Raport Roczny Annual Report
Raport Roczny Annual Report
Annual Report Raport Roczny Annual Report Raport Roczny Annual Report www.bankbps.pl 2006 2006 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board and the President of the Management Board COOPERATION WITH FOREIGN BANKS 37 3 DEVLOPMENT OUTLOOK AND PLANS GOVERNING BODIES FOR THE FUTURE 39 Shareholders 5 Supervisory Board 6 BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS Affiliation Board 7 Certified auditor’s opinion 41 Management Board 9 Balance-sheet 42 Off-balance-sheet items 45 Profit and loss account 47 Cash flow statement 48 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 50 MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 11 BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 Introduction 15 Organization and outlets network 16 COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Deposit base 17 Affiliated cooperative banks against sector Credit portfolio 20 background 54 Product offering 23 Balance-sheet 55 Marketing and public relations 24 Profit and loss account 58 Activities on the financial market 25 Equity 59 IT development 25 Foreign currency operations 26 LIST OF CONTACTS Restructuring and debt collection 26 Outlets of Bank BPS 61 Risk management 27 Cooperative and cooperating banks 65 Equity and capital adequacy ratio 28 COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS Introduction 30 Settlements in the Affiliation 30 Bank cards and ATM’s 31 Aid funds 33 Syndicated credits involving cooperative banks 33 Preferential credits 34 EU funds 34 Other services provided for cooperative banks 35 2 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 Letter from the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board and the President of the Management Board Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for us to present the report on the activities of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości in 2006. Summing this period up, we would like to emphasize that it was a consecutive year of hard work, introduction of important changes and selfsacrifice, which all in all enhanced our Bank and brought visible effects in terms of economic&financial situation, as well as recorded results. That is why we ended the year 2006 with a pre-tax financial result at the level of PLN 22,7m. Our records were influenced by effects of Bank’s restructuring program in progress, as well as – to a smaller degree than in the previous year – income from granted in 2004 financial help of Banking Guarantee Fund. Bank pursued objectives set forth in the recovery program, which should be assessed as positive, and gradually formed conditions for further successive development and position’s reinforcement in the banking sector. It is confirmed by not only dynamic development of business activities and significant improvement of credit portfolio quality, but also by incurred cost rationalization and successive upgrade of Bank’s outlets work efficiency. However, we are aware of the fact how much it is still left to be done. The past twelve months were a period of substantial modernization of Bank’s product offering, which aroused bigger interest among customers and was noticed by external institutions. As a result, many Banks’ products were placed at top positions in numerous rankings, and Bank itself held on to its leadership position among most dynamic and effective companies in Poland. Bank BPS was awarded with a title of “Pearl of Polish Economy” for a second time in a row. Good work of Bank BPS and better service of affiliated cooperative banks represent a strong platform for reinforcement of the whole Affiliation, all 352 cooperative banks, our most important shareholders. Together, we constitute one of the biggest financial institutions in the country, with a total balance of close to PLN 33bn and equity in excess of PLN 2,5bn. We would like to maintain and strengthen such a model of affiliative cooperation, in order to play a substantial role in the development of our communities, agro business, as well as small and medium enterprises. Good records of our Bank and the whole Affiliation would not be possible without our Customers. Cooperation with them influences our development and decides about our increasingly growing potential. There is still one more group of people without whom our results would be hard to achieve. It is our employees who are the biggest and most valuable Bank’s capital. Without their day-to-day work full of commitment and scrupulousness, the success of Bank and whole Affiliation would never happen. They deserve here a special thank-you. We are convinced that Bank BPS and affiliated cooperative banks through joint efforts will continue to reinforce and develop, constituting a decisive factor for the position of Polish cooperative banking sector. Chairperson of the Supervisory Board President of the Management Board Krystyna Skowrońska Mirosław Potulski 3 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 GOVERNING BODIES Shareholders Supervisory Board Affiliation Board Management Board 4 Annual Report Raport Roczny GOVERNING BODIES 2006 Shareholders In 2006, the share capital of Bank BPS remained constant and as at the end of 2006, was divided into 133 246 777 shares with a par value of PLN 1 per share. Share capital of Bank BPS S.A. as at December 31st 2006 Series No. of shares (units) A 2 000 000 Value (PLN) 2 000 000 B 12 000 000 12 000 000 C 4 000 000 4 000 000 D 2 000 000 2 000 000 E 1 865 000 1 865 000 F 1 517 700 1 517 700 H 74 864 077 74 864 077 I 35 000 000 35 000 000 Total 133 246 777 133 246 777 Cooperative banks comprise the majority of Bank’s shareholders with an aggregate share value of 87,3%, including affiliated cooperative banks with 80,1%. Shareholders of Bank BPS S.A. as at December 31st 2006 No. of shares Share capital 2 104 560 1,579% Cooperative banks: 116 365 244 87,331% Affiliated cooperative banks 106 771 488 80,131% Non-affiliated cooperative banks 6 775 366 5,085% Cooperating cooperative bank 2 818 390 2,115% Other Polish banks 1 213 072 0,910% Foreign banks 4 528 969 3,399% Other: 9 034 932 6,781% Individuals 1 080 214 0,811% Other 7 954 718 5,970% Total 133 246 777 100,000% Name Treasury State 5 Annual Report Raport Roczny GOVERNING BODIES 2006 Supervisory Board Krystyna Skowrońska Wiesław Adam Poleszak Chairperson of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board President of the Management Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Przecław Member of the Supervisory Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Nałęczów Józef Błażej Czysz Krzysztof Radziszewski Deputy Chairperson of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board President of the Management Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Miedźna President of the Management Board – Spółdzielczy Bank Rozwoju Romuald Piotruk Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. delegated to act as Vice President of Management Board of Bank Secretary of the Supervisory Board President of the Management Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Łosice Hanna Barbara Ruszczyńska Member of the Supervisory Board Jan Czesak President of the Management Board - Warmińsko-Mazurski Bank Member of the Supervisory Board Spółdzielczy President of the Management Board - Krakowski Bank Spółdzielczy Zygmunt Sitek Aleksander Andrzej Dachowski Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member - Bank Spółdzielczy Rzemiosła in Radom President of the Management Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Oleśnica Composition as at May 21st 2007. Andrzej Tadeusz Kocój Member of the Supervisory Board Chairperson of the Supervisory Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Stalowa Wola Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board during the period from January 1st 2006 till May 21st 2007: Jan Wincenty Bajno – tendered his resignation as Member of the Supervisory Board on February 2nd 2006 Wojciech Kulak Member of the Supervisory Board Witold Marcin Morawski – appointed Member of the Supervisory Board on June 22nd 2006 President of the Management Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Stary Sącz Józef Jan Myrczek – stopped acting as Chairperson of the Supervisory Board on October 24th 2006 Witold Marcin Morawski Member of the Supervisory Board President of the Management Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Biała Rawska Krystyna Skowrońska – appointed Chairperson of the Supervisory Board on October 24th 2006 Romuald Piotruk – appointed Secretary of the Supervisory Board on October 24th 2006 Józef Jan Myrczek Member of the Supervisory Board President of the Management Board - Bank Spółdzielczy in Katowice Wojciech Kulak – stopped acting as Deputy Chairperson of the Supervisory Board on March 26th 2007 Józef Błażej Czysz – appointed Deputy Chairperson of the Supervisory Board on March 26th 2007 6 Annual Report Raport Roczny GOVERNING BODIES 2006 Affiliation Board Edward Biernacki Andrzej Górczyński Chairman – Member of the Presidium of the Affiliation Board Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Wieliczka Bank Spółdzielczy in Szczytno Józef Cieszyński Dariusz Jasiński Deputy Chairman – Member of the Presidium of the Affiliation Member of the Affiliation Board Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Zbuczyn Bank Spółdzielczy in Rzeszów Danuta Klabacha Krzysztof Kajko Member of the Affiliation Board Secretary – Member of the Presidium of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Żyraków Bank Spółdzielczy in Kolno Wacław Kozłowski Stanisław Dembowski Member of the Affiliation Board Member of the Presidium of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Łańcut Bank Spółdzielczy in Łubniany Ryszard Leszczyński Zbigniew Urbankiewicz Member of the Affiliation Board Member of the Presidium of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Jastrzębie Zdrój Bank Spółdzielczy in Łęczna Janusz Mazurek Przemysław Andrzejewski Member of the Affiliation Board Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Wojsławice Bank Spółdzielczy in Oborniki Śląskie Robert Pacek Krystyna Binek-Angełowa Member of the Affiliation Board Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Rymanów Bank Spółdzielczy in Skoczów Mirosław Potulski Włodzimierz Cichoń Member of the Affiliation Board Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. Bank Spółdzielczy in Konopiska Leon Radziwoniuk Roman Domański Member of the Affiliation Board Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Bielsk Podlaski Bank Spółdzielczy in Radzyń Podlaski Urszula Sieradzka Józef Florek Member of the Affiliation Board Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Praszka Bank Spółdzielczy in Samsonów 7 Annual Report Raport Roczny GOVERNING BODIES 2006 Affiliation Board Gabriela Sołobodowska Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Legnica Józef Szperlak Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Jabłonka Janina Wolanin Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Księżpol Stanisława Zadora Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Kęty Elżbieta Zytek Member of the Affiliation Board Bank Spółdzielczy in Zgierz Composition as at May 21st 2007. Changes in the composition of the Affiliation Board during the period from January 1st 2006 till May 21st 2007: Jan Klimkiewicz – tendered his resignation as Chairman and Member of the Affiliation Board on July 12th 2006 Edward Biernacki – appointed Chairman of the Affiliation Board on September 13th 2006 Józef Cieszyński – appointed Deputy Chairman of the Affiliation Board on September 13th 2006 Mirosław Potulski – appointed to the Affiliation Board on November 22nd 2006, appointed Member of the Presidium of the Affiliation Board on December 11th 2006, and on May 17th 2007 r. tendered his resignation from being a Member of the Presidium of the Affiliation Board as President of Powiślański Bank Spółdzielczy in Kwidzyn. 8 Annual Report Raport Roczny GOVERNING BODIES 2006 Management Board MIROSŁAW POTULSKI since April 27th 2007 President of the Management Board of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. Graduate of economy at Gdansk University and postgraduate studies in banking at Gdansk School of Banking. In 1977, he started his professional career at Badawczo-Rozwojowy Przemysł Płyt Drewnopochodnych center in Czarna Woda, as a specialist of economics and organization. In the period of 1983-89, worked at PSS „Społem” in Kwidzyn, initially as Vice-President, and since 1984 as President of the Management Board. Since 1990 he ran together with his wife their own business. Since 1983 Member of Bank Spółdzielczy in Kwidzyn; since 1998 acted as Vice-President of the Supervisory Board, and since November 2000 acting as President of Powiślański Bank Spółdzielczy in Kwidzyn. In the years 1998 – 2002, he was doing community service at a local government entity and served as Chairman of the City Council in Kwidzyn. KRZYSZTOF RADZISZEWSKI since May 9th 2007 Acting Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. Graduate of agriculture economics at Warsaw Agricultural University. In 1995, he started his professional career at Bank Spółdzielczy in Szepietowo. Since 1998 he acted as Member of the Management Board, and thereupon, as President of the Management Board. Since 2005 he has been acting as Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości. He participated in numerous trainings organized by International School of Banking and Finance and The Gdańsk Academy of Banking. 9 Annual Report Raport Roczny GOVERNING BODIES 2006 Management Board ANIELA SZAFRAN since December 1st 2003 Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. Graduate of Economic High School in Wrocław (Faculty of National Economy, specialization: internal trade, master of economics), completed postgraduate studies in "Accountancy and financial control", "Finance and banking", "Foreign trade" at Economic Academy in Wrocław, participant of numerous trainings, i.a. in the area of credits, bank guarantees, debt turnover. In 1972, she started her professional career in Voivodeship Cooperative Society "SPOŁEM" in Opole. In the years 1976-1983, she worked in a State Company POLMOZBYT in Opole; later on, in the years 1983-1990, in the Boiler Factory in Sędziszów SEFAKO, and, following that, 1993-1994 in ASPRA-SEFAKO S.A. in Sędziszów. In the companies mentioned above, she performed duties of an economic and economic & trade vice-director. She has been related to banking since 1995, when she took over the position of Chief Credit Officer of the Branch in Częstochowa in BIG Bank Gdański S.A. Thereupon, since 2000 she acted as Sales Vice-Director of the Branch in Katowice in BWE S.A. Since 2002, she has been working in Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. Before being appointed Vice-President of the Management Board, she had been a Director of Bank’s Regional Branch in Olsztyn. ALEKSANDER TROJANOWICZ since September 20th 2006 Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. Graduate of Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice (Division of Trade, Transport and Services, faculty: Economics and organization of road transport); postgraduate studies in finance and banking, Division of National Economy at Wroclaw University of Economics. Participant of numerous trainings, i.a. payment cards, analysis of investment enterprises, economic-financial analysis or operational risk. In 1993, he started his banking career at Bank Zachodni SA, Branch in Oława, working at many posts until 1998. Since July 1998, he acted as a senior credit specialist at the Head Office of Gospodarczy Bank Południowo-Zachodni S.A. in Wrocław, and later on, as an executive of Credit Division and vice-director of Trade Department. In the years 2001-2002, he was a Head of Risk Management Section at SKK KREDYT S.A.; from March till June 2003 - coordinator of the Debt Collection Section at PKO Towarzystwo Finansowe sp. z o.o. Since July 2003 until being appointed Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A., he acted as a director of the Voivodeship Branch in Katowice. Composition as at May 21st 2007. Changes in the composition of the Management Board during the period from January 1st 2006 till May 21st 2007: Janusz Janicki – stopped acting as Vice-President of the Management Board on September 20th 2006 Adam Kuzdraliński - stopped acting as Vice-President of the Management Board on October 31st 2006 Aleksander Trojanowicz – appointed Vice-President of the Management Board on September 20th 2006 Paweł Siano - stopped acting as President of the Management Board on March 21st 2007 Mirosław Potulski – appointed President of the Management Board on April 26th 2007 Krzysztof Radziszewski – appointed Acting Vice-President of the Management Board on May 9th 2007 10 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Macroeconomic environment 11 Annual Report Raport Roczny MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 2006 Macroeconomic environment In accordance with the data from Central Statistical Office, in 2006 a noteworthy fact is that GDP increased gradually throughout 2006. GDP stood at PLN 1 050,9bn, up by 5,8% versus 2005. The GDP In the particular quarters, GDP amounted to 5,2%, 5,5%, 5,8%, and pace of growth rose by 2,3 p.p. compared with 2005. Concurrently, 6,4%, respectively. Basic macroeconomic indicators throughout 2004 – 2006 2004 2005 2006 Change 2006-2005 GDP (real increase) 5,3% 3,5% 5,8% 2,3 p.p. Increase in prices of commodities and consumer services (y/y) 4,4% 0,7% 1,4% 0,7 p.p. Increase in prices of commodities and consumer services (mid-year) 3,5% 2,1% 1,0% -1,1 p.p. 19,0% 17,6% 14,9% Unemployment rate (as at the end of the year) -2,7 p.p. USD/PLN exchange rate (mid-year) PLN 3,65 PLN 3,23 PLN 3,10 PLN -0,13 EUR/PLN exchange rate (mid-year) PLN 4,53 PLN 4,03 PLN 3,90 PLN -0,13 In 2006, the inflation rate represented an upward swing (in a year to The changes of the base interest rates of Central Bank year relation) – it rose from 0,6% in January up to 1,4% in corresponded with the level of market rates. 