Transformational acoustics and homogenization in structured plates Sébastien Guenneau Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, 13013 Marseille, France. work in collaboration with: Younes Achaoui, Ronald Aznavourian, André Diatta, Stefan Enoch (Institut Fresnel) Stéphane Brûlé, Ménard soil dynamic laboratory (Lyon, France) Philippe Roux (ISTerre, Grenoble, France) Marc Dubois, Gautier Lefebvre, Ros-Kiri Ing, Emmanuel Bossy, Geoffroy Lerosey, Patrick Sebbah (Institut Langevin, Paris, France) Tryfon Antonakakis, Andrea Colombi, Richard Craster (Imperial College London, UK) Bogdan Ungureanu (Technical University of Iasi, Romania) Nicolas Vandenberghe (IRPHE, Marseille, France) Cargèse summer school " Wave propagation in complex media", 2015, August 17th - 28th 1 Outline of the talk: Principle of transformational physics From electromagnetic to acoustic Metamaterials Platonic Metamaterials Seismic metamaterials Conclusion and perpectives. 2 Principle of transformational physics S. Guenneau: Cargèse summer school " Wave propagation in complex media", 2015, August 17th - 28th 3 Principle of transformational physics A simple change of coordinates… Original space: Let us start with a PDE with a scalar coefficient m (isotropic heterogeneous medium) (1) x’ = p(x,y,z,t) Transformed space: y’ = q(x,y,z,t) z’ = r(x,y,z,t) After coordinate change, we get a modified equation The PDE now has a matrix coefficient M (anisotropic heterogeneous medium) (2) …can have big consequences! 4 Principle of transformational physics First example: 3D Maxwell’s equation in frequency domain Original space: Let us start with the time-harmonic vector Maxwell curl curl equation in vacuum (3) x’ = p(x,y,z) y’ = q(x,y,z) Transformed space: z’ = r(x,y,z) After coordinate change, Maxwell’s equation describes an anisotropic heterogeneous medium (Nicolet et al., 1994; Ward & Pendry, 1996, Greenleaf et al. 2003, Zolla et al. 2005, Pendry et al. 2006 etc.) The PDE now has matrix valued spatially varying (in general dispersive) permittivity and permeability! (4) 5 Principle of transformational physics Second example: 2D Helmholtz’s equation Let us start with the scalar Helmholtz equation (for transverse electromagnetic wave, pressure wave, anti-plane shear wave, water wave, etc.) Original space: (5) x’ = p(x,y) Transformed space: y’ = q(x,y) After coordinate change, Helmholtz’s equation has both a matrix coefficient A and a scalar coefficient b (6) We shall derive the transformed equation on black board So far, so good, the transformed equation has the same structure as the original one! 6 Paradigm of Transformational physics: Cloaking in optics (Pendry, Schurig and Smith, Science 2006) Consider a map r’=R1+ r(R2-R1)/R2 from a disk r<R 2 onto a ring R1<r’<R2, this leads to two sets of parameters: in Hz polarization (7) in Ez polarization Permittivity and permeability describe a transformed medium called metamaterial inside the ring (invisibility cloak). Hz and Ez the longitudinal magnetic and electric fields. R1 R2 Point source in free space Point source near a scattering object Point source near object surrounded by the cloak 7 Paradigm of Transformational physics: Cloaking in Ez polarization (Schurig et al., Science 2006) One may argue a metamaterial would be hard to make in practice, as it requires artificial anisotropy and magnetism, and one can choose between two types of material parameters: Pendry, Schurig and Smith’s choice for experiments R1 r’=R1+ r(R2-R1)/R2 R2 Ez polarization Imperial College/Duke cloak 6 MONTHS Practical implementation Concept of invisibility cloak (Schurig et al., Science November 2006) (Pendry et al., Science June 2006) 8 Paradigm of Transformational physics: cloaking in Hz polarization (Kanté et al., PRB 2009) Following Pendry’s work, Kanté, Germain and de Lustrac proposed a cloak in the other polarization! B. Kanté, Romain and de Lustrac’s choice for experiments IEF cloak in Hz polarization Numerics versus experiments at 11 GHz 9 Can we avoid material anisotry? Transformational optics versus conformal optics Cloaking via artificial anisotropy (cloaking for Maxwell) Pendry, Schurig, Smith, 2006 (Imperial