Oct 2015 - Post 259
Oct 2015 - Post 259
AMERICAN LEGION CLINTON POST 259 9122 Piscataway Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 (301) 868-2550 Web Site: post259.org October Charles Lewis - Editor FOR GOD AND COUNTRY...... Haywood V. Moss Commander 2015 COMMANDER’S MESSAGE Thank you for all the cards, prayers, and calls. It meant a lot to hear from so many friends, and comrades. The Post is in the process of making needed repairs. Many of these repairs are overdue. They will be taken care of by Third Vice Commander, George Martin. Chairman Ed White will soon submit a plan to enhance the appearance, of the Post. All suggestions are welcome. January 1, 2016, our dues will be increased to $35.00. Now is the time for you to pay your 2016 dues to save $5.00. Dues are an important part of any organization, especially the American Legion. We are charged with helping, and providing for our veterans, and their families. Bob Wilson is chairman of the Oratorical Committee. This contest is to offer high school student the opportunity to develop, and practice public speaking skills. This help students become familiar with the US Constitution. All information, rules, and contest facilitator help are available at The American Legion National web-site. www.legion.org/oratorical. If you know of a high school student interested in participating, please contact the Post, or Bob Wilson. On October 27, 2015, at 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM, Clinton Post 259 will sponsor our second American Red Cross Blood Drive. This important event will help many people. The American Legion always endorses programs which help, and assist our community. If you are able, please meet us at the Post to give the gift of life. According to our records, 2016 marks the 65th Anniversary of Clinton American Legion Post. This is an accomplishment we should be very proud of. I am in the process of appointing a 65th Anniversary Committee. We will commemorate this occasion with a grand affair at the Post. If you have any suggestions, please contact me. For God and Country, Haywood V. Moss Commander HELP American Legion Post No. 259 membership goal for the 2015/2016 Legion Year is 1,005 (One Thousand Five) Members If you as a member recruit just one (1) new member will meet this goal Do you have a membership form in your wallet or purse? Let’s Recruit and make this goal – Ask a VET HELP MEMBERSHIP DUES WILL INCREASE ON JANUARY 1, 2016 We have been notified by National that there will be a $5.00 increase in dues effective January 1, 2016. Please renew your dues now to avoid the increase for 2016. Go to http://www.legion.org/renew to renew online, bring your dues to the Post or mail them to 922 Piscataway Road; Clinton, MD 20735 Post Officers 2015 – 2016 Upcoming Events Event Leader Commander Haywood V. Moss Installation - June 2016 - Outgoing Commander 1st Vice Commander Gary Gifford S.A.L. 259 Golf Tournaments – September 9. 2015 – S.A.L. 2nd Vice Commander Ronald Dickens Veteran’s Day Service – Nov. 11, 2015 – Auxiliary Unit 3rd Vice Commander George Martin Adult Christmas Party – Dec. 19, 2015 - Legion Adjutant Robert A. Wilson Children Christmas Party – Dec 13,2015 – Legion Assistant Adjutant Vacant Super Bowl Party – Feb 2016 - Legion Judge Advocate Elbert “ED” White St. Patrick Day Dinner – March 17, 2016 – Legion Service Officer James Woodland Memorial Day – May 23, 2016 - Legion Finance Officer Richard Switzer Flag Day – June 14, 2016 - Legion Assistant Finance Officer Vacant AL Golf Tournament – June 8, 2016 - Legion Historian Charles Lewis Crab Feast – TBA - Legion Chaplain Thomas Treichel Thanksgiving Feast – November 24, 2015 - Legion John Jackson Oratorical Contest – February 13, 2016 - Legion Assistant Chaplain Sgt At Arms Executive Committee Murray Hall Elgin Reid Joseph Morgan The American Legion Clinton Post 259 9122 Piscataway Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 Phone: 301-868-2550 Website: www.post259.org Clinton Post 259 Newsletter is published monthly on Post 259 website We welcome your news, ideas, suggestions, comments or questions for future issues. Drop them off at the Post – Attention Newsletter Editor Or forward to [email protected] National Executive Committee Elbert D. White – National Executive Committeeman We need your assistance, let us know of any our members who are sick or in the hospital Please call (301) 868-2550 If you have moved, please contact the Post with your new address Auxiliary Officers President: Freida Skaggs Vice President: Ginger Latimer Secretary :Brie O’Neal Treasurer: Antoinette Carr Historian: Vivian Boyd Chaplain: Marilyn Thomas Sgt At Arm: Irma Moss Gold Star: Mickey McKitrick Executive Committee: Elizabeth White Terry Tolson Judith Woodland Legion Rider Officers Director: Larry “Doc” McBean Asst. Director: Murray Hall Secretary: Michael Quander Treasurer: Peggye McBean Chaplain: James Burrows Web Administer: Crystal Turner Safety Officer: SGM Mike Eason S.A.L. Officers