the plane truth - Circle City Flyers


the plane truth - Circle City Flyers
VOL 25 Issue 12
DEC 2012
President: Ron Keith 951-340-0048 VP: Danny Salas 714-998-7915
Sec: Ethan Marsh714-637-4418 Treasurer: Walter Satler 951-741-6815
Member at Large, Pat Schreffler
Editor: Roland Tweed 951-315-9054
Next meeting date, Club business, P.1-2
President’s Column
P. 3
Editor’s Corner
P. 3
Letters to the Editor
Holiday Notice
P. 5
Why RC?
Photo Page
The Wisdom of Wayne Louie
P. 8
Photo Page
P. 9
Dreams don’t Die
P. 10-11
Tips & Tricks
The Gift of Wings
The Return—Poem
The Magic of Flight
NEXT MEETING: The next regularly
scheduled meeting of the Circle City Flyers
will be held on THURSDAY, DEC 13,
2012 at 7:00 PM the Corona Senior
Center located on the corner of 10th and
Belle St, in Corona. The annual Holiday
Party and raffle will be held at the same
The NOVEMBER club meeting is
also Election time at our club.
The following individuals were
elected by unanimous vote:
President: RON KEITH
Treasurer: Walter Satler
Secretary: Ethan Marsh
Member at Large: Pat Schreffler
Congratulations to you all. We
Thank you for your commitment
to lead our club in 2013.
dates were elected by acclamation.
President Ron Keith called the meeting to
order at 7:00PM at Corona Senior Center
with 16 members present.
Nominations for club officers:
Ron Keith
(It could be you.)
Ethan Marsh
Walter Satler
Member at Large: Danny Salas
MINUTES: Ethan Marsh
The minutes for the October 16, 2012 meeting, which were approved as read.
Treasurers Report GIVEN at the meeting
and approved by everyone present.
It was decided to hold the Scale Fun fly on
7th of April 2013.
The Christmas party will be n Friday December 14th starting at 7:00PM at our
regular meeting place – Corona Senor
The party was discussed. Roland will publish the details in the Club Newsletter.
Ron Keith
Danny Salas
Ethan Marsh
Walter Salas
Member at large
Pat Schreffler
The members present agreed that we
will donate $75.00 to the Corona Senior Center to help out with their
Thanksgiving celebration.
Stan Wagner gave a talk and showed
his “HERO” video camera that used to
take float flying video at corona RC
Lake Perris float fly, and the Havasu
float fly.
None this month..
Meeting Adjourned at 7:30PM
Two members paid their 2013 dues at
this meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ethan Marsh
Since there were no other nominees, candiTHE PLANE TRUTH is the Official Newsletter of the Circle City Flyers of Corona, CA. It is published
monthly for the benefit of its members. Copies are also provided to other interested individuals, R/C
Clubs and hobby stores. Current circulation is 115. Portions of the Newsletter may be reproduced without the permission of the Circle City Flyers for whatever reason. Acknowledgement of the source and
author of any reprinted material is appropriate. The club meets on the 3 rd Thursday of each month at
the Corona Senior Center and at DELEO Field whenever its members are flying. Guests and potential
new members are always welcome to attend club meetings and to visit the field.
Page 3
Safety –
I have said this before and it’s worth repeating; I am pleased that everyone is vigilant when it comes to the safety of the operation of the field. We all need to remain
circumspect and self police each other,
with an eye out for new ones and visitors
that may not know of the rules of the field.
Let’s have fun and be safe !
Ron Keith
Monthly meetings Meetings continue to be attended and
informative and we would love to see
more of you stop in and see what it’s
all about.
We keep the meetings brief, starting
promptly at 7PM on the 3rd Thursday of
the month. We discuss past events
and old business, new business and
issues that surround the club and club
members and generally we have a nice
raffle where you receive one ticket just
for being there and can purchase more
if you want to better your odds.
Flying Oh boy the cooler days are here and I
love it. Fire up the heater and warm
the fingers and then start Flying. Come
back and warm up again, enjoy some
friendly talk and coffee, then get back
in the air. The usual suspects are out
early in the AM and we see some new
faces and new flying machines, including some strange camera platforms in
a quad arrangement.
Wow….The last newsletter of the year always brings with it a sense of melancholy
especially when the years zip by faster
than Ron’s Habu. At the same time, we all
can look ahead to the new year with new
ideas, new plans, and anticipation.
Yes, the cold weather surprises no one
this time of year, but we have had some
unusually warm week-end weather to be
thankful for. And when we can’t fly, we
can work in our garages on the next big
“project” we have scheduled.
