Universit`a degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Universit`a degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali Corso di Laurea in Fisica Tesi di Laurea Magistrale Design of the homodyne detector to measure the squeezing level of the light for Advanced Virgo Laureando Sarah Recchia Relatore Prof. Fulvio Ricci Secondo Relatore Prof. Ettore Majorana Anno Accademico 2012/2013 Contents Introduction 1 1 Detection of gravitational waves 1.1 Gravitational Waves: a brief introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves: Interferometric Detectors 1.2.1 Interaction of Gravitational Waves with test masses and Interferometric Detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Response of a GW interferometric detector . . . . . . . . 1.3 Quantum noise in gravitational waves interferometric detectors . 1.3.1 Photon shot noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Quantum radiation pressure noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Standard Quantum Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Quantum enhancement of Gravitational Waves Interferometric Detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Origin of the Standard Quantum Limit . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Circumventing the SQL: injection of squeezed vacuum states at the output port of the interferometer . . . . . . 3 4 7 8 11 15 16 18 18 19 20 22 2 Squeezing of the light 28 2.1 Field quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.1.1 Electric field quadratures and modulation . . . . . . . . . 30 2.1.2 Correlation functions of the electromagnetic field . . . . . 31 2.1.3 Correlation functions and coherence properties of the electric field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.2 Quantum states of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.2.1 Fock states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.2.2 Coherent states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.2.3 Squeezed states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.3 Generation of squeezed light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.3.1 Input-output formalism for optical cavities . . . . . . . . 48 2.3.2 Squeezing by a degenerate parametric amplifier . . . . . . 50 2.3.3 Ponderomotive squeezing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3 Homodyne detection 3.1 Theory of detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Direct detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Balanced homodyne detection . . . . . . . 3.2 Design of the electronics of a homodyne detector i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 60 61 63 69 CONTENTS 3.3 3.2.1 Operational amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 The photodiodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 The bias circuit of the photodiodes . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 DC, AUDIO and RADIO readout blocks. . . . . . . . . The noise study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Electronic noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Noise calculations for the homodyne detector prototype ii . . . . . . . 76 82 83 84 93 94 99 4 Realization and test of the homodyne detector prototype. 104 4.1 Measurement of the intensity noise power spectrum of the laser Mefisto-InnoLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Conclusion 114 Bibliography 116 Ringraziamenti 117 Introduction The direct detection of the gravitational waves (GW) is one of the most ambitious scientific targets nowadays. Its importance is both theoretical and astrophysical. In fact, the observation of the GW would confirm the predictions of General Relativity and would provide a valuable contribution to the investigation on the Physics in a strong gravitational regime opening a new era of the study of the exotic state of ethe matter in the inner core of the compact stars. It would allow to study the universe from a new perspective, complementary to that based on electromagnetic observations. The history of the GW detectors traces back to the sixties and, starting from the first GW antennas, arrives to the modern Michelson interferometric detectors, which have reached such an impressive sensitivity to the displacement of test masses (∼ 1018 m) that quantum noise is expected to be the limiting factor to the sensitivity of the next generation detectors. Thus, a farther improvement of the detector sensitivity will require to circumvent the standard quantum limit (SQL) of the detector. Few ideas have been proposed for the quantum enhancement of the GW interferometers, and one of the most promising is to inject squeezed vacuum, a non classical state of light, into the output port of the interferometer. The quantum enhancement via squeezed vacuum has been experimentally demonstrated on meter-scale prototype of GW interferometers. If the squeezing angle of the injected vacuum state is constant all over the detection band (frequency independent squeezing) the SQL is beaten only at a given detection frequency. If the squeezing angle is appropriately tailored for each detection frequency (frequency dependent squeezing) the SQL is beaten all over the detection band. Squeezed states have been produced both in the few MHz band and in the audio band of the gravitational waves detectors (10Hz-10kHz), by means of optical parametric processes. However, technical limitations, for example photothermally driven fluctuations, reduce the squeezing level. In addition, the squeezing produced in this way is frequency independent. In order to implement the frequency dependent squeezing few methods have been studied, such as the use of detuned filter cavity, which allows to rotate the squeezing angle. On the other hand, an other production method, the ponderomotive squeezing, which exploits the radiation pressure to produce squeezing as a result of the coupling between the radiation inside an interferometer and the mechanical motion of a suspended mirror, is being investigated. This method seems to be able to provide frequency dependent squeezing. These successes justify the effort spent for the design and realization of squeezing apparatus for the advanced GW detectors. 1 CONTENTS 2 Independently on their application, squeezers need a squeezing detector, which allows to characterize the squeezing factor and angle of the produced squeezed state. A detector for squeezed light has to be sensitive to arbitrary quadrature of the electric field of the squeezed state. Thus, a phase dependent detection scheme has to be implemented. Balanced homodyne detection provides such a phase dependent scheme by mixing, through a 50/50 beam splitter, the squeezed state with a strong coherent local oscillator (a laser), which is used as a phase reference and it is much more intense than the squeezed field. The sum and the difference of the photocurrents of the two beams exiting the beam splitter are computed electronically and their spectra are measured. It can be shown that the spectrum of the difference photocurrent contains the information about the noise of the squeezed state at a given quadrature, whereas the spectrum of the sum photocurrent contains only the information about the noise of the local oscillator. If the local oscillator is quantum noise limited, the spectrum of the sum photocurrent equals the spectrum of the difference photocurrent when the squeezed vacuum is substituted with the unsqueezed vacuum. In this case the spectrum of the sum photocurrent is used to compare the spectrum of the squeezed vacuum with that of the unsqueezed vacuum. In the first chapter of this thesis, we briefly introduce the gravitational waves and we illustrate the main characteristics of the GW interferometric detectors. Then, we discuss the use of squeezed states of light for the quantum enhancement of the interferometer. In the second chapter we make a review of the formal treatise of squeezing. In particular, we summarize the fundamental concepts of quantum optics and optical coherence and apply them to the mathematical description of the squeezed states of light. We conclude the chapter by illustrating two methods for the production of squeezed light, i.e the production by means of optical parametric processes and the ponderomotive squeezing. In the third chapter, first we introduce the theory of homodyne detection, focusing on the characteristics that an homodyne detector for squeezed light should fulfill. Then, we present the design of the electronics of a homodyne detector prototype for the squeezer of the GW interferometer Advanced Virgo, explaining the leading criteria, such as the frequency response, followed in the design and reporting the noise study performed for the circuit. In the fourth chapter we illustrate the methods, which will be used to test the prototype. Finally we show the experimental characterization of the intensity noise of the laser, which will be used to test the homodyne detector prototype. Chapter 1 Detection of gravitational waves The direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) is one of the most ambitious experimental challenges today. It will allow to confirm the predictions of General Relativity (GR) compared to other theories of gravitation and it will open a new era for astrophysics, providing a new and deeper insight into the universe, complementary to the present scenario based on electromagnetic observations. We could mention the GW stochastic background of cosmological origin, whose detection would provide an unique view of the early Universe, and the GW emitted by compact objects (such as neutron stars and black holes), whose detection would provide enlightening information about exotic states of matter and strong gravitational field regimes. This great experimental effort, started in the sixties with the first GW antennas, led today to a worldwide net of GW interferometric detectors, which have reached such an impressive sensitivity in measuring small displacements of test masses, that nowadays experimenters have to face the quantum limits of the detectors. Beating those limits will be one of the challenges of the third generation detectors and some ideas have been proposed. One of the most promising is Caves’s [4]. In 1981 he first proposed the possibility to circumvent the standard quantum limit (SQL) in Earth-based GW interferometers by injecting at the output port of the interferometer squeezed vacuum, a non classical state of light. Then, several experiments have been carried on to produce squeezed light (see [23] and [5]), first in the radio-frequency band and then in the audiofrequency band interesting for advanced GW detectors. The success of these pioneering experiments justifies the decision that the next generation GW interferometers include squeezing apparatus in their design. The conceptual scheme of a squeezer for GW detectors is shown in Fig. 1.1. We recognize four blocks on the diagram: the laser, i.e the light source from which the squeezed vacuum is obtained, the squeezing block, i.e the light squeezer, the injection system, whose central element is the Faraday Rotator, which allows the unperturbed injection of the squeezed vacuum into the output port of the interferometer and finally the detection block, which allows to check the obtained squeezing factor and angle before injecting the squeezed vacuum into the 3 CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 4 Figure 1.1: Conceptual scheme of a squeezer for an Earth-based GW detector inteferometer. In order to characterize the squeezing of light the implementation of a phase dependent detection scheme is required. A detection scheme often used for this purpose is the homodyne detection, as described by [23], [22]. The purpose of this thesis is the design of an homodyne detection system for the characterization of squeezed states of lights for the GW interferometer Advanced Virgo. 1.1 Gravitational Waves: a brief introduction In 1915 Einstein published the General Theory of Relativity (GR), its theory of gravitation, summarized in the famous equations 8πG 1 Rµν − gµν R = 4 Tµν 2 c (1.1) which link the geometry of space-time (contained in the Ricci tensor Rµν and the Ricci scalar R) to the energy-matter distribution (contained in the stressenergy tensor Tµν ). The Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar contain second order derivatives of the metric tensor gµν , through which the space-time proper distance ds2 = gµν dxµ dxν (1.2) is defined. The first derivation of gravitational waves from Eq. 1.1 is always due to Einstein ([9], [10]): he showed that it is possible to linearize the equation of GR if small perturbations of the flat space-time metric tensor ηµν are considered: gµν = ηµν + hµν −1 0 0 1 ηµν = 0 0 0 0 |hµν | 1 (1.3) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 (1.4) (1.5) CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 5 He found that the solutions of the linearized equations in vacuum, i.e the components of hµν , are wave-like and exhibit some similarities with their electromagnetic counterpart. The details of the calculation are reported in many textbooks on GR (see for example [17]) so we only report some basic results: the derivation starts from Eq. 1.1 in vacuum, i.e Tµν = 0. If we consider small perturbation of flat spacetime, as in Eq. 1.3, and use the gauge freedoms of GR, a simple expression for hµν can be found: hTµνT = 0 (1.6) 2 where = −∂ 0 + O2 while T T stands for transverse-traceless and indicates the particular gauge choice. The solution thus found is such that • hT0µT = 0 • hT T i i =0 • ∂ j hTijT = 0 µ = 0, 1, 2, 3 i = 1, 2, 3 i, j = 1, 2, 3 (traceless condition) (transverse condition) Eq. 1.6 is the same wave equation of electromagnetic waves and has plane-wave solutions hTijT (x) = eij (k)eikx (1.7) where • eij (k) is the polarization tensor, which has two independent components, called the + and × polarizations. • k = ( ωc , k) and ωc = |k| so GW propagates at the speed of light • The transverse condition ∂ j hij = 0 gives kj hij = 0 so GW are transverse waves Those properties are in common with electromagnetic waves. If we choose the z-axis as the propagation direction we can obtain h+ h× 0 h z i hTijT (t, z) = h× −h+ 0 exp ω t − c 0 0 0 ij (1.8) We can recognize the retarded potential expression typical of electromagnetic waves. Despite those similarities, the difference between the two types of radiation is deep. The most peculiar characteristic of GW is the metric nature, i.e the fact that those waves are perturbations of the metric tensor, i.e are a property of space-time. In addition we note that while the electromagnetic radiation is vector-type field, gravitational radiation is tensor-type field. Given that the electric charge has two signs, the lowest order mode of oscillation for electromagnetic radiation is dipolar while, given that the mass has only one sign, the CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 6 lowest order mode of oscillation of gravitational radiation is quadrupolar. Einstein derived the quadrupole formula for the wave field at distance r from the source and for the luminosity LG of the GW produced by a source of density ρ r 2G .. T T TT i, j = 1, 2, 3 (1.9) hij (t, r) = 4 Qij t − rc c LG = r ... r G X ... h Qij t − Qij t − i 5 5c ij c c (1.10) where, if qij is the quadrupole moment of the source, Qij and QTijT are, respectively, the reduced and transverse-traceless part of the quadrupole moment. The symbol hi indicates a time average on a time much larger than the period of the GW Z 1 2 qij = ρ(t, x) xi xj − δij |x| dV (1.11) 3 V 1 m (1.12) Qij = qij − δij qm 3 These formulae explain why the direct detection of GW is so difficult. The coefficient in Eq. (1.10) G ≈ 10−54 W −1 (1.13) 5c5 is extremely small. Only systems characterized by huge masses and fast varying quadrupole moments can produce detectable effects, i.e astrophysical systems. The gravitational luminosity produced by those systems should be incredibly huge for us to have a chance to detect the GW on Earth. This is evident when we consider the gravitational flux arriving on Earth from a source at distance r (we consider isotropic emission) F = LG 4πr2 (1.14) r ∼ 10kpc for sources in our galaxy and of order of mpc for sources in the Virgo Cluster galaxies. Thus, despite the enormous gravitational power produced by some astrophysical events, the huge distances involved make the GW flux on Earth extremely weak and the detection of GW so challenging. Few examples of astrophysical objects, which are expected to produce GW, are • binary systems in the inspiral and merger phase the most interesting are those composed by compact object, such as neutron stars and black holes • rotating single compact object in particular non axisymmetric spinning objects (for example pulsars) • cosmological and astrophysical stochastic background the first one is the GW counterpart of the cosmological microwave background, the second one is the result of the superposition of many GW signals coming from astrophysical sources • supernovae explosion CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES (a) 7 (b) Figure 1.2: Left: Orbital period variation rate of PSR 1916+13. The points indicates the experimental data of Hulse and Taylor. The plane line indicates the GR prediction. Right: French-Italian VIRGO Gravitational Waves detector The first indirect evidence of the existence of GW came from the binary system PSR 1916+13 (in which one of the companions is a pulsar) discovered in 1974 by Hulse and Taylor. The system is composed by two neutron stars of nearly equal masses (∼ M ) and one of these objects emits radio pulses. The two radioastronomers measured the variation rate of the orbital period of the system and found the impressive agreement, shown in Fig. 1.2(a), with that predicted by General Relativity if taking into account the energy loss due to the emission of GW. Hulse and Taylor were awarded the Nobel Price in 1993. 1.2 Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves: Interferometric Detectors After the Einstein’s paper on GW, this topic was just studied from a theoretical point of view. It was even not obvious if they could be linked to a measurable effect. This doubt comes out from the wide gauge invariance of GR, and someone was convinced that it was possible to cancel via a suitable gauge transformation the gravitational-wave induced modifications of the metric tensor. Then, in 1956-1959 Bondi demonstrated that GW carry energy, so they have measurable effects and can be detected. Meanwhile a theoretical activity begins aimed to better understand the processes of GW production. Pirani starts to face the problem of their direct detection. In 1960 J. Weber found out that an harmonic oscillator made by two test masses can couple to GW and starts to oscillate. Weber suggested the possibility of converting those oscillations in electrical signals through piezoelectric crystals: he invented the GW antenna. Many GW antennas, such as AURIGA, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS, were built all CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 8 around the world and some of them are still in operation. These detectors are most sensitive only in a narrow bandwidth (∼ 50Hz) around their resonance frequency, which is often approximately at 900 Hz, while, as for electromagnetic radiation, the GW spectrum spans over many frequency decades. Many of the interesting signals are in audio-band frequencies or below and a broadband detector has better detection perspectives. The Earth-based kilometer-scale laser-interferometric detectors are wide-band detectors, whose pioneering idea is due to Pirani, who suggested to use the light for probing the space-time between two freely gravitating test masses. In the following we describe how GW interacts with matter and how GW interferometers work, emphasizing on the noise sources, which limit their sensitivity. 1.2.1 Interaction of Gravitational Waves with test masses and Interferometric Detectors In a theory as GR, invariant under general coordinate transformation, the gauge choice can drastically change the description of the effect of the GW on test masses. For example, the choice of the TT-gauge leads to the conclusion that the coordinates of the test masses do not change due to the GW, but the proper distance between them changes. On the other hand, if we choose the detector frame (the frame that is naturally used in experiments), it can be shown that a tidal force due to the GW is applied to the test masses. An enlightening discussion about this topic can be found in [17]. On the other hand, whatever the reference frame choice could be, a crucial aspect to point out is the fact that in GR it is not possible to reveal in a frameindependent way the presence of gravitational effects looking at the motion of a single particle. In fact it is always possible to locally cancel the effect of gravity by properly choosing the reference frame or, if a gravitational field is absent, it is possible to simulate its presence by choosing a non-inertial frame. The equation, which describes the motion of a single test mass freely moving in a gravitational field, is called geodesic equation Duµ =0 dλ (1.15) duµ Duµ = + Γµνρ uν uρ dλ dλ (1.16) where • D indicates the covariant derivative, a generalization of the concept of derivative in differential manifolds. Γµνρ are the Christoffel symbols of the metric. They contain first order derivatives of the metric tensor gµν and define the covariant derivative of General Relativity. • λ parametrizes the geodesics and can be chosen to be the proper time for massive particles • uµ = dxµ dτ is the four-velocity of the test mass GR tells us that Γµνρ can be locally set to zero by choosing a locally inertial frame (see [17]). In such a frame we would obtain, locally, the geodesic equation CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 9 µ valid for a free particle in flat space-time ( du dλ = 0), i.e in absence of gravity. On the other hand, we obtain the same equation of motion as Eq. 1.15 also in absence of a gravitational field, by simply looking at the motion of the free particle in flat space-time from an accelerated reference frame. It is not possible to distinguish between a gravitational field and an accelerated reference frame by looking at the motion of a single particle. However, looking at the curvature of space-time, we can distinguish between a gravitational effect or an accelerated frame effect. This is possible if we consider the differential motion of at least two test masses. This can be done by considering two nearby geodesics, one with coordinates xµ (λ) the other with xµ (λ) + ξ µ (λ), and by deriving an equation for ξ µ (λ). We obtain the so-called equation of the geodesic deviation: D2 ξ µ µ = −Rνρσ ξ ρ uν uσ dλ2 (1.17) µ where Rνρσ is the Riemann tensor. It contains second order derivatives of the metric tensor. The Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar, which appear in the Einstein Eq. 1.1, are derived from it. The Riemann tensor contains information about the curvature of space-time and can be used to characterize in a frameindependent way the characteristics of space-time. Eq. 1.17 tells us that two nearby test masses in a gravitational filed experience a tidal force determined by the Riemann tensor. We apply the geodesic deviation equation to the case of an Earth-based GW detector, which we treated by now as a couple of free test masses. Given that the gravitational field of Earth is weak, we can approximate the metric of the space-time as flat. In addition, we assume, as is implicitly done in Earth-based experiments, that we measure distances with rigid rulers. This is called in [17] the proper detector frame. If in this frame we consider the arrival of a GW, treated as a small perturbation of flat space-time metric, it can be shown that Eq. 1.17 becomes ..i 1 .. T T ξ = hij ξ j (1.18) 2 This equation tells us that in the proper detector frame two test particles of equal mass m experience the ”Newtonian force”, because of the GW, Fi = m .. T T j h ξ 2 ij (1.19) Let us note that ξ was defined as the coordinate difference of two nearby geodesics, so Eq. 1.18 tells us as the relative coordinates of the test masses change, in the proper detector frame, because of the GW effect. We can now apply this result to the simple case of a GW propagating along the z-axis and impinging on a system of test masses disposed on the xy-plane. For + polarization we have (see Eq. 1.8) 1 0 hTabT = h+ sin(ωt) (1.20) 0 −1 we express the positions of the test masses as x(t) = (x0 + δx(t), y0 + δy(t)) (1.21) CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 10 where (x0 , y0 ) are the unperturbed positions and (δx(t), δy(t)) are the GW induced displacements. Solving Eq. 1.18 we obtain for + polarization h+ x0 sin(ωt) 2 h+ δy(t) = − y0 sin(ωt) 2 δx(t) = (1.22) (1.23) and for × polarization h× x0 sin(ωt) 2 h× δy(t) = y0 sin(ωt) 2 δx(t) = (1.24) (1.25) So we have that the displacement of the test masses from their rest positions Figure 1.3: Effect of a gravitational wave propagating along the z-axis on a ring of free test masses disposed on the xy-plane. change periodically in time, in a different way for + and × polarization, because of the GW, as shown for a ring of test masses in Fig. 1.3. Let us now substitute the ring of test masses with a Michelson-type interferometer with suspended end mirrors, as that shown in Fig. 1.4. It can be shown that, if we consider GW with angular frequency higher than the mechanical angular frequency of the suspended mirror ωGW ωm , the mirrors can be considered as free, so we can apply the results obtained for the free test masses. In the case of a GW exciting a differential motion of the two end mirrors of the Michelson interferometer, the two light beams traveling in the two arms will accumulate a different phase. This will reflect in an amplitude modulation of the light detected by the photodetector at the output port of the interferometer. In Fig. 1.5, we show the case in which the × polarization contributes just to the common mode of the mirrors, which does not generate any interferometric signal. CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 11 Figure 1.4: A basic prototype of Michelson GW interferometer. Figure 1.5: Effect of a gravitational wave propagating along the z-axis on a Michelson interferometer with arms along the x and y axis. 1.2.2 Response of a GW interferometric detector In this section we calculate the response of a Michelson interferometer (Fig. 1.4) to a gravitational wave. Let us consider the + polarization h+ (t) = h0 cos(ωGW t) (1.26) Following [17] we perform the computation in the TT-gauge, in which, as we have already mentioned, the positions of the mirrors are fixed while the proper length of the arms changes due to the GW. The electric field of the laser is E(t) = E0 e−i(ωt−k·x) (1.27) CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 12 where Lx and Ly are the lengths of the x-arm and the y-arm. We chose the beam-splitter to be an ideal 50% one and we consider it as fixed at the origin of the xy-plane, were the two arms lie. The two arms are oriented along the y and x axis. In absence of the GW, the round-trip time of the light in the two arms is tx,y = 2 Lx,y c (1.28) After a round trip of the light in the two arms, the two fields (taking into account the extra phase due to the reflection off the beam-splitter and the mirrors) recombining at the beam splitter are 1 2Lx x E (t) = − E0 exp −iω t − (1.29) 2 c 1 2Ly E y (t) = E0 exp −iω t − (1.30) 2 c In presence of the GW the space-time interval is given by ds2 = −c2 dt2 + [1 + h+ (t)]dx2 + [1 − h+ (t)]dy 2 + dz 2 (1.31) and, considering a photon (ds2 = 0) propagating along the x arm, we have at first order in h0 (the + sign apply for the propagation from the beam-splitter to the end mirror, the − for the return trip) 1 dx = ±cdt 1 − h+ (t) (1.32) 2 The photon entering the x arm at time t0 , will reach the end mirror at time t1 and again the beam-splitter at time t2 . Given that in the TT-gauge the end mirror is fixed at position Lx , integrating Eq. 1.32 we obtain Z c t1 0 Lx = c(t1 − t0 ) − dt h+ (t0 ) (1.33) 2 t0 Z c t2 0 Lx = c(t2 − t1 ) − dt h+ (t0 ) (1.34) 2 t1 (1.35) The calculation leads to (see [17] for the details) 2Lx Lx + h+ (t0 + Lx /c)sinc(ωGW Lx /c) c c Ly 2Ly t2 − t0 = − h+ (t0 + Ly /c)sinc(ωGW Ly /c) c c t2 − t0 = respectively for the x and y arm. Thus, at time t the two fields recombining at the beam-splitter are 1 2Lx E x (t) = − E0 exp −iω t − + i∆φx (t) 2 c 1 2Ly E y (t) = E0 exp −iω t − + i∆φy (t) 2 c (1.36) (1.37) (1.38) (1.39) CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 13 where ωLx sinc(ωGW Lx /c) cos[ωGW (t − Lx /c)] c ωLy sinc(ωGW Ly /c) cos[ωGW (t − Ly /c)] ∆φy (t) = −h0 c ∆φx (t) = h0 (1.40) (1.41) We note that in general Lx and Ly are made as close as possible in order to cancel common mode noises of the two arms. Thus, in ∆φx and in ∆φy , which L −L are of order h0 , we can just replace Lx and Ly with L = x 2 y . We obtain ∆φy = −∆φx Then, we can rewrite the two fields as 1 2L x E (t) = − E0 exp −iω t − + iφ0 + i∆φx (t) 2 c 2L 1 y − iφ0 + i∆φy (t) E (t) = E0 exp −iω t − 2 c (1.42) (1.43) (1.44) where φ0 = k(Lx − Ly ) and ∆φM = ∆φx − ∆φy . The total electric field at the output of the interferometer is Eout (t) = E x (t) + E y (t) = −i E0 e−iω( t− 2L c (1.45) ) sin[φ + ∆φ (t)] 0 x and the corresponding output power Pout ∼ |ET OT |2 is Pout = P0 sin2 [φ0 + ∆φx (t)] P0 = {1 − cos[2φ0 + ∆φM (t)]} 2 (1.46) The phase φ0 is a parameter which can be adjusted experimentally. In particular it is convenient to choose φ0 = π/4, in fact, with this choice the expression for the output power becomes Pout = P0 {1 + sin[∆φM (t)]} 2 (1.47) We can see from Eq. 1.47 that the effect of the GW result in a modulation of the output power. This is evident if we note that ∆φM (t) 1. Indeed, the sinc and cosine functions have maximum value 1, h0 is extremely small (of order ∼ 10−20 ), the frequency of the laser is of order ∼THz and L is of order of ∼km. Thus we can approximate sin[∆φM (t)] ≈ ∆φM (t) and the output power becomes P0 ωL Pout = 1 + 2 h0 sinc(ωGW L/c) cos[ωGW (t − L/c)]] (1.48) 2 c The factor sinc(ωGW L/c) is ∼ 1 for ωGW L/c 1 and ∼ 0 for ωGW L/c 1: the consequence is that the interferometer is “blind”to gravitational waves whose wavelength is much smaller than the arm length. For ωGW L/c 1 the GW modulate the output power at frequency ωGW and CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 14 the modulation depth depends on the GW amplitude h0 and on the arm length L. The gravitational wave signal which, as we have seen, modulates the output power of the interferometer, can be readout via demodulation techniques, such as, for example, the heterodyne readout method. See [7] for a complete review of the readout techniques for the GW interferometric detectors. The equation 1.48 suggests that, given h0 , the larger L the larger the modulation depth and the better we can detect the GW. On the other hand, if L is too long, such that ωGW L/c 1, the sinc function suppresses the response to the GW, as we have already discussed. An approximated formula for the optimal arm length L can be found in [17] 100Hz (1.49) L ' 750Km νGW where νGW is the GW frequency. Such values are too high for a Earth-based detector. A trick, which allows to Figure 1.6: Fabry-Perot Michelson for Gravitational Waves detection. overcome this problem, is to use Fabry-Perot (FP) cavities in the two arms, as shown in Fig. 1.6. The FP stores the light in the cavity increasing the arm length by a factor Nef f , which represents the effective number of round trips of the light in the FP cavity. Nef f depends on the cavity finesse F 2F π√ π R1 R2 F = 1 − R1 R2 Nef f = where R1 and R2 are the mirrors reflectivities. (1.50) CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 1.3 15 Quantum noise in gravitational waves interferometric detectors In the previous section we calculated the response of a GW Michelson interferometric detector to a GW signal without taking into account the noise sources, which limit the sensitivity of the detector. The typical amplitudes of GW arriving on Earth are extremely small (order of magnitude h0 ∼ 10−20 − 10−22 and below) and, in order to have a meaningful detection probability GW interferometers must be able to measure length differences smaller than 10−18 m. Thus, noise sources, which limit the sensitivity, must be identified and filtered out as much as possible. Earth-base GW interferometers detect GW with frequencies in the audio-band, for example for Virgo the band is 10Hz − 10kHz. In Fig. 1.7 we show the sensitivity curve of Advanced Virgo and its main noise contributions, as an example of sensitivity curve of a GW interferometer. Among several noise sources cited here, there are some dominant in a specific frequency band: Figure 1.7: Sensitivity curve of Advanced Virgo. Contributions from all prominent noise sources are reported. The black dashed line represents the Virgo sensitivity. If a gravitational wave at a certain frequency has amplitude (strain) h0 bigger than the value of the sensitivity curve integrated on 1Hz band around the GW frequency, the GW can be detected, otherwise cannot be distinguished from the noise. The curve for AdV is more or less ten times lower than that of Virgo, thus AdV sensitivity is ten times better. • seismic noise it dominates at frequencies up to order of ∼ 10 − 40Hz and is due to the seismic-induced motion of the suspended mirrors. It can be reduced by suspending the mirrors with a multiple-stages pendulum. Above the CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 16 suspension eigenfrequency f0 , the series of pendula attenuates the seismicinduced motion of the mirrors by a factor 1/f 2N , where f is the detection frequency and N is the number of stages • thermal noise it dominates at intermediate frequencies in the detector band and is due to the thermally induced motion of the mirrors. Thermal noise also includes fluctuations of the refractive index of the transmissive optical elements of the interferometer, thermally induced vibration of the reflecting surfaces of the mirrors and thermal noise of the suspensions. Because of this noise source materials with low mechanical losses are used for the mirrors and their suspensions. Another approach to reduce thermal noise, which is being investigated for the Japanese interferometer KAGRA, could be to cool the mirrors and the suspensions at low temperature. • quantum noise it is due the to the quantum nature of the light used to probe the spacetime properties inside the detector arms and it is the noise source which ultimately limit the sensitivity of the detector. Quantum noise includes the photon shot noise, which dominates at the high frequencies of the detector band and the quantum radiation pressure noise which dominates at the low frequencies of the detector band in this section we concentrate our attention on quantum noise, studying its characteristics and deriving an expression for its contribution to the noise of the GW interferometer. 1.3.1 Photon shot noise We have shown already (Eq. 1.48) that the output of the GW interferometer is ωL P0 sinc(ωGW L/c) cos[ωGW (t − L/c)]] (1.51) 1 + 2 h0 Pout = 2 c P0 ωL = h(t)sinc(ωGW L/c)] 1+2 2 c and in the limit sinc ∼ 1, i.e for ωGW L/c 1, we have P0 ωL h(t) Pout = 1+2 2 c (1.52) The output power measurement can be regarded as a photon counting operation. The number N of detected photons fluctuates following the Poisson statistics 2 with average N and variance σN = N: N p(N ) = N e−N N! (1.53) CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 17 The energy of a laser photon at frequency ω is Eph = }ω and, if n is the measured number of photon per second, we have that n= P out P out = Eph }ω 2 N = σN = nT = σN σP = out N P out P out T }ω (1.54) (1.55) (1.56) The fluctuations of the output power are a noise source of the measurement of the GW amplitude. The variance associated with the measurement of the GW amplitude h is (also using Eq. 1.54, 1.55 and 1.56) dh | σPout dPout dh σPout =| P out | dPout P out 1 dPout σN = / | | N P out dh σh = | (1.57) If we set the interferometer output power at half of the input power, P out = we have P0 2}ω √ r σN nT 2}ω = = nT P0 T N n= P0 2 , (1.58) (1.59) where T is the measurement time. The standard deviation of h is σh = c L r } 2P0 ωT (1.60) Note that this kind of noise, called photon shot noise, does not depend on the frequency of the GW and depends on the measurement time T . It corresponds to a power spectral density that is constant in the detection bandwidth: SHOT Shh (Ω) = c2 } L 2 P0 ω (1.61) Eq. 1.61 tells us that shot noise can be reduced by increasing the input power P0 . This is done by increasing the laser power and by introducing a recycling mirror, between the laser and the beam splitter, which redirect toward the arms the light reflected back to the laser by the interferometer. In practice, with the introduction of the power recycling mirror a resonant cavity is created by the recycling mirror and the interferometer. As a consequence the power on the P0 . beam splitter is increased by a recycling factor K = Plaser CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 1.3.2 18 Quantum radiation pressure noise We have seen that the fluctuation of the number of photons arriving at the detector during the measurement time reflects in the fluctuation of the output power of the interferometer, i.e in noise on the GW amplitude h. On the other hand a fluctuation of the number of photons reflects in a fluctuation of the radiation pressure, which transfers a random momentum to the mirror. We can estimate the effect of this kind of noise by calculating the corresponding noise power spectral density on h. The force exerted by a electromagnetic wave of power P0 /2 to an ideal mirror is F = P0 2c (1.62) The fluctuations in the power P0 cause fluctuations of this radiation pressure force. Using Eq. 1.54, 1.55 and 1.56 (but substituting in them P0 /2 to Pout ) we obtain for the standard deviation of the force r }ωσN }ωP0 σP = = (1.63) σF = c cT 2T c2 It follows that the power spectral density of the noise SF F of the force is SF F = }ωP0 c2 (1.64) The suspended mirror is treated as an harmonic oscillator far from the resonance, so that the displacement induced on the mirror at angular frequency Ω is F x(Ω) = (1.65) mΩ2 The fluctuations in the two arms are anticorrelated, i.e an extra photon in one arm corresponds to a missing photon in the other. Thus the induced variation of the average arm length L is 2x(Ω). The corresponding power spectral density for h is 4SF F 1 4}ωP0 RP Shh (Ω) = 2 4 2 = 2 2 4 (1.66) m Ω L L m Ω c2 We note that, while photon shot noise is independent on the detection frequency Ω and decrease for increasing input power P0 , radiation pressure noise depends on the detection frequency, in particular it decreases with the increasing of frequency, and increases with the input power P0 . 1.3.3 Standard Quantum Limit The GW interferometer can be regarded as a monitor of the dynamic status of the mirror. Assuming this point of view, the shot noise and the radiation pressure noise are interpreted as displacement and momentum fluctuations of the mirror. This implies that both noise sources are linked to the quantum uncertainty given by the Heisenberg principle. The expressions for the linear noise spectral density of the photon shot noise CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 19 and of the radiation pressure noise are hSHOT (Ω) = hRP (Ω) = q q RP Shh c L r } P0 ω r 4}ωP0 1 = LmΩ2 c2 SHOT = Shh We can express them in terms of the detection frequency ν = wavelength λ = 2πc ω 1 hSHOT (ν) = L hRP (ν) = r }λc 2πP0 r 1 mν 2 L }P0 2π 3 cλ (1.67) (1.68) Ω 2π and the laser (1.69) (1.70) The total optical noise of the interferometer is the quadrature sum of the two contributions: q hT OT AL = h2SHOT (ν) + h2RP (ν) (1.71) By properly choosing the input power P0 we can minimize the total optical noise for a given detection frequency, which we call ν. The resulting minimal noise at this frequency is called the standard quantum limit (SQL) and is given, together with the expression for the optimal input power, by r } hSQL = (1.72) 2 π mL2 ν 2 Popt = πcmλν 2 (1.73) In Fig. 1.8 the total quantum noise for a GW Michelson interferometer is shown, which is deduced from our calculation. We can see that an increase in the input power reduces the contribution of the shot noise while increasing the contribution of the radiation pressure noise. In addition, a change in the input power also changes the SQL, i.e the minimum value of the total quantum noise, and shifts the detection frequency corresponding to the SQL: an increase in the power reduces the SQL and increases the corresponding frequency. 1.4 Quantum enhancement of Gravitational Waves Interferometric Detectors In the previous section we computed the quantum noise contributions, which limit the sensitivity on a GW Michelson interferometer and we found that the displacement spectral density of the shot noise is frequency independent, while radiation pressure noise decreases for increasing detection frequency. In real interferometers the frequency dependence of quantum noise is more complicated, due to the introduction of Fabry-Perot cavities in the arms. In particular, shot noise is no more frequency-independent and, above a given frequency, it increases with frequency, as it can be seen in the solid purple line of Fig. 1.7. In the same picture we can see that quantum noise is one of the major total noise contributions for a GW advanced detector and reducing it would give a CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 20 Figure 1.8: Quantum noise limited sensitivity curve (total quantum noise) of a GW Michelson interferometer in dependence of the input power. By increasing the power, we have a reduction of the shot noise contribution and, correspondingly, an increase of the radiation pressure contribution. When changing the input power also changes the SQL, i.e the minimal value of the total quantum noise, and the frequency at which we have the SQL. valuable contribution to the improvement of the detector sensitivity. In the previous section we also deduced a SQL for the detector, which set a ”lower limit” to detector the sensitivity. However, this ”lower limit” is not a fundamental limit and it can be circumvented. One way of doing it, first proposed by Caves [4] and then experimentally demonstrated by [24], is to inject squeezed vacuum, a non classical state of light, at the output port of the interferometer. In this section we explain in a qualitative way as this technique should work. However, in order to better understand the squeezing potentiality we have to better examine under which assumptions we have derived the SQL. 1.4.1 Origin of the Standard Quantum Limit In the previous section we derived the shot noise formula assuming that the shot noise is due to fluctuations of the number of photons arriving at the detector during the measurement time T . We will see in the next chapter that, in a quantized radiation field language, where the electric field acts as operator on the radiation quantum states, “fluctuations of the number of photons arriving at the detector during the measurement time”becomes “fluctuations of the phase quadrature of the electric field inside the interferometer”. The shot noise can be interpreted, in a more general way, as a result of photons arriving at the CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 21 detector at non equally spaced time intervals, i.e the radiation state associated with the laser has not a well defined phase. On the other hand, when we derived the radiation pressure noise formula, we said that radiation pressure noise is due to fluctuations of the number of photons impinging on the mirrors. In a quantized radiation field language this corresponds to “fluctuations of the amplitude quadrature of the electric field inside the interferometer”. Indeed, fluctuations of the amplitude of the radiation impinging on the mirrors determine fluctuations of the magnitude of the radiation pressure force acting on the mirrors, which thus randomly moves the mirrors. The fact that, when we try to decrease the shot noise by increasing the input power the radiation pressure noise increases, is a manifestation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle applied to the phase and amplitude quadrature of the electric field, represented by non-commuting operators [X1 , X2 ] = 2i (1.74) where X1 and X2 are the amplitude and phase quadrature respectively. From the Heisenberg uncertainty principle it follows that the variances of the two quadratures are linked by [X1 , X2 ] 2 =1 (1.75) VX1 VX2 − VX2 1 X2 ≥ 2 Moreover the crucial aspect of our calculation is that we assumed for both shot and radiation pressure noise a Poissonian statistic with the same mean value. In a quantized radiation field language this means that we are dealing with radiation states, which exhibit Poissonian photon statistic and have uncorrelated quantum noise equally distributed between phase and amplitude quadrature. Among the quantum radiation states, both unsqueezed vacuum states and coherent states exhibit those properties. In particular, both states have minimum uncertainty, i.e for them the equal sign apply in Eq. 1.75, VX1 X2 = 0 (uncorrelated quadrature noise) and VX1 = VX2 = 1. We represent this status in the X1 − X2 plane by p an errorpcircle whose projection onto the X1 and X2 axis are respectively VX1 and VX2 (see Fig. 1.9) The same result can be obtained by a complete quantum description of a Fabry-Perot Michelson GW interferometer, as it is reported in [20]. Here we summarize just the basic results. The starting point of the treatment is the quantum model of a Fabry-Perot Michelson GW interferometer, schematized in Fig. 1.10. The laser is represented as a quantum coherent state (indicated as c1 in the picture), which thus exhibits uncorrelated and equal phase and amplitude quadrature fluctuations. The end suspended mirrors are quantized harmonic oscillators and we indicate as c2 the vacuum noise entering via the output port of the interferometer. By taking into account the optomechanical interaction of the radiation field with the movable end mirrors and the coupling of the gravitational wave with the interferometer, it can be show that, if the vacuum field entering the output port of the interferometer is an unsqueezed vacuum state, characterized by uncorrelated and equal phase and amplitude quadrature fluctuations, an expression for the total quantum noise can be deduced. When this formula is optimized CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 22 Figure 1.9: Left: Error circle for unsqueezed vacuum state. Right: Error ellipse for a squeezed vacuum state with squeezing parameter r and squeezing angle φ. Figure 1.10: Quantum model of a Fabry-Perot Michelson GW interferometer used in [20] with respect to the input power at a given detection frequency, the minimum value is reduced to the SQL obtained in Eq. 1.72. In all these treatments the mechanical and optical losses are not taken into account. The quantum limited GW detector sensitivity, obtained with this computation, is reported in Fig. 1.11. 