May 31, 2015 - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
May 31, 2015 - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Welcome to… • May 31, 2015 Most Holy Trinity . St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc From the Pastor A cute little girl was holding two apples, one on each hand. Her mom came in and softly asked her daughter with a smile, “Sweetie, could you give Mommy one of your apples?” The girl looked at her mother for a few seconds, then suddenly took a bite of one of the apples; then, just as quickly, she took a bite of the other one. The mom felt the smile on her face freeze and tried hard not to show her disappointment. Then her daughter soon handed her one of the bitten apples and said, “Here you are Mommy, this is the sweeter one!” When I was ordained forty years ago June 1, it wasn’t all sweetness that was handed to me. And while I was not promised all sweetness either, in my naïveté, I kind of suspected that it would be. Now, as I look back, much of the sweetness as well as the not-so-much were in large part due to my own choices. Those of you who have come to celebrate with me today (and those who are with me in spirit from a distance) represent all the grace that has come to me from relationships that God has invited me to form. Every one of you has been sent into my life to reveal a unique dimension of the vastness that is God. For that I am eternally grateful. You remind me daily that God has not only handed me an apple, but an orchard. The blessings far outweigh the challenges; the joys far surpass the disappointments. The feast of the Trinity reminds us this weekend that even God exists in relationship; the very being of God exists because of love that is shared. To encounter that God, then, is to allow myself to both love and be loved, to share myself and let others in. May all of us continue to do that—creating and building up the Church into a true community of disciples, so that God will be praised and we will know the sweetness of God’s love in our every day! Thanks again to those who have supported me on the journey of these forty years. While I have thought that I had entered the Promised Land many years ago, I may be just entering now after forty years of wandering. Whichever is the case, know that I am profoundly grateful that I have never wandered alone, not for one moment, thanks to all of you. And just as an aside, when I was ordained on June 1, 1975, at Holy Name Church in Kimberly, it was a sunny, 79-degree day. Bishop Wycislo ordained me; Pope Paul VI was in Rome (he couldn’t make it; neither could President Ford, but several others were on hand). The Vietnam War had officially ended, Margaret Thatcher had just taken over the reins in England, and Jimmy Hoffa had disappeared. Elvis had just left the building and the average new home sold for $39,300, with the average income being $14,100. A new Ford Mustang sold for $4,105 and the Dow Jones hovered around 800. We are in a different place today, yet that which was most important then and is most important now (family, faith, friendship) remains the same. The world still rotates around the sun and God keeps on recreating it with greater grandeur and glory; thus, may we continue to always give praise to our Triune God for blessings and challenges! Thanks again, Gracious God, for these past forty years and for every moment of every day that we walk hand in hand to your kingdom! May 31, 2015 ♦ page 1 Stewardship Opportunities Pastoral Council, Finance Council and Board of Education St. Francis of Assisi has been blessed with input from all three of these groups. You now have an opportunity to participate in an area of leadership for the parish and school. If interested or wish to nominate someone who would be good, please complete the information below and include in the collection basket or return to the parish office. Check one or more: Pastoral Council Finance Council Board of Education Nominee: Name: __________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ E-mail address: ___________________________ Return to: St. Francis of Assisi Parish Office 601 North 8th Street, Manitowoc Trustee—Treasurer Position To Be Elected Nominations are being sought for this position as well. An election for the trustee will be publicly held through ballots at the church sites. Trustee-Treasurer Nominee: Name: __________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ E-mail address: __________________________ Return to: St. Francis of Assisi Parish