March 06


March 06
March 2006
Volume 19 Number 2
Spring Fling Fun’D’Raiser
26th Annual - May 12 thru May 14
Mark your calendar now, and plan
on joining the Tiffany Club of
New England for three fun-filled
days in one of the most open, nonjudgmental communities in the
world, Provincetown. Located on
the tip of Cape Cod, Provincetown
combines the quintessential New
England fishing port with the relaxed feeling of one of the oldest
artist colonies in the country.
Included with your registration;
The spirit of Spring Fling is nonstructured. It’s a time to get out of
the closet, classroom, or meeting
hall, and into an accepting society
where you can interact with others
in the way that you feel most comfortable. Fun, fulfillment, and
growth are what Spring Fling has
to offer, and all in a setting where
you can stand facing the sea and
feel the entire country behind you.
work on our behalf are welcome to
join us. As always, participation in
any Tiffany Club sponsored event
requires that all attendees exercise
good judgment and common sense.
All attendees are expected to recognize the ambiance of the event
and to protect the security and
peace of mind of others
Many couples also join us at
Spring Fling and take advantage of
the safe, secure atmosphere to develop or renew a higher level of
understanding, acceptance and
harmony. We will be staying at the
Provincetown Inn Located at 1
Commercial Street, the Provincetown Inn is on the water, and offers a private beach, outdoor pool
with pool side bar, Hotel Lounge/
bar with a pool table and ample
free parking.
We will have two choices of rooms
(Standard Inn and Waterview Inn)
for our Spring fling this year. The
rooms with a deck are slightly
more expensive but offer a water
view. All rooms are on a fist come
first filled basis. If your preferred
room choice is not available you
will be placed into what is available and will be expected to pay
the extra or receive a credit depending on the room assigned and
what you paid. Register early to
receive the accommodations you
All members of the transgender
community, their families and
friends, our allies and those who
Our best ever!
Highlights &
Photos on
Page 7
Please make your hotel reservations through us.
Daily continental breakfast. Friday Evening: “Meet and Greet”,
with a beautiful array of tasteful
Hors D’ouerves, then dinner at
Bayside Betsy’s on Commercial
Street downtown Provincetown.
Saturday Evening dinner/dance
party with our own DJ Brenda R in
one of the Inn's private banquet
rooms. Also included is the Sunday morning farewell breakfast
buffet. What this is, is a chance to
enjoy a full breakfast buffet in a
private room with all the other participants on Sunday morning the
official end of our Fling. We
thought this would be a wonderful
way to not only enjoy a great meal,
but also to say good bye to all
those people you may have met at
our event that make our flings so
Provincetown Inn Lobby
Registration form
On Page 15
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
is published monthly by the
Tiffany Club of New
P.O. Box 540071
Waltham, MA 02454-0071
781-899-3563 (fax) (website)
[email protected] (e-mail)
Editor - Cherl Easton
Advertising Manager, Contributing
Writer - Sarah Anne Thompson
Contributing Writers
- Susan Bauer
- Joan Hoff
- Helene Stephens
- Holly Williams
Technical Diva, Photographer Frances Cardullo
National CorrespondentChristine Hochberg
By Cherl Easton
I still can’t believe that
First Event is over. It
went by so fast and was a lot of
work but a lot of fun. A big
THANK YOU goes to so many
people and I’m sure I will forget
somebody. Diana Arria, Junie,
Yvon did so much with the fashion show along with Heywood
and the girls. Jamie Austin (I’ll
get there one of these days for the
makeover Jamie), Sophie, Glamour Boutique and Florence’s
Fashions. Brenda R., our DJ who
works hard keeping everybody
happy, Dr. Alice Novic, Ms.
Christine Hochberg who will do
anything to help Tiffany, Wini
Peterson and Cindy M who did a
bang up job at Registration.
Maxine of the Girls Nite Out
Group who donated sales of
scarves at their booth to Tiffany.
Amy Tee who booked a great
comedy show for us on Thursday
night with Ian Harvey as MC. To
Sarah Thompson who dared to
open her heart in front of 308 people on Saturday night to share
what this club means to her. And
the people who responded in kind
to her with donations to help
TCNE expand our services. Jonel
and Bobbi Colbert from the current Board and Dianna Davids
and Stephanie Robin-Beach from
the new Board for a lot of work.