1.4.2 Circumventing the SQL: injection of squeezed vacuum states at the output port of the interferometer In [20], the computation is continued by assuming that (always referring to Fig. 1.10) the field c2 that enters the output port is now a squeezed vacuum (see CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 23 Figure 1.11: Quantum limited GW detector sensitivity obtained in [20] for an unsqueezed vacuum state entering the output port of the interferometer Figure 1.12: Left: Vacuum fluctations entering the output port of the interferometer. Right: A Faraday Rotator is used to inject squeezed vacuum states into the output port, thus substituting the ordinaray vacuum fluctuations. CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 24 Fig. 1.12). Referring to Eq. 1.75, a squeezed vacuum state is, as for a vacuum or a coherent state, a minimum uncertainty state (the equal sign applies in the uncertainty relation) with VX1 6= VX2 and, in general, with VX1 X2 6= 0. A squeezed vacuum state can be characterized by two parameters (see Fig. 1.9), the squeezing factor r and the squeezing angle φ. In fact, the quadrature variances depends on these parameters as VX1 = cosh2 (r) + sinh2 (r) − 2 cosh(r) sinh(r) cos(φ) 2 2 VX2 = cosh (r) + sinh (r) + 2 cosh(r) sinh(r) cos(φ) (1.76) (1.77) As shown in [20], the SQL can be circumvented if we inject squeezed states with correlated quadrature noise VX1 X2 6= 0. Let us examine the various possibilities, keeping in mind the results obtained in the case of unsqueezed vacuum, i.e that, for a given specific detection frequency ν it exists the optimum input power Popt (which depends on the particular detection frequency chosen) for which the minimum noise hSQL occurs. In the case • φ=0 i.e the squeezing angle is zero, once we optimize the total quantum noise at the detection frequency ν with respect to the input power we find that the SQL is not lowered with respect the unsqueezed case. The optimal input power is lower than that of the unsqueezed case, as shown in Fig. 1.13 φ=0 Popt = e−2r Popt (1.78) hφ=0 min (1.79) = hSQL • φ = φopt i.e. optimizing the total quantum noise at the detection frequency ν with respect to the squeezing angle φ, we obtain an expression for the total quantum noise at ν which depends on the input power. Optimizing this expression with respect to the input power we find that the optimal input power is the same as for the unsqueezed case but the minimum quantum noise at ν is lower than that for the unsqueezed case. In this case the SQL is beaten at detection frequency ν, as show in Fig. 1.15 and 1.14 φ Poptopt = Popt (1.80) φopt hmin (1.81) = e−r hSQL An extremely important aspect to be pointed out is that all results presented here are valid at a particular detection frequency. In other words, when we optimize the squeezing angle and the input power, we obtain a quantum noise below the SQL only at the particular detection frequency. At other frequencies we can have both an increase or a decrease of the total quantum noise with respect to the value in the unsqueezed case. If we want to circumvent the SQL all over the detector band it is necessary to implement a technique which allows to properly tailor the squeezing angle of the squeezed vacuum exiting from the squeezer before injecting it into the CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 25 Figure 1.13: The minimum possible gravitational wave amplitude h detectable as a function of power using φ=0, for three different values of the squeezing parameter r: (curve a) r =0, (curve b) r =1, (curve c) r =2. Figure 1.14: A comparison between using (curve a) φ = 0 and (curve b) φopt , in the calculation for the minimum possible value of h detectable using r =1. The corresponding curve for no squeezing (r =0) is also shown (see curve c). CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 26 Figure 1.15: The minimum possible value of h detectable as a function of power using φopt , for three different values of the squeezing parameter r: (curve a) r =0, (curve b) r =1, (curve c) r =2. output port of the intereferometer. In this way, we are able to choose the optimal squeezing angle for each detection frequency, thus beating the SQL all over the detector band, as it is show in Fig. 1.16. We distinguish two squeezing approaches, classified on the base of the dependence of φopt on the detection frequency: - φopt (ν) is the frequency dependent squeezing - φopt = const over the detection bandwidth is the frequency independent squeezing A way to obtain frequency dependent squeezing is to rotate the squeezing angle of the squeezed vacuum with a filter cavity before injecting it at the output port, as shown in Fig. 1.17 and explained in [11]. CHAPTER 1. DETECTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES 27 Figure 1.16: Frequency dependent squeezing: if frequency dependent squeezed states are injected at the output port, the sensitivity can be improved over the complete detection bandwidth (green trace). In a quantum noise limited interferometer the standard quantum level (red trace) can be beaten in that case. Figure 1.17: Frequency dependent squeezing: a filter cavity is used to tailor the squeezing angle before injecting the squeezed vacuum in the interferometer. Chapter 2 Squeezing of the light In this chapter we deal with the basic aspects of squeezed light. After a brief report of the main characteristics of both the classical and quantized electric field, we describe the characteristics of the squeezed states of light, and how they can be produced. In particular, after a review of the squeezing state production by optical parametric process, which is the most used squeezing technique, we focus our attention on the ponderomotive squeezing, the squeezing production technique which will be used in future Advanced detectors. 2.1 Field quantization Following [8], let us consider the classical free electromagnetic field, i.e the solutions of the Maxwell equations in absence of sources. It can be shown that, ~ = 0), the vector potential of the field ~ ·A with an appropriate gauge choice ( O satisfies in vacuum the electromagnetic wave equation: ~ t) = ~ 2 A(r, O ~ t) 1 ∂ 2 A(r, 2 c ∂t2 (2.1) The solution of this equation can be expanded, if we integrate in a finite volume of space, in a Fourier series of orthonormal field modes as Â(r, t) = Â(+) (r, t) + Â(−) (r, t) i X } 1/2 h = ak ~uk (r)e−iωk t + a†k ~u∗k (r)e+iωk t 2ωk 0 (2.2) k where ak is the Fourier coefficient of the expansion of the mode at frequency ωk , while ~uk (r) is the mode vector which describes the mode at frequency ωk . It satisfies the wave equation ωk 2 2 ~ (2.3) O + 2 ~uk (r) = 0 c and the transverse condition ~ · ~uk (r) = 0 O 28 (2.4) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT In addition, the mode vectors form a complete and orthonormal set, i.e Z ~u∗k (r)~uk0 (r)dr = δkk0 29 (2.5) V and their expression depends on the particular boundary condition chosen when solving Eq. 2.1. The corresponding expressions for the electric and magnetic field can be deduced by applying ~ =O ~ ~ ×A B (2.6) ~ ~ = − ∂A E ∂t The normalization coefficients are chosen in such a way that the Fourier coefficients ak e a†k are adimensional. In the classical theory the vector potential and the electric and magnetic fields are vectors, while the Fourier components of the expansion are complex numbers. It is interesting to look at the expression which the Hamiltonian of the electromagnetic field takes when expressed in terms of the Fourier coefficient of Eq. 2.2 Z 1 H= 0 E 2 + µ0 H 2 d~r (2.7) 2 X 1 = }ωk a†k ak + 2 k it is exactly the same expression we would have obtained for a set of quantum independent harmonic oscillators if the Fourier coefficients ak and a†k were the creation and annihilation operators for an harmonic oscillator with angular frequency ωk . This similarity is the starting point for the quantization of the electromagnetic field: the Fourier coefficients of the expansion in Eq. 2.2, ak and a†k , becomes the mutually adjoint annihilation and creation operators for the field mode of angular frequency ωk . This is done by assigning the commutation relations appropriate for bosons to ak and a†k h i h i [ak , ak0 ] = a†k , a†k0 = 0 ak , a†k0 = δkk0 (2.8) which are the same commutation rules satisfied by the creation and annihilation operators of a quantum harmonic oscillator. With the application of the quantization procedure the vector potential, the electric field and the magnetic filed become operators and the electromagnetic field is described as a set of independent quantum harmonic oscillators. The state of the radiation field will be described by a ket of an appropriate Hilbert space, which can be constructed as the tensor product of the Hilbert spaces of all modes. The expression for the quantized electric field becomes Ê(r, t) = Ê (+) (r, t) + Ê (−) (r, t) i X }ωk 1/2 h =i ak ~uk (r)e−iωk t − a†k ~u∗k (r)e+iωk t 20 k (2.9) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 30 the term Ê (+) (r, t), which contains the phase dependence e−iωt , contains the destruction operators and thus enters in absorption processes, while the term Ê (−) (r, t), which contains the phase dependence e+iωt , contains the creation operators and thus enters in emission processes. 2.1.1 Electric field quadratures and modulation The expression for the electric field of Eq. 2.9 can be rewritten in a new form, useful when we are dealing with squeezed states. This representation uses the Hermitian quadrature operators: X1 = a + a† (2.10) † X2 = −i(a − a ) (2.11) Let us consider a single field mode and collect all normalization factors in a constant K. We rewrite the electric field as E(r, t) = K[X1 sin(ωt − k · r) − X2 cos(ωt − k · r)] (2.12) The two quadrature operators satisfy the commutation relation [X1 , X2 ] = 2i (2.13) and for them the Heisenberg uncertainty principle applies V ar(X1 )V ar(X2 ) ≥ 1 (2.14) which plays a crucial role in the theory of squeezing. The X1 quadrature is called the “amplitude quadrature”, while X2 is called the “phase quadrature”. This language is derived from the classical theory of the signal modulation, often used in quantum optics to describe some aspects of squeezing. Thus, let us refer to a classical picture of electromagnetism; we consider the electric field with only the X1 component E(t) = K sin ωt (2.15) When the field is amplitude modulated with modulation depth M we obtain (see [7]) M (1 − cos ωm t) E(t) (2.16) E(t)AM = 1 − 2 M M M =K 1− sin(ω + ωm )t + sin(ω − ωm )t , sin ωt + 2 4 4 Two sidebands, i.e two field components at angular frequencies (ω±ωm ), appear. They oscillate in phase with the the main component at angular frequency ω. Thus X1 is called amplitude quadrature. On the other hand, if we modulate the phase of the electric field for small modulation depth M , we obtain E(t)F M = K sin(ωt + M cos ωm t) M M ≈ K sin ωt + cos(ω + ωm )t + cos(ω − ωm )t 2 2 (2.17) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 31 Figure 2.1: Amplitude and phase modulation for small modulation depths in the sideband picture. The phase of the sidebands with respect to the carrier distinguishes amplitude modulation from phase modulation. in this case we also have two sidebands at angular frequencies (ω ± ωm ), which oscillate 90◦ out of phase with respect to the field component at angular frequency ω. Thus, the phase modulation yields to the X2 component, called for this reason phase quadrature. According to this description, if the modulation depth is small the sidebands prevail in quadrature with the carrier, while as M increases they start to appear also in-phase with the carrier, as for amplitude modulation. In general they are present both in-phase and in quadrature with the carrier. The behavior of modulation for small modulation depths is shown in Fig. 2.1. 2.1.2 Correlation functions of the electromagnetic field Intensity measurements and interference measurements are two measurement classes which play a crucial role both in classical and quantum optics. From a quantum mechanical point of view those measurements can be drawn back respectively to photon counting and photon correlation measurements. An important concept which emerges in interference experiments is the concept of coherence, that is also linked to the possibility of obtaining interference fringes in a Young-type experiment. We will see that the study of the photon statistics of a radiation field and its coherence properties is extremely important because those characteristics can be different for a classical and for a quantum field. Following [15], we see in Eq. 2.9 that the term E (+) (r, t) contains the annihilation operators, while E (−) (r, t) contains the creation operators. Thus, calling the space-time point x = (r, t), we have that E (−) (x)E (+) (x) ∝ a† a, i.e is proportional to the “number of quanta”operator which also appear in Eq. 2.7, and, being |ii the radiation field state, the intensity of the field is given by I(x) = hi|Ê (−) (x)Ê (+) (x)|ii (2.18) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 32 In the general case in which the radiation field state is not a pure state |ii but it is a statistical mixture of states with density operator ρ, the intensity is X I(r, t) = Pi hi|Ê (−) (r, t)Ê (+) (r, t)|ii (2.19) i = T r{ρÊ (−) (r, t)Ê (+) (r, t)} where T r indicates the trace operation over all basis state kets. The expression for the intensity reported in Eq. 2.19 can be drawn back to a more general expression for the correlation of the electric field in two particular space-time points. We define the first order correlation function as G(1) (x, x0 ) = T r{ρÊ (−) (x)Ê (+) (x0 )} (2.20) As we will see, G is sufficient for describing the Young-type interference experiments, which involve correlations between amplitudes of fields. However, in order to describe, for example, Hanbury-Brown and Twiss-type experiments, which involve correlation between intensities of fields, higher order correlation functions are needed. The n-order correlation function is defined as G(n) (x1 ...xn , xn+1 ...x2n ) = T r{ρE (−) (x1 )...E (−) (xn )E (+) (xn+1 )...E (+) (x2n )} (2.21) It can be shown that the n-order correlation function satisfies the relations G(n) (x1 ...xn , xn ...x1 ) ≥ 0 (n) G (n) (x1 ...xn , xn ...x1 )G 2.1.3 (2.22) (n) (xn+1 ...x2n , x2n ...xn+1 ) ≥ |G (x1 ...xn , xn+1 ...x2n )|2 (2.23) Correlation functions and coherence properties of the electric field We have already cited the fact that the correlation functions and the concept of coherence play a crucial role in interference experiments (see [15]). In particular, in the first Young-type interference experiments the concept of coherence had been linked to the possibility of seeing interference fringes, but it can be defined in a more general way by referring to the properties of the correlation functions. Let us consider a Young-type interferometer. In such apparatus two electric fields, generated in the space-time points x1 and x2 , interfere in the space-time point x (+) (+) (2.24) E (+) (x) = [E1 (x1 ) + E2 (x2 )] the intensity of the field is thus I = T r{ρE (−) (x)E (+) (x)} (1) =G (1) (x1 , x1 ) + G (2.25) (1) (x2 , x2 ) + 2Re{G (x1 , x2 )} the first two terms are the intensities of the two interfering fields, while the third term is the first order correlation function of the two fields and it represents the CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 33 interference term. The correlation function is a complex valued function and we can rewrite the third term of Eq. 2.25 as G(1) (x1 , x2 ) = |G(1) (x1 , x2 )|eiΨ(x1 ,x2 ) (2.26) thus I = G(1) (x1 , x1 ) + G(1) (x2 , x2 ) + 2|G(1) (x1 , x2 )| cos Ψ(x1 , x2 ) (2.27) The interference fringes derive from the oscillation of the cosine term, and their visibility, which we are going to define soon, is characterized by |G(1) (x1 , x2 )|. If G(1) (x1 , x2 ) vanishes we do not observe interference fringes and we conclude that the two fields are incoherent. On the other hand, the higher is G(1) (x1 , x2 ) the better we can see the fringes and the more coherent the fields are. However Eq. 2.23 tells us that |G(1) (x1 , x2 )| is limited by |G(1) (x1 , x2 )| ≤ [G(1) (x1 , x1 )G(1) (x2 , x2 )]1/2 (2.28) so, the best fringe visibility, and thus the coherence condition, is obtained when G(1) (x1 , x2 ) = [G(1) (x1 , x1 )G(1) (x2 , x2 )]1/2 (2.29) We can introduce the normalized first order correlation function g (1) (x1 , x2 ) = G(1) (x1 , x2 ) [G(1) (x1 , x1 )G(1) (x2 , x2 )]1/2 (2.30) and express the coherence condition as |g (1) (x1 , x2 )| = 1 (2.31) The fringe visibility is defined as υ= Imax − Imin Imax + Imin (2.32) and in the Young-type experiment becomes υ = |g (1) | 2(I1 I2 )1/2 I1 + I2 (2.33) For interacting fields of equal intensity, it reduces to υ = |g (1) | (2.34) Thus, as we already stated, the coherence condition |g (1) | = 1 corresponds to the best fringe visibility. A more general definition of coherence, which is implicitly contained in Eq. 2.29, is that the first order correlation function factorizes in the product of two functions of the two space-time points x1 and x2 , which we indicate as (−) (x1 ) and (+) (x2 ), G(1) (x1 , x2 ) = (−) (x1 )(+) (x2 ) (2.35) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 34 This definition can also be generalized to n-order correlation functions as G(n) (x1 ...xn , xn+1 ...x2n ) = (−) (x1 )...(−) (xn )(+) (xn+1 )...(+) (x2n ) (2.36) The second order correlation functions, as we have already pointed out, play a crucial role in quantum optics because they can behave quite differently for classical states of light and quantum states of light. They enter in ”intensity correlation” experiments, which basically measure the joint probability of detecting a photon in a space-time point and an other photo in a different spacetime point. We restrict for simplicity our treating to the case of photon detection in the same spatial point but at different times, i.e we concentrate on temporal coherence, but a similar discussion can be done for spatial coherence only. In addition we treat only stationary processes, for which only the time difference between the detection events matters. The probability per unit time of detecting a photon at time t and an other photon at time t + τ is given by the second order correlation function G(2) (τ ) = hE (−) (t)E (−) (t + τ )E (+) (t + τ )E (+) (t)i (2.37) = hI(t + τ )I(t)iN where N stands for normal ordering. 1 We introduce, as for the first order correlation function, the normalized second order correlation function g (2) (τ ) = G(2) (τ ) |G(1) (0)|2 (2.38) The full coherence is obtained when G(2) (τ ) factorizes, i.e when G(2) (τ ) = (−) (t)(−) (t + τ )(+) (t + τ )(+) (t) (1) = |G (0)| (2.39) 2 thus, the coherence property reduces to g (2) (τ ) = 1 (2.40) For a classical field it can be shown that the second order correlation function satisfies the two following relations g (2) (0) ≥ 1 (2.41) g (2) (τ ) ≤ g (2) (0) (2.42) Those relations are not necessarily satisfied for quantum mechanical fields. Indeed radiation fields that violate those properties are an experimental evidence of the existence of non classical states of light. From a quantum mechanical point of view, if we consider one single field mode, it is easily shown that g (2) (0) can be written, in terms of creation and annihilation operator, as ha† a† aai (2.43) g (2) (0) = ha† ai2 1 In normal ordered products we have the positive energy terms, which contain annihilation operators, to the right and the the negative energy terms, which contain creation operators, to the left. CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 35 and for each quantum state, which we introduce in the next section, we also compute this expression in order to better characterize their non classical behavior. We conclude this section with few considerations about the statistical properties of the radiation field with respect to the photon arrival, that can be deduced by studying g (2) (τ ). For light generated by the superposition of independent sources (see [3]), it can be shown that the following relation holds between the second and first order correlation functions g (2) (τ ) = 1 + |g (1) (τ )|2 (2.44) In addition, as we have already pointed out, we have |g (1) (τ )| ≤ 1. Moreover, it can be shown that in all physical situations, it vanishes at times much larger than a characteristic time, τ tc . Thus, we have g (2) (τ ) −→ 1 τ tc (2.45) For a full coherent field we have g (2) (τ ) = 1 at all τ . Thus, for a coherent filed the probability to count a photon at t + τ if a photon had been counted at t is independent of τ . The arrival of photon is full uncorrelated and it follows the Poisson statistics. On the other hand, for a field which share the classical characteristic g (2) (τ ) ≤ g (2) (0) the photons tend to arrive in pairs . This behavior is called bunching: a photon has a higher probability (with respect to the Poissonian statistics) to be detected at times shorter than the characteristic time tc after the arrival time of the previous photon. The opposite case is called antibunching and it happens when g (2) (τ ) ≥ g (2) (0). In this case the photons tend to ”set a distance” between them, i.e a photon has a higher probability to arrive at the detector at times larger (with respect to the Poissonian statistics) than the characteristic time tc after the arrival time of the previous photon. Fields, which satisfy the non classical inequality g (2) (0) < 1, exhibit antibuching. As a matter of fact, given that g (2) (τ ) −→ 1 on large enough time scale, the condition g (2) (τ ) ≥ g (2) (0), from a given point, will be satisfied. Obviously, as we have already pointed out, this is not possible for classical fields. Thus, the observation of an antibunched photon statistics would be an evidence for the existence of non classical states of light. 2.2 Quantum states of light In the previous section we treated the quantization of the electromagnetic field and we reported some basic results of both the quantum and classical theory of the electromagnetic field. In this section we introduce some quantum states of the electromagnetic field and we study their quantum fluctuations and coherence properties, always keeping in mind the characteristics of the classical field as comparison reference (see [8]). 2.2.1 Fock states Fock states |nk i are the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian of Eq. 2.7, i.e they are eigenstates of the number operator Nk = a†k ak . They have definite energy and CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 36 contain a defined number of photons: Nk |nk i = nk |nk i (2.46) where nk = 0, 1, 2... and the corresponding Hamiltonian eigenvalues are }ωk nk + The vacuum state, i.e the fundamental state of the Hamiltonian is defined by ak |0i = 0 (2.47) and its energy is given by h0|H|0i = 1X }ωk 2 (2.48) k There is no upper bound to the angular frequency ωk , thus the energy of the vacuum state is infinite. This is one of the conceptual problems of the quantization of fields. As we have already pointed out, ak and a†k are creation and annihilation operators and it can be shown from the quantum treating of the harmonic oscillator that the Fock states satisfy √ (2.49) ak |nk i = nk |nk − 1i √ † ak |nk i = nk + 1|nk + 1i (2.50) (a† )nk |0i |nk i = √k nk ! (2.51) In addition, Fock states form an orthonormal base for the Hilbert space of the radiation states, namely ∞ X hnk |mk i = δmn (2.52) |nk ihnk | = 1 (2.53) nk =0 However the Fock states basis is often not used for describing the optical fields. This is due to the fact that, from an experimental point of view, it is difficult to generate states with large and non-fluctuating number of photons. Only states with few photons have been generated, while many interesting optical fields contains a large and fluctuating number of photons. For such states, as we will see, a representation in terms of coherent states is more convenient. Despite those considerations, for few quantum states it is possible to find a diagonal representation in the Fock basis, which gives useful information about the photon statistics of the state itself. In such a representation the density operator ρ for a single mode radiation field is expanded as X ρ= Pn |nihn| (2.54) where Pn is the probability for the field to contain n photons. Pn simplifies the calculation g (2) (0). As a matter of fact, referring to Eq. (2.43), we obtain ha† a† aai ha† ai2 V ar(n) − n =1+ n2 g (2) (0) = (2.55) 1 2 . CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 37 where V ar(n) = h(a† a)2 i − ha† ai2 is the variance of the number of photons, and with the representation adopted, is also the variance of Pn . For a field with Poisson photon statistics we obtain e−n n n n! V ar(n) = n Pn = (2.56) g (2) (0) = 1 The result for g (2) (0) coincides with that presented when we have discussed the correlation function for a Poisson distribution in the previous section. We conclude this section by showing that the Fock states are not classical states of light. Let us start with the characteristics of the electric field for these states: referring to the expression for the electric field operator of Eq. 2.12, we see that the study of the electric field characteristics reduces to the study of the operator X̂θ = cos(θ)X̂1 + sin(θ)X̂2 (2.57) where θ = ωt − k · r. Given the quadrature operators 2.10 and 2.11, the average and variance of 2.57 become hn|X̂θ |ni = 0 (2.58) V ar(X̂θ ) = hn|X̂θ2 |ni − hn|X̂θ |ni2 (2.59) = 2n + 1 We have already found the first non classical behavior of the Fock states: the average electric field, which should be an oscillating function of space and time for a classical state, is always zero for a Fock state, independently from the number of photons. For a Fock state, the variance of the electric field increases as the number of photons increases and it is independent on the phase θ. The minimum variance occurs for the vacuum state n = 0 V ar(X̂θ )||0i = 1 (2.60) V ar(X1 )V ar(X2 )||0i = 1 (2.61) while and, given that the quadrature operators satisfy the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of Eq. 2.14, we have that the vacuum state is a minimum uncertainty state. All these properties of the Fock states with respect to the electric field quadrature operators can be represented in the X1 − X2 plane by an error circle, as shown in Fig. 2.2. In the diagram the average electric filed is represented by a point in the X1 − X2 plane surrounded by the error circle, which represents the square root of the variance for all quadratures. CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 38 Figure 2.2: Error circle of a Fock state with n photons. For n = 0 we obtain the vacuum state, which is a minimum uncertainty state with V ar(X1 ) = V ar(X2 ) = 1. Finally, we compute g (2) (0) using Eq. 2.55. We have ρ = |nihn| (2.62) P (n) = 1 V ar(n) = 0 thus g (2) (0) = 1 − 1 n (2.63) i.e g (2) (0) < 1, a characteristic of non classical states of light. 