June/July Newsletter - Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church


June/July Newsletter - Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Greek Orthodox Church
Volume 15, Issue 6
June/July 2012
Note from our Council President …
Fellow parishioners,
I want to use this space this month to let you know about all the acvies we have coming up over June and July at TGOC.
It is going to be a very busy and excing start to our summer.
In just a few weeks we will begin the process of installing the dome iconography in the church. We will hold our last
service in the church on June 10th. A!er the conclusion of the luncheon that Sunday, we will move liturgical items to the
parish hall and set up our temporary altar area. If you are able to stay and help with the transion, your assistance will be
greatly appreciated. We will connue with a regular service schedule throughout the month of June, using the Mt. Tabor
Hall facilies. On June 11th, scaffolding installaon will begin in the church. Iconography and special lighng for the dome
and the altar area will be installed over the rest of June. The tentave plan is for services to resume in the church on
July 8th.
As the dust se*les from one major project, we will be ramping up with another in Mt. Tabor Hall. As approved at the last
Parish Assembly meeng, our classroom space upstairs will be receiving a much needed renovaon. You may have already
noced the temporary storage container in our parking lot. We will be moving everything out of the upstairs classrooms on
Saturday, June 2nd to this temporary storage unit, prior to construcon commencing in July. Your assistance on this task is
greatly appreciated. Please contact Amity Garwood ([email protected]) if you are able to help out.
Finally, the first week of August we will be hosng the Metropolis of Denver Church Music Federaon for their annual
conference and workshop. The conference will take place August 2nd through August 4th, and the Church Music
Federaon choir will worship with us with us on Sunday August 5th. This conference is open to anyone interested in parcipang and singing with the choir on Sunday. Be on the lookout for more informaon as we get closer to August.
In Christ,
Brandon Suehs
Parish Council President
Parish Council
Mark Your Calendar
Brandon Suehs - President
Marko Bjeletich - Vice Pres.
Pat Mitchell - Secretary
John Chronis - Treas.
Because of the June installaon of the dome iconography, we will
worship in Mount Tabor Hall on June 17 and June 24, and July 1
Stephen Dow
Judy Eagle
Shelley Ebeling
Summer Service Hours: Orthros: 8:15 a.m.
Anita Jones
Ioannis Ousaklidis
Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.
Transfiguration of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church
414 St. Stephens School Rd, Austin, TX 78746
Phone: (512) 329-6363 Fax: (512) 329-6364
Fr. Vasileios Flegas, Parish Priest- [email protected]; (512) 574-1972
Stuart Yoder
is published monthly, except June & July
(combined), by Transfiguration Greek
Orthodox Church. To submit articles and
photos for publication, please contact
the church office at
[email protected]
Light from Light
A Personal Pentecost within the Church by Fr. Vasileios
The Holy Spirit, light and life, and living fountain of reason.
Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of understanding, of goodness and honesty,
intelligence and sovereignty, expiating sins.
God who deifies; fire deriving from fire, speaking, acting, meting out gifts;
through Whom the prophets all and God's apostles
together with the martyrs were crowned.
Different sounds, a different sight: fire divided into gifts of grace.
Beloved in Christ Who Sends Us His Spirit from the Father,
The Lord made us in His image, in order to have us as His friend, to have fellowship with Him.: “We proclaim to
you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and
with his Son, Jesus Christ [in the Holy Spirit] We write this to make our joy complete” (1 John 1:3-4). He made us to become
a participant in His divine life, to make us a god by grace by making His abode in us (cf 2 Peter 1:4).
How do we begin making ourselves His abode? By receiving and keeping His words with faith, and by loving Him
with belief and action. “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him,
and make our abode with him” (John 14:23) “I go unto the Father” (John 14:28), in order to send down the Holy Spirit, so
that you can become His temples, so that We can abide within you, having fellowship with Us, fulfilling your potential. (cf
1 Cor 6:19-20 I have always been astonished by the great love and intimacy that God has for us, that He does not stop until
He fulfills everything within us, “meting out gifts,” so that inspiring us to good works, leading us to contentment and joy.
