Lecture 18, March 2, 2015 graphene, bucky balls, bucky
Lecture 18, March 2, 2015 graphene, bucky balls, bucky
Lecture 18, March 2, 2015 graphene, bucky balls, bucky tubes Elements of Quantum Chemistry with Applications to Chemical Bonding and Properties of Molecules and Solids Course number: Ch125a; Room 115 BI Hours: 11-11:50am Monday, Wednesday, Friday William A. Goddard, III, [email protected] 316 Beckman Institute, x3093 Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology Special Instructor: Julius Su <[email protected]> Teaching Assistants: Hai Xiao <[email protected]> Mark Fornace <[email protected]> Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved Ch125a1 Goddard- Bond energies De = EAB(R=∞) - EAB(Re) Get from QM calculations. Re is distance at minimum energy D0 = H0AB(R=∞) - H0AB(Re) H0=Ee + ZPE is enthalpy at T=0K ZPE = ½Ћ) This is spectroscopic bond energy from ground vibrational state (0K) Including ZPE changes bond distance slightly to R0 Experimental bond enthalpies at 298K and atmospheric pressure D298(A-B) = H298(A) – H298(B) – H298(A-B) D298 – D0 = 0∫298 [Cp(A) +Cp(B) – Cp(A-B)] dT =2.4 kcal/mol if A and B are nonlinear molecules (Cp(A) = 4R). {If A and B are atoms D298 – D0 = 0.9 kcal/mol (Cp(A) = 5R/2)}. (H =Ch125-Goddard-L18 E + pV assuming© an ideal gas) 2 copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved Snap Bond Energy: Break bond without relaxing the fragments Snap Erelax = 2*7.3 kcal/mol Adiabatic D kcal/mol) De (95.0kcal/mol) Desnap (109.6snap Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 3 CH2 +CH2 ethene Starting with two methylene radicals (CH2) in the ground state (3B1) we can form ethene (H2C=CH2) with both a bond and a bond. 3B 3B 1 1 3B 1 The HCH angle in CH2 was 132.3º, but Pauli Repulsion with the new bond, decreases this angle to 117.6º (cf with 120º for CH3) Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 4 Twisted ethene Consider now the case where the plane of one CH2 is rotated by 90º with respect to the other (about the CC axis) This leads only to a bond. The nonbonding l and r orbitals can be combined into singlet and triplet states Here the singlet state is referred to as N (for Normal) and the triplet state as T. Since these orbitals are orthogonal, Hund’s rule suggests that T is lower than N (for 90º). The Klr ~ 0.7 kcal/mol so that the splitting should be ~1.4 kcal/mol. Voter, Goodgame, and Goddard [Chem. Phys. 98, 7 (1985)] showed that N is below T by 1.2 kcal/mol, due to Intraatomic Exchange ( on same center) Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 5 Twisting potential surface for ethene The twisting potential surface for ethene is shown below. The N state prefers θ=0º to obtain the highest overlap while the T state prefers θ=90º to obtain the lowest overlap Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 6 CC double bond energies The bond energies for ethene are De=180.0, D0 = 169.9, D298K = 172.3 kcal/mol Breaking the double bond of ethene, the HCH bond angle changes from 117.6º to 132.xº, leading to an increase of 2.35 kcal/mol in the energy of each CH2 so that Desnap = 180.0 + 4.7 = 184.7 kcal/mol Since the Desnap = 109.6 kcal/mol, for H3C-CH3, The bond adds 75.1 kcal/mol to the bonding. Indeed this is close to the 65kcal/mol rotational barrier. For the twisted ethylene, the CC bond is De = 180-65=115 Desnap = 115 + 5 =120. This increase of 10 kcal/mol compared to ethane might indicate the effect of CH repulsions Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 7 bond energy of F2C=CF2 The snap bond energy for the double bond of ethene of Desnap = 180.0 + 4.7 = 184.7 kcal/mol As an example of how to use this consider the bond energy of F2C=CF2, Here the 3B1 state is 57 kcal/higher than 1A1 so that the fragment relaxation is 2*57 = 114 kcal/mol, suggesting that the F2C=CF2 bond energy is Dsnap~184-114 = 70 kcal/mol. 3B 57 kcal/mol The experimental value is D298 ~ 75 kcal/mol, close to the prediction Ch125-Goddard-L18 1 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 1A 1 8 CC triple bonds Since the first CC bond is De=95 kcal/mol and the first CC bond adds 85 to get a total of 180, one might wonder why the CC triple bond is only 236, just 55 stronger. The reason is that forming the triple bond requires promoting the CH from 2 to 4-, which costs 17 kcal each, weakening the bond by 34 kcal/mol. Adding this to the 55 would lead to a total 2nd bond of 89 kcal/mol comparable to the first Ch125-Goddard-L18 2 4- © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 9 Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 10 Allyl radical Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 11 Allyl Radical Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 12 Allyl wavefunctions It is about 12 kcal/mol Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 13 Benzene resonance Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 14 Benzene and Resonance referred to as Kekule or VB structures Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 15 Resonance Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 16 Benzene wavefunction Pages from Ch120-Chap1-16-2 is a superposition of the VB structures in (2) benzene as ≡ + Pages from Ch120-Chap1-16-2 Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 17 More on resonance That benzene would have a regular 6-fold symmetry is not obvious. Each VB spin coupling would prefer to have the double bonds at ~1.34A and the single bond at ~1.47 A (as the central bond in butadiene) Thus there is a cost to distorting the structure to have equal bond distances of 1.40A. However for the equal bond distances, there is a resonance stabilization that exceeds the cost of distorting the structure, leading to D6h symmetry. Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 18 Cyclobutadiene For cyclobutadiene, we have the same situation, but here the rectangular structure is more stable than the square. That is, the resonance energy does not balance the cost of making the bond distances equal. 1.34 A 1.5x A The reason is that the pi bonds must be orthogonalized, forcing a nodal plane through the adjacent C atoms, causing the energy to increase dramatically as the 1.54 distance is reduced to 1.40A. For benzene only one nodal plane makes the pi bond orthogonal to both other bonds, leading to lower cost Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 19 graphene Graphene: CC=1.4210A Bond order = 4/3 Benzene: CC=1.40 BO=3/2 Ethylene: CC=1.34 BO = 2 CCC=120° Unit cell has 2 carbon atoms 1x1 Unit cell This is referred to as graphene Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 20 Graphene band structure 1x1 Unit cell Unit cell has 2 carbon atoms Bands: 2p orbitals per cell 2 bands of states each with N states where N is the number of unit cells 2 electrons per cell 2N electrons for N unit cells The lowest N MOs are doubly occupied, leaving N empty orbitals. The filled 1st band touches the empty 2nd band at the Fermi energy Get semi metal Ch125-Goddard-L18 2nd band 1st band © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 21 Graphite Stack graphene layers as ABABAB Can also get ABCABC Rhombohedral AAAA stacking much higher in energy Distance between layers = 3.3545A CC bond = 1.421 Only weak London dispersion attraction between layers De = 1.0 kcal/mol C Easy to slide layers, good lubricant Graphite: D0K=169.6 kcal/mol, in plane bond = 168.6 Thus average in-plane bond = (2/3)168.6 = 112.4 kcal/mol 112.4 = sp2 + 1/3 Diamond: average CCs = 85 kcal/mol = 3*27=81 kcal/mol Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 22 energetics Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 23 Graphene: generalize benzene in all directions Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 24 Have to terminate graphene: two simple cases Armchair edge Zig-zag edge For each edge atom break two sp2 sigma bonds but form bent pi bond in plane For each edge atom break sp2 sigma bond, maybe not break pi bond? 111.7 – 20 = 92 kcal/mol 111.7/2 = 56 kcal/mol per dangling bond Length = 3*1.4=4.2A 22 kcal/molA Thus both graphene ribbon surfaces (edges) have similar energies Ch125-Goddard-L18 Length = 1.4*sqrt(3)= 2.42A 23 kcal/mol/A © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 25 C60 flat sheet Cut from graphene 6 arm chair pairs @92 5 zig-zag atoms @56 Total cost 832 kcal/mol! Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 26 C60 fullerene No broken bonds Just ~11.3 kcal/mol strain at each atom 678 kcal/mol Compare with 832 kcal/mol for flat sheet Lower in energy than flat sheet by 154 kcal/mol! Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 27 First observation Heath, Smalley, Krotos Laser evaporation of carbon + supersonic nozzle Observe various sized clusters in mass spect Change various conditions found peak at C60! Smalley and Krotos each independently postulated futball (soccer ball structure) ~1986 ^ H. W. Kroto, J. R. Heath, S. C. O'Brien, R. F. Curl and R. E. Smalley (1985). "C60: Buckminsterfullerene". Nature 318: 162–163. doi:10.1038/318162a0. Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 28 Nature 1985: discovery of C60 Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 29 10 torr He Evidence for C60, Nature 1985 maximize clustercluster reactions in integration cup 760 torr He Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 30 1985-1990 Many papers on C60, no definitive proof that it had fullerene structure, lots of skepticism Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 31 1985-1990 Many papers on C60, no definitive proof that it had fullerene structure, lots of skepticism In 1990 physicists W. Krätschmer and D.R. Huffman for the first time produced isolable quantities of C60 by causing an arc between two graphite rods to burn in a helium atmosphere and extracting the carbon condensate so formed using an organic solvent. Then, Nature 347, 354 - 358 (27 September 1990) W. Krätschmer, Lowell D. Lamb, K. Fostiropoulos & Donald R. Huffman; Solid C60: a new form of carbon A new form of pure, solid carbon has been synthesized consisting of a somewhat disordered hexagonal close packing of soccer-ball-shaped C60 molecules. Infrared spectra and X-ray diffraction studies of the molecular packing confirm that the molecules have the anticipated 'fullerene' structure. Mass spectroscopy shows that the C70 molecule is present 32 Ch125-Goddard-L18 copyright 2015 Goddard III, all rights reserved at ©levels of aWilliam fewA. per cent. Nature 1990, Krätschmer, Lamb, Fostiropoulos, Huffman Sears arc welder with flowing He, get soot of C60. grams per hour Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 33 Nature 1990, Krätschmer, Lamb, Fostiropoulos, Huffman Sears arc welder with flowing He, get soot of C60. grams per hour Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 34 Carbon 13 NMR spectrum of C60 1 peak NMR the key experiment Definitive proof that C60 is fullerene Carbon 13 NMR spectrum of C70 5 peaks, definitive proof of fullerene structure Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 35 Polyyne chain precursors fullerenes, all even buck y ball ov erheads_Page_01 Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 36 Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 37 C540 All fullerens have 12 pentagonal rings Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved 38 Fullerene crystal structures fcc structure C60 Ch125-Goddard-L18 hcp structure C70 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved C60 supercell with ordered C60-C60 interactions Ch125-Goddard-L18 © copyright 2015 William A. Goddard III, all rights reserved