2.2.2 Coherent states In the previous section we pointed out that a basis of states exists, that of the coherent states, which is useful for the description of many radiation fields of physical interest. We will show that those states are also the most similar to the sinusoidal classical field. From a formal point of view, coherent states can be generated from the vacuum by the displacement operator |αi = D(α)|0i (2.64) where α is a complex number and † D(α) = eαa =e −α∗ a (2.65) −|α|2 /2 αa† −α∗ a e e CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 39 The coherent states satisfy the following properties D† (α) = D−1 (α) = D(−α) † D (α)aD(α) = a + α † † † D (α)a D(α) = a + α (2.66) (2.67) ∗ (2.68) D(α + β) = D(α)D(β)e −iIm{αβ ∗ } a|αi = α|αi (2.69) (2.70) In addition, it can be shown that they are normalized and they form an overcomplete set. In general they are not orthogonal: Z |hα|αi|2 = 1 (2.71) |αihα|d2 α = π (2.72) 1 hβ|αi = e− 2 (|α| 2 +|β|2 )+αβ ∗ (2.73) The property of the coherent states to be eigenstates of the annihilation operator is worth farther attention. This property implies that all correlation functions at all the orders 2.21 factorize for the coherent states. In addition, as we have already outlined, the coherent states are the most similar to a classical field. We justify this assertion by calculating the average and variance of the electric field operator (as we did for the Fock states) X̂θ = cos(θ)X̂1 + sin(θ)X̂2 (2.74) We obtain hα|X̂θ |αi = 2Re(α) cos(θ) + 2Im(α) sin(θ) V ar(X̂θ )||αi = 1 (2.75) (2.76) Thus, the average behaves like a classical sinusoidal electric field. In addition, looking at the variance we conclude that, as for the vacuum state, the coherent states have minimum uncertainty, independent on α and θ. This means that the coherent states have the best defined amplitude and phase allowed by the uncertainty principle. In this respect they are the most similar to a classical sinusoidal field, which has a defined amplitude and phase. All this properties can be represented, as for the Fock states, in an error circle diagram, as shown in Fig. 2.3 Finally, it can be shown that the coherent states follow the Poisson photon statistics. In fact, a coherent state can be expanded in the Fock states basis as |αi = ∞ X 2 1 αn |ni √ e− 2 |α| n! n=0 (2.77) It follows |αihα| = ∞ X P (n)|nihn| n=0 2n P (n) = 2 |α| e−|α| n! (2.78) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 40 Figure 2.3: Left: error circle of the vacuum state. Both a coherent state with |α| = 0 and a Fock state with n = 0 are vacuum states. This error circle has radius 1, which corresponds to the minimum uncertainty situation of V ar(X1 ) = V ar(X2 ) = 1. Right:error circle of a coherent state. It is the same error circle of the vacuum state but displaced by α. and P (n) is indeed a Poisson distribution. We conclude this section by describing two possible representations of quantum states trough the coherent states, useful in the following sections. P representation The P representation is a diagonal representation in the basis of the coherent states (see [8]) Z ρ = P (α)|αihα|d2 α (2.79) In general P (α) cannot be interpreted as a probability distribution for the parameter α, because the operator |αihα| projects on a non orthogonal set of states. In addition, P (α) can assumes, for some of the states, negative values or is singular. It can be shown that those states for which P (α) is positive do not show quantum properties such as untibunching and squeezing: for them a classical description exists. In fact, such states can be described by a classical electric field with a complex amplitude , which is a stochastic variable with probability distribution P (). Such fields, as for example incoherent light, can be considered as semi-classical. The P representation is useful in the calculation of normal ordered products of creation and annihilation operators, and thus in the calculation of the correlation functions. In particular, it is used in the calculation of the so called CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT covariance matrices ha2 i − hai2 C(a, a† ) = 1 † † † 2 haa + a ai − ha ihai 41 1 † 2 haa + a† ai − ha† ihai ha†2 i − ha† i2 (2.80) (2.81) CN (a, a† ) = 2 2 † ha i − hai ha ai − ha ihai ha† ai − ha† ihai ha†2 i − ha† i2 hX̂12 i C(X̂1 , X̂2 ) = † 1 2 hX̂1 X̂2 1 2 hX̂1 X̂2 2 − hX̂1 i + X̂2 X̂1 i − hX̂2 ihX̂1 i (2.82) + X̂2 X̂1 i − hX̂2 ihX̂1 i hX̂22 i − hX̂2 i2 where N indicates the normal ordering. Those covariance matrices are linked by C(a, a† ) = CN (a, a† ) + 1 2 0 1 1 0 (2.83) (2.84) † T C(X̂1 , X̂2 ) = ΩC(a, a )Ω where Ω= 1 1 −i i (2.85) Let us show how those calculations are performed in the P representation • correlation functions: ha†n am i = Z P (α)α∗n αm d2 α (2.86) we shifted the calculation of the correlation functions to the calculation of the moments of P (α). For g (2) (0) we obtain R P (α)[|α|2 − h|α|2 i]2 d2 α (2) R (2.87) g (0) = 1 + [ P (α)|α|2 d2 α]2 from which we see that states with negative P (α) show the non classical characteristic g (2) (0) < 1 • covariance matrices: the calculation is straightforward for CN (a, a† ), which only contains normal ordered products of creation and annihilation operators. We have just to compute the elements of the covariance matrix Cp (α, α∗ ), i.e products of the same type as that of Eq. 2.86 of (α, α∗ ) on P (α) CN (a, a† ) = Cp (α, α∗ ) (2.88) Once we have CN (a, a† ) it is easy to derive the other covariance matrices by using Eq. 2.83. It is also possible to calculate P (α) by starting from a characteristic function. In fact, it can be shown that the density operator ρ is determined by its characteristic function χ(η) = T r{ρ exp(ηa† − η ∗ a)} (2.89) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 42 we can also define a normal ordered characteristic function χN (η) = T r{ρ exp(ηa† ) exp(−η ∗ a)} (2.90) If ρ has a P representation, χN (η) is given by Z † ∗ χN (η) = hα|eηa e−η a |αiP (α)d2 α Z ∗ ∗ = eηα −η α P (α)d2 α (2.91) thus χN (η) is the bidimensional Fourier transform of P (α) and, operating the antitransformation, we obtain Z ∗ ∗ 1 P (α) = 2 eηα −η α χN (η)d2 η (2.92) π the problem of the existence of P (α) reduces to the problem of the existence of the Fourier transform of χN (η). Wigner representation The Wigner function can be defined as the Fourier transform of the characteristic function χ(η) given in Eq. (2.89) Z ∗ ∗ 1 eηα −η α χ(η)d2 η (2.93) W (α) = 2 π To the contrary of P (α), the Wigner function W (α) always exists, but it can be negative, thus similarly to P (α) it cannot in general be considered as a probability distribution for α. If also P (α) exists, it can be shown that Z 2 2 W (α) = P (β)e−2|β−α| d2 β (2.94) π and Z W (α)d2 α = 1 (2.95) We have already pointed out that quantum states for which a classical description exists, can only have a positive P-function, namely (looking at Eq: 2.94) only a positive Wigner function. States with a negative Wigner function do not admit a classical interpretation. A relation similar to Eq. 2.88 exists C(a, a† ) = Cw (α, α∗ ) (2.96) The Wigner function is useful when expressed in terms of the field quadratures. Indeed, recalling that a = 21 (X1 + iX2 ) and being |xi i the eigenstate of the quadrature operator Xi , we can rewrite the Wigner function in terms of xi as W (x1 , x2 ) = 1 W (α)|α=(x1 +ix2 )/2 4 (2.97) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 43 From this expression we obtain the probability distribution associated to each quadrature. In fact, it can be shown that P (xk ) = hxk |ρ|xk i Z +∞ = dxk W (x1 , x2 ) (2.98) −∞ where k = k − (−1)k . Let us focus on the quantum states whose Wigner function is Q W (x1 , x2 ) = N e− 2 (2.99) where the N is a normalization coefficient and Q is the quadratic form Q = (x − hxi)T A−1 (x − hxi) (2.100) The contour of the Wigner function is defined by Q = 1 and corresponds to the error circle of the state. Two examples of the Wigner functions are • the coherent states W (x1 , x2 ) = 02 1 − 1 (x02 e 2 1 +x2 ) 2π (2.101) where x0i = xi − hxi i. The contour Q=1 is given by 02 x02 1 + x2 = 1 (2.102) i.e the equation of the error circle in Fig. 2.3, which is a unity radius circle centered on (hx1 i, hx2 i) • the Fock states |ni W (x1 , x2 ) = 2 2 (−1)n Ln (4r2 )e−2r π (2.103) where r2 = x21 + x22 and Ln are the Laguerre’s polynomials. This Wigner function is negative. 2.2.3 Squeezed states In the previous section we pointed out that the coherent states are minimum uncertainty states, i.e V ar(X1 )V ar(X2 ) = 1, and the uncertainty is the same for both quadratures X1 e X2 V ar(X1 ) = V ar(X2 ) = 1 (2.104) However, a more general set of minimum uncertainty states exists, the class of squeezed states. Those states exhibit, on a particular quadrature, a smaller uncertainty than a coherent state, but, because of the uncertainty principle, the uncertainty on theporthogonal quadrature will be greater than that of a coherent state. Indicating V ar(X1,2 ) = ∆X1,2 , those states can be represented on the hyperbola of equation ∆X1 ∆X2 = 1 and the physically realizable states are CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 44 Figure 2.4: Hyperbola of the minimum uncertainty states, i.e ∆X1 ∆X2 = 1. The unsqueezed vacuum state corresponds to ∆X1 = ∆X2 = 1 and all physically realizable states lie on the hyperbola or to its right (shaded area). those which lie on the hyperbola and to its right, as shown in Fig. 2.4. From a formal point of view, the squeezed states can be generated from the vacuum state with the squeezing operator 1 ∗ 2 S() = e 2 a − 21 a†2 (2.105) where = re2iφ and S † ()aS() = a cosh r − a† e−2iφ sinh r † † † S ()a S() = a cosh r − ae −2iφ (2.106) sinh r Let us also introduce the rotated quadratures Y1 + iY2 = (X1 + iX2 )e−iφ (2.107) S † ()(Y1 + iY2 )S() = Y1 e−r + Y2 er With the squeezing operator we generate • squeezed vacuum |0, i = S()|0i (2.108) |α, i = D(α)S()|0i (2.109) • coherent squeezed states CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 45 The quadratures satisfy hX1 + iX2 i = hY1 + iY2 ieiφ = 2α −r ∆Y1 = e ∆Y2 = e (2.110) r While for the electric field we have that the average value is the same as for a coherent state, the variance becomes (θ = (ωt − k · r)) V ar(E(r, t)) = K{V ar(X1 ) sin2 θ + V ar(X2 ) cos2 θ − V ar(X1 , X2 ) sin 2θ} (2.111) For a coherent state, V ar(X1 ) = V ar(X2 ) and V ar(X1 , X2 ) = 0, we obtain a constant value of V ar[E(r, t)]. For a squeezed state we obtain a variance which oscillates at frequency 2ω. The behavior of the electric field for a coherent state and a squeezed state is shown in Fig. 2.5 . It can be shown that the Wigner function for a squeezed state is given by W (x1 , x2 ) = 1 − 1 (y102 e2r +y202 e−2r ) e 2 2π (2.112) where yi02 = (yi − hyi i). The contour Q=1 is given by y102 e2r + y202 e−2r = 1 (2.113) and corresponds to the error ellipses shown in Fig. 2.6 The Wigner function of a squeezed vacuum, together with that of an unsqueezed vacuum, are reported in Fig. 2.7. As regards the photon statistics, it can be shown that, referring to the P-representation of states, P (n) is given by (Hn are the Hermite’s polynomials) n 2 ∗ 2 iφ 2 −iφ 1 −1 1 tanh r e−|α| − 2 tanh r((α ) e +α e ) |Hn (z)|2 P (n) = (n! cosh r) 2 (2.114) αα∗ eiφ tanh r z= √ 2eiφ tanh r hni = |α|2 + sinh2 r ∗ 2iφ V ar(n) = |α cosh r − α e (2.115) (2.116) 2 2 2 sinh r| + 2 cosh r sinh r (2.117) This distribution can be both larger or thiner than the Poisson distribution, which is that of a coherent state. Finally, we note that the squeezed vacuum (α = 0) has a non vanishing average photon number and it contains only an even number of photons, given that Hn (0) = 0 for odd n. Examples of P (n) for coherent squeezed states are shown in Fig. 2.8(a) and 2.8(b). 2.3 Generation of squeezed light In the previous section we described the properties of the squeezed states of light. In this section we discuss how squeezed light can be produced and we report two CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 46 Figure 2.5: Electric field versus time for a: coherent state b: squeezed state with reduced amplitude fluctuations c: squeezed state with reduced phase fluctuations. CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 47 Figure 2.6: Top left: Squeezing ellipse of a squeezed vacuum state, top right: squeezed coherent state, bottom left: phase squeezed vacuum state, bottom right: amplitude squeezed vacuum state. Figure 2.7: Left: Wigner function of an unsqueezed vacuum state, right: Wigner function of an unsqueezed vacuum state. For both states the error circle(ellipse) is shown (red line) which corresponds to the contour of the Wigner function. CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 48 Figure 2.8: Photon number distribution for a squeezed state |α, ri a: α = 3, r = 0, ±0.5 b: α = 3, r = 1. example of squeezing devices. The first method is based on the degenerate parametric amplifier, which exploits an optical cavity containing a nonlinear medium pumped by a strong coherent field (a laser). This kind of squeezing apparatus is one of the most popular and was used to generate squeezed light at both radio and audio frequency band (see [23] and [5]). Then we describe the ponderomotive squeezing, a technique which exploits the optomechanical interaction between the radiation inside an optical cavity and movable mirror. However, before describing this two squeezing methods, we have to report the input-output formalism for an optical cavity, which is the starting point to the theory of both methods. 2.3.1 Input-output formalism for optical cavities In this section, following [14], we deal with the quantum Langevin equations derived for an optical cavity linearly interacting with a multimode external field, by assuming that only one cavity mode can be excited by the external CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 49 field. The total Hamiltonian is H = Hcav + HB + Hint and Z (2.118) +∞ dω ωb† (ω)b(ω) HB = } (2.119) −∞ Z +∞ dω k(ω) b† (ω)a − a† b(ω) Hint = i} (2.120) −∞ where b(ω) are the annihilation operators for the multimode radiation field, which satisfy the boson commutation relation b(ω), b† (ω 0 ) = δ(ω − ω 0 ) (2.121) a is the annihilation operator for the cavity mode excited by the external field. We derive the quantum Langevin equations by starting from the Heisenberg equation of motion for an operator O . i O = − [O, H] } to b and to a: (2.122) . b(ω) = −iωb(ω) + k(ω)a Z i . a = − [a, Hcav ] + dωk(ω) b† (ω) [a, a] − a, a† b(ω) } (2.123) (2.124) Solving Eq. 2.123 for t ≥ t0 we obtain −iω(t−t0 ) b(ω) = e Z t b0 (ω) + k(ω) 0 e−iω(t−t ) a(t0 )dt0 (2.125) t0 Then, substituting in Eq. 2.124 we obtain i . (2.126) a = − [a, Hsys ]+ } Z n o dωk(ω) eiω(t−t0 ) b†0 (ω) [a, a] − a, a† e−iω(t−t0 ) b0 (ω) + Z Z t n o 0 0 dω[k(ω)]2 dt0 eiω(t−t ) a† (t0 ) [a, a] − a, a† e−iω(t−t ) a(t0 ) t0 The equation assumes a familiar form when • we define an in field by 1 bin (t) = √ 2π which satisfies h Z +∞ dωe−iω(t−t0 ) b0 (ω) (2.127) −∞ i bin (t), b†in (t0 ) = δ(t − t0 ) (2.128) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 50 • we assume k(ω) to be constant k(ω) = p γ/2π (2.129) • we recall that a is the annihilation operator for a cavity mode, while Hcav is the Hamiltonian for the cavity mode, i.e [a, a† ] = 1 † Hcav = }ω0 a a We obtain (2.130) (2.131) γ √ (2.132) a − γbin (t) 2 i.e, an equation similar to that of a damped harmonic oscillator, where . a = −iω0 a − • γ 2a is a damping term and it comes from the interaction of the cavity mode with the multimode external field • the term bin (t) depends on b0 (ω), the value of b(ω) at t = t0 . It is interpreted as an input state. It is a noise field in the case of a incoherent state, or a classical driving field in the case of a coherent state. Solving Eq. 2.123 under the condition at t1 > t, we obtain Z t1 0 −iω(t−t1 ) b(ω) = e b1 (ω) − k(ω) e−iω(t−t ) a(t0 )dt0 (2.133) t In this case we define an out field 1 bout (t) = √ 2π Z +∞ dωe−iω(t−t1 ) b1 (ω) (2.134) −∞ and Eq. 2.132 becomes . a = −iω0 a + γ √ a − γbout (t) 2 (2.135) From this equation and the previous Eq. 2.132, we obtain the input-output relation for the cavity, bout (t) = bin (t) + 2.3.2 √ γa(t) (2.136) Squeezing by a degenerate parametric amplifier In a degenerate parametric amplifier (see [13] and [8]), a classical coherent field at frequency ωp pumps a cavity which contains a non linear medium with χ(2) non linearity. The cavity is tuned in such a way that it can resonate at angular frequency ω0 = ωp /2 and the cavity mirrors are chosen to have high reflectivity at ω0 and nearly zero at ωp . The Hamiltonian for such a system is Hsys = Hcav + Hint (2.137) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 51 Figure 2.9: Schematic picture of the cavity of an optical parametric amplifier. where Hcav = }ω0 a† a (2.138) and 1 i}χ(2) ηe−iωp t a†2 − η ∗ e+iωp t a2 (2.139) 2 where η is a measure of the effective pump field intensity and χ(2) is the nonlinear susceptibility of the nonlinear medium. Referring to Fig. 2.9 and to the results of the previous section for the quantum R Langevin equation of an optical cavity, we indicate by bL in and bin the input fields entering respectively on the left and right side of the cavity and by γL and γR the damping terms of the left and right side of the cavity. For sake of simplicity we assume that γL = γR = γ and we introduce = ηχ(2) . In addition, it can be shown that, after a shift of the frequency axis from ω0 = ωp /2 to zero, the interaction Hamiltonian becomes 1 (2.140) Hint = i} a†2 − ∗ a2 2 Hint = The Heisenberg equation of motion becomes i ȧ = − [a, Hint ] } From Eq. 2.141 we derive the quantum Langevin equation for a √ √ R . a = a† − γa − γbL γbin (t) in (t) − (2.141) (2.142) that we rewrite in a matrix form √ √ R ȧ = [A − γ] a − γbL γbin (t) in (t) − 0 0 ||eiθ A= ∗ = 0 ||e−iθ 0 a a= a† Applying the Fourier transform to Eq. 2.142 we have √ √ R − iΩa(Ω) = [A − γ] a(Ω) − γbL γbin (Ω) in (Ω) − where a(Ω) = a(Ω) a† (Ω) (2.143) (2.144) (2.145) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 52 and a(Ω) = (2.146) √ √ R (γ − iΩ)[ γbL γbin (Ω)] in (Ω) + − (γ − iΩ)2 − ||2 √ R† √ γbin (−Ω)] [ γbL† in (−Ω) + − 2 (γ − iΩ) − ||2 Let us refer again to Fig. 2.9. Here aout is the field to be squeezed. We assume L both ain and bL in to be vacuum states. In particular, bin can be considered as the noise associated with the coherent classical pump field.2 We show that under these assumptions the output field comes out to be squeezed. In fact, the input-output formalism developed in Eq. 2.136 allows to write aout (Ω) = ain (Ω) + − − [( 12 γ)2 − √ γa(Ω) = ( 12 γ (2.147) 2 2 − iΩ) + || ]ain (Ω) + (γ − iΩ)2 − ||2 γa†in (−Ω) L† γ(γ − iΩ)bL in (Ω) + γbin (−Ω) (γ − iω)2 − ||2 The squeezing in the output field can be enlightened by calculating the variances of the quadratures of the output field. We recall that the pump field amplitude is characterized by = ||eiθ , and that the definitions of the electric field quadratures and rotated quadratures (in this case the rotation angle is θ), are reported in Eq. 2.10-2.11 and Eq. 2.107. Indicating with N the normal ordering, it can be shown that ||(γ/2) δ(Ω + Ω0 ) (γ − ||)2 + Ω2 ||(γ/2) =− δ(Ω + Ω0 ) (γ + ||)2 + Ω2 hY1,out (Ω), Y1,out (Ω0 )iN = hY2,out (Ω), Y2,out (Ω0 )iN (2.148) From the previous formulae we see that the maximum squeezing is obtained on Y2 quadrature when || = γ (2.149) and that the parametric amplifier correlates the modes at frequency ±Ω. Indeed, the two correlation functions, which appear in 2.148, vanish unless Ω0 = −Ω. Then we integrate over Ω0 obtaining, in correspondence of the maximum squeezing, the normally ordered spectrum SYN2 (Ω) = − γ2 8γ 2 + 2Ω2 (2.150) For the resonant mode 21 ωp of the cavity, i.e for Ω = 0, we have SYN2 (0) = − 1 8 (2.151) 2 We could also have considered the pump field as a coherent quantum field, obtaining the same results. CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 53 Squeezing with a degenerate parametric amplifier: the Wigner function approach In this section we briefly describe a different method for characterizing the field exiting an optical parametric amplifier. The starting point is again the interaction Hamiltonian for the parametric amplifier reported in Eq.2.140. We assume for simplicity to be real and we rewrite 1 Hint = i} a†2 − ∗ a2 (2.152) 2 The Heisenberg equation of motion for a and a† are given by i ȧ = − [a, Hint ] = a† } i † ċ = − [a† , Hint ] = a } It can be shown that the solutions of the two equation are a(t) = a(0) cosh t + a† (0) sinh t † (2.153) (2.154) (2.155) † a (t) = a (0) cosh t + a(0) sinh t (2.156) The cavity field, described via the annihilation operator a, is squeezed. To show that, let us write down the Heisenberg equation of motion for the quadrature operators X1 (t) = a(t) + a† (t) † (2.157) X2 (t) = −i(a − a ) (2.158) Ẋ1 = X1 (2.159) From Eq. 2.155 we obtain Ẋ2 = −X2 We note that those equations are different for X1 and X2 , i.e, the parametric amplifier can ”distinguish” the two quadratures and ”treat” them in a different way. In particular it amplifies a quadrature and attenuate the other. In the case of a complex we change the phase of the pump field and we just attenuate and amplify two rotated quadratures instead of X1 and X2 : X1 (t) = et X1 (0) −t X2 (t) = e X2 (0) (2.160) (2.161) For the quantum noise we obtain the same equations, i.e V ar(X1 , t) = e2t V ar(X1 , 0) V ar(X2 , t) = e −2t (2.162) V ar(X2 , 0) When we suppose that the input field is a vacuum state, i.e V ar(X1 , 0) = V ar(X2 , 0) = 1, the Eq. (2.162) becomes V ar(X1 , t) = e2t V ar(X2 , t) = e −2t (2.163) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 54 obtaining a squeezed vacuum. The amount of squeezing depends on the non linear coupling, on the intensity of the pump field (both parameters are contained in ) and on the interaction time t. From the point of view of photon statistics, the squeezed field exhibits bunching ha† (t)a† (t)a(t)a(t)i ha† (t)a(t)i2 cosh 2t =1+ sinh2 t ≥1 g (2) (0) = (2.164) A complete description of this squeezed state can be derived by computing its Wigner function. We describe the initial vacuum state as a coherent state with coherent amplitude α0 = 0, and we express he Wigner function in terms of coherent amplitudes 2 − 1 αT Cα−1 α e 2 π sinh 2t cosh 2t Cα = cosh 2t sinh 2t W (α, t) = (2.165) where αT = (α, α∗ ). This Wigner function has a Gaussian shape with vanishing average and covariance matrix Cα . In terms of the real variables x1 = α+α∗ and x2 = −i(α−α∗ ), which corresponds to the quadrature operators, the Wigner function of the squeezed state becomes 1 − 1 xT Cx−1 x e 2 2π 2t e 0 Cx = 0 e−2t W (x1 , x2 ) = 2.3.3 (2.166) Ponderomotive squeezing As we have already pointed out in the introduction to this thesis, the injection of squeezed light into the output port of a GW Michelson interferometer is the technique, which will be used in advanced detectors in order to beat the SQL of the interferometer. This technique has already been experimentally tested in few experiments [24]. Here the squeezed light was obtained with the non linear method described in the previous section. In all these experiments, the effect of squeezing was measured in the few MHz frequency band, where the effects of classical noise sources, such as the laser frequency and intensity noise, can be reduced. Squeezed vacuum were also produced in the GW detectors band, 10Hz-10kHz, by using optical parametric processes (see [23]). However technical limitations, for example photothermally driven fluctuations, strongly reduce the squeezing level. An alternative method [6] to produce squeezed vacuum is the ponderomotive squeezing. This technique exploits the radiation pressure to produce squeezing as a result of the coupling between the radiation inside an interferometer and CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 55 the mechanical motion of a suspended mirror. In such a device, in order to enhance the radiation pressure effect, the radiation power circulating in the interferometer should be high (input power of at least order of few W ), while the mirror mass should be small (10−6 − 10−3 kg). In addition, detuned Fabry-Perot arm cavities are used in order to generate an optical spring i.e, as it will be clear in the following, an optomechanical rigidity, which shift the resonant frequency of the suspended mirror. For input power and mirror mass of the indicated order of magnitude, the optical spring can shift the resonant frequency of the suspended mirror from the pendulum frequency (Ωp of order of Hz) to Θ of order of kHz. It can be shown that in the frequency band Ωp < Ω < Θ the generated ponderomotive squeezing is frequency independent. At frequencies Ω ∼ Θ the ponderomotive squeezing is frequency dependent. In the remaining part of this section, following [6], we illustrate a simplified model of a Fabry-Perot cavity and we describe how ponderomotive squeezing is generated. In addition we briefly report a realistic setup for a ponderomotive squeezer in