More often than not, these gifts are revealed to us through personal inspiration. Sergius Bulgakov, noted Orthodox
theologian, states that personal inspiration in the human sense is really the “state in which a human being becomes filled with
new forces, as if emanating from his higher being; without losing himself, he feels changed, finding in himself new and untried possibilities.” This is the action of the Holy Spirit within us working with our own spirit, on the altar of our hearts, our
innermost being. Like the Incarnation of Christ, the Holy Spirit works with our own spirit, without confusion and without
division. Our personal modes of being and personalities are not subsumed by abiding in God’s Holy Spirit, but are more fully
alive and realized. “. . .this inspiration, . . .reveals to a human being the hidden or slumbering forces of his own spirit, is only
the mode in which he receives the Spirit of God, is deified by this Spirit, and is thereby united with Christ, who lives in him.
The descent of the Holy Spirit is the actualization of Christ’s work and the fulfillment of God’s plan for man, for man was
created as the temple of the Holy Spirit, together with the natural world, whose head and soul he is intended to be. “Every
soul is quickened by the Holy Spirit,” personally, the holy Church testifies, and is meted with individual gifts.
In turn, the soul is made perfect by its harmonious offering up its gifts to God, within Church. In this way we fulfill
our heavenly inspiration and actualize our potentials. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are many. A set of nine manifestations of
the spirit is listed in the New Testament at 1 Corinthians 12:7-11: “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for
the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the
same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” As we
continue to grow as a parish, continuing in our fellowship with one another, let us fulfill one another’s callings, assisting each
other in knowing the gifts meted to each one of us, for the building up of our Church, and our personal growth into holiness.
June/July 2012
Feast of Holy Pentecost
he Feast of Holy Pentecost is celebrated
each year on the fiieth day aer the Great
and Holy Feast of Pascha (Easter) and ten days
aer the Feast of the Ascension of Christ. The
Feast is always celebrated on a Sunday. This year,
Pentecost falls on June 3rd.
The Feast commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, a feast of
the Jewish tradion. It also celebrates the establishment of the Church through the preaching of the
Apostles and the bapsm of the thousands who on
that day believed in the Gospel message of salvaon
through Jesus Christ. The Feast is also seen as the culminaon of the revelaon of the Holy Trinity.
Biblical Story
The story of Pentecost is found in the book of The Acts
of the Apostles. In Chapter two we are told that the
Apostles of our Lord were gathered together in one
place. Suddenly, a sound came from heaven like a rushing wind, filling the enre house where they were sing.
Then, tongues of fire appeared, and one sat upon each one of the Apostles. They were all filled with the
Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as directed by the Spirit (Acts 2:1-4).
This miraculous event occurred on the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, celebrated by the Jews on the fiieth
day aer the Passover as the culminaon of the Feast of Weeks (Exodus 34:22; Deuteronomy 16:10). The
Feast of Weeks began on the third day aer the Passover with the presentaon of the first harvest
sheaves to God, and it concluded on Pentecost with the offering of two loaves of unleavened bread, represenng the first products of the harvest (Levicus 23:17-20; Deuteronomy 16:9-10).
Since the Jewish Feast of Pentecost was a great pilgrimage feast, many people from throughout the Roman Empire were gathered in Jerusalem on this day. When the people in Jerusalem heard the sound, they
came together and heard their own languages being spoken by the Apostles (Acts 2:5-6). The people were
amazed, knowing that some of those speaking were Galileans, and not men who would normally speak
many different languages. They wondered what this meant, and some even thought the Apostles were
drunk (Acts 2:7-13).
Peter, hearing these remarks, stood up and addressed the crowd. He preached to the people regarding
the Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Holy Spirit. He spoke about Jesus Christ and His
death and glorious Resurrecon. Great convicon fell upon the people, and they asked the Apostles,
"What shall we do?" Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be bapzed in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gi of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:38-39).
The Bible records that on that day about three thousand were bapzed. Following, the book of Acts states
that the newly bapzed connued daily to hear the teaching of the Apostles, as the early Chrisans met
together for fellowship, the breaking of bread, and for prayer. Many wonderful signs and miracles were
done through the Apostles, and the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:42
Light from Light
Icon of the Feast
The icon of the Feast of Pentecost is known as "The Descent of the Holy Spirit". It is an icon of bold colors of
red and gold signifying that this is a great event. The movement of the icon is from the top to the boom. At
the top of the icon is a semicircle with rays coming from it (1). The rays are poinng toward the Apostles, and
the tongues of fire are seen descending upon each one of them signifying the descent of the Holy Spirit (2).
1. Semicircle of rays pointing to each
of the Apostles (detail).
2. A tongue of fire rests above the
head of Saint Peter (detail).