Hope to see all of you at the Holiday party/
meeting which has been re-scheduled
from Friday to Thursday, DEC. 13, at 7:00
PM. With all the effort and planning, the
event should be a good one.
Happy Holidays! And Best Wishes to
you and yours for the New Year.
R. Tweed
Dear Roland:
I was having lunch the other day and
reading the just arrived Plane Truth when
I came across the Jack Schitt story. In a
moment or two I found myself laughing to
shard I chocked on my food and couldn’t
breathe. I had to give myself the Heimlich
maneuver and that’s not easy to do on
I survived and I want to tell you that’s the
funniest thing I’ve read in 20 years. In fact
I read it 2 or 3 times and am going to
show it to others.
I haven’t been flying much this year as
my eyesight isn’t as good and I have trouble seeing the planes at the distances I
used to fly. Joe Franks and I have been
working on a couple of speedboats (full
size) and a motor home.
So I’m glad to hear you are in good health
and still write great newsletters. You must
be one of the best flyers in the club by
Roy Minturn
Dear Roy.
I too laughed myself stupid after reading
the history of Jack Schitt, and still laugh
whenever I read it. As far as my flying
skills, I’m afraid I’m still at the low end of
the totem pole when compared to many
other club members but I have just as
much, or more, fun as they do, so that’s
all that matters.
Next I’m reminded of a sequel to the
Jack Schitt story. It is a true story involving a young woman who sued the Indiana Department of Motor Vehicles because they denied her request for a personal license plate containing her last
name. Her family had lived in Indiana for
generations and was well known and respected. By the way, she won her case
in Court. Her name…..Ima Hooker.
Footnote: Perhaps it would have been
far less trouble if she moved to Hooker
County, Nebraska. I imagine she’d find
many with the same interests.
R. Tweed
Dear Roland
I’m new to the hobby and to aviation in
general. I’m thinking about joining your
club and was wondering, how exactly
does an airplane fly?
John Heathcote, Chino Hills,CA
Good Question John
It really depends on who you ask. If you
speak to a professor or some nerdy grad
student from M.I.T or Poly Whatever
Tech school they’re likely to start talking
about Lift vs Weight, Thrust vs Drag, Angles of attack, centers of pressure, power
required versus power available. Stuff
like that.
If you ask me, I say that’s a bunch of malarkey. All you have to do is take a window seat in a fully loaded 747-400, near
the flaps, and when the pilot gives it full
throttle you can feel the power not just
through your bones, but through your
DNA. And then as you watch this monstrously heavy machine rise into the sky
towards its destination you can describe
how an airplane flies with one word.
If you ask me how many members of
our club fly, including myself I might
add, it can be described with two words.
A Miracle!
R. Tweed, Editor
Page 5
To All Members;
The City of Corona changed our reservation date for the Xmas party. The new
date is Dec. 13, 20012 (Thursday) at
7:00PM. Set up will start at 6:00PM, so
you can bring your food items starting at
6:00PM. The City also requested that
any extra food donated to the Center
must be in unopened containers (liability
reasons). The only way this can happen
is to bring your food (larger quantities) is
two or more separate containers. That
way we can donate the unopened containers.
Also, we can use help in setting up the
rooms. I will be at the Center at 5:30 PM.
Attached is the latest Food List.
Fred Holts
Think about all the reasons today’s modelers got into this hobby in the first place.
The answers are numerous, varied, and
wide ranging.
with your other recreational activities and
just wanted to "change things up" a little
bit. Many of us got our "juices jangling"
when we stopped in to our local hobby
shop and looked at some fascinating
toys that were not really toys. The list of
reasons is really endless.
Perhaps decades ago you were at your
father’s or grandfather’s workbench watching the magic taking place before your
very eyes. Perhaps you were just driving
by a flying site and stopped in to see what
that buzzing up in the air was all about.
Maybe you saw an advertisement for some
AMA club meeting and decided to stop by
and check it out.
What do all of these varied ways of getting introduced to our hobby have in
common? They all center on having genuine fun. In one way or another satisfaction and fun is the hub of it all. Sometimes we tend to forget about the fact
that we are all kids at heart and receive a
great deal of satisfaction creating and
flying our little toy planes.
You could have been fascinated with the
remote control aspect and the feeling it
gives you in dominating a small machine
up in the sky. You might have been bored
Let’s all try to remember this on those
days we take ourselves a little too seriously.
Why Did I Get Into This Hobby?
by Jim Wallen, Club Corner Author
Probably one of the 10 BEST BBQ’s in America.
