Newsletter-201311 - Temple Beth Shalom Mahopac


Newsletter-201311 - Temple Beth Shalom Mahopac
Temple Times
November / December 2013
Temple Beth Shalom
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Established 1953
Member United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Our Congregation
What’s Inside…
Message from Rabbi Hammerman
President’s Message
USCJ Centennial
Kids Movie & Bloom Mitzvah
A Minyan of Sukkah
Movie Night
Bnai Mitzvot
Ritual Committee
Men’s Club
Blooming Seed
Hazon Bike Tour
Josh Bloom Bar Mitzvah project
Listening Campaign
New SCRIP Program
Tour D’Shuls
Hanukkah Stamp
Book Club
Our Advertisers
November / December 2013
From Rabbi Hammerman’s Desk
Dear friends,
760 Route 6
Mahopac, NY 10541
(845) 628-6133
Eytan Hammerman
Carol Zager
Director of Education
Steven Bettman
Gail Freundlich
1st Vice President
Melody Weisman
2nd Vice President
David Michaels
Steven Jaffey
Financial Secretary
Mark Kandel
Recording Secretary
Ron Arsham
Past President
Joel Greenberg
Men’s Club President
Ellen Gershman
Sisterhood President
[email protected]
Abigail Avelino
Alan Belsky
Gabrielle Duke
Wendy Greenberg
Jeff Guest
Allan Gunzburg
Dana Gutt
Elaine Jacobs
Jennifer Klee
Michael Kushner
Kjersten Lazar
Jennifer Lomas
Barry Plaut
Alicia Raskob
David Volkman
Ro Belsky
Jean Follit
William Hughes
As I write these words,
our synagogue remains
wide-open, even if our
government is mostly
shut down with our
political leadership
disagreeing on the question of the
government’s role in the healthcare
system. You may recall that this argument
is a result of a United States Supreme Court
ruling that the Individual Mandate of
“Obamacare” is Constitutional under the
rules of taxation. Our Supreme Court
justices believe that it is permissible for
citizens to be required to purchase their own
Here at Beth Shalom, we love the idea. No,
I'm not referring to “Obamacare” and its
goals. That, I'm going to leave to you and
your friends to argue, agree, disagree, or
agree to disagree if “Obamacare” is good
for the country - or not. What I'm referring
to is the Supreme Court ruling that allows
taxing someone for not doing something. It
is a great concept that we can adopt.
So, allow me to introduce “TBSCares”.
Let's be honest. One of the toughest things
in my job, especially once Yom Kippur
comes to an end, is trying to get people to
participate in Shabbat and Festival Services,
Adult Educational classes and other
programs. We put in much work and effort
to make them enjoyable, entertaining and
Friday Evening
8:00 pm
Saturday Morning 10:00am
Shabbat Hebrew School
Saturday, November 9
Saturday, December 7
Friday, December 13
Saturday, January 4
Enter “TBSCares.” Now, thanks to our
Supreme Court, we can tax someone for not
participating. Imagine how it would change
how we operate and what it would look like.
a. Friday Shabbat Evening Services: FREE Tax On Not Coming to Evening Services:
b. Shabbat Morning Services followed by
Kiddush Lunch some weeks: FREE Tax On Not Coming to Morning Services:
d. Inspirational High Holiday Services:
FREE - Tax On Not Attending High
Holiday Services: $250
e. Mind-Opening Adult Educational
Classes, Book Clubs, movie nights, other
lectures: ALL FREE - Tax On Not
Attending: $100
f. Filling one of our many volunteer
opportunities: FREE – Tax on Not Serving
as a volunteer to help TBS move forward,
I could go on to include the many more
things our congregation offers during the
course of the year.
Now, just like “Obamacare,” the goal of
“TBSCares” isn't the tax, but to reach the
SHABBAT Service Times
Regular Shabbat Services
stimulating. Many people participate. But,
there are still many of you out there
standing on the sidelines. Our goal, and
what we strive for, is full participation.
5:33 PM
4:25 PM
4:18 PM
4:13 PM
4:09 PM
4:07 PM
4:08 PM
4:10 PM
12/27/13 4:14 PM
01/03/14 4:19 PM
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
From Rabbi Hammerman’s Desk
goal of full community participation in Jewish
Life. The only problem is that if everyone
participates and no one is paying the taxes, then how
will expenses be covered? But we'll cross that
bridge when we get there. One distinction between
“TBSCares” & “Obamacare” - We can debate if
“Obamacare” is good for the country in the short
and long terms. No one can debate about the
benefits of “TBSCares.” Coming to Synagogue
Services, celebrating Israel, learning more about
your Judaism and deepening your involvement in
Jewish life will do wonders for your mental,
emotional and physical well-being. Now, why
didn't we think of this idea earlier?
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Buy A Brass Memorial Plaque
You may sponsor as many seats or rows as you wish
Put them near where you or your friends usually sit
Each 2" x 4" Brass Seat Plaque costs $180.00
Each 3" x 5" Brass Row
Plaque costs $360.00
November / December 2013
A Message from our President
The High Holy Days at Temple
Beth Shalom were a tremendous
It sounds strange to be placing
such a commercially subjective
value on the most sacred days of
our Jewish calendar. However, from the perspective
of the Executive Board, Rabbi Hammerman, the
Board of Trustees and the Administrative Staff, the
month long festivities of Rosh Hashanah, Yom
Kippur, Simchas Torah and Sukkot were
exhilarating and insightful, offering countless
opportunities for Temple Beth Shalom members,
family and friends to reconnect with each other, the
Torah and the Synagogue.
spiritual advisor to father of three daughters to
organizer of holiday celebrations to officiating at a
funeral or to teaching Talmud.
However, for all that Rabbi Eytan Hammerman does
at and for Temple Beth Shalom, he does not do so in
a vacuum. The Executive Board and the General
Board and the vital standing committees of Temple
Beth Shalom are in constant communication with
Rabbi Hammerman. These boards and committees,
consisting of congregants, just like you, are
constantly in the midst of discussions and planning,
always striving to be a cohesive working body in
order to support Temple Beth Shalom and its
members in the best and brightest illumination of
our synagogue mission statement.
