
Mailing Address:
450 Taraval ST. PMB 235
San Francisco, CA 94116
The Nautical News is published on a
monthly basis by, and serves as the
newsletter of and for the San Francisco
Model Yacht Club, a NON-PROFIT, TAX
September 01
September 03-05
September 10
September 10
September 10
September 11
September 11
September 17
September 17
September 18
September 24
September 25
September 27
September 29
Labor Day Holiday
September, 2011
RX class, race 7
Board of Directors Meeting
General Membership Meeting
36R class, race 5
“Navigator Sunday”
Classic X, race 6, end of season
Santa Barbara, race 5
Infinity 54 class, race 6, end of season
M class, race 6, end of season
X class, race 6, end of season
36R class, race 6, end of season
ODOM class, race 8, end of season
RX class, race 8, end of season
Please advise us of your new address when moving! On the Web: Http://
September, 2011
Bob Heacock
[email protected]
Lee Duvall
Don Ciucci
Jeff Brooks
Power Squadron Officer
Bernard Price
Sail Squadron Officers
Freesail: Mike Stobbe
[email protected]
R/C Sail: Jason Spiller
[email protected]
Directors at Large
John Garis
Drew Marshall
Til Mossi
Ed Shoenstein
John Strebel
Jeff Stobbe
Nautical News Editor
Jim Harvey
The deadline for items for the Nautical
News is the 20th of each month.
Send to Jim Harvey
([email protected]). The editor
reserves the right to edit submissions,
based on space available.
Vol. 113 No. 9
As we move into September, the majority of the Sail Squadron’s races
have been completed. The Power Squadron still has four events on their
calendar, ending with a night time lighted boat run in December. I hope
that you have enjoyed your boating season thus far. Thanks to Power
Squadron Officer Bernard Price, RC Sail Squadron Officer Jason
Spiller, and Free Sail Squadron Officer Mike Stobbe for organizing this
year’s regattas and events.
On July 19th, we launched the Footy Fun Fleet with a gala celebration
at lakeside, and on August 3rd, our partnership with the San Francisco
Department of Recreation and Parks came to life when the club showed
the little sailboats at the Recreation and Park’s end-of-season event
“Playday” on the Marina Green. We signed up twenty five young
people who wanted to learn how to sail a radio controlled sailboat.
The first lesson will be on September 10th, the day of our September
meeting, at 3:00 PM in the clubhouse. This kind of outreach into the
larger community plus the shows like Maker Faire that we’ve done, are
essential to the future of our club. Thanks to Bernard Price, the Footy
builders, and our sailing instructors for their participation.
The club hosted a reception and celebration of the life of Ed DeGear in
the clubhouse on Sunday, August 7th. Many members of the DeGear
family were present, as well as several club members who remembered
Ed and his contributions in the field of model engineering. Cake and
champagne were served, and the afternoon was capped off by a run of
Ed’s beloved Margie. It was a wonderful event to remember one of our
former Commodores.
One of our members recently asked me if we were having Wooden
Boats on Parade this year. No, Wooden Boats is next year. But we do
have something that definitely will have a Wooden Boats “flavor” to it,
and that’s the Promenade Cruise, scheduled for Sunday, October
23rd, at 11:00 AM . This is a non-competitive event, a relaxing day of
running your powerboat or sailing your sailboat around the perimeter of
the lake. We might set up a couple of buoys, but it’s not a race of any
kind. It’s a day to enjoy each other’s company and show our fleets to
the public. Afterwards, we’ll have a BBQ at the clubhouse.
As you know, the America’s Cup is coming to the Bay Area in 2013. It
will be excellent publicity for our club to have our models on display in
the International Terminal at the airport, with hundreds of thousands of
passers-by viewing them. Several members have expressed interest in forming a committee to explore possible
promotions with the Americas Cup Organizing Committee, holding a series of national championship sailboat
races on Spreckels Lake, and renting a boat for club members to see the Cup races. How does “The Official
Model Boat Club of the Americas Cup” sound to you? 2013 might seem a long way off, but it’ll be here before
we know it. There will be “warm-up races” next year using 45 foot catamarans, so we should start thinking
about it soon. We’ll talk about it at the September meeting.
