Oct 2013 - Post 259
Oct 2013 - Post 259
AMERICAN LEGION CLINTON POST 259 9122 Piscataway Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 (301) 868-2550 Web Site: post259.org October Charles Lewis - Editor FOR GOD AND COUNTRY...... Haywood V. Moss Commander 2013 Congratulations to Commander Gary Castleman, Officers and members of Sons of the American Legion Squadron 259 for a well-planned and executed golf tournament. There were over two hundred and twenty participants. Everyone seemed to have had wonderful time. Members of the Legion and Auxiliary assisted in helping to assure the success of this SAL’s event. UPCOMING EVENTS: None to report for the month of October. Crab Feast: Due to the high cost of Crabs this year, we have decided to cancel our annual Crab Feast. We have attempted to present events that are affordable, fun, and at a reasonable price. DUES: As reported in last month’s newsletter, we are collecting dues. We encourage you to pay before November 15, 2013 which would make you eligible to be entered into the Early Bird contest. For those who are not familiar with the Early Bird contest. paying your dues before November 15, 2013 entitles you to be entered into a drawing to have your $30.00 applied to 2015 dues. The Post will return $30.00 to 10 members as a reward for paying their dues early. You can drop your $30.00 off in the Post Canteen, or pay your dues online at www.mylegion.org, using your credit card. NATIONAL COMMANDER’S TESTIMONY: On September 10, 2013, Our National Commander, Daniel M. Dellinger appeared before the Senate and House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs. His presentation was outstanding on the following subjects pertaining to veterans: Protect Defense, and VA from Budget Wars. Reverse the VA Claims Backlog. Improve Medical Transition Process. Properly Treat All Veterans Exposed to Hazardous Chemicals, and Environments. Improve VA Health Care. Fix compliance issues, state of distrust. Enhance Care for Women Veterans. Prioritize Finding Treatments for PTSD, TBI. Expand VETS Program. Help Veterans Start Businesses. End Veteran Homelessness. Ratify Disabilities Treaty. Protect the Flag of the United States of America. To learn more visit www.legion.org. Your input and suggestions are welcome on how we can improve our Post and activities. In Legion Service for God, and Country, Haywood V. Moss Commander Post 259 Post Officers 2013 – 2014 Upcoming Events Event Leader Commander Haywood V. Moss Installation - June 2014 - Outgoing Commander 1st Vice Commander Gary Gifford S.A.L. 259 Golf Tournament – Sept 2013 – S.A.L. 2nd Vice Commander Matthews Garofalo Veteran’s Day Service – Nov 2013 – Auxiliary Unit 3rd Vice Commander George Martin Adult Christmas Party – Dec 2013 - Legion Adjutant Robert A. Wilson Children Christmas Party – Dec 2013 – Legion Assistant Adjutant Vacant Super Bowl Party – Feb 2014 - Legion Judge Advocate Elbert “ED” White St. Patrick Day Dinner – Mar 2014 – Legion Service Officer James Woodland Upper Marlboro Day Beer Sales – May 2014 – S.A.L. Finance Officer Richard Switzer Assistant Finance Officer – Vacant JBA Joint Service Open House – May 2015 – Legion This event is held every two (2) years Memorial Day – May 2014 - Legion Historian Charles Lewis Flag Day – June 2014 - Legion Chaplain Thomas Treichel AL Golf Tournament – June 2014 - Legion Sgt At Arms John Jackson Crab Feast – September, 2014 - Legion Thanksgiving Feast – November 2013 - Legion Executive Committee Jerald Thompson Joseph DeCenzo Joseph Morgan The American Legion Clinton Post 259 9122 Piscataway Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 Phone: 301-868-2550 Website: www.post259.org Clinton Post 259 Newsletter is published monthly on Post 259 website We welcome your news, ideas, suggestions, comments or questions for future issues. Drop them off at the Post – Attention Newsletter Editor Or forward to [email protected] National Executive Committee Elbert D. White – Alternate National Executive Committeeman We need your assistance, let us know of any our members who are sick or in the hospital Please call (301) 868-2550 If you have moved, please contact the Post with your new address Auxiliary Officers Legion Rider Officers President: Rose Butler Vice President: Judith Woodland Secretary :Freida Skaggs Treasurer: Antoinette Carr Historian: Vivian Boyd Chaplain: Sharon Franklin Sgt At Arm:Ruth King Gold Star: Mickey McKitrick Advisor: Liz White Verna Thompson Barbara Theesen Director: Larry “Doc” McBean Asst. Director: Donald Ennis Secretary: Brie O’Neal Treasurer/Safety Officer Robin Lindsey Chaplain: James Burrows Road Captain:Murray Hall Historian: Vacant Sgt At Arms: A. R. Bradley