March 2015 Loggers World
March 2015 Loggers World
1 To Advertise Call: (800) 462-8283 M ARCh 2015 wCLA AnnuAL Meeting The TulAlip ResoRT cAsino TulAlip, wAshingTon March 27-28 Redwood Region Logging ConfeRenCe Redwood AcRes FAiRgRounds euRekA, cAliFoRniA March 19-21 loggeRs woRld llc p. o. Box 1631 chehAlis, wA 98532-8425 nuMBeR 3 pRsRT sTd u.s. posTAge PAID peRMiT no. 178 sAleM, oR VoLuMe 50 2 2 MARCh 2015 ® BEST 4X4 BY FAR LoggeRs woRLd COMING 2014 COMINGSUMMER THIS SPRING NEW 622C FOUR WHEEL DRIVE MTP KYP]L ^P[O WV ^LYM\S -V\Y^OLLSKYP]L^P[OWV^LYM\SJJMLLKTV[VYZ TV V[VYZ -V\Y^OLLS JJMLLK PUJYLHZLKMLLKZWLLKHUKWLYMLJ[S`^LPNO[LKMVYH[VUL_JH]H[VY PUJYLHZLKMLLKZWLLKHUKWLYMLJ[S`^LPNO[LKMVYH[VUL_JH]H[VY >HYH[HO:O\MÅPUNMLH[[\YLMVYPUKLWLUKLU[SVNKYP]PUNK\YPUN4;7 >HYH[HO:O\MÅPUNMLH[\YLMVYPUKLWLUKLU[SVNKYP]PUNK\YPUN4;7 KLNYLL*VU[PU\V\Z9V[H[PVU9V[H[VYHUKZPTWSLOVZLYV\[PUN KLNYLL*VU[PU\V\ZZ9V[H[PVU9V[H[VYHUKZPTWSLOVZLYV\[PUN /PNO[VYX\LOPNOWLYMVVYTHUJLZH^^P[OH\[VJOHPU J /PNO[VYX\LOPNOWLYMVYTHUJLZH^^P[OH\[VJOHPU[LUZPVUPUN [LUZPVUPUN -HIYPJH[LKKLSPTIHYT TZWYV]PKLJSLHUKLSPTIPUNT\S[P T VYZPUNSLZ[LT -HIYPJH[LKKLSPTIHYTZWYV]PKLJSLHUKLSPTIPUNT\S[PVYZPUNSLZ[LT LMÄ O`KYH\SPJ KLZPNU WYV]PKLZ 5L^*:LYPLZOPNOLMÄJPLU[O`KYH\SPJ]HS]LKLZPNUWYV]PKLZ OPNO ]HS]L 5L^*:LYPLZ ÄJPLU[ PUJYLHZLK ÅVV^NYLH[LYZWLLKZHUKOPNOOLYWYVK\J[P]P[` PUJYLHZLKO`KYH\SPJÅV^NYLH[LYZWLLKZHUKOPNOLYWYVK\J[P]P[` O`KYH\SPJ VTH[PVU MLH[\YLZ ^P[O 5L^;PTILY9P[L(\[VTH[PVUMLH[\YLZJVTWSL[L^P[OUL^ (\[V JVTWSL[L 5L^;PTILY9P[L ^ UL^ HUK KPHTL[ [LY KLZPNU MVY SLUN[O TLHZ\YPUNHUKKPHTL[LYKLZPNUMVYVW[PTHSSLUN[OHUKKPHTL[LY VW[PTHS OHUKKPHTL[LY TLHZ\YPUN Z X\HSP[`PUIV[OZPUNSLZ[LTHUK4;7T\S[P[YLLWYVJLZZPUN X\HSP[`PUIV[OZPUNSLZ[LT HUK4;7T\S[P[YLLWYVVJLZZPUN *VU[HJ[`V\YKLHSLYVY>HYH[HO*HUHKHH[ *VU[HJ[`V\YKLHSLYVY>HYH[HO*HUHKHH[ 3PRL\ZVU 3PRL\ZVU ^^^^HYH[HOUL[ 3 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 3 “I’ve been running the SATCO head really hard, even processing much KAQGEQDIALESEQVNNDSHAMSHEQASEDIJ`*SıRDEiMISEKXBTIKSRSQNMGAMD built to last just like the 320D FM it’s mounted on. The machine has great power and is super stable even on rolling steep slopes.” Gary Anderson, operator Hansen Logging LLC Chewelah, WA You need equipment that will hit the ground running. And stay running. The Cat® 320D FM with SATCO 322T processor head is fully supported by Caterpillar with Cat parts. The beefy three-roller head has the reliability and durability to match the Cat 320D FM. Hoses from the carrier to the head are routed through the linkage protecting them from damage. The main valve is rated at 6100 PSI and easily handles carrier pressures, reducing wear on the hydraulics and seals. The drive motors are equipped with a heavy-duty bearing hub that absorbs the loading from the weight of the tree, so the motors last longer. Complete, durable harvesting systems — that’s what we’re built to deliver. Look to your Cat dealer for financing and all the machines you need for sustainable harvesting and land management, forestry road construction, hauling and millyard. Total support from one source. www Nevada and Eastern Sierra 800-9 800-937-2326 937-2326 Gary Anderson www Central North Northern hern California 800-452-5888 52-5888 www .ncmachinery W Western esterrn and Central W Washington a ashington 800-562-4735 4735 and Alaska 800-478-7000 0-478-7000 © 2015 Caterpillar Caterpillar.. All Rights Reserved. eserved. CAT, CA ATT, CATERPILLAR, CA ATERPILLAR, TERPILLAR, BUILT BUILLTT FOR IT IT,, their respective ve logos, “Caterpillar YYellow,” ellow,” the “Power Edge” trade dress ess as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not bee used without permission. www www.caterpillar Northern California, lifornia, Western Western and Central ntral Oregon and Southwesternn W Washington ashington 800-452-7676 7676 Idaho, Western Western M Montana, Eastern Washington, Washhington, Eastern Oregon on and yoming Northwest Wyoming 800-852-2287 287 4 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 4 we are committed to the idea that we must always do better. i'm looking forward to an interesting year of challenges and much enjoyment from meeting these challenges. hope this is true of you also. Rigging Shack TRAVELING: “Classic” Originally Published in February of 1977 You'd think that any publisher and bull manure spreader worthy of his calling would have a message of inspiration at this time of the year wouldn't you? not so in this case. nineteen hundred and seventy seven is upon us and for six months or more the experts have been predicting all kind of things for this brand new year. some are positive and hopeful. some of these predictions are full of negative guesses and are dismal in the extreme we must realize that most of these predictions are just that--a game of guess work. Their guesses are on the average for entire industries or the whole darned country. even if their guesses were right on the money it wouldn't necessarily make any difference to us. Their guesses are based on absolute averages, of which there ain't no such thing. our experiences and successes can run to being entirely opposite guesses that are correct on a national average. As far as i'm concerned 1977 is going to be my best year yet. i'm going to do more work----- i'm going to do better work and enjoy it more. our little business is going to go and to grow. in This issue... 2 Rigging ShACk since i do a lot of traveling i talk about it a lot. one of my problems is one of getting work done while i'm away from the office headquarters. This year am getting a slick outfit for a traveling office, a home away from home and lots of other ad- “ClASSiC” – by Finley Hays 4 “CoMMitted to the woods” vantages. The vehicle will be a four wheel drive pick-up. The office and living quarters is going to be a 26 foot fifth wheel trailer. FINLEY HAYS The trailer is self-contained. now what we need to do is first (Continued on Page 5) See “Rigging Shack” LoggeRs woRLd Published by LoggeRs woRLd LLC Founded in 1964 by Finley Hays pATco logging llc • FoRTunA, cAliFoRniA. – by Michael (Hoss) Barker 21 BLAst fRoM the PAst Member and Supporter of the American Loggers Council Since 1994 puBlisheRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kevin & nancy Core 23 As we see it... ediToR eMeRiTus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .finley hays 24 whAt the heCK ARe these? AdVeRTising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kevin Core ediToR/wRiTeR 24 iRonMARt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brandon hansen oFFice MAnAgeR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nancy Core PostMAsteR: send address changes to: 26 oBAMA’s ePA LAnd gRAB – by William Perry Pendley 27 show & seLL COVER PAGE PICTURE: Ready to roll off the jobsite, PatCo Logging’s Kelly Patton puts the finishing touches on a load for Jason Greens ’84 Peterbuilt. See “Committed to the Woods” starting on Page 6. phone (360) 262-3376 28 index/CoMing eVents LoggeRs woRLd LLC, P. o. Box 1631, Chehalis, wA 98532-8425 e-Mail: [email protected] suBsCRiPtion RAte (in u.s.A.): $25.00 per year; two years for $50.00 loggeRs woRld llc cannot and does not assume responsibility for the contents of any advertising in loggers world. The representations made by advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser and not loggers world. loggers world does not knowingly accept advertising that is false or misleading. The limit of loggers world liability in case of a mistake made in advertising copy by loggers world will be the charge of the actual space containing the error or less for that particular advertisement 5 make a darkroom out of the bathroom. Then tear out one davenport-bed combination and tailor make a desk to fit in that space. Then we need a generator that will supply some needed A/c power for lights and other things. By then we should have a compact, comfortable and efficient rig to take around from place to place. Am looking forward to much visiting loggers this coming year and i'll now have a place to boil coffee at a mo- most. THE GOVERNOR AND HIS BOOK: For the past 12 years we in washington state have been blessed with one of the best governors ever in the history of our state and one of the best governors in the nation. i got this on good authority. From a book put out by the state at the bequest or request or authority of ex-governor dan evens. it was thought that this book was so important that it should be put out before evens left office and the object was to tell us cit- izens just how lucky we were that gov. dan devoted 12 years of his life to our welfare. i guess us taxpayers paid for the book and it was sent out free to thousands of people--guessing again. At least we got one at no cost and, as far as i'm concerned, for no good reason. This is a book i could do without---but i didn't get a chance too. Authorized Dealer ,<B? &.92@ $.?A@ I&2?C602 @A./96@521 <?2@A?F >B6=:2;A 2.92? 