And finally, I was recently informed that member Bill McKirdy has passed away. Bill was an excellent builder
of ship models, and was always eager to help out at our shows, the last of which was the Petaluma Hobby
Show, in February of this year. May you always have fair winds and a following sea, Bill. We’ll miss you.
Happy sailing,
Bob Heacock, Commodore
Power Squadron Report
August has come and gone so quickly and September is here! While the kids or grandkids have gone to
school and our thoughts are turning to fall and winter, there are still four Power Squadron events remaining
on the Club schedule this year, plus a tug event in Southern California, hosted by the Inland Nautical
Society so don’t even consider winterizing your boats yet!
The Great SFMYC Steam Up took a hiatus this year due to a coincidence where many of our regular Steam
enthusiasts had scheduled family vacations and other family activities on the same weekend. While boats and
boating on our lake hold a special place in our hearts, family always comes first- fond memories of summer
vacations last a lifetime and opportunities to create those memories should never be missed. The Steam Up
will be back next year, possibly in a revised format to include the equally impressive and exquisite “Classic
Gas” boats.
Several club members, along with many other regular users of the lake enjoyed a fine afternoon of running
boats on the day the Steam Up was scheduled. An incident between two boats did occur on the same day
which reminds us that we must never forget, or take for granted, how fortunate we are to enjoy our beautiful
lake and the great friendships we share through our mutual enjoyment of model boating. While I have not
observed any Club member doing otherwise, we should always remember to set the standard at the lake by
observing the “rules of the road”, putting safety first, when operating our boats while always being respectful
of others and their property.
On the Horizon
Mark your calendars - The Navigator Regatta will take place Sunday September 11th. This will be a fun
navigation course run in heats. The range of movement of the skipper on shore will be reduced with each run
through the course making it increasingly challenging for the skippers not to hit the marks! Always a fun
Further ahead, on Sunday October 9, we’ll have the Fishing Boat Gambler! Part navigation, part chance,
the Fishing Boat Gambler will be a lot of fun! Don’t have a fishing boat? Bring any model boat and we’ll
have scale fishing poles available so you can convert it into one for the day!
Bernard Price, PSO
Sail Squadron Report
X-Class, Race 5, The Lyon Cup, July 30
The X-Class fleet raced for the Lyon Cup on Saturday, July 30th. The turnout was modest, with only five
boats competing, but they were treated to a very nice day for sailing. It was partly sunny, partly overcast,
and cool. The winds were mostly westerly, moderate to brisk, except for the usual light fluky air at the west
end. While somewhat shifty from north to south, the wind was more consistent than is typical for Spreckels
Lake. My boat, 'Spearment, was in it's element, finding the conditions just to it's liking. Phil Durfee, sailing
the club's Molly Brown, and Jeff Stobbe, sailing his Emily, also performed very well. Both were in
contention for the lead right up to the last board. Dave Sands, with his Stars and Stripes, and Jason Spiller,
with Edith McMillan's Storm King II, both struggled, however. Stars and Stripes was only in its second race,
and Dave is still sorting it out. After one collision on the Forbidden Coast, when the boat mounted the
bumper boards, Jeff thought it might be trying to evolve, and was trying to leave the water. I suggested it be
inspected for signs of growing legs. Jason, on the other hand, had little excuse for what he has repeatedly
proven to be a swift boat, and confessed to making fatal adjustments attributable to brain fade. The complete
results are:
1st Mike Stobbe, X-34, 'Spearment
4th Dave Sands, X-76, Stars and Stripes
2nd Phil Durfee, X-8, Molly Brown
5th Jason Spiller, X-21, Storm King II
3rd Jeff Stobbe, X-43, Emily
M-Class, Race 5, August 6
The M-Class held their Race 5 on Saturday, August 6. The turnout was small, with a four-boat turnout, thus
it was decided at the outset to race two complete rounds. This was made feasible by excellent winds; steady,
moderate northwesterlies with occasional gusts. Such conditions are rare at Spreckels, and are a joy to
experience. The races themselves were relatively uneventful, but everyone enjoyed a fine day of sailing.
