May/June - Spokane Valley Quilters Guild


May/June - Spokane Valley Quilters Guild
Spokane Valley Quilters
May/June 2010
General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 • Meeting will start at 7:00 pm,
6:30 Social hour - Valley Assembly of God, 15618 E. Broadway
June Meeting
Have you ever wandered around a quilt show and wondered what it took to
enter one of your quilts? Or what makes a quilt a winning quilt? We’re going to
try to answer that for you at our meeting in June by inviting Kathleen Woods,
the WSQ Quilt Show Chairman, to be our speaker. Kathleen will talk to us about
successfully entering a show and will bring entry forms for the WSQ show in
October for those of you who are interested in participating.
If you’ve entered a quilt in the WSQ show in the past and still have it, bring it to
the June meeting and we’ll try to display as many as possible from the balconies
to get us all inspired.
Fabric Exchange
The color for the fat quarter exchange and block exchange will be blue. Think
blue skies, oceans, blueberrries and the flag. I am really excited to see what we
come up with. 1 fat quarter will get you in the lottery. Please put 5- 6 1/2 blocks
in a sealed envelope for the exchange. Love Joye
Sunshine Committee
Sunshine & Hugs were sent to some of our quilt sisters in March: Get well cards
were sent to Patti Muncy – who had hip replacement surgery; and a card also
went out to Alvina Babcock – who had been down with the flu. A sympathy card
was sent to Sherrie Mundt-Burgad who recently lost her father. Give them all a
hug when you see them.
No cards were sent in April - I didn’t hear from any of you that there was a need.
Be sure and let me know if a member could use a little cheer. Thanks.
Michele Sowers 998-7937; [email protected]
Refreshments and socializing
begin at 6:30
If your last name begins with the
letters: G, H, I, J, K, L,M it is your turn
to bring an appetizer or treat to the
June meeting. Hospitality will provide
water, coffee, tea, cocoa, plates and
napkins. And, if it isn’t your turn to
bring a treat(your last name begins
with a letter other than what is
stated above) you are welcome to
bring one, and enter your name into
the Hospitality basket located on
the refreshment table for a special
We would appreciate you bringing
your dish by 6:30, so our socializing
can begin before the general meeting
starting at 7:00. Food is always another
way to meet and mingle with our guild
members. The more interesting your
dish the more chatter is shared around
the tables.
Thank you. Your hospitality team,
Judi, Sherri, Cheryl, Cashmere & Ruth.
Officers 2009
Susan Mason
Vice President/
Anne Laflamme
Marylin Miller
Jan Johnson
Committee Chairs
Block Exchange
Joye Gill
Care Quilts
Cheryl James
Karyn Monroe
Manda Lyghts
Kathy Kjeldgaard
Community Service
Alvina Babcock
Linda Crispin
Sue Patterson
Door Prizes
Janie Bialkowsky
Kathy Burns
Ruth Jagusch
Fabric Exchange
Joye Gill
Minutes for April
6, 2010 Meeting
Susan Mason, President, called the meeting to
order at 7:00.
Secretary: Minutes were approved as printed
in newsletter.
Treasurer: Jan Johnson distributed the
proposed budget for 2010. A motion was made,
seconded and approved to pass as printed. The
Treasurer’s report was filed for audit.
Programs: Pamela Mostek, fabric designer
and author of ten books delighted guild
members with her program, “Beyond Slice and
Dice.” She offered many ideas for those fabrics
that you can’t bear to cut. Her many example
quilts were enthusiastically admired.
Care Quilts: Jeannie Schmidt received a care
quilt tonight. She displayed it during show and
tell and thanked members for their thoughts.
Classes: May 22- a paper piecing class taught
by Elizabeth Casteel will cost $10 for members
and $15 for non-members. June 5- a bag class.
In the fall a pincushion class will be offered.
Community Service: Alvina Babcock urged
members to take home a kit. Linda Schaffer
asked for members to continue to make quilts
for several summer needs. She also said that
Christmas Stockings would be started soon for
the Partners’ Christmas sharing program.
Vanessa Behan Show: Sue Patterson asked
members to create items for the Bizarre Bazaar.