2006 mid-year WIBOR December. The Polish Monetary Policy Council cut the NBP interest 1M reached the value of 4,17% (versus 5,37% in the year earlier); rates two times (in January and February), in aggregate down by on the other hand, mid-year WIBID 1M was at 4,01% (compared 0,5 p.p. The rediscount rate was decreased to 4,25%, the reference with 5,18% in 2005). rate down to 4,0%, the lombard rate to 5,5%, and the deposit one down to 2,5%. Mid-month WIBOR 1M in the respective months in 2005 and 2006 % 7,00 6,63 6,57 6,36 6,50 5,94 6,00 5,55 5,38 5,50 4,88 4,77 5,00 4,57 4,61 4,13 4,14 4,60 4,62 4,50 4,52 4,00 4,29 4,14 4,13 4,12 4,12 4,12 4,12 4,13 4,12 3,50 2005 r be De ce m ve No m be r er ob ct O pt em be r st Se Au gu ly Ju ne Ju ay M ril Ap ch ar M ua br Fe Ja nu ar y ry 3,00 2006 12 Annual Report Raport Roczny MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 2006 Macroeconomic environment Mid-year interest rate of 52-weekly treasury bills equalled 4,20%, In 2006, mid-year exchange rate of PLN to EUR and USD stood at down by 0,72 p.p. over the 2005 figure. PLN 3,90 and PLN 3,10, respectively, remaining stable in the particular months of the year. Mid-month USD and EUR exchange rates in 2006 % 4,10 3,90 3,82 3,79 3,16 3,17 3,87 3,92 3,22 3,20 4,02 4,00 3,97 3,90 3,89 3,90 3,83 3,81 3,70 3,50 3,30 3,17 3,15 3,05 3,10 3,12 3,05 3,09 2,97 2,89 2,90 2,70 USD r be De ce m ve No m be r er ob ct O pt em be r st Se Au gu ly Ju ne Ju ay M ril Ap ch ar M ua br Fe Ja nu ar y ry 2,50 EUR 13 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 Introduction Organization and outlets network Deposit base Credit portfolio Product offering IT development Marketing and public relations Activities on the financial market Foreign currency operations Restructuring and debt collection Risk management Equity and capital adequacy ratio 14 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Introduction Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. (Bank BPS) is a bank portfolio quality, effective restructuring and debt collection, based on the best cooperative tradition, supporting and rationalization of operating costs together with amortization, as well complementing financial and human capital of affiliated Cooperative as successive efficiency upgrade of Bank’s outlets. Banks. With each passing year it strengthens its position in the In 2006, Bank BPS modernized its products offering in a Polish banking sector, as a reliable, competitive and secure Bank, substantial way. The new offer aroused interest not only among both for its shareholders and customers. customers, but was also noticed by external institutions, what Bank BPS closed 2006 having recorded a net profit of PLN 22,7m. The value of this result was affected by the pursued effected in leading positions in the rankings of Gazeta Prawna, Expander, Gazeta Bankowa and Gazeta Wyborcza. restructuring process of Bank BPS, as well as income due to Additionally, in 2006 Bank was awarded with a title of financial help granted from Banking Guarantee Fund (BFG) in 2004. “Pearl of Polish Economy”, in category Big Pearls, granted by The level of Bank’s financial record dependency on income from Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences, for a second BFG is increasingly lower. Throughout the preceding year, the share time in a row, for its consistent policy of company’s strategy of BFG aid in Bank’s pre-tax financial result fell by 25,3 p.p. and fulfillment and a leadership among most dynamic and efficient amounted to 37,7%, as at the end of the previous year. Polish companies. The past year was the third one, during which Bank BPS Bank BPS conducts affiliative activity and fulfilled assumptions acknowledged in the recovery program. complementary, non-competitive to affiliated cooperative banks, Results of Bank’s activities in 2006 can be assessed in a positive commercial activity. way. Hitherto Bank’s achievements with respect to planned tasks With respect to the conducted affiliative activity, Bank BPS fulfillment indicate that conditions for its further development are cooperated in 2006 with 352 cooperative banks, executing inter- gradually formed. It is testified by i.a. more and more dynamic bank and inter-branch settlements, providing services and products development of business activity, significant improvement of credit for banks and their customers, supporting them in implementing New Capital Accord (NUK) and participating actively in syndicated lending projects. 15 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Organization and outlets network In 2006, Management Board’s actions with respect to Organizational structure of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości Bank’s organization, focused above all on introduction of a new S.A. comprises the following organizational units: organizational structure. - Headquarters, The new statutes of Headquarters’ departments and - Regional/Voivodeship Branches, offices, as well as of Regional/Voivodeship Branches and branches - Branches. went into effect. The Head Office duties include above all: The new organizational units of Bank’s Head Office began - planning, coordination, implementation and supervision of tasks to conduct their activities : resulting from Bank’s Statute, Affiliation’s Agreement and - Sales Department, Bank’s Organizational Statute, - Credit Risk Management Department, - Controlling Department, - Bank’s Spokesperson Office, - Marketing Office, - caring for economic, financial and technological development of Affiliation, - creation of exemplary regulations for affiliated cooperative banks, - Procedures Office, - responsibility for Affiliation’s information policy, - Settlements and Surcharges Office. - securing Bank’s and Affiliation’s financial liquidity. Concurrently, Credit Verification Divisions, which were To the basic tasks of Regional/Voivodeship Branches previously subordinated to Regional/Voivodeship directors, were belong e.g.: incorporated into the structure of Credit Risk Management - providing services and operational activities in aid of affiliated Department. New Organizational Statute changed tasks of Regional cooperative banks in range resulting from Affiliation’s Agreement, Branches in a significant manner, widening existing so far functions - commercial activity, by operational activities. - supervision of commercial activities in subordinate Overriding goals of introduced in 2006 organizational changes constituted: organizational units within the operating area of a Branch . The core function of Branches is conducting banking - improvement of management’s quality and efficiency; activities and tasks specified at Organizational Statutes of these - centralization of tasks in part of activities areas; Branches. - enhancement of sales network effectivity; - costs rationalization together with amortization of sales network; - unification of Regional/Voivodeship Branches and Branches organizational structure; - separation of functions connected with credit risk management from sales functions; - adaptation of organizational structure to New Capital Accord As at December 31st 2006, Bank’s structure comprised 81 banking outlets, including: - 6 Regional Branches, - 1 Voivodeship Branch, - 32 Branches, - 33 Subsidiaries, - 9 Points of Banking Services (POB). requirements; - providing cohesion and consistency of internal Bank regulations with common law. 16 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Deposit base As at December 31st 2006, the value of liabilities due to 0,9bn. Including aid granted from Banking Guarantee Fund, total deposits received from financial and non-financial sector, liabilities in the above mentioned sectors reached the sum of PLN governmental and self-governmental institutions stood at PLN 7,8bn, as the end of 2006. 7,6bn, and comparing with the end of December 2005 rose by PLN Total Bank’s liabilities (PLN ‘000) No. Change Dynamics 31.12.2005 31.12.2006 2006-2005 2006/2005 I. Liabilities due to financial sector 6 018 975 6 583 722 564 747 109,4% 1. Liabilities due to cooperative banks 5 630 842 6 369 345 738 503 113,1% 2. Liabilities due to other banks 3. Liabilities due to non-banking entities, including: - loans granted from BFG II. Liabilities due to non-financial sector III. Liabilities due to governmental and self-governmental institutions IV. TOTAL (I+II+III) Total excluding aid from BFG V. 479 14 119 13 640 - 387 653 200 258 -187 395 51,7% 362 682 181 172 -181 510 50,0% 923 049 1 101 076 178 027 119,3% 52 152 70 080 17 928 134,4% 6 994 175 7 754 878 760 703 110,9% 6 631 493 7 573 706 942 213 114,2% 22 005 33 858 11 853 153,9% -540 -139 401 25,7% 7 015 640 7 788 597 772 957 111,0% Interest and other liabilities on the bill of 191, 291 and 391 accounts VI. Value adjustment due to commission VII TOTAL LIABILITIES (IV+V+VI) The basic source for Bank’s operational activities December 31st 2006, deposits and other liabilities due to non- financing were funds gained from cooperative banks. As at the end financial sector, governmental and self-governmental institutions of 2006, these funds totalled PLN 6,4bn and 82,1% of all Bank’s amounted to PLN 1,2bn, up by PLN 196,0m over 2005 figure. liabilities (without interest and other liabilities). Throughout 2006, liabilities due to cooperative banks increased by PLN 0,7bn. As at Deposits and other liabilities due to non-financial sector, governmental and self-governmental institutions (PLN ‘000)* Change Dynamics 31.12.2005 31.12.2006 2006-2005 2006/2005 Deposits and other liabilities due to individual customers 516 328 560 180 43 852 108,5% Deposits and other liabilities due to business entities 406 721 540 896 134 175 133,0% 52 152 70 080 17 928 134,4% 975 201 1 171 156 195 9551 120,1% Deposits and other liabilities due to non-financial sector, governmental and self-governmental institutions Total deposits and other liabilities due to non-financial sector, governmental and self-governmental institutions. *without interest and other liabilities on the bill of 291 and 391 accounts 17 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Deposit base As at the end of December 2006, Bank’s biggest group of As at December 31st 2006, balance of deposits and other depositors in the sector of non-financial, governmental and self- liabilities due to business entities amounted to PLN 540,9m, and governmental institutions comprised individual customers (47,8%). grew throughout the year up by PLN 134,2m (current by PLN In 2006, balance of liabilities in this group went up by PLN 43,9m, of 77,9m, and term by PLN 56,2m). which current deposits up by PLN 255,6m, and term ones down by Following a substantial growth in deposits from business PLN 211,7m. The following situation was undoubtedly driven by entities, the structure of liabilities due to non-financial sector, introduction on April 1st 2006 of a new banking product - POL-Efekt. governmental and self-governmental institutions has changed. In POL-Efekt account, referred to as a current deposit featuring bigger the course of 2006, the share of deposits from business entities flexibility of managing own finances, possibility of transferring went up by 4,5 p.p., on the other hand, as far as individual funds to the account at any moment and attractive interest rates, customers are concerned, it fell by 5,1 p.p. caused funds’ migration of part of the term deposit holders towards POL-Efekt account. Structure of deposits and other liabilities due to non-financial sector, governmental and self-governmental institutions (%) 31.12.2005 r 6,0% 5,4% 41,7% 52,9% 31.12.2006 r 47,8% 46,2% Deposits and other liabilities due to private persons Deposits and other liabilities due to business entities Deposits and other liabilities due to governmental and self-governmental sector 18 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Deposit base A regular growth of deposits and other liabilities in all sectors was a implementation of new monitoring principles of sales plans and result of Bank's offering adaptation to the customers' expectations, modernization of sales management methods. Balance of deposits and other liabilities due to non-financial sector, governmental and self-governmental institutions as at the end of particular months in 2005 and 2006 (PLN m)* 1171 1043 1011 935 956 972 987 992 1011 1039 1046 919 951 866 802 799 31.01. 28.02. 31.03. 885 878 886 890 30.04. 31.05. 30.06. 31.07. 2005 914 975 941 909 31.08. 30.09. 31.10. 30.11. 31.12. 2006 *without interest and other liabilities on the bill of 291 account 19 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Credit portfolio As at December 31st 2006, credits and other receivables 2005, went up by PLN 386,4m, i.e. up by 20,9%. amounted to PLN 2,2bn, and, in comparison with December 31st Credits and other Bank’s pre-tax receivables according to customer groups excluding funds on nostro accounts and deposits (PLN ‘000) Change No. 31.12.2005 I. Financial sector II. Non-financial sector III. Sector of governmental and self-governmental institutions IV. TOTAL (I+II+III) V. Interest VI. Other receivables on the bill of 190, 290 and 390 accounts VII. Total pre-tax receivables (IV+V+VI) Dynamics 31.12.2006 2006-2005 2006/2005 91 199 90 784 -415 99,5% 1 566 465 1 831 582 265117 116,9% 187 481 121 679 121 679 164,9% 1 845 145 2 231 526 386 381 120,9% 269 974 292 151 22 177 108,2% 1 082 2 997 1 915 277,0% 2 116 201 2 526 674 410 473 119,4% Balance of credits and other receivables as at the end of particular months in 2005 and 2006 (PLN m)* 2232 2034 1904 1859 1848 1860 1838 1836 1842 31.01. 28.02. 31.03. 1844 30.04. 1963 2059 2114 1982 1928 1918 1819 1812 1806 1799 1787 31.05. 30.06. 31.07. 31.08. 30.09. 1823 31.10. 1836 1845 30.11. 31.12. 2006 2005 *without interest and other receivables on the bill of 290 account Credit action developed rapidly in the non-financial sector. In 2006, Bank’s credit involvement in governmental and As at 31st of December 2006, credit portfolio of this sector reached self-governmental institutions’ sector developed fast (compared the value of PLN 1,8bn, i.e. up by PLN 265,1bn over 2005. with the 31st of December 2005, over 121,7bn, i.e. 64,9%). The The highest receivables concentration in the subjective indicator of non-performing receivables share in total credits scheme concerned companies, private entities and cooperatives, dropped by 6,5 p.p., from 23,5% at the end of 2005 down to 17,0% and comprised 40,3% of total credit receivables. The next biggest at the end of 2006. As at December 31st 2006, non-performing group of borrowers was individual farmers and entrepreneurs. Their credits equalled PLN 380,2m and decreased throughout the year by share in total portfolio totalled 18,1% and 17,5%, respectively. PLN 52,9m. 20 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Credit portfolio Balance of credits and other non-performing receivables as at the end of particular months in 2005 and 2006 (PLN m)* 498 493 489 479 471 461 458 446 442 435 433 426 427 413 31.01. 28.02. 410 31.03. 411 30.04. 411 409 31.05. 30.06. 402 399 31.07. 31.08. 2005 396 30.09. 392 31.10. 377 380 30.11. 31.12. 2006 *without interest and other receivables on the bill of 190, 290 and 390 accounts Share of credits and other non-performing receivables in total Bank’s credits and other receivables as at the end of particular months in 2005 and 2006 (%)* 26,8% 26,7% 26,5% 26,0% 25,9% 25,4% 25,3% 24,8% 24,7% 23,9% 23,2% 22,5% 22,0% 21,6% 21,2% 23,2% 23,5% 21,4% 20,5% 20,2% 19,5% 19,0% 17,9% 17,0% 31.01. 28.02. 31.03. 30.04. 31.05. 30.06. 31.07. 2005 31.08. 30.09. 31.10. 30.11. 31.12. 2006 *without interest and other receivables on the bill of 190, 290 and 390 accounts As at the end of 2006, in almost all groups of customers there In addition, indicator of non-performing credits’ share to total credits was recorded a lower balance of credits and other non-performing and other receivables decreased in all core customer groups. In the receivables, in relation to 2005. The biggest drop in the above structure of irregular credits dominated credits and other receivables mentioned receivables succeeded in the group of business entities classified as “lost”, both as at the end of 2005 and 2006. Throughout the (down by PLN 45,0m). As far as the sector of governmental and self- previous year, their level went down by PLN 38,2m. governmental institutions is concerned, all irregular receivables have been recovered as a result of restructuring and debt collection activities. 21 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Credit portfolio Quality of Bank’s credit receivables in 2005 and 2006 (PLN ‘000)* Change Dynamics 31.12.2005 31.12.2006 2006-2005 2006/2005 433 163 380 222 -52 941 87,8% - below standard 57 980 44 523 -13 457 76,8% - doubtful 10 136 8 847 -1 289 87,3% - lost 365 047 326 852 -38 195 89,5% Non-performing credits: * without interest and other receivables on the bill of 190, 290 and 390 accounts 22 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Product offering In 2006, Bank pursued a policy of modification and product offering’s adaptation to the needs of customers representing different market sectors. These actions were pursued under three directions: - adding in new products to the offer, - modification and modernization of existing products, - modification of internal procedures. At present, Bank has a complex product offering both for business customers and for individual ones. The offer spans over products enabling current financial services, surplus funds management, as well as financing of current and investment activities. Wide range of products and attractive pricing parameters allow for an effective competition with commercial banks in many areas. - Uniwersalny Kredyt Hipoteczny, advanced for any purpose. New Bank’s offering of housing loans is one of the most competitive on the market, what attest high positions in rankings and press listings – i.a. 2nd place for Mój Dom housing loan in Gazeta Wyborcza and Expander ranking as at November 15th 2006. Other Bank’s products for individual customers were also awarded in numerous press rankings, e.g.: - 2nd place for Szybka Gotówka credit in Gazeta Prawna and Expander ranking as at August 22nd 2006, - 2nd place for POL-Konto account in Gazeta Bankowa ranking as at December 7th 2006, - 3rd place for POL-Konto Senior account in Super Express ranking as at December 18th 2006. In 2006, Bank’s offering dedicated to corporate In 2006, Bank’s offering was enhanced with new bancassurance products and financial intermediary. Cooperation was initiated with: enterprises of housing communities; - Generali Życie Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. (bancassurance), - Loan and credit mortgage line – two credit products, which risk evaluation is based mainly on collaterals, dedicated to small - Nykredit Realkredit A/S Spółka Akcyjna Branch in Poland (housing loans), and micro enterprises, farmers and customers from agricultural&alimentary industry; - Liberty Poland S.A. (electronic units of mobile phones prepayment). In 2006, customers was enhanced with the following products: - investment credit „Wspólny Remont” – for financing investment - Bridging loan with EU surcharges – supporting and facilitating structural funds absorption with respect to SPO WKP a number of actions were taken aiming at improvement and simplifying the offer for individual customers. One Subactivity 2.2.1. – Support for entrepreneurs realizing new investments; of these was introduction of Unilokata, a product combining - Biznes/Agro Biznes Packets – current accounts in the form of features of a term deposit with investment funds, in February 2006, packets dedicated to small companies and individual farmers. and in April 2006, a savings account POL-Efekt with attractive interest rates and bigger flexibility of managing own funds. In addition, Bank’s offer was enriched with two new credit products secured on a mortgage: - „Mój Dom” housing loan, 23 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Marketing and public relations In order to enhance BPS Affiliation’s marketing activities, as well as revitalized and widened its own page (www.bankbps.pl). Marketing Office has been established on March 1st 2006. In 2007, Bank schedules further functionality enhancement of both Marketing Office, a new organizational unit in Bank BPS structure, is websites. responsible for: pricing policy, marketing research, visual Cooperation with media enabled to present Bank’s products in identification standards, management of Bank’s and Affiliation’s numerous rankings and press comparisons. Bank’s product information services in Internet, as well as managing data base on offering is assessed as