The building in the background of the icon represents the upper room where the Disciples of Christ gathered a%er
the Ascension. The Apostles are shown seated in a semicircle which shows the unity of the Church (3). Included in
the group of the Apostles is Saint Paul (4), who, though not present with the others on the day of Pentecost, became an Apostle of the Church and the greatest missionary. Also included are the four Evangelists—Mahew, Mark
(5), Luke (6), and John—holding books of the Gospel, while the other Apostles are holding scrolls that represent the
teaching authority given to them by Christ.
4. Saint Paul, who was not present on
the day of Pentecost, is included
amongst the twelve (detail).
5. Saint Mark the Evangelist, who was
not present with the twelve Disciples
on this day, is included (detail).
3. The Apostles in the upper room being filled with the Holy Spirit.
6. Saint Luke the Evangelist, who also was
not present on this day, is included (detail).
In the center of the icon below the Apostles, a royal figure is seen against a dark background. This is a symbolic figure, Cosmos, represenng the people of the world living in darkness and sin, and involved in pagan
worship (7). However, the figure carries in his hands a cloth containing scrolls which represent the teaching
of the Apostles (8). The tradion of the Church holds that the Apostles carried the message of the Gospel to
all parts of the world.
In the icon of Pentecost we see the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit, sent down upon the Apostles
who will teach the naons and bapze them in the name of the Holy Trinity. Here we see that the Church is
brought together and sustained in unity through the presence and work of the Holy Spirit, that the Spirit
guides the Church in the missionary endeavor throughout the world, and that the Spirit nurtures the Body of
Christ, the Church, in truth and love.
7. The Cosmos, appearing in the center
of the icon, representing the people of
the world (detail).
8. The scrolls that are carried by the
Cosmos are representing the teachings of
the Apostles (detail).
June/July 2012
His Eminence Metropolitan ATHENAGORAS of Mexico has blessed us with the honor of
hosng two ordinaons this forthcoming weekend.
On Saturday, June 9th, His Eminence will ordain Deacon-elect Christopher Griest of San
Antonio to the Holy Diaconate.
On Sunday, June 10th, Deacon Christopher will be ordained to the Holy Priesthood,
followed by one of our nice luncheons for everyone. It is a rare blessing, indeed, for our
parish to witness these Sacraments of Ordinaon to the Holy Orders.
The Holy Feast Day of Saint Paraskevi
His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver and the Reverend Elder Ephraim invite
you to the great and holy feast in honor and
remembrance of Saint Paraskevi on the 25th and
26th of July, at her Monastery in Washington, Texas.
Everyone is invited to celebrate
the Patronal Feast of Saint Elias
at Vespers on Saturday,
July 21
St. Elias Orthodox Church is located
at 408 E. 11th Street
July 25, 2011
July 26, 2011
6:00 pm Vigil
7:00 am Hours
8:15 am Liturgy
10:00 am Lunch
For information, directions and dress code,
please visit our website at www.saintparaskevi.org
Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
His Eminence Metropolitan ISAIAH of Denver, Reverend Vasileios Flegas, and the Parish Council
Invite you to celebrate the Festal Weekend of the Transfiguraon of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
with the Denver Metropolis Music Federaon
Sunday, August 5
Orthros, 9:00 am
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, 10:00 am
With the Denver Music Federaon Choir
Followed by a delicious fish luncheon
Sunday Evening, August 5
Festal Vespers, 6:00 pm
Followed by Fellowship with Hors d’oeuvres and Refreshments
Transfiguraon Feast Day, Monday, August 6
Orthros 9:00 am
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
Followed by Luncheon Celebraon
Light from Light 6
June/July 2012
Bible Study will connue throughout the summer on
Tuesdays: June 5, June 19, July 10th, and July
24. Please join Father Vasileios at Transfiguraon's
Mt. Tabor Hall at 6:30 pm for dinner and discussion. On June 5, we will discuss the future direcon
of study and make some decisions about upcoming
readings, as well as plan for some fun summer social
Women's Study connues with Presbytera Vasiliki
throughout the month of June - Presbytera is leading
a 4-part series on St. Maximus the Confessor, beginning on June 6. These discussion groups are open to
the whole parish, and will take place in Mt. Tabor Hall
following Paraklesis.