S.A.L. Officers Commander: Gary Castleman 1st Vice: Dave Desmarais 2nd Vice: David Hutchinson Finance Officer: Sgt At Arms: Richard (Todd) Harding Adjutant: Rich A. Walsh Jr. Historian: Robert “Reds” Aliff Chaplain: Gary “GJ” Shafer Advisor: Jim Cox George Bucklew Have You Paid Your 2014 Dues? Drop them in the mail or drop them off at the Post The cost for renewal is $30.00 Renew Now – Please give us your e-mail address Need Help in Obtaining Benefits and/or Medical Care Don’t Go It Alone Contact American Legion Post 259 Service Officer James R. Woodland Home: 301 283-6451 Cell: 301 283-5047 E-Mail: [email protected] You are not alone CHARLOTTE HALL Post 259 held their monthly BINGO program at the home on 11 September 2013. Al Elmond, Marie Schafer, and her friend Tilley Garcia were the post 259 volunteers with much appreciated help from Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Whitworth, and Chopticon High School ROTC student Ashley Turner. Thanks to the Auxiliary for providing the snacks for the evening. The next BINGO will be 9 October 2013. Pictures this month include a small bus provided by the American Legion Family Department of Maryland; “Wall of Fame and Oral History” that marks the wall for resident display entries; an entry on the wall of husband and wife coresidents; ROTC Student Ashley Turner and resident James Banks; Volunteer Shirley Davis (black blouse) and resident Lloyd Widdowson; and Charlotte Hall Employee Christian Kelly and resident Margaret Beavers. Helping hands are always welcome. The rewards are priceless from a very grateful group of heroes. Al Elmond OCTOBER ACTIVITY CALENDAR Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 st Wednesday nd 2 Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Thursday rd Friday th Saturday 3 Call the Post for Special Meal Menu 301 868-2550 4 Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 5th 10th Call the Post for Special Meal Menu 301 868-2550 11th Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 12th 17th 18th Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 19th 24th 25th Bingo Early Bird – 7:15PM 26th Pinochle 6th 7th SAL Meeting 7:00PM 8th 9th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle 13th 14th Auxilliary Meeting 6:30PM 15th 16th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle 20th 21st Exec Comm Meeting 6:30PM 22nd 23rd Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM Pinochle 27th 28th General Membership Meeting at 7:30PM 29TH Legion Riders Meeting at 7:00pm 30th Shrimp Night 5:30PM until 7:30PM 31st Pinochle Post 259 will host its Annual Thanksgiving Feast November 28, 2013 Cost for the event is $12.00 Don’t forget to sign-up New Members Name Alfred Durham Walter Harvey Thomas E. Morgera Plato Z. Moore James R. Reid Elliott W. Spence Peggy A. Magee Service USMC USAF USMC USN USN USAF USAF War Era Lebanon/Grenada Viet Nam Persian Gulf Viet Nam – Awaiting DD214 Korea Viet Nam Persian Gulf AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY CLINTON POST 259 P.O. Box 17 Clinton, MD 20735 AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 2014 ARE NOW BEING COLLECTED If you are paying at the bar and you do not have your renewal notice, please fill out a blue card and give it and your dues to the bartender. Blue cards are in the wooden box on the right as you enter the bar door. Dues for sr’s are $20.00 and jr’s are $4.00 Please call me if you have any questions regarding membership. 2014 dues must be paid by January 31, 2014 per department or you will be delinquent and shall be suspended from all membership privileges. Liz White Membership Chairman (301) 868-1612 2013 CHRISTMAS PARTY The Annual Christmas Party will be held on December 8, 2013 it will run from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. A variety of entertainment will keep the children occupied until the arrival of Santa Claus. Who will give a gift to every child 10 and under. In order to be eligible for this party you must be a paid up member of Post 259. Fill out the application below and have it in no later than November 20, 2013. NOTE: When filling out this application, make sure the last name is filled in on both the children and the adult party. CHILDREN MUST BE PRESENT TO RECEIVE GIFTS First & Last Name of Child: ___________________________________ SEX: ______ AGE: _____ First & Last Name of Child: ___________________________________ SEX: ______ AGE: _____ First & Last Name of Child: ___________________________ ________SEX: ______ AGE: _____ First & Last Name of Child: ___________________________________ SEX: ______ AGE: _____ MEMBERSHIP CARD NUMBER MD 259: ____________________ PHONE NUMBER: _____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _______________________ 2013 ADULT CHRISTMAS PARTY The Annual Adult Christmas Party will be held on December 15, 2013 from 5:00PM until 8:00PM. There will be an open bar from 5:00PM until 6:00PM. Dinner will be served from 6:00PM until 7:00PM with dancing to follow. In order to be eligible for this party you must be a paid up member of Post 259 and have submitted this application to the Post home not later than December 1, 2013. As usual seating arrangements will be assigned according to the first 175 names received by the cutoff date. A charge of $10.00 per person must accompany each application. Each member is entitled to bring his or her spouse or significant other. Name: ______________________________ Attendees: ___Self ___ Spouse___ Friend___ Membership No.: _______________ Would like to sit with: ________________________ Please enclose check with application – Make check payable to A.L. Post 259 For additional information contact Ms Diane Miller at (301) 868-2550 SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 259 Mike Hunnicutt Memorial Golf Tournament The S.A.L. golf tournament held on September 11, 2013 was a huge success despite the hot weather. Everyone that attended seemed to enjoy themselves. “We had plenty of cold beverages”. We would like to take this opportunity to thanks the following volunteers that gave up their day to help the S.A.L. make this another great tournament. Haywood Moss Matthew Garofalo Robby Robinson Charles Lewis Richard Howard George Bucklew Rose Butler Freida Skaggs Eugene Murray Frank Hendrix Moe Maroney Paul Poteat Shirley Garofalo Kim Lazorcak Toni Carr Sara Bucklew Robert “Reds” Aliff Gary “GJ” Shafer Rich Walsh Robert “Todd” Harding Sheri Tuma Kenny Hendrix Brian Miller Anne Richards Wayne Berbig Dave Desmarias David Hutchinson Richard Coppage Diane Miller I would personally like to thank Anne Richards, Diane Miller, Richard Coppage and George Bucklew for the multiple days they spent helping to put this year’s tournament together. S.A.L. Grill Winner: Mr. John Rodgers We would like to thanks our 2013 Clinton Sons of the American Legion Post 259 Golf Tournament Hole Sponsors & Person Making Donations. DG&E HVAC Service LLC Hero Home Source Texas Ribs & BBQ Mechanicsville, MD 20659 301 377-6427 Clinton, MD 20735 38472 Arlington Drive 301 343-1925 Helen Gaynor Jack Winegardner Chevrolet The Hideaway Fort Washington, MD Clinton, MD 20735 11001 Indian Head Hwy. 7701 Old Branch Ave 301 877-0323 B. K. Miller Meat and Liquors 6421 Old Alexandria Ferry 9024 Old Branch Ave 301 292-6500 301 856-1158 301 868-2500 Charlie’s Family Restaurant Cosmo Air Purification Keller Sheet Metal Fort Washington, MD 20944 Landover, MD Clinton, MD 20735 12760 Old Fort Road 301 292-0655 3611 Pennsy Drive 301 925-1604 Clinton, MD 20735 7732A Old Alex Ferry Rd 301 877-0087 American Legion Post 259 Ladies Auxiliary Unit 259 Kim’s Kantina VFW Post 9376 Willard B. Cox, D.D.S. Marylanders for Miller 9600 Brandywine Road 7905 Malcolm Rd. Suite 104 J. Paul Duke Jr. Memorial Clinton, MD 20735 301 868-1998 ATM Solutions Mark D. Greenstein, D.M.D. PA Clinton, MD 20735 301 868-7228 Mac & Jim Inc. Bayview Title LLC 9001 Livingston Road Suite 201 10855 Town Center Blvd. Mac’s Sunnybrook 301 580-2120 Fort Washington, MD 20744 Steve Caton 301 248-9596 10515 Theodore Green Blvd White Plains, MD 20695 410 586-0143 Electronic Security Service Inc Hovermale’s Tastes Best Exit Elite Realty Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 301 277-EXIT 15050 Buck Lane 9011 Livingston Road 301 780-8480 301 248-2710 Silesia Liquors 10909 Livingston Rd. Fort Washington, MD 20744 Tribles Inc. 16200 Queens Court Hero Home Source 301 377-6424 Exit Landmark Realty 8222 Schultz Road #100 Fort Washington, MD 20744 Upper Marlboro, MD 301 292-1542 301 430-6100 Clinton, MD 20735 Gary & Anne Central Michigan University Columbia Moose Lodge 126 301 568-0545 Clinton, MD 20735 Tri-State Sportsman Club [email protected] 240 305-7996 10404 Brandywine Road 301 568-0545 Mama Stella’s Brennan Title Company Clinton, MD 20735 Camp Sprig, MD 20746 7918 Old Branch Ave 301 868-3057 In Memory of Duke Coppage Electrical Automation Service Inc. 7905 Eton Lane Clinton, MD 20735 240 997-2477 5865 Allentown Road 301 780-8480 Trible 3410 Mountain Road Pasadena, MD 21122 410 437-3103 Door Prize Donation Mr. Al Fenstomoker - Charlie’s Pizzaria - Gary & Anne - A.L. Post 259 – Maryland Lottery Jeff Sheriff – Marlton Golf Course – The Course of Andrews – Bozick – Foster’s Grille George Bucklew I do apologize in advance if I missed anyone Gary “Slimmy” Castleman 2013-2014 S.A.L. Commander
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