which an interferometer with suspended mirror is used. Ponderomotive squeezing from an optical cavity Let us consider an ideal Fabry-Perot cavity close to the optical resonance condition with a high reflective input mirror (IM) and a perfectly reflective suspended end mirror (EM). In the following we list several quantities, which characterize the cavity: Γ the linewidth, F the finesse, Π the circulating power, Φ the phase shift gained by the carrier as it exit the cavity, ω0 the carrier angular frequency of the incident laser cTI 4L 2π F = TI 1 4I0 Π(I0 , δΓ ) = TI (1 + δΓ2 ) Γ= Φ(δΓ ) = −2 arctan(δΓ ) (2.167) (2.168) (2.169) (2.170) where L is the cavity length, TI is the IM power transmissivity, I0 is the input power and δΓ is the detuning parameter, defined in terms of the difference between the laser carrier frequency and the resonant frequency nearest to the laser carrier frequency δ = ωres − ω0 δΓ = δ Γ (2.171) The radiation pressure force acting on the EM, expressed in terms of the circulating power is 2Π (2.172) c For a particular choice of the parameters I0 and δΓ the suspended mirror is in mechanical equilibrium due to the action of gravity and the optical spring force. FRP = CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 56 In fact, when we shift the mirror adiabatically 3 by dx the circulating power changes, giving rise to an additional restoring force other than that of gravity. If Ωp is the pendulum frequency and M the mass of the EM, it can be shown that the force variation is dF = −M Ω2p dx + 2 ∂Π(I0 , δΓ ) dδΓ dx c ∂δΓ dx (2.173) The coefficient, which appears in the previous formula Kopt = − 2 ∂Π(I0 , δΓ ) dδΓ c ∂δΓ dx (2.174) is defined as optical rigidity. From Eq. 2.167 and Eq. 2.171 it can be shown that dδΓ 4ω0 =− dx cTI (2.175) Taking into account all the forces applied to the end mirror, its frequencydomain equation of motion is − M Ω2 x̃ = −(M Ω2p + Kopt )x̃ + 2 ∂Π(I0 , δΓ ) ˜ I0 c ∂I0 (2.176) The frequency dependent part of the carrier phase shift Φ̃ can be written in terms of x̃ by using Eq. 2.170 and Eq. 2.175 dΦ(δΓ ) dδΓ Φ̃ = x̃ (2.177) dδΓ dx Note that Eq. 2.176 and 2.177 tell us that any suspended cavity, both detuned (Kopt is present) and not detuned (Kopt is not present) will convert fluctuations of the input radiation into mirror motion and hence in output phase fluctuations of the radiation field. Ad we will see, this allow the production of squeezed light when the input field has quantum limited fluctuations. Let us use these equations in the input-output relation for the cavity. (I 0 , δ Γ , Φ) and (I˜0 , δ̃Γ , Φ̃) are the DC and AC components of the input power, detuning parameter and carrier phase shift respectively. The input field is written, using the modulation language presented in Sec. 2.1.1), as a classical real amplitude A plus quantum fluctuations of the amplitude and phase ain (t) = (A + X1,in ) cos(ω0 t) + X2,in sin(ω0 t) (2.178) Indicating with SX1,in , SX2,in and SX1,in X2,in the spectral density of X1,in and X2,in and their cross spectral density respectively, we can choose a coherent input field and normalize it in such a way that }ω02 A = 2I 0 SX1,in = SX2,in = 1 SX1,in X2,in = 0 (2.179) 3 the result is also valid for mirror motion band-limited at frequencies well below the cavity linewidth, i.e in the quasistatic regime CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 57 The effect of the mirror motion is to phase shift the output filed aout (t) by Φ̃, because the cavity length is changed adiabatically aout (t) = (A + X1,in ) cos(ω0 t − Φ) + X2,in sin(ω0 t − Φ) (2.180) Using Eq. 2.177 and decomposing Φ into its DC and AC part, under the assumption that the AC part is small compared to the DC one, we rewrite the output field aout (t) = (A + X1,out ) cos(ω0 t − Φ) + X2,out sin(ω0 t − Φ) (2.181) X1,out = X1,in (2.182) " X2,out = X2,in + AΦ̃ = X2,in + 4 1 TI 1 + δ 2 Γ # 2Aω0 x̃ c (2.183) Then, we have, using Eq. 2.169 in Eq. 2.174 Kopt = − 4ω0 Π δ Γ ΓLc 1 + δ 2 (2.184) Γ and we define the characteristic frequency Θ2 = Kopt 4ω0 Π δ Γ =− M M ΓLc 1 + δ 2 Γ " #2 4ω0 I0 δ Γ 4 =− 2 M c2 TI (1 + δ ) (2.185) Γ The fluctuating part of the input power is I˜0 = }ω0 AX1,in which induces the fluctuating force on the mirror given by # " 2 ∂Π(I0 , δΓ ) ˜ 2}ω0 A 4 I0 = X1,in 2 ˜ c c ∂ I0 TI (1 + δ Γ ) (2.186) (2.187) Inserting all these expression in the EM equation of motion, Eq. 2.176, we obtain # " 4 2}ω0 A 2 2 2 M [Θ + Ωp − Ω ]x̃ = X1,in (2.188) 2 c TI (1 + δ Γ ) q In the hypothesis that Ω2p + Θ2 is smaller than the cavity linewidth, Eq. 2.188 q shows that the mechanical frequency is shifted from Ωp to Ω2p + Θ2 . If Θ is real (δ Γ < 0) we have a resonance, if Θ is purely imaginary (δ Γ > 0) the system is unstable. Finally, using Eq. 2.188, we can rewrite the input-output relations 2.183 as X1,out = X1,in (2.189) 2 X2,out = X2,in + Ω2 Θ 1 X1,in 2 2 − Θ − Ωp δ Γ (2.190) CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT The input-output relations are X1,out 1 0 X1,in = X2,out −2K(Ω) 1 X2,in where K(Ω) = 1 1 1 − (Ω2 − Ω2p )/Θ2 δ Γ 58 (2.191) (2.192) K couples the output amplitude and phase quadratures, leading to squeezing. Focusing our attention just on the fluctuations, we have for the ζ quadrature X1,out cos ζ + X2,out sin ζ = X1,in [cos ζ − 2K(Ω) sin ζ] + X2,in sin ζ (2.193) Considering the spectral densities of X1,in and X2,in given in Eq. 2.179, the spectral density of the ζ quadrature of the output field is Sζ (Ω) = 1 + 2K 2 − 2K[sin 2ζ + K cos 2ζ] ≡ ξζ2 (Ω) (2.194) For a non squeezed vacuum we have Sζ (Ω) = 1. By minimizing ξζ (Ω) we obtain that the squeezed quadrature corresponds to 1 1 arctan 2 K(Ω) 1 p ξmin (Ω) = |K(Ω)| + 1 + K 2 (Ω) ζmin (Ω) = (2.195) (2.196) Assuming that Ωp Ω, Ωp Θ and that |Θ| is much smaller that the cavity linewidth we distinguish three conditions • Ω |Θ| K is nearly frequency independent and 1 arctan δ Γ 2 |δ | qΓ ξmin (Ω |Θ|) = 2 1 + δΓ + 1 ζmin (Ω |Θ|) = (2.197) (2.198) • Ω |Θ| K −→ 0 and the output field is an unsqueezed vacuum • Ω ∼ |Θ| the system goes trough a resonance, with a strong squeezing and highly frequency-dependent squeezing angle in the case of a real Θ and goes trough a smooth transition when Θ is purely imaginary A proposed experimental set-up for a ponderomotive squeezer is illustrated in Fig. 2.10 and in Tab 2.11 the corresponding values of the parameters are reported. CHAPTER 2. SQUEEZING OF THE LIGHT 59 Figure 2.10: Schematic of a an interferometer for ponderomotive squeezing. Light from a highly amplitude- and phase-stabilized laser source is incident on the beamsplitter. High-finesse Fabry-Perot cavities in the arms of the Michelson interferometer are used to build up the carrier field incident on the end mirrors of the cavity. All interferometer components in the shaded triangle are mounted on a seismically isolated platform in vacuum. The input optical path comprises a pre-stabilized 10 Watt laser, equipped with both an intensity stabilization servo and a frequency stabilization servo. FI is a Faraday Isolator. Figure 2.11: Example of values of the parameters for the ponderomotive squeezing interferometer. Chapter 3 Homodyne detection In the introduction to this thesis we saw that a phase dependent detection scheme is required in order to characterize squeezed light and that a detection scheme often used for that purpose is the balanced homodyne detection. A balanced homodyne detector, whose schematic picture is reported in Fig. 3.1, consists of a 50/50 beam splitter which superimposes two optical fields. One of the two fields is the squeezed field while the other one is a so-called local oscillator, i.e a strong coherent field, which we use as a phase reference. In this chapter, after a brief review of the theory of photodetection with a single photodiode, we introduce the theory homodyne detection. Then we describe the electronics needed to implement an homodyne detector. Finally, we present the design of a homodyne detector prototype, which was developed throughout the thesis. 3.1 Theory of detection In this section, following [23] and [5], we introduce the theory of direct detection, i.e detection with a single photodiode, and of homodyne detection. From a mathematical point of view, it is useful to describe the behavior of some optical fields, such as the coherent states of light (which can be basically seen as classical non-fluctuating fields, which carry vacuum noise), using a linearized version of quantum optics. In this linearized picture we consider the photon creation and annihilation operators as formed by the sum of a complex term α, which corresponds to the classical complex amplitudes, which appear in Eq. 2.2 as ak and which, in case of a coherent field, would represent the coherent amplitude, and a fluctuating part containing both the quantum and classical fluctuations of the optical field: a = α + δa † ∗ (3.1) † a = α + δa 60 (3.2) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 61 Figure 3.1: Left: Direct detection of the optical field â. Right: homodyne detection scheme: two optical fields â and b̂ are superimposed to a 50/50 beam splitter. The resulting fields ĉ and dˆ are detected with two photodiodes and the sum and difference of the corresponding photocurrents are measured. and hai = α (3.3) hδai = 0 † ha i = α (3.4) ∗ (3.5) † hδa i = 0 (3.6) Correspondingly, the fluctuating part of the amplitude and phase quadratures of the electromagnetic field can be written as δX1 = δa + δa† (3.7) † δX2 = i(δa − δa) (3.8) δXθ = δX1 cos θ + δX2 sin θ =e −iθ iθ (3.9) † δa + e δa It is worth noting that, as we have seen in Chapter 2, squeezing affects the quantum noise properties of optical fields, thus, if we want to characterize squeezing we have to be able to measure the fluctuating part of the electric field quadratures given in Eq. 3.7 , 3.8 and 3.9. 3.1.1 Direct detection The simplest way to detect light is to use an absorption-based device, such as a photodiode (see Fig. 3.1), which absorbs photons and produces a photocurrent proportional to the number of photons absorbed. The photocurrent thus obtained can be electronically processed in order to extract the desired informations about the light source. From a formal point of view, such a device produces a photocurrent, which can be represented by an operator proportional to the photon number operator a† a: using Eq. 3.1 and 3.2, taking α to be real and neglecting second order terms, CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 62 we have that î(t) ∝ n̂ = a† a 2 (3.10) † = α + α(δa + δa) = α2 + αδX1,a (t) As expected, reminding the meaning of the amplitude and phase quadratures, which we have discussed in Chapter 2, we obtain that the photocurrent is proportional to the classical intensity, given by α2 , plus a fluctuating term, which depends only on the amplitude quadrature fluctuations and scales with the field amplitude α. Thus the measurement of the fluctuations of the photocurrent are enhanced by increasing the field intensity. We can Fourier transform the photocurrent obtaining î(ω) ∝ n̂(ω) = α2 δ(0) + αδX1,a (ω) (3.11) The DC term of the photocurrent, which also corresponds to the average photocurrent, can be detected by a power meter: following [5], if ne (t) is the number of electrons produced at time t by a photodiode of quantum efficiency ηqe when a light source of power Popt (t) impinges on it, e is the electron charge and ∆t is the measurement interval, we have that the average photocurrent detected during ∆t is ηqe P opt e ne (t)e = (3.12) i(t) = ∆t }ω In fact, if ω is the angular frequency of the light source, }ω is the energy of a single photon of the light source and P opt ∆t/}ω is the number of photons, which arrive at the detector during the measurement time ∆t. The number of electrons produced from those photons (given the quantum efficiency ηqe of the detector) is given by ηqe P opt ∆t/}ω. The AC term, which contains also the quantum fluctuations of the signal field and thus is of crucial importance in squeezing measurements, can be measured with a spectrum analyzer. In the following we report an example of spectral measurements of the AC term of the photocurrent 3.11 based on the measurement of the quantum noise level of coherent light sources, which only carry vacuum noise and play a crucial role in homodyne detection. Spectral measurements: Shot noise of a coherent source Let us start with the photocurrent of Eq. 3.10 and calculate its variance V ar[î(t)] ∝ α2 V ar[X1,a (t)] (3.13) Fluctuations in the number of photons impinging on the detector reflects in fluctuation of the number of electrons produced, i.e in fluctuations of the photocurrent. In particular, given that a coherent state has a Poissonian photon statistics (as we have shown in Chapter 2 and as it can be deduced also from Eq. 3.10 by assuming that the property of coherent states V ar[X1,a (t)] = 1 is satisfied), we have that the variance of the number of electrons equals the average number of electron V ar[ne (t)] = ne (t) (3.14) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 63 and for the photocurrent, also using Eq. 3.12 and 3.14, we have ne (t)e V ar[ne (t)]e2 V ar[î(t)] = V ar = ∆t ∆t2 = (3.15) i(t)e ∆t This expression can be rewritten, using the Shannon’s theorem, which links the measurement time ∆t to the measurement bandwidth B by 1/∆t = 2B, as V ar[î(t)] = 2ei(t)B (3.16) The power spectral density of the photocurrent, which we indicate with Sii (f ) can be deduced from the expression of the variance of the photocurrent 3.16 by using the relation Z +∞ df Sii (f ) V ar[î(t)] = (3.17) 0 Reminding that the quantum noise of a coherent state is equally distributed at all frequencies, i.e it is white, we have that the power spectral density is constant in frequency and we can simplify Eq. 3.17 as V ar[î(t)] = Sii B (3.18) Finally, from Eq. 3.16 and 3.12, we obtain Sii = 2ie = 2ηqe P opt 3.1.2 e2 }ω (3.19) Balanced homodyne detection As shown in Eq. 3.11, photodetection with a single photodiode only allows to measure fluctuations of the amplitude quadrature, while the characterization of squeezing requires the detection of fluctuations at arbitrary quadrature, for example of the phase quadrature. In order to achieve phase-dependent detection we need a phase reference, as it happens in balanced homodyne detection, whose ideal scheme is pictured in Fig. 3.1. In a balanced homodyne detector the phase reference is provided by a laser beam, the so-called local oscillator. The local oscillator is superimposed at a 50/50 beam splitter (if the beam splitter is not 50/50 the homodyne detection is said unbalanced) with the field whose quadratures have to be characterized, for example a squeezed vacuum. Referring to Fig. 3.1 and indicating with a and b the annihilation operators of, respectively, the local oscillator and the field, we have that the fields exiting the beam-splitter are 1 c = √ (a + b) 2 1 d = √ (−a + b) 2 (3.20) (3.21) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 64 using the linearized annihilation operator that we introduced in Eq. 3.1 we can rewrite a = α + δa (3.22) b = β + δb (3.23) αβ (3.24) where α and β are complex number and, in the last expression, the local oscillator was set to be much more intense than the field. The relative phase between α and β, i.e the relative phase between the local oscillator and the field, is of crucial importance in homodyne detection. Thus, in order to make the relative phase to appear clearly in the following calculation, we choose β to be real and then we rewrite α in term of its magnitude and phase. Hence this phase is simply the relative phase between the field and the local oscillator. For simplicity we indicate the magnitude of α with α: a = αeiθ + δaeiθ (3.25) b = β + δb (3.26) Following Eq. 3.10, the photocurrents produced by the two photodetectors are proportional to the photon numbers operators c† c and d† d. Using Eq. 3.25 and 3.26 and neglecting second order terms, we obtain for the photocurrents (see [5]) 1 2 α + β 2 + 2αβ cos θ + α (δX1,a + δXθ,b ) + β (δX−θ,a + δX1,b ) 2 (3.27) 1 îd ∝ d† d = α2 + β 2 − 2αβ cos θ + α (δX1,a − δXθ,b ) − β (δX−θ,a − δX1,b ) 2 (3.28) îc ∝ c† c = The homodyne detector performs the sum and the difference of the two photocurrents, i.e î+ ∝ c† c + d† d = α2 + β 2 + αδX1,a + βδX1,b † † î− ∝ c c − d d = 2αβ cos θ + αδXθ,b + βδX−θ,a (3.29) (3.30) Let us summarize the AC components of these two photocurrents • sum photocurrent î+ it contains the amplitude quadrature fluctuations of both local oscillator and signal, but those of the local oscillator are scaled by β, i.e by the amplitude of the signal, while those of the signal are scaled with the classical amplitude α of the local oscillator • difference photocurrent î− it contains the −θ quadrature fluctuations of the local oscillator and the θ quadrature fluctuations of the signal, but, as in the case of the sum photocurrent, those of the local oscillator are scaled by the amplitude β of the signal while those of the signal are scaled by the amplitude α of the local oscillator CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 65 • if we take the local oscillator to be much more intense of the signal, we have that in both sum and difference photocurrents the contributions from the fluctuations of the local oscillator are strongly suppressed with respect to those of the signal, which are enhanced by the local oscillator amplitude α. All these considerations explain why balanced homodyne detection is so useful in squeezing measurements: first, it is, in fact, a phase dependent detection scheme. This is easily seen if we consider that the difference photocurrent contains information of the θ quadrature of the signal, where θ is the phase between the local oscillator and the signal. This phase can be changed, thus allowing to span all signal quadratures. Second, the spurious contributions deriving from the noise of the local oscillator are strongly suppressed, as we have seen. In order to better understand this crucial point, let us suppose that our signal is a squeezed vacuum. In this case the average photon number is < n >= sinh2 r (see Eq. 2.116), thus β = sinh r, while α depends on the intensity of the laser chosen as local oscillator. δXθ,b represents the quantum fluctuations of the squeezed vacuum in the θ quadrature (given that the squeezed vacuum, by definition, carries only quantum noise) while δXθ,a represents the fluctuations of the local oscillator in the θ quadrature. It can be shown that lasers can be well approximated as coherent states at sideband frequencies tens of MHz above the laser central frequency (see [3]). At those sideband frequencies they only carry the quantum noise of a coherent state, i.e the shot noise described in Sec. 3.1.1. In this case δXθ,a and δXθ,b are of the same order of magnitude. On the other hand, at lower frequencies lasers carry technical noises, which can be well above the shot noise. In this case δXθ,a can be even few order of magnitudes above δXθ,b . However, if the amplitude of the local oscillator α is large enough with respect to the signal amplitude β, we can reach the condition αδXθ,b βδX−θ,a (3.31) and the sum and difference photocurrents of Eq. 3.29 and 3.30 become î+ ∝ α2 + αδX1,a (3.32) î− ∝ 2αβ cos θ + αδXθ,b (3.33) We have obtained that, if the approximation of Eq. 3.31 is valid, the sum photocurrent only contains the amplitude fluctuations of the local oscillator while the difference photocurrent contains the fluctuation in the θ quadrature of the signal field. Thus, in order to characterize the squeezing of the signal field it would be sufficient to take the power spectrum of the fluctuations of the difference photocurrent, following the same procedure illustrated in Sec. 3.1.1. However, if the laser used as local oscillator can be well approximated by a coherent state, also the power spectrum of the fluctuations of the sum photocurrent is useful for the characterization of squeezing. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 66 The variance of the two photocurrents of Eq. 3.32 and 3.33: V ar[î+ ] ∝ α2 V ar[X1,a ] (3.34) V ar[î− ] ∝ α2 V ar[Xθ,b ] (3.35) then • if the local oscillator is a coherent state: we have that V ar[X1,a ] = 1, thus the noise of the local oscillator can be used as a sort of unsqueezed vacuum noise reference. The ratio of the variance of the difference photocurrent to the variance of the sum photocurrent simply becomes (r is the squeezing factor) V ar[î− ] = V ar[Xθ,b ] V ar[î+ ] (3.36) and, if the squeezing spectrum is white in a certain bandwidth, the same holds for the power spectral density of the two photocurrents (see Sec. 3.1.1) Sii,+ = V ar[Xθ,b ] e−2r ≤ V ar[Xθ,b ] ≤ e2r (3.37) Sii,− If the field b is an usqueezed vacuum this ratio is be unity, if the field is a squeezed vacuum it ranges from e−2r to e2r . • if the local oscillator is not a coherent state: in this case the power spectrum of the sum photocurrent is useless in the characterization of squeezing because V ar[X1,a ] > 1 and the noise of the local oscillator cannot be used as a vacuum noise reference. However, we can obtain our vacuum noise reference by performing, before the squeezing measurement, the so-called self-homodyne detection. In the self-homodyne detection the squeezed vacuum is blocked and only unsqueezed vacuum enters the beam splitter. The unsqueezed vacuum is superimposed to the local oscillator, and, given that the vacuum is nothing but phase-independent quantum noise, the phase appearing in Eq. 3.25 is meaningless. Indicating the vacuum with v, the sum and difference photocurrents of Eq. 3.32 and 3.33 become î+ ∝ α2 + αδX1,a (3.38) î− ∝ αδX1,v (3.39) and the variances become V ar[î+ ] ∝ α2 V ar[X1,a ] 2 V ar[î− ] ∝ α V ar[X1,v ] (3.40) (3.41) For the usqueezed vacuum V ar[X1,v ] = 1 and thus, taking the power spectrum of the difference photocurrent of Eq. 3.39 is the same as taking the power spectrum of the sum photocurrent when the local oscillator is a coherent state. We have just to register the power spectrum Sv of the difference photocurrent 3.39 (which contain the vacuum noise power spectrum) and then we have to stop CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 67 blocking the squeezed vacuum. We thus take the power spectrum Sθ,sq of the difference photocurrent of the squeezed vacuum for different quadratures: when measuring the squeezed quadrature we find Sθ,sq to be below Sv , the opposite happens when measuring the anti-squeezed quadrature. Squeezing visibility Up to now we have investigated the ideal balanced homodyne detection, i.e we have not considered the possibility that both the optics and electronics of the homodyne detector could be not perfectly balanced or that the interference of the two fields at the beam splitter could be not perfect. A non perfect interference can be due to a non perfect matching, in terms of spatial mode, wave front curvature, polarization and frequency, of the two fields which are superimposed at the beam splitter. The quality of the interference can be characterized by the so-called fringe visibility, defined as Imax − Imin 0 ≤ Vis ≤ 1 (3.42) Vis = Imax + Imin where Imax(min) is the maximum(minimum) intensity detected by one of the two photodiode of the homodyne detector. From the visibility we can define an homodyne efficiency ηhom = Vis2 . Optical unbalances are due to a non perfectly 50/50 beam splitter, which thus would have power reflectivity R and transmittivity T slightly different from 0.5. In this case the fields exiting the beam splitter become, instead of those of Eq. 3.20 and 3.21, √ √ c = Ra + T b (3.43) √ √ d = T a − Rb (3.44) Electronics unbalances are due to a different quantum efficiency of the two phtodiodes and to a different gain of the readout electronics of the two photodiodes. It can be investigated by multiplying by a gain factor G (which is unity in case of perfect balance) one of the two photocurrents îc and îd of Eq. 3.27 and 3.28. In all these cases, the capability of the homodyne detector to measure squeezing is degraded. If we take into account all these elements, the expressions, given in Eq. 3.34 and 3.35, for the variance of the sum and difference photocurrent take a slightly different expression: after some cumbersome calculation and assuming the approximation of Eq. 3.31, we obtain V ar[î+ ] ∝ α2 V ar[X1,a ](T + RG)2 + [1 − ηhom (1 − V ar[Xθ,b ])]RT (1 − G)2 (3.45) 2 2 V ar(î− ) ∝ α [1 − ηhom (1 − V ar[Xθ,b ])]RT (1 + G) + V ar[X1,a ](T − GR)2 (3.46) Then, if we assume that the local oscillator is a coherent state, i.e V ar[X1,a ] = 1, we obtain V ar[î+ ] ∝ α2 (T + RG)2 + [1 − ηhom (1 − V ar[Xθ,b ])]RT (1 − G)2 (3.47) 2 2 2 V ar[î− ] ∝ α [1 − ηhom (1 − V ar[Xθ,b +])]RT (1 + G) + (T − GR) (3.48) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 68 Assuming a coherent local oscillator, if we compute the ratio V ar[î+ ]/V ar[î− ] from Eq. 3.34 and 3.35 we obtain the “real ”squeezing factor SQreal = e2r , i.e the squeezing factor that we would measure with an ideal homodyne detector. If we calculate the same ratio from Eq. 3.47 and 3.48 we obtain the squeezing factor SQmeas , which we would measure in case of a non ideal homodyne detector. Figure 3.2: Electronic gain dependence of the squeezing detection efficiency. Taking the reflectivity to be R=0.5, depending on the initial squeezing value (10dB, 13dB and 20dB) and varying the electronic gain, the measured squeezing diminishes. The situation is even worst if we allow a non perfect fringe visibility. In Fig. 3.2 and 3.3 the dependence of the squeezing detection efficiency from the electronic gain G, the reflectivity of the beam splitter and the fringe visibility is shown by plotting Vreal − Vmeas while changing those parameters. In all cases the squeezing, which we expect to measure, is lower that the real squeezing. Figure 3.3: Beam splitter unbalance dependence of the squeezing detection efficiency. Taking the eletronic gain to be G=1, depending on the initial squeezing value (10dB, 13dB and 20dB) and varying the beam splitter reflectivity, the measured squeezing diminishes. The situation is even worst if we allow a non perfect fringe visibility. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 3.2 69 Design of the electronics of a homodyne detector In this section we describe the design of the electronics for a homodyne detector prototype. Referring to the discussion of the previous section, we start by itemizing the requirements that the readout circuit of a homodyne detector for squeezed light should fulfill. Thus, we illustrate the design features, which were adopted in order for these requirements to be fulfilled, focusing our attention on the electronic balance, frequency response and noise performance of the circuit. The optics for the homodyne detector prototype was not designed in this thesis, thus we will not discuss it. A conceptual scheme, containing the main features of the the circuit design, is shown in Fig. 3.4. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 70 Figure 3.4: Conceptual scheme of the circuit design: two photodiodes are kept in reverse bias by a 5V supply and the power of the light impinging on them is detected through the DC blocks. The difference photocurrent is obtained through a self-subtracion scheme and then readout at two different frequency bands: Virgo band (10Hz-10kHz), i.e the AUDIO block; 1MHz-100MHz, i.e theRADIO block. The photocurrent from each photodiode is also detected in the Virgo band and the sum photocurrent is performed at this frequency band. The blocks indicated with DC, AUDIO and RADIO are transimpedance amplifiers for the photocurrents of each photodiode and/or for the difference photocurrent, anb work at the appropriate frequency band. We can summarize those features as follows • two photodiodes • sum and difference of photocurrents and electronic balance: as we have seen in the previous section, the information about squeezing is contained in the difference of the two photocurrents, as shown in Eq. 3.35. We have also seen that every electronic gain unbalance degrades the measured squeezing level and thus we should avoid as much as possible to introduce such unbalances, in particular when performing the difference of the photocurrents. Because of this, a self subtraction scheme was used, as shown in Fig. 3.4. In such a scheme, the two photocurrents, instead of being amplified and then subtracted, are automatically subtracted and then the obtained photocurrent is amplified. The first procedure would amplify any unavoidable electronic unbalance between the CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 71 readout electronics of the two photodiodes and when finally the subtraction is performed, the amplified unbalances could dramatically degrade the measured squeezing or even wash it out. This is avoided by adopting the second procedure. In order to reduce electronic unbalances, the bias of the two photodiodes is performed by using only a 5V supply reference from which also the −5V supply is derived (see Fig. 3.4), instead of taking two different supplies at ±5V . In this way, fluctuations in the power supply appear common-mode for both photodiodes. The sum of the two photocurrents is performed in audio-band (10Hz10kHz). • low noise design: this is a crucial aspect of the circuit design. Indeed, as we have shown in the previous section, in order to characterize squeezing, we have to measure the power spectrum of the fluctuations of the difference (and sum) photocurrent. In order to better explain this point, we report the expression of the variances of the sum and difference photocurrents, as calculated in the previous section: V ar[î+ ] ∝ α2 V ar[X1,lo ] 2 V ar[î− ] ∝ α V ar[Xθ,sig ] (3.49) (3.50) If the local oscillator is a coherent state, the power spectrum of the sum photocurrent is nothing but the power spectrum of the local oscillator shot noise (see Sec. 3.1.1). The power spectrum of the difference photocurrent, which contains the quantum fluctuations of the squeezed field, is below or above the shot noise level of the local oscillator depending on which quadrature we are measuring, and equals the shot noise level for an unsqueezed vacuum (remind that V ar[X1,lo ] = 1 for a coherent local oscillator, that V ar[Xθ,sig ] = 1 for unsqueezed vacuum and that e−2r ≤ V ar[Xθ,sig ] ≤ e2r for a squeezed field). The homodyne detector circuit has to be designed in order to be able to detect the shot noise of the local oscillator and noises below the shot noise. A indication of how much below comes from the fact that one of the highest squeezing level ever experimentally obtained is 11dB, i.e a factor e−2r ∼ 3 − 4 (see [23]), thus a factor 10 below can be considered a good starting point. All this can be translated in the requirement that the total circuit noise at the output of the sum and difference photocurrents readout blocks is at least ten times below the output signals deriving from the shot noise of the sum and difference photocurrents. • frequency response: as shown in Fig. 3.4, the circuit prototype is designed to have - DC readout for each photodiodes needed to check if both photodiodes receive the same amount of light. This condition can be achieved using the optics of the homodyne detector. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 72 - AUDIO-BAND AC readout performed for the photocurrent of each photodiode and for the difference photocurrent at sideband frequencies in Virgo band 10Hz10kHz around the local oscillator carrier frequency. The sum of the two photodiodes photocurrents is also performed. - RADIO-BAND AC readout performed for the difference photocurrent in the band 1MHz-100MHz around the local oscillator carrier frequency. Despite the fact that this homodyne detector prototype is designed for AdV and the interesting band for sequeezing is the Virgo band, generation of squeezed light is easier at radio frequencies. Because of this, usually squeezing experiments start by producing squeezing at radio frequencies and then achieve the production at audio frequencies. Thus, the detection in the 1MHz-100MHz comes useful in start-up squeezing experiments. The sum of the two photocurrents was not included because in this radio band, as we will explain in more detail, it resulted impossible to balance the circuit transfer functions and noise performances of the readout blocks of the sum and difference photocurrents. This makes the sum of the two photocurrents useless for the characterization of squeezing and was thus suppressed at radio band together with the readout blocks of the photocurrents of each photodiode. In fact, only the readout of the difference photocurrent, obtained with the self-subtraction scheme, is needed. • simulation tools: the circuit were designed with the help of Spice simulations, performed with both CADENCE (see [1]) and TINA (see [2]). The noise analysis was performed analytically with the help of MATLAB. A B C 100n 100n +15V 3 2 -15V + C22 C26 U25 6 OP27 5 C23 22u C27 22u R4 10k VR2 R3 10k R2 10k VR1 R1 10k 100n +15V 3 2 100n C30 C28 U23 C24 U26 6 OP27 -15V 100n -15V 2 - 3 + +15V 7 5 4 1 8 D BIAS 5 + - - 4 1 8 C25 22u C31 22u OP27 6 C16 100n C2 33u 10u 0.5n 10u C80 C81 R12 50k U7 U6 R11 50k C1 33u C135 ETX500T ETX500T 0.5n C134 22u C29 C17 22u 0 R47 R9 1k 4 R10 1k 4 50k 0 R48 C83 0.5n 5k R44 0 10u R58 R51 C82 5k R43 10k R5 10k R7 0 R46 AUDIO_DIODO_2 5k R45 AUDIO_DIODO_1 100n C68 22u C75 +15V 3 2 -15V 3 C69 22u 3 C74 100n U16 6 AD8675 R25 150p C12 10k 4 1 8 7 5 0 R28 1k R26 R33 C93 6.8u 3 2 100n C86 1k 4p C96 18u C11 -5V +5V C87 6.8u R34 U18 6 C92 100n OPA847 0 22u C77 +15V 3 2 -15V 100n C70 4 1 8 7 5 + - 4 1 8 4 1 5 + 7 8 C71 22u 2 U17 6 C76 100n AD8675 C20 100n 1k R27 2 +15V 100 R29 40k R32 C21 22u VR1 1.8n C13 VR2 22u C79 +15V 3 2 -15V 100n C72 3 2 100n C32 7 5 + - 7 5 R6 40k C34 100n 2 3 U20 6 C33 22u C73 22u +15V - + U27 R8 -15V +5V 10k 22u C35 OP27 6 C95 6.8u 3 2 -5V 2k R30 C18 100n 100n C88 C78 100n AD8675 R31 C19 22u U24 6 OP27 -15V 10k C89 6.8u 50 1 U19 6 J3 1 C94 100n J1 BNC 1 50 R50 BNC R49 OPA847 50 R52 1 2 4 1 8 7 5 4 1 8 + - 7 5 7 5 4 1 8 4 1 5 7 8 + - + - Figure 3.5: Electric schematics of the circuit prototype: page 1 2 J4 BNC 1 2 BNC 1 J2 2 A B C D CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 73 Figure 3.6: Electric schematics of the circuit prototype: page 2 A B C 5 AUDIO_DIODO_2 AUDIO_DIODO_1 100n C46 22u C43 +15V 3 2 -15V 100n C52 22u C37 +15V 3 2 -15V 10k 10k 6 C53 22u C36 100n C42 100n AD8675 6 U10 R16 150p C6 C47 22u AD8675 U8 R13 150p C4 4 1 8 + - D 4 1 8 7 5 + - 7 5 1k R17 1k R14 4 18u C5 18u C3 3 2 22u C41 +15V 3 2 100n C50 -15V 4 1 8 22u C39 +15V -15V 100n C48 SOMMA AUDIO 4 U11 1k C49 22u 6 6 C40 100n AD8675 C51 22u C38 100n AD8675 R18 U9 1k R15 3 3 1k R40 1k R39 100n C102 22u C105 +15V 3 2 -15V 7 5 7 5 4 1 8 + 7 5 1k 2 C103 22u U28 6 C104 100n AD8675 R37 2 4 1 8 + - + - 5 50 R54 J6 BNC 1 1 1 A B C D CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 74 2 A B C D -15V C123 22u C119 22u 5 U35 IN IN 4 1 3 7 2 +15V 2 C126 100n C118 100n U34 100u 100u 1 -19V C113 C111 C122 100n +15V X3 X2 X1 OUT OUT 22u C121 22u AD586 GND TP TP TP +VIN U36 TRIM VOUT NOISE 5 6 8 LM7905C/TO220 3 3 LM7805C/TO220 C112 100n C110 100n OUT OUT 3 -5V 5k R56 4 +5V C124 100n C120 100n U31 LM7915C/TO220 IN IN 3 U33 LM7815C/TO220 C127 4.7u C125 2 1 GND 2 1 GND +19V GND 2 1 GND 4 C117 C115 100u 100u 3 3 2 100n C136 -15V C116 100n C114 100n +15V C139 22u C137 22u +15V 6 C141 C140 OP27 5k U32 -15V R59 33u 33u ALIMENTAZIONE 3 C138 100n 2 2 3 2 100n C128 C131 U30 -15V 5k C129 22u +15V 6 C133 C132 OP27 33u 33u R57 22u 7 5 4 1 8 + - Figure 3.7: Electric schematics of the circuit prototype: page 3 7 5 4 1 8 + - 5 C130 100n 1 1 BIAS A B C D CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 75 CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 76 Figure 3.8: a: electric symbol of a op-amp. b: equivalent circuit of a op-amp. A op-amp takes the difference of the two voltages at its ports, called the noninverting (+) port and the inverting (−) port, and amplifies it by the open-loop gain Av . Zi,o are the input and output impedance of theop-amp. For an ideal op-amp Av would be infinite and frequency-independent, Zi would be infinite and Zo = 0. After this overview of the leading design criteria, we describe in detail the circuit prototype, whose electric schematics is reported in Fig. 3.5 3.6 and 3.7. We start with a brief introduction to the operational amplifiers (op-amp) and to some filters and amplifiers, which can be built with them and were massively employed in the circuit design. 3.2.1 Operational amplifiers A complete description of both the ideal and real behavior of a op-amps can be found in many electronics textbooks (see [16] and [19]), together with the simplest examples of the their use as amplifiers or filters. The electronic symbol and the equivalent circuit of a op-amp are shown in Fig. 3.8. Following [19], a op-amp takes the difference of the two voltages at its ports, called the non-inverting (+) port and the inverting (−) port, and amplifies it by the open-loop gain Av . For an ideal op-amp we would have the open-loop gain Av and the input and output impedance Zi,o Av = −∞ (3.51) Zi = +∞ (3.52) Zo = 0 (3.53) For real op-amps Av is frequency-dependent and limited. In particular Av diminishes for increasing frequencies and its maximum value, often reached at DC, usually ranges in ∼ 104 − 106 . The typical frequency behavior of the openloop gain of a op-amp is shown in Fig. 3.9. Regarding the input impedance, it usually ranges from order of M Ω to order of 1012 Ω, the output impedance is often around 10Ω. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 77 Figure 3.9: Typical example of frequency dependence of the open-loop gain of a op-amp. In almost every application, op-amps are used in closed-loop, i.e the inverting port is connected to the output of the amplifier through a feedback impedance. To understand how it works we start with the simplest example: the inverting amplifier, shown with its equivalent circuit in Fig. 3.10. Figure 3.10: a: Inverting amplifier. A feedback impedance connects the inverting input to the output of the amplifier. b: equivalent circuit of the inverting amplifier. R1 and R2 can be derived from R0 using the Miller’s theorem. Referring to this equivalent circuit, by applying the Miller’s theorem and CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 78 always indicating the open-loop gain as Av , we can substitute R0 with R0 1 − Av R0 R2 = 1 − A1v R1 = (3.54) (3.55) For large values of Av , R1 becomes small and tends to zero in the limit of infinite open-loop gain while R2 tends to R0 . If we choose R0 to be much larger than Ro and much smaller than Ri we have that Ri can be neglected with respect to R1 at the input, while Ro can be neglected with respect to R2 at the output. Thus we have, calling R1 as RM (to remind that it derives from the Miller’s theorem) v o = Av v i RM vs vi = RM + R0 (3.56) (3.57) and, for the closed-loop amplification Av,cl ≡ vo RM = Av vs RM + R0 (3.58) Thus, from the signal vs point of view, the op-amp with feedback impedance R0 can be seen as a device with input impedance R + RM , which amplifies by Av the difference of the voltages at its two input ports, as shown in Fig. 3.11. Figure 3.11: From the signal vs point of view, the op-amp with feedback impedance R0 can be seen as a device with input impedance RM (it comes out from the Miller’s theorem), which amplifies by Av the difference of the voltages at its two input ports. In the ideal case in which Av −→ −∞ we have that RM −→ 0 (3.59) Av RM −→ R0 (3.60) 0 Av,cl −→ − vi −→ 0 R R (3.61) (3.62) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 79 i.e, the signal vs , which would “see”an input impedance R + RM , in this case “sees”an input impedance R. Extremely important is the fact that vi , i.e the voltage of the inverting input goes to zero, i.e at the same voltage of the non inverting input, even though the two inputs are connected by a high impedance Ri . This is due to the feedback resistance R0 and to the Miller effect, which forces the inverting input to go to the same voltage of the non inverting input. It is possible to recalculate the amplification of the inverting amplifier by assuming this property a priori, i.e we say that • the voltage at the inverting (-) port is the same as that at the non inverting (+) port • given that the impedance between the two ports is huge, practically no current enters the op-amp and the current circulating in R is the same circulating in R0 In the particular case of the inverting amplifier of Fig. 3.10 we obtain 0 − v0 vs − 0 = R R0 R0 Av,cl = − R (3.63) (3.64) Obviously this approximation is valid in the extent to which Av can be considR0 ered practically infinite, i.e in the extent to which RM = 1−A can neglected v with respect to R or equivalently, in the extent to which the two ports can be considered to be at the same potential. In fact, as shown in Fig. 3.9, Av diminishes for increasing frequencies, i.e the op-amp becomes “less and less ideal”for increasing frequencies and this can bring to unexpected behaviors. When the op-amp cannot be considered ideal, calculations should be performed using the Miller’ theorem and taking into account the real Av , which usually is plotted it the op-amp data sheet. Useful amplifiers In this section we show four examples of filters/amplifiers, which are employed in the circuit design: inverting low-pass filter, inverting high-pass filter, transimpedance amplifier and inverting sum amplifier. We calculate their gain by using the ideal model of op-amp. Inverting low-pass and high-pass filter The electric schemes of an inverting low-pass filter and an inverting high-pass filter are shown in Fig. 3.12. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 80 Figure 3.12: Left: inverting low-pass filter. Middle: inverting high-pass filter. Right: general inverting filter. They are exactly analogous to the inverting amplifier shown in Fig. 3.10 and their closed-loop gain can be simply taken from Eq. 3.64 Av,cl = − Z0 Z (3.65) we obtain • low-pass filter Av,cl = − R0 1 R 1 + iωR0 C (3.66) iωR0 C 1 + iωRC (3.67) • high-pass filter Av,cl = − the typical shape of |Av,cl | for both filters is shown in Fig. 3.13. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 81 Figure 3.13: Typical |Av,cl | for a low-pass and a high-pass filter. Transimpedance amplifier Figure 3.14: Transimpedance amplifier: a current Is is converted in an output voltage by the transimpedance Z. The scheme of a transimpedance amplifier is shown in Fig. 3.14: the input current Is can only pass through Z, thus vo = −ZIs (3.68) and the current is converted in a voltage signal at the output of the op-amp. Inverting sum amplifier. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 82 Figure 3.15: Invertin sum amplifier: the input voltages v1 , ..., vn are summed at the output with weights −R0 /R1 , ..., −R0 /Rn respectively. The scheme of an inverting sum amplifier is shown in Fig. 3.15: v1 v2 vn i= + + ... + R1 R2 Rn vo = −R0 i (3.69) (3.70) thus the input voltages v1 , ..., vn are summed at the output with weights −R0 /R1 , ..., −R0 /Rn respectively. If R1 = R2 = ... = Rn = R we simply obtain vo = − R0 (v1 + ... + vn ) R (3.71) i.e the sum of the input voltages amplified by R0 /R. 3.2.2 The photodiodes We bought two different models, the EPITAXX ETX500T and the HAMAMATSU G7096. Their most useful characteristics in terms of the circuit design are reported in Tab. 3.1. DARK CURRENT TIME RISE/FALL AREA MAX POWER SHUNT RESISTANCE JUNCTION CAPACITANCE BULK RESISTANCE EPITAXX ETX550T 12nA 2.5ns 500µm2 10 − 11mW 250M Ω 15pF 25Ω HAMAMATSU G7096 5µA 60ps 200µm2 2mW Table 3.1: Characteristics of the photodiode models EPITAXX ETX500T and HAMAMATSU G7096 necessary for the circuit design. As shown in the table, the EPITAXX photodiodes have a much lower dark current (12nA vs 5µA) with respect to the HAMAMATSU and can receive an CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 83 higher maximum optical power (10-11mW vs 2mW). Those characteristics make the EPITAXX photodiodes much more convenient than the HAMAMATSU in the design of a homodyne detector because, as we have partially outlined in the previous section, it should be a low noise circuit able to measure fluctuations below the shot noise level of the local oscillator. For this reason a low dark current is desirable. In addition, as we have seen, the local oscillator should be as intense as possible in order to better enhance the detection of the squeezed field (and, of course, the detection of the local oscillator shot noise itself). Thus, photodiodes able to receive much intense light beams come useful. Moreover, the EPITAXX photodiodes have a larger sensitive area than the HAMAMATSU (500µm2 vs 200µm2 ), a characteristic which is obviously advantageous for a practical implementation of the detection on a optical table. On the other hand, the larger is the area, the slower is the response of the photodiode and the narrower is the available detection bandwidth. In particular the EPITAXX photodiodes have a much higher rise/fall time than the HAMAMATSU (2.5ns vs 60ps) and the detection band that they can cover is at most of ∼ 150Mz, while the HAMAMATSU can cover several hundreds of MHz. However, a ∼ 100MHz is more than enough for our purposes. Given all these considerations, we decided to design the homodyne circuit using the EPITAXX photodiodes. Equivalent circuit of the EPITAXX ETX500T photodiode In general, photodiodes can be schematized with an equivalent circuit as that shown in Fig. 3.16, Figure 3.16: Equivalent circuit of a photodiode. i.e as a current generator (which “generates”the photocurrent) paralleled with a diode with the appropriate characteristics for the photodiode model (such as the dark current) and with a resistor and a capacitor, which schematize the shunt resistance and the junction capacitance of the photodiode. Finally the resistor, which schematize the bulk resistance of the photodiode is set in series to all these other components. This equivalent circuit was also used to schematize the photodiodes in the circuit design and the values of its parameters are reported for the EPITAXX ETX500T in Tab. 3.1. 3.2.3 The bias circuit of the photodiodes The bias circuit of the photodiodes is realized starting from a high precision 5V DC supply. This supply is obtained by filtering, through a double stage low pass filter (cut-off frequency at 0.5Hz), the 5V supply exiting from the high-precision CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 84 Figure 3.17: Bias circuit of the two phodiodes. -VBIAS is obtained from the VBIAS reference (5V). Note the two points, VR1 and VR2, which are respectively at voltage VBIAS and -VBIAS : they are important in the DC-readout circuit. 5V reference device AD586 (see Fig. 3.7). The -5V supply is obtained from the 5V reference through the circuit shown in Fig. 3.17: using the properties of ideal op-amps, we have that the current i is given by VA − VC VC − VB = 2R 2R VB VBIAS =− = 2R 2R i= (3.72) Thus we easily obtain that VB = −VBIAS VBIAS V R1 = 2 VBIAS V R2 = − 2 (3.73) (3.74) (3.75) In this way, the photodiodes are kept in reverse bias by the two supplies at ±VBIAS (±5V ), as shown in Fig. 3.17. The advantage of that arrangement is that the −5V supply comes from the 5V supply, thus every fluctuation of the 5V supply reflects in a equal fluctuation of the −5V supply. This greatly help from an electronic balance point of view, a characteristic of the circuit which, as we have seen, is extremely important when detecting squeezed light. 3.2.4 DC, AUDIO and RADIO readout blocks. The locations of the DC, AUDIO and RADIO readout blocks are shown in Fig. 3.4 and their circuit schemes can be found in Fig. 3.5 and Fig. 3.6. All three CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 85 kind of blocks, no matter if they are deputed to the readout of a single photodiode photocurrent or of the difference photocurrent of the two photodiodes, work as transimpedance amplifiers, analogously to that shown in Fig. 3.14, which have feedback impedances of the same type as that of the low-pass filter shown in Fig. 3.12. In addition, they also contain a second stage which, in the case of the DC readout, eliminate from the output voltage the offset deriving from the bias voltages of the photodiodes, in such a way that the output voltage is only proportional to the photocurrent. In case of AUDIO and RADIO readout, the second stage is a high-pass filter, as that shown in Fig. 3.12, which, together with the low-pass filter of the first transimpedance stage, shapes the transfer function of the readout block. Given that, as shown in Fig. 3.4, different blocks readout the same photocurrent at different frequency bands (for example DC and AUDIO for the photocurrents of each single photodiode and AUDIO and RADIO for the difference photocurrent) it is first of all extremely important to design the input impedances of the various blocks in such a way that each block do not pick up signals at frequencies which have to be readout by an other block. For example, a signal at AUDIO band (10Hz-10kHz) should not enter, as much as possible, a RADIO or DC block. The adopted solution is to design the transimpedance amplifiers as the general inverting amplifier shown in Fig. 3.12: if we substitute the input voltage with an input current we easily obtain that the output voltage only depends on the feedback impedance, as calculated in Eq. 3.68. The input impedance of the block, analogously to the inverting amplifier, is given by Z + ZM , where ZM is due to the Miller’s theorem and is the same which appear in Eq. 3.58. In the limit in which the op-amp can be considered ideal (this is generally true for many op-amps at DC and AUDIO band, it may not be true at RADIO band) and/or if Z ZM , the input impedance of the amplifier is essentially given by Z. If the same source current is connected to more than one of such transimpedance amplifiers, the input impedances of the various blocks divide a source current between the various amplifiers depending on their relative magnitude at the frequency which is being considered. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 86 Figure 3.18: Input impedances, in case of ideal op-amps, of the DC, AUDIO and RADIO blocks. The impedances, which were chosen in the circuit design, are shown in Fig. 3.18, while in Fig. 3.19 a plot of their magnitude vs frequency is reported. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 87 Figure 3.19: Plot of the magnitude of the input impedances of the DC, AUDIO and RADIO blocks, both considering ideal op-amps or taking into account the Miller effect. Also the impedance which a photodiode sees toward the other photodiode is plotted. In this figure the impedance, which a photodiode sees toward the other photodiode, is also shown. It is basically due to the shunt resistance of the photodiode and to its junction capacitance (see Fig. 3.16). In addition, the input impedances of the DC, AUDIO and RADIO blocks, including the additional impedance given by the Miller effect, are shown. Remind, referring to Fig. 3.18 and Fig. 3.11, that ZM = Z0 1 − Av (3.76) where Z 0 is the feedback impedance of the transimpedance amplifier and Av is the open-loop gain of the OP-AMP. The choice of the feedback impedances and the characteristics of the op-amps used for the various blocks will be discussed when talking about the design of each block, here only the basic informations are reported which allow to calculate the Miller part of the input impedances: for all the three op-amps used, OP27 (DC), AD8675 (AUDIO) and OPA847 (RADIO) the open-loop gain is approximately of the type shown in Fig. 3.9 and it can be described by a function of the form Av = A0 1 + i ννco (3.77) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 88 while the feedback impedance is that of the low-pass filter shown in Fig. 3.12. Indicating by RF and CF the feedback resistance and capacitance respectively, we have • DC RF = 1kΩ • AUDIO RF = 10kΩ • RADIO RF = 1kΩ A0 = 1.8 × 106 CF = 33µF A0 = 106 CF = 150pF CF = 4pF A0 = 8 × 104 νco = 40Hz νco = 10Hz νco = 5 × 104 Hz Let us note that, as shown in Fig. 3.19, in the three interesting frequency bands, DC, 10Hz-10kHz for AUDIO and 1MHz-100MHz for RADIO, the impedance of the corresponding detection block is well below the impedances of the other detection blocks and of the photodiode, thus, a signal at a certain frequency, in one of the three detection bands, will basically enter only the detection block appropriate for its detection frequency. In addition, for a signal coming from a photodiode the other photodiode can be considered practically an open circuit if compared with at least one of the three readout blocks and thus the two photodiodes can be considered independent in the frequency band we are considering. This is also true because, even if, as shown in Fig. 3.1, not all detection blocks detect the same photocurrent (we have only DC and AUDIO for the photocurrent of each photodiode and only AUDIO and RADIO for the difference photocurrent), the missing block is substituted with its input impedance set to ground, as can be seen in Fig. 3.5. This is done in order to balance, as much as possible, the detection circuitry of each photodiode and that of the difference photocurrent. Finally Fig. 3.19 shows that at up to ∼ 100MHz, given the characteristics of the employed op-amps and of the transimpedance blocks, the effect of the Miller impedances, due to the non ideal behavior of the op-amps, is negligible. Thus for our purposes the op-amps can be considered ideal. DC readout The scheme of the DC readout block of the top photodiode of Fig. 3.17 is shown in Fig. 3.20: the DC part of the photocurrent coming from the photodiode only circulate in the 50kΩ resistor (which roughly is the input impedance of the DC block) and in the transimpedance indicated with Z. The point A is at voltage VBIAS , while the point indicated with V R1 is connected with the point V R1 shown in Fig. 3.17 and is at voltage VBIAS /2. The same description applies to the bottom photodiode of Fig. 3.17 but in this case the sign of all voltages is reversed. We have VB = VA + IP D Z (3.78) VA = VBIAS (3.79) i= VBIAS /2 − Vo VB − VBIAS /2 = R R (3.80) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 89 Figure 3.20: DC readot block. thus Vo = −IP D Z (3.81) The op-amp with feedback impedance Z acts as a transimpedance amplifier, while the second stage eliminates from the output voltage the offset, due to the bias voltage, which can be found in the expression for VB . The op-amp model used for the DC blocks is OP27, a low noise op-amp designed for DC and radio applications. Considering that the maximum current allowed by the photodiodes is ∼ 8mA (the maximum power is ∼ 10mW and the responsivity is 0.8), that the transimpedance of the DC block is 1kΩ and the expression for the output voltage of the transimpedance stage Eq. 3.78, OP27 is a good choice for the design of the DC block. In fact it allows for a ∼ 13.5V output voltage swing and for power dissipation higher than 50mW and thus, it can cover the maximum output voltage expected at the output of the transimpedance stage (∼13V) and the power dissipation expected from the transimpedance stage (6 − 7mW). In Fig. 3.20 the elements composing Z are shown: a 1kΩ resistor in parallel to a 33µF capacitor, so that the first stage acts as a low-pass transimpedance amplifier with cut-off frequency at ∼ 5Hz and transimpedance gain 1kΩ. AUDIO readout (10Hz-10kHz) The AUDIO blocks for the readout of both the photocurrents of each photodiode and of the difference photocurrent, are composed of a first low-pass transimpedance stage and a second high-pass stage, as shown in Fig. 3.21. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 90 Figure 3.21: AUDIO readot blocks: first and second stage. All AUDIO stages uses √ the op-amp model AD8675 because its low √ input voltage noise (vn = 2.8nV / Hz) and input current noise (in = 2.8nV / Hz) and its high open-loop gain (106 ), allow accurate high-gain amplification of lowlevel signals. In addition, its gain-bandwidth product of 10 MHz and its 2.5 V/µs slew rate provide good dynamic accuracy in audio-band applications. The first stage has transimpedance gain 10kΩ and low-pass cut-off frequency ∼ 11kHz. The second stage has unity gain and high-pass cut-off frequency ∼ 9Hz. The signals exiting the second stage of AUDIO-readout blocks of the two photodiode photocurrents, are then summed with a unity gain circuit as that shown in Fig. 3.22. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 91 Figure 3.22: AUDIO readot blocks. Top: sum stage of the single-photodiodes readout blocks. Bottom: third stage of the difference photocurrent readout block. Then, a third stage is added to the readout block of the difference photocurrent. This stage, shown in Fig. 3.22, is only a unity gain stage. It is needed to make the output noise of the difference photocurrent readout block as much as possible equal to the output noise of the sum photocurrent readout block. In fact, we want that, if the local oscillator is a coherent field and if only unsqueezed vacuum enters the beam splitter, the spectra of the sum and difference photocurrents are equal. If the sum and difference blocks have a different noise, the presence of a squeezed field could be simulated. RADIO readout (1MHz-100 MHz) The design of the RADIO block requires more care than that of the other blocks. This is due to several reasons: • the photodiodes have a junction capacitance of ∼ 15pF and, in the considered band, it must be taken into account when designing the transimpedance amplifier, because the junction capacitance can severely affect the frequency response of the amplifier • op-amps, which can cover the required frequencies band (1MHz-100MHz) are not stable for unity voltage gain. This means that the voltage amplifiers should have a gain higher than a given value (usually & 10 but it depends on the op-amp), and this is a constraint on the ratio of the feedback resistance to the input resistance. However, given that the opamp has its own input capacitance and that the parasitic capacitances are unavoidable in the other circuit elements, such as resistors and wires, a trade-off should be found in the magnitude of those resistances. Their CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 92 Figure 3.23: RADIO readot blocks: first and second stage. values have to be not too high, otherwise, together with the parasitic capacitances, they would act as a low pass filter. Usually resistors have a parasitic capacitance of order 0.5 − 1pF , i.e if, for example, we take a 2kΩ feedback resistor for our amplifier, its parasitic capacitance create an unwanted low-pass filter with cut-off frequency of order ∼ 150M Hz. On the other hand, the resistance values should not be too low because op-amps can only drive currents up to a maximum. The lower-limit is obtained by imposing that supply voltage of the op-amp divided by the resistance is lower than the maximum current, which the op-amp can drive. • unlike for the AUDIO readout, it results practically impossible to design sum and difference readout RADIO blocks, which have the same transfer characteristics and the same noise performance. In fact, the addition of an extra stage can change the transfer function of the block. For that reason we choose to install just the RADIO block for the difference photocurrent, which is sufficient for the characterization of the squeezing level. The difference photocurrent readout RADIO block is composed by two stage, the first one is a low-pass transimpedance amplifier and the second one a highpass filter, as shown in Fig. 3.23. The op-amp model used for those stages is OPA847 because it resulted the best op-amp, which we were able to find, with respect the covered frequency band and the noise performance, at radio band. OPA847 - is stable for voltage gain G > 12 - has a large gain-bandwidth product GBP = 3.9GHz - has a total input capacitance of COP A = 3.7pF The datasheet of OPA847 also includes useful advices for the use of the opamp in few applications. In particular, it provides a way to design a low-pass transimpedance amplifier for photodiodes, which takes into account the junction capacitance of the photodiode and the total input capacitance of OPA847 and guarantees a flat response up to a cut-off frequency, which can be determined once the feedback impedance has been chosen. If RF and CF are the feedback resistance and capacitance of the amplifier, CJ is the junction capacitance of the photodiode, COP A is the total input capacitance of the op-amp and GBP CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 93 Figure 3.24: RADIO: transimpedance amplifier transfer function. is gain-bandwidth product, a flat response up to a cut-off frequency s GBP νco = 2πRF (CJ + COP A ) (3.82) is achieved when the relation 1 = 2πRF CF s GBP 4πRF (CJ + COP A ) (3.83) is satisfied. Plugging the values of the various parameters inside those formulas, we obtain, for a transimpedance gain of ∼ 1kΩ, a cut-off frequency of ∼ 180M Hz. However, in practice this value is expected to be lower when we take into account the contribution of the other photodiode. The transimpedance transfer function was simulated using TINA, including both photodiodes: the result is shown in Fig. 3.24. The second stage was designed as a high-pass filter with gain 20 and cut-off frequency ∼ 1MHz and it is shown in Fig. 3.23. 3.3 The noise study In this section we report on the noise study and the performance of the homodyne detector prototype designed in this thesis. First all we briefly introduce the basic concepts of the theory of electronic noise applied in the study of the noise characteristics of the circuit. A thorough treating of electronic noise can be found in several books, see [18] and [21]. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 3.3.1 94 Electronic noise The noise can be defined as each unwanted disturbance, which overlaps with a useful signal and degrades its information content. This definition is quite general and includes zero-average random fluctuations, that result from the physics of electronic devices and materials of an electronic system, as well as disturbances due to external sources (for example cross-talks with a second nearby electronic system) or to signal processing noises (for example the quantization noise). In our case only the first type of noise sources matter, i.e random fluctuations intrinsic to the electronic system, because we want to determine the noise performance of the homodyne detector prototype. Noise sources of this kind, which are most interesting for our purposes and which are going to be described is some detail, are thermal noise, shot noise and 1/f noise. The main characteristics of those kind of noise is precisely the randomness, which makes impossible to predict the magnitude of each fluctuation and which makes a statistical description of the noise itself necessary. In fact, this kind of noise sources are in effect stochastic processes (see [12]): if x is a generic random variable, which describes a fluctuating parameter of the electronic system, probability distributions are associated to the ensemble of each possible configuration of x(t), i.e to the ensemble of each possible time evolution of the random variable. Treating such a general problem is usually difficult, but in many cases of practical interest in electronics, we can focus on stationary and ergodic stochastic processes, i.e processes for which the statistical properties do not change with time and can be deduced by observing just one possible time evolution of x. Let us recall few basic operative definitions related to the stochastic processes, useful in treating the noise, i.e the average and the autocorrelation. In the case of the noise, the average vanishes. On the other hand, the autocorrelation function of a stationary and ergodic stochastic processes is defined as Z 1 +T x(t + τ )x(t)dt (3.84) Rxx (τ ) = lim T −→∞ T 0 Rxx (0) is nothing but the variance in case of zero-average fluctuations. An equivalent description can be obtained in the frequency domain by the power spectrum, which is defined as the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function Z +∞ Rxx (τ )e−iωτ dτ Sxx (ω) = (3.85) 0 and is linked to the variance by Rxx (0) = 1 2π Z +∞ Sxx (ω)dω (3.86) 0 The characterization of a stochastic process through its power spectrum is extremely important in electronics because it allows to treat in a simple way the effect of filters and amplifiers on noise. As a matter of fact, it can be shown that if a stochastic signal with power spectrum Sxx (ω) is filtered by a linear and stationary filter with transfer function H(iω), the power spectrum of the signal exiting the filter is given by Syy (ω) = Sxx (ω)|H(iω)|2 (3.87) CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 95 Thermal noise Thermal noise is present in every physical system at temperature different from the absolute zero and is due to thermal agitation. It is characterized by a Gaussian statistics and, in the limit in which the quantization of energy levels can be neglected, i.e for the condition, satisfied in almost all cases of interest in electronics, that the temperature is not too low and the frequency not to high (}ω kT ), its power spectrum can be considered white, i.e flat. Thermally induced random motion of charge carriers in a conductor originates the electronic thermal noise, also called Johnson noise: if we measure the voltage vn (t) at the terminals of an open-circuit resistor, we find out that it fluctuates with time around zero. Similarly, short-circuiting the terminals of the same resistor and measuring the circulating current in (t) = vn (t)/R, we find out that it fluctuates with time around zero. It can be shown that, in the limit in which the power spectrum of thermal noise can be considered white, the power spectra of the fluctuating voltage and current only depends on the resistance and on the temperature of the resistor through the Johnson noise formula Svv (ω) = 4kT R 4kT Sii (ω) = R (3.88) (3.89) Those formulae can be generalized to the thermal noise of a general twoterminal passive and linear electronic element. In fact, the fluctuationdissipation theorem tells us that, if Z(iω) is the impedance measured at the terminals of the two-terminal device, the thermal noise voltage and current power spectra become Svv (ω) = 4kT <[Z(iω)] 4kT Sii (ω) = <[Z(iω)] (3.90) (3.91) These expressions tell us that a two-terminal devices, such as ideal capacitors and inductors, which have a purely imaginary impedance, would not be affected by thermal noise because they would not suffer dissipation. However, every real device incurs in dissipative processes and thus exhibit thermal noise. In the case of capacitors, the entity of the real part of the impedance (which is responsible for dissipation) can be inferred from the so called dissipation factor tan δ, which can be found in the capacitor datasheet and gives <[Z(iω)] = tan δ|=[Z(iω)]| where =[Z(iω)] = 1 iωC (3.92) is the well known impedance of an ideal capacitor. Shot noise We have already dealt with shot noise in Sec. 3.1.1 when we talked about photodetection. We saw that, if a coherent light beam hits the photodetector, the resulting photocurrent fluctuates around a steady state value (which corresponds to the intensity of the light beam) following a Poisson statistics. We CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 96 then calculated the expected power spectrum of the current fluctuations and obtained (3.93) Sii = 2ie This result was obtained because light has a discrete nature, being composed by photons, and because for a coherent light beam, photons impinge on the detector in a completely random way, i.e every hitting event is independent from an other and the photon arrival follows a Poisson statistics. Shot noise in electronics has quite the same origin. In fact, if we consider an electric current, i.e, analogously to light, a flux of discrete particles, crossing a potential barrier in a completely random way, i.e each crossing event is independent of an other, we obtain for the current fluctuations power spectrum the same result of Eq. 3.19, i.e, if qe is the charge of the charge carriers (3.94) Sii = 2iqe An example of electronic shot noise is that due to a photodiode dark current. The dark current originates from the flux of minority charge carriers in the pn junction of the photodiode, which cross the potential barrier formed at the junction. This is a noise source that have to be taken into account in low-noise design of photodetectors. 1/f noise 1/f noise has been observed in many different fields, from physics to electronics and biology, but up to now no unique interpretation was found for it. It shows a power spectrum of type S(f ) ∝ 1 fα (3.95) where α is a parameter near to unity. In electronics it seems to be linked to effects of generation-recombination and/or capture and release of charge carriers from traps and impurities in the material, which constitutes the electronic element as well as fluctuations in the number of charge carriers. Wherever it comes from, 1/f noise is practically ubiquitous and represents the limiting factor to the sensitivity of measurements at low frequencies. Noise representation and calculation in electronics Let us consider a noisy two-terminal electronic element. The voltage v(t) at its terminal, in linearity regime, can be divided between a part v 0 (t), which is the voltage that we would have measured in absence of noise and a noise part vn (t) v(t) = v 0 (t) + vn (t) (3.96) Thus, using the Thevenin theorem, the noisy two-terminal component can be represented by a noise voltage generator in series with the noiseless component, or, equivalently, using the Northon theorem, with a noise current generator paralleled with the noiseless component, as shown in Fig. 3.25. Both voltage and current generators are described by their power spectrum. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 97 Figure 3.25: Left: noisy two-terminal electronic element. Right: noise twoport device. In case of a noisy two-port component, as that shown in Fig. 3.25, it is necessary to specify two noise generators. A way of doing it can be to put a noise voltage (current) generator in series (in parallel) to each port and then specify both power spectra (real magnitudes) and the cross-spectrum (complex magnitude) of the two noise generators. Thus, four informations are needed in order to characterize the noise of a two-port component. However, it can be shown that an equivalent, and easiest to deal with, representation can be obtained by placing a voltage and a current generator both at the input port, as shown in Fig. 3.25. This representation makes the noise treating independent on the transfer function of the two-port element and greatly simplifies noise calculations in circuits. A crucial matter when designing low-noise electronics is how to determine the noise contribution of a noise source placed somewhere in the circuit to the noise at the output or at any other point of the circuit. Let us assume that in the circuit n different noise sources are present, each one characterized by its spectrum Sk (ω). Let us now suppose that we want to compute the voltage noise power spectrum at the output of the circuit 1 and that Hk (iω) is the transfer function between the k-th noise source and the output. If the noise sources are independent, i.e. no correlation exists between them, it can be shown that the noise power spectrum at the output is given by out Svv (ω) = n X Sk (ω)|Hk (iω)|2 (3.97) k1 Then, introducing the transfer function between the input signal and the output Hsig , we can input-refer the output noise. In other words, we assume that the output noise is due to a fictitious noise source set at the signal input and its power spectrum is out Svv in Svv (ω) = (3.98) |Hsig (iω)|2 In fact, the input-referred noise and the signal reflect on the output through the same transfer function and thus can be easily compared. 