“Growing in our Orthodox Faith”
A New Discussion Series for the Whole Parish
A new discussion series, led by Presbytera Vasiliki Eckley,
begins Wednesday, June 6, a!er Paraklesis at 6:00 pm, and
will connue every Wednesday evening through the month
of June: June 6, 13, 20, and 27. The topic on the table is
entled “The Cosmic Vision of St. Maximus the Confessor,
and its Relevance for Our Lives Today.” St. Maximus is
without queson one of the greatest Fathers of the Orthodox
Church, and is quintessenal towards understanding our
anthropology and how God has created us to relate with one
another and this world around us. These table discussions
promise to be both lively and interesng for everyone.
The topic for the first discussion will be:
Classroom construcon is a few short weeks
away! We plan on beginning our construcon
“Introducing the vision from our Uncreated God to our
created life on earth today.”
Everyone is invited to aend. We will meet every Wednesday
in June beginning with Paraklesis at 6:00 p.m.
followed by our study.
phase July 2, ending by August 3.
Aer Divine Liturgy on Saturday, June 2, we need
volunteers to help move boxes, tables, chairs, and
bookcases out of the upstairs Sunday School
onsite storage unit in order to prepare the space
Please save the date for Sunday, August 26 , at 5:00
p.m. Anita and Ralph Jones will host a gathering at
their home. More details to follow.
for our much ancipated Sunday school
area. All of these things will be moved to an
classroom renovaon!
As you all know, the more bodies that are able to
help, the less me this will take!
If you are able to help us out, please email me at
[email protected]
Wear closed-toed shoes and if you have access to
a dolly, please bring it with you.
PS--at the end of July/early August, we will be
asking for folks to help move furniture/boxes
back into the newly constructed classrooms....
my plea for help will come in July!
Transfiguraon council representave has requested
that Encore! sponsor the August 19 monthly
luncheon aer liturgy. This requires a commiAee of
our members to cook and clean up. We would also
be responsible for funding the luncheon from donaons among ourselves. All profits would go to the
Please let Chrisne know if any of you are interested
in helping with this luncheon and in what way could
you help?
Chrisne Suehs-
[email protected]
Linda Robertson
Light from Light 8
Congratulations to the 4th grade class, who triumphed
and now hold the coveted golden trophy!
Many thanks to Elissa Bjelech and Deb Tindle for their creavity, hard work,
and drive behind making the Sunday School Showdown a successful tradion,
to the Sunday School Teachers and especially to Amity Garwood, Julie Wynn,
Whitney Papadatos, and the Gouris Family for the tremendous effort and love
that they pour into our children to teach them the Faith, Pat Mitchell for her
Spirit Judging, Marko Bjelech for construcng the scoreboards and providing
the yummy lunch, and to all the parents who understand and care to make
learning our Orthodox faith a priority. And many thanks for a delicious lunch
to Marko Bjelech, Chris Gilbert, and Tom Papadatos.
Transfiguration Greek Language School /
Austin Greek School
Our Greek School students finished off the school year with a wonderful picnic and
“Olympic” games!
The tentave starng date for classes next school year will be on Friday, Sept. 14th.
Classes for adults and children (beginner and advanced) will be offered.
Contact Katerina Costuros if you would like to enroll. [email protected]
June/July 2012 9
Feast of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praiseworthy
Chiefs of the Apostles, Peter and Paul
cizen, fluent in the Greek language, an expert in
knowledge of the Law, a Pharisee, born of a Pharisee,
and a disciple of Gamaliel, a Pharisee and notable teacher of the Law in Jerusalem. For this cause, from the behe divinely-blessed Peter was from Bethsaida
ginning, Paul was a most fervent zealot for the tradions
of Galilee. He was the son of Jonas and the
of the Jews and a great persecutor of the Church of
brother of Andrew the First-called. He was a
Christ; at that me, his name was Saul (Acts 22:3-4).
fisherman by trade, unlearned and poor, and was
In his great passion of rage and
called Simon; later he was refury against the disciples of the
named Peter by the Lord Jesus
Lord, he went to Damascus
Christ Himself, Who looked at
bearing leers of introducon
him and said, "Thou art Simon
from the high priest. His intenthe son of Jonas; thou shalt be
on was to bring the disciples of
called Cephas (which is by interChrist back to Jerusalem in
pretaon, Peter)" (John 1:42).
bonds. As he was approaching
On being raised by the Lord to
Damascus, about midday there
the dignity of an Apostle and
suddenly shone upon him a light
becoming inseparable from Him
from Heaven. Falling on the
as His zealous disciple, he folearth, he heard a voice saying to
lowed Him from the beginning
him, "Saul, Saul, why persecutof His preaching of salvaon up
est thou Me?" And he asked,
unl the very Passion, when, in
"Who art Thou, Lord?" And the
the court of Caiaphas the high
Lord said, "I am Jesus Whom
priest, he denied Him thrice bethou persecutest; it is hard for
cause of his fear of the Jews and
thee to kick against the pricks."