College & Duke) Cloaking via gradient index (cloaking in ray optics limit) One goal Transformation Optics (TO) Leonhardt, 2006 (Saint-Andrews) Conformal Optics (CO) Two ways to do it BTW: a combination of TO and CO makes invisibility carpets (best of two worlds) 10 From electromagnetic to acoustic metamaterials S. Guenneau: Cargèse summer school " Wave propagation in complex media", 2015, August 17th - 28th 11 Plethora of experimental results for electromagnetic waves Imperial/Duke 2006 Duke 2009 Duke/Imperial 2006 Berkeley 2009 Cornell 2009 KIT 2010 and many more since 2010 Remark: c)-f) are invisibility carpets as proposed by Li and Pendry, PRL 2008. One way to see it is that carpets combine TO & CO. 12 From microwave to water wave cloaks: Pendry’s cloak mimicks an effective tensor of permeability The waterwave cloak mimicks an effective tensor of viscosity Microwave cloak @ 8.5 GHz Anisotropy guides waves (split ring resonators) Water wave cloak (5-15Hz) (no resonators) Institut Fresnel, Liverpool University 2008 Duke University, Imperial College 2006 Cloaking via artificial anisotropy is a multiphysics concept! 13 Examples of manufactured carpets for optics and water waves Telecommunications (1.55 mm) Plasmonics (700-900 nm) Scherrer et al. PRB 2013 (with group of de Fornel in Dijon and Lippens iand Vanbesien n Lille) Linear surface water waves (0.5-2 m) (with group of B. Molin & O. Kimoun in IRPHE) Dupont, Kimmoun, Molin, Guenneau, Enoch, arXiv 2011 & PRE 2015 17m See also Berraquero, Maurel, Petitjean, Pagneux, PRE 2013 & Porter and Newman JFM 2014 for cloaking with varying depth Kadic et al., Opt. Exp. 2010, Kadic et al. Plasmonics 2012 (Barcelona, Marseille) 14 Experiments on microwaves and acoustics with a waterwave cloak Cloaking between 3-8 GHz Cloaking between 2-7 kHz Benchmark: Fang’s group (PRL 2011) Simulation (IF) Measure 3.6 Hz (Institut Fresnel) Computation 3D SER (CST) Redha Abdeddaim (Institut Fresnel) Measure pressure field (Fang, MIT) @ 5kHz @50 kHz speaker Xu et al. Scientific Reports 2015 Microphone 15 Experimental proof of acoustic cloaking @5kHz (Fang’s group MIT) Xu et al. Scientific Reports 2015 Experimental data (MIT) for glass bottle cloaked (5 kHz) Computation 2D SER (COMSOL) Mohamed Farhat (KAUST) Conclusion: The same cloak works for transverse electric waves (3-8 GHz), pressure acoustic waves (2-7KHz) and water waves (5-15 Hz) 16 The case of transformed elastodynamics Modified Willis equations versus transformed Navier equations Original space: Let us start with the time-harmonic tensor Navier equation in isotropic homogeneous elastic medium described by a rank 4 elasticty tensor C and a density (8) x’ = p(x,y,z) such that u’=JT u with J jacobian Transformed space: y’ = q(x,y,z) matrix of transform z’ = r(x,y,z) After coordinate change, Navier’s equation does not retain its form in general (Milton, Briane, Willis 2006) The PDE now has additional rank 3 tensors D and E However, take J=Id, then one gets (Brun, Guenneau, Movchan, 2009; Shuvalov and Norris, 2011): (9) (10) BUT C’ijkl different from C’ijlk (Cossérat) 17 Numerical results for a 2D elastic (Cosserat) cloak for coupled pressure and shear waves in frequency and time domains 2D elastic cloak in frequency domain Guenneau, Brun, Movchan Institut Fresnel/Liv. Univ. (2009) 2D elastic cloak in time domain Komatitsch, Cristini, Xie (LMA/CNRS): Convergence problem with Specfem when wave reaches infinite speed! Heterogeneous scalar density: Elasticity tensor without the minor symmetries: For other elastic cloaks see Milton, Briane, Willis NJP 2006, Parnell and Norris APL 2012 etc. 2013: First mechanical pentamode cloak (static) KIT (Weneger’s group) Nature Comm. 2013 Inspired by theoretical work of Norris (PRSA 2008) Remaining challenge: mechanical cloak in dynamic regime 19 Proposal for a 3D elastodynamic Cosserat cloak Transformed Navier equation for u’=JT u with J=Id: with density C’ has 21 non-zero entries in spherical basis Diatta & Guenneau APL 2014 20 3D elastodynamic cloak for coupled pressure and shear waves Cloak @ 3Hz with r1=2m, r2=4m dressing a void of radius 2m. Norm of elastic displacement for a spherical void (left), no void (middle) and void+cloak (right). 