The Vanessa Show will be held in conjunction
with the Perry Street Fair. Any proceeds will go
to the Vanessa Behan Crisis Center.
Fabric Exchange: fat quarters and the 6.5
inch squares for June’s exchange will be blue.
Fund raising: On June 12, the Guild will
hold a yard sale at Linda Schaffer’s house. It
will be in conjunction with the Liberty Lake
Yard Sale. Volunteers are asked to fill one-hour
commitments and all members are encouraged
to collect treasures to sell. Profits will benefit
guild projects: the library, hospitality and the
care quilt committee.
Antique quilts – Several antique quilts have
We need
the Guild
offered to members for $50.00 or best offer.
It’s a lotAnne
of funLaFlamme
and a great if
to get to get
involved. For more info, contact any of the board
are available
2010 raffle quilt.
listed infor
Hospitality: Members with names ending in G
through M are to bring treats for June’s meeting.
Library: Bonnie Rae and Darleene Boller have
created a master list of books in the guild
library. It will be at each meeting. Bonnie will
inquire as to the possibility of putting it on the
web site.
Membership: pins are available for $5.00.
Raffle Quilt: Judith Janes has chosen a
combination snowball and churn dash pattern
in pastels for the 2011 raffle quilt.
Small Groups: Call Faye Krenkle for news.
Sunshine Club: Three cards were sent to
members this month.
Quilters Scraps
Searching for Lost Camera
The SVQG Board is searching for a digital
camera that was purchased about 5 yeas ago
to take pictures of the quilt guild activities
and show and tell pictures. If any knows of it’s
whereabouts, please contact Susan Mason,
the 2010 President.
June 1- General Meeting
Valley Assembly of God - 7:00 pm
June 12- Liberty lake Garage Sale
See article for location. 8 am to 4 pm
June 19 - Community Sew Day
(New Location)
New Life Church, 10920 E. Sprague Ave
(the old Rosauers Bldg) - 10 am - 4 pm
July 6 - Board Meeting
Hancocks - 6:30 pm
Meeting Times & Location
Meetings held the first Tuesday of February,
April, June, August, October and December at
7:00 pm at the Valley Assembly of God, 15618
E. Broadway, Spokane Valley, WA
Mission Statement
Our common interest in quilting brings
us together to befriend and encourage
each other, to share ideas and skills to
gain knowledge of our craft by providing
a comprehensive library and experienced
teachers, and to participate in community
service projects.
President’s Message
How wonderful,
spring is peeking out,
getting us ready for
warmer weather. From
my kitchen, I can still
see snow in the hills at Liberty Lake, so can’t
plant just yet. However, I was able to get my
Walla Walla onions in and they are doing great.
I want to thank Cindy Heitstuman for
being the 1st person to return a “President’s
Challenge” quilt top and quilt block – way to
go Cindy! Did I mention Cindy’s corners were
“perfect”? – Good job! I will be quilting this
At our April meeting we put 48 quilt kits on
tables for members to take – 31 kits were taken
and I am happy to say Thank You to Lesley
Brademeyer for returning one quilt top and
Linda Sullivan who turned in two quilt tops at
the April Sew Day. Thank you in advance to all
of you hard-working quilt-top makers! A great
Big Thank You to Linda Schaefer for letting us
store and cut kits for our guild. Don’t forget
Cheryl Hultberg who has been cutting blocks
and strips for out kits – Thank you!
There is a great need for quilts for DayBreak
and Camp GoodTimes. If anyone can help we
would appreciate it.
Our raffle quilt was displayed at the WSQ
meeting April 29th, and it looked great!
I would like to thank A Quilt Cottage for
donating more panels – we are trying to put
kits together. Also a big Thank You to Judy Janes
for her donations of flannel and homespuns. As
you know, Judy built herself a huge studio and
I have been trying to help her clean out (fabricwise)! I appreciate everyone that donates fabric
to our quilting efforts.
Don’t forget the Yard Sale! June 12th is our
1st Guild Yard Sale and we have gotten many
donations so far – please pick up a flyer, take
flyers to post at businesses, etc. This will help
fund our quilting projects throughout the year.
