Foz do Amazonas Basin
Foz do Amazonas Basin
Brasil Round 4 Foz do Amazonas Basin Adhemar Massao Fugita Block Definition Superintendency Foz do Amazonas Basin Location Map Total Area = 261,170 km2 Foz do Amazonas Basin 0 75 Pará-Maranhão Basin Macapá Belém 150 225 300 375 km Foz do Amazonas Basin GENERAL REMARKS Exploration start up - 1963 - Subcomercial Gas Pirapema - 1976 Pliocene – Probable Original Volume 10.1 BM3 Area of APS-51A - 1982 Pleistocene – Possible Original Volume 7-12 BM3 - Subcommercial oil/gas/cond Area of APS-21- 1976 Drilling to date 93 exploratory wells (1 well/2,808 km2) 92 wildcats and 1 extension Foz do Amazonas Basin Structural Framework Petrobras Foz do Amazonas Basin Schematic Regional Geological Section Petrobras Foz do Amazonas Basin Gravity Map Bloco BT-SL-1 Petrobras Foz do Amazonas Basin •Stratigraphy 3 sequences: -Drift- Cenomanian-Recent Amazon delta (canyon dominated) Miocene-Recent Tucunaré/Pirarucu/Orange Fms. Clastic/Carbonate Platform Paleocene-Miocene Marajó/Amapá/Travosas Fm Transgressive-regressive system Cenomanian-Paleocene Limoeiro Fm -Rift II- Albian-Aptian – Caciporé Fm -Rift I- Triassic - volcanics and Calçoene Fm Foz do Amazonas Basin Petrobras Foz do Amazonas Basin Schematic Regional Geological Section Petrobras Foz do Amazonas Basin Ø Source Rocks - Travosas Fm. (Eocene) – potential source rock TOC – up to 4.5 % - 1-APS-36 15 kg of HC/rock ton - Limoeiro Fm. (Albian/Cenomanian/Turonian) Marine shales of the transgressive system TOC -1%-5% Type II - Caciporé Fm. (Rift phase II- Albian-Aptian) Lacustrine shales on average 6 kg of HC/rock ton Foz do Amazonas Basin Ø Source Rocks (Advocate D.M. et al.-1999) Post-Rift Phase: - Pirarucu Fm (Miocene-Pleistocene) Potential source rock Can be mature in the deeper portions - Amapá Fm (Paleogene) TOC 1%-5% Restricted to back-reef lagoon - Limoeiro Fm (late Cretaceous) TOC 1%-5% Recognized on the platform and expected to occur in the deep basin Foz do Amazonas Basin •Geochemical Profile 1-APS-31A Limoeiro Fm Transgressive Unit DPC&Assoc. Foz do Amazonas Basin •1-APS-36 Travosas Fm DPC&Assoc. Foz do Amazonas Basin Ø Reservoirs - Turbiditic sands - Orange Fm. – Plio/Pleistocene - Canyonites - Pirarucu Fm - Tertiary porous and fractured carbonates, banks, reefs and talus deposits and calcareous turbidites Amapá/Travosas Fm. - Deltaic/Turbiditic sands - Limoeiro Fm. - Fluvio-deltaic sands of Rift Phase II – Caciporé Fm - Eolian sands Rift Phase I – Calçoene Fm Foz do Amazonas Basin Reservoirs - Deltaic sands and turbidites of the Orange Fm - Miocene to Recent - Canyonites Pirarucu Fm - Miocene-Pliocene -Reefs, banks, talus deposits, siliciclastic and carbonatic turbidites, fractured carbonates Amapá and Travosas Fms Tertiary - Deltaic and turbiditic sands of the Limoeiro Fm - Albianlate Cretaceous (Rift II) - Fluvio-deltaic sands Caciporé Fm - Aptian-Albian - Eolian sands Calçoene Fm (Rift I) Foz do Amazonas Basin ØTraps structural and stratigraphic - carbonates - banks, reefs, structures associated with growth faults, paleogeomorphic (canyons), fractures - siliciclastics- structures associated with growth faults, shale domes/diapirs, toe-thrust structures, pinch-outs, canyon fill (canyonites) and canyon truncation, faulted blocks ØSeals - Shales, marls, calcilutites intercalated in target zones Foz do Amazonas Basin - Generation -Limoeiro and Caciporé Fm - oil generation window entry during late Cretaceous/Paleocene -Travosas Fm - oil and gas generation window entry during Plio-Pleistocene - Migration - Amapá, Travosas and Orange Fm - Drift phase normal and listric faults, canyons - Calçoene and Caciporé Fm – Rift phase normal faults and direct source rock/reservoir contact Foz do Amazonas Basin Petroleum System Event Chart - Limoeiro-Amapá System DPC&Assoc. Foz do Amazonas Basin Petroleum System •Event Chart - Travosas-Pirarucu System(!) DPC& Assoc. Foz