Draft Minutes_5th Meeting_PPPT_BOARD_v0.9
Draft Minutes_5th Meeting_PPPT_BOARD_v0.9
Power Plant Physics & Technology PPPT WPENS Interface & Design Configuration Meeting #4 Draft Agenda vs 2June Meeting Logistics Table Date: 27-28 June 2016 Time: 9:00am – 6:30pm (27 June), 9:00am – 1:00pm (28 June) Venue: In person: IFJ PAN Kraków, PL Video SUMMARY for Channel 1 / 27Jun2016: WPENS IDCM#4: Conference Presentation: https://tv.euro-fusion.org/channel1/home details: Presentation Password: WPENS Video-conference nr. (H.323): 004910097920061 ISDN: +49-30-2541080 or +49-711-6330190 (ConferenceID = 97920061) followed by an # (hash symbol) SUMMARY for Channel 1 / 28Jun2016: WPENS IDCM#4: Presentation: https://tv.euro-fusion.org/channel1/home Presentation Password: WPENS Video-conference nr. (H.323): 004910097920061 ISDN: +49-30-2541080 or +49-711-6330190 (ConferenceID = 97920061) followed by an # (hash symbol) Files (IDM): Meeting Folder: IDCM 2016-06-27/28 (Krakow, PL) Interfaces & Design Configuration Record of Agreements (2MXA7Z) Presenters Upload your Presentations to IDCM#4 PPTs before the meeting Objective: Meeting will be divided into sessions. Each session will be organized by the chair and should include a review of the status of the open technical issues previously identified as well as a discussion on additional possible new ones. ½ session will be de devoted to the Quench Tank position Presentations shall allow sufficient time for discussions and contributions from the audience. A ratio of 50%/50% is proposed. Document Contents: A. IBARRA CK Guérard IDCM#4 Agenda ANNEX 1 Action Registry from IDCM#3 ANNEX 2 Interfaces & Design Configuration Record of Agreements ANNEX 3 Participant List ANNEX 4 MEETING INFO FROM ORGANIZER (Wojtek) Chair Meeting Secretary IDCM#4 draft Agenda (2MUNCD) page 1 of (5) Power Plant Physics & Technology Draft AGENDA Day 1 –27 June No. Items Start - End Time (h:mm) (15min coffee breaks every 2-3 hours, ad libitum) Who 0 Welcome by the Director of IFJ PAN 9:00 - 9:05 0:05 M. Jezabek 1 Agenda / Introduction / Approval of IDCM#3 RODs 9:05 - 9:20 0:15 AIA 2 Session 1: Quench Tank Position - F. Arbeiter, Chair* 9:20 - 12:30 3:10 Lunch 12: 30 - 13:30 1:00 Session 2: Project Integration - A. Garcia, Chair* Review of actions from previous meeting (Annex 1) Special discussion on the Baseline Design Deliverable Session 3: A. Garcia, chair* Review of Actions from previous meetings – Annex 1 CAD Management & Interface Volume Allocation and Interface Management Session 4: Systems Engineering- F. Arbeiter, Chair* Review of actions from previous meeting (Annex 1) New issues to discuss Test Systems (60min) Lithium Systems (60 min) Accelerator Systems (60 min) Adjourn 13:30 - 15:00 1:30 15:00 - 16:00 1:00 GPS + ALL 16:00 - 18:00 2:00 TBD 3 4 5 - 18:00 Day 2 – 28 June No. Items Start 6 Session 4: Systems Engineering (Contd.) 9:00 7 Session 5: D. Bernardi, chair* Review of actions from previous meeting (Annex 1) New issues to discuss Project Level Analyses Building and Plant Systems 10:00 Lunch 12:00 Meeting End 13:00 - - - - End Time (h:mm) Who 10:00 1:00 TBD 2:00 TBD 12:00 13:00 1:00 * The session will be organized by the chair. It should include a review of the status of the open technical Issues previously identified as well as a discussion on additional possible new ones. The presentations shall allow sufficient time for discussions and contributions from the audience. A ratio of 50%/50% is proposed. The presentation files shall be made available at least one day before the meeting. A. IBARRA CK Guérard Chair Meeting Secretary IDCM#4 draft Agenda (2MUNCD) page 2 of (5) Power Plant Physics & Technology ANNEX 1 Action Registry from IDCM#3 No Res p. pers on Date due IDCM #3 Action Registry Description Status as of IDCM#4 Project Integration (PI) IDCM#2-2 AIA IDCM#3 DONES Mission. Fatigue-creep data can be avoided Written statement still missing. Strategy to be defined (maybe new requirements to be added to the HFTM) IDCM#2-4 AGA IDCM#4 PI – Commissioning Scenario A qualitative commissioning scenario must be defined IDCM#2-8 AGA IDCM#3 PI. Plant and Systems requirements Proposal on a Requirements Management Process Test Systems IDCM#2-11 IDCM#3-2 FAR /AIA IDCM#3 AIA 31.May HFTM design Proposal on maximum allowable thickness [NOTE: F. Mota will be able to provide some additional inputs around end of February] Test Systems – Definition of Irradiation modules requirements Provide neutronics input to define the maximum allowable thickness of the HFTM as well as CFTM information IDCM#2-12 FAR 30.Feb Beam quality requirements To define a workplan to develop a reference document on this topic, involving accelerator, test and target people. Status report for the next meeting Lithium Systems IDCM#1-16 FGL IDCM#4 IDCM#1-18 AGA 2016 Systems Engineering – Lithium Systems - Define position of Quench Tank Inside the Test Cell, outside the Test Cell? If inside, the support of the Target Assembly should be totally different. Systems Engineering – Lithium Systems – Flanges and compensators Discussion in meeting Session Prepare a guideline to be used in the design to demonstrate it is needed and it is safe IDCM#3-4 FNI 31. May Quench Tank Position To define if there is any freedom regarding Quench Tank size and shape. What are the minimum dimensions? Can it be shaped with an elliptic section? IDCM#3-5 FNI 31.May