Office 601 North 8th Street, Manitowoc St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc The Week Ahead Sunday, May 31st— Sunday Supper: 5:00 PM at Lakeshore United Methodist Church, sponsored by 1st Reformed UCC Monday, June 1st— Daily Mass rotation change, month of June at the Marshall site Tuesday, June 2nd— Prayer Shawl Meeting: 7:00 PM parish office Saturday, June 6th— Interpreted Mass for the Deaf: 4:30 PM at Waldo ALL SONG LEADERS, CANTORS, ORGANISTS AND CHOIR DIRECTORS!! REHEARSAL FOR SUMMER ORDINARY TIME Monday, June 8, 2015 1:30 P.M. or 6:30 P.M. at the Grand site Please remember to bring along your Respond & Acclaim Books. Any questions can be directed to Ann Lensmire, 684-3718 CHOIR SCHEDULE Sunday, June 7th: Grand at 8:30 AM: Grand Troubadours Marshall at 9:00 AM: Immaculate Conception Singers Waldo at 9:30 AM: St. Francis Men’s Choir and Celebrators All other Masses will have an organist /song leader. May 31, 2015 ♦ page 2 UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Tuesday, June 9th— · St. Vincent de Paul Conference Meetings: 4:30 PM—Grand, Waldo & Marshall at SVDP store · Knights of Columbus: 7:00 PM Grand site · Respect Life Mtg: 7:00 PM parish office Wednesday, June 10th— · Men’s AM Bible Study: 5:30 AM parish office · Finance Council Mtg: 6:00 PM parish office Sunday, June 14th— · Baptismal Preparation Class: 6:30 PM parish office Rosary at Calvary Chapel Mausoleum The Rosary is prayed at Calvary Chapel Mausoleum on the first Friday of the month at 4:00 PM in the chapel. The next Rosary is scheduled for Friday, June 5th. All are welcome. First Communion Pictures First Communion Pictures for families of Religious Education students are available for pick up at the Parish Office, 601 N. 8th Street, during office hours. SFA Youth Choir We are looking for singers and instrumentalists in grades K-8 to join the Youth Choir for the 2015-2016 school year. The choir will sing one Mass a month from October to May and will practice the week of Mass. For more information please contact Emily Langer or check out the website at [email protected] 920-851-1703 Ongoing Weekly Events Monday-Thursday: Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon. 5:00 AM—Thurs. 12 Midnight, Waldo site rectory; Adoration before the Tabernacle: Friday 8 AM—4:30 PM Monday-Friday: Adoration Society—Adoration before the Tabernacle: 8:00 AM—8:00 PM at Holy Family Memorial chapel Rosary Recital: 6:00 AM at Marshall, 6:30 AM at Waldo Wednesdays: Holy Hour for Life: 9:00 AM in the Eucharistic Chapel at the Waldo site Women of Hope Bible Group: 9:30 AM parish office Fatima Devotions: 6:00 PM at the Marshall site church Thursdays: Holy Family Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group: 7:00 PM at the parish office, includes prayer for needs St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc Mass Intentions Saturday May 30th—Vigil, The Most Holy Trinity 4:00 PM G †John & Mary Naidl; †Barb & Ray Meissen and Todd Meissen 4:00 PM M †Melvin Schisel & Elizabeth Shupita; †Ronald F. Weber 4:30 PM W †Mary Claire Mullins; L/D Mbrs of the Victor & Eleanore Tadych Family 6:00 PM M Misa en Español Sunday May 31st—The Most Holy Trinity 7:30 AM W †Catherine & Del Hauschulz; †Esther & Wilber Huntington 8:30 AM G †Edward VanderBloomen, Sr.; †Ben & Regina Burkart 9:00 AM M L/D Mbrs of the Lishka, Menzel & Vogel Families; †Eleanor Weina 9:30 AM W In Thanksgiving from the Gresl Family 10:30 AM G †Pattee Holschbach; †Newphrey & Clara Check Monday June 1st—St. Justin 6:45 AM M †Samuel Huston; †Bob Deubler Tuesday June 2nd—Weekday 6:45 AM M †Kevin Rezachek & Jim Surfus; †Mary, Clara & Violet Kaufman Wednesday June 3rd—St. Charles Lwanga and Companions 6:45 AM M †Isabel & Arthur Klackner; †Betty & Bonnie Brochtrup and Chris & Andrew Linsmeier Thursday June 4th—Weekday 6:45 AM M †Park & Joann Johnson; †Margaret Loebig Friday June 5th—St. Boniface 6:45 AM M †Dale Knickelbine; †Robert Singer; In Thanksgiving of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Lindy & Sharon DeNamur 9:00 AM W †Bob Lemberger; SFA Catholic School Families Saturday June 6th—Vigil, Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 4:00 PM G †Armin Rosinsky; †Fr. John Neuser 4:00 PM M †Austin Eichhorst; †Priscilla & Anton Bonin 4:30 PM W †Mildred & Margaret Dufek; †Janet & Paul Klackner Sunday June 7th—Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 7:30 AM W †Ken Sieracki; †Deacon Paul Kieffer 8:30 AM G †Wallace & Rita Fictum; L/D Mbrs of the Leo Kattner Family 9:00 AM M †Florence & Lori Bursek, Rueben & Alice Kelley, Joseph & Veronica Schultz; †Donald L. Bartels, Sr. 9:30 AM W For the Parish 10:30 AM G †John & Roy Knorr; †Paul Kramer Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." - Mt 28:18-19 May 31, 2015 ♦ page 3 Most Holy Trinity Deacon Bob Beehner “Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit” It was great getting together with everyone this past Memorial Day weekend. My daughter Kathy and her husband have two little girls of their own. Their youngest daughter, Emily, is a good baby and she smiles a lot. I was surprised to be told that she looks a lot like my mom in her eyes. My mom passed away last year and I often will think of how I miss her. But when I looked hard into Emily’s eyes, I did start to see the resemblance. And while I was looking at her like this, Emily broke into one of her big smiles. I was struck deeply by the memory of my mom’s smile. Our memories may not be as good as we think they are and this is why a trinitarian God, who is one, is so incredibly helpful to us. Jeremiah the prophet says in God’s words: “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.” And did God smile at our individual formation? Of course…but I don’t remember. And in a small town to a chosen people, God physically came to us. To help our failing memories we have so many words that were written down with inspiration: the whole New Testament. As Jesus sends us forth in this Gospel reading, could he as be looking at us in love? That is, is he smiling? Our everyday experience of God is in the Holy Spirit, who is in us. I was caught off guard by the memory of my mom’s smile coming through in my granddaughter this weekend; yet shouldn’t I have realized that my own smile of love is the Holy Spirit of God shining through? Someday, will my daughter be struck with the memory of my smile? Does the love of God come through us in this way? For Jesus said “I am with you always to the end of the age.” I think I saw that love in Emily’s smile. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 31, 2015 ♦ page 4 Readings for the Week of May 31, 2015 Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/ Mt 28:16-20 Monday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8/Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14/Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a/Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a/ Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17/Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20/Mk 12:38-44 Next Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 The following have recently joined our parish. Please welcome: Cody Meyer Jasmin Elliott and son Robert Maggie Greenwold Jared & Bonnie Surman Haley Fluderer & Nicholas Busa—1st Bann Eric & Nancy Haban and son Frank Monica Hernandez & Maximiano Camacho—1st Bann Matthew & Carrie Sue Barnes and children Timothy & Annabelle Lindsay Brisch & Johnny Froelich—1st Bann Emilie Trimberger & Josh Dahm—3rd Bann Prayer for Peace All ages are welcome to join in the Fatima devotions. Devotions are held every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at the Marshall site, lasting approximately a half hour. The devotions will run through November 4th. Enter the church through the west door, off of the driveway. Please join us in praying the rosary. Keith Binversie Sergio Mediano & Ashley Novak and son Armani In Memory of… For the week of May 31st Sanctuary Lights are in memory of... Hugo & Helen Hoffman at the Waldo site First Saturday Mass Robert Hall at the Grand site The next first Saturday Mass at Calvary Chapel Mausoleum will be on June 6th, at 10:00 AM. Eternal Rest to Our Loved Ones We extend our sympathy to the families & friends of: Catherine LeClair Parish Office Scrip Sale Hours: Monday: 8:30 AM—4:00 PM Maxine Mrotek Wednesday: 12:30 PM—4:30 PM Carl Mueller Friday: 8:30 AM—12:00 Noon Margaret Nelson Scrip is also sold after all Masses at all sites! Travis Rohl Thank You for your support of Scrip! Our SFA Scrip Coordinator is: Cindi Verch, 652-7835 Irene Wicihowski May all the faithful departed rest in peace. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 31, 2015 ♦ page 5 Stewardship in Scripture PARISH SUPPORT Weekly parish support numbers were not available to print and will be published next week. Media Ministers Needed Communication is important when you have a message as important as the Gospel. St. Francis of Assisi is becoming a congregation that is embracing the 21st century. We are striving to become a congregation that communicates a message of grace and love not just through our spoken word but through the many lines of communication that this highly connected world has to offer. G o therefo Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (MT 28:19-20) SFA Grief Support Group The Media Ministry controls song lyrics and video presentations via computer software. It is computer based controls and can be taught to most people with a general sense of software and rhythmic timing. The media software is easy to learn and fun to control. Media Ministers serve a minimum of 1 Saturday or Sunday a month. These positions will be offered a stipend and training is provided. Please contact Mark Knipp at 652-7815 for more information. This gathering provides support and encouragement through video presentation, hand-outs, discussion, and follow-up options for continued assistance through the grief process. MASS PRESIDER SCHEDULE: Questions: Kay Goswitz, Parish Nurse (652-7851) Thursday, June 11 6:00—7:30 pm Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Newton Room For the weekend of June 6 & 7 SFA Respite Care Program Waldo site—Fr. Bill Brunner Respite Care offers families the opportunity to leave a loved one in their household with a trained volunteer for a short period of time. If your family could benefit from this companion service, contact Kay Goswitz, Parish Nurse at the parish office (652-7851). St. Thomas the Apostle—Fr. Rene Balbero Military Outreach Head Volunteer Needed (Changes may occur due to special events.) Looking for a volunteer to head up the Military Outreach Committee. The chair would work with existing volunteers at each site, coordinate Military displays at the sites during July 4th and Veterans Day, as well as solicit pictures for displays and update displays as needed. Please contact Mark Knipp at 652-7815 for more information. Marshall site—Fr. Dave Beaudry Grand site—June 6, Fr. Finian and June 7, Fr. Dave Pleier Baptism Preparation for First Time Parents The next Baptism Preparation Class is scheduled for Sunday, June 14th at 6:30 PM at the parish office. This class is required for all first time parents. Come meet with other young parents and learn about your child’s Baptism. Babies and Godparents are welcome. Parents who are expecting their first child are also welcome. Please pre-register for the class by calling the parish office at 684-3718. The Baptism Preparation Class is offered the second Sunday of each month. St. Vincent de Paul Help Corner T As we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity we also realize the mystery of how much God loves and cares for us each day. Believing this in our lives can then overflow in thanksgiving and praise. Your gifts to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brings the love and care of Jesus to the poor. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 31, 2015 ♦ page 6 And Pope Francis' says… Three phrases he often recommends families use frequently: May I? Thank you. Forgive me. The words are simple, he said, and hearing the pope advise their frequent use could make someone smile at first. "But when we forget them, it's no laughing matter, right?" "We must be uncompromising in educating people in gratitude and thanksgiving," the pope said. "If family life ignores this, our social life will lose as well." In addition, he said, "for believers, gratitude is at the very heart of faith. A Christian who does not know how to give thanks is one who has forgotten God's language." "Listen up, eh," he told the estimated 25,000 people in the square, and repeated the sentence. Pope Francis said a "very wise" woman once told him, "'gratitude is a plant that grows only in the soil of noble souls.' The nobility of soul, the grace of God, pushes one to give thanks. Gratitude is the flower of a noble soul." Holy Family Memorial Mass Intentions Pro-Life Wisconsin Event July 16 Prayer is Powerful and your prayers can be multiplied by having a Mass said for the intentions of a loved one. Besides Masses being celebrated at our parish, Holy Family Memorial Hospital celebrates a Mass at the hospital chapel at 2300 Western Avenue, at 12:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Sunday Mass is held at 9:00 AM. There is a stipend of $10 per Mass payable to HFM Chapel. For more information contact HFM Mission & Pastoral Care at 320-2317. Pro-Life Wisconsin is proudly sponsoring an event with the St. Gianna Molla Guild on July 16. The event begins with Mass at 5:15pm at