99 <332?@ @B/720A A< 0?216A .==?<C.9 Cascade Trader has a Complete Line of new Doosan Log Loaders, Excavators & Wheel Loaders for your Logging & Construction Needs! LOG LOADERS " *I ##& " E0.C.A<?@ I <4 <.12?@ $# % ##& "I + -56 ##& "I& *;(*00*27 (32).7.32 ##& "I + <4 <.12? $# % ##& " + 5*(*27 82)*5 $# % ##& " & <4 <.12? $# % % # <4 <.12? 1867 6** & I <4 <.12? 'I <4 <.12? 'I <4 <.12? ' I + 5*&5 *275< ' <4 <.12? I <4 <.12? I <4 <.12? 5*(*27 84)&7*6 # #I& # #I& <4 <.12? " ' + <442? " ' + 2*: 68=8 " ' <442? FELLER BUNCHERS, PROCESSORS & FORWARDERS <:=92A2 $.?A@ I&2?C602 3<? F<B? *.?.A.5 "221@ ##& " + ' <442? ! I *.?.A.5 ' *;( *.?.A.5 ' # #& 2A< # #I D 2;5.?0< # #I ' # #I& *.?.A.5 ' #! '&( $ .*5(* 6753/*5 " ' <442? *73 !#% % !<129 56=.?C2@A2? $# % ' % ' ' % ' 6&: '! #' [email protected] 5*(*27 82)*5 '! #' [email protected] '! % 9.:/B;8 <?D.?12? '! % <?D.?12? '! % .?C2@A2? '! % ).6( 6&: ) ! ' .?C2@A2? -*&) "#* " &'# " ** % ' ' &59*67*5 *&) $# % &# <:=92A2 $.?A@ I&2?C602 3<? F<B? * % ' '# "221@ $# % TOWERS & YARDERS ' <4 <.12? : )8&0 )5816 ' + )5816 ! ,.?12?@ $# % ! ! $.?A@ B;6A $# % $ &D6;4 ,.?12? 75&(/ 17 $ # % & * " %& &6 .6 & 'I ( ?B:@ &576 320< $# % & 'I!,& &9.0896;2 $# % & '' # " ' % ', &9.0896;2 ! 750 * & " '#" * * & " '#" &D6;4 ,.?12? TRUCKS & TRAILERS " % <D/<F ! * J I B:= '?B08 EXCAVATORS, DOZERS, LOADERS, SKIDDERS, GRADERS, ET C. ##& " + I E0 & ? 3&)'8.0)*5@ *;(*00*27 'I 9*5< (0*&2 'I '?.08 &86112? $# % 'I ?.12? 'I ?.==92 &86112? 'I '?.08 &86112? 6:.2, ,5&440* ' '8)/*7 5*'8.07 *2,.2* % 811.26 ,33) 7.5*6 * ?.12? & * I ?.12? 'I & :.2(- &5(- " 'I & ! '?.08 &86112? "' %" ' #" ' :.2(- &5(E '8(/*7 -**0 5&(/ ,5&440* $ # % I <G2? *;(0 " ! '?.08 &86112? 6:.2,*5 03: -56 # # E0.C $# % # %" "' ! E0. %1 91? '/7 7-81' !#("' "I # %! 2*: 7.5*6 '% I %! % &86112? 6-3: (32) C ARRIAGES #! "I! % I) 3735.=*) &55.&,* : 8,6 &55.&,* $# % WANTED # ( % '# &+ # ) !( $#& " &**&%,&& / !$ ( &( !$ ( ( %#- - $$&%) . +# ## ( . '- # ) . '&"+# , !!# Clothing the Working Man for 93 Years KETO • WARATAH • EAGLE CARRIAGE %605 2;;<E <5; *2905 &5.;;<; $2@608. !682 B05 699 $.;A62? H <<@.; $.?A@ '?.06 ?B;<33 H &.92@ <<?16;.A<? 6: *.?8 <<=2? ?B;<33 <5; ?6336; 299 (360) 748-1182 DDD [email protected]?.12? ;2A +&; > <0.A21 .A E6A #A 7&7* 9* -*-&0.6 # <33 (360) 855-0395 5 MARCh 2015 (Continued from Page 4) ments notice. THIS ISSUE OF LOGGERS WORLD is one of our largest for some months. one big reason for this is that the oregon logging conference is coming up. This i guess, is one of the better attended conferences with lots of interest and a big machinery show always connected with it. A fine place to go to listen to good speakers and get a good hard look at new machinery. A real bang-up affair that many people come to see and which is enjoyed by LoggeRs woRLd Rigging Shack 6 6 MARCh 2015 PATCO LOGGING LLC — FORTUNA, CALIFORNIA LoggeRs woRLd HEADING FOR HIGHER GROUND on the Cat skidder with another bonus. Just a few turns and all the duff turns to a lovely mire waiting for a skidder to get stuck in it. You sure wouldn’t know it though if you were one of the unfortunate people i was dodging when i made a turn to the north on the south bound off ramp of highway 101, my apologies to you all, don’t see to well in the dark these days. i was looking for the By Michael (hoss) Barker 800-439-9073 208-267-6215 "ONNERS&ERRY)DAHOsWWWWHITEMOUNTAINCHAINCOM Heavy Duty 9.5mm - 3/8", 11mm - 7/16", 13mm - 1/2" SMT Flexi 8mm - 5/16" & 9.5mm - 3/8" Heavy Duty. Grip for all conditions. “H” sections are easilly removed for adjustment and replacement in the field. Consider SMT for superior fit and ride. Tailored for a perfect fit without the use of tools. SMT Flexi uses steel produced with boron, nickel, chrome and manganeze, then fully hardened for maximum durability. Choose 8mm-5/16” or 9.5mm-3/8” to suit your requirements. Hardened 10mm hooks and 8mm side chain are standar on both sizes. Tightening rail is avaliable as an option. i don’t roll into a new town with all the bravado and ‘shock and awe’ that i did in my younger days. with the big 60 now in the rear view mirror, i just can’t cut up like i used to and after all is said and done it’s probably just as well. (Continued on Page 7) See “PatCo” " ! " %%% # A versatile traction chain for snow clearing, forestry and construction. Excellent grip, smooth ride and virtually trouble free performance. /VERSIZEDSTUDSINCREASE GRIPANDLASTLONGER SMT pattern holds the chain on top of the tire lugs, keeping the studs in constant contact with the terrain SMT Combo fits more that one tire size. Chain tightener is recommended for heavy chains. #! Who Says Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees? ! ( 13mm-1/2”, 16mm-5/8”, 19mm-3/4” SMT and SMT Combo. #" " SMT & SMT Combo 9,5mm-3/8” , 11mm-7/16” SMT " ( ( "# " " ! & ! # )$ $ $ "% # "# ' ( % #! ( #' $ " "' ! '!% '!%" & #$ $ "' Call Doug Today! 888-223-2600 ( " % " %# "# $ 7 7 2007 Doosan 225LC Processor Machine, 1995 Madill 3800, 2004 Link-Belt 240LX, AE:@@65 2006 Link-Belt 330LX Road Builder, AE:@@65 .:D9 " +& +* 2>8<6 625 .2B2D29 .:D9 #?8 $2H 'B?46CC?B .:D9 +?@ *2G )63E:<D 'E=@C >5 'B?46CC?B 625 %6G ( +? B2@@<6C >8:>6 @@B?H , +B:@<6 2B I5B2E<:4 'E=@ !6G6<< B2@@<6C , B?EC6BC '2BD:2< )?4; 062BC 8? , E2B5C -6BI <62> 2>5 H46<<6>D ?>5:D:?> 9BC %:46 +:89D +:89D $145,500 $160,000 $125,000 2010 Link-Belt 240LX, .2B2D29 625 9BC H46<<6>D ?>5:D:?> $250,000 $249:>6 $85,000 WE'VE MOVED To 665 S. Pacific Hwy W 1999 T-Bird 500E Road Builder, )& 9BC 23 ):C6B E= '?G6B *:>8<6 2B :89 .2<; , 66< )24; 2>5 B2@@<6 E4;6D 2>5 +9E=3 BEC9 )2;6 2>5 62D + # ( #" ' ( " & + , #"!#)( ' " +, (+ " ! Watch Our Ad $125,000 PatCo (Continued from Page 6) 2014 KMC 2600 *G:>8 B2@@<6 E==:>C + 9@ <2B; *6B:6C +B2>C *@665 '?G6BC9:7D >D68B2< +?BAE6 ?>F6BD6B 62D $290,000 For Our Grand Opening! 2004 Timberpro 820E, #?8 $2H 9BC &>6 :B64D:?>2< +:<D ?BG2B5 ?=3? $249:>6 ?=6C .:D9 B2@@<6C $252,000 Check out the CATs on our Website: 225BLC, 320CLL, 322C, 324D, 330BLL, D5H, D5HTSK, D6C, D6C10K, D6D, D7G, 977D, 517, 518C, 518 Swinger, 527, 12F, 12G Skagit BU84 T100HD, EI<:>6C ) ) 24D?BI *<24;<:>6 !24; +B2:<6B )6:>7?B465 ??CD6B )625I %6G E==:>C :8 2= <<:C?> *@665 )6F6BC6 > )646>D )6@2:BC $140,000 1987 KW T800, H<6 + 2004 Kobelco Madill 071, 250, *9?F6< #?886B EI<:>6C %6G - + 2CD 92:> 6<EH6 23 -6BI ??5 *D66< +B24;C H46<<6>D #:>6C )25:?C 28<6 << *;I42B H46<<6>D $75,000 02B56B $135,000 HDB6=6 9BC $:DCE3:C9: >8:>6 !6G6<< ??= B2@@<6 ??5 , ?B6CDBI 23 *' 2007 Valmet 425 Processor Machine, AE:@@65 9BC /+ .:D9 #?8 $2H 9BC &> +96 .:D9 ??= 625 *AE:BD H46<<6>D , ?>5:D:?> $210,000 2001 CAT 330BLL +BE4; Log Loader, + >8:>6 +B:@<6 2B B?EC6BC , + B2@@<6 +:89D $249:>6 H46<<6>D 2B6 ,C65 ,>56B 02B56B $59,500 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 CC HEAVY EQUIPMENT.COM .:D9 *D2;6C *42<6C .6D ":D I5 E=@ ?=6C E>;C 'EC9 ,@ <64 DB?>:4 <C? D9 .966< $55,000 Best western motel in Fortuna, cA. i haven’t heard that many horns and that much yelling since old Tlingkit pete pulled the Berger tower over out of ketchican back in ’81. i pulled a move in the old subaru wagon that Jeff gordon would approve of and got out of there in a hurry…didn’t think me or the old subaru still had it in us! i spied the Best western briefly while showing off in the subaru and slithered my way there lest someone called the cops on me. My mission was clear. The Boss, kevin core, newly minted owner of logger’s world publications, had instructed me to go to Fortuna, cA and track down heath cook and kelly patton, partners in a new logging venture called patco logging llc, interview them and take some pictures of their operation just a few miles out of town while inflicting the least possible amount of mayhem and the like on the community. i was off to promising start. (Continued on Page 13) See “PatCo” 1985 CAT D7G, 2012 CAT 324D, 2001 CAT 517, 2006 Link-Belt 240X2, .:D9 ':6B46 &) % # )* 9BC AE:@@65 .6<54? 