Newsletter - Arlee Joint School District No. 8


Newsletter - Arlee Joint School District No. 8
April 2016
For Our Community:
Host Families Needed: Families needed to host Japanese youth
for one month this summer. This is a 4-H
program and dates are from July 21-August 18.
Host families should have children ages 10-16,
the desire for an in-depth cultural experience
and fun! Japanese delegates come with spending
money and health insurance and are here to
experience everyday life in an American family. For application
materials, contact Linda Stewart at 406-837-5091 or at
[email protected] or Stephanie Davison at
[email protected]
Feelin’ Groovy? The Scholastic Book Fair will be
happening May 16-19. There will be books available for
readers from Kindergarten to 8th grade again this year.
This is a perfect time to purchase some books to read
over the summer break.
The Arlee teachers have identified a list of words as important academic
vocabulary that all students K-12 should know and be able to use. This
vocabulary appears in the standards, across all subjects and grade levels.
We will announce 2 focus words every month. We encourage you to use these
words in conversations with your child. This will reinforce learning and
understanding of this important and often complex vocabulary.
April's words:
1. Collaborate – working together on a shared goal, not just split up the work
evenly but brainstorm, create and share possible solutions. Groups collaborate
to create innovative and original solutions to problems.
2. Apply - to put on, to make use of or put effort into You can apply the
brakes on the car to get it to slow down after you apply your knowledge of
flashing lights on the school bus ahead means you need to stop.
Congratulations to
Darren Marks for
receiving this year's
A.C.E. (Accepting the
Challenge of Excellence)
Award. This award
recognizes high school
students who have had
to overcome great
physical, emotional, or
social obstacles and are
eligible for high school
graduation. Darren
attended a
with Misty
Brien on
March 31 at
the Double
Tree Hotel in
Darren accepted his
award and a $500 check.
At the end of the
luncheon they
announced the district
winner where Darren
won an extra $500!!!
We are so proud of you
Darren for all your
NHS News—
New NHS Members:
Congratulations to the
newest members of Arlee
High’s National Honor
Alyce Corcoran,
Naomi Plant,
Koetter, Eden Morin,
& Kori McVicker.
Donkey Basketball is
coming, Wednesday,
May 11 at 7 pm at the
old gym! NHS is proud
to host donkey
basketball, a fun and
family-friendly event
that's also a fundraiser
for our charitable
activities. Get a team
together of 5-10 folks of
all ages - just $10 per
player! Deadline for
teams & payment
is Monday, April
25. Please call Anna
Baldwin at 726-3216
x 2315 to sign up your
team. To watch this
entertaining, actionpacked event, buy
advance tickets at the
high school office or
from any NHS member:
$8 for adults, $6 for
students, and $4 for
children K-6; pay $1
more at the door.
News from the high schoolThe Arlee Warriors are the SECOND place finishers
in Montana Class C basketball!! Fans had some of the
best basketball watching they’ve ever had this year! This is
only the third time in school history that the Warriors have
placed that high in the state. What a year for our boys!!!
Everyone’s proud!
A huge congratulations to Phil Malatare & Tyler Tanner
on being named to the State All-Tournament Team! They
both had amazing performances.
Also a big thanks to our little pep band & Ms. Olson for
playing so faithfully and well at tournaments! It always
makes it special to hear our own band playing.
Our very own Scarlets made our town and school proud
as well. Congratulations to the Scarlets and Coach
Stockton on some good basketball at the state
tournaments. The girls defeated Medicine Lake/Froid but
then lost their next two games. Any time that a team
makes it to State is a great thing. Everyone is very proud
of our Scarlets!
More Congratulations: to Morgan Malatare, Becca Whitesell,
Alyssia Vanderburg, Patrick Big Sam, Tyler Tanner and Phil
Malatare on being chosen to play in the Mission Valley All-Star
Basketball Tournament!
members recently attended the State
Leadership Conference. They did an
amazing job representing our community and school. Frankie
Wright, Josie Moulding, Naomi Plant & Savanna Titsworth all
took SILVER for their competitive events and Taylor Lammerding
took GOLD!!
Any student who will be 15 by Feb 15 and wants
to take Driver Education email Ms. Sue Carney at:
[email protected]
News From the Junior HighGreetings from the Junior High & welcome to spring!
April 2016
On April 4th we started our 4th and FINAL quarter for this year. Can you imagine! Here are a few
upcoming events at AJHS.
Starting Monday April 18th, we will begin Smarter Balanced testing for all 7th & 8th graders in the
morning. These are important tests so please encourage your child to get plenty of rest, eat a good
breakfast and do their best on the tests. We will be sending more information out soon.
Student Council decided earlier in the month to have a Student of the Week. All students are eligible through recommendations by staff members and/or fellow students. If your child is chosen they will
be interviewed by a member of the council. Their interview questionnaire and picture will be posted on the
bulletin board in the hallway. The office will inform you if you child has been chosen for this honor.
Track season started on Monday, March 21st after school from 4:10PM-5:30PM. We will host a
track meet on April 29th starting at 10AM.