If you have items to donate, you may drop
them off directly at the Yard Sale or at Cheryl
Hultberg’s, call if you need directions. Our Yard
Sale will help your Spring Cleaning! We will
also be selling raffle tickets at the Yard Sale and
displaying the Raffle Quilt. Please see Cheryl
Hultberg at the meeting to sign-up to help at
the Yard Sale. We need volunteers to fill 1-hour
time slots. Please help if you are able. ~Susan
Mason, President
Liberty Lake Garage Sale
Spokane Valley Quilters Guild will have a
community garage sale to raise money for the
Guild during he Liberty Lake annual garage
sale. Sale will be held on June 12th from 8 am
to 4 pm. We would like to invite everyone to
donate any items they would like to give for this
Please donate your time for setup, cleanup
and 1 hour time slots to help on the day of the
We will be having a bake sale. We would
appreciate any baked goods donated if this is
the way you choose to be involved with this
great and fun.
Please pre-price out items. Any items not sold
or picked up after the sale will b donated to
We will need loans of table and clothes rods
for the day of the sale. Please put your name
on them so they can be returned. For more
information contact Cheryl at 402-968-6294 or
Susan at 509-924-3172.
Come and join us We will have tons of fun. if
yo enjoy garage sales, during your down time,
there will hundreds of them throughout Liberty
Yard sale is at Linda Schaefer’s house, 24210 E
Sprague in Liberty Lake. Her # is 402-215-1185
Fund Raising
Judith Janes
Judith Degnan
Sherrie Mundt
Cheryl Bodeau
Cashmere Lyghts
Ruth Jagusch
Linda Schafer
Karen Medley
Bonnie Rae
Darleene Boller
Lois Terrill
Elizabeth Casteel
[email protected]
Cindy Heitstuman
Raffle Quilt 2010
Small Groups
Faye Krenkel
Sunshine Club
Michele Sowers
Kathy Kjeldgaard
Website Designer
Elizabeth Casteel
[email protected]
2010 Raffle Quilt
Community Service
Needs Fabric
Our current stash of donated fabrics
includes many large prints and large
florals, but not many solids, “reads as
a solid”, blenders or tiny/small prints/
checks/dots? Do you have any solids,
blenders or small prints/checks or dots
that are not your CURRENT FAVORITE
New Life Church
10920 E. Sprague Ave.
Old Rosauers Building
If you could bring any of these types
of fabrics to the June general meeting
or any of the Community Sew Day,
those fabrics will be included in future
Community Sew Day Quilt Kits.
Thanks for your help, Alvina, Linda
and Sue
Photo Album
As you know, we are in need of a
Historian or two. One person to take
the photos and another to get them to
the website. We now have a CD with all
our Show and Tell pictures from 1985
to 2009. We are selling these for $5.00
each, see Judy Janes to purchase.
We are in a dilemma, what to do with
orders must be received by May 1st for all the photo albums of past years? It
has been suggested that: 1) we donate
these classes. You will need the book
ahead of time to purchase and prepare them to the Valley Museum or 2)
your items for the classes. You can view dismantle the binders, allow everyone
to take their own photos and recycle
the samples, book, sign-up and order
the binders. We have two huge tubs
books at the Classes Table at the next
meeting. Classes are $10 for members, stored in a garage and the photos
$15 for non-members. Contact Manda could end up damaged.
We would like your input at the next
Lyghts 924-3172 or corey_manda@
general meeting. Thank you~ from the for more information.
Board Members
Class News for 2010
September 18th 10 – 4 Needle
Wallet and Scissor Fob
October 16th 10 – 4 Pincushion and
Scissor Chatelaine
The June, September and October
classes are out of Nancy Halvorsen’s
new book Sew Necessary. Nancy has
agreed to sell the books to our guild
at wholesale for those members who
wish to take the class(es). Your book
9405 East Sprague
Spokane Valley, 99206
Shoppe Hours:
AccuQuilt also available for retreat rental
Monday - Friday 10am-7pm
Saturdays 10am-4pm
Starting May 3rd, Summer Hours:
Monday - Friday 10am-5pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
Fabric, Quilting Supplies, Classes, Patterns, Toweling,
Block-of-the-Month and Bernina’s in the Classrooms
We have a new place given to us to use. We will be able to use
this May through December. It is a nice large room. The door is
locked at all times so knock, scream, yell or use your cell phone
and call me at 939-2738 and I will let you in.