of the danger at hand. But again,
And that heavenly voice and
a%er many bier tears, he rebrilliance made him tremble, and he was blinded for a
ceived complete forgiveness of his transgression.
me. He was led by the hand into the city, and on acA%er the Resurrecon of Christ and the descent of the
count of a divine revelaon to the Apostle Ananias (see
Holy Spirit, he preached in Judea, Anoch, and certain
Oct. 1), he was bapzed by him, and both his bodily and
parts of Asia, and finally came to Rome, where he was
spiritual eyes were opened to the knowledge of the Sun
crucified upside down by Nero, and thus he ascended to of Righteousness.
the eternal habitaons about the year 66 or 68, leaving
And straightway- O wondrous transformaon! - beyond
two Catholic (General) Epistles to the Church of Christ.
all expectaon, he spoke with boldness in the synaPaul, the chosen vessel of Christ, the glory of the
gogues, proclaiming that "Christ is the Son of God" (Acts
Church, the Apostle of the Naons and teacher of the
9:1-21). As for his zeal in preaching the Gospel a%er
whole world, was a Jew by race, of the tribe of Benjathese things had come to pass, as for his unabang
min, having Tarsus as his homeland. He was a Roman
labors and afflicons of diverse kinds, the wounds, the
The Holy Apostles
Peter and Paul
Light from Light 10
prisons, the bonds, the beangs, the stonings, the shipwrecks, the journeys, the perils on land, on sea, in
cies, in wildernesses, the connual vigils, the daily
fasng, the hunger, the thirst, the nakedness, and all
those other things that he endured for the Name of
Christ, and which he underwent before naons and
kings and the Israelites, and above all, his care for all
the churches, his fiery longing for the salvaon of all,
whereby he became all things to all men, that he might
save them all if possible, and because of which, with
his heart aflame, he connuously traveled throughout
all parts, vising them all, and like a bird of heaven flying from Asia and Europe, the West and East, neither
staying nor abiding in any one place - all these things
are related incident by incident in the Book of the Acts,
and as he himself tells them in his Epistles.
His Epistles, being fourteen in number, are explained in
250 homilies by Saint John Chrysostom and make manifest the lo%iness of his thoughts, the abundance of the
revelaons made to him, the wisdom given to him
from God, wherewith he brings together in a wondrous
manner the Old with the New Testaments, and expounds the mysteries thereof which had been concealed under types; he confirms the doctrines of the
Faith, expounds the ethical teaching of the Gospel, and
demonstrates with exactness the dues incumbent
upon every rank, age, and order of man. In all these
things his teaching proved to be a spiritual trumpet,
and his speech was seen to be more radiant than the
sun, and by these means he clearly sounded forth the
word of truth and illumined the ends of the world. Having completed the work of his ministry, he likewise
ended his life in martyrdom when he was beheaded in
Rome during the reign of Nero, at the same me, some
say, when Peter was crucified.
The Icon of the Holy Apostles
Peter and Paul
The Orthodox Church has a beauful presentaon of
the importance and prominence of the Apostles Peter
and Paul with the icon that shows both Apostles standing together holding an image of the Church.
Both Apostles, being chosen by our Lord, were instrumental in the establishment and growth of the early
Church through their boldness, spiritual strength, and
wisdom. Thus they are recognized as "pillars" of the
Church, having offered all even unto death for the sake
of the Gospel of Christ.
In the icon, the Apostle Paul, the great missionary of
the early Church, is holding a Gospel book, while the
Apostle Peter offers a blessing with his right hand. At
the top of the icon is a semicircle, represenng the
divine realm. Rays extend in the semicircle represenng the blessings and presence of God upon His
two chosen heralds of the True Faith.
Orthodox Christian Celebration
of the Feast of the Apostles
Peter and Paul
The Feast and commemoraon of the Apostles Peter
and Paul is celebrated with the Divine Liturgy of Saint
John Chrysostom which is conducted on the morning of
the feast and preceded by a Mans (Orthros) service. A
Great Vespers is conducted on the evening before the
day of the Feast. Prior to this day, the Orthodox Church
observes the Apostles' Fast, a period of fasng that
begins on the Monday a%er the Sunday of All Saints.