62<6C .:D9 #?8=2H >4<?C65 23 *6=: , /+ $350,000 ?J6B .:D9 +:<D ICD6B $95,000 .:>49 9BC *G:>86B *DB?;6B %6G , 2>5 '2:>D 9BC ?B6CDBI 23 >8:>6 +B2>C=:CC:?> H46<<6>D ?>5:D:?> 'B6F:?EC<I )63E:<D $150,000 $129,500 2006 Doosan 225 RB, .2B2D29 9BC )646>D )63E:<D >8:>6 2>5 'E=@ %6G +E>6 ,@ ?> 625 $125,000 CC HEAVY EQUIPMENT.COM ' & ! & #&"( + ( - 503-507-7230 - & *, %) $! "( #! A whole new meaning to “log in” LOGGERS WORLD.COM 8 FEATURED IN THIS MONTH’S ISSUE MARCh 2015 8 LoggeRs woRLd PatCo Logging LCC Based out of Fortuna, California, Kelly Patton and Heath Cook run their skidder operation PatCo Logging and employ cutter Jeff Sanchez in the mud and rain of Northern California. Jason Green of West Coast Trucking hauls logs for them in his 1984 Peterbilt. Fortuna, California is a town of of 11,926 in Humboldt County on the northeast shore of the Eel River roughly nine miles from the Pacific Ocean. The town was originally called Slide Hill in 1874 when founded, and changed to Springville for the town’s Springville Mill. The town’s name was changed to Fortuna in 1884, which is the Spanish word for “chance.” The town is surrounded by national, state and county redwood parks and is considered the gateway to the Redwood Forests of Northern California. The town is the northern entrance to the Avenue fo the Giants - a scenic highway for Humboldt Redwoods State Park. GEM CHAIN BAR TOLL FREE 800-455-8471 (208) 983-0203 Fax: (208) 983-0213 93 Hwy 95 North Grangeville, ID 83530 GEM’S NEW 404 HARVESTER LINE IS GETTING EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER REVIEWS 404 Harvester Bars • • • • Premium grade steel Replaceable external tip Highest visible bar in the market Currently available in 59cm, 64cm 75cm and 90 cm “By far the best 404 harvester bar I have ever used.” ~ Customer Quote 404 Rim Sprockets • • • • Currently available in 11, 12, 13 ,14, 15 and 16 tooth with 25mm bore Trademark raised tooth design Tapered clean out holes Machined from solid billet material GEM is a leading international manufacturer of 3/4” pitch bars and drive sprockets Rim Style 3/4 Drive Sprockets Come visit us at the Oregon Logging Conference Booth 278 • • • • • • Maintenance free Longer wear life One piece Smoother running Less chain stretch Available in 7, 8, 9 & 10 tooth 3/4 Pitch Bars • • • Bars available for most harvester and processors Multiple 3/4 double ended slasher/processor bars Custom orders are always welcomed We Do Sawbar Repair • We Will Fix Your Twisted Bars Visit our website at www.gemchainbar. 9 9 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 EQUIPMENT SITS AT THE READY in a rare moment of inactivity at the PatCo Logging site. MPI EQUIPMENT Call Chuck 24/7 530-221-6760 INCORPORATED 2004 HITACHI ZX350LL FORESTER w/2008 Waratah 624C Processor, 13,337 hours on ZX350ll, approx. 5,400 hours on 624C., heel rack, good undercarriage, runs & works well, located in Medford, Oregon.......................................$199,500 8537 Commercial Way Redding, CA 96002 [email protected] CONSIGNED BY OWNER Located in Philo, California CERTIFIED REBUILD POWER TRAIN Plus LeTOURNEAU LOG STACKER, 60-ton, cab, 4x4, 12.7 liter Detroit Series 60, excellent tires, very clean, good history, from major pipeline job, 3 available.......CALL 1979 CAT D6D, SB w/tilt, CAT winch, good UC, recent hard bar, new radiator, shows 10,548 hrs........................$35,000 2006 KOBELCO SK250 LOG LOADER, Jewell Shovel Logger Buildup, Jewell grapple, high & wide, 24” tracks, forestry cab, rock guards, good undercarriage, runs well, consignedm located in our yard, 12.624 hrs.....$95,000 2004 MORGAN SX706SB, 6 WD, 3,103 original hours, very good tires, swing boom, 120” grapple open, full rotation, 8.3 Cummins @ 260 hp, hydrostatic drive, ROPS, cab, AC, ..............$112,500 2012 KOMATSU PC360LC-10, Tier 4, 30” dig bkt, 10’6” stick, 33 1/2” pads, lube system, cab guard, rear camera, AC, 2,182 hrs, priced to sell!!!.........$205,000 WASHINGTON 188 YARDER, Detroit 8V92T power, 4-axle carrier, standing skyline, good, clean unit.........$200,000 2006 JD 759G FELLER BUNCHER, saw head, good undercarriage, JD engine, tilt cab, 12,000+ hrs..................$100,000 2007 CAT 328D LCR, smooth-edge clean up bucket, hydraulic QC, auxiliary hydraulics, 10’6” stick, very good condition, 6,148 hours....................$140,000 2012 KOBELCO SK260-9, 48” bkt, standard stick, aux hyd, IT Tier 4 @ 176 hp, 2,201 hours, very clean............$140,000 CAT 527 TRACK SKIDDER w/SWING GRAPPLE, CAB AND AC The CAT Certified Rebuild Power Train Plus by Includes: h New, Out of Crate CAT Engine h Reconditioned Radiator, Including All Hoses, Clamps and Seals h Rebuild Transmission and Torque Converter to New CAT Specs h Rebuild/Recondition Steering Clutches, Brake Modules, Final Drives h Recondition Equalizer Bar and Pin Bores; Install New Pins, Bearings, Seals h Replace Pivot/Stub Shafts with New CAT Shafts h Reconditon Track Roller Frames h Repair Track Guiding Guards at Swing Frames h Replace Undercarriage w/All New CAT Components, Including Track Groups, Rollers, Idlers, 22” Track Shoes h Reseal/Replace Power Train Hose h Rebuild Hydraulic Pump h Reseal U-Joints and Hardware h Recondition C Frame h Complete All CAT Engineering Updates as Needed h CAT Power Train Warranty until January 2018 or 3,000 Hours Additional Work Performed by EQUIPMENT MPI Includes: h New Air Conditioning System h Repair Boom and Grapple, Including New King Post & Bearing, Repack Cylinders, New Pins & Bushings FOR MORE INFORMATION h New Paint CALL CHUCK h New Front and Rear Windows MPI EQUIPMENT, INC 530-221-6760 h New Prolenc Snubber and Pins h And Much More! $360,000 ! W E N PROLENC SNUBBERS for skidders, in stock...............................................CALL TOWTEM 100 CLAMSHELL BUCKET approx 3 1/8” pin, 20 3/8” pin center-tocenter, 12 5/8” stick width, 109” open tip-to-tip.........................................$8,500 YOUNG SORTING GRAPPLE, very little use, approx. 104” open.........$3,900 NEW JD FS24 SAWHEAD, 24” cut, 30 degree rotation, approx 8,380 lbs., fits JD 959J and others.......$50,000 1998 CAT IT38G, good 20.5 radial tires, QC, third valve, good bucket, 20,856 hours...........................................$56,500 2007 CAT D6N XL, OROPS, differential steer, very good System One undercarriage, CG.6 CAT Acert engine, rear screen, rear ripper, work lights, very good unit, 2,599 hours.............$129,500 10 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 10 DOWN SIZING due to Power Plant Closure WITH RAINFALL A CONSTANT (except for the sunny day in this photo), just about every load that leaves PatCo’s landing needs a little help to get going in the goo. SUPER EAGLET EAGLE V & EAGLE VI SUPER EAGLET EAGLE V I EAGLE V DRUM CAR We also have Eaglets, Eagle IV and Claws Available EAGLE CARRIAGE & MACHINE Call Today for a Demo! #!! $ ((( Fax: (541) 963-3415 & $ $ " $$ (541) 963-4646 #! #'$% ! $ 2010 Peterson Pacific 5710C Grinder, ()'/ ( + *!& & . ) &+ . ) ( )+* & ) !& / $$ &+ '& )* + % !&+ !& $560,000 More Equipment 1-3-Link-Belt 3400 Q2 Loaders, ) '* & & . .!)!& )& ** * '! ' $55,000 ea. 73 KW 4,000 gal. Water Truck, ,/ (,%( ! % +) &* ) &+ ) )* & & . *+ $ ) % ) !$* $16,000 10-42' to 45' Possum Belly Chip Vans, - )0 * )-! $ $4,000 to $10,000 93 Oshkosh 6x6 Tractor, *+ ( ) % ,%%!&* *( # )'&+ /$ ) ) /$ * +'+ $$0 ) '& !+!'& 0)* ' / $$ &+ $45,000 2-3-D300E Cat Articulated Dump Trucks, "' ) 0$30,000 ea. Danzco Pull Thru Delimber, & . %'+') & ) %'+ '( & & $'* #&!- * $!++$ ,* *!& +'+ $ ) '& !+!'&!& $15,000 Jewell Brush Grapples, !& 0 !& ') *!1 % !& $12,000 $ #! % ' $% ' ## $ &%% % & $ $" #& ' $ %!% ) # ! "" # %! ""#!( ) %#& $ % #& $&$" $ ! #& " %# #$ !&% ! % ' ) #$ ' %! %! $ ' $ &$ '!! $ % %! %! ! . '+ * *'& *!& . 0 '* * .!)!& )& ** & !& !&" +')* $ ) +,& ,( ' & !