Rob Porritt, G. G. University of Arizona [email protected]
Rob Porritt, G. G. University of Arizona [email protected]
Getting started with FuncLab Rob Porritt, G. G. University of Arizona [email protected] FuncLab is a graphical user interface for managing receiver functions in Matlab It was originally written by Kevin Eagar and Matt Fouch Functionally has been greatly expanded by me (Rob Porritt) Now incorporates other matlab packages such as processRFmatlab m_map cptcmap irisFetch matTaup New version still needs documentation; volunteers? Receiver Functions Three-Component Seismograph Free Surface ρ0, α0, β0 h P leg S leg PpPhs PsPhs + PpShs Pp Ps Observed P or SV waveform Receiver = —————————— Function Incident source waveform Direct P wave Ideal P Receiver Function R(ω)Z*(ω) PRF(ω) = Z(ω)Z*(ω) Ps Relative amplitude ρ1, α1, β1 Material Contrast PpPhs PpShs + PsPhs PsShs 0 Lag time Modified from Chuck Ammon: Stanciu, et al, JGR, 2016 Stanciu, et al, JGR, 2016 Stanciu, et al, JGR, 2016 CCP Stacking result Stanciu, et al, JGR, 2016 P to S Receiver functions for Transition Zone structure Longitude (˚E) a) 138 0 139 140 141 142 143 b) 145 21 144 Latitude (˚N) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 100 200 (a) (a) 0.05 0.04 400 (b) (b) (c) 500 (c) 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 600 (d) (d) −0.02 (e) 700 −0.01 RF Amplitude Depth (km) 300 (e) −0.03 −0.04 800 −0.05 Porritt and Yoshioka, GRL, 2016 Create/load project Edit preferences New PRFs from raw data Requires: Data directory with sub-directories formatted as: Event_YYYY_JJJ_HH_MM_SS East, North, and Vertical component sac files in each event sub-directory Event metadata in sac headers Select: Time (iterative) or Frequency (waterlevel/damped) domain deconvolution Filtering parameters and gaussian pulse filter /Users/usarray/Modules/Tuesday/FuncLab/ Michigan/RAWTRACES ProjectDirectory/ 1. Open Matlab and cd to the project directory 2. Start funclab by entering “funclab” 3. Load the Michigan project 4. Explore 1: Plot a map of stations 2: Plot seismograms for one station-event pair 3: Plot a record section for an event 4: Plot a move out image 5: Manually trace edit radial RFs for one station or event 6: Use add-ons to compute H-k crustal thickness and Vp/Vs 7: Map PRFs to depth and plot ray diagram 8: Compute a CCP Stack via CCPV2
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