Joan Stratton, the First Event
Chair who put it together. And the
475 plus people, who came out to
our annual party, THANK YOU
Page 2… From the Editor
Page 3… What the Tiffany Club
Means to Me - Frances Cardullo
Page 4… Trans News Begins
Page 5… Trans News
Page 6 … Our Sponsors
Page 7… FE 2006 Highlights
Page 8… National Correspondent
Page 10… Our Board of Directors
Page 12… State of the Club
Page 15… Spring Fling Registration I’ve had some people talk to me
about the interruption that ocPage 16… Events
curred during the annual Awards
Letters, comments, articles and advertising
inquiries can be directed to our mail or e-mail Dinner program. The feeling was
that the interruption was not apaddresses. We do not recommend contact via
the telephone.
March 2006
propriate and did not go with the
speeches being presented. The
interruption came during my,
“State of Tiffany” speech which I
give every year as Chair of the
Board of Directors. It’s my opportunity to report on where the
Club stands and is looking to accomplish in the next year. My
entire speech can be found elsewhere in this edition of ROSEBUDS. As far as the incident, I
can only tell you that the person
who interrupted my speech is the
Executive Director of another
Transgendered organization. It
would never cross my mind to try
and interrupt the keynote speech
she gives at her annual convention. I consider myself a representative of Tiffany Club and my
public actions reflect on the Club.
I will let her actions of that night
speak for herself and the organization she represents. On behalf
of The Officer and Directors of
The Tiffany Club of New England, we apologize for the unfortunate interruption during the
First Event Awards Banquet.
In closing, I would like to thank
Barbara Lyons for her years of
service to Tiffany Club, the First
Event Committee and the Board
of Directors. We wish her the
Dean Spode, First Event 2006
Key Note Speaker
March 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
A Transsexual Journey - What the Tiffany
Club has meant to me.
by Frances Cardullo
have decided to write this instead of Part 6 of
my Transsexual Journey because we all have a
story to tell about what the Tiffany Club has meant to us. I am
inspired to do this after hearing Sara Thompson’s inspiring, elegant and often teary-eyed story at First Event.
We all came to the Tiffany Club with different backgrounds but
with a very common thread. We came looking for understanding, acceptance, help and a safe haven. We stay to help those
who come looking for the very same things we were looking for
when we came and to enjoy likeminded fellowship with others
traveling down the gender identity path.
In 2001 I reached a point where I realized that I could no longer
suppress my feminine side. At that time I was 3 months shy of
61. I mention my age because it played an important part in my
I found the Tiffany club through the Internet. You could say that
I stumbled across it while I was looking for gender answers and
cross-dressing information. Even the basics were a mystery to
me. Female sizes for openers. Shopping! I was not shy but I
was fearful of making a fool of myself and also not passing.
Continued on page 5
Wigs & Hair Care, Hosiery, Body Shaping, Breast Forms, Dresses & Gowns,
Jewelry, Shoes, Cosmetics, Custom Designed Clothing, Corsets,
Private Label Cosmetics, Lessons, Photo Studio, Chaperoned Evenings,
B& B Facilities, Shopping Trips
w w w .t h e f a n t a s y g i r l .c o m
(603) 890-4931
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
We are currently looking for participants for a pilot transgender
(and gender variant) health needs
assessment in RI. Participation
includes filling out a single survey
at one meeting with no further
commitment. (about 45 minutes)
All information collected will be
anonymous. Participants will be
compensated for their time.
This work is sponsored by AIDS
Care Ocean State and Brown University, with funding from Equity
Action. The information collected
through this survey will be shared
with interested health care providers, in addition to the general community.
For more information, or if you are
interested in participating please
call Sarah Bowman at 401-3741612. You can also email me at
[email protected]
Drs Brassard and Bensimon from
\GRS Montreal at FE 2006
March 2006
The ad above was inadvertently omitted from the First Event Issue.
Barbara unselfishly contributes her energies to the First Event Fashion Show
March 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
continued from page 3
most were the ones who were bruIt was, therefore, with great fear
tally honest with me. (The sign of a
and trepidation that I hesitantly
true friend.) I started electrolysis
dialed the Tiffany club number
and was told that it would ruin my
and thankfully got a reskin – it didn’t. I was
cording so I didn’t have
The Tiffany Club
told what was approprito talk to anyone. I’m
Helped me realize
ate to wear for my age.
not even sure if I left a My dream of becoming I was told that any
message but rather made
thoughts of transitioning
Who I am today
a mental note that I
were premature and irwould call back on a Tuesday. As a
rational. Through it all I learned
back up I did send the club an
from everyone at the Tiffany Club
that transitioning doesn’t take place
overnight no matter how much I
On a Tuesday night, early in June
wanted to fast track it. By the way
of 2001, I made my not so grand
I failed to mention that it was also
entrance into the portals of the Tifthrough the Tiffany Club that I met
fany club. My hair was in a ponyChristine Becker, my therapist. I
tail, I had a fem top on and a pair of
was given a list of therapists and
shorts. That’s about as close as I
chose Christine. It was a good
ever came to being “dressed” in
public. I was closely shaven but
had a beard shadow and above all, I
Christine wasn’t about to “fast
was scared. Call it fear of the untrack” my transition either. Reknown! Little did I realize at the
member my age? I wasn’t about to
time that my life would never be
take any chances that something
the same again.
