Successful Walkathon supports Ottawa`s Jewish schools


Successful Walkathon supports Ottawa`s Jewish schools
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Ottawa Jewish
established 1937,
75 years
in 2012. page 5
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd. •
7 5 T H A N N I V E R S A RY
1 9 3 7
volume 76, no. 16
july 23, 2012
21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9
Publisher: Mitchell Bellman
2 0 1 2
av 4, 5772
Editor: Michael Regenstreif $2.00
Successful Walkathon supports Ottawa’s Jewish schools
By Alex Baker
For Mitch Miller, not having enough
race bibs for everyone at the 2012
Walkathon – the Am Echad/One People
Walk/Run in support of Jewish education in
Ottawa – was a good thing.
“There were so many people, we actually ran out of race bibs,” said Miller, one of
the June 10 event’s three co-chairs, with a
grin. “This was a huge success.”
Miller praised the innovation and
changes made by the event organizers over
the past two years. These included shorter,
one and three km routes, an emphasis on the
race aspect of the event and a more specific
goal for fundraising. Each participant chose
a particular Jewish day school, supplementary school or preschool as the beneficiary
of his or her fundraising efforts.
“For many children and families, this
was the first time they had a real race experience, with a bib with their name on it, and
keeping their times and everything,” he said
of the event.
As opposed to the larger Walkathon
events of years past, which wound about 10
km through the city, this year’s course was
a small loop around the Broadview Avenue
area and Jewish Community Campus. This,
said Miller, was by design.
“Because of the length of the route,
everyone is in one big group. It’s one community group all running or walking together. It’s about participating and being there
as a community.”
Indeed, from that perspective, the Am
Echad walk/run was a great success. Popular radio personality Stuntman Stu
Schwartz led a round of stretching and, at
the sound of the starter’s pistol, hundreds of
youthful, smiling, sweating faces ran down
the blocked-off streets.
After collecting a shiny gold medal and
a bottle of water at the finish line, a bountiful banquet of food awaited the participants
inside the Ottawa Jewish Community
School gym, while classic rock blared and
kids had their faces painted outside.
With approximately 650 people participating in the race – despite the muggy climate and early Sunday hour – Miller pronounced the event both a social and financial success.
“One of the biggest changes we’ve made
over past years is that every dollar raised
now goes to their [the fundraiser’s] school
of choice,” he said. “Every dollar raised
goes to the school you want it to go to.”
Although hesitant to disclose the exact
amount raised by the event, Miller did say
funds raised by pre-registrations alone covered the cost of the Walkathon. With this
new winning formula, and the help of cochairs Cindy Ross and Julie Smith, he
hopes to build on this accomplishment.
“We plan to increase the numbers even
further next year by encouraging the
schools to reach out to their alumni,” Miller
“The last two years have seen the largest
[Walkathon] turnouts of the past decade, but
we want to get bigger and better.”
Enthusiastic runners are off in a flash at the start of the Am Echad/One People Walk/Run in support of Jewish education in Ottawa, June 10.
(Photo: Alex Baker)
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Page 2 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Volunteers recognized at Federation AGM
By Alex Baker
With a smile, Jewish Federation of Ottawa Chair Debbie Halton-Weiss decided to skip the part
of her speech about Dragon Boat
Israel (DBI) at the Federation’s
annual general meeting, June 6, at
the Joseph and Rose Ages Family
But others, including Israeli
Ambassador Miriam Ziv, did mention DBI, which began as a Federation initiative spearheaded by
Ziv praised the incredible success of Israel’s first annual dragon
boat festival, and then Ottawa’s
Jewish institutions in general.
“I am very happy to say that we
at the Israeli Embassy, we are
here, we have our children in your
schools and we want to be part of
your community,” said Ziv, who’s
term as ambassador has been extended for another year.
In her speech, Halton-Weiss
talked about embracing past success and building on it for the future of the community.
“We, as a community, need to
find ways to embrace our history,
build on foundations laid by past
leadership and engage those who
have the background, experience
and willingness to participate,”
she said.
“It is not always an easy balance to strike, embracing the future while acknowledging the
past. We need to continue to find
innovative ways to be inclusive
and accessible so that our community continues to grow and thrive.”
Federation President and CEO
Mitchell Bellman offered measured, thoughtful remarks intended to set the tone for the coming
Despite Ottawa’s growing Jewish population, active donors and
strong institutions, “we struggle
with keeping Jewish life alive in
Issie Scarowsky (right) receives the Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award from Ottawa Citizen Publisher Gerry Nott.
(Photo: Peter Waiser)
Federation Chair Debbie HaltonWeiss speaks at the Federation
AGM, June 6. (Photo: Peter Waiser)
our city, with maintaining our traditional institutions and keeping
them relevant. Our community’s
biggest enemies are apathy and indifference,” said Bellman. Where
once Jewish leaders were concerned with Jews for Jesus, today
“a far bigger threat is Jews for
He spoke about the Federation’s goal of creating passion for
Jewish life among the youth of the
community and “giving future
generations the grounding they
need to remain committed.”
The building and passion that
Halton-Weiss and Bellman spoke
about is embodied in the community’s volunteers, and Donna
Dolansky, past-chair of the Federation, presided over the presentation of awards recognizing two of
the community’s leading volunteers.
Sharon Reichstein received the
Freiman Family Young Leadership Award and Issie Scarowsky
received the Shem Tov Community Volunteer Award. Both were effusive in their praise for the community and for the institutions that
gave them opportunities to volun-
Sharon Reichstein (right) receives the Freiman Family Young Leadership Award from Margo Roston, representing the Freiman family.
(Photo: Peter Waiser)
teer. Both were also vocal in their
calls for others to take up volunteerism.
“I came into contact with so
many amazing people because of
my volunteer activities, and this
award is as much about them as
me,” Scarowsky said. “I would
like to share this recognition with
all of them.”
The Shem Tov Community
Volunteer Award recognizes an
outstanding volunteer who, over
many years of service, has contributed to the enrichment of Jewish life in Ottawa.
Reichstein described the internal debate when faced with the decision to move to Ottawa or stay
in Toronto, and praised the small,
intimate style of the Jewish community here.
“So many people have stopped
me on the street to congratulate
me and thank me,” she said of
being named recipient of Freiman
Family Young Leadership Award,
which recognizes a volunteer
under age 40 who has rendered
exceptional service to the community. “I felt famous these past few
months, and I never would have
gotten that feeling in a larger community.”
Reichstein, as recipient of the
Freiman Family Young Leadership Award, also received the
Lawrence Greenberg Young Leadership Development Award, which
allows the recipient to attend the
General Assembly (GA) of United
Jewish Communities, at which
young leaders from across North
America are honoured. This year’s
GA will be held November 11 to
13 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Road hockey tournament to support initiatives for young adults
By Alex Baker
Break out your jerseys and put
some fresh tape on your sticks, because the first annual openOttawa
Road Hockey Tournament is coming up.
On Sunday, August 19, an estimated 20 teams, comprising Ottawans of all ages and backgrounds, will gather at the
Soloway Jewish Community Centre for a day of sport, music, food
and drinks in what is sure to be a
competitive, festive atmosphere.
Proceeds from the road hockey
tournament will support future
events for the emerging generation of Ottawa’s young, Jewish
“This is a great way to get people together in the summer, because most of our events in the
community tend to be in the fall
and winter,” said Jason Friedman,
one of the tournament’s three cochairs and an avid hockey fan.
Co-chair Ryan Goldberg
stressed the uniqueness of the
hockey tournament in the community.
“This will, hopefully, bring a
lot of people out who don’t come
to events too often,” Goldberg
said. “We’re looking for a wide
range of people because everyone
likes hockey and we think this will
bring in a good variety of participants. Hopefully, we’ll get some
good weather and be able to do
this for years to come.”
There will be much more than
road hockey going on. The
Soloway JCC outdoor pool will be
open all day and there will be
games on the baseball diamond
and basketball courts, as well as a
DJ for music, a kosher barbecue,
prizes for the winning teams and
more. Teams are being encouraged to create their own uniforms
to stand out from others.
“It’s going to be a very festive
day and we encourage family and
friends to come out and cheer on
the teams. The more people who
come out, the better it will be,”
said Samantha Banks, the Jewish
Federation of Ottawa’s director of
Initiatives for the Emerging Generation.
Registration for the five-onfive road hockey tournament is
$25 and closes August 10. Teams
must have a minimum of one female player and must provide
their own goalie equipment. For
more information or to register
your team, visit
or call Sam Banks at 613-7245930.
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 3
Page 4 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
In Memoriam
Remembering Erwin Koranyi
1924 - 2012
By Myrna
and Norman Barwin
Erwin Koranyi, born in
Budapest, Hungary, on February 21, 1924, lived a long
and remarkable life, one
that was woven through
with a history of pain,
courage, renewal, hope, curiosity, family and love. His
was a life devoted to healing, and to honouring and
remembering the stories
that mustn’t be forgotten.
Erwin died on June 11 at
the age of 88. It was little
more than two weeks after
the launch of his second
book, Echo of Edith, an
event which made him very
Allan Taylor
happy. The book tells the
story of his much-loved
cousin Edith Bock, a young
Jewish woman caught in the
Nazi net in Czechoslovakia
and how she used her medical training to help others
in the internment camp
where she eventually lost
her life.
Erwin was a Holocaust
survivor, who was helped to
escape by Raoul Wallenberg.
He, however, did more
than just survive. He lived
for 67 years after the war.
His was a long and productive life. In his first book,
Dreams and Tears, Erwin
told his remarkable story.
Edie, his late wife, was
the love of Erwin’s life. He
remained devoted to her
memory. He did not want to
move out of the apartment
they shared for so many
years. On the back of Edie’s
tombstone are the names of
Erwin and Edie’s relatives
who perished during the
war. Erwin felt it was important there be a marker
for all of them. Now, he and
Edie are buried surrounded
by the names of their families.
When Erwin was a little
boy, he would write his
name as Erwin Koranyi,
MD. Becoming a doctor –
and later, a psychiatrist –
was vitally important to
Erwin. Due to the immense
obstacles he faced during to
the war, he had to qualify
three times. This is a testament to his compassion, and
to his dedication and commitment to helping people.
Erwin became chief of
the Psychiatric Outpatient
Unit at the Ottawa General
Hospital, then was director
of education and head of the
neuropsychiatric unit at the
Royal Ottawa Hospital. He
had an international reputation as a psychiatrist and
was recognized as a teacher
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of excellence, a mentor to
many students and residents. He was a researcher
and the author of many academic publications. Erwin
was a man of remarkable
knowledge and intellect. He
couldn’t help sharing his
broad knowledge and his infectious enthusiasm for
learning, despite personifying Old World elegance.
Erwin was a devoted
supporter of Israel, particularly Ben-Gurion University. There is a lectureship
and a scholarship there in
his and Edie’s name.
Though he became frail
toward the end, Erwin’s
mind, until his very last
days, remained sharp and
“I can remember Latin
poetry, but I can’t remember
any names after 1800,” he
Erwin liked to quote Cicero on old age: “When one
tears down an unripe apple,
Erwin Koranyi
it is a violent act, the whole
branch is ripped off; but the
ripe apple falls in your palm
just by touching it. Thus the
young die by violence, the
old from maturity.”
Erwin Koranyi will be
sorely missed by all who
knew him.
Editor’s note: Jane and
Martin Gordon contributed to this article.
Letters welcome
Letters to the Editor are welcome if they are brief, signed, timely and of interest to our readership.
The Bulletin reserves the right to refuse, edit or condense letters.
The Mailbag column will be published as space permits.
Send your letters to Michael Regenstreif, Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9; or by e-mail to
[email protected].
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 5
The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin, first published on October 22, 1937, is celebrating
our 75th anniversary this year. Each issue in 2012 will feature a reprint from our
past. Our community-wide Chanukah edition will include a special supplement
looking back on our first 75 years.
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Jewish War Veterans of Canada, Ottawa
Post, is offering two (2) $1000.00 scholarships
to deserving Jewish students who are pursuing
post-secondary education.
Applicants must be between the ages of 16 and
19 years on or before the 31st of May 2012 and
a resident of the National Capital Region.
In the letter of application, candidates will
provide evidence of superior qualities of leadership, good citizenship, scholarship and sportsmanship at school, within the Jewish Community and community-at-large.
All applicants should provide a letter stating
why they think they are eligible. Enclose any
support material that you may think relevant.
Must be received no later than August 1, 2012.
Send submissions to:
David Cohen
1405-1480 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, ON K1G 5H2
Page 6 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
CIJA marks first year as consolidated advocacy organization
The Centre for Israel and Jewish
Affairs (CIJA) has just marked an important milestone – our first anniversary as
the consolidated advocacy arm of the
organized Jewish community.
The 18-month restructuring process
that resulted in the creation of the Centre
was designed to leverage the achievements of the predecessor organizations,
including the Canadian Jewish Congress
and the Canada-Israel Committee, and
more effectively advance the community’s advocacy agenda within the context
of the current political landscape. As
well, the aim was to ensure maximum
transparency and accountability and a
more explicit connection to the federation community that supports the work
of the Centre.
One year in, we can draw some preliminary conclusions about the reorganization and some of the concerns that
were expressed by various stakeholders
during that process.
Working primarily through federations
across the country – including the Jewish
Federation of Ottawa – the Centre has set
up a Canada-wide system of LPCs (Local
Partner Councils), which are responsible
for translating and implementing CIJA’s
Koffler Fogel
strategic objectives at the local level.
In addition, the LPCs take the lead on
advocacy issues, which are local in nature and receive the support and assistance of the CIJA system, including professional staff and resources to address
those concerns when they arise. In this
regard, the Centre has benefited
enormously from the support and cooperation of communities throughout
the country and, today, the system is
operational from coast to coast.
One of the concerns expressed by
some members of the community during
the reorganization process was that elements of the traditional Jewish social justice and human rights agenda would be
relegated to the margins in favour of a
primary – if not exclusive – focus on
Israel-related issues.
There is no doubt that pro-Israel
advocacy will always be a central component of our agenda and reflects the
priority the majority of the Jewish community assigns to the issue. However,
with the benefit of our experience over
the past 12 months, we can confirm that
social services, education, health care,
immigration and criminal code legislation and policy have occupied important
places on the CIJA ordre de jour.
We have hosted conferences and
seminars on subjects like the proposed
changes to the Canadian Human Rights
Act, Bills C-10 (Criminal Code) and
C-31 (Immigration); held broad consultations with community stakeholders
regarding legislation affecting refugee
claimants, including Jewish Family Services of Ottawa; introduced a series of
webinars on topical issues – accessing
leading experts to inform the community
on various and often competing perspectives related to such controversial subjects as the settlement issue, religious
pluralism and the like.
The Centre sought to re-establish
strong and productive links with various
ethnic groups and interfaith dialogue
platforms, and many important collaborative efforts and partnerships are emerging
that will help us advance our strategic
objectives with the benefit of broader
support beyond our own community.
What is certain is that the challenges
confronting us over the coming period
will demand our best, most focused and
effective efforts, if we are to advance our
community interests and repel those driven to do us – the Jewish people and the
Jewish state – harm.
Ottawa’s Jewish community claims a
special place in the advocacy system.
As the epicentre of political life, the
opportunities to access, engage and affect
the political sector are unparalleled. The
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs has
been a huge beneficiary of the advice,
support and assistance of so many within
the community, and the ongoing and
close relationship with the Jewish
Federation of Ottawa has brought substantial added value to the work we
undertake on behalf of the organized
Jewish community.
For those wanting to become directly
involved in the advocacy effort or for
more information on our programs and
services, we encourage you to contact
the Federation or visit our website at
A lesson in soccer from the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Although I spent many years studying
and living in the United States and have
now lived in Canada for 17 years, my
European background is still very much a
part of me. That’s right, you can take the
boy out of Europe, but you can’t take Europe out of the boy.
I write this column with Europe on my
mind. No, I am not writing about the economy, but about the sport I followed while
growing up in Paris, France. As the world
watched the final match in the Euro Cup
2012 three weeks ago, I was reminded how
soccer was very much part of my childhood. We actually called it ‘football,’ a
more fitting name for a sport where you are
supposed to use your feet to kick the ball.
With Spain having celebrated its Euro
Cup 2012 victory, here is a deeper look at
the sport of soccer as I heard it from my
beloved teacher, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
The objective of the game is to move the
round ball into a ‘goal’ or ‘gate.’ The ball
can be moved primarily with the player’s
Sounds simple? Well, not really, because
the players on the opposing team are doing
everything they can to prevent you from
scoring. As in many sports, it is precisely
the challenge and adversity athletes face
that bring out their full potential, power and
The ball, explained the Rebbe, symbolizes Earth, which is a sphere. The objective
of our existence on Earth is to move this
ball into the Shaar Hamelech, the gate of
From the
Menachem Blum
OTC Chabad
the King (God). Our mission in this world
is to refine and elevate this world and make
it a Godly place. We do so through our
study of Torah and fulfilment of mitzvot,
which reveal the underlying Godly oneness
that exists throughout creation. This is the
meaning of tikkun olam (repairing the
world), to move the world toward the goal
of its creation. Hence, we are all soccer
players, even if you didn’t grow up in
The challenge we all face is that it’s not
that easy to live a life that is totally permeated with that mission. Just as in soccer,
there is an opposing team trying to prevent
us from scoring. This opposing team may
be internal, such as our own inhibitions,
habits or character traits. We are also opposed by the environment and the society
we live in, which sometimes prevents us
from moving the world towards the Godly
gate. We need to remember, said the Rebbe,
it is specifically the challenge the athlete
faces that will bring out the best in him and,
so too, for all of us in our cosmic soccer
The key factors that ensure the ball gets
into the net are the speed of the player and
the kick of the foot into the ball. In our
cosmic game, this symbolizes action. As
human beings, we are endowed with many
faculties from head to foot. We have minds
to think and philosophize, as well as hearts
to feel and develop emotions. But Judaism
teaches the most important faculty is the
feet, which represent our capacity for action, to be a foot soldier. Although action
may be looked at as the lowest of our faculties, it is precisely the physical action of the
mitzvot that has the greatest effect upon our
world and drives it to its goal. Judaism has
always been focused on action, on kicking
the ball with our feet.
As the excitement of Euro Cup 2012
subsides, let’s resolve to become better soccer players in our cosmic game. Let’s make
sure we keep moving with speed, doing one
mitzvah and then another, and contribute
ultimately to bringing the world to its goal,
as stated in the famous prayer “Aleinu”:
“Letaken Olam Bemaluchut Sha-dai – to
rectify the world and bring it under the
sovereignty of God.”
Owned by The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd., 21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, K2A 1R9.
Tel: (613) 798-4696. Fax: (613) 798-4730. Email: [email protected]. Published 19 times a year.
© copyright 2012
PUBLISHER: The Ottawa Jewish Bulletin Publishing Co. Ltd.
EDITOR: Michael Regenstreif
INTERN: Alex Baker
The Bulletin cannot vouch for the kashrut of the products or establishments advertised in this publication unless they have the
certification of the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut or other rabbinic authority recognized by the Ottawa Vaad HaKashrut.
Local subscription $30.00. Canada $36.00. International $50.00. $2.00 per issue.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada,
through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing costs.
ISSN: 1196-1929
email: [email protected]
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 7
United Church meeting in Ottawa may be
dominated by Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The 41st General Council of the United
Church of Canada will be held at Carleton
University in Ottawa from August 11 to 18
and virtually all of the advance attention
has focussed on a United Church working
group’s report on the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict which – not surprisingly – lays
almost all responsibility for the situation at
Israel’s feet and calls for boycott of goods
produced by Israeli settlements in the West
Bank and some measure of divestment from
The report questions the validity of
Israel as a Jewish state and even finds
moral equivalency between the current situations of the Palestinians with the plight of
the Jews of Europe during the Holocaust:
The deepest meaning of the Holocaust
was the denial of human dignity to Jews.