The policies, protocol, expectations and procedures
instituted throughout Temple Beth Shalom are not
arbitrary nor are they implemented by a single
individual. The Executive Board and the General
Board work tirelessly and diligently to insure that
what we are asking our members to do or follow or
not do, have the full support of the entire spectrum
It is, in fact, the Rabbi, that most people think about of representatives from our Temple Beth Shalom
when they have an interaction with Temple Beth
leadership community.
Shalom. It is true that Rabbi Hammerman possesses
the energy; drive; fortitude; foresight and inspiration To that end, the Temple Beth Shalom Board of
to be involved in a multitude of programs all across Trustees, Executive Board and Rabbi Hammerman
the social, religious and political spectrum both for shall, before the end of the calendar year, be signing
our synagogue, in our local Mahopac community as a Brit Avodah. The “Brit” is a covenant of service
wherein one reaffirms his/her role in the synagogue
well as the platform of the greater State of New
as that of “managing the sacred by bringing vision,
wisdom and dedication to their duties.” The Board
Yet, the reality is that it is “You and I” that most
members and the Rabbi enter into a brit kodesh,
people come into contact with first and foremost
(sacred covenant) and in so doing they agree to
when they visit Temple Beth Shalom. It is “You and adhere to specific principles.
I” that they sit beside during a service. It is with”
You and I” that they share a Shabbat meal. It is with Most pointedly, Temple Beth Shalom’s Board
“You and I” that they kibbitz with during the Purim members and the Rabbi shall always act with
Carnival, share a cup of java with at a local coffee honesty, integrity and honor when acting on behalf
house or tell a tale while waiting for Hebrew school of the synagogue. Further, they will communicate
pick up. We are the real voice and ears and face of openly and truthfully with fellow lay leaders, clergy,
professional staff and congregants. The “Brit” also
Temple Beth Shalom.
recites that they shall ensure that criticism of policy,
On any given day, Rabbi Hammerman deftly
positions, programs or individuals is expressed
transitions, dozens of times during a fifteen hour
constructively and addressed to the appropriate
work day, from religious leader to grant writer to
It is my humble opinion that, throughout the
holidays, Rabbi Hammerman represented Temple
Beth Shalom magnificently and he presented
himself as an engaged, open and welcoming
spiritual leader during all facets of the five (5) week
long holiday festivities.
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
A Message from our President (continued)
party. The “Brit” goes on to state that Board
members and the Rabbi shall ensure that fellow lay
leaders, clergy, professional staff and congregants are
treated with Kavod, respect. Finally, to ensure that
respect for boundaries, prerogatives and expertise is
the norm and that the position/office/calling of the
clergy, professional staff and lay leaders is worthy of
That is not to say that, to a person, each and every
member of Temple Beth Shalom shall fully embrace
each and every rule or protocol or specific
interpretation of ritual or administrative policy at
Temple Beth Shalom. There is absolutely nothing
wrong with being in disagreement; having a different
perspective and standing at a different point along the
ideological spectrum upon which, we as observant
Jews, find ourselves standing within the Conservative
If you have a beef (or a tofu ) or you just want to
bounce an idea around with Rabbi Hammerman, I
respectfully direct you to call him up or knock on his
office door. But, be ready and prepared to have an
intelligent and thought provoking conversation about
what you are feeling; what the Rabbi is thinking and
how you believe that together you and the Rabbi can
work to make your place in our community a
stronger and more fulfilling experience for both you
and the Congregation. If, depending upon the nature
of your issue, question and or concern, it is more
appropriate, reach out to me or the Executive Board
or any Trustee and have a conversation, perhaps over
a cup of coffee outside of the Temple.
Although it is a “ Rabbi” that everyone first sees and
thinks of when we think of Temple Beth Shalom, it is
all too easy to forget that as our Rabbi, Rabbi
Hammerman is first and foremost a person just like
you and me. We are all searching and struggling to
The situation we should all wish to avoid is when one find the right path along life’s journey, for a way to
individual decides to take it upon himself to fervently be the best person we can be.
and publically criticize and chastise the Rabbi and or
a Trustee and place one hundred percent of the blame What separates us from lower rungs of the animal
world is that we have the keen capacity to respect
squarely on the shoulders of that individual or to
one another and to cognitively and constructively
falsely claim that the Rabbi acts independent from
process our disagreements and recognize our
the governing body of Temple Beth Shalom.
mistakes in order to grow into a more fully
Although this Brit Avodah is presently set to be
conscious, caring, understanding human being. When
signed by the Board of Trustees and Rabbi
we can embrace this idea and identify a course that
Hammerman, it is my intention to have the “Brit”
will bring us closer together to live and work in
signed by all chairs of standing committees; chairs of greater harmony, then we will be a stronger, happier,
standing clubs, bar and bat mitzvah tutors and any
safer and wealthier community. The mistake that we
individual taking on a leadership role within Temple cannot tolerate is standing solidly on one spot and
Beth Shalom, whether they are representing the
simply pointing out everyone else’s mistakes without
synagogue “in-house” or they are working in the
being able to acknowledge that each one of us is
greater community. In essence, the expectation is
complicit in having a part in the dynamics of TBS
that we all need to make a covenant to the synagogue and that we each have the ability to change and work
to act and react with wisdom and respect in any and for the greater good.
all of our interactions with Temple Beth Shalom.
November / December 2013
USCJ Centennial—The Conversation of the Century by Melody Weisman
From October 13 to 15 Rabbi
Hammerman, Gail Freundlich and I
attended the United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism (USCJ) Centennial
– “The Conversation of the Century” in
Baltimore, Maryland along with 1200 of
our closest friends. From the moment that
we arrived, everyone that we met warmly
welcomed us. Being a part of USCJ
brings such a connection and camaraderie,
no matter where you were people would
start conversations asking about our
kehillot, where is it located, and what you
wanted to gain out of coming to this
In the Program guide, the Centennial CoChairs, Margo Gold and Jack Finkelstein,
welcomed the participants by saying:
“Together, through a series of
conversations, we will explore the
dramatic changes taking place in the
Jewish world, hear how innovative
thinkers and congregations are responding
to these change and learn how we can all
foster warm, vibrant, sacred communities
for 21st century Jews.” The mantra of the
event was “Let the Conversation begin”.