would happen to me to prevent my
surgery. But, it was through the
I was interviewed (I’m embarrassed
members of the Tiffany Club that I
to admit that I don’t remember who
learned about Dr. Brassard and I
the interviewer was) and then
even got to go to Montreal on sevshown around the club and then
eral occasions when other members
introduced to everyone who was
of the Tiffany Club went up for
there. There were men sitting
their surgery. This too was a good
around in all form of female attire.
I envied their comfort level. I felt
comfortable enough for a first time
visitor to strike up a conversation
with one person whom I was drawn
to. It was Laura Granger.
Laura told me about a place that
they went to every week for pizza
dressed! I was invited to join them
next week. That would be my first
time in public dressed. All week I
was both excited and nervous. I
needed something to wear and a
wig. I needed make up too.
I obtained these on my own but it
was at the Tiffany Club where I
learned how to dress, how to put on
make up and what wig would be
best for me.
The members that helped me the
All through my transition it was
members of the Tiffany Club that
made themselves available 24 hours
a day when I needed someone to
talk to. Many of them had already
been down the path that I had embarked upon. They knew what I
was going through. They knew,
already, what lay ahead for me.
The club was my greatest resource
through the wonderful experience
of transitioning.
I don’t know what my life would by
like now if it wasn’t for the existence of the Tiffany Club and all
that the members of the club did for
me during the time leading up to
my own gender reassignment sur-
gery. It is because of my experiences at the club that I now try to
give back to the club and to those
that have come along after me.
Sometimes – in fact, most of the
time – the transition path can be a
very lonely road. I will not knowingly let anyone go down that path
alone. That’s what the
Club means to me.
I love you all,
PS: I have written this through the
eyes of a M to F transgendered person but one must never forget that
the Tiffany Club is about much
more than the transgendered community. It’s about acceptance of
anyone, male or female, whose
mind differs from the gender that is
on his or her birth certificate. The
Tiffany club is about the freedom to
express your gender preference in a
safe and accepting environment
whether it’s cross-dressing or transitioning.
Do you have a story
to tell too?
This is your club. What has the
Tiffany Club meant to you?
You all have a story to tell. We
would like to share your story in
future editions of Rosebuds.
Please send your story to;
[email protected]
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
The Laser Skin Center
30 Newbury St.
Models Resale
969 Concord St
Christine Becker L.I.C.S.W.
341 Marrett Rd
Laser Centers of New England
914 Concord St.
Glamour Boutique
850 West Side Plaza
Adams Electrology Associates
The LaseAway Center
380 Lowell St
Dianne Ellaborn LICSW
The Skin Rejuvenation Center
199 Newbury St Rt. 1 N
Grace United Methodist Church
56 Magazine St
The Fantasy Girl
Advanced Electrology and Laser
Reading & Woburn
A&A Laser Electrolysis and
Skin Care
815 Washington Street
Wigs by Sonja
74 Franklin St
Kathleen’s Skin Care
& Electrolysis
34 Odell Ave
Florence’s Fashions
68 Albion Street
Wakefield, MA 01880
Cardullo’s Gourmet Shoppe
Specialty food and confections
since 1950 (Trans Friendly)
Six Brattle Street
Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA 02138
Gender ID Card
Frances R. Cardullo
Don’t drive dressed without one!
Tiffany Club Thanks our
advertisers for their
continued support.
Please patronize them.
March 2006
Nine Crucial Tips for Survival
Presented by Frances Cardullo
I recently received an email from a
very close friend who asked if I would
share the following survival tips with
as many people as possible. So, in
keeping with another recent article on
self-preservation I present the following nine tips.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your
body. If you are close enough to use
it, do!
2. If a robber asks you for your wallet and / or purse, DO NOT HAND
IT TO HIM. Toss it away from
you…chances are that he is more
interested in your wallet and / or
purse tan you, and he will go for the
wallet / purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN
3. If you are ever thrown into the
trunk of a car, kick out the back taillights and stick your arm out the hole
and start waving like crazy. The
driver won’t see you, but everybody
else will. This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get
into their cars after shopping, eating,
working etc and just sit (doing what
ever women do) – DON’T DO THIS.