‘Never again’ is a call that must continue to
echo throughout the world. The implication
of this call is not that Israel will be free from
accountability for unjust policies, but rather
that there will be no question or doubt that
Israel and Jewish people throughout the
world are deeply respected. The working
group is also aware that the occupation has
meant a loss of dignity for Palestinian people. This loss of dignity is evidenced not just
by the occupation but also in the denial of
the legitimacy of the Palestinian experience.
This is accentuated by the view that any
form of Palestinian resistance, even non-
violent resistance, is unacceptable. Palestinians must be afforded dignity and respect for
the struggles they face.
As the Centre for Israel and Jewish Af fairs noted in a response to the report, “the
‘deepest meaning’ of the Shoah (Holocaust)
was the industrialized mass murder of six
million Jewish men, women and children
whose only crime was that they were
Jewish,” and that such “moral equivalence
is deeply offensive to Jewish Canadians and
individuals of conscience from all backgrounds.”
While the report has enjoyed the expected support of the anti-Zionist left, including
Independent Jewish Voices, it remains to be
seen how widespread its support is among
United Church members. An Ottawa-area
minister, Reverend Andrew Love of Grace
St. Andrew’s United Church in Arnprior,
has spoken out against the mostly one-sided
report and has organized a United Church
petition calling for its rejection at the
General Council. Reverend Love, instead,
calls for support for those on both sides
of the Israeli-Palestinian divide who are
actively working for peace.
Late last month, a group of nine
Canadian senators – five Conservatives and
four Liberals – all members of the United
Church, published a letter condemning the
report, which “does not mention a single
expectation of the Palestinians in its recommendations. To put it bluntly, the Church
cannot maintain credibility in criticizing
Israeli policies (such as settlements and the
security barrier) while relieving the Palestinian leadership of its own duty to advance
It will be interesting to see which path
the United Church will choose to take at its
General Council.
Thank you Laurie Dougherty
As editor of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin,
I rely on the collaboration of many people
and one of my most important collaborators
is the archivist of the Ottawa Jewish
Archives. Almost everything that appears
in the Bulletin pertaining to the history of
Ottawa’s Jewish community is done with
the help of the archivist.
For the past three-and-a-half-years, the
archivist has been Laurie Dougherty. Laurie
also spent 18 months as assistant archivist
before that. As we were finishing production of this edition, we bade farewell to
Laurie who left the Ottawa Jewish Archives
on July 12 to become archivist for the town
of Arnprior, where she lives.
Laurie has been a great person to work
with – particularly on big projects like the
2009 supplement celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Jewish Federation of
Ottawa or the year-long page 5 reprint features we’ve been doing throughout 2012 to
mark the 75th year of the Ottawa Jewish
Bulletin (with a special supplement to come
with our Chanukah community-wide issue
on November 26).
There have also been many occasions
when I’ve called on Laurie to find or verify
all kinds of information. For example, I
wanted to add the late Erwin Koranyi’s date
of birth to the remembrance of him, which
appears on page 4 of this issue. When an
Internet search only turned up the year, I
dialled Laurie’s extension and she was able
to quickly find the exact date in the
Archives files.
As well, the From the Archives photos
Laurie regularly submitted to the Bulletin
and the feature articles she wrote about
Archives projects and displays have been
greatly appreciated. See Laurie’s article
about the Archives’ current display on page
13 of this issue.
Thanks for everything, Laurie! All the
best in your new job. We’re going to miss
The professor who changed my life
If 42 years is considered a long time,
then I have a story to tell that goes back a
long way. For all those who say Ottawa
is a small town, and Ottawa’s Jewish
community is even smaller, think again!
In 1970, I was in my first year at Carleton University taking a course in Quebec politics. I remember the class was in
the Loeb Building. It was a small class of
about 20 students. We sat around a rectangular table. I even remember the first
lecture. It was about Pierre Trudeau’s
past life as a social activist during the asbestos strike in Thetford Mines in 1949.
The professor had a beard and smoked a
pipe. He wore cardigan sweaters with
patches on the elbows.
Now why would I remember such detail four decades later?
I remember because that class and
Professor David Kwavnick changed and
gave direction to my life. I became enthralled with Quebec politics. I read
everything I could find. I did my honours
thesis in journalism on Quebec politics.
When I first became a reporter, I
dreamed about becoming a political reporter with an expertise on Quebec and
constitutional issues.
To me, David Kwavnick was a great
professor because he engaged me in
something that became a life’s work and
passion. I guess everyone can look back
on a career and say someone was their
great positive force. It is a wonderful
bond to share with someone, even if it
takes 42 years to share it.
I never saw David Kwavnick again
after that course in 1970. I never heard
about him from other people, either in
government circles or in the Jewish community. I recall a vague notion that he advised the federal government on Quebec
matters, but he was not one of those academics with a public profile sought by
When I served on the Hillel Lodge
board, I met Esther Kwavnick, a fellow
board member. Before one of the board
meetings, I asked her if she knew a Professor Kwavnick.
“Yes, of course,” she said, “he is my
“He was my teacher,” I said. “One I
will never forget.”
After the board meeting, Esther asked
for a ride home. When we got there, she
asked if I would come in to say hello to
David. It was our first meeting in more
than 40 years and consisted of a handshake and a brief conversation in the
A few weeks later, I got an email from
the professor. He told me he was preparing some of his documents for Archives
Canada and perhaps I would like to have
a look at them.
Of course, I said, “Yes!”
Lined-up, standing in a cardboard box
were file folders with a lot of his life
work on constitutional matters, articles,
strategy and position papers he had written for the government. Talking to him
made me realize why he and I never met
outside of the classroom. The term ‘politically incorrect’ didn’t exist then, but
David Kwavnick would proudly say he
was very politically incorrect on the sub-
ject of Canada/Quebec. He is a hardliner,
one of the hardest. He takes pleasure in
saying Pierre Trudeau bought into many
of his hard line views. He is delighted in
saying he had a significant advisory role
in bringing down the Meech Lake Accord
in 1990.
He pretends to laugh about the book
that wasn’t – the book he started to write
on his constitutional views that publishers wouldn’t publish. He shows the unfinished manuscript and letters dating
from the 1970s with publishers telling
him that such a book would be too divisive.
The professor and the student, finding
each other 42 years later, speak to each
other about a passion they now both
share in retirement.
As I was leaving his house, I asked
Professor Kwavnick how old he would
have been in 1970.
“Thirty years old,” he said.
Back then, when I was 19, I thought
he must have been at least 50. It might
have been the elbow patches and the significant beard. It might have also had
something to do with how smart David
Kwavnick was, and still is.
Page 8 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Guest Column
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Walking away from Alice Walker
By Daniel Gordis
Editor’s note: Daniel Gordis is the
Koret Distinguished Fellow at the
Shalem Center in Jerusalem. One of
Israel’s most respected commentators, he
is the author of 10 books and his columns
appear regularly in the Jerusalem Post
and New York Times. He is also a dynamic speaker and will give the keynote
address at the Jewish Federation of
Ottawa Annual Campaign launch,
September 9, at Centrepointe Theatre.
When Eric Maria Remarque, the exiled author of All Quiet on the Western
Front, was asked whether he missed Germany, he is reported to have said, “Why
should I? I’m not Jewish.” Remarque’s
comment was an edgy swipe at those formerly German Jews who never lost their
infatuation with the fatherland or its culture. Even after Germany became maniacally genocidal, many German Jews
could not help but love it.
It’s an oft-repeated Jewish pattern.
The Jewish belief in the value of human
creative genius often reigns so supreme
that we refuse to draw lines in the sand.
We resist calling something evil even
when there is no other way to describe it.
Now we’re seeing it again – not with
Germany, but with the United States. It’s
reappeared not with Richard Wagner, but
with Alice Walker, the Pulitzer Prizewinning author of The Color Purple.
Walker recently refused to allow her
novel to be translated into Hebrew. She
explained her reasoning in a letter on her
“Last fall in South Africa the Russell
Tribunal on Palestine met and determined that Israel is guilty of apartheid
and persecution of the Palestinian people, both inside Israel and also in the
occupied territories. The testimony
we heard, both from Israelis and Palestinians (I was a jurist) was devastating. I
grew up under American apartheid and
this was far worse. Indeed, many South
Africans who attended, including
Desmond Tutu, felt the Israeli version of
these crimes is worse even than what
they suffered under the white supremacist regimes that dominated South Africa
for so long.”
When a person of Walker’s obvious
intelligence utters such drivel, what we
have is not a matter of ignorance. It is a
matter of hate.
Everyone knows the condition of
Palestinians in the West Bank is far from
ideal. We also know Israel can, and must,
do better. But Walker writes as though
the Palestinians are identical to the
blacks of South Africa; they suffer only
because of the colour of their skin (or
their ethnicity, in this case), not because
of anything they have done. She writes
as though Israel is the only obstacle to
their “freedom,” as though Israel is, as a
matter of policy, committed to perpetuat-
ing their second-class
cause was our cause,
status without end.
and rightly so. But our
But no reasonable
cause, sadly, is not
reading of the Middle
hers. Our ongoing atEast justifies any such
tempt to assure a Jewclaim.
ish future by assuring a
There is much to
vibrant and secure
critique about Israeli
Jewish state is a cause
policy. But the notion
Alice Walker utterly
that Palestinians are
stateless solely beWalker, who joined
cause of Israel, or that
a failed flotilla that had
they suffer at Israeli
planned to sail from
hands only because of
Greece, who openly
Daniel Gordis
their ethnicity, is obsupports the BDS
viously rubbish. Deep down, Walker (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions)
must know that. Lest we imagine that movement and who has called Israel “the
what Walker really objects to is the oc- greatest terrorist” in the Middle East,
cupation, she even makes a point of say- compares Israel to South Africa and to
ing that Israel is guilty of apartheid in- the American South because she hopes
side the Green Line as well.
for the same outcome – she wants Jewish
sovereignty to go the way of apartheid, a
Again, it is true Israeli Arabs do not rich Jewish future to go the way of the
get a fair share of Israel’s social bounty, old American South. She does not want
and that must be fixed. But name a single the Jews to have the revitalization that
country in which some minorities do not the Jewish state is meant to foster.
get the short end of the stick. Is every
The real issue, therefore, is not Alice
country on the planet therefore guilty of Walker, but us.
apartheid? If so, why boycott only IsAnti-Semites come and go. Walker is
rael? It can’t be because of Israel’s social not the first, nor will she be the last.
policies, which are far better than those There is nothing we can do about that.
of many other countries that Walker is But there is something we can do about
not boycotting.
our own reactions. Can we learn to stop
Why just Israel? In apartheid South coddling cultural geniuses, even though
Africa, were there blacks on the Supreme we revere their craft and talent, when
Court? Justice Salim Joubran, an Arab, they cross certain lines? Can we remind
serves on Israel’s highest bench – and he the world that what is truly abhorrent is
is not the first to do so. In apartheid not a conflict that Israel does not know
South Africa, were there recognized how to end (though again, Israel could
black parties in the parliament, legally certainly manage it better), but the tarpressing for their rights? The list could ring of all Israelis and all Jews with one
go on, almost endlessly. Anyone who brush, as boycotts such as Walker’s inknows anything about apartheid South variably do?
Africa and about Israel knows how utterAnthony Julius, in his magisterily different the two are.
al Trials of the Diaspora, a history of
Walker also knows. But Walker does- British anti-Semitism, says this about
n’t care. Because this is not about Walk- boycotts: “What happens when people
er’s concern for the Palestinians; it is are boycotted? The ordinary courtesies
about her attitude to the Jews.
of life are no longer extended to them …
Yet, à la Remarque’s bemused com- The boycott is an act of violence, though
ment about Jews – and their abiding in- of a paradoxical kind – one of recoil and
fatuation even with cultural icons who exclusion rather than assault … It is a dehate them – there are Jews in the U.S. nial, amongst other things, of the boystill wondering how to bring her around. cotted person’s freedom of expression …
What can we say to Alice Walker, they The boycott thus announces a certain
ask, to get her to rethink, to understand? moral distaste; it is always self-congratuThough these questions come from a latory.”
place of deep goodness, of belief in reaNazi Germany, we should recall,
son and decency, they also reflect our in- began with boycotts of Jewish businessability to draw a line in the sand and to es, with the boycotting of Jewish inteldemand that hate speech – which is pre- lectuals and professionals. By and large,
cisely what Walker’s letter was – simply German Jews said nothing. Will we be
be banned from any circles in which we silent once again? This will be our test:
will take part.
Will Jews across the spectrum come to
We can especially understand those the defence of their people, or will they
Jews who do not wish to cut their ties continue to wallow in their fawning over
with Alice Walker, of all writers. After cultural icons?
all, we sympathize with the plight of
We know what Alice Walker is made
African Americans, which she evoked so of. Now it’s time to find out what we are
brilliantly in The Color Purple. Her made of.
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 9
More than trees
Oliver Javanpour
One year as the President of JNF Ottawa
The JNF Ottawa Annual General Meeting on June 28
marked my first full year as the Ottawa President and Gail
Grief’s (almost) full year as the Eastern Canada Regional
Executive Director.
It has been a busy and challenging year with a successful
Negev Dinner (thanks to all of our supporters) and a phenomenal Tu Bishvat fundraiser (thanks to Jane and Martin
Gordon, who can organize these things from wherever they
are in the world). Susan Schwartzman kept us on track and
helped maintain our local office, keeping up with the needs
and requests of the community. We thank our new board
members, and Alan Blostein, who has officially been named
as our Vice-President. Our board’s enthusiasm and new ideas
will keep JNF relevant and thriving in our community, ultimately benefiting the people and State of Israel. Thanks to
our retiring board members for their contributions and we
look forward to their continuing support.
We look forward to an equally successful Negev Dinner
this fall and another great Tu Bishvat telethon early next year.
Outside Ottawa, JNF has been sharing our environmental
research with the world. At June’s RIO+20 Summit, KKLJNF opened a learning centre for sustainable development
and held a workshop on floodwater harvesting and afforestation for rehabilitating degraded lands. The workshop attracted record attendance with 100 people from 30 countries including Nigeria, Brazil, Zambia, Bolivia, Chile, Malaysia,
Colombia, Philippines, U.S.A., Venezuela, Spain, Botswana,
Germany, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Macau, France, Mongolia and
Israeli Environment Minister Gilad Erdan opened the
workshop. “Thanks to KKL-JNF, Israel is the only country
that has more trees in this century than it had in the last, and,
if Mark Twain were to visit Israel today, he would certainly
not describe it as a wasteland, as he did after his trip to Israel
in 1867,” he said.
Sharing JNF’s solutions for Israel’s own sustainability with
the rest of the world makes our donation dollars go further and
enriches the lives of more of the world’s people.
And this is my way of introducing you, once again, to the
connection between trees and JNF and between JNF and donating trees to Israel through JNF. If you go to the JNF carbon
footprint calculator at, you
can find out how many trees a Canadian needs to donate to
offset our carbon footprint. It’s more than an Israeli (14 trees),
but less than an American (28 trees) or a Kuwaiti (43 trees)!
Think about this for Tu Bishvat and during the rest of the year;
work to get our donation targets closer to the Israeli target!
Sefer Bar/Bat Mitzvah Inscriptions
Rebecca Alyssa Bosloy, by her loving parents, Judy and
Jonathan Bosloy; Dani Eva Taylor, by her loving parents,
Susie Weisman and Jeff Taylor; Abbey Sara Finestone, by
her loving parents, Patricia and Stephen Finestone; Ella
Sabourin, by her loving parents, Dina Sokoloff and Ken
Sabourin; Joshua Leo Kader, by his loving parents, Shelly
Bercovitch and Jeff Kader.
On a daily basis you can plant
trees for all occasions. An
attractive card is sent to the
recipient. To order, call the JNF
office (613.798.2411).
Chelsea Sauvé receives
George Joseph Cooper Scholarship
at OJCF Annual General Meeting
By Alex Baker
“Be who you are and say
what you feel,” said Chelsea
Sauvé as she accepted the
2012 George Joseph Cooper
Scholarship at the annual
general meeting of the Ottawa Jewish Community
Foundation, June 13, at the
Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building.
Visibly emotional, Sauvé
was honoured for her dedication to volunteerism and
Jewish activism. The 23year-old Carleton University
student recently completed
her BA in political science
and international relations
and will embark on a master’s program at Carleton’s
Norman Patterson School of
Public Relations in the fall.
The Cooper scholarship,
valued at $13,201 this year,
is awarded annually to an
arts and social sciences student who exhibits leadership
qualities and academic excellence.
“Chelsea has been helping to increase the number of
student volunteers on campus and her desire to create a
cohesive environment of
Jewish life in Ottawa is inspiring,” said Yoni Freedhoff, chair of the Foundation’s scholarship committee.
Sauvé has received numerous academic awards and
honours and was student
president of Hillel Ottawa,
the organization for Jewish
university students. She has
been to Israel, she said,
“more times than I can
count,” has taught swimming
lessons at the Soloway Jewish Community Centre and is
a substitute teacher at the
Ganon Preschool.
“I am truly at my best
when I’m able to help the
community. It’s my true
home and the true essence of
my Jewish identity. I’m
thankful the things I’ve done
have given me the ability to
contribute my opinions on
community matters,” she
Sauvé dedicated the
scholarship to her friends on
campuses across Canada
Scholarship recipient Chelsea Sauvé with Yoni Freedhoff, chair of the Ottawa Jewish
Community Foundations’s George Joseph Cooper Scholarship committee, at the
Foundation AGM, June 13.
(Photo: Peter Waiser)
“who continue to dedicate
themselves to Jewish advo-
cacy and volunteerism, and
who helped me along the
path to discovering who I am
as a person.”
Page 10 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Guest Column
Thank you to the
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master retreat is finished with a sitting area, dressing area as well as a fourpiece ensuite. The beautifully landscaped backyard has incredible mature
trees, is fully fenced and hedged offering both privacy and place to play!
Incredible location! Fabulous semi-detached bungalow in beautiful
McKellar Heights. This home has been extensively renovated since
2009 with over $45k in upgrades including windows, kitchen,
flooring, driveway, landscaping, above ground pool … the list goes
on! Minutes to downtown and in walking distance to Carlingwood
Mall, grocery shopping, JCC and so much more!
By Cantor Shneur M. Bielak
I want to express my appreciation for
having had the honour of being a part of the
Agudath Israel family as cantor for the past
nine years. It gives me such naches to have
been a part of so many life cycle events, including about 100 bar and bat mitzvahs,
dozens of weddings, and too many funerals.
I have been privileged to teach so many bar
and bat mitzvah children as well as family
members who wanted to be a part of the
Shabbat service.
I’ve met so many warm and pleasant congregants and dedicated volunteers through
numerous social events and I’ve felt the
community’s appreciation for the concerts I
organized. I benefited from the highly educated and interesting membership through
teaching classes on learning to read Hebrew,
learning to daven and social outreach.
Early in my tenure, I was fortunate to
work with Rabbi Arnie Fine. He recognized
a young man in need of teaching, took me
under his wing and taught me so much. I
will be forever grateful to Rabbi Fine and
Chevy for making me feel so welcome in
their home, and inviting me almost every
Shabbos until I got married. I was told I was
a ben bayit (a son of the home) and feel so
privileged to be treated as a part of their
I consider myself lucky to have developed a good collegial relationship with
Rabbi Charlie Popky. We share a love of
teaching, a love of music and a love of being
Jewish. It has been such a delight to watch
Noa and Lizzie grow up before my eyes and
become such social butterflies. During a
time that is also very difficult for them, both
Charlie and Alison continued to give muchneeded personal support to Tracy and me
and we are very grateful to them.
Ottawa will always be special for me, as
it is where I met my bashert, my wife Tracy,
who has been such a wonderful source of
strength to me, especially during these last
difficult months. We always imagined coming to our shul with our future children
knowing that her late grandfathers sat in
those very pews. My in-laws, Larry and
Sheila Hartman, have been steadfast in their
support, and I am very grateful to them for
it. I am also so very thankful to my parents
for having given me such a strong love of
Judaism and for the cantorial arts that have
been in my family for generations.