According to Rabbi Steve Wernick, USCJ
CEO, who was with us during Temple
Beth Shalom’s 60th Anniversary Weekend
in April 2013, “United Synagogue’s
Centennial is a RESET button. This is a
pivot point; a catalyst for reflection,
inspiration and the generation of strategies
to engage North American Jews in a
Judaism that is rooted in tradition and
informed, challenged and engaged by
modernity.” Each day there were a
number of conversation starters and
Keynote addresses given by some of
Conservative Judaism’s greatest thinkers.
The opening keynote address given by Dr.
Erica Brown, a scholar-in-residence for
the Jewish Federation of Greater
Washington, “Give the People what they
want, but what do they want?” Asked
communal leaders to look beyond the
transactional aspects of synagogue life
and toward creating transformative
experiences for their kehillot
(community). At the Gala on Sunday
evening, the Keynote speaker was Rabbi
Harold Kushner, Rabbi Laureate of
Temple Israel in Natick, Massachusetts,
who spoke about his vision for “The
Future of Conservative Judaism in the
21st Century”. On Monday morning, Dr.
Amy-Jill Levine, a professor at Vanderbilt
Divinity School and College of Arts and
Science, began the crucial conversation of
how we overcome our misunderstandings
to better welcome and engage interfaith
families during her address – “The
Common Misunderstanding Christians
Make about Judaism, and Jews Make
about Christianity”. However, it was
during Dr. Ron Wolfson’s, a professor of
education at American Jewish University
in Los Angeles, communal conversation
“Relational Judaism: Using the Power of
Relationships to Transform the Jewish
Community” that I personally had what
Oprah Winfrey calls an “ah ha moment”.
Dr. Wolfson spoke about how creating and
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
USCJ Centennial—The Conversation of the Century by Melody Weisman (cont.)
maintaining relationships are the best
way for synagogues and Judaism to
thrive in the 21st century and that we as
clergy and lay leaders need to “meet
people where they are at” in order to
have a thriving kehillot. This
conversation was such an eye opener that
Rabbi Hammerman, Gail and I decided to
purchase copies of Dr. Wolfson’s book
for the entire TBS Board of Trustees in
order to learn about his concept of
“Relational Judaism” and how we can
apply it Temple Beth Shalom.
Magda Fishman, Randy Herman, Alberto
Mizrahi, Mike Stein and Dale Schatz.
Whether they were singing modern
Israeli songs, blue grass Hebrew tunes or
traditional Cantorial music these Cantors
were amazing. Going to bed that night
was difficult because all of the music was
flowing through my head. Something
special happened to me the next morning,
before going to my first workshop. I was
walking into Centennial Square next to
Hazzan Alberto Mizrahi, we both smiled
at each other then I told him how his
performance the night before had so
Although the lectures, addresses and
moved and inspired me. He was so very
workshops were inspiring and thought
kind; he thanked me, we spoke for a few
provoking, to me the ruach that I felt
minutes and then I was off to get
during the musical interludes was
breakfast. Where else but at the USCJ
unforgettable. On Sunday evening, Josh
Centennial Conference could I feel
Nelson and Neshema Carlebach
comfortable enough to start a
performed and when they sang “Am
conversation with a world renowned
Yisrael Chai” everyone in the room was
Cantor such as Hazzan Mizrahi?
on their feet, dancing and singing, you
could almost feel the room levitate.
I know that I speak for Rabbi
However, the most inspirational and
Hammerman and Gail when I say that
transformative moment for me was
attending this Centennial Conference was
during the Centennial Cabaret: Rockin’ transformational. All of us learned a lot
Souls Concert produced by Magda
and can’t wait to share what we learned
Fishman featuring Cantors Jen Cohen,
with all of you at Temple Beth Shalom.
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
starts at
will be
November / December 2013
A Minyan Of Sukkah By Gail Plaut
Sukkot, considered one of the most fun and joyous of
all the holidays, brought warm, sunny days with soft
breezes and lovely, clear evening skies...just perfect for
enjoying a meal or a gathering in the Sukkah! With the
Harvest moon shining bright and full over us, a number
of TBS families fulfilled the mitzah of building and
eating in the Sukkah (actually, the ancient Hebrews
lived in the Sukkah during the harvest).
and the (4) Jurisz families, the (5) Toovells, the (6)
Tuchmans and (7) Tuzmans as well as the (8) Plaut
and (9) Hammerman families. The TBS Sukkah make
the count 10, a full Minyan!
The Lomas family has had different Sukkahs over the
years, however, the Rabbi's offer was the inspiration to
build a Kosher Sukkah. The frame was made of wood;
the sides were fashioned from fabric curtains then
The Festival of Sukkot begins on Tishri15, the fifth day tacked to the frame. Jen and Gabe strung small white
after Yom Kippur. It is quite a drastic transition, from lights around the outer edge of the Sukkah and strings
one of the most solemn holidays in our year to one of
of grape clusters with lights inside added to the Sukkah
the most joyous. Sukkot is so unreservedly joyful that it decor. The roof was made of branches with string of
is commonly referred to in Jewish prayer and literature leaves. They used a combination of both artificial and
as Z'man Simchateinu, the Season of our Rejoicing.
real greens, with of course homemade touches made by
Sukkot has a dual significance: historical and
Jake and Becca. They put out a table and chairs to
agricultural. Historically, Sukkot commemorates the
accommodate the several gatherings that occurred
forty-year period during which the children of Israel
during the festival week. The Lomas Sukkah was
were wandering in the desert, living in temporary
perched in the front yard which enabled them to share
shelters. Agriculturally, Sukkot is a harvest festival.
