07261118 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
07261118 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
ST. JOHN VIANNEY CATHOLIC CHURCH 4101 Clyde Park Avenue SW ~ Wyoming, MI 49509 ~ 616 616--534 534--5449 Sunday, July 26, 2015 July 26, 2015 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time DAILY MASS SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Sunday, July 26 9:30 am SCRIP Pick-Up-Scrip Office 7:00 pm *Rosary-Grotto Sunday, July 26 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 8:30 AM Mass (Parish Family) 10:30 AM Mass (JoAnn Scalabrino) Monday, July 27 9 am-7 pm Eucharistic Adoration-CH (In case of a funeral, Adoration is immediately following) Monday, July 27 Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; NO MASS TODAY Tuesday, July 28 10:00 am Sunday Reflection Group-Conf1 Mt 13:31-35 Wednesday, July 29 6:30 pm Men of Emmaus-CH Cry Room Tuesday, July 28 Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Mt 13:36-43 6:30 PM Mass (Joe & Linda McCormick 49th Wedding Anniversary) Thursday, July 30 9:00 am Holy Hour (Pray for Vocations)-CH 7:00 pm Inquiry-YR 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal (cantors at 6:30 pm)-RM1 Wednesday, July 29 Saint Martha Ex 34:29-35; Jn 11:19-27 9:00 AM Mass (Bob Scott) Friday, July 31 Thursday, July 30 Saturday, August 1 7:00 am Men of Emmaus (Rosary)-CH 7:30 am Men of Emmaus-RM1 8:30 am-12:00 pm Parish Office Summer Hours (1/2 day) 9:00 am Saint Peter Chrysologus Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Mt 13:47-53 8:30 AM Mass (Sue Harrington) Sunday, August 2 9:30 am SCRIP Pick-Up-Scrip Office 7:00 pm *Rosary-Grotto Friday, July 31 Saint Ignatius of Loyola Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Mt 13:54-58 8:30 AM Mass (Ted Harrington) *PLEASE NOTE: Sunday’s Rosary is in the Grotto through October at 7 PM* CH-Church TL– Teachers Lounge CONF1-Parish Ofc Large Conference Room CONF3-Parish Ofc Open Conference Room CONF4-Parish Ofc Break Room YR-Youth Room in OLD Parish Office Basement Saturday, August 1 Saint Alphonsus Liguori Lv 25: 1, 8-17; Mt 14:1-12 5:00 PM Mass (Hub Engemann) Sunday, August 2 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Eph 4:17, 20-24; 8:30 AM Mass (Charlie Stegall) 10:30 AM Mass (Parish Family) Coffee and Donuts-YR CR-Church Cry Room GA-Gathering Area in church VH-Village Hall LIB-Library RM1-Classroom by SCRIP Room Gym-School gym Join us in the Grotto Every Sunday evening at 7:00 pm, we pray the Rosary in the Grotto. Jn 6:24-35 Come early to say the Rosary – Every weekend one half hour before Mass begins we recite the Rosary in church. Weekends ONLY. Eucharistic Adoration ~ Monday’s 9:00 AM—7:00 PM The devotion to the Eucharist is the most noble because it has God as its object; it is the most profitable for salvation, because it gives us the Author of Grace; it is the sweetest, because the Lord is Sweetness Itself. REMEMBER IN PRAYER Mary Ann Blyth, Koleti Breiner, Anthony Brow, Helen Buttermore, Debra Gage, Beverly Gardner, Bev Holzgen, Shannon Houseman, Jennifer Hughes, William Jamieson, Nancy Larkin, Kevin Link, Baby Mia Tran Martens, Paula Martin, Cameron McKinnon, Jo Mencarelli, Helen Messock, Cathy Paganelli, Sue Schwartz, Sue Spielmaker, Lori Stella, Andrea Storrs, Terry Swortwood, Marilyn Virta, Colleen Weibel, AnneMarie Wiley, Shirley Wolf, Natalie Yost *Remember all those we know and love who are ill* OUR PRAYER CHAIN LINE- You can call Audrey at 878-7125. She will contact others who have committed to praying for St. Pius X your loved one. 2 ST. JOHN VIANNEY CATHOLIC CHURCH JULY 26, 2015 WYOMING, MI PARISH FINANCIAL ACTIVITY Week ending: July 12, 2015 Offerings** Week 2 of 52 YTD 27,725.67 46,228.72 0 19,515.33 Disbursements* Contributing Families** 38.32% *Excludes School and Childcare direct expenses **Includes Electronic Contributions SJV Summer Hours SCRIP SUMMER HOURS We will be open all summer on Sundays from 9:30 - 10:30 AM PARISH OFFICE SUMMER