Systems for Technological Processes Control“, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Application Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing - ICAFS - 98, Wiesbaden,Germany, 1998, 94-98. [16.] Aliev, R.A., Guirimov, B.G. , Aliev F.T.: „Generation of Tunable Fuzzy Rules for Graphical Pattern Recognition“, Proceedings of Third International Conference on Application Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing - ICAFS - 98, Wiesbaden,Germany, 1998, 258-262. [17.] Aliew, F., Wieland, F., Seifert, B.: „ A Softcomputing Supervisioning System for Processbus-Systems“, Proceedings of WAC 2000 - Conference, Maui, Hawaii, 2000. [18.] Aliew, F., Wieland, F.: „Softcomputing in Measurement Systems“, Proceedings of WAC 2000 - Conference, Maui, Hawaii, 2000. [19.] Wieland, F., Aliew, F.: „ A Soft Computing Approach for Measurement Systems“, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Application Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing - ICAFS - 2000, Siegen,Germany, 2000, 220-224. [20.] Aliev, R.A., Guirimov, B.G., Aliew, F., Bonfig, K.W., Steinmann, W.: „ A NeuroFuzzy Algorithm for Recognition of Non-Stylized Images“, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Application Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing - ICAFS - 2000, Siegen,Germany, 2000, 238-241. [21.] Wieland, F., Aliew, F.: „ A New Method for Supervising of Processbus System“, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Application Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing - ICAFS - 2000, Siegen,Germany, 2000, 280-281. [22.] Aliev, R.A., Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F., Aliev, R.R.: „ Synthesis of a Fuzzy MultiDimensional Control System“, Proceedings of the World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation – WCIS-2000, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2000, 64-67. [23.] Aliew, F., Aliev, R.R., Gasimzade, T.M., Mammadov, J.R., Sadykov, R.F., Alieva, K.R.,: “Fuzzy Chaos Based Turning of Fuzzy Controller”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control – ICSCCW-2001, Antalya, Turkey, 2001, 100-102. [24.] Gurbanov, R.S., Imanov, E.B., Akif, V. A. , Aliew, F.: „Planning of the EndEffector Trajectory of an Industrial Robot by Means of Fuzzy Resolution and Genetic Algorithm“, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control – ICSCCW-2001, Antalya, Turkey, 2001, 257-261. [25.] Lopez-Juarez, I., Pena, M., Corona, J., Ordaz, K., Aliew, F.,: “Towards the Integration of Sensorial Perception in Industrial Robots“, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Application Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing - ICAFS - 2002, Milan, Italy, 2002, 218-223. [26.] Gurbanov R. S., Imanov E. B., Aliew F., “Optimal Path Planning of Intelligent Industrial Robot”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control – ICSCCW-2003, Antalya, Turkey, 2003, 265-271. [27.] Klaczko, S., Aliew, F .: A fuzzy model of natural language acquisition and syntax recognition by humans“, International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems. KIMAS'03: Modeling, Exploration, and Engineering (Cat. No.03EX716), USA, 2003, 287-293. [28.] Aliev, R. A., Guirimov, B. G. , Aliev, R. R. , Bonfig, K. W., Aliew, F. „Genetic algorithm-based learning of recurrent fuzzy neural networks“, Sixth International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, ICAFS – 2004, Barselona, Spain, 2004, 109-116. [29] Aliew, F. “Temperature Control of an Electrical Heater by using Fuzzy Logic”, Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mecatronics", ISSN 1584-5982, 2011, 105-108. [30] Aliew, F. “Soft Computing based Navigation System for Intelligent Mobile Robot” TOK 2012 Conference , Nigde, Turkey, 2012. 