the Sukkot with both Jewish as well as non-Jewish
The word "Sukkot" means "booths," and refers to the
neighbors. Jen said it was nice to share their customs
temporary dwellings that we are commanded to live in and holiday as so many of their non-Jewish neighbors
during this holiday in memory of the period of
display lights and scenery during various seasonal
wandering. The name of the holiday is frequently
holidays. Jen said "Shabbat dinner was special in the
translated "Feast of Tabernacles," which, like many
Sukkah. Erecting the Sukkah was so much fun that
translations of Jewish terms, isn't very useful. This
taking it down was a little sad!"
translation is particularly misleading, because the word
The Bromberg family hadn't had an opportunity before
"tabernacle" in the Bible refers to the portable
Sanctuary in the desert, a precursor to the Temple. The to build a Sukkah. The Rabbi's offer was just the
Hebrew word "sukkah" (plural: "sukkot") refers to the motivator for Julie & Emi to say "Let's do it"! Julie
said she has always wanted a Sukkah since she first
temporary booths that people lived in, not to the
Tabernacle. Sukkot lasts for seven days. The two days converted and began observing the cycle of Jewish
holidays. "The holiday of Sukkot resonated with both
following the festival, Shemini Atzeret and Simchot
of us, we love the community aspect and the joy of the
Torah, are separate holidays but are related to Sukkot
harvest season." And so it began, this year, Jen and
and are commonly thought of as part of Sukkot.
Gabe Lomas, friends as well as neighbors of the
Rabbi Hammerman can often be heard throughout the Brombergs joined forces. Emi & Gabe started a new
holiday season boasting about the TBS Sukkah, the
tradition: The Raising of the Sukkahs. Co-operatively,
largest in Putnam County. This year, he not only
the men framed out the Lomas Sukkah and then moved
wanted to share the delight and meaning of Sukkot, but on to the Bromberg Sukkah. "This made it truly a
wanted as many families as possible to have the full
community effort and will probably continue for many
Sukkot experience...building and having a Sukkah at
years to come" Julie shared. The Sukkah frame is
their homes. So, Rabbi Hammerman sent out a
made of wood, with rolls of natural burlap for walls
constant contact email entitled Temple Beth Shalom
that are staple gunned to the frame. They hung
Wants to Buy You a Sukkah! This communiqué was
artificial fruit, apples, pumpkins, flowers and of course
an offer of funding up to $100 to the TBS congregation Noah and Ezra helped place decorations. “My goal for
as well as a four-step process on how to procure and
next year is to have the kids make more decorations”
said Julie. The Brombergs used the Sukkah as much as
enjoy your Sukkah.
possible, entertaining whenever possible. Both family
The minyan of Sukkahs was brought to you by the (1) & friends shared meals in the Sukkah. In addition to
Lomas family, the (2) Brombergs, the (3) Tavelinsky
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
A Minyan Of Sukkah By Gail Plaut (continued
eating, Noah and Ezra enjoyed playing and reading
books in the Sukkah !
Adrienne and Dan Tavelinsky had their first Sukkah
last year. The frame is made from 2" wood dowels,
with 8 foot, 2 x 4 creating a square for the top and
bottom. They attached blankets using string threaded
through holes in the corners of blankets; sticks and
brush were used for top. Adrienne started a tradition
of having an Arts & Crafts party; all the children came
and made decorations for the Sukkah. Alex and
Dylan made paper chains and pictures. Dan shared
that their inspiration for building a Sukkah came out of
the desire to create a Jewish home, complete with
creating memories with experiences such as this. They
enjoyed having a Sukkah party with the lulav and
etrog. When asked about having a Sukkah next year,
Dan replied “You bet and the Tavelinsky Sukkah will
be bigger and better with each year to come!”
The Tuzmans have been erecting their Sukkah for over
30 years. “We used to have a wood frame but that got
to heavy and the kids weren't home to help so about 10
years ago, we bought a portable 8 x10 Sukkah” said
Susan Tuzman. When Susan taught Sunday school at
TBS, she would have her class come over for breakfast
in the Sukkah and capitalize on the experience for all
her students by making it a holiday lesson. The class
would learn about Sukkah and she would create some
kind of decoration arts & crafts project. She would
then teach then another lesson about Simchat Torah.
Dessert & coffee and frequent open houses are a
common occurrence in the Tuzman Sukkah, inviting
both Jews and non-Jews. They try to eat many meals
in the Sukkah when they are home but mostly they just
have dinner and a lot of company. When the Tzuman
children were young, Susan would set up dough made
out of flour and salt for the children to make
decorations and keep themselves occupied during
Yom Kippur. Afterward, the decorations would be
painted, glazed, baked and displayed in the Sukkah.
Paper chains, flowers, Indian corn, apples and
pumpkins also adorn the Sukkah. Susan said they
tried stringing cranberries and popcorn one year, but
that didn't work so well. Any New Year's greeting that
the family received was also displayed lovingly in the
Sukkah. A long standing Tuzman Sukkoth tradition is
that whenever children are invited, they are asked to
bring a picture or original art to further decorate the
Sukkah . Additionally, Susan sets a lamp out so the
Sukkah can be used in the evening and of course,
candles for Shabbat. They also have put a portable
heater in their Sukkah when the weather requires the
Mahopac weekenders Shera & Alan Tuchman have a
home on Lake Mahopac. They started having a
Sukkah on the flagstone patio in back of their house
four years ago. The Sukkah has a snap together metal
frame with canvas walls that velcro to the frame.
Imitation birds and greenery as well as prized art hand
made by the grandchildren adorn the Sukkah.
The Plaut family has had a Sukkah for a couple of
years. Barry Plaut, chairman of the House & Grounds
Committee at TBS, erected the family Sukkah using 2
x 4 pressure treated wood for the frame. Latticing
surrounds the Sukkah on all the sides with strands of
autumn leaves and seasonal fruits, berries and flowers
scalloping the interior and exterior walls. Small white
lights trim the crisscross the ceiling for an elegant
effect as well as a rainbow of mums and asters around
the outside of the Sukkah. Situated on the back deck
of the house allows for easy serving of meals, making
entertaining uncomplicated and fun. "Star gazing
through the bamboo roof of the Sukkah on a clear
night is truly exciting and calming all at once. It’s our
little piece of heaven and just one more way we are
able to enjoy the beautiful property we have created"
shared Gail Plaut.
