Group Profile
Group Profile
Organiza8onal Structure Credence aims to be Egypt’s leading mixed-‐use des8na8on developer. Since 1983, it has launched more than 35 innova8ve projects in a wide variety of fields, including hotels, real estate, aGrac8ons, and restaurants. AIer years of aggressive expansion, the organiza8onal strategy was redirected toward consolida8ng into two main bodies: Sindbad Club and Urbane. Sindbad Club is a developer of mixed-‐use vaca8on des8na8ons that owns and manages integrated hotels, aGrac8ons, and real estate. Urbane Develops and manages bou8que hotels and innova8ve food concepts. Urbane Restaurants: Develops and manages Urbane’s innova8ve food concepts. Urbane Proper8es: Develops real estate proper8es where Urbane’s brands create value. Restaurants An award winning Named “One of the A fusion pan-‐ French brasserie main reasons to visit Asian restaurant and pa8sserie with Cairo” by Conde with teppanyaki a strong following. Naste Traveller grill and sushi bar. Mahdy Hospitality Development: Owns Sindbad Aqua Resort and Sindbad Aqua Park. Mahdy Tourism Investment: Owns Sindbad Aqua Hotel and Sindbad Shopping Center. AGrac8ons Sindbad Tourism Company: Owns Sindbad Beach Resort and Sindbad Submarines . Sindbad Management Company: Manages all of the Club's assets. Hotels Only real A shopping center Features a A 100 room family 600 room hotel, 250 room in8mate submarines in in Hurghada’s selec8on of the resort targe8ng ranked best 4-‐star resort with 350 North Africa and promenade with world's leading families featuring hotel in the Red meters of private the Arab World. over a 100 shops. water rides. fun ac8vi8es. Sea in 2013. beach. Product Brands Our in8mate holiday resort with its 350 meters of private beach and a range of water and sports facili8es will truly enchant you. From beau8ful landscapes ready for your relaxing walks to a marina that turns every sunset into a new sensa8on, all are designed with a special someone in mind, you. The hotel presents itself in a perfect loca8on and exclusively on Hurghada’s Fes8val Square, right in the center of the Red Sea Tourist Promenade. Appeal to your senses in the bea8ng heart of our Club. A breathtaking experience awaits you here whether it’s wellness or workout, privacy or socializing, there is always something to convince you into indulging in that liGle extra. Our anima8on team of more than 30 entertainers is endeavoring to make your stay as interes8ng and pleasurable as possible. An extensive program leaves no wish unanswered for all ages. The selec8on ranges from sports and games to nighbme shows. This cozy and personal holiday resort provides you with a combina8on of a tropical, laid-‐back atmosphere while offering a wide variety of ac8vi8es and the latest in water aGrac8ons. It’s a truly unforgeGable experience for the en8re family. We take special care of our loved ones and for that reason we developed two different clubs catered to two different age groups. Children from age 3 to 12 are welcomed in our Mini Club, while Teeny Club welcomes all aspiring adults from age 13 to 17. Experience our selec8on of some of the world’s leading water rides. Amidst an impressive display of nature, you will enjoy a variety of ac8vi8es for the young, the old, the peaceful and the ac8ve. It’s an adventure of its own ranging from the notorious Boomerang to our own sweet-‐water Wave Pool and its magnificent ar8ficial beach. Sindbad Shopping Center is located in the heart of Hurghada's tourism promenade and only a stone throw away from all shopping possibili8es one could wish for on vaca8on. The center offers quality products and outlets and guests can enjoy numerous op8ons of shops, restaurants, bars, disco’s, banks, fast food outlets and much more on our ‘mamsha’ walking street. With over 100 shops and restaurants, including interna8onal evening entertainment and night life. Join us aboard Sindbad Submarines on an unforgeGable guided tour, 25 meters below sea level, and explore our mys8cal underwater world. Our most advanced Mark III Submarines are the only recrea8onal submarines in Africa. Every dive is unique with expert captains and divers who bring the sea world to your comfortable view ports, allowing you to get as close as you can to the spectacular underwater landscapes, fantas8c coral forma8ons and an unlimited number of exo8c sea creatures. With its laid back atmosphere, Sequoia is the ul8mate dining concept. Sequoia presents a selec8on of fusion Mediterranean cuisine origina8ng from Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Morocco, Turkey, and Greece. Sequoia solely relies on the word of mouth of its loyal customers as well as the numerous regional and interna8onal publica8ons that have recognized Sequoia as “one of the top reasons to visit Cairo “as quoted by the leading interna8onal travel and hospitality magazine Travel & Leisure.” A sensa8onal Bistro & Pa8sserie that serves authen8c homemade French Pastry, bakery, chocolates and macaroons, made with the nest natural ingredients, authen8c favors, and given aesthe8c presenta8ons. Designed by the award-‐winning team, who preserved the authen8city of the Art Deco architecture while fusing it with pieces of eclec8c moments. A s8mula8ng individual experience, homogeneous atmosphere, refined elegance, and a gourmet experience for our discerning clients. Mirai is a pan-‐asian restaurant featuring classic teppanyaki grill and sushi bar. The restaurant adds a deligheul and innova8ve flare by virtue of its dis8nc8ve fusion cuisine which is a blend of Chinese, Japanese and classically prepared sushi. The design preserved the tradi8onal