Pulled pork, Baby Back Ribs smoked with love, hot
links, slow cooked Collard greens to die for, ice
cold beer and waitresses that will make you wish
you were young….and single. I know it’s a bit of a
hop from Corona, but well worth it.
Shown here is the indefatigable Brother Day
Kelly, legendary jazz musician and entertainer, after having a lunch at Luella’s; trying to act like he is
young….and single. When he’s not chowing down
there you’ll probably find him at the House of Blues
in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Way to Go Fred!
A friend of mine opened his wife's under-
it now....
wear drawer and picked up a silk paperwrapped package: 'This, - he said - isn't
any ordinary package.' He unwrapped the
box and stared at both the silk paper and
the box.
I don't know what my friend's wife would
have done if she knew she wouldn't be
there the next morning, this nobody can
'She got this the first time we went to New
York, 8 or 9 years ago. She has never put it
on , was saving it for a special occasion.
Well, I guess this is it.
He got near the bed and placed the gift box
next to the other clothing he was taking to
the funeral house, his wife had just died.
He turned to me and said:
'Never save something for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion'.
I still think those words changed my life.
Now I read more and clean less.
I sit on the porch without worrying about
I spend more time with
my family, and less at work.
I understood that life should be a source of
experience to be lived up to, not survived
I no longer keep anything.
I use crystal glasses every day.
I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket, if I feel like it.
I don't save my special
perfume for special occasions, I use it
whenever I want to.
The words 'Someday....' and 'One Day...'
are fading away from my dictionary.
If it's worth seeing,
listening or doing, I want to see, listen or do
I think she might have called her relatives and closest friends.
She might call old friends to make
peace over past quarrels.
I'd like to think she
would go out for Chinese, her favorite
It's these small things
that I would regret not doing, if I knew
my time had come.
Each day, each hour,
each minute, is special.
Live for today, for tomorrow is promised
to no-one..
If you got this, it's because someone
cares for you and because, probably,
there's someone you care about.
If you're too busy to
send this out to other people and you
say to yourself that you will send it
'One of these days,' remember that
'One day' is far away...
or might never come.....
No matter if you're superstitious or not,
spend some time reading it. It holds
useful messages
for the soul.
Wayne Louie
Pictures contributed byTom Beaubien
Dreams Don’t Die*
Reprinted from The Plane Truth 2010
Dreams don’t die. We kill them. The
other day I was at the drug store picking
up some photos, when a tiny voice behind me exclaimed “Look Mommy, airplanes!” Part of the crowd that always
gathers this time included a four-year old
kid who had all the marks of one of the
next generation’s pilots.
Mommy came up and started talking
about how much her little boy liked airplanes and how her husband always
wanted to learn to fly. She ranted on how
he always stopped at airports and on
Saturday morning he’d be parked by the
roadside watch airplanes take off and
land. No, she replied to my questions, he
hadn’t made any effort to actually get in
an airplane but he sure talked about it a
lot. The more she talked the more I had
the picture. He was a husband with a
malady that affects many and the disease isn’t restricted to husbands. He saw
himself as the dutiful provider, putting his
own wishes and heartfelt desires aside
because of the many obstacles placed in
his way by life: wife, kids, school, car
payments, etc., etc. What we had here
was your basic frustrated individual who
is rationalizing his way out of doing
something he always wanted to do.
Mr. Husband is right. Aviation and modeling are not cheap, but that’s just a fact,
not an obstacle. Is a couple thousand
dollars spread out over a lifetime so terrible that it’s worth spending the remainder
of his life saying “…gee, if I’d only…”
Dreams don’t die. They are perfectly
healthy at birth, but as soon as we contract the dreaded disease that includes
symptoms like rationalizing and procrastination, the dreams begin to lose their color. They take on the pallor of a ghost and
soon come out only occasionally to haunt
us in the form of regrets. A life that ends
up with the bottom line full of regrets rather than memories isn’t a life. It is the
end result of spending more time examining excuses than scrutinizing the road
map of our dreams. If we are going to do
something, we have that one time envelope of time in which to do it that we call
life. Life is our shot at being part of existence.
We tend to get very blasé about life and
the things we want to do. We put them
off, we rationalize, we ignore them in the
hopes the desires will go away. We use
the term “lifetime” so casually when it really ought to send shivers up our spine
every time we think about how precious it
is, how unique are existence is. We have
some sort of puritanical hang-up that
holds us back from doing the things we
love because of some financial conventionality. It is as if in the back of our mind
we feel if we don’t do the things our heart
really desires, we’ll get some sort of higher reward.