competitive, which fact is confirmed by Bank’s products for employees, rendering information on Bank’s holding top positions in press rankings of banking products, e.g. products offer accessible to media, development of marketing 2nd place for housing loan Mój Dom in Gazeta Wyborcza and strategy for market segments, in which Bank operates, and Expander ranking as at November 15th 2006, 2nd place for Szybka conducting promotional activities. In 2006, Bank’s Spokesman Gotówka consumer loan in Gazeta Prawna and Expander ranking as Office, which duties consist in public relations area, has been also at August 22nd 2006, or 2nd position for POL-Konto account in brought to life. Gazeta Bankowa ranking as at December 7th 2006. Within marketing and public relations activities, Bank BPS Bank BPS cooperated with Foundation of Cooperative monitored the market of banking products, conducted independent Banking Development being e.g. a coorganizer of a conference marketing research, prepared data bases on customers, introduced „Secure Cooperative Bank”. Bank BPS supported also social and systems supporting sales and promotion, as well as cooperated charity institutions such as: orphanages, social care centers, with media and promoted cooperative banking. Bank rendered schools and sports clubs. reports concerning banking market accessible to affiliated In 2006, Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. was cooperative banks. Bank published a BPS Affiliation’s bulletin „Bank appointed a member of International Cooperative Banks Affiliation Wspólnych Sił” and an internal bulletin for Affiliation’s employees of (CIBP - Confédération Internationale des Banques Populaires). CIBP marketing departments under the title “Marketing News”. In the 1st is a non-governmental, international organization affiliating half-year of 2006, there was orchestrated a national image cooperative banks, institutions and financial organizations campaign of cooperative banks affiliated with banks: Bank BPS supporting development of small and medium enterprises, as well S.A., GBW S.A., MR Bank S.A. The campaign was conducted under as individual customers. At present, its members comprise the slogan “Cooperative Banks – we work for your benefit”. The cooperative banks from 18 countries. Nowadays, works started in campaign was prepared and created in a way allowing to achieve 2006 upon elaboration of a comprehensive internal communication the biggest possible response in the target group. In 2006, there strategy and development of a cohesive marketing strategy, was also elaborated a concept of promotional activities planned for including specificity of market segments and undergoing changes 2007 and a scope of cooperation in terms of promotion with three in the Bank’s customer structure, are continued. cooperative banking affiliations. At the end of 2006, Bank BPS launched a new BPS Affiliation’s website (www.zrzeszeniebps.pl), 24 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Activities on the financial market In the course of 12 months in 2006, Bank’s investment As at the end of 2006, inter-bank deposits rose to PLN policy was strictly binded with the macroeconomic environment 1,4bn, up by PLN 26,5m, i.e. 1,9%, versus 2005. The balance of and tasks connected with its duties as an Affiliating Bank. The money market securities equalled PLN 4,6bn, up by PLN 487,3m, deposit balance basis for Treasury Department comprised funds of i.e. 11,8% over 2005. cooperative banks complemented to a minor degree with deposits acquired on inter-bank market. With respect to securities operations, the major role in the As at December 31st 2006, liabilities due to the Central investment area played money bills of National Bank of Poland Bank reached the value of PLN 91,2m, while in the previous year (NBP) and treasury bonds, which comprised in aggregate 76,2% of stood at PLN 701.000. In relation to 2005, balance of loans granted all money market securities, at the end of 2006. by Banking Guarantee Fund declined by PLN 181,5m. As at December 31st 2006, the liabilities due to cooperative banks As at December 31st 2006, the balance of net capital investments amounted to PLN 6,4bn and went up by PLN 738,5m, over the 2005 stood at PLN 4,1m, and fell by PLN 2,3m, down by 35,7%, over the figure. This considerable increase was driven by EU direct 2005 figure. surcharges for agriculture. Funds obtained from cooperative banks were placed on an inter-bank market and in money market securities. BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 IT development In 2006, Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. outlaid on IT hardware vendors, as well as supplement of Bank’s key systems the sum of PLN 4,3m, from which for fixed assets - PLN 3,1m, and functionality. What was also introduced, is a pilot system for intangible assets – PLN 1,2m. IT expenditures were spent on IT maintaining cooperative bank’s deposits. Bank together with infrastructure modernization (PLN 2,5m), improvement of IT affiliated cooperative banks started also works under the choice of solutions security (PLN 636 000) and projects connected with mandatory NBP reporting system. Moreover, Internet Banking Team affiliative activities (PLN 379 000). has been created and began already working on implementation of Bank’s actions with respect to IT focused primarily on internet banking for private persons, small companies and individual termination of the most important enterprises started in the farmers. The process of Bank’s operational risk system introduction preceding years, as well as on preparation of innovative projects, has also been initiated. With respect to the continuous IT which will allow to offer new products and services both to Bank’s development, market of available solutions was monitored on a and affiliated cooperative banks’ customers. Current objectives regular basis, in order to find new solutions that could be encompass improvement of Bank’s tele&IT infrastructure, implemented in the Bank itself, and in the affiliated cooperative streamlining the cooperation with the most important software and banks. 25 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Foreign currency operations In 2006, Bank executed international money orders incoming and outcoming abroad, collection and sale of checks, documentary import and export letters of credit, documentary collection and bank guarantees. Number of foreign operations conducted by Bank in the years 2005-2006 (in units) Change 2006 - 2005 2005 2006 International money orders 88 891 128 682 39 791 Internet remittances 12 426 40 204 27 778 1 027 1 204 177 Documentary letter of credit 20 35 15 Documentary collection 67 97 30 Bank guarantees 10 7 -3 102 441 170 229 Checks purchased and accepted for collection Total 67 788 Comparing with the preceding year, there followed a eight convertible currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, SEK, CZK, SKK, substantial growth in the number of almost all kinds of foreign HUF), which offers a possibility of conducting transactions directly operations by 66,2%, in total. Also customers paying for goods and in these currencies without a need of currency conversion. Bank’s As at December 31st 2006, 107 cooperative banks foreign currency offering. Bank sells and purchases currency funds services through cash settlements took advantage of concluded agreements with Bank BPS regarding foreign currency for foreign business trips for corporate customers, and for private discharge and recharge, as well as placing surplus funds in customers through exchange office sale. convertible currencies. Bank introduced also foreign currency In 2006, Bank maintained loro accounts and deposit term accounts for authorized affiliated cooperative banks that conduct transactions, in this way giving cooperative banks’ customers a possibility to foreign settlements handling. foreign currency settlements. Loro accounts can be maintained in BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 Restructuring and debt collection Balance of receivables classified in the category receivables purchased from cooperative banks on the basis of “doubtful” and “lost”, under restructuring and debt collection as at restructuring bonds of “D” series, was reduced in a considerable the end of 2006 totalled PLN 335,7m, and in relation to the end of way. 2005, went down by PLN 39,5m. Throughout 2006, the capital of „doubtful” and „lost” In 2006, the number of „bad debt” declined by 410 receivables dropped by PLN 65m, as a result of debt recovery, positions, mainly due to the completion of vindication processes remission, receivables’ write-off as irrecoverable and debt write-off with respect to private customers. Similarly, the number of to off-balance-sheet. 26 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Risk management In 2006, Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. took numerous portfolio diversification in terms of credit risk. actions in order to improve the quality of financial risk management. These activities were directed at Bank’s adapting to requirements of Supporting risk management by external data bases New Capital Accord. Concluded on July 26th 2006 agreement with Deloitte With respect to information exchange systems, Bank cooperates with the following external institutions: Advisory Sp. z o.o. with respect to providing advisory services, - Polish Bank Association (ZBP) - Credit Information Office (BIK) concerns above all carrying out a thorough analysis of loopholes in - PONT Info Sp. z.o.o. terms of Bank’s preparations towards implementation of New Capital Within this cooperation, Bank takes advantage of the Accord. On December 22nd 2006, there was created a document following data bases supporting credit risk restraint: under the name of „Analysis of New Capital Accord loophole of Bank MIG-BR Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. – final report on the project of New Bank jointly with affiliated cooperative banks benefits from Inter-bank Capital Accord loophole”. Economic Information – Banking Register (MIG-BR). On the basis of the document prepared by Deloitte, Bank is working on AMRON implementation of New Capital Accord. In 2007, Bank will introduce In 2006, there were started works with respect to implementation of an integrated system for financial risk and credit risk management. System of Analysis and Real Estate Market Monitoring AMRON, both in Bank BPS and cooperative banks. System is to provide with a quick Credit risk access to data necessary for credit analysis and valuation of risk Bank conducts monitoring of credit receivables portfolio on a regular connected with a real estate, as a collateral. basis, and makes periodic and ad hoc reviews. Periodic reviews are MIG-POJAZDY made depending on the category of credit exposure risk and the sum MIG-POJAZDY system was introduced in 2006. System serves to of involvement on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis, and eliminate stolen vehicles from trade turnover, and to minimize banking serve as enhancement of credit process security. risk, concerned with financing secondhand cars. Above mentioned actions are to lead towards constricting credit involvement in business activity of customers, which situation is subject to deterioration. BIK In accordance with Agreement with respect to gathering, processing and rendering information accessible, signed with BIK SA, Bank uses In accordance with Bank’s Organizational Statute, BIK System – individual customer. Taking advantage of the system Department of Credit Risk Management manages credit risk in a considerably decreases risk of credit transactions concluded with centralized way, i.e. through functional and administrative private customers. subordination of Credit Verification Divisions established by Regional/Voivodeship Branches. Due to article 71 of Banking Law, Market risk limits of debt concentration were not exceeded. As at December 31st The aim of market risk management is to limit sensitivity of 2006, limits of debt concentration established according to above Bank’s balance positions against the prices changes on financial mentioned regulations amounted to, respectively: instruments markets. In 2006, within hedging against market risk, the - 20% of Bank’s funds, i.e. PLN 57 270 000, policy of adaptation of Bank’s products prices to the changing - 25% of Bank’s funds, i.e. PLN 71 588 000. macroeconomic environment was pursued. Concurrently, in able to As at the end of 2006, Bank’s involvement in financing avoid necessity of capital requirements due to market risk uprising, an particular entities did not exceed limits of concentration binding by insignificant scale of business activity has been sustained. Exchange Banking Law. rate risk Credit analysis according to involvement’s size in a single In 2006, monitoring of currency portfolio exchange rate risk took transaction and transactions of entities connected with one another place on a daily basis through measurement of potential losses on through capital or organizational reasons, indicates at major credit held currency positions, in connection with historical exchange rate 27 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 2006 Risk management changes using a Value at Risk (VAR) method. Interest rate risk Operational risk In 2006, interest rate risk management holds primarily via In 2006, Bank BPS continued process of identification and investments in money market instruments, and within current valuation of threats connected with operational risk in all significant updating of deposit and credit Bank’s products interest rates, areas of Bank’s activity. Bank calculated cyclically Key Risk adjusting the offer to the changing market interest rates. Indicators (KRI) and analyzed their size, comparing to appropriate With respect to an insignificant scale of business activity, border values. Estimation of Bank’s exposure at risk was done it the Bank was not obligated to hold capital requirement due to general area of: interest rates risk, binding on banks through Resolution no. 4/2004 of 1) operational risk factors – people, processes, systems, external Banking Supervision Commission (KNB) from September 8th 2004. events, 2) legal risk, upon knowledge on litigations led – pending due to Bank’s action, actions brought against Bank and cases lost, Liquidity risk On account of Bank’s affiliating function, a special duty 3) size of operational risk capital requirement – value in force and constitutes assurance of ability to secure current and future liabilities value forecast as at the end of the year, by the Bank itself, and supporting affiliated cooperative banks in the 4) values of selected direct components concerning operational risk same area. As part of liquidity risk management system, Bank – operational costs, pursued monitoring and financial liquidity measurement, according to system. recorded in finance-accounting defBank the ruling regulations in this scope. Mode of information circulation and cooperation of particular Bank’s organizational units included Ruling procedure referring to Bank’s system of operational within liquidity management system: Bank’s managerial and risk factors measurement, implied records in terms to operational risk supervising bodies, as well as operational and control units. factors, included in M Recommendation of Banking Supervision BANK’S ACTIVITIES IN 2006 Equity and capital adequacy ratio Bank increases its equity consecutively on an annual basis. Bank’s equity (PLN m) Throughout 2004 – 2006, equity rose by PLN 93,9m. As at December 31st 2006, Bank’s equity represented an upturn trend and equalled PLN 286,4m, up by PLN 38,5m than the 2005 figure. 192,5 247,8 286,4 Capital adequacy ratio as at the end of 2006 stood at 14,05%. 2004 2005 2006 28 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS Introduction Settlements in the Affiliation Bank cards and ATM’s Aid funds Syndicated credits involving cooperative banks Preferential credits EU funds Other services provided for cooperative banks 29 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS In 2006, Bank BPS provided services to 351 affiliated cooperative banks and cooperating Krakowski Bank Spółdzielczy. 2006 Introduction credit interest rates from Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR). In 2006, Bank conducted a number of actions concerning support Bank BPS supports affiliated cooperative banks in their of affiliated cooperated banks in New Capital Accord activities through providing a line of products and services. implementation. A huge challenge for affiliating banks is Electronic Settlements Center (CRE) with respect to inter-bank and development of methodology in the field of internal process of inter-branch transactions maintained 734 units of cooperative capital adequacy assessment. In September 2006, the next phase banks. of works under developing ICAAP model was finished and, upon Bank offers services with respect to payment cards, reconciliation with other affiliating banks, passed over to General represents cooperative banks in relations with other card issuers as Inspectorate of Banking Supervision (GINB) in order to receive an well as VISA and MasterCard systems, and gradually builds up the opinion of banking supervision. Additionally, in the previous year ATM’s network of BPS Affiliation. Bank conducted simulations on a regular basis that regarded In 2006, Bank BPS was an active participant in organizing capabilities of particular banks with respect to achievement equity syndicated credits involving affiliated cooperative banks, managed on the level of 3rd capital threshold set forth by Banking Law, till the aid funds and provided non-profit services for the benefit of end of 2007. Banks that are not capable of raising required funds on cooperative banks. Bank also took actions, on behalf of cooperative their own, were given individual paths of capital development. banks and in its own name, with respect to acquiring surcharges to COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS As at December 31st 2006, Electronic Settlements Center Settlements in the Affiliation In 2006, the quantity of documents passed to Elixir (CRE) with respect to inter-bank and inter-branch transactions system went up to 81 915 188 units, up by 15,5% versus 2005. maintained 734 units of cooperative banks with their own settlement Orders from cooperative banks comprised 96,3% of all settlements, numbers, and 55 Bank’s organizational units. Centralization ended and the settlements of Bank’s organizational units - 3,7%. in December 2005 facilitated handling of the entire settlements. 30 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS 2006 Bank cards and ATM’s Bank BPS provides services with respect to support of to 191,800, of which 19,800 constituted Bank’s cards and cards, and represents cooperative banks in relations with card 172,000 cards were of affiliated cooperated banks. Comparing with issuers, and VISA and MasterCard systems. The number of active 2005, the number of active payment cards grew by 62,100 cards. cards issued within BPS Affiliation as at the end of 2006 amounted The growth in number of issued and maintained cards went hand in Affiliation’s cards. In 2006, the number of transactions increased hand with the volume and value of transactions made with BPS by 42,8%, howsoever, the value of transactions made by 65,3%. Number and value of card transactions in 2005 and 2006 31.12.2005 No. of transactions (in units) Value of transactions (PLN ‘000) 31.12.2006 Dynamics in % 3 920 648 5 599 099 142,8% 921 905 1 523 638 165,3% BPS Affiliation’s network of ATM’s is one of the fastest developing 2006, the number of ATM’s rose by 246 units and amounted to 815 ATM network in Poland in terms of the number of machines. In in total. 