This Sunday is always one week a%er the Sunday of
Pentecost, so the length of the Apostles' Fast varies
from year to year depending on the date of Pascha.
The Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul is followed on
the June 30 by the Feast of the Synaxis of the Holy
Twelve Apostles.
Scripture readings for the Feast of Peter and Paul are
the following: At Vespers: 1 Peter 1:3-9; 1 Peter 1:1319; 1 Peter 2:11-24 At the
Mans: John 21:15-25. At
the Divine Liturgy: 2 Corinthians 11:21-12:9,
Mahew 16:13-19.
June/July 2012 11
DOME Iconography Project Set to begin June 11
In just a few weeks we will begin the process of installing the dome iconography in
the church. We will hold our last service in the church on June 10th. After the
conclusion of the luncheon that Sunday, we will move liturgical items to the parish
hall and set up our temporary altar area. If you are able to stay and help with the
transition, your assistance will be greatly appreciated. We will continue with a regular
service schedule throughout the month of June, using the Mt. Tabor Hall facilities.
We will worship within Tabor Hall, Sundays, June 17, 24 and July 1st.
Not only will we be reliving the good ol' days within Tabor Hall, but we will also be
able to see the iconography installation in its various stages on those Sundays. It is
very rare for someone to witness the installation process of the holy icons, especially
the Pantocrator and the Host of Angels in worship surrounding Him. It is a blessing
in the life of our Church.
Thank you to all of our Dome iconography campaign donors
Fr. Vasileios &
Prsv. Stella Flegas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. John
Ms. Jane Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Draina
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Ambrose
Mrs. Judith Eagle
Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Dr. & Mrs. Lou
Mr. Richard Edgell
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. John Esper
Dr. & Mrs. Vaios
Mrs. Beatrice Ferris
Mr. & Mrs. Jason
Mr. & Mrs. Michalis
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gatlin
Mrs. Kiki Benson
Mr. Ilias Georgakopoulos
Dcn. George & Prsv. Ria
Mrs. Mary Georgantonis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Marko
Mr. & Mrs. James George
Mrs. Lynette Bourgeois
Mr. & Mrs. George
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Burks
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Burns
Mrs. Stella Gianas
Mrs. Despina Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. William Chriss
Mr. & Mrs. John Chronis
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gouris
Mr. & Mrs. William
Ms. Mary Beth Gradziel
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Dr. James Hitt
Mr. & Mrs. David
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Ms. Eleni Hrissikopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. R. Dean
Ms. Gwen Elizabeth
Mr. & Mrs. Alex
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny
Mr. Ted Kalenterides
Ms. Nici Kalogirou
Dr. James Kalpaxis
Dr. & Mrs. Pete Kangos
Ms. Phyllis Karaoli
Mr. & Mrs. George
Ms. Elsie Karvelas
Mr. & Mrs. Tahseen Khan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Korioth
Mrs. Judith Kountoupis
(in memory of Dr. James
Mr. William Leara
Mr. & Mrs. Lee
Mr. Steve Levendakes
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Meador
Ms. Maria Miller
Ms. Pat Mitchell
Ms. Olena Nakonechna
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn
Mr. & Mrs. Tom
Ms. Gretchen Papazis
Ms. Valli Pappas
Mrs. Sophie Paulos
Mr. & Mrs. John Peet
Mr. & Mrs. Chris
Mr. & Mrs. Austin Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Dionissios
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Pon
Fr. Drago & Pr. Milena
Ms. Jennifer Poulakidas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Price
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Read
Mr. & Mrs. William
Dr. David Romine
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Sewell
Ms. Pat Shotwell
Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. & Mrs. John
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stamatis
Mr. & Mrs. Athanases
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Dr. & Mrs. Brandon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John
Ms. Debbie Tindle
Ms. Ann Marie Veletsos
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Wynn
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Zachos
Lauren Apostolakis
Alexis Apostolakis
Andja Bjeletich
Helena Bjeletich
Stephania Bjeletich
Vasi Bjeletich
Nikoletta Flegas
Charlie Horwedel
Anastasios Papadatos
Philotheos Papadatos
David Read
Sophia Read
Eleanna Rodriguez
Athena Skevofilas
Costaki Skevofilax
Irini Skevofilax
Maria Skevofilax
Athanasia Zotis
Light from Light 12
TGOC Pastor’s Benevolent Fund:
The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ
to all the world. One way we as faithful live out the mission of the
Church and the words of Jesus, “for I was hungry and you gave Me
food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you
took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you
visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” (Matthew 25:35-36) is to offer
assistance to others in times of great need.
