Diode Characteristics EELE101 Laboratory
Diode Characteristics EELE101 Laboratory
Diode Characteristics EELE101 Laboratory ”Amplifying Montana’s Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Industry” #TC-23760-12-60-A-30 This product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulnesss, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This work by the Amplifying Montana’s Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Industry grant and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. http: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ FVCC EELE 101 1 Diodes 1 Objective In this lab we will measure the basic characteristics of diodes and explore how they operate. We will use the power of LabVIEW in this laboratory. Specifically, LabVIEW will take large quantities of data quickly so that we might focus our attention on what is happening in the circuit. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Build basic test circuit Load and run LabVIEW VI for voltage verses current measurement. Test a standard diode Test an Light Emitting Diode (LED) Test a Zener Diode Build a half-wave rectifier Build and test a full-wave rectifier Examine a practical circuit application Theory Diodes are the first non-linear component we work with in this class. They are a building block component in electronics and understanding them allows us to use them. Diodes are created by joining a ’P-type’ semiconductor with an ’N-type’ semiconductor creating a PN junction. This PN junction holds the key to understanding diodes. Semiconductors are actually made of a base material like silicon (Si) which is a poor conductor. The reason for being a poor conductor is because all 4 valence electrons in Si are involved in covalent bonding with a neighboring silicon atom. Consequently there are no electrons available to transport charge. This is illustrated in Figure 1. In a brilliant insight, we discovered that Si could be turned into a conductor by adding impurities to the crystal structure. This is called doping the Si. In covalent bonding, electrons are shared between atoms. When the Si crystal is doped, an element other than Si is added to the crystal. Specifically, an element with 5 valence electrons is added to silicon to create a ’N-type’ semiconductor. This is illustrated in Figure 2 on the right side, where Phosphorus (P) is the added impurity. So adding the impurity P to Si creates an excess negative electric charge which becomes available to carry current as indicated in the figure. The N-type semiconductor gets its label from the fact the negative charges, electrons, are the charge carriers. A ’P-type’ semiconductor is created by doping the Si with an element that has 3 valence electrons, which means the new material lacks an electron creating FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 2 Figure 1: Covalent bonding of pure silicon Figure 2: Covalent bonding of pure silicon with Boron impurity for the P-type, and Phosphorous impurity for the N-type FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 3 what is called a hole. These semiconductors are labeled P-type because the holes appear to be excess positive charge carrying current in the material. It is important to realize that an N-type or P-type by themselves are electrically neutral. This may seem to contradict the expression of ’excess charges’, but just like any atom, there are an equal number of electrons and protons in either material. The key to understanding semiconductors is to realize that the valence electrons are either being used to create a bond, or they are free to carry charge. Since only 4 of the 5 valence electrons in P are used to create the bond with neighboring atoms, one electron is free to carry charge. So the N-type semiconductor has negative charge carriers available for charge transport, and the P-type semiconductor has positive charge carriers available for transport. (Positive charges don’t really move in the material, they only appear to since the electrons tend to fall into the holes and consequently move backwards relative to the direction most electrons move.) So what? To this point I have just told you about two ways to create a conductor. But we already had really good conductors like aluminum and copper. What is so special about manufacturing another conductor? Nothing if we did nothing else, but it turns out these two new conductors have an asymmetry that produces a remarkable effect when the two are joined. Now I construct a PN junction by joining a P-type semiconductor with an N-type semiconductor. When I do this, a very curious thing happens: the excess electrons in the N-type ’fall’ into the holes of the P-type. This is curious because as stated in the previous paragraph, both of these materials start out electrically neutral. So it could not have been a positive charge that pulled the excess electrons from the N-type to the P-type. Rather the electrons responded to the need for the crystal to complete its symmetry with 4 covalent bonds. This is indeed quite remarkable. The crystal structure created a potential hole in which the excess electrons fell into. They call this the diffusion force as opposed to the electrical force. So when the P and N materials are joined, free electrons diffuse from the N-type to the P-type. From an electric charge point of view, the