31 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS 2006 Bank cards and ATM’s Number of ATM’s in the Affiliation’s network in 2005 and 2006 (units) Change 31.12.2005 Bank BPS No. of ATM’s In 2006, Bank BS 33 Total BPS Affiliation worked Bank BPS 536 569 under the project of „Reorganization of BPS Affiliation’s ATM network”, which in 2006-2005 31.12.2006 34 815 BS 781 Bank BPS 1 BS 245 246 - change of an operator managing ATM’s work from Polcard for BZ WBK. accordance with the decision of Affiliation’s Board proceeds in two In 2006, works on the 1st stage of the project were stages and encompasses: finished. Additionally, the first preparatory steps towards the 2nd - adapting ATM’s to the specifications of payment organizations project’s stage have been taken. The 2nd stage is to be realized in Visa and MasterCard in terms of transactions coding in 3DES 2007. standard and change of communication protocol from X.25 for TCP/IP, 32 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS 2006 Aid funds Aid funds functioning within BPS Affiliation serve above subordinate loan in the value of PLN 0,2m from BPS Affiliation’s aid all to enhance security of affiliated cooperative banks, to implement funds. In addition, two subordinate loans were extended from Aid information technologies and building up equity. The biggest Fund for an amount of PLN 7,0m. financial support provides Aid Fund, which accumulates funds in Loans advanced from the funds of Capital Fund aroused the value of PLN 65,2m as at December 31st 2006, including also great interest in 2006. Loans were advanced above all for the cooperative banks’ contributions at the level of PLN 61,8m and purpose of IT investment projects as well as supporting and Bank’s share of PLN 3,4m. The indicator of contributions to this financing the costs of cooperative banks’ mergers. As at the end of Fund constituted 0,35% of deposits that were raised in Bank BPS 2006, there were initiated funds for 44 cooperative banks in an and affiliated cooperative banks, at the end of the year preceding the aggregate value of PLN 8,5m. contribution, providing a basis for computing the mandatory reserve. In 2006, funds from Capital Fund were not involved in the subordinate loans, increasing equity of cooperative banks. As at the end of 2006, the total sum of subordinate loans Cooperative banks had also access to Aid Fund for granted to cooperative banks amounted to PLN 28,1m, of which Cooperative Banks, which fund was established from Bank’s profit PLN 1,2m comprised subordinate loans from Bank’s own funds, write-off in an aggregate value of PLN 3,6m. Attractive interest rates and PLN 26,9m from BPS Affiliation’s Aid Fund. of loans advanced from Aid Fund for Cooperative Banks, i.e. at 0,25 In 2006, 23 subordinate loans were repaid in a total sum of PLN 6,1m, advanced from the Bank’s own funds, and one COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS of rediscount bill rate, constituted the main reason for high usage of 89% funds in the form of 15 aid loans. Syndicated credits involving cooperative banks In 2006, Bank BPS was an active participant in organizing Bank’s balance commitment in syndicated credits with syndicated credits involving cooperative banks in the area of affiliated cooperative banks equalled PLN 513,4m, as at the end of investment and operating finance of corporate customers, as well 2006, and went up over the year by PLN 236,2m, i.e. by 85,2% as local authority entities. (investment ones by PLN 164,1m, and revolving ones by PLN 72,1m). Receivables due from syndicated credits involving cooperative banks (PLN ‘000) Change 31.12.2005 Dynamics 31.12.2006 2006-2005 2006/2005 Investment credits 217 759 381 840 164 081 175,3% Revolving credits 59 468 131 608 72 140 221,3% 277 227 513 448 236 221 185,2% TOTAL The pace of syndicated credits growth at the value of 185,2% allowed for an increase in share of this type of credits in total Bank’s credits and other receivables up by 8,0 p.p. in the course of 2006. 33 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. takes actions on 2006 Preferential credits Affiliation’s needs. Credit action, in which the Bank’s Affiliation behalf of affiliated cooperative banks aiming at acquiring involved its own funds in cooperation with ARiMR in 2006 surcharges to credit interest rates in the value securing the amounted to PLN 1,44bn, i.e. 81,8% of value granted by ARiMR. Value of credits advanced by BPS Affiliation in cooperation with ARiMR (PLN ‘000) Credit action in 2006 Granted by Usage ARiMR Investment of usage 878 844 852 643 97,0% 1 110 1 110 100,0% 875 582 582 915 66,6% 1 755 536 1 436 668 81,8% Disastrous - investment Disastrous - revolving TOTAL % The value of acquired surcharges from ARiMR in 2006 - guarantees from the funds of EU Guarantees Fund, totalled PLN 120,2m, which includes credits advanced both in 2006 - guarantees of portfolio mode from the funds of EU Guarantees and in the preceding years. Bank BPS has also in its offering for the Fund, crediting banks guarantees, functioning as collaterals, of Bank - cooperation with respect to guarantees from the funds of National Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Agency of Agricultural Market (ARR) Credit Guarantee Fund, - cooperation with respect to guarantees of and Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture portfolio mode from the funds of National Credit Guarantee Fund, - (ARiMR). Funds are raised on the basis of 24 agreements cooperation with respect to guarantee student credit portfolio, concluded with external institutions. Additionally, in response to - cooperation with respect to advancing credits subsidized by the expectations of cooperative banks until the end of 4th quarter of Fund of Guarantees and Student Credits, 2006, Bank concluded agreements with Bank Gospodarstwa - Agreement concerning a contest „The best salesperson of FPU Krajowego, regarding: guarantees”. COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS In 2006, Bank BPS and cooperative banks took advantage EU funds - Project „Bioenergetics in agriculture – new challenges for of financial funds acquired from EU. The following projects were Poland”, for which a microgrant of PLN 4.000 had been accomplished: gained. - Project „To know and understand the Portuguese experience – cooperative banks a partner in the process of countryside Bank BPS had a representative in the EU Funds Working development” – a field trip, for which a grant of PLN 647,000 Group which dealt with: had been gained, - valuation of changes in the assessment system and documents - Project „EU Advisory in Cooperative Banks – a standing element of information infrastructure throughout 2007-2013” – a training project, for which a grant of PLN 100.000 had been acquired, regarding European assistance for small and medium-sized companies throughout 2004-2006, - valuation and participation in the consultancies of operational programs concerning EU budget in the years 2007-2013. 34 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATION WITH COOPERATIVE BANKS 2006 Other services provided for cooperative banks In 2006, Bank continued actions leading to an Participation of cooperative banks in the program is enhancement of cooperation with affiliated cooperative banks with voluntary and is followed by signing an agreement. Payment for the respect to providing chargeable services in the range of, incl.: provided services is based on the non-profit principle, according to - internal institutional control in the affiliated cooperative banks which revenue gained through providing services should cover (as at December 31st 2006 – 202 active agreements), labor costs of the employees dealing with these services. Number of - information security control (21 agreements), Bank’s employees providing non-profit services amounted to 23. - supporting cooperative banks in the area of interest rate and exchange rate risk (as at December 31st 2006 51 agreements). 35 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 COOPERATION WITH FOREIGN BANKS Cooperation with foreign banks 36 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 COOPERATION WITH FOREIGN BANKS Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. participates in the International System of Financial Telecommunication - SWIFT, system of cross-border settlements in Germany - STEP2 BPS Affiliation to functioning upon Poland’s accession to the European Currency Union. With respect to developing the international cooperation, (European system for Euro settlements), as well as EuroELIXIR and Bank BPS established contact with financial institutions, dealing SORBNET – EURO systems. In addition, Bank has a stable network with swift payment transfers via Internet. The recipients constitute of correspondent banks, with whom it has been cooperating for above all relatives of Polish citizens working abroad, who do not many years. In our cooperation with foreign banks, we execute have their own banking accounts and, at the same time, who expect transactions in convertible currencies as well as in PLN, on behalf of cheap and fast money transfers to Poland. In 2006, Bank residents and non-residents. Bank provides its services both to its cooperated in respect to Internet transfers with companies and own customers, and the customers of cooperative banks. foreign banks, as follows: Bank BPS maintains loro accounts of the following - Money Exchange SA, Madrid, foreign entities: - One Money Mail Ltd. (Sami Swoi), London, - DZ Bank Frankfurt am Main (account in PLN), - Telegiros, Madrid, - Credit Mutuel Maine – Anjou Basse Normandie, Laval (account - Investquid, London, in PLN), - EUROPHIL, USA, - Joint Stock Commercial Bank ”Intercoop Bank”, Moscow (accounts in EUR and USD), - Uniastrum Bank, Moscow (accounts in EUR and USD), - Russlavbank, Moscow (accounts in EUR and USD), - EFG Eurobank Ergaisias S.A. (Polbank), Warsaw (account in PLN). - Uniastrum, Moscow, - Joint Stock Commercial Bank- Intercoop Bank, Moscow, - Russlavbank, Moscow. Aiming to improve the foreign exchange offering, Bank develops gradually its cooperation with DKV Euro Service GmbH, Dusseldorf, company, which provides its services featuring noncash transactions made with credit cards during road transport in In 2006, the representatives of Bank BPS took an active part in the works of Club TARGET2, functioning in the structures of Europe, both to transport companies and any others. The Bank acts as a warrantor of EUR payments. NBP Payment System Department, in order to prepare Bank well to change EuroELIXIR system for TARGET2 (compliant with EU norms). Moreover, they have attended meetings of working SEPA Poland groups (in the structures of Polish Bank Association (ZBP), concerning direct debit, remittance and cards, in order to prepare 37 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 DEVLOPMENT OUTLOOK AND PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Devlopment outlook and plans for the future 38 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 DEVLOPMENT OUTLOOK AND PLANS FOR THE FUTURE The core goal of Bank BPS for the years 2006-2008 is customers. Actions in this scope will focus on introducing modernization and development in all areas of activities, as well as instruments hedging against the market risk of banks and their providing a secure basis for BPS Affiliation’s in the years to come. customers. Improving the quality of services offered to Bank’s and cooperative banks’ customers will constitute another area of In 2007, the process of Bank’s restructuring is assumed intensive implementation works. to be continued through a number of actions, i.a.: - improvement of Bank’s management quality, with respect to Bank’s plans for the year 2007 include IT projects concerning, i.a. implementation of requirements set forth in the New e.g. an upswing in profitability of the outlets network, as well as Capital Accord, enhancement of Bank’s management and rising further rationalization of Bank’s operating costs, which both will security of IT solutions. Moreover, Bank started intensive effect in better efficiency indicators, preparations for a start-up of the following projects of strategic - perfecting the cooperation with Cooperative Banks mainly in the area of offered products and services, - making the IT infrastructure bigger and more modern, which, as a result, will allow for complying to the resolutions of Basel Committee Directives and Polish banking supervision, - enhancement of credit portfolio quality, i.a. due to effective debt collection and restructuring activities. In January 2007, new principles of costs management, including depreciation, have been implemented. In accordance with meaning: - integration of Affiliation’s systems enabling an on-line payment cards’ authorization or any-branch account service, - choice and implementation of a Front-Middle-Back Office system, an auto dealing system and a foreign currency transfers system, - preparation of IT strategy for Bank and the whole Affiliation, - raising EU funds for IT development within Affiliation. Enterprises connected with new IT systems new rules, expenses are assigned to where they have arisen, i.e. implementation will contribute, on the one hand, to an increase of sales outlets (Regional Branches, Branches and Subsidiaries), or Bank’s operating costs, but on the other hand, their effects will Departments and Offices in the Bank Headquarters. The newly provide a competitive edge enabling Bank and the whole Affiliation adopted filling system will allow to enhance knowledge on the to compete with commercial banks, as the organizational and expenses incurred by the particular units, and, as a result, it will technological differences will shrink. follow a deeper analysis and more efficient management. Bank’s credit policy assumes facilitating a safe credit Additionally, such a solution will simplify the thorough units’ portfolio structure and such an objective will be pursued assessment and recognition of their true effectivity. consistently in 2007. The improvement of credits quality will be With respect to Bank’s serving as an affiliating bank, the affected above all by execution of new credit transactions featuring basic assumption of investment policy will be providing security and lower credit risk, as well as by efficient process of recovery of credit regularity of functioning, both for the Bank itself and cooperative exposures belonging to so-called risk class - “lost”. banks. Concurrently, the effectivity of funds management will All the above mentioned goals which are assumed to be gradually take on. There will be taken actions relating to achieved in 2007, should contribute to an improvement of pre-tax enhancement of the offering for cooperative banks and corporate financial result and Bank’s effectivity indicators, in relation to 2006. 39 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS Certified auditor’s opinion Balance-sheet Off-balance-sheet items Profit and loss account Cash flow statement Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 40 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS 2006 Certified auditor’s opinion The auditor’s opinion below is a translation from the original Polish In our opinion the examined financial statements of Bank version. In case of any discrepancies between the Polish and English Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. for the accounting year 2006, have been version, the Polish one shall prevail. made in all the material aspects: - regarding their form and contents in accordance with the To the Shareholders of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. We have audited the attached financial statements of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. located in Warsaw, 9/11 B Płocka Str., including: - introduction to the financial statement, - balance sheet prepared as on 31st of December 2006, with total assets and liabilities of PLN 8.724.545.946,18, - capital adequacy ratio, - statement of the off-balance sheet items amounting to PLN 704.181.573,90 as at 31st of December 2006, - profit and loss statement for the accounting year from 1st of January 2006 to 31st of December 2006, showing net profit of PLN 22.702.950,41, - statement of changes in equity for the accounting year from 1st of January 2006 to 31st of December 2006, showing an increase in equity of PLN 23.763.668,84, - cash flow statement for the accounting year from 1st of January 2006 to 31st of December 2006, showing an increase in cash funds of PLN 111.997.732,35, - additional information and explanations. It is the Management Board of the Bank that is responsible for preparation of these financial statements. Our task was to audit and to express the opinion on the accuracy, correctness and clarity of these financial statements, and the accuracy of the underlying account books, which provide basis for the valuation. The audit of the financial statements was planned and performed according to the following resolutions: - chapter 7 of the Accounting Act of 29th of September 1994 (Journal of Laws – Dz. U. - of 2002 no. 76, position 694 with later amendments), - auditor’s standards issued by the Domestic Council of Certified Auditors and Chartered Accountants in Poland in such a way as to obtain reasonable and adequate grounds to express an opinion, whether the financial statements were free of significant errors. The audit consisted in requirements of the Accounting Act of 29th of September 1994 (Dz.U. of 2002 no. 76, position 694 with later amendments), with the requirements of the Banking Law Act of 29th of August 1997 (Dz.U. of 2002 no. 72, position 665 with later amendments), with the ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 10th December 2001 on banks accounting principles (Dz.U. of 2001 no. 149, position 1637 with later amendments), with the ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 10th of December 2003 (Dz.U. of 2003 no. 218, position 2147 with later amendments) on building up provisions for risk connected with bank activities and with the Statute of the Bank, - in accordance with defined accounting principles, above mentioned regulations and accounting policy of the Bank with an observance of the principles of their continuity, - on the ground of the correctly kept account books, and it confirms in a suitable and clear way all the information relevant for proper assessment of the material and financial condition of the Bank as at 31st of December 2006, as well as its financial results for the accounting year from 1st of January till 31st of December 2006. Having no reservation regarding the correctness and accuracy of the audited financial statement, we draw attention to the fact, that the Bank is in the process of realization of the Recovery Program, approved of the Banking Supervision Commission on 23rd of February 2004. Point no. 35 of the additional notes to the financial statements contains detailed information on degree and estimation of the realization of the Recovery