& & 0 () **,) * Morris Logging Steve Morris 707-498-2101 • Jake Morris 707-498-8165 # ! " ! " 11 11 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 GETTING READY FOR A LOAD, PatCo’s Heath Cook lifts up the trailer of Jason Green’s 1984 Peterbilt. YOUR FORESTRY EQUIPMENT PARTNER 2005 Timbco 475EXL 2001 Cat 325B L 2006 Cat 324D 2004 John Deere 3554 S/N CW4C2641080405 24” 360 degree rotation head, new bottom, 6,507 hrs., ready to harvest S/N 2JR03520 Hydraulic link thumb, welded catwalks, 17,568 hrs., full length forestry rock guards, four post cab guard S/N 0JLS00161 Waratah 622 processing head, 9,419 hrs., all in good working order S/N 350018 18,875 hrs., good condition $188,900 $62,000 $170,000 $64,000 Call Gib Gilbert today at 253-606-2029 On approved credit. Offers expire March 31, 2015. All equipment subject to price change and/or prior sale. All units FOB current N C Washington branch location. Contact your N C Sales Representative for details. 12 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 12 HEATH COOK WITH ONE IN THE GRAPPLES and an eye for one to make a bonus turn before the next deluge hits and shuts them down because of mud. Work Wear Logger’s Jeans 0QKSWZa ;PQZ\ $24 95 0MI^aL]\aKW\\WVNIJZQK BQXXMZWZJ]\\WVNZWV\ 4WVO\IQT[ $2195 0MI^aL]\a KW\\WVLMVQU .]TTK]\ :Q^M\ML[][XMVLMZ J]\\WV[ ;QLM\WWTXWKSM\ 4IZOMJIKSXWKSM\[ ,W]JTM[\Q\KPML BQXXMZNTa ;ITMQVKT]LM[ITT [QbM[º\Wº ;QbM[ºº IZMM`\ZI 02 5#-+(+'& 7/'23 "' (('2 0 +)* "02,'2;3 0.1 #4'3 ! # Alternative Plan " #5-: 533'-- 533'-- '3052%'3 "+/-0%, " Call today for more information! 866-514-3356 Toll-Free! 9 42''4 " #34-' 0%, "#3*+/)40/ "#8/' 5/ ! ! * #20/ 5/ #+- 072'8 0..'2%+#- /352#/%' #/#)'2 ;ITMQVKT]LM[QbM[;\W@4 *QOIVL<ITTIZMM`\ZI 360-736-1336 Information Calls SHOP & SUPPLY INC. Centralia, Washington 800-822-2808 Direct Order Line (5-- 3'26+%' 25' 5-4+-+/' )'/%8 '&+%#4'& 40 4*' 0))+/) #/& 2'-#4'& /&5342+'3 +%'/3'& +/ " 0..'2%+#- /352#/%' '230/#- /352#/%' +(' +3#$+-+48 /%0.' #/& /&+6+&5#- #/& 2051 '&+%#- -#/3 13 i had been playing phone tag with heath cook and his wife, Jodi for probably close to six weeks or better trying to set up a time when we would have some good weather, without a lot of rain, like that’s going to happen in redwood country in november. eventually the logging gods smiled upon us and parted the clouds for about four days with no significant rain expected so i took off on one days notice, i would have forgot to take a change of clean clothes if i had one. i called heath after i finally got holed up at the Best western and he gave me instructions as to how to get their site. Take highway 101, 3 miles to the hydesville exit, etc… Being an old logger myself i had a trick or two up my hickory sleeve. Right after i passed the Murrish Market i “PatCo is for Kelly PATton and Heath COok... PatCo, get it, took me while too, don’t feel bad Heath Cook is a husky, bearded young feller of 34 and was born to log, he didn’t find his calling, it found him and he knows it” just followed the strips of redwood bark and the mud right to the landing and there they were, in the mud and lovin’ it! patco is for kelly pATton and heath cook..patco, get it, took me while too, don’t feel bad. heath cook is a husky, bearded young feller of 34 and was born to log, he didn’t find his calling, it found him and he knows it. he went right into the woods after high school and worked on the rigging and did some ground logging as well but preferred timber cutting to the din of machin- partnered up with kelly patton to form patco. he did a stint for a few years as a ranch hand and a deer hunting guide but could not resist the ‘call of the timber’ and went back to his true calling, logging. he lives in Fortuna with his wife Jodi, right hand lady and 3 kids hayley, Brendan and cooper aka coop aka ‘The Boss’, he likes to go out loggin’ with his dad and is a fair to middlin’ shovel operator at the ripe old age of 5. if heath had any spare time he’d just as soon be out blasting poor little geese from the sky from his duck blind, which at this writing is submerged in water. i’m not sure what hobbies Jodi has to occupy her spare time. she is in charge of the bookkeeping and all things ‘office related’ along with her original position of being a logger’s wife and mother of three kids, that being said, i’d wager she doesn’t have enough spare time to call her own worth crowing about, but you won’t hear her complaining about it…..she wouldn’t have the time to complain even if she had it on her mind. his partner kelly patton is a strapping, well spoken man of 43 years, residing in the scotia area with his fiancé shelby and his youngest daughter, Brittany. The elder of his two girls Morgan lives in sa diego. (Continued on Page 16) See “PatCo” Contact: Kevin Zender (360) 319-7973 Rod Hansen (360) 520-6849 58 -3)02 1-<04 >-4,-8-7;063-4: +53 85, >-4,-8-7;063-4: +53 === >-4,-8-7;063-4: +53 ? <-8954 % LOG LOADERS ): /+7)+ -7'551+ .78 : ) ;+7> -44* )43* ): '9 -7'551+ .78 1/0+ 3+< )43* ): '9 -7'551+ .78 3+< : ) ':94 1:(+ 8>89+2 ): .78 -44* : ) ';'/1'(1+ ): < /+7)+ -7'551+ ,47+897> )'( 7(19 24947 .78 ): < /+7)+ -7'551+ .78 041 -2: & < @ -7'551+ .78 51:2(+* ,47 .+'* ),022 < @ +<+11 7+)+39 : ) (442 (:8./3-8 .78 =1+39 )43* ),022 .78 1/0+ 3+< )43* 53):9; .78 +<+11 -7'551+ .78 3+< : ) 7+(:8.+* 5:25 *7/;+ /+7)+ -7'551+ ,47+897> )'( 041 -2: < /+7)+ -7'551+ -44* : ) ('7 5*-2+5 " < -7'551+ .78 7+)+39 5:25 -=-22 !)1-9 94 ,/9 @ +<+11 -7'551+ </9. 89'3* DELIMBERS 5 0 2 ' 0!*2 '$ # &--# 3 " 0$"$,2 .3+. 15(,& &0-3. %0-,2 5 0 2 ' 0$"$,2 0-2$6 .3+. %3$* 1712$+ 0 #1 !31'$# '01 5 0 2 ' -,*7 '01 -, 3,(2 ,$5 .3+. ,# 0!*2 '$ # 5 0 2 ' '01 ,$5 +-2-0 .3+. &--# 3 " %0-,2 5 0 2 ' '01 -, .3+. ,# +-2-0 0$"$,2 #0(4$ +-2-01 -, 0:)+/0 (& 5 0 2 ' '01 ,$5 .3+. &--# 3 " ,("$ "-,# %0-,2 041 -2: < #'7'9'. 8:5+7 -44* )43* ,7439 .78 53):9; 5 ($0"$ '01 -, '$ # -, " 00($0 6*$,2 "-,# ): < #'7'9'. .78 ) < <'77+39> 43 ): < #'7'9'. ): < #'7'9'. 7+(:/19 )'77/+7 3+< 5:25 24947 : ) ): < #'7'9'. .78 '9 7(19 )'77/+7 .78 5*-2+5 " 5 0 2 ' '01 0$"$,2 .3+. &--# 3 " ,("$ "*$ , *-& *- #$0 # <" .+'* .78 -44* )43* 498 4, 5'798 %)8):)/ < )4397418 )425 431> .78 43 .+'* %)8):)/ < =1+39 )43* .78 < 7(19 24947 '3* 5:25 3/)+ 1/2(+7 ): < " 7+)+39 *7/;+ 24947 5:25 -44* )43* BUNCHERS 8 3 #"'01 ,$5 3 " !31'(,&1 '01 -, +-2-0 & :'*)4 @ )4251+9+ 3+< : ) .78 =1+39 )43* :'*)4 @ 14< .78 43 24947 5:258 : ) .78 3 #"- 8 '-2 1 5 3" '01 3.# 2$# + ,(%-*# ;),+5 ? *+-7++ 9/19 < "/2()4 (442 ,449 '*'59+7 EXCAVATORS # ) < (:)0+9 9.:2( @ -7'551+ .++1 7(19 24947 .78 ! SKIDDERS & DOZERS & GRADERS #3 * %,"2, !3,"'(,& &0 ..*$ '01 '01 -, ,$5 +-2-0 &--# 03!!$0 !3,"'(,& &0 ..*$ #3 * %,"2, 0$ 01 %0-,2 1$2 "' (,1 '01 ,("$ *:'1 ,3)93 (:3)./3- -7'551+ .78 7:((+7 1/0+ 3+< ) < ).'/38 ! ): (:3)./3- -7'551+ < </3). 3+< ).'/38 .78 3/)+ 80/**+7 ): 5 15(,& !--+ &--# 3 " 0$"$,2 . (,2 +-2-0 20 ,1 ' 4$ !$$, 0!*2 '01 ): 15(,& !--+ &--# 3 " 1-02(,& &0 ..*$ 0$"$,2 +-2-0 20 ,1 2-0/3$ 3 " YARDERS & SWING YARDERS ),022 < )2+ )'7 =1+39 )43* -44* 1/3+8 0)354, :22/38 54<+7 3+< 1/3+8 '3* 5'/39 14< .78 =1+39 )43* %)9/04.:54 '9 54<+7 7(19 97'38 -44* 1/3+8 9'30 24:39 -44* : ) 5*-2+5 5 3**+ 12$01 &37*(,$ 5(,"' $*$ "'-)$01 0$"$,2 .3+. '01 0:)+/0 5 2-,& 2-11$0 3**+ 12$0 #03+1 5 &*$2 ,("$ 7-#$0 ),022 5 -+ 213 '7# 3 " 0$"$,2 ,$5 2 +-2-0 2-0/3$ 0!*2 #03+1 1$2 . (,2 # 08, )< '-1+ 8 7/--/3- 7+)+39 949'1 7+(:/1* 4, >'7*+7 +=)+11+39 )43* # 08, #' 20* &37*(,$1 8 3++(,1 ,$5 . (,2 6*$,2 "-,# # 08, #' " 971 -:>1/3+8 @ :22/38 " 7+'*> 94 14# 08, # ' 8+1, 5745 43 7:((+7 7(19 :22/38 9476:+ -44* 1/3+8 7+'*> 94 14"1).0: " 971 -:>1/3+ @ :22/38 11/843 <'9+7 43 '11 *7:28 522-8 5 -**$0 "* +.(,& " 0 0 #(-1 0(&&(,& -, -0# 3++(,1 %)9/04.:54 "2)+1204-8 " 8+1, 5745 '9 -:>1/3+ @ >'7*+7 MOTORIZED CARRIAGES 53)4 $ :22/38 54<+7 < (:-8 82'79 (4= .78 ).27+(:/19 3+< 24947 '3* 49.+7 7+)+39 7+5'/78 ! FIRETRAILERS, TRUCKS & TRAILERS 58, 3++(,1 1.$$# 0$ 01 $,#0(")1-, 1.0(,&1 0 (*1 9 !-6 ),022 # $)23-: #03*+5 0!*2 ! ! ! ! ! ! 13 MARCh 2015 (Continued from Page 7) ery and did mostly that until he LoggeRs woRLd PatCo 14 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 14 PATCO SPEAKS highly of their old Case 9040 shovel as Heath Cook puts it through the paces clearing out the chute and decking logs. G r e a t Bu y s T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 $ # % Excavators 6*3) *&1$& 400&1 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 SCHMUNK'S TIRE CENTER Harvesters !" % )/412 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 # Trucks !& )/412 6 /( "7 0/+".& T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 # !