HOURS Monday 1:00 PM-4:30 PM Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM *Closed from 12-1 PM Friday-8:30 AM-12 PM *Closed in the afternoon ~We will resume regular hours after Labor Day~ Don’t forget to save your Box Tops, Labels for Education, Tyson Project A+ Program and Aunt Millie’s School Spirit Program this summer!! These help fund our student field trips, Secret Santa Shop, Daddy/Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Event and staff appreciation luncheons to name just a few! We will have a collection in the Fall after we return from Summer Break. Thank you for your support! Contact Jenny Korte with any questions at [email protected] CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL 2015 The Sunday Mass from the Cathedral of Saint Andrew is one of the longest-running live televised Masses in the nation. For more than 55 years, the Diocese of Grand Rapids has provided a televised liturgy to thousands of people who are homebound, hospitalized, and incarcerated. Through the financial support received from the Catholic Services Appeal and the generosity of private donors, the Sunday Mass can also be viewed live and on-demand on the diocesan website. The Mass can be viewed each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. on WXMI FOX 17 and at www.dioceseofgrandrapids.org. To date 340 families, representing 26% of our parish households, have pledged $90,764 or 60% of our parish goal. We would like to have 100% participation. Online gift giving and pledges can be completed at www.dioceseofgrandrapids.org/CSA. If you need assistance with this, come into the Parish Office and Patty or Emily can assist you. Also keep in mind that any amount raised over our goal is returned to the parish, specifically this year the Faith in Our Future campaign. If you have returned your CSA card, thank you! 3 July 26, 2015 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time NEWS & NOTES from the St. John Vianney Foundation Steelcase employees and retirees please take note! If you have retired from Steelcase, are still working there or have taken a buy-out and retired, you are still eligible to get your donations matched from the Steelcase Foundation. They will match 100% of your donation to certain non-profits including Education, Arts/Cultural and Environmental/Conservation agencies. The St. John Vianney Foundation is eligible so your donation to the Foundation or any of its’ fundraisers can be doubled simply by applying to the Steelcase Foundation. In addition, your gift to the Faith in Our Future parish campaign, given through the Foundation is eligible to be matched. Call Sandy at 724.3129 or email at [email protected] for more information or call Phyllis Gebben at 246.9860 if you are not sure if you are eligible. They are Here! New! Faithraiser CDs at SJV! Infant Baptism We welcome into the Christian community the following children who were baptized last weekend: These Catholic CDs! will be a tremendous help in deepening your understanding and love for our Catholic faith. ($3.00 suggested donation for CDs keeps this available to everyone.) They are provided to not only help deepen your faith, but also to help you answer Pope Francis’ call for a New Evangelization by sharing them with love to your friends, family and co-workers. Madison Rae Rich Chad & Amanda (DeLong) Rich Nora Elaine Forward-Wolf Brandon & Kristin (Vugteveen) Forward-Wolf Sophia Vyanh Nguyen Dang Binh & Vy (Dang) Nguyen The following is a list of the new Items on the display: May God continue to bless them and their families. •Abba or Allah Important Differences – Dr. Scott Hahn •Signs of Life-Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots-Dr. Scott Hahn •Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist – Dr. Brant Pitre •Answering Atheism – Ken Hensley •Confirmation: The Sacrament of Evangelization – Dr. Brant Pitre •God’s Family and Ours: The Church and the Trinity –Dr. Scott Hahn •St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Problem of Freemasonry-Dr. Mark Miravalle •The Saving Power of Divine Mercy – Fr. Jason Brooks • A Voice for the Unborn – Lila Rose •The Big Question: God Are You There? – Matt Fradd •Reaching Out to Today’s Culture – Fr. Robert Barron •For Love and Marriage – Johnnette Benkovic Thank you to everyone who donated items to In The Image’s Free Store during the month of July. – Justice & Service Committee School Supplies Collection ~ August 1st – 23rd Take advantage of the many sales going on right now and help students in need. This year’s collection will benefit Parkview Elementary School. Use these to: Items most needed are: Composition notebooks, marker sets (skinny & regular), glue sticks, #2 pencils, crayons Also needed are: Sharpies, scissors, wipes, absorbent paper towel, tissues, hand sanitizers, baggies, and sponges for ice packs. Items may be placed in the collection boxes in the Gathering Area of church. Thank you – Justice & Service Committee • Know your faith better / Share your faith better • Give to family and friends Build your library and give away later when there is a need Look for the displays at church. We ask for a donation of $3.00 per CD. Checks can be made payable to the church. We will try to get new CDs every 2 to 4 months. A Family Perspective ~ July 26, 2015 In today’s Gospel Phillip worried about “enough food” for the crowd. What is ENOUGH? When does our ENOUGH deprive another family of their fair share? Jesus performed today’s miracle because one child was willing to share and risk living with less. Can your family live more simply so that other families can simply live? 4 ST. JOHN VIANNEY CATHOLIC CHURCH JULY 26, 2015 WYOMING, MI SJV PARISH FESTIVAL 2015 **REMINDER TO PICK UP YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS IN THE GATHERING AREA IN CHURCH ASAP** Festival Raffle – 100% Club The 2015 St. John Vianney Festival raffle tickets will be available for pick up in the Gathering Area of church beginning Saturday, June 20, 2015. Each parish family will receive an envelope with 12 raffle tickets. Those who sell all 12 raffle tickets and turn in the ticket stubs and money by the below dates will be entered into the 100% club drawing. Prize money will vary depending on the date as outlined below: July 27, 2015 August 3, 2015 August 10, 2015 August 17, 2015 $100 $100 $ 75 $ 75 August 24, 2015 August 31, 2015 September 7, 2015 $75 $50 $50 Parish Festival Schedule of Events 2015 Friday Sept 11, 2015 6:00pm – 9:00pm 6:00pm – 10:00pm 6:00pm – 12:00am 9:00pm – 11:00pm 6:00pm - 12:00am 8:00pm – 12:00am Saturday Sept 12, 2015 12:00pm – 9:00pm 12:00pm – 10:00pm 1:00pm – 10:00pm 12:00pm – 3:00pm 4:00pm – 12:00am 12:00pm - 12:00am 7:00pm – 12:00am 9:00pm – 11:00pm Sunday Sept 13, 2015 11:30am – 1:30pm 12:00pm - 4:00pm 12:00pm – 4:00pm 1:00pm – 2:00pm 2:00pm – 4:00pm 4:30pm Games Area SJV Homecoming Booth Bingo in the Village Hall $2 entry fee Food on the Grill – Burgers, Brats, Hot Dogs and more Vegas Area – Black Jack and Texas Hold ‘em Movie on the athletic field SJV Sports Bar with Tiger Baseball at 7 PM Live Music with Hip Pocket k— al ceboo ish Festiv a F n Par us o Like nney a i V hn St. Jo Games Area SJV Homecoming Booth Food on the Grill – Burgers, Brats, Hot Dogs and more Bingo in the Village Hall $2 entry fee City of Wyoming EMS Expo – K-9 Unit, Patrol cars, Tactical truck Vegas Area – Black Jack and Texas Hold ‘em SJV Sports Bar with College Football all day Tiger Baseball at 7 PM Michigan vs. Oregon State at 3:30 PM Michigan St. vs. Oregon at 8 PM DJ Grand Master B spinning tunes Movie on the athletic field 4th Annual Taste of SJV Bingo in the Village Hall $2 entry fee Food on the Grill – Burgers, Brats, Hot Dogs and more Games Area SJV Sports Bar with the NFL games Home Run Derby on athletic field Softball game – SJV Faculty and staff vs. Catholic Central Faculty and Staff GRAND PRIZE RAFFLE DRAWING NOTE: We will be signing up Fesval volunteers and Taste of SJV