Program as at 31st of December 2006. The Bank’s capability to realize the Recovery Program approved of the Banking Supervision Commission and the activities of regulation bodies, which could be undertaken in case of not achieving the results assumed in the Program, cannot be defined at the moment. The report on the activities of the Bank for the accounting year 2006 is complete in the meaning of article 49 clause 2 of the Accounting Act, and consistent with the underlying information contained in the audited financial statements. particular in examination – largely on random basis – of the accounting evidence and records giving ground to the figures and information included in the financial statements, as well as of the examination of the correctness of the adapted accounting principles, estimations made by the Management Board of the Bank, and general evaluation of the financial statements’ presentation. We believe that our audit provided us a reasonable foundation for giving an opinion. Warsaw, April 20th 2007 Deloitte Audyt Sp. z o.o. 41 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS No. I. II. 2006 Balance-sheet 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 Cash and amounts due from the Central Bank 288.270.758,85 177.164.732,46 1. Current ASSETS 238.140.456,93 121.204.587,08 2. Term 50.059.239,92 55.848.003,68 3. Other 71.062,00 112.141,70 0,00 0,00 1.490.276.028,77 1.454.775.001,26 5.656.331,52 4.764.625,56 Debt securities eligible for refinancing with the Central Bank III. Receivables from the financial sector 1. Current IV. 2. Term 1.484.619.697,25 1.450.010.375,70 Receivables from the non-financial sector 1.863.582.838,67 1.589.818.086,94 235.593.743,03 199.502.828,60 1.627.989.095,64 1.390.315.258,34 311.964.241,36 190.035.347,08 2.643.697,04 2.422.999,77 309.320.544,32 187.612.347,31 1. Current 2. Term V. Receivables from the budgetary sector 1. Current 2. Term VI. Securities purchased under resale agreements 0,00 0,00 VII. Debt securities 4.632.038.433,15 4.144.732.747,19 1. Banks 2.163.341.437,85 2.939.454.861,48 2. State Treasury and local authorities 2.467.114.968,01 1.203.695.858,42 1.582.027,29 1.582.027,29 Participations or shares in subsidiaries 0,00 0,00 1. In financial institutions 0,00 0,00 2. In other entities 0,00 0,00 3. Other VIII. IX. X. Participations or shares in affiliated entities 0,00 0,00 1. In financial institutions 0,00 0,00 2. In other entities 0,00 0,00 43.589,70 54.820,95 0,00 0,00 43.589,70 54.820,95 Participations or shares in other entities 4.072.016,32 6.344.820,73 1. In financial institutions 2.645.679,92 5.286.119,13 2. In other entities 1.426.336,40 1.058.701,60 0,00 33.467,52 7.012.827,87 9.527.335,31 Participations or shares in associated entities 1. In financial institutions 2. In other entities XI. XII. Other securities and financial assets XIII. Intangible and legal assets, including: -goodwill XIV. Tangible fixed assets 0,00 0,00 79.652.395,89 84.128.160,48 42 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS No. ASSETS XV. Other assets Balance-sheet 31.12.2005 31.12.2004 19.616.148,59 14.395.692,19 5.700.665,68 4.079.868,17 2. Other 13.915.482,91 10.315.824,02 Pre-payments and accrued income 28.016.667,01 25.886.449,05 1. Deferred tax assets 24.438.341,13 22.325.464,16 3.578.325,88 3.560.984,89 8.724.545.946,18 7.696.896.661,16 1. Assets acquired for sale XVI. 2006 2. Other TOTAL ASSETS 43 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS No. Balance-sheet LIABILITIES I. Liabilities due to the Central Bank II. Liabilities due to the financial sector IV. 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 191.200.000,00 701.435,76 6.615.021.942,60,77 442.443.091,19 361.561.883,86 2. Term 6.172.578.851,41 5.674.656.222,91 Liabilities due to the non-financial sector 1.103.471.335,17 927.250.653,79 1. Savings account: 556.266.468,89 516.037.508,30 a/ Current 321.114.573,79 67.617.993,69 1. Current III. 2006 b/ Term 235.151.895,10 448.419.514,61 2. Other, including: 547.204.866,28 411.213.145,49 a/ Current 189.348.484,24 151.897.685,01 b/ Term 357.856.382,04 259.315.460,48 Liabilities due to the budgetary sector 70.103.304,57 52.170.618,19 a/ Current 41.100.442,28 33.376.984,80 b/ Term 29.002.862,29 18.793.633,39 V. Securities sold under repurchase agreements 0,00 0,00 VI. Liabilities due to securities issued 0,00 0,00 VII. Other liabilities due to financial instruments 29.394,27 0,00 VIII. Special funds and other liabilities 110.501.098,69 92.500.227,24 Accruals and deferred income 295.307.853,39 280.226.981,71 4.711.886,93 4.495.605,47 0,00 0,00 IX. 1. Accruals 2. Negative goodwill 290.595.966,46 275.731.376,24 Provisions 22.323.063,68 15.004.352,73 1. Provisions for deferred tax 11.313.512,62 6.410.318,58 2. Other 11.009.551,06 8.594.034,15 3. Other X. 0,00 0,00 133.246.777,00 133.246.777,00 Unpaid share capital (negative value) 0,00 0,00 Own shares (negative value) 0,00 0,00 XI. Subordinate liabilities XII. Share capital XIII. XIV. XV. Equity reserves 148.657.443,59 148.657.443,59 XVI. Revaluation reserve 4.509.719,55 3.449.001,12 XVII. Other reserves 7.471.063,26 0,00 1. General banking risk fund 2.500.000,00 0,00 2. Other 4.971.063,26 0,00 0,00 (21.915.868,72) 22.702.950,41 29.386.931,98 8.724.545.946,18 7.696.896.661,16 XVIII. Profit (loss) from the preceding years XIX. Net profit (loss) TOTAL LIABILITIES 44 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS No. I. 2006 Off-balance-sheet items OFF-BALANCE-SHEET ITEMS 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 Contingent liabilities granted and received 639.765.466,10 463.997.481,18 1. Liabilities granted 580.831.885,33 416.739.282,31 521.707.598,72 396.133.617,17 59.124.286,61 20.605.665,14 58.933.580,77 47.258.198,87 2.873.400,00 8.481.262,91 56.060.180,77 38.776.935,96 64.416.107,80 26.107.234,66 0,00 0,00 704.181.573,90 490.104.715,84 a/ financial b/ guarantees 2. Liabilities received a/ financial b/ guarantees II. Liabilities arising from purchase/sale transactions III. Other TOTAL 45 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS No. I. 2006 Profit and loss account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 Interest income 343.749.636,14 378.758.079,91 1. From financial sector 106.202.542,34 107.396.837,24 88.069.968,61 88.778.619,22 2. From non-financial sector 23.316.515,78 33.439.238,60 4. From fixed income securities 3. From budgetary sector 126.160.609,41 149.143.384,85 Interest expense 238.377.261,11 261.501.103,17 1. From financial sector 208.997.915,67 232.934.117,35 22.400.817,61 24.760.736,22 6.978.527,83 3.806.249,60 Net interest income 105.372.375,03 117.256.976,74 IV. Commission income 79.533.304,77 68.989.113,88 V. Commission expense 25.683.816,28 20.642.033,44 VI. Net commission income 53.849.488,49 48.347.080,44 VII. Income on shares, 1.276.634,51 1.289.084,37 1. From subsidiaries 0,00 0,00 2. From affiliated entities 0,00 0,00 II. 2. From non-financial sector 3. From budgetary sector III. other variable income securities and financial instruments 0,00 0,00 4. From other entities 1.276.634,51 1,289.084,37 Profit on financial operations 4.872.506,42 3.534.736,76 1. Securities and other financial instruments 3.446.643,65 1.684.253,27 2. Other 1.425.862,77 1.850.483,49 15.659.716,83 14.820.729,43 181.030.721,28 185.248.607,74 3. From associates VIII. IX. Foreign exchange result X. Profit on banking activities XI. Other operating income 20.095.951,43 20.651.516,29 XII. Other operating expense 20.023.808,92 18.801.074,16 XIII. Overhead costs 129.489.547,59 134.715.143,18 1. Payroll 62.827.600,28 65.441.911,90 2. Social security and others 13.417.944,37 13.788.275,20 3. Other 53.244.002,94 55.484.956,08 XIV. Depreciation of tangible 13.968.651,88 13.624.662,44 XV. Provisions created and revaluation 42.685.189,65 25.231.436,06 1. Write-offs on specific provisions for general banking risk 42.673.957,34 25.221.932,51 11.232,31 9.503,55 and intangible assets 2. Revaluation of financial assets 46 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS 2006 Profit and loss account 47 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS Cash flow statement CASH FLOW STATEMENT A Cash flow on operating activity I. Net profit (loss) II. Total adjustments: 1. Depreciation 2. Profits (losses) due to FX differences 2006 3. Interest and participations in profits (dividends) 4. Profit (loss) on investment activity 5. Change in the provisions 6. Change in the debt securities 7. Change in receivables from the financial sector 8. Change in receivables from the non-financial sector For the year ending as at For the year ending as at December 31st 2006 December 31st 2005 22.702.950,41 29.386.931,98 277.872.724,19 (102.091.673,09) 13.968.651,88 13.624.662,44 0,00 0,00 (4.909,16) 1.308.161,81 (158.202,08) (59.654,82) 10.703.271,91 (77.322.788,70) (486.599.864,89) (1.408.382.530,00) (33.045.939,33) (458.072.687,73) (400.912.239,51) 7.119.136,84 and from the budgetary sector 9. Change in receivables due to sold securities under resale agreements 10. Change in balance of participations or shares, other securities 0,00 0,00 2.909.979,79 1.760.931,46 and other financial (trading) assets 11. Change in liabilities to the financial sector 950.961.132,05 1.611.325.071,77 12. Change in liabilities to the non-financial and budgetary sector 194.153.367,76 159.696.459,87 13. Change in liabilities due to sold securities under 0,00 0,00 repurchase agreements 14. Change in liabilities due to securities 0,00 (125.776,60) 15. Change in other liabilities 18.030.265,72 28.223.257,83 16. Change in inter-period settlements (1.892.096,68) 6.059.077,27 17. Change in the future and contingent income 14.864.590,22 12.677.595,15 18. Other adjustments (5.105.283,49) 77.410,32 III. Net cash flow from operating activity (I+/-II) 300.575.674,60 (72.704.741,11) B. Cash flow from investment activity I. Receipts 2.711.249,71 3.846.153,13 1. Sale of participations or shares in subsidiaries 0,00 0,00 2. Sale of participations or shares in affiliated entities 0,00 0,00 3. Sale of participations or shares in associates 0,00 10.000,00 4. Sale of participations or shares in other entities, sale of other 0,00 0,00 securities or other financial (investment) assets 5. Sale of intangible and legal assets and tangible fixed assets 1.434.615,20 2.547.068,76 6. Other investment income 1.276.634,51 1.289.084,37 48 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS 2006 Cash flow statement CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ending as For the year ending as at December 31st 2006 8.358.734,63 at December 31st 2005 11.501.346,03 II. Expenses 1. Purchase of participations or shares in subsidiaries 0,00 0,00 2. Purchase of participations or shares in affiliated entities 1,06 0,00 3. Purchase of participations or shares in associates 0,00 0,00 4. Purchase of participations or shares in other entities, purchase 0,00 0,00 8.358.733,57 11.501.346,03 0,00 0,00 (5.647.484,92) (7.655.192,90) of other securities or other financial (investment) assets 5. Purchase of intangible and legal assets 6. Other investment expenses III. Net cash flow from investment activity (I-II) and tangible fixed assets C. Cash flow from financial activity I. Receipts 0,00 0,00 1. Long-term loans taken from other banks 0,00 0,00 Long-term loans taken from financial institutions 0,00 0,00 2. other than banks 3. Issue of debt securities for other financial institutions 0,00 0,00 4. Increase in subordinate liabilities 0,00 0,00 5. Net income from issue of shares and capital contributions 0,00 0,00 6. Other financial income 0,00 0,00 II. Expenses 182.930.457,33 94.620.908,09 1. Repayment of long-term loans to other banks 2. Repayment of long-term loans to financial institutions 0,00 0,00 182.930.457,33 94.620.908,09 other than banks 3. Repurchase of debt securities from other financial institutions 0,00 0,00 4. Due to other financial commitments 0,00 0,00 5. Payment of liabilities due to financial leasing contracts 0,00 0,00 6. Reduction in the level of subordinate liabilities 0,00 0,00 7. Dividends and other payments to owners 0,00 0,00 8. Expenses due to allocation of profit other than payments to shareholders 0,00 0,00 9. Purchase of own shares 0,00 0,00 10. Other financial expenses 0,00 0,00 III. Net cash flow from financial activity (I-II) (182.930.457,33) (94.620.908,09) D. Total net cash flow (A.III+/-B.III+/-C.III) 111.997.732,35 (174.980.842,10) E. Balance sheet change of cash funds, including: 111.997.732,35 (174.980.842,10) - - F. Cash funds at the beginning of period 181.929.358,02 356.910.200,12 G. Cash funds at the end of period (F+/-D), including: 293.927.090,37 181.929.358,02 - - - balance sheet change of cash funds due to FX differences - cash funds of limited ability of disposal 49 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS No. I Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 292.824.284,97 267.407.991,60 0,00 (10.054.780,78) Adjusted equity at the beginning of period (BO) 292.824.284,97 257.353.210,82 Base capital (fund) at the beginning of period STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Equity of the beginning of period (BO) - changes of accounting principles I.a. 1. 1.1. a) b) 133.246.777,00 133.246.777,00 Changes in base capital (fund) 0,00 0,00 increase due to: 0,00 0,00 - issue of own shares 0,00 0,00 - 0,00 0,00 decrease due to: 0,00 0,00 - redemption of shares 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 133.246.777,00 133.246.777,00 Due payments on the account of base capital at the end of period 0,00 0,00 1.2. 2. 2.1. a) 2006 Base capital (fund) at the end of period Change in due payments on the account of base capital 0,00 0,00 increase due to: 0,00 0,00 - 0,00 0,00 decrease due to: 0,00 0,00 - 0,00 0,00 Due payments on the account of base capital at the end of period 0,00 0,00 3. Own shares at the beginning of period 0,00 0,00 a) increase 0,00 0,00 - 0,00 0,00 b) decrease 0,00 0,00 -sale of shares 0,00 0,00 3.1 Own shares at the end of period 0,00 0,00 4. Equity reserves (fund) at the beginning of period 148.657.443,59 148.653.242,88 4.1 Change in equity reserves 0,00 4.200,71 increase due to: 0,00 4.200,71 - issue of shares above the nominal value 0,00 0,00 - allocation of profit (statutory) 0,00 0,00 b) 2.2. a) b) 4.2. 5. - surplus of fair value over the purchase price 0,00 0,00 - fixed assets sold or liquidated 0,00 4.200,71 decrease due to: 0,00 0,00 - coverage of loss 0,00 0,00 - 0,00 0,00 148.657.443,59 148.657.443,59 3.449.001,12 (2.630.940,34) Equity reserves (fund) at the end of period Revaluation reserve (fund) at the beginning of period - change of accounting policy’s principles Adjusted revaluation reserve (fund) at the beginning 0,00 0,00 3.449.001,12 (2.630.940,34) of period 5.1 Changes of revaluation reserve (fund) 1.060.718,43 6.079.941,46 a) increase due to: 1.060.718,43 6.084.142,17 -evaluation of financial assets available for sale 1.060.718,43 6.084.142,17 - 0,00 0,00 decrease due to: 0,00 4.200,71 - fixed assets sold or liquidated 0,00 4.200,71 b) 50 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS 2006 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 51 Annual Report Raport Roczny BANK’S FINANCIAL STATAMENTS 2006 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 52 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Affiliated cooperative banks against sector background Balance-sheet Profit and loss account Equity 53 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Affiliated cooperative banks against sector background The cooperative banking sector comprised 584 end of December 2006, totalled 351 cooperative banks. cooperative banks, of which one independent, cooperating with Thereinafter, BPS Affiliation constituted in excess of 60% of the Bank BPS, and the remaining 583 affiliated with three affiliating cooperative banking sector. banks, as at the end of 2006. Within 2006, the number of banks The table below presents the basic data on the position of affiliated affiliated with Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A. decreased by three cooperative banks against cooperative banking sector as at banks, which merged with entities stronger in capital, and as at the December 31st 2006. Share of BPS Affiliation in the cooperative banking sector 31.12.2005 r. BPS Affiliation and cooperating bank 39,8% Other affiliations 60,2% Basic data on the position of affiliated cooperative banks against cooperative banking sector as at December 31st 2006. SECTOR Affiliated cooperative PLN ‘000 banks PLN ‘000 42 118 693 23 131 192 54,92 3 728 061 2 131 496 57,17 24 649 987 12 924 480 52,43 35 983 010 19 716 445 54,79 Interest income 2 479 236 1 380 716 55,69 Banking operating costs 1 742 283 983 568 56,45 Operating result 2 580 808 1 452 945 56,30 633 992 350 800 55,33 509 386 283 623 55,68 as at December 31st 2006 Balance-sheet Equity Receivables due from customers, governmental Share in the sector % and self-governmental institutions Liabilities due to customers, governmental and self-governmental institutions Pre-tax profit Net profit 54 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 Balance-sheet Throughout the previous four years (2003-2006), the Balance-sheet total is defined by the value of deposits scale of activities measured by balance-sheet was on an upturn. It raised. In the course of the years 2003-2006, dynamics of these was recorded a growth of balance-sheet dynamics, which figures is similar. In 2006, liabilities due to non-financial sector amounted to 9,5%, 11,5%, 17,9% and 22,09% in the consecutive increased at faster pace than the balance-sheet total by 1,08 p.p., years 123,17% versus 122,09%, respectively. Balance-sheet total (PLN m) No. 14 408 16 070 2003 2004 18 945 2005 Total deposits and other liabilities (PLN m) 23 131 2006 12 286 13 594 16 148 2003 2004 2005 Liabilities of affiliated cooperative banks as at the end of 2005 and 2006 19 874 2006 12.2005 (PLN ‘000) 12.2006 (PLN ‘000) 1. Operations with the Central Bank 32 38 2. Liabilities due to financial sector 140 766 157 099 14 202 854 17 790 323 1 804 682 1 925 994 3. Liabilities due to non-financial sector 4. Liabilities due to governmental and self-governmental institutions 5. Securities purchased under resale agreements 0 0 6. Own securities 0 0 546 947 722 333 883 911 42 557 47 410 1 912 383 2 209 179 -221 186 294 237 283 470 18 945 120 23 136 943 7. Other liabilities 8. Aim reserves for off-balance liabilities 9. Reserve for general banking risk 10. Capital (fund), subordinate liabilities and reserve for risk and expenses not connected with the bank’s operating activity 11. Result (profit/loss) under confirmation process 12. Result (profit/loss) of the operating year 13. TOTAL LIABILITIES According to REBIS reports as at May 11th 2007. 