Jason Spiller was the most consistent, taking first place with Edith McMillan's Lil Bit. Gordon Leighton
brought Lucky in second, and Ed Schoenstein was third with Iberg. Winner of the coveted screw award was
Stephen Ma, with his Fulcrum.
1st Jason Spiller, M-12, Lil Bit
3rd Ed Schoenstein, M-25, Iberg
2nd Gordon Leighton, M-52, Lucky
4th Stephen Ma, M-51, Fulcrum
Skipper's Cup, August 20
The Skipper's Cup, pitting X-Class boats against M-Class boats, was raced under overcast skies on Saturday,
August 20th. The contest turned out to be three X-boats and three M-boats, and included two newcomers to
the sport of freesailing: Bruce Ettinger, in his first-ever freesail race, and Bernard Price, in only his second
outing to date. Both were sailing M-boats, together with Mike Stobbe. Sailing X-boats were Phil Durfee,
Jeff Stobbe, and Dave Sands. It was not an easy day for anyone, much less the newbies, with a strong
southerly component to a highly variable west wind. The wind was so southerly, in fact, that it reached the
north shore, and striking the trees, was divided to the east and west. Periodically, the easterly component
was strong enough to overcome the Street Breeze, making it nigh impossible to get out of Heartbreak
Harbor. While the rest of us are used to adversity, Bruce and Bernard were probably having second thoughts
about how to use their spare time. The strong southerly also lifted many beating boats up into Motorboat
Bay, so everyone got plenty of exercise! Generally, the variable conditions precluded close racing, however
Dave and Bruce did have one photo-finish beat. The X-Class once again demonstrated it's
superiority over the M-Class, with Jeff Stobbe finishing first, Phil Durfee only one point behind, and Mike
Stobbe third. The complete results are:
1st Jeff Stobbe, X-43, Emily
4th Bruce Ettinger, M-17, Emily
2nd Phil Durfee, X-8, Molly Brown
5th Dave Sands, X-76, Stars and Stripes
3rd Mike Stobbe, M-50, Pocahontas
6th Bernard Price, M-48, mmm-good
Distinguished Visitors
Barbara and Juli Lasselle, daughter and granddaughter of freesailing legend August (Gus) Lassel, visited the
clubhouse on July 30th, just after the X-Class race. Gus Lassel was instrumental in the development of rig
design and control systems for freesailing, particularly in designing the sliding rig system and the breakback
vane, which permitted the boats to be self-tacking. He was active in Berkeley and Wilmington, in southern
California, and built many boats during his career, mostly M-Class boats. Juli is researching archives to
write an account of the "Wizard's" impact on the sport. Barbara picked her father out of the panoramic 1937
photo line-up showing the combined Berkeley/San Francisco clubs, which hangs on our clubhouse wall. The
detail is shown below. Juli promised to come back to watch us in action on the lake.
Barbara and Juli Lasselle at SFMYC
Gus Lasselle at Berkeley in 1937 with one of his V-Boats
Mike Stobbe, SSO
A Freesailor's Guide to Spreckels Lake
My personal view of Spreckels Lake, its wind patterns, and various geographical zones are shown on the
accompanying drawing. I have taken the liberty of making up names for different parts of the lake, which I
will refer to below. But first, a disclaimer: Spreckels Lake is notorious for shifty, unpredictable winds. The
wind pattern I have drawn represents only my opinion of a generalized condition, based on ten years of
personal experience. On any given day (or hour) the actual wind pattern may vary widely from that shown.
Again, this is my own view. Others may hold a different opinion. Spreckels Lake is anything but consistent,
and doesn't readily yield its secrets. In the drawing, the lengths of the arrows are intended to represent
relative wind strength. The lake perimeter and outline of the tree growth is traced from a Google airphoto.