On April 7th from 4:30PM-7:30PM we will have Parent-Teacher Conferences. We do not require an
appointment; just come on down! Report cards will be handed out that night to parents and the rest will
be mailed the following day. If your student received an NC (No Credit) in place of quarter grades they are
then required to appeal for their grades. Appeal forms and attendance reports have been sent out with all
students who are required to appeal their grades. Students who have a NC at the end of the year are not
allowed to progress to the next grade level until the appeal has been received and approved by Principal
Possible retention notices have been sent out to parents during the year to notify them of their
student potentially not progressing to their next grade level. For those parents who have contacted the staff
and discussed their child's grades, we would like to thank you for helping your child succeed. If you still
need to set up a meeting to discuss your child’s promotion to the next grade level, please contact
Mandy Hunter at 726-3216 ext. 2404.
It is time for 8th graders to start thinking about the Yellowstone Field Trip! Mr. Hill’s annual 8 th
grade trip is scheduled for May18th through May 23th. A parent meeting to discuss the field trip will take
place on Wednesday, April 13th, at 5:30pm in Mr. Hill’s room.
8th grade promotion is Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 @ 7pm. A parent/student promotion meeting will
take place on Wednesday, April 13th following the Yellowstone meeting. Information on parent involvement
and decoration committees will be shared at this meeting. If you want to be involved in your child’s ceremony, please plan on attending!
Families are needed to host Japanese youth for one month this summer. This is a 4-H program and
dates are from July 21-August 18. Host families should have children ages 10-16, the desire for an
in-depth cultural experience and fun! Japanese delegates come with spending money and health insurance
and are here to experience everyday life in an American family. For application materials, contact Linda
Stewart at 406-837-5091 or at [email protected] or Stephanie Davison at [email protected].
Junior High Staff: Callie DiFulgentis, Brett Sproull, Lorri O’Neill, Ken Hill, Winona Azure, Karen
McCullough, Aaron Brien, Katie Parson, Dan Nelson, Jenn Jilot, Mandy Hunter and Jim Taylor, Principal.
News From the High School Counselor—
Counselor Corner:
To the seniors and parents: Spring is here and time is flying! Graduation is right around the corner!
Here is a checklist for things to remember to do for college.
Compare financial aid offers
Make your final decision and send required deposits
Plan a budget with your parents
Complete housing/meal plan
Find out summer orientation dates
Ask your high school counselor to send your final transcripts to your new college
Watch for summer deadlines (orientation, housing, registration, etc.)
Plan your transportation to college
Follow up on financial aid
Connect with your college room mate
Congratulations! You are starting college!
Check your classes and what books are required for it. Buy your books early.
Check with the financial aid office to see if all your scholarships have arrived.
Juniors and parents: All junio rs in the sta te of Mo nta na w ill be ta king the ACT test o n April
19th at 8am at the Brown Building. Breakfast will be served from 7:30-7:55am. Students will take the
test from 8am till 12noon. After they are finished, they will be released from school for the rest of the day.
Here is an ACT prep test: All juniors have a login and password to this
site to help them prepare for the test. Please let me or Deanne Smith know if you have questions.
-Misty Brien, Guidance Counselor
April 4 - Start of Quarter 4
April 6 - K-12 Spring Pictures
April 7 - Parent Teacher Conf. 4:30 to 7:00pm
April 8 - High School Prom
April 12 - School Board Meeting
April 15 & 16 - HS District Music
April 19 - ACT’s for Juniors
April 20 - Friends Forever Family Night 4pm
April 20 - Yellowstone Parent Meeting 5:30pm
April 27 - National Honor Society Banquet 7pm
April 29 & 30 - HS Softball Tourney at Frenchtown
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Clerk of School District No. 8J, Lake, Sanders and
Missoula Counties, State of Montana that the Annual School Election will be held on Tuesday,
May 3, 2016 at the following polling place(s):
Electors will consider the following issues at the election:
Two Trustees to be elected for three (3) year terms.
Trustee Candidates:
Brian BigSam
Kris Gardner
Tom A. Haynes
The polls will be open between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the day of the election.
A qualified registered elector who will be unable to go to the polls on the day of election may
request an "Application for Absentee Voter's Ballot" from the election office at the Lake County
Courthouse, Polson, Montana.
DATED this 5th day of April, 2016.
Lonnie Morin
District Clerk
20-20-204, MCA
[email protected]
PO Box 158 Arlee, MT 59821
April Paperback Best Sellers:
1. Finders Keepers by Stephen King
2. Make Me by Lee Child
3. Private India by James Patterson
4. Gathering Prey by John Sanford
5. First Impressions by Jude Deveraux
6. Once a Rancher by Linda Lael Miller
7. Tom Clancy Under Fire by Grant Blackwood
8. Wicked Charms by Janet Evanovich
9. Study of Seduction by Sabrina Jefferies
10. Priceless by Sherryl Woods
April Events:
~Tuesday, April 12th- Jocko Valley Library Board Meeting at 4:30
Library Hours:
Monday 1:00-5:00
Tuesday 1:00-5:00
Friday 12:00-4:00