55 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 Balance-sheet Structure of affiliated cooperative banks' liabilities as at 31.12.2006 Profit/loss in the confirmation process 0,00% Profit/loss of the operating year 1,23% Subordinated liabilities and risk reserve 9,57% Liabilities due to financial sector 0,68% Reserve for general banking risk 0,20% Aim reserve for off-balance liabilities 0,00% Other liabilities 3,08% Liabilities due to securities sold under repurchase agreement 0,00% Liabilities due to governmental and self-governmental institutions 8,33% Liabilities due to nonfinancial sector 76,91% In 2006, liabilities due to non-financial sector, governmental and non-governmental institutions grew by 22,51%. There was observed a further improvement of credit portfolio quality that was initiated in 2004. It could have been managed thanks to a better redemption of credit contracts by customers and a more effective debt collection. The share of nonperforming receivables in gross receivables of affiliated cooperative banks equalled 3,99%, down by 1,18 p.p. than the 2005 figure. Total net credits and other receivables (PLN m) 11 656 13 625 2003 2004 15 929 2005 19 137 2006 56 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2006 Balance-sheet No. Assets of affiliated cooperative banks as at the end of 2005 and 2006 1. Cash and operations with the Central Bank 2. Receivables from the financial sector 3. Receivables from the non-financial sector 4. Receivables from the governmental and self-governmental institutions 5. Securities purchased under resale agreements 6. 12.2005 (PLN ‘000) 12.2006 (PLN ‘000) 428 978 482 057 5 724 326 6 642 000 10 020 781 11 957 467 580 770 973 245 10 097 0 Securities 1 529 509 2 385 272 7. Fixed assets 1 438 328 1 550 303 8. Other assets 108 312 133 305 9. TOTAL ASSETS 19 841 101 24 123 649 According to REBIS reports as at May 11th 2007. Structure of affiliated cooperative banks' assets as at 31.12.2006 Other assets Securities 10,00% Receivables due from purchased securities 0,00% Receivables due from governmental and selfgovernmental institutions 4,00% Tangible fixed assets 4,00% 1,00% Cash and amounts due from the Central Bank 2,00% Receivables due from financial sector 29,00% Receivables due from nonfinancial sector 50,00% 57 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Net financial result recorded by affiliated cooperative An average financial result falling per 1 affiliated cooperative bank amounted to PLN 808.000. result was affected mainly by decreasing interest margins, relatively low fees and commissions, as well as by growing competition on Profit and loss account for new information technologies. banks dropped by 4,36% comparing with the preceding year, reaching the value of PLN 283.623.000. A downturn of financial 2006 The highest net profit recorded by an affiliated cooperative bank totalls PLN 6.246.000, as at December 31st 2006. the banking market. It was also influenced by intensified expenditure Pre-tax financial result (PLN '000) 344 876 356 337 350 800 2004 2005 2006 238 417 2003 Profit and loss account of affiliated cooperative banks as at the end of 2005 and 2006 No. 1. Interest revenue 12.2005 (PLN ‘000) 12.2006 (PLN ‘000) 1 396 410 1 381 559 2. Interest expenses 398 075 373 325 3. Interest result 998 335 1 008 234 4. Commission revenue 417 037 449 290 27 548 26 853 389 489 422 437 190 132 12 424 12 230 5. Commission expenses 6. Commission result 7. Revenue on shares, other variable revenue securities and financial instruments 8. Financial operations result 9. Foreign exchange result 7 559 9 552 10. Banking activities result 1 407 997 1 452 585 11. Other operating revenue 37 828 48 778 12. Other operating expenses 32 662 33 825 0 0 938 216 984 544 76 104 83 225 13. Fair value accounting result 14. Overhead costs 15. Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets 16. Write-offs on provisions and revaluation of assets 221 018 227 162 17. Release of provisions and revaluation of assets 181 375 176 262 39 643 50 900 359 200 348 869 18. Net provisions and revaluation 19. Operating profit 20. Extraordinary gains (losses) 21. Gross profit (loss) 22. Income tax 23. Other obligatory charges to profit (loss) 24. Net profit (loss) -31 19 359 169 348 888 65 191 65 683 -259 -241 294 237 283 446 According to REBIS reports as at May 11th 2007. 58 Annual Report Raport Roczny COOPERATIVE BANKS’ FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at December 31st 2006, equity of affiliated cooperative banks reached the value of PLN 2.131.496.000 (average per 1 bank – PLN 6.073.000). Equity of particular banks falls into the range of PLN 1.983.000 – 45.147.000. In relation to the 2006 Equity end of 2005, equity of affiliated cooperative banks rose by 16,81%, and versus 2002 up by 83,39%. The value of equity is compliant with the law requirements as at the end of 2006. Capital adequacy ratio Equity (PLN ‘000) 1 378 759 1 562 839 2003 2004 1 824 806 2005 2 131 496 2006 At the end of 2006, capital adequacy ratio for affiliated 14,94% 14,95% 2003 2004 requirements through 15,73% 15,26% 2005 2006 implementation of operational risk cooperative banks stood at 15,26%, what allows to expect that requirement, will not result in a decline of capital adequacy ratio applying New Capital Accord’s principles increasing capital below the value required by law. 59 Annual Report Raport Roczny 2006 LIST OF CONTACTS Outlets of Bank BPS Cooperative and cooperating banks 60 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Outlets of Bank BPS HEADQUARTERS: BANK HEADQUARTERS 01-231 Warszawa, ul. Płocka 9/11 B phone: 0-22 53-95-100 Branch in Baboszewo 09-130 Baboszewo, ul. Odrodzenia 2A phone: 0-23 661-10-38, 661-19-16 Branch Agency in Konopki 06-560 Konopki, ul. Kredytowa 6 phone: 0-23 653-20-28, 653-20-08 OUTLETS: Regional Branch in Olsztyn 10-578 Olsztyn, Aleja Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 32 phone: 0-89 534-06-71 Branch Agency in Olsztyn 10-691 Olsztyn, ul. Władysława Gębika 2a phone: 0-89 541-22-38, 541-93-81 Branch in Białystok 16-010 Wasilków, ul. Białostocka 20 phone: 0-85 718-63-08, 718-63-09 Branch Agency No. 1 in Białystok 15-427 Białystok, ul. Lipowa 24 phone: 0-85 744-53-60 Branch Agency No. 3 in Białystok 15-419 Białystok, ul. Świętego Mikołaja 1 phone: 0-85 653-73-11 Branch in Ełk 19-300 Ełk, ul. Armii Krajowej 6 phone: 0-87 610-33-60, 610-33-41 Branch in Kętrzyn 11-400 Kętrzyn, ul. Gen. Władysława Sikorskiego 48 phone: 0-89 751-00-80, 751-00-82 Branch Agency in Mrągowo 11-700 Mrągowo, Pl. M. Kajki 10/1 phone: 0-89 741-79-50, 741-08-50 Branch in Łomża 18-400 Łomża, ul. Szosa Zambrowska 29a phone: 0-86 473-70-70 I Branch in Suwałki 16-400 Suwałki, ul. Teofila Noniewicza 48 phone: 0-87 565-11-23 Regional Branch in Warszawa 01-231 Warszawa, ul. Płocka 9/11 B phone: 0-22 539-55-00 Branch Agency in Płońsk 09-100 Płońsk, ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 11 phone: 0-23 661-38-60 Branch in Bydgoszcz 85-171 Bydgoszcz, ul. Wojska Polskiego 19b phone: 0-52 361-42-55, 372-68-48 Branch in Łódź 90-436 Łódź, Al. Kościuszki 71 phone: 0-42 636-19-22 Branch Agency No. 1 in Kutno 99-300 Kutno, Plac Wolności 14 phone: 0-24 254-00-51 Branch Agency No. 2 in Łódź 91-765 Łódź, ul. Górnicza 18/36 phone: 0-42 656-85-10, 656-85-22 Branch in Ostrołęka 07-410 Ostrołęka, ul. Władysława Reymonta 11 phone: 0-29 764-89-55, 764-89-48 Branch in Warszawa 00-057 Warszawa, Plac Jana H. Dąbrowskiego 3 phone: 0-22 551-27-00 Branch Agency No. 1 in Warszawa 02-495 Warszawa, ul. Dzieci Warszawy 29 lok 2 phone: 0-22 303-60-17, 303-60-18 Branch Agency No. 3 in Warszawa 00-930 Warszawa, ul. Wspólna 30 phone: 0-22 745-11-20 Branch in Sieradz 98-200 Sieradz, Rynek 1 phone: 0-43 827-18-20, 827-43-06 Point of Banking Services in Poddębice 99-200 Poddębice, ul. Łódzka 33 phone: 0-43 678-37-00 61 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Outlets of Bank BPS Branch Agency in Konopnica 98-313 Konopnica, ul. Parkowa 16 phone: 0-43 842-44-46 Branch in Chełm 22-100 Chełm, ul. Jedność 45 A phone: 0-82 564-96-30 Branch Agency in Zduńska Wola 98-220 Zduńska Wola, Pl. Wolności 20 phone: 0-43 824-96-20 I Branch in Siedlce 08-110 Siedlce, ul. Szaloma Asza 4 phone: 0-25 644-05-80 Point of Banking Services in Zduńska Wola 98-220 Zduńska Wola, ul. Przemysłowa 31 phone: 0-43 825-30-42 Branch in Zamość 22-400 Zamość, ul. Sadowa 6 phone: 0-84 638-83-00 Branch Agency in Walichnowy 98-420 Sokolniki, Prusak 23 phone: 0-62 784-50-23 Branch Agency in Hrubieszów 22-500 Hrubieszów, ul. mjr Henryka Dobrzańskiego Hubala 9 phone: 0-84 696-54-89 Branch Agency in Gruszczyce 98-235 Błaszki, Gruszczyce 21 phone: 0-43 829-00-14 Regional Branch in Rzeszów 35- 025 Rzeszów, ul. Zygmuntowska 14 phone: 0-17 864-19-34, 864-19-35 Regional Branch in Lublin 20-027 Lublin, ul. Mieczysława Karłowicza 4 phone: 0-81 531-95-05 Point of Banking Services in Rzeszów 35-025 Rzeszów, ul. Płk. Leopolda Lisa - Kuli 19 phone: 0-17 864-12-40 Branch Agency in Wólka Lubelska 20-230 Lublin, ul. Turystyczna 134 phone: 0-81 751-08-29 Branch in Rzeszów 35-222 Rzeszów, al. Gen. Leopolda Okulickiego13b phone: 0-17 863-33-64 Branch Agency in Konopnica 21-030 Motycz, Kozubszczyzna 79 phone: 0-81 503-20-35 Point of Banking Services in Rzeszów 35-509 Rzeszów, ul. Obrońców Poczty Gdańskiej 14 phone: 0-17 863-49-44 Branch Agency No. 1 in Lublin 20-340 Lublin, ul. Garbarska 20 lok. 207 phone: 0-81 745-42-07 Branch in Przemyśl 37-700 Przemyśl, ul. Adama Mickiewicza 28 phone: 0-16 675-17-30 Branch Agency No. 2 in Lublin 20-411 Lublin, ul. Wolska 8 A phone: 0-81 534-85-91 Branch Agency in Fredropol 37-734 Fredropol, Fredropol 15/2 phone: 0-16 671-98-91 Branch Agency in Ułęż 08-504 Ułęż 168 phone: 0-81 866-79-04 Branch in Stalowa Wola 37-450 Stalowa Wola, Aleje Jana Pawła II 18 B phone: 0-15 844-40-42 Branch Agency in Nowodwór 08-503 Nowodwór 71A phone: 0-81 866-14-12 Point of Banking Services in Stalowa Wola 37-450 Stalowa Wola, ul. Przemysłowa 30 phone: 0-15 844-51-45 I Branch in Biała Podlaska 21-500 Biała Podlaska, ul. Janowska 28 phone: 0-83 342-63-50 Branch in Tarnobrzeg 39-400 Tarnobrzeg, ul. Szeroka 24 phone: 0-15 822-98-20 62 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Outlets of Bank BPS Regional Branch in Kraków 31-059 Kraków, ul. Bożego Ciała 23 phone: 0-12 618-17-00, 618-17-30 Branch Agency in Strzelce Opolskie 47-100 Strzelce Opolskie, ul. Wałowa 5 phone: 0-77 461-25-01, 461-42-10 I Branch in Kraków 31-516 Kraków, ul. Mogilska 1 phone: 0-12 429-43-80 I Branch in Wrocław 50-348 Wrocław, ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 77 phone: 0-71 322-30-21 Branch in Kielce 25-502 Kielce, ul. Planty 8 phone: 0-41 344-94-40 Branch Agency No. 2 in Wrocław 54-512 Wrocław, ul. Strachowicka 42a phone: 0-71 357-34-70 Branch in Nowym Sączu 33-300 Nowy Sącz, Aleja Wolności 19 phone: 0-18 447-78-80, 447-78-44 II Branch in Wrocław 50-102 Wrocław, Rynek 34 phone: 0-71 343-84-11 Branch Agency in Nowy Sącz 33-300 Nowy Sącz, ul. Jagiellońska 36 phone: 0-18 443-88-74, 443-44-10 Branch in Legnica 59-220 Legnica, ul. Jaworzyńska 12 phone: 0-76 862-26-86, 862-68-20 Branch in Tarnów 33-100 Tarnów, ul. Krakowska 12 phone: 0-14 627-61-20 Branch in Ząbkowice Śląskie 57-200 Ząbkowice Śląskie, Rynek 7 phone: 0-74 815-33-12, 815-69-59 Branch Agency in Tarnów 33-100 Tarnów, ul. Krakowska 19 phone: 0-14 628-62-70 Branch in Zgorzelec 59-900 Zgorzelec, ul. Wolności 4 phone: 0-75 775-61-01, 775-22-67 Regional Branch in Wrocław 50-449 Wrocław, ul. Zygmunta Krasińskiego 27 phone: 0-71 32-30-400, 32-30-505 Point of Banking Services in Zgorzelec ul. Poniatowskiego 19/7 59-900 Zgorzelec phone: 0-75 649-28-40 Branch Agency No. 1 in Wrocław 50-077 Wrocław, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 15 phone: 0-71 348-86-56, 348-86-61 Branch Agency in Lubań 59-800 Lubań, Rynek - Sukiennice Nr 20 phone: 0-75 72-15-557, 72-14-908 Branch in Opole 45-325 Opole, ul. Światowida 2 phone: 0-77 457-73-45, 455-95-80 Point of Banking Services in Lubań 59-800 Lubań, ul. Dąbrowskiego 18 phone: 0-75 721-66-05 Point of Banking Services in Opole 45-401 Opole, Aleja Wincentego Witosa 26 phone: 0-77 443-11-28 Branch Agency in Olsztyn 59-830 Olszyna, ul. Legnicka 20 phone: 0-75 721-25-38, 721-28-32 Branch Agency No. 3 in Opole 45-072 Opole, ul. Władysława Reymonta 30 phone: 0-77 454-56-25 Branch in Zielona Góra 65-058 Zielona Góra, ul. Kupiecka 32b phone: 0-68 324-56-01 Branch Agency No. 1 in Opole 45-011 Opole, ul. Bronisława Koraszewskiego 1 phone: 0-77 453-13-46, 453-13-47 Branch Agency in Świebodzin 66-200 Świebodzin, ul. Piłsudskiego 20 phone: 0-68 38-23-957, 38-23-967 63 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Outlets of Bank BPS Voivodeship Branch in Katowice 40-514 Katowice, ul. Ceglana 4 phone: 0-32 201-79-00, 201-79-01 Branch in Częstochowa 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Waszyngtona 32 phone: 0-34 360-61-59, 360-56-49 Long-distance Division of Voivodeship Branch in Katowice 41-200 Sosnowiec, ul. Swobodna 10 phone: 0-32 368-77-40, 368-77-50 Branch Agency in Poraj 42-360 Poraj, ul. Armii Krajowej 16 phone: 0-34 314-70-07, 314-55-63 Branch Agency in Poręba 42-480 Poręba, ul. Chopina 2/3 phone: 0-32 677-21-71, 677-12-39 Branch Agency in Częstochowa 42-200 Częstochowa, ul. Jagiellońska 1 phone: 0-34 366-11-60, 366-11-61 Branch in Bielsko-Biała 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, ul. Stefanii Sempołowskiej 21 phone: 0-33 819-05-05, 819-05-10 64 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Adamów Bank Spółdzielczy in Bartoszyce 21-412 Adamów, ul. Kleeberga 1 11-200 Bartoszyce, ul. Warszawska 1 phone: 0-25 755-31-14, 755-31-72 phone: 0-89 762-92-10, 762-92-11 President: Jerzy Kopyść President: Jan Lewandowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Aleksandrów Łódzki Bank Spółdzielczy in Będzin 95-070 Aleksandrów Łódzki, ul. Ogrodowa 14 42-500 Będzin, ul. Modrzejewska 73 phone: 0-42 712-11-12, 712-21-12 phone: 0-32 267-20-25, 267-39-05 President: Anna Ruszkowska President: Ryszard Olszewski Bank Spółdzielczy in Andrespol Bank Spółdzielczy in Biała 95-020 Andrespol, ul. Rokicińska 130a 48-210 Biała, ul. Prudnicka 29 a phone: 0-42 213-20-43 phone: 0-77 438-85-20, 438-85-10 President: Włodzimierz Szewc President: Franciszek Gąsior Bank Spółdzielczy in Andrychów Bank Spółdzielczy in Biała Podlaska 34-120 Andrychów, ul. Krakowska 112 21-500 Biała Podlaska, ul. Moniuszki 10 phone: 0-33 875-29-55, 875-35-77 phone: 0-83 344-71-00, 343-29-22 President: Antoni Zadora President: Helena Wasilewska Bank Spółdzielczy in Augustów Bank Spółdzielczy in Biała Rawska 16-300 Augustów, ul. 3 Maja 13 96-230 Biała Rawska, ul. Jana Pawła II 38 phone: 0-87 643-66-15, 643-25-41 phone: 0-46 813-14-30, 813-14-33 President: Zygmunt Rułkowski President: Witold Morawski Bank Spółdzielczy in Baborów Bank Spółdzielczy in Białopole 48-120 Baborów, ul. Moniuszki 1 22-138 Białopole, ul. Hrubieszowska 4 phone: 0-77 486-90-44, 486-98-80 phone: 0-82 568-22-27 President: Teresa Demianowska President: Wacław Nafalski Bank Spółdzielczy in Barcin Bank Spółdzielczy in Biecz 88-190 Barcin, ul. Kościelna 6 38-250 Biecz, Rynek 15 phone: 0-52 383-27-10 phone: 0-13 447-12-81, 447-10-22 President: Małgorzata Dziadek President: Ryszard Szetela Bank Spółdzielczy in Bargłów Kościelny Bank Spółdzielczy in Bielsko Biała 16-320 Bargłów Kościelny, ul. Tysiąclecia 6a 43-346 Bielsko Biała, ul. Komorowicka 272 phone: 0-87 642-40-21, 642-40-82 phone: 0-33 815-89-76, 815-79-34 President: Barbara Śpiczko President: Ewa Reczek 65 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Bielsk Podlaski Bank Spółdzielczy in Brzeźnica 17-100 Bielsk Podlaski, ul. 3 Maja 14 34-114 Brzeźnica, Brzeźnica 36 phone: 0-85 730-05-55, 730-07-77 phone: 0-33 879-20-04, 879-23-11 President: Leon Radziwoniuk President: Irena Torba Bank Spółdzielczy in Biłgoraj Bank Spółdzielczy in Bukowina Tatrzańska 22-400 Biłgoraj, ul. Pocztowa 3 34-530 Bukowina Tatrzańska, ul. Kościuszki 56 phone: 0-84 688-02-27, 688-02-09 phone: 0-18 200-12-30 President: Henryk Wereski President: Edward Tybor Bank Spółdzielczy in Biszcza Bank Spółdzielczy in Busko Zdrój 23-425 Biszcza 28-100 Busko Zdrój, ul. Stefana Batorego 1A phone: 0-84 685-60-04, 685-60-12 phone: 0-41 378-26-59, 378-36-27 President: Janina Bazan President: Anna Karwat Bank Spółdzielczy in Błażowa Bank Spółdzielczy in Bydgoszcz 36-030 Błażowa, ul. Bankowa 2 85-080 Bydgoszcz, ul. Kołłątaja 8 phone: 0-17 229-70-17 phone: 0-52 322-25-40, 322-15-71 President: Stanisław Bialic President: Eugenia Szala Bank Spółdzielczy in Branice Bank Spółdzielczy in Bystra 48-140 Branice, ul. M.C.Skłodowskiej 8a 43-360 Bystra, ul. Zdrojowa 3 phone: 0-77 486-83-24 phone: 0-33 817-13-71, 817-12-45 President: Józef, Marian Kawecki President: Alicja Jankowska Bank Spółdzielczy in Brodnica Bank Spółdzielczy in Bytom 87-300 Brodnica, ul. Kamionka 27 41-902 Bytom, ul. Krawiecka 4 phone: 0-56 493-00-11, 493-01-84 phone: 0-32 281-55-58, 281-17-21 President: Józef Mitura President: Wojciech Lewanda Bank Spółdzielczy in Brzeg Bank Spółdzielczy in Chełm 49-300 Brzeg, ul. Chrobrego 11 22-100 Chełm, I Pułku Szwoleżerów 9 phone: 0-77 404-56-54, 404-56-55 phone: 0-82 565-58-64, 565-47-93 President: Antoni Bender President: Jerzy Dobosz Bank Spółdzielczy in Brzesk Bank Spółdzielczy in Chłopice 32-800 Brzesko, ul. Kościuszki 3 37-561 Chłopice, Chłopice 192 phone: 0-14 686-20-10, 686-20-11 phone: 0-16 622-20-03 President: Lech Pikuła President: Wanda Kość 66 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Chmielnik Bank Spółdzielczy in Czarny Dunajec 26-020 Chmielnik, ul. 1 Maja 27 34-470 Czarny Dunajec, Rynek 19 phone: 0-41 354-22-67 phone: 0-18 265-71-96 President: Marta Smerdel President: Kazimierz Jarończyk Bank Spółdzielczy in Chojnice Bank Spółdzielczy Czechowice-Dziedzice-Bestwina 89-600 Chojnice, ul. Kościuszki 23 43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice, ul. Słowackiego 14 phone: 0-52 396-52-60 phone: 0-32 214-44-00, 214-44-06 President: Ryszarda Piekarska President: Eugeniusz Niemczyk Bank Spółdzielczy in Chojnów Bank Spółdzielczy Daleszyce Górno in Daleszyce 59-225 Chojnów, Rynek 18/19 26-021 Daleszyce, Pl.Staszica 32 phone: 0-76 818-85-76, 818-89-51 phone: 0-41 307-20-18 307-20-46 President: Bogusława Mrozik President: Barbara Sodel Bank Spółdzielczy in Chorzele Bank Spółdzielczy in Dąbrowa Tarnowska 06-330 Chorzele, ul. Żabia 1 33-200 Dąbrowa Tarnowska, ul. Jagiellońska 1a phone: 0-29 751-50-19, 751-50-99 phone: 0-14 642-21-78, 642-23-65 President: Kazimierz Orłowski President: Salomea Kozioł Bank Spółdzielczy in Chrzanów Bank Spółdzielczy in Dębica 32-500 Chrzanów, Aleja Henryka 22 39-200 Dębica, ul. Rzeszowska 14 phone: 0-32 624-09-99 phone: 0-14 670-21-37, 670-32-50 President: Zdzisław Wołos President: Antoni Rydzy Bank Spółdzielczy in Ciechanowiec Bank Spółdzielczy in Dobczyce 18-230 Ciechanowiec, Pl. 3 Maja 3 32-410 Dobczyce, ul. Kilińskiego 2 phone: 0-86 277-10-44, 277-10-69 phone: 0-12 271-10-02, 271-25-52 President: Helena Dołęgowska President: Izabela Karp Bank Spółdzielczy in Cieszyn Bank Spółdzielczy in Dobre 43-400 Cieszyn, ul. Kochanowskiego 4 05-307 Dobre, ul. Kościuszki 31 phone: 0-33 851-28-20 phone: 0-25 757-11-71 President: Alina Rakowska President: Józef Gocłowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Cyców Bank Spółdzielczy in Dobrzeń Wielki 21-070 Cyców, ul. Chełmska 14 46-081 Dobrzeń Wielki, ul. Opolska 3 phone: 0-82 567-70-08, 567-70-72 phone: 0-77 469-65-43, 469-65-44 President: Jadwiga Mazurkiewicz President: Halina Stanisławiszyn 67 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Dołhobyczów Bank Spółdzielczy in Głogów Małopolski 22-540 Dołhobyczów, ul. Partyzantów 3 36-060 Głogów Małopolski, Rynek 23 phone: 0-84 653-23-40, 653-24-02 phone: 0-17 851-79-94, 851-72-13 President: Krystyna Sydorowicz President: Stanisław Pado Bank Spółdzielczy in Dynów Bank Spółdzielczy in Głogówek 36-065 Dynów, ul. Mickiewicza 3 48-250 Głogówek, Rynek 20 a phone: 0-16 652-20-13, 652-20-70 phone: 0-77 437-32-22, 437-40-00 President: Stanisław Baran President: Sybilla Strzała Bank Spółdzielczy in Ełk Bank Spółdzielczy in Głubczyce 19-300 Ełk, ul. Mickiewicza 15 48-100 Głubczyce, Plac 1-go Maja 1 phone: 0-87 621-53-49, 621-53-52 phone: 0-77 485-22-49 President: Witold Kolenda President: Idzi Dziaduch Bank Spółdzielczy in Frampol Bank Spółdzielczy in Głuchołazy 23-440 Frampol, Rynek 16 48-340 Głuchołazy, ul. Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego 12 phone: 0-84 685-75-83 phone: 0-77 439-51-40 President: Irena Batorska President: Władysław Pyclik Bank Spółdzielczy in Garwolin Bank Spółdzielczy in Gogolin 08-400 Garwolin, ul. Kościuszki 24 47-320 Gogolin, ul. Strzelecka 13 phone: 0-25 682-27-97, 682-20-20 phone: 0-77 466-64-04, 466-63-87 President: Roman Odalski President: Bożena Dąbrowska Bank Spółdzielczy in Gilowice Bank Spółdzielczy in Gorlice 34-322 Gilowice, Gilowice 792 38-300 Gorlice, ul. Stróżowska 1 phone: 0-33 865-30-17, 865-30-18 phone: 0-18 353-54-01, 353-67-46 President: Aurelia Mrózek President: Maria Zielińska Bank Spółdzielczy in Gliwice Bank Spółdzielczy in Gorzyce 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Dworcowa 41 44-350 Gorzyce, ul. Kościelna 21 a phone: 0-32 302-01-00 phone: 0-32 451-12-14, 451-12-18 President: Krzysztof Kochański President: Mirosław Grabiec Bank Spółdzielczy in Głogów Bank Spółdzielczy in Gostynin 67-210 Głogów, ul. Sikorskiego 15 09-500 Gostynin, Plac Wolności 4/5 phone: 0-76 835-74-14 phone: 0-24 235-30-51, 235-30-52 President: Zofia Jaworska President: Mirosław Banach 68 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Grębów Bank Spółdzielczy in Jabłonka 39-410 Grębów, ul. Szlachecka 387 34-480 Jabłonka, ul. Krakowska 3 phone: 0-15 811-27-26, 811-32-33 phone: 0-18 265-23-01 President: Janina Kopała President: Józef Szperlak Bank Spółdzielczy Grodków-Łosiów in Grodków Bank Spółdzielczy in Jarosław 49-200 Grodków, ul. Kasztanowa 18 37-500 Jarosław, ul. Słowackiego 7 phone: 0-77 415-57-98, 415-50-90 phone: 0-16 624-20-31 624-21-11 President: Franciszek Smolinski President: Zbigniew Baryła Bank Spółdzielczy in Grodzisk Mazowiecki Bank Spółdzielczy in Jasienica 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. Kilińskiego 25 43-385 Jasienica, ul. Strumieńska 894a phone: 0-22 734-60-00, 734-60-04 phone: 0-33 815-22-21, 815-20-10 President: Jan Klimkiewicz President: Jolanta Polak Bank Spółdzielczy in Grybów Bank Spółdzielczy in Jasieniec 33-330 Grybów, Rynek 13 05-604 Jasieniec, ul. Mogielnicka 33 phone: 0-18 445-02-52, 445-02-84 phone: 0-48 661-35-66 President: Antoni Fyda President: Elżbieta Wnuk Bank Spółdzielczy in Iława Bank Spółdzielczy in Jasionka 14-200 Iława, ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 49 36-002 Jasionka, Jasionka 71a phone: 0-89 648-28-82, 648-36-37 phone: 0-17 772-30-12, 772-30-10 President: Urszula Witkowska President: Bronisław Ciasnocha Bank Spółdzielczy in Iłowa Bank Spółdzielczy in Jastrzębie Zdrój 68-120 Iłowa, ul. Kolejowa 4 44-330 Jastrzębie Zdrój, ul. 1 Maja 10 phone: 0-68 360-03-45 phone: 0-32 476-13-21, 476-23-57 President: Jan Feduszczak President: Ryszard Leszczyński Bank Spółdzielczy in Iłża Bank Spółdzielczy in Jawor 27-100 Iłża, Rynek 1 59-400 Jawor, ul. Wrocławska 2 phone: 0-48 616-30-10, 616-28-83 phone: 0-76 870-28-34 President: Władysław Postuła President: Czesław Pakla Bank Spółdzielczy in Izbica Bank Spółdzielczy in Jaworzno 22-475 Izbica, ul. Gminna 2 43-600 Jaworzno, ul. Stojałowskiego 10 phone: 0-84 618-30-13 phone: 0-32 616-34-94, 616-34-95 President: Urszula Repeć President: Teresa Radomska 69 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Jedwabne Bank Spółdzielczy in Kałuszyn 18-420 Jedwabne, ul. Wojska Polskiego 1 05-310 Kałuszyn, ul. Warszawska 37 phone: 0-86 217-20-23, 217-21-21 phone: 0-25 757-65-91 President: Marian Chrzanowski President: Henryk Ducki Bank Spółdzielczy in Jeleśnia Bank Spółdzielczy in Kamień 34-340 Jeleśnia, ul. Żywiecka 8 36-053 Kamień, Kamień 297 phone: 0-33 863-60-25, 863-60-20 phone: 0-17 855-77-13 President: Janina Szewczyk President: Alicja Hawro Bank Spółdzielczy in Jędrzejów Bank Spółdzielczy in Kamienna Góra 28-300 Jędrzejów, ul. Przypkowskiego 30 58-400 Kamienna Góra, ul. Waryńskiego 11 phone: 0-41 386-18-80 phone: 0-75 754-67-00 President: Janusz Hatys President: Edward Buczek Warmiński Bank Spółdzielczy Bank Spółdzielczy in Katowice 11-042 Jonkowo, Pl. 650-lecia Jonkowa 12 40-064 Katowice, ul. Kopernika 5 phone: 0-89 512-91-25, 512-92-22 phone: 0-32 358-98-00 President: Elżbieta Krasowska-Jaworska President: Józef Myrczek Bank Spółdzielczy in Jordanów Bank Spółdzielczy in Kazimierz Dolny 34-785 Jordanów, Rynek 44 24-120 Kazimierz Dolny, Rynek 14 phone: 0-18 267-55-20, 267-45-15 phone: 0-81 881-01-42, 881-01-70 President: Stanisław Job President: Jolanta Maj Bank Spółdzielczy in Józefów n/Wisłą Bank Spółdzielczy in Kąty Wrocławskie 24-340 Józefów n/Wisłą, ul. Opolska 7 55-080 Kąty Wrocławskie, Rynek 4 phone: 0-81 828-50-10, 828-50-64 phone: 0-71 364-69-10, 364-69-14 President: Franciszka Sawiarska President: Roman Górczyński Bank Spółdzielczy in Juchnowiec Górny Bank Spółdzielczy in Kęty 16-061 Juchnowiec Górny, ul. Białostocka 4 32-650 Kęty, ul. Sobieskiego 16 phone: 0-85 719-66-74, 719-66-74 phone: 0-33 845-21-54, 845-35-83 President: Eugeniusz Antoniuk President: Stanisława Zadora Bank Spółdzielczy in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Bank Spółdzielczy in Kielce 34-130 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, ul. Jagiellońska 2 25-015 Kielce, ul. Złota 9 phone: 0-33 876-63-23, 876-64-59 phone: 0-41 345-48-03 President: Adam Gnojek President: Stanisław Matejkiewicz 70 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Kłobuck Bank Spółdzielczy in Koniecpol 42-100 Kłobuck, ul. Bohaterów Bitwy pod Mokrą 2 42-230 Koniecpol, ul. Kościuszki 7 phone: 0-34 317-28-31, 317-27-67 phone: 0-34 354-05-40, 354-05-41 President: Lilia Kardas President: Halina Dudek Bank Spółdzielczy in Kłodzko Bank Spółdzielczy in Konopiska 57-300 Kłodzko, Pl.Chrobrego 4 42-274 Konopiska, ul. Częstochowska 28 phone: 0-74 867-22-01, 867-34-37 phone: 0-34 378-07-10, 378-07-11 President: Tomasz Nowacki President: Włodzimierz Cichoń Bank Spółdzielczy in Kłomnice Bank Spółdzielczy in Konstantynów 42-270 Kłomnice, ul. Częstochowska 42 21-543 Konstantynów, ul. Janowska 7 phone: 0-34 329-83-37, 329-83-39 phone: 0-83 341-50-90 President: Barbara Dominiak President: Ryszard Rościński Orzesko- Knurowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Knurów Bank Spółdzielczy in Końskie 44-194 Knurów, ul. Kosmonautów 9a 26-200 Końskie, ul. Zamkowa 7 phone: 0-32 339-17-00 phone: 0-41 372-25-74, 372-35-06 President: Józef Kapłanek President: Danuta Pakos Bank Spółdzielczy in Kock Bank Spółdzielczy in Końskowola 21-150 Kock, ul. Krasickiego 31 24-130 Końskowola, ul. Lubelska 91a phone: 0-81 859-10-22, 859-14-13 phone: 0-81 881-62-19 President: Bogumiła Góral President: Kazimierz Butryn Bank Spółdzielczy in Kolbuszowa Bank Spółdzielczy in Kornica 36-100 Kolbuszowa, ul. Kościuszki 22 08-205 Kornica, Kornica 19 A phone: 0-17 227-10-62 phone: 0-83 358-78-16, 358-75-43 President: Andrzej Tatuśko President: Dariusz Melech Bank Spółdzielczy in Kolno Bank Spółdzielczy in Korycin 18-500 Kolno, ul. Kolejowa 2 16-140 Korycin, Rynek 11 phone: 0-86 278-48-61, 278-48-65 phone: 0-85 721-90-11, 721-90-27 President: Krzysztof Kajko President: Irena Wynimko Bank Spółdzielczy in Kołaczyce Bank Spółdzielczy in Koszęcin 38-213 Kołaczyce, Rynek 2 42-286 Koszęcin, ul. Sienkiewicza 1 phone: 0-13 446-03-99, 446-02-11 phone: 0-34 378-07-41, 378-07-42 President: Teresa Koś President: Jadwiga Franek 71 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Kożuchów Bank Spółdzielczy in Krzywda 67-120 Kożuchów, ul. Klasztorna 4 21-470 Krzywda, ul. Łukowska 120 phone: 0-68 355-20-24, 355-20-25 phone: 0-25 755-10-14, 755-13-08 President: Natalia Pawlak President: Jan Sprycha Bank Spółdzielczy Rzemiosła in Kraków Bank Spółdzielczy in Krzyżanowice 31-133 Kraków, ul. Dunajewskiego 7 47-450 Krzyżanowice, ul. Tworkowska 12 phone: 0-12 430-05-12, 430-05-08 phone: 0-32 419-40-11, 419-40-44 President: Helena Piasecka President: Beata Łopocz Bank Spółdzielczy in Krapkowice Bank Spółdzielczy in Księżpol 47-300 Krapkowice, ul. Opolska 12 23-415 Księżpol, ul. Biłgorajska 10 phone: 0-77 466-14-91, 466-13-40 phone: 0-84 687-73-30, 687-74-11 President: Teodor Pandel President: Janina Wolanin Bank Spółdzielczy in Krasnosielc Bank Spółdzielczy in Kurów 06-212 Krasnosielc, ul. Cmentarna 7 24-170 Kurów, ul. Lubelska 9 phone: 0-29 717-51-06, 717-51-26 phone: 0-81 881-10-13 President: Henryk Obrębski President: Marianna Filipek Bank Spółdzielczy in Krasnystaw Bank Spółdzielczy in Legnica 22-300 Krasnystaw, ul. Mostowa 25 59-220 Legnica, ul. Wjazdowa 2 phone: 0-82 576-37-35 phone: 0-76 852-22-17, 862-19-76 President: Stanisław Woźniak President: Gabriela Sołobodowska Bank Spółdzielczy in Krościenko n/D Bank Spółdzielczy in Leśnica 34-450 Krościenko nad Dunajcem, Rynek 12 47-150 Leśnica, Pl.Narutowicza 9 phone: 0-18 262-57-10, 262-30-17 phone: 0-77 463-08-50, 463-92-13 President: Anna Ziemiańczyk President: Józef Garbacz Bank Spółdzielczy in Krzepice Bank Spółdzielczy in Leśniowice 42-160 Krzepice, ul. Częstochowska 27 22-122 Leśniowice, Leśniowice 22 A phone: 0-34 317-51-11, 317-51-04 phone: 0-82 567-54-65 President: Anna Chyrzyńska President: Franciszek Lubaś Bank Spółdzielczy in Krzeszowice Bank Spółdzielczy in Leżajsk 32-065 Krzeszowice, ul. Krakowska 6 37-300 Leżajsk, ul. Mickiewicza 38 phone: 0-12 282-01-02, 282-11-08 phone: 0-17 242-00-73, 242-04-78 President: Alicja Łoś President: Stanisław Marchwiany 72 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Limanowa Bank Spółdzielczy in Łazy 34-600 Limanowa, Rynek 7 42-450 Łazy, ul. Topolowa 9 phone: 0-18 337-91-00 phone: 0-32 672-93-33, 672-92-43 President: Adam Dudek President: Danuta Mikulska Bank Spółdzielczy in Lipinki Bank Spółdzielczy in Łącko 38-305 Lipinki, Lipinki 444 33-390 Łącko, Łącko 72 phone: 0-13 447-70-02, 447-03-78 phone: 0-18 444-60-21, 444-58-73 President: Halina Dybaś President: Maria Rysiewicz Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Lubaczów Bank Spółdzielczy in Łęczna 37-600 Lubaczów, ul. Rynek 26 20-010 Łęczna, ul. Partyzancka 17 phone: 0-16 632-96-10, 632-96-11 phone: 0-81 752-73-10, 752-73-11 President: Danuta Płonczyńska President: Zbigniew Urbankiewicz Bank Spółdzielczy in Lubawa Bank Spółdzielczy in Łobżenica 14-260 Lubawa, ul. Warszawska 20 89-310 Łobżenica, ul. Wyrzyska 26 phone: 0-89 645-21-99, 645-22-23 phone: 0-67 286-00-51 President: Magdalena Waldan President: Wojciech Laska Bank Spółdzielczy in Lubenia Bank Spółdzielczy in Łochów 36-042 Lubenia, Lubenia 142 07-130 Łochów, Aleja Pokoju 54 phone: 0-17 850-01-34, 850-40-36 phone: 0-25 675-13-63, 675-13-65 President: Józef Tłuczek President: Krzysztof Krasnodębski Bank Spółdzielczy in Łańcut Bank Spółdzielczy in Łomazy 37-100 Łańcut, ul. Mickiewicza 4 21-532 Łomazy, Pl. Jagielloński 7 phone: 0-17 225-41-62 phone: 0-83 341-70-05 President: Wacław Kozłowski President: Krzysztof Łojewski Bank Spółdzielczy in Łaskarzew Bank Spółdzielczy in Łomża 08-450 Łaskarzew, Duży Rynek 31 18-400 Łomża, Aleja Legionów 5 phone: 0-25 684-50-10 phone: 0-86 218-33-33, 218-14-03 President: Stanisław Niezgoda President: Stanisław Jabłoński Bank Spółdzielczy in Łaszczów Bank Spółdzielczy in Łopuszno 22-650 Łaszczów, ul. 3-Maja 13 26-070 Łopuszno, ul. Przedborska 10 phone: 0-84 661-15-11 phone: 0-41 391-40-12, 391-40-45 President: Danuta Fedziuryna President: Elżbieta Węgrzyn 73 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Łosice Bank Spółdzielczy in Mierzęcice 08-200 Łosice, ul. Bialska 6 42-460 Mierzęcice, ul. Bankowa 22 phone: 0-83 359-05-17, 359-05-16 phone: 0-32 288-70-39, 288-70-57 President: Romuald Piotruk President: Barbara Adamczyk Bank Spółdzielczy in Łososina Dolna Bank Spółdzielczy in Międzyrzec Podlaski 33-314 Łososina Dolna, Łososina Dolna 21-350 Międzyrzec Podlaski, ul. Warszawska 22 phone: 0-18 444-80-24 phone: 0-83 371-42-58, 371-72-01 President: Stanisław Baran President: Zdzisław Andrzejuk Bank Spółdzielczy in Łubniany Bank Spółdzielczy in Mikołajki 46-024 Łubniany, ul. Osowska 1 11-730 Mikołajki, ul. M. Kajki 1 phone: 0-77 421-50-36 phone: 0-87 421-62-48, 421-52-61 President: Stanisław Dembowski President: Stanisław Lachowicz Bank Spółdzielczy in Łukowa Bank Spółdzielczy in Milicz 23-412 Łukowa, Łukowa IV /547 56-300 Milicz, ul. Trzebnicka 7 phone: 0-84 687-41-21 phone: 0-71 384-02-80 President: Zdzisław Szostak President: Wanda Wiśniewska Bank Spółdzielczy in Łuków Bank Spółdzielczy in Mińsk Mazowiecki 21-400 Łuków, ul. Chopina 5 05-300 Mińsk Mazowiecki, ul. Piłsudskiego 6 phone: 0-25 798-26-70 phone: 0-25 758-29-68, 758-29-78 President: Bogdan Kazimierski President: Halina Strzębska Bank Spółdzielczy in Mała Wieś Bank Spółdzielczy in Mokobody 09-460 Mała Wieś, ul. Płońska 7 08-124 Mokobody, ul. Siedlecka 16 phone: 0-24 231-40-46, 231-40-42 phone: 0-25 641-13-94 President: Stanisław Jóźwiak President: Barbara Halina Ostas Bank Spółdzielczy in Miedźna Bank Spółdzielczy in Mońki 43-227 Miedźna, ul. Wiejska 2 19-100 Mońki, ul. Wyzwolenia 13 phone: 0-32 211-61-16, 326-30-10 phone: 0-85 716-25-34, 716-26-64 President: Józef Czysz President: Jan Ciborowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Mielec Bank Spółdzielczy in Mrągowo 39-300 Mielec, ul. Lwowska 2 11-700 Mrągowo, ul. Królewiecka 53 phone: 0-17 586-31-59, 586-26-53 phone: 0-89 741-75-45, 741-75-46 President: Józef Dąbrowski President: Alfred Jaworski 74 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Mrozy Bank Spółdzielczy in Narol 05-320 Mrozy, ul. Mickiewicza 13 37-610 Narol, ul. Kościelna 1 phone: 0-25 757-41-91, 757-47-35 phone: 0-16 631-70-63, 631-70-10 President: Czesław Włodarczyk President: Krystyna Sawa Bank Spółdzielczy in Mstów Bank Spółdzielczy in Narew 42-244 Mstów, ul. 16 stycznia 14 17-210 Narew, ul. Dąbrowskiego 1 phone: 0-34 328-41-11, 329-50-23 phone: 0-85 681-60-36, 681-60-77 President: Czesława Krakowska President: Olga Jakubowska Bank Spółdzielczy in Mszana Dolna Bank Spółdzielczy in Nawojowa 34-730 Mszana Dolna, Rynek 1 33-335 Nawojowa, Nawojowa 99 phone: 0-18 331-92-10 phone: 0-18 445-70-79, 445-70-40 President: Jerzy Marian Wójciak President: Krystyna Kurcz Bank Spółdzielczy Muszyna-Krynica Zdrój Bank Spółdzielczy in Nidzica 33-370 Muszyna, ul. Piłsudskiego 8 13-100 Nidzica, ul. Mickiewicza 3 phone: 0-18 471-40-25, 440-83-80 phone: 0-89 625-82-55, 625-22-15 President: Maciej Palej President: Tadeusz Miecznikowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Mykanów Bank Spółdzielczy in Niechobrz 42-233 Mykanów, ul. Samorządowa 3 36-047 Niechobrz, Niechobrz 118 phone: 0-34 328-80-31, 328-80-93 phone: 0-17 859-14-00, 859-14-01 President: Krystyna Skoczylas President: Barbara Pasierb Bank Spółdzielczy in Myszków Bank Spółdzielczy in Niedrzwica Duża 42-300 Myszków, ul. Kościuszki 111 24-220 Niedrzwica Duża, ul. Lubelska 4 phone: 0-34 313-78-00, 313-78-01 phone: 0-81 517-50-12, 517-50-46 President: Leokadia Mizerska President: Marianna Polaczek Bank Spółdzielczy in Nałęczów Bank Spółdzielczy in Nielisz seated in Staw Noakowski 24-140 Nałęczów, ul. 1 Maja 16 22-413 Nielisz, Staw Noakowski phone: 0-81 501-41-80, 501-41-81 phone: 0-84 631-27-14 President: Grzegorz Bednarczyk President: Stanisław Myszkowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Namysłów Bank Spółdzielczy in Niemce 46-100 Namysłów, Plac Wolności 8 21-025 Niemce, ul. Lubelska 190 phone: 0-77 410-43-51 phone: 0-81 756-17-30 President: Zdzisław Bąk President: Zdzisław Siwek 75 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Nowa Sól Bank Spółdzielczy in Olsztynek 67-100 Nowa Sól, ul. Bankowa 1 11-015 Olsztynek, Rynek 2 phone: 0-68 387-52-71 phone: 0-89 519-20-35, 519-25-26 President: Ryszard Żok President: Teresa Wodzyńska Bank Spółdzielczy in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Bank Spółdzielczy "Bank Rolników" in Opole 05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, ul. Słowackiego 8 45-005 Opole, ul. Książąt Opolskich 36a phone: 0-22 775-29-19, 775-24-92 phone: 0-77 402-14-42, 402-14-33 President: Remigiusz Krawieczyński President: Renata Gumała Bank Spółdzielczy in Nowy Sącz Bank Spółdzielczy in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski 33-310 Nowy Sącz, ul. Batorego 78 27-400 Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, ul. Wardyńskiego 15 a phone: 0-18 443-53-36 phone: 0-41 263-31-13, 263-33-32 President: Anna Ząber President: Zdzisław Szostak Bank Spółdzielczy in Nowy Targ Bank Spółdzielczy in Oświęcim 34-400 Nowy Targ, Rynek 11 32-600 Oświęcim, ul. Kościelna 1 phone: 0-18 266-27-33 phone: 0-33 842-26-83, 842-47-70 President: Marianna Bura President: Elżbieta Barzycka Bank Spółdzielczy in Oborniki Śląskie Bank Spółdzielczy in Otmuchów 55-120 Oborniki Śląskie, ul. Trzebnicka 3 48-385 Otmuchów, Rynek 1 B phone: 0-71 310-51-23 310-33-83 phone: 0-77 431-53-95, 431-52-23 President: Przemysław Andrzejewski President: Piotr Burski Bank Spółdzielczy in Obsza Bank Spółdzielczy in Ozorków 23-413 Obsza 95-035 Ozorków, Plac Jana Pawła II nr 6 phone: 0-84 689-10-55, 689-10-06 phone: 0-42 718-10-11, 718-19-12 President: Ryszard Kopaczyński President: Władysław Starzyński Bank Spółdzielczy in Olecko Bank Spółdzielczy in Pajęczno 19-400 Olecko, ul. Cicha 2 98-330 Pajęczno, ul. Wiśniowa 32 phone: 0-87 520-32-91, 520-44-57 phone: 0-34 311-25-51, 311-20-20 President: Jan Łuza President: Janina Ślusarek Bank Spółdzielczy in Oleśnica Bank Spółdzielczy in Parczew 56-400 Oleśnica, ul. Wrocławska 36 21-200 Parczew, ul. Kościelna 27 phone: 0-71 398-00-60, 398-00-92 phone: 0-83 355-13-25, 355-13-24 President: Aleksander Dachowski President: Marek Markowski 76 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Pawłowice Bank Spółdzielczy in Poddębice 43-250 Pawłowice, ul. Zjednoczenia 60 99-200 Poddębice, ul. Łódzka 33 phone: 0-32 472-23-20, 472-19-24 phone: 0-43 678-37-00, 678-34-36 President: Monika Harazin President: Eugeniusz Rytwiński Bank Spółdzielczy in Piątnica Bank Spółdzielczy in Podegrodzie 18-421 Piątnica, ul. Stawiskowska 30 33-386 Podegrodzie, Podegrodzie 223 phone: 0-86 219-13-70 phone: 0-18 445-91-21, 445-91-22 President: Aleksander Kaczyński President: Bernadeta Konstanty Bank Spółdzielczy in Pieńsk Bank Spółdzielczy in Połaniec 59-930 Pieńsk, ul. Staszica 20 28-230 Połaniec, ul. Żapniowska 3 phone: 0-75 778-64-84 phone: 0-15 865-00-71 President: Zygmunt Listwan President: Władysława Borowiec Bank Spółdzielczy in Pilzno Bank Spółdzielczy in Poniatowa 39-220 Pilzno, ul. Grodzka 2 24-320 Poniatowa, ul. 1 Maja 7 B phone: 0-14 672-10-11, 672-28-13 phone: 0-81 820-43-07 President: Antoni Jankosz President: Maryla Kania Bank Spółdzielczy in Pińczów Bank Spółdzielczy in Popów seated in Zawady 28-400 Pińczów, Pl. Wolności 21 42-110 Zawady, ul. Częstochowska 8 phone: 0-41 357-20-31, 357-32-38 phone: 0-34 310-37-31, 310-37-34 President: Jakub Madej President: Anna Sztolcman Bank Spółdzielczy in Piwniczna Zdrój Bank Spółdzielczy in Porąbka 33-350 Piwniczna, ul. Rzeszutka 2 43-353 Porąbka, Rynek 5 phone: 0-18 446-40-18, 446-42-26 phone: 0-33 810-60-01, 810-64-52 President: Stanisław Mróz President: Emilia Wątor Bank Spółdzielczy in Platerów Bank Spółdzielczy in Praszka 08-210 Platerów, ul. 3 Maja 20 46-320 Praszka, ul. Mickiewicza 1 phone: 0-83 357-84-14, 357-84-66 phone: 0-34 359-13-32, 359-13-33 President: Anna Raczuk President: Urszula Sieradzka Bank Spółdzielczy in Poczesna Bank Spółdzielczy in Proszowice 