1 A similar approach is followed to compute the current and voltage noises in any point of the circuit CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 98 In the linear regime, there is a practical “algorithm”to deal with those noise calculations: to obtain the transfer function Hk (iω) of a particular noise source, we have to short-circuit every other voltage noise (or signal) source and open-circuit every other current noise (or signal) source. Then, we have just to treat the noise generator in question as a normal voltage or current source and calculate its effect on the output. Once the transfer function of each noise source has been determined and if the noise sources are independent, the output noise can be calculated with Eq. 3.97 and, once known the transfer function of the signal, it can be input-referred as shown in Eq. 3.98. The procedure can be better understood with a practical example, which applies to a generic feedback amplifier and which is introductory to the noise calculations performed for the homodyne detector prototype. Noise in a feedback amplifier Figure 3.26: Noise sources in a feedback amplifier Referring to Fig. 3.26, we calculate the contribution of the noise sources in , vn and iF to the noise power spectrum of the output voltage vo . The first two noise sources are those of the amplifier, which is nothing but a two-port device as that described in the previous section, while iF is the thermal noise of the feedback resistor. We apply the procedure described in the previous section and we determine the transfer function of each noise source to the output: • vn ) v − v n = vt = − v o A v = v =⇒ vo = o A vn 1+A thus Hvn = A 1+A (3.99) • in ) v = vt = − vo A v − v = i R o n F =⇒ vo = ARF in 1+A CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 99 thus Hin = ARF 1+A (3.100) • iF ) v = vt = − vo A v − v = i R o F F =⇒ vo = ARF iF 1+A thus HiF = ARF 1+A (3.101) • vsig ) the transfer function of an input voltage signal would simply be Hsig = −A Indicating with i2n , vn2 and i2F the power spectra of the three noise sources, the power spectrum of the total output noise becomes 2 2 out 2 A 2 2 ARF Svv = vn + (in + iF ) (3.102) 1+A 1 + A out by |Hsig |2 which can be input-referred by dividing Svv in Svv 3.3.2 = vn2 2 1 2 + (i2n + i2F ) RF 1 + A 1 + A (3.103) Noise calculations for the homodyne detector prototype In sec. 3.2 we have seen that we require the homodyne detector to be able to detect noise levels at least ten times below the shot noise level of the localoscillator. As shown in Eq. 3.19, the shot noise level depends on the local oscillator power and the maximum shot noise level reachable depends on the maximum power that the photodiode can bare. For EPITAXX ETX500T it is 10mW. When designing the homodyne detector, we assumed that the signals are the shot noise levels of the two photodiodes photocurrents (which we assume to be equal), each characterized by its power spectrum (see Eq. 3.19) and each affecting independently the readout blocks of the photocurrent of each photodiode and of the difference photocurrent. The photodiode intrinsic noise is due to the thermal noise of the shunt resistance and of the bulk resistance (refer to Fig. 3.27) and to the shot noise of the dark current. The detection blocks carry also their own noises and these noises, together with those of the photodiodes, limit the sensitivity of the measurement of the shot noise level of the photocurrents and thus of squeezing. Obviously this discussion does not apply to the DC readout of the photocurrents because in this case we are not dealing with noise measurements but with the CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 100 Figure 3.27: Noise sources of the photodiode. detection of photocurrents of order of mA and with output voltages of order of volts, thus the electronic noise is not a limiting factor. In order to estimate the total amount of noise at the output of the difference and sum photocurrents readout blocks, it is necessary to apply the procedure described in the previous section to the AUDIO and RADIO readout blocks. Given that these readout blocks have a first low-pass transimpedance stage and a second high-pass stage, all noise calculations can be reduced to a prototype calculation as that performed on the transimpendance and voltage amplifiers shown in Eq. 3.28. Applying the noise calculation described in the previous section, first by considering the operational amplifier non ideal and then sending the open-loop gain to ∞ (as shown in sec. 3.2.1) we obtain: • transimpedance amplifier referring to Fig. 3.28, in the calculations of the noise contributions, the signal current source is open-circuited and the calculation for vn , in and iF are exactly the same of Eq. 3.99, 3.100 and 3.101. Thus their contributions to the output noise power spectrum are A 2 2 A→∞ out vn Svout (3.104) = vn2 −→ Svn = n 1+A AZF 2 2 A→∞ −→ Siout (3.105) Siout = = |ZF |2 i2n n n 1 + A in ARF 2 2 A→∞ out iF Svn = −→ Siout = |ZF |2 i2F (3.106) F 1+A • voltage amplifier referring to Fig. 3.28, in the calculations of the noise contributions, the signal voltage source is short-circuited and vI ) vI − vt = − vo − v t ZI ZF vo = −Avt =⇒ vo = −vI ZF A (1 + A)ZI + ZF CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 101 Figure 3.28: Prototype for noise calculations for Top: a transimpedance amplifier Bottom: a voltage amplifier. thus 2 2 ZF A − Svout = I (1 + A)ZI + ZF vI ZF 2 2 − Svout = I Z I vI A→∞ −→ (3.107) in ) in = vt + vt − vo ZI ZF vo = −Avt vo = −in =⇒ ZF ZI A (1 + A)ZI + ZF thus 2 2 ZF ZI A − Siout = n (1 + A)ZI + ZF in A→∞ −→ 2 Siout = |−ZF | i2n n (3.108) vn ) vn + vt = vo − (vn + vt ) ZI ZF vo = −Avt =⇒ vo = vn A(ZI + ZF ) (1 + A)ZI + ZF CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 102 thus Svout n A(ZI + ZF ) 2 2 v = (1 + A)ZI + ZF n A→∞ −→ Svout n 2 ZF 2 v = 1 + ZI n (3.109) iF ) ( vo − vt = iF ZF =⇒ vo = −Avt vo = iF AZF 1+A thus AZF 2 2 Siout = F 1 + A iF A→∞ −→ 2 Siout = |ZF | i2F F (3.110) In both cases the total output is simply given as in Eq. 3.102. Those calculation prototypes were applied to the homodyne detector design by assuming that resistors and capacitors only bring thermal noise. 1/f noise was not included because, from the informations reported in the op-amps datasheets, it appears to be negligible for the design. With the help of MATLAB, the total output noise were simulated for the AUDIO and RADIO difference photocurrent readout blocks and for the AUDIO sum photocurrent readout block. The noise sources of the photodiodes as well as those of the other blocks have been taken into account. For example, the 50kΩ input impedance of the DC blocks contributes with its thermal noise to the output noise of the nearby AUDIO block. Such a kind of contributions can be easily taken into account by appropriately defining the generic impedance ZI , which appears in Fig. 3.28. The circuit noise at the output of the AUDIO sum and difference photocurrent readout blocks has been plotted in Fig. 3.29, together with the shot noise level at the same outputs (which represents the signal), simulated for laser powers 1mW and 10mW. The same has been done in Fig. 3.30 for the RADIO difference photocurrents readout block. In both figures we can see that, if we look at the shot noise level obtained for a laser power of 10mW, the circuit noise is at least ten times below this shot noise level, as we wanted. In addition, the noise (and signal) for the AUDIO sum and difference appear to more or less equal, as required for the detection of squeezing. This result was achieved by adding the third unity-gain extra stage to the difference photocurrent readout block, as shown in Fig. 3.22. In fact, this stage compensate the extra noise coming from the summing amplifier and from the fact that, while the difference is performed with the self-subtraction scheme and then amplified, the sum is performed after that the two photocurrents have been amplified, and thus at the output of the sum block there is more noise than at the output of the difference block. CHAPTER 3. HOMODYNE DETECTION 103 Figure 3.29: Noise simulation for AUDIO sum and difference photocurrents’ readout blocks. Figure 3.30: Noise simulation for RADIO difference photocurrent readout block. Chapter 4 Realization and test of the homodyne detector prototype. In the previous chapter we illustrated the design of the homodyne detector prototype developed in this thesis. The design have been developed with the support of LABE, the electronic lab of INFN, which is now looking after the practical realization of the detector. The circuit PCB has already been designed and is being produced by an external company. However, the delivery time was too long because of bureaucratic problems in the administrative office. Thus the circuit board is not ready yet. Once the circuit realization is fulfilled we proceed to the testing. The circuit test will be divided in two steps. The first step is the debug of the electronic circuit: • it will be checked for possible malfunctioning, due for example to wrong or missing connections or to mistakes in the power-supply branch • the photodiodes and their DC readout blocks will be tested by illuminating each photodiode and looking if the corresponding voltage is provided at the output of the DC blocks Once this preliminary test has been completed and the mistakes have been rectified we will also measure • the transfer functions of the AUDIO and RADIO blocks • the total amount of noise at the AUDIO sum and difference outputs and at the RADIO difference output, when no light impinges on the photodiodes and compare them with those expected from the circuit design. The second step of the test procedure is aimed to check the prototype when actually worked as a homodyne detector for quantum noise. In order to do that we use a self-homodyne detection scheme, as that described in Sec. 3.1.2, which allows a measurement of the shot noise of the laser used as local oscillator. To better understand this point, we briefly recall the main characteristics 104 CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.105 of self-homodyne detection, whose ideal scheme is reported in Fig. 3.1: a laser beam, i.e the local oscillator, is sent to one of the ports of the beam splitter while vacuum noise enters the other port. The resulting sum and difference photocurrents, calculated in Sec. 3.1.2, are î+ ∝ α2 + αδX1,a (4.1) î− ∝ αδX1,v (4.2) and their variance V ar[î+ ] ∝ α2 V ar[X1,a ] 2 V ar[î− ] ∝ α V ar[X1,v ] (4.3) (4.4) where v refers to the vacuum and a to the local oscillator. V ar[X1,v ] = 1 for the unsqueezed vacuum and the power spectrum of the difference photocurrent equals the shot noise power spectrum of the laser, as shown in Sec. 3.1.1. In the frequency bands in which the laser can be well approximated as a coherent state V ar[X1,a ] = 1 and the power spectrum of the sum photocurrent also equals the shot noise power spectrum of the laser and the power spectrum of the difference photocurrent. In the frequency bands in which the laser cannot be considered a coherent state, it brings classical technical noise which can be much larger than the quantum noise given by the shot noise. In those cases the sum photocurrent exhibits a noise power spectrum above the shot noise level of the laser, i.e above the power spectrum of the difference photocurrent. Thus, by arranging a self-homodyne detection scheme for our prototype we can check, taking the power spectrum of the difference photocurrent, if it is able to see the shot noise of the laser at different laser powers. If it is the case, we can also compare the circuit noise at the AUDIO sum and difference outputs and at the RADIO difference output with the shot noise level of the laser at the maximum power allowed for the photodiodes (10mW) and verify how much the circuit noise is below this shot noise level (we would like a 10 factor below). Finally, taking the power spectrum of the (AUDIO) sum photocurrent, we can also obtain a measurement of the laser noise in the frequency band 10Hz-10kHz. A measurement of the intensity noise in the band 100kHz-120MHz of the laser (Mefisto-Innolight Mod S200), which will be used in the self-homodyne test, has been performed during this thesis using a single photodiode. The procedure used to fulfill the measurement and its results are reported in the following section and constitute an example of how the photocurrent noise measurements, so crucial in homodyne detection for squeezed light, can be performed. 4.1 Measurement of the intensity noise power spectrum of the laser Mefisto-InnoLight The model of laser Mefisto (Nd:YAG, λ = 1064nm), which we are dealing with, has a power of 200mW and a noise-eater system, which allows for the suppression of the resonant noise of the laser that appears at about 500kHz. The noise-eater consists of an electro-optic feedback controller, embedded in the CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.106 laser device. Practical applications are the suppression of the large modulations due to the relaxation oscillations of the laser crystal and of the technical noises due to mechanical imperfections of the laser (see [3]). In this section • we report the results of the measurements of the intensity noise of the laser Mefisto, performed both with the noise-eater turned off and on, in the band 100kHz-150MHz • we show the noise-suppression effect of the noise-eater in the band 100kHz1.5MHz • we show that the laser appears to be shot noise limited, i.e quantum noise limited, in the band 3MHz-70MHz The measurements have been performed by using • the spectrum analyzer GW INSTEK GSP-830 • photodetector InGaAs THORLABS PDA10CF-EC • photodetector InGaAs NEW FOCUS 1811 Expected shot noise level at the output of a photodetector The two photodetectors have both a readout circuit, whose transimpedance value (TRA) is reported in the data sheet and a responsivity (RES). Thus, if Popt is the laser power, the photodetector provides the photocurrent and the output voltage given by i = RES × Popt (4.5) v = i × T RA (4.6) The calculation of the shot noise level of a photocurrent has been performed in Sec. 3.1.1 and we just report the result Sii = ie = eRES × P opt (4.7) Svv = ie × T RA2 = eRES × P opt × T RA2 (4.8) For the expression of Svv we used Eq. 3.87. The spectrum analyzer The used spectrum analyzer (GW INSTEK GSP-830) works in the band 9kHz3GHz. It measures the voltage at its input port in three different ways 2 V Z • dBm= 10 log 1mW where V is the input voltage and Z the input impedance of the analyzer (50 Ω). The quantity V 2 Z is referred to 1mW. V • dBmV=20 log 1mV in this case, the input voltage is referred to 1mV CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.107 V • dBuV=20 log 1µV in this case, the input voltage is referred to 1µV Le us suppose that we want to measure a power spectrum, for example the noise power spectrum of our laser. We can do that by registering the output voltage of our photodetector, for example in dBmV, and then √ calculating the square root of the noise power spectrum, for example in nV/ Hz, by - expressing the noise voltage exiting the photodetector and measured by the spectrum analyzer in nV Vnv = 10 VdBmV 20 × 106 (4.9) - and then dividing by the square root of the resolution bandwidth RBW of the spectrum analyzer during the measurement (the information about the resolution bandwidth is provided by the spectrum analyzer itself) p Svv |(nV /√Hz) = √ Vnv RBW (4.10) The resolution bandwidth tells us how much the spectral measurements are frequency-spaced, i.e, given the measurement bandwidth, how many points the measurement contains. The used spectrum analyzer allows only four possible values for the resolution bandwidth, i.e 3kHz, 30kHz, 300kHz e 4MHz, thus, even though the nominal working bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer is 9kHz3GHz, spectral measurements in the band 9kHz-100kHz contain few points and, furthermore, the noise of the spectrum analyzer in this band came out to be large enough to not allow the measurement of the laser noise. Measurements with the Thorlabs photodetector The characteristics of the photodetector necessary for the measurement are reported in Tab. 4.1. MAGNITUDE RES TRA band max power VALUE 0.6 5 × 103 (if terminated on 50Ω) DC-150 1.6 UNITS A/W V/A MHZ mW Table 4.1: Characteristics of detector Thorlabs Given that the laser has a power of 200mW, filters have been used in order to reduce it below the maximum power allowed by the detector (1.6mW). However, the available filter allowed to reach at most 0.5mW. At this laser power, using Eq. 4.7 and 4.8, we obtain an expected shot noise √ spectrum of ∼ 35nV / Hz. Measurements of • the spectrum of the intrinsic noise of the spectrum analyzer CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.108 • the spectrum of the intrinsic noise of the detector • the spectrum of the intensity noise of the laser with noise-eater off • the spectrum of the intensity noise of the laser with noise-eater on have been performed as described in the previous section in the band 100kHz120MHz: the voltage at the input of the analyzer has been measured in dBmV and registered in .txt files through the interface software between the computer and the analyzer. From these data files the noise power spectra have been calculated as illustrated in Eq. 4.9 and 4.10. The parameters important for the measurement are reported in Tab. 4.2. MAGNITUDE laser power shot noise power spectrum expected at the output of the photodetector measurement band VALUE 0.5 35 UNITS mW√ nV / Hz 0.1-150 MHz Table 4.2: Parameters of the measurements with detector Thorlabs In the following figures the registered spectra have been reported. In particular we can see that • the noise spectrum of the analyzer, in the considered band, is below √ the Hz at noise spectra of the detector and the laser. Its value is ∼ 40nV / √ 500kHz, and arrives at ∼ 5 − 6nV / Hz for frequencies & 5M Hz • in Figure 4.1 the effect of the noise-eater on the laser noise is evident in the band 100kHz-2MHz while it has no effects at higher frequencies • in Figure 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 we can see that the laser appear to be shot noise limited in the √ band ∼ 3M Hz−70M Hz, i.e in this band the noise spectrum is ∼ 35nV / Hz. This is more evident if we subtract in quadrature the noise spectrum of the detector to that of the laser, as shown in Figure 4.4. CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.109 Figure 4.1: Spectra- detector Thorlabs 100kHz-5MHz. The blue curve shows the resonant noise of the laser. The green curve shows the effect of the noise suppretion of the resonant noise due to the noise-eater. The noise eater has no effect at frequencies higher than 2MHz. The detector and the analyzer noise (red curve and black curve) are below the laser noise. CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.110 Figure 4.2: Spectra- detector Thorlabs 5MHz-15MHz. The blue curve shows the laser noise, which √ is at about the shot noise level expected at the laser power 0.5mW, i.e 35nV / Hz. Figure 4.3: Spectra√ detector Thorlabs 16MHz-120MHz. The laser is shot noise limited (∼ 35nV / Hz), however its noise appears to encrease because of the detector noise, which increases and begins to dominate at frequency ∼ 120MHz. CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.111 Figure 4.4: Spectra- detector Thorlabs 5MHz-80MHz. The quadrature difference between the laser noise and the detector noise has been calculated in order to make more evident√ that the laser is shot noise limited. In fact the quadrature difference is ∼ 35nV / Hz. Measurements with the New Focus photodetector We followed the same procedure used for detector Thorlabs. The characteristics of the photodetector necessary for the measurement are reported in Tab. 4.3. MAGNITUDE RES TRA band (AC OUT) band (DC OUT) max power VALUE 0.73 40 × 103 0.025 -125 DC-50 120 UNITS A/W V/A MHz kHz µW Table 4.3: Characteristics of detector New Focus With the available filters we were able to reach at most the laser power ∼ 60µW (the maximum power for this photodiode is 120µW ), thus the expected √ shot noise power spectrum at the output of the photodetector is ∼ 95nV / Hz. The parameters important for the measurement are reported in Tab. 4.4. MAGNITUDE laser power shot noise power spectrum expected at output of the photodetector measurement band VALUE 60 95 UNITS µW √ nV / Hz 0.025-125 MHz Table 4.4: Parameters of the measurements with detector New Focus In the following figures the registered spectra have been reported. In particular we can see that • in Figure 4.5 the effect of the noise-eater on the laser noise is evident in the band 300kHz-1.5MHz while it has no effects at higher frequencies CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.112 • in Figure (4.5) and (4.6) we can see that the laser appear to be shot noise limited in√the band 1.5MHz-40MHz , i.e in this band the noise spectrum is ∼ 95nV / Hz. At higher frequencies the noise of the detector dominates. In conclusion the results of the measurements carried on with both the photodiodes show that the laser is to be shot noise limited in the band 3MHz-70MHz. Figure 4.5: Spectra- detector New Focus 300kHz-5MHz. The blue curve shows the resonant noise of the laser. The green curve shows the effect of the noise suppretion of the resonant noise due to the noise-eater. The noise eater has no effect at frequencies higher than 1.5MHz. The detector and the analyzer noise (red curve and black curve) are below the laser noise. CHAPTER 4. REALIZATION AND TEST OF THE HOMODYNE DETECTOR PROTOTYPE.113 Figure 4.6: Spectra- detector New Focus 5MHz-60MHz. The blue curve shows the laser noise, which √ is at about the shot noise level expected at the laser power 60µW, i.e 95nV / Hz. The detctor noise dominates at frequencies higher than ∼ 40MHz. Conclusion The quantum enhancement of meter-scale prototypes of GW interferometers by injecting squeezed vacuum at the output port of the interferometer has been experimentally demonstrated . Frequency independent squeezing has been obtained both in the few MHz band and in the audio band of the gravitational waves detectors (10Hz-100kHz), by means of optical parametric processes. In addition, ponderomotive squeezing, which is likely to provide frequency dependent squeezing, is being studied. A squeezer in being designed for the GW interferometer Advanced Virgo. The projects involves a first step in which the squeezing by optical parametric processes is realized. Then, the implementation of ponderomotive squeezing is attempted. Finally, once Advanced Virgo has been completed and has started working, the injection system for the squeezed vacuum into the output of the interferometer will be realized. In this thesis we designed the electronics of a homodyne detector prototype for the the squeezer of Advanced Virgo 1 . In the first chapter of the thesis we introduced the gravitational waves and their direct detection with interferometric detectors. Then we illustrated the quantum enhancement of GW interferometers by injecting squeezed vacuum at their output port. In the second chapter, after a brief introduction to the basic concepts of quantum optics, we describe the squeezed states of light and how they can be produced, both by optical parametric process and by ponderomotive squeezing. In the third chapter we discussed the theory of the homodyne detection and the design of the electronics of the homodyne detector prototype. In the fourth chapter we illustrated the methodology to be followed for testing of the circuit board, once it has been realized. We concluded by reporting the experimental characterization of the intensity noise of the laser, which will be used to test the homodyne detector prototype. 1 Unfortunately, due to delays caused by bureaucratic problem of the administrative office, the circuit board is still being produced by a factory. 114 Bibliography [1] www.cadence.com. [2] www.ti.com. [3] Hans A. 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Ettore, per la sua gentilezza, e per aver creduto in me quando io non credevo in me stessa Fulvio, il Grande Capo (per citare Perci), per il suo occhio attento, e per avermi insegnato la tenacia Giovanni Vittorio Pallottino, per la sua disponibilità, e perché senza il suo prezioso aiuto questa tesi non sarebbe mai stata ultimata Piero, per essere il maestro supremo e indiscusso della fantascienza e per aver condiviso con me la sua sapienza Sergio, per le nostre disquisizioni filosofiche che non mancheranno mai di affascinarmi, e per avermi liberato di Linux Paola, Cristiano, Mary, Andrea, Alberto, Roberto, Ilaria, Valentina e Luca, per la simpatia e le risate che hanno reso la vita al G23 un bello spasso Perci, che con il suo brio e la sua inventiva non smetterà mai di sorprendermi A tutti i ragazzi del Labe, Valerio il Boss, Manlio, Luigi, Fabrizio, Lorena, i due Francesco, Riccardo, Daniele, Giacomo e Felice, per il loro insostituibile aiuto nella tesi, per avermi accolto e coccolato, e per i divertentissimi pranzi insieme Manlio, per il controllo attento sul circuito, per i cremini, le coppe del nonno, i magnum i dolci siciliani e il pesce, per i caffè e per le lezioni di salsa. Insomma, per avermi viziato come una nipotina Luigi, per essere l’ingegnere elettronico più bravo del mondo e per avermi insegnato cosı̀ tante cose di elettronica. Per non parlare poi delle lezioni di salsa Daniele, per la pazienza e il tempo dedicato al PCB, per la simpatia, e per avermi fatto comprendere l’importanza di non avere due panze Massimo Testa, per essere la prova vivente che l’onniscenza esiste Alessandro Ercoli, per essere stato un grande prof. di matematica e fisica oltre che una persona straordinaria 117 BIBLIOGRAPHY 118 Mamma e Papà, per volermi tanto bene, e per aver sempre posto la conoscenza sopra ogni altra cosa Erika, stupenda sorellona, per l’affetto e il sostegno Giulia, amica di una vita, per aver condiviso le gioie e le sconfitte di tutti questi anni, e per avermi regalato un esempio di perseveranza Elena, alias Madrina, per essere una amica attenta ed equilibrata e una persona di grande valore Giovanna Chiara, amica dalla mente brillante e straordinaria cultura Marzia, per avermi insegnato i vantaggi della misantropia e per l’umorismo impareggiabile Petra, per avermi aperto le porte a una nuova cultura, e naturalmente per il ramen e il soju Francesca, amica fidata e unica persona che io conosca capace di parlare il greco antico (non semplicemente tradurre, parlare!) Carlo Luciano, cofondatore del fan club ”Amici di Sailor Greco” Nenzy, per aver accolto senza pregiudizi una vegliarda tra le sue giovani ginnaste, e averle regalato non poche soddisfazioni Suor Marta, per aver detto ”io sapere quando Suor Elsa ha detto me che essere tu, tu sempre fare male a te” ed essersi poi presa cura di me ogni volta che una clavetta o un cerchio mi hanno fatto un occhio nero o il tea mi ha scottato il braccio Ivan, che amo tantissimissimissimo, e che, con il suo amore e la sua prorompente simpatia, ha reso la mia vita cosı̀ dolce e ha trovato il modo di strapparmi una risata nei momenti più tetri.