& Skidder )/412 % 6*3) T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 *&1$& %&,*-#&1 )&"58 %438 " $ 6 )12 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 Cranes ..........................................$98,000 '/1&2318 (4"1%*.( 1/$+ (4"1%2 31"5 14.2 "2 *2 "$/-" T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 Spokane, #015313 &, -/3/1 $/5&12 26*5&,monoboom, (4"1% monoboom, Spokane, #015313 ..........................................$98,000 ..........................................$98,000 /13,".% " T-Bird $ 1236, Denharco !! %4400 '# % Spokane, #015313 Wheel Loader 2*.(,& #"1 monoboom, (1/42&12 0,4-#&% '/1 ..........................................$98,000 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 T-Bird 1236, Denharco 4400 % & *. 2*.(,& 01/$&22/1 ".% )/32"6 )"2 &3/ monoboom, Spokane, #015313 monoboom, Spokane, #015313 01/$&22*.( )&"% ..........................................$98,000 ..........................................$98,000 )12 (1/42&12 4"%$/ )&"% /13,".% /13,".% $ # "One of the Northwest’s Largest Chain Distributors" 1-800-242-8473 0 -' $+, .+ !* )!&( #!* -"%)/*'- "+) SKIDDER AND LOADER CHAINS RING STYLE • 23.1 x 26 (9/16") .95 PR. (1495 ) CAM LOCK TRUCK CHAINS SINGLES (54.95) • DUALS (109.95) "Huge Inventory" & (+ " "! ( !% !% &* ( )!/ ) , !# # * !$!# ( ,!% ) Ask about our Large Stock of Used Off-Road Tires 15 15 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 THIS LITTLE “PUDDLE JUMPER” Heath Cook is rummaging through is a life saver in the coastal climate of the Redwoods. WRECKING LOGGING EQUIPMENT ' % # !" 6 ! & ! #! # !" 6 ! "6 !" 6 Parting Out Parting Out Parting Out #!$ ! !" Parting Out Parting Out #-.)*0 ++1+ (3 #" Parting Out Parting Out (3 ++1+ Parting Out Parting Out Parting Out 0.(324 (3 (3 ++1+ ' FRALEY TRACTOR, Inc. 6 # ' ' 6 ,3- /5- /+3 6 ! ! WRECKING DIV. ! # % # !" (3 #! & # & # # ) ! ! # ! # #!$ #" # " !" #" ! ! ! #"$ !" "! "! ! ! "! "! ! ! ! % " ! ! % " "$ ! ! ! ( # % % %#$ &'#$ WE BUY HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR PARTS AND RESALE...CALL US! Visit us on the web at: ! ! ! ! ! 68 16 MARCh 2015 LEFT: Another old springboarder, with yet another Redwood growing out of it, they grow like grass in the temperate coastal climate. LoggeRs woRLd 16 RIGHT: Jeff Sanchez sizing up the school marm, making sure he has it faced up the way he likes so it goes where he wants it to. PatCo (Continued from Page 13) if he had any spare time he’d just as soon be out motocrossing, why, puzzles me, but he loves it. Along with being a partner in patco he owns and operates a 4,000 acre ranch in the area running 200 head of cattle, a firewood business and a sustainable timber harvest. i’m guessing he ! probably doesn’t do a whole lot of motocrossing these days. The two men go together in the brush like peanut butter and jelly. Rounding out their spartan crew is their contract cutter, Jeff sanchez age 35 and gets around like he was 25. Jeff is sort of a quiet guy unless you bring up fishing, then pull up a stump as you will be at it for a spell. They should name a river for him. The up and down, side hill terrain calls for Jeff to tip the trees where they can be accessed with the least amount of difficulty and minimal breakage, not always an easy task as you see a lot of ‘school marm’ and ‘candelabra clusters’ in redwood country and he must get the timber in lead for the skidder. Being a thinning operation and working around standing timber doesn’t make it any easier either….add a little mud and you have happy skidder operators. it could be said that patco was kinda, sorta founded by accident, maybe fate or providence would (Continued on Page 17) See “PatCo” 17 17 PatCo (Continued on Page 19) See “PatCo” MS 661 Model Shown (shown with optional bar) THE STIHL MS 661 CHAIN SAW The MS 661 chain saw features an impressive power-to-weight ratio and STIHL M-Tronic™ engine management system, which electronically monitors ignition timing and fuel metering in any operating condition, including altitude. The MS 661 also features a wrap handle for improved maneuverability and delivers 20% greater fuel efficiency than the MS 660 with less vibration. All prices are SNW-SRP. Available at participating dealers while supplies last. †The actual listed guide bar length can vary from the effective cutting length based on which powerhead it is installed on.© 2015 STIHL /stihlusa To find a Dealer: COMMENTS? NEW! MS 661 R C-M CHAIN SAW STORY IDEAS? 129995 $ 28” bar† Fuel-efficient chain saw for the demanding professional – especially suited for use with long guide bars Features STIHL M-Tronic™ which compensates for changes in operating conditions, maintaining optimum engine performance DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE? EMAIL US AT brandonwaynehansen LoggeRs woRLd be a more appropriate term, you decide. kelly patton had just procured his california timber operators license and was going to do some logging on his ranch for some supplemental income from the property and along came the gulf war. he felt it was his patriotic duty to serve his country and he was off on a six year stint in the Marine corps from 1991 to 1997. spent some time in the corps myself in the ‘70’s, semper Fi. when he returned home he bought some logging equipment and would have heath cook come out and do some timber cutting from time to time and he would log it himself. eventually in the course of things they got to talking last year and with the price of timber being better than it’s been in a long time and the demand for logging contractors they decided to pool their resources, talent and contacts and formed patco logging llc and seem very happy with their decision. They do most of their own mechanic work themselves unless it’s a major malfunction they aren’t equipped to deal with. Jeff does the cutting and heath and kelly can pitch in as called for, MARCh 2015 (Continued from Page 16) JEFF SANCHEZ DISPATCHING of more limbs, he can almost deck them when he’s cutting, probably does just that around a new landing! 18 18 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 HEATH COOK doing a little knot bumping so he can get the last turn decked before his partner Kelly Patton gets back with another one. JEFF SANCHEZ is PatCo Logging LLC’s cutter, and is sort of a quiet guy unless you bring up fishing, then pull up a stump as you will be at it for a spell. TRENT FOGLIO 541-991-5519 • • Florence, Oregon WE BUY, SELL AND REPAIR EQUIPMENT HEATH COOK IN HIS ‘OFFICE’ and home away from home doing some sorting on the landing. $" '&( # $ . . !' + # % ! -# $) ! $100,000 %$ &&$% $(%& $55,000 , $# $* $, %% $150,000 ' % ' ' - *$$ % !" $) ! * "*+ +#'!% *+ %#$ $600,000 % !" NORTHWEST EQUIPMENT TRANSPORT INC. % * $65,000 For repairs, ITR undercarriage quotes and Deutz engine parts call Tim 541-999-0832 • 7 to 12 axle combinations • Over 25 years experience SERVING WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO & MONTANA Don't walk your machines for miles, Let our experience haul them from job to job. 360-520-0201 19 lean and mean in a rough and tumble game where the rules are never a constant and adversity served up in liberal doses on a daily basis. For their trucking needs their go to man is Jason green; west coast Trucking also of Fortuna. Jason operates a 1984 peterbuilt and had 10 years behind the wheel hauling logs before buying his own truck, co-piloted by his young black lab, diesel, who can fetch rocks and sticks with best of ‘em. he won’t have any teeth left before long if he don’t wise up, my lab, Roy is dumber than rollin’ pin. They call on d. gandy & sons Trucking from time to time for a short logger and an extra truck when the need arises. on the day i called the driver was a young man, Aaron lowe. i asked him if he was a son and he said no, “but the guy treats me like one”. Aaron has been with gandy for 1 ½ years and has 8 years herding logs down the road. heath spoke kindly of the man gandy as well….that’s logging folks for ya, none better. patco’s forte and bread and butter are the small private jobs that the bigger outfits only take on if there’s nothing else available. They are a ‘ground side’, no yarder, they do a top notch job enlisting the service of an 1980’s something cat 