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to the PDF. - The Bridge Restoration Ministry
CROSSROADS N EWSL ET T E R “Bring the pieces together.” The Bridge Restoration Ministry Women’s Home Editor’s Corner Mike has a new Radio Show Michele Casey, Program/Second Chance Manager The Women’s home has been open for a little over one year and it has been a year of blessing and adventure. We have asked our first two graduates to share what being here has meant for them. Thank you to all who helped make this possible for these women. Being here is just the beginning. Pray for them as they continue to transition. The first year is really just the beginning of what we hope is a new foundation for all the men and women who are here. Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Matthew 7:24 Women’s Home Testimonies VOL. 7 s ISSUE 1 s SUMMER 2015 Mike’s “Regeneration Show” can now be hear on KKMC on 880 AM dial. The show is aired at 11 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays and again late Saturday night. Mike teaches and as interview with of of The Bridge members from time to time. Board Member Mike recently spoke at the Carmel Valley Rotary and also the Lion’s club. There was much interest in our program and the Rotary felt it was one of the most meaningful talks they have had. They would like to continue a relationship with the Bridge to find areas of mutual support. “ Ashley With trying to kick my alcohol addiction on my own I was triggered by people, places and things. I had time and money with no sense of purpose or a foundation. As we all know, “Idle hands are the devils playground” and I was the perfect candidate. When I walked through the door of the Women’s Home I took my first step into a healthier reality. The Bridge gave me stability through a routine that included morning devotions, reading materials, work at the same time every day and dinner to be prepared by a weekly schedule. Who would have thought just a few things I could count on would give me a sense of peace; I wasn’t running around thinking quantity is better than quality. The Women’s home is quality! Laughter fills the rooms, as the chatter amongst the ladies is always lively. I learned to deal with situations not by drinking and masking my feelings but by meeting it head on. Protection from the outside world gave me new habits I can count on today. Like having someone hold me accountable and watch out for my best interest, out of love and respect, this is something you just can’t get anywhere. Also a foundation rooted in Christ will guide me in my decision making. And lastly the feeling of belonging and knowing the door is never closed allows contentment to be placed on my heart. The Women’s home has given me a purpose and a reason to walk with my head held high. I am filled with strength through Christ and have a passion for life. Because of this, I am beautiful from the inside out! The Bridge Member Jasmine I have been using on and off since I was 14 years old. When I turned 19 I became completely engulfed by my addiction. I had lost respect for myself. I lost my home several times and at one point almost lost my life. I have tried to kick my addiction several times but it never stuck. I’ve gone to meetings, changed my surroundings and the people around me time and time again, but I could not outrun myself. I was very depressed and very lost. I can honestly say that if it was not for The Bridge I may not be alive today. Coming to this program truly saved my life. I have never done anything like this before, but truly believe it works. This program and the people it has connected me to have not only taught me not only to change the way I live but also the way I think. I am a follower of Christ. I still have a lot more to learn, but the evidence of God’s work in my life is apparent. My family is speaking to me, and they are proud of me, and I am proud of me too! I am surrounding myself with good people, strong believers in Christ, and I genuinely like who I am today. Men Of The Bridge Testimonies Graduate Mark I came into the Bridge a broken man. My 18 year old son had told me I was the only one who could repair what I had damaged. The chaos I created with my drinking and prescription addiction dismantled my life from being a productive building contractor to sleeping on the beach. Since graduating from The Bridge program, I work as the House manager of The Bridge Restoration Ministry. I am also a project manager for a large construction company now. I am the quality control on site at The Bridge. I keep the rules enforced and the house as a whole moving in the right direction. Moreover, my son and I have reconciled and are rebuilding our relationship on a daily basis. My introduction and relationship with God has transformed me from a fearful life to a fearless life. I have a peace inside now that was never there, a calmness that I try to instill in the guys. I lead by example. I am not pastoral but believe our actions dictate how we are perceived. At some point in life we must draw a line in the sand. The Bridge was that for me. I was able to rest and gather some positive thoughts which made me able to make right decisions. I remodeled the Second Chance Thrift store. I helped with many projects at the Bridge and worked with Moe at the City of Pacific Grove Chamber. I am building a resume in my life as a sober Christian. The motto I have taken up is “do the next right thing” Its our mantra The Bridge at the Bridge. We strive to keep Bringing the introducing the positive small pieces together. See Mark otherside Mark continued things so that eventually it becomes second nature to carry your self with integrity. My promise to anyone about The Bridge Restoration Ministry is “If you finish this program and give it 100%, I promise you will get back all you lost and more. “ I thank God, Mike, Michele and all the board members for their support and hope I can help this program continue to grow. I have Grace. Upcoming Event SAVE THE DATES Saturday, June 13 Corner Sale Graduate Cody My addiction became second nature and I knew nothing else after seven years of methamphetamine use. However, God had a plan for me. I entered “The Bridge Restoration Ministry” December 19th, 2013. “The Bridge” not only provided me with food and housing, they also introduced me to community involvement, vocational training, relationship building, transitional housing, Christian fellowship, and something greater than all, a relationship with Jesus Christ. Mike and Michele Casey helped lead me closer to my Father than I had ever been before. I now have two years eight months clean, a beautiful family, a great job, a wonderful fellowship group, and a church family. I notice that a lot of guys are ashamed of where they’ve been in their addiction, even ones who’ve completed the program and are continuing to succeed. It’s very sad because the men in “The Bridge” can began to feel hopeless or like outcasts amongst others in their environment. I know because I’ve been there. I enjoy staying involved by going to “Regeneration” and meeting the new guys. I believe we can all encourage and support these men not only financially but emotionally as well. We have all made mistakes and we all have words of wisdom we can share. Don’t be afraid to reach out. Your help has helped change my life and will continue to change the lives of others. Thank You! The AMTOPMs0ACIlC'ROVE Bank Of America Parking Lot See details below. Saturday, September 19 10 am to 2 pm Pacific Grove More detail to come. If you would like to help with this event call 831-372-2033 Community r e n r Co SPONSORED BY 9 am to 3 pm Bank of America Parking Lot 601 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove Local people and businesses are cleaning out and decluttering their homes and businesses... would you like to donate your unused items to this event? Purchase Raffle tickets for... 3ECOND#HANCE4HRIFT3TOREs717-4479 Fo For the Kids Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 27 Monterey CA 93940 For more information contact: ks & DrriSnale RETURN SERVICES REQUESTED All proceeds from sales and raffle benefit The Bridge Restoration Ministry a local year long residential program for men and women. BOUN Li C kets available NOW at Second Chance Store and at Corner Sale eve nt. More detail to come. P.O. Box 113 | Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Framed 12 x 16 Li thograph Print will be raffled duri ng the sale. Tic Annual Banquet | 831-372-2033 Furniture Sporting Goods Housewares Clothing Thomas Kinkade’s “House of Hope” Business Equipment Kids Toys One-of-a-Kind Items c i s u M e & More! v H O U se gs Hot Do E Friday, October 23 Community Outreach: The Bridge men helped with the cleanup and setup of the “Good Olds” in Pacific Grove April of this year. e l June 13, 2015 a S S at u rday