Progressive Identifier 2007
Progressive Identifier 2007
® Includes 388 Lenses – 25% more than 2006 2007 Edition • Revised, Updated, Expanded Provided by Your OLA Member Laboratory $36.00 The Progressive Identifier At A Glance The 2007 edition of the Progressive Identifier is the most up-to-date source of lens information available for ophthalmic professionals who want to identify progressive addition lenses (PALs) and any variable focus lenses currently available in the United States and Canada, including lenses that have been discontinued within the past five years. An invaluable tool–What’s in it? Location, location, location What’s in the Progressive Identifier? What’s new in the Progressive Identifier? Here are some tips, keys, terms, and directions to guide you through the Identifier. In order to identify the progressive lenses that a patient is wearing, doctors and dispensers must be able to locate two critical product identifiers. Three Hundred Hundred Eighty-Eight Eighty-Eight Lenses! Lens Diagrams! – 81 more –lenses 81 more than the lenses previous than the version previous – including version –short including corridor, shortoffice, corridor, computer office, lenses; computer and lenses; intermediate and intermediate viewing range viewing or near rangevariable or near focus variand able free-form focus andlenses! free-form lenses! • • Lens Lens suppliers suppliers have have added added symbols symbols and and codes codes to to distinguish distinguish lens lens designs designs and and materials. materials. • • The The Identifier Identifier shows shows both both the the lens lens diagrams diagrams and and the the indexes indexes of of symbols and codes. symbols and codes. • Canadian • Canadian Section Section with with products products available available only only in in Canada. Canada. Index Index Page Page Listings Listings • always • always show show a a page page number/letter number/letter combination combination = = 4C, 4C, • or number and range of letters = 5C-F, • or number and range of letters = 5C-F, • • which which locate locate the the specific specific lens lens diagram(s) diagram(s) being being referenced. referenced. Index Index by by Symbol Symbol • Includes every symbol or code used by companies that submitted • Includes every symbol or code used by companies that submitted information information ■ company identification symbols companyreference identification symbols ■ 180-line symbols (except the standard circle) 180-line identification reference symbols (except the standard circle) ■ material symbols or codes. ■ material identification symbols or codes. • Lists every page where each symbol or code appears. • every page where symbol or code • Lists Streamlined format lists each symbol or code only appears. once, without lens • Streamlined format lists symbol or code only once, without lens names. names. Index by Company Index by Company • Arranges the lenses by company rather than by symbol. • Arranges the lensesthe bylens company by symbol. Lists the company, name, rather showsthan the symbols and codes, • and Lists gives the company, lens location. name, shows the symbols and codes, the pagethe listing and gives the page listing location. Index by Recommended Minimum Height Index by the Recommended Minimum Height • Groups lenses by the manufacturer’s recommended minimum • Groups the lenses by the manufacturer’s recommended minimum height. height. Lens Diagrams Lens Diagrams • Remember – all diagrams are shown as the Right Lens, with the Side Up.diagrams are shown as the Right Lens, with the • Convex Remember – all • Convex Diagrams Sideare Up. not to scale, of course; symbols and codes been enlarged • have Diagrams are notfortoclarity. scale, of course; symbols and codes • The on each page describes the information in the lens havefooter been enlarged for clarity. • diagrams. The footer on each page describes the information in the lens diagrams. Table of Contents Index by Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii Index by Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv Index by Recommended Minimum Height . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii Lens Diagrams - alphabetical by company . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Canadian Section Lens Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Discontinued Lenses Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 The Progressive Identifier illustrates the two key identifiers for each lens: • The Identifying Symbol or company logo that appears (on most lenses) on the nasal side just beneath the 180° line. (In selected lenses the symbol may appear on the temporal side. This is indicated on the lens diagram.) • Any unique Engraved Symbols that may be displayed on the 180 line (the standard is two circles). • Where there are no unique identifying symbols, the word “none” is shown on the lens diagram. The Progressive Identifier also includes the following information for your convenience: • The distance of the Fitting Cross from the 180° line; Available through OLA-Member Laboratories Call your lab … • Each lens manufacturer’s recommended minimum height. The lens diagrams in the Identifier are not to scale. The lens diagrams cannot be used to take measurements or prepare fitting instructions. The symbols are shown in exaggerated size for clarity. The fitting cross is not shown at the actual distance from the 180 line. The purpose of this publication is identification of lenses, not fitting of lenses. Three steps to success With the information contained in the Progressive Identifier, doctors and retailers can quickly identify any lens currently being worn (including those recently discontinued), and confidently select the best new lens for their patients’ needs. Call OLA 800-477-5652 or visit the Lab Directory at Step One: Most Most modern modern PALs PALs are are marked marked by by laser laser engravings engravings (some older lenses may have fluorescent fluorescent marks) that become become easily visible visible viewedunder underan anintense intenselight lightagainst against a dark background. Look when viewed a dark background. Look for for these engraved symbols the Indexes theoffront the these engraved symbols and and refer refer to thetoIndexes in the in front the of book. book. Two: Determine the patient’s old Rx. If this information is not Step Step Determine patient’s old Rx.the If this in yourTwo: records, read thethe prescription from lens.information is not in your records, read the prescription from the lens.any changes that Step Three: Compare to the new Rx and assess Step Three: new Rx and any Remember changes that might suggest Compare a changetointhe lens design or assess material. to might suggest changelifestyle, in lens work designhabits, or material. Remember to consider your a patient’s hobbies, and frame considerwhen yourchoosing patient’sthe lifestyle, work lens. habits, hobbies, and frame choice appropriate choice whentips choosing appropriate the Indispensable For fitting and the techniques, refer For fitting tips and, published techniques, refer Your to the Dispensing GUIDE by OLA. OLAIndispensable member laboratory Dispensing will be happy GUIDE to ,provide information this andmember other products published by OLA. on Your OLA laborapublished OLA (see p. 44).information Or contacton OLA at 800-477tory will bebyhappy to provide thisdirectly and other products 5652. published by OLA. Or contact OLA directly at 800-477-5652. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • ii Copyright© January 2007 Optical Laboratories Association (OLA). All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and articles. All lens information was supplied by the manufacturer. The information in this book is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by OLA. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, OLA assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Compiled and edited by Sara Shapiro, North Caldwell, New Jersey. Designed by Karen Blankenship, Blankenship Design, Brooklyn, New York. Printed by FCS Communications, Rockville, Maryland. Please address comments and questions to the publisher: Optical Laboratories Association, 11096 Lee Hwy, #A-101, Fairfax, VA 22030-5039; Fax 703-359-2834; [email protected];; Robert L. Dziuban, Executive Director INDEX BY SYMBOL Page Alpha Symbol Page A ............................12I,18H,31A-C H ..........................2F,23I,24E,25D, ..........................................3F AC ..........................................29F ACP ......................................29G AO ................................2D,3B,36A AO+ ..........................................42 AOB ....................................3C,42 AOT ..........................................3D AP ............................................5G Ap ............................................1B A50 ..........................................5A A59 ..........................................5B A67 ..........................................5C ..........................5D,19H,36B bA ............................................1A B50 ........................................36C B60 ........................................37A C ........................1C,2H,18E,G,30F c..............................................18D CDX ........................................11F CD1 ........................................11E CD3 ........................................11G CD4 ........................................11H CD5..........................................11I CF ............................................1D CP ......................................1F,29H CR ..................................22H,23B CS ......................................1E,29I CU ..................................30F-I,41H C7 ............................................26I D ..............................................27I DH ..............................................9I DX ............................................9H EII ............................................42 Eye ........................................13B Eye16 ....................................13C Eye167 ..................................13D ......................................8H P ......................................8I P ....................................42 ......................................9A 8 ..................................38B 74 ....................................9C ............................9B,38C ........................................7E ......................................7F ......................................42 ......................................7G 8 ....................................37G ..............................7H,37H ............................................7I P ........................................8A ..................................8B,37I ......................................8G P ........................................8F ........................................8C P ........................................8D ........................................8E F ..............................................31E FF-CR ....................................21H FF-PC ....................................22C FF-PT ....................................22A FF-PZ ....................................22B FF-TR ....................................22G FFS ................................22I,23A-F FF-T6 ......................................22E FF-T67 ....................................22F FF-16 ......................................21I FF-67 ......................................22D G ................................20C,40D,42 G1 ..........................................10E h..........................................15C,G 31C,D,I,32G,36A,40G,H HI ............................................35F ....................................9D ....................................9E ....................................9F 6 ....................................9G HW ..........................................21F H67 ........................................24F I ..............................................35G I14 ..........................................11C I44 ..........................................11D I60 ............................................3B I66 ............................................3C III ..............................................5E III6 ............................................5F JJ............................................5H,I J4..........................................18G-I J6 ........................................18E,F K ............................................27G KB..........................................14F,I KBco ......................................14E KB8 ........................................14G Kc ..........................................26F Kcl ........................................26G KcP ........................................26H Kc6 ........................................27A KI ............................................27H KP ............................................42 KU ..........................................28A KUI ........................................28C KUP ........................................28D KUP ........................................28E KU6 ........................................28G KU ....................................28H KU ....................................28B KU ◊ ........................................28F K6 ............................................27I K+ ........................................27E K+I ..........................................27D K+P ........................................27B K+6 ........................................27C K+ ....................................27F li ............................................13E li 16 ........................................13F li 167 ....................................13G liXS ........................................13H liXS 16 ....................................13I liXS 167 ................................14A lw ............................................14B lw 16 ......................................14C M ....................2D,30I,31G,H,32A NC ................6E,G,38F,39A,H,40C NC ..........................................39E .................................... 