42-262 Poczesna, ul. Bankowa 1 32-100 Proszowice, ul. Krakowska 53 phone: 0-34 371-12-33 phone: 0-12 386-18-66 President: Leszek Klimek President: Józef Banach 77 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Prudnik Bank Spółdzielczy in Radom 48-200 Prudnik, ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 12 26-600 Radom, ul. Czachowskiego 21A phone: 0-77 406-50-00, 406-55-01 phone: 0-48 363-99-33 President: Mirosław Michałowski President: Zygmunt Grzegorczyk Bank Spółdzielczy in Pruszków Bank Spółdzielczy Rzemiosła in Radom 05-800 Pruszków, ul. Bolesława Prusa 88 26-600 Radom, ul. Kilińskiego 15/17 phone: 0-22 728-50-65, 728-50-80 phone: 0-48 362-66-53 President: Jadwiga Podlewska-Wieczorek President: Bożena Sokalska-Kaca Bank Spółdzielczy in Przasnysz Bank Spółdzielczy in Radomyśl Wielki 06-300 Przasnysz, ul. Słowackiego 1 39-310 Radomyśl Wielki, ul. Krótka 2 phone: 0-29 752-33-00, 752-24-49 phone: 0-14 681-95-30, 681-95-31 President: Alicja Durska President: Janusz Buczek Bank Spółdzielczy in Przecław Bank Spółdzielczy in Radoszyce 39-320 Przecław, ul. Krótka 2 26-230 Radoszyce, ul. 1 Maja 2 phone: 0-17 581-31-91, 774-73-00 phone: 0-41 373-50-03 President: Krystyna Skowrońska President: Maciej Nieduziak Bank Spółdzielczy in Przeworsk Bank Spółdzielczy in Radymno 37-200 Przeworsk, ul. Krakowska 11 37-550 Radymno, ul. Złota Góra 25 phone: 0-16 648-74-50 phone: 0-16 628-10-26 President: Józefa Kozłowska President: Andrzej Gniewek Bank Spółdzielczy in Pszczyna Bank Spółdzielczy in Radziechowy Wieprz 43-200 Pszczyna, Rynek 6 34-381 Radziechowy Wieprz, Radziechowy Wieprz 700 phone: 0-32 210-36-39, 210-35-91 phone: 0-33 867-66-16 President: Drzyzga Jacek President: Przemysław Kubaszek Bank Spółdzielczy in Raba Wyżna Bank Spółdzielczy in Radzyń Podlaski 34-721 Raba Wyżna, Raba Wyżna 30 21-300 Radzyń Podlaski, ul. Ostrowiecka 35 phone: 0-18 269-12-00, 269-12-01 phone: 0-83 352-70-59, 352-70-57 President: Janina Niźnik President: Roman Domański Bank Spółdzielczy in Racibórz Bank Spółdzielczy in Rajcza 47-400 Racibórz, ul. Klasztorna 3 34-370 Rajcza, ul. Górska 13 phone: 0-32 415-20-89, 415-37-60 phone: 0-33 864-38-54 President: Elżbieta Ceglarek President: Maria Wolna 78 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Reszel Bank Spółdzielczy in Rymanów 11-440 Reszel, ul. Kolejowa 4 38-480 Rymanów, Rynek 14 phone: 0-89 755-34-03, 755-34-00 phone: 0-13 435-50-18 President: Krystyna Pogorzelska President: Robert Pacek Bank Spółdzielczy in Ropczyce Bank Spółdzielczy in Rzeszów 39-100 Ropczyce, Rynek 13 35-025 Rzeszów, ul. płk Leopolda Lisa Kuli 6 phone: 0-17 221-83-24, 221-80-29 phone: 0-17 853-45-35, 852-31-84 President: Tomasz Kasprzycki President: Józef Cieszyński Bank Spółdzielczy in Roźwienica Bank Spółdzielczy in Samsonów 37-565 Roźwienica, Roźwienica 173 26-050 Zagnańsk, Samsonów 32 phone: 0-16 622-67-31, 622-58-97 phone: 0-41 300-34-03, 300-36-67 President: Adam Sawa President: Józef Florek Bank Spółdzielczy in Różan Bank Spółdzielczy in Sarnaki 06-230 Różan, ul. Wileńska 2 08-220 Sarnaki, ul. Kolejowa 2 phone: 0-29 766-90-09, 766-92-20 phone: 0-83 359-91-61, 359-91-27 President: Witold Biernacki President: Antoni Prokopiuk Warmińsko-Mazurski Bank Spółdzielczy Bank Spółdzielczy in Sawin 12-200 Pisz, ul. Gizewiusza 2a 22-107 Sawin, Rynek 6 phone: 0-87 425-08-50 phone: 0-82 567-30-13, 567-30-51 President: Hanna Barbara Ruszczyńska President: Elżbieta Kosmala Bank Spółdzielczy in Rutka Tartak Bank Spółdzielczy in Sejny 16-406 Rutka Tartak, ul. 3 Maja 6 16-500 Sejny, ul. Marchlewskiego 1 phone: 0-87 568-72-07 568-73-20 phone: 0-87 517-34-65, 571-34-66 President: Stanisław Osiński President: Marian Czokajło Bank Spółdzielczy in Rybnik Bank Spółdzielczy in Sędziszów 44-200 Rybnik, Rynek 10 28-340 Sędziszów, ul. Leśna 7 phone: 0-32 422-37-35 phone: 0-41 381-10-16, 381-25-54 President: Gertruda Banaszkiewicz President: Stanisław Syguła Bank Spółdzielczy in Ryki Bank Spółdzielczy in Sędziszów Małopolski 08-500 Ryki, ul. Warszawska 23 39-120 Sędziszów Młp., ul. 3 Maja 18 phone: 0-81 865-24-37, 865-26-20 phone: 0-17 221-64-26, 221-67-72 President: Tadeusz Polak President: Stanisława Róg 79 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Siedlce Bank Spółdzielczy in Sobienie Jeziory 08-100 Siedlce, ul. Pusta 5/9 08-443 Sobienie Jeziory, ul. Duży Rynek 17 phone: 0-25 632-79-52, 644-08-10 phone: 0-25 685-80-11, 685-80-59 President: Sławomir Marciszewski President: Józef Szewczuk Bank Spółdzielczy in Siemiatycze Bank Spółdzielczy in Sochaczew 17-300 Siemiatycze, ul. Drohiczyńska 8 96-500 Sochaczew, ul. Reymonta 18 phone: 0-85 655-26-28 phone: 0-46 862-21-96, 862-28-88 President: Jan Franciszek Koc President: Kazimierz Majewski Bank Spółdzielczy in Sierpc 09-200 Sierpc, ul. Wiosny Ludów 6 Bank Spółdzielczy in Sokołów Małopolski phone: 0-24 275-22-31, 275-25-21 36-050 Sokołów Małopolski, ul. Rynek 4 President: Tadeusz Majczak phone: 0-17 772-90-13 President: Barbara Piela Bank Spółdzielczy in Siewierz 42-470 Siewierz, ul. Częstochowska 1 Bank Spółdzielczy in Sokółka phone: 0-32 674-13-17, 674-27-90 16-100 Sokółka, ul. Ściegiennego 16 President: Stanisława Pentak phone: 0-85 711-20-94, 711-20-82 President: Klemens Kaczyński Bank Spółdzielczy in Skawina 32-050 Skawina, ul. Rynek 19 Bank Spółdzielczy in Sośnicowice phone: 0-12 276-38-16 44-153 Sośnicowice, ul. Gliwicka 30 President: Kazimiera Stochel phone: 0-32 238-77-60, 238-77-61 President: Ryszard Czekurłan Bank Spółdzielczy in Skierniewice 96-100 Skierniewice, ul. Reymonta 25 Bank Spółdzielczy in Stalowa Wola phone: 0-46 834-48-00 37-450 Stalowa Wola, ul. Okulickiego 56 c President: Władysław Klażyński phone: 0-15 842-10-27, 842-41-38 President: Stanisław Kłapeć Bank Spółdzielczy in Skoczów 43-430 Skoczów, ul. Objazdowa 10 Bank Spółdzielczy in Starachowice phone: 0-33 857-95-00, 857-95-22 27-200 Starachowice, ul. Kilińskiego 1 President: Krystyna Binek-Angełowa phone: 0-41 274-64-77, 274-60-61 President: Barbara Szymańska Bank Spółdzielczy in Słomniki 32-090 Słomniki, ul. Żeromskiego 1A Bank Spółdzielczy in Staroźreby phone: 0-12 388-15-57, 388-28-70 09-440 Staroźreby, Plac Bojowników 3 President: Maria Graca phone: 0-24 261-70-72, 261-70-19 President: Blandyna Jankowska 80 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Stary Dzików Bank Spółdzielczy in Sulików 37-632 Stary Dzików, ul. Kościuszki 73 59-975 Sulików, Pl.Wolności 17 phone: 0-16 631-82-29 phone: 0-75 778-73-06, 778-71-99 President: Stanisław Goraj President: Krzysztof Wojciechowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Stary Sącz Bank Spółdzielczy in Suwałki 33-340 Stary Sącz, ul. Daszyńskiego 11 16-400 Suwałki, ul. Utrata 4 phone: 0-18 446-14-28, 446-09-60 phone: 0-87 565-00-78, 565-00-77 President: Wojciech Kulak President: Andrzej Kolenkiewicz Bank Spółdzielczy in Staszów Bank Spółdzielczy in Szczebrzeszyn 28-200 Staszów, ul. Kościelna 25 22-460 Szczebrzeszyn, ul. Pl.T.Kościuszki 31 phone: 0-15 864-24-58 phone: 0-84 682-11-19, 682-11-20 President: Piotr Kasprzycki President: Józef Kniaziowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Stopnica Bank Spółdzielczy in Szczekociny 28-130 Stopnica, Pl. Piłsudskiego 27 42-445 Szczekociny, ul. Żeromskiego 8 phone: 0-41 377-90-25, 377-90-50 phone: 0-34 378-77-77 President: Alina Laskowska President: Mieczysław Pytlarz Bank Spółdzielczy in Strzyżów Bank Spółdzielczy in Szczucin 38-100 Strzyżów, ul. Słowackiego 36 33-230 Szczucin, ul. Dr Rudnickiego 5 phone: 0-17 276-10-10 phone: 0-14 643-61-24, 643-62-24 President: Andrzej Raszka President: Elżbieta Podosek Bank Spółdzielczy in Suchedniów Bank Spółdzielczy in Szczuczyn 26-130 Suchedniów, ul. Mickiewicza 8 19-230 Szczuczyn, Plac Tysiąclecia 27 phone: 0-41 254-30-21, 254-31-48 phone: 0-86 273-53-40, 272-50-17 President: Agnieszka Fąfara-Markiewicz President: Mirosław Rainko Bank Spółdzielczy in Sucha Beskidzka Bank Spółdzielczy in Szczytno 34-200 Sucha Beskidzka, ul. Piłsudskiego 5 12-100 Szczytno, ul. Łomżyńska 20 phone: 0-33 874-50-00 phone: 0-89 624-23-09 President: Eleonora Natanek President: Andrzej Tadeusz Górczyński Bank Spółdzielczy in Suchowola Spółdzielczy Bank Rozwoju 16-150 Suchowola, Pl. Kościuszki 1 18-210 Szepietowo, ul. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 3 phone: 0-85 712-40-69, 712-44-20 phone: 0-86 477-04-00, 477-04-18 President: Henryk Turel President: Krzysztof Radziszewski 81 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Szumowo Bank Spółdzielczy in Tomaszów Lubelski 18-305 Szumowo, ul. XXX-lecia 3 22-600 Tomaszów Lubelski, ul. Orzeszkowej 2 phone: 0-86 270-70-68, 476-82-32 phone: 0-84 664-34-31 President: Edward Lipiński President: Zygmunt Galan Bank Spółdzielczy in Szydłów Bank Spółdzielczy in Trzebiel 28-225 Szydłów, ul. Kościelna 1 68-200 Żary, ul. Wrocławska 21 phone: 0-41 354-51-21 phone: 0-68 363-09-00 President: Władysław Stępień President: Mieczysław Ryczkowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Środa Śląska Bank Spółdzielczy in Trzebieszów 55-300 Środa Śląska, ul. Wrocławska 2 21-404 Trzebieszów, Trzebieszów 33 phone: 0-71 317-38-66 phone: 0-25 796-06-66, 657-26-04 President: Czesław Woźniakowski President: Mieczysław Trokowicz Bank Spółdzielczy in Świdnica Bank Spółdzielczy in Trzebnica 58-100 Świdnica, ul. Długa 9 55-100 Trzebnica, ul. Prusicka 1 phone: 0-74 852-22-11, 852-29-92 phone: 0-71 387-43-21 President: Zbigniew Chęciński President: Jerzy Woźniczko Bank Spółdzielczy in Świerklaniec Bank Spółdzielczy in Tworóg 42-622 Świerklaniec, ul. 3 Maja 33 42-690 Tworóg, ul. Zamkowa 15 phone: 0-32 284-43-13, 284-41-71 phone: 0-32 285-74-62, 285-73-43 President: Teresa Bem President: Kazimiera Huniak Bank Spółdzielczy in Tarnobrzeg Bank Spółdzielczy in Tychy 39-400 Tarnobrzeg, ul. Sokola 12 43-100 Tychy, ul. Damrota 41 phone: 0-15 822-33-00 phone: 0-32 324-83-44, 324-83-00 President: Zygmunt Czerwiński President: Teresa Rusinek Bank Spółdzielczy in Tarnogród Bank Spółdzielczy in Tyczyn 23-420 Tarnogród, ul. Partyzantów 9 36-020 Tyczyn, ul. Mickiewicza 6 phone: 0-84 689-71-23, 689-70-12 phone: 0-17 221-92-10, 221-95-12 President: Marian Gielicz President: Tadeusz Baran Bank Spółdzielczy in Tarnowskie Góry Bank Spółdzielczy in Ustroń 42-600 Tarnowskie Góry, ul. Bytomska 6 43-450 Ustroń, ul. Daszyńskiego 10a phone: 0-32 393-90-40 phone: 0-33 854-34-57, 854-25-47 President: Fryderyk Radziej President: Halina Fober 82 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Warta Bank Spółdzielczy in Wisznice 98-290 Warta, ul. Klasztorna 1 21-580 Wisznice, Rynek 13 phone: 0-43 829-42-16, 829-42-17 phone: 0-83 378-26-04, 378-22-72 President: Mieczysław Sęsoła President: Zbysław Gabrylewicz Bank Spółdzielczy in Wąchock Bank Spółdzielczy in Włoszczowa 27-215 Wąchock, ul. Wielkowiejska 2 29-100 Włoszczowa, ul. Partyzantów 5 phone: 0-41 271-50-85 phone: 0-41 394-29-40, 394-24-15 President: Anna Latała President: Artur Kowalczyk Bank Spółdzielczy in Werbkowice Bank Spółdzielczy in Wodzisław 22-550 Werbkowice, ul. Zamojska 1/1 28-330 Wodzisław, ul. Krakowska 6 phone: 0-84 657-20-09, 657-26-04 phone: 0-41 380-60-61, 380-60-23 President: Antoni Czarnecki President: Stanisław Liburski Bank Spółdzielczy in Węgierska Górka Bank Spółdzielczy in Wodzisław Śląski 34-350 Węgierska Górka, ul. Zielona 45 44-300 Wodzisław Śląski, ul. Mendego 6 phone: 0-33 864-18-90, 864-21-06 phone: 0-32 455-33-63, 455-34-42 President: Tadeusz Juraszek President: Alicja Malina Bank Spółdzielczy in Węgorzewo Bank Spółdzielczy in Wojsławice 11-600 Węgorzewo, ul. Pionierów 27 22-120 Wojsławice, Rynek 23 phone: 0-87 427-31-51 phone: 0-82 566-91-01 President: Jan Jawiński President: Janusz Mazurek Bank Spółdzielczy in Wieliczka Bank Spółdzielczy in Wolbrom 32-020 Wieliczka, ul. Kilińskiego 2 32-340 Wolbrom, ul. Krakowska 26 phone: 0-12 278-13-95, 278-14-66 phone: 0-32 647-20-60, 644-11-64 President: Edward Biernacki President: Witold Myszor Bank Spółdzielczy in Wielopole Skrzyńskie Bank Spółdzielczy in Wręczyca Wielka 39-110 Wielopole Skrzyńskie, Rynek 196 42-130 Wręczyca Wielka, ul. Sportowa 1 phone: 0-17 221-40-17, 221-48-66 phone: 0-34 317-02-14, 317-00-39 President: Janina Cios President: Henryk Olszewski Bank Spółdzielczy in Wilamowice Bank Spółdzielczy in Wysoka 43-330 Wilamowice, ul. Paderewskiego 17 89-320 Wysoka, ul. Strzelecka 1 phone: 0-33 845-71-02, 845-71-44 phone: 0-67 287-10-24, 287-11-62 President: Jerzy Królicki President: Elżbieta Gromotka-Romińska 83 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Wysokie Bank Spółdzielczy in Zawiercie 23-145 Wysokie, ul. Rynek Jabłonowskich 1 42-400 Zawiercie, ul. Zegadłowicza 6 phone: 0-84 680-62-12, 680-68-20 phone: 0-32 672-29-43, 672-22-68 President: Tadeusz Kędra President: Janina Gieszczyk Bank Spółdzielczy in Wysokie Mazowieckie Bank Spółdzielczy in Ząbkowice Śląskie 18-200 Wysokie Mazowieckie, ul. Jagiellońska 14 57-200 Ząbkowice Śląskie, Rynek 10 phone: 0-86 275-20-22 275-20-31 phone: 0-74 815-16-18, 815-21-50 President: Tadeusz Nosek President: Józefa Warechowicz Polski Bank Spółdzielczy in Wyszków Bank Spółdzielczy in Zgierz 07-200 Wyszków, ul. Kościuszki 5 95-100 Zgierz, ul. Długa 62A phone: 0-29 743-52-00, 743-52-0 phone: 0-42 716-66-00, 716-40-11 President: Sławomir Chmielak President: Elżbieta Zytek Podlasko-Mazurski Bank Spółdzielczy in Zabłudów Bank Spółdzielczy in Żabno 16-060 Zabłudów, ul. Surażska 2 33-240 Żabno, ul. Kilińskiego 6 phone: 0-85 717-09-30, 718-86-90 phone: 0-14 645-61-90, 645-63-90 President: Kazimierz Wasilewski President: p.o.Mirosław Wajda Bank Spółdzielczy in Zaleszany Bank Spółdzielczy in Żagań 37-415 Zaleszany, Zaleszany 62 68-100 Żagań, ul. X-lecia 6/1 phone: 0-15 845-07-16, 845-09-52 phone: 0-68 377-25-16, 377-25-76 President: Cecylia Cygan President: Kazimierz Olejko Bank Spółdzielczy in Zambrów Bank Spółdzielczy in Żmigród 18-300 Zambrów, ul. Białostocka 2 55-140 Żmigród, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 1/3 phone: 0-86 271-07-32, 271-07-30 phone: 0-71 385-35-50, 385-33-36 President: Antoni Słaby President: Edward Smektała Bank Spółdzielczy in Zator Bank Spółdzielczy in Żołynia 32-640 Zator, ul. Różana 2 37-110 Żołynia, ul. Kmiecie 1 phone: 0-33 841-23-40, 841-08-40 phone: 0-17 225-06-60, 226-16-74 President: Halina Syska President: Kazimierz Górecki Bank Spółdzielczy in Zawadzkie Bank Spółdzielczy in Żory 46-059 Zawadzkie, ul. Opolska 38 44-240 Żory, ul. Męczenników Oświęcimskich 28 phone: 0-77 461-63-92 phone: 0-32 434-27-25 President: Wacław Tomecki 84 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Bank Spółdzielczy in Żurawica Krakowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Kraków* 37-710 Żurawica, ul. Bankowa 4 31-150 Kraków, Rynek Kleparski 8 phone: 0-16 672-37-80, 672-37-81 phone: 0-12 422-09-26, 422-82-45 President: Zdzisław Zub President: Jan Czesak * cooperating bank Bank Spółdzielczy in Żyraków 39-204 Żyraków Mazowiecki Bank Spółdzielczy in Łomianki phone: 0-14 670-12-24, 682-25-70 05-092 Łomianki, ul. Szpitalna 8 President: Danuta Klabacha phone: 0-22 751-18-61, 751-10-14 President: Halina Choroś Bank Spółdzielczy in Żytno 97-532 Żytno, ul. M.Konopnickiej 26 Mazurski Bank Spółdzielczy in Giżycko phone: 0-34 326-91-11, 326-91-12 11-500 Giżycko, ul. Wyzwolenia 1 President: Elżbieta Zamożna phone: 0-87 429-62-00, 429-62-02 President: Tadeusz Tur Bank Spółdzielczy in Żywiec 34-300 Żywiec, Rynek 23 Międzygminny Bank Spółdzielczy in Zbuczyn phone: 0-33 861-42-71, 861-54-41 08-106 Zbuczyn Poduchowny, ul. Terespolska 9 President: Leon Gąsiorek phone: 0-25 641-68-39, 641-63-68 President: Dariusz Jasiński Bank Spółdzielczy Ziemi Kraśnickiej in Kraśnik 23-200 Kraśnik, ul. Ogrodowa 5 Mikołowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Mikołów phone: 0-81 884-06-00 43-190 Mikołów, ul. Krakowska 29 President: Józef Gąsiorowski phone: 0-32 226-22-05, 226-24 95 President: Róża Brąclik Bieszczadzki Bank Spółdzielczy in Ustrzyki Dolne 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne, ul. Bełska 12 Morąsko-Zalewski Bank Spółdzielczy in Zalewo phone: 0-13 461-12-96, 461-13-74 14-230 Zalewo, ul. Kolejowa 4 President: Stanisław Ochał phone: 0-89 758-83-16, 758-83-59 President: Ryszard Sikora Gospodarczy Bank Spółdzielczy in Radków 57-402 Nowa Ruda, ul. Radkowska 4 Nadwiślański Bank Spółdzielczy in Czerwińsk n/Wisłą phone: 0-74 872-80-43, 873-04-69 seated in Wyszogród President: Zygmunt Łaguna 09-450 Wyszogród, ul. Rębowska 2 phone: 0-24 231-50-02, 231-12-00 Jurajski Bank Spółdzielczy in Niegowa President: Jolanta Malicka 42-320 Niegowa, ul. Bankowa 22 phone: 0-34 313-19-43, 315-10-06 Nadwiślański Bank Spółdzielczy in Solec Zdrój President: Józef Milewski 28-131 Solec Zdrój, ul. 1-go Maja 6 phone: 0-41 377-60-16, 377-60-31 President: Krzysztof Czerwiec 85 Annual Report Raport Roczny LIST OF CONTACTS 2006 Cooperative and cooperating banks Podhalański Bank Spółdzielczy in Zakopane Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Węgrów 34-500 Zakopane, ul. Kościuszki 2 phone: 0-25 792-33-13 phone: 0-18 201-48-25 President: Grzegorz Gago President: Maria Łukaszczyk Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Zamość Podkarpacki Bank Spółdzielczy 22-400 Zamość, ul. Partyzantów 3a 38-500 Sanok, ul. Kościuszki 22 phone: 0-84 639-13-44, 638-54-49 phone: 0-13 465-58-31 President: Ewa Galan President: Lesław Wojtas Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Złotoryja Podlaski Bank Spółdzielczy in Knyszyn 59-500 Złotoryja, Rynek 42 19-120 Knyszyn, ul. Jagiellońska 2 phone: 0-76 878-32-55, 878-55-20 phone: 0-85 716-70-16, 727-94-34 President: Mieczysław Leszczyński President: Czesław Łotowski Powiślański Bank Spółdzielczy in Kwidzyn Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Janów Lubelski 82-500 Kwidzyn, ul. Kopernika 28 23-300 Janów Lubelski, ul. Wiejska 3 phone: 0-55 279-39-56, 279-36-03 phone: 0-15 872-04-15 President: Mirosław Potulski President: Marian Zamojski Rejonowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Bychawa Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Kędzierzyn-Koźle 23-100 Bychawa, ul. Piłsudskiego 37 47-200 Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Rynek 6a phone: 0-81 566-00-57, 566-00-18 phone: 0-77 406-11-88, 462-50-15 President: Elżbieta Janeczko President: Stanisław Mroczko Spółdzielczy Bank Ludowy in Olsztyn Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Lubartów 10-117 Olsztyn, ul. 1-go Maja 13 21-100 Lubartów, ul. Lubelska 30 a phone: 0-89 527-20-08, 527-39-48 535-07-52 phone: 0-81 855-25-51, 854-38-07 President: Jadwiga Kubas President: Władysław Mikucewicz Spółdzielczy Bank Powiatowy in Piaski Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Opole Lubelskie 21-050 Piaski, ul. Lubelska 98 24-300 Opole Lubelskie, Stary Rynek 48 phone: 0-81 582-10-24, 582-11-98 phone: 0-81 827-22-09, 827-22-93 President: Roman Hrynkiewicz President: Zbigniew Zegarski Spółdzielczy Bank Rzemiosła i Rolnictwa Powiatowy Bank Spółdzielczy in Sokołów Podlaski 05-200 Wołomin, ul. Wąska 18 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski, ul. Wolności 48 phone: 0-22 763-87-00, 763-087-01 phone: 0-25 781-27-98, 781-29-05 President: Jan Wincenty Bajno President: Piotr Żebrowski 86 Annual Report Raport Roczny Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości S.A., 9/11B Płocka Street, 01-231 Warsaw District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Business Branch of the Domestic Registry Court KRS, number 0000069229 Tax Identity Number (NIP) 896-00-01-959, Share Capital and Paid-in Capital 133 246 777 PLN 2006