The predator will be watching you,
and this is the perfect opportunity for
him to get in on the passenger side,
put a gun to your head, and tell you
where to go. AS SOON AS YOU
4a. If someone is in the car with a
gun to your head DO NOT DRIVE
Instead gun the engine and speed into
anything, wrecking the car. Your air
bag will save you. If the person is in
the back seat they will get the worst of
it. As soon as the car crashes bail out
and run. It is better than having them
find your body in a remote location.
5. A few notes about getting into
your car in a parking lot, or parking
a. Be aware: look around you, look
Continued on page 8
March 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
king, who brought out a number of
talented female impersonators who
had people stuffing dollar bills in
their bras, panties, shoes and places
not to be mentioned in a family
he 2006 TCNE First Event
was a success as over 475
people turned out over the 5 days
to attend at least part of the program. The daytime seminars saw
many regular favorites speak to
packed meeting rooms including
Saturday night was the Awards
Gunner Scott receiving
the Founders Award
One of the many Seminars
Held during FE 2006
The next evening saw an excellent
crowd for the Thursday Comedy
Night, hosted by Amy Tee with the
Master of Ceremonies F to M
comic Ian Harvie. This was really
fun and everyone had a good time
as well as a good laugh.
Friday night, as always, the room
Dr’s Mark Zukowski, Toby Meltzer, Dr. Brassard and his associate
Dr. Bensimon, Christine Becker
and Diane Ellaborn. The attendees
also liked some new presenters
who came to First Event as a
“rookie” including Dr. Alice Novic
and Laura Freedman. Vendors galore were doing a brisk business
selling everything from wigs to
Thursday night’s comedy
Show was well attended
This couple came all the way from
Ireland to attend First Event 2006
banquet where everybody put on
their best dress as Tiffany honored
a host of people. The award winners are on page 9. This years banquet was the largest ever with a
total of 307 meals served. Dancing
followed with music provided by
the one and only Tiffany Club DJ
- Brenda Thompson.
was packed for the Fashion Show.
Diana Arria and Junie C did a
great job sharing the mike. The
models were beautiful in creations
provided by Glamour Boutique,
Florence’s Fashions and Sophie.
The makeup was provided by the
Diva of Angels, Ms. Jamie Austin. Entertainment during the show
was provided by Heywood, a drag
Vendors for everything from wigs to shoes
and everything in between.
Dancing to the music provided by our own
Tiffany Club DJ - Brenda Thompson
shoes and everything in between
including gender ID Cards.
Sunday was the getaway brunch
and sadly the end of the First Event
which passes every year all too
The evening portion of FE,
Wednesday gave the attendees the
choice of the popular pool party at
the hotel or a night out at the Huntington Theatre in Boston. Both
events were well attended.
Photos on this page courtesy Denise LeClaire
The Friday night fashion show is always
well attended and a big hit.
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
By Christine Hochberg
By the time you read this another
FIRST EVENT will have come
and gone. My thanks go out to
Joanie and her staff for putting on
another spectacular and fun event.
I also must acknowledge Catherine, Ruth, Marcia, Stacey and all
the staff at the Crown Plaza Hotel
for their usual wonderful care and
awesome service.
Some of you may of heard that I
recently fell and broke my right
wrist in three places (and no I wasn't in four inch heels when it happened - who starts these rumors
anyway?) This girl has had to learn
to drive and put on her make-up
(not at the same time) left handed.
Talk about FUN!!!
Equality California will be putting
on The California Transgender
Leadership Summit at my Alma
Mater the University of Southern
California ( and yes I'm still crying
about the Rose Bowl ) on February
17 - 19. I will be working registration for the event and then I'll be
off to Denver for the Colorado
Gold Rush where my good friend
Donna Rose will be the keynote
2006 promises to be a banner year
for our cause and I plan to be there
and help as much as I can. Have a
safe, happy, wonderful, and prosperous New Year.
Michael/Christine Hochberg
During the Awards
banquet, TCNE President Sarah Thompson
kicked off the Club’s
first ever fundraising
drive. The need to
raise money is necessary because
the club has only two major
sources of revenue in First Event
and Membership dues. “In order
for Tiffany to be able to reach out
and provide services for more
Transgendered people as possible,
we need to increase our revenue”,
said Thompson. Throwing away
her prepared script, the President
told the 308 people attending the
banquet what Tiffany means to
her and how much of a role it has
played in her life from the first
time she walked in the building.
Brought to tears in telling her
story, it was a moving tribute to
the role that Tiffany means to so
many and what the Club wants to
expand services to reach as many
Transgendered people as possible.
Money is still coming in and you
can donate via check, VISA or
MASTERCARD. Donations can
be mailed to:
Fundraising Committee,
The Tiffany Club of New
P.O. Box 540071
Waltham, MA 02454-0071
Tiffany Club is a 501c-3 nonprofit organization and donations
may be tax deductible.
You Are Not Alone Group...
Is held the first and third Thursdays
of the month. It is NOT a drop in
group. You must be interviewed first
before being admitted. For more information, please call TCNE Tuesday nights or e-mail us at:
[email protected]
March 2006
continued from page 6
into your car, at the passenger side
floor, and in the back seat.
b. If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger
door. Most serial killers attack their
victims by pulling them into their vans
while the women are attempting to get
into their cars,
c. Look at the car parked on the
driver’s side of your vehicle and its
passenger seat. If a male is sitting
alone in the seat nearest your car, you
may want to walk back into the mall,
or work, and get a guard / policeman
to walk you back out.
SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better
paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead
of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible
places to be alone and the perfect
crime spot. This is especially true at
7. If the predator has a gun and you
are not under his control, ALWAYS
RUN! The predator will only hit you 4
in 100 times (4% that means you have
a 96% chance of not getting hit); and
even then, it most likely WILL NOT
be a vital organ. RUN, preferably in a
zigzag pattern.
8. Women are always trying to be
sympathetic: STOP! It may get you
raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial
killer, was a good-looking, welleducated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathies of unsuspecting
women. He walked with a cane, or a
limp, and often asked for help into his
vehicle or with his vehicle, which is
when he abducted his next victim.
9. Another safety point: If you hear a
baby crying at your door during the
night, the police will tell you that
whatever you do, DO NOT open the
door. Serial killers have a baby’s cry
recorded and use it to coax women out
of their homes. Dial 911 and wait for
the police.
March 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
TCNE President Sarah Thompson
was involved in an auto accident in
January 31 in New Hampshire.
Sarah’s car was struck by a truck
broadside on the driver’s side
door. She was taken to the hospital
and is being treated for multiple
rib fractures. No additional details
are available as ROSEBUDS goes
to press.
Dear Colleagues,
A program that features Miss Vera's
academy is nominated for a U.K. entertainment award. Thanks to Secrets
In Lace for bras and nylons, Versatile
Fashions for corsets and Classic
Curves for the T&A.
Cherchez la femme,
Miss Vera
Every year at the annual banquet, a number of awards are presented to
TCNE Members and Members of the Transgendered support community for their outstanding contributions. The selections are made by the
Awards Committee made up of Club Members. The winners this year
Friendship - Bobbi Cole
First Year - Dianna Davids
Miss Tiffany - Jaye Sacard
Outstanding Contribution - Wini Peterson
Most Helpful - Bobbi Colbert
Man of the Year - Diego Sanchez, AIDS Action Committee
Community Service Awards
Mikala Howden - TS Haven House of New Hampshire
Laura F. - Law Student, Founder of
Lifetime Achievement - Sara Thompson
Helping Hands Awards
Dignity of Boston
GLAD-Accepted by Executive Director Lee Swislow
Presidents Award - Charles Woodman
Founders Award - Gunner Scott
Rosebuds is printed monthly in full color. With rare exceptions it
might be printed bi-monthly. We guarantee at least 10 issues a
year with extra issues printed for First Event and Pride Week.
Rosebuds is now posted to the TCNE web site therefore advertisers have the advantage of both the printed version and the electronic version all for the price of one. Our web site gets thousands of clicks each month giving you a large national / international window of exposure.
2006 yearly rates are as follows:
First time set up
Ad Design
Business Card 3.5 X 2
1/9th Page Vertical
2/9th Page Horizontal
1/3rd Page Horizontal
4/9th Page Vertical
1/2 Page Horizontal
Full Page Vertical
(That’s only $50 a month for four color
printed and electronic world wide exposure on the web!)
Rosebuds is set in Microsoft Publisher and printed in four colors.
The page margins are: Top, Left, Right .4 inch. Bottom .5 inch.
It is laid out in three columns each column is approximately 3 3/8 inches wide and
three rows each approximately 3 1/8 inches high therefore, our page is divided into
We accept the following electronic files. .JPG, .PSD and .PUB
We can design your ad but if you wish photographs or illustrations in it you must submit them as a .JPG, .PSD or .PUB file. There is a flat fee of $100 for designing an
ad. You will have three to choose from and must be able to open a .PDF email file to
view your ad.
Ads are “run of the publication” with the following exceptions; Back cover (half page
only 20% sur charge. Inside back cover 10% sur charge.
All advertising rates are subject to change, current advertisers will be given one
month’s notice of pending rate changes. Interested parties should contact the editorial
staff at; The Tiffany Club Of New England, Inc. (TCNE) P.O. Box 540071
Waltham, MA 02454-0071 Ask for a copy of our rate card.
Email: [email protected]
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
At its January 31 meeting, the TCNE Board organized for the
year by electing Officers and Committee Chairs for the 2006
year. All of those elected will serve through January 2007.
All of those elected were elected unanimously by the Board
of Directors.
Board Chair - Cherl Easton
Board vice Chair - Bobbi Colbert
Secretary - Deb Kelly
Committee Chairs
Treasurer/Finance Committee - Jamie Healey
Membership - Stephanie Robin-Beach
Web - Stephanie Robin-Beach
Programs - Wini and Jonel Peterson
Advertising - Bobbi Colbert
Publications - Cherl Easton
Facilities - Sue Bauer
Public Speakers - Sarah Thompson
Public Relations - Stephanie Edwards and Dianna Davids
Elections - Deb Kelly
Reception - Deb Kelly
First Event - Dianna Davids
March 2006
West Side Plaza
850 Southbridge St.
(route 20)
Auburn, MA 10501
508 721 7800
Also visit us at: http://
Directions: Mass Pike to
Exit 10-12 South to 20 West
(On right next to Spa King)
A service of Worship, Hospitality
and Good Fellowship for
Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgendered
and Straight
Adults, Youth and their families, friends
and all who desire to worship where
ALL God’s children are Welcome.
Meeting each Sunday at 5:00 pm
Grace United Methodist Church
56 Magazine St
Cambridge, MA 02139
Mission Statement
Cambridge Welcoming Ministries is an open and affirming,
progressive faith community dedicated to proclaiming God’s
love for all with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and
straight persons.
Check with your insurance carrier or agent.
You may be covered for hair prosthesis.
We recommend that you bring a close friend
or family member when choosing a wig.
March 2006
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
By Cherl Easton
Every year as part of
the annual Awards banquet, the Chairperson of
the Board of Directors
presents her “State of
Tiffany” address. The purpose is to
update the Membership and guests
about where the Club stands and
where it looks to go in the next year.
Here are Board Chair Cherl Easton’s
remarks made on January 21st to the
annual Awards Banquet:
On behalf of the Tiffany Club of
New England, we welcome you and
say a very sincere thank you for being part of our First Event. From
time to time, we at Tiffany have
heard us described as, “stuffy, standoffish, cold or not appreciative”.
Well, we’ve been working hard to
shake people’s perception about us.
26 years ago, we had the block to
ourselves as a transgendered organization. People came to us as we were
the only game in town. Some of you
may remember driving to the phone
booth at the Wayland public library
to make a phone call. Soon, 2 members would show up and you would
be interviewed in the back of a car.
Some of you right now are turning to
the person next to you and are asking
them what is a phone booth???
Well, its 25 years plus later and tiffany has a lot of company in the community providing support for the
transgendered community. The days
of tiffany sitting back waiting for people to come to us as the only way to
reach transgendered individuals is as
outdated as the old phone booth. The
majority of transgendered people exist
now in the real world and we need to
connect with them in that realm. Our
average member is age 40-50, and our
Club needs to reach a new generation
of youth and younger adults. In order
to do that, we need to work with other
groups, organizations and people to
help the overall cause.
The tiffany Club comes to this with no
solutions to any problems; we only
want to help be part of the solution
along with others. Whatever our Club
can do to help any group or individual, we stand ready and able from this
point forward to do whatever it takes.
We may be inexperienced at some of
the things you do, but we’re willing to
learn. Our goal is your goal, to reach
as many Transgendered people in
need with support, information and a
feeling of belonging. its 2006 and the
Tiffany club of New England reports
for duty with a smile, our sleeves
rolled up and ready to rock and roll.
March 2006
Tiffany Members know that the Board
of Directors meets the fourth Tuesday
of every month in the living room. But
did you know that those meetings
are OPEN to all Members? At one
time, Board meetings were held on Friday nights when nobody was around.
Several Board Members were able to
change the meeting night to Tuesday
night in order to make the meeting
more open and accessible to all Club
Members. Board Chair Cherl Easton
says, “We welcome anyone to come in
and listen in on the meetings and offer
an opinion. We want people to get involved and to see that the running of
TCNE is open and not conducted in
back rooms”. The only exception is
Executive Session where we discuss
personal Membership matters and is
only open to BOD Members. That usually is only five to ten minutes of the
entire meeting. So next time you see the
Board meeting, come on it, sit a spell,
take your heels off and be part of the
March 2006
(SAN FRANCISCO) -- Jose Sarria
wanted to run for local office, but he
didn't own a proper suit — just a
closet full of feather boas, hand-medown stiletto pumps and sequined
blue-chiffon evening gowns. The
year was 1961, when police routinely harassed patrons in gay bars,
even in what is now the gayest big
city in America. With a borrowed
suit and word-of-mouth campaign
that featured high-drama hilarity and
flair, the flamboyant drag performer
was among the nation's first openly
gay political candidates. Sarria won
5,600 votes — ranking ninth of 33
candidates — in an unsuccessful run
for the Board of Supervisors. His bid
inspired successive generations of
gay politicians in the city and suggested the considerable influence the
gay voting bloc would one day
wield. Now, a gay San Francisco
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
supervisor wants to honor the 82year-old Sarria by naming a section
of a street after the longtime gay
rights champion and fundraiser, who
also started the Imperial Court System, a social and philanthropy group
regarded as the Gay Shriners. Sarria
now lives in Cathedral City near
Palm Springs. (LOS ANGELES
(Washington, D.C.) — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
National Religious Leadership
Roundtable has released a groundbreaking study on the resources,
challenges and opposition to lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgenderaffirming religious organizations.
The study, David v. Goliath: A Report on Faith Groups Working for
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equality (and What They're
Up Against), by Richard A. Lindsay and Jessica Stern, surveys 29
organizations, including large denominations and independent congregations. "This report
shows that some of the
most important debate
over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
equality is not happening in Congress, but in
religious denominations," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay
and Lesbian Task
Force. "The organizations in this report, and
many others like them,
are winning the hearts
and minds of people of
faith in spite of tremendous obstacles and
meager resources —
it's truly David v. Goliath." In recent years,
lesbian, gay, bisexual
(LGBT) people have
faced unprecedented
attacks from a highly
organized religious
right. David v. Goliath outlines the
"parallel" progressive faith movement that welcomes LGBT people,
and has grown simultaneously with
the secular rights movement. It reveals the intense opposition to these
progressive faith groups and the huge
forces waged against them by the
anti-LGBT industry, which has unabashedly and effectively rallied conservative people of faith to its cause.
The report includes large denominations and independent congregations
such as the United Church of Christ,
Unitarian Universalist Association
and Congregation Beth Simchat Torah; LGBT denominational affinity
groups such as DignityUSA
(Catholic LGBT organization) and
the Institute for Welcoming Resources (mainline Protestant LGBT
organization); and "bridge-building"
organizations such as Al-Fatiha
(Muslim LGBT organization) and
Queer Asian Spirit, which explore
the intersections of religious or ethnic minority identities and LGBT
identity. Rev. Rebecca Voelkel, executive officer of the Institute for
Welcoming Resources, said, "There
has been a concerted effort from the
conservative political establishment,
through secular organizations like the
Institute on Religion and Democracy,
to influence the mainline Protestant
churches, create schism on the issue
of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people, and lure the denominations into a hard-right ideology,
which would represent a vast and
historic shift in the nation's religious
landscape." David v. Goliath also
reports on faith organizations outside
the mainline denominations that are
working with populations that face
issues of intersecting identities of
ethnicity, race, national origin, gender or HIV-positive status, combined
with being LGBT. "When you're
black, HIV-positive and transgender,
and you are looking for a faith community to support you with your
physical, emotional and spiritual
needs, you are in the most absolutely
Continued on page 14
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
March 2006
Our thanks to
Jay for giving us
this image to
Please note that
the photograph
from Jay will be
much higher in
quality than this
©2006 Jay Groccia
continued from page 13
vulnerable position of people in our
society," said Bishop Yvette Flunder,
founder and senior pastor of City of
Refuge Church in San Francisco.
"Someone's got to provide the bridge
for people at the intersection of these
identities to connect them to the services they need. Someone's got to
give them the loving community they
need to survive." (247GAY.COM)(
(VietNamNet) - Gender reassignment surgery is easy for modern
medicine, but the new life it brings
remains a problem for Vietnamese
living in a society with traditional
views on sexual identity. Sex changes
are still forbidden in many countries,
including Vietnam. Mr T, born in
1968 in My Tho Province, sought assistance for 20 years to 'become a
woman'. At puberty, T realised that he
was truly a woman, but his family told
him that this was a wild thought. To
escape the stigma, T's family moved
to HCM City. There they began a new
life, but T was still ‘imprisoned’ in
his home and thought of committing
suicide. Doctors, though feeling great
sympathy for him, could not help because Vietnamese law did not permit
gender reassignment, allowing only
treatment for what it perceived as
'problems in the sex organ'.
The pioneers Last year, newspapers
reported the first case of gender reassignment in Vietnam. Mr Thai Tai
spent US$30,000 on a transsexual sex
reassignment surgery in Thailand to
become Ms Thai Tai. She leads a normal life and runs a successful busi-
ness. Participating in a fashion show
at a club for homosexual people, I
recently met several women who had
been gender re-assigned through surgery. They are singers, always performing at nightclubs and dance halls.
Though smartly dressed and well
made up, they bear some male characteristics: less-than-smooth skin, slight
leg hair and strong voices. Doctors
cite genital hormones as the basis of
gender. Thus, simply changing the
physical characteristics outside is only
a partial solution and genderreassigned people must take hormones
every day for the rest of their
lives. Unfortunately these hormones
are not easily available in Vietnam,
are quite expensive and must be
bought abroad, forcing some to give
up dreams of a sex change, sanctioned
by law or not.
We’ve had inquires about photos that
were taken at First Event. If you’re
looking for a photo from First Event,
please contact:
Gerald "Jay" Groccia, Photographer, OnSite Studios
116 School Street
Boylston, MA 01505
508 869-6955 or
Information on the group photo,
taken at the Saturday night banquet,
will be published in ROSEBUDS
and on
Rebecca Shafir
Voice Feminization State-of-the-Art
978 287-0810
We collected over 50 surveys at First
Event giving us feedback on how this
year’s event was. We’re still tabulating the numbers and will bring you
the results of the survey in our next
issue of Rosebuds.
You may also contact me at First Event
My background as a speech/language
pathologist and voice coach gives you the
most effective voice therapy approaches
to date including voice analysis, computerized feedback, ear training and mind/
body vocal training strategies.
March 2006
Arrival Date: Departure Date: Sat Night Menu Selection:
(Check One)
(Check One)
(Qty) one per registrant
Fri. May 12
Sat. May 13 [ ] Chicken Piccata
Sat. May 13
Sun. May 14 [ ] Fresh Native Scrod
(Alt) [ ] Vegetarian
*Full Package
Full Package
$80.00 per person
Rooms - Please make your reservations through us
Please indicate any special needs such as, Smoking or non smoking room,
Single or double beds, Handicap accessible Etc.
Standard Room
$95 per room/per night
Water view Rm
$112 per room/per night $
Non Smoking
Handicap accessible
Any special room requests
No. Pers
$70.00 per person
Before Mar 12
*Sorry no discount for a la carte.
(Registration fee covers: Friday’s Meet & Greet, Bayside
Betsy’s, Saturday night Dinner/Dance
and Sunday breakfast buffet)
Adopted Name for Registration:________________________________________________________
I’ll be sharing a room with:____________________________________________________________
Check One:
Money Order
Credit Card
Card Type (Check One)
Master Card
Visa Expiration Date (MM/YY) _____/______
Card Number
Name Printed on Card_______________________________________________________________________
Mailing Name______________________________________________________________
City_______________________________ State__________________ Zip_____________
Phone & Name to address you: ( )____________________________________________
E Mail Address_____________________________________________________________
Use E Mail only for confirmation:
Doesn’t Matter:
Chose one and indicate how many:
USDA choice Roast Prime Rib, Oven Roasted Potato,
Fresh Vegetable du jour. Qty [ ]
Sesame Crusted Ahi Tuna, Terriyaki Glaze, pickled
ginger/wonton chips; Garlic Mashed Potato, Fresh Vegetable du Jour. Qty [ ]
All meals include salad, bread selections and soft drinks.,
all liquor is a la carte.
A la Carte:
Friday “Meet and Greet”
Bayside Betsy’s
Saturday Dinner Dance
Saturday Dance Only
Sunday Buffet
Complete this form and return to: T.C.N.E., Spring Fling 2006, P O Box 540071, Waltham, MA 02454-0071
No Reservation will be honored without Pre-payment; Make checks payable to: T.C.N.E., Inc. Registration forms received after 4/12/06 will be subject to availability. No Cancellations will be accepted after 5/5/06. All cancellations, subject to a 10% handling charge. If paying by credit card please remember to sign form, incomplete forms will be returned
to sender. Note: if pay by credit card, you may FAX this to 781-899-3562
Rosebuds - Tiffany Club Newsletter
March 2006
EVENTS March 2006
"It's who you love that makes you the
person you are."
--Jean Southard
You Are Not
7:30 PM
and Family
Christine Becker
7 PM—9 PM
Open Meeting
7 - 11 PM
Open Meeting
7 - 11 PM
You Are Not
7:30 PM
St. Patrick's Day
Open Meeting
7 - 11 PM
28 Open Meeting 7 - 11 PM
BOD Meeting
Open to