do Amazonas Basin Limoeiro-Amapá System(!) Main HC occurrences and generation pods DPC& Assoc. Foz do Amazonas Basin Travosas-Pirarucu System(!) Main HC ocurrences and generation pods DPC& Assoc. Foz do Amazonas Basin ØBM-FZA-2 ØBM-FZA-3 Foz do Amazonas Basin BM-FZA-2 and 3 Foz do Amazonas Basin Seismic and regional wells Foz do Amazonas Basin BM-FZA-2 and 3 Map of available 2D seismic Foz do Amazonas Basin ØBM-FZA-2 Area – 7,682 km2 2D Seismic - 460 km 15 exploratory wells (3 of them repeated) - 6 siliciclastic rollover prospects Pirapema (APS-10B) APS-4, 8A, 10B, 15, 34, 40 - 6 carbonate prospects 5 structural -APS-2, 16C, 17, 36, 25 (this well also with a Rift target) 1 bioherm- APS-24 Foz do Amazonas Basin BM-FZA-2 Map of available wells Foz do Amazonas Basin BM-FZA-2 •Plays ORANGE FM TURBIDITES rollovers and associated structures, stratigraphic (syndepositional lows) PIRARUCU FM CANYONITES pinch-outs, onlap, differential compaction AMAPÁ AND TRAVOSAS FM CARBONATES Fractures, reefs, banks, paleogeomorphologic, talus deposits, carbonate-turbidites LIMOEIRO FM CLASTICS structural and stratigraphic Foz do Amazonas Basin BM-FZA-3 Area – 7,548 km2 2D Seismic - 547 km No wells Foz do Amazonas Basin BM-FZA-3 •Play TRAVOSAS AND ORANGE FM TURBIDITES structural, stratigraphic and syndepositional traps (mounds) Foz do Amazonas Basin ØMinimum Work Program - BM-FZA-2 MINIMUM PROGRAM - BM-FZA-2 Exploration Period Length (years) 1st 3 2nd 3 3rd 2 Compulsory Area Work Program/ Relinquishment Investment 50 % of original 5,000 km 2D seismic area 25 % of original 2 Wells area 25 % of original 2 Wells area Financial Guarantee 1st Period = USD 5,000,000 Foz do Amazonas Basin ØMinimum Work Program - BM-FZA-3 MINIMUM PROGRAM - BM-FZA-3 Exploration Period Length (years) 1st 3 2nd 3 3rd 3 Compulsory Area Work Program/ Relinquishment Investment 50 % of original 5,000 km 2D seismic area 25 % of original 2 Wells area 25 % of original 2 Wells area Financial Guarantee 1st Period = USD 5,000,000 Foz do Amazonas Basin Carbonate Plays Reefs INTISAR D - LIBYA Foz do Amazonas Basin Recent world reef distribution Foz do Amazonas Basin Global reef distribution – Mid Miocene Kiessling W. et al.1999 Foz do Amazonas Basin Reef ocurrence over time Kiessling et al.1999 Foz do Amazonas Basin Responses to sea level rise Kendall et al. 1991 Foz do Amazonas Basin Responses to sea level fall Kendall et al. 1991 Foz do Amazonas Basin Responses to sea level fall Kendall et al.1991 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Reef types – accumulation processes Kleypas et al.2001 Foz do Amazonas Basin 1-APS-21 Subcommercial oil/cond/gas producer Amapá Fm – late Miocene HC at the top of the carbonate sequence, corresponding to the canyon base. RFT-1A - oil 19.5 º API Flow 6.4 m3/day, damaged Gas(?) in Pirarucu canyonite(?) 950-960m Bacia da Foz do Amazonas 1-APS-21 - Hypotethical Model of Accumulation 42 Bacia da Foz do Amazonas 1-APS-2 3.410-3.685m Paleocene - General Start up Keep up and Production Dominated Ended by drownig and pollution event Minor cycles of drowning and pollution Local seals 43 Bacia da Foz do Amazonas 1-APS-2 3.070-3.410m Early Eocene Import Clastic Dominated Drowning and pollution event at base of sequence Base of sandstones = minor order sequences In the basin - development of siliciclastic turbidites 44 Bacia da Foz do Amazonas 1-APS-2 2.550-3.070m Late/Middle Eocene Keep up and production Dominated At base and top of sequence drowning and pollution events Minor order sequences bounded by minor drowning and pollution events 45 Bacia da Foz do Amazonas 1-APS-2 1.950-2.550m Oligocene In the upper part Keep up and production Dominated In the lower part Give up and Import Dominated Backstepping Slope deposits 46 Bacia da Foz do Amazonas 1-APS-2 1.220-1.950m Late/Middle Miocene to Late Oligocene End up in Late Miocene Top of sequence = base of canyon