the Bridgewood Hotel in Neenah, WI. The featured speaker is Alex Shadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition. Registration is $35 members and $45 non-members. Registration begins soon! More details available at Prayer is powerful, so keep your loved ones and/or special intentions in daily prayer through the powerful message of the Mass. Save the Date… Parish Picnic 2015 August 14 & 15 ~ Waldo site Mark your calendar, fun for all ages! St. Gregory Parish & School "Old County Fair Golf Outing & Auction" will be held Friday, June 5th at Autumn Ridge Golf Course. Chicken & BBQ Pork dinner buffet serving from 5:30-9:00 PM. Silent and oral auctions, many raffles. Golfers can contact Rich Galien at 901-2320 to set up tee times. ($60 for golf, dinner & two drinks) All proceeds benefit St. Gregory Parish & School. Come join the fun!! 7th Annual Golf Outing Sponsored by LEO (Lakeshore Ecumenical Outreach) Seven Lakes Golf Course Saturday, June 6th We still need 5 foursomes. Cost is $40.00, includes 18 holds of golf, lunch and many door prizes. Preregistration required. For more details, call Jim Neuser at 920-242-6887. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 31, 2015 ♦ page 7 The mission of Roncalli High School is to educate in the Catholic traditions of spiritual growth, life-long service, and academic excellence. The Class of 2015 would like to thank all the parishioners, priests, family and friends who have supported them and enriched their lives on their path to graduation. We pray that they will continue to grow in their faith as they pursue their dreams. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Manitowoc May 31, 2015 ♦ page 8 What’s happening at… 5th grade students visited St. Peter the Fisherman School's new rock wall and participated in activities with St. Peter the Fisherman's 5th Grade class. Bob Nelson REALTOR GRI, ABR, SRES E-PRO, BPOR Heating, Cooling & Plumbing, Wells, Septics, Softeners, sump pumps & bath/kitchen remodel Manitowoc, WI. 54220 (920) 860-0178 Call us at 920-684-7093 Parish Member Industrial • Commercial • Residential (920) 682-5233 (kbee) 109 N 10th St., Manitowoc THE REAL ESTATE GROUP, INC. MARIBEL HEATING & PLUMBING LLC Backus Electric LLC Free Estimates! Now Locally Owned 3225 Menasha Avenue For All Your Electrical Needs Including: Arc Flash Analysis, Thermal Imaging, Surveillance Camera Systems 610 Tower Ave. Kellnersville, WI. 54215 863-2921 • 732-3506 [email protected] MP230545 Knox’s Banquet Hall • Aluminum Awnings • • Ornamental Railings and Columns • • Rustic Lawn Art • Sunday Brunch 10am-1:30pm Specializing in family style dinners 10 to 300 people 814 S. 28th Street, Manitowoc 684-5779 1222 S. Alverno Rd. • (920) 686-2004 Manufactured by Brixius Manufacturing, Inc. Serving the Lakeshore Area for 65 Years YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE Transportation Services, Inc. 2880 Dogwood Lane Manitowoc, WI 54220 Tel.: (920) 683-3203 Fax: (920) 683-3247 Reed & 8th Street Thanks for Your Support Karl’s Excavating Inc. Dan Wagner • Shredded Topsoil • Gravel • Loader • Sand Backhoe • Dozer • Bobcat Large and Small Tree Pruning, Removal and Stump Removal 20 Years Experience B.S. Urban Forestry, U.W.S.P. Tree Care 920-684-5618 4002 Wildwood Drive Manitowoc, WI 54220 (920) 686-3726 Email: [email protected] I 43 & Hwy 151 Parish Member Free Estimates Over 20 Years Of Installations ® North Ridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center Giving Life More Flavor Sausage Company Serving Manitowoc Since 1928 MANUFACTURERS OF PREMIUM CHEESE SPREADS & CONFECTIONS Residential/Commercial Authorized Sales & Service All Brands 920-242-6717 AFFORDABLE PRICES • Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapy Available 7 Days A Week • Exceptional Patient Outcomes Call for a tour today at 920-682-0314 • 1445 N. 7th Street, Manitowoc Parish Member FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED MANITOWOC, WI 920-684-8143 SERVICES INCLUDE: -Personalized Fitness Programs -Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching residential • commercial industrial (920) 682-1492 -Exclusive Fitness Challenges -Group Fitness Classes -Your 1st Class is FREE! 1402 CLARK ST., STE. 201 & 202 • MANITOWOC 920-973-1977 • WWW.IAMDEFIANTFITNESS.COM Roncalli Catholic High School Lawrence V. 