P-type material started out neutral and the arrival of new electrons from the N-type material means that the P-type material builds up an excess net negative charge. Conversely, the N-type material is loosing its electrons and builds up an excess positive charge. That’s right; in a PN junction the P-type has excess negative charge and the N-type has excess positive charge! So how long does this diffusion go on for? Do all of the excess electrons in the N-type fall into holes on the P-type side? No. It turns out that as this diffusion happens, an electric field develops opposing migration. This electric field increases in strength as each new electron moves from one side to the other. Eventually the electric field becomes too strong and the diffusion of excess electrons stops. Figure 3 illustrates the region where electrons have moved from one side to the other. We call this region the depletion region since the charge carriers of the doped semiconductors have now been occupied for the crystal bonding task. The name depletion region fits well since the charge carries in this engineered material have been removed or depleted. Thus the PN junction cannot conduct electricity. Brilliant! I first described a way to turn an insulator like Si into a conductor which I didn’t really need, and now FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 4 I’ve ruined the ability of the new conductor to conduct! This seems like a lot of work for nothing. ("#$%&' 7' 7' !' 7' 7' 7' "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' 7' !"#$%&' ()#*+),'-&%,&./0' +&12/03' 45)+1&'6)++2&+3' 77777777' "' (' "' "' "' "' "' "' 8"9&,-' Figure 3: PN junction showing the depletion region. This PN junction now has a very useful property. That is, it conducts electricity in one direction, but blocks it in the reverse direction. I have described an electronic check valve. You might be familiar with check valves in plumbing, hydraulics or pneumatics. A simple schematic of a pipeline check valve is shown in Figure 4. In this figure the oil flows when the direction of flow opens the valve clapper. The oil stops flowing if the flow is reversed since this would close the clapper valve. The diode works in a completely analogous fashion. When a battery is connected so that the electric field from the battery is opposed to the intrinsic electric field in the PN junction, then the two fields will cancel each other and the depletion region that was stopping current, is gone and current can flow. Thus to get current flowing in a forward direction, you need a certain amount of voltage first. This is called forward biasing the diode. A typical Si PN junction requires 0.7 [V] to overcome the intrinsic field. After 0.7 [V], the battery voltage is used to push current in the normal fashion. On the other hand, if the battery is connected in a manor such that the electric field enhances the intrinsic PN junction field, the depletion region grows and no current can flow. Figure 5 illustrates these two biasing conditions. Figure 6 shows the various symbols used to discuss diodes. Generally the schematic symbol is the most useful because the arrow shows you which way current will flow. (Conventional current) The component generally has a single stripe to indicate the cathode which is the N-type side. FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 5 Figure 4: A mechanical check valve =,.>3.)'<035?'%&.@0#5'A,>' =&>&.5&'<035?'5#,%5'@,A' ("#$%&' 6' 6' 6' 6'!' 6' 6' "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' 6' !' 6' 6' 6' "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' 6' 6' !"#$%&' )&%*&+,-' .&/0,-' 123./&'43..0&.5' ("#$%&' 66666666' "' (' "' "' "' "' "' "' 7"8&*)9' !(':-4;' 6' <3#;' "' !"#$%&' )&%*&+,-' .&/0,-' 123./&'43..0&.5' (a) Forward bias <3#;' 6' 66666666666' "' (' "' "' "' "' "' "' 7"8&*)9' !(':-4;' 7"8&*)9' <3#;' "' 7"8&*)9' <3#;' (c) Reverse bias Figure 5: Illustration of forward and reverse bias 3 Procedure To explore the diode, you will build several circuits and analyze those circuits with NI ELVIS and accompanying virtual instruments. The first part of the lab focuses on diode characteristics. This is done by building a simple diode circuit, measuring the voltage and current response and then plotting the data on a V verses I curve. This is identical to the procedure to characterize a resistor and because of this you’ll start by plotting out the response of a purely resistive circuit. The basic procedure for this the lab is the same for all sections and is as follows: 1. Build the circuit described in each of the following subsections FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 6 Figure 6: Representations of a diode 1 2. Take data numerous times, tweaking various parameters until you get the data you are looking for 3. Record the plots digitally or by sketch 4. Write a brief description explaining the characteristic plots you obtain. The second part of the lab is to use the diodes to rectify an AC signal. Both half- and full-wave rectifiers will be built and demonstrated. 