The TBS Sukkah has hosted the Men's Club Football
in the Sukkah, Pizza in the Hut, the Shabbat Oneg as
well as Shabbat morning Kiddish and numerous
community dinners as well as Hebrew School
Unfortunately, the Toovells & Jurisz families were
unavailable for information about their Sukkahs.
I have really enjoyed talking to every family about
their Sukkah. Each family was filled with excitement
that they had made the holiday Sukkot their own by
building a Sukkah and fulfilling the mitzvah. I hope
this article has and will inspire you to build a Sukkah
at your home next year, creating your own special
family traditions and memories. Let's make our goal
CHAI SUKKAH! 18 Sukkahs next year! Please watch
for details....Tour de Sukkah 2014!
November / December 2013
Our Members Sukkot
The Travelinsky’s
The Lomas’
The Tuzman’s Sukkah
Plaut Sukkah
Bromberg Sukkah
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Temple Beth Shalom’s Sukkah
November / December 2013
Programming Previews by Wendy Greenberg
Listed below are the many
wonderful and exciting events
planned for November and
December at Temple Beth
Shalom. We hope you will be
joining us! Enjoy!
7. Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas? Coming together,
and Reaching out, at the Shabbas Table. See below for
more info
The Programming Committee is very excited about a
program we are planning to launch at Temple Beth
Shalom. It is called “GUESS WHO’S COMING TO
SHABBAS?” The program was created by Debbie Alpert
1. Chai Mitzvah – Saturday, November 9th at 9am and
and her family at Temple Sinai in Dresher, PA. The
Saturday, December 14th. 2014 Dates TBA.
concept is simple – host Shabbat dinners for fellow
2. TBS Book Club – Tuesday, November 12th at 7pm
congregants – including strangers – families who will
Andi Rosenthal will be talking about her spellbinding
novel, The Bookseller’s Sonnets. The book is available at consider becoming hosts themselves. The exponential
growth of hosts will mean that, Shabbat after Shabbat (we
local libraries,, and Barnes and
are hoping to do it once a month), more people within our
Noble. There is no charge and everyone is welcome to
Temple community will come to know one another. Our
attend! Refreshments will be served.
hope is to involve every member of our congregation who
3. TBS Goes to the Movies (adults)
wants to participate by the end of the year. Patti Bettman
a. Lincoln – Saturday, November 16th at 7pm
and I will be serving as “matchmakers” - finding hosts
b. Arranged – Saturday, December 14th at 7pm
and families for them to welcome to their home for a
There is no charge and refreshments will be served.
Shabbat dinner. Each host will receive a complete guide
4. TBS Goes to the Movies (children)
to the traditional Shabbat rituals, including explanations
a. Madagascar – Sunday, November 24th at noon
There is no charge and lunch will be served before the of prayers and suggestions for table-talk subjects – from
discussing current events to sharing what was special in
the week gone by. Please “stay tuned” for constant
5. The Blooming Seed Café
contacts about “Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?”
a. November 23rd at 7:30pm
b. December 28th at 7:30pm
Enjoy all the activities and events!
6. Friday Night Live with Cantor Jake, Followed by a
Wendy Greenberg
Post Chanukah Dinner and Celebration – Friday,
Programming Chair
December 13th at 7pm
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Movie Night Schedule
Temple Times thanks its
advertisers for their sponsorship
and support.
Please show your thanks by
supporting them and when you do, be sure to let them know
that you saw their ad
in the Temple Times.
November / December 2013
Eva Gutt
Eva Gutt
Chava Gittel bat Faibol and
Divorah Michlor
November 30, 2013
Eva Gutt is a bright, gregarious 7th grader at
Mahopac Middle School. As a high honor roll
student, Eva is in advanced math and participates in
two school bands as well as the Middle School
drama company. She plays percussion in the regular
band and she also plays the steel drum in the
Mahopac Steel Drum Band.
CPR instructors will be teaching the newest CPR and
AED techniques. She wants to be certain that her
family, friends and the entire TBS community, have
the access to become certified and proficient in these
very important skills. Many thanks to Eva, the Gutt
family and WML Aquatics, which is owned by TBS
member Wendie Lubinsky, for their generosity and
help with this event.
Eva has an older brother Hayden. He is in 10th grade
at Mahopac High School. It is because of Hayden
that Eva is in the steel drum band. Hayden assists
Mr. Flynn, the band teacher, in introducing students
to the wonderful sound of the steel drum. He
instructs students how to play them. Hayden also
loves theater and has attended the same performing
arts camp as Eva for the past 7 summers. Unlike his
sister, Hayden is a skier, not a snowboarder, but he
does agree with Eva in saying that Big Sky, Montana
is the best.
Eva loves theater and has attended a performing arts
camp for the past 6 summers. At camp she has
performed in many shows including, “Annabelle
Broom”, “All Shook Up”, “Flat Stanley”, “George
M, and “The Pajama Game”. Locally, at Yorktown
Stage, Eva garnered wonderful experience
performing in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Eva’s proud parents, Dana & Fred Gutt are very
involved in the Temple. Dana is a member of the
Dreamcoat”. She currently takes voice lessons.
Board of Trustees and is the coordinator of Backyard
She is an avid equestrian and rides several times a
Shabbat, which aims to bring Temple members
week at Zephyr Farm where she is on the Intertogether in an informal setting during the summer.
Collegiate Equestrian team. Her favorite horse is
She is always looking for new host families. Fred is
Grapefruit. She is well versed in horse care, knows an anesthesiologist at Vassar Brothers Medical
how to groom and saddle horses, and has had her
Center. If you have enjoyed our new digital sign and
share of cleaning out stalls! Her dream is to be an
the plantings surrounding it, thank Dana and Fred
equine veterinarian.
who donated them in honor of Hayden’s Bar Mitzvah
and Eva’s Bat Mitzvah.
In addition to riding horses, Eva loves snowboarding
and bike riding. Her favorite place to snowboard is Eva and her family love to travel and visited Israel in
Big Sky, Montana, which she feels is exquisite. She 2010. Although she was only 9 years old at the time,
enjoys using her bike on Mahopac’s bike path.