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Perch • Walleye • Haddock • Blue Gill Outstanding ing Clam Chowder 426 N 9th St., Manitowoc 920.684.3007 Regency House Senior Apartments Creating Christian Community Personalizing Education Call (920) 686-8126 for information Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the internet or yellow pages. • Extensive Nursing Experience • Compassionate Staff • Outstanding Wound Care GUY SCHUETTE BUILDERS Quality Craftsmanship 684-0880 1898 N. 18th St. Parish Member FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Across from Senior Center Affordable Senior Housing Monthly “Pot-Luck” Socials In-House Washers & Dryers Beautiful Park-like Setting Call for a Private Tour (920) 684-1531 Parish Member Owned 929 South 31st Street, Manitowoc ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC D 2C 01-0704 05-12-2015 11:28:49 BILL’S AUTO SALES & CUSTOM PAINT, INC. Quality Pre-owned Vehicles Complete Collision Center We Accept Scrip M. O. Orchekowski, D.D.S. • D.L. Beaupre D.D.S. 4725 Plank Rd., Manitowoc, WI 54220 (920) 682-7881 3836 Calumet Ave. • Manitowoc 920-682-8867 Parish Member GENERAL DENTISTRY 1503 Randolph Ct. Manitowoc, WI 54220 920-682-0321 107 Eisenhower St. Valders, WI 54245 920-775-4168 Dr. Daniel R. Boettcher Dr. Matthew R. Culligan Dr. Steven M. Groddy Dr. Estella A. Pizana PERIODONTICS Dr. Michael L. Schmerman FAX: 920-682-3128 EBERT’S ANTIQUES Since 1967 Wanted to buy: Antique Furniture • Crocks • Guns Rahr Kingsbury Items Silver Coins • Jewelry Estates - No Commission Bring in or Call 682-0687 10% Off Entire Bill With Ad • Great Gr Breakfasts • Daily Da Specials • Homemade Ho Desserts • Soup So & Salad Bar Daily • Dine-in Di or Carryout Family Restaurant 2021 Nagle Ave. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone (920) 683-2123 Fax (920) 683-3475 682-1081 2013 N. Rapids Rd. Manitowoc Windows Free Estimates 2816 N. Rapids Rd. Manitowoc Dr. Scott E. Zak Dr. Douglas P. 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Residential • Commercial Industrial Jim Vnuk • Manitowoc, WI FREE ESTIMATES 24 Hour Emergency Service (920) 901-0006 Available for Indoor or Outdoor Events Serving at Your Site or Eagles Club in Manitowoc 920-682-1161 Capable of Serving Groups from 50-2,500 we are here to serve all your needs 1344 S. 26th Street LUISIER PLUMBING, INC. “Serving The Lakeshore for Over 50 Years” Home Repair and General Carpentry Roofing & Sheetmetal Contractors Industrial and Commercial Home: 920-686-0445 Cell: 920-860-2225 3403 Menasha Avenue Manitowoc, WI 54220 Call Tim for a Free Estimate! Fully Insured! 920-682-7707 FALL-RITE SERVICES Complete Tree and Brush Removal Year Round Service • Tree Trimming • Stump Grinding • Site Clearing • Tree Spade Service • Tilling for Garden/Food Plots Fully Insured/Free Estimates Scott Browne 920-255-2485 1320 Washington St. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Novak’s Service Center 203 South Liberty Valders Jeremiah Novak 4623 Goodwin Road 682-3666 MP #232233 JOHN KOSS (920) 683-1996 Owner 920-684-5737 Fax: 920-684-5643 Repair and Maintenance We fill propane cylinders 775-9323 682-2480 1-800-236-4827 Working hard to be “Lumber 1” with you! 4558 Broadway Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 JOHN KOSS BUILDERS, INC. Sales and Installation of Carpeting • Vinyl • Ceramic Laminate & Wood CUSTOM CARPENTRY NEW CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONS • GARAGES • SIDING ROOFING • KITCHENS LEE & DAVE DENK 1507 Twentieth St. Two Rivers, WI 54241 Phone 794-1364 FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC C 2C 01-0704 05-12-2015 11:28:49 Joseph W. Debilzen, Financial Advisor KAMINSKI & POZORSKI Attorneys and Counselors • 18 Hole Championship Golf Course • Practice Facility • 9 Hole Practice Course • Season Passes, Leagues, Full Service Golf Shop Available • Wedding Ceremonies • Wedding Receptions • Christmas Parties • Corporate Events 3212 N. Union Rd. Cato, WI 54230 (920) 682-5901 We can accommodate ps of 12 to 275 groups Rick Balzan Parish Member (920) 905-0543 2 years in a row! Four Seasons CHRIS LEWIS TREE SURGERY All Phases of Restaurant Great Breakfast All Day Tree Services. Aerial Bucket. Fully Insured 3950 Calumet Avenue TIM NATE PLUMBING INSTALLATION & REPAIRS New Construction - Remodel Residential - Commercial Garbage Disposals - Water Heaters Drain Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES MP #230792 Licensed & Insured Over 20 Years Experience 920-684-8968 “Helping to make things right” [email protected] 684-6694 Siding • Remodeling New Home Construction Windows • Roofing Custom Kitchens/Baths Rubber Roof Commercial & Residential Delicious Catering With All Your Favorites! (920) 876-2984 Serving Food Mon.