Winter 2010 - Gainesville Regional Airport


Winter 2010 - Gainesville Regional Airport
Winter 2010
News and Information from Gainesville Regional Airport
In this Issue
Air Service
Air Service
Shoes for Haiti
Taxiway A & C
Dinner at
RD Air Services
Air Methods
New Employees
Airport Gallery
Air Service Development Initiatives Remain Strong During Challenging Times
ainesville Regional Airport (GNV) launched a US Airways promotion in December,
attracting more than 5,000 people to register for a chance to win a trip to New
York City. Two roundtrip tickets were provided by US Airways and a three-night hotel
accommodation was provided by the Blakely New York Hotel. Media outlets, Clearchannel
Outdoor, WCJB TV20, and WSKY/WKTK, matched the advertising dollars for the
campaign, providing a strong, concentrated message that runs until Feb. 11.
Unwavering Persistence
Most airports across the country faced difficult challenges in 2009. Airlines reduced
capacity and fewer people were flying (business and leisure). Although there is much room
for improvement,
Gainesville is
fortunate to be
served by two
major airlines with
access to the world
while many cities
equivalent in size
have no air service
at all. The airport
values both carriers
and understands
the importance of
maintaining two strong, healthy airlines. After a number of months of decreasing traffic
and load factors, albeit less than many other airports, both airlines improved in December,
resulting in a slight increase in traffic compared to the prior year. Delta Air Lines’ greater
number of flights and seats has helped make its presence known. The goal of the NYC
promotion was to make the community more aware of US Airways’ service while also
encouraging participants to register for “Low Fare Alerts” and the use of the airport Web
The US Airways-NYC campaign is just the beginning of the airport’s efforts in 2010 to
promote and improve air service for North Central Florida. Currently, the airport, in a joint
effort with the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce, is developing an air service task
force. Many of the members will consist of the airport’s most frequent fliers, our “Road
Warriors.” These individuals will meet with a number of businesses and organizations in
2010 to encourage the development of a travel policy within their respective businesses.
The policy will take all costs into consideration when making travel decisions, which
includes the cost of driving to another airport, parking and perhaps time. In addition to
helping promote and fill the seats currently provided, the task force members will also
Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1
Taxiway A & C Improvements
be instrumental in assisting with potential new
opportunities to improve air service. As part of the
airport’s on-going efforts, meetings are scheduled
with a number of air carriers at an airport/airline
conference in March. With marketing initiatives
already underway, the airport is looking forward to
a busy, successful year.
he airport received federal and state grants to
rehabilitate Taxiway A and C, which have not
been paved in more than 25 years. Taxiway A is the
airport’s main general aviation (GA) taxiway and runs
parallel to Runway 7-25. It provides access to the
public apron, GA hangars, and aeronautical service
providers at the airport. Taxiway C provides a critical,
direct connection between the airport’s primary
instrument runway and the main GA apron. The design
for both taxiways will be completed this year. The
Taxiway A rehab is expected to begin this year and
Taxiway C will begin in 2011.
US Airways provides four daily flights to Charlotte on 50-seat
jets. From Charlotte, passengers have access to worldwide
destinations. US Airways, along with US Airways Shuttle and
US Airways Express, operates more than 3,000 flights per day
and serves more than 190 communities in the U.S., Canada,
Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean and Latin America.
To receive weekly GNV “Low Fare Alerts” from the airport,
please visit
550 Attend Chamber Annual
Dinner at RD Air Services
ASA & Airport Collect 8,000
Pairs of Shoes for Haiti
he Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce held
its annual dinner at RD Air Services in January,
welcoming a record number of guests (100 more than
previous years).
ith the support of North Central Florida,
Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) and the
airport collected more than 8,000 “gently worn
shoes” for the earthquake survivors in Haiti.
ASA is sending
the shoes on
its aircraft
to Atlanta
for further
through the
Airport, ASA & TSA with some of the shoes
businesses and organizations collected shoes during
the 10-day period. A steady stream of donors
delivered shoes the final two days. Peggy Blue, Kim
Deheart and the River Life Community Church of
Ocala collected and delivered 1,500 pairs of shoes.
Even a church in South Carolina heard about the
shoe drive through Facebook and sent shoes south.
“The 2010
annual meeting
was the first time
we ventured
away from the
event location,
and our
Guests dine in RD Air Services’ hangar
was fantastic,” said Brent Christensen, Chamber
President and CEO. “Hosting the meeting at the RD
Air Services hangar created a new and innovative
atmosphere and increased buzz about the event. The
RD Air Services staff members were extremely
helpful and went out of their way to make our evening
a success. We could not be more pleased with our
choice to host an event at RD Air Services and the
Gainesville Regional Airport.”
“We appreciate the opportunity to work with ASA
and Soles4Souls on this wonderful initiative. I
admire the enthusiasm and generosity shown by
our local residents, airport patrons and employees,”
said Allan Penksa, Airport CEO. “They made this
drive a tremendous success and will provide many
earthquake victims essential shoes and some small
measure of comfort during this terrible crisis.”