Japanese art of paper folding represented in its Origami walls and a teppanyaki grill, and a sushi bar, offering the tas8est selec8on of nigiri, temaki, sahimi, and maki rolls. Corporate Governance ! COMMITMENT Credence defines corporate governance as a set of structures and processes for the direc8on and control of companies; it involves a set of rela8onships between Credence shareholders, board, and execu8ve bodies with the purpose of crea8ng long-‐term shareholder value. The Code sets out Credence’s corporate governance framework and is based on Egypt’s legisla8on, Egypt’s Code of Corporate Governance Guidelines and Standards (issued October 2005), as well as the interna8onally recognized best prac8ces and principles, such as the OECD principles of Corporate Governance. Credence’s corporate governance framework is based on the following principles: ! ACCOUNTABILITY This Code establishes Credence accountability to all shareholders, directs Credence board in sebng strategy, and serves to guide and monitor Credence management. ! FAIRNESS Credence obligates itself to protect shareholder rights and ensure the equitable treatment of all shareholders, including minority shareholders. All shareholders are to be granted effec8ve redress for viola8on of their rights through the board (or a shareholder rights commiGee, if established). ! TRANSPARENCY Credence is to ensure that 8mely and accurate disclosure is made on all material maGers regarding the corpora8on, including the financial situa8on, performance, ownership and governance of Credence, in a manner easily accessible to interested par8es. ! RESPONSIBILITY Credence, its key officers and all team members act in accordance with all applicable laws and regula8ons and furthermore, shall comply with ethical standards of business conduct as defined by Credence Code, Egypt’s code of corporate governance, and the Labor Law. Credence has been featured in IFC MENA (The World Bank Group) Corporate Governance Success Stories 2013 to demonstrate 11 business cases for good corporate governance in MENA. Management Systems TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISO 9001): Credence opera8ons are cer8fied and compliant with the Total Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001), which provide tried systems that consistently turn out products that sa8sfy client needs. Safe and quality products and services, fair pricing, and sound business rela8onships define Credence rela8ons with its clients. HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISO 18001): Credence opera8ons are cer8-‐fied and compliant with the Health & Safety Management Systems (ISO 18001). Credence aims to minimize risks and associated costs by providing quality and technical services that foster the safest environment possible for guests, team members, and property. FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISO 22000): Credence opera8ons are cer8fied and compliant with the Food Safety Management System (ISO 22000). We engage the services of independent audi8ng bodies SGS and Crystal to verify that products, services, and processes meet quality standards and requirements and surpass client expecta8ons ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISO 14001): Credence opera8ons are cer8-‐fied and compliant with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management standards, which help minimize the impact of our opera8ons and processes on the environment. We comply with applicable laws, regula8ons, and other environmentally oriented requirements, and con8nually improve in the above. #1 Hotel in Red Sea, Egypt As selected and awarded by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism in 2013 from among all 80 4-star hotels of the 10 cities that makeup the entire Red Sea, and makes up 40% of the total Egyptian Hotel Market. Mission & Principles Mission & Values MISSION We believe in crea8ng unique experiences that add value to the lives of our clients, team, shareholders, and community. VISION Credence aims to be Egypt’s leading mixed-‐use des8na8on developer. STRATEGY We will design innova8ve products that consistently exceed client expecta8ons, develop a mo8vated workforce, and outperform our compe8tors’ return on investments. CORE VALUES We lead through innova8on as we con8nuously improve our prac8ces. We have a passion for crea8ng quality client experiences. We cul8vate a growth-‐driven team spirit, which fosters respect, loyalty, and fun. We are commiGed to accountable and result -‐ driven performance. We thrive because integrity and ethical values guide our organiza8onal behavior. Guiding Principles ! Leadership Style § Encourages innova8on and problem solving. § Customer oriented and leads to quality improvements. § Fosters a fun and team-‐oriented work environment. § Accountable and performance driven. § Dedicated to the development of Human Resources. ! Team Policies § Behavioral recruitment process. § Skills and competency based training. § Internal and external remunera8on equity. § Merit based compensa8on and reward. § Succession and leadership planning. ! OrganizaConal Structure § Horizontal with maximum of 5 repor8ng lines. § Matrix with exper8se from func8onal divisions suppor8ng opera8ons. § Decentralized with authority delegated to frontline team. § Formal grading levels associated with clear 8tles and authority. § Enriched job design through task significance, variety, and feedback. ! Developed Skills § Technical skills. § Customer service skills. § Team building skills. § Leadership skills. § Quality management skills.
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