As an ex-officio member of the board
these last few years, I have learned much
Cantor Shneur Bielak
about governance and the operational challenges shuls face. Over the years, I was fortunate to work with and learn from a number of dedicated board members and received guidance and support from a number
of past-presidents.
There are too many special people in our
lives to mention here, but you know who
you are and we appreciate the numerous letters and appeals you made to the board.
They were not in vain as they have given me
the strength to continue to pursue my cantorial calling. With help from Hashem, that
vocation will continue to be a reality.
I do especially want to thank Larry Tarof,
the shul’s music director and my personal
friend. Without Larry working at my side,
the choir, youth choir, Shabbat summer orchestra and countless musical programs and
concerts would not have come to fruition.
With my dear friend Jeff Greenberg, Larry
helped to create Gratitude, my first CD, so
that we could raise tzedakah for the shul.
My gratitude to Larry and Jeff is profound.
To my protégés, Cody Miller and
Jonathan Roytenberg: May Hashem bless
you and keep you, may He shine his light
upon you and be gracious to you, and may
He grant you peace. May you always remember what you’ve learned from our work
together and may you always desire to
daven at the shtender (podium).
To the entire community, please remember that all davening requires is emunah and
kavanah – belief in Hashem and praying
from the depth of your heart.
Please support our advertisers
and tell them you saw their advertisement
in the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin!
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 11
Hulse and OJCS students meet for Day of Cultural Understanding
By Alex Baker
With volleyballs flying
through the air and shouts
and laughter ringing off the
concrete walls of the gym,
Grade 6 students from
Charles H. Hulse Public
School and the Ottawa Jewish Community School
(OJCS) didn’t care if members of the other team were
wearing a kippah or a hijab –
they were all just trying to
win the game.
“It’s a simple idea that
speaks to a deep truth about
wanting to get to know other
people,” said Hulse teacher
Patrick Mascoe, the driving
force behind the Day of Cultural Understanding between
Grade 6 students at Hulse,
whose student body is predominately Muslim, and
their Jewish counterparts at
OJCS. The event has taken
place annually over the past
eight years.
The students first interact
as pen pals over the course of
the school year leading to the
More than just playing
dodge ball and having fun,
the event is designed to break
down stereotypes and expose
kids to the consequences of
racism and hate. The day has
concluded each year with an
address by Holocaust survivor David Shentow, who
has been discussing the
Holocaust with students for
more than a decade.
“I talk to schools, reluctantly, because I want everyone to know exactly what
‘hate’ means,” said Shentow,
who admitted to thinking 11-
David and Rose Shentow answer questions from Grade 6 students from Charles H. Hulse Public School and the
Ottawa Jewish Community School following David’s talk about the Holocaust during the schools’ annual Day of
Cultural Understanding.
(Photo: Alex Baker)
and 12-year-olds would be
too young to understand his
message when Mascoe first
approached him about speaking to the students.
However, through constant reinforcement and a
week of Second World War
education leading up to the
event, Mascoe prepares his
class for the sobering message. This year, for example,
the class watched the film,
The Boy in the Striped
The effectiveness of the
Day of Cultural Understanding was reinforced by the
presence of several of Mas-
coe’s former students who
returned as volunteers for the
event, still moved by their
own experiences.
Ann Gunaratnam and
Sophia Mirzayee, both 18year-old students at Ridgemont High School, said they
still keep in touch with their
Hillel Academy pen pals six
years after their Grade 6 exchanges. They described
meeting other young girls
and the lasting impression of
Shentow’s talk.
“It was cool to meet
someone from a school
halfway across the city. Back
then it seemed like another
What’s happening at
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Every Sunday
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world,” said Sophia. “Last
year, I wanted to go on a trip
with my school to New York
and, in an interview, they
asked to me to tell them what
I know about intolerance. I
told them about this program
I did in Grade 6.”
Mascoe said the program
has grown over its eight
years and has gone beyond
simply having Jewish and
Muslim youth meet.
“Last year, when the kids
from OJCS came in, my kids
cheered!” he said. “When we
first started doing this, it was
an oddity. Now, these kids
are just pen pals.”
The pen pal aspect of the
program is another way to reinforce the similarities between cultures and has been
highly successful. Osama, a
boy from Hulse, said he was
happy to meet Jusha, his
Jewish pen pal.
“We have a lot of things in
common – we both like to
play sports and do the same
things at home. It’s fun.”
Despite the sobering messages and the dawning understanding of these young
kids, Mascoe knows his work
is far from done. The following day, he left for Israel for
an address at Yad Vashem,
designed to teach delegates
from 50 different countries
about his unique initiative.
“I teach kids to think and
use their brains, teach them
about bullying through constant reinforcement of the
idea of restorative justice,”
he said, turning to the students.
“You, as young people,
are showing the adults and
leading the way. You have to
have the courage to stand up
when you see something
that’s wrong.”
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Page 12 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Beth Shalom members debate possible amalgamation
By Alex Baker
Members of Beth Shalom gathered at the
synagogue, June 21, for a town hall meeting
on the future of their congregation.
Shul President Ian Sherman said the sale
of the building was proceeding on track and
UNRWA briefing
David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research in
Jerusalem, speaks, June 17, at Congregation Machzikei Hadas about his research on UNRWA, the United Nations agency responsible for Palestinian
(Photo: Alex Sarna)
discussed the work being done by the joint
task force examining whether a merger between Beth Shalom and Agudath Israel was
The discussions, said Sherman, among
representatives of the two congregations
were “challenging, emotional and, at times,
a bit irrational.”
The heart of the issue is whether the two
Conservative congregations should amalgamate and whether Beth Shalom’s more traditional approach to Jewish ritual can be
reconciled with Agudath Israel’s egalitarianism.
“We need to decide on a framework for
matters of ritual,” Sherman said. “If we
can’t, there’s not too much else that needs to
be discussed.
“I understand where we, as a congregation, are different from others in the community, and I have no intention of selling
out. We have a particular soul, a character,
warmth and style, and I have no intention of
destroying what we have built over the last
50 years.”
Sherman said two fundamentals being
debated by the task force are the egalitarian
model for minyan, in which women are
counted among the quorum of 10 Jewish
adults, and whether there could or should be
two separate Shabbat services, each reflecting the differing approaches of the two congregations.
The floor was opened to questions and
comments and, despite the best efforts of
board member Stephen Bindman, who was
acting as moderator, tensions quickly rose.
“Women have their place,” one man
began, his statement quickly met with hisses and incredulous whispers. “Judaism is
like a glass of wine – it’s nicely balanced,
but if you add women into it, it gets diluted.”
Another man rose and began his comment by paraphrasing Shakespeare.
“Friends, countrymen, congregants: I
come to praise women, but to bury egalitarianism! If we allow women to form the
minyan, wear tefillin and lead services, we
might as well amalgamate with a Reform
Despite often unsubtle comments by
some of the congregants, a spirit of equality and progressiveness did prevail. Several
ideas were floated, including having an exchange program between the synagogues so
they can experience each other’s services,
and starting an experimental egalitarian
minyan at Beth Shalom to see if it would
However, most of the discussion was
philosophic in nature.
“I’m pleased that we have embarked on
this journey because I want to go along for
the ride,” declared one man. “However, as
someone within a larger group who already
has the rights up for debate, I hesitate to
comment – I would leave it up to those it affects most, the women.”
At one point, Beth Shalom’s spiritual
leader, Rabbi Scott Rosenberg, spoke up.
“We have to step back and look at the
Jewish world overall. We find people everywhere, in Israel and abroad, experiencing
Judaism in new and different ways, models
of all kinds being tested.”
Although there were few young adults in
attendance, several did speak out.
“I’ve attended mixed services in
Jerusalem and it was remarkable and beautiful,” said Chelsea Sauvé, a member of the
Beth Shalom board.
“We should keep our eyes open to that
and keep an open mind.”
The discussion began to wind down
when one of the shul’s older congregants
rose and declared, “It’s not about what I
“It’s about what the young people, like
those who just spoke up, want, and what the
young generation deserves. I urge you all to
look to future, not the past.”
To better serve our community, we have one central number to handle
all cemetery enquiries and to arrange for our services
Gravesite Flower Prepayment Plans
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* Pre-purchasing of interment rights is only available
to members of JMG’s founding synagogues.
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 13
From the Archives
Restored Torah mantle on display at SJCC
By Laurie Dougherty
Ottawa Jewish Archives
There are many treasures
in the Ottawa Jewish
Archives that tell the stories
of the families and congregations that make up Ottawa’s
Jewish community. These
objects were acquired because they are tangible reminders of Jewish life in
times gone by. Perhaps,
someday, we’ll be able to
display these artifacts properly in a museum or Jewish
heritage centre in Ottawa.
Until then, the Archives offer
temporary exhibits in two
small display cases on the
second floor of the Soloway
Jewish Community Centre.
Our new exhibit features a
restored white satin Torah
mantle dating from 1923. It
was donated to the Archives
by Congregation Beth
Shalom, so it could have
been used by either of the
older congregations – Adath
Jeshurun (King Edward Avenue) or Agudath Achim
(Rideau Street) – which
merged to form Beth Shalom
in 1956.
By the time the mantle
was donated to the Archives,
there was major damage, especially at the top where the
silk was split and frayed. The
seam around the perimeter
was torn and portions of
metallic fringe were loose.
Archives volunteer and a
professional conservator,
Torah mantle showing tears and broken fringe before
(Photo: Martha Segal)
spent many hours examining
and documenting the condition of the heavily decorated
mantle. She prepared a detailed condition report in
June 2009, shortly before she
passed away. The exhibit is
dedicated to her memory.
A proposal for treatment
was submitted to the Canadian Conservation Institute
(CCI) and work began in July
2010. As noted in the grant
application guidelines, “CCI
undertakes conservation and
restoration treatments of artifacts and works of art to prevent further deterioration, aid
interpretation or re-establish
significant qualities. Treatment can range from minimal stabilization to extensive
restoration or reconstruction.”
We were very fortunate to
have CCI intern Gretchen
Guidess work on the mantle
for more than 200 hours. To
facilitate exhibition, she created a customized mount,
which can be used for display, storage and transportation. It consists of an
Ethafoam block that was
carved to support the weight
of the mantle and to mimic
the shape of the scrolls within. Two mahogany finials
were manufactured by CCI
to suggest the ends of a Torah
Finally, CCI created a
large story board that illustrates the restoration process,
which is displayed beside the
Torah mantle. The display is
further enhanced by an interpretive panel designed by
Emily Leonoff while she was
working as assistant archivist
at the Archives last year.
This Torah mantle, dating from 1923, came from one of Beth Shalom’s predecessor
(Photo: Laurie Dougherty)
Page 14 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
‘Best actor’ is off to New York for elite acting camp
By Alex Baker
“Certain men just don’t get started till later in life, like Thomas Edison, I think. Or B.F. Goodrich,”
said character Willy Loman in
Arthur Miller’s classic play, Death
of a Salesman.
But not Itzy Kamil, who played
the iconic, downtrodden everyman
this past February in the Ottawa
Jewish Community School (OJCS)
production of the play, a performance that earned him the Cappie
award for best actor in an Ottawaregion high school play. About the
only time Itzy has been a late
bloomer is when he’s played one on
The Cappies, or Critics and
Awards Program, is a program for
high school students who are
trained as critics, attend shows at
other schools, write reviews and
present awards for the top achievements in various categories – basically, it’s the Capital region’s high
school version of Broadway’s Tony
The Cappies award ceremony
Itzy Kamil accepts his Cappie award for best actor in a play for his role as Willy Loman in Death of a
(Photo: Howard Sandler)
took place June 10 at the National
Arts Centre.
“A Cappie! Wow, that’s pretty
neat,” said the 16-year-old of his
award. “People always come up to
me and say, ‘you did a really good
job,’ but I didn’t expect this. It’s cool
to be recognized by those critics.”
Although Itzy, who will begin
Grade 12 at OJCS in September,
has been acting in school plays
since Grade 8, he is far from a onetrick pony. Asked if he would like
to pursue a career in acting, he offers it as an alternative “if baking,
biology, chemistry and comedy
don’t work out.”
However, this renaissance teen
is squarely focused on acting this
summer. At the suggestion of
drama teacher Cynthia Bates – “I
do whatever my lovely director
wants me to do” – he tried out for a
prestigious acting camp in New
York run by the Open Jar Institute
and was invited to an exclusive
week-long training camp this
The camp is situated just blocks
from Broadway, and Itzy will be
immersed in the culture of acting
and being onstage, and will attend
several Broadway shows.
“I didn’t want to go to the audition, but my drama teacher forced
me,” Itzy said modestly. “She put
me in my first play and she’ll probably put me in my last play. I owed
it to her.”
For Itzy, this Broadway sojourn
will be just another experience to
chalk up.
“I’ve always loved making people laugh – stand-up comedy is
probably my favourite,” he said. “In
stand-up, you have to make up your
own stuff, not reading from a book
or using someone else’s words.
Comedy is a hundred times harder.”
If history is any indication,
whether acting or telling his own
stories, this won’t be the last time
Itzy Kamil takes centre stage.
Group of injured Israeli soldiers visit Ottawa
By Alex Baker
Canadian kids, wounded Israeli
soldiers – they all just wanted to
play basketball.
During a touching meeting between a group of injured veterans
of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
and young students, June 13, at
the Ottawa Jewish Community
School, it was clear that many of
those men – big kids that they are –
wanted nothing more than to forget
about their often-tragic stories and
share some fun and games.
Each year, Beit Halochem
Canada brings a group of injured
Israeli veterans to Canada for a
visit, including a stop in Ottawa.
Beit Halochem is a network of six
rehabilitation centres in Israel that
specialize in helping wounded soldiers reintegrate into society.
Their formula has been so successful, it is being copied by the
U.S., Canada and other nations for
their injured soldiers.
“We know Canada is a supporter of Israel and people here really
care,” said Orel Kaballo, a captain
in the armoured corps who was injured in an explosion during a rescue mission in the Second
Lebanon War. “I’m surprised by
the love we get; you seem to really understand what’s going on and
really care.”
What’s going on, to be exact, is
a never-ending stream of injured
Israeli veterans, which has seen
more than 51,000 injured since
1948, according to Lisa Levy, executive director of Beit Halochem
“We look after the injured during their time in the hospital
through the rest of their lives,” she
“When someone is sick, everyone takes a different amount of
time to get better. Some need more
specialized treatment. It’s only
when an injured soldier is ready to
go back to their normal lives that
they come to Beit Halochem – but,
while they’re in the hospital, our
representatives visit and tell them
not to worry, that it’s going to get
“We give them the help they
need so they can get better and lead
normal lives.”
The soldiers who came to Ottawa had varying degrees of injuries, from missing limbs to posttraumatic stress to broken bones
and fractures. Some of those soldiers have recovered from their
wounds; some never can.
“When you see us, we look normal and healthy. It’s hard to tell
some of us have lost parts of our
bodies,” said Ido Amiri, a major
who was wounded in the shoulder
and face in 2005 while in officer
training school. He has since rejoined the IDF, but credits Beit
On a visit to the Ottawa Jewish Community School, injured Israeli veterans played basketball with the
students and shared their experiences of recovering from injuries with the help of Israel’s Beit
Halochem rehabilitation centres.
(Photo: Alex Baker)
Halochem with giving him the
tools to do so.
“Beit Halochem is useful and
really helped some of us. It’s a
place that gives us energy, because
we have all been through something and we can talk to each other
and give each other great strength,”
he said.
Ilan Akram, a detective in the
military police force, lost his left
leg below the knee while investigating a crime scene and has since be-
come a combat shooting instructor.
“It’s OK,” he said. Thanks to
the help he received at Beit
Halochem, “I can still do almost
Nevertheless, the work they do
is as much psychological rehabilitation as it is physical. For many of
these Israelis, their tour of Canada
is part of their recovery. But not all,
according to group leader Barak
Levy, whose left hand was separated and reattached following a bat-
tle in Gaza.
“I came just for the basketball
game,” he joked.
After hearing stories from some
of the injured soldiers, students and
their visitors did play basketball together.
While in Ottawa, the veterans
toured the city and were hosted for
dinner by David Smith at his home.
Visit for more
information about Beit Halochem
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 15
Page 16 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Guest Column
Year-end report: A wonderful year at OJCS
By Sheldon Friedman, Principal
Ottawa Jewish Community School
It’s been a wonderful year and I have enjoyed getting to know the talented teachers,
supportive families and dedicated students
at the Ottawa Jewish Community School
We have made many improvements to
our school and solidified OJCS as a true allday-kindergarten (ADK) to Grade 12 institution. Under the new OJCS umbrella, we
have strengthened our academic and Jewish
traditions while enhancing our connection
to, and support of, Israel.
Our students have embraced our school’s
new mission statement with its core focus
of “Respect, Responsibility, and Reaching
for Excellence.” This pursuit begins in
ADK and continues through high school.
Our new logo pays tribute to Hillel
Academy and Yitzhak Rabin High School
and the traditions of academic excellence,
tikkun olam, and support of Israel. We look
forward to sharing the OJCS success story
with the Ottawa community for many years
to come.
We continue to upgrade our school technology, in our computer labs and classrooms. We now have SMART Boards in 60
per cent of the classrooms, providing faster,
more reliable service to our staff and students. We have also upgraded our high
school laptops, ensuring every high school
The 2012 Grade 8 graduates of the Ottawa Jewish Community School.
(Photo: Howard Sandler)
student has access to a fast and reliable
We welcomed some wonderful new
teachers to OJCS who brought with them
enthusiasm, team spirit and new ideas for
our students and staff. This new energy was
contagious and created an engaged and excited environment for learning.
Our students continued to excel in their
studies and made their marks in Mathletics,
the Gauss math test, spelling bee and science fair. Our high school graduates were
offered university scholarships totalling
more than $59,000 and all were accepted at
the institutions of their choice. Testing was
introduced this year, which will ensure that
students continue to meet and exceed the
provincial standards.
We were especially pleased to see the
resurgence of school spirit this year. Students, staff and parents are proud to be part
of OJCS. Activities included our monthly
Rosh Chodesh assemblies, Girls’ Night In,
Boys’ Night Out, and especially the OISAA
tournament win by our boys’ basketball
team, who were undefeated all season. Our
high school track and field team excelled
and moved on to the regional level. Our
first ever Grandparents’/Special Persons’
Day was also a chance for the larger community to see the great things happening
I would like to thank students, parents,
teachers and the board of directors for their
ongoing support and look forward to continued success in September.
Celebrating Adath Shalom’s 34th Anniversary
our members? Adath Shalom is a place
where each individual member can make a
real difference.
Adath Shalom Congregation, founded
in 1978, is affiliated with the United
Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. As an
egalitarian congregation, we recognize an
equal role for men and women in all
aspects of ritual practice. Shabbat and
holiday services are member-led, while
visiting rabbis provide spiritual leadership
at High Holy Day services and special
Shabbaton weekends.
What makes this 90-family congregation
dynamic and unique is member participation and learning. Our services have a
welcoming atmosphere. Six gabbaim, who
coordinate the services on a rotating basis,
ensure the flow of participation. Numerous
knowledgeable members read Torah, recite
Haftarot, lead various parts of the service
and present their thoughts on the weekly
Torah portions. Everyone who attends our
services feels a strong sense of belonging,
whether they wish to participate directly in
the service or pray in their own way.
Members with varied backgrounds and
interests have an opportunity to become
involved in Torah study, choir, ritual
education, Shabbatons, Learners’ Shabbat,
youth programming, interest groups and
Since we have no building fund or
professional staff to maintain, our membership fees are affordable for everyone.
social action projects. These include Tamir,
the Kosher Food Bank, “515” Women’s
Shelter, New Israel Fund, Multi Faith
Housing Initiative and the Leading Note
Foundation and Orkidstra. Adath Shalom
originated and has continued to co-ordinate
Klez Night for the past five years. These
events have made a positive, unifying
impact throughout the Jewish community
and raised significant funds and food for
the Kosher Food Bank.
