Happy Father`s Day from SPBC
Happy Father`s Day from SPBC
JUNE 19, 2016 Dr. Lance D. Watson, Senior Pastor Belt Campus (BLT): 700 E. Belt Blvd., Richmond, VA 23224 • 804.232.5696 Creighton Campus (CRE): 4247 Creighton Rd., Henrico, VA 23223 • 804.643.4000 Elm Campus (ELM): 29 Elm St., Petersburg, VA 23803 • 804.732.1200 RAPID RESPONSE is available for bereavement and hospitalization • 804.304.3890 www.MySPBC.org • 804.643.4000 Sunday Worship: 10am (BLT & ELM) 9am & 11am (CRE) Happy Father’s Day from SPBC Dads, you matter more than you can ever imagine! For your countless investments of precious time, proudest smiles, listening ears, warmest hugs and encouraging words - we THANK YOU! FATHER’S DAY CELEBRATION - Our Culinary Arts Dept. will prepare a feast fit for your king. Charisma has products of all kinds so head over after service as we help you celebrate Father’s Day. GRADUATE SUNDAY CELEBRATION - We want to recognize and celebrate our class of 2016 graduates SUN, JUN 26 at BLT and ELM and at the 11am worship service at CRE. Graduates, you are invited to wear your cap and gown and meet us thirty minutes before each worship service to march in together. Today is the last day to send graduation pics to [email protected]. FIRST TIME GUEST - Thank You for worshipping with us. If you are a first time guest, please stop by our First Impression kiosk in the Atrium so that we may greet you in a more personal way and share a token of our appreciation for you joining us today. DNA SEMINAR is held EVERY SUN from 9-10AM in RM 2243 at CRE. LEADER ADVANCE - Members, God has called and gifted each of us to do the work of the church – inside and outside of its walls, yet a small number of us actively serve. Join us THUR, JUL 28 - SAT JUL 30 for Leader Advance where we will explore the biblical foundations that call us to multiply ministry by creating a Ephesians 4 culture and learn how to “equip the saints”. THU, JUL 28, 4-6PM • FRI, JUL 29, 8AM–5PM • SAT, JUL 30, 8AM–5PM. This training is extremely comprehensive; therefore we request your commitment to attend all three days. To register visit the web or call the church office. KISURA AND LIONS OF JUDAH NEEDS YOU! Are you a caring adult male or female who would like to make the difference in the life of today’s youth? Are tired of the way media portrays our youth? Would you like to be a light and shine on the life of a youth? Then Kisura and/or Lions of Judah Teen Mentoring program is for Y-O-U!!! We are in need of responsible adults who can pour into the lives of our teens ages 14-18. If you’re able to devote 1-2 hours a month into the life of a young person, please contact Samantha Thompson ([email protected]) or Aaron McKoy ([email protected]). CAMP INVENTION TEACHER POSITIONS AVAILABLE SPBC is looking for teacher and Instructors who can engage children through hands-on, inquiry-based activities that are part of an overall storyline and theme. Each day features key concepts, inventor stories, step-by-step instructions, guiding questions, and discussion prompts. The camp is only 5 days long and this is a paid position with a stipend. For more info. and to apply visit www.myspbc.org YES, WE’RE HIRING! - Nia Inc. of Greater Richmond is currently accepting applications and resumes for the following grantfunded positions: Holistic Service Navigator (FT), Social Media Specialist (PT), C-Tech Trainer/Instructor (PT) and SPBC is currently looking for a Directional Leader for Transportation (PT). Go to www.myspbc.org and click on “Join” then “Our Staff Team” for job descriptions and to apply NOW! REGISTERED VOTER? PROPER ID? ABSENTEE? NO VOTE, NO VOICE! We will be hosting voter registration at all three campuses after each service in the atrium. Make sure that your voice is heard! For more info. contact [email protected] or 804.463.2441. JUNE IS NATIONAL HIV TESTING MONTH. One in 8 people living with HIV in the U.S. don’t know they have it. Testing Dates ELM Campus - SUN, JUN 26, 10AM-12pm, Belt Campus - SAT, JUL 16, 1-3PM. #SpreadTheWord #GetTested SPBC and Nia, Inc. of Greater Richmond are co-sponsoring seven days of activities designed to help people of all ages learn how to achieve maximum health. The health fair is also sponsored by the Caring Hearts of SPBC and Henrico County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Funding has been made possible by a grant to Nia, Inc. from the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health in partnership with The Heart Truth® program of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Maximize Your Health 5K We moved from St. Joseph’s Villa to wherever you are. That’s right. Walk 6,000 steps on any given day and you will have walked the approximate equivalent of 5k or 3.1 Miles. Feel like walking more? Do so. Once you’ve walked at least 6,000 steps on a single day, report your results by going to www.bit.ly/maximizehealth5k before JUL 31. Be one of the first 600 people to report your results and receive a certificate, medal and t-shirt at our Women, Take Charge! Celebration to be held at Trinity Life Center on FRI, AUG 19, from 7-11PM. Additional five random winner will be picked for a chance to win $100. If you need a pedometer, please see your Women Take Charge Partner or visit a kiosk after morning worship at CRE. For more information, contact the church office at (804) 643-4000. Men’s Health Day SUN, JUN 19 All Campuses We are proud to celebrate Men’s Health Month to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. Youth Health Day MON, JUN 20 • 6-9PM Creighton Campus, 4247 Creighton Rd. Come and enjoy free food and activities that promote healthy living habits. Activities include cooking demonstration, impaired driving simulator and distracted driving (texting while driving) obstacle course. Open to both Middle and High school students. Senior Health Day THU, JUN 23 • 11AM-1PM Creighton Campus, 4247 Creighton Rd. Elm Campus, 29 Elm St., Petersburg Education, fitness, exercise and healthy food for seniors. Health Fair SAT, JUN 25 • 8:30AM-12 Noon Creighton Campus, 4247 Creighton Rd. Health screenings, vendors, activities, give-a-ways, prizes, for men, women and children of all ages. For more info on any event contact [email protected] or 804.463.2441 Senior Health Day TUE, JUN 21 • 11AM-1PM Belt Campus, 700 E. Belt Blvd. Education, fitness, exercise and healthy food for seniors. CARING nursing E_BULLETIN HEARTS ministry Download your full paged bulletin at www.bit.ly/spbcbulletin20160619b which includes additional announcements as well as more detailed announcements, baby dedication pictures and hyperlinks to additional content.
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Dr. Lance D. Watson, Senior Pastor www.MySPBC.org • 804.643
Dr. Lance D. Watson, Senior Pastor