Eva remembers the beautiful sunrise while climbing
Masada and floating effortlessly in the Dead Sea.
For her Mitzvah Project, Eva is learning how to
Eva plans to continue her Jewish experience after her
administer CPR. While she is too young to be an
Bat Mitzvah by joining Kadima and later, USY.
instructor, her goal is to make sure that as many
people as possible learn CPR to help save lives. On Eva is excited to share her Bat Mitzvah celebration
Sunday, October 27, 2013, Eva is coordinating an
with her family and friends!
event at TBS, at no cost to members, where certified
Happy Bat Mitzvah to Eva!!!
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
From the Ritual Committee
The high holidays are a time for
prayer, for spirituality, and for
connecting with our family and
community in contemplation of the
Jewish year that is ending, and
looking ahead to the year that is
about to begin. We hope that those of
you who chose to spend the high holidays with us at
TBS felt that connection and feeling of fulfillment
from the services.
communal meal in the sukkah the entire community
could carry out the mitzvah of eating in the sukkah. We
hope you took part in some event and rejoiced in the
Yom Tovim.
It is due to the stimulating sermons of Rabbi
Hammerman, and to the beautiful cantorial voice of
Jacob Feldman, working together seamlessly to
conduct the services, that the high holidays were so
meaningful to all of us.
Please don't think that this is it for the year, and you
don't need to come until next September, or until
Hanukah! There is so much going on at TBS, always,
so please carefully read this newsletter, check the emails, or the flyers. If you enjoyed our high holiday
services, imagine how you would enjoy a regular
Thank you to Bernice and Jeff Guest, who worked so
Shabbat morning, with an intimate setting and the
hard behind the scenes. Thank you to the Torah readers opportunity to have direct contact with the Rabbi and
and service leaders, and to the board members who
other congregants. Join us for many more meaningful
volunteered to usher.
Alicia Raskob, Ritual chairperson
Sukkot provided many opportunities for us to be a part
of the festival, whether it was coming to services and
having kiddsh in the sukkah or having a private or
From the Men’s Club
I hope all of you were inspired as much as I was from our High Holiday Services led by
Rabbi Hammerman and Cantor Jake. We certainly have a lot to think about for the coming
year. On Monday night, September 23, 2013, we had our Third Annual Steak and Football
Night. It was very successful with the attendance exceeding twenty-five. Our thanks to Chef
Howie for the delicious steaks. I believe a good time was had by all.
On Sunday morning, October 27, 2013 we are having a CPR Class which begins at 9:00
AM. Breakfast will be served. Our thanks to Eytan for organizing this event.
On Sunday, November 17, 2013, the Men’s Club will be sponsoring its First Midnight Run. This involves
bringing hot breakfast to the needy in Manhattan.
Our final event of 2013 will be our Breakfast on Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Individual flyers
will be mailed out shortly regarding all of our programs. Looking ahead to 2014, we will be having our
Fifteenth Annual Millennium Breakfast on Sunday, January 12, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. This has always been one
of our most successful programs where we have representatives of the religious and political arena give us
their view for the coming year.
Look forward to seeing you at our next event on Sunday, October 27, 2013 and all our future programs.
Blooming Seed By Steve Bettman
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Hazon Bike Tour
This past Labor Day, a group of bikers rolled into our Temple Beth Shalom parking lot. All outfitted in their bike gear and helmets they stopped for a rest and refreshments. They were warmly welcomed by our Temple members participating
to meet and greet them. They biked throughout Westchester and Putman County
that morning even though it continued to rain. Many continued to be enthusiastic
and committed to complete the course. As a volunteer for our Temple, I was
proud to assist and represent my Mahopac Jewish Community. I felt like a part of
me had biked along with them and I was happy to support their sport.
Marge Pollack
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Israeli Scouts/Friendship Caravan by Robin Kushner
November / December 2013
On Line SCRIP is here!!! By Lynn Michaels
What is ShopWithScrip? is a free online scrip management tool from Great Lakes Scrip Center (GLSC). It allows
families to place their own scrip orders online. ShopWithScrip® makes ordering a breeze for families. See the
list of vendors on the next page.
Why Should I use ShopWithScrip?
ShopWithScrip is so convenient to use! It’s more accurate than traditional order forms, because discounts,
products, and denominations are updated immediately by GLSC as changes occur. You can view images of
each product, and find information about where and how gift cards can be used. With participating retailers,
you can Reload funds onto gift cards you already own, and print your own ScripNow!™ eGiftCards in
minutes when you pay for your order online with PrestoPay™. You won’t have to wait for a physical card to
ship - perfect for last-minute purchases! Plus, you can place your orders literally any time of day or night, 365
days a year, from any internet-connected computer or device!
How Do I Get Started?
The first step is to create your free account by visiting and clicking on the green ‘Sign
Up’ box.
Fill in the form and follow the simple registration instructions. This includes entering our temple’s enrollment
code— 47AELAD51LL75
That’s all it takes to begin taking advantage of the easiest and most convenient fundraising program you’ll
ever use. Start using today!
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
‫ ~רפואה שלמה‬Mi’sheberach
Yom Huledet Sameakh
Wishing a return to good health to those
who are ill in our community
•Reuven ben Beryl Richard Charkow
•Selma Chavis
•Barry Cohen
•Joy Degal
•Stefani DiCembrino
•Gisa Dollinger
•Annie Drogy
•Sheila Drogy
•Stephen Erlitz
•Wilma Fantin
•Josh Goldenberg
•Yvonne Horowitz
•Tony Iannucci
•Chrissy Johnson
•Sandra Klein
•Shelly Lapa
•Janet Lipson
•Mary Joe Lomas
•Michelle Minkoff
•Darren Pinsker
•Keva bat Sheindal
•Christine Paravaty
•Rachel Samuel
•Yossel ben Schmuel
•Christopher Starace
•Rosalie Steiner
•Christina Stroud
•Larry Ticker
•Maria Urman
•Doris Vecca
•Mark Yekutiel
•Gershon ben Gitel
•Yosef Zvi Ben
Hadassah Chanah
•Malka Leah bat Gitel
•Moshe ben Menachem
Mendel and Vela
‫יום הולדת שמח‬
November 01
Rebecca Charkow
November 03
Nicole Ann Koppel
Julie Bromberg
December 07
November 05
Joshua Solar-Doherty
Jerry Persampieri
November 02
Haden Gold
Andrew Gorodess
Ethan Pomerantz
November 06
Joseph Sacks
Dylan Tavelinsky
Paul Hammer
November 08
Barry Plaut
November 10
Denise Persampieri
Melissa Pomerantz
Jennifer Swift
November 12
Diane Houslanger
November 13
Evan Volkman
November 14
Did we miss your birth-
day? Please let us know!
