Getting Started Her Workbook His Workbook


Getting Started Her Workbook His Workbook
Getting Started
This packet includes your materials for the Catholic Marriage Prep Class
These pages are provided to help you understand the marriage preparation process and plan
for your wedding day. Bring these pages to your follow up meeting with your priest or deacon.
• Table of Contents: Video presentations and supplemental materials included in the course.
• Ceremony Planning: This guide is provided as a tool to help you plan for your ceremony.
• Her Notes and Questions: As you work through the course, write down any questions you
have for your priest or deacon.
• His Notes and Questions: As you work through the course, write down any questions you
have for your priest or deacon.
Her Workbook
This workbook is intended to facilitate meaningful discussions with your fiancé.
• Cover Page: This page describes the purpose of the workbook.
• Topics Pages: Complete these pages alone, then share with your fiancé.
• Next Steps: This page explains what to do once you complete the PreCana program.
• Love Letter: Share your feelings about your fiancé in the form of a love letter.
His Workbook
This workbook is intended to facilitate meaningful discussions with your fiancée.
• Cover Page: This page describes the purpose of the workbook.
• Topics Pages: Complete these pages alone, then share with your fiancé.
• Next Steps: This page explains what to do once you complete the PreCana program.
• Love Letter: Share your feelings about your fiancé in the form of a love letter.
Table of Contents
Video presentations and supplemental materials included with the Catholic Marriage Prep Class.
1. Spirituality of Marriage
2. Family of Origin
3. Communication
4. Conflict Management
5. Marriage as a Sacrament
6. Healthy Sexuality and Intimacy
7. Natural Family Planning
8. Children
9. Theology of the Body
11.Couple Prayer
1. Ceremony Planning
2. Unique Challenges of Military Couples
2. Cohabitation
3. Forming a Stepfamily
4. Children of Divorce
5. Interfaith and Interchurch Marriages
6. Second Marriages
1. eBook: Living Together and Christian Commitment
2. eBook: Marriage & Money
3. Catholic Couple Checkup - Premarital Inventory
Ceremony Planning
Complete this helpful guide with the help of your priest, deacon, or wedding coordinator.
Bride and Groom: ____________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Time: ______________ Church: _________________________________
Presider: ________________________________ Rehearsal Date/Time: _____________________
Maid (Matron) of Honor: ___________________ Best Man: _______________________________
Bridesmaids: Groomsmen:
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
Flower Girl: ______________________________ Ring Bearer: _____________________________
Ushers: _________________________________ _________________________________________
Organist, singer, musicians: (Discuss your plans with your parish before making a commitment.)
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
Number of altar servers needed: _____ Type of service: ___ Eucharistic ___ Non-Eucharistic
Order of Service
Processional hymn: _______________________
* Presentation hymn
Old Testament reading: ___________________
* Preface and Eucharistic Prayer
To be read by: ___________________________
Our Father spoken or sung: ________________
Responsorial song read/sung by: __________
Nuptial Blessing
New Testament reading: __________________
Sign of Peace
To be read by: ___________________________
* Communion
Gospel: _________________________________
* Communion hymn: ______________________
Exchange of Consent and Wedding Vows
Concluding Rite: Final Blessing
Blessing of Rings
Prayer of the Faithful
* Indicates parts of the Eucharistic Liturgy only
Notes and Questions
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
As you work through the course, write down any questions you have for your priest or deacon
Notes and Questions
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
As you work through the course, write down any questions you have for your priest or deacon
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
After viewing each video segment of the online
course, you should complete the page related
to that topic within this workbook. Discuss your
answers with your fiancé when he has also
completed the related video and worksheet.
As you are viewing the video segments and
completing the related worksheets, you should
write down any questions that you will have
for your priest or deacon on the Notes and
Questions page included in this packet.
This workbook is intended to facilitate
meaningful discussions with your fiancé.