518 grapple skidder, with winch, a late 1960’s cat d-5 also winched and a case (Continued on Page 20) See “PatCo” COWLITZ RIVER RIGGING 19 MARCh 2015 (Continued from Page 17) 9040 shovel handling the landing. each of the crew can operate everything which helps break up the monotony of a long day and gives them the flexibility not every outfit enjoys. Being a skidder side, the weather is probably the biggest burr in the saddle for patco, if a ground logger ever runs out of things to hate he’ll always have mud, mud and limbs, they never have to look to far to find either one in the temperate climate of northern california in which the redwoods thrive, and i do mean ‘thrive’. i found it hard to believe that these trees were only around seventy years old, they grow like weeds. The terrain is the typical brushy, up and down coast logging and on a lot of the jobs Jeff, the cutter is called to work close to structures, roads, fences and power lines, but he takes it all in stride. To quote heath, “he’s a perfectionist in everything he does”. Jeff must also on occasion ‘snipe’ a stump or two as the redwood species, like a cedar doesn’t fare to well when they hit a stump dead on and often will shatter and sometimes break right in half, sniping a stump will result in a glancing impact as opposed to a direct hit. Back in the day when the huge ones were felled they would actually make beds for them composed of smaller trees cut where the giants were to be laid thereby reducing the impact. LoggeRs woRLd PatCo JASON GREEN’S 1984 PETERBILT may have a few years on her but goes down the road with the best of them. Here the truck is getting a load from the PatCo jobsite. MARK III WHISTLE CONTROL ! !) & %& $ #' , %)& & ) + $! "$!( % CARRIAGE CONTROLS Full Service Shop Toll Free 1-800-488-3127 $' ' Rugged, Durable, Industrial Radio Equipment since 1946! $ !% & & ! &$! !%& &'$ $-% $$ $! & $!' !$ & + $ $ $! !* !! ! % + Telephone 360-856-0836 ))) & &!!& $ ! 20 20 PatCo teacher, experience and paying for your mistakes. if a man runs a skidder for a living eventually the aforementioned logging gods will see it fit to test his mettle and conspire to slide his skidder downhill into a small tree, we used to call it, ‘gettin’ wrapped ‘round a tree’. The old d-5 sure was a blessing when heath got pitched into a tree on my visit, i with held the photo’s from publication out of professional courtesy and believe he’d do the same for me. only thing more humiliating is packing diesel out to your rig or as heath puts it, ‘the walk of shame’. had i been there a tad earlier i would have bore witness to the ritual! such is logging, if you can’t deal with adversity and Mr. Murphy’s law you’d be better off out blasting geese or motocrossing. At present they’re wintering out working on the cat and getting ready for the 6 weeks of sunshine in Fortuna that will test them again, and they’ll be ready, i’ve no doubt. here and there on the 20 acre site are relics from the past, old gray redwood stumps with the spring boards notches in them and a few new redwoods sprouting up from the decaying centers of each stump carrying on as nature does and always will, growing the new crop so little ‘coop’ and his generation can go out and do some loggin’ like their daddies did. LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 (Continued from Page 19) This particular job they were on when i met them had a nice little ‘incline’ just below the landing which called for a little ‘grapple winching’ on the 518 while encumbered with a few of the riper logs, a few exceeding 3 feet in diameter and on the heavy side. on a conventional skidder with a winch when you start spinning you just drop your turn and high tail it up the grade and then winch your turn up and head for the landing. when you’re running grapples it becomes a bit more technical as one must drop the turn directly behind the skidder and proceed up the grade operating the grapples in such a fashion as to keep the weight of the turn on the ground and then pull it back to the machine. The process must be repeated until you restore traction or get to the top of the grade, there is definitely a few tricks to it and is not as easy to do as it looks. Most people who take on the challenge of running this sort of a logging operation have a little more experience in skidder and cat logging than does team patco and they would be the first to admit it, you would also be hard pressed to match their commitment and resolve to make a go of it and learn by doing and doing it right the first time. it doesn’t always work out that way but that’s the best PROTECT, PRESERVE, WATERPROOF BOOTS AND CLOTHING THE 518 CAT SKIDDER with a plump Redwood in the grapples at the bottom of the incline going for all its worth to the landing at the top. * Order Online: !"#$%&'((%) +,-,. / ,#( !+$ 1"% ,.#'%/0%. 3*% ,!$ (603) 795-2298 HEAVY DUTY LP " WATER SHIELD " • Dozers • Loaders LEATHER OIL ! 208-486-6640 End Greas • Excavators ! # 6 3 column inches $104 per issue 1-503-545-0007 21 BLAST FROM THE PAST LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 21 BY QUINN J. MURK FOR LOGGERS WORLD Cat 977, $$ # $13,500 !'$ * ) ( Cat 322L, + ( & $& ' * ! ( # & $ # + $38,000 ! A very early model of a small single-drum donkey has pulled in a nice fir log. Brought to the foot of a loading ramp, it will be par-buckled up onto a rail car. A slack line laying on the rollway is evidence of that. This single cylinder donkey with a small boiler powers a very low geared drum. This old picture was taken with a glass plate as film as we know it had not been developed yet. I am convinced that it has been printed in reverse or backwards. I do not know of any yarders manufactured that operated from the right side. In this view, the friction lever would have to be pushed to engage it, and in doing so it would be almost impossible for the donkey puncher to use the throttle lever. If you look at this picture in a mirror, the friction lever would be pulled to engage it – which makes much more sense. This late 1890’s photo is from the Quinn J. Murk collection. NEW 2012 Cat 527 '' " & $338K Deere 3554, - & &' , %"# 330L Parting Out Link-Belt 2800 Quantum Log Loader, &' # + # # 47,000 + !! & %%! ' !! #( $# ( $# $239,000 D6C, + ( # ! ! Parting Out Log Max 9000, &' # + &$!! "$($&' $19,000 Cat 525 - Parting Out EL 300 Parting Out "" " % $ $ $17,500 Prentice 600B " "% # " DUKES PARTS & EQUIPMENT 509-952-9223 %$$ " %# %$ ''' % # &( !% $% $ 22 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 22 BLAST FROM THE PAST Well, if you know anything about old yarders you will note that this one has a really nice roof, and it is not a new machine. Look at the sled; it’s been around a bit. Tarps rolled up over the donkey puncher and woodcutter can be dropped in foul weather to keep the brakes dry. Also, did you notice the steam head by the puncher’s left knee? This is a two speed machine known as a “sledgehammer.” When he opened the lever valve and popped the steam to her, the shift was instantaneous and hard – everybody around her knew things were going to happen. Going from high to low, this old girl was going to hump up and pull; if going from low to high the hard pull was over, and the logs were coming in. Whoever owned this yarder was obviously running a first class operation, and he took pride in his equipment. This photo is from the Quinn J. Murk collection. CORRECTION: This photo to the left was ran in a previous issue of Loggers World with the wrong caption, here is the correct caption: HYDRAULIC FIREWOOD PROCESSORS See us at SCLC, OLC, RRLC, and ILC Back in the days of bull teams and horses, wasn’t life a cushy dream? Everybody and everything got to work hard from “can see to can’t see” which meant from first thing in the morning to the last thing at dusk. Twelve hour days or more were the norm back then, and you usually got the pleasure of walking to and from the job site in the dark on top of that. If the work required a hard, steady pull, bulls provided the needed power. They also did not require the higher quality feed and were easier to care for than the horses. Bulls were slower but easier to have around. Hard working horses needed more and better feed and grains. They also needed better barns in order to