The Chamber staff worked for three days to setup and prepare for the 550 guests. The hangar
was beautifully transformed into an elegant and
glimmering dining area. “RD Air Services was
honored to provide the venue for this year’s annual
dinner,” said Scott Branham, General Manager for RD
Air Services. “We look forward to working closely
with the Chamber on many future events.”
Air Methods Expands
Capabilities in Gainesville
In the Spotlight
Ian Jarnagin was selected for the US Airways
Station Manager position in January. He was a parttime customer service agent prior to his promotion
and has many years of experience in the hospitality
industry, working for SeaWorld in Orlando and
Holiday Inn hotels.
Ian and his wife,
Julie, moved to
Alachua in 2004
from Orlando.
They have
three children,
James, Kyle and
US Airways Station Manager, Ian Jarnagin
ir Methods Corporation, the world’s largest air
ambulance operator, received an Air Agency
Certificate as a repair station from the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) on Dec. 18 for
limited repair of airframe, powerplant, instrument,
radio, and accessories for the American Eurocopter
EC135P&T series, and the MBB BK117 A/B/C
series rotorcraft. The company also plans to add the
AS350 series to its capabilities by mid summer.
Air Methods presently employs 4 full-time
technicians and a parts/inventory clerk in addition
to Director Charles Wilhite and QA Supervisor
Jimmy Jackson. They perform extensive heavy
maintenance on Air Methods fleet of HEMS aircraft
located throughout the southeast region, as well as
transient support of AMC operated aircraft with
unscheduled maintenance requirements while in the
Gainesville area. Air Methods operates out of the
former DayJet hangar and moved to the airport last
summer after consolidating its three maintenance
centers in Florida.
Shaun Blevins was promoted to Airport Operations
Manager in November. He joined the airport 3 years
ago and most recently served the role of Airport
Operations Supervisor. Previously, Shaun worked
for a Delta Air Lines contractor for 5 years and
graduated from
Embry Riddle
University in 2003
with a degree
in Management
of Technical
Operations. Shaun
is married to Sarah
Blevins and lives Airport Operations Manager, Shaun Blevins
in St. Augustine.
TSA-GNV Receives New
Equipment for Checked Bags
he Transportation Security Administration
(TSA) in Gainesville received an Enhanced
Digital Screening machine that will screen 92
percent of checked bags. Prior to receiving the
equipment, all checked bags were opened and
physically searched.
Tatiana Mastrocolla was promoted to the ASA
Gainesville Field Station Supervisor. She is wellknown among the frequent fliers and previously
served as a “cross-utilized” agent for six years.
She was instrumental in assisting ASA achieve
its OSHA Voluntary Protection Program status
and station of the year award. She has lived in
Gainesville for
13 years and is
married to former
ASA agent, PJ
Mauldin. PJ joined
the police academy
in Gainesville
and graduates in a
ASA Supervisor, Tatiana Mastrocolla
The equipment,
expected to
be in full use
by March,
is similar to
a CAT scan
machine and
is the newest
TSA Enhanced Digital Screening equipment
equipment for is moved into the airline terminal
checked bags used by TSA. Employees will receive
training to operate the equipment. GNV is one of
the first airports in Florida to receive one.
Airport Announcements
Airport Gallery
l The airport applied for a grant from the Florida
Back to Work program to fund two maintenance
technicians for 7 months. The positions will support
facility repairs, improvements and grounds keeping.
Right : Airport
employee, Ernest
Welch, at fire
extinguisher training
l Thank you to airport employees and tenants for
their amazing support of the shoe collection effort
for Haitian survivors.
l Thank you to the Blakely NY Hotel, WCJB
TV20, Clearchannel Outdoor and WSKY/WKTK
for supporting the US Airways promotion.
Thousands of
shoes piled for
l ASA was re-certified as a full member of the
Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), OSHA’s
occupational health and safety program, in 2009.
New 16foot gator
sculpture titled
l After building 18,800 pounds of ballast (sand
bags), ASA-GNV shipped them out in February in
support of other field stations.
The airport welcomed Airport Security
Coordinator, Jason Berger. Jason previously
worked for Gulfstream International Airlines and
was the Gainesville Station Manager before its
departure in 2008.
Left: Peggy Blue,
Kim Deheart &
the River Life
Church of Ocala
deliver 1,500
The airport also welcomes Operations Agents,
Daniel Pizzi and Mikaela Lunday. Their
responsibilities include airfield and fuel farm
inspection duties and security exit lane monitoring.
ASA team poses
before some of the
bagged shoes in
the POD
Randy Keeth, Airport Electrician, joined the airport
in January. He has 20+ years of experience in the
electrical industry.
Gainesville-Alachua County Regional
Airport Authority Board Members
Winfred M. Phillips, Chair
Kinnon Thomas, Vice Chair
Janet Woods, Secretary/Treasurer
Billy Brashear
William R. Breeze
Ronald Ewers
Ian Fletcher
Mark Goldstein
Remzey L. Samarrai
Airline Terminal
ramp is repaved in
This Newsletter is brought to you by the Gainesville-Alachua
County Regional Airport Authority. For comments, suggestions
or article ideas, please contact Michelle Danisovszky, Manager,
Public Relations and Govermental Affairs, at michelle@ or 373-0249.