What to bring to your follow up meeting with
your priest or deacon:
• The Ceremony Planning guide
• The Notes and Questions page
• The Certificate of Completion (provided
after completing the online course)
• The Catholic Couple Checkup report
Spirituality of Marriage
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
It can seem difficult, even impossible, to bind oneself for life to another human being. This makes it all the more
important to proclaim the Good News that God loves us with a definitive and irrevocable love, that married couples
share in this love, that it supports and sustains them, and that by their faithfulness they can be witnesses to God’s
faithful love. — Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1069
1. How did you decide that your fiancé was the person you wanted to marry and be with for the
rest of your life?
2. How have you changed and grown since the start of your relationship?
3. How has your relationship affected or changed others?
4. Why does Dr. Healy say there is no noun of Christian marrying, it is the verb of Christian
5. Describe the dying and rising that has occurred in your relationship so far.
6. How do you see God’s hand guiding you toward marriage?
Family of Origin
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one
flesh. — Ephesians 5:31
1. These are the people that make up my family of origin:
2. How close or distant is my family? Are they flexible or inflexible? Give examples.
3. What do I like about my family of origin that I want to bring into my married life?
4. What do I want to leave behind from my family of origin?
5. How did my family celebrate birthdays and holidays?
6. Tom Donahoo shared stories to explain the differences between his wife’s family and his
own. Which stories would help your fiancé understand your family?
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
Everyone should be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. — James 1:19
When men and women seek to understand the God-created differences in the ways they
communicate, they can achieve more marital harmony. Careful listening can help each partner
to feel heard.
There are four steps to effective communication:
• Reflection: Consider what has happened and how to share with your partner.
• Self-disclosure: Be willing to reveal more about your true nature.
• Active empathetic listening: Listen with your full attention and try to understand how he
• Gained insights: Learn more about yourself and your partner and find positive ways to
work out disagreements.
1. Which of the four steps do I need to improve on?
2. What would my fiancé say I need to improve on?
3. What can we do as couple to improve our communication?
4. Alicia and Jose Arturo find their communication improves when they find time for fun as a
couple. What can we do together in the next week that would be fun and strengthen our
Conflict Management
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
— Colossians 3:13
1. What was the topic of our last disagreement?
2. Was it resolved to our mutual satisfaction?
3. Tim O’Donohue avoided conflict in the first years of his marriage to Jenny. Why was this a
bad idea?
4. Are there any issues currently in our relationship in need of forgiveness?
Steps to forgiveness:
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Admit wrong
Ask for forgiveness
Grant forgiveness
Commit to change
5. Which of the steps to forgiveness is the most difficult for me?
Marriage as a Sacrament
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
But you are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the
praises’ of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were ‘no people’ but now you are
God’s chosen people. — 1 Peter 2: 9-10
1. What are the signs that make me think that God wants me to spend the rest of my life
with my fiancé together in marriage?
2. What does it mean to me to marry in the Church?
3. Father Cameli says God will make all the difference in my marriage and make it more than
the sum of the two of us. What does he mean by this?
4. How are others part of our relationship?
5. How can we be true to the sacrament of matrimony and share our love?
Healthy Sexuality and Intimacy
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
Let us turn to the Lord and pray that he will bless with grace this woman now married in Christ to this man and that
he will unite in love the couples he has joined in his holy bond. — Nuptial Blessing
1. In what ways has my own history and experience shaped my attitude toward sex?
2. How do we show affection to each other?
3. How comfortable am I talking about my needs for intimacy and physical closeness?
4. Once we are married, how can we keep romance and excitement in our lives?
5. The Sugrues suggest that we take time to talk about what we like about each other and
what worries we may have about our future sexual relationship. What are some thoughts or
concerns I may have in this area?
Natural Family Planning
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I
appointed you. — Jeremiah 1:5
If you would like to learn more about Natural Family Planning beyond this marriage prep class,
please visit Tessa and Jelani McEwen, who share their story in this
segment, are the same instructors teaching that course.
1. I understand that Natural Family Planning is a scientific method of managing fertility that follows Catholic teaching. Will NFP be part of our marriage?
2. When would I like to have my first child? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. In the video, Tessa shared her fears about sex as she and Jelani were preparing for marriage.