6D,F ............................38D,H,39F ............................38E,I,39G ..............................39C,40A ..............................39D,40B None ……………………3H,15B,E,F, 16C,E,G,26A-D,33D,34C,42 ........................................6H N4 ..........................................17B N5 ................................38G,39B,I N8A ......................................17C N8B ......................................17D ODC ......................................18A OFF ........................................22H ..................................2D,E,36A P ........................1H,I,2G,I,3A,13A, 19E,F,30G,31B,F,32B,I PC ............19A,G,23E,24A,I,25B,E,33E Alpha Symbol Page PE ........................................1G,H PE ............................................2C PE6 ..........................................2A PM ..........................................19F PRO ..........................................2E PS ..........................................19E PT ..........................................25F PZ ..................................23A,24C P0 ..........................................19B P2 ..........................................19C P4 ..........................................19D Q ..............................................17I ..........16H,I,17A-H,40F-I,41A-G,42 RD ............................................4D S ..........................5I,7D,18F,I,19B-D 20D-H,31A,32D,H,40E SC ..........................................18B ShoreView ............................26E SOMO ..................................33F,G SP ........................................15H,I SPX ........................................12B SP1 ........................................12A SP3 ........................................12C SP4 ........................................12D SP5 ........................................12E S0 ..........................................20F S2 ..........................................20G S3 ............................................42 S4 ..........................................20H S60 ..........................................4E T ..............................................3D TD......................................25H,42 TG ..................................10B,34H TI ............................................12F TLX ................................14H,16D TM ..................................10C,34G TR ............................................22I TV ....................................10D,34F TX ....................................20B,24D tx ............................................20A T6 ..........................................23D T50 ............................................4F T58 ..........................................4H T60 ..........................................4G T66 ............................................4I T80 ........................................37C V ............................................34D VEL ........................................34E VG ..........................................32F VIP ..........................................32E VΩ ........................................38A VX ........................................10A W ............................20D,39F-I,40E M Alpha Symbol ......................................20E WP ..........................................11B WX ..........................................10I W1 ..........................................10F W2 ..........................................11A W3..........................................10G W4 ..........................................10H X ..........................17A,40H,41A,C XL ........................................33A,B XLG ........................................33C Y ..................................16B,35E-G !Z ............................................16F Non-Alpha Symbol Page 1 ............................................33H 3 ......................................18C,37B 6 ..............................................2A 7 ............................................2B,C 16 ....................................23F,24G 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • iii Non-Alpha Symbol Page 60 ..........................................41H 67 ..........................23C,H,25I,30H π................................................42 ∑ ..............................................6A ∑P ............................................6C ∑6 ............................................6B ∑X ............................................42 ∑56 ..........................................42 ..........................................3E ..........................................28I c ......................................29E I ......................................29A P ......................................29C sI ......................................29D 6 ......................................29B ..................29H,I,31A-C,32G-I ..............................31I,32A,B ........................................24B ........................................33I ................................15B,E,F,H 21A,D,24H,26B,34I,42 ..................................26C,42 ........................................3G ..........................................42 ....................5E-G,15G,17E-G, 19A,G,33D,E,35B,41D,E,G,42 ........................................42 ......................................35D ......................................26D ........................................16A ............................21G,25C-F,I ............................25G,H,35A ....6F-H,15C,16H,17B-D,38D-G ..........................................3F ................6D,E,38H,I,39A,B,F-I ......................................35C ......................................40A-C ............................................3I ................................4A,39C-E ............................2B,30F-I,41H ....................................20I,21C ......................4D,7D,21B,E,34D ..........................16G,17H,41F ......................................15A ................................24E,F,42 ..................15D,17I,18B,26F-I, 27A-I,28A-I,29A-E,33F,G,42 ......................................30B P H ......................................30A ......................................30E S ....................................30D 6 ....................................30C ..................................6I,37D P ....................................7A,C 67 ................................7B,37E ......................................37F a ......................................12G a 16 ......................................12H S ........................................19I ..4B,C,E-I,5A-C,36C,37A-C,42 ....................................14D ………………………………19I …………………………25A,B ..21F-I,22A-I,23A-I,24A-D,G,I,25A-I ......................................35H ..............................40F-I,41A ..29F,G,30A-E,31D-H,32C,E,F,33B,C ......................................1I,3A ........................................16A ................................15C,D,G ....................................31D-G ........................................31H ......................................34A ......................................34B T T INDEX BY COMPANY Company Name Lens Name Symbols Page American Optical AO b’Active™ bA .................1A AO b’Active ™ Rugged Fashionwear® Ap .................1B AO Compact® C..................1C CF .................1D AO Compact® 16 AO Compact® 55/ AO Compact® CS .................1E 55 Velocity Transitions® AO Compact® Rugged Fashionwear® CP..................1F AO Easy/AO Pro® Easy PE .................1G P, PE................1H AO Easy/AO Pro® Easy Rugged Fashionwear® AO Easy/AO Pro® Easy Rugged Fashionwear® P, .................1I AO Easy16/AO Pro® Easy 16 6, PE6 ..............2A 7, ................2B AO Easy 1.67 High Index/AO Pro® Easy 1.67 High Index AO Easy HD 1.67 High Index/ 7, PE ...............2C AO Pro® Easy HD 1.67 High Index AO Force® 55 M, AO, ...........2D PRO, ..............2E AO Pro® 15 AO Pro® 16 G ..................42 H...................2F AO Pro® 16 P..................2G AO Pro® Rugged Fashionwear® Instinctive/PEZ C..................2H Instinctive/PEZ P....................2I Instinctive/PEZ P, ................3A TruVision® AO .................3B AO+................42 TruVision® TruVision Omni® AOB ...............3C TruVision Omni® π, AOB .............42 T, AOT ..............3D TruVision Technica® AO Pro® 16 (CANADA) H, AO ..........36A Augen Optics Augen Air High Index/Augen Air Photochromic .................3E Augen Progressive ...............3F Trinity Progressive ................3G Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. None ...............3H Gradal® Brevity 1.5 ..................3I Gradal® Brevity 1.59/Zeiss Experience® Gradal® Brevity 1.67/Zeiss Experience® .................4A Gradal® Individual I60...............4B Gradal® Individual I66 ..............4C Gradal® RD RD...............4D Gradal® Shorti S60 ..............4E Gradal® Top T50...............4F Gradal® Top T60 .............4G Gradal® Top T58 ..............4H Gradal® Top T66 ...............4I GT2 by Zeiss A50..............5A GT2 by Zeiss A59 ..............5B GT2 by Zeiss A67 .............5C Zeiss BUSINESS .................5D .................42 Gradal® HS Gradal® HS/PunktalGradal® HS/Umbramatic .................42 SR Gradal® HS ® Clarlet Business (CANADA) ...............36B B50............36C Gradal® Brevis 1.5 (CANADA) Gradal® Brevis 1.6 (CANADA) B60............37A Gradal® 3 (CANADA) 3 ..............37B Gradal® Top (CANADA) T80............37C Essilor Canada Ovation® ...............37D Ovation® 67 .............37E SmallFit™ ...............37F Varilux® Comfort® 8 ............37G Varilux® Comfort® ............37H Varilux® Ellipse® ..............37I VΩ...............38A Varilux® Omega Varilux® Panamic® 1.8 8 .............38B Varilux® Panamic® ............38C Essilor of America Adaptar® III ...............5E Adaptar® III6 ..............5F Adaptar® AP .............5G Adaptar® ................42 Company Name Lens Name Essilor of America (continued) Definity™ Definity™ Short™ Essilor Natural® Essilor Natural® Essilor Natural® Essilor Natural® Nikon® Presio i13 Nikon® Presio i13 Nikon® Presio i15 Nikon® Presio i15 Nikon® Presio i15 Ovation® Ovation® Ovation® SmallFit™ Super No-Line® Varilux® Comfort® Varilux® Comfort® Varilux® Comfort® Varilux® Comfort® Varilux® Comfort® Varilux® Ellipse® Varilux® Ellipse® Varilux® Ellipse® Varilux® Ipseo® Varilux® Ipseo® Varilux® Ipseo® Varilux® Liberty™ Varilux® Liberty™ Varilux® Panamic® Varilux® Panamic® Varilux® Panamic® Varilux® Panamic® Varilux® Panamic® Varilux® Panamic® Varilux® Physio® Varilux® Physio® Varilux® Physio® Varilux® Physio® Excelite, Inc. X-Pro Minuo X-Pro Minuo X-Pro Minuo X-Pro Omnis X-Pro Omnis X-Pro Omnis HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX GP HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX iD HOYALUX iD HOYALUX summit 13 HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX TACT INDO Lens, US Admira™ Admira™ 1.6 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • iv Symbols Page JJ ..................5H S, JJ .................5I Σ ..................6A Σ6 .................6B ΣP .................6C ΣX Σ56 ..............42 ..............6D NC ..............6E ..............6F NC .............6G .............6H ..................6I P................7A 67 ...............7B P................7C S................7D .................7E ................7F ...............7G ..............7H ..............42 .................7I P ..............8A ...............8B ...............8C P ...............8D ................8E P ................8F P...............8G ...............8H P .................8I ...............9A ...............9B 74 ..............9C ..............42 ..............9D ..............9E ...............9F 6 .............9G DX .................9H DH ..................9I VX ...............10A TG ...............10B TM...............10C TV ...............10D G1 ...............10E W1 ...............10F W3..............10G W4 ..............10H WX................10I W2 ..............11A WP...............11B I14...............11C I44...............11D S3 .................42 CD1 ..............11E CDX...............11F CD3 .............11G CD4..............11H CD5 ...............11I SP1 ..............12A SPX...............12B SP3 ..............12C SP4 ..............12D SP5...............12E TI.................12F a a .............12G 16 ...........12H INDEX BY COMPANY, continued Company Name Lens Name INDO Lens, US (continued) AMPLY™ AMPLY™ Proximity EyeMADE™ EyeMADE™ EyeMADE™ LifeMADE Inicia™ LifeMADE Inicia™ LifeMADE Inicia™ LifeMADE Inicia XS™ LifeMADE Inicia XS™ LifeMADE Inicia XS™ LifeMADE Work™ LifeMADE Work™ MICRA™ KBco EOS CR 39™ EOS with HC16™ EOS Wrap™ Fusion I Fusion II Landon Lens Mfg Corp. Channel 14 Plastic Channel 14 Poly Channel 14 Gray & Brown Computer Vision MVP Platinum Plastic II MVP Platinum Poly Variations Gray & Brown L.B.I. CE-TRU Normal Corridor CE-TRU Short Corridor Fairvue Melibrad Melibrad Progressive Polar-Ray Progressive Polar-Ray Progressive Nassau Lens Company Nalco® Progressive Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Go 1.50 Nikon Go 1.60 Nikon Go 1.67 Nikon Go 1.74 Nikon i 1.50 Nikon i 1.60 Nikon i 1.67 Nikon i 1.74 Nikon Online 1.50 Nikon Online 1.60 Nikon Online 1.67 Nikon W 1.50 Nikon W 1.60 Nikon W 1.67 Nikon W 1.74 Privilege 1.50 Privilege 1.60 Privilege 1.67 Ophthonix Inc. iZon Progressive Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) ClearChoice Polarized Short1™ Cosmolit® Office Multigressiv® ILT Multigressiv® ILT XS Multigressiv® 2 Nexyma 40 Nexyma 80A Nexyma 80B Progressiv® AT Progressiv life® 2 Progressiv SI Symbols Page A .................12I P ................13A Eye ...............13B Eye16 ............13C