Family friendly and inter-generational,
we enjoy celebrating many Jewish life cycle
events. Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and High
Holy Day services are held in the social hall
of the Soloway Jewish Community Centre.
Shabbat and holiday services are held in the
chapel at the Jewish Community Campus at
31 Nadolny Sachs Private. Our children’s
programs on holidays make the shul an
enjoyable place for families of all ages.
Have you been in the chapel and
admired the shul’s collaborative creation,
a unique quilted wall hanging created by
• Full family membership of $499
• High Holy Day (Tishrei) and
individual membership available
at a discount
• $250 a year membership for families
with children enrolled in Ottawa
Jewish schools
• Free membership for university
• New hearing amplification system
• Adath Shalom welcomes all people
under Noah’s rainbow
For further information call: 613-2327107 or 613-521-0170. Come for a visit!
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating many simchas with you at Adath
– Sylvia Greenspoon and Paul Adler,
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 17
Innovative Israeli musicians
to perform at Chamberfest
By Howard Fremeth
Embassy of Israel
In the spirit of Israeli ingenuity, the Israeli Chamber
Project – founded in 2008
and comprising some of Israel’s finest young musicians
in their 20s and 30s – uses innovative ways to connect
classical music with younger
generations and new audiences.
On August 7, in the marvellous setting of the National Gallery of Canada designed by Israeli-Canadian
Moishe Safdie, Ottawa music
lovers will get to see and hear
what all the fuss is about
when clarinettist Tibi Cziger,
cellist Michal Korman,
harpist Sivan Magen, violinist Itamar Zorman and pianist
Assaff Weisman perform as
the Israeli Chamber Project.
Their eclectic performance,
part of the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival, will include classical
works by Brahms and De
Falla, as well as contemporary music by Israeli composer Gilad Cohen.
While chamber music,
with its roots in the Baroque
period, is not normally associated with youthful energy,
the Israeli Chamber Project
uses innovative techniques
such as special effects to enliven their performances and
interact with their audience.
They’re known for impromptu concerts in untraditional
settings such as bars and
night clubs. They also schedule performances in locales,
such as Israel’s southern
communities, that often do
not get the opportunity to listen to live classical music.
The logic behind the creation of the Israeli Chamber
Project was to give something back to the country that
nurtured their talents. According to Assaff Weismann,
since many Israeli musicians
take their talents to work in
Europe and North America,
“there’s a vacuum, where the
next generation [of Israeli
musicians] doesn’t have any
Although many of the
group members are based in
New York and other cities
around the world, they come
back to Israel to tour and run
educational outreach projects, including programs at
the Beit Almusica Conservatory, which promotes music
in the Arab community.
In recognition of all their
efforts, the Israeli Chamber
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Project won the Israeli Ministry of Culture Outstanding
Ensemble Award in 2011.
The Israeli Chamber Project performs Tuesday, August 7, 8:00 pm, at the National Gallery of Canada, 380
Sussex Drive. Tickets are
available online at or by
calling 613-234-6306.
The concert is presented
with the support of the Embassy of Israel in Canada. To
stay up to date on all of the
cultural events put on by the
Embassy, like us at
Camp B’nai Brith
of Ottawa has a
new truck, nicknamed “the Habsmobile,” courtesy
of Montreal-based
David Lisbona (left)
and Danny Chazonoff.
“Our goal is to
raise $18,000 and
we’re 75 per cent
of the way there,”
reports Lisbona.
The Israeli Chamber Project performs August 7 at the National Gallery during the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival.
Page 18 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Highlights from seven weeks in Israel
By Joel Yan
We are just back from a wonderful
seven-week trip to Israel. So much has
changed since we last visited 15 years
The architecture and landscape design of many public buildings are exceptional. Many of the sites my wife,
Toby, and I had been to on previous visits have been upgraded, including Yad
Vashem and the Israel Museum. We visited both twice because there was just so
much to see. Several fascinating new
sites have opened, such as the City of
David and the Davidson Archeological
Museum along the southern wall of the
Temple Mount.
Many of the historical sites we visited – including Jaffa, the Herzl Museum
and the Begin Centre – showed multimedia presentations that brought history
to life. The most moving were the video
testimonies about the Holocaust presented at Yad Vashem.
Tel Aviv has beautiful walking areas
and museums. We particularly enjoyed
walking through central Tel Aviv along
the broad and beautiful boulevards. I
recommend walking from Rabin Square
south along Sderot Chen to Habima
Square. Then continue south along
Sderot Rothschild until the end. Stop at
small coffee shops along the way and at
Dizengoff House. The Tel Aviv Museum of Art is definitely worth visiting
and the Beit Hatfutzot Museum has
great displays and a computer room
where you can research your genealogy
and ancestral towns with help from the
trained staff.
Jerusalem has many highlights, especially the Old City with the Kotel and
other holy sites. For an overview, visit
the Migdal David Museum or take the
Ramparts Walk. Don’t forget to visit the
lively outdoor Machane Yehuda Market.
Celebrating Shabbat in Jerusalem is
very special. When the Shabbat siren
sounds, a sense of peace extends
throughout the city. I attended services
at many different synagogues in Israel
and felt a strong bond in common
prayer with Jews everywhere.
There are many study opportunities
in Jerusalem.
We attended classes at the Fuchsberg
Jerusalem Center of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and
found them very interesting and inexpensive. They made us feel very welcome to drop in on classes. Visit for information.
The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies offers longer courses, including
learning tours. Visit for information.
The Orthodox Union Israel Centre
also offers inexpensive classes and social events. Visit for information.
We visited the nature reserves at
Hula Lake, Mount Gilboa and Machtesh
Ramon Crater. All of them were beautiful. We enjoyed walking on sections of
the Israel National Trail and in the
Ramon Crater. One thrill was seeing a
flock of white pelicans land on Hula
Lake on their migration north from
Africa. We saw storks land in trees in
another nature park and ibexes cross the
highway in the Negev.
We also learned a lot while touring
fascinating historical sites such as
Masada, Nimrod’s Fortress and the
Roman city of Beit She’an.
Travelling in Israel was easy. We
rented a car and the roads and highways
are well maintained and well marked
with clear signage in English. The car
rental was not expensive, but gas costs
about $2.00 per litre. The challenge is
parking in large cities. Buses are also
good and quite reasonable. However,
you should reserve in advance on buses
from Eilat to major centres. Former Ottawan Howie Osterer, now a tour guide
in Israel, can give suggestions or lead
you to special places that are not in the
tour books. You can contact Howie
It was a wonderful trip and we encourage readers to consider a trip to Israel. You will definitely enjoy yourselves.
Readers and advertisers are advised
the next edition of the
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin will be published
on Monday, August 20, 2012.
Deadline: Wednesday, August 1, 2012.
Joel Yan enjoys the audio guide on a tour of Masada.
CHW tea
Philanthropist and restaurateur Dave Smith is presented with a plaque by Marla
Dan, national president of Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW).
Smith was honoured at CHW Ottawa Centre’s annual tea, June 10. Funds
raised by the tea support the CHW Netanya Technological High School in Netanya, Israel.
(Photo: Robin Chernick)
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 19
Keshet seeks stronger Jewish presence at Capital Pride Parade
By Gabriella Goliger
In hopes of having a strong Jewish presence at this year’s Capital
Pride Parade on August 26, Keshet,
Ottawa’s Jewish GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered)
group, is inviting the wider Jewish
community to join with us at the annual celebration of diversity, when
GLBT people and supporters wave
rainbow flags and other colourful
pride emblems in a march through
the downtown core.
Every year, thousands of people,
gay and straight, march in the parade, while many more line the
streets to applaud. There are floats,
banners, costumes and groups representing the whole spectrum of the
GLBT community and their allies.
A number of churches send contingents. While many Jews participate,
they are not necessarily visible as
Jews. Keshet hopes to make the
Jewish presence much more evident
this year.
We are calling on more Jewish
GLBTs and allies in the Jewish
community to fall in behind the
Keshet banner and float car. Jewish
organizations are welcome to bring
their own banners and signs to identify themselves. (There is a registra-
Keshet marches in the 2011 Capital Pride Parade in Ottawa.
tion fee for separate banners.)
A number of community leaders
have offered their support to this
“Keshet has supported the community and the Federation in many
ways, and I encourage those who
support an inclusive community to
join them at the Pride parade,” said
Mitchell Bellman, president and
CEO of the Jewish Federation of
“As a liberal, egalitarian Jewish
congregation, Temple Israel is
proud to welcome everyone to participate in our services, events and
activities,” read a statement signed
by Rabbi Steven Garten and Temple
Israel President Lorne Rachlis. “We
believe in tikkun olam – healing the
world – leaving it a better place
than we found it. We wish Keshet
every success in its participation in
the Capital Pride Parade.”
Temple Israel Vice-President
Michael Parkin said he hopes to
join the parade in support and
praised Keshet for raising the con-
sciousness of Ottawa’s Jewish community.
“Keshet members are part of our
congregations, our circles of friends
and our families,” he said. “Temple
Israel is proud of its GLBT members and their participation in our
Mira Sucharov, a Carleton University professor and Ottawa Jewish Bulletin columnist, has worked
to promote gay-straight alliances
within the Jewish community.
“It’s important for me that the
Ottawa Jewish community, a community to which I devote so much
energy, is diverse and inclusive,”
Sucharov said.
“Marching in Pride with KeshetOttawa is a way of signalling that
the values of dignity, respect and
celebration of diversity should
make their way across the thresholds of our synagogues, federations
and community centres. A diverse
community is ultimately a stronger,
more interesting and simply more
attractive one – now and into the future,” she added.
The Capital Pride Parade begins
at 1:00 pm on Sunday, August 26.
The gathering point is the Garden of
the Provinces at Wellington Street
and the Ottawa River Parkway.
Keshet (Hebrew for “rainbow”)
is a social group for Jewish GLBTs
in Ottawa founded in the early1990s. We are acknowledged on the
Wall of Honour at the Solway Jewish Community Centre as one of the
original donors to the Soloway JCC.
For more information on Keshet,
visit For more information on participating with
Keshet at the Capital Pride Parade,
contact me at [email protected]
and for more on Pride events, visit
Page 20 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Weizmann Institute scientists report on research
at biennial gathering
By Esther Kulik
Weizmann Canada
On May 9, fellow Weizmann Canada Ottawa Chapter
Letovsky and I were in Montreal to attend the second day
of the Weizmann Global
Gathering, a biennial event
that brings together dignitaries, scientists, philanthropists and others from all
over the world for reports and
presentations highlighting
programs, research and accomplishments at the Weizmann Institute of Science in
Rehovot, Israel, one of the
world’s leading centres for
scientific research.
Israel is an innovative
country with numerous successes in medical research,
agricultural processes, technology advances, etc. and the
Weizmann Institute has
played an important role in
the evolution of many of
these remarkable achievements.
Guy Laliberté, founder
and CEO of Cirque du Soleil,
was a keynote speaker at the
Weizmann Global Gathering.
His avid interest in space and
water conservation means he
Cemetery plot.
Located in Beth Shalom section
of Bank Street Cemetery.
Purchaser must be a member
of Beth Shalom Synagogue
or an affiliate member.
Very reasonably priced.
has several things in common
with the Weizmann Institute.
In 2009, Laliberté became the
first Canadian space tourist
and he dedicated his spaceflight to raising awareness on
water issues. His flight, he
said, was “the first poetic social mission in space.”
The Weizmann Institute
does extensive research in
planetary science and astrophysics, and one of the remarkable and fascinating
speakers was Professor Oded
Aharonson of Weizmann’s
Department of Environmental
Sciences and Energy Research, who spoke about
Titan, one of the moons of
Saturn. A spacecraft launched
by NASA in 2004 continues
to collect important findings
from Titan.
Professor Lilach Giloa of
the Department of Biological
Regulations spoke about her
research utilizing fruit flies to
study organ formation and the
establishment of adult stem
cells. Did you know that,
(From left) Weizmann Institute of Science Professor Ron Milo, McGill University Professor Victoria Kaspi, and Weizmann Professors Oded Aharonson and Israel Bar
Joseph at the Weizmann Global Gathering in Montreal, May 9.
even though the human eye
and the fruit fly eye are totally different, they have much
in common? Results from this
research will affect the potential for “personalized medicine” in the future, when genetic-matching to individual
patients becomes common
We also heard about the
remarkable breakthroughs
taking place in Professor Ron
Milo’s lab in Weizmann’s Department of Plant Sciences.
Milo’s researchers are expanding our understanding of
photosynthesis with the goal
of improving our ability to
produce food and fuel more
Visit for
more information on research
taking place at the Weizmann
Institute and about Weizmann
Canada activities. When
you’re in Israel, a visit to the
Weizmann Institute of Science is an absolute must. It is
home to 2,600 scientists, students, technicians and support
staff working on more than
1,200 research projects.
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 21
Health & Wellness
Push your brain and your body, says
sports physician and author Jordan Metzl
By Elisa Spungen Bildner
(JTA) – When I was growing up in the 1960s in Skokie,
Illinois, reading was the main
sport in my family. I’m pretty
sure it was also the main
sport in most families in my
predominantly Jewish neighborhood: Neither my friends
nor I ever heard the phrase
“travelling soccer team”
cross our parents’ lips.
Which is not to say we
didn’t mosey over to nearby
Devonshire Park to ice skate
or knock some tennis balls
around on the public courts.
We did, but only after we finished our homework.
For Dr. Jordan Metzl, a
Jewish kid growing up more
than a decade later in Kansas
City, Missouri, it was quite
Metzl, a sports medicine
physician at New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery who
was listed last month in New
York magazine’s annual
index of best doctors, is the
author of The Athlete’s Book
of Home Remedies: 1,001
Fixes & Injury Prevention
Secrets for a Leaner, Fitter,
More Athletic Body!
“I grew up with a very
Jewish upbringing inside the
bigger bubble of mid-America,” Metzl said, but he’s
proud that his parents “got it
right: They got the balance of
Jewish social consciousness,
academics and sports,” even
though they were up against
an ethos in their kids’ Jewish
day school that downplayed
physical education.
His father, a pediatrician,
and mother, a psychologist,
“got in big trouble,” according to Metzl, when together
with several families they
surreptitiously painted lines
one weekend on the day
school’s parking lot to outline
baseball and kickball fields.
Metzl, 45, who has finished 29 marathons and nine
Ironman triathlons, is on a
mission to get Jews – and, of
course, his other patients –
off their tushes. Like the ultimate handwringing Jewish
mother, he worries about
Jews “getting soft,” not like
his young Asian patients,
products of first-generation
or immigrant families that
push their kids both academically and on the sports field.
“Forty years ago, Tiger
Mom would have been Matzo
Ball Mom,” Metzl said.
He’s a big believer that
Jews must not only push their
brains but their bodies, and is
fond of the Latin dictum
mens sana in corpore sano,
“a sound mind in a sound
Although he loved athlet-
ics growing up in a family
that treasured both, it was in
medical school that Metzl
discovered he could concentrate better when he was active.
“My performance as a
doctor absolutely correlated
to daily fitness,” he said.
As a medical resident in
Boston, at a time when there
were no restrictions on their
hours, the hospital made an
offer that employees who ran
the Boston Marathon would
get a day off from work.
Metzl signed up, ran and ever
since has been encouraging
fitness as preventive medicine.
In his Hospital for Special
Surgery office, Metzl said, he
puts up an imaginary “nokvetch zone” as he tries to entice patients to embrace more
physical activity. (He acknowledges that sometimes
his Jewish patients kvetch a
little more than others.) One
man complained that he
couldn’t be more active because his legs ached from his
knees to his ankles, and
Metzl jokingly acknowledged that the patient had
joints built for Talmudic
study, but still had to
strengthen the muscles
around them.
The sports doc’s new book
is dedicated to the “millions
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of athletes who wake up each
morning at 5:30, with no fanfare, and drag themselves out
of bed to keep fit.”
Trust me, that’s not me,
yet I gobbled up each chapter,
from “Tell Me Where It
Hurts” to “How to Win at
Everything” – sport-specific
secrets for staying injury free.
In the section on “Iron
Strength Workouts,” I appreciatively ingested “The Best
Injury-Prevention Workout
You’re Not Doing: FoamRoll Exercises.”
Metzl calls the Iron
Strength Workouts “simple,
but intense!” His routines emphasize functional strength
training based on a movement
pattern rather than isolating
an individual muscle in a
bicep curl or leg extension.
For those who want to try an
Iron Strength Workout,
there’s a free video on but beware:
Dr. Jordan Metzl, seen here riding a bicycle.
(Courtesy of Action Sports International)
(Continued on page 24)
Employment Opportunity
Archivist - Jewish Federation of Ottawa
The Archivist is responsible for: the acquisition, selection, arrangement and description of
archival records and provision of reference services from the Ottawa Jewish Archives to the
public. The Archivist also creates exhibits related to the history of the Jewish community in Ottawa for the Soloway Jewish Community Centre, Hillel Lodge and other locations throughout
the city. The Archivist will conduct research and possibly undertake oral history documentation
in order to prepare material for exhibit purposes and articles for publication in the Ottawa
Jewish Bulletin and elsewhere.
Essential Qualifications
• B.A. in Archival Studies or a related field (history, political science, Jewish studies) or equivalent
• Thorough understanding of archival principles and theory required to carry out the acquisition,
arrangement and description of archival records according to recognized standards.
• Ability to respond quickly and tactfully to requests from members of the public or Federation.
• Ability to conduct research and locate the necessary materials to undertake this type of work.
• Ability to prepare written reports, memoranda and correspondence.
• Ability to analyze archival records and prepare descriptions for public use.
• Ability to give instructions to volunteers, students and contract personnel.
• Ability to lift boxes that may weigh as much as 25 lb.
• Knowledge of conservation/preservation, to correctly handle archival material in all media,
process the documents, story them and identify records that require conservation treatment.
• Understanding of appraisal and processing of records in all formats.
• Knowledge of and experience with InMagic software is essential.
• Understanding of different types of software such as Word, Excel and Access.
Asset Qualifications
• Hebrew and Yiddish language skills an asset
• Familiarity with the history of the Jewish community in Canada,
in particular the Ottawa Jewish community.
Please submit a confidential résumé by July 30, 2012 to:
President and CEO
Jewish Federation of Ottawa
21 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 1R9
email: [email protected]
Go to for a complete job description.
Page 22 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Tamir participants and supporters look forward to golf fun-raiser
By Katherine Carter
With summer in full swing,
Tamir is inviting the community to
help celebrate the season by supporting our 14th annual Tee Up for
Tamir Golf Fun-Raiser, Monday,
August 13, at Rideau View Country
Club in Manotick.
This event was created in 1999
by a group who shared a passion for
golf and a commitment to Tamir.
Over the past 13 years, the event
has raised more than $350,000 to
support new and ongoing projects
at Tamir. Home renovations, enhanced therapeutic services and the
purchase of mobility assistance
equipment to support increasing
participant needs have been some
of the ways these funds have been
The event serves a dual purpose
as both an important fundraiser and
an opportunity to raise awareness
about Tamir’s services. It also provides a chance for Tamir partici-
The Tee Up for Tamir Golf Fun-Raiser is set for Monday, August 13, at Rideau View Country Club.
pants to be a part of the action. Each
year, Tee-up for Tamir welcomes
more Tamir participants as golfers,
echoing Tamir’s mission to advocate for those we serve in an inte-
grated lifestyle that ensures everyone has the opportunity to feel they
are valued, contributing members
of the community.
The 2012 Fun-Raiser proceeds
go toward important and pressing
residential improvements. With
continued austerity measures limiting funding from government,
Tamir has sought to overcome these
obstacles through creating new and
deeper relationships with local
business and corporate donors.
Tamir is committed to ensuring our
residential programs provide all the
comforts of home, right down to the
smallest detail. Projects funded by
the golf tournament range in size
and priority, but each one truly
makes a difference in the quality of
life our participants enjoy.