parcipants in July. 5 July 26, 2015 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Events Around the Diocese St. Michael Church Annual Festival-Sunday, August 2nd from noon to 4 PM Adults $9, Children 12 and under $5, 3 & under FREE. Air-conditioned dining and outside picnic area. Take-outs available. Located at 6382 S. Maple Island Road (south of Fremont on M-120) Fun for the whole family….Come join us! Lansing Catholic Singles-5th Annual State-wide picnic for Catholic singles in their mid 30’s & up from 4 pm to 9 pm (eating at 5 pm) on Saturday, August 1st at Burchfield Park’s North Bluff shelter in Holt, just south of Lansing. Held rain or shine. Join us for a Mexican Fiesta! For more info. and to RSVP call 517-3752354 or 517-321-7886 Cost is $7 plus park admittance. July 26 Sunday, July 26, Worship On the Waterfront 2015 welcomes back, Josh Wilson to the Grand Haven Waterfront Stadium from 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. This artist, with a heart for God, writes catchy and emotional songs, leads entertaining live shows and has one-of-a-kind musical skills. This summer Josh will be bringing his band. There is no cost, nor any tickets needed to attend W.O.W. Check out our web site at www.worshiponthewaterfront.org. Any questions? Call: (616) 842-6600 Centering Prayer Weekend Retreat-August 7-9 at Transformations Spirituality Center, 3427 Gull Road, Kalamazoo, MI For more information call 269.381.6290 ext. 310 or www.transformationscenter.org Men’s Cursillo-August 27-30th at St. Joseph in Belding Call Paul at 616-443-2221 or Jill at 616-887-1596 for more info. Need to register by August 13. Annual Challenged Bocce League/Lessons – Complimentary Two Day Grief Workshop-Holy Family Parish via Good Mourning Ministries, Sept. 18-19, 2015. This program will require registration, and as of yet we are unsure of the cost. Details will be forthcoming soon. For more information on Good Mourning Ministries visit http://www.goodmourningministry.net/index.html. Noto's Old World Italian Dining and Banquet Facility invites adults and youth with disabilities how to play the great game of Bocce. Bocce Ball is also a Special Olympics sport which some of the adults and youth participate in after learning at Noto's. Bocce not only creates a great social atmosphere for the participants but also helps the individuals with strength and coordination. Diocese of GR Pilgrimage to attend the World Meeting of Families and Papal Visit-Philadelphia 2015-September 22-27. All are welcome Space is limited! Visit www.dioceseofgrandrapids.org for details and registration. Itinerary Dates: Monday's July 27, August 3, and August 10, 2015 (Every year beginning 2nd Monday after 4th of July for five consecutive weeks). Please view www.notosoldworld.com for more information. Worldwide Marriage Encounter-Why not celebrate the Year of Marriage by making your good marriage even better? Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter to renew and enrich your marriage and your faith! Upcoming weekends will be held August 7-9 at St. John the Evangelist in Fenton (you sleep at home or in a hotel), Sept. 25-27 at the Holiday Inn—Troy, and October 16-18 at the Saginaw Center for Ministry. For more information or to apply, visit www.wwme.org or contact Harry & Karen Porter at (888) 628-7433. Times: Play from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM / Complimentary dinner with participants and families from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM. RESPECTLIFE~July26,2015 RESPECTLIFE~July26,2015 For more information please call Tony Noto 616-493-6686. “Jesus holds a perpetual priesthood…..He has the full power to save those who approach God through Him, since He lives forever to intercede for them.” Heb. 7:24-25 PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OF OUR PARISH FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ARE SERVING OUR COUNTRY: David Andres—US Navy Andrew M. Baxter—US Air Force in Afghanistan Nick Brandes—US Navy Lewis Carlson II—US Marine Richard Carlson—US Marine Thomas Crees—US Army in Afghanistan James Hammer—US Navy Christopher Jacob-US Navy in Afghanistan Matthew McDonald—US Army Robert Paradis-US Marine Christopher Post-US Army in Cuba Gregory Lee Reynolds– US Army Infantry Thomas Sawicki—US Navy Mike Shick—US Air Force in Afghanistan Thomas Smarch, Jr.