-Thurs. 10am-Midnight • Fri. 10am-10pm Sat. 10am-Midnight • Sun. 7am-8pm 4117 Broadway St., Manitowoc 684-1622 • Graduation • Special Events Jim Bialek - Owner ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED 904 South Eighth Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 May is Lupus Awareness Month Stop in to Learn More About and Donate to Personal attention to your human the Lupus Foundation resource issues Find the Extraordinary in You 846 N. 8th St., Manitowoc Bus. 920-682-4029 Cell 920-629-1601 Jung Construction LLC Book Your Next Event at Branch River Manitowoc County’s Finest Golf Facility 1925 North Rapids Road Manitowoc, WI 54220 VOGEL AUTO BODY • JOHNS AUTO SALES “THE PROFESSIONALS” COMPLETE BODY SERVICE • AMERICAN & FOREIGN Serving The Manitowoc Area FREE ESTIMATES For Over 30 Years Compliments 920 682-7684 of A Friend Caregiver Need a Break? 2324 N RAPIDS RD • MANITOWOC Recharge using Azura Memory Care’s Short-Term Respite Care Program. Only $150 per day! (less than $6.50 per hour) At Azura Memory Care, we believe in supporting our family caregivers by offering a cost-effective way for them to rest and recuperate. (920) 284-6584 3720 Menasha Ave., Manitowoc 683-1444 682-5621 HOFMANN MONUMENTS, INC. Calumet Avenue Jim KaderabekSeiler Bros. Builder Construction, Inc. Dr. Chiropractic Thomas - Certified Chiropractic FOR THREE GENERATIONS MEMORIALS - MARKERS MAUSOLEUMS TODD & KEVIN HOFMANN 3104 Memorial Dr. Two Rivers 794-7541 Call us today to schedule a tour and witness our Exceptional Care. Extremity Practitioner Drain Tile Work Dr. Willhite - National Treasurer of the Concrete Work. ACA Council of Internal Disorders Trenching 3713 Calumet Ave. Basement Wall Repair Phone 682-4726 4511 E. Whitetail CT Remodeling New Home Construction Parish Member Manitowoc, WI 54220 682-0756 (920) 682-6680 HOME IMPROVEMENTS New Homes • Remodeling • Additions Exterior/Interior Home Improvements Bill Luedtke • (920) 758-9535 Honesty • Integrity Quality Workmanship Industrial - Commercial - Residential 920.686.1180 24 Hour Emergency Service 2 MARITIME PLUMBING CUT YOUR HEATING BILLS WITHOUT CUTTING COMFORT AND MECHANICAL LLC [email protected]/ Residential • Commercial Full Service Plumbing For more information on these products, contact Dale or Jennifer Zipperer Kitchen & Bath Showroom 24 Hour Emergency Service (920) 682-8794 683-3967 Parish Family NEW TRANSMISSIONS MIKE HOWE BUILDERS NEW TRANSMISSIONS “Building With Pride” NEW CONSTRUCTION • ADDITIONS REMODELING • ROOFING SIDING • WINDOWS DECKS • CONCRETE [email protected] 920-242-3111 Contact John Hiller to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2481 FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM AUTO • TRUCK • RV Foreign & Domestic Transmissions Repair/Rebuilt ASE Certified • See Us At Our New Location 4125 Cty Tk CR, Manitowoc (920) 682-9091 OUR GRILL IS NOW OPEN TRY OUR DELICIOUS SANDWICHES, BURGERS & MORE “Fun Place Where Good People Meet” 527 N. 10th St. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC 920-682-6510 B 2C 01-0704 05-12-2015 11:28:49 Parish Members Funeral Home • Skip Pfeffer and All-Care Cremation • Steve Pfeffer Center R & J FRICKE, INC. Silver Lake Country Store Jay Fricke, Parishioner Quality Sand & Gravel For Quality Concrete Division of Tri-State Feed & Grain 5814 Calumet Ave. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 Office: 920-682-3388 A Nice Catholic Lady Who Knows The Proper Length of a Hem Ready Mixed Concrete - Building Materials Sand Fill - Road Gravel Email: [email protected] Alterations, Zipper Replacement, Repairs Mix Plant, 3107 Fricke Dr.684-4824 Website: 929 So. 8th St., Manitowoc Office, 3107 Fricke Dr. 684-9294 Concrete Lifting and Foundation Repair 4903 Vista Road Manitowoc, WI 54221-1054 920-684-8515 Member FDIC Compliments of DR. WILLIAM J. BERO Family Dentistry Orthodontics Bob De Roche 682-2161 [email protected] 2102 Marshall 684-9253 CUSTOM HEALTH PHARMACY INC. John Sowinski R. Ph., Pharmacist/Owner Parish Family St. Vincent de Paul Store 1011 S. 10th St., Manitowoc (Corner of 10th & Washington, next to Subway) 911 Chicago Street Manitowoc (920) 482-3145 920-682-9452 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-1pm Store Hours: Mon 9am-5pm Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9am-4pm Sat 9am-1pm Badger Cycle Motorcycles • ATVs • Scooters Snowblowers • Generators 920-682-2127 Thank you for your donations Volunteers always welcome 1351 S. Rapids Rd. • Manitowoc John Kunesh, Owner • (920) 686-1003 Pietroske Inc. Free Estimates • Fully Insured Soffit & Fascia Work Available 4000 Grand Ave. • Manitowoc, WI 684-0224 Buick • Cadillac • GMC Truck • Chevrolet 920-793-3311 Two Rivers, WI Special Events Construction Sites Luxury Units Handicap Units Handwash Sinks Celebrating 50 Years! 