Sew days for the next 2 months are May 22nd and June 19th
10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Hope to see you,
Alvina Babcock
New Location for
Community Sew Day
Freeway I-90
Library News
Row by Row by Terry Martin These
are all bar quilts. Neat stuff that goes
together quick and easy!
Hi Ladies,
The April meeting book sale was
a big success. We sold 74 books!
Another 39 books were checked out
that night. A busy evening at the
library table!
I’m adding 15 books to the
collection this time. They’re all in
lthe “pieced block” catagory. I hope
something here appeals to you! Give
me a call if you want any of these
titles held for you.
Great American Quilt: Book Ten
from Leisure Arts. The 2003 issue of
the Great American Quilts series. The
one we (Book Eight) has been very
popular and I’m pleased to be able to
add another one.
Colorful, Casual, & Comfy Quilts
edited by Karen Boleska. Twenty
beautiful quilts are presented here.
Great instructions.
Quick-method Liberty Quilts
from Leisure Arts. One of the titles
from Leisure Arts’ great Quick Method
Series. These are all patriotic themes
and would be very inspirational if
you’re thinking about making a quilt
for the Quilts of Valor program.
Osage County Quilt Factory by
Virginia Robertson Part of That
Patchwork Place’s fun Quilt Shop
Series from a few years back. This one
features designs from a quilt shop in
Overbrook, Kansas.
American Country Scrap Quilts by
Marianne Fons and Liz Porter. We
can’t have too many Fons and Porter
books! I love those ladies.
Relax and Quilt edited by Patricia
Wilens Really pretty quilts here. A
nice mixture of easy to challenging.
The Nine Patch by Christiane
Meunier. Wonderful ways with nine
patch blocks. You’ll definitely find
some inspiration here.
Kansas Connections by Mary
Ellen Hopkins. She’s funny. She’s a
great instructor. She’s the godmother
of fast piecing tech- niques. We all
love Mary Ellen.
The Queen’s Rose Quilt by Billie
Lauder. Another funny, entertaining
quilt lady who has made it her
mission to bring quick quiltmaking to
the masses. A nice little book.
Pine Tree Quilts by Lois Embree
Arnold Just like the title says.
Lots and lots of pine trees. The
instructions are excellent.
Endless Possibilities Using No-Fail
Methods by Nancy Johnson Srebo
I’ve always found Nancy Johnson
Srebo to be a little preachy, but that’s
just me. This is a very good collection
of blocks and the photography is
super. Great setting ideas.
Three Volumes of Rodale’s Classic
American Quilt Collection I scored
three titles of this series at the WSQ
Quilters Yard Sale. The titles are
“Stars”, “Baskets”, and “Log Cabins”.
These gorgeous hard-bound books
are the Cadillac collection of the quilt
publishing world. Check ‘em out.
There they are. Hope you like them!
Bonnie Rae
SVQG Website
For those of you who are new and
for those of you aren’t and have just
forgotten, we have a great website
where you can see the latest news,
event information and updated
class times and topics. Download
the newsletter and see the”Quilt
Show” in color. In order to download
the newsletter and the block of the
month, you need to have a current
version of Adobe Acrobat Reader
which is free on the internet.
June Block of the Month:
Operation Smile
“We all have gifts. Each one of us has
something to offer the world.”
…Says Dr. Bill Magee who with his
wife, Kathy, founded Operation Smile,
an organization that has helped to
repair cleft lips, cleft palates and other
facial deformities in children from 51
countries in the world. Many of these
children with facial deformities are
treated as outcasts or even thrown
away like trash. A typical Smile mission
treats about 150 children. After the
operation, their lives are changed
completely. You might ask why I
have sent this message to the Valley
Quilter’s Guild? Well, Operation Smile
welcomes the donation of light quilts
and blankets for the children to use
in the hospital and then to take home
This worldwide organization of
volunteers is dedicated to improve
the lives of children, to train local
medical professionals and to leave
behind equipment in order lay the
groundwork for self-sufficiency in
these countries. Would you like to be
part of the Operation Smile Team?