745-748. [31] Güçlü, A., Aliew, F. „Çizgisel Düzlemdeki Sarkacın Bulanık Mantık Denetimci Tipi ile Denetimi“, TOK 2013 Conference , Malatya, Turkey, 2013, 1389-1393. [32] Aliew, F., Kaplan, F., Kale, S.A.,“Orientation Techniques of Multi-Robot System with Swarm Intelligence”, The 20th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, Ankara, 2013, 105-110. [33] A. Aksal, K. B. Arikan, F. Aliew, “Robust Fuzzy-PID Control of an Unbalanced Quadrotor”, UMTIK 2014, The 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production, Izmir, Turkey, 2014, 908-920. [34] F. Darbi, F. Aliew, A. Güçlü, “Bir Doğru Akım Motor Sistemine Uygulanan Geleneksel (PID) Denetimci ve Yapay Zeka ile Hesaplama Yöntemleri Arasında Karşılaştırma”, TOK 2014 Conference , Izmit, Turkey, 2014, 1049-1054 BOOKS, EDITED BOOKS AND PROCEEDINGS [1] Aliev, R., Aliev, F., Babaev, M. : "Fuzzy Process Control and Knowledge Engineering in Petrochemical and Robotic Manufacturing"/ISR 98, 168 p.,Verlag TÜV Rheinland, 1991. [2] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.: "Fuzzy Logik in der industriellen Automatisierung", 190 p., expert Verlag, Renningen-Malmsheim, 1992. [3] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. und Mitautoren.: "Sensoren und Mikroelektronik", 668 p., expert Verlag, Renningen-Malmsheim, 1993. [4] Aliev, R., Bonfig, K.W., Aliev, F.: "Messen, Steuern, Regeln mit Fuzzy Logik", 310 p.,Franzis Verlag, München, 1994. [5] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.: "Neuro Fuzzy in der industriellen Automatisierung", 192 p., expert Verlag, Renningen-Malmsheim, 1994. [6] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.: "Fuzzy Logik in der industriellen Automatisierung", Renningen-Malmsheim, expert Verlag, Renningen-Malmsheim, 238 p., 1992. - 1996 2., neubearbeitete Auflage [7] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.:„Meßtechnik und Meßsignalverarbeitung“, 304 p., expert Verlag, Renningen-Malmsheim, 1996. [8] Aliev, R.A. , Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F.T., Wieland F. ( Eds. ) „Second International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing“ , 548 p., Siegen , 1996 [9] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. und Mitautoren.: „Sensoren und Sensorsignalverarbeitung“ , 378 p., expert Verlag, Renningen-Malmsheim, 1997. [10] Aliev, R.A., Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F.T. (Eds.) „Third International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing“, 346 p., b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 1998. [11] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.: „Handbuch der Meßtechnik.“, 958 p., Hüthig Verlag Heidelberg, 1998. elektrischen [12] Aliew F., „ Fuzzy Control in der Industrie“, 180 p., b-Quadrat Velags GmbH, Kaufering, 1998. [13] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.: „Sensoren und Feldbussysteme“, 440 p., Band 1, b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 1998. [14] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.: „Meßtechnik und intelligente Meßtechnikkonzepte“, 448 p., Band 2, b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 1998. [15] Aliev, R., Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F: „Soft Computing“, 448 p., Verlag Technik, Berlin, 2000 [16] Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. and co-authors.: „ Sensoren, Aufnehmer und Systeme 2000“, 454 p., Band 3, , b-Quadrat Verlag, Siegen, 2000. [17] Aliev, R.A., Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F.T. (Eds.): „Fourth International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing“, 426 p., b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 2000. [18] Usifbekov, N.R., Aliev, R.A., Aliew, F.T. (Eds.): „World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation”, 376 p., b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 2000. [19] Jamshidi, M., Türksen, B., Aliev, R. A., Bonfig, K.W., Kaynak,O., Aliew, F., (Eds.): „First International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control“, 348 p., b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 2001. [20] Aliev, R. A., Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F. T., Aliev, R. R., (Eds.): “ Sixth International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing“ 249 p., b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 2001. [21] Aliev, R.A., Bonfig, K.W., Aliew, F.T. (Eds.): „Fifth International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing“, 330 p., b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 2002. [22] Jamshidi, M., Aliev, R., Aliew, F., (Eds.): „Second International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control“, 354 p., b-Quadrat Verlags GmbH, Kaufering, 2003. 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 2000 2000
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