The Transfiguration Pastors Benevolent Fund is a way to help those in need.
Please see Fr. Vasileios to make a donation to help replenish
the Benevolent Fund!
1:00 SHOTGUN START We have some beauful handmade icons from St. Paraskevi depicng Saints Peter, Paul and Demetrios, to name a few.
We are Blessed with many items to fill the need for a Father’s Day gi( which include men’s Greek sterling silver rings!
Please come by and make your purchase!
Philoptochos News
Thank you to all who attended our last meeting before our summer break! At the
meeting we announced this year’s Philoptochos Member of the Year and that award
went to Ellen Apostolakis! She has been the calm in the storm this year…hosting
our Membership Tea, helping with the Bazaar, chairing the Casa Angle Tree
Project and always providing food when the email goes out!! Thank you Ellen!
How exciting it was for Philoptochos and our church community to celebrate the
graduation of 16 of our own from either high school or college!!
May God Bless them and grant them all success in their future endeavors!
HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER, your President, Pat Mitchell.
Happy Birthday to our June and July Birthday Ladies!
6- Zoe Simbles, 7- Sonia Phocas, 11- Wanda Ousalidis,
20- Angie Jaffers, 28- Georgia Karides
4- Valli Pappas, 30- Mary Georgantonis, 30- Pat Mitchell
Congratulations to
Sue Stevens & Brian Holland,
who were married
on May 19!
God grant you many years!
Sunday School Renovaon
Project Connues!
Marko Bjelech will need a team of handy
parishioners to help him scrape the ceiling of
all the popcorn, preparing the surface for
further renovaons.
Please plan on helping Marko on Saturday,
June 16, from 9am to 2pm
June/July 2012
Save the Date!
Saint Nicholas
Transfiguration’s Vacation
Church Camp
August 6—10
9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
For ages 2—12 (entering 6th grade)
(Parents of 2– and 3-years-olds:
Please plan to stay at camp with
your children.)
Contact Julie Wynn:
[email protected] or 246.0342
The ladies’ study group will continue in June to finish up
their study of God’s Path To Sanity. We will begin at
9:30am so that we can possibly meet outside, taking advantage of the playground for our children.
Our June meeting dates will be on Tuesday, June 5th,
12th, 19th and 26th.
We then will take a break for the rest of the summer and
start up again in September!
All women are encouraged to attend,
and children are welcome!
Please contact Whitney Papadatos for more information.
[email protected]
We are trying to reduce our expenses (and help the environment) a li*le by reducing the number of paper monthly newsle*ers that
we mail out.
If you want to connue receiving a paper copy of the newsleer, please contact Liz Strong at the church office:
512-329-6363 or office@transfiguraon.org
Thank you for helping us be good stewards of God’s gi(s!
Memory Eternal
Anastasia Gakis fell asleep in the Lord on April
She was the beloved grandmother of John Males
and his wife, Elena.
Virginia (Iphigenia) Moraitis Hobbs fell asleep in
the Lord on April 24th.
She was the beloved mother of Gerald McCrary and
his wife, Alma; Mary Lane and her husband, Mark;
and loving grandmother of: Kara, Jana, John, Jillian
and Christopher; and sister of Mary Lyte.
May their memory be eternal.
Saint John the Bapst Greek Orthodox Church
In Euless, Texas will be celebrang the opening of their
new building on Saturday, July 14, 2012
At 9:30am.
A luncheon will follow the service.
