2014-15 Annual Report - Community Futures Peace Country
2014-15 Annual Report - Community Futures Peace Country
2014‐15 Annual Report W W A , W W D Community Futures (CF) is a na onal economic development program funded in western Canada by Western Economic Diversifica on Canada. Community Futures are nonprofit organiza ons guided by volunteer boards of directors and staffed with business professionals. Together, CF staff and community volunteers are ac vely engaged in helping to develop and implement community‐based economic development and diversifica on strategies. These strategies create growth within our rural communi es ‐ one idea at a me. A C ‐ Community Futures organiza ons (CFs) are developmental lenders. Priority is given to viable business ideas that result in wealth genera on for the business and economic development for the community or region. CFs may invest in qualified business projects to a maximum of $150,000.00. Terms and borrowing rates are compe ve and ed to the cash flow of the business. B S ‐ CFs provide a wide range of coaching and technical advice to businesses, including assistance with business planning. S C P S ‐ For rural communi es to con nue to compete in a fast‐changing world full of economic uncertain es, they must adopt new economic development strategies. These strategies must be focused and inten‐ onal, but also flexible enough to allow the community to capture new opportuni es pre‐ sented by a truly global market place. Community Futures organiza ons provide essen al community support and, at mes, community strategic planning leadership. Addi onally, all CFs have access to special project funding designed to assist communi es in successfully implemen ng iden fied economic diversifica on strategies. O M “To facilitate rural diversifica on through business and community economic development” O V “Healthy, thriving, diversified region” O P O V “The purpose of Community Futures Peace Country is... to support community economic development, encourage rural diversifica on and innova on, s mula ng and diversifying the regional economy through viable business plan development and developing innova ve economic development ini a ves” Innova ve • Entrepreneurial • Accountable • Professional A R 201/15 B D Chair’s Message: Once again this year Community Futures Peace Country has met or exceeded every performance target as set out by our funder. A huge pat on the back goes out to the team for all the hard work that keeps us at the top of our game. My first year as Board Chair was made easy by a dedicated, stable Board of Directors supported by a strong, knowledgeable staff that all share a common desire to see our region’s economy grow and diversify in a manageable and sustainable manner. Raoul Johnson Peace River Board Chair Armed with a good understanding of the day to day economic issues that affect the region, the Board sets relevant, realis c and achievable goals that fit the mandate of Community Futures and align with current WD strategies. It then falls to our great staff to achieve those goals and that is something they consistently do well. General Manager, Randy Hodgkinson, leads the staff with a knowledge and skill that comes from his 19 year history with CFPC in combina on with 20 years as an entrepreneur. Business Officer Deb Kalyn’s passion to see our client's succeed, has driven our lending and business development services for the past 7 years. Projects Coordinator Sherry Crawford’s skills shine through in our successful CED projects and the office runs smoothly under the watchful eye of Office Administrator Be e Klath. My sincere thanks to the Board and staff for their commitment to success over the last year. I look forward to working with you all as we con nue to make a difference in rural Alberta. Community Futures Peace Country is governed by a dedicated volunteer Board of up to 12 members from throughout the region. Roger Smiley Beatrice Tourangeau Janet Sinkwich 1st Vice‐Chair 2nd Vice‐Chair Director Cado e Lake Rycro Manning Cheryl Anderson Gordon Nelson Elaine Garrow Director Director Director Director County Northern Lights Manning Spirit River Peace River C F C Shane Himmelman S Community Futures Peace Country staff are knowledgeable, well trained and commi ed to providing their best to our clients and partners as we facilitate rural diversifica on through business and community economic development. Randy Hodgkinson General Manager Be e Klath Office Administrator Deb Kalyn Sherry Crawford Business Officer Projects Coordinator GM’s Message: The 2014/15 year will go down in the books as yet another banner year here at CF Peace Country. The Board approved 23 loans worth $1.6 million dollars, a new CFPC record. That ac vity leveraged an addi onal $3 million dollars and generated 78 jobs. This con nued success doesn’t just happen. It takes some amazing people who work diligently towards achieving that success. It starts at the top with our volunteer Board of Directors who are responsible for ensuring that our services and programs not only align with current government of Canada priori es, but also meet the needs of our local clients and communi es. I am very lucky to work for such a visionary Board. To transform the Board’s vision into ac on takes some talented and crea ve people. People such as Deb Kalyn, Business officer, who ensures that our clients get the mely support they need to succeed in their ventures; Projects