keep them around. However, they were faster than the bulls, which is why they were pulling the wooden railway tram car. Being loaded either by “end hooks” or the “par buckling” method, the logs were being loaded two or three high on the wooden car. This 1890 Washington photograph is from the Quinn J. Murk collection, Siletz, Oregon. CONTACT QUINN VIA EMAIL ktmurk@ DUNLAP ENTERPRISES (209) 532-4974 Dyna Firewood Processors Sale, Rent, Hire Call for More Information! Or by Mail at: P.O. Box 319 Siletz, OR 97380 23 -By Mike Albrecht it is a distinct privilege to address all of you great loggers. i’d like to start my comments with an abbreviated version of a speech i’ve written for president obama, or Forest service chief Tom Tidwell, or anyone in a high ranking office that can muster an audience. it goes something like this: “America is truly a country of great achievement. nothing underscores this more than a quick review of some facts. America leads the world in food production. Today, u.s. farmers export 45% of their wheat, 34% of their soybeans and 71% of their almonds. in 2011, u.s. farmers produced $388 billion of goods, with approximately one third of that being exported. America truly helps feed the world. in the 1970’s, America decided it was time to shed its reliance on foreign oil. The American people said, “enough is enough,” and washington was listening. Today America is undergoing a revolution in energy production, a revolution so dynamic that the international energy Agency predicts that the u.s. will surpass Russia and saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil producer by the end of this year. America’s pride of achievement is showcased in so many other fields, including space exploration, medicine, and athletic prowess. Today i’d like to issue a challenge to an industry that helped build this country, an industry that produced the railroad ties that linked our country together, and provides the raw material that builds our homes, our schools, and our offices. Today, this great industry, the timber industry, is lan- guishing. America leads in exporting so many goods and services to the world, and yet is now the second leading importer of lumber in the world (we were number one up until 2012, when china became the leading importer). california, the golden state, blessed with over 33 million acres of forestland imports over 75% of its wood products. how can this be? one third of our nation is covered in forestland. we have arguably the best growing climate for timber production in the world. our timber industry is second to none when it comes to technological know-how and work ethic. when the American people put their heart and soul into something, they achieve it. it’s time to bring homegrown timber products back to our hardware stores and lumberyards. if we all work together, America can become a leading exporter of timber-related goods and services. we should not accept anything less.” if that speech was given, could we rise to the challenge of retooling and expanding our industry? does the united states have access to enough homegrown timber to feed our annual lumber appetite of 40 – 65 billion board feet a year? The answer is, “Yes we do – in spades.” According to data from the western wood products Association and the Forest service inventory and Analysis group, the standing net volume in America’s forests is approaching 2.25 trillion board feet. Annual growth on this inventory is approximately 150 billion board feet. This easily meets our nation’s lumber demand. The truth is, the united states has 750 million acres of forestland growing enough timber USED PARTS FOR in addition to prodigious timber growth, two-thirds of our nation’s drinking water comes from our forests. on average, once acre of trees annually consumes the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by driving an average car for 26,000 miles. That same acre of trees also produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year. economically, there is no better investment than forestry. every $1 million invested in forestry creates approximately 40 jobs. That is almost double the next highest investment sector of mass transit and freight rail construction where $1 million invested creates approximately 22 jobs. unfortunately, these facts are not what i hear talked about at the landing, at coffee shops, or at conventions and meetings. instead, it’s usually acres burned, mills closed, government regulations, environmental lawsuits, and jobs lost. The Associated california loggers just finished our annual meeting. At an evening banquet, my wife, Vicki, looked around the room of 250 plus folks and said, “wow, there are a lot of young people here.” There were indeed young loggers and their wives, many sitting with their moms and dads. These young people are hungry for inspiration, and our association, the American loggers council, must remain the prime source of that inspiration. we need to talk more about acres harvested, mills reopened, new laws to support our industry, and environmental groups that support our goal of healthy forests. For the older generation, our charge is to inspire this new generation of loggers to continue not only to work hard and smart, but to un- derstand and promote the proud and positive facts about our forests and our industry. let’s face it, if we are going to rejuvenate America’s timber industry, it will be on their watch. with their help, America can trade the stigma of being a leading lumber importer with her overgrown forests burning to the ground, for the pride of supplying lumber to the world. Mike Albrecht is co-owner of sierra Resource Management, inc., located in Jamestown, california. Mike was selected as the American loggers council national logger Activist of the Year in 2014. For more information, please contact the Alc office at 409-625-0206 or e-mail at [email protected]. The American Loggers Council is a non-profit 501(c) (6) corporation representing professional timber harvesters in 30 states across the US. For more information, visit their web site at or contact their office at 409-625-0206. SUBSCRIBE TO LOGGERS WORLD & LOG TRUCKER MAGAZINE! Only $25 per year! Subscribe online at: Click the “subscribe” button at the top of the page or call 360-262-3376 and leave a message LOGGING EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN WANTED Must have minimum five years experience from John Deere or CAT Dealership. Must have knowledgeable background on all Logging Equipment including but not limited to Timbcos, Delimbers, Dangle Head Log Processors, Skidders, & Log Loaders. Pay Scale $30.00 to $50.00 per Hour, wage will be determined upon interview. Independent Technicians with Service Truck are encouraged to apply. 23 MARCh 2015 EXPERIENCE MATTERS to meet our own lumber needs, export billions of board feet to other countries, while continually adding inventory to our forests. LoggeRs woRLd As We See It.... 24 LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 24 What the heck are these things, anyway? USE YOUR SMART PHONE TO SEE MORE LOGGERS WORLD ViDEOS! if you are under 35 years old and reading this, you can ignore it right away. You know what this is because you came out of the womb knowing all this and this isn’t some mystery symbol to you. But, if you are of the “older” generation like me (i’m 59 this month) you’ve probably been wondering what these symbols are doing in your magazine. so now, if you still have a flip phone, you can bail out on reading this because from here on it because only applies to those of us who have been forced (kicking and screaming) into the 21st century. i was forced to get a smart phone to be able to text my kids without having to push the stupid button 5 times to get the letter e. Yeah, i text but i don’t like it. it was the only way to get my kids to answer their dad when i wanted to talk to them. i’m sure the smart phone does at least 438 more things that i can get it to do but i’m ok with that. Back to the symbol: you simply go to the “play store” and download this app thing (i use QR droid-it’s free) and it will use the camera on your phone to dial up the video on the internet without you having to punch in all 938 of the letters and symbols that don’t make any sense to anybody but a computer expert. once you have the app installed on your smart phone, just open the app and let it scan this square code thing and it will magically play a really cool logging or trucking video that we have put together about the article you are reading in the magazine. don’t get the idea that i’m a tech genius, our young writer Brandon does the video shooting, editing and posting on the internet. i can have the luxury of not understanding All the nuts & bolts about it while still enjoying viewing the logging or trucking site we are featuring. if you think a picture is worth a thousand words, a video of the stuff working must be worth a million words. That’s why we are working to bring the videos to you and make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy. give it a try, i think you will like our videos. or you could just hand your smart phone to your kid or grandkid and they will set it all up for you faster than the human eye can follow. But what fun is that? # % $ ':,.0 ,@,46,-60 ,> :0< .96?78 48.3 ,.3 ,/ 4= =0:,<,>06C -9B0/ 19< :<974808> /4=:6,C 91 C9?