There are many ways to become
involved through sponsoring a
golfer, becoming a corporate sponsor or donating an item for the
silent auction. Every little bit
Join Tamir for another great day
on the links! To learn more about
how you can help, visit and, for sponsorship opportunities, contact me at
[email protected].
Tamir is also on Facebook! Stay
up to date on current events
and new developments at
Summer party raises funds for Glebe Shul’s Shabbat dinner program
By Howard Fremeth
for Glebe Shul
With hot summer weather, sizzling steaks,
cold beer and live music, the Glebe Shul’s
Sizzlin’ Summer Patio Party, June 21, at the
home of Sarah Lafreniere and Ross Diamond,
was both a successful fundraiser and a perfect
summer kickoff for Ottawa’s Jewish young
adult scene.
More than $7,000 – which will cover
about half of the Glebe Shul’s annual Shabbat
dinner budget – was raised by the 78 young
adults and 12 community members in attendance.
The Glebe Shul’s Shabbat dinners are held
every second week. Rabbi Michael Goldstein,
his wife Stacy and, more recently, Baby
Moshe, open their home for evening prayers
and a home-cooked meal. It is not uncommon
to see 40 to 50 young adults stay until midnight.
At a time when there is much discussion
about the “emerging generation,” the Glebe
Shul is an example of young adult Jewish engagement in action.
It is not a shul in the traditional sense. The
Goldsteins provide a space for young adults
to get together, to learn together and share in
the celebration of their Judaism. Launched by
JET in 2010, the Glebe Shul has quickly become a centre of young adult Jewish life in
There was also a bittersweet note to the
Sizzlin’ Summer Patio Party as it was also a
going-away party for hosts Sarah and Ross,
key leaders in Ottawa’s Jewish young adult
and Glebe Shul communities, who are moving to Washington, D.C. this summer.
Ross, a former co-chair of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Social Action Mission
and a key member of jnet’s executive committee, was executive director of Hillel Ottawa, working with Jewish university students. Sarah was also an invaluable member
of jnet, a committee member of 2011’s
openOttawa symposium and a hub leader of
Parliament Hill’s vibrant young adult Jewish
To learn more about the Glebe Shul, and to
find the dates of upcoming Shabbat dinners,
visit Be sure to bring your appetite.
OMJS graduates
Ottawa Modern Jewish School’s 2012 graduates (from left) Eliana Torontow,
Jessica Hodgson, Isaiah Freed celebrate, June 18.
Partygoers enjoy the Glebe Shul’s summer fundraiser.
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 23
Community Milestones
Mazal Tov to Tobin Kaiman,
a new recruit of the Paratrooper
Brigade’s 101st Battalion who
recently took the IDF oath of
allegiance at the Western Wall
and swore to protect Israel.
Rabbi Daniel Elkin (right) is serenaded by Beth Shalom’s Neshama Choir as Cantor
Daniel Benlolo holds his hand.
Beth Shalom Neshama Choir helps
Kingston bid farewell to its rabbi
By Alyce Baker
for Beth Shalom
Beth Shalom’s Neshama Choir gathered
early on Sunday, June 3, to board a bus to
Kingston to help honour and say au revoir to
Rabbi Daniel and Gitel Elkin.
An old friend of Beth Shalom’s Cantor
Daniel Benlolo, Rabbi Elkin, spiritual leader
of Beth Israel Congregation in Kingston, was
taking early retirement due to health issues.
Knowing how much his old friend loved
music, Cantor Benlolo thought there was no
better way to celebrate Rabbi Elkin’s tenure
in Kingston than by bringing the choir there
to entertain at the farewell.
The bus was scheduled to leave at 8:30 am
and the passengers were excited and ready to
go. But the bus broke down right in front of
Beth Shalom on Chapel Street.
By 9:15, a replacement bus arrived and we
were en route with promises of sandwiches
and cookies prepared by Beth Shalom mashgiach Jenny Roberge.
Cantor Benlolo stood at the front of the
bus and led the choir in a vigorous and spirited rehearsal, his enthusiasm and fervour obvious with the choir rising to the occasion.
On arrival in Kingston, the choir quickly
went into a rehearsal with the Beth Israel Talmud Torah and High School Choir.
Following a lovely lunch provided by Creative Kosher Catering, moving words of tribute to Rabbi Daniel and Gitel Elkin were spoken by congregants, past synagogue presidents, other friends, and by the Elkin children.
The tribute was a testament to the love and
devotion the Jewish community of Kingston
feels for the Elkins.
The Neshama Choir, accompanied by
Evelyn Greenberg on the keyboard, performed admirably. An added treat was the
presence of Tamir participants Jason Kershman and Debbie Applebaum, both of whom
performed solos.
For their finale, the choir surrounded
Rabbi Elkin and serenaded him with “Eitz
Chaim.” With Cantor Benlolo holding his
hand, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.
Way to go! Stephanie Silverman
recently completed her fourth
half-marathon at the Toronto
Women’s Runs race. Her time
of 2 hours 10mins. was her
personal best!
The baby naming ceremony was held recently at Temple Israel for
Ayla Belle Burdock, daughter of Naomi Rachlis and Jesse Burdock.
Jesse and Naomi (daughter of Louise and Lorne Rachlis) came from
Brampton, Ont., to have the ceremony here with Rabbi Steven Garten.
Rabbi Garten performed the naming ceremony for Naomi herself at
Holy Blossom when the Rachlis family lived in Toronto, and Naomi
attended religious school at Temple Israel.
SJCC spinners ride to Pink Lake
“On May 25, a group of intrepid bike riders, all SJCC spinners, gathered in my driveway to set off on a ride to the top of Pink Lake lookout in Gatineau Park,” writes Sabina Wasserlauf.
“The ride was a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature, to get a challenging workout in the company of supportive friends or new acquaintances, and to
experience the triumph of making it to the top – which everyone did.
(Front, from left) John McCarthy, Leila Ages, Lori Adkin, Jennifer Weinert, Gina
Alderson, (back) Steve Baker, Jennifer Innes, Ida Firestone, Sabina Wasserlauf, Cathy
Maron, Zachary Kershman, Suzanne Christopherson.
Send us notices of your important family milestones –
an engagement, wedding, special birthday,
birth announcement or other significant events!
Email your photos to [email protected].
Community Milestones will be published on a space-available basis.
Page 24 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
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JCCs encourage wellness and healthy living
(Continued from page 21)
“KILLER. This workout
kicked my butt,” reads one
online comment that seems
In case you’re more of a
slacker than Metzl when it
comes to working out (I’m no
couch potato, but just watching Metzl’s video made parts
of my body ache), I checked
with Nimika Patel, my trainer
at the Jewish Community
Center (JCC) of MetroWest
in West Orange, New Jersey,
to see if there are a lot more
like me in the Jewish athletic
world or whether they are all
It turns out that there is
still room at the gym for
those of us who aren’t
triathloners or even weekend
Patel’s clients come in not
necessarily to train for their
next competition, but because
of “osteoporosis, depression,
fibromyalgia – you name it,”
she said. “They all want to
look good, of course, but
there is always another reason they’re here.”
Like Metzl, Patel emphasizes what’s called functional
fitness, which helps bodies
get stronger at everyday
Steve Becker, vice-president of health and wellness
Dr. Jordan Metzl’s latest book, titled “The Athlete's Book of Home Remedies.”
(Rodale Books)
services at the JCC Association, the North American umbrella for the Jewish commu-
The New Year is approaching
and the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin
is starting to plan its annual Rosh Hashanah
community-wide edition,
September 10, 2012.
Let the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin
convey your wishes to all those you hold dear.
Three options available:
$36, $54, $72 (including HST)
Greetings must be submitted
before Wednesday, August 15, 2012
For more information, contact Barry Silverman
613-798-4696, ext. 256
[email protected]
nity centre movement, said
fitness facilities are moving
away from cavernous rooms
with one strength machine
after another to offering more
open space for people to train
in a way that improves quality of life, using equipment
like resistance bands and
medicine balls.
“Being fit is about more
than the one rep max or seeing how much you bench
press,” Becker said. “It’s
about lifting up grandchildren or schlepping luggage
across the airport.”
Becker said those in
charge of fitness at JCCs,
whose members include nonJews as well as Jews, “are
looking at what everyone else
is looking for, the newest and
best, but also something a little more.”
JCCs are featuring boot
camp classes, yoga, Pilates,
small group training, Zumba
– “you name it,” he said – but
also encouraging their members to look more broadly at
wellness and healthy living.
Writing a book for athletes aside, Metzl, too, be-
lieves that you can be fit even
if you’re not an Ironman enthusiast.
“If you’re 8 or 85, get off
the couch,” he said. “The
benefits kick in if you do half
an hour of walking every
Sure, do extreme sports if
you like them, he said, but
what’s most important is
finding something you’ll
enjoy, that you’ll keep doing.
Growing up, Metzl skied
and backpacked with his parents and brothers. Today his
mother gravitates toward
ballroom dancing, his father
toward biking.
“If there were a drug
known to reduce blood pressure, cardiovascular disease,
depression, diabetes, self-reported pain of arthritis, increase longevity by five years
and improve quality of life by
every metric, a doctor who
didn’t give it to every patient
would be committing malpractice,” said Metzl, with
the intonation of one who has
recited this speech many a
time. “We have this drug, and
that drug is exercise.”
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 25
In support
of the Bess and Moe
Greenberg Family
Hillel Lodge
In the Joseph
and Inez Zelikovitz
Long Term Care Centre
Card Donations
Card donations go a long way to improving the
quality of life for our residents. Thank you for considering their needs and contributing to their well-being.
On behalf of the residents and their families, we
extend sincere appreciation to the following individuals and families who made card donations to the Hillel Lodge Long-Term Care Foundation between May
30 to July 3, 2012 inclusive.
Unlike a bequest or gift of life insurance, which
are realized some time in the future, a named Honour
Fund (i.e., endowment fund) is established during
your lifetime.
By making a contribution of $1,000 or more, you
can create a permanent remembrance for a loved one,
honour a family member, declare what the Lodge has
meant to you and/or support a cause that you believe in.
A Hillel Lodge Honour Fund is a permanent pool
of capital that earns interest or income each year. This
income then supports the priorities designated by you,
the donor.
Ruth and Irving Aaron Family Fund
In Memory of:
Rose Konick by Ruth and Irving Aaron
Yetta Arron by Ruth and Irving Aaron
In Honour of:
Issie Scarowsky Mazal Tov on receiving the
Shem Tov award with love by Ruth and Irving Aaron
Bill and Leona Adler Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Nonna Karpova by Marilyn Adler
R’fuah Shlema:
Marilyn Adler by Carol and Laurie Pascoe; by
Michael and Sylvia Caplan
In Honour of:
Debi and David Shore Mazal tov on your 55th
wedding anniversary by Marilyn Adler, Neil and
Daniel Blacher
Issie Scarowsky Mazal tov on receiving your
awards by Marilyn Adler, Neil and Daniel Blacher
Samuel and Jean Akerman Memorial Fund
In Memory of:
Yetta Arron by Sheila and Larry Hartman
R’fuah Shlema:
Ingrid Levitz by Sheila and Larry Hartman
Auxiliary of Hillel Lodge Fund
R’fuah Shlema:
Yale Gaffen by Marion Silver, Alan Brass,
Lawrence, Rafi and Shira
In Honour of:
Herb and Binnie Goldman Happy 50th wedding
anniversary by Shirley and Norman Levitt
Binnie Goldman Happy milestone birthday by
Shirley and Norman Levitt
Friedberg and Dale Families Fund
In Memory of:
Phyliss Stevens by Elaine Friedberg and Bob
Gloria Taller by Elaine Friedberg and Bob Dale
Joel and Sharon Edelson Family Fund
In Honour of:
Eli and Margie Edelson Happy 50th anniversary
by Joel and Sharon Edelson
Dr. Neil Bellack Congratulations on passing your
medical exams by Joel and Sharon Edelson
Malcolm and Vera Glube Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Irving Cohen by Malcolm and Vera Glube
Sydney Lithwick by Malcolm and Vera Glube
David Binder by Malcolm and Vera Glube and
Gerda Gottlieb and family
Michael Greenspoon by Malcolm and Vera
Corinne Rosentzveig by Malcolm and Vera
In Honour of:
Frances and Mort Ross Congratulations on the
birth of your grandson, Benjamin by Malcolm and
Vera Glube
Martin and Tanya Abrams Congratulations on
the birth of your twin grandchildren by Malcolm and
Vera Glube
Alison Glube Congratulations on receiving your
MBA by Malcolm and Vera Glube
Vera and Malcolm Glube Congratulations on
your 45th wedding anniversary by Arlene and Norman
Glube; by Bev and Bryan Glube and family; by
Marilyn and Dan Kimmel; and by Alison Glube and
Rob Glube
Marvin Granatstein Congratulations on your
special birthday by Malcolm and Vera Glube
Ricki and Barry Baker Congratulations on your
45th anniversary by Malcolm and Vera Glube
Nell Gluck Memorial Fund
In Honour of:
Esther and Alan Williams Mazal tov on the birth
of your granddaughter by Henry and Maureen Molot
Tanya and Martin Abrams Mazal tov on becoming grandparents by Henry and Maureen Molot
Dale and Ruth Fyman Mazal tov on your 40th
wedding anniversary by Henry and Maureen Molot
Paula and Jon Miller Mazal tov on your 40th
wedding anniversary with love by Henry and Maureen
Richard Nesbitt Mazal tov on getting your MSc
by Julia, Ted and Jess Overton
Lara Matthies Mazal tov on your graduation by
Julia, Ted and Jess Overton
Mira Ortved Mazal tov on being called to the bar
by Julia, Ted and Jess Overton
Paula and Jon Miller Mazal tov on the arrival of
your grandson with love by Henry and Maureen Molot
Don and Myrna Silverberg Mazal tov on your
50th wedding anniversary by Henry and Maureen
R’fuah Shlema:
Dr. Hartley Stern by Henry and Maureen Molot
In Memory of:
Mother of Martin Kalson by Henry and Maureen
Gina and Howard Grant Family Fund
In Honour of:
Sandra and Lester Newman Mazal tov on the
marriage of Rachel to Leon by Gina and Howard
Gunner Family Fund
R’fuah Shlema:
Ingrid Levitz by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Marilyn Adler by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Marjorie Berman by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Cyril Teplinsky by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Gary Cohen by Sol and Estelle Gunner
In Honour of:
Issie Scarowsky Mazal tov on your volunteer
awards by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Jeff Miller Mazal tov on receiving the Shalom
Perel President’s Award of Merit by Sol and Estelle
Sam and Lydia Sourani Mazal tov on the birth of
your granddaughter by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Sandra Levinson Best wishes on your special
birthday by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Dr. Joseph and Devorah Caytak Mazal tov on
the marriages of your children, Musky and Dovid by
Sol and Estelle Gunner
Flo and Joel Morgan Mazal tov on your 50th anniversary by Sol and Estelle Gunner
Dorothy and Maurie Karp Endowment Fund
In Honour of:
Ruth Karp Mazal tov on your 90th birthday by
Dorothy Karp and family; and by Etta Karp and
Claire Bercovitch Happy birthday by Dorothy
Karp and family
Morris and Lillian Kimmel Family Fund
R’fuah Shlema:
Marilyn Adler with love by Janet, Steve, Tobin
and Aaron Kaiman
Claire Bercovitch by Morris Kimmel
Dvorah Litenatsky by Morris Kimmel and the
Kimmel, Kaiman and Levine families
In Honour of:
Morris Kimmel Happy Father’s Day with love by
Janet, Steve, Tobin and Aaron Kaiman
Debi and David Shore Congratulations on your
55th wedding anniversary by the Kimmel family
Morris Kimmel Happy birthday by Debi and
David Shore
In Memory of:
Michael Greenspoon by Janet Kaiman
Joan and Russell Kronick Family Fund
In Honour of:
Ethel and David Malek Happy 60th anniversary
by Joan and Russell Kronick
Jeff and Enid Gould Happy anniversary by Joan
and Russell Kronick
Sol Shinder Happy birthday by Joan and Russell
Russell and Joan Kronick Happy anniversary by
Zelaine and Sol Shinder
Bill and Phyllis Leith Endowment Fund
In Honour of:
Sharon Reichstein Mazal tov on receiving the
Young Leadership award by Lisa and David Leith and
In Memory of:
Yetta Arron by Lisa and David Leith and family
Harry Kofsky by Lisa and David Leith and family
Stephen and Debra Schneiderman
Family Fund
In Honour of :
Chava and Ingie Respitz Mazal tov on becoming
great-grandparents by Debbie and Stephen Schneiderman
Label and Leona Silver Family Fund
In Memory of:
David Grossman by Label and Leona Silver
Louis Goldmaker by Label and Leona Silver
Stephen Hirsch by Label and Leona Silver; and
by Stephen Silver
In Honour of:
Rabbi Daniel and Karen Korobkin Mazal tov on
the marriage of Tuvia and Adina by Label and Leona
Roslyn and Myles Taller Family
Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Lionel Robidoux by the Taller family
Louis and Diane Tannenbaum Family Fund
In Honour of:
Lou Tannenbaum Happy 80th birthday by Ann
Shirley and Sonny Mass
Milton and Mary (Terry) Viner Family Fund
In Observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Betty Gold Sister of Millie Schaenfield by Millie,
Fran and Stephen Schaenfield
Eric Weiner and Arlene Godfrey Family Fund
In Memory of:
Yetta Arron by Carol and Larry Gradus
(Continued on page 26)
Mark The Date !!
The Annual Hillel Lodge Tea and
Fundraiser, featuring a Fashion
Show by Holt Renfrew and
a Silent Auction, will be held on
Sunday, October 21st at 2:00 pm.
We hope to see you there.
Here’s a good opportunity to recognize an event or convey the appropriate sentiment to someone important to you and at the same time support the Lodge. Card orders may be
given to Bev at 728-3900, extension 111, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday. You may also e-mail your orders to [email protected] or online donations can be made through All orders must include name, address, postal code, and any message to person receiving the card; and, amount of donation,
name, address and postal code of the person making the donation. Cards may be paid for by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cheque or Cash. Contributions are tax deductible.
Page 26 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Top athletes honoured at SJCC Breakfast of Champions
By Pamela Rosenberg
Soloway JCC
Top teams and community athletes of all ages were
honoured, June 3, at the
11th annual Breakfast of
Champions at the Soloway
Jewish Community Centre
The event celebrates the
best from the Soloway JCC
Athletics and Leagues Department, as well as community members involved
in sports at all levels, both
on the field and behind the
Hennie Honigman presented Charles Schachnow
with the Lou Honigman
Memorial Award for his 30
years of involvement in
JCC Athletics as a participant, leader and volunteer.
The award, named for Hennie’s late husband, is given
to local Jewish athletes
who, through perseverance,
strength of character, distinguish themselves in local
sporting activity over a period of time.
Hennie told the crowd
about the special relationship Charles shared with her
husband and of how the
young Charles referred to
(Continued from page 25)
R’fuah Shlema:
Eleanor Weiner by Carol and Larry Gradus
Ingrid Levitz by Carol and Larry Gradus
Anna and Samel Wex Family Fund
In Honour of :
Anna Wex Happy birthday by Norman and Elaine Wolfish
Toby and Joel Yan Family Fund
In Honour of:
Rabbi Charlie and Alison Popky With thanks by Joel and Toby Yan
Maxwell Yan In honour of the Yizkor of my father by Joel and Toby
Feeding Fund
In Memory of:
Nonna Karpova by Mara and Isaac Muzikansky and family
Brother of Rosemary Sampson by Carol and Larry Gradus
Devorah Frenkel by Mara and Isaac Muzikansky
Corinne Rosentzveig by Seymour, Joy, Jess, David and Jared
Mender; and by David, Sharon, Ryan, Jaye and Brody Appotive
In Honour of:
Benjamin Lerer Mazal tov on your graduation from McGill
University with love by Carol and Larry Gradus
R’fuah Shlema:
Bernie Rosenblatt by Arnie and Chevy Fine
Ritual Fund
In Honour of:
Esther and Alan Williams Mazal tov on the birth of your granddaughter, Zahava Rose by Dale and Ruth Fyman
Issie Scarowsky Congratulations on receiving all your community
awards this year by Dale and Ruth Fyman
Shimon Newman Mazal tov on attaining your M.A. by Ruth and
Dale Fyman
Jonathan and Janet Isserlin Mazal tov on the birth of your grandson, Jonah by Golda and Ned Steinman and family
Sheela Morin Mazal tov on your very special birthday by Carolyn
Jeff Arron and Morna Paterson Thank you by Shelley and Joel
Cohen and Wayne and Ava Arron
Dorothy Nadolny Thank you by Jeff Arron and Morna Paterson,
him as ‘Uncle Lou.’