Tickets are priced at:
$45/Adult and $15/ Children 12 and under
For informaon and ckets please call
Light from Light
2012 Stewardship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ebeling
Fr. & Prv. David Eckley
Mr. George Economos
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Ambrose
Mr. Richard Edgell
Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. John Esper
Dr. & Mrs. Lou Apostolakis
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Evgenides
Mr. & Mrs. Vaios Athanasiou
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Garwood
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bakiris
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gatlin
Ms. Tsambika Bakiris
Mr. & Mrs. Ilias
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Benas
Mrs. Kiki Benson
Ms. Mary Georgantonis
Mr. & Mrs. George Betondo
Mrs. Demetra Anna
Mr. & Mrs. Marko Bjeletich
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony George
Mrs. Lynne Bourgeois
Mr. & Mrs. James George
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bowles
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Geranios
Ms. Maria Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Geuras
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Burks
Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Burns
Mrs. James Carrozza
Mr. Demetri Giannopoulos
Mrs. Despina Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gilbert
Mrs. Cathy Christ
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gimenez
Mr. & Mrs. Nikos
Ms. Christina Glarakis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glaros
Mr. & Mrs. John Chronis
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gouris
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Chronis
Ms. Mary Beth Gradziel
Ms. Marianne Clay
Mr. & Mrs. John Halter
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Colovas
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Courtney
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Heidel
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Crenshaw
Mrs. Vickie Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Dr. James Hitt
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Hockens
Mr. & Mrs. R. Dean Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. David Horwedel
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Delvizis
Ms. Eleni Hrissikopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Demetriadis
Mr. & Mrs. Lucas Jacomides
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeRossi
Mrs. Gwen Elizabeth Jerome
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Thanos Drimilas
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jones
Ms. Judith Eagle
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Justice
Fr. Vasileios & Prsv. Stella
Updated as of 05/25/2012
Mr. Theodore Kalenterides
Ms. Nici Kalogirou
Dr. James Kalpaxis
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Kangos
Mr. & Mrs. George Karides
Ms. Elsie Karvelas
Ms. Demetra Keah
Ms. Vana Kersch
Mr. & Mrs. Tahseen Khan
Ms. Patricia Klaras
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Korioth
Mr. Stephen Kounelias
Mr. & Mrs. Reno Lauro
Mr. William Leara
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Leatherwood
Mr. Steve Levendakes
Ms. J. Fotini Margos
Mr. David Maziasz
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Meador
Mr. & Mrs. Samir Mikhail
Ms. Maria Miller
Ms. Pat Mitchell
Mrs. Maria Nikas
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. David Omer
Mr. & Mrs. Ioannis Ousaklidis
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Papachristou
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Papadatos
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Papavasiliou
Ms. Gretchen Papazis
Ms. Valli Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Pavlos
Mr. & Mrs. John Peet
Drs. Nicholas & Lisa Peppas
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Petropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Austin Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Dionissios Phocas
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Pon
Mr. Gabe Poulos & Ms. Lisa
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Price
Mr. & Mrs. Jamal Qatato
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Read
Mr. Thomas Rigney
Mr. & Mrs. William Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Romell
Dr. David Romine
Mr. & Mrs. Mihalis Salmatanis
Mr. & Mrs. John Sasaridis
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Sewell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shannon
Ms. Pat Shotwell
Mr. & Mrs. George Simbles
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Spanos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholaos
Mr. & Mrs Karl Stahlke
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stamatis
Ms. Sue Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Strong
Dr. & Mrs. Brandon Suehs
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Suehs
Ms. Michelle Suehs
Mr. Alexis Takvorian
Mr. & Mrs. Miodrag
Ms. Debbie Tindle
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tracey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Tsihlas
Mr. & Mrs. Judd Willmann
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Wynn
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Yediares
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Zachos
Mr. & Mrs. Stathi Zotis
“You will never overcome God’s generosity, even if you give away all that you have …
And however much you bring to Him, always more remains ..
Nor will you give anything that is your own; for all things flow from God..”
St. Gregory the Theologian
June/July 2012 15
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Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church
June/July Newsletter
Schedule of Services
Feast Days
Summer Sunday Service Times:
Orthros - 8:15 am; Liturgy - 9:30 am
Sacrament of Confession
Day of the Holy Spirit Monday, June 4
Orthros - 9:00 a.m.; Liturgy - 10:00 a.m.
Feast of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Friday, June 29
Orthros -9.m.; Divine Liturgy-10:00a.m.
Call to schedule
Synaxis of the Holy Apostles
Saturday, June 30
Orthros - 9:00am; Liturgy - 10:00am
Memorial Services & 40 day blessings
Please call the church office to schedule all memorial
services and 40 day baby blessings.
Feast of St. Panteleimon Friday, July 27
Orthros - 9:00am; Liturgy - 10:00am
The memorial services are normally read at the conclusion
of the Divine Liturgy.
Feast of St. Elias-
The 40 day blessings are offered either after Orthros and
before the Liturgy or at the end of the Divine Liturgy.
Saturday, July 21 … Celebrated at St. Elias
Feast of St. ParaskeviThursday, July 26 … Celebrated at St. Paraskevi Monastery
PARAKLESISEvery Wednesday in June at 6:00 p.m.
June, 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th