english translation of an article regarding the haribhakti family from a
english translation of an article regarding the haribhakti family from a
ENGLISHTRANSLATION OF AN ARTICLEREGARDING THEHARIBHAKTI FAMILY FROMA GUJARATIMAGMINE CITIZEN)HARIBHAKTI SHETH(BANKERAND REPUTED Sheth Haribhaktihad a bankingfirm in Poona(now called Pune) in the times of Peshwas.Thefollowinghistoricalnotingshavebeenfoundfromcertainofficialrecords:a) Peshwasrecordmadein the vear1782(PaqeNo.44) "Rs.5,000/receivedfrom Haribhakti on behalfof JivajiPanthon accountof land revenue". b) MarathaEmpire,Northern Division record: ParaNo.3- PaqeNo.388 "ln the year 1813and 1814,therewerea lot of activities againstthe Englishand someof themwerealsocarriedout in Baroda(nowcalledVadodara). In Baroda,all regarding information suchactivities was reachingthe EnglishResident throughone Mr. "Shastri", whowas a friendof the English.The membersof BarodaRoyalfamily, therefore, wantedto get ridof him.The Gaekwad was in touchwithBajiraoin Poona and with the help of KharsajdjiModi and TrimbakjiDangle;planswere made in Barodaagainstthe English.Mahipatrao and HafigAhmedwerecampingin Bombay (nowMumbai)to coordinate the activities againstthe English. At alltheseplaces,the "Haribhakti", had their officesand the variouspapers concerningthe bankers activitieswereroutedthroughtheiroffices". The aboverecordfromthe archievesof Peshwasand MarathaEmpireshowthat Sheth Haribhakti's officewas not onlydoingbankingbusiness, but,was alsoconsultedby the MarathaRulersandtheywereinvolved in the political activities of the Marathas. c) Peshwasrecordln thevear1791at PaqeNo. 137: "TheHundiof Rs.5,000/sentto Haribhakti for paymenton "AshwinSood15". d) The followingextractfrom"lndianHistoryResearch Association at Pune'sJournalJan-April1942issueshowsthat Haribhaktis werefamousbankersat Poonaandthe Peshwashad exemptedthemfrom "Housetax" and they had a closeassociation with Houseof Peshwas. In the aboveextract,it is mentionedthat in the year 1863 and 1864, under a peoplelivingin "Raviwarpeth", Notification, certainimportant Poona,wereexempted personsto fromHousetax becauseof theirhighstatus.In the listof twelveimportant be exempted, the nameof "Haribhakti" wasat Number"Fou/'. Record:1800-01 e) Peshwa's Thereis a notingthat"Haribhakti" wasoneof thefamousbankersat Poona. t V - 2Peshwa's DiarvNo.5- forthevear1795and1796Paoes60/61 abouta gift of 96/- Guineasreceivedfrom "Haribhakti There is a memorandum Banker"by the PeshwaFamily. and about150 the namesof manySardarsof Peshwas In the abovememorandum, citizenswerealsoshownas thosewhogavethe gifts. in IndianHistory.He was one of the mostfamousPrimeMinisters 2 . NanaFada{riVis one that referring.him, was the PrimeMinisterof Peshwas.He was so intelligent is the long as Nana FadadfiVis had written that as EnglishOfficercalledMr. Brown, ministerin the PeshwasCourtin Poona,the .pnglishwouldnot be able to Rule thatas lgngas 'Nana'is around, Poona.Mr. BrownalsosaidaboutNanaFadapdf,is of NanaFadaprtVis wereArabs.He had nobodycan touchPoona.The bodyguards Becauseof Peshwas'badtimesfor someperiod,their about600Arabbodyguards. deathon 19thMarch unpaidatthetimeof NanaFadaaffiis's. salarieshadremained were made to take his dead body for the final rites; 1800at midnight.Preparations refusedto allowthe bodyto be takento the crematorium, but the Arab bodyguards of "Nana",many untiltheirunpaidsalarieswas paid.For the Funeralprocession SardarsincludingAmrutraoPeshwa,brotherof BajiraoPeshwawere presentat the Arabsrefusedto In spiteof all theseSardarsand Dignitaries, Nana'sresidence. allowthe bodyto be removedfrom his Palacefor beingtakento the Crematorium. one Mr. Dullabhdas was alsopresentto join The Managerof the Officeof Haribhakti procession. woulddelaythe He sawthe attitudeof the Arabbodyguards the funeral to the finalritesof the greatman.Hence,he cameforwardand gavean assurance office stood guaranteefor paymentof their Arab bodyguardsthat "Haribhakti" readilyacceptedhisguarantee outstanding dues.TheArabbodyguards and allowed Thus, even the dead body of Nana Fadaanvisto be taken to the crematorium. "Haribhakti" present was not thoughthe owneror Partnerof the Officeof in Poona, even their Managerllad the reputation wherebyonly on his assurance, the dead bodyof NanaFadadriVis was allowedto be takento the crematorium by the Arab bodyguards. 3 . The aboveincidentis also recordedin the Historyof Poonaby VasudeoWaman K h a rea t P a q e N o .6 2 5 8 :H e has m entioned that on 19thM ar ch1800,Nan a Fadaa{visdiedand it wasonlyon accountof the assurance of Dullabhdas, Manager of the"Haribhakti" firm,thataftera longdelaythedeadbodyof NanaFadaanvis was allowed to betakento thecrematorium. 4 . The Haribhakti familyis well knownin Barodaand Gujaratfor their nobleacts and supportto goodcauses.Theywereoriginalresidents of a villagecalled"Madhodhar" in Vaghodidtaluq near Baroda.The earliestancestorof the familywas Sheth Gangadas. His son, ShethLaxmidasbelongto the "Visalad" Baniyacommunity. Laxmidas had 2 sons namely;Haribhai and Bhaktibhai. Thesebrothers werevery ambitious andwitha determination to growbigin business, theywentfromBarodato Poona.At thattime,Poonawas ruledby SavaiMadhavrao Peshwa.The reputation of Haribhaiand Bhaktibhai as reputedbankersgrewrapidlyandtheybecamevery lL ^ -J- "Haribhakti" financedthe NanaFadaanvis. friendlywiththe Peshwas'PrimeMinister, The Peshwaswere andtheyalsoactedas theirbankers. battlesfoughtby Peshwas, in the year 1798,they veryhappywiththe servicesof thesebankersand,therefore, giftedto themthe villageknownas Kajapurin Dabhoitaluq.In viewof the excellent record of Haribhaktisas bankersto Peshwas,the Gaekwadsof Baroda also in the year1771. appointed themas theirbankers 5. The Haribhakti's extendedfinancialhelpto the Gaekwad.At a particular time,the Theydid Gaekwadhadto payto the Peshwas'Onecroreof Rupees'as "Khandani". not have the necessaryfundsand unlessthey madethe paymentby a specified date, they could have lost their Kingdomof Barodaand Peshwascould have dethronedthe Gaekwad.At that time, GaekwadapproachedHaribhaktisand immediatetypaidthe amounton behalfof the Gaekwadsto the Peshwas. Hari'ohEktis Thus, Haribhaktis were instrumental in helpingthe Gaekwadto maintaintheir reputationand their Kingdom.In recognitionof this, the Gaekwadgave to Haribhakti's family,giftof a fewvillages,gavethemrecognition as the leadingcitizen to the Government. All the duesto the BarodaState of Barodaand as the Treasurer were beingpaidto the Officeof the "Haribhaktis". In the year 1791,the Gaekwads "Palki". gave them the honourof The Haribhaktishad also helpedthe British gave to the British in theirtime of need.ln the year 1802,Haribhakti Government Government financialhelpto breakthe recalcitrant armyof Arabs.At that time,the BritishResidentin BarodawasoneCol.Walker.Col.Walkergaveto thefamilyin the year 1803,a letterof appreciation and promisesto protectthem. ln 1795,the gave Gaekwads a villagecalledGoriadand gaveto the familyexemptionfrom tax jewelry.In 1830,the Maharaja andalsoauthorize themto havein the familyvaluable SayajiRao gavegift of two morevillagesnamely;Samraand Samrito the family. The Gaekwads alwaysgavea lot of respectandhonourto thefamily. -o-o-o-O-o-o-o- t\ N t Y