Eye167............13D li.................13E li 16 ..............13F li167.............13G liXS ..............13H liXS 16 .............13I liXS 167...........14A lw................14B lw 16.............14C ..............14D KBco ..............14E KB................14F KB8..............14G TLX...............14H KB.................14I ..............15A None...........15B h...........15C ............15D None...........15E None ...........15F h ..........15G SP ............15H SP.................15I ...........16A Y ................16B None .............16C TLX...............16D None..............16E ............38D ............38E NC ............38F N5 ...........38G ...........38H .............38I NC............39A N5 ............39B ...........39C ............39D NC ............39E W ..........39F W .........39G NC,W .........39H N5,W ...........39I ...........40A ............40B NC............40C !Z ................16F None ..........16G ...........16H ................16I X .............17A ............42 N4 .........17B N8A.......17C N8B ......17D ............17E ............17F ..........17G Company Name Lens Name Symbols Optical Distribution Corp. (continued) Progressiv life® XS Optical Dynamics Corporation Continual Focus Lens™ (CFL) Paradigm® Progressive Paradigm® Short Corridor Optima, Inc. Natural Sight Hyperview™ 166 Resolution Response Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical AF® 1.50 AF® 1.67 AF mini™ 1.50 AF mini™ 1.60 AF mini™1.67 DC mini™ 1.67 Perfas Internal Free-Form™ (10mm corridor) 1.67 Perfas Internal Free-Form™ (12mm corridor) 1.67 Perfas Internal Free-Form™ (14mm corridor) Plastic Plus (CANADA) 1.67 Supremacy 1.67 Supremacy 2 Short Polycore Optical USA Futurise™ Micro Polylite Taiwan Co, Ltd GIA Starlite Gold PRIO Corporation PRIO Browser Lens PRIO Computer Lens Rodenstock Canada Impression Impression Hyperop Impression Hyperop XS Impression Sport Impression XS Multigressiv® ILT Multigressiv® ILT XS Progressiv® AT Progressiv life® 2 Progressiv life® XS Progressiv SI RSE Optics TOKAI 13 TOKAI 15 Seiko Optical 1.67 Proceed® 1.67 Proceed® II Short 1.67 Proceed® III Super Short Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (10mm corridor) Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (12mm corridor) Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (14mm corridor) Shamir Insight Inc. Attitude™ with Genesis™ Attitude™ with Piccolo® Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Office 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • v Page ...........17H +, Q ...............17I ODC .............18A +, SC .............18B 3 ................18C c ................18D C, J6..............18E S, J6 ..............18F C, J4 .............18G A, J4 .............18H S, J4 ...............18I PC ...........19A S,P0 ..............19B S,P2..............19C S,P4..............19D G................40D S,W ..............40E P, PS ..............19E P, PM..............19F PC............19G ...............19H S ...........19I ............40F H ..........40G X,H.........40H .............40I X .........41A ...............41B X ............41C ...........41D ............41E ............41F ...........41G tx................20A TX................20B G................20C S, W .............20D S, .............20E ................20F ..............20G ................20H .................20I ..............21A ................21B S, S0 .............21C S, S2 .............21D S, S4 .............21E HW ............21F ...........21G FF-CR..........21H FF-16 ...........21I FF-PT ..........22A FF-PZ ..........22B FF-PC..........22C FF-67..........22D FF-T6 ..........22E FF-T67..........22F FF-TR..........22G CR,OFF ........22H INDEX BY COMPANY, continued Company Name Lens Name Shamir Insight Inc. (continued) Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Creation™ Creation™ Creation™ Creation™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Office™ Office™ Panorama Panorama Panorama Panorama Panorama Piccolo® Piccolo® Piccolo® Piccolo® Piccolo® Piccolo® Piccolo® Insight™ (CANADA) Insight™ (CANADA) Insight™ (CANADA) Shore Lens Company Balance® Balance® Balance® Balance® mini ShoreView Signet Armorlite, Inc. KODAK Concise™ KODAK Concise™ KODAK Concise™ KODAK Concise™ KODAK Concise™ KODAK Precise™ KODAK Precise™ KODAK Precise™ KODAK Precise™ KODAK Precise™ KODAK Progressive KODAK Progressive KODAK Progressive KODAK Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive KODAK Unique Progressive Navigator® Precision Navigator® Precision Navigator® Precision Navigator® Precision Navigator® Short Symbols Page TR,FFS ..........22I PZ,FFS .........23A CR,FFS .........23B 67,FFS.........23C T6,FFS .........23D PC,FFS .........23E 16,FFS .........23F ..............23G 67............23H H ..............23I PC............24A ...........24B PZ............24C TX ............24D H..............24E H67............24F 16............24G ..............24H PC .............24I ..........25A PC.........25B .................42 .................42 .................42 .................42 TD...............42 ...........25C H..........25D PC .........25E PT ..........25F ...........25G TD .........25H 67 ..........25I ................42 ................42 TD...............42 None .............26A None...........26B None ..........26C None ..........26D ShoreView ..........26E +, Kc ..............26F +, KcI ............26G +, KcP ............26H +, C7 ..............26I +, Kc6 ............27A +, K+P.............27B +, K+6 ............27C +, K+I.............27D +, K+..............27E +, K+ ...........27F +, K..............27G +, KI..............27H +, K6 ..............27I +, KP ...............42 +, KU .............28A +, KU ...........28B +, KUI ............28C +, KUP ............28D +, KUP.............28E +, KU ...........28F +, KU6 ...........28G +, KU ..........28H +, ...............28I +, I.............29A +, 6 ............29B +, P ............29C +, sI ...........29D Company Name Lens Name Signet Armorlite, Inc. (continued) Navigator® Short PEII™ SOLA Optical Access® Access® Continuum™ Continuum™ Percepta® Percepta® Percepta® Percepta® Percepta® SOLA Compact Ultra™ SOLA Compact Ultra™ SOLA Compact Ultra™ SOLA Compact Ultra™ (CANADA) SOLA Compact Ultra™ HD SOLAMAX™ SOLAMAX™ SOLAMAX™ SOLAOne™ SOLAOne™ SOLAOne™ SOLAOne™ SOLAOne™ HD Synchrony™ Synchrony™ Synchrony™ VIP VIP VIP VIP Gold® Visuality® Visuality® Visuality® XL XL XLGold SOMO Optical SOMO EZ View Mini SOMO EZ View STD SOMOLux SOMOLux Specialty Lens Corp. iRx CPU iRx Pro iRx RPM iRx Short Polar PAL Opti-Pol Shorty PAL Vision-Ease Lens, Inc. Illumina® Outlook® Vision Warehouse Stealth 15 Stealth 15 Stealth 15 X-CEL Optical Company Freedom Fashion Fit™ Freedom Fashion Fit™ Freedom 5™ Freedom ID™ Freedom ID™ Younger Optics Image® Image® 1.67 High Index Image® Easy Lite™ Image® Trilogy® 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • vi Symbols Page +, c.............29E +, EII................42 AC.............29F ACP...........29G CP ............29H CS..............29I H ...........30A ............30B 6 ...........30C P S ............30D ............30E C, CU ..........30F P, CU ..........30G 67, CU .........30H 60, CU .........41H M, CU ...........30I S, A...........31A P, A ............31B H, A..........31C H..........31D F ...........31E P ............31F M ..........31G M ..........31H H ............31I M...........32A P............32B ..............32C S ...............32D VIP.............32E VG.............32F H.............32G S .............32H P ...............32I XL ...............33A XL .............33B XLG ...........33C None..........33D PC ............33E +, SOMO ..........33F +, SOMO .........33G 1 ................33H ................33I ..............34A ..............34B None .............34C None ...............42 D, None .............42 V ..............34D VEL ...............34E TV ................34F TM ..............34G TG ...............34H ................34I ..............35A ...............35B ..............35C ..............35D Y.................35E Y, HI ..............35F Y, I ..............35G ..............35H INDEX BY RECOMMENDED MINIMUM HEIGHT Minimum Lenses Height 13mm 14mm 15mm 15.5mm 16mm 17mm 17.5mm 18mm Page Optical Distribution Corp: Nexyma 40 ...............................17B Signet Armorlite, Inc: All KODAK Unique Progressive ......28A-H SOLA Optical: All SOLA Compact Ultra™..................30F-I,41H Essilor Canada: SmallFit™, Varilux® Ellipse®,Varilux® Omega ...37F,I,38A Essilor of America: SmallFit™, All Varilux® Ellipse®, All Varilux® Ipseo® ................................................7C,I,8A-E HOYA VISION CARE: HOYALUX iD I14, All HOYALUX summit cd ..............................................................11C,E-I Landon Lens Mfg Corp: Channel 14 Plastic, Poly .............15A,B Optical Distribution Corp: Multigressiv® ILT XS, Progressiv® life XS ....................................................17A,H Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical: 1.67 Perfas Internal (10mm).........19B Seiko Optical: Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (10mm) .............21C Specialty Lens: iRX Short .....................................................34B American Optical: All AO Compact® .................................1C-F Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc: Gradal® Shorti; All Gradal® Brevis (Canada) .............................4E,36C,37A Essilor of America: Definity™ Short™ ....................................5I Nikon Optical Canada: All Nikon Online, All Nikon W ....39C-I SOLA Optical: All Access®; All Continuum™ ......................29F-I RSE Optics: TOKAI 13 .....................................................20A Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc: Clarlet® Business (Canada); Gradal® Brevity; All Gradal® Brevity/Zeiss Experience®; Zeiss Business .....36B,3H,I,4A,5D Excelite, Inc: All X-Pro Minuo .....................................9H,I,10A INDO® Lens, US: All EyeMADE™,LifeMADE Inicia XS™, MICRA™ ..................................................13B-D,H,I,14A,D Landon Lens Mfg Corp: Channel 14 Gray & Brown ............15C LBI: CE-TRU Short Corridor .................................................15I Melibrad: Polar-Ray Progressive TLX...................................16D Nikon Optical Canada: All Nikon i .......................38H,I,39A,B Ophthonix Inc: iZon Progressive .............................................16F Optical Distribution Corp: ClearChoice Polarized Short1™...........16G Optical Dynamics: Paradigm® Short Corridor.........................18B Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical: 1.67 Perfas Internal (12mm) ........19C Polycore Optical USA: Micro.............................................19F PRIO Corporation: All PRIO lenses...................................19H,I Rodenstock (CANADA):Impression Hyperop XS; Impression XS, Multigressiv® Ilt XS, Progressiv life® XS ..............40H,41A,C,F Seiko Optical: 1.67 Proceed® III Super Short; Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (12mm Corridor) ......20E,21D Shamir Insight Inc.: Attitude™ with Piccolo®; All Autograph™ Short; All Office™, All Piccolo® .........21G,22H,I,23A-F,25A-I Shore Lens Company: Balance® mini..................................26D SOMO Optical: SOMO EZ View Mini...............................33D Specialty Lens Corp: Shorty PAL ..........................................42 American Optical: All Instinctive/PEZ ...........................2H,I,3A Augen Optics: Augen Air High Index/Augen Air Photochromic; Trinity Progressive ........................................................3E,G Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc: All GT2 by Zeiss ..........................5A-C Essilor Canada: All Ovation® .........................................37D,E Essilor of America: All Nikon® Presio i13, All Ovation®; All Varilux® Physio® .............................................6D,E,I,7A,B,9D-G HOYA VISION CARE: HOYALUX summit 13 .........................42 KBCo: All EOS ............................................................14E-G Landon Lens Mfg Corp: MVP Platinum Poly .........................15F Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical: All AF mini™ ......................18G-I Seiko Optical: Succeed Internal Free-Form™ ........................20I,21A,B Signet Armorlite, Inc: All KODAK Concise™, All Navigator® Short ..................................26F-I,27A,29D,E SOLA Optical: All SOLAMAX™, Synchrony............31A-C,I,32A SOMO Optical: SOMOLux 1.60 .......................................33F Vision-Ease Lens, Inc: Illumina® ..........................................34D X-CEL Optical Company: All Freedom Fashion Fit™ All Freedom ID................................................34I,35A,C,D RSE Optics: TOKAI 15 ....................................................20B American Optical: All AO b’Active™; All AO Easy/AO Pro® Easy; AO Force® 55; All AO Pro® except AO Pro® 16 Canada; All TruVision® ..........................................1A,B,G-I,2A-G,3B-D Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc: All Gradal® Individual; All Gradal® Top...............................................4B,C,F-I,37C Minimum Lenses Height 18mm (cont.) Page Essilor Canada: Varilux® Comfort®, Varilux® Panamic® .......37G,H,38B,C Essilor of America: All Adaptar®; Definity™; All Essilor Natural®, All Varilux® Comfort®, All Varilux® Liberty™, All Varilux® Panamic® ................5E-H,6A-C,7E-H,8F-I,9A-C,42 Excelite, Inc: All X-Pro Omnis..........................................10B-D HOYA VISION CARE: All HOYALUX GP WIDE, HOYALUX iD I44, All HOYALUX summit ecp, HOYALUX TACT.......10F-I,11A,B,D,12A-F INDO® Lens, US: All AMPLY™ All LifeMADE Work™......12I,13A,14B,C Landon Lens Mfg Corp: Computer Vision, MVP Platinum Plastic II, VARIATIONS Gray & Brown........15D,E,G Melibrad: Melibrad Progressive.........................................16B Nikon Optical Canada: All Nikon Go, All Privilege..........38D-G,40A-C Optical Distribution