Thai Beverage
Thai Beverage
Thai Beverage Plc Investor Presentation By Richard Jones Head of Investor Relations The Initial Public Offering of shares of Thai Beverage Plc was sponsored by Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore Branch, J.P. Morgan (S.E.A) Limited Merrill Lynch (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Page Page 11 Note on Forward Looking Statements The following presentation may contain forward looking statements by the management of Thai Beverage Public Company Limited (“ThaiBev"), relating to financial or other trends for future periods, compared to the results for previous periods. Some of the statements contained in this presentation that are not historical facts are statements of future expectations with respect to the financial conditions, results of operations and businesses, and related plans and objectives. Forward looking information is based on management's current views and assumptions including, but not limited to, prevailing economic and market conditions. These statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those in the statements as originally made. Such statements are not, and should not be construed as a representation as to future performance of ThaiBev. In particular, such targets should not be regarded as a forecast or projection of future performance of ThaiBev. It should be noted that the actual performance of ThaiBev may vary significantly from such targets. Page Page 22 Dividend Policy: not less than 50% of net profit after deducting all appropriated reserves Shares outstanding Free float % (approx.) • • • 25,110 million 21.4% Based on Major shareholders • Sirivadhanabhakdi family • Others 63.4% 15.2% Market cap S$ Market cap US$ Market cap THB 6.8 bn* 4.4 bn 158.0 bn IPO data (billions of shares) – New shares issued – Total shares offered • • – Shares for institutions Shares for Sing retail Shares for over allotment (new shares) Dividend Payment THB : SGD 1 Net Profit (M) Unapprop. RE (M) Number of Shares (M) Dividend (M) Portion of Net Profit Annual Report 2006 Baht Baht Baht Per share Per share 2.44445 4.8889 10% 20% 4.64446 0.24444 19% 1% 0.66558 3% SGD Share close* SGD Dividend Yield * Average closing price from Jun - Dec'06 2006 23.5 10,055 19,102 25,110 5,524 55% 22% 0.009 0.278 3.4% Price Volume (3 months) 70,000,000 0.34 60,000,000 0.32 50,000,000 0.30 40,000,000 0.28 30,000,000 0.26 20,000,000 0.24 10,000,000 0.22 3,400 3,200 3,000 2,800 2,600 1/4/07 2,400 2,200 2,000 1/24/07 2/14/07 3/8/07 3/28/07 0 1/4/07 1/24/07 2/14/07 3/8/07 3/28/07 THBEV STI Jan – Mar’07, Avr. volume = 21.2 million shares, Avr. Price = S$0.27 Source: , Reuters *early December Page Page 33 Highlights Page Page 44 Company Strategies Maintain market leadership Expand into new profitable segments Continue brand investment Manage the marketing mix and control the pricing of individual brands Launch higher margin products (premiumization) Continue investing in our existing brands through integrated marketing communications and ongoing premiumization Leverage infrastructure & distribution network Establish platform for international expansion Page Page 55 The Keys to Our Growth ThaiBev >2,600 Agents >900 Direct Sales Modern trade/hospitality >400,000 points of sales • Extensive distribution network to 400,000 points of sale • The extensive range of our distribution channels gives us the opportunity to deliver newer products faster to the market • 17 distilleries nationwide are a threat to new entrants Page Page 66 Financials Financial Highlight Source: Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements (Thai GAAP) 2005 2006 (Btmn) Revenues from sales ** - Beer - Spirits 94,903 42,277 52,811 97,798 46,641 51,428 COGS ** % of sales SG&A ** % of sales 65,188 69% 13,180 14% 69,325 71% 12,685 13% Gross Profits ** EBIT EBITDA Net profit 29,716 16,822 21,254 10,337 28,473 15,946 20,598 10,055 Margin - Gross Profits - EBIT - EBITDA - Net Profit Total Assets Equity and Minority Net debt Net debt/Equity 31% 18% 22% 11% 29% 16% 21% 10% 87,137 31,715 37,847 1.19 85,580 