Ginew Wellness Center - First Nations Health Managers Association


Ginew Wellness Center - First Nations Health Managers Association
Multi-Disciplinary use of EMR
Roseau River Anishinabe
First Nation, Manitoba
FNHMA National Conference
September 19, 2013
Guy Gosselin CFNHM
Executive Director
Ginew, Manitoba
 Located along the Red River 1 hour
south of Winnipeg
Roseau River
First Nation
Roseau River Anishinabe FN
 Population 2800
registered members
 1300 on-reserve
 Off-reserve reside in
local surrounding
communities and
Winnipeg, MB.
 Ginew Wellness
Center has 40+ Staff
Ginew Wellness Center (GWC)
GWC who we are
Overview of GWC
Overview of GWC
Overview of GWC
Overview of GWC
Ginew Seniors Lodge
Ginew Seniors Lodge
ADI Fruit
AHTF Project History 2007
 Find Project partners
 RHA, physicians and Red River Valley Health
District (RRVHD)
 Submited Proposal to Aboriginal Health Transition
Fund (AHTF) for Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
 Established a MOU which clarified OCAP principles;
• “aggregate data from Ginew is the property of the
Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation (RRAFN)and
permission must be obtained from RRAFN before
using it in study or research”
Project History (Cont.)
 Proposal approved in 2007 funded by AHTF,
Physicians and RRVHD
 Hired AHTF Project Coordinator
 Developed a plan
 PHIA training to ensure confidentiality
 E-Files transferred Demographics & Labs
 Staff trained in the EMR system
 EMR installed at Ginew, Emerson and Morris
Researched programs & services
 Providers
 Always looking for information
 Communication fractured between professionals
 Desire to collaborate to give better care
 Clients
 Assumed that providers are sharing information
 Find it difficult to navigate “siloed” system
 Struggle to manage their own care
 Access system from crisis to crisis
 Repeat their story numerous times
Imagine this Collaboration
Community Health
Physicians Chart
Home Care Chart
Lab Results
Foot Care
ER visits
E-chart MB.
Project Outcomes
 Partnered with physicians and RHA
 Implemented EMR at Ginew, Emerson
Clinic, Morris Clinic (GEM) added ER
 Achieved Collaborative Multi-disciplinary
 Attained Sustainability
 EMR utilized by most health staff with
Project Outcomes
 Improved integration of federal and provincial
health systems, programs, and services for our
 Manage referrals and follow-ups more
 Ability to monitor prescriptions
 Ability to mine Health Data for Health Planning
 Completed Evaluation of project
 Improved relationships
 Increased communication and
collaboration between professionals
 Nurses use EMR to email or instant
message physicians, client concerns
 Receptionists communicate with other
 Increased coordination and delivery of health
services at all sites to community members of
 Multidisciplinary Team has access to
pertinent information (lab results, care
history, care plans, letters etc.)
 Improved case management and client
medical history provides holistic care
 Reminders’ alerts health staff of follow-up
appointments and help with Guideline Care
 Sustainability
 System’s ongoing support and maintenance
is funded by physicians & RHA (paying
monthly fees)
 Buy in by most staff
 One client e-file as opposed to multiple
separate paper charts
 Decrease in misplacement of files and lost
 Files are on server and back-up servers
 Increased confidentiality and security
 Audit capabilities for client & EMR user
 Improved monitoring of service delivery
 Improved quality of care
 Improved time management
 Data-mining aggregate data used for health
Challenges and continued growth
 Mental Health Team not on EMR
 Connectivity issues (speed & reliability)
 Care Plans
 Forms & Templates usage
 Letting go of paper
 Consent Forms
 Scanning
 Using Trendable data
 Guideline Care
Lessons learned
 Planned approach with good support
 Import as much electronic data as possible
 Local EMR Team for local solutions
 Complete testing before going live
 Provide good training and Ongoing training
 Have PC’s in all locations needed
 Allow time for practice and confidence building
 Multi-disciplinary usage dissipates fear
 Keep expanding (e-Chart Manitoba)
 Focus on user buy-in (early adopters)
Guy Gosselin CFNHM
[email protected]
tel. 204-427-2384
Thank you