3 components of strain tensor for a spherical void (top), no void (middle) and void+cloak (bottom). Diatta & Guenneau APL 2014 Remark: The elasticity tensor has 34=81 heterogeneous entries in Cartesian coordinates. 21 The case of transformed elastodynamics for plates Navier equation does not behave nicely under geometric transform, what about the Kirchhoff-Love equation for thin plates? Original space: Let us start with the biharmonic equation for flexural waves in thin elastic plates with E the Young modulus, r the density, h the thickness and D the plate rigidity (11) x’ = p(x,y,z) Transformed space: y’ = q(x,y,z) After coordinate change, the biharmonic equation reads the same (Farhat, Guenneau, Enoch and Movchan, 2009) but one now has new Young modulus, density, thickness and flexural plate rigidity parameters: (12) 22 Platonic metamaterials: Lamb waves in structured plates S. Guenneau: Cargèse summer school " Wave propagation in complex media", 2015, August 17th - 28th 23 Effective plate model with a beam lattice Bernoulli-Euler equation (in four beams in a unit cell): General solution (16 coefficients): l h b Floquet-Bloch conditions: Floquet-Bloch conditions: l Continuity of displacement at node: Rigid body motion at node: Angular and linear momenta at node: Farhat et al. APL 96, 081909, 2010 24 Focusing Lamb waves in a perforated plate (platonic crystal) 15 Frequency (kHz) Dubois et al., APL 103, 071915, 2013 Farhat et al. APL 96, 081909, 2010 Negative group velocity 10 duraluminium plate (500*300*1mm) 5 0 X M Bande acoustique théorique et numérique Collaboration Langevin/Fresnel (ANR PLATON) M. Dubois , E. Bossy & P. Sebbah M. Farhat, S. Enoch & S. Guenneau Lensing @10KHz Numerical evidence of cloaking in a perforated plate Biharmonic equation in homogeneous phase with D And zero bending moments and shearing stress at boundaries no cloak cloak 100 cloak 200 (top) and 0.36 (bottom) Farhat, Guenneau, Enoch, PRB85, 020301 (2012) 26 Experiments in plates: Lensing and cloaking With group Patrick Sebbah (Langevin, Paris) With Nicolas Vandenberghe (IRPHE, Marseille) Réfraction négative FDTD simulation (using SIMSONIC) performed by Ronald Aznavourian FDTD simulation (using SIMSONIC: 3D full elasticity 790 freeware developed by Emmanuel Bossy, Langevin) Frequency (kHz) 15 10 5 0 X M @10000 Hertz @400 Hertz 27 High frequency homogenization theory of pinned plates (Antonakakis & Craster, PRSA 2012) FEM HFH @W =6.58 FEM @W =6.58 HFH = (hyperbolic metamaterial) Antonakakis, Craster & Guenneau, EPL 2014 28 High Frequency Homogenization versus experiments in pinned plates Hyperbolic metamaterial plate (T11*T22<0) HFH gives @M T11=27.05 T22=-15.12 FEM HFH Experiments Anisotropic metamaterial plate (T11<<T22) HFH gives @M T11=0.90 T22=467.33 M G X M FEM Experiments Lefebvre, Achaoui, Ing, Antonakakis, Craster, Guenneau, Sebbah (in preparation) 29 Maxwell’s fisheye lens in plates of varying thickness (Dubois, Lefevbre et al. APL 2015) platonics FDTD simulations (3D elasticity) optics (D + n2) u=0 rh/D proportional to n4 Snapshot @155 ms 0.01 Snapshot @605 ms 0.01 0.008 0.008 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.002 0 0 -0.002 -0.002 -0.004 -0.004 -0.006 -0.006 -0.008 -0.008 -0.01 -0.01 Lefebvre, Achaoui, Ing, Guenneau, Sebbah (APL 2015) 30 Cloaking Lamb waves with forest of trees on plates (varying effective thickness) (Colombi, Roux et al. JASA 2015) 31 Seismic metamaterials: Moulding surface elastic waves in structured soils S. Guenneau: Cargèse summer school " Wave propagation in complex media", 2015, August 17th - 28th 32 MAIN CONCEPT : CHANGE THE PROPERTIES OF THE INITIAL SOIL TECHNOLOGIES : OUR ALTERNATIVE = GROUND IMPROVEMENT Soil cross section Z Densification Soil Ground improvement without admixture Inclusions Reinforcement with rigid inclusions (steel, concrete) or boreholes (air) Metamaterial ? 