What fears do I have as we prepare for our marriage?
4. Jelani says that using NFP brings them closer as husband and wife. What can we do to
bring our relationship closer?
5. Catholic teaching encourages the use of NFP because it does not separate the love-giving and life-giving nature of marriage. Is this something I need more information about? (You may add this to your page of notes and questions for your priest or deacon.)
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
I prayed for this child, and the LORD granted my request. — 1 Samuel 1:27
1. When I hear people say “Children are a gift of the Lord,” I think:
2. How many children would I like to have?
3. If we are unable to have children of our own, I will:
4. I think children will change our relationship in these ways:
5. I believe my greatest strength as a parent will be:
6. I believe my fiancé’s greatest strength as a parent will be:
7. How will we make God’s presence felt in our family life?
Theology of the Body
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
This is the body: a witness to creation as a fundamental gift, and therefore a witness to Love as the source from
which this same giving springs. — Pope John Paul II
1. Theology of the Body says that our bodies can reveal the mystery of divine love in the world.
Have I ever thought of love in this way?
2. How do I see God in my fiancé?
3. Pope John Paul II said that fear and shame entered into the human condition when Adam
and Eve sinned and we were then closed off from God. How do we close ourselves off from
each other?
4. How can we bring God to the center of our lives?
5. Craig and Amy felt that they grew into a deeper understanding of their faith by studying the
Theology of the Body. Is this something we would like to learn more about?
(You may add this to your page of notes and questions for your priest or deacon.)
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancé.
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. — Proverbs 22:7
Many couples struggle with finances. Bonnie Scully’s complete financial eBook, Marriage and
Money, is included with this class. Download it and work through it together to learn more
about managing finances as a married couple.
1. Am I concerned about the way I manage money?
2. Am I concerned about the way my fiancé manages money?
3. Have I openly shared my financial situation with my fiancé? If not, what is holding me back?
4. Bonnie recommends against the use of credit cards. Is this an option for us?
5. Will we be able to live on 50% of what we make?
6. Stewardship means that all we have is a gift from God and that it is important to share our
gifts, our time, our talent, and our treasure. How will we practice stewardship?
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Next Steps
What to do after completing the course
Congratulations! You have completed the “Catholic Marriage Prep Class” online Pre-Cana.
What do we do now?
Now that you and your fiancé have watched all of the videos, completed the corresponding
online quizzes, and completed the discussion worksheets together, you are encouraged to
meet with your priest or deacon for a follow up meeting.
Your follow up meeting with your priest or deacon is the perfect time to review the Catholic
Couple Checkup report and discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your
marriage preparation or upcoming wedding.
What to bring to your follow up meeting with your priest or deacon:
• The Ceremony Planning guide
• The Notes and Questions page
• The Certificate of Completion (provided after completing the online course)
• The Catholic Couple Checkup report
Downloading your Certificate of Completion:
1. Log in to your account and go to “Dashboard” which is located in the top navigation.
2. Click on “Completed Courses”
3. Click on “Catholic Marriage Prep Class”
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the certificate element, then click “Download
Certificate.” Print it to bring to your follow up meeting.
Feel free to contact us at anytime. Our phone numbers are listed below.
Love Letter
In the 1800s, courtship letters were a common way to win someone’s affection and to express
your own. Sadly, letter writing has become less popular with the dawn of technology, but your
engagement is the perfect time to bring it back in style.
Use this page to write a love letter to your fiancé. If you are not sure what to say, start with
something like, “My prayer for you is…” or “The greatest gift you bring to our relationship is…”
or “My relationship to you has changed me in this way…” Take your time writing this!
Save the letters and revisit them at a later time that has significance to you; perhaps on your
first anniversary.
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
After viewing each video segment of the online
course, you should complete the page related
to that topic within this workbook. Discuss your
answers with your fiancée when she has also
completed the related video and worksheet.
As you are viewing the video segments and
completing the related worksheets, you should
write down any questions that you will have
for your priest or deacon on the Notes and
Questions page included in this packet.