Coordinator Sherry Crawford, who brings an enthusiasm and skillset to our CED projects that almost guarantees success and Office Administrator Be e Klath, who oversees the opera on and provides the appropriate support to myself, our Board and staff to get it done! My sincere thanks to both Board and staff for your commitment and hard work in achieving our success year a er year! I look forward to con nuing that trend into the future. A R 2014/15 L B E B S S ‐R A P M 31, 2015 C F P C L N D V L Y L S A M 31, 2015 Y IT’S A FACT: Since 1995 CFPC has loaned $15.5 million to 323 businesses in the Peace Region. IT’S A FACT: CFPC lending and business development ac vity leveraged over $3 million in 2014/15. A R 2014/15 C H Du North Designs Ltd. McLennan, AB On maternity leave from her job, Kyrs na Dubrule caught the entrepreneurship bug and turned her hobby into a full fledged business. Krys na loves clothes, but rather than opening a retail store in McLennan, she opted to become a wholesaler and sell ladies’ wear, par cularly leggings, online. Her business grew exponen ally and with the financial assistance of Community Futures Peace Country she was able to increase her on‐hand inventory, as well as develop a sophis cated e‐commerce website to meet the customer demand. Hell ‘n Back Welding Ltd. Nampa, AB Doug Thompson is well known in industry as a talented welder and steel craftsman. Never afraid to tackle any welding‐related project, he and his wife, Susan have built a strong company with a solid reputation in the oilfield industry. In business for over 10 years, Doug and Susan are actively involved in the community and on the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board. With the financial assistance of Community Futures Peace Country, Doug and Susan were able to add another service truck to their fleet and build a second welding work station in their shop to better service their growing customer base. Scrub Your Duds Grimshaw, AB Having owned a laundry mat in the past, Louanna jumped at the opportunity to buy the laundry mat in Grimshaw when it came up for sale. With the financial assistance of Community Futures Peace Country, Louanna purchased the building and business, gave it a catchy name and opened her doors. In addition to catering to walk‐in clients, Louanna also offers a pick up and delivery service for people that are not able to get to the laundry mat. It’s easy to spot her smiling face, along with her delightful purple and white vehicle when she is out and about in the Peace Region! C F C CED P The Bear Cave: As part of Community Futures mandate to develop and support youth entrepreneurs, CFPC partnered with the Peace Country Regional Science Fair to host a “Dragons’ Den” type event in conjunc on with the Fair. Students who were par cipants of the Science Fair could apply to the organizing commi ee to enter the Bear Cave compe on. A panel of prominent business people in the community acted as our “Dragons”, or in this case “Bears”, which included Janet Plante of GPRC Centre for Research and Innova on, Carolyn Kolebaba of Northern Sunrise County, Theresa Seitz of Sco abank, Toni Antonie of the Belle Centre and Deb Kalyn of Community Futures Peace Country. Students presented their ideas before the panel and an audience of their peers. A er delibera on, the Bears announced the grand prize winner; Michael Fyfe, with his plas c building brick which he calls the “Brickin’ Awesome Eco Brick”. Michael went on to showcase his idea at the TEC Edmonton Awards in April 2015. The other par cipants received various cash prizes, an invita on to the mentor dinner and a pewter bear claw pin as a memento of their experience. Hug an Entrepreneur This year, for Small Business Week, our goal was to celebrate local entrepreneurs by showing apprecia on for their hard work. On October 20th, 2014, CFPC hosted a ``Hug an Entrepreneur” launch party. We invited all CF clients, local media and referral partners to celebrate the launch of this campaign. Four clients, including Bri ney Raymond of Bella Rose Ta oo, Trevor Sack of OT Sports, Jessie Krushel and Daniel Ducharme of Java Domainn and Toni Antonie of the Belle Petroleum Centre; each spoke for a few minutes about their business, their trials and successes and how Community Futures has helped to support them. It was a great success with a total of 45 in a endance. CF staff spent the week visi ng over 200 businesses throughout the region, handing out close to 1000 “Hug an Entrepreneur” bu ons, along with a small pamphlet of informa on on Community Futures Peace Country. The unique campaign garnered a lot of a en on from the local media including considerable “air me” from local morning radio host, Dan Mody, as well as being covered as a radio news story. The local newspaper promoted the campaign with two ar cles. Social media was also an invaluable tool for this campaign. The campaign drew a en on to the importance of entrepreneurs in our communi es, while raising the profile of Community Futures. Judging by the hugs and the smiles we experienced over the course of the week, this campaign was a true success! A R 2014/15 CFPC R CF Peace Peace River Popula on: 50,000 50 Communi es 26 Municipali es 4 First Na ons 122,000 square kms T Y I P Community Futures Peace Country 9816 ‐ 98 Avenue Peace River, AB T8S 1J5 P: 780.624.1161 | F: 780.624.1308 Toll Free: 1.877.851.9996 E: [email protected] Website: www.cfpeacecountry.com