“Hennie was so pleased
to present the award to
Charles, and she shared how
proud Lou would be to
know that Charles was this
year’s winner,” said Jon
Braun, director of Athletics
and Leagues.
The Sharon Koffman
Memorial Athletic Award
for top university varsity
athlete went to Michael
Calof of Carleton University’s men’s soccer team.
Jacob Osterer and Rhea
Singer shared the Jack
Goldfield Memorial Award
for top high school athletes,
and the Soloway JCC 2012
Maccabi Athlete of the Year
Award was shared by Nepean Barracudas swimmers
Jack and Sammy Miller.
Coach Carlos Brown presented Gilad Streiner with
the B’nai Brith Canada Top
Graduating Student Athletic
Achievement Award and the
Noah Cantor Middle School
Athletic Award was shared
by Elizabeth Greenberg and
Michael Benlolo.
Howard Shapero presented the Irving ‘Shap’
Shapero Memorial Award to
Michael Osterer.
After a year of slam
dunks, hat tricks and homeruns, Jewish men’s team
champions included ‘Kentucky’ in basketball, ‘Irving
Rivers’ in ice hockey, and
‘Green Machine’ in softball.
“The Breakfast of Champions is a celebration of our
community. In a world
where everybody is so busy
worrying about what has to
be done next, it’s really im-
portant that we take a timeout and celebrate all the
great things we are doing,
and all of our community’s
accomplishments, especially our youth and volunteers,” said Braun.
Former Washington Capital and European hockey
veteran Chris Valentine was
special guest speaker at the
Breakfast of Champions.
Wayne and Ava Arron and Shelley and Joel Cohen
Faye English Congratulations on your very special milestone with
love by Antoinette Capelle
Joanna Abrams Mazal tov on your 25 years of service at Hillel
Lodge by Laurie and Carol Pascoe
Issie Scarowsky In appreciation by Jack and Chava Minuk
Dodie Potechin Happy 60th birthday by Steve and Roz Fremeth
Carol and Laurie Pascoe Mazal tov on Byron’s graduation from
Law School by Ingrid Levitz
Flo and Joel Morgan Happy 50th anniversary by Sheela and Ozzie
Elizabeth Petigorsky Happy birthday by Mariel Griffith
Beverley and Michael Krebs Best of luck in your new home by
Debbie and Howie Krebs
Nonna Karpova by the Residents, Board and Staff of Hillel Lodge;
by Barbara Fine; by Andre Dulude and Patricia Lecourtois; and by V. and
P. Zador
Beverly Libin by Golda and Ned Steinman and family; by Bonnie,
Bruce, Matthew, Hana and Sabrina Engel; and by Evelyn and Howard
Silverman and family
Irving Cohen by Bev and Bryan Glube; and by Arlene and Norman
Sydney Lithwick by Bev and Bryan Glube; and by Arlene and
Norman Glube
Lillian Diamond by Alvin and Monica Stein and family
Ricki Lapkovsky by Alvin and Monica Stein and family
Louis Goldmaker by Yanda and Mark Max
Yetta Arron by Jordan Resnick and Megan Shessel; and by Elaine
and Arnold Agulnik
Richard Weitzel by Morag Burch and family; by the Residents,
Board and Staff of Hillel Lodge
Corinne Rosentzveig by Arlene and Norman Glube; by Bev and
Bryan Glube; by Francoise and Ron Vexler; by Janet and Norman
Ironstone; by Barbara Fine and Steve Levinson; and by Ned Steinman
Father of Anna Rabinovitch by Francoise and Ron Vexler
Herbert Sharp by Beverly and Irving Swedko
Fanny Gosevitz by Meir Shaolian
Jerome Arnoni by Claire and Irving Bercovitch
Michael Greenspoon by Claire and Irving Bercovitch; and by
Barbara Fine and Steve Levinson
Ray Torontow by Rickie and Marty Saslove
Marilyn Adler by Bonnie, Bruce and Sabrina Engel; and by
Rhonda and Danny Levine
Ingrid Levitz by Marion Silver and Alan Brass and family; and by
Laurie and Carol Pascoe
Yale Gaffen by Steve and Roz Fremeth
Claire Bercovitch by Roz and Lee Raskin; by Debi and David
Shore; and by Ricki and Marty Saslove
Annetta Leighton by Laurie and Carol Pascoe
Charles Schachnow is presented with the Lou Honigman Memorial Award by Hennie Honigman at the
Soloway JCC Breakfast of Champions, June 3.
Would you like
to advertise
in the
Ottawa Jewish
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613-798-4696, ext. 256
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July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 27
Page 28 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Make the 2012 Olympics your time to shine
Men’s boxing became an Olympic sport back in 1904.
Boxing has remained the last sport in the summer Games
without an equivalent for women – until now. It has taken
over a century, but women’s boxing will finally make its
debut in the 2012 Games. Mary Spencer, three-time world
champion in women’s boxing, will represent Canada.
While the addition of women’s boxing may seem like a
progressive upper-cut-to-the-jaw of sexism, parts of the
world have not exactly come a long way, baby. This summer
may turn out to be the first time all participating nations send
female athletes to the Olympics. Brunei and Qatar have conceded and, as of the time of writing this article, the final holdout, Saudi Arabia, is considering sending one female equestrian. One would hope that allowing a token woman to participate in the Olympics could potentially signal the beginning of change in Saudi Arabia, where rampant misogynistic
practices include the ban on physical education for girls and
As noted at, the official website of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), a key plank in the
Olympic Charter is, “To encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures with
a view to implementing the principle of equality of men and
women.” However, the IOC continues to admit nations that
deny their female citizens from participating.
Equally incredulous is that the IOC has denied requests
for an official moment of silence to commemorate 11 members of the Israeli team who were kidnapped and murdered by
Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics. I hope
the IOC has a last minute change of heart. Either way, I will
Niçoise Toasts
From Bon Appetit magazine (July 2012)
Egg Salad Base
4 large hard-boiled eggs, peeled,
coarsely chopped
3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley
1 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon coarsely chopped capers
1 green onion, thinly sliced
Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper
Tuna Topping
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 cup halved cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley
1/4 cup quartered pitted mixed olives
4 ounces tuna packed in olive oil, drained,
broken into pieces
4 1/2-inch-thick slices rustic bread
1 garlic clove, halved
Combine eggs, cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon olive
oil, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon lemon
juice, capers and green onions in a medium bowl.
Using a potato masher or large fork, mash until a
coarse paste forms. Season with salt and pepper.
Toss 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 cup parsley, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, tomatoes and olives in a medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Gently fold in
tuna (don’t over mix; keep it chunky).
Toast bread; rub 1 side with cut end of garlic.
Spread egg salad on top of each slice, dividing equally. Top with tuna mixture.
stand with my family in front of our TV for a moment of silence during the opening ceremonies.
Politics aside, there is tremendous excitement about the
upcoming games. How can we harness our Olympic spirit and
turn more than two weeks of passive television viewing into
something that benefits not just our minds but our bodies?
Sorry, but channel surfing is not an Olympic sport. Neither
is fist pumping. Did you know that watching TV burns a
measly 72 calories per hour? To put that into perspective,
brisk walking burns about 300 calories per hour, cycling
burns 441 and jogging burns 675. The numbers vary depending on factors such as age and weight, but it doesn’t take a
mathematician to figure out that watching TV, coupled with
mindless snacking, is not the sport of champions. So, what’s
a couch potato to do?
The great boxer Muhammed Ali once said, “If they can
make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make
something out of you.” Regardless of our level of fitness and
athleticism, each of us has so much untapped potential. Let’s
use the Olympics as a springboard for tapping into some of
that potential.
Some people start the day by asking themselves, “Should
I exercise today?” Then they make excuses.
Others begin the day by asking, “What exercise will I do
You don’t need to follow a rigid training program like an
Olympian, but you can gradually change your way of thinking. Think more like an athlete. Commit to doing at least one
activity every day that contributes towards increasing your
fitness level.
on Fitness
If, while watching the Olympics, you eat lots of snacks
that are low in nutrition and high in fat, salt, sugar and calories, you can potentially gain several pounds over a couple of
weeks. The key to success is in the planning. Shop smart and
prepare delicious, nutritious snacks that will leave everyone
In addition to becoming more self-aware about your dietary and exercise habits, I propose that everyone choose an
Olympic sport and participate in it during the Games. For example, if you enjoy watching swimming, pick an event such
as the 50-metre freestyle or the 100-metre backstroke and
head for the pool. Time yourself and see if you can improve.
Why not take it a step further and invite your family and
friends to join you for your very own mini-Olympics? You
can buy plastic gold medals at the dollar store. Kids of all
ages will get a kick out of receiving a medal.
The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” When
you’re staring at the TV, think back to those words and act on
them. Swim, cycle, run or, for the more adventurous, throw a
javelin. With the right attitude you can be an Olympian –
even if it’s only in your own mind.
[email protected].
New school party sandwiches
If there were a LBD (little black dress) of the food
world, party sandwiches would be it. For those who think I
have truly gone off the rails, let me attempt to explain what
I mean. Here’s how Wikipedia defines the LBD.
“The ‘little black dress’ (LBD) is considered essential to
a complete wardrobe by many women and fashion observers, who believe it a ‘rule of fashion’ that every woman
should own a simple, elegant black dress that can be
dressed up or down depending on the occasion: for example, worn with a jacket and pumps for daytime business
wear or with more ornate jewelry and accessories for
“Because it is meant to be a staple of the wardrobe for a
number of years, the style of the little black dress ideally
should be as simple as possible: a short black dress that is
too clearly part of a trend would not qualify because it
would soon appear dated.”
Much like that little black dress, equally at home at funerals or wedding showers, party sandwiches never seem
out of place. They are just as appropriate in 2012 as they
were in 1975. Like the LBD, they never go out of style.
They fit the bill at so many different occasions. Feeling
a little melancholy at a shiva house? Pop a tuna and egg ribbon sandwich in your mouth. Bored as you watch the brideto-be unwrapping her fifth Nespresso machine? Open wide
for a PB&J pinwheel.
When I was growing up in Toronto, my mom would
sometimes make her own party sandwiches. But, more
often than not, she ordered them from Chapman’s.
My friends thought we were really exotic because sometimes she would get pink, blue and green breads to make
the sandwiches on.
My sisters and I always ate the tuna and egg ones first
and avoided, at all costs, the salmon. Cream cheese pinwheels were also shunned.
If you grew up in Ottawa, more likely than not, Jack
Edelson made your party sandwiches.
with Love
Cindy Feingold
My sister-in-law introduced me to the bliss that is Snowdon Deli in Montreal. Conveniently located right on our
route from the cemetery to the highway back to Ottawa, we
stopped in after a family funeral for a box of assorted party
I think it is the consistency of party sandwiches that
make them the consummate party pleaser. They just take
you back to a simpler time in your life. One bite and you’re
instantly transported back to the basement of your parent’s
house playing Barbie with your sisters.
That being said, sometimes it’s nice to shake things up a
When I stumbled across a recipe in Bon Appetit magazine for Niçoise Toasts, I couldn’t help but be reminded of
the party sandwiches of my youth. Egg salad meets tuna,
but in a very unique way. I had to give it a try.
These are party sandwiches on steroids! No squishy
white bread here. These open-faced sandwiches start out
with thickly sliced rustic bread that has been toasted and
then rubbed with a freshly cut clove of garlic.
The toast is topped with a new-school egg salad, that’s
been lightened up with a secret ingredient (cottage cheese!).
A tomato-tuna-olive salad gets spooned on top. Try to find
jars of tuna packed in olive oil for this sandwich if you can.
It has so much more flavour than the water packed variety.
I can usually find the olive oil tuna at Nicastros.
Sometimes new school rocks!
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 29
Struggling to explain the occupation
On the first day of my Israeli-Palestinian relations course
at Carleton University, I show my students a photo of me, at
age 10, posing with relatives on my first visit to Israel with
my grandmother in 1983. The landscape behind us is rocky
and barren, yellow and sun-dappled. I tell my students their
professor is a Jewish Canadian, someone for whom the subject matter is both personal and political. I want them to
begin to reflect on how they connect facts and theories with
their own philosophical, emotional or collective subjectivity.
It wasn’t until years after that first visit that I learned the
photo was taken in the West Bank settlement of Ariel, only
five years old at the time. Evidently, we had been visiting the
driver of my grandmother’s cousin.
Last month, I visited Ariel again, this time with Lior Amihai, a thoughtful, intelligent and articulate staff member with
Peace Now’s Settlement Watch team.
One gets to Ariel, a settlement of 18,000, easily from Tel
Aviv, by driving 42 km east along Route 5. But Ariel juts 17
km deep into the West Bank, reminding visitors, observers
and negotiators that a two-state solution is, increasingly, becoming a mirage. As you drive east, you would have to inspect a map closely to realize you had crossed the Green
Line, a demarcation that has sadly become an irrelevant and
imaginary boundary for most Israelis.
With 300,000 settlers in the West Bank (and another
200,000 in and around East Jerusalem), the Israeli government continues to speak about a two-state solution, but the
cost of withdrawal will be significant. Most estimates are
that 70,000 settlers will have to be moved, with the remaining areas being annexed to Israel in the form of ‘settlement
blocs’ with ensuing land swaps.
Currently, the West Bank is divided into three checker
boarded areas: Area A under Palestinian control, Area B
under partial Palestinian control and Area C under Israeli
control. At the checkpoint in the northern West Bank that we
observed for several minutes, there were two lanes – one for
Israeli cars sporting yellow plates and another for Palestinian
cars with green and white plates.
With our yellow plates, we gained easy access, not only
to Ariel, but also to two other settlement outposts slated for
withdrawal: Migron and the Ulpana neighbourhood of Beit
El. In those two settlements, the Israeli courts deemed the
settlers to be living on “private Palestinian land” and mandated their relocation. In Ulpana, the settlers are being relocated just down the hill.
Ariel has been in the news lately since the Israeli government is about to grant its community college university status, a move ardently opposed by many Israeli academics.
The name Ariel – meaning lion of God – is the Hebrew
middle name we gave our daughter, to invoke the memory of
three of her paternal uncles. I never had the opportunity to
meet those uncles and I have no idea what opinions they held
about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the settlements or the
occupation. But I do know that, in naming our kids, we
sought to connect them with our family and our Jewish heritage.
Like many of us, I consider Israel a touchstone of my
identity, an identity I am passionate about passing along to
my children. I speak only Hebrew to my kids, they have visited Israel, Hebrew books and music line our shelves, and
they are connected to friends and family throughout the
country. But I struggle with how I will explain to them the
Values, Ethics,
pesky problem of the occupation, the military rule to which
Palestinian residents of the West Bank are subjected while
Jewish residents enjoy civilian rule, and the fact that Palestinian freedom of movement is restricted while Israelis are
free to roam as they please.
Perhaps on my next trip, in addition to Hebrew Bazooka
chewing gum, a white knitted kippah, an ‘I heart TLV’ tank
top, jewelry from Sheinkin Street, and a Hebrew version of
the Captain Underpants book, I will try to bring home two
licence plates: one yellow, another green. These plates will
hang next to the vintage B.C. and Manitoba licence plates I
find for my kids at garage sales to remind them of their parents’ home towns.
The Israeli and Palestinian plates will be a grim reminder
of the unacceptable ethnic rule that Israel, the country we
teach our kids to love so much, maintains east of the Green
Line. The plates will remind my kids to help strive for a democratic separation into two states and an end to the ugly occupation. The plates will be a badge against silence, a call to
action, something to reflect on when we recite the prayer for
the State of Israel on Shabbat or say “Next Year in
Jerusalem” on Passover.
Mira Sucharov, an associate professor of political science
at Carleton University, blogs at
Saudi-paid militias: an unlikely change agent
for Middle East democracy
Mohamed Mursi was sworn in as Egypt’s president,
June 30, before 18 judges of the Supreme Constitutional
Court, the fifth president since the 1952 overthrow of King
Farouk. A self-made multi-millionaire and uncharismatic
head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, he holds a
PhD in engineering from the University of Southern
As president, he will rule over a divided Egypt, where
only a slim majority preferred him to the leftovers of the old
regime. There are some early signs that may foretell his approach. He chose to be sworn in by the Supreme Constitutional Court. In his speech following the swearing-in ceremony, he said the court is an “institution that I will ensure
remains independent and strong.”
He also indicated his support for the independence of the
judiciary. And, while he also worked out a deal with the
military to leave their constitutional powers in place – “the
armed forces are the shield and sword of the nation,” he
said – he is devising long-term plans that may help him get
around this.
Mursi is a powerful politician and businessman whose
Muslim Brotherhood supporters, as well as his membership
in the Freedom and Justice Party, ensured continued
protests in Cairo’s Tahrir Square at a significant cost to the
national economy. Organizing such grassroots activities
and ensuring people were taken care of, financially or otherwise, is how the Muslim Brotherhood has advanced
among the poor and uneducated in the country.
Mursi may have borrowed a page from the Turks and
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who steered
through troubled waters with the Turkish military with the
help of the judiciary under the guise of constitutional
changes required to join the European Union. Erdoğan’s
double-pronged approach hinged on the retirement of secu-
lar and nationalist military chiefs and their replacement
with Islamist and Justice and Development Party supporters.
Let me change gears now and talk about the Arab Spring
that brought democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood
governments in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Gaza.
Now, world attention is focused on Syria and its murderous regime – until recently, a secular country ruled by a
life-long president. The so-called resistance force is made
up of mostly Sunni fundamentalist thugs, who gained experience in various wars from Afghanistan, to Iraq, to Libya,
Yemen, and now Syria. These Saudi-paid militias are generally ex-al-Qaida members who helped out in Libya, as
Now they are fighting the Syrian government in order to
bring democracy to Syria. An unlikely change agent, they
make a living primarily on the Saudi dime. The excessive
intermingling of these foreign fighters among the Syrian
civilian population has resulted in devastating and unnecessary loss of civilian lives. The reason the U.S., U.K. and EU
are going along with this charade is to apply more pressure
on Iran as an ally of Syria.
Turkey, another Sunni nation, has recently entered into
the picture and has been conducting reconnaissance flights
over Syria. Last month, one of its planes was shot down by
Syria. Clearly, the Assad regime (an Alawite branch of Shia
Islam) has become a target simply because of its allegiance
to the Iranians and its own ethnicity. The ethnic split was
the cause of some ethnic conflicts and mass killings between the minority Alawites and the majority Sunnis in
Syria that led up to the current situation.
Today, in early July, there are calls to set up a shadow
government in waiting, which, until now, has a heavy Muslim Brotherhood influence. What are the chances that, when
the Assad regime falls, it will be replaced with yet another
democratically elected Muslim Brother?
My Ottawa Jewish Bulletin column of February 21,
2011, headlined Seeking democracy, settling for caliphate,
predicted a North African and Arab Caliphate resulting
from the Arab Spring. This is now a far more likely scenario
than ever before: a unified Muslim Brotherhood rule that
could span not only North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan
and Turkey, but could also extend as far as Indonesia. Certainly the Turks, who were at the helm as the most recent
ruling caliphs for 400 years (until 1924), would be in competition with the Saudis, who tried their hand at it early on,
between 661-750 CE.