That’s baloney! Nobody is going to give
you points for something you don’t do.
Personal deprivation is not our reward.
Personal deprivation, in the form of ignoring your dreams, is the highest form of
squandering your existence I can think of.
The concept of only having one chance is
so obvious that even beer commercials
tout it, “…go for the gusto, you only go
around once, doesn’t get any better than
this…” We all know the theme, but how
many actually live that way? The reason
advertising executives make such commercials is because even they know that
most people only wish they lived the way
the folks do on their commercials. If people were really out there “…grabbing the
gusto” they wouldn’t be perched in front
of the TV sets soaking up the commercials in the first place.
Yes, model aviation is expensive. But
right now Mr. Husband is alive and
healthy. In short order he won’t be either
and, in between, how much of himself
will he have utilized. How much of his existence will be realized? Different people
react to passing dreams in different ways
but, sometime in each of our lives a little
voice inside say, “I wish I had…when I
had the chance.”
Flying is one of those wishes that is obtainable. Its primary obstacle is financial
and that too is something which is surmountable and survivable. RC is expensive, but is it really when you measure it
against the rewards? How many skills
can the average person learn that take
him out of the “average” category and
make him something special. There is
not another learning process in the
world, not even psychoanalysis, that will
do such a fine job of bringing a person
face to face with himself as learning to
fly. You do battle with your own physical
and emotional demons in a very enjoyable context. The battles are small and
the victories large. The confidence that
comes from having mastered yourself in
a trying situation is something that isn’t
often offered the average person on a
Mr. Husband says he’s forty-six and it’s
too late for his dream of flight. Wrong!
There is no such thing as too late unless you make it so by believing it to be
so. The best time to take flight is when
the urge is strongest because that will
shrink even the largest obstacles down
to size. You can’t keep waiting until it
gets cheaper or easier. It won’t happen.
Do it now when the urge is there. You’ll
have made a commitment to one of
your dreams. You won’t have squandered your existence by killing your
Author unknown.
Tips & Tricks
The Right Tool for the Job!
Here is a tip for those of us who have had the
frustrating experience of ruining the head of one
of those little Phillips head screws in an engine,
or when assembling an ARF airplane or helicopter. It might not have been entirely your fault.
You just may have been using the wrong type of
Since most ARFs, helicopters, and even engines are built in the Far East, many manufacturers use what are called "JIS" crosshead
screws; JIS meaning Japanese Industrial Standard. The screws look almost identical to Phillips,
but they are just different enough to make you a
little crazy. Of course just like metric screws and
bolts, the manufacturers may include both JIS
and Philips screws in your kit.
The JIS can be identified by a tiny dimple on the
head, or by the fact that you can only get them
out by using vise grips! You won’t find JIS
screwdrivers for a dollar at Harbor Freight, but
they are available online in a wide range of prices. Just do a Google search for JIS screwdrivers. Try them; you will be happy you did!
—by Gerry Roedel, from the Tri-County R.C.
Club, New Jersey
Sub Trim and Linkage Setup
by Richard Lindberg*
Sub trims are intended for minor adjustments to
servos linkages. Since excessive sub trim values
(percentages) can cause servos to be over-driven
where they try to move past their internal stops.
This can cause servo damage.
Follow these steps to help ensure the proper use of
sub trims and to achieve an optimum servo/linkage
Access the Sub Trim function on your radio
and make sure sub trim settings are set to
zero (0).
Access the Trim Offset function) another
name for Trim Memory) and clear any offsets. Also make sure that the mechanical
trim levers on the transmitter (TX) are centered in their center dents.
Plug the servo in the appropriate channel of
the receiver (RX). Turn on both the TX and
the RX. The servo should now be at its
electronic center position.
Test the fit of the servo arm to the servo,
trying to get the servo arm to be at 90° to
the servo as shown in the illustration. Try
different positions if necessary, removing
the arm, rotating it 90°, and inserting it
back onto the servo output shaft. Use the
position that is closest to 90°.
If the servo arm is not at 90° or perpendicular to the servo, use the Sub Trim function
to adjust the arm so that it is at 90° to the
Position the control surface so that it is in
its neutral position. Now make and adjust
the linkage. Adjust the linkage so that the
control surface is at neutral when the servo
is in its neutral position.
Continued Page 14
Page 13
By Richard Bach
suspect the thing that makes us fly,
whatever it is, is the same thing that
draws the sailor out to the sea. Some
people will never understand why and we
can’t explain it to them. If they’re willing
and have an open heart we can show
them, but tell them we can’t.
It’s true. Ask, “Why fly?” and I should tell
you nothing. Instead, I should take you
out to the grounds of an airport on a Saturday morning in the end of August.
There is sun and a cloud in the sky, now,
and here’s a cool breeze hushing around
the precision sculptures of light planes all
washed in rainbows and set carefully on
the grass. Here’s a smell of clean metal
and fabric in the air, and the swishing
chug of a small engine spinning a little
windmill of a propeller, making ready to
Come along for a moment and look at a
few of the people who choose to own and
fly these machines, and see what kind of
people they are and why they fly and
whether, because of it, they might be a
little bit different than anyone else in all
the world.
I give you the Air Force pilot, buffing the
silver cowl of a light plane that he flies in
his off-duty hours. When his eight-engine
jet bomber is silent.
Five minutes from target,
The auto-pilot set;
The peaceful drone of engines,
Hands clammy, forehead wet.
Our attack was very successful,
We caught them by surprise;
We bombed and heavily strafed them,
Smoke poured up in the sky.
We may have left destruction,
In planes and bodies, too;
But here beyond the target;
There’s the quiet of the blue.
The sky’s in all it’s glory,
Of floating, fluffy clouds;
The large one rears it’s cotton head,
The smaller ones its crowds.
And just beneath the water,
A melancholy blue;
It’s waves are small, it’s flashes bright,
As sunlight filters through.
We’re at war, we knot it well,
The targets just behind
But flying now, in nature’s realm;
Her restfulness is kind.
For nature cares not if there’s war,
The world is hers to roam;
And now our mission is complete;
It’s peaceful going home.
—Arthur unknown
Page 14
The Magic and Wonder of Flight
We were flying over America and suddenly I
saw snow, the first snow we ever saw from
orbit. I have never visited America, but I imagined that the arrival of autumn and winter
is the same there as in other places, and
the process of getting ready for them is the
same. And then it struck me that we are all
children of our Earth.
Alexsandr Aleksandrov
So the crew fly on with no
thought that they are in motion. Like night
over the sea, they are very far from the
earth, from towns, from trees. The clock
ticks on. The dials, the radio lamps, the various hands and needles go though their invisible alchemy . . .and when the hour is at
hand the pilot may glue his forehead to the
window with perfect assurance. Out of
oblivion the gold has been smelted: there it
gleams in the lights of the airport.
Yet I do seriously and on good
grounds affirm it possible to make a
flying chariot in which a man may sit
and give such a motion unto it as shall
convey him through the air. And this
perhaps might be made large enough
to carry divers men at the same time,
together with food for their viaticum
and commodities for traffic. It is not
the bigness of anything in this
kind that can hinder its motion, if the motive faculty be
answerable thereunto. We
see a great ship swims as well as a
small cork, and an eagle flies in the air
as well as a little gnat … “Tis likely
enough that there may be means invented of journeying to the moon;
and how happy they shall be that are
first successful in this attempt.
Johannes Kepler , letter to Galileo
19 April 1610
Antoine de Saint-Exopery
I think it is a pity to lose the romantic side of
flying and simply to accept it as a common
means of transport, although that end is
what we have all ostensibly been striving to
The simplest, however, of all conceivable
flying machines would be a cylinder blowing
out gas in the rear and driving itself along
on the principle of a rocket . . .
Men who have worked together to reach the
stars are not likely to descend into the
depths of war and desolation.
Sub Trim ...from Page. 12
If the mechanical linkage cannot be adjusted
precisely enough, get it as close as you can
and then use the Sub Trim function to make
the final adjustments.
Before you embark on a journey of
revenge, dig two graves.
Confucius 504 B.C.
You can’t count your hair
You can’t wash your eyes with soap
You can’t breathe when your tongue is
out. Put your tongue back in your
mouth silly.
You can’t say the letter “P” without
separating your lips.
You just attempted to do it.
He who cannot forgive, breaks the
bridge over which he himself must
Page 15
Merry Christmas to our sweethearts!
And Merry Christmas to our wives
As we approach the New Year may
Our sweethearts soon become our wives
And our wives ever remain our sweethearts!
It’s easy to say “Fill ’em”
When your account’s not overdrawn.
But the man worthwhile
Is the man who can smile
When every damned cent is gone.
Here’s a toast to all who are here,
No matter where you’re from;
May the best day you have seen
Be worse than your worse to come.
May we love as long as we live,
And live as long as we love.
Roland Tweed, Editor
7177 Brockton Ave #111
Riverside, CA 92506-2632
DEC 2012