< 7,.3480<C 9< 70==,20 $ -C 7,46 >3 91 798>3 :<49< >9 :?-64.,>498 %3980 C9?< 9</0< >966 1<00 : 7 "98/,C <4/,C %,.414. 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' %" $ ' "$ # % $ :0< .96?78 48.3 48.3 74847?7 '$# * + # " A4>3 :,C708> >9 ' * ,::<9B A9</= :0< .96?78 48.3 ( *9</ *9</= *9</= *9</= *9</= 25 MIKE (541) 954-7643 • ERIC (541) 206-2252 • DAN (541) 914-9222 2002 Cat 525B ) 9/7 %<361 775 89 $140,000 > > > > > > > 2006 Hitachi ZX250 < 80.;34: )-8-:-2 89 > > > $175,000 > > > > LOG LOADERS > & & > & > & ! $ ! &%' " ! &%' " ! &%' " & ' $ $ & ) ) % & * & * & * & * & * & * & * & # & ! $' $ PROCESSORS & DELIMBERS & $ ) ! * *& & ) ) $ & & )" $ > 2000 Cat 320B !" ! "# ! ) $125,000 ) > > > > ) > 2005 Link-Belt 290LX $65,000 > % )" $ ! $ )" $ ! $ ) $ & ! $ ) $ & ! $ ) ! $ )) $ & & ,* )) $ & ! !% )) $ & ! &%' " " $ " ! &%' " )" $ & )) $ & * PROCESSORS & DELIMBERS > & * )) $ & > & # )" $ > & $ )) $ & > )) $ & )) $ & > ( & ) $( %& $ > ( & * ) $( %& $ > ( & * ) $( %& $ FELLER BUNCHERS > ! $ & !& * > & !& * ) $% ) > & !& ) $% ) > & !& & !& & !& ) = #' ! !&% ) > & $ & > & $ & * > & $ & > & $ SKIDDERS / DOZERS > & > & ) % ! %) !! > & > & & )) > & ) % ! %) !! & $ ) > & ) $ "" $ > & > & % ) $ ) > ! $ > ! $ > ! $ EXCAVATORS ! $ ! $ $ > > ! ! > ! &%' " CHIPPERS / GRINDERS > !$ $ $* > " & $%! " > YARDERS & ' $ $ >& ' $ $ >& ' $ $ > & )& $ %& $ > & >% >% & ) % &! ) % &! MISCELLANEOUS > " $ " ! $ > "' %& $ ) % > > !$ ! !$ % > & !& >& ! $% ) > ( & !$ ) $ $ > ) $ & > ) $ & >& ' $ $ &%+ " $&% > & $"$! & > & $"$! > & $ !$) $ $ > & > & % $! & ! $ " & % !" &$' > & % !" ! $ ! "$ %%!$ +!' + $ $ $ "" " $& !'& " $& !'& & ' $ $ > " $& !'& ! &%' ) 2007 Tigercat LX830C 89 -89-< 2012 Cat 568 89 P.O.R. 2013 Cat 320D RB % !" $350,000 2006 Cat 325C ) )-8-:-2 $230,000 Skagit 737 T100HD Call For 2008 Link-Belt 240LX 89 P.O.R. Skagit 739 $ # ! Call for More Info. 2007 Link-Belt 290 w/Waratah 622B !" $180,000 2013 Pierce Grapple Processor, $!" P.O.R. ? 7:9-< P.O.R. More Info. LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 25 26 26 Summary Judgment.... LoggeRs woRLd MARCh 2015 Minnesota Awakens a Sleeping Giant by William Perry Pendley The degree to which a state may interfere with commerce among its neighbors is now before the u.s. court of Appeals for the eighth circuit in st. louis, Missouri. At issue is global cooling/global warming/climate change/greenhouse gas legislation adopted by Minnesota—one of the nation’s most progressive, liberal, politically correct jurisdictions— ostensibly to save its constituents from the evils of coal and the carbon dioxide generated when creating electricity. The constitutional doctrine upon which the suit—filed by Minnesota’s western neighbor north dakota and others—turns is the “dormant commerce clause,” an expression that fails to convey completely the principle’s origin, vitality, or constitutional significance. As every school child once knew, because the Articles of confederation vested power to regulate commerce in the states and not congress, commercial warfare erupted as, in Justice Joseph sto- ry’s words, “each state would legislate according to its own [economic and constituents’] interests ….” The economic Balkanization that resulted was catastrophic, “threaten[ing] the peace and safety of the union.” Therefore, when drafting the constitution, the Framers granted congress the power to “regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the indian implicit in that Tribes[.]” grant—but dormant only as to inaction by congress—were limits on state power to affect interstate commerce. The supreme court of the united states, however, did not slumber; thus, over the decades, while recognizing the right of states to engage in “novel social and economic experiments,” the court interpreted the dormant commerce clause to bar state legislation that “discriminates against or unduly burdens interstate commerce and thereby ‘imped[es] free private and demand in such a manner that neither the supplier nor the consumer knows the destination or origins of the electricity it generates or uses. little wonder the Minnesota federal district court that heard the case had no difficulty, once it brushed aside assertions by Minnesota’s attorneys that the law did not mean what it said, ruling that ngeA’s “plain language applies to power and capacity transactions occurring wholly outside of Minnesota's borders[,]” and therefore is “a per se violation of the dormant commerce clause.” Both sides filed cross appeals and, days ago, the Montana coal council, a nonprofit group whose members supply a large portion of the coal that generates 44 percent of Minnesota’s instate electric power, filed a friend of the court brief in support of north dakota urging that the federal district court’s ruling be upheld. given the case’s significance especially in light of efforts by various states to adopt legislation similar to Minnesota’s ngeA, there is a strong likelihood the supreme court will hear the matter. if not, however, another case draws near; wyoming recently contested oregon’s denial of a columbia River terminal permit to export its coal to the Far east. Mr. Pendley, a Wyoming attorney, is President and Chief Legal Officer of Mountain States Legal Foundation and a regular c olum nist in Loggers World. trade in the national market place….’” Therefore, when “legislation nominally of local concern is in point of fact aimed at interstate commerce, or by its necessary operation is a means of gaining a local benefit by throwing the attendant burdens on those without the state[,]” it runs afoul of the dormant commerce clause. in determining whether state legislation violates the commerce clause, the supreme court asks: first, whether the law has the “practical effect of extraterritorial control of interstate commerce[;]” second, whether the law “clearly discriminates against interstate commerce in favor of in-state commerce[;]” and third, whether the law “imposes a burden on interstate commerce that outweighs any benefits received[.]” enter Minnesota’s next generation energy Act of 2007 (ngeA), which sets draconian goals for greenhouse gas reductions; establishes one of the nation’s most aggressive array of renewable-energy standards; and provides that “no person” may contribute to or increase “statewide power sector carbon dioxide emissions.” Thus, the law directly affects the electric power industry—including generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity outside Minnesota—that is regulated by the federal government and operated cooperatively to ensure hourly accuracy as to supply SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 77 th Intermountain 335-3 9 '-)2 !5*3+2.14.0/ LOGGING CONFERENCE & Equipment Show % -3.,-/43 1)8 6 4)7 '+&#$ April 8-10, 2015 & ! “Embracing Change” For More Information Call: 208-245-3425 ''' !% $ "&!% ! " ! "$ %(* o $ * -!+"*&),&(' % %(* o $ * -!+"*&),&(' !! !" "' % % ! ( " $ ' !" !!# 27 TODAY! SUBSCRIBE TODAY! ! --/'- 0 "'$, /%-&,(+.(*) --/'- 0 $') o "'$, /%-&,(+.(*) " #*%"#&+* ( / &*%"# #*%"#&+* ( / &*%"# ! $') o # ) , *!)%(+%'& # ) , *!)%(+%'& o $') o # " -+ . " -+ . 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