December 05
November 20
November 09
Please notify the office if you
or a family member is ill or in
the hospital, so that Rabbi
Hammerman can schedule a
visit. Your phone call is greatly
Zachary Martin
Sharon Volkman
Brett Freeman
Andrew Braman
If you see a name on the
Mi’Sheberach list who,
thank G-d, has returned to good
health, please notify the office at
[email protected]
November / December 2013
Georgene Perlman
Matt Petrone
Simon Begler
November 15
Dylan McDermott
Leah Cohen
Hayley Weisman
November 19
Eytan Hammerman
Alvin Rosenberg
November 21
November 22
November 23
Shari Zimmerman
Jennifer Winters
December 06
Karen Kwan
Kenneth Koswener
December 09
December 10
November 25
Lani Hammerman
David Rubin
November 26
Jennifer Pallant
Aidan Savir
Jessica Reing
Aimee Freundlich
Erica Liu
Matthew Hirsch
Anita Bellenchia
Michael Kwan
Matthew Hirsch
Kjersten Lazar
November 27
Shea Belsky
David Ranani
November 28
Alan Weiskopf
Zila Koswener
Mrs. Ashley Lathrop
Ilana Pollack
November 30
Robin Kushner
Amanda Stern
December 03
Jordan Feldman
December 04
Alexandra Orlinsky
Heather Gorodess
December 12
December 15
Al Dicembrino
Stefani Dicembrino
Richard A. Cohen
December 16
Jonathan Tuzman
December 17
Steven Toovell
December 18
Alexander Koswener
Laura Avellino
December 19
Zachary Rubin
Jacquelyn Stochel
Rachel Kwan
Aliza Mannis
December 20
Ryan Luxemburg
December 21
Amanda Silverman
December 22
Gabriel Goldstein
December 24
Benjamin Vilshansky
Ruth Simon
December 25
Jason Toovell
Dr. Paul Hertz
December 26
Debbe Buckvar
Elaine Jacobs
December 27
Chaim Emil Bromberg
December 28
Howard Gershman
December 29
Jonathan Schwartz
December 30
Joshua Martin
Hayden Gutt
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
All Roads Lead to Mahopac and TBS
Temple Times
Bernice Guest
Lynn Michaels
Advertising Editor
David Michaels
Steve Bettman
Joel Greenberg
Wendy Greenberg
Rabbi Eytan Hammerman
Gail Plaut
Marge Pollack
Alicia Raskob
Melody Weisman
Carol Zager
Sunday Oct. 13, 2013 was the
Tour d'Shul Bike Tour from
Bedford to Putnam County
with a stop for refreshments at
our Temple Beth Shalom. It
was a beautiful sunny dry
morning when quite a lot of
bikers biked into our driveway. They received warm
welcomes and assorted drinks
and eats. They ranged in age
from preteen to adult. All
smiles and very talkative. It
was exciting to see so many individuals in their biking gear and helmets. Their
adrenaline rush passed through all of our members who were on the spot to assist. Thanks for coming to our Shul here in Mahopac.—Marge Pollack
Pictures by Jules Gidal
To download a Scrip Order Form,
go to
The Temple Beth Shalom
newsletter is published five times
per year and is provided by and for
the membership of the synagogue.
Neither Temple Beth Shalom, nor
its members, assumes liability for
any of the information, opinions or
suggestions contained herein.
Articles submitted are subject to
editing. Contents may not be
permission from the Temple office.
We apologize in advance for any
errors or omissions. Submissions
can be sent via email in Word or
Publisher format to:
[email protected].
10, 2013
Newsletter Errors
Occasionally errors & omissions
are found in the pages of Temple
Times. We appreciate being
notified of any corrections by
calling the TBS office (845)6286133. A newsletter staff member
will return your call ASAP. The
temple office is not responsible for
newsletter content. Many thanks to
our readers, Temple Times Staff
November / December 2013
Contributions (August 1—September 30, 2013)
General Fund
In Honor of the Wedding of Steve
& Patti Bettman's daughter, Alyia
from Alicia & Gerald Raskob
For the Speedy Recovery of Rich- For the Yahrzeit of Stephen's faard Charkow from Harriet & Alvin ther, Jack Nadelhaft from Stephen
& Phyllis Nadelhaft
For the Yahrzeit of Brother, Seymour Bessen from Herbert Bessen
In Honor of Ellen & Howard
Gershman's 40th Anniversary from For the Yahrzeit of Family from
Alicia & Gerald Raskob
Howard Garrell
Thank you Thank Ro for her help
and compassion from Claire
In Honor of the Wedding of Steve
& Patti Bettman's daughter, Alyia
from David & Lynn Michaels
For the Yahrzeit of Jack's father
from Jack Zencheck
For the Yahrzeit of Mother, Ann
Bress from Linda Silbert
In Memory of Stephen Novick's
sister from Sue & Gary Loewenberg
For the Yahrzeit of Father, Max
Fechenbach from Sue Loewenberg
In Honor of Ellen & Howard
Gershman's 40th Anniversary from
Wendy & Joel Greenberg
Thank you In appreciation for BerFor the Yahrzeit of Mother,
nice Guest's hard work during the
Frances Berliner from Maxine Ber- high holidays. from Wendy & Joel
Happy New Year from David &
Lynn Michaels
For the Yahrzeit of Wife, Marion
Rabbi's Fund
For the Yahrzeit of Mother, Doro- Freed from Rabbi Herb Freed
In Honor of Ellen & Howard
thy Freedland from Elaine Bessen
For the Yahrzeit of Father, Dave
Gershman's 40th Anniversary from
For the Yahrzeit of Father, Alex
Begler from Samuel Begler
Judy & Joe Occhiogrossi
Freedland from Elaine Bessen
For the Yahrzeit of Phyllis's sister, In Honor of the Wedding of Steve
In Honor of Rachel Kwan's year of Susan Cox from Stephen & Phyllis & Patti Bettman's daughter, Alyia
study in Israel from Eleanor &
from Judy & Joe Occhiogrossi
Ralph Small
For the Yahrzeit of Stephen's
In Honor of Rabbi Hammerman
For the Yahrzeit of For her mother grandmother, Sarah Baskin from
from The Ljumic Family
and grandfather from Gale
Stephen & Phyllis Nadelhaft
Religious School Fund
For the Yahrzeit of Stephen's mothFor the Yahrzeit of Mother, Phyllis
For the Yahrzeit of Mother, Edith er, Celia Baskin Nadelhaft from
Stephen & Phyllis Nadelhaft
Weinstein from Sharon Volkman
Raskob from Gerald Raskob
Project Hanukkah Stamp by Myrna Holzman, Director
Hanukkah comes early this year, beginning the evening of November 27th.