Drowning event in Early Eocene at 1.490m. 47 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Siliciclastic Plays Pirapema Field Guardado et al.1999 Flat spot = gas/water contact Orange Fm Flat spot = gas/water contact Foz do Amazonas Basin •Siliciclastic Plays Niger delta HC Fields Tutlle et al./99 Traditionally used as a model for the Amazon delta May not be valid for shallow water facies Amazon delta = Canyon-dominated submarine delta ? Foz do Amazonas Basin •Siliciclastic Plays Niger delta Tutlle et al.99 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Siliciclastic Plays Niger Delta Generation, migration, trapping Tutlle et al./99 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Siliciclastic Plays Niger delta Physiography Tutlle et al.99 Foz do Amazonas Basin Tuttle et al,1999 Niger delta Schematic dip section Foz do Amazonas Basin •Siliciclastic Plays Deep water of Niger delta Tutlle et al/99 Amazonas Delta - type Canyon-dominated(?): Structural zoning towards deeper waters: -zone of rollovers w/ith listric faults (some resembling flower strucutures) -zone of shale diapirs -zone of toe thrust -zone of foreocean (equivalent to foreland) 54 Foz do Amazonas Basin Traditional Delta Types River-dominated Wave-dominated Tide-dominated Amazon River Delta =Non-traditional Canyon-dominated (submarine) delta (?) 55 Foz do Amazonas Basin Amazon River deltaCanyon-dominated (submarine) delta (?) Canyon = predominantly by-pass zone Sedimentation at canyon mouth in deep water - Delta plain/delta front poorly developed, as opposed to Niger Delta - Canyonite deposition under onlap ( transgressive tract and initial highstand) and offlap conditions ( late highstand and lowstand in Type 2 sequences) 56 Foz do Amazonas Basin Amazonas River DeltaCanyon-dominated (submarine) delta (?) Foz do Amazonas canyon: Depositional/erosional type Built under highstand and lowstand Highstand- by depositional thinning in relation to adjacent platforms Amapá and Ilha de Santana /Pará Lowstand - by erosion Multi-episodic process active probably since Paleocene 57 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Amazonas Cone prospects Traditionally apex of rollover strucutures associated with listric faults (Ex- Pirapema). In general very fine and silty sands. Thicker and better reservoirs must be found at canyon mouths in sindepositional lows. The recognition of these lows can be difficult if affected by argillokinesis 58 Foz do Amazonas Basin Structural Contour Map Top of Amapá/Ilha de Santana Fm Based on Well data Main prospects in the blocks 59 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Carbonate Depositional Models Bacia do Pará-Maranhão CORAL REEF MODEL PARCEL MANOEL LUÍS •Approximate location 0º30´S e 44º45´W •Area around 30 km2 •3.000 a 10.000 circular pinnacles w/50-300m diameter (“cabeços”) covered by corals, algae, sponges, molluscs •they project upwards from the bottom up to 30m high.Some cabeços outcrop in low tide. •12 species of coral and 4 of hydrocoral •patch-reef of keep-up and production dominated types in a carbonate platform drowned by Holocene transgression 61 Foz do Amazonas Basin Parcel Manoel Luiz Foz do Amazonas Basin Parcel Manoel Luiz Foz do Amazonas Basin Parcel Manoel Luiz Foz do Amazonas Basin Ilha da Fortaleza (Pará) outcrops Pirabas Fm type-section Early Miocene age Fossils of corals, bryozoans, echinoderms, algae, fish, ostracods, crustaceans, foraminifers, etc. 4 lithofacies: - laminated clays - stratified calcarenites - massive carbonates - biocalcirudites Tavora V.A. et al 1999 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Ilha da Fortaleza-Pará Tavora V.A. et al 1999 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Ilha da Fortaleza-Pará Tavora V.A. et al 1999 Foz do Amazonas Basin •Ilha da Fortaleza-Pará Biocalcirudite Tavora V.A. et al 1999
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