Curvature of the TA outlet channel Estimate the risk of cavitation issues by using TA outlet channel with some curvature. Preliminary analysis of consequences for the related plug in the TC IDCM#2-15 FMS 29.Feb Heat removal basic configuration Provide, if possible, a limit to external releases based on the available IFMIF guidelines IDCM#2-18 FAR IDCM#3 Systems Engineering. Atmospheric pressure in the TC In discussion with the TC, AS and LS teams, to prepare a technical note with a proposal on the TC pressure. If this is not possible, to prepare a work plan to clarify the issue Accelerator Systems IDCM#2-20 PCA TBD Accelerator Configuration To organize a coordination meeting with LS and TS, Managers and other interested coordinators in order to define the requirements, including shielding and access, A. IBARRA CK Guérard Chair Meeting Secretary IDCM#4 draft Agenda (2MUNCD) page 3 of (5) Power Plant Physics & Technology for the TIR. Buildings and Plant Level. Buildings IDCM#2-21 GME IDCM#4 AC configuration To organize an internal specific meeting in order to make a decision on the AC configuration for the baseline design (It is agreed a proposal on the AC configuration will be made for IDCM#4) IDCM#2-22 DBI IDCM#4 TC integration in the Building To obtain a preliminary estimate of the needs to assure the structural stability of the Test Cell IDCM#3-6 DBI IDCM#4 Definition of access/radiological requirements in the rooms around the TC IDCM#1-7 FMS IDCM#4 Plant Level & Buildings – Safety Estimate maximum tritium inventory in the case of beyond-design-accident in order to ensure no exclusion area is needed CAD and Interfaces IDCM#224 GPS IDCM#3 Proposals for space reservation To organize specific meetings with the systems coordinators in order to define the volume allocation for each system (No progress is observed on this topic. Now it an urgent topic required to be able to prepare the reference design milestone. A especial effort must be made on this topic.) IDCM#3-7 GPS/ ALL 31. Apr provide volume allocation and excel table with preliminary data IDCM#122 AGA 15.Nov Definition of modifications to be implemented in the DONES IMS IDCM#3-1 BMS /GPS IDCM#4 Interface Database in the EUROfusion IDM Check the feasibility of implementation of the Interface Database in the EUROfusion IDM ANNEX 2 Interfaces & Design Configuration Record of Agreements Interfaces & Design Configuration Record of Agreements (2MXA7Z) (This version: agreed during IDCM#3, 7-8.April.2016) ANNEX 3 List of Participants F. Arbeiter (FAR) U. Fischer (UFR) D. Jiménez (DJZ) P. Cara (PCA) G. Philipps OTHERS A. IBARRA CK Guérard J.M. Arroyo (JAO) A. García (AGA) F. Saverio Nitti (FNI) D. Bernardi (DBI) Chair Meeting Secretary F. Groeschel (FGL) F. Martín-Fuertes (FMS) W. Krolas (WKS) CK Guérard (CKG) G. Miccichè (GME) A. Ibarra (AIA) R. Heidinger (RHR) IDCM#4 draft Agenda (2MUNCD) page 4 of (5) Power Plant Physics & Technology ANNEX 4 – MEETING INFO FROM ORGANIZER Dear Colleagues, Angel asked about some hotel recommendations for the next IDC Meeting in Krakow. I am not sure if I know my city from this side but here it goes: Radisson Blu **** http://www.radissonblu.com/en/hotel-krakow Straszewskiego 17, 31-101 Kraków - a comfortable hotel across the street from the Old City, fantastic location, good access from the airport and to/from the Institute Hotel Ibis Kraków Centrum *** http://www.ibis.com/gb/hotel-3710-ibis-krakow-centrum/index.shtml Syrokomli 2, 30-102 Kraków - walking distance (600 m) from the one before and from the Old City, not a bad location either, good access as above Bed&Breakfast Unikat http://noclegi-krakow.pl/en/ Wiślna 10, 31-007 Kraków - located in the Old City itself, close to the Market Square, good pricing but small rooms, just enough to overnight Q Hotel Kraków http://www.qhotels.pl/en/krakow Radzikowskiego 142, 31-342 Kraków - this one is different from the others, far away from the Old City but across the street from the Institute, it is in a modern and rather busy part of town made of shopping centers, car dealerships, fast foods and gas stations In general booking.com does a good job reviewing and suggesting hotels in Poland http://www.booking.com/city/pl/krakow.en-gb.html The meeting will take place at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków. It is located on the outskirts of Kraków about 7 km from the Old City and from the first three hotels on the list. There are several options how to get there by public transport. If you stay at one place or close together I will try to arrange transportation to/from the Institute. Other information: The currency in Poland is zloty (PLN ), 1 Euro is ca. 4.4 PLN. Cards are accepted by most merchants. Cash can be obtained from cash machines or at exchange offices. Useful links: the website of IFJ PAN http://ifj.edu.pl/?lang=en Kraków Airport http://www.krakowairport.pl/en/ Visit Kraków on Lonely Planet http://www.lonelyplanet.com/poland/malopolska/krakow Some practical informaton http://www.krakow.pl/english/visit_krakow/2601,glowna.html Let me know if you have questions or need assistance. Best regards, Wojtek -Wojciech Królas Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN Radzikowskiego 152, PL 31-342 Kraków phone ++4812 6628128, fax ++4812 6628423 e-mail: [email protected] A. IBARRA CK Guérard Chair Meeting Secretary IDCM#4 draft Agenda (2MUNCD) page 5 of (5)