—US Marine Patrick Warnement– US Navy Daniel Wheeler-US Marine REFLECTION: In the heights of heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father, what does Jesus do? Scripture tells us that, sharing our human nature, He constantly intercedes for us. He presents to the Father the dignity of our humanity, that it may be filled with the life of God. PRAYER: Lord, give us confidence that we can always approach You as You intercede in Your humanity for ours. 6 ST. JOHN VIANNEY CATHOLIC CHURCH JULY 26, 2015 WYOMING, MI MISSION OF THE CHURCH Of her very nature, the Church is missionary. This means her members are called by God to bring the Gospel by word and deed to all peoples and to every situation of work, education, culture, and communal life in which human beings find each other. The members of the Church seek to transform society not by power but by persuasion and by example. - United States Catholic Catechism for Adults St. John Vianney School: PARISH STAFF/LEADERSHIP Parish Office: Principal: Gregg Bruno [email protected] 616-534-5449 School Administrative Assistant: Pattie Reynolds [email protected] Address: 4101 Clyde Park Avenue SW, Wyoming, MI 49509 Hours: Monday’s 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM Tuesday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM* Preschool & Childcare: (*closed 12:00-1:00 PM) After Hours: 532-0588 plus extension # to leave a message or use direct dial Associate Director: Amy Waldron [email protected] 532-7001 Ext. 301 Ext. 303 534-5392 Ext. 402 After Hours Emergency Line: 724-3121 or ext. 101 Fax: Finance Council: 616-530-8224 Shari Dick, Dan Duffy, Christina Finkler, Tim Lyons, Pat Miller, Mark Schumacher, Howard Smith, Marge Wilson Pastor: Rev. Michael Alber Ext. 101 [email protected] - direct dial 724-3125 Business Management Office: Emily Brenneman [email protected] Ext. 126 Parish Administrative Assistant: Patty Hudson [email protected] Ext. 120 Sacraments: Infant Baptism: Mary Witucki, 724-3128 First Eucharist: Marty Best, 724-3132 Reconciliation: Saturdays at 3:30 PM or by appointment Marriage: Fr. Alber (at least six months in advance) Sacrament of the sick: Call Parish Office Confirmation: Marty Best, 724-3132 Eucharistic Adoration: Director of Worship & Pastoral Care: Mary Witucki Ext. 128 [email protected] -direct dial 724-3128 Mondays, 9 AM to 7 PM Music Coordinator: Chris Lyons [email protected] Ill/Homebound: Mary Witucki, 724-3128 RCIA: Marty Best, 724-3132 Youth Ministry Marty Best, 724-3132 Sacristan: Shirley Haugen [email protected] - Holy Hour: Thursdays, 9 AM to 10 AM—Pray for Vocations 616-450-8369 New Parishioner Registration: Mary Witucki, 724-3128 Ext. 116 direct dial (616) 538-7879 PARISH MEMBERSHIP: All persons 18 and over should be registered as members in the parish. Contact Mary Witucki for an appointment. Parish membership is required to be a sponsor, to be married, to have a child baptized or to qualify for parishioner tuition rates at St. John Vianney School. Please notify the Parish Office of change of address, telephone number or name change. Maintenance Department: 616-534-5449 Ext. 341 [email protected] Parish Faith Formation: 532-2397 Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization: Marty Best Ext. 201 [email protected] - direct dial 724-3132 Bulletin Deadline: SCRIP HOURS for pick-up: Fridays by 5:00 PM in writing or email to [email protected] – article will go in the following week’s bulletin Sunday’s 9:30-10:30 AM *Thursday’s 3:00-4:00 PM *School Year ONLY Pick up in SCRIP Office by church Like us at: www.facebook.com/stjohnvianney. 7