It's quite accurate.
The normal wind direction at San Francisco is from the northwest. Down at the ground level in Golden Gate
Park, however, the presence of trees and open spaces conspire to wreak havoc on the steady and consistent
wind over the ocean, only a mile away. The winds at Spreckels Lake typically come in through two widely
spaced gaps in the trees, join forces in mid-lake, and exit through a narrow corridor to the east. The
dominant gap is at the northwest corner of the lake, and is responsible for what is known as the Street
Breeze, referring to Fulton Street. Fulton Street is a wide, straight corridor running due west right to the
beach; an unimpeded route for the ocean breeze. A gap in the trees where 36th Avenue enters the park tips
the breeze directly onto Spreckels Lake. The second wind gap is located at the center of the lake's south
shore. I refer to this wind as the Rhododendron Breeze, as it comes in directly over Rhododendron Island
in JFK Drive. It's not really clear to me how the wind comes in here, because it's usually at about 90 degrees
to the regional wind direction. But there's no doubt that it does. The Rhododendron Breeze has a strong
influence on the Street Breeze, striking it at right angles in the middle of the lake. This collision of winds
defines the general pattern on Spreckels Lake, but the actual pattern at any given day or moment will depend
upon the relative strength of the Street Breeze compared to the Rhododendron Breeze.
In the drawing, the breezes are shown meeting head-on east of Punto Blanco, in an area I call the Sargasso
Sea. The opposing winds cancel each other, creating a "dead zone." Further east, the two breezes join forces
and turn east. The line demarcating the Northern Trades and the Southern Trades is an extension of this
"dead zone". In point of fact, however, this line, running roughly east-west from Punto Blanco to the
Roaring Forties, is constantly being pushed further north or further south depending on the relative
strengths of the Street Breeze and Rhododendron Breeze. When the Street Breeze dominates, it may push
all the way to the Forbidden Coast. When the Rhododendron Breeze dominates, it often will reach the
north side of the lake. It is this endless shoving match that makes the wind on Spreckels Lake so
Further east, the narrowing shape of the lake, together with the trees on either side, tends to funnel the wind,
concentrating it. Here, in what I call the Roaring Forties, are found the strongest winds on the lake.
Freesailers start and finish at the northeast and northwest corners of the lake. Thus the preferred route is to
keep close to the north shore. This is the reason I refer to the Street Breeze as being the dominant breeze.
The influence of the Rhododendron Breeze is important to understand, but if you want to win, you'll want
to stay in the Street Breeze. SFMYC freesailors begin their racing boards with the run, and finish with the
beat. Thus I will begin describing the individual features and areas with Heartbreak Harbor.
Heartbreak Harbor, the start of the freesail run, is the scene of the most perfidious winds known on the
planet. As shown by the wind arrows, upon passing the gap, the southern portion of the Street Breeze curls
around to the south and becomes much weakened as it spreads out into the available area. What is not
shown, is the most diabolical feature of Heartbreak Harbor, and the source of its name. There is a higherlevel west wind passing over Golden Gate Park above the trees. As this wind clears the trees west of the
lake, localized transient downdrafts penetrate the Street Breeze and come down to the water. When they
strike the water, these downdraft bursts spread out in all directions. A downdraft directly in front of you will
curl back to blow a starting boat back to the shore, while on either side these downdrafts turn north and
south. These adverse winds usually last 15 to 30 seconds, but occur every minute or less. Skippers cannot
anticipate these downdrafts, since the west wind is passing high over their heads and the downdrafts strike
the water just offshore. It often takes more than one try to get out of Heartbreak Harbor, and it is common
to see boats side by side go in opposite directions. Winds are typically light to very light, even on windy
The zone of these downdraft bursts, which have broken so many hearts, doesn't ordinarily extend beyond the
limit shown for Heartbreak Harbor. Thus, if you've made it as far as Point Eureka (hooray!) you can
count on not being blown back to the starting line. Point Eureka is marked by a large cypress tree near the
water's edge. This cypress tree also casts a wind shadow, Deception Pass, which is usually only a minor
inconvenience but on occasion has been known to turn back a beating yacht into a 360 degree turn.