Given some of the facts, predictions and fiction, one
can’t help wonder about some potential scenarios. What
would a democratic Middle East with Muslim Brotherhood
leadership bring for Israel? How would it affect Israel’s foreign policy? How would it impact the U.S., EU and China’s
strategies toward the unified Middle East? Would the
caliphs of the Muslim Ummah represent yet another challenge to Israel’s very existence?
Oliver Javanpour is a senior partner at Cyrus Echo, a
public policy and international relations consulting firm in
Page 30 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Two-state solution only viable option
argues acclaimed Israeli journalist
The Unmaking of Israel
By Gershom Gorenberg
325 pages
Israel’s social contract is fast unravelling, according to
Gershom Gorenberg, in what I can only describe as a new,
modern classic. It’s not a happy tale, but it’s one anyone
who cares about Israel should read.
Gorenberg, an Israeli writer and social commentator – he
immigrated to Israel from the U.S. more than 30 years ago
– sets out to illustrate the highly problematic relationship
between the Israeli state, the settler movement and Israel’s
fast-growing ultra-Orthodox population. Tracing the beginnings of Israel’s state formation, Gorenberg shows how pivotal events such as the lessons learned from the 1948 Altalena affair, in which prime minister David Ben-Gurion ordered the ship of the paramilitary Irgun to be bombed off the
coast of Tel Aviv, are actually reversing themselves.
According to Gorenberg, the statism so important to
Israel’s founding as a state is now under challenge from an
“ethnic movement” type of national identity. The settler
movement, aided and abetted by successive Israeli governments, both Labor and Likud, since 1967, is one of the most
egregious examples of this.
Gorenberg shows how the lack of an internationally recognized border, how Israel continues to occupy the West
Bank and shore up the settler population with financial incentives, separate access roads and infrastructure, seriously
compromises Israeli democracy. He argues that major state
financial support for the ultra-Orthodox – who are allowed
to school their children without the barest of secular knowledge – is a form of “child abuse.”
He argues the system of ultra-Orthodox support, including separate army units, means Israel doesn’t ultimately
have proper civil and political control over its military. In
the event the IDF is forced to withdraw from the West Bank,
it is not at all clear that ultra-Orthodox soldiers would obey
orders. They are being taught different – in some cases,
egregiously racist – lessons about the differential value of
Jewish and non-Jewish life, and about how every inch of
the West Bank is considered by these groups to be so sacred
as to justify almost anything to continue Israel’s military
Gorenberg ends with a concretely prescriptive chapter.
He outlines why a two-state solution is the only feasible outcome, providing a thoughtful rebuttal both to holding on to
the West Bank in perpetuity, and to the one-state solution increasingly gaining ground among progressives – particularly in the West. Departing from the figure of 70,000 that has
now become commonplace among analysts of the region,
Gorenberg argues most settlers will have to be moved in the
event of an actual Israeli-Palestinian agreement. There are
300,000 settlers in the West Bank, not including the roughly 200,000 in East Jerusalem.
He argues Israel needs to pay more attention to matters of
religion and state within the country, including repairing
the many inequities that have become entrenched between
Israel’s Jewish and Arab communities. He contends institutions such as the Jewish Agency and the JNF are outmoded
now that Israel is a state, and serve to perpetuate a systemic
discrimination in matters of land use and other allocations.
Book Review
It is a tough pill to swallow for anyone who prefers to
read books championing every move Israel makes. But it’s
an important story to tell.
Gorenberg mentions early on that he, too, is religious.
Readers may wonder how his theology is so evidently different from that of the right-wing religious camp. This
could use some elaboration, if only to help disentangle the
idea that observant Judaism must imply a certain policy
view when it comes to Israel’s relationship to land and
Gorenberg’s chapter on conscientious objection is also
intriguing. He attempts to trace the differences between the
objectors on the left – stemming from the 1982 Lebanon
War and continuing through both Intifadas – and the ultraOrthodox soldiers who threaten to disobey orders should
they have to dismantle settlements. This could use a little
more theoretical treatment. How should we reason out matters of conscience? Should religious teachings ever be allowed? Does it matter in whose hands the religion is being
The book’s front-cover quote is from celebrated Jewish
novelist Michael Chabon. “Until I read this book, I didn’t
think it could be possible to feel more despairing, and then
more terribly hopeful, about Israel.”
Maybe it’s apt the comment comes from a fiction writer
– someone schooled in matters of imagination. Perhaps we
all need to begin to reimagine a new future for Israel, because the present is looking rather glum.
Quality Family Home Care for Ottawa
Wayne and Andrea Nathanson
founded Qualicare in Toronto in
2001. They cared for Wayne’s
father, Bernard, through his
prolonged struggle with ALS.
Bernard’s care was complicated
by an entangled medical bureaucracy that was difficult and unnecessary. After the senior
Nathanson passed away, Qualicare
was created in his honour with the
mission to help other families ease
the anguish and relieve the stresses
in similar situations. Starting out
serving the Jewish community,
their reputation for compassionate
and excellent care led Qualicare to
grow into a leading family homecare provider for the Greater
Toronto community.
Qualicare is expanding its awardwinning family homecare service
across Canada, and started in De-
cember 2011 to provide the same
excellent service for the Ottawa
Community under the management
of Eddie and Kathy Chu.
Eddie and Kathy describe the
services provided by Qualicare:
“We provide care like a ‘professional daughter’. The quality of
care is what you might expect
from your own family, without
the emotional attachment and
history that are normal in family
dynamics. We provide respite
support to the family and their
loved ones while improving the
quality of life for the patients. We
design a tailored and goal-oriented
care plan specific to each family’s
unique situation.”
Kelly Prevost, RPN, Director of
Care, served for 13 years at a highly regarded Ottawa long-term care
facility, leading its Complex Care
and Dementia Gentle Care units
and as Charge Nurse for a 126-bed
section. Kelly now brings her compassionate and personalized care to
Qualicare clients in the safety,
comfort, and independence of their
own homes. Kelly explains her
goal: “Our Mission is to raise the
bar of family homecare and bring
top quality long term care into the
Through qualified and certified
caregivers and nurses, Qualicare
provides a full range of nonmedical and medical care including
companionship, personal care,
homemaking, post-operative,
rehabilitation, and complex care
such as dementia/Alzheimer’s,
ALS, Parkinson’s, and palliative.
Care is available hourly, daily,
short-term and long-term, and as
live-in, including 24/7 monitoring.
Caregivers trained in maintaining a
kosher kitchen are also available.
Whether your need is care for
yourself, a loved one, a child, or
parents, Qualicare is ready to help.
To find out what Qualicare
can do for you, or to read
about real care stories from
Ottawa clients, visit,
or call 1.855.613.CARE (2273).
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 31
Our future is in your hands
The Board of Directors of the Ottawa Jewish
Community Foundation acknowledges with
thanks contributions to the following funds as of
July 3, 2012.
To make a donation
and/or send a tribute card,
call Jessica Borenstein
(613-798-4696 ext. 274)
e-mail: [email protected]
Condolences to:
Jennifer, Noa and Haley Kardash on the loss of their
mother and ‘Savta’ Beverly Libin by Tracey and Al
Morris Konick on the loss of his wife Rose Konick by
Al Abelson.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon on the loss of her brother
Michael Greenspoon by Zelda Freedman
Join us in building our community
by supporting these local agencies
Anniversary wishes to:
Joel and Florine Morgan on their 50th anniversary by Jeanette and Arnold Finkelstein.
In memory of:
Rose Konick by Shirley and Shier Berman
and family.
Condolences to:
Dr. Andrea Stevens on the loss of her mother Phyliss Stevens by the Sabloff family.
Jennifer Kardash on the loss of her mother
Beverly Libin by Leila and Stuart Ages; by the
Sabloff family; and by Donna and Bernie
In honour of:
Daniel Albert Novick’s Bar Mitzvah by
Cally and Sid Kardash.
In memory of:
Beverly Libin by the Levitz family; and by
Jack, Sarah, David and Lev Silverstein.
Herbert Beiles by Cally and Sid Kardash.
Mazal Tov to:
Arie and Ellie Kamil and family on Itzy’s
Cappies Award by Sarah, Steven, Sam, Max,
Jordan and Ariella Morgan.
In appreciation to:
Dee Gaffen by Barbara Farber.
In memory of:
Alice Zeiler by Shirley Halpern.
Kenneth Ain by Mark and Nina Dover.
Russell Glatt by Shirley Halpern.
Mazal Tov to:
Mikhal and Samuel Soussan by Simy,
Moise and Raf Illouze.
Mazal Tov to:
Issie Scarowsky on receiving the Shem Tov
Community Volunteer award by Randi and Ian
Condolences to:
Jennifer Kardash on the loss of her mother
Beverly Libin by Sarah Beutel and Steven
Morgan and family; and by Stephanie Levitz
and Dr. Allan Shefrin.
In memory of:
Beverly Libin by Steven and Shelli Kimmel
and family.
In memory of:
Dr. Erwin Koranyi by Gita and Jerry Pearl.
Mazal Tov to:
Roslyn and Nordau Kanigsberg on their
45th annniversary by Sandra and Norman
Mazal Tov to:
Dr. Michael Landau and Faye Goldman on
Jacob’s graduation from Yitzhak Rabin High
School by Ingrid Levitz.
Golda Feig and Ned Steinman on Adina’s
graduation from Yitzhak Rabin High School by
Ingrid Levitz and family.
Ian Sadinsky and Joan Bercovitch on
Michaela’s graduation from Yitzhak Rabin
High School by Ingrid Levitz and family.
Anniversary wishes to:
Anna and Ronny Cantor by Beverly and Irving
Ricki and Barry Baker by Beverly and Irving
Birthday wishes to:
Marvin Granatstein by Beverly and Irving Swedko.
In memory of:
Yetta Arron by Mark and Nina Dover.
Mazal Tov to:
Barbara and Sidney Cohen on Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah
by Ricki and Barry Baker.
Ricki and Barry Baker on their 45th anniversary by
Myra and Lester Aronson; by Sandra and Norman Slover;
and by Barbara and Len Farber.
Mazal Tov to:
Renee Karpman on Marlie’s Bat Mitzvah by Ricki
and Barry Baker.
In memory of:
Yetta Arron by Shelly Amor.
Condolences to:
Pamela Beiles on the loss of Herbert Beiles by Rachel
and Jerry Schneiderman; and by Grace and Jim Hillel.
In memory of:
Herbert Beiles by Daniel and Marilyn Kimmel; and
by Leah Ackerman.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Mitchell Bellman and
Nicola Hamer.
In memory of:
Beverly Libin by Mitchell Bellman and Nicola
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Claire Bercovitch by Daniel and Marilyn Kimmel.
In memory of:
Gloria Cuadrado-Taller by Shelley, Gary and Jamie
Condolences to:
Ellie Parr and family on the loss of a dear husband
Rick Parr by Rhoda Bodnoff.
Mazal Tov to:
Dorothy and Hy Hymes on their 60th anniversary by
Leah Chodikoff; and by Mark and Nina Dover.
Birthday wishes to:
Wally Pieczonka by David and Judith Kalin.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Ann Kalin by David and Judith Kalin and family.
In appreciation to:
Rosita Feldman by David and Judith Kalin.
Continued on page 32
Page 32 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Birthday wishes to:
Danny Cantor by Anna and Ronny Cantor and family.
In memory of:
Yetta Arron by Jan Cohen Lyons.
In memory of:
Beverly Libin by Cynthia, Stephanie and Josh Engel.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Abe Engel by Marc, Jessica and Jack Borenstein.
Anniversary wishes to:
Ricki and Barry Baker on their 45th anniversary by
Cynthia Engel.
Anniversary wishes to:
Barbara and Len Farber on their 40th anniversary by
Sandi and Eddy Cook and family.
Ricki and Barry Baker on their 45th anniversary by
Sandi and Eddy Cook and family.
Birthday wishes to:
Arthur Cogan by Sandi and Eddy Cook and family.
Gary Steinberg by Sandi and Eddy Cook and family.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Sandi and Eddy Cook
and family.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Eric Weisbloom by Sandi and Eddy Cook.
Birthday wishes to:
Dr. Andre Engel by Debbie, Brian, Avidani, Sarina
and Ariel Aarenau; and by Mark and Barbara Siegel.
Condolences to:
Penny Torontow on the loss of her father Ray
Torontow by Joel and Barb Diener.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Eric Weisbloom by Joel and Barb Diener and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Barry and Marcia Cantor and family on the engagement of their son David to Brittany by Ellen and
Rahamim Fathi.
David Cantor on his engagement to Brittany by Ellen
and Rahamim Fathi.
In memory of:
Gloria Cuadrado-Taller by Jonathan, Matthew and
Adam Sherman.
Anniversary wishes to:
Barbara and Len Farber on their 40th anniversary by
Ricki and Barry Baker.
Condolences to:
Martin Taller on the loss of his wife Gloria
Cuadrado-Taller by Barbara and Len Farber.
Sharon Rosentzveig on the loss of her mother
Corinne Rosentzveig by Barbara and Len Farber.
Condolences to:
Marty Kimmel and family on the loss of his brother
The Ottawa
Jewish Community Foundation
has published
its Annual Report
summarizing the 2011 calendar year.
As of June 30th, 2012,
the report can be viewed online
To obtain a hard copy of the report,
please contact
the Foundation office
at 613-798-4696 ext. 252,
via email at [email protected]
or in writing
c/o Rebecca Nagrodski
21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9.
Mel Kimmel by Marjorie and Michael Feldman.
Sharon Rosentzveig on the loss of her mother
Corinne Rosentzveig by Marjorie and Michael Feldman.
Mazal Tov to:
Marjorie and Michael Feldman on the birth of their
grandson Zachary Lev by Sherri, Jack, Lisa, Dan and
Julia Torjman.
Anniversary wishes to:
Helen and Joseph Filler by Dr. Andre and Shelley
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Sam and Susan
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Freda Florence by A.L., Ann, Leanne and Brendan
In memory of:
John Westeinde Sr. by Alfred and Kaysa Friedman.
Mazal Tov to:
Alfie and Kaysa Friedman on Oliver’s Bar Mitzvah
by Ricki and Barry Baker.
Birthday wishes to:
Cherse Wiley by Robert and Leah Gencher.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Bumy Engel by Robert and Leah Gencher.
In memory of:
Gloria Cuadrado-Taller by Helen and Chaim Gilboa.
Mazal Tov to:
Syd and Noreen Bosloy on the occasion of Rebecca’s
Bat Mitzvah by Helen and Chaim Gilboa.
In memory of:
Richard Tapper, a dear husband and father by Arlene
and Norm Glube.
Mazal Tov to:
Malcolm and Vera Glube on their 45th anniversary by
Sandra and Norman Slover.
In memory of:
Beverly Libin by Arlene and Gary Bonn and family.
In memory of:
Deborah Breatross by Herb and Dena Gosewich.
Condolences to:
Morris Konick on the passing of his wife Rose by
Marilyn and William Newman.
In memory of:
Rose Konick by Devra Freedman, Fran FreemanKesler and Carly Kesler; and by Barbara and Len Farber.
Birthday wishes to:
Dr. Leslie Klein by Susan Baker and Ross Hadwen.
Good wishes to:
Tom Grossman by Susan Baker.
Birthday wishes to:
Cynthia and Kalman Bielak by Larry and Sheila
Condolences to:
Sharon Rosentzveig on the loss of her mother
Corinne Rosentzveig by Larry and Sheila Hartman.
Good wishes to:
Anita Landis by Pauline Hochberg.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Evelyn Greenberg by Pauline Hochberg.
Anniversary wishes to:
Dorothy and Hy Hymes on their 60th anniversary by
Clair Krantzberg.
Mazal Tov to:
Rhoda and Joe Levitan on the birth of their granddaughter Elisheva by Dorothy and Hy Hymes.
Mazal Tov to:
Elissa Iny on being this year’s Kipnis-Wilson/
Friedland Award recipient by Laya and Sol Shabinsky.
In memory of:
Corinne Rosentzveig by Julie Kanter and family.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Claire Bercovitch by Anita and Mike Roodman.
Happy Father’s Day to:
Stan Katz by his children and grandchildren.
In appreciation to:
Linda Kerzner for her warm hospitality by Debbie
Birthday wishes to:
Cheryl Ibghy by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel and family.
Elise Bearg and Nate Hennick by Roslyn and Arnie
In memory of:
Yetta Arron by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel.
Mazal Tov to:
Chuck Merovitz on being an outstanding volunteer
who does so much for the community by Roslyn and
Arnie Kimmel.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Claire Bercovitch by Isabel and Norman Lesh.
In memory of:
Herbert Beiles by Stanley Kimmel.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Evelyn Greenberg by Stanley Kimmel.
In memory of:
David Ritt by Gita Kizell-Pearl.
Deborah Breatross by Gita Kizell-Pearl.
Continued on page 33
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 33
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Eric Weisbloom by Ken and Tina Koffman.
Condolences to:
Trudy Hurvitz on the loss of her mother Fay by Fay
The Weinstein and Arron Families on the loss of a
beloved mother and sister Yetta Arron by Fay Koffman.
Mazal Tov to:
John Spencer on the arrival of his new grandson by
Sandra Zagon.
Ron Rosenes on receiving an honorary doctorate
from Carleton University for his passionate advocacy for
the rights of people all over the world living with
HIV/AIDS by Sandra Zagon.
Birthday wishes to:
Gerry Krantzberg by Myra, Sam, Joshua, Jaclyn and
Justin Krane.
Gertrude Krantzberg by Clair Krantzberg and family.
Joshua Krane by Clair Krantzberg.
Mazel Tov to:
Dr. Ray and Deborah Saginur on the engagement of
their daughter Madelaine to Michael Tomlinson by Rick
and Helen Zipes.
Robbie Moses on his graduation from law school by
Myra and Sam Krane and family.
Paul Schwartzman on his graduation from law school
by Myra and Sam Krane.
Condolences to:
Dr. Morris Schnitzer on the loss of his brother
Edmund Schnitzer by Susan and David Kriger.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
David Kriger’s beloved mother Shirley Movshovitz
Kriger by Susan and David Kriger.
Mazal Tov to:
Rosalie and Robert Kane on their 50th wedding anniversary by Susan and David Kriger.
Susan and David Kriger and family on Sarah’s successful defense of her Doctoral Thesis.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Debi and Neil Zaret.
Joyce Speich on the loss of her brother Herbert
Gordon by Richard Kronick and Alice Brodie.
Sharon Rosentzveig on the loss of her mother
Corinne Rosentzveig by Debi and Neil Zaret and family.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Sydney Kronick by Richard, Alice, Sam and Molly
In memory of:
Edmond Schnitzer by Edie Landau.
Les Field by Edie Landau and family.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Jack Landau by Edie Landau.
Condolences to:
Glenda Moss on the loss of her father Louis
Goldmaker by Merna and Yussie Davidowitz and family.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Byrtha Leckie by Robin Leckie.
In memory of:
Gloria Cuadrado-Taller by Norman and Isabel Lesh.
Mazal Tov to:
Sharon Reichstein on receiving the Young Leadership
Award by Norman and Isabel Lesh.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Sandra and Jacie
Levinson and family.
Birthday wishes to:
Sandra Levinson by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel.
In honour of:
Herb Brown becoming Governor Emeritus at
Nipissing University by Ron and Ruth Levitan.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Sally and Elliott Levitan.
Mazal Tov to:
Rhea and Jeff Hochstadter on Elana’s graduation
from the University of Ottawa Medical School by Evelyn
Birthday wishes to:
Dr. Norton Lithwick by Yvonne and Harvey Lithwick
and family.
Birthday wishes to:
Allen Abramson by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel.
Dr. Leslie Klein by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel.
Kaylie Magidson by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel.
In memory of:
Sydney Lithwick by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel and
family; and by Leema Magidson and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Sharon Reichstein on receiving the Young Leadership
Award by Roslyn and Arnie Kimmel.
Mazal Tov to:
Chuck and Bonnie Merovitz on their 40th anniversary by Marjorie and Michael Feldman.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
beloved brother Michael Greenspoon by Rhoda and
Jeffrey Miller.