Commander: David Hutchinson 1st Vice: Dave Desmarais 2nd Vice: Kenny Hendrix Finance Officer: Gary Castleman Sgt At Arms: Wayne “Elvis” Berbig Adjutant: Rich A. Walsh Jr. Historian: Robert “Reds” Aliff Chaplain: Gary “GJ” Shafer Advisor: Jim Cox George Bucklew Have You Paid Your 2016 Dues? Drop them in the mail or drop them off at the Post The cost for renewal is $30.00 Renew Now – Please give us your e-mail address Need Help in Obtaining Benefits and/or Medical Care Don’t Go It Alone Contact American Legion Post 259 Service Officer James R. Woodland Home: 301 283-6451 Cell: 301 283-5047 E-Mail: [email protected] You are not alone + Membership Renewal All Legion members may renew their membership on-line through www.legion.org/renew Members can renew using credit card and print a temporary card. Members are instructed to mail or take their receipt to the post to receive their new card at no additional cost Posts will continue to have all cards sent with their roster. Notification of on-line renewals can be obtained directly from the myLegion Post site. Automatic Renewal Members now have the option of setting their online-account for automatic renewal. Once you establish your account, your dues will automatically be charged to your debit card on or about July 15th of each new membership year. Just go to www.legion.org/renew click “Renew Now” and follow the directions. New Members October 2015 Name Eyvonne A. Klink Cleveland E. Quarles Angelo M. Petro Charles H. Carey Phillip J. McLaughlin Edward Blakley Emanuel Salazar Robert T. Cook Fred Moore Jr. Service U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Army U.S. Army U.S. Marine U.S. Marine U.S. Army U.S. Air Force War Era Lebanon/Grenada Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Korea Persian Gulf Lebanon/Grenada Vietnam IF YOU HAVE NOT RENEWED YOUR 2016 MEMBERSHIP, PLEASE DO SO ASAP, THE 2016 DUES will increase BY $5.00 if not paid by January 20, 2016. OCTOBER 2015 ACTIVITY CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday nd Saturday st 2 Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 3 rd 4th 5th SAL Meeting 7:00PM 6th 7th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle 8th 9th Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 10th 11th 12th Auxiliary Meeting 7:00PM 13th 14th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle 15th 16th Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 17th 18th 19st Exec Comm Meeting 6:30PM 20th 21st Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM 22nd Legion Riders Meeting 7:00pm 23rd Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 24th 29th 30th Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 31st Pinochle 25th 26th Dinner at 6:30PM General Membership Meeting at 7:30PM October 12, 2015 October 13, 2015 October 31, 2015 November 1, 2015 27th 28th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle Columbus Day U. S. Navy Birthday Halloween Daylight Saving Time Ends Freida Skaggs President Unit 259 Clinton, Maryland PRESIDENT’S PAGE Hello Members, Our New Department President, Doris Reynolds, has taken the theme for the Department as Butterflies and our new District President, Brenda Miller has taken the theme for the Southern Maryland District as tulips. Brie and I attended the District meeting in College Park, MD, on Sunday, September 27, 2015. There were many topics discussed and all of the District Chairs presented their reports. In case you were not aware, our own Brie O’Neal, received an appointment from the District President for National Security. She was required to present her report as well. Brie’s report was presented in such an exceptional manner that she received many accolades afterwards. I wish more of our members could have been present to hear her. I must say that I was very proud to know that she is a member of unit 259. Thanks a lot Brie! Another topic discussed at the meeting was the problem with the general fund running out of money on a regular basis. The Department is contemplating assessing the units or requesting a minimum $5.00 donation from each unit. The essay theme this year will be “How do we keep Lincoln’s promise to our Country”, and the contest will run from November 1 through February 1. As soon as I receive the packet in the mail I will inform the members. At our September meeting we discussed getting ready for our Veteran’s Day program on November 11, 2015. Brie is currently working on obtaining our guest speaker, but it will take all of us to make the program the best that it can be. We received many volunteers at the last meeting, but in case you were not at the meeting and wish to volunteer, please let me know at the next meeting on October 12, 2015. At the meeting we also discussed donating plastic ware to the Fisher House. Keep an eye out for the flyer that will be posted with details. DATES TO REMEMBER: October 18, 2015 - Unit Leadership Development Conference Glen W. Eyler Post #282 – 10am November 6-8, 2015 Department