Corp: Multigressiv® ILT, Multigressiv® 2, Progressiv life® 2, Progressiv SI........................16I,17E-G,42 Optical Dynamics: Continual Focus Lens™ ...........................17I Optima, Inc.: Resolution Response .....................................18D Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical: 1.67 Perfas Internal (14mm) ........19D Plastic Plus (CANADA): 1.67 Supremacy 2 Short ................40E Polycore Optical USA: Futurise™ .......................................19E Rodenstock (CANADA): Impression; Impression Hyperop, Impression Sport, Multigressiv® Ilt, Progressiv® AT, Progressiv life® 2, Progressiv SI.................40F,G,I,41B,D,E,G Seiko Optical: 1.67 Proceed® II Short, Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (14 mm Corridor) .........20D,21E Shore Lens Company: All Balance® .................................26A-C SOLA Optical: All Percepta®, All SOLAOne™, Synchrony™, All VIP, All Visuality®, All XL ...........30A-E,31D-H,32B-I,33A-C Specialty Lens Corp: iRx Pro...............................................33I Vision-Ease Lens, Inc: Outlook® ..........................................34E Vision Warehouse: All Stealth 15...................................34F-H Younger Optics:All Image® ............................................35E-H 19mm Essilor of America: All Nikon® Presio i15 ...........................6F-H HOYA VISION CARE: HOYALUX GP..................................10E Nassau Lens Company: Nalco® Progressive ........................16E Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical: DC mini™ ............................19A Polylite Taiwan Co, Ltd: GIA Starlite Gold ..........................19G Seiko Optical: Succeed Internal Free-Form™ ............................21C-E Shamir Insight Inc.: Attitude™ with Genesis™; All Autograph™ except Short and Office, All Creation™, All Genesis™, except polycarbonate ...................21F,H,I,22A-G,23G-I,24A-G,I Shore Lens Company: ShoreView.......................................26E SOMO Optical: SOMOLux CR39.....................................33G 20mm Augen Optics: Augen Progressive ........................................3F Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc (CANADA): Gradal® 3 ....................37B INDO® Lens, US: All Admira ™ .....................................12G,H KBCo: Fusion I, II ...........................................................14H,I Optical Distribution Corp: Cosmolit® Office, Nexyma 80A, Nexyma 80B ..............................16H,17C,D Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical: All AF®...............................18E,F Plastic Plus (CANADA):1.67 Supremacy ...........................40D Seiko Optical: 1.67 Proceed® ...........................................20C Shamir Insight Inc.: Genesis™ polycarbonate ; All Panorama.24H,42 Signet Armorlite, Inc: All KODAK Precise™, All KODAK Progressive, All Navigator® Precision .......27B-I,28I,29A-C,42 SOMO Optical: SOMO EZ View STD ................................33E 21 mm Essilor of America: Super No-Line® ......................................7D 22mm American Optical : AO Pro® 16 Canada ;AO Pro® 16 poly, TruVision®, TruVision® Omni .....................................36A,42 Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc: All Gradal® HS ................................42 INDO® Lens, US: LifeMADE Inicia™................................13E-G LBI: CE-TRU Normal Corridor, Fairvue.........................15H,16A Melibrad: Polar-Ray Progressive ........................................16C Optical Dynamics: Paradigm® Progressive ..........................18A Shamir Insight Inc.: All Insight™ (Canada) ............................42 Signet Armorlite, Inc: PE™ II ...............................................42 Specialty Lens Corp: Opti-POL, Polar PAL ......................34C,42 X-CEL Optical Company: Freedom 5™ ...............................35B 23mm Optima, Inc.: Natural Sight Hyperview™ 166 ....................18C 25mm Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc: Gradal® RD.....................................4D None Given Specialty Lens Corp: iRx CPU, iRx RPM ......................33H,34A 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • vii American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company AO b’Active™ AO b’Active™ Rugged Fashionwear® AO Compact® Conventional Plastic, Polarized Gray Conventional Plastic, Transitions® Gray Polycarbonate 2mm 2mm ADD bA ADD Ap ADD Note: Earlier blanks used Bp instead of Ap Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B C Recommended Minimum Height 15mm C American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company AO Compact 16 AO Compact 55/AO Compact 55 Velocity Transitions® AO Compact® Rugged Fashionwear ® 1.537 New High Index 55, 55 Velocity Transitions® Gray Polycarbonate ® ® New High Index 16 (1.600) 2mm ® 2mm 2mm ADD CF ADD Recommended Minimum Height 15mm D ADD CS Recommended Minimum Height 15mm E CP Recommended Minimum Height 15mm F American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company AO Easy/AO Pro Easy AO Easy/AO Pro Easy Rugged Fashionwear® AO Easy/AO Pro® Easy Rugged Fashionwear® Polycarbonate Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray ® ® Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray & Brown 2mm ADD 2mm ADD P PE Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD P PE I Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 1 American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company AO Easy16/AO Pro Easy 16 AO Easy 1.67 High Index/ AO Pro® Easy 1.67 High Index AO Easy HD 1.67 High Index/ AO Pro® Easy HD 1.67 High Index 1.67 High Index Plastic, 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic, 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray ® New High Index 16 (1.600) 2mm ADD 6 2mm PE6 2mm ADD 7 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A ADD 7 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B PE Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company AO Force 55 AO Pro 15 AO Pro® 16 1.54 High Index Conventional Plastic, Transitions® Gray & Brown, Clear Glass, PhotoGray Extra®, PhotoBrown Extra® New High Index 16 (1.600) ® ® 2mm AO ADD M ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D AO Pro Rugged Fashionwear ® Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F American Optical Lens Company Instinctive/PEZ Instinctive/PEZ Conventional Plastic, Transitions® Gray Polycarbonate 2mm P 2mm ADD C Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H American Optical Lens Company ADD G Recommended Minimum Height 18mm ® Polycarbonate 2mm ADD PRO E American Optical Lens Company P 2mm 2mm ADD P Recommended Minimum Height 17mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I Recommended Minimum Height 17mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 2 American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company American Optical Lens Company Instinctive/PEZ TruVision TruVision Omni® Polycarbonate Transitions V Gray ® Conventional Plastic, Centered; Clear Glass; PhotoGray Extra® ® 2mm 2mm ADD P 2mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm A Conventional Plastic, Clear Glass, PhotoGray Extra®, PhotoBrown Extra® ADD AO Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B AOB Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C American Optical Lens Company Augen Optics Augen Optics TruVision Technica Augen Air High Index/ Augen Air Photochromic Augen Progressive ® Conventional Plastic CR 39 1.56 Index (Augen Air High Index only), SunSensors Brown (Augen Air Photochromic only) 2mm ADD T AOT ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D 2mm 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 17mm E Recommended Minimum Height 20mm F Augen Optics Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Trinity Progressive Gradal Brevity 1.5 Trivex, SunSensors+® Conventional Plastic Gradal® Brevity 1.59/ Zeiss Experience® ® Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray 3mm 4mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 3mm None Recommended Minimum Height 16mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD I Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 3 Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Gradal Brevity 1.67/ Zeiss Experience® Gradal Individual Gradal® Individual 1.6 Index Plastic 1.67 Ultra High Index Plastic ® ® 1.67 Ultra High Index Plastic, 1.67 Ultra High Index Transitions® V Gray 6mm 6mm 3mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm A I 60 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B ADD I 66 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Gradal RD ® Gradal Shorti Gradal® Top Conventional Plastic 1.6 Index Plastic Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray, Brown ® 6mm 6mm ADD ADD RD Recommended Minimum Height 25mm D 6mm S60 Recommended Minimum Height 15mm E ADD T50 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Gradal Top Gradal Top Gradal® Top 1.60 Index Plastic; 1.6 Clear, Photochromic Glass Polycarbonate; Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray; Polycarbonate Polarized Gray 1.67 Ultra High Index Plastic; Transitions® V Gray ® ® 6mm 6mm ADD T60 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 6mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD T58 I T66 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 4 Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. GT2 by Zeiss GT2 by Zeiss GT2 by Zeiss Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray, Brown; Polarized Gray Polycarbonate; Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray, Brown 1.67 Ultra High Index Plastic; 1.67 Ultra High Index Transitions® V Gray, Brown 4mm Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. 4mm A50 ADD A A59 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 17mm B A67 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm C Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Essilor of America Essilor of America Zeiss Business Adaptar Adaptar® Conventional Plastic ® Hard Resin; Transitions 1.50; Clear Glass; PhotoGray Extra® ** ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm D E G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Essilor of America Definity™ Definity™ Short™ CR-39, High Index 1.60, Transitions® Gray 1.50, Polycarbonate, Polarized 1.50 Gray & Brown, Polycarbonate Transitions® Gray & Brown CR-39, High Index 1.60, Transitions® Gray 1.50, Polycarbonate, Polarized 1.50 Gray & Brown, Polycarbonate Transitions® Gray & Brown 4mm 4mm ADD AP Recommended Minimum Height 18mm III6 F Essilor of America ® Airwear® poly ADD ADD III Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Essilor of America Adaptar 4mm 4mm On 180 line ** Characters indicate lens type. Thin & Lite® 1.6 ® 4mm JJ Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal S ADD I JJ Recommended Minimum Height 15mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 5 Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor Natural Essilor Natural Essilor Natural® ® Hard Resin; Transitions 1.50; 1.6 High Index Clear and PhotoGray Extra® Glass ® Thin & Lite 1.6 ® Airwear®, Airwear® Transitions® poly ® 4mm 4mm 4mm ∑ ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A ADD ∑6 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B ∑P Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Nikon Presio i13 Nikon Presio i13 Nikon® Presio i15 1.50 Plastic Crizal 1.67 Thin & Lite Crizal 1.50 Plastic Crizal® ® ® ® ® 2mm 2mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm D ® 2mm ADD NC Recommended Minimum Height 17mm E Recommended Minimum Height 19mm F Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Nikon Presio i15 Nikon Presio i15 Ovation® 1.67 Thin & Lite® Crizal® Polycarbonate Crizal® Orma® Plastic; Transitions®1.50 Gray and Brown ® ® 2mm ADD 2mm NC ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I Recommended Minimum Height 17mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 6 Essilor of America Essilor of America Ovation Ovation ® Airwear®; Airwear® Transitions® V Gray & Brown; Airwear® polarized Gray & Brown P 4mm 67 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm Recommended Minimum Height 17mm B Essilor of America Essilor of America Super No-Line® Varilux® Comfort® Orma® Plastic Orma® Plastic; Polarized Gray; Transitions® 1.50 Gray & Brown; High Index 1.6 Clear Glass; 1.6 PhotoGray Extra® 4mm D Recommended Minimum Height 14mm C Essilor of America Varilux® Comfort® Airwear® poly; Airwear®Transitions® 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 21mm P ADD 4mm S ADD Airwear®; Airwear® Transitions® V Gray & Brown 4mm ADD A SmallFit™ Thin & Lite® 1.67, Thin & Lite® Transitions® V Gray 4mm Essilor of America ® ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Varilux Comfort Varilux Comfort Varilux® Ellipse® ® ® ® Thin & Lite® 1.6 Thin & Lite® 1.67, Thin & Lite® Transitions® V Gray 4mm Location of ADD Power 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Right Lens, Convex Side Up Hard Resin, Transitions® 1.50 4mm ADD G ® ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I Recommended Minimum Height 14mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 7 Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Varilux Ellipse Varilux Ellipse Varilux® Ipseo® ® ® ® Airwear , Airwear Transitions® V Gray & Brown Thin & Lite 1.67, Thin & Lite® 1.67 Transitions® V Gray ® Hard resin, Transitions® 1.50 Gray & Brown ® ® 4mm 4mm 4mm P ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 14mm A ® ADD Recommended Minimum Height 14mm B Recommended Minimum Height 14mm C Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Varilux Ipseo Varilux Ipseo Varilux® Liberty™ ® ® ® Airwear , Airwear Transitions V Gray ® ® ® Thin & Lite 1.67, Thin & Lite 1.67 Transitions® V Gray & Brown ® Airwear®, Airwear® Transitions® V Gray ® ® 4mm 4mm P ADD P ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 14mm D 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 14mm E Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Varilux Liberty™ Varilux Panamic Varilux® Panamic® ® ® Hard Resin, Transitions® 1.50 Gray Orma® Plastic; Orma®Transitions® 1.50 Gray & Brown;Photobronze 16 1.6 High Index Glass; Polarized Gray and Brown 4mm Location of ADD Power ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal P 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Right Lens, Convex Side Up Airwear®, Airwear® Transitions® V Gray & Brown; Airwear polarized Gray & Brown 4mm ADD G ® I P Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 8 Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Varilux Panamic Varilux Panamic Varilux® Panamic® ® ® ® Thin & Lite 1.60 ® Thin & Lite 1.67, Thin & Lite®1.67 Transitions® V Gray ® Thin & Lite® 1.74 ® 4mm 4mm 4mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A 74 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C Essilor of America Essilor of America Essilor of America Varilux Physio Varilux Physio Varilux® Physio® ® ® ® Hard resin, Transitions 1.50 Gray & Brown Airwear , Airwear Transitions V Gray & Brown; Airwear® polarized Gray & Brown ® ® ® 4mm D E Varilux® Physio® Thin & Lite® 1.60, Thin & Lite® 1.60 Transitions® Gray & Brown Recommended Minimum Height 17mm F Excelite, Inc. Excelite, Inc. X-Pro Minuo X-Pro Minuo CR 39 High Index 1.60 2mm 4mm ADD 6 Recommended Minimum Height 17mm Location of ADD Power ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm Essilor of America Right Lens, Convex Side Up 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm G Thin & Lite® 1.67, Thin & Lite® 1.67 Transitions® V Gray & Brown; ® 4mm ADD ADD ® 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 16mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD DX I DH Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 9 Excelite, Inc. Excelite, Inc. X-Pro Minuo X-Pro Omnis X-Pro Omnis Trivex CR 39, Transitions® High Index 1.60 Excelite, Inc. 2mm ADD ADD VX Recommended Minimum Height 16mm A 2mm 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B Excelite, Inc. ADD TG TM Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE X-Pro Omnis HOYALUX GP HOYALUX GP WIDE Trivex Conventional Plastic Conventional Plastic; Transistions® Gray 4mm 2mm ADD ADD TV Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D 4mm G1 Recommended Minimum Height 19mm E W1 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE High Index 1.60 (EYAS) High Index 1.70 (ESRY) High Index 1.53 (Phoenix™ - Trivex™); Transitions® Gray 4mm 4mm ADD ADD W3 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power HOYA VISION CARE 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD W4 I WX Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 10 HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX GP WIDE HOYALUX iD High Index 1.55 Sungray IV (Photochromic) Polycarbonate 1.70 High Index (EYRY), 1.67 (EYNOA) 4mm 4mm ADD ADD W2 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A HOYA VISION CARE ADD WP Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B HOYA VISION CARE 4mm I14 Recommended Minimum Height 14mm C HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX iD HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit cd 1.70 High Index (EYRY), 1.67 (EYNOA) Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray High Index 1.53 (Phoenix™ - Trivex™); Transitions® Gray 4mm ADD 4mm ADD I44 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D 4mm CD1 Recommended Minimum Height 14mm E ADD CDX Recommended Minimum Height 14mm F HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit cd HOYALUX summit cd 1.60 High Index (EYAS) 1.70 High Index (EYRY) 1.67 (EYNOA) 4mm ADD 4mm ADD CD3 Recommended Minimum Height 14mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 14mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD CD4 I CD5 Recommended Minimum Height 14mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 11 HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX summit ecp Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray; Polarized Conventional Plastic 1.53 Index (Phoenix™Trivex™); Transitions® Gray 1.60 High Index (EYAS) 4mm ADD ADD SP1 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A 4mm 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B HOYA VISION CARE ADD SPX SP3 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C HOYA VISION CARE HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX summit ecp HOYALUX TACT 1.70 Ultra High Index (EYRY) 1.67 (EYNOA), Transitions® Gray Conventional Plastic 4mm ADD 4mm ADD SP4 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D ADD SP5 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E TI Recommended Minimum Height 18 mm F INDO® Lens, US INDO® Lens, US Admira™ Admira ™ 1.6 AMPLY™ Superfin 1.523 Organic Material; Indochromic Brown and Gray Ultrafin Superfin 1.523 Organic Material; Indochromic Brown 4mm ADD Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm 4mm a ADD Recommended Minimum Height 20mm G INDO® Lens, US a 16 Recommended Minimum Height 20mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD I A Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 12 INDO® Lens, US INDO® Lens, US INDO® Lens, US AMPLY™ PROXIMITY EyeMADE™ EyeMADE™ Superfin 1.523 Organic Material Organic Superfin 1.523, Indochromic Brown and Gray, with AR or tints Organic Ultrafin 1.60, with AR or tints 4mm 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A Eye ADD P 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 16mm B Eye 16 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm C INDO® Lens, US INDO® Lens, US EyeMADE™ LifeMADE Inicia™ LifeMADE Inicia™ Organic Ultrafin 1.67, with AR Organic Superfin 1.523, Indochromic Brown and Gray, with AR or tints Organic Ultrafin 1.60, with AR or tints 4mm 4mm Eye 167 ADD 4mm li ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm D INDO® Lens, US Recommended Minimum Height 22mm E INDO® Lens, US li 16 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 22mm F INDO® Lens, US INDO® Lens, US LifeMADE Inicia™ LifeMADE Inicia XS™ LifeMADE Inicia XS™ Organic Ultrafin 1.67, with AR Organic Superfin 1.523, with AR or tints Organic Ultrafin 1.60, with AR or tints 4mm ADD 4mm li 167 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 22mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm liXS Recommended Minimum Height 16mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD I liXS 16 Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 13 INDO® Lens, US INDO® Lens, US INDO® Lens, US LifeMADE Inicia XS™ LifeMADE Work™ LifeMADE Work™ Organic Ultrafin 1.67, with AR Organic Superfin 1.523, with AR Organic Ultrafin 1.60, with AR 4mm 4mm liXS 167 ADD lw ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm A 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B lw 16 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C INDO® Lens, US KBco KBco MICRA™ EOS CR 39™ EOS with HC16™ Superfin 1.523 Organic Material, Ultrafin 1.60 Organic Material Polarized CR 39 Polarized Polycarbonate 4mm ADD E ADD 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 16mm D 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 17mm E KBco ADD KBco KB Recommended Minimum Height 17mm F KBco KBco EOS Wrap™ Fusion I Fusion II Polarized Polycarbonate Conventional Plastic Polarized Polycarbonate Polarized 4mm ADD 2mm ADD KB8 Recommended Minimum Height 17mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 20mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD TLX I KB Recommended Minimum Height 20mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 14 Landon Lens Mfg Corp. Landon Lens Mfg Corp. Landon Lens Mfg Corp. Channel 14 Plastic Channel 14 Poly CHANNEL 14 Gray and Brown CR 39 Polycarbonate SCOPUS SUNSCOPE Photo Chromatic Gray and Brown, Index 1.56 2mm None 2mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 14mm A 3mm h ADD None Recommended Minimum Height 14mm B Recommended Minimum Height 16mm C Landon Lens Mfg Corp. Landon Lens Mfg Corp. Landon Lens Mfg Corp. Computer Vision MVP Platinum Plastic II MVP Platinum Poly CR 39 CR 39 Polycarbonate 3mm 2mm ADD None ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E None ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm F Landon Lens Mfg Corp. L.B.I. L.B.I. VARIATIONS Gray and Brown CE-TRU Normal Corridor CE-TRU Short Corridor CR-39 SCOPUS SUNSCOPE Photo Chromatic Gray and Brown, Index 1.56 4mm 4 mm h ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 1.56 Mid Index Plastic 2mm SP Recommended Minimum Height 22mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD I SP Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 15 L.B.I. Melibrad Melibrad Fairvue Melibrad Progressive Polar-Ray Progressive CR-39, 1.57 Mid Index Plastic; 1.56 Photochromic Plastic Polarized Conventional Plastic Polarized 4mm 2mm 2mm ADD Y ADD Recommended Minimum Height 22mm A Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B None ADD Y Recommended Minimum Height 22mm C Melibrad Nassau Lens Company Ophthonix Inc Polar-Ray Progressive Nalco Progressive iZon Progressive Plastic Polarized Conventional Plastic; 1.56 Photochromic 1.6 Index ® 2mm ADD 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 16mm D None ADD TLX !Z ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm E On 180 Line !Z Recommended Minimum Height 16mm F Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) ClearChoice Polarized Short1™ Cosmolit® Office Multigressiv® ILT Polarized CR-39 1.50 Plastic Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.54 ColorMatic® Extra Gray and Brown Plastic 4mm 2mm ADD ** Characters indicate base curve and lens material Recommended Minimum Height 16mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power ** ADD None H 4mm ADD Nasal Recommended Minimum Height 20mm ADD **Characters indicate base curve and lens material I on 180 line ** Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 16 Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Multigressiv® ILT XS Nexyma 40 Nexyma 80A Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.54 ColorMatic® Extra Gray and Brown Plastic 1.50 Plastic 1.50 Plastic 4mm on 180 line ** X ADD **Characters indicate base curve and lens material A N4** ADD **Characters indicate base curve and lens material Recommended Minimum Height 14mm 1.60 High Index Plastic; Polycarbonate 4mm **Characters indicate base curve and lens material D ** Characters indicate one or more: lens design/base curve/lens material Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Progressiv SI Progressiv® life XS Conventional Plastic Conventional Plastic; 1.52 ColorMatic Extra Gray; 1.60 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; Polycarbonate Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.52 ColorMatic® Extra Gray and Brown Plastic; Polycarbonate; 1.6 High Crown Clear and Colormatic™ Glass ADD ** **Characters indicate one or more: lens design/base curve/lens material F Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Optical Dynamics Continual Focus Lens™ (CFL) High Index and High Index Photochromic ® 2mm 4mm G Progressiv life® 2 ** Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) **Characters indicate base curve and lens material Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 20mm Recommended Minimum Height 20mm C 4mm N8B** ADD **Characters indicate base curve and lens material Progressiv® AT 1.50 Plastic N8A** ADD Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Nexyma 80B ADD Recommended Minimum Height 13mm B Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) 4mm + ADD 4mm ** ADD ** **Characters indicate base curve and lens material Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal Recommended Minimum Height 14mm I + Q Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 17 Optical Dynamics Optical Dynamics Optima, Inc. Paradigm Progressive Paradigm Short Corridor Natural Sight Hyperview™ 166 1.56 Index Clear, Photochromic High Index and High Index Photochromic 1.66 High Index Plastic ® ® 2mm ADD ODC 4mm + SC ADD Recommended Minimum Height 22mm A 2mm + Recommended Minimum Height 16mm B ADD 3 Recommended Minimum Height 23mm C Optima, Inc. Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical Resolution Response AF 1.50 AF® 1.67 Conventional Plastic 1.67 High Index Plastic ® Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Transitions ® 5mm On 180 Line ADD c C ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D J6 Recommended Minimum Height 20mm E On 180 Line S ADD J6 Recommended Minimum Height 20mm F Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical AF mini™ 1.50 AF mini™ 1.60 AF mini™ 1.67 Conventional Plastic 1.60 High Index Plastic 1.67 High Index Plastic On 180 Line C ADD On 180 Line J4 A ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power On 180 Line J4 Recommended Minimum Height 17mm H 4mm ADD Nasal S ADD I J4 Recommended Minimum Height 17mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 18 Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical DC mini™ 1.67 Perfas Internal Free-Form™ (10mm corridor) 1.67 Perfas Internal Free-Form™ (12mm corridor) 1.67 with AR 1.67 with AR Polycarbonate P0 2mm ADD ADD PC Recommended Minimum Height 19mm A Recommended Minimum Height 14mm 1.67 with AR Micro 1.56 SunSensors™ Photochromic Grey and Brown; LiteAir Polycarbonate Clear; Conventional Plastic S D Polycore Optical USA Futurise™ 2mm P ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Recommended Minimum Height 16mm 1.56 SunSensors™ Photochromic Grey and Brown; Conventional Plastic; SunClear Polarized Plastic Grey and Brown; Polycarbonate 3mm ADD S C Polycore Optical USA 1.67 Perfas Internal Free-Form™ (14mm corridor) 3mm ADD S B Pentax, div. of Seiko Optical P4 P2 3mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E 2mm P ADD P PS P PM Recommended Minimum Height 16mm F Polylite Taiwan Co, Ltd PRIO Corporation PRIO Corporation GIA Starlite Gold PRIO Browser Lens PRIO Computer Lens Polycarbonate CR 39 CR 39 2mm ADD ADD PC Recommended Minimum Height 19mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power On 180 line Recommended Minimum Height 16mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD I On 180 line S Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 19 RSE Optics RSE Optics Seiko Optical TOKAI 13 TOKAI 15 1.67 Proceed® High Index 1.70, 1.60-42 High Index 1.70, 1.60-42 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 Transitions® V Gray 2mm 2mm tx ADD A TX ADD Recommended Minimum Height 15.5mm On 180 Line Recommended Minimum Height 17.5mm B G ADD C Recommended Minimum Height 20mm Seiko Optical Seiko Optical Seiko Optical 1.67 Proceed II Short 1.67 Proceed III Super Short Succeed Internal Free-Form™ 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 Transitions® V Gray and Brown 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 Transitions® V Gray and Brown Conventional Plastic – Clear & Transitions® Gray ® ® On 180 Line S ADD S W ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D On 180 S Line S Recommended Minimum Height 16mm E On 180 Line F Recommended Minimum Height 17mm Seiko Optical Seiko Optical Seiko Optical Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Polycarbonate – Clear & Transitions® Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic Clear & Transitions® Gray 1.50 Plastic – Clear & Transitions® Gray On 180 Line On 180 Line Recommended Minimum Height 17mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power Recommended Minimum Height 17mm H 4mm ADD Nasal On 180 Line I Recommended Minimum Height 19mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 20 Seiko Optical Seiko Optical Seiko Optical Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Succeed Internal Free-Form™ Polycarbonate – Clear & Transitions® Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic – Clear & Transitions® Gray Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (10 mm Corridor) 1.67, 1.60 with AR only S0 On 180 Line On 180 Line On 180 Line S S ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm A Recommended Minimum Height 19mm B Recommended Minimum Height 14mm C Seiko Optical Seiko Optical Shamir Insight Inc. Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (12 mm Corridor) Supercede Internal Free-Form™ (14 mm Corridor) Attitude™ with Genesis™ 1.67, 1.60 with AR only 1.67, 1.60 with AR only S4 S2 S On 180 Line S S ADD D Polycarbonate Clear; Polycarbonate Polarized Gray, Brown Recommended Minimum Height 19mm F Shamir Insight Inc. Attitude™ with Piccolo Shamir Insight Inc. Autograph™ Autograph™ Conventional Plastic 1.60 High Index Plastic 4mm 4mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm 4mm FF-CR Recommended Minimum Height 19mm H 4mm ADD Nasal HW ADD E ® Location of ADD Power 4mm S Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Shamir Insight Inc. Right Lens, Convex Side Up On 180 Line ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm G 1.60 High Index Plastic; 1.60 Transitions® V Gray ADD I FF-16 Recommended Minimum Height 19mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 21 Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray and Brown Conventional Plastic Polarized Gray and Brown Polycarbonate 4mm 4mm FF-PT ADD FF-PZ ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm A 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 19mm B Shamir Insight Inc. FF-PC ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm C Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Autograph™ Autograph™ Autograph™ 1.67 High Index 1.60 High Index Plastic Transitions® V Gray and Brown 1.67 High Index Plastic Transitions® V Gray and Brown 4mm 4mm FF-67 ADD FF-T6 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm D 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 19mm E FF-T67 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm F Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Autograph™ Autograph™ Office Autograph™ Short Conventional Plastic Transitions® Gray and Brown Conventional Plastic Conventional Plastic Transitions® Gray and Brown CR 4mm ADD on 180 line FF-TR ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power Shamir Insight Inc. OFF Recommended Minimum Height 16mm H 4mm ADD Nasal 4mm ADD I TR FFS Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 22 Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Conventional Plastic Polarized Gray and Brown Conventional Plastic 1.67 High Index Plastic 4mm PZ 4mm FFS ADD A 4mm FFS ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm CR Recommended Minimum Height 16mm B 67 FFS ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm C Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short Autograph™ Short 1.60 High Index Plastic Transitions® Gray and Brown Polycarbonate 1.60 High Index Plastic 4mm T6 4mm FFS ADD D Recommended Minimum Height 16mm E Shamir Insight Inc. 4mm FFS ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm PC FFS ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm F Shamir Insight Inc. 16 Shamir Insight Inc. Creation™ Creation™ Creation™ Conventional Plastic; 1.50Transitions® Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 Transitions® Gray 1.60 High Index Plastic; 1.60 Transitions® Gray 4mm 4mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm 67 Recommended Minimum Height 19mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD I H Recommended Minimum Height 19mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 23 Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Creation™ Genesis ™ Genesis™ Polycarbonate and Transitions® Gray Conventional Plastic; 1.50 Transitions® Brown & Gray Conventional Plastic Polarized Gray & Brown PC ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm A 4mm 4mm 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 19mm B Shamir Insight Inc. PZ ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm C Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Genesis™ Genesis™ Genesis™ Trivex™ 1.60 High Index Plastic; 1.60 Transitions® V Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray 4mm 4mm TX ADD D H ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 19mm E H67 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm F Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Genesis ™ Genesis™ Genesis™ 1.60 Clear Glass, 1.60 PhotoGray Extra® Polycarbonate Polycarbonate; Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray 4mm ADD 2mm 16 Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 19mm G Shamir Insight Inc. ADD Recommended Minimum Height 20mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I PC Recommended Minimum Height 19mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 24 Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Office™ Office™ Piccolo® Conventional Plastic Polycarbonate Conventional Plastic; 1.50 Index Transitions® Gray On 180 Line -ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm A 4mm On 180 Line Recommended Minimum Height 16mm B ADD PC Recommended Minimum Height 16mm C Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Piccolo Piccolo Piccolo® ® ® 1.60 High Index Plastic; 1.60 High Index Transitions® V Gray Polycarbonate 4mm PC ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm D 4mm 4mm H ADD Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray Recommended Minimum Height 16mm E PT ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm F Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Shamir Insight Inc. Piccolo Piccolo Piccolo® ® ® 1.52 Clear Glass 1.52 Thin & Dark™ Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray TD 4mm 4mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I 67 Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 25 Shore Lens Company Shore Lens Company Shore Lens Company Balance Balance Balance® ® Conventional Plastic 2mm ADD SunSensors™ Polycarbonate 2mm 2mm ADD None Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A ® Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B Shore Lens Company ADD None None Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C Shore Lens Company Signet Armorlite Balance mini ShoreView KODAK Concise™ Conventional Plastic Conventional Plastic; 1.56 Photochromic Conventional Plastic ® 2mm ADD 2mm 4 mm ADD None ADD Kc ShoreView Recommended Minimum Height 16mm D Recommended Minimum Height 19mm E Recommended Minimum Height 17mm F Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite KODAK Concise™ KODAK Concise™ KODAK Concise™ 1.56 SunSensors®, 1.56 EvoClear®, 1.56 InstaShades® PolyClear™ 1.586 1.67 High Index 2mm ADD 2mm ADD KcI Recommended Minimum Height 17mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 17mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD KcP I C7 Recommended Minimum Height 17mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 26 Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite KODAK Concise™ KODAK Precise™ KODAK Precise™ EvoClear® 1.60, InstaShades® 1.60 PolyClear™ 1.586 EvoClear® 1.60, InstaShades® 1.60 ADD 4mm Kc6 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm A 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 20mm B Signet Armorlite ADD K+P K+6 Recommended Minimum Height 20mm C Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite KODAK Precise™ KODAK Precise™ KODAK Precise™ EvoClear ® 1.56, SunSensors® 1.56, InstaShades® 1.56 Conventional Plastic, PolarShades™ 1.67 High Index 4mm ADD K+I ADD Recommended Minimum Height 20mm D 4mm 4mm K+ Recommended Minimum Height 20mm E Signet Armorlite K+ ADD T 2mm Signet Armorlite Recommended Minimum Height 20mm F Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite KODAK Progressive KODAK Progressive KODAK Progressive Conventional Plastic, 1.50 Polarized* 1.56 SunSensors®, 1.56 EvoClear® 1.60 EvoClear® 2mm 2mm ADD *Polarized discontinued G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power ADD K Recommended Minimum Height 20mm 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 20mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD KI I K6 Recommended Minimum Height 20mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 27 Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite KODAK Unique Progressive Lens KODAK Unique Progressive Lens KODAK Unique Progressive Lens Standard Resin, PolarShades™ 1.498, Transitions® 1.50 Trivex™ 1.53 SunSensors® 1.56 4mm ADD 4mm K * Character indicates corridor length. A ADD U* ADD K ▲* U * Character indicates corridor length. Recommended Minimum Height 13mm 4mm B Recommended Minimum Height 13mm K I* U * Character indicates corridor length. C Recommended Minimum Height 13mm Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite KODAK Unique Progressive Lens KODAK Unique Progressive Lens KODAK Unique Progressive Lens PolyClear™ 1.586, InstaShades® Poly Transitions® 1.586 TLX 1.6 4mm ADD 4mm ADD K P* U * Character indicates corridor length. D ADD K P* U * Character indicates corridor length. Recommended Minimum Height 13mm 4mm E Recommended Minimum Height 13mm K ◆* U * Character indicates corridor length. F Recommended Minimum Height 13mm Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite KODAK Unique Progressive Lens KODAK Unique Progressive Lens Navigator® Precision InstaShades® 1.6 1.67 High Index Conventional Plastic, PolarShades™ 1.50 ADD * Character indicates corridor length. G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm ADD K 6* U K * Character indicates corridor length. Recommended Minimum Height 13mm H 4mm ADD Nasal 2mm T 4mm U * Recommended Minimum Height 13mm ADD I Recommended Minimum Height 20mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 28 Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite Navigator Precision Navigator Precision Navigator® Precision EvoClear 1.6 PolyClear™ 1.586 ® ® 1.56 SunSensors , 1.56 EvoClear ® ® ® 2mm I ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 20mm A 2mm 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 20mm B P ADD 6 Recommended Minimum Height 20mm C Signet Armorlite Signet Armorlite SOLA Optical Navigator Short Navigator Short Access® Conventional Plastic Conventional Plastic ® ® EvoClear 1.56, SunSensors ® ® 2mm 2mm sI ADD c ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm D on 180 line Recommended Minimum Height 17mm E AC ADD Recommended Minimum Height 15mm F SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLA Optical Access Continuum™ Continuum™ Polycarbonate Spectralite® ® Polycarbonate on 180 line ACP on 180 line ADD CP Recommended Minimum Height 15mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power on 180 line ADD Recommended Minimum Height 15mm H 4mm ADD Nasal CS I ADD Recommended Minimum Height 15mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 29 SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLA Optical Percepta Percepta Percepta® ® Conventional Plastic, Transitions Gray & Brown, Polarized Gray ® Clear 16™ Glass, PhotoGray Extra‚ 16™ Finalite 1.6® ® 2mm H 2mm ADD ADD ** **Characters indicate base curve/lens design. A Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B SOLA Optical SOLA Optical Percepta Percepta ® Spectralite®, Spectralite Velocity™ Transitions® Gray ADD ** **Characters indicate base curve/lens design. Recommended Minimum Height 18mm 2mm 6 ** **Characters indicate base curve/lens design. Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C SOLA Optical SOLA Compact Ultra™ ® Polycarbonate Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray P 2mm 2mm S ADD ADD ** **Characters indicate base curve/lens design. Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E SOLA Optical ADD C ** **Characters indicate base curve/lens design. Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D 2mm CU Recommended Minimum Height 13mm F SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLA Compact Ultra™ SOLA Compact Ultra™ SOLA Compact Ultra™ HD Polycarbonate; Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic ; 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray 2mm ADD P 2mm ADD 67 CU Recommended Minimum Height 13mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 13mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD M CU I CU Recommended Minimum Height 13mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 30 SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLAMAX™ SOLAMAX™ SOLAMAX™ Spectralite®, Spectralite Velocity™ Transitions® Gray Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray 4mm 4mm ADD S ADD P A Recommended Minimum Height 17mm A 4mm ADD H A Recommended Minimum Height 17mm B A Recommended Minimum Height 17mm C SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLAOne™ SOLAOne™ SOLAOne™ Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray & Brown Finalite 1.6® Polycarbonate; Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray 4mm 4mm ADD H ADD F ~ Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E SOLA Optical ADD P ~ ~ Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLAOne™ SOLAOne™ HD Synchrony™ 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray 4mm ADD M ADD M ~ Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 4mm 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal ADD H ~ I Recommended Minimum Height 17mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 31 SOLA Optical SOLA Optical Synchrony™ Synchrony™ VIP 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Transitions® V Gray Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Transitions® V Gray Conventional Plastic, Transitions® Gray & Brown 4mm SOLA Optical 4mm ADD M 2mm ADD ADD P Recommended Minimum Height 17mm A Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B SOLA Optical Clear Glass, PhotoGray Extra SOLA Optical VIP VIPGold ® Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Transitions® Gray Spectralite®, Spectralite Velocity™ Transitions® Gray 2mm 2mm ADD S 2mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D C SOLA Optical VIP ® Recommended Minimum Height 18mm ADD VIP Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E VG Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F SOLA Optical SOLA Optical SOLA Optical Visuality Visuality Visuality® ® Conventional Plastic Spectralite®, Spectralite Velocity™ Transitions® Gray Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Location of ADD Power 2mm ADD S ADD H Right Lens, Convex Side Up Polycarbonate 2mm 2mm G ® ADD P Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 32 SOLA Optical SOLA Optical XL XL XLGold PhotoGray Extra® Conventional Plastic, Transitions® Gray, Polycarbonate Spectralite®, Spectralite Velocity™ Transitions® Gray 2mm 2mm ADD ADD XL Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A 2mm ADD XL Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B XLG Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C SOMO OPTICAL SOMO OPTICAL SOMO EZ View Mini SOMO EZ View STD SOMOLux Polycarbonate Polycarbonate 1.60 High Index 2mm 2mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm D E CR 39 4mm 1 SOMO Recommended Minimum Height 19mm Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power F Specialty Lens iRx CPU iRx Pro 1.56 Plastic CR 39; 1.60 Plastic 4mm on 180 line ADD 1 I H 4mm ADD Nasal SOMO Recommended Minimum Height 17mm Specialty Lens SOMOLux G ADD PC Recommended Minimum Height 20mm SOMO OPTICAL ADD 2mm ADD None SOMO OPTICAL > SOLA Optical Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 33 Specialty Lens Specialty Lens Specialty Lens iRx RPM iRx Short Polar PAL CR 39 Plastic Polycarbonate, 1.56 Mid-Index 1.56 Index Polarized, 1.56 Index Clear 4mm on 180 line 2mm ADD A Recommended Minimum Height 14mm B Vision-Ease Lens Vision-Ease Lens Illumina Outlook ® Tegra® Polycarbonate clear; Polycarbonate SunRx® polarized gray & melanin brown; Polycarbonate LifeRx® photochromic gray & brown; Hard Resin SRC® None ADD Recommended Minimum Height 22mm C Vision Warehouse LLC Stealth 15 ® Tegra® Polycarbonate clear; Polycarbonate SunRx® polarized gray, brown & melanin brown; Polycarbonate LifeRx® photochromic gray & brown; Hard Resin SRC®; 1.60 Index Glass, PBX, PGX Triova™ (Trivex ®) 2mm 4mm 4mm V Recommended Minimum Height 17mm D VEL Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E Vision Warehouse LLC Stealth 15 Stealth 15 Lumina™ High Index 1.60 CR 39, Transitions® ADD Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power X-Cel Optical Freedom Fashion Fit™ Polycarbonate 2mm 2mm TM ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F Vision Warehouse LLC 2mm 4mm ADD Nasal ADD TG Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H TV ADD ADD ADD I Recommended Minimum Height 17mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 34 X-Cel Optical Freedom Fashion Fit™ X-Cel Optical Freedom5™ X-Cel Optical Freedom ID™ Conventional Plastic hard coated, Thin & Dark Gray Glass CR-39, Transitions® Gray, High-X (1.55 index), Polarized CR-39 Gray 3 & Brown 3. Poly Polarized Grey 3 & Brown 3 4mm 2mm ADD 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm A ADD Recommended Minimum Height 22mm B X-Cel Optical Freedom ID™ Younger Optics Aris™ Trivex ™ Clear & Transitions Grey; Glass Clear Crown, PGX, PBX, Autumn Gold, Thin & Dark Gray, Glass Polarized Grey 1&3, Brown 1&3, Photo Grey, Photo Brown, Autumn Gold. Conventional Plastic, Conventional Plastic NuPolar Polarized, Transitions®, Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate NuPolar® Polarized, Polycarbonate Transitions® Image Younger Optics Image® 1.67 High Index ® High Index 1.67 Clear, High Index 1.67 Transitions® 2mm 4mm Y ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm D C ® ® Y Y ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E Younger Optics Younger Optics Image Easy Lite™ Image® Trilogy® Easy Lite™ High Index 1.55 Trivex™, Trivex™ Transitions® ® Recommended Minimum Height 17mm F 2mm Y HI Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Contact your OLA Member lab for additional copies of this valuable dispensing tool, and for information about many Y ADD 2mm other “dispenser information” 2mm Y I ADD publications from OLA. Call 800-477-5652 or visit Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 35 Special Canadian Section The lenses that follow are not distributed in the United States, but are available in Canada with markings and materials as shown in this special Canadian section. American Optical Lens Company Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. AO Pro 16 Clarlet Business Gradal® Brevis 1.5 1.60 High Index Clear Glass, PhotoGray Extra®, PhotoBrown Extra® Conventional Plastic Conventional Plastic ® ® 2mm ADD H AO ADD Recommended Minimum Height 22mm A Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 6mm On 180 Line ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm B 4mm ADD Nasal C B50 Recommended Minimum Height 15mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 36 Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Gradal Brevis 1.6 Gradal 3 Gradal® Top 1.6 Index Plastic Conventional Plastic; 1.5 Clear Glass, 1.7 Clear Glass (Tital) 1.8 Clear Glass ® ® 6mm ADD 6mm ADD B60 Recommended Minimum Height 15mm A 6mm ADD 3 Recommended Minimum Height 20mm B T80 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C ESSILOR CANADA ESSILOR CANADA ESSILOR CANADA Ovation Ovation SmallFit™ ® 1.6 High Index Clear and PhotoBrown Glass ® Thin & Lite® 1.67 & Transitions® V Brown 4mm 4mm ADD 4mm 67 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 17mm D Orma® Plastic Recommended Minimum Height 17mm E ADD Recommended Minimum Height 14mm F ESSILOR CANADA ESSILOR CANADA ESSILOR CANADA Varilux Comfort Varilux Comfort Varilux® Ellipse® ® ® ® Ultra High Index 1.8 Clear Glass Thin & Lite 1.67 & Transitions V Brown ® 4mm ADD Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power Thin & Lite® 1.67 & Transitions® V Brown ® 4mm 8 4mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G ® ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I Recommended Minimum Height 14mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 37 ESSILOR CANADA Varilux Omega ® ADD Varilux Panamic 1.8 Varilux® Panamic® 1.8 Ultra High Index Clear Glass Thin & Lite® 1.67 & Transitions® V Brown ® 4mm 4mm VΩ Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B Nikon Optical Canada ADD 8 ADD Recommended Minimum Height 14mm A ESSILOR CANADA ® Orma Plastic on 180 line ESSILOR CANADA C Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Go 1.50 Nikon Go 1.60 Conventional Plastic High Index Plastic 1.60 2mm Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Go 1.67 Ultra High Index Plastic 1.67 2mm 2mm ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm D Recommended Minimum Height 18mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E NC Recommended Minimum Height 18mm F Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Optical Canada Ultra High Index Plastic 1.74 Nikon i 1.50 Nikon i 1.60 Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray, Brown High Index Plastic 1.60 Nikon Go 1.74 2mm 2mm ADD Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power 2mm ADD N5 Recommended Minimum Height 18mm G Nikon Optical Canada ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm H 4mm ADD Nasal I Recommended Minimum Height 16mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 38 Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Optical Canada Nikon i 1.67 Nikon i 1.74 Nikon Online 1.50 Ultra High Index Plastic 1.67; Transitions® V Gray & Brown Ultra High Index Plastic 1.74 Conventional Plastic 2mm ADD ADD NC Recommended Minimum Height 16mm A 4mm 2mm Recommended Minimum Height 16mm B Nikon Optical Canada ADD N5 Recommended Minimum Height 15mm C Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Online 1.60 Nikon Online 1.67 Nikon W 1.50 High Index Plastic 1.60 Ultra High Index Plastic 1.67 Conventional Plastic; Transitions® Gray, Brown W 4mm 4mm ADD NC ADD Recommended Minimum Height 15mm D Recommended Minimum Height 15mm E Nikon Optical Canada 2mm ADD Note: symbols may appear as or Recommended Minimum Height 15mm F Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Optical Canada Nikon W 1.60 Nikon W 1.67 Nikon W 1.74 High Index Plastic 1.60 Ultra High Index Plastic 1.67; Transitions® V Gray & Brown Ultra High Index Plastic 1.74 W W 2mm ADD Note: symbols may appear as or G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power W 2mm NC ADD Note: symbols may appear as or Recommended Minimum Height 15mm H 4mm ADD Nasal Recommended Minimum Height 15mm ADD Note: symbols may appear as or I 2mm N5 Recommended Minimum Height 15mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 39 Nikon Optical Canada Nikon Optical Canada Privilege 1.50 Privilege 1.60 Privilege 1.67 Conventional Plastic; Transitions® IV Gray & Brown High Index Plastic Ultra High Index Plastic 1.67 2mm Nikon Optical Canada 2mm ADD 2mm ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm A NC ADD Recommended Minimum Height 18mm B Recommended Minimum Height 18mm C Plastic Plus Plastic Plus 1.67 Supremacy 1.67 Supremacy 2 Short Impression 1.67 High Index Plastic 1.67 High Index Plastic Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.54 ColorMatic® Gray, Green and Brown Plastic; 1.6 High Index White, Photochromic Extra Gray, and Photochromic Extra Brown Glass On 180 Line ADD on 180 line W ADD Recommended Minimum Height 20mm D On 180 Line S S G Rodenstock Canada Recommended Minimum Height 18mm E ADD ** Recommended Minimum Height 18mm **Characters indicate base curve and lens material F Rodenstock Canada Rodenstock Canada Impression Hyperop Impression Hyperop XS Impression Sport 1.67 High Index Plastic 1.67 High Index Plastic 1.5 Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic ADD **Characters indicate base curve and lens material G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power on 180 line H ** on 180 line H ** X ADD **Characters indicate base curve and lens material Recommended Minimum Height 18mm H 4mm ADD Nasal Rodenstock Canada Recommended Minimum Height 16mm on 180 line ADD **Characters indicate base curve and lens material I ** Recommended Minimum Height 18mm DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 40 Rodenstock Canada Rodenstock Canada Rodenstock Canada Impression XS Multigressiv ILT Multigressiv® ILT XS Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.54 ColorMatic® Gray, Green and Brown Plastic; 1.6 High Index White, Photochromic Extra Gray, and Photochromic Extra Brown Glass Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.52 ColorMatic® Extra Gray and Brown Plastic; 1.6 High Index White, Photochromic Extra Gray, and Photochromic Extra Brown Glass Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.52 ColorMatic® Extra Gray and Brown Plastic; 1.6 High Index White, Photochromic Extra Gray, and Photochromic Extra Brown Glass ® on 180 line ** X ADD ADD Recommended Minimum Height 16mm **Characters indicate base curve and lens material A on 180 line ** Recommended Minimum Height 18mm **Characters indicate base curve and lens material B X ADD on 180 line ** Recommended Minimum Height 16mm **Characters indicate base curve and lens material C Rodenstock Canada Rodenstock Canada Rodenstock Canada Progressiv AT Progressiv life 2 Progressiv life® XS 1.5 Plastic; 1.52 Colormatic Gray and Brown; 1.60 High Index Plastic Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.52 ColorMatic® Extra Gray and Brown Plastic; Polycarbonate; 1.6 High Crown Clear and Colormatic™ Glass, 1.8 High Crown Glass Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.67 High Index Plastic; 1.52 ColorMatic® Extra Gray Plastic; Polycarbonate ® ® ® 4mm ** ADD ** Characters indicate one or more: lens design/base curve/lens material D 4mm 4mm Recommended Minimum Height 18mm ADD ** ADD **Characters indicate one or more: lens design/base curve/lens material E Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Rodenstock Canada SOLA Optical Progressiv SI SOLA Compact Ultra™ 1.5 Plastic, 1.52 ColorMatic® Extra Gray Plastic; 1.6 High Crown Clear and Colormatic™ Glass Finalite 1.6 High Index Plastic; Finalite 1.6 Transitions® V Gray **Characters indicate base curve and lens material F ** Recommended Minimum Height 16mm Contact your OLA Member lab for additional copies of this valuable dispensing tool, and for information about many 2mm 4mm ADD ** other “dispenser information” ADD CU 60 **Characters indicate base curve and lens material G Right Lens, Convex Side Up Location of ADD Power publications from OLA. Call 800-477-5652 or visit Recommended Minimum Height 18mm Recommended Minimum Height 13mm H 4mm ADD Nasal DIAGRAMS ARE NOT TO SCALE Fitting Cross For additional information on any of Distance from these progressive lenses, contact 180˚ Line your local OLA member laboratory. 