Dr. Pierpaoli`s


Dr. Pierpaoli`s
Who is Dr. Walter Pierpaoli?
Where to stay in Fano?
When I was born, chemistry was in its infancy. When I graduated
in 1960, the first man-made drugs were being developed.
However, my obstinate wish is to reveal why we develop diseases
and die. Now I know it is ‘simply’ a genetically determined
neuroendocrine program in our brain. Aging, as I have shown in
my pineal transplantation experiments, is a program which can
be re-programmed by protecting those endocrine glands which
control our metabolic processes.
Please contact Mr. Alberghi Consorziati in Fano.
Hormonal de-synchronization results in aging and thereby
‘resetting the ‘pineal clock’ results, not in immortality, but
rather in the extension of our healthy longevity to its maximum
possible extent.
Phone: (Italy) 0721-827-376 or email: [email protected]
How to contact us?
Dr. Pierpaoli’s
Medical School
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Italy: +39 335-520-1451
What is the cost?
€995 (Euros) - Note; a discount of €95 Euros applies if paid
60+ days before the start date.
Where is it held?
What is included?
Fano, Italy
Arriving by air: Ancona airport is 50 Km. from Fano. Rimini airport
is 60 Km. from Fano. Bologna airport is 160 Km. from Fano.
Note: There are efficient rent-a-car services at all of these airports.
Arriving by car: The A14 autostrada via Bologna links you directly
to the principal motorways of Europe: Take the exit at Fano.
Arriving by train: Travelling by train gives you the possibility to reach
Fano from all Italian cities. The Fano rail station is in the center of the
town. Taxi and bus services are located at the railway station.
• There are five days of workshops, (each 8 hours in duration) and
a rest day in the middle.
• Certification is provided to all who complete the course;
issued by the Interbion Foundation it certifies proficiency in Dr.
Pierpaoli’s clinical methods.
• A gala dinner on the last evening is also inclusive.
• A complete video recording will be mailed to attendees on DVD.
• Sessions and materials are in English.
Join us in Italy for a 5-day
workshop to learn inter-hormonal
re-synchronization from Dr. Pierpaoli
When is it?
There are two dates in 2015:
11-16 May, 2015 Or
12-17 October, 2015
The Interbion Foundation
Dr. Walter Pierpaoli’s ‘Palazzo
Martinozzi’ Medical School
the rhythmic variability of the day-night circadian periodicity
and to seasonal environmental changes- thus regulating
all biotypes.
them. The goal is to reset the
patient’s biological hormone
clock to its pristine balance.
Then you will learn how the planetary rhythms regulate the
synthesis and circadian secretion of the hypothalamic and
pituitary hormones.
Ergo, attendees will become
apt at preventing and treating
all manner of age-associated
The synthesis and secretion of these hormones are strictly
interdependent and diseases are the expression of their
It is the maintenance of physiologic hormone intersynchronization that balances synchronicity; this is at the core
of our teaching.
This is your opportunity to visit beautiful Italy and
learn first-hand detailed information regarding the
delicate inter-play between hormones and how to
re-synchronize them - to ensure a balanced hormonal
cyclicity and strong immunity for your patients.
This 5-day workshop is a master-class designed for health
professionals to enable them to take home practical
information to use in their own practice.
What will you learn at
Dr. Pierpaoli’s Medical School?
You will discover the studies and experiments regarding the
pineal gland and how they apply to the clinical interventions
of the neuro-endocrine-immunologic hormone resynchronization- that when corrected leads to the biological
recovery of the body.
You will understand that the maintenance of this biologicmetabolic balance, (in all living creatures), is directly linked to
You will be shown how to evaluate a patient’s condition from
both physical and laboratory viewpoints.
In addition, the procedures for patient check-ups, with the
necessary adjustments are also documented- eventually
leading to a complete knowledge for the prevention and
treatment of all degenerative diseases. The workshops also
include what natural formulations to apply and how to apply
Who is it for?
This 5-day course is designed for Medical Doctors and other
health professionals, (who have a good understanding of
biochemistry and hormones). It’s especially for those who are
interested in aging and its connection to diseases.
It is particularly aimed at individuals who know that
preventative and regenerative methods are paramount to the
future of health-care.
If you wish to be at the forefront of medicine by applying such
modern therapies and approaches, then this workshop is for you.
“Dr Pierpaoli’s information is unique in the field. He looks for simpler solutions to complex problems, yet the performance of his alternative
scientific information is self-evident. I would encourage all those interested to attend his workshop.”
Phil Micans, PharmD
“Despite having attended many other medical seminars, I can say that I learnt more in Dr Pierpaoli’s workshop- it was altogether more
advanced than anything I’d heard before.”
Valerio D Nicola, M.D.
“I have known Dr. Pierpaoli for half a century, he is a pioneering genius in the laboratory and
has made several fundamental new discoveries in physiology and immunology. He is also the
11-16 May, 2015 Or
organizer or co-organizer of many world congresses on aging and cancer; I welcome his school.”
12-17 October, 2015
Novera Herbert Spector, PhD