52,554 17,589 0.33 * EBIT = Earning before Interest Expense and Tax * EBITDA = Earning before Interest Expense, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization •The financial statements for 2005 has been restated to include PSUK and Best Spirits to be the same as 2006 ** The figure after inter-segment transaction eliminations Page Page 77 Cash Flow Cash Flow Cash Flow from Operating Activities - CAPEX Free Cash Flow 2005 28,567 (7,302) 21,265 2006 14,171 (4,039) 10,132 Cash Flow from Investing Activities Cash Flow from Financing Activities (14,812) (11,441) (5,383) (10,244) 3,398 1,920 Ending cash * Free Cash Flow = CF from Operating Activities - CAPEX Page Page 88 Contribution per Business Segment for FY 2006 Net Profit 2.1% -0.2% -0.2% Sales 7.3% -8.8% 1.2% 19.6% 47.7% Beer & Water Spirits Industrial Alcohol Others Intersegment Elimination 78.7% 52.6% Page Page 99 Beer Page Page 10 10 Major Beer Brands on Sale in Thailand Beer Brands 2005 Share (by volume) Premium Standard Brands Producer Heineken Thai Asia Pacific Asahi Kloster Corona Others Boonrawd Boonrawd CVS Syndicate Sector Volume ('000 HL) Sector Volume as % of total market % Share Economy Brands Producer Brands Producer 69.6 Singha Boonrawd 95.1 Chang ThaiBev 63.9 1.4 1.3 0.2 27.5 Tiger Blue Ice Thai Asia Pacific San Miguel 3.6 1.3 Leo Cheers Archa Boonrawd Thai Asia Pacific ThaiBev 34.9 0.4 0.4 Red Horse Thai Beer San Miguel Boonrawd 0.3 0.2 1,311 8% % Share 1,727 10% % Share 14,252 82% Market Share 2005 ThaiBev Boonrawd Thai Asia Pacific 53% 39% 6% Source: Canadean, The Beer Service Annual Report - 2006 Cycle, Thailand Page Page 11 11 ThaiBev’s Beers Chang Chang Light Chang Draught Archa 6.40% 4.20% 5.00% 5.40% Positioning Economy (Rural) Standard (Urban) Light Economy (Urban) Light Economy (Urban) Price / Bottle Bt 33-35 / 640ml Bt 39 / 640ml Bt 36 / 640ml Bt 35-37 / 640ml Leo Singha / Singha Light Leo / Singha Leo Alcohol Content Key Competitors / Heineken Page Page 12 12 Beer Results Beer-water-soda Results Source: IPO Prospectus and Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements (Thai GAAP) (in million Baht) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Revenue from sales Interest income Other income Total Beer revenues 52,085 28 214 52,327 47,749 11 307 48,067 42,277 34 141 42,452 46,641 24 44 46,709 Cost of sales Selling and administrative expenses 39,641 4,970 7,716 9,559 36,847 4,580 6,640 8,587 32,549 6,984 2,919 4,838 35,609 6,932 4,168 6,195 295 1,938 5,483 285 1,704 4,651 387 1,330 1,203 303 1,897 1,968 EBIT EBITDA Interest expense Income tax expense Net profit CoS as % of rev S&A as % of rev Net profit margin Gross profit margin EBIT Margin EBITDA Margin 76% 10% 11% 24% 15% 18% 77% 10% 10% 23% 14% 18% 77% 17% 3% 23% 7% 11% 76% 15% 4% 24% 9% 13% * EBIT = Earning before Interest Expense and Tax * EBITDA = Earning before Interest Expense, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization * The financial statements for 2005 has been restated to include PSUK and Best Spirits to be the same as 2006 Page Page 13 13 Cost Structure and Beer Volume (% of total revenue) Excise Tax, 52.7% SG&A, 14.9% Int. + Inc. Tax, 4.7% Net profit, 4.2% Other, 1.8% Labor, 0.6% Depreciation, 3.1% Raw Material, 5.7% Packaging, 12.3% Source: 2006 Financial Statements Beer Sales Volumes (m liters) 1,041 944 824 2003 2004 2005 923 2006 * Sales volumes for domestic and export Page Page 14 14 Spirits Page Page 15 15 Major Spirit Brands on Sale in Thailand Spirits Brands 2005 Share (by volume) Local white spirits Brands Ruang Khao Pai Thong Chinese Herbal Community Producers Producer Thaibev Thaibev Thaibev Sector Volume ('000 9 Litre Cases) Sector Volume as % of total market Local brown spirits, admixes % Share Brands 74% Sangsom 5% Mungkorn Thong 2% Mekhong 18% Crown 99 Master Blend Singha Haraj Other Scotch whisky Premium imported spirits Producer % Share Brands Producer % Share Brands Producer % Share Thaibev 48% 100 Pipers Pernod Ricard 77% JW Black Diageo 24% Thaibev 15% JW Red Diageo 5% Chivas Regal Pernod Ricard 9% Thaibev 8% Spey Royal