The USPS has said that the Hanukkah stamp should
be available in mid-October. However, it'll be the
same stamp design as issued in 2012. Since it won't be
a new stamp, your P0 may not receive it automatically
so you must go to or call your local post office and tell
them that they must order NOW, so you can buy them
in time for the holiday which is early this year.
If your local post office does not have Hanukkah
stamps, you can buy them on line. Go to and
on the home page, click on 'Buy Stamps". On the new
page click on "Forever/46 cent Stamps". On the next
page click on "6" in the list of pages (upper right
hand). Then scroll down; "Hanukkah stamps" is in the
bottom row. Click on the "BUY" button and proceed
from there. It's not easy, but if the USPS won't issue
or ship Hanukkah stamps every year automatically,
we still need to show them that these stamps are
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
November / December 2013
May Their Memory be a Blessing
Nov 1 / Heshvan 28
Bernard Hendler
Joseph Lipins
Dec 20 / Tevet 17
Mark Goldberg
Nov 15 / Kislev 12
Dec 7 / Tevet 4
Ester Dayanoff
Nov 2 / Heshvan 29
Steven Kantor
Dec 22 / Tevet 19
Aleck Pollack
Nov 17 / Kislev 14
Joseph Bloom
Julia Homelsky
Nov 5 / Kislev 2
Morris Goldstein
Dec 11 / Tevet 8
Morris Nathan Pomerantz
Ruth Kramer Weiss
Blanche W. Axelrod
Nov 18 / Kislev 15
Dec 26 / Tevet 23
Nov 7 / Kislev 4
Seymour Hartman
Rae Posniak
Samuel Shapiro
Sarah Sophie Ofrichter
Nov 23 / Kislev 20
Nov 8 / Kislev 5
Treitek Steinlauf
Harold Rosner
Philip Schectman
Elaine Zager
Nov 25 / Kislev 22
Nov 9 / Kislev 6
Isadore N. Axelrod
Jay Freebern
Jack Chupper
Frances Michaels
Ann Teplitsky
Nov 11 / Kislev 8
Nov 29 / Kislev 26
Anna Hammer
Samuel Berlin
Nov 12 / Kislev 9
Dec 6 / Tevet 3
Neal Tilzer
Nov 28 / Kislev 25
Dec 12 / Tevet 9
Libby Seiden
Baruch Yekutiel
Ruth Bornfriend
Edith Steinlauf
Dec 28 / Tevet 25
Dec 13 / Tevet 10
Aaron Gorelick
Dorothy Gould
Deena Guest
Ethel Pollack
Dec 16 / Tevet 13
Sarah Brazinsky
Nancy Michlowitz
Abraham Weiskopf
William L Lichtman
Dec 29 / Tevet 26
Margaret Diana
Dec 30 / Tevet 27
Goldie Jacobs
Izik Aryeh Skybell
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
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November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
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November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Sisterhood Gift Shop!
Visit the gift shop or contact Ellen
Special Orders are welcome…
Any special occasion need can be filled
E-mail Ellen at
[email protected]
When you’re planning your next Life
Event, whether it’s a Wedding, Bar/
Bat Mitzvah or Buying/Selling a
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Relocation specialist in the Tampa Florida area
My name is Mark Newman, a young Jewish professional in the
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Now is the right time to buy or invest in the Tampa area. Even if
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Mark Newman
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Ben Gruber, Inc.
Ben Gruber
Eric Gruber
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November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Freight Liquidators
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November / December 2013
Hosting An Oneg?
If you would like to host an
Oneg or Kiddush, contact
Ro or Jean in the office for
T (914) 698-4300
F (914) 698-0364
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
Did You Know?
You can now get your
Kosher Meats at our
local Stop & Shop!
November / December 2013
Double or
Search online or
shop through
Triple (!!!)
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in "My Cause"
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And then link to your
favorite online store.
TBS gets paid every time
you search or purchase.
For added benefit, some
stores will also accept
SCRIP gift cards.
your Donation FREE!
Your donation could double or
triple without any expense to
you. Call your Human Resources Department or Community Relations office and ask
about your company’s
Some companies do not match
donations to religious organizations, but some do. Inquire with
your HR Representative.
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
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November / December 2013
Heshvan / Kislev / Tevet 5774
530 North Main Street, Brewster, New York
Reserve for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, corporate meetings,
community activities, showers, any kind of party.
Zumba, yoga, dance classes available in the evenings.
[email protected]
34 Hillandale Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Lawn Crypt for Sale
King David Memorial Garden
Putnam Valley, NY
Contact: Judy Nathan,
for more information
[email protected]
I will travel to your home for
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the ill, Senior Citizens
or who just can’t get out
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