180˚ Line They are the experts. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 41 DISCONTINUED LENSES This is a page of data for lenses that were discontinued within the past five years. Information on these lenses is also included in the indexes in the front of the Identifier. Company Name Lens Name Lens Materials Available Fitting Cross Add Mark Recomm Min. Height Identifying Symbol American Optical Lens Co. AO Pro® 16 Polycarbonate 2 mm G over ADD 22mm G American Optical Lens Co. TruVision® Conventional Plastic, Decentered 2 mm over ADD 22mm AO+ American Optical Lens Co. TruVision Omni® Polycarbonate 2 mm G over ADD π under ADD 22mm AOB Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Gradal® HS Conventional Plastic 6 mm G over ADD 22mm Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Gradal® HS 1.6 Index Plastic 6 mm G over ADD 22mm G Carl Zeiss Optical, Inc. Gradal® HS/ Punktal Gradal® HS/ Umbramatic SR Gradal® HS Conventional Plastic Eurobrown 6 mm (Gradal® HS only); 1.6 Clear Glass (Punktal Gradal® HS only); 1.5 Photochromic Glass (Umbramatic SR Gradal® HS only) G over ADD 22mm G Essilor of America Adaptar® Ormex® Clear, Transitions® Gray 4 mm G over ADD 18 mm G Essilor of America Essilor Natural® Ormex® Clear 4 mm G over ADD 18 mm ΣX Essilor of America Essilor Natural® Ormex® Transitions® 4 mm G over ADD 18 mm Σ 56 Essilor of America Varilux® Comfort® Ormex® Clear, Transitions® Gray 4 mm G over ADD 18 mm G Essilor of America Varilux® Panamic® Ormex® Transitions® Gray 4 mm G over ADD 18 mm HOYA VISION CARE HOYALUX summit 13 1.60 Index (EYAS) 2 mm G over ADD 17 mm S3 Optical Distribution Corp. (DBA Rodenstock) Multigressiv® 2 Conventional Plastic; 1.6 High Index Plastic; 1.52 ColorMatic® Extra Gray & Brown Plastic; Polycarbonate 4 mm G over ADD over 18 mm G Shamir Insight Inc. Panorama Conventional Plastic; 2 mm 1.50 Transitions® Brown & Gray; 1.52 Clear Glass, PhotoGray & PhotoBrown Extra® G over ADD 20 mm Shamir Insight Inc. Panorama Polycarbonate 2 mm G over ADD 20 mm Shamir Insight Inc. Panorama SunSensors™ Gray 2 mm G over ADD 20 mm Shamir Insight Inc. Panorama 1.60 High Index Plastic 4 mm G over ADD 20 mm Shamir Insight Inc. Panorama 1.52 Thin&Dark™ Gray Glass 2 mm Shamir Insight Inc. (Canadian Section) Insight™ Conventional Plastic; 1.50 Transitions® 2 mm Brown & Gray; 1.52 Clear Glass, PhotoGray & PhotoBrown Extra®; 1.60 Clear Glass G over ADD 22 mm Shamir Insight Inc. (Canadian Section) Insight™ 1.60 Index Plastic 2 mm G over ADD 22 mm Shamir Insight Inc. (Canadian Section) Insight™ 1.52 Thin & Dark™ Grey 2 mm Signet Armorlite, Inc. KODAK Progressive Polycarbonate 2 mm G over ADD 20 mm KP Signet Armorlite, Inc. PEII™ Conventional Plastic 2 mm G over ADD 22 mm EII Specialty Lens Corp Opti-POL CR 39 Polarized, 1.56 Index Polarized, 1.56 Index Clear 2 mm G over ADD 22 mm None Specialty Lens Corp Shorty PAL CR 39 Polarized & Clear; 1.56 Index Polarized & Clear 2 mm D over ADD 16 mm None 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 42 & G G over ADD, under TD over ADD, under TD 20 mm 22 mm Fitting Instructions for Progressive Lenses Frame Fitting 1. Before taking any measurements, make sure the patient is sitting straight, without any back support. 2. Adjust the frame to correctly fit the patient. 3. Ensure a pantascopic tilt of 9° -12°. 4. Minimize the vertex distance by fitting the frame as close to the face as possible. This will ensure a wide field of vision at all ranges. Pupil Distance Measurement Be aware that the PD can differ from eye to eye. 1. Whenever possible, use a pupilometer for measuring pupil distance, as this provides the most accurate results. 2. If a pupilometer is not available: a. Position yourself at the patient’s eye level, making sure he or she is looking directly into your eyes. b. Mark the pupil center on the demo lens in the frame. c. Place the demo lens on the centration chart and read the monocular PD. Height Measurement Fitting Be aware that the fitting height can differ from eye to eye. 1. Position yourself at the patient’s eye level. 2. Mark the pupil center on the demo lens in the frame. Cut-Out Confirmation 1. Check both the right and left lenses. 2. Align the pupil center marking over the cross on the centration chart. 3. Make sure the frame shape falls within the selected lens diameter. Lens Verification 1. If lenses are not marked, restore the markings with a marker. 2. Fit the frame with the glazed lenses on the patient and verify that the fitting cross is aligned with the pupil center. Reprinted courtesy of Shamir Insight, Inc. How to Verify the PD & Height of Progressives With the frame in this position, determine the monocular PD for each lens by reading the number on the horizontal line directly underneath the 180° line. With the Fitting Cross positioned on the top Center the frame over the pyramid lines, with The Fitting Cross lined up with the top horizontal line, marked “0.” This is the 180° line as shown on the lens diagrams in the Progressive Identifier. line, the fitting height of each lens can be determined by reading the number on the line where the bottom of the lens rests. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • 43 The Progressive Identifier At A Glance The 2007 edition of the Progressive Identifier is the most up-to-date source of lens information available for ophthalmic professionals who want to identify progressive addition lenses (PALs) and any variable focus lenses currently available in the United States and Canada, including lenses that have been discontinued within the past five years. An invaluable tool–What’s in it? Location, location, location What’s in the Progressive Identifier? What’s new in the Progressive Identifier? Here are some tips, keys, terms, and directions to guide you through the Identifier. In order to identify the progressive lenses that a patient is wearing, doctors and dispensers must be able to locate two critical product identifiers. Three Hundred Hundred Eighty-Eight Eighty-Eight Lenses! Lens Diagrams! – 81 more –lenses 81 more than the lenses previous than the version previous – including version –short including corridor, shortoffice, corridor, computer office, lenses; computer and lenses; intermediate and intermediate viewing range viewing or near rangevariable or near focus variand able free-form focus andlenses! free-form lenses! • • Lens Lens suppliers suppliers have have added added symbols symbols and and codes codes to to distinguish distinguish lens lens designs designs and and materials. materials. • • The The Identifier Identifier shows shows both both the the lens lens diagrams diagrams and and the the indexes indexes of of symbols and codes. symbols and codes. • Canadian • Canadian Section Section with with products products available available only only in in Canada. Canada. Index Index Page Page Listings Listings • always • always show show a a page page number/letter number/letter combination combination = = 4C, 4C, • or number and range of letters = 5C-F, • or number and range of letters = 5C-F, • • which which locate locate the the specific specific lens lens diagram(s) diagram(s) being being referenced. referenced. Index Index by by Symbol Symbol • Includes every symbol or code used by companies that submitted • Includes every symbol or code used by companies that submitted information information ■ company identification symbols companyreference identification symbols ■ 180-line symbols (except the standard circle) 180-line identification reference symbols (except the standard circle) ■ material symbols or codes. ■ material identification symbols or codes. • Lists every page where each symbol or code appears. • every page where symbol or code • Lists Streamlined format lists each symbol or code only appears. once, without lens • Streamlined format lists symbol or code only once, without lens names. names. Index by Company Index by Company • Arranges the lenses by company rather than by symbol. • Arranges the lensesthe bylens company by symbol. Lists the company, name, rather showsthan the symbols and codes, • and Lists gives the company, lens location. name, shows the symbols and codes, the pagethe listing and gives the page listing location. Index by Recommended Minimum Height Index by the Recommended Minimum Height • Groups lenses by the manufacturer’s recommended minimum • Groups the lenses by the manufacturer’s recommended minimum height. height. Lens Diagrams Lens Diagrams • Remember – all diagrams are shown as the Right Lens, with the Side Up.diagrams are shown as the Right Lens, with the • Convex Remember – all • Convex Diagrams Sideare Up. not to scale, of course; symbols and codes been enlarged • have Diagrams are notfortoclarity. scale, of course; symbols and codes • The on each page describes the information in the lens havefooter been enlarged for clarity. • diagrams. The footer on each page describes the information in the lens diagrams. Table of Contents Index by Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii Index by Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv Index by Recommended Minimum Height . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii Lens Diagrams - alphabetical by company . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Canadian Section Lens Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Discontinued Lenses Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 The Progressive Identifier illustrates the two key identifiers for each lens: • The Identifying Symbol or company logo that appears (on most lenses) on the nasal side just beneath the 180° line. (In selected lenses the symbol may appear on the temporal side. This is indicated on the lens diagram.) • Any unique Engraved Symbols that may be displayed on the 180 line (the standard is two circles). • Where there are no unique identifying symbols, the word “none” is shown on the lens diagram. The Progressive Identifier also includes the following information for your convenience: • The distance of the Fitting Cross from the 180° line; Available through OLA-Member Laboratories Call your lab … • Each lens manufacturer’s recommended minimum height. The lens diagrams in the Identifier are not to scale. The lens diagrams cannot be used to take measurements or prepare fitting instructions. The symbols are shown in exaggerated size for clarity. The fitting cross is not shown at the actual distance from the 180 line. The purpose of this publication is identification of lenses, not fitting of lenses. Three steps to success With the information contained in the Progressive Identifier, doctors and retailers can quickly identify any lens currently being worn (including those recently discontinued), and confidently select the best new lens for their patients’ needs. Call OLA 800-477-5652 or visit the Lab Directory at Step One: Most Most modern modern PALs PALs are are marked marked by by laser laser engravings engravings (some older lenses may have fluorescent fluorescent marks) that become become easily visible visible viewedunder underan anintense intenselight lightagainst against a dark background. Look when viewed a dark background. Look for for these engraved symbols the Indexes theoffront the these engraved symbols and and refer refer to thetoIndexes in the in front the of book. book. Two: Determine the patient’s old Rx. If this information is not Step Step Determine patient’s old Rx.the If this in yourTwo: records, read thethe prescription from lens.information is not in your records, read the prescription from the lens.any changes that Step Three: Compare to the new Rx and assess Step Three: new Rx and any Remember changes that might suggest Compare a changetointhe lens design or assess material. to might suggest changelifestyle, in lens work designhabits, or material. Remember to consider your a patient’s hobbies, and frame considerwhen yourchoosing patient’sthe lifestyle, work lens. habits, hobbies, and frame choice appropriate choice whentips choosing appropriate the Indispensable For fitting and the techniques, refer For fitting tips and, published techniques, refer Your to the Dispensing GUIDE by OLA. OLAIndispensable member laboratory Dispensing will be happy GUIDE to ,provide information this andmember other products published by OLA. on Your OLA laborapublished OLA (see p. 44).information Or contacton OLA at 800-477tory will bebyhappy to provide thisdirectly and other products 5652. published by OLA. Or contact OLA directly at 800-477-5652. 2007 PROGRESSIVE Identifier • ii Copyright© January 2007 Optical Laboratories Association (OLA). All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and articles. All lens information was supplied by the manufacturer. The information in this book is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by OLA. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, OLA assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Compiled and edited by Sara Shapiro, North Caldwell, New Jersey. Designed by Karen Blankenship, Blankenship Design, Brooklyn, New York. Printed by FCS Communications, Rockville, Maryland. Please address comments and questions to the publisher: Optical Laboratories Association, 11096 Lee Hwy, #A-101, Fairfax, VA 22030-5039; Fax 703-359-2834; [email protected];; Robert L. Dziuban, Executive Director ® Includes 388 Lenses – 25% more than 2006 2007 Edition • Revised, Updated, Expanded Provided by Your OLA Member Laboratory $36.00
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