Diageo 6% Other 67% Thaibev 3% Other 12% Pernod Ricard 5% The United Products 2% 20% 51,000 69% 18,211 25% 3,490 5% 838 1% Market Share 2005 ThaiBev 74% Others 21% Pernod Ricard 5% Source: Canadean, The Spirits Service Annual Report - 2006 Cycle, Thailand Page Page 16 16 ThaiBev’s Spirits Brown Spirits Mungkorn Thong Mekhong • • Bt 115/ 750 ml • Bt 135/750 ml • Hong Thong Blend 285 Repackaged, • revamped and relaunched Hong Thong Quality blended spirits • Sangsom to be introduced in gift boxes Bt 150/700ml Bt 170/700ml • Bt 190/700ml • Sangsom Crown 99 Blue • Admix whisky made from quality imported malt from Scotland • New choice to admix to tap low end scotch segment • Bt 200/700ml • Bt 260/700ml White Spirits Ruang Khao Pai-Thong Chiang-Chun Sua Dum 30° Many white spirit products with no established branding • Regional based • Limited brand recognition 35° 40° Niyomthai • Launching Niyomthai to Establish a National brand • Utilization improvement opportunity • Higher margins Page Page 17 17 Hong Thong’s Success Hong Thong Sales Volume Million Liters 12.0 The lost volume of Sangsom went to Hong Thong 9.9 10.0 8.0 6.0 3.2 4.0 1.4 2.0 0.1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2006 (Hong Thong) Million Liters Sangsom& Hong Tong Sales Volume 25.0 20.0 22.2 19.3 21.6 15.0 17.7 14.4 10.0 16.3 11.2 10.3 In Q4’06, Sales volume of Sangsom + Hong Thong was higher than sales volume of Sangsom in Q4’05 5.0 Q1 Q2 2006 (Sangsom+Hong Tong) Q3 Q4 2005 (Sangsom) Page Page 18 18 Spirits Results Spirits Results Source: IPO Prospectus and Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements (Thai GAAP) (in million Baht) 2003 2004 2005 2006 Revenue from Spirits sales Interest income Other income Total Spirits Revenues 38,713 447 495 39,655 42,189 6 172 42,367 52,811 34 94 52,939 51,428 26 98 51,552 Cost of sales Selling and administrative expenses 26,339 6,420 26,090 7,031 EBIT EBITDA 6,897 8,964 9,246 11,391 32,062 7,344 13,534 15,822 33,002 7,170 11,380 13,663 Interest expense Income tax expense Net profit 2,488 1,203 3,205 1,401 2,609 5,236 1,264 3,282 8,988 1,187 2,277 7,916 CoS as % of rev S&A as % of rev Net profit margin Gross profit margin EBIT Margin EBITDA Margin 68% 17% 8% 32% 18% 23% 62% 17% 12% 38% 22% 27% 61% 14% 17% 39% 26% 30% 64% 14% 15% 36% 22% 27% * EBIT = Earning before Interest Expense and Tax * EBITDA = Earning before Interest Expense, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization * The financial statements for 2005 has been restated to include PSUK and Best Spirits to be the same as 2006 Page Page 19 19 Cost Structure and Spirit Volume (% of total revenue) Excise Tax, 46.6% SG&A, 13.9% Int. + Inc. Tax, 6.7% Net profit, 15.4% Other, 2.1% Packaging, 6.5% Labor, 1.2% Depreciation, 2.3% Spirits Sales Volumes 9,204 11,469 12,547 Raw Material, 5.3% (‘000 cases) 9,958 Sales volume 38,617 39,188 41,387 40,831 2003 2004 2005 2006 White spirits Source: 2006 Financial Statements White spirits Brown spirits 2003 80.8% 19.2% 2004 77.4% 22.6% 2005 76.7% 23.3% 2006 80.4% 19.6% Brown spirits Page Page 20 20 Industrial Alcohol & Others (million litres) Ethyl alcohol of 95 degrees Ethanol of 99.5 degrees Acetic acid Ethyl acetate Total 2003 55.95 55.95 2004 57.56 4.16 61.72 2005 32.18 20.78 0.19 0.05 53.20 2006 1.48 46.56 0.08 0.13 48.26 Ind. Alcohol Sales as % Total Rev. 1.2% 0.7% 2003 0.8% 2004 0.9% 2005 Source: IPO Prospectus and Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements (Thai GAAP) 2006 Page Page 21 21 Taxes are the Company’s Largest Cost Excise Taxes Source: IPO Prospectus Product Ad Valorem Rate (Ex-factory) Fermented Liquor: Beer Wine & Sparkling wine from grapes Local fermented liquor Other Distilled Liquor White spirits Compounded spirits (Hong Thong, Mungkorn Thong, Chinese Herb) Blended spirits (Mekhong) Special spirits Brandy Whisky Other (Sangsom, Crown99, Blue) Ethyl Alcohol: used in industry used in medicine, pharmaceuticals, science other Specific Rate Unit Bt/Unit 55% 60% 25% 25% Liter of pure alcohol Liter of pure alcohol Liter of pure alcohol Liter of pure alcohol 