Could you provide a child sized quilt
to provide warmth and comfort to
the children of Operation Smile? This
would make a great project for small
groups and individuals who would like
to brighten our world and their smiles.
I will be glad to coordinate an Op
Smile quilting project. If you are
interested, please call Marilyn Miller,
926-2353 or reach me at mimi2124@
Spokane Valley Quilters
Guild Treasurer’s Report
April 30, 2010
Bank Balance
3/31/10 $5,593.89
Membership Dues
Membership Pins
Library Book Sale
Total Income
Check Image Fee
Total Expenses
Bank Balance
Camp Good Times
Camp good times will expect to have
160 children this year. 80 children for
the younger group and 60 for the kids
12 yrs. and older. We also have about
20 day campers that join us who are
not well enough to spend the night,
mostly 5-7yrs old. Fellow quilters, feel
free to donate as many quilts as you
can as they will be loved to pieces by
these special childrin. PS. Each child
will get to bring home there own quilt.
The deadline for donations this year
is july 25. Please bring your donated
quilts to my home at 12118 E. 22nd,
Spokane Valley or to the meetings.
Thank you soooo much - Karen
Small Groups
A Note of Thanks
A sub-group of Tuesday Thimbles
is the Quilts of Valor (www.qovf.
org) an international group whose
mission is to cover service members
and veterans touched by war with
Wartime quilts. Tuesday Thimbles has
participated in making QOV for more
than five years. In 2009, the quilters
completed and disbursed 35-40 quilts
to various hospital units handling
current wounded warriors and to
veterans from previous wars.
The Tuesday Thimble ladies have
received thank-yous from recipients;
the most moving one is from a young
Marine who lost both of his legs. “To
the ladies who made my quilt: Thank
you so much for taking the time make
quilts for those of us injured. I was
given the quilt while I was in ICU at
National Navel Hospital in Bethesda. It
really touched my heart. My grandma
makes quilts so I know who much
work you do. Josh…..Marine”
Josh’s mother wrote a post script:
“My son was injured
in Afghanistan on Oct.
28, 2009. Thank you
so much for the quilt.
Josh loves it and he
really liked your picture
too. I’ve enclosed a
picture for you. He has
a long road ahead, but
he is ready for it. He is
grateful to be alive. His attitude has
been positive all along. With this he
can do anything. Signed, Tracy (mom)”
The picture Tracy included was of a
smiling happy couple, Marine Josh and
his fiancée Amber.
A Quilt Cottage
N. 17 Bowdish
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
509 891-6624
Fabrics, Classes, Berninas, Patterns,
Notions, Thread, Punchneedle,
Moda, Kaufman, Thimbleberry,
Wyndom and many more
Spokane Valley Quilters Guild
P.O. Box 13516
Spokane Valley, WA 99213
Don’t adge
For Ex
Fabric xchange
Block ’ Tell Item
y Boo
Do You Love Color? Then You’ll Love Our Online Newsletter!
Remember to Thank the Following for Donating to Our Guild!
The Cozy Quilt
Bear Paw Quilting & Bernina
Heartbeat Quilting
9413 Newport Hwy
Spokane, WA 99218
600 W. Kathleen Ave. #10
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
The Quilting Bee
Sew Uniquely You
Wanda Jeffries
PO Box 722
16909 E. Sprague,
Spokane Valley, WA 99016
12117 E. Mission
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Lyle’s Fabrics & Crafts
600 Best Ave.
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
A Quilt Cottage
17 N. Bowdish
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
10220 N. Nevada, #10
Spokane, WA 99218
Debbie Mumm, Inc
1116 E. Westview Ct.
Spokane, WA 99218
A Heart Like Yours Quilt Shoppe
9405 East Sprague Ste B
Spokane Valley, WA 99206