The Sargasso Sea is a large extended zone of light and shifty winds, often with calm spots. It is caused, in
part, by the wind shadow of trees behind Punto Blanco (White Point), but primarily by the collision of the
Street Breeze and Rhododendron Breeze as described earlier. The southern curl of the Street Breeze often
carries running boats into the Sargasso Sea, where the race is usually lost while they eventually muddle out
of it. Punto Blanco is so named for the generous layer of bird guano found there. A place to be avoided!
Running boats not carried into the Sargasso Sea will find themselves in the Northern Trades. This is the
ideal place to be, truly the Spreckels "sweet spot", if I can be excused the pun. Winds here are relatively
steady and reliable by Spreckels standards (i.e. not very). If you are running close to the north shore, as is
usual, note that the influence of the Rhododendron Breeze bends the wind direction to the north, sometimes
more strongly than is illustrated. This will cause your boat to crowd the shore, requiring steering
adjustments to hold it off. As one proceeds eastward, the effect becomes greater, requiring further steering
adjustments. Until, that is, you reach Point Sayonara, which is the point at which you can kiss your boat
Point Sayonara is that point where the wind usually takes a more westerly direction, as well as becomes
stronger. You will suddenly find yourself overcorrected, and instead of crowding the north shore, your boat
will suddenly veer south, heading for certain shipwreck on the dreaded Skeleton Coast. You have left the
Northern Trades and have entered the Roaring Forties. On windy days, boats often broach here,
especially if they are Braine-controlled. At every regatta, freesail skippers are observed breaking into a run
at Point Sayonara in a desperate bid to reach the Skeleton Coast before their boat wrecks there. They are
usually puffing hard by the time they round Cardiac Cove, hence its name. A boat striking the Skeleton
Coast invariably swings around to point west, thereby failing to finish the run until its skipper arrives,
clutching his chest.
On the run, boats that have been set too far to the south or have passed through the Sargasso Sea may find
themselves in the Southern Trades. The winds here are generally quite good, however since the vane was
ordinarily set in anticipation of being in the Northern Trades, boats usually track across the Southern
Trades to a lonely shipwreck on the Forbidden Coast. This stretch is too remote for any skipper to reach in
time and the bumper boards bear the faint impressions of innumerable past wrecks. Even if the boat tracks
northerly enough to just skim past Last Chance Point, by now you will have sailed so far from your proper
course that your race is almost certainly lost.
When one considers how the narrowing shape of the lake concentrates the wind in the Roaring Forties, you
may be forgiven for thinking that it must be a veritable hurricane in Cardiac Cove. However, this is not
usually the case. To be sure, on very windy days, it can blow hard in Cardiac Cove. But on light or
moderate days, the wind strength here falls off markedly. This is because the trees surrounding the east end
of the lake force the wind to rise up, lifting off the water and leaving light swirling eddies below. Wisely,
the eastern start-finish line is, for the most part, located west of this effect.
The return beat starts at the north end of the line. Compared to the numerous opportunities for disaster on
the run, the freesail beat at Spreckels Lake is a cakewalk. Right out of the gate, if you find that your boat
hasn't been set up to tack properly, you will wreck on the Skeleton Coast. Unlike the run, however, as the
hull swings around to the west it will be pointing in the right direction and, with luck, your boat will
complete a "bounce-tack" and be on its way. It may stay "pinned" to the shore for a while, but it's no good
running around Cardiac Cove because the boat will always break free and be gone just before you reach it.
How it knows to do this, is a mystery.
Most of the time, the beat is straightforward and uneventful. But bear in mind that the wind becomes lighter
and more fitful as one approaches Point Eureka. Many a straggler has caught up to the leader in the last
few feet to the finish line. As we say here, "It ain't over 'til it's over!" However, there are two general
conditions that can cause trouble on the beat: when the regional wind is more northerly than usual, and when
it's more southerly than usual.