33 Selected design: a seismic shield via platonic stop band DESCRIPTION OF A FULL SCALE SEISMIC TEST Shielding effect – Source (50 Hz) 2D plate Model with Floquet-Bloch Conditions – solved with Comsol Soil parameters (Ménard): Vs ~ 150 m/s, E=100 Mpa, n=0.3 Density soil r= 1500 kg/m3 Density bore holes r= 1.2 kg/m3 Grid spacing 1.73 m Holes’ diameter : 0.32 m Example of lensing effect Partial stop band around 50Hz: A source at frequency 50 Hz should be reflected by a finite array of 30 boreholes 34 First experiment on seismic metamaterial (Ménard, Grenoble, August 2012) DESCRIPTION OF A FULL SCALE SEISMIC TEST 1.73 m Length : 5 m Depth : 2 m Holes’ diameter : 0.32 m 35 Construction site (Ménard, Grenoble, August 2012) MAKING COLUMNS setup with low seismic source, boreholes, and velocimeters RESULTS Experimental : J2-J1 -2m E/A1 normed 37 RESULTS : J2-J1 -2melastic E/A1energy low (Ménard, normed Map of measured Grenoble, Summer 2012) Map of J2-J1 where J2 is the elastic energy with boreholes and J1 without boreholes Map of J2/J1 where J2 is the elastic energy with boreholes and J1 without boreholes 0.2<J2/J1 <1 in blue area i.e. up to 5 times less elastic NRJ Black rectangles: sensors; white discs: boreholes 38 Word ofOF caution on seismic shields: both periodicity DESCRIPTION A FULL SCALE SEISMIC TEST and overall shape of seismic metamaterial matter… Concentration effect – Source (50 Hz) 2D Model – Comsol Conditions de passage sur les bords des trous (formulation faible, cf. eq. 1) Energy field Soil : Vs ~ 150 m/s, E=100 Mpa, n=0.3 Density soil r= 1500 kg/m3 Density bore holes r= 1.2 kg/m3 Grid spacing 1.73 m Holes’ diameter : 0.32 m Example of lensing effect avec The ring-type structure leads to a concentration effect! 39 Second experiment on seismic metamaterial (Ménard, Saint-Priest, September 2012) DESCRIPTION OF A FULL SCALE SEISMIC TEST 1.73 m Depth : 2 m Length : 5 m Holes’ diameter : 2 m, pitch: 6m 40 Seismic flat lens (Saint Priest, September 2012) experiment d @5 Hz (source at d/2) experiment simulation simulation Hz 50 40 3 30 0 20 An approximate plate simulation suggests negative refraction around 3-7Hz 10 @5 Hz (source at d) M X M Brûlé, Enoch, Guenneau (under preparation) 41 Seismic flat lens (experiment of Saint Priest, September 2012) Frequency domain Experiment (4.5Hz) Time domain d simulation @4.5 Hz (source at d) one `image’ inside the lens after 2.178s one `image’ at the exit of the lens after 2.270s Brûlé, Enoch, Guenneau (under preparation) 42 Conclusion and perspectives S. Guenneau: Cargèse summer school " Wave propagation in complex media", 2015, August 17th - 28th 43 Theoretical and experimental results in plates Collaboration with group of Patrick Sebbah @ Langevin, Paris: Experiments on lensing of flexural waves (Pendry-Veselago flat lens and Maxwell fisheye) ANR PLATON Collaboration with group of Nicolas Vandenberghe @ IRPHE, Marseille: Experiment on cloaking of flexural waves through concentric layers of holes FEM HFH Collaboration with group of Richard Craster @ Imperial, London: high-frequency homogenization of pinned plates (experiments with group of P. Sebbah) 44 Experimental achievements on seismic metamaterials Shielding effect around 50 Hz (Grenoble) Focusing effect around 5 Hz (St Priest) Brûlé, Javelaud, Enoch, Guenneau, PRL 2014 source Partnership with Ménard company (Dynamic soil laboratory of Stéphane Brûlé) Reminiscent of Work Sang-Hoon Kim and Mukunda P. Das on seismic waveguide metamaterials, Mod. Phys. B 2012 & work of ETZ Zurich’s group, Ext. Mech. Lett 2015 45 Perspectives on seismic metamaterials Seismic cloak in sedimentary soils Shielding effects with a forest of trees Institut Fresnel, La Recherche, 2012&2014 Work in progress on simulations and experiment with Ménard company, the group of Philippe Roux at ISTerre (Grenoble) and the group of Richard Craster at Imperial College London Objective: Seismic cloak: ~100m in diameter Frequencies: 1-15 Hz Experiments led by the group of Philippe Roux at ISTerre (Grenoble). Computations made by Andrea Colombi at Imperial College London 46 Thanks for your attention! Ongoing work in ERC Team ANAMORPHISM: Dr. Younes Achaoui: numerics on seismic metamaterials Dr. André Diatta: theory and numerics on elastic cloaking Dr. Guillaume Dupont: experiments & numerics on water waves Mr. Ronald Aznavourian: FDTD and morphing
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