Fall Conference-Ocean City, MD SEE YOU AT THE NEXT MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 AT 7:00 PM. 2015 CHRISTMAS PARTY The Annual Christmas Party will be held on December 13, 2015; it will run from 1:00PM until 4:00PM. A variety of entertainment will keep the children occupied until the arrival of Santa Claus. Who will give a gift to every child 10 and under. In order to be eligible for this party you must be a paid up member of Post 259. Fill out the application below and have it in no later than November 28, 2015. NOTE: When filling out this application, make sure the last name is filled in on both the children and the adult party. CHILDREN MUST BE PRESENT TO RECEIVE GIFTS First & Last Name of Child:___________________________________ Sex: ____ AGE: ____ First & Last Name of Child:___________________________________ Sex: ____ AGE: ____ First & Last Name of Child:___________________________________ Sex:____ AGE: ____ First & Last Name of Child:___________________________ ________Sex:____ AGE:_____ Membership Card Number MD 259: __________ Phone Number: _________________EMAIL ADDRESS: __________________ 2015 ADULT CHRISTMAS PARTY The Annual Adult Christmas Party will be held on December 19, 2015 from 5:00PM until. There will be an open bar from 5:00PM until 6:00PM. Dinner will be served from 6:00PM until 7:00PM with dancing to follow. In order to be eligible for this affair you must be a paid up member of Post 259 and have submitted this application to the Post home not later than December 10, 2015. As usual, seating arrangements will be assigned according to the first 175 names are received by the cutoff date. A charge of $10.00 per person must accompany each application. Each member is entitled to bring his or her spouse or significant other. NAME: _____________________ Attendees: ___Self ___Spouse ____ Friend ___ Membership No: _________ Would like to sit with: _________________________ Please enclose check with application – Make check payable to A. L. Post 259 For additional information contact Ms. Diane Miller at (301) 868-2550 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY CLINTON UNIT 259 Post Office Box 54 – Clinton, Maryland 20735 Auxiliary 2016 Membership Renewal Even though your 2015 membership card is active until December 2015, we are starting to collect 2016 dues. National Headquarters will be mailing renewal notices in September. If you pay before receiving the notice please fill out a blue card that is available at the Post. Remember 2016 dues must be paid by January 31, 2016 or you will be delinquent and will lose all Auxiliary privileges. This is a National rule. Any questions please don’t hesitate to call me. Liz White Membership Chairwomen 1 (301) 868-1612 Olivia Coppage – Junior Chauncia Jones – Senior Auxiliary New Members September 2015 Sophia Coppage – Junior Riley Rickett – Junior Syreeta McClary - Senior PINOCHLE The jack of diamonds and the queen of spaces are the “pinochle” meld of pinochle Why not come out and join the pinochle players at the Post every Wednesday at 3:00pm. Bring a friend, strategy, social skills plus your counting ability. Yes 80 cards. Seventy-nine plus one. Tickets available at the Bar American Legion Post 259 9122 Piscataway Road Clinton, MD 20735 301-868-2550 Sons of The American Legion Squadron 259 The annual golf tournament was held on Sept. 9th and it turned out to be a huge success again this year. Thanks to all our members and officers that helped put the tournament together. This tournament could not have been successful without the help of all the workers on the course, workers in the kitchen and our sponsor’s. I would like to thank the following people for working the golf tournament: Charles Lewis – Eugene Murray – Frank Hendrix – Richard Howard – Moe Moroney – Jerry Cones – Richard Coppage – Wayne Berbig – Rich Walsh – Gary “GJ” Shafer – Robert “Reds” Aliff – Kenny Hendrix – Sara Bucklew – Sheri Tuma – Kim Lazorcak – Dawn Gheen – Rose Butler – Freida Skaggs – Toni Carr – Ginger Latimer, Terry Tolson & Anne Richards We would like to thank our sponsor’s: VFW 9376 * VFW 9376 Men’s Auxiliary * Marlboro Moose Lodge 1856 Sunnybrook Tavern * Hideaway Bar * Dr. Cox and Dr. Greenstein D.D.S. Bayview Title Company * Tri State Sports Club * Brennan Title Company Electronic Security Services Inc. * Hovermale’s Tastes Best * PG Community College D G & E HAVC * Past Presidents Unit 259 * Webster University Central Michigan University Global Campus * Texas Ribs * Mama Stella’s B K Millers * American Legion Post 259 * Auxiliary Unit 259 Senator T.V. “Mike” Miller * Accokeek Seafood Restaurant * Salon Couture Full Service Salon * American Legion Riders, AL Post 259 * Curb Appeal Total Service LLC Eddie’s Pizza * In Memory of Bub Theesen * Cigars 210 * Foster’s Grill Charlie’s Family Restaurant * Green Petroleum * King Services Inc. Gary Castleman S.A.L. Golf Chairman David Hutchinson S.A.L. Commander
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