When the wind is more northerly than usual, the Street Breeze can drive all the way to the Forbidden
Coast, pinching off the Rhododendron Breeze. It will also squeeze out between the trees along the north
shore in discrete localized vortices. If you've just poled your boat out for a starboard tack when one of these
bursts occurs, you may suddenly find the wind directly behind you and your boat may do a close-hauled jibe
and circle around for a 360-degree diversion. This risk is greatest between the starting point and Point
Sayonara. Also, with a northerly wind, your boat may crowd the shore on a starboard tack. Under these
conditions, if your boat is equipped for it, you may try to set it up for asymmetrical tacking: close-hauled on
the port tack, and somewhat looser on the starboard tack. The risk, of course, is that wind conditions are so
changeable at Spreckels, that by the time you've made the adjustments, the wind has swung back to westerly
again. One last item: when the wind is more northerly than usual, the wind shadow thrown by the big
cypress at Point Eureka will be angled further out into the lake, making the Deception Pass zone much
larger. Here also, beating boats sometimes get turned back for a big 360-degree detour.
When the wind is more southerly than usual, the Street Breeze is squeezed closer to the north shore. Under
ideal conditions, the beat is conducted entirely within the zone of the Street Breeze. With a strong
southerly, the Rhododendron Breeze may come so close to the north shore that boats on the starboard tack
can venture into it before turning back onto the port tack. When this happens, a beating boat may be
unwillingly lifted too far south on the port tack. Where it ends up depends largely on where it entered the
Rhododendron Breeze and how southerly the wind direction is. If it entered near the starting line, it will
very likely be carried all the way into Motor Boat Bay, the haunt of the Power Squadron. There is no exit
from Motor Boat Bay. One must make the long trudge, pick up the boat, and carry it to the finish area. If
the boat enters the Rhododendron Breeze nearer to Point Sayonara, it is more likely to be carried into the
Sargasso Sea. Here, the winds are lighter, and very unpredictable, very shifty. With luck, the boat may be
deflected back into the Street Breeze for a successful finish. Equally likely, the boat may eventually fumble
into the Bermuda Triangle or Turtle Bay. Tall eucalyptus trees to the south create a very pronounced wind
shadow here. The Rhododendron Breeze curls westward around these trees in a pattern of transient gentle
vortices with no clear direction. Although not triangle-shaped, the Bermuda Triangle shares one feature
with its more famous Floridian namesake: boats entering here are never heard from again. Past Clubhouse
Point lies Turtle Bay, so named for the large decorative concrete turtle found there. If by some miracle
your boat manages to make it this far, it may actually finish. It will be a pyrrhic crossing, however, for your
competitors will probably have already gone home by then. Turtle Bay never has wind, none, ever, nada.
If, on a day with the wind more southerly than usual, you've managed to keep to the north side and stay in
the Street Breeze beyond Point Sayonara, then you'll likely stay in it to the finish. The risk of being lifted
to the south shore originates almost entirely between the start of the beat and Point Sayonara. To guard
against it, you can try setting your tacking angles asymmetrically, as described earlier for a northerly wind,
but this time easing the sheets for the port tack.
I hope you will find this description of Spreckels Lake wind conditions useful. If I've made freesailing on
Spreckels Lake sound like a grim proposition, take my advice: lower your expectations, enjoy the day, and
find satisfaction in challenging what must be one of the most difficult lakes in the world to sail on. After all,
you wouldn't want it to be ho-hum, steady and consistent every day, would you?
Mike Stobbe, SSO
Ed's son Walt DeGear addresses the gathering
Ed DeGear's family and Club members at the celebration
Cake with the "Margie" done in frosting at the celebration of the life of Ed DeGear.
Bob Heacock, Jeff Brooks, and Ed Schoenstein staff the SFMYC booth at SF Recreation and Parks
"PlayDay" on the Marina Green
Dave Gormly explains the Footies to eager youngsters
Do you want to learn how to sail that?