Metrocrest Business Park - Terrell, Texas Economic Development


Metrocrest Business Park - Terrell, Texas Economic Development
Metrocrest Business Park
Terrell is home to more than 5,000 manufacturing and distribution jobs and 3,000 non-industrial positions. Five
Fortune 500 company divisions call our Metrocrest and Airport Business parks home: Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Distribution Center, AutoZone Distribution Center, ITW-Paslode, Nucor, and Wal-Mart Distribution Center.
The fully developed Metrocrest Business Park is located between Highway 80 and I-20 on the western edge of our
community. The park includes four lane streets, l6" water mains, l0" sewer mains, underground electricity, natural
gas and telephone. Rail service is available to the northern section of the development with proposed extensions
scheduled for the remainder of the park. The price per acre is flexible, based on the size of the tract and total dollars
invested. Additonal industrial sites are available in the Airport Business Park.
Both business parks are owned and operated by TEDC and funded through a $.005 sales tax.
For more information, contact Danny Booth at 972-524-5704 or email [email protected] .
Printable Metrocrest Business Park Map