This workbook is intended to facilitate
meaningful discussions with your fiancée.
What to bring to your follow up meeting with
your priest or deacon:
• The Ceremony Planning guide
• The Notes and Questions page
• The Certificate of Completion (provided
after completing the online course)
• The Catholic Couple Checkup report
Spirituality of Marriage
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
It can seem difficult, even impossible, to bind oneself for life to another human being. This makes it all the more
important to proclaim the Good News that God loves us with a definitive and irrevocable love, that married couples
share in this love, that it supports and sustains them, and that by their faithfulness they can be witnesses to God’s
faithful love. — Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1069
1. How did you decide that your fiancée was the person you wanted to marry and be with for
the rest of your life?
2. How have you changed and grown since the start of your relationship?
3. How has your relationship affected or changed others?
4. Why does Dr. Healy say there is no noun of Christian marrying, it is the verb of Christian
5. Describe the dying and rising that has occurred in your relationship so far.
6. How do you see God’s hand guiding you toward marriage?
Family of Origin
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one
flesh. — Ephesians 5:31
1. These are the people that make up my family of origin:
2. How close or distant is my family? Are they flexible or inflexible? Give examples.
3. What do I like about my family of origin that I want to bring into my married life?
4. What do I want to leave behind from my family of origin?
5. How did my family celebrate birthdays and holidays?
6. Tom Donahoo shared stories to explain the differences between his wife’s family and his
own. Which stories would help your fiancée understand your family?
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
Everyone should be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. — James 1:19
When men and women seek to understand the God-created differences in the ways they
communicate, they can achieve more marital harmony. Careful listening can help each partner
to feel heard.
There are four steps to effective communication:
• Reflection: Consider what has happened and how to share with your partner.
• Self-disclosure: Be willing to reveal more about your true nature.
• Active empathetic listening: Listen with your full attention and try to understand how she
• Gained insights: Learn more about yourself and your partner and find positive ways to
work out disagreements.
1. Which of the four steps do I need to improve on?
2. What would my fiancée say I need to improve on?
3. What can we do as couple to improve our communication?
4. Alicia and Jose Arturo find their communication improves when they find time for fun as a
couple. What can we do together in the next week that would be fun and strengthen our
Conflict Management
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
— Colossians 3:13
1. What was the topic of our last disagreement?
2. Was it resolved to our mutual satisfaction?
3. Tim O’Donohue avoided conflict in the first years of his marriage to Jenny. Why was this a
bad idea?
4. Are there any issues currently in our relationship in need of forgiveness?
Steps to forgiveness:
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Admit wrong
Ask for forgiveness
Grant forgiveness
Commit to change
5. Which of the steps to forgiveness is the most difficult for me?
Marriage as a Sacrament
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
But you are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the
praises’ of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were ‘no people’ but now you are
God’s chosen people. — 1 Peter 2: 9-10
1. What are the signs that make me think that God wants me to spend the rest of my life
with my fiancée together in marriage?
2. What does it mean to me to marry in the Church?
3. Father Cameli says God will make all the difference in my marriage and make it more than
the sum of the two of us. What does he mean by this?
4. How are others part of our relationship?
5. How can we be true to the sacrament of matrimony and share our love?
Healthy Sexuality and Intimacy
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
Let us turn to the Lord and pray that he will bless with grace this woman now married in Christ to this man and that
he will unite in love the couples he has joined in his holy bond. — Nuptial Blessing
1. In what ways has my own history and experience shaped my attitude toward sex?
2. How do we show affection to each other?
3. How comfortable am I talking about my needs for intimacy and physical closeness?
4. Once we are married, how can we keep romance and excitement in our lives?
5. The Sugrues suggest that we take time to talk about what we like about each other and
what worries we may have about our future sexual relationship. What are some thoughts or
concerns I may have in this area?
Natural Family Planning
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I
appointed you. — Jeremiah 1:5
If you would like to learn more about Natural Family Planning beyond this marriage prep class,
please visit Tessa and Jelani McEwen, who share their story in this
segment, are the same instructors teaching that course.