920-726-4101 Thank you for your patronage! 9621 Newton Rd. Newton, WI Free Estimates Fully Insured John Kunesh, Owner (920) 323-7264 Local and Long Distance High Speed - DSL Business and Wireless solutions Every life is worth remembering Buy 1 Adult Buffet get the 2nd for $5.99 (with coupon) 2205 Forest Avenue Two Rivers, WI 54241 Open Daily 11-10pm • Buffet ’til 9pm 920-553-2211 3212 Calumet Ave • 920-769-0015 Award winning cemetery memorials • Interior Painting • Decorative & Faux Finishes • Wallpapering & Borders • Trim Work • Drywall Finishing • Quick, Reliable Service 920-684-3829 1232 N 8th St. • Manitowoc, WI 54220 Owners & parish members Eric & Claire (Lenaerts) Zabel MANITOWOC, WI • 684-5559 Sue Evenson • (920) 772-4500 GREEN BAY DIOCESAN MUSEUM At St. Francis Xavier Cathedral 140 So. Madison St. Green Bay, WI 54301 “Builders Of Beauty” Since 1938 Tours Available In Clover just south of Natural Ovens 758-2231 Phone 920-432-4348 FOR AD INFO CALL John Hiller 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, MANITOWOC A 2C 01-0704 05-12-2015 11:28:49 Parish Office Phone: 920-684-3718 Parish Central Office: 601 North 8th Street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Office Hours: Mon.—Thurs. 8:00 AM—4:30 PM; Fri. 8:00 AM—Noon / parish e-mail: [email protected] Parish Worship Sites: Grand site, 1416 Grand Ave. Marshall site, 1114 S. 21st St. Waldo site, 1121 N. 14th St. Faith Formation Center: 1416 Grand Ave., 652-7811 School Central Office: 1408 Waldo Blvd., 652-7830 Pastoral Leadership Team Fr. Dave Pleier Fr. Dave Beaudry Fr. Bill Brunner Fr. Rene Balbero Dcn. Bob Beehner Parish Deacons Deacon Rich Bahnaman Deacon Bob Beehner Deacon Alan Boeldt Deacon Mike Dolezal Deacon Kenn Nelesen Parish & School Team Barbara Kratz……………….…Director of Faith Formation Ann Lensmire…………………………….Director of Music Mark Knipp….....………….………......Director of Worship Dianne Vadney…………….…Family Ministry Coordinator Kay Goswitz………………………………..…Parish Nurse Patrick Brandel…………………………………Stewardship Deanne Kuenzi………………………………….Accountant Mike Miller…………………………....Director of Facilities Linda Bender—Elementary School Principal…….683-6892 Steve Thiele—Middle School Principal .…………683-6884 John Stelzer—President, Tim Olson—Principal Roncalli High School…………………………..682-8801 Cemeteries Jerry Schermetzler—Family Services Manager 684-3646 Want to become a Catholic? There is a process to connect with the Spirit and the Church. Call the parish office and ask about RCIA. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Mass Schedule Saturday: Marshall site: 4:00 PM Grand site: 4:00 PM Waldo site: 4:30 PM Sunday: Waldo site: Marshall site: Grand site: 7:30 & 9:30 AM 9:00 AM 8:30 & 10:30 AM Weekday: 6:45 AM, rotating monthly. Waldo: January, April, July, October Grand: February, May, August, November Marshall: March, June, September, December Radio Broadcast Mass: Sun. 9:30 AM, WCUB 980AM Cablecast of Sunday Mass: Tues & Wed. at 2:00 PM Comcast Cable Channel 20 St. Thomas the Apostle, Newton—Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 PM; Sunday: 8 & 10 AM, Spanish 1 PM Sacraments Reconciliation: Marshall site: Saturday, 8:00-9:00 AM Grand site: Saturday, 3:00-3:30 PM Waldo site: Saturday, 3:30-4:00 PM Anytime by appointment. Baptism & Marriage Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick A communal celebration is offered three times per year. Individual anointing is available upon request. Pastoral Care of the Sick/Homebound Please notify the parish office of family/friends who are homebound, in care facilities, or hospitalized. We Welcome You to St. Francis of Assisi Parish Community! · · · Our most important involvement in the parish community is our presence at the Sunday Eucharist— “the source and summit of our life in Christ”. Our parish Christian stewardship is based on prayer, service, and sharing. We are called to give back to God as generously as God has given to us. If you wish to find out more about our parish community, please contact the parish office, or complete this form and drop in the collection basket at Mass. You will be contacted by a member of the parish staff. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ .