Making Good Cities Ian Lockwood Glatting Jackson
Making Good Cities Ian Lockwood Glatting Jackson
Making Good Cities Ian Lockwood Glatting Jackson Transportation Concerns • • • • • • • • 1 way pairs Traffic jams Pedestrian connections Poor Sidewalks Traffic Speed Less one way streets Intimidating streets for pedestrians, bikes Walkability- safety, landscaping, signage Transportation Concerns • • • • • • • • 1 way pairs Traffic jams Pedestrian connections Poor Sidewalks Traffic Speed Less one way streets Intimidating streets for pedestrians, bikes Walkability- safety, landscaping, signage Vehicle Speed Walkability/Design Vehicle Capacity Overcoming The Fear Of Change The problems we Have created cannot be Solved with the same Thinking that created them….” Conventional Development Cycle INPUTS •Auto Oriented Business •Single Use Zoning •Single Family Residential OUTCOMES •Wider Roads •Induced Traffic •More Traffic Land LandUse Use Planning Planning GROWTH GROWTH OUTCOMES •Isolated Neighborhoods •Multiple Automobile Trips •Poor Mobility •Difficult Walking GROWTH GROWTH Transportation Transportation Planning Planning INPUTS •Traffic Demand Forecasting •Congestion •LOS Healthy Development Cycle INPUTS •Diversity of Business •Mixed Use Zoning •Diversity of Residential Units •Context Sensitive Design •Community Involvement Land LandUse Use Community Transportation CommunityTransportation Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning OUTCOMES •Healthy Neighborhoods •Choices of Transportation •More Open Space •Sense of Place •Sense of Community OUTCOMES SMART SMART GROWTH GROWTH •More Walking & Bicycling •Increased Access “…the possible benefits of required seat belts would not justify the costs to the manufacturers and the public.” 1970 “…the possible benefits of required seat belts would not justify the costs to the manufacturers and the public.” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1970 Mix Use? Trip Purpose – Percentage of Total Trips Trip Type % By Trip Type ---------Work ---------18.0% Work Related 2.6% Shopping Doctors & Dentist Family & Personal Church & School Social Recreational Other 20.2% 1.5% 24.2% 8.8% 24.5% 0.2% 100.0% Source:1995 NPTS: Federal Highway Administration & New York Times The largest responsibility lies with how we develop & redevelop our cities . Connected Street Networks Grid Grid & Squares Web Radial Irregular Curvilinear Conventional Suburban Development 75 units/acre K Mart Lee Rd. e. Av na la So enue v A ndo Orla Winter Park We bs ter Winter Park Av e. Vo Tech Village n De Dr g nin . K Mart Lee Rd. e. Av na la So enue v A ndo Orla Winter Park We bs ter Winter Park Av e. Vo Tech Village n De Dr g nin . K Mart Lee Rd. e. Av na la So enue v A ndo Orla Winter Park We bs ter Winter Park Av e. Vo Tech Village n De Dr g nin . K Mart Lee Rd. e. Av na la So enue v A ndo Orla Winter Park We bs ter Winter Park Av e. Vo Tech Village n De Dr g nin . K Mart Lee Rd. e. Av na la So enue v A ndo Orla Winter Park We bs ter Winter Park Av e. Vo Tech Village n De Dr g nin . K Mart Lee Rd. e. Av na la So enue v A ndo Orla Winter Park We bs ter Av e. Village n De Dr g nin . Lee K Mart Lee Road Extension Mixed Use Redevelopment Rd. enue v A ndo Orla Winter Park We bs ter Av e. Village W.P.V. Development n De Dr g nin . Residential Redevelopment Livability and Its Consequences Existing Network Future Network Amtra k n ba Ur rd 9 va . 2 le Rt Bou US 1 Abercorn Street: Landmark Historic District 10.4 Miles of Streets Capacity = 2 Lanes Interrupted By Squares Density = 80,000 SF per Acre Abercorn Street: Retail Mall District 3.3 Miles of Streets Capacity = 10 Lanes Density = 18,000 SF per Acre “Circle to Square” Vision Plan • An at grade “parkway” • New network connections to provide parallel routes to 202 and 31 • Work with property owners to manage access and support approved development plans New Network Plan “Circle to Square” Vision Based Results Model Based Results Vision Based Results LOS B Model Based Results LOS C Why Are Manatee and 6th One Way? Because We Need The Capacity? Because It’s Faster? Because It’s Safer? Because It Helps Development? Not All Trips Have The Same Ends 32% 51% 17% If you were to lower speeds in Downtown Bradenton by 10 MPH, it would result in 11 seconds of additional travel time 5 Seconds 3 Seconds 3 Seconds Visibility on One-Way Streets Big Road Drive Fast Summary: Summary: 1. Good Bones Summary: 1. Good Bones 2. Build to Street Summary: 1. Good Bones 2. Build to Street 3. Design Speed Appropriate Summary: 1. 2. 3. 4. Good Bones Build to Street Design Speed Appropriate Design in Context Summary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Good Bones Build to Street Design Speed Appropriate Design in Context Density and Mix