100 100 70 70 25% 50% 50% Liter of pure alcohol Liter of pure alcohol Liter of pure alcohol 70 240 400 40% 50% 50% Liter of pure alcohol Liter of pure alcohol Liter of pure alcohol 400 400 400 2% 0.10% 10% Liter Liter Liter of pure alcohol 1 0.05 6 + Municipal Taxes: 10% of Excise + Health Promotion Fund Contribution: 2% of Excise The Company will be charged at whichever rate is higher. Page Page 22 22 CAPEX Capital Expenditure 2006 Beer/water (in million Baht) - Fixed assets - Intangible assets Depreciation Amortisation Spirits Alcohol Related Total 1,350.5 5.0 2,025.3 2.2 2,606.1 7.7 2,238.0 44.8 67.8 0.2 126.3 0.1 14.2 0.2 91.2 124.2 4,038.5 13.1 4,480.8 171.3 Beer/water 6,395.4 4.8 1,902.6 16.4 Spirits 481.5 5.3 2,228.6 59.9 Alcohol 254.3 0.2 120.5 0.0 Related 170.8 63.3 85.5 18.7 Total 7,302.0 73.6 4,337.2 95.0 Capital Expenditure 2005 (in million Baht) - Fixed assets - Intangible assets Depreciation Amortisation Source: 2005-06 Financial Statements Production Capacity (million Liters) Beer Bang Ban Kamphaengphet Wang Noi Soda&Water Spirits Source: IPO Prospectus 1,550 530 900 120 700 790 Page Page 23 23 Seasonal Sales: Look at Long Term Growth as Quarters can be Misleading Spirit Domestic Sales 2006 Beer Domestic Sales 2006 Spirits Sales Volume Beer Sales Volume Million Liters Million Liters 200.0 300.0 250.0 235.9 209.9 273.5 197.0 200.0 205.3 208.1 150.0 150.0 120.5 100.0 119.9 118.0 231.5 2006 172.6 2005 116.9 129.1 128.1 110.8 2005 97.6 100.0 2006 50.0 50.0 - Q1 • • Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q3 is the slowest period -> rainy season and the Buddhist Lent period Q4 is the best period -> kind weather (cold and dry), many holidays (Loy Kratong, King’s birthday, New Year), and end of the Buddhist Lent period Page Page 24 24 Looking Ahead Page Page 25 25 Outlook – Thai Alcohol Beverage Beer Spirits - Continued revenue growth - Urbanization makes consumers shift from white spirits to beer/brown spirits - Continued growth in low alcohol beer - White spirits: revenue growth flat - Brown spirits: consumer acceptance of the new prices : can expect some growth Page Page 26 26 2007 Objectives Strategy - Maintain dominant position in Thai market - Extend portfolio -> higher margin products - Future leveraging of network to distribute diverse products - More focus on international market Value Drivers - International market - Brand investment - Cost control Major Initiatives - Capital efficiency and strong cash flow - Kamphaengphaet Brewery expansion for future beer growth Page Page 27 27 New Generation of Management Director and Senior Vice President ThaiBev - Mr. Ueychai Tantha-Obhas Former Chief Executive Officer and the Managing Director of Riche Monde (Bangkok) Ltd. Former Managing Director of Sarin Property Co., Ltd., Former Group Product Manager of Colgate Palmolive Co., Ltd. President and CEO InterBev Group - Barrie Jackson 25 years in the international beverage business. Former Group Director with The Edrington Group, responsible for global sales, marketing and group strategy, building The Famous Grouse, Macallan and Cutty Sark brands. Five years as Director of Maxxium Worldwide BV (international distribution arm of Remy Cointreau, V & S); brands included Absolut, Jim Beam and TEG. Two years as Maxxium Group Chairman. Chief Financial Officer InterBev Group - Michael Chye More than 20 years experience in accounting, finance and investments in Asia. Worked for the Singapore Government and multi-national companies before joining the TCC Group. Former independent director and Audit Committee Chairman of public listed companies in Singapore. President InterBev USA Inc - John Lennon 22 years in the international beverage industry. Former President and CEO of Pyramid Breweries, a U.S. craft beer producer. Former President and CEO of Beck’s North America. Former VP and General Manager of Guinness Caribbean and Latin America. Senior marketing and sales roles with Mexico’s FEMSA Cerveza, Grand Metropolitan (now Diageo) and with Guinness in both the USA and Ireland. Page Page 28 28 The End Page Page 29 29