1. I understand that Natural Family Planning is a scientific method of managing fertility that follows Catholic teaching. Will NFP be part of our marriage?
2. When would I like to have my first child? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. In the video, Tessa shared her fears about sex as she and Jelani were preparing for marriage.
What fears do I have as we prepare for our marriage?
4. Jelani says that using NFP brings them closer as husband and wife. What can we do to
bring our relationship closer?
5. Catholic teaching encourages the use of NFP because it does not separate the love-giving and life-giving nature of marriage. Is this something I need more information about? (You may add this to your page of notes and questions for your priest or deacon.)
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
I prayed for this child, and the LORD granted my request. — 1 Samuel 1:27
1. When I hear people say “Children are a gift of the Lord,” I think:
2. How many children would I like to have?
3. If we are unable to have children of our own, I will:
4. I think children will change our relationship in these ways:
5. I believe my greatest strength as a parent will be:
6. I believe my fiancée’s greatest strength as a parent will be:
7. How will we make God’s presence felt in our family life?
Theology of the Body
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
This is the body: a witness to creation as a fundamental gift, and therefore a witness to Love as the source from
which this same giving springs. — Pope John Paul II
1. Theology of the Body says that our bodies can reveal the mystery of divine love in the world.
Have I ever thought of love in this way?
2. How do I see God in my fiancée?
3. Pope John Paul II said that fear and shame entered into the human condition when Adam
and Eve sinned and we were then closed off from God. How do we close ourselves off from
each other?
4. How can we bring God to the center of our lives?
5. Craig and Amy felt that they grew into a deeper understanding of their faith by studying the
Theology of the Body. Is this something we would like to learn more about?
(You may add this to your page of notes and questions for your priest or deacon.)
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Complete this page alone, then share with your fiancée.
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender. — Proverbs 22:7
Many couples struggle with finances. Bonnie Scully’s complete financial eBook, Marriage and
Money, is included with this class. Download it and work through it together to learn more
about managing finances as a married couple.
1. Am I concerned about the way I manage money?
2. Am I concerned about the way my fiancée manages money?
3. Have I openly shared my financial situation with my fiancée? If not, what is holding me back?
4. Bonnie recommends against the use of credit cards. Is this an option for us?
5. Will we be able to live on 50% of what we make?
6. Stewardship means that all we have is a gift from God and that it is important to share our
gifts, our time, our talent, and our treasure. How will we practice stewardship?
Catholic Marriage Prep Class Worksheets
Next Steps
What to do after completing the course
Congratulations! You have completed the “Catholic Marriage Prep Class” online Pre-Cana.
What do we do now?
Now that you and your fiancée have watched all of the videos, completed the corresponding
online quizzes, and completed the discussion worksheets together, you are encouraged to
meet with your priest or deacon for a follow up meeting.
Your follow up meeting with your priest or deacon is the perfect time to review the Catholic
Couple Checkup report and discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your
marriage preparation or upcoming wedding.
What to bring to your follow up meeting with your priest or deacon:
• The Ceremony Planning guide
• The Notes and Questions page
• The Certificate of Completion (provided after completing the online course)
• The Catholic Couple Checkup report
Downloading your Certificate of Completion:
1. Log in to your account and go to “Dashboard” which is located in the top navigation.
2. Click on “Completed Courses”
3. Click on “Catholic Marriage Prep Class”
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the certificate element, then click “Download
Certificate.” Print it to bring to your follow up meeting.
Feel free to contact us at anytime. Our phone numbers are listed below.
Love Letter
In the 1800s, courtship letters were a common way to win someone’s affection and to express
your own. Sadly, letter writing has become less popular with the dawn of technology, but your
engagement is the perfect time to bring it back in style.
Use this page to write a love letter to your fiancée. If you are not sure what to say, start with
something like, “My prayer for you is…” or “The greatest gift you bring to our relationship is…”
or “My relationship to you has changed me in this way…” Take your time writing this!
Save the letters and revisit them at a later time that has significance to you; perhaps on your
first anniversary.