Anniversary wishes to:
Simon and Sheela Morin on their 42nd wedding anniversary by Harvey and Gertrude Morin.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Tanya Morin a dearly beloved mother by Harvey and
Gertrude Morin.
Mazal Tov to:
Ellen Nadolny on her marriage to Frank Grimsley by
Carol and Norman Zagerman; and by Jack and Sarah
Birthday wishes to:
Bea Naemark by Jean Naemark and family.
Condolences to:
Penny Torontow on the loss of her father Ray
Torontow by Jean Naemark.
Mazal Tov to:
Blanche and Joe Osterer on Lizzie’s graduation as a
Chiropractic Doctor by Jean Naemark and family.
Beatrice Torontow on the engagement of her
daughter, Valerie, to Jorden by Jean Naemark and
Condolences to:
Dr. Andrea Stevens and family on the loss of her
beloved mother Phyliss Stevens by Dr. Ken Ostrega and
Anniversary wishes to:
Joe and Blanche Osterer by Pinchas and Barbara
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Harry Nathanson by Pinchas and Barbara Pleet.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon on the loss of her brother
Michael Greenspoon by Miriam Pleet.
Continued on page 34
An unveiling
in memory of
will take place
August 5, 2012
at 11:00 am
Bank Street Cemetery
Family and friends
are welcome to attend.
Anniversary wishes to:
Marcia and Harold Fein on their anniversary by
Yvonne and Harvey Lithwick and family.
Condolences to:
Freda Lithwick and family on the loss of Sydney
Lithwick by Yvonne and Harvey Lithwick and family.
Brian McGarry Patrick McGarry Ivan Silverman Sharon McGarry
!"#$%&'(#)$% '%*+!#",-$% Page 34 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
Birthday wishes to:
Dr. Carey Stevens by Gerald and Mary-Belle
Marvin Granatstein by Gerald and Mary-Belle
Myra Aronson by Gerald and Mary-Belle
Condolences to:
Sharon Rosentzveig on the loss of her mother
Corinne Rosentzveig by Gerald and Mary-Belle
Natalie Bernstein and family on the loss of her father
Herbert Sharp by Gerald and Mary-Belle Pulvermacher.
Birthday wishes to:
Dr. Truda Rosenberg by Helen Eisen.
Birthday wishes to:
Norman Potechin by Florence and Anita Rosenfeld.
In appreciation to:
Rabbi and Alison Popky by Florence and Anita
Cantor and Tracy Bielak by Florence and Anita
Condolences to:
Anna Rabinovitch on the loss of her father by Frances
and Morton Ross.
In memory of:
Corinne Rosentzveig by Frances and Morton Ross.
Mazal Tov to:
Frances and Morton Ross on the birth of their grandson Benjamin by Marjorie and Michael Feldman.
Marjorie and Michael Feldman on the birth of their
second grandson by Frances and Morton Ross.
Condolences to:
Jennifer Kardash on the loss of her beloved mother
Beverly Libin by Richard, Riva, Jared and Aaron Roth.
In appreciation to:
Brian Lamb for his efforts and another great year at the
Ottawa Jewish Community School by the Roth family.
Noga Reiss for her efforts and another great year at the
Ottawa Jewish Community School by the Roth family.
Rabbi Braun for his efforts and another great year at
the Ottawa Jewish Community School by the Roth family.
Heather Graham for her efforts and another great year
at the Ottawa Jewish Community School by the Roth
Darren Morenstein for his efforts and another great
year at the Ottawa Jewish Community School by the
Roth family.
Stephane Cinanni for his efforts and another great
year at the Ottawa Jewish Community School by the
Roth family.
Stacy Veaudry for her efforts and another great year at
the Ottawa Jewish Community School by the Roth family.
Ricky Grebler for her efforts and another great year
at the Ottawa Jewish Community School by the Roth
Shaya Rodal for her efforts and another great year at
the Ottawa Jewish Community School by the Roth family.
In Memory of:
Gloria Cuadrado-Taller by Corinne and Sheldon
Taylor and family.
Louis Goldmaker by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor and
Mazal Tov to:
Reisa and Allan Glenns on the birth of their new
grandson by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor and family.
Robert and Carrie Glenns on the birth of their new
son by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor and family.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Evelyn Greenberg by Sheldon and Corinne Taylor
and family.
Birthday wishes to:
Joe Levitan by Shelley Rothman.
Condolences to:
Sharon Rosentzveig and family on the loss of her
mother Corinne Rosentzveig by Shelley Rothman and
Mazal Tov to:
Marcia and Barry Cantor on the engagement of their
son, David, to Brittany by Shelley Rothman and family.
Birthday wishes to:
Irwin Kreisman by Elayne and Wesley Schacter.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Eric Weisbloom by Elayne and Wesley Schacter and
In memory of:
The Shaffer and Lazear Families by Sheldon and
Sonia Shaffer.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Harold Shaffer a dear brother by Sheldon and Sonia
Birthday wishes to:
Jenna Gold by Sol and Anne Shmelzer.
Silas Marston by Sol and Anne Shmelzer.
Dr. Stanley Winthrop by Sol and Anne Shmelzer.
Mazal Tov to:
Joyce and Bernie Pagurek on their 50th wedding anniversary by Sol and Anne Shmelzer.
Donating made easy at
Donations can be made for all occasions
and life-cycle events.
Use our online donation form to send one
or multiple tribute cards to your friends and loved ones
in one secure transaction.
Charitable receipts are issued and sent directly
to your email account.
Try it TODAY!
Condolences to:
David Minton on the loss of his mother Joy by Jules
and Barbara Sigler.
In appreciation to:
Jules and Barbara Sigler by Joel Weiner.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Jack and Sarah
Silverstein and family.
In memory of:
Ranjan Jayasuriya by Marvin and Phyllis Silverman.
Anniversary wishes to:
Betty and Irving Nitkin on their 50th anniversary by
Myra and Lester Aronson and family; and by Bonnie and
Paul Bowering and the Caroll family.
Birthday wishes to:
Sandra Levinson by Myra and Lester Aronson.
Myra Aronson by Larry and Marilyn Gordon; by
Noreen Slack and Gerald Redmond; by Barbara and Len
Farber; and by Jordan, Gregory, Jennifer and Donna
Aronson and Tina Meizer.
Condolences to:
Bonnie Merovitz on the loss of her mother Doris
Leibovitch by Myra and Lester Aronson.
Condolences to:
Marilyn Binder on the loss of her beloved husband
David Binder by Marlene Levine.
In memory of:
Andrew Kerzner by Marlene Levine and Andrew
Anniversary wishes to:
Alicia and Brian Bailey by Leiba Krantzberg.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon on the loss of her brother
Michael Greenspoon by Leiba Krantzberg.
Howard Miller on the loss of his father Simon Miller
by Leiba Krantzberg.
Mazal Tov to:
Gordie Naimer on his 70th birthday by Doris and
Richard Stern.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Claire Bercovitch by Beverly and Irving Swedko.
In observance of the Yahrzeit of:
Alan Swedlove by Carol-Sue Shapiro and Bess
Birthday wishes to:
Sally Taller by Libby and Stan Katz; and by Marilyn,
Wendy, Lori, Doron and Noa Waserman.
Birthday wishes to:
Norman Potechin by Sally Taller.
In memory of:
Yetta Arron by Sally Taller.
In memory of:
Deborah Breatross by Ann Lazear and family.
Condolences to:
Dr. Norman and Myrna Barwin on the passing of Dr.
Erwin Koranyi by Sunny and Johnny Tavel.
Mazal Tov to:
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Tanner on Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah
by Sunny and Johnny Tavel.
Sidney and Barbara Cohen on Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah
by Sunny and Johnny Tavel.
Mazal Tov to:
Blanche and Joe Osterer on their 60th anniversary by
Brent, Risa and Shira Taylor.
Condolences to Francie Greenspoon by Lise, Mark,
Alayna and Bryan Thaw.
Birthday wishes to:
Valerie Torontow by Jean Naemark and family.
Mazal Tov to:
Alan and Elaine Torontow on the engagement of their
son Glen to Radah by Jean Naemark.
In memory of:
Edmund Schnitzer by Ruth and Joseph Viner.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Harvey Blatt by Haze Wainberg and Merv Blostein.
In memory of:
Rose Konick by Miriam Weiner.
Anniversary wishes to:
Brian and Alicia Bailey by Millie Weinstein.
In memory of:
Yetta Arron by Millie Weinstein.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Debbie Halton-Weiss
and Ron Weiss.
Birthday wishes to:
Irwin Kreisman by Debi and Neil Zaret and family.
Condolences to:
Susan Leach and family on the loss of her father
Clarence by Rick and Helen Zipes.
Mazal Tov to:
Marty and Tanya Abrams on the birth of their twin
grandchildren by Rick and Helen Zipes.
Rabbi and Shaindel Simes on the graduation of their
daughter and on their special wedding anniversary by
Rick and Helen Zipes.
Providing support for services and programs that directly benefit women and children.
Mazal Tov to:
Debbie Halton-Weiss and Ron Weiss on Jessica’s
Call to the Bar by Lynne Oreck-Wener and Bob Wener.
Diane Koven on the upcoming marriage of her son
Continued on page 35
July 23, 2012 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – Page 35
Jeremy Poriah to Aviva Attis by Lynne Oreck-Wener and
Bob Wener.
Ellen Nadolny and Frank Grimsley on the occasion
of their wedding by Rhoda and Joe Levitan.
Erica and Graham Sher on the Bar Mitzvah of their
son Gabriel by Lynne Oreck-Wener and Bob Wener.
Paula and Manny Agulnik on the upcoming marriage
of their son Mark to Julie Toyawanich by Lynne OreckWener and Bob Wener.
Condolences to:
Brenda Litwin on the passing of her beloved mother
Shirley Goldstein by Benita and Steven Baker.
Francie Greenspoon on the passing of her beloved
brother Michael Greenspoon by Benita, Steven,
Alexander and Ryan Baker.
Mazal Tov to:
Rebecca Bosloy and family on the occasion of her
Bat Mitzvah by Ariella Ruby and family.
In appreciation to:
David and Margo Kardish and family by Ellie
In memory of:
Avi Rapoport by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Beverly Libin by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Celia Levitan by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Chana Bugoslavski by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Eileen Goldberg by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Fay Shulman by Ellie Kardish-Kamil and family.
Frances Rothman by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Gloria Cuadrado-Taller by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and
Itzy Kamil.
Irving Taylor by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Jack Baylin by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy Kamil.
Warren Mason by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Mazal Tov to:
Esti Fogel on getting Ten Yad to where it is today by
Ellie and Arie Kamil.
Itzy Kamil on receiving Canada’s Capital Cappie
Award for Lead Actor in a Play by Ellie, Arie, Yoni and
Yael Kamil.
Muriel, Louis and Rachel Kardish on Rachel’s grade
8 graduation and on her being named Hebrew Valedictorian by The Kamil family.
Yael Kamil on her outstanding academic accomplishments by Ellie, Arie, Yoni and Itzy Kamil.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Evelyn Greenberg by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy
Judy Kriger by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and Itzy Kamil.
Ken and Leah Miller by Ellie, Arie, Yoni, Yael and
Itzy Kamil.
Condolences to:
Jennifer Kardash on the loss of her mother Beverly
Libin by Francie Greenspoon and Norman Lieff.
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Tinh Ly; by Jean Myers;
Jessica, Marc and Jack Borenstein; by Sylvie Bordeleau;
by Blossom Read; by Roslyn Wollock; by Lisa, Jeff and
Michaela Levitt-Bradshaw; by Clair Krantzberg; by
Robert Krantzberg; by Nina and Mark Dover; by Ingrid
Levitz and family; by Joany and Andy Katz and family;
by Bernie and Donna Dolansky; by Dorothy and Hy
Hymes; by Mark, Cindi, Daniel, Haley, Ben and Lauren
Resnick; by Sarah Beutel and Steven Morgan; by Pam
and Peter Stelcner; by Manny and Ruth Shacter; and by
Barry Silverman.
R’fuah Sh’lemah to:
Eric Weisbloom by Rony and Dekel Podolsky.
Condolences to:
Francie Greenspoon and family on the loss of her
brother Michael Greenspoon by Rony and Dekel
Podolsky and family.
In memory of:
Beverly Libin by Lenora, Evan, Noah and Arielle
Mazal Tov to:
The Benlolo family on Michael’s Bar Mitzvah by
Lenora, Evan, Noah and Arielle Zelikovitz.
Contributions may be made online at or by contacting Jessica
Borenstein at 613-798-4696 extension 274, Monday to Friday or by email at [email protected].
Attractive cards are sent to convey the appropriate sentiments. All donations are acknowledged with a charitable receipt. We accept Visa,
MasterCard and Amex.
In Appreciation
Please accept my most heartfelt gratitude for all the flowers,
donations and cards that you sent me during my recent illness
as well as for my special birthday. Your kindness, words of encouragement and friendship are greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Inez Zelikovitz
In Appreciation
The family of the late Lou Goldmaker wishes to express its sincere
gratitude to family and friends for your kind words of sympathy,
many donations, beautiful cards, shiva meals and phone calls. Your
generosity, kindness and warm outpouring of support are greatly
appreciated and will always be remembered.
Jack’s peculiar experiences
using the facilities
“Is there anyone who hasn’t had odd or peculiar experiences with bathrooms?” Jack
asked me the other day.
“I’m not sure I have,” I replied. “But I
have just experienced someone asking me an
odd question about bathrooms. Perhaps you
could you expand a bit on your topic? What
seemed odd or peculiar to you?”
“The first thing was in a western-style
restaurant. When I went to use the bathroom,
there were two, each with a different horse’s
head in a small wooden plaque in the middle
of the door.”
“How could you tell the difference between the men’s and the women’s rooms from
what you saw on the plaque?”
“I tried to find a clue in the features of the
horses. Maybe one had longer eyelashes or a
more-flowing mane. But neither looked any
more fiery or aggressive than the other. They
were both the same size. I thought the woodcutter should have carved the horses from the
back as a better clue.”
“Perhaps the bathrooms were co-ed.”
“Do you think I am a horse’s ass? Of
course, that thought finally hit me. But, I still
had to decide which one to use. I opened each
a crack and knew right away which one to use
– the one on the left.”
“How did you know?”
“That was the one with the toilet seat up.”
“Very good sleuthing.”
“The next thing happened to me at a burger joint when I had to use the bathroom. The
door was locked so I asked for a key at the
front counter. There was no key I was told –
the manager controlled the door from the
front. So, I went back to the door and, after
one or two yanks, it opened. I was about to
use the facilities when I heard the manager’s
voice: ‘Good! You got in!’ This gave me
pause. Did she hear me? Was she watching
me? I scanned the room for microphones and
Humour me,
cameras. Everything on the wall looked suspicious. So I exited without doing what I
came in for. I felt too embarrassed and nervous.”
“It is a bit odd to hold conversations with
your customers while they are in the bathroom. Too bad I’m not a lawyer. I feel a lawsuit in the making.”
“Perhaps the last example was the most
disconcerting because it is very common. It
was one of those bathrooms with motion detectors for everything.”
“Seems normal.”
“But the designers didn’t count on a klutz
like me. I stepped away from the urinal and it
flushed. Then I passed too close to the next
one on my way to the sink and it also flushed.
At the sink, I did the obligatory to get the
soap and then moved to turn the water on to
wash. Except the tap was too close to the soap
dispenser and my hand kept crossing the line
and dispenser kept dispensing – a kind of premature dispensation.
“When I waved my hand in front of the
paper towel dispenser it spit out towels on the
way up and the way down. I reached down to
pick up the towel when a gentleman entered
the room and bumped me all the way to the
urinal, which promptly flushed and splashed
my face. This necessitated another wash with
soap and hand drying with predictable results.”
“I think you would be better off with optional manual sinks, urinals and towels. Not
everyone can drive automatic.”
Readers and advertisers are advised
the next edition of the
Ottawa Jewish Bulletin
will be published
on Monday, August 20, 2012.
Deadline: Wednesday, August 1, 2012.
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Page 36 – Ottawa Jewish Bulletin – July 23, 2012
For more community listings,
Select “Click to see
more months”
July 23 to August 19, 2012
Israeli Folkdancing, Hintonburg Community Centre,
1064 Wellington Street West,
7 pm. All levels welcome. Info:
[email protected].
Aug 3
Aug 10
Aug 17
Aug 24
Aug 31
Sep 7
8:08 pm
7:58 pm
7:39 pm
7:23 pm
7:23 pm
7:10 pm
Seeing the Good in Others, a special presentation
by JET to mark Tisha B’Av.
Two lectures and a movie will
be featured, 4:00 pm. Info:
613-798-9818, ext. 247.
2nd Annual
JFO Women’s
Golf Tournament. Canadian Golf and
Country Club,
7800 Golf Club
Way, Ashton,
10:00 am. Info: 613-7984696, ext. 241.
Tea and Torah. Tu B’Av:
Love, Life, and Laughter, by
Rabbi Arnold Fine, sponsored by Jewish Family Services. Rideau Gardens, 240
Friel Street, 1:30 pm. Info:
613-722-2225, ext. 411.
Brunch, sponsored by Jewish
Family Services, features
Jewish Americans, PBS Productions, 2255 Carling Avenue, 3rd Floor, 10:30 am.
Info: 613-722-2225, ext. 411.
Tee-Up for Tamir Golf
Fun-Raiser. Proceeds benefit Tamir’s residences and
Rideau View Country Club,
6044 Rideau Valley Drive N.,
Manotick, 11:30 am. Info:
613-725-3519, ext. 113.
Monday Matinees: History of the World Part 1, a comedy by Mel Brooks. Sponsored by Jewish Family Services. The Westwood Retirement Residence, 2370 Carling
Avenue, 2:00 pm. Info: 613722-2225, ext. 411.
On the Road Again: Canal Boat Cruise for Seniors, by Jewish Family Services.
Departs from the Conference Centre, 2 Rideau Street, 1:30 pm.
Info: 613-722-2225, ext. 411.
Back to School Shabbat for university students,
sponsored by Chabad Student Network, 59 Sweetland Avenue, 6:30 pm.
Info: 613-601-7701.
2013 JFO Annual Campaign Kickoff,
featuring keynote speaker
Dr. Daniel Gordis. Centrepointe Theatre,
101 Centrepointe Drive, 7:00 pm.
Info: 613-798-4696, ext. 241.
Biking for Bubbies annual fundraiser to benefit Hillel Lodge.
Bike a 54- or 36-km route and return to the Lodge for lunch with the residents.
Ride begins at Hillel Lodge, 10 Nadolny Sachs Private, 9:00 am.
Info: 613-829-2455.
Unless otherwise noted, activities take place at The Joseph and Rose Ages Family Building, 21 Nadolny Sachs Private.
This information is taken from the community calendar maintained by the Jewish Ottawa InfoCentre. Organizations which would like their events to be listed, no matter where they are to be held, should send the information to InfoCentre coordinator Benita Siemiatycki via e-mail at [email protected] or fax at 613-798-4695. She can also be reached by telephone at 613-798-4644. Accurate details must be provided and all events must be open to the Jewish public.
Condolences are extended to the families of:
Cecil Colwin
Gloria Cuadrado-Taller
Michael Allan Greenspoon,
Orillia (brother of
Francie Greenspoon)
Hy Hymes
Dr. Erwin Koranyi
Donald Ladouceur
Simon Miller (father of
Howard Miller)
Corinne Rosentzveig
(née Orenstein) (mother of
Sharon Rosentzveig)
Edmund Schnitzer,
Montreal (brother of
Dr. Morris Schnitzer)
Sarah Shaffer
May their memory
be a blessing always.
is offered
as a public service
to the community.
There is no charge.
For a listing
in this column,
please call
ext. 274.
Voice mail is available.
* Community-wide Issue
(all dates subject to change)
centre for
Readers and advertisers are advised the next edition
of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin will be published on Wednesday, August 20, 2012.
The deadline date is Wednesday, August 1, 2012.