4 Equipment The basic equipment for this experiment is as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Resistor of about 2[kΩ] Resistor of about 10[kΩ] Resistor of about 500[Ω] NI ELVIS workstation Computer with LabVIEW installed Virtual Instrument: OhmsLaw.vi Virtual Instrument: RectifierAnalysis.vi FVCC EELE 101 8 9 10 11 12 13 4.1 Diodes 7 Jumper wire set Multimeter for measuring resistance 4 diodes 1 Zener diode 1 Red LED Banana end wires V-I plot for a resistor The first exercise is to gain familiarity with the virtual instrument you will work with to characterize diodes. This VI, called OhmsLaw.vi has a front panel shown in Figure 7. The key to using this virtual instrument is to first build the circuit you’re analyzing and then hook-up the ports of the instrument such as the variable power supply (VPS) and the current meter. The VI will input a sequence of voltages and then measure the current and voltage drop in the component under test. For resistors, they respond linearly as predicted by Ohm’s law, the slope of the line is the resistance in the component. Figure 7: The VI front panel used in the plotting of V verses I FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 8 1. Select and measure with the external DMM (Hand held) the exact resistors you will be using in the circuit. Record these values. 2. On the NI ELVIS prototyping board, build the circuit of Figure 8. Note that the schematic shown on the front panel of the VI is not the circuit you want to build in this first exercise. The next few instructions are more of a step-by-step guide to getting your test up and running. Banana A Banana B + 0.000 A Current DMM R1 VPS R2 Figure 8: Series circuit to analyze in first experiment of lab 3. We are using the built in current meter on the ELVIS unit. So, we need to connect the Banana A port to the input for the DMM on the chasis of the ELVIS unit. From the VPS pin on the protoboard, go to the pin-out labeled Banana A. Then run a banana wire from the banana port connection to the ”A” input on the ELVIS chassis. 4. Connect the COM port to the Banana B port on the prototyping board. Figure 9 is a photo showing the connections. Note that the ground wire is missing on the circuit in this photo. 5. Run the signal coming out of the banana port B through one (or two) resistors. 6. Then complete the circuit by running the output from the resistor(s) to ground. FVCC EELE 101 Diodes Figure 9: Photo of 2 resistors in series being analyzed by the Ohm’s Law VI 9 FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 10 7. Now connect the Voltmeter. The voltmeter for this VI is connected to one of the analog input channels, specifically AI 0. So the ”+” side is connected to the positive side of the resistor(s) and ”-” side is connected to the lower voltage point in the circuit. These are the green wires in the photo. 8. On the front panel of OhmsLaw, the data parameter inputs should be changed to the values you will use. Here is some guidance on the input. N data points Number of data points to take. Generally 100 is more than enough. Start Volts First voltage to apply to the circuit. Almost always 0 [V]. End Volts Last voltage to apply to the circuit. Usually 4 to 6 [V] is good. Write Data Leave this off until you are sure you are getting the data you want. You only need to save the data once. 9. Take data, making small adjustments as needed to get the results you expect. 10. Measure resistor 1. Save the data, in Excel, in a photo or even a notebook sketch. Explain why you get 2 slopes, and what do these lines tell you. This should be explained in your lab report in a brief written description. 11. Measure resistor 2. Again find a way to save the data for your report. Explain the graph much as you did in the previous step. 12. Estimate the resistances from the slopes of the lines in your data and compare these values to those measured with the DMM. 4.2 V-I plot for a diode 1. Using the ELVIS protoboard, build the circuit where one resistor is in series with a diode. The connection of this circuit will be the same as that in the first experiment with a diode replacing one of the resistors. 2. Take data using approximately the same voltage range as before: 0-4 [V] FVCC EELE 101 Diodes Banana A Banana B + 0.000 11 Banana A Banana B - A + 0.000 Current DMM - A Current DMM D1 VPS D1 AI 0 VPS AI 0 R1 Forward R1 Reverse 3. Measure resistor 1. Save the data, in Excel, in a photo or even a notebook sketch. Explain why you get 2 slopes, and what do these lines tell you. This should be explained in your lab report in a brief written description. 4. Measure the diode. Again find a way to save the data for your report. Explain the graph much as you did in the previous step. 5. Briefly explain in your report why the to V verse I plots look so different in the previous two steps. 6. Explain the what is different between the plots for the resistor with and without a diode present. 7. Reverse the diode in the circuit and again measure the V verse I curves for both the resistor and the diode. 8. Briefly explain the plots. 9. Be sure to report the forward voltage needed to operate the circuit with a diode present. 4.3 V-I plot for an LED 1. Using the ELVIS protoboard, build the circuit where one resistor is in series with a light emitting diode (LED). The connection of this circuit will be the same as that in the first experiment with an LED replacing one of the resistors. FVCC EELE 101 Diodes Banana A 12 Banana B + 0.000 - A Current DMM LED1 VPS AI 0 R1 2. Take data using approximately the same voltage range as before: 0-4 [V]. Note: the LEDs will typically run on 5 to 20 [mA]. You should be very careful to choose the value of the resistor in series with the LED so that the chosen voltage range will produce the amperage needed. Put this small calculation into your report. 3. Measure resistor 1. Save the data, in Excel, in a photo or even a notebook sketch. Explain why you get 2 slopes, and what do these lines tell you. This should be explained in your lab report in a brief written description. 4. Measure the LED. Again find a way to save the data for your report. Explain the graph much as you did in the previous step. 5. Reverse the LED in the circuit and again measure the V verse I curves for both the resistor and the LED. 6. Briefly explain the plots. 7. Be sure to report the forward voltage needed to operate the circuit with a LED present. 4.4 V-I plot for a Zener diode 1. Using the ELVIS protoboard, build the circuit on the right side of Figure ?? (forward bias) where one resistor is in series with a Zener diode. The connection of this circuit will be the same as that in the first experiment with a Zener diode replacing one of the resistors. FVCC EELE 101 Diodes Banana A Banana B + 0.000 13 Banana A Banana B - A Current DMM + 0.000 R1 VPS - A Current DMM VPS D1 1N4681 Reverse Bias R1 D1 1N4681 Forward Bias 2. Take data using approximately the same voltage range as before: 0-4 [V] 3. Measure resistor 1. Save the data, in Excel, in a photo or even a notebook sketch. Explain anything odd. 4. Measure the Zener diode. Again find a way to save the data for your report. Explain the graph much as you did in the previous step. 5. Explain the what is different between the plots for the resistor with and without a diode present. 6. Reverse the Zener diode in the circuit and again measure the V verse I curves for both the resistor and the Zener diode. 7. Take data using approximately the same voltage range as before: 0-4 [V]. Assuming your Zener is Part # BZX79-C2V7,133, (see Mouser Electronics) the breakdown voltage should be about 2.7 [V]. 8. Briefly explain the plots. 9. Be sure to report the forward voltage needed to operate the circuit with a Zener diode present as well as the breakdown voltage of the Zener. FVCC EELE 101 4.5 Diodes 14 Build a half-wave rectifier Figure 10: The virtual instrument which sends an AC signal to the ELVIS unit and is then picked up by an oscilloscope built into the VI. In this part of the lab you will input an AC signal into a diode circuit and use the diodes to block the negative cycle on the AC signal. The VI used is RectifyVI and the front panel is shown in Figure 10 1. Build the diode circuit given in Figure 11. In this case, the function generator on the ELVIS protoboard is use for the input and the AI 0 and AI 1 channels are used to measure response. R1 is the load resistor and the 2 [kW] resistor will work fine for this exercise. The following guidelines are suggested for the settings on the VI. Frequency AC frequency, 120 [Hz] is convenient. Amplitude More than 0 [V], less than 8 [V]. device dev 1 (drop down list will have this if the ELVIS unit is on) FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 15 XSC1 Ext T rig + _ B A + XFG1 D1 _ + _ R1 D2 Figure 11: Halfwave rectifier circuit Channels 2 (this should not need to be adjusted. If it says 1, leave it alone.) Minimum Value Minimum voltage the analog pins can measure. Leave this at -10 [V]. Maximum Value Maximum voltage the analog pins can measure. Leave this at +10 [V]. Sample Rate (Hz) Leave this at 10000. Samples per Channel Leave this at 250. 2. The input parameters on the VI are fairly simple. You should only have to adjust the frequency and amplitude. Use the stop button on the VI to stop the data collection. 3. Sketch the data curves in you notebook and explain what is happening. Be sure to explain the difference in peak voltage between the load and the reference signals. 4. In Figure 11 two diodes are shown. Only one is needed. Remove one of the diodes and repeat the data. Explain what happens to the rectified signal when only one diode is used. Explain why two diodes are used. 4.6 Build a full-wave rectifier This part of the lab passes both phases of an AC signal as shown in Figure ?? FVCC EELE 101 Diodes 16 XSC1 Ext T rig + _ B A + D1 D2 D3 D4 _ + _ XFG1 R1 Figure 12: Full wave rectifier 1. Build the diode circuit given in Figure 12. R1 is the load resistor and the 2 [kW] resistor will work fine for this exercise. The guidelines given in the previous exercise will also work for this exercise. 2. Sketch the data curves in you notebook and explain what is happening. Be sure to explain the difference in peak voltage between the load and the reference signals. 3. The input amplitude can be changed. Do this and sketch the results in your report. Explain how things change. It is probably more clear to change the voltage to several different levels so that you can get an idea of the trends. (NOTE: the resistor used can dissipate a maximum of 14 [W]. Calculate how big the voltage can be and stay well below that maximum.) 4. Change the frequency and note any changes when you do this. 5 Beyond the Lab A useful circuit can now be built with the concepts you have learned in this lab. Figure 13 takes AC line voltage, rectifies it then breaks it